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Chapter 4: The Great Coffee Caper

Just when Max thought things couldn't get any crazier at Binary Banter, she wakes
up one morning to find chaos brewing in the office kitchen. The source of the
commotion? The company's beloved espresso machine, affectionately nicknamed "Java
Jack," has gone missing without a trace.

As panic spreads among the caffeine-deprived employees, Chad declares a state of

emergency and launches a full-scale investigation into what he dubs "The Great
Coffee Caper."

Max and her coworkers form an unlikely band of sleuths, determined to crack the
case and bring Java Jack home. Armed with nothing but their wits and an insatiable
craving for caffeine, they embark on a wild goose chase through the corridors of
Binary Banter.

Their investigation leads them to some unexpected places, including:

The Supply Closet of Secrets: Where they uncover a stash of expired energy drinks
and a suspiciously large collection of novelty coffee mugs.
The Break Room Brouhaha: A heated confrontation erupts between rival factions vying
for control of the office coffee supply, complete with accusations, finger-
pointing, and the occasional flying pastry.
The Rooftop Rendezvous: Max and her team stake out the rooftop in the dead of
night, hoping to catch the culprit red-handed. But their stakeout takes an
unexpected turn when they stumble upon a secret society of coffee enthusiasts
plotting to overthrow the office hierarchy.
Through a series of misadventures and miscommunications, Max and her teammates
eventually unravel the mystery of Java Jack's disappearance. Turns out, it was all
just a misunderstanding caused by a faulty power cord and a well-meaning intern who
accidentally unplugged the espresso machine while vacuuming the office.

With Java Jack safely back in its rightful place, peace is restored to Binary
Banter once again. And as Max sips her first cup of freshly brewed coffee in days,
she can't help but marvel at the absurdity of it all.

Because in the world of tech startups and office hijinks, one thing is for certain:
there's no problem that can't be solved with a little teamwork, a lot of laughter,
and a bottomless supply of caffeine.

Stay tuned for more caffeinated adventures in "Code Monkeys & Coffee: A Tech
Startup Comedy"!

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