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Dieter K. Huzel and David H. Huang


Harry Arbit William Gillon

William R. Bissell Eugene D. Jackson III
Richard Brewster AI Martinez
Mary P. Cardenas John G. Perry
Elden H. Cross William M. Stanley
Kenny C. Gaspar Ronald Urquidi


Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International

Volume 147 Sponsored by the Rocketdyne

PROGRESS IN Division of Rockwell International
All royalties devoted to the
A. Richard Seebass, Editor-in-Chief AIAA Student Scholarship Fund

Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Washington DC, 20024-2518
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Washington, DC 20024

Copyright © 1992 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. This publication may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Requests for
permission or further information should be addressed to the AIAA Permissions Department.

ISBN 1-56347-013-6

Data and information appearing in this book are for informational purposes only. AIAA is not responsible for any
injury or damage resulting from use or reliance, nor does AIAA warrant that use or reliance will be free from privately
owned rights.

ISSN 0079-6050
Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics

A. Richard Seebass
University of Colorado at Boulder

Editorial Board

Richard G. Bradley John L. Junkins

General Dynamics Texas A & M University

Allen E. Fuhs
John E. Keigler
Carmel California
General Electric Company
Astro-Space Division
George J. Gleghorn
TR W Space and Technology
Group Daniel P. Raymer
Lockheed Aeronautical
Dale B. Henderson Systems Company
Los Alamos National
Martin Summerfield
Princeton Combustion
Carolyn L. Huntoon
Research Laboratories, Inc.
NASA Johnson Space Center

Reid R. June Charles E. Treanor

Boeing Military Airplane A rvin / Calspan
Company Advanced Technology Center

Jeanne Godette
Series Managing Editor

When Dave Huang and I set out to write the first jects depend on them just as much. For them too,
edition of this book, we were motivated, among other this book is intended.
things, by our observation that no textbook was Special emphasis has been placed here on
available that we could hand to a newly hired young engine flight applications to stimulate engine systems
engineer and say: "Here, study this and then we will and subsystem designers to think in these terms f r o m
talk about your specific assignments in our rocket- the outset. In addition to filling the needs of the
engine business". Instead, as supervisors, we and our young engineer entering the rocket-propulsion field
lead engineers had to spend many hours explaining and practicing designer seeking wider knowledge, we
what actually should have been documented, to serve always intended "Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket
as an introduction, but also as a reference to provide Engines" as a textbook, with specific consideration of
answers to letter questions. Thus we went to work. the teacher without industry experience. I hope it will
I was fortunate to have in Dave a coauthor of also stimulate those desiring to specialize in a rocket-
such superior abilities. In his "Author's Guide," a engine subsystem by supplying adequate information
commercial publisher observes (after discussing the to enable them to benefit fully from the specialized
problems with multiple authorships): "(We hope) literature.
you'll still be speaking to one another after the book Wernher von Braun, then Director of NASA
has been published." I am happy to say that we, Marshall Space Flight Center graciously provided the
(Dave now holds a high government position in the forward for the first edition of this book, which was
Republic of China, (Taiwan)), do indeed still speak to published in restricted form in 1967 by the NASA
each other. Office of Technology Utilization (SP-125). Because of
A few years ago, Martin Summerfield, President the foreward's significance I quote it here"
of the Princeton Combustion Research Laboratories,
and then Editor-in-Chief of the Progress in Astro- "Success in space demands perfection. Many of
nautics and Aeronautics technical-monograph series the brilliant achievements made in this vast,
of the American Institute of Aeronautics and austere environment seem almost miraculous.
Astronautics (AIAA) suggested that our book should Behind each apparent miracle, however, stands
be re-issued, but only after an update of all areas the flawless performance of numerous highly
where technology has seen major advances since complex systems. All are important. The failure
publication of the first edition. Fortunately, the of only one portion of a launch vehicle or
Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International agreed spacecraft may cause failure of an entire mission.
to sponsor the needed effort. A team of specialized But the first to feel this awesome imperative for
staff members was formed and began the work. The perfection are the propulsion systems, especially
results are before you. the engines. Unless they operate flawlessly first,
In the "Commentary" column of AIAA's March none of the other systems will get a chance to
1988 Aerospace America magazine, J.R. Thompson, perform in space."
NASA Deputy Administrator, emphasizes the need to
"take advantage of this nation's substantial Shuttle "Perfection begins in the design of space
investment.., by adapting available hardware as it hardware. This book emphasizes quality and
proves itself in service." Although this comment was reliability in the design of propulsion and engine
contained in a discussion of the Advanced Launch systems. It draws deeply from the vast know-how
System (ALS), it can be readily applied to any other and experience which have been the essence of
future propulsion system, perhaps with the addition several well-designed, reliable systems of the past
of "and available know-how, practices, and ex- and present. And, with a thoroughness and com-
periences." It is hoped that this book will contribute pleteness not previously available, it tells how the
to all efforts responsive to the quoted exhortation. present high state of reliability, gained through
Reliable rocket-engine systems do not come years of research and testing, can be maintained,
a b o u t b y happenstance. They are the result of the and perhaps improved, in engines of the future."
work of a dedicated team of professionals--engi-
neers, materials specialists, production workers, and "As man ventures deeper into space to explore
numerous other disciplines. These skilled people are the planets, the search for perfection in the de-
found not only in the plants of major rocket-engine sign of propulsion systems will continue. This
producers, such as Rocketdyne, Aerojet, and Pratt & book will aid materially in achieving this goal."
Whitney, or in specialized centers of NASA and the
branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, but also and Wemher Von Braun
equally important--in the plants of the "suppliers," Director
the hundreds of smaller companies that produce Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA
many of a rocket engine's highly specialized parts. It
is the dedication, skill, and pride of workmanship of
these people that made possible this nation's many I want to thank the many professionals in the various
space successes--manned or unmanned. Future pro- design, development, test, graphics and publications
departments who helped make this book possible, editors Joanne Bergeuer, Nancy Derr, and Noel
Special recognition goes to R.E. Grate, C . A . Thorp.
Macgregor, H.M. Alexander, S.B. Maculuso, and T. Last and most important, thanks are due the
Holwager of the Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell manifold support the book's original writing and its
International, who all ably assisted us with the orig- update received from Rockwell International and its
inal manuscript. This updated version was accom- divisions. Rocketdyne engine technology has pro-
plished largely by members of the technical staff of vided a major foundation for the book, its
Rocketdyne: Harry Arbit, William W. Bissell, Richard management the drivers in its updating.
Brewster, Mary P. Cardenas, Elden H. Cross, William
Gillon, Stanley V. Gunn, Eugene D. Jackson III, AI
Martinez, John G. Perry, A.H. Sobin, William M. Dieter K. Huzel
Stanley, and Ronald Urquidi, together with general Thousand Oaks, CA

Over the quarter-century since publication of the tial engine systems and to understand and judge the
original text of this book, astronauts have landed on problems, limitations, and "facts of life" of the
the Moon and deep-space probes have visited all of various subsystems making up a complete engine sys-
the planets of our solar system. All of these under- tem. It also aims to educate those ultimately inter-
takings depended entirely on rocket power. So will ested in specialized subsystems and component
future space projects of many kinds, such as the design (thrust chamber, turbopump, control valves,
Space Station Freedom, communications and explo- etc.) about their own as well as neighboring sub-
ration satellites, space ferries and shuttles, space systems and about the complete engine system. This
probes, and, in the more distant future, Moon should enable the beginner to prepare realistic
settlements. analytical calculations and design layouts with a long
Throughout the decades since Robert Goddard head-start toward the final specialized design for
made his first l p-rocket launching in 1926, these subsystem production release.
thrust-producing devices, both turbopump-fed and This book addresses the young in a special way.
pressure-fed, have assumed various shapes, sizes, con- Many of us who contributed to past projects are now
figurations, and "cycles," depending on application, retired or are about to retire. Some experienced
chosen thrust level, propellant type, and several hands have passed away. It is immensely important
other, often special, factors. One aspect has not that the skills, experience, and know-how of this
changed: the basic physical and design principles. earlier generation be preserved and passed on to a
In the context of practical design experience, this younger generation--clearly, completely, and effec-
book introduces the reader to these basic principles; tively. Losses would be costly. There must not be a
but more to the purpose, it supplies the bridge for gap. The managers of the many companies that
the student and the young engineer from rocket form the rocket-engine industry and the pertinent
propulsion fundamentals (otherwise well covered in government agencies are quite aware of this danger,
the literature) to actual rocket-engine design and and are employing various "in-house" programs to
development work as done in industry (very little, if meet it.
at all, covered in the literature). The book empha- This book makes a valuable contribution to that
sizes realistic application of rocket propulsion goal. The original authors stood among the forefront
theories, and this should help avoid, or at least of design and development teams of larger propul-
reduce, time- and money-consuming errors and dis- sion systems, and Dieter Huzel spent several years in
appointments. In so doing, it consolidates numerous "long-life technology" work. David Huang for many
closely related subjects, hitherto often treated sepa- years directed advanced rocket-engine design and
rately, bringing them up to date at the same time. development.
This book was written "on the job" for use by I am confident that the commendable efforts of
advanced students and engineers active in all phases the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-
of engine systems design, development, and appli- nautics to update, enlarge, and publish this book and
cation, in industry and government agencies. It pre- to make it available to the field will greatly help to
sents sufficient detail to familiarize and educate those preserve and advance U.S.rocket-engine technology.
responsible for various aspects of liquid-propellant
rocketry, including engine systems design, engine William F. Ezell
development, and flight-vehicle application. It Vice President, Engineering
should enable the rocket engineer independently to Rocketdyne Division,
make preliminary detail designs for complete or par- Rockwell International
Dieter K. Huzel and David H. Huang


Harry Arbit William Gillon

William R. Bissell Eugene D. Jackson III
Richard Brewster AI Martinez
Mary P. Cardenas John G. Perry
Elden H. Cross William M. Stanley
Kenny C. Gaspar Ronald Urquidi


Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International

Volume 147 Sponsored by the Rocketdyne

PROGRESS IN Division of Rockwell International
All royalties devoted to the
A. Richard Seebass, Editor-in-Chief AIAA Student Scholarship Fund

Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Washington DC, 20024-2518
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Washington, DC 20024

Copyright © 1992 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. This publication may not be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Requests for
permission or further information should be addressed to the AIAA Permissions Department.

ISBN 1-56347-013-6

Data and information appearing in this book are for informational purposes only. AIAA is not responsible for any
injury or damage resulting from use or reliance, nor does AIAA warrant that use or reliance will be free from privately
owned rights.

ISSN 0079-6050
Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics

A. Richard Seebass
University of Colorado at Boulder

Editorial Board

Richard G. Bradley John L. Junkins

General Dynamics Texas A & M University

Allen E. Fuhs
John E. Keigler
Carmel California
General Electric Company
Astro-Space Division
George J. Gleghorn
TR W Space and Technology
Group Daniel P. Raymer
Lockheed Aeronautical
Dale B. Henderson Systems Company
Los Alamos National
Martin Summerfield
Princeton Combustion
Carolyn L. Huntoon
Research Laboratories, Inc.
NASA Johnson Space Center

Reid R. June Charles E. Treanor

Boeing Military Airplane A rvin / Calspan
Company Advanced Technology Center

Jeanne Godette
Series Managing Editor

When Dave Huang and I set out to write the first jects depend on them just as much. For them too,
edition of this book, we were motivated, among other this book is intended.
things, by our observation that no textbook was Special emphasis has been placed here on
available that we could hand to a newly hired young engine flight applications to stimulate engine systems
engineer and say: "Here, study this and then we will and subsystem designers to think in these terms f r o m
talk about your specific assignments in our rocket- the outset. In addition to filling the needs of the
engine business". Instead, as supervisors, we and our young engineer entering the rocket-propulsion field
lead engineers had to spend many hours explaining and practicing designer seeking wider knowledge, we
what actually should have been documented, to serve always intended "Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket
as an introduction, but also as a reference to provide Engines" as a textbook, with specific consideration of
answers to letter questions. Thus we went to work. the teacher without industry experience. I hope it will
I was fortunate to have in Dave a coauthor of also stimulate those desiring to specialize in a rocket-
such superior abilities. In his "Author's Guide," a engine subsystem by supplying adequate information
commercial publisher observes (after discussing the to enable them to benefit fully from the specialized
problems with multiple authorships): "(We hope) literature.
you'll still be speaking to one another after the book Wernher von Braun, then Director of NASA
has been published." I am happy to say that we, Marshall Space Flight Center graciously provided the
(Dave now holds a high government position in the forward for the first edition of this book, which was
Republic of China, (Taiwan)), do indeed still speak to published in restricted form in 1967 by the NASA
each other. Office of Technology Utilization (SP-125). Because of
A few years ago, Martin Summerfield, President the foreward's significance I quote it here"
of the Princeton Combustion Research Laboratories,
and then Editor-in-Chief of the Progress in Astro- "Success in space demands perfection. Many of
nautics and Aeronautics technical-monograph series the brilliant achievements made in this vast,
of the American Institute of Aeronautics and austere environment seem almost miraculous.
Astronautics (AIAA) suggested that our book should Behind each apparent miracle, however, stands
be re-issued, but only after an update of all areas the flawless performance of numerous highly
where technology has seen major advances since complex systems. All are important. The failure
publication of the first edition. Fortunately, the of only one portion of a launch vehicle or
Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International agreed spacecraft may cause failure of an entire mission.
to sponsor the needed effort. A team of specialized But the first to feel this awesome imperative for
staff members was formed and began the work. The perfection are the propulsion systems, especially
results are before you. the engines. Unless they operate flawlessly first,
In the "Commentary" column of AIAA's March none of the other systems will get a chance to
1988 Aerospace America magazine, J.R. Thompson, perform in space."
NASA Deputy Administrator, emphasizes the need to
"take advantage of this nation's substantial Shuttle "Perfection begins in the design of space
investment.., by adapting available hardware as it hardware. This book emphasizes quality and
proves itself in service." Although this comment was reliability in the design of propulsion and engine
contained in a discussion of the Advanced Launch systems. It draws deeply from the vast know-how
System (ALS), it can be readily applied to any other and experience which have been the essence of
future propulsion system, perhaps with the addition several well-designed, reliable systems of the past
of "and available know-how, practices, and ex- and present. And, with a thoroughness and com-
periences." It is hoped that this book will contribute pleteness not previously available, it tells how the
to all efforts responsive to the quoted exhortation. present high state of reliability, gained through
Reliable rocket-engine systems do not come years of research and testing, can be maintained,
a b o u t b y happenstance. They are the result of the and perhaps improved, in engines of the future."
work of a dedicated team of professionals--engi-
neers, materials specialists, production workers, and "As man ventures deeper into space to explore
numerous other disciplines. These skilled people are the planets, the search for perfection in the de-
found not only in the plants of major rocket-engine sign of propulsion systems will continue. This
producers, such as Rocketdyne, Aerojet, and Pratt & book will aid materially in achieving this goal."
Whitney, or in specialized centers of NASA and the
branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, but also and Wemher Von Braun
equally important--in the plants of the "suppliers," Director
the hundreds of smaller companies that produce Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA
many of a rocket engine's highly specialized parts. It
is the dedication, skill, and pride of workmanship of
these people that made possible this nation's many I want to thank the many professionals in the various
space successes--manned or unmanned. Future pro- design, development, test, graphics and publications
departments who helped make this book possible, editors Joanne Bergeuer, Nancy Derr, and Noel
Special recognition goes to R.E. Grate, C . A . Thorp.
Macgregor, H.M. Alexander, S.B. Maculuso, and T. Last and most important, thanks are due the
Holwager of the Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell manifold support the book's original writing and its
International, who all ably assisted us with the orig- update received from Rockwell International and its
inal manuscript. This updated version was accom- divisions. Rocketdyne engine technology has pro-
plished largely by members of the technical staff of vided a major foundation for the book, its
Rocketdyne: Harry Arbit, William W. Bissell, Richard management the drivers in its updating.
Brewster, Mary P. Cardenas, Elden H. Cross, William
Gillon, Stanley V. Gunn, Eugene D. Jackson III, AI
Martinez, John G. Perry, A.H. Sobin, William M. Dieter K. Huzel
Stanley, and Ronald Urquidi, together with general Thousand Oaks, CA

Over the quarter-century since publication of the tial engine systems and to understand and judge the
original text of this book, astronauts have landed on problems, limitations, and "facts of life" of the
the Moon and deep-space probes have visited all of various subsystems making up a complete engine sys-
the planets of our solar system. All of these under- tem. It also aims to educate those ultimately inter-
takings depended entirely on rocket power. So will ested in specialized subsystems and component
future space projects of many kinds, such as the design (thrust chamber, turbopump, control valves,
Space Station Freedom, communications and explo- etc.) about their own as well as neighboring sub-
ration satellites, space ferries and shuttles, space systems and about the complete engine system. This
probes, and, in the more distant future, Moon should enable the beginner to prepare realistic
settlements. analytical calculations and design layouts with a long
Throughout the decades since Robert Goddard head-start toward the final specialized design for
made his first l p-rocket launching in 1926, these subsystem production release.
thrust-producing devices, both turbopump-fed and This book addresses the young in a special way.
pressure-fed, have assumed various shapes, sizes, con- Many of us who contributed to past projects are now
figurations, and "cycles," depending on application, retired or are about to retire. Some experienced
chosen thrust level, propellant type, and several hands have passed away. It is immensely important
other, often special, factors. One aspect has not that the skills, experience, and know-how of this
changed: the basic physical and design principles. earlier generation be preserved and passed on to a
In the context of practical design experience, this younger generation--clearly, completely, and effec-
book introduces the reader to these basic principles; tively. Losses would be costly. There must not be a
but more to the purpose, it supplies the bridge for gap. The managers of the many companies that
the student and the young engineer from rocket form the rocket-engine industry and the pertinent
propulsion fundamentals (otherwise well covered in government agencies are quite aware of this danger,
the literature) to actual rocket-engine design and and are employing various "in-house" programs to
development work as done in industry (very little, if meet it.
at all, covered in the literature). The book empha- This book makes a valuable contribution to that
sizes realistic application of rocket propulsion goal. The original authors stood among the forefront
theories, and this should help avoid, or at least of design and development teams of larger propul-
reduce, time- and money-consuming errors and dis- sion systems, and Dieter Huzel spent several years in
appointments. In so doing, it consolidates numerous "long-life technology" work. David Huang for many
closely related subjects, hitherto often treated sepa- years directed advanced rocket-engine design and
rately, bringing them up to date at the same time. development.
This book was written "on the job" for use by I am confident that the commendable efforts of
advanced students and engineers active in all phases the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro-
of engine systems design, development, and appli- nautics to update, enlarge, and publish this book and
cation, in industry and government agencies. It pre- to make it available to the field will greatly help to
sents sufficient detail to familiarize and educate those preserve and advance U.S.rocket-engine technology.
responsible for various aspects of liquid-propellant
rocketry, including engine systems design, engine William F. Ezell
development, and flight-vehicle application. It Vice President, Engineering
should enable the rocket engineer independently to Rocketdyne Division,
make preliminary detail designs for complete or par- Rockwell International
Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Introduction to Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Basic E l e m e n t s of a L i q u i d - P r o p e l l a n t R o c k e t E n g i n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
12 Generation of Thrust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
13 G a s - F l o w P r o c e s s e s in the C o m b u s t i o n C h a m b e r a n d Nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
T h e Perfect Gas Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
P r i n c i p l e o f C o n s e r v a t i o n of E n e r g y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
P r i n c i p l e o f C o n s e r v a t i o n o f Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
T h e I s e n t r o p i c F l o w Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Gas F l o w T h r o u g h L i q u i d - P r o p e l l a n t Rocket C o m b u s t i o n C h a m b e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Gas Flow T h r o u g h Rocket Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 P e r f o r m a n c e Parameters of a Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
T h r u s t - C h a m b e r Specific I m p u l s e (Is)tC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c V e l o c i t y c*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
T h r u s t Coefficient Cf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
S u m m a r y of the I n f l u e n c e of pa, e, T, R, a n d (Pc)ns o n E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
C o r r e c t i o n Factors a n d M a g n i t u d e s o f E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e P a r a m e t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.5 Liquid Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Monopropellants ..................................................................... 18
Bipropellants ......................................................................... 18
Cryogenic Propellants ............ ..................................................... 18
S t o r a b l e Liquid P r o p e l l a n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Additives for Liquid P r o p e l l a n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
O p t i m u m Mixture Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Density Impulse ....................................................................... 19
S e l e c t i o n o f Liquid P r o p e l l a n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
L i q u i d - P r o p e l l a n t P e r f o r m a n c e a n d Physical P r o p e r t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 2. Engine Requirements and Preliminary Design Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 23
2.2 Major R o c k e t - E n g i n e D e s i g n P a r a m e t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Thrust Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Performance ......................................................................... 24
Duration ............................................................................. 25
Mixture Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Weight ............................................................................... 27
E n v e l o p e (Size) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Reliability ............................................................................ 27
Cost ................................................................................. 28
Availability ( S c h e d u l i n g ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3 Mission R e q u i r e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Typical Mission Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Typical Vehicle Requirement Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.4 Engine Preliminary Design ................................................................ 34
Engine System and Component Concepts ................................................ 34
Preliminary Design Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ....................................... 41
2.5 Design Philosophy ........................................................................ 44
T h e I m p o r t a n c e of D e s i g n Q u a l i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Systems Analysis a n d D e s i g n Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Stress Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
S e l e c t i o n of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
C h a p t e r 3. I n t r o d u c t i o n to S a m p l e Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.1 Approach ............................................................................... 53
3.2 A-1 Stage E n g i n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................... 54
General Engine-System Description ..................................................... 55
System Operation ..................................................................... 55
3.3 A-2 Stage E n g i n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
General Engine-System Description ..................................................... 57
System Operation ..................................................................... 57
Starting S e q u e n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Cutoff S e q u e n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.4 A-3 Stage E n g i n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
General Engine-System Description ..................................................... 60
System Operation ..................................................................... 60
3.5 A-4 Stage E n g i n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
General Engine System Description ..................................................... 64
System Operation ..................................................................... 65

C h a p t e r 4. D e s i g n o f T h r u s t C h a m b e r s a n d Other C o m b u s t i o n D e v i c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1 Basic T h r u s t - C h a m b e r E l e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.2 T h r u s t - C h a m b e r P e r f o r m a n c e Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Specific I m p u l s e Is (s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c V e l o c i t y c* (ft/s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
T h r u s t Coefficient Cf ( D i m e n s i o n l e s s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Performance Calculation ............................................................... 69
4.3 T h r u s t - C h a m b e r Configuration Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Combustion-Chamber Volume .......................................................... 71
Combustion-Chamber Shape ........................................................... 72
N o z z l e E x p a n s i o n A r e a Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Nozzle Shape ......................................................................... 75
Clustered-Nozzle Concepts ............................................................. 79
Alternate Solution ..................................................................... 83
4.4 Thrust-Chamber Cooling .................................................................. 84
C o o l i n g T e c h n i q u e s a n d Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Gas-Side Heat Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Regenerative Cooling .................................................................. 88
Coolant-Side Heat Transfer ............................................................. 89
Wall D e s i g n C o n s i d e r a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Tubular-Wall Thrust-Chamber Design .................................................... 91
Coaxial-Shell T h r u s t - C h a m b e r Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
P r e s s u r e D r o p in C o o l i n g P a s s a g e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Channel-Wall Design .................................................................. 96
Dump Cooling ....................................................................... 98
Film C o o l i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Liquid-Film Cooling ................................................................... 99
Gaseous-Film Cooling .................................................................. 99
M i x t u r e - R a t i o Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Transpiration Cooling ................................................................. 100
Ablative Cooling ...................................................................... 101
Radiation Cooling ..................................................................... 103
Heat-Sink Cooling ..................................................................... 104
Combined Cooling Methods ........................................................... 104
4.5 Injector Design ........................................................................... 104
Injector Design Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
C o m b u s t i o n Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Manifolds ............................................................................ 106
Manifold Types ....................................................................... 107
Injection Elements .................................................................... 109
Nonimpinging Elements ............................................................... 109
Unlike-Impinging Elements ............................................................. 110
Like-Impinging Elements ............................................................... 111
Other Element Types .................................................................. 112
Throttling ............................................................................ 112
I n j e c t i o n P r e s s u r e D r o p a n d Orifice Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
E x p e r i m e n t a l E v a l u a t i o n of I n j e c t o r D e s i g n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Analytical Models ..................................................................... 115
4.6 Gas-Generating Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
S o l i d - P r o p e l l a n t Gas G e n e r a t o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Liquid-Monopropellant Gas Generators .................................................. 117
Liquid-Bipropellant Gas Generators ..................................................... 118
T h r u s t - C h a m b e r G a s - T a p o f f Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4.7 Ignition Devices .......................................................................... 120
Igniters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
H y p e r g o l i c Igniters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Ignition Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.8 C o m b u s t i o n Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
T y p e s of Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Intrinsic Acoustic Instabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
I n j e c t i o n - C o u p l e d A c o u s t i c Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Low-Frequency Instabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Prevention of Triggering Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Propellant-Feed System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Combustion-Chamber Design ........................................................... 131
Injector D e s i g n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
P r o p e l l a n t C o m b i n a t i o n a n d Mixture Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Engine-System Operating Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
A p p l i c a t i o n of D a m p i n g D e v i c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
I n j e c t o r Baffles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
C h a m b e r D i v e r g e n t Wall G a p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Acoustic Cavities a n d Liners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Stability Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Feed-System Disturbances .............................................................. 132
Combustion-Chamber Disturbances ..................................................... 132
Spontaneous-Instability Methods ........................................................ 133
Instrumentation ....................................................................... 133

Chapter 5. Design of Gas-Pressurized Propellant Feed Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.1 D e t e r m i n a t i o n of P r e s s u r a n t R e q u i r e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
R e q u i r e d System Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Factors I n f l u e n c i n g P r e s s u r a n t R e q u i r e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Design Calculations of Pressurant Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
5.2 S t o r e d - G a s Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Commonly Used Configurations. ....................................................... 139
C a l c u l a t i o n s for S t o r e d - G a s R e q u i r e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Design of Stored-Gas System C o m p o n e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
P r e s s u r e Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Thrust-Chamber Heat Exchangers ....................................................... 144
5.3 Propellant-Evaporation Systems ............................................................ 146
P u m p - F e d P r o p e l l a n t F e e d Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
G a s - P r e s s u r i z e d P r o p e l l a n t F e e d Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
5.4 Inert-Gas-Evaporation Systems ............................................................. 147
5.5 Chemical-Reaction Systems ................................................................ 148
S o l i d - P r o p e l l a n t Gas G e n e r a t o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
L i q u i d - P r o p e l l a n t Gas G e n e r a t o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Direct Injection into P r o p e l l a n t T a n k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.6 S e l e c t i o n of P r e s s u r i z a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Chapter 6. Design o f Turbopump Propellant Feed Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5

6.1 E l e m e n t s of T u r b o p u m p - F e d S y s t e m s ............................................. 155
Propellant Pumps ..................................................................... 155
Turbines ............................................................................. 157
T u r b i n e P o w e r Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Turbopump-Drive Arrangements ....................................................... 162
D e s c r i p t i o n of D e v e l o p e d T u r b o p u m p S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.2 T u r b o p u m p System P e r f o r m a n c e a n d D e s i g n P a r a m e t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
T u r b o p u m p System P e r f o r m a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
T u r b o p u m p System D e s i g n P a r a m e t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.3 Inducer Design ........................................................................... 175
6.4 Design of Centrifugal P u m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
General Design P r o c e d u r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
O p e r a t i n g Principles of the Centrifugal Impeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Centrifugal-Impeller Design E l e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Design of Casings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Balancing the Axial Thrust of Centrifugal P u m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
6.5 Design of Axial-Flow P u m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Basic Assumptions for Axial-Flow P u m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
O p e r a t i o n of the I m p e l l e r Rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Function of the Stator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Design of Impeller Rotors a n d Stators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Diffusion a n d Retardation Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Design of Casings for Axial P u m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Balancing the Axial Thrust of Multistage Axial P u m p s .................................... 194
6.6 Turbine Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
General Design P r o c e d u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Design of Turbine Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................ 197
Design of Turbine Rotor Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Design of Single-Stage, Two-Rotor, V e l o c i t y - C o m p o u n d e d I m p u l s e Turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Design of Two-Stage, Two-Rotor, P r e s s u r e - C o m p o u n d e d Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Design of Two-Stage, Two-Rotor, Low Reaction Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
6.7 T u r b o p u m p R o t o r d y n a m i c s and Mechanical Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Rotordynamics ....................................................................... 205
T u r b o p u m p Bearing Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Dynamic-Seal D e s i g n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
T u r b o p u m p Gear Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
6.8 Design Layout of T u r b o p u m p Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
6.9 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Chapter 7. Design o f Rocket-Engine Control and Condition-Monitoring Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 219

7.1 CCM--Into a N e w Era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Basic Liquid-Propellant-Engine Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Engine Thrust-Level Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Propellant-Mixture-Ratio a n d Propellant-Utilization Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Thrust-Vector Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
CCM C o n c e p t a n d Preliminary D e s i g n D e v e l o p m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Control M e t h o d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Control-Law D e v e l o p m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
7.2 Design of Fluid-Flow-Control Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Design C o n s i d e r a t i o n s for Fluid-Flow-Control C o m p o n e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Design of D y n a m i c Seals for Fluid-Control C o m p o n e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Design of Seating Closures for Fluid-Control C o m p o n e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Design of Propellant Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Design of Control Pilot Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Design of Servovalves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Design of Gas-Pressure Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Design of Liquid-Flow and Pressure Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Design of Pressure-Relief Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Design of Miscellaneous Fluid-Flow-Control C o m p o n e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
7.3 Design of I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n and H a r n e s s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Engine I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Principal T y p e s of I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Engine H a r n e s s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
7.4 Avionics Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
R e q u i r e m e n t s Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Sensor-Input R e q u i r e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Data-processing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Control of Effectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Engine a n d Control Self-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Environmental Requirements ........................................................... 275
Vehicle Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Controller A r c h i t e c t u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Function Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Failure Detection a n d Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Hardware Design Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Postflight Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
7.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

Chapter 8. D e s i g n o f Propellant Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

8.1 Design Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
P r e p a c k a g e d Storable-Liquid Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Booster-Stage Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Upper-Stage Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
8.2 Design C o n s i d e r a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Propellant Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Shape and Size of Propellant Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Propellant-Tank A r r a n g e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Structural Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Safety Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Material a n d Fabrication C o n s i d e r a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Design P r o b l e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.3 Structural Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Spherical Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Ellipsoidal and Spherical Ends (Fig. 8-6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Cylindrical Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Axial Compressive Loading on the Cylindrical Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
W a t e r - H a m m e r Effects D u e to Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
8.4 Storable-Liquid-Propellant Tank Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Tank-Material Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Tank Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Wall Surface Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
8.5 Cryogenic Liquid-Propellant Tank Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Insulation Requirements for Cryogenic-Propellant Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Basic Insulation Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Selection of Tank-Insulation Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Insulation for C o m m o n B u l k h e a d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
8.6 Composite Liquid-Propellant Tank D e s i g n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
8.7 Design of Propellant-Tank Pressurant Diffusers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
8.8 Propellant Expulsion U n d e r Zero-Gravity or Oscillatory g-Loading Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . 301
Propellant M a n a g e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Metallic D i a p h r a g m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Elastomeric D i a p h r a g m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Bellows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Pistons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Surface-Tension Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Chapter 9. D e s i g n o f I n t e r c o n n e c t i n g C o m p o n e n t s and Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

91 Interconnect Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Line Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Propellant-Supply Ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Control of Pressure D r o p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Control of Pump-Inlet-Line Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
9.2 Design of Tubing Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Design Working Pressures for Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Tubing Installations in Engine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Separable T u b e Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9.3 Design of Flanged Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Flange-Joint Design Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Flange-Joint Structural Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Static Seals for Flange Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
9.4 Design of Fixed Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
9.5 Bellows and Flex Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Basic Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Pressure Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Fatigue Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Design of Bellows for Flexible Ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Bellows Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Bellows-to-Duct Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Flow Liners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
9.6 Flexible Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Inner-Core Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
9.7 Gimbal Mount Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Design of Gimbal Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
9.8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

Chapter 10. Engine Systems Design Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

10.1 Systems Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
10.2 Engine System Dynamic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 346
Technical A p p r o a c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Examples of Equations, Functions, and Tables for a Mathematical Engine Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Dynamic Analysis of Engine-System Start and Shutdown Transients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Dynamic Analysis of Engine-Vehicle Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Low-Frequency Combustion Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
10.3 Design Integration for Engine System Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Calibration Design Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Design for Calibration of a Pressure-Fed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Design for Calibration of a T u r b o p u m p - F e d System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
10.4 Engine-System Integrated Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Nominal Engine-Performance Values at Rated Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Engine-Performance Variations from Off-Nominal Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Engine Influence Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Nonlinear Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
10.5 Mechanical Integration of Engine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Basic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Packaging of Rocket-Engine Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Packaging of T u r b o p u m p - F e d Engine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Mechanical Protection of Engine-System Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
10.6 Clustering of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Early Cluster Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Recent Cluster Design Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
10.7 Engine-to-Vehicle Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Space Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Connect Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Dynamic Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Engine Handling, Installation, and Servicing Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Standardization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Delivery Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Multiple-Engine Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Reserves and Safety Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

Chapter 11. Design of Liquid-Propellant Space Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

111 Principal Space Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Spacecraft Main Propulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Reaction Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
11.2 General Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Selection of Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Vehicle-System Operational Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Mission Environmental Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
11.3 Design of the Spacecraft's Main Propulsion Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main-Thrust-Chamber Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design of Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Propellant Storage for Space Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.4 Design of Reaction-Control Engine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spacecraft Attitude ControI Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RCS Operational Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RCS Engine Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Optimization of RCS Operating Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic System Design for Reaction-Control Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Redundancy in RCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Packaging and installation of RCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design of RCS Thrust Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design of RCS Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix A: Weight Considerations ................................................ 389

Appendix B: Reliability Considerations .............................................. 393

Appendix C: Rocket Engine Materials ............................................... 399

List of Illustrations .............................................................. 405

ListofTables ................................................................... 415

List of Acronyms ............................................................... 417

Subject Index .................................................................. 419

Chapter 1

Introduction To Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines

Since World War II, rocket jet-propulsion has evolved design, fabrication, development, and qualification
from a rudimentary science to a refined engineering testing. The reusable SSME (see Fig. 1-2) operates
art. Today, a select number of aerospace companies with liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen propellants, and
in the U.S. and abroad produce a large number of delivers a vacuum thrust of 470,000 lb using a
sophisticated liquid-propellant rocket-engine power chamber pressure of 3028 psia with a propulsion
plants capable of propelling scientific, commercial, system weight of 6862 lb.
and military vehicles to low and high Earth orbit and A similar evolutionary period at Aerojet
to the planets in our solar system. Typical of the TechSystems of GenCorp has produced a highly
postwar evolution of liquid-propellant rocket power successful line of storable liquid-propellant rocket
plants has been the family tree of Rocketdyne engines for the Air Force's Titan series of vehicles.
engines deriving from the Navaho and Redstone The first-stage rocket engine (LR87-AJ-11) for the
precursor engines of the early 1950s depicted in Fig. Titan III combines two identical 220,000-1b sea-level
1-1. Eight of these engine models have been used in thrust engines attached to a steel frame which
NASA, U.S. Air Force, and commercial launches for mounts onto the launch vehicle as depicted in Fig. 1-
missions ranging from near-Earth orbit to manned 3. The storable nature of the propellants provides
lunar missions. Approximately 3300 engine the Titan III with enhanced launch readiness for
production units have been delivered since 1956 to accomplishing Air Force missions. A lower-thrust
power Redstone, Jupiter, Thor, Delta, Atlas, Saturn, engine, the LR91-AJ-11, with an altitude thrust of
and Shuttle systems for these missions. Three of 100,000 lb, provides second-stage propulsion power
these engines remain in production today: the RS-27 for the Titan III C vehicle. The propellants for both
used for the Delta vehicle, the MA-5 used for the the LR87-AJ-11 and the LR91-AJ-11 are fed to the
Atlas vehicle, and the Space Shuttle Main Engine engine by a powerful set of turbopumps. A set of two
(SSME). The SSME embodies the culmination of AJ10-138 engines completes the three-stage Titan III
state-of-the-art technologies from 30 years of liquid C vehicle propulsion. These tank-pressure-fed
hydrogen/liquid oxygen rocket engine component storable propellant engines deliver a total upper-

i i i i iii


I ! RP H-1 ~ HYDYNE = 60 UDMH, 40% Deta

'l---I ---- '

/ THOR RS-27
~.C ~ '


75K 120K RP
~VAH ..
240K 405K J-z

i i

Fig. 1-1 Evolution of m o d e r n cryogenic-liquid-propellant rocket engines at Rocketdyne.


stage thrust of 16,000 lb. The engines are designed 1.1 BASIC ELEMENTS OF A LIQUID-
for multiple zero-gravity restarts and give the upper- PROPE~T ROCKET ENGINE
stage vehicle the ability to reach higher orbits,
modify the existing orbit, or rendezvous with other Seven major subsystems comprise a liquid-
space vehicles. The Titan III C vehicle, assembled by propellant rocket engine system: thrust-chamber
Martin Marietta Corp., had flown 136 missions for assembly, propellant feed system, turbine-drive
the U.S. Air Force through March 1982. The highly system (gas generator, preburner, etc.), propellant-
reliable high-performance engines and vehicle control system, electric and pneumatic controller
ensure their combined use well into the 1990s. systems, thrust-vector control (TVC) system,
The two Titan III E lower stages have b e e n used interconnect components and mounts. Six of these
to place in orbit General Dynamics' cryogenic (except for the TVC system) are depicted in Fig. 1-5
Centaur upper-stage vehicle. The Centaur vehicle is for the RL-10-3-3-A engine.
powered by the RL-10, a cryogenic liquid propellant The thrust-chamber assembly generates power by
(liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen) upper-stage rocket combusting liquid propellants raised to the required
engine developed by Pratt & Whitney, a division of
United Technologies. The RL-10 was initially
developed in the period 1959-1963 and through 1974
had seen more than 10,000 firings. The engine is
capable of self-conditioning in orbit with subsequent
restarts. Through a series of ground-directed engine
firings it has been used to propel the Centaur and
such cargo as the Viking Spacecraft to Mars and the
Voyager Spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Through 1986, 172 engines had been fired in space,
accumulating 278 space firings and 20+ hours of run
time in space. Product improvement of the original
RL-10 has led to the highly reliable RL-10-3-3-A (Fig.
1-4) and to a series of RL-10 derivative designs of
greater sophistication.
These are but a few examples of the liquid-
propellant rocket engines in current use and their
continued application in gaining access to the inner
frontiers of our solar system. It is the purpose of this
book to introduce the reader to the design of the
liquid-propellant rocket engine components that so
effectively convert the chemical energy of suitable
liquids into propulsive power, and to the design Fig. 1-3 Titan HI First-Stage booster e n g i n e s - -
principles that are used to assemble these sub- Aerojet's LR87-AJ-11.
assemblies into efficient, reliable, and cost-effective
liquid-propellant rocket engine systems.

Fig. 1-4 Centaur's main propulsion e n g i n e s

Fig. 1-2 Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME). the Pratt & Whitney RL-10-3-3-A.

combustion pressure by the propellant feed system. starting and shutting down the engine through
The thrust chamber houses the main injector; it proper sequencing and regulation of propellant
atomizes, mixes, ignites, and ultimately promotes the flowrates.
complete combustion of the liquid propellants. The These final control elements (valves) are
combustion products are discharged through a electrically or pneumatically controlled. The con-
converging-diverging nozzle to achieve high gas trollers receive command signals from the vehicle or
velocities and thrust. Depending on the application previously stored electric commands in the con-
and simplicity desired, the propellant feed system troller memory to effect valve control during engine
will consist of propellant tanks, lines, and operation (to yield desired thrust and mixture-ratio
turbopumps; propellant turbopumps and lines; and variation or propellant consumption during flight).
in the case of a pressure-fed engine system, simple The TVC system effects directional changes of the
propellant tanks and lines. vehicle.
The turbines are (in most cases) driven by Depending on the method of propellant feed,
energetic high-temperature gases produced in gas there are two basic types of liquid-propellant rocket
generators, preburners, heat exchangers heated by engines: those having propellants directly fed from
the main thrust-chamber combustion products, or pressurized tanks to the thrust chamber and those
gases tapped directly from the main combustion having the propellants fed to the thrust chamber by
chamber. Occasionally low-power turbines are a set of turbopumps. In the first case, the tank
driven hydraulically by high-pressure propellants in pressures may typically be a few hundred pounds per
the system. square inch. In the second instance, the propellants
In each of the three cases above, a set of are supplied from the tanks to the inlets of tur-
propellant valves in the propellant-control system bopumps at relatively low pressures, typically 30 to
meters the two propellants flowing to the injector 100 psig. The turbopumps then raise these inlet
controlling both total amount and relative amount. pressures to high levels, which in modern engines
Total amount is used in thrust control while the like the SSME may reach 8,000 psig or more. In the
relative amount is used in control of propellant case of the SSME, low-pressure propellant pumps
mixture ratio. The valves also perform the task of provide an intermediate pumping stage between tank

Vehicle Supplied Helium

/r" Vent t F /,Vent
Prestart Solenoid . r"~m.~ It, Start
_ ~ . SolenoidValve

Oxidizer Oxidizer Flow Vent

Pump Inlet Control ,.-.,
Shutoff Oxidizer Bypass and Fuel
t t Pump InterstigeBleed
Vents Solenoid Valve
Igniter Oxidizer
F SupplyValve
Oxidizer In Accesso " "" "--
Drive p a r ~ ~
and Vent Fuel Tank i
Pressurization Exciter
i ~ = ~ =~ V~ a~~ l lv e Lr__ -
To Vehicle 4 ' Igniter
_JI Fuel Tank . . . .
Fuel In , $ $
Fuel Pump Inlet
Shutoff Valve
Fuel Pump
Bleed Valve Orifice


Fuel Pump ,
Cooldown , I
and Pressure
Relief Valve

Fig. 1-5 Engine schematic for Pratt & Whitney RL-10-3-3-A, depicting major subsystems.

and main turbopumps. Because of tank weight All self-propelled means of transportation within
considerations, pressure feed will be limited to a liquid or gaseous medium obtain driving force on
propulsion-system sizes that deliver relatively low the basis of exchange of momentum. Ship propellers,
stage velocity increments. Many m o d e r n liquid- airplane propellers, water wheels, oars, and the like
propellant rocket engines use t u r b o p u m p feed generate forward "push" at the expense of the mo-
because it lowers the total weight of inert parts per mentum of water or air masses accelerated rearward.
stage. Rocket propulsion differs from these devices only in
A schematic diagram of a turbopump-fed system, the relative magnitude of the accelerated masses and
which uses heated helium for tank pressurization, is the velocities. While, hitherto, large masses were
shown in Fig. 1-6. The major components of both thrown back at low velocities, in rocket propulsion
the pressure-fed and pump-fed systems are called out only relatively small masses of gas are used, which
in the figure. Subsequent chapters of this book are carried within the vehicle and ejected at a very
discuss in detail each of these components and the high velocity.
design philosophies for them. The efflux of hot gas from a rocket vehicle can
Although the two engine types differ significantly basically be regarded as the ejection of small masses
in a n u m b e r of respects, they have one major such as Am (the molecules of gas) at a high relative
c o m p o n e n t in c o m m o n : the thrust c h a m b e r . velocity Ve with respect to the vehicle, which has a
Because of the importance of understanding the mass my and is moving at the velocity u. The force,
chemical and gas-dynamic processes in the thrust the momentum, and the velocity are vector quan-
chamber, the following sections summarize the tities. Consider a simplified system where only one
equations that govern these processes, and point out particle Am is being ejected at any one time. (The
the significance of them to achieving o p t i m u m discussion through Eq. 1-8 emulates G.P. Sutton in his
engine performance. Rocket Propulsion Elements, 5th Ed., Wiley, New
York 1986.) The net m o m e n t u m of this system M

The thrust of a rocket is the reaction experienced by M = m v u = kan(u - Ve) (1-1)

its structure due to the ejection of high-velocity
m a t t e r - - t h e same p h e n o m e n o n that makes a gun Differentiating with respect to time yields dM/dt
recoil. In the latter case the forward m o m e n t u m - 0 (no external momentum change). The d(Am)/dt
(mass x velocity) of the bullet and the "powder approaches -dm/dt for a continuously flowing gas.
charge" equals the rearward m o m e n t u m (recoil) of This equals the rate of decrease of the vehicle mass
the gun proper. my. The exhaust velocity Ve is constant and thus its

A Check Valve M Heat Exchanger U FuelTank Fill and Drain

B FuelTank N TurbineExhaust Duct Valve
C Check Valve O ThrustChamber Assembly V Oxidizer Tank Fill and
D PressurizingGas Line P FuelTank Vent and Relief Drain Valve
E Oxidizer Tank Valve W Oxidizer Duct
F FuelDuct Q Pressurizing Gas Diffuser X Oxidizer Pump
G High Pressure Helium R Pressuring Gas Diffuser Y Fuel Pump
Bottle S Oxidizer Tank Vent and Z Gear Box
H Gas Generator and Valve Relief Valve AA Main Oxidizer Valve
Assembly T IntertankInsulation
I TurbineStarting Spinner (required for cryogenic and
J Gas Turbine noncryogenic propellant
K Main Fuel Valve combination)
L PressureRegulator

Fig. 1-6 Typical turbopump-fed liquid-propellant rocket engine system.


time derivative is equal to 0. Also, Am is very small integrating all the pressures acting on areas that can
and approaches 0 as its limit. Thus one o b t a i n s m be projected on a plane normal to the nozzle axis.
The forces acting radially outward are appreciable
du dm but do not contribute to the net axial force, because
mv d--t-= - dt ve (1-2) the rocket is axially symmetrical.
By inspection it can be seen (and this can be
proven) that at the exit area Ae of the engine's gas
The left-hand term equals the net force (Nf) acting e x h a u s t there is an u n b a l a n c e of the external
on the fluid element which w h e n integrated over the environmental or a t m o s p h e r i c pressure Pa and the
control surface as in Fig. 1-6 b e c o m e s m local pressure Pe of the hot gas jet at the exit plane
of the nozzle. For a rocket engine flying in a
dm w h o m o g e n e o u s atmosphere (neglecting localized
Nf = - - ~ v e = mv e = g v e (1-3) boundary-layer effects), the net axial force through
integration of all pressures in the control v o l u m e
takes the following form:
This net force obtains for any true rocket engine in a
vacuum. It assumes a uniform exhaust velocity that O

does not vary across the area of the jet. The mihus
sign in Eq. (1-2) indicates a decrease in the mass of
the vehicle or reflects the velocity Ve being opposite
Nr =
Pt¢ dA ----A¢P¢ + AePa = w V¢

From this equation it follows that the net external

in direction to the net force. The propellant mass axial force acting on the rocket will be as follows:
flow rate fn is u s e d i n s t e a d o f - d m / d t in the
remainder of the book, and the weight flow rate w, W
usually a m e a s u r e d quantity, w h e n divided by the F =--V¢ + &(P~- P,) (1-5)
acceleration of gravity g, again represents mass flow
rate. The p r e c e d i n g e q u a t i o n s h o w s that, in a This external f o r c e - - t h e thrust acting on the
vacuum, the force is proportional to the propellant v e h i c l e m c o m b i n e s t w o terms: m o m e n t u m thrust
flow rate and exhaust velocity. (product of the propellant mass flow rate and the
The pressure of the e n v i r o n m e n t m a i r ambient exhaust velocity relative to the vehicle) and pressure
pressure for a rocket in flight--has an influence on thrust (product of the cross-sectional area of the
the magnitude of the net force. Figure 1-7 shows exhaust jet leaving the vehicle and the difference
schematically the external pressure acting uniformly between the exhaust pressure and the fluid pressure).
on the outer surface of a rocket chamber and the gas For exhaust pressure less than the surrounding fluid
pressures on the inside of a typical chemical or pressure, pressure thrust will be negative. This
n u c l e a r rocket engine. The size of the arrows condition gives a lower thrust and is undesirable.
indicates the relative m a g n i t u d e of the pressure W h e n the fluid p r e s s u r e equals the e x h a u s t
forces. The axial net force can be determined by pressure, the pressure thrust term becomes zero, and

Atmosphere @

ii i ii i
ChamberPt Vt gVe

(~) NozzleThroat NozzleExit

Note: (Internal gas pressure is highest inside the chamber and decreases
steadily in the nozzle; external atmospheric pressure is uniform.)
Fig. 1-7 P r e s s u r e b a l a n c e o n t h e c h a m b e r a n d n o z z l e w a l l .

the thrust can be expressed a s - - the place of the o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l exit pressure

required by Eq. (1-5).
F = : Ve (1-63
This condition gives a m a x i m u m thrust (for a given
atmospheric pressure) for a given propellant and From the equation above, determine (a) gas exhaust
c h a m b e r pressure. The rocket nozzle design that velocity, (b) engine thrust in vacuum, and (c) the
permits expansion of the propellant products to the effective e x h a u s t velocities at sea level and in
same pressure of the surrounding fluid has what is vacuum.
called optimum expansion ratio.
Equation (1-5) shows that the thrust of a rocket is
independent of flight velocity. Because changes in Solution 1-1
the fluid pressure affect the pressure thrust, the rocket
thrust rises with increasing altitude. The change in (a) From Eq. (1-5) the gas exhaust velocity will be as
pressure thrust with altitude can amount to 10 to 30% follows:
of the overall thrust. Figure 1-8 shows the variation
of thrust and specific impulse with altitude for a Ve = [F-Ae(Pe-Pa)](g/W)
typical rocket engine. = [100,000-760.8(10.7-14.7)](32.2/369.3)
Equation (1-5) is often expressed as follows: = 9040 ft/s

xv Although the average exit pressure (10.7 psia) is

F = c-- (1-7) below the sea-level ambient pressure (14.7 psia), no
separation of the flow will occur in this nozzle (an
w h e r e c is defined as the effective exhaust velocity undesirable p h e n o m e n a associated with erratic side-
(ft/s) and c o m p r i s e s - - loads). Separation will occur in a nozzle w h e n the
wall p r e s s u r e runs some 25-35% of the ambient
(1-8) pressure, this value varying with propellant com-
c = Ve + Ae(Pe -- p~)(g/XV)
bination and nozzle exit flow angle. In the subject
The effective exhaust velocity is not the actual gas example, the wall pressure will be approximately 21.4
velocity except w h e n Pe = Pa where c becomes equal psia (2 x 10.7), a value considerably larger than sea-
to Ve. As explained with Eq. (1-5), the presence of a level ambient pressure. Therefore, there should be
no c o n c e r n about nozzle flow separation at this
term Ae(Pe - Pa) (g/W) indicates that optimum v e is
not optimum for that altitude of operation.
( b ) Inspection of Eq. (1-5) will s h o w that the differ-
Sample Calculation 1-1
ence in thrust b e t w e e n vacuum and sea level equals
AePa. This thrust increase AePa is realized gradually
The following data describe a liquid-propellant
as the rocket ascends, in two distinct steps, first by
rocket engine: thrust F = 100,000 lb at sea level;
reduction of the negative thrust term Ae(Pe-Pa) to
propellant c o n s u m p t i o n rate W = 369.3 lb/s; thrust
zero. This will occur w h e n Pe = p a - - t h a t is, w h e n the
c h a m b e r exit area Ae = 760.8 in.2; gas exit average
rising vehicle reaches an altitude w h e r e Pa = 10.7
static pressure Pe = 10.7 psia; ambient pressure Pa =
p s i a - - i n this specific case, the ideal expansion! As
14.7 psia (sea level); gravitational constant g = 32.2
the vehicle c o n t i n u e s to a s c e n d and eventually
ft/s 2. The exit pressure across the exit of a nozzle has
reaches v a c u u m w h e r e Pa = 0, the increase of the
a sinusoidal profile, with the value at the wall being
positive term Ae(Pe-Pa) raises the thrust level further.
approximately twice the average and the value at the
axis of the nozzle being of the order of 10% of the The c o m b i n e d effect of the two steps simply elim-
wall pressure. The average exit pressure Pe then takes inates Ae-Pa. Thus we obtain engine thrust in space:

F = 100,000 + 760.8 x 14.7 = 111,183.8 lb

! ~ i ! 213,7oo ib
" " i ! i I
(c) Equation (1-8) then yields the effective exhaust
velocity at sea level:
fl Impulse
c = ve+Ae(Pe-Pa)(g/W)
= 9040+760.8 x (10.7- 14.7) x (32.2/369.3)
= 8772 ft/s

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

and in vacuum:

Altitude, ftx 10 3
= ve+AePe(g/W)
Fig. 1-8 Altitude p e r f o r m a n c e s o f the H-I = 9040+760.8 x 10.7 x (32.2/369.3)
liquid-propellant rocket engine. = 9750 ft/s

Nozzle Nozzle Table 1ol Terms u s e d in calculating gas flows.

Injector Plane Inlet Exit
f t (Pc)°,,Crc)°,, t A,, v,, ac, a t . L0caf velocity' of s o u n d i n " c h a m b e r and at
Injector J-I (P¢),.I, J" A"V"P"T"V~I I _/ Pc, Te, Ve nozzle throat (if/s); (at=~/RTt).
~ P . V0. , -----'--- ozze ' q
i ICom~;us~loni Nozzle m.roat SectionX Ac : Cylindrical cross section of chamber (in.2).
] IChamber, Ac[ f AT, VT, PT. |gx, ,~x, Vxt Ai, At, Ae Ax : Flow areas at nozzle inlet, throat, exit
H SubSonic [ / T,, VT
and any section X normal to axis (in.2).
Cp, Cv : Specific heats for constant pressure and for
constant volume (Btu/lb'F).

,t-.- - g : Gravitational constant (32.2 ft/s 2 at sea level).

J : Energy conversion factor (778 ft-lb/Btu).
Mc, Mi, Mt, Me, Mx : Flow Mach n u m b e r (via) at
I ! Nozzle I ! Divergent Nozzle__.] chamber; nozzle inlet, throat and exit; and at any
i ! Section- F ~J~ Section Supersonic- 1 section X normal to axis.
I !Subsonic Sonic Flow /
L[ Flow _ Flow Thrust Chamber J M :Molecular weight of combustion products.
(Pc)inj : Chamber total pressure at injector e n d
V, Flow (lb/in.2). Because of the relatively low propellant-
, Velocity
injection flow velocities Vinj, the measurable static
T. M, Flow
R Mach No. pressure at this station is generally treated as
equivalent to the total pressure.
iT. Flow (Pc)ns : Nozzle stagnation pressure or chamber total
~ ~ i ~ _ - Temperature
V, pressure at nozzle inlet (lb/in.2); (Pc)ns =Pill +
M, L , R Flow
Pressure 1/2 (3,-1)M2i]3'/3'- 1.
Pi, Pt, Pe, Px : Flow static pressures at nozzle inlet,
Fig. 1-9 Gas f l o w w i t h i n liquid-propellant-rocket
throat and exit and at any section X normal to
thrust c h a m b e r .
axis (lb/in.2).
R : Gas constant (1544 M) (ft/'R)
(Tc)ns : Nozzle stagnation temperature or chamber
total temperature [(0(t)]: (Tc)ns = Ti[l+ 1/2(3'-
Ti, Tt,Te, Tx : Flow temperature at nozzle inlet, throat,
and exit; and at any section normal to axis (°R).
Vinj : Injector flow velocity - 0 (by assumption).
Since the analytical treatment of compressible fluids
vi, vt, ve, vx : Flow velocities at nozzle inlet, throat,
flowing through cylindrical ducts and nozzles can be
and exit and at any section X normal to axis (ft/s).
found in standard aerodynamic and thermodynamic
Vi, Vt, Ve, Vx : Flow specific volumes at nozzle inlet,
textbooks, no attempt will be made here to derive
throat, exit and at any section X normal to axis
basic e q u a t i o n s g o v e r n i n g gas flows. Rather,
significant applications of equations used in actual
rocket design will be presented. The parameters and W: Steady weight flow rate (lb/s).
terms applicable to gas flows in a liquid-propellant E : Nozzle expansion area ratio (Ae/At).
rocket thrust c h a m b e r are shown in Fig. 1-9 and ec : Nozzle contraction area ratio (Ac/At).
Table 1-1. These parameters serve to define the 3," Specific heat rat!o (Cp/Cv). , ......
characteristics of gas flow at various points within the
thrust chamber. Gas-flow calculations for rocket
thrust-chamber design usually assume the following
ideal conditions:
In the actual design of a rocket and for the
• H o m o g e n e o u s gas composition. prediction of its behavior, certain correction factors,
• Perfect gas. usually empirically obtained, will be applied to the
• No heat transfer through the motor walls in ei- results derived from these ideal assumptions.
ther direction (i.e., adiabatic processes). If no in-
crease in entropy occurs, i.e., if the process is The Perfect Gas Law
considered reversible, it is called an isentropic
process. At any section X the perfect gas law states:
• No friction.
• Steady flow rate. 144 pxVx = RTx (1-9)
• One-dimensional flow (all gas molecules move
on parallel lines).
• Velocity uniformity across any section normal to Principle o f C o n s e r v a t i o n o f Energy
chamber axis.
• Chemical equilibrium established within the In an adiabatic process, the increase in kinetic
combustion chamber and remaining constant in energy of the flowing gases b e t w e e n any two points
the nozzle. equals the decrease in enthalpy. Applied to a nozzle,

this yields the following expression for a unit weight [ ~/ = 1.40

of gas flow: 1.0

~'~ 0.9
2gj(V 2 - v 2) = C p ( T i - Tx) (1-10)

P r i n c i p l e o f C o n s e r v a t i o n o f Matter I I I I I I
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Ao/At
Aivi AxVx
D m - constant (1-11 ) F i g 1-10 t o s s of total pressure for two typical values
144Vi 144Vx
as a function o f the nozzle contraction area ratio c.
The IsentropicoFlow P r o c e s s

For any isentropic-flow process the following rela-

tions hold between any two points: tion of the nozzle contraction area ratio Ec.
Generally used in rocket design, these data are
calculated from the Rayleigh flow process.
piV7 = pxWx = constant (1-12) Neglecting the flow velocity at the injecting
and end--i.e., assuming Vinj=0 and (Pc)inj=Pinjmthe total
pressure ratio (Pc)inj/(Pc)ns can also be expressed in
TJTx = (pJpx) ('-')" = (Vx/V,)*- ' (1-13)
terms of flow Mach number Mi at the nozzle inlet
Gas F l o w T h r o u g h Liquid-Propellant Rocket and of the specific heat ratio T:
Combustion Chambers
( )~/(~- ~)
(Pc)mj/(Pc)ns = (1 +'yM2)/ 1 + " y - 1M~2 (1-14)
A liquid-rocket c o m b u s t i o n c h a m b e r c o n v e r t s 2
propellants into high-temperature, high-pressure gas
through combustion, which releases the chemical For the reasons mentioned above, it is desirable
energy of the propellant, resulting in an increase in that the Mach n u m b e r at the nozzle entrance be
internal energy of the gas. Combustion chambers small. A thrust chamber with a contraction area ratio
have been generally of tubular construction, as of Ac/Ai = 2 will typically have a value of Mi=0.31( 7
shown in Fig. 1-9. The liquid propellants are injected = 1.2). For the static pressure ratio, the expression
at the injection plane with a small axial velocity simplifies to---
which is assumed to be zero in gas-flow calculations.
The combustion process proceeds throughout the Pinj/Pi = 1 + "yM~
2 (1-15)
length of the chamber and is expected to be
completed at the nozzle entrance. Heat liberated Gas F l o w T h r o u g h Rocket Nozzles
between injection plane and nozzle inlet increases
the specific volume of the gas. To satisfy the The prime function of a rocket nozzle is to convert
conditions of constant mass flow, the gas must be ac- efficiently the enthalpy of the combustion gases into
celerated toward the nozzle inlet with some drop of kinetic energy and thus create high exhaust velocity
pressure. In brief, the following takes place. of the gas. The nozzle is the most efficient device for
The gas-flow process within the combustion accelerating gases to supersonic velocities. Rocket
chamber, that is, within the volume upstream of the nozzles are c o n v e n t i o n a l l y of the converging-
nozzle entrance, is not entirely isentropic but rather diverging De Laval type, with the cross-sectional area
is a partly irreversible, adiabatic expansion. Although decreasing to a m i n i m u m at the throat and then
the stagnation temperature, or total temperature, increasing to the exit area, as shown in Fig. 1-9. The
remains constant, the stagnation pressure, or total flow velocity through a nozzle increases to sonic
pressure, will decrease. This causes permanent energy velocity at the throat and then increases further su-
losses, which are a function of the gas properties as personically in the diverging section.
expressed by and of the nozzle contraction area ratio In practice, for o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l isentropic
Ec (Ac/At). Wherever the acceleration of gases is expansion, (ODE) calculations, it is assumed that the
largely affected by expansion due to heat release, gas flow through the nozzle will be an isentropic
rather than by a change of area, as in a nozzle, the expansion, and that both the total temperature and
stated losses occur. The greater the contribution of the total pressure will remain constant throughout
the nozzle to overall thrust, the more efficient will be the nozzle. The pressure ratio pt/(Pc)ns between the
the gas acceleration. Conversely, with no nozzle throat and chamber is called the c r i t i c a l p r e s s u r e
attached, the losses are m a x i m u m . The great ratio and is solely a function of specific heat ratio:
importance of ec to the thrust-chamber design be-
comes apparent. It will be discussed further in pt/(Pc)ns= [2/7+ 1)]7/(7-1 ) (1-16)
Chapter 4.
Figure 1-10 shows the loss of total pressure for The static pressure Pt at a nozzle throat with
two typical specific heat ratio (7) values as a func- sonic flow, where the maximum weight flow per unit

area occurs, is defined as critical pressure. The Optimum

velocity of sound is equal to the velocity of Expansion
Pe --" Pli
propagation of a pressure wave within a medium. It is
therefore impossible for a pressure disturbance
downstream of the nozzle throat to influence the flow
at the throat or upstream of the throat, provided that
this disturbance will not create a higher throat pres-
sure than the critical pressure. Pe > Pa Po < P.
It is one of the characteristic features of an Under- Over-
Expansion Expansion
attached diverging or De Laval nozzle, however, that
sonic velocity in the nozzle throat is maintained
even if the back pressure (ambient pressure) at the a) Effect of Non-optimum Nozzle Length and of Jet Separation on Thrust F
nozzle exit is greater than the pressure required at T'/picsI Pressure Recovery
the throat for sonic velocity. As a result, a pressure ~ough Subsonic Deceleration
adjustment (recovery) must take place between the sentropic) Only
throat and the nozzle exit (ambient pressure). This Typical Pressure Recovery
adjustment may take place through subsonic Through Shock Waves (Non-
isentropic) and Subsonic
deceleration (isentropic) or by way of non-isentropic (p Deceleration (Isentropic)
discontinuities called shock waves, or a combination q:)ical Pressure Recovery
of both. Figure 1-11a presents several of the possible 1rough Shock Waves Only.
conditions that may occur in an overexpanded Pres~ o Further Subsonic Pressure
ecovery, Due to Jet Separation
nozzle. The situations shown represent cases of an
over-expanded nozzle. amExpansion (Pc = Pc)
In short, pressures lower than ambient may be Distance Along Nozzle Axis
present in a supersonic nozzle. The higher ambient b) Pressure Distribution in an Overexpanded De Laval Nozzle
pressure cannot advance upstream within the nozzle,
since the gases are flowing with supersonic velocity.
An exception to this is in the region of the flow Fig. 1-11 Thrust and pressure distribution in an
along the nozzle walls, where, due to friction, a overexpanded De Laval nozzle.
boundary layer of slow-moving gases may exist. In
this subsonic boundary layer, ambient pressure may
advance for a distance, forcing the low-pressure
Theoretical nozzle expansion ratio:
center jet away from the walls. It might be expected
that the point of separation will be at the point of
optimum expansion, but separation usually occurs
further down-stream. In fact, it rarely occurs at all in Ae P~ J
_ (1-20)
conventional rocket nozzles within the designed At
region of operation, unless an extreme case of y+ 1[1_( Pe
overexpansion exists or unless excessive nozzle y- I k,,(pc),s] J
divergence angles are chosen. Thus, in many cases it
is correct to base all nozzle calculations on the
assumption that no separation occurs, i.e., that the
nozzle is filled at all stations (see Fig. 1-11b).
Some useful relations for ideal gas flow through a
At the throat:
p, = (Pc)n~ -
~ (1-21)
rocket nozzle take the following form:

Theoretical exit velocity: /2g'y

vt = 1_,,7"TR(Tc),,s (1-22)

/297 RTi[I- (~-~)~-~]

Ve = ~/') "-- 1 +vi a (1-17) At a n y section X between nozzle inlet a n d n o z z l e

ax 1 4[1+ 2~-~Mx]'÷'
At - M x ~ /'Y -~ (1-23)
2 .J
ve 4 y 2g-~-~l R(Tc).s [ 1 /" Pe ~')'-']J
k(Pc).s} (1-18) At a n y section X between the nozzle inlet a n d nozzle
Theoretical gas weight f l o w rate:

A,, = ---/ (I-24)

g *f+l
Xig = At(Pc)ns ")'[2/(')'+ 1)]7:'r-~ At 472 ]
R(Tc).s - \p,,/

O.I O.Z 0.5 I 2 3 4 5 IO


. 2O

:X'I.I 0"
o ~', I.I 5 - ~
~o 7 " I.ZO~
,q' ~', 1.25-,
~', 1.30 ~
O~ |J
I y.t 1.40-- iiU
R~ _,.._~G
'~'" 1.10
~', L20 -,,
:X" 1 . 3 0 ~
' },,,, 1.40 -~ Y'.._.2
i if" 1.10
k A m nA~O CONVERGIN_._._

I 2 3 4 5 6 II IO 20 50 IOO 200 500 K~OO


Fig. 1-12 Variations o f i s e n t r o p i c pressure ratio and Mach n u m b e r with area ratio in c o n v e r g i n g
and diverging s e c t i o n s of De Laval nozzle.

At a n y section X between the n o z z l e throat a n d Table 1-2 Useful values o f f u n c t i o n s of the

nozzle exit.. specific heat ratio V-

\ Px / 1,.1
a--7= / y [ ( ) 1 (1-25) 1.10 26.61 0.0Q0g 0.5847 0.6590
y + l 1-- P" z.~ 1.15 2221 0.1304 0.5744 0.68~
- 1 (Pc)ns 1.20 19.65 0.1667 0.5645 0.7104
1.21 19.26 0.1736 0.5626 0.7155
1.22 18.89 0.1803 0.5607 0.7205
IZ3 18.55 0.1870 0.5588 0.7257
1.24 18.23 0.1936 0.5569 0.7307
125 17.94 0.2000 0.5549 0.7356
Vx = gYl R(Tc)ns 1 - \(Pclns/ J (1-26) 17.66 0.2O64 0.5532 0.7408
1.27 17.40 0.2126 0.5513 0.7457
1.28 17.15 0.2188 0.5494 0.7508
1.29 16.92 0.2248 0.5475 O.7558
1.30 16.70 0.2308 0.5457 O.76O8
--1 1 - - ( i pxpc)ns)z-~1 (1-27) 1.33 16.10 0.2481 0.5405 0.7757
1.36 15.50 0.2647 0.5352 O.79O6
1.40 15.01 0.2857 0.5283 0.8102
1.50 13.89 0.3333 0.5120 0.8586
1.60 13.10 0.3750 0.4968 0.9O62
Variations of isentropic pressure ratio and Mach ,.

number with the area ratio in the convergent and

divergent sections of a De Laval nozzle are shown in
Fig. 1-12. Useful values of functions of the specific propellant flow rate Wtc = 360.7 lb/s; nozzle
heat ratio y are listed in Table 1-2. stagnation pressure (Pc)ns = 1000 psia; chamber total
temperature (Tc)ns - 6540°R; product-gas molecular
Sample Calculation 1-2 weight M = 22.67; gas specific heat ratio y = 1.20;
nozzle expansion area ratio ~ = 12. The following
The following data describe the thrust chamber of an conditions are also assumed: flow Mach number at
ideal liquid-propellant rocket engine: thrust chamber injecting plane, Minj = O; flow Mach number at the

n o z z l e inlet, Mi--0.4. (In practice, thrust c h a m b e r By d e f i n i t i o n - -

design values for Mi range from 0.15 to 0.45.)

D e t e r m i n e the following: (a) flow static pressures: 654O 654O

= 6440 ° F
Pinj, Pi, Pt, Px at Ax/At = 4 and pe; (b) flow tem- 1 +0.1 x0.16 1.016
peratures: Tinj, T i, Tt, T x, Te; (c) flow specific volumes:
Vinj, Vi, Vt, Vx, Ve; (d) flow velocities: v i, v t, Vx, v;; From Eq. (1-13)---
flow Mach numbers: Mx, Me; (f) flow areas. Ac, Ai, At,
Tt = (Tc)ns Pt v = 6 5 4 0 x 0.909 = 5945 ° R
Solution 1-2

(a) Flow static pressures: Tx = (Tc)ns

[ Px
~ = 6 5 4 0 X 1 . 6 8 6 - 3880 ° R
F r o m Eq. (1-14)----

(Pc)mj = (pc).~(1 + y M ~ ) / 1 + M2 , , r e = (Tc).s [ (pc)ns]'

Pe -1
' = 6 5 4 0 x ~ -1~ = 3025 ° n

-1000x (1+0.16x 1.20)

- ( 1+ xO.l
(e) Flow specific volumes:

1544 1544
R- - = 68
1.192 22.67
- 1.1 - 1 0 8 2 psia
From Eq. (1-9)---

Since, by assumption, Minj=0 -

RTini--= 68 X 6 5 4 0 1 4 4 X 1082 = 2.846 ft3/Ib
Vinj - 144 P,nj
Pmj = (Pc)inj = 1,082 psia
RT~ 68 x 6 4 4 0 _
F r o m Eq. ( 1 - 1 5 ) - - V ~ - 1 4 4 pj 144 x 909 3.34 ft3/lb

1082 RTt 68 x 5945 = 4.97 ft3/Ib

pi pin j/( 1 + 3,M~) - 1 + O. 1 6 x 1 . 2 0 V t - 144 p t - 144 x 564

1082 RTx 68 x 3 8 8 0 = 42 1 ft3/lb

- 909 psia
1.192 V x - 144 P x - 144 x 43.5 "

Ve- RTx _ 6 8 x 3 0 2 5 - - 1 4 5 . 1 ft3/lb

From Eq. ( 1 - 2 1 ) - - 144 Px 144 x 9.85

pt = (pc)~ y + i
[ ]'
2 3"-1
= 1000 x 0.564 = 564 psia ( d ) Flow velocities: (ai = ~/gY RTi):

- Miai = 0.4 x 32.2 x 1.2 x 68 x 6440

From Fig. 1-12 or Eq. (1-25) at = 0.4 x 4110 = 1646 ft/s
Ax/A t = 4---
vt = Mtat = 1 x 32.2 x 1.2 x 68 x 5945
1 1000 = 3958 ft/s
px = (pc)ns x m - 43.5 psia
23 23
From Eq. ( 1 - 2 6 ) - -

From Fig. 1-12 or Eq. ( 1 - 2 0 ) - - . . . . . "y--1

(Pc)ns 1000
= . ~/2g'
/y- I
R(Wc,os[1-(\(Pc),-J J
Pe = "i-o175 -- 101.5 -- 9.85 psia

( b ) Flow temperatures: = x/6540 x 64.4 x 6 x 68 x [1 - 0 . 5 9 3 ]

Since (Tc)inj-(Tc)ns = constant and
Minj = 0 - - = x/64.4 x 6 x 68 x 0.407 x 6 5 4 0

Tinj = (Tc)inj = (Tc)ns = 6540"R. = 8360 ft/s


From Eq. (1-18)-- Since weight is the force exerted by a mass on its
rigid support under the influence of gravitation (by
convention at sea level on Earth), it has b e c o m e
Ve = 12g
.~/~- I
(Pe ,~z~]
\(Pc).s/' J
accepted practice to measure Is in "seconds," by
canceling out the terms for the forces. Obviously, the
expression does not denote a time, but rather a
magnitude akin to efficiency. Specific impulse direct-
= x/64.4 × 6 X 68 X 6540 X 0.543 = 9760 ft/s ly contributes to the final velocity of the vehicle at
burnout and thus has a pronounced effect on range
(e) Flow Mach numbers: or size of payload, or both. This will be shown further
Sincere in connection with Eq. (1-30).
It is important to state whether a specific impulse
ax = x/'gTRTx = x/32.2 x 1.2 x 68 x 3880 = 3226 ft/s quoted refers to the thrust-chamber assembly only
(Is)tC or to the overall engine system (Is)oa. Often
v,, 8360 the distinction may not be self-evident. It is impor-
Mx- - ~ - 2.59
ax 3226 tant, therefore, to state accurately to what system the
quoted specific impulse refers. In a turbopump-fed
ae = x/gyRTe = ,]32.2 x 1.2 x 68 x 3025 = 2820 ft/s system, for instance, overall engine specific impulse
may include turbine power requirements, vernier,
ve 9620 and attitude-control devices. All of these may be fed
Me n --3.43
a~ 2820 from one or all of a given vehicle's propellant tanks.
If they are properly considered, the user, in this case
(f) Flow areas: the vehicle builder, will obtain the correct value for
From Eq. (1-11)--- his own optimization studies, which include pro-
pellant tank sizes, payload weight, and range, among
other parameters.
144'WtcVi 144 X 360.7 X 3.34 In many instances, specific impulse (Is)tC for the
Ai = = = 105.4 in. 2
vi 1646 thrust c h a m b e r only may be significant, such as
during the c o m p o n e n t - d e v e l o p m e n t period of this
Ac = Ai = 105.4 in.2 subassembly. The specific impulse stated (Is)tC will
be higher than for a complete system, by 1 to 2
144XYC'tcVt 144 x 360.7 x 4.97 percent, as a rule. The specific impulse thus stated
At = = = 65.4 in.:' would be too high for the vehicle builder, who must
vt 3958 consider the supply of propellants for turbine power
and to the auxiliary devices mentioned above as well.
144XYgtcVx 144 x 360.7 x 42.1 The engine specific impulse, along with the
Ax = = = 261.8 in. 2
Vx 8360 vehicle mass ratio, determines the performance of a
space vehicle. Mass ratio R is defined by---

R = Initial vehicle weight/burnout weight (1-29)

Ax = 4 X At = 261.8 in. 2

where the initial weight is the total gross weight when

144WtcVe 144 x 360.7 x 145.1 the engine ignites and the burnout weight is the
Ae = ---- --- 782 in. 2
Ve 9670 initial weight minus the propellant consumed. This
value is then used in the "rocket equation" to
calculate the ideal delta-v:
Ae=12XAt=782 in. 2
AV = g x Is x In(R) (1-30)

The ideal delta-v is the velocity increment that would

be added to a vehicle in free space with the engine
firing axially. In most real appli-cations the actual
velocity increase will be less than the ideal value. A
The p e r f o r m a n c e of a r o c k e t e n g i n e can be launch vehicle flying from Earth's surface to low
expressed by a quantity c o m m o n l y called "specific orbit will e x p e r i e n c e velocity losses d u e to
impulse" Is. If impulse imparted to the vehicle and atmospheric drag, gravitation, and non-axial thrust
propellant weight consumption were measured dur- (due to engine gimballing to provide steering). For
ing a given interval, Is would have the dimension lb- example, the velocity required to maintain a circular
sec/lb. In practice, thrust is usually measured in con- orbit at an altitude of 100 n. mi. is about 25,600 ft/s; a
junction with propellant-weight-flow-rate measure- launch vehicle, however, must typically provide an
ments. This yields the same dimension: lb/(lb/sec). ideal delta-v of about 30,000 ft/s to attain this orbit.
Is may thus be expressed a s m For a multistage vehicle, Eq. (1-29) and (1-30) must
Is = F/W (1-28) be applied to each stage individually. The burnout

weight of each stage will be reduced by the stage form:

inert weight to get the initial weight of the next stage. 4g~R(T~).s
The total delta-v is then obtained by adding the C* ~ , , . (1-32a)
values for each stage.
3' T+I ~-i
Thrust-Chamber Specific Impulse (Is)tc
This form shows that c* is a function of the
The overall performance of the liquid-propellant properties of the product gas at the exit of the
thrust chamber is a direct function of the propellant combustion chamber (i.e., at the nozzle inlet),
combination, the combustion efficiency of propel- namely, specific heat ratio 7, gas constant R, and
lants in the chamber, and the product gas expansion temperature (Tc)ns.
performance in the nozzle. The expression for (Is)tc
may be obtained in several ways. From Eq. (1-28): Thrust Coefficient Cf
(Is),c = Xggtc (1-31) The quantity Cf reflects the product-gas expansion
properties and design quality of the nozzle.
Combining Eq. (1-31) and (1-7): Combining Eq. (1-31), (1-31c), and (1-32), the
expression for theoretical Cf may be written as
(Is)tc = - (1-3 la) follows:
The effective exhaust velocity c may be further Cf - (1-33)
defined as the product of two convenient parameters,
c* and Cf: This form shows that Cf measures the force
augmented by the gas expansion through the nozzle,
c =c*Cf (1-3 lb) as compared to the force which would be generated
if the chamber pressure acted over the throat area
where the characteristic velocity c* in feet per only. By combining Eq. (1-6), (1-18), (1-19), and (1-
second (commonly pronounced "cee-star") is a 33), the equation for theoretical Cf at any altitude
parameter primarily used to rate the propellant may be rewritten in the following form:
combustion performance. The thrust coefficient Cf
is a dimensionless parameter used to measure the
gas expansion performance through the nozzle. Cf= /2"t21 [ 2 ]~+1 [ ( P~ ~/]
Combining Eq. (1-3 la) and (1-31b): ,- ~ ~ I - \(Pc)n,] J

(Is),c --
(1-31 c) + e
(Pc),s J (1-33a)
Is and R will be of ultimate importance to the missile
Equation 1-33a shows that Cf is a function of specific
or space-vehicle builder, but both c* and Cf are of
heat ratio 7, chamber pressure Pc, ambient pressure
great and early importance to the engine and thrust-
chamber designer and developer. Pa, and nozzle area expansion ratio e.
As will be noted, the throat stagnation p r e s s u r e
(Pc)ns has been used in Eq. (1-32) and (1-33). This
has been the practice in industry and in most of the
Characteristic Velocity c* literature. Briefly, the reason is that (Pc)ns reflects
the true theoretical gas property at the nozzle inlet,
In a system with sonic velocity at the throat, the
and gives a more logical value to c* and Cf. In actual
quantity c* reflects the effective energy level of the
propellants and the design quality of injector and operation the true value of (Pc)ns can not be
combustion chamber. It may be defined by the measured. The (Pc)ns is mathematically converted
following expression: from the measured value of the gas static pressure at
the injector, Pinj. The accuracy of this calculated
c* _-- (Pc)nsAtg value has to be verified by the test results. Likewise,
Wtc (1-32) the gas properties, and thus the specific heat ratio T,
which additionally changes along the chamber axis,
This form shows that c* measures combustion affect the true values of c* and Cf. This also must be
performance in a given thrust chamber by indicating verified by actual test results.
how many pounds per second of propellant must be To understand better the nature of Cf and the
burned to maintain the required nozzle stagnation design parameters that influence it, first rearrange
pressure. A lower value of propellant consumption W Eq. (1-33) as follows:
under the given condition indicates a combustion
process of higher energy and efficiency and gives a F = (Pc)ns ° At ° Cf (1-34)
correspondingly higher value of c*. By substituting
Wtc with Eq. (1-19) in Eq. (1-32), the equation for The formula says that the thrust generated by a thrust
theoretical c* may be rewritten in the following chamber (the effect) is produced by pressure (the

cause) as a function of the physical properties of the

chamber itself. The relationships and effects of the
principal design parameters become clearer: through
the following steps.
Assume a wish to generate a certain thrust F. The
chamber being a straight cylinder (Fig. 1-13), its 'nject°r~'! '_-i~ Pa
pressure has a very small effect on the cylindrical
wall (the forces normal to the chamber axis will
cancel each other), except for effects of friction, Ainj- Ac [
which we neglect. There is no part of the chamber
for the pressure to act upon at the exit. The only Ac = Ai = At = Ae
chamber area upon which the pressure can act is the
injector plate. Since, for the cylindrical chamber, the
Fig. 1-13 Straight cylindrical thrust-chamber.
injector area Ai equals At, we can write--

Fcyl = Pinj°At (1-35)

For the reasons explained [see Eq. (1-34)], Eq. (1.-35)

can be rewritten to include (Pc)ns:
Inject°r-~ Pinj i [ F
Fcyl = (Pc)ns-At-Cf I (1-36)

Because (Pc)ns is smaller than Pinj (Fig. 1-10), the - I I

coefficient Cfl is introduced to correct for this fact. Ainj- Ac Ac = Ai At = Ae
For instance, if the ratio (Pc)ns/Pinj was found to be Ai > At
0.8 from Fig. 1-10, Cfl would have to be 1.25 to offset
the introduction of (Pc)ns. The use of a thrust Fig. 1-14 Cylindrical thrust chamber with
coefficient of 1.25 in a straight cylinder thrust convergent nozzle.
chamber for which (Pc)ns/Pinj is 0.8 is merely part of
a mathematical rearrangement, but does not signify
ther total pressure losses. Since we keep Wtc and At
an increase in thrust for a given Pinj.
constant and assume that c* remains unchanged, the
The combustion chamber including the injector
nozzle stagnation pressure (Pc)ns will also retain the
will have to produce the required pressure (Pc)ns
same value as the straight cylindrical chamber.
with a flow rate (magnitude determined by c* and
However, the required total pressure at the injector
throat area At). Transformation of Eq. (1-32) shows
end will definitely be lower because of the reduced
the relationship:
pressure losses in the combustion chamber. The
result is a favorable redesign because slightly lighter
(Pc)n, = ~$~rt~" c * . ~ (1-3 7)
A¢.g tanks can be used in pressurized systems because the
same propellant flow rate can be sustained with lower
In actual practice, the value of c* for a given tank pressures.
propellant combination and thrust chamber design
In turbopump-fed systems, the required turbo-
will be arrived at tentatively from existing experience pump horsepower will decrease. However, the forces
and be refined during developmental testing. acting u p o n the thrust chamber, and thus the
Now redesign the cylindrical thrust chamber as developed thrust, can be assumed to have remained
shown in Fig. 1-14. Maintaining the same throat area unchanged because lower pressure acts u p o n the
At=Ae, enlarge the combustion chamber including larger injector and opposing forces are present at
injector to a diameter somewhat larger than that of the converging nozzle, cancelling each other out.
At. The flow rate remains Wtc. In short, the redesign (Fig. 1-14) reduces de-
In the straight cylindrical chamber (Fig. 1-13), mands on the propellant feed system for the same
the gas velocity was sonic at the end of the Wtc and the same thrust level.
cylindrical chamber portion, which coincided with Further redesign of the chamber can include a
At and Ae. From earlier discussions (see section 1-2), divergent nozzle section, as in Fig. 1-15. Up to the
w e k n o w that e x p a n s i o n ( a c c e l e r a t i o n ) is throat area, nothing changes over the preceding
n o n i s e n t r o p i c in that case. In the r e d e s i g n e d configuration, which includes a convergent nozzle
chamber (Fig. 1-14) by contrast, gas velocities are only. Since the gas velocity in the throat area is
still well below sonic velocity at the end of the cylin- always sonic (except for very low, subcritical
drical portion. Most of the acceleration to sonic chamber pressures), the attachment of the divergent
velocity will now occur in the added convergent nozzle section will have no effect on the previously
nozzle. Since we can make the assumption that the described gas processes and the pressures upstream
combustion process is complete at the end of the of the throat. However, conditions downstream from
cylindrical c h a m b e r p o r t i o n , the s u b s e q u e n t the throat will now be different.
expansion (acceler-ation) in the con-vergent nozzle With the cylindrical chamber, and the chamber
is assumed to be isentropic; i.e., to occur without fur- with convergent nozzle, the static pressure energy

available at the throat is dissipated by expansion to

atmospheric pressure, flowing freely in all directions.
Attaching a divergent nozzle prevents the gases from
dissipating at random and further accelerates the Injector
gases in one preferred direction only. Since this Pa
process takes place in the divergent part of the thrust
chamber, the static pressures of the expanding gases
Ainj - Ac
produce a force on the chamber, as indicated by
A c = A i At < A o
arrows in Fig. 1-15. Expression of the thrust for the
complete thrust chamber with convergent-divergent Ai > At
nozzle can now be written as follows:
Fig. 1-15 Redesign of thrust chamber with
divergent n o z z l e section.
Ftc = +~ pdA- pdA+ pdA (1-38)
OAt OAt A,

The last expression in the equation represents the Pa

gain realized from attaching the divergent nozzle to
the throat. Combining all gains into a single
coefficient Cf (see Eq. 1-33) again yields Eq. (1-34):
('Po.) NS _ Pe > Pa I Pe < Pa
F = (Pc)ns "At ° Cf = Const. I

In brief, it may be stated that the redesign (Fig. 1-15) Po = Pa

produces thrust for the same Wtc and the same feed-
system configuration.
Summary of the Influences of Pa, e , 7 , R, and
(Pc)ns on Engine Performance
Under ~ I ,..-_ Over
Expansion I Expansion
Effect of Pa. An ambient pressure Pa reduces
the vacuum thrust F of an engine by the amount Pa °
Ae [see Eq. (1-5)]; Cf will be similarly affected by the (Variable Nozzle Length)
amount t; • Pa/(Pc)ns, as shown in Eq. (1-33a). This
may be rewritten as Cf=(Cf)vac-t~pa/(Pc)ns . The lower Fig. 1-16 Effect of E on e n g i n e performance.
the ambient pressure, the higher will be thrust and
performance. Maximum values are obtained in
the diminishing returns in payload as expansion area
Effect o f e. O p t i m u m thrust for a given ratio increases can be used to limit expansion area
a m b i e n t pressure is obtained w h e n the nozzle ratio to values less than 400.
expansion area ratio t~ - Ae/A t is such that Pe = Pa. Effect o f 7- The specific heat ratio indicates
This may be seen from Fig. 1-16. If the divergent the energy-storing capacity of the gas molecule. A
nozzle section is extended in the region where pe>Pa, smaller value of T indicates a higher energy storing
thrust will increase; however, where pe<Pa, leng- capability, and in turn gives higher engine perfor-
thening the nozzle will decrease thrust. Therefore, it mance. As s h o w n in Eq. (1-32a) and (1-33a), a
would be beneficial to design the nozzle to yield Pe = smaller T will yield a higher value for both, c* and
P a to reach an optimum value for the thrust co- cf.
efficient. The e for this condition is called optimum Effect o f R ( R = 1544/M), For constant (Tc)ns
nozzle expansion area ratio. Unfortunately, because Eq. (1-32a) shows that c* will increase if the gas
of changing ambient pressure during flight, no one E constant R increases; i.e., the gas molecular weight
is optimum. Trajectory and payload optimization decreases. Thus, a higher value of R will yield a
studies usually determine the best compromise. Such higher engine performance.
a study is not required (except for weight and size Effect o f ( P c ) n s . The effective c h a m b e r
considerations) for rockets which start and stop at pressure or nozzle stagnation pressure (Pc)ns appears
the same altitude (same ambient pressure), such as
in Eq. (1-33a) for Cf in the form of two pressure
upper stages, where ambient pressure is zero or near
zero at all times. For the special case of Pa = 0 ratios, Pe/(Pc)ns and Pa/(Pc)ns. As is evident from
Eq. (1-20), the ratio Pe/(Pc)ns has a singular value for
( v a c u u m conditions), E would b e c o m e infinity to
satisfy "ideal expansion." An increase in nozzle ex- a given l; and g (Pc)ns in Eq. (1-33), and therefore
pansion area ratio increases specific impulse but at influences Cf only through the negative term,
the same time increases weight. A payload op- Pa/(Pc)ns. An increase in (pc)nS decreases this
timization trading the effects of engine performance negative term and hence increases Cf. This effect is
and engine weight on payload leads to selection of more pronounced when Pa is high. Since the thrust is
engine nozzle expansion ratio. For a space engine, proportional to both (Pc)ns and Cf, an increase in

(Pc)ns in a given thrust c h a m b e r will increase the Actual ranges of liquid-propellant rocket engine
thrust. The (Pc)ns also has s o m e effect on the parameters are listed in Table 1-3. Values of the
c o m b u s t i o n process. Increasing (Pc)ns tends to vacuum or altitude thrust coefficient (Cf)vac plotted
increase (Tc)ns and to reduce 7 and R. The overall as functions of nozzle expansion area ratio E and gas
result is usually an increase in c*. specific heat ratio "t' are shown in Fig. 1-17.

C o r r e c t i o n Factors a n d M a g n i t u d e s o f E n g i n e
Performance Parameters Table 1-3 Actual r a n g e s o f l i q u i d - p r o p e l l a n t
rocket engine parameters.
The actual performance of a liquid-propellant rocket Gas temperature T,"E . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 4000 to 7000
engine differs from that of an ideal one because of Nozzle stagnation pressure Pcns, psia . . . . . . 10-2500
friction effects, heat transfer, n o n p e r f e c t gases, Molecular weight M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 to 30
nonaxial flow, nonuniformity of the working fluid, Gas constant R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.5 to 772
flow distribution, and shifting gas composition. The Gas flow Mach number M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 4.5
latter refers to the fact that the gas properties (y, M, Specific heat ratio "1'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.13 to 1.66
R) are not truly constant along the nozzle axis, as the Nozzle expansion area ratio e . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 to 100
isentropic t r e a t m e n t of the p r o c e s s e s assumes.
Nozzle contraction area ratio ec . . . . . . . . . 1.3 to 6
Correction factors must therefore be applied to the
Thrust coefficient Cf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 to 2.0
performance parameters derived from theoretical
Characteristic velocity c*, ft/s . . . . . . . . . . 3000-8000
assumptions. Some important correction factors
Effective exhaust velocity c, ft/s . . . . . . . 4000-12,000
Specific impulse (vacuum) Is~ s . . . . . . . . . . . . 150-480
Correction factor for thrust and the thrust

Actual thrust 2.00

1 I I, I 1
I I ,.-" " - 1.15

Cf = (CI)vac - £ Pa/(Pc)n$ ~. -y = 1.20

coefficient Actual thrust 1.94
, ~ '
1.88' •y = 1.25
rlf= Ideal thrust = Ideal thrust (1-39) 1.82 //<7.1~- ~ . . . ~~ - "y = 1.30
, -

coefficient .~ 1.76

•~ 1.70
The values for rlf range from 0.92 to 1.00. ~ 1.64
~ 1.58
Correction factor for effective exhaust velocity and 1.521 ~ "~

1.46 '= 1.4 bj ~ ~/

specific impulse.. ._ It,"

" ° / I ....
Actual effective Actual specific 1.a, ~ _ =1.30 - j [
128 ._..._ ~ =,1.10 ]
exhaust velocity impulse
1.22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 80100
rl,, = Ideal effective = Ideal specific (1-40) Nozzle Expansion Area Ratio E = Ae/A t
exhaust velocity impulse
Fig. 1-17 Altitude t h r u s t c o e f f i c i e n t as f u n c t i o n
The values for range from 0.85 to 0.98. o f area ratio a n d s p e c i f i c h e a t ratio.

Correction factor for characteristic velocity:

During the 1970s, the joint Army, Navy, and Air
Force (JANNAF) c o m m i t t e e on r o c k e t - e n g i n e
Actual characteristic velocity p e r f o r m a n c e d e v e l o p e d analytical procedures an-
r/,,* = Ideal characteristic velocity (1-41) chored o n test data to calculate the performance-
correction parameters in a rigorous manner. Be-
The values for TIv* range from 0.87 to 1.03. cause of the extensive nature of the subject and the
fact that examples throughout this book are based on
Correction factor for propellant mass flow rate: coefficients defined by Eq. (1-39) through (1-44), no
detailed discussions of the JANNAF rigorous analysis
procedures will be made here. The JANNAF Rocket
Actual propellant mass flow rate
(1-42) Engine Performance Prediction and Evaluation
~w = Ideal propellant mass flow rate Manual (CPIA Publication 246, April 1975) gives
further information on p e r f o r m a n c e procedures.
The values for rlw range from 0.98 to 1.15. Simplified JANNAF performance coefficients have
The relation among correction factors may be been defined that characterize the principal physical
expressed as follows: processes occurring in the thrust chamber: pro-
pellant atomization, mixing, evaporation, chemical
r/v = r/v * "~e (1-43) reaction, gas expansion; and effects such as chemical
reaction rates and boundary-layer and streamline
and velocity-vector divergence in the converging
r/v = I/~w (1-44) and diverging nozzles.

Sample Calculation 1-3 In space:

A s s u m e a thrust c h a m b e r for the s a m e ideal liquid 14.7

T h e o r e t i c a l Cf = 1.5918 + 12 x - - - - -
p r o p e l l a n t r o c k e t e n g i n e as g i v e n in S a m p l e Cal- 1000
culation 1-2, in w h i c h Wtc = 360.7 lb/s; (Pc)ns=lO00

= 1.5918 + 0.1764
psia; (Tc)ns=6540"R; M = 22.67; T =1.20; and e =12.
= 1.7682

D e t e r m i n e the following: (a) T h e o r e t i c a l c*; (b) (c) From Eq. (1-31).

t h e o r e t i c a l Cf at sea level a n d in space; (c) t h e o -
retical (Is)tc at sea level and in space; (d) actual c*, if C* "Cf
T h e o r e t i c a l Is
c* c o r r e c t i o n factor qv*=0.97; (e) actual Cf at sea g
level and in space, if sea-level Cf correction factor nf
= 0.983; (f) actual (Is)tc at sea level and in space; (g) At sea level:
(Is)tc correction factor at sea level; (h) thrust at sea
level and in space; and (i) actual At and Ae. 5830 x 1.5918
T h e o r e t i c a l (Is)tc = = 288.4 lb s/lb
Solution 1-3
In space:
(a) From Eq. (1-32a):
5830 x 1.7682
T h e o r e t i c a l (Is)tc -- = 3 1 9 . 6 lb s/lb
T h e o r e t i c a l c* =
_ ) ....
(d) From Eq. (1-41):
2 ~-i
~' +1
Actual c* = ~v* • theoretical c*

= 0.97 x 5830 = 5650 ft/s

.2 × 1.2 x 22.67 x 6540
. . . . . (e) From Eq. (1-39):

= 5830 ft/s Actual Cf - ~f- theoretical Cr

At sea level.
0b) From Eq. (1-33a):
Actual C f = 0.983 x 1.5918 = 1.566

T h e o r e t i c a l Cf = In space:

.ggz \gvL, [
. ._

/2-/2 ( 2 '~ ` + ' - Pc - Pal

I m 14.7
\(Pc),-,s,/ -(pc)n~J Actual Cf = 1.566 + 12 x

- 1 . 5 6 6 + 0.1764 = 1.7424
From Sample Calculation 1 - 2 : P e = 9 . 8 5 psia

At sea level Pa=14.7 psia. (0 At sea level:

5650 x 1.566
Actual (Is)tc = = 275 lb s/lb
T h e o r e t i c a l Cf = 2.247 x
(985 ,,6 32.2
1 \1000]
In space:
9.85 - 14.7
+12X 5650 x 1.7424
1000 Actual (Is)tc = -306 lb s/lb
4.85 x 12
= 2.247 x x/1 - 0 . 4 6 2 5 - (g) From Eq. (1-40):
Actual (Is)tc at sea level
= 2.247 x 0.734 x 0.0582 (Is)tc c o r r e c t i o n factor =
r/v at sea level T h e o r e t i c a l (Is)tc at
= 1.65 - 0.0582 sea level
= 1.5918 288.4

Or from Eq. (1-43): Bipropellants

fly = rlv* "~f = 0.97 X 0.983 = 0.954 A liquid-bipropellant system employs two different
propellants, usually an oxidizer and a fuel. Separate
(h) From Eq. (1-31). tanks hold oxidizer and fuel, which are not mixed
until they reach the combustion chamber. Present-
Thrust F at sea level = Wtc" (Is)re at sea level day liquid-propellant rocket engines use bipro-
pellants almost exclusively because they offer higher
= 360.7 X 275 = 99,200 lb performance and safer operation.
Many bipropellant combinations employ igni-
Thrust F in space = XVtc-(Is)re in space tion devices such as (a) chemical pyro-technic
igniters, (b) electric spark plugs, (c) injection of a
= 360.7 X 306 = 108,500 lb s p o n t a n e o u s l y ignitable liquid fuel or oxidizer
Cpyrophoric fluid") ahead of the propellant proper,
(i) From Eq. (1-33): or (d) a small combustor wherein ignition is started
by devices (a) or (b), in turn starting the main
F 99,200 chamber by the hot gas produced.
= 63.4 in. 2 Other bipropellant combinations, called
At = Ct. (Pc),-,s = 1.566 x 1,000
hypergolics, ignite spontaneously upon mixing and
Ae = e • A~ = 12 X 63.4 = 760.8 in.' thus permit greatly simplified ignition, but also pose
certain hazards. For instance, accidental mixing of
the fuel and oxidizer due to tank or other hardware
failures could cause a violent explosion. These
1.5 LIQUID PROPELLANTS hazards must be considered when designing an
engine system using hypergolics.
The term "liquid propellant" covers both liquid
oxidizers (liquid oxygen, liquid fluorine, nitric acid, Cryogenic Propellants
etc.) and liquid fuels (RP-1, alcohol, liquid hydrogen,
etc.). In some cases, additives are used (water, ferric Some liquid propellants are liquefied gases of very
chloride, etc.). The propellants furnish the energy low boiling point (-230 to -430"F) at ambient pressure
and the working fluid for the rocket engines. The and low critical temperature (10 to -400"F). These
selection of the propellants is one of the most propellants are defined as cryogenics. The most
important steps in the design of an engine. It greatly c o m m o n cryogenic propellants for rocket appli-
affects overall engine system performance as well as cations are liquid oxygen (02), liquid hydrogen (H2),
the design criteria for each engine component. The liquid fluorine (F2), oxygen difluoride (OF2), or
propellant selection in turn is influenced by price, mixtures of some of them. Cryogenic propellants
supply, handling, and storage considerations. pose storage and handling problems. Elaborate in-
sulation must minimize losses due to boiloff; the
Monopropellants complexity of the insulation will depend on storage
period and type of cryogenic. Recently, novel
Liquid monopropellants may be either a mixture of insulating techniques have been under development
oxidizer and combustible matter or a single that should greatly reduce boiloff losses. Adequate
compound that can be decomposed with attendant venting systems are needed for the developed gases.
heat release and gasification. A rocket mono- Storage and handling equipment and components
propellant must be stable in a natural or controlled are extremely sensitive to atmospheric or other
environment, yet should produce hot combustion or moisture; even minute quantities may cause a jam-
decomposition gases when pressurized, heated, or ming of, for instance, a valve. The design criteria,
fed through a catalyst. A liquid-monopropellant including materials selection for engine systems
engine system usually does have the advantage of using cryogenic propellants, must consider the very
simplicity of tankage, feed plumbing, flow control, low temperatures involved. The mechanical design of
and injection. Unfortunately, most of the practical engine components for cryogenic-propellant appli-
m o n o - p r o p e l l a n t s , such as h y d r o g e n p e r o x i d e cations will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
(H202), have a relatively low performance. Therefore
they are mainly used as secondary power sources in Storable Liquid Propellants
rocket engine systems, such as for turbopump gas
generators, auxiliary power drives, and attitude and In contrast to the cryogenics, certain other liquid
roll-control jets. Certain high-performance propellants are stable over a reasonable range of
monopropellants, such as methyl nitrate(CH3NO3) , temperature and pressure, and are sufficiently non-
are rather unstable and are considered unsafe for reactive with construction materials to permit storage
rocket applications. However, some monopropellants in closed containers for periods of a year or more.
that promise relatively high-performance and safer These propellants are defined as storables. Storable
operational characteristics have b e e n u n d e r liquid propellants permit almost instant readiness of
development recently. If successful, these may effect the rocket engine and may result in greater reliability
wider application of liquid-monopropellant engines. due to the absence of extremely low temperatures

and the need to dispose of boiloff vapors. Appli- importance may vary as a function of application:
cation of storables to military vehicles as well as to
the upper stages of space vehicles has increased in • High energy release per unit of propellant
recent years. The mechanical design of storable- mass, combined with low molecular weight of
propellant engine c o m p o n e n t s will be further the combustion or decomposition gases, for
discussed in subsequent chapters. high specific impulse.
• Ease of ignition.
Additives for Liquid Propellants • Stable combustion.
• High density or high density impulse to min-
Sometimes additives are mixed into liquid propel- imize the size and weight of propellant tanks
lants to improve cooling characteristics, to depress and feed systems.
freezing point, to reduce corrosive effects, to • Ability to serve as an effective coolant for the
facilitate ignition, and to stabilize combustion. thrust chamber (optimum combination of high
specific heat, high thermal conductivity, and
Optimum Mixture Ratio high critical temperature).
• Reasonably low vapor pressure at 160"F (a
A certain ratio of oxidizer weight to fuel weight in a frequent specification value for military
bipropellant combustion chamber will usually yield a applications) for low tank weight and low net
maximum performance value called the optimum positive pump suction head requirement.
mixture ratio. As a rule, the optimum mixture ratio is • Low freezing point (preferably less than -65"F)
richer in fuel than the stoichiometric mixture ratio to facilitate engine operation at low tem-
and theoretically will see all the fuel completely perature.
oxidized and the flame temperature at a maximum. • Absence of corrosive effects; compatibility with
This is because a gas slightly richer in fuel tends to engine construction materials.
have a lower molecular weight, which results in • For storables: good storability as assisted by a
higher overall engine system performance. The high boiling point (preferably above 160"F) and
optimum mixture ratio of some propellant combin- by the resistance to deterioration during
ations shifts slightly with changes in c h a m b e r storage.
pressure. Also, in actual application the mixture ratio • Low viscosity (preferably less than 10 cp down
may be shifted away from the optimum value for one to -65"F) to minimize pressure drops through
of the following reasons: lower chamber temperature feed system and injector.
to stay within the temperature limitations of chamber • High thermal and shock stability to minimize
construction material, required coolant flow, or explosion and fire hazard.
better combustion stability. • Low toxicity of raw propellants, their fumes, and
their combustion products.
Density Impulse • Low cost.
• Availability.
In addition to the overall system-oriented specific
impulse, as discussed in section 1-3, an important Liquid-Propellant Performance and
propellant-performance parameter called density Physical Properties
impulse expresses the total impulse delivered per
unit volume of the propellant. It is defined as follows: Detailed methods to calculate the performance for
any given liquid propellant or propellant corn-
Density impulse = Is°d (s) (1-45) bination can be found in the One-Dimensional
Equilibrium (ODE) and Two-Dimensional Kinetics
where d = bulk density or the propellant corn- (TDK) m e t h o d o l o g i e s d e v e l o p e d by NASA for
bination's specific weight: government and industry use and documented in
(rw - 1) NASA SP-273, One-Dimensional Equilibrium, Mar
d . , _ ~
rw 1 1976; NAS 9-12652 Two-Dimensional Kinetic (TDK)
do + d~ (1-46) Reference Computer Program, Dec 1973. For the
theoretical calculations, it is generally assumed that
rw = (oxidizer/fuel) weight mixture ratio the ideal conditions exist as described in section 1.3
do = bulk density of the oxidizer, specific weight (Gas Flow Processes) of this chapter. The prime
df = bulk density of the fuel, specific weight objective of propellant performance calculations is
to derive the quantities c*, Cf, and Is. These are
Selection of Liquid Propellants obtained from evaluation of the flame or chamber
temperature (Tc)ns, the gas mean molecular weight
When selecting a propellant or propellant corn- M, and the specific heat ratio g for a given (Pc)ns, Pe
bination for a specific application, it is well to realize and Pa. The chamber temperature is calculated in
that most propellants, in addition to their advan- the ODE methodology from the heat of the chemical
tages, may have certain disadvantages. Thus, pro- reaction of the propellants and from the specific
pellant selection usually includes some heat of the gases.
compromises. The more important and desirable Inputs to the theoretical ODE and TDK
p r o p e l l a n t features are listed here; order of programs include propellant formulation, state of the

Table 1-4 Theoretical performance of rocket propellant combinations (prepared by Rocketdyne

Chemical and Material Technology).
"To A~roximate lop•
at O~er Pressures
Conditions Symbols and UnNs Propellants Pressures Multiply by
Adi~:~c combustion I TheoreSc~ maximum specific Impulse, s JANAF ~ r m o c ~ m i ~ da~ used ~roughout 1.000 1. ~
I s e n ~ i c expansion r Mi~ure raW.mass o~dizer/mass fuel • EARTH-STORABLE:at room temperature, ~ ° F 0.99
One-dimension= expansion d Bulk densi~ ~M/T.V, g/c• 3 • SPACE-STORABLE:ar~rarily, NBP > -238°F O98
Shifting ~uili~ium CRYOGENIC 700 0.97
Tc Chamber temperature, F 600 0.95
C* Ch~acteh~ic veloci~, Ws 500 O.93
40O 0.91
3OO 0.88 ..

Optimum ~ p a n s i o n , Pc = 1 , 0 ~ psia .-, Pe = 14.7 psia Vacuum Expansion, Pc = 1 , 0 ~ psia .--, ~ = 40

. . . . . . . . .
Oxidizer Fuel lop= r Tc 'd C* 3800 350 400 450 500 Oxidizer Fuel ,~:c r Tc d "'C °''350 400 450 500 550
' I. . . . . . . . . . . .
Hz 389.4 4 . 1 3 4964 0.29 7927 [ ] H a ' ~ H2 455.3 4.83 5392 0.32 7828 • m m l
H 2 - ~ 49~1 • 459.0 0 . 8 7 4636 0.23 9293 Hz-Be 49/51 • ~0.3 0.91 4692 0.24 9350
CH4 309.6 3 . 2 1 5900 0.82 6091 • I CH4 368.9 3.45 5954 0.83 6030 • |
• C2He 306.7 2.89 6008 0.90 6038 • I • C2Hs 365.7 3.10 6~4 0.91 5986 •
• C2H4 311.5 2 . 3 8 6307 0.88 6150 • | ;• C2H4 370.9 2.59 6370 0.89 6085 • l
LOX ~ • RP-1 300.1 2 . 5 8 6157 1.03 5902 [ ] ! LOX~ i• RP-1 358.2 2.77 6202 1.03 5850 • 1
• NzH4 312.8 0 . 9 2 5669 1.07 6207 i I ,• N2H4 353.1 0.98 5695 1.07 6162 •
• BsHo 318.8 2 . 1 2 6933 0.92 6218' i • ;• BsH9 383.5 2.16 6985 0.92 6215 • i
• BzHs 341.9 1 . 9 6 6312 0.74 6696 • / I• BzH6 409.8 2.06 6445 0.75 6689 • H i
CH4/H2 92.6~.4 319.0 3 . 3 6 5873 0.71 6298 • • ~CH4/Hz92.6G.4 379.5 363 5949 0.72 6224 • i
~J _ ,
GOX ~ • GH2 407.9 3.29 4669 - 8366 • i i GOX~ '• GHz 457.7 3 . 9 2 5184 - 8263 • i HI

Hz 411.8 7.94 6672 0.46 8385 [ ] i l I • ~ H2 479.3 9.74 7205 0.52 8301 • i I •
Hz-11 6 5 . 2 ~ . 0 i 434.3 0.96 3326 0.19 8792 ~H2-Li60.7/39.38 515.3 1.08 3585 0.21 8714
CH4 348.4 4.53 7084 1.03 6786 [ ] i I~ CH4 415.8 4.74 7111 1.04 6773 • ~ |
• CzHs 340.3 3.68 7077 1.09 6624 W i • CzHs 4~.8 3.78 7~3 1.10 ~07 • i l
F2 ~ • MMH 348.3 2.39 7365 1.24 6769 i i F2~ • MMH 415.4 2.47 73~ 1.24 6520 • ~ R
• N2H4 365.3 2 . 3 2 8 0 6 2 1.31 7281 • i l • N2H4 430.1 2.37 8074 1.31 6963 • ~ •
• NH3 360.3 3 . 3 2 7839 ~1.12 7199 [ ] l I • NH3 4~.8 3 . 3 5 7846 1.12 7 1 ~ • B •
I• BsHo 357.3 5 . 1 4 9 1 2 2 1.23 7045 [ ] i I• BsH9 427.7 5 . 5 8 9181 1.25 7020 • ~ •
H2 409.6 5 . 9 2 5992 0.39 8341• l l I ;~ H2 477.4 7.37 6489 0.44 8198 I
CH4 355.6 4.94 75151 1.06 7085 i H i~ CH4 421.5 5.58 7805 1.09 7017 i ~ m
• C2H6 358.3 3.87 8202 1.13 7140 i i I • CzH6 422.1 3.86 8200 1.13 7139 • i •
OF= • • RP_1 349.4 3.87 8 0 1 7 1.28 6994 [ ] i OF2A • RP-1 410.3 3.85 8010 1.28 6989•6l
,• MMH 349.7 2.28 7367 1.24 6952 i i • MMH 415.0 2.58 7471 1.26 6 ~ 9 i H •
i• N2H4 345.0 1.51 6 8 1 6 1.26 6848 • e • N2H4 4~.0 1.65 6897 1.27 6828iBI
• BAl185 335.3 1.75 6739 1.24 6643 • a m • BAl185 398.8 1.92 6816 1.25 6621 m ~
• B2He 372.8 3.95 8094 1.01 7363 • H I • BzHs 445.6 3.98 8107 1.02 7109 • H i
• BsH~ 361.1 4 . 1 6 8717 1.20 7096 • l I • BsH9 432.5 4.30 8751 1.21 7090•~mm
_ .
" ~ HZ 395.0 ' 4.80 5349 0.32 8049 H i i ~
~o Hz 461.2 5.70 5783 0.36 7930:imil
3ono • RP-1 316.6 3.01 6629 1.09 6280• • ~o • RP-1 377.2 3.30 6677 1.10 6198 i i
FLOX 7or3o• RP-1 344.6 3.84 7882 1.20 6910 i ~ FLOX To~ • RP-1 403.6 3.84 7881 1.20 6~ ~i i
eT.~Z.~ • MMH 359.7 2.82 8049 1.24 7188 • ~ I e75/I;s [ ] MMH 423.3 2.83 8~7 1.23 7172 • H i
. . . . ,.
CH4 319.1 6.44 6701 1.15 6289 = • CH4 376.7 6.51 6705 1.15 6282i•
• C2H~ 309.7 3.67 6766 1.13 6051 • m • CzH4 368.6 3.71 6769 1.14 6046 • •
• MMH 322.8 3.35 6906 1.32 6325 • i • MMH ~0.6 3.39 6913 1.32 6318•B
NzF~• • N~H~ 3~.0 3.22 7617 1.38 6755 • m m N2F4• • HzH4 3~.5 3.25 7621 1.38 6751 • i
• NH3 326.9 4 . 5 8 7344 1.22 6627 • • • NH3 379.9 4 . ~ 7343 1.22 ~ • •
• BsH9 332.5 7.76 8656 1.34 6551 • i B • BsH9 397.8 8.31 8677 1.35 6 5 3 5 i /
• MMH 302.2 2 . 8 2 6470 1.40 8027 i i MMH 3~.9 2 . 8 3 6474 1.40 6027 [ ]
• NzH4 313.2 2.66 7041 1.47 6350 • 1 i N2H4 365.3 2.71 7061 1.47 6346 •
I CLFs • • MHF3 303.2 2 . 7 8 6467 1.41 8049 i l CLFs• • MHF3 356.9 281 6474 1.41 6050 •
• MHF5 305.0 2 . 4 6 6723 1.46 6114 • 1 • MHFs 357.1 2 . 4 9 6732 1.46 6112 •

• MMH 284.6 2.97 6165 1.42 5706 • • MMH 334.1 3 . 0 1 6175 1.42 5706 •
iCLF= • • NiH 4 294.4 2.81 6 6 0 2 1.49 5985 • CLF=• • N2H4 342.4 2 . 8 9 ~31 1.50 5977 I

• MMH 288.5 2.17 5652 1.19 5726 • • MMH 341.5 2.37 ~57 1.20 5657 m
I I MMH-BE 76.6~9.4 316.9 0.99 5779 1.17 6096 • | HI MMH-Be70.8~.2 379.6 1.10 6244 1.21 ~ • i
I I MMH-AL63.0~7.0 295.0 0.85 5961 1.27 5855 • | | MMH-AL 58/42 353.1 0.87 6242 1.31 5810 •
N=O~• • NzH~ 292.0 1.36 6418 1.21 5843 • N204• • N2H4 343.8 1.42 5419 1.22 5808 i
IIN2H4-UDMH 50/50 288,9 1.98 5603 1.12 5731 • I|N2H4-UDMH ~/50 341.7 2.15 5605 1.20 5679
II N2H4_BE80~0 327.4 0 . 5 1 5 5 0 0 1.20 6293 • • | | NzH4-Be 76.6~3.4 392.8 0.80 5846 122 6277 •
• BsH ~ 298.7 3 . 1 8 6653 1.11 5 ~ 8 ! n • BsH9 358.5 3.26 6703 1.11 5642 •

• MMH 289.7 2 . 2 8 5707 1.17 5751 • • MMH 342.9 2 . 5 0 5716 1.18 ~ 2 •

MON-25• • NzH4 293.1 1 . 4 3 5473 1.19 5662 [ ] MON-25B • N2H4 345.0 1.51 5479 120 5825 •

• Hydyne 269.2 3 . 2 6 5158 1.~ 5339I| • Hydyne 318.7 3.41 5142 1.31 5304 |
(Ill-A) • MMH 274.5 2.59 5160 1.27 5464 • (Ill-A) • • MMH 324.3 2.71 5146 1.28 ~29
• UDMH 272.2 3.13 5205 1.26 5406 • • UDMH 322.1 3.31 5187 1 . 2 7 5361 |
• HydYne 274.4 3 . 0 5 5358 1.32 5432;n • HYDYNE 325.2 3 . 2 5 5344 1.33 5385 |
IRFNA• • MMH 279.8 2 . 4 3 5347 1.29 ~ 3 1 [ ] IRFNA [ ] • MMH 330.8 2 . 5 8 5337 1.31 5512 |
(IV, HDA) (IV, HDA) =
U~M. 277.4 2~ 54Ol 1.28 54~= UDMH 328.6 3 . 1 2 5391 129 5452 l

• ..~ 284.7 3.46 49:~8 1.24 5663= • MMH 336.8 3.69 4~5 1.24 5623 •
• N2H4 286.7 2 . 0 5 4804 1.24 5745 HE =• N2H4 337.6 2.12 4793 1.25 5723 •
H20= •
HzO2• I I NiH4-Be 74.5/25.5 335.6 0 . 4 8 5279 1.21 6375 [ ] • a| NzH4-Be 403.5 0.57 5608 1.24 6364 m ~
,• B5H9 307.8 2.20 4833 1.02 5996 [ ] • BsH9 371.6 2.~ 4707 1.01 5~1 • l
* BzHe 341.0" 1 . 1 6 4 ~ 8 0.63 ~ 2 3 [ ] m B2Hs 403.4 1 . 1 6 4 ~ 8 0.63 6823 • ~
NzH~B ;• BsHe 326.9 1 . 2 7 4426 0.80 5432 [ ] i N2H4• i• B2Hg 389.7 1.27 4426 0.80 6431 • ~
BAl185: 50.5%MMH, 29.8% NzH4, 19.7% H20 HYDYNE" 60% UDMH, 40% DETA 5245-422
MHF-3: 86% MMH, 14% NzH4 IRFNA Ill-A: 83.4%HNO3, 14% NO2, 2% HzO, 0.6% HF
MHF-5: 55% MMH. 26% NzH4,19% N2HsNO3 IRFNA IV HDA: 54.3% HNO3, 44% NO2,1% H20, 0.7% HF
MON-25: 25% NO, 75% N204 RP-I: MIL-P-25576C

Table 1 - 5 General data o n s o m e storable liquid rocket propellants.

Mol. Freeing Boiling Vapor Density Materials
Propellant Point Point P~eaure b"tabHity Handling Slorability
r.~rmu~ U~ (m) ('F) CF) pro) gn~cc Hazard Compatibility

Aniline C6 "5 NH2 Fuel, 93.2 21 364 025 at 1.022 at Good Good Good AI., steel, Teflon, KeI-F
coolant 160"F 68"F

Bromine pentaflooride Bd:5 Oxid., 174.9 -90.5 104.5 41 at 2.48 at Up 1o800"F Reacts with Good AI., alloy, 18-8 stainless
coolant 160"F 68"F fuel steel, nickel alloy, copper,

Chlorine trifluoddo Cl F3 Oxid. 92.5 -105.4 53.15 80 at 1.825 at Up Io 600"F Toxic Good AI., alloy, 18-8 stainless
140"F 68"F below steel, nickel alloy, copper,
140"F Teflon

92.5% E.A. (ethyl C 2 H 50+.1 Fuel, 41.25 -189 172 13 at 0.81 at Good Flammable Good AI., steel, nickel alloy,
alcohol) coolant 160"F 60"F below Teflon,KeI-F, polyethylene

Hydrazine N2 H4 Fuel, oxid., 32.05 34.5 235.4 2.8 at 1.01 at Up Io 300"F Toxic, Good N., 304.307 stainless steel,
coolant 160'F 68"F flammable Teflon, KeI-F, polyethylene

95% hydrogen H2 02 Monoprop., 32.57 21.9 294.8 0.05 at 1.414 at Unstable Hazardous Deleri- AI., stainless steel, Teflon,
peroxide oxid., 7TF 77"F decomposi, skin contact, orates KeI-F
coolant tion at 285"F flammable at 1%/yr

98% hydrogen H 20 2 Same as 33.42 27.5 299.2 0.043 at 1.432at Same as ,Sameas Same Same as above
peroxide above 77"F 77"F above above as

Hydyne (40% "Deta" NH(C2H4 NH 2) 2, Fuel, 72.15 -65 140 to 16.5 at 0.855 at Good Toxic Good AI.,stainless steel, Teflon,
60% "UDMH') (CH3)2 NNH 2 coolant 400 60"F 60"F KeI-F

IFRNA (inhibitedred 82% HNC~, 15% Oxid., 55.9 -57 150 17.3 al 1.57 at Good Toxic, Good AI., stainless steel, Teflon,
fuming nitric acid) NO 2, 2% H2 O, coolant 160"F 68'F hazardous KeI-F, polyethylene
1% HF skin contact

JP-4 (jet propulsion C9 661419 Fuel, 128 -76 270 to 72 at 0.747 to Good Vapor Good AI., steeD,nickel alloy,
fuel) coolant 470 160"F 0.825 at explosive neoprene, Tellon, KeI.F
MMH (mono- CH3 NH-NH2 Fuel, 48.08 -63 187 8.8 at 0.878 at Good Toxic Good AI., 304.307 stainless steel,
melhylhydrazine) coolant 160"F 68"F Teflon, KeI-F, polyethylene

Nitrogen telroxide N204 Oxid. 92.02 11 70 111 at 1.44 at Functionof Very toxic, Good AI., stainless steel, nickel
160"F 68"F temp. hazardous when alloy, Teflon
skin contact dry

Pentaborane B5 H9 Fuel 63.17 -5228 140.11 19 at 0.61 at Good Explosive on Good AI., steel, copper, Teflon,
160"F 68"F exposure to KeI-F, Viton A
air. very toxic

Propyl nitrate C5 H 7 NO3 Fuel, I05.09 -130.9 231 3.7 at 1.06 at Fair Sensitive to Good AI., stainless steel, Teflon.
coolant 160"F 68"F shock KeI-F

RP-I (rocket MiI-Spec- Fuel, 165 to -47 lo 342 to 0.33 at 0.8 to 0.82 Auto. ignition Flammable Good At., steel, nickel alloy,
propellant) F25576B coolant 195 -64 507 160"F at 68"F at 470"F copper, Tellon, KeI-F,

TEA (tri- (C2 H5) 3 AI Fuel, start 114.15 -49.9 381 0.40 at 0.83668.Fat ~ ' F Ignites on Good AI., steel, copper, Teflon
elhylaluminum) compound 160"F contact with

TMA (trimethylamine) (CH3 ) 3 N Fuel 59.11 -179 37 108 at 0.603 at Good Good Good AI., steel, copper, Teflon
160"F 68'F
TMB-1, 3-0 (NNN'- (CH3)2 N-CH2 Fuel, 144.2 -131 320 1.32 at 0.795 at Stable 1 h at Good AI., 347 stainless steel,
N'-lelramethybu- CH 2 -CH-N coolant 160"F 68"F 500"F polye~ylene
lane-l, 3-diamine) (CH3) 2 C'H 3

TNM (tetra. C(NO 2 ) 4 Oxid. 196.04 57.3 259 238 at 1.64 at Thermal Shock Good AI., mild steel, Teflon, KeI-F
nitromethane) 165"F 68"F unstable sensitive below
UDMH (unsym- (CH3)2 NNH2 Fuel, 60,08 -72 146 17.6 at 0.789 at Good Toxic Good AI., stainless steel, Teflon,
metrical di- coolant 160"F 68"F KeI-F

WFNA (white fuming 97.5%HNO,2% Oxid., 59.9 -45 186 9.09 at .46 to 1.52 Oecomp. Toxic, Fair AI., stainless steel, Teflon,
nitric acid) H2 O, 0.5% NO 2 coolant 160"F at 68'F above100"F hazardous KeI-F, polyethylene
skin contact

Table 1-6 G e n e r a l data o n s o m e c r y o g e n i c liquid rocket propellants.

! . . . . . . .

Mol. Freezing Boiling Critical Crilical at Handle Materials
Propellants Formula Use wt. Point, Point, Press., Temp., Boiling Stability Hazard Compatibility
"F "F psia "F Point
, , .... , ,,, ,

Ammonia NH3 Fuel, 17.03 -108 -28 0.683 Good Toxic, AI., steel, lead,
coolant flammable Teflon, KeI-F,
Vitron A
Liquid F2 Oxid. 38.00 -364 -307 808 -200.5 1.509 Good Very toxic, AI.m, 300 series
fluorine flammable stainless steel,
nickel alloy,
Uquid H2 Fuel, 2.016 -434.6 -422.9 187.8 -400.3 0.071 Good Flammable Stainless steel,
hydrogen coolant nickel alloy, AI.
alloy, KeI-F
Liquid O2 Oxid. 32.00 -362 -297 4 735 -182 1.142 Good Good AI., stainless
oxygen steel, nickel
alloy, copper,
Teflon, KeI-F
Oxygen OF2 Oxid. 54.00 -299 719 -72.3 1.521 Good Very toxic, AI., 300 series
difluoride flammable stainless steel,
nickel alloy,
Ozone 03 Oxid 48.00 -420 -168 804 10.2 1.460 Above Very toxic, AI., 300 series
20% flammable stainlesssteel,
explosive Teflon, KeI-F

propellant (liquid, gas or solid), temperature at Real-gas expansion is controlled by finite-rate

which energy level is calculated (heat of formation), chemistry. A shift occurs in the equilibrium process
chamber pressure, and mixture ratio. during expansion, the amount of shift governed by
Computed-program outputs include the following residence time, temperature, and pressure for the
data for both combustion chamber and expansion expanding gases. Kinetic performance losses occur
nozzle: pressure, temperature, molecular weight, gas because the chemical reactions are not fully
specific heat ratio, Mach number, enthalpy, entropy, reversible. A lesser amount of recombination occurs
density, sonic velocity, area ratio, species list and in the nozzle. Special computer programs are used
to deter-mine the "kinetic" maximum for per-
concentrations, and C*, Cf and Is.
formance. They are part of the TDK package.
Three approaches are taken to describe the The delivered values for C*, Cf and Is are
theoretical gas-expansion characteristics within the reduced from the theoretical values owing to the
chamber and expanding nozzle: frozen, equilibrium, losses described in the JANNAF performance section,
and kinetics. in the following degrees: incomplete combustion (0-
The flow process is considered to be "frozen" 5%), reaction kinetics losses (0-8%), nozzle-
when the gas composition does not change from the divergence losses (0-5 %), and boundary-layer drag
chamber to the nozzle exit. The flow process is losses (0-3 %). In practice it has been found that
considered to be in "equilibrium" if the gas com- actual test results for total delivered Is is usually 3-
position does change between the chamber and 12% lower than the theoretical values, depending on
nozzle exit. Equilibrium expansion represents the thrust, chamber-pressure, and propellant combin-
highest level for energy release. Equilibrium per- ation. Table 1-4 shows the relative performance of
formance is calculated to be a higher value because a large n u m b e r of propellant combinations.
the reactions are reversible. The energy-consuming Physical properties of important liquid
dissociated species recombine in the nozzle and add monopropellants and bipropellants are given in
to the chemical energy release for the system. Tables 1-5 and 1-6.
Chapter 2
Engine Requirements and Preliminary Design Analyses
2.1 INTRODUCTION cussed. These requirements dictate the features and
goals that are to be emphasized during the design
A liquid-propellant rocket engine converts the process. This leads into typical optimizations to meet
chemical energy contained in tanks into a propulsive mission requirements. Next comes selection of the
force that will propel the vehicle and payload from optimum engine components. Some advanced en-
one place to another. The most encompassing gine component concepts will be discussed, and then
design goal for the rocket engine(s) is to meet all of some of the procedures used to optimize them re-
the mission requirements at the least mission life- viewed. The section concludes with discussion of
cycle cost. Desired characteristics of a rocket engine design philosophy and considerations to be kept in
include high thrust-to-weight ratio and high thrust per mind during the entire design process. This leads
unit of flowrate (specific impulse, Is). High specific into the sample engine concepts and designs
impulse and high thrust-to-weight can lead to lower presented in Chapter 3 and the component concepts,
cost per pound of payload in orbit. Simplicity, ro- designs, and integration presented in the remainder
bustness, and reliability of the power-cycle com- of the text.
ponents are important links in establishing overall
vehicle reliability, maintenance, and life (which have 2.2 MAJOR ROCKET-ENGINE DESIGN
a direct effect on system life-cycle cost). Besides PARAMETERS
high performance (specific impulse and weight)ma
requirement of paramount importance for attain- To configure the engine system properly with a
ment of mission goals--they too will be very de- vehicle, design and development specifications will
sirable requirements for the engine system and its have to cover the following parameters above all:
components. thrust level, performance (specific impulse), run
The tasks .of engine preliminary design and duration, propellant mixture ratio, weight of engine
optimization are the judicious selection of com- system at burnout, envelope (size), reliability, cost,
ponents and component arrangements so that all the and availability (time table-schedule).
desired qualities enumerated above can be fully re- As the design progresses, numerous additional
fined and mission goals satisfied with minimum parameters will have to be considered. Before
investment and risk. This process begins with an turning to them, we briefly review and discuss those
initial optimization of an engine cycle configuration listed above. It should be noted that the last five
that meets a set of vehicle/engine requirements out- items are closely interdependent. For instance, mak-
lined by the customer. Component specifications ing an engine available in the shortest possible time
established from this initial process are then scruti-
nized by specialists. The succeeding optimizations
and refinements aim to endow the engine system Mission J
with all the desired characteristics. Definilion
In the first step of preliminary design (Fig. 2-1),
the vehicle requirements are used to establish a large I, Vehicle
number of the engine requirements. These, together
with candidate component definitions, are then used
to scope possible engines within reasonable tech-
Engine Technology ~ Component
nology limitations. With an approach decided upon, Requirements t Limits Delinition
the preliminary design process can begin in earnest, 'I '
first on the engine and then including the com-
ponents that make it up. This requires some iteration EngineCandidate I
and feedback because the engine is needed to define
the components but, at the same time, it is made up 1
of the components. A reasonable guess of the com-
ponent characteristics will be needed in the be- ¢
ginning to describe the engine preliminary design so I Engine
that its characteristics may be obtained. From these, [,,PreliminaryDes!,gnI
the component characteristics are refined through a
process of optimization and iteration. Detailed
component design then follows.
The following discussion presents the sequence
I EngineComponent
of considerations in preliminary design process. I, FinalizedDesign I
First, the major rocket-engine design parameters that
are typically required by the vehicle are defined. Fig. 2-1 Flowchart for rocket-engine
Next, the requirements of various misgions are dis- preliminary design.

("crash program") will raise the cost and will considered the prime performance parameter. As
unfavorably affect reliability. A longer design and de- was seen in Chapter 1, specific impulse, also referred
velopment period m a y not necessarily reduce cost, to as specific thrust, is measured in "seconds" (not
but it will offer higher values in exchange for the the dimension of time, but an abbreviation of the di-
dollar~higher reliability, refined (lower) weight, and mension lb-s/lb; lb/(lb/s) means (specific thrust). It
an optimized (smaller) envelope. is important to state whether a specified value of Is
refers to the complete engine system or to the thrust
Thrust Level chamber only. Frequently, by stating a percentage an
"actual" or "practical" value of Is is linked to the
This engine parameter, a basic one, similar to the maximum value theoretically possible. The theo-
power rating of a gasoline engine or electric motor, retical values for the better-known propellant com-
will affect most of the other engine parameters and binations are well established, and as a result prac-
many of the development considerations. tical values have become quite predictable. Combin-
The total thrust required of a rocket-propelled ations less well-known have often produced disap-
vehicle will predominantly be governed by the total pointments. Great caution should be exercised in the
takeoff weight of the vehicle (including engine) and use of theoretical values that have not been verified
the minimum and maximum accelerations permis- in tests.
sible. The number of engines to be used decides the In recent years, the performance of a rocket
proper engine thrust level. This decision is often engine, as expressed by its specific impulse, has
strongly influenced by the availability of already received considerable attention, far beyond its true
existing engines, which would eliminate, or at least significance. In June 1959, Theodore von Karman
drastically reduce, the design and development cost observed:
for the propulsion system. The selection of individual
engine thrust level also is-or at least should b e - It is my personal belief that the length of the
influenced by the general state of the art, particularly period of attaining reasonable reliability in the
if sizes substantially larger than previously developed d e v e l o p m e n t process could be essentially
are considered. reduced if simple design were emphasized as a
More recently, largely as a result of the advent of leading principle, even if we had to m a k e some
manned rocket flight and of the high cost of very sacrifice in the q u a n t i t a t i v e m e a s u r e o f
large vehicle systems, the decision to use a many- "efficiency." Essential elements have to be de-
engined (clustered) propulsion system has b e e n signed as simply as possible, even if this means
additionally affected by safety considerations, to a reduction in quantitative efficiency a n d a
permit mission completion, or at least safe return of certain increase of bulkiness and~or weight.
the crew, in case of an engine failure. This "engine
out" principle is analogous to the consideration of Undoubtedly, his observations were prompted by a
multiple- vs. single-engine airplanes. Extensive studies noticeable trend on the part of both the engine
have been conducted on rocket vehicles to establish builder and the customer to sacrifice, or at least to
the "break-even" point regarding the minimum and compromise, nearly all other capabilities of a rocket
maximum number of engines profitably employed in propulsion system for Is increases, which sometimes
a cluster. Failure of single-engined rocket vehicles not amounted to less than one percent.
only might destroy the vehicles but also could cause Frequently, increasing emphasis on Is during the
severe damage to expensive ground facilities. This life of a project can be traced to marginal engineer-
explains the great emphasis placed on thrust ing reserves in the initial vehicle design, especially
subdivision. with weight assumptions and tank capacities. The
Thrust levels for first-stage booster engines, which need for competitive bidding may have contributed
start at or near sea-level altitude and stop at a speci- to this situation.
fied higher altitude, are usually quoted for sea-level
conditions. Additionally, the specifications may
contain information on thrust level at altitudes above Is, S Specific Impulse at Cutoff 298 s
sea level, frequently in the form of a graph (see Fig. 300
2-2). The nominal thrust of engines in stages starting I
and operating at or near vacuum conditions is 275 F Ib
q u o t e d for that environment. Most engines are 280 l
designed for a single nominal thrust (sea level or alti-
tude), for which they are calibrated by means of 250 270l
propellant-line orifices or, less frequently, with the
260 l
aid of regulators. Engines designed for variable !
thrust (throttling) always require some type of regula- 2501" cuto.
tor. This will be discussed further in Chapter 7.
I ,,t I t, I . t ~ t

Performance 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

(SL) Altitude (ft x 103)
Although the general term "performance" of a rocket
engine in the strict sense covers a n u m b e r of Fig. 2-2 Typical rocket-engine performance vs.
parameters (Is, c*, Cf, etc.) specific impulse ( I s ) i s altitude.

On the other hand, the highest Is that can be ob- factors:

tained without compromise will pay off substantially.
For instance, in the case of a typical medium-range • Compliance with specified thrust-vs.-time charac-
ballistic missile, an increase of one second in Is will teristics.
increase range approximately 15 n. mi. In other • Maximum rate of increase at any time during
terms, an Is increase of less than one-half percent will buildup.
increase range one percent. As impressive as these • Freedom from surges and thrust overshoots.
figures for increased flight range are, it should be • Smoothness (freedom from damaging oscilla-
kept in mind that Is should not compromise other tions).
engine properties that will determine whether the • Repeatability from run to run and from engine to
vehicle will fly at all. engine.
Moreover, Is will prove more critical in some
These characteristics will be discussed in greater
applications than others. In a three-stage vehicle, for
detail in Chapter 10, "Engine Systems Design
example, Is is more critical for the third stage than
Integration." Suffice it to state at this point that a
the second, and it is more critical for the second
rocket engine is not easy to adapt to special thrust-
than for the first. A pound of propellant in the third
buildup requirements. Difficulties in this area can
stage is a pound of payload for the second stage, and
arise from inadequate c o m m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n
therefore requires additional second-stage propellant
vehicle and the engine contractors. Both must thor-
to lift it, and so on. (This weight multiplication with
oughly understand the problems.
stage number is discussed in more detail later.) The
The characteristics of engine "shutdown" or
result: more will be gained by maximizing Is for an
"thrust decay" are predominantly influenced by
upper stage than for a lower. Likewise, there is more guidance considerations. To understand this better,
benefit in maximizing Is for a high-velocity mission consider the case of a single-stage, ground-to-ground
than for a low-velocity one. ballistic missile. As the term "ballistic" implies, the
missile imparts a desired speed to a known payload,
Duration in a desired direction from a desired point, after
which the payload coasts freely to the target. This is
Because, by definition, a rocket vehicle carries its analogous to a cannon, where muzzle exit velocity of
own propellant supply, including the oxidizer, its run the projectile, gun-barrel attitude, and location of the
duration will reflect an optimized balance among gun emplacement will determine the point of impact
takeoff weight, trajectory, thrust level, and minimum (neglecting environmental influences such as wind).
and maximum accelerations. Consequently, run- With a ballistic rocket, the gun barrel is literally
duration times of most large liquid-propellant rocket replaced by the guidance system, the intricate com-
engines fall into a relatively narrow band, about 50 to ponents of which not only predetermine the three
400 s (except for t h e Space Shuttle Main Engine, basic parameters mentioned but also have the ability
which operates for 500 s, over both the periods of to compensate for deviations of any or all of them. If,
solid-propellant booster operation and the period to for instance, the trajectory angle near the point of
orbit after booster separation). cutoff is too steep, the guidance system will compen-
User specifications include formal demonstration sate accordingly, by calling for a higher final ve-
(such as preliminary flight rating tests [PFRT] and locity, by slightly delaying the cutoff signal, simul-
qualification tests) requiring accumulated engine taneously considering the distance over ground al-
firing times, without breakdown, of many times the ready covered.
comparatively short-rated flight duration. These spe- It is obvious that a prompt and repeatable execution
cifications therefore govern most engine design of the cutoff signal is imperative. For several reasons,
considerations, with the exception of the following however, it is impossible to effect an instantaneous
areas, which for weight considerations are tailored to thrust cessation: time is required to sense and then
the flight-run duration: transmit the cutoff signal; closing of valves requires a
finite time; structural (hydraulic-hammer) consider-
• Auxiliary tank capacity, for systems which employ ations are superimposed; residual propellants below
a separate turbine power supply. the valves have an effect. Figure 2-3 shows a typical
• Propellant-tank pressurization supply, if it is part thrust-decay diagram. Recall this expression:
of the engine system.
Ft = mAv (2-1)
• Lube-oil tank capacity, if applicable.
• Temperature nonequilibria, such as those of un- Thrust multiplied by time equals mass times velocity
cooled nozzles. increase:
Av = m
Closely related to the run duration are the start m (2-2)
and shutdown characteristics of an engine system, the
requirements for both of which may be very stringent The velocity increase following cutoff signal is a
in a given vehicle system. The characteristics and the function of the residual thrust acting on the vehicle
quality of the "start," or "thrust buildup," of a liquid- mass m, and is integrated over the time from cutoff
propellant rocket engine are judged by the following signal to thrust cessation; this integral is commonly

referred to as the "cutoff impulse." A typical value for however, where the highest possible exhaust velocity
a well-known earlier rocket (Redstone) was 16,000 lb-s is desired, optimum conditions often prevail at other
+2500 lb-s. Note the tolerance. This deviation will than stoichiometric ratios. Equation (1-18) indicates
obviously influence missile accuracy. Reduction of that the gas properties strongly affect exhaust
the tolerance is thus an important design and velocity. The expression for the specific gas constant
development goal. R in Eq. (1-18) may be rewritten as follows:

It might be concluded that a substantial reduction of

the tolerance is the principal task, zero deviation t = wR' (2-3)
being the optimum. This is unfortunately not so M
because the final vehicle mass m, on which the where R' is the universal gas constant and M is the
decaying thrust force acts, is unpredictable within molecular weight of the gas (see Table 1-1). The lower
certain limits, due to weighing tolerances of the the molecular weight, the higher the exhaust velocity,
initial vehicle mass and to flow-rate and mixture-ratio other things being equal. Analytical and experi-
tolerances. The engine designer and developer will mental investigations will determine the optimum
have to concentrate on reducing both: base value balance between energy release (heat) and com-
and tolerance. position (molecular weight) of the gas, a portion of
A glance at Fig. 2-3 will show that the area under which will consist of gasified but unburnt propellants.
the thrust curve is a function of not only decay time The optimum point may also be affected by the
but also of main-stage thrust level. In fact, the major following:
portion of the shaded area is accumulated before the
beginning of thrust decay. This observation has led • Stay time o f the burning gas in the combustion
to the utilization of vernier thrust systems. A vernier chamber. Stay time is a function of combustion-
cutoff system is characterized by a substantial thrust chamber volume and of gas volumetric flow rate.
reduction before cutoff. This can be accomplished by Complete combustion, even though desirable, re-
thrust reduction, for a few seconds, of the main quires a finite time, which will not be available
engine itself (V-2 fashion) or by shutdown of the unless the c h a m b e r is relatively large, and
main engines, while much smaller engines continue correspondingly heavy. A compromise in cham-
for a brief period (typical: 0-25 s, depending on final ber size, therefore, is often made. This leaves
AV required). u n b u r n e d a small percentage even of the
It should be emphasized that any components propellants entering the nozzle, propellants
that must be added to improve cutoff characteristics which could have burned given sufficient time
are basically undesirable; for they will drastically (chamber volume). This percentage must be
increase engine complexity. The addition of such c o n s i d e r e d for accurate determination and
components should be avoided at all costs. Here optimization of the composition of the combus-
again, close coordination becomes vital between the tion gases and when optimizing the gas prop-
vehicle (guidance) designer and engine designer; erties with energy release and system weight.
thorough understanding of their common problems
will be vital. • Cooling c o n s i d e r a t i o n s . The t e m p e r a t u r e s
resulting from stoichiometric or near-stoi-
Mixture ratio chiometric mixture ratios, dependent on propel-
lant type, may impose severe demands on the
Stoichiometric mixture ratio depends on the type of chamber-wall cooling system. A lower tempera-
propellant used. Theoretical temperature and heat ture may therefore be desired, and can be
release are maximum at this ratio. In rocket engines, obtained by selecting a suitable ratio.

• Propellant density. Propellant density can make

Cutoff Valves Start it profitable to deviate from the mixture ratio
Signal to Close
F,% J, --Turbine Power Starts to Decay that yields o p t i m u m specific impulse. For
100 example, in the case of the LOX/LH2 propellant
~,,//,gfl~ i combination, where the density of the oxidizer is
~,5/.,,455/5(./:,% 16 times that of the fuel, vehicle manufacturers
L"//iV/'/~l /_I~ prefer to sacrifice some engine performance to
[,,,"i',i/..,,'i, ,,';,';.%
obtain smaller tanks, and thus lower overall
50 system weight. Typically, an engine mixture ratio
of 6 is used for LOX/LH2, rather than the opti-
',i/.f.',,'5/;'5 }:5;"5".95f~'.~. Are Closed mum Is mixture ratio of approximately 4.5.
.,1;,. i r.,.": , ,
I,".:"7'/,/.t5 ~ii.,~)~: ~, ;;4"~, f ~ - -.
v',¢,.'# ,.,'., f ,4, ~# #,"~ #'. e'
#' # t ,' ,,"
"/.7/,',;.'~ r
.- of Thrust
Once the optimum mixture ratio has been de-
| . ' . i ..,,," J " . t
i .., .,# x " t , " j'~'.,,,-| .,,,' ~,,' ..,,, .,," . , " .#
~ l
all ~" .,," .," . " .,," ,.~" .," ~ termined for a given engine system, based on the
0.5 1.0 1.5 major factors just discussed, it is obvious that
Time from Cutoff Signal (s) deviations from it will penalize engine performance.
Since the vehicle powered by an engine will have
Fig. 2-3 Typical thrust-decay diagram. been sized and tanked to conform with the specified

engine mixture-ratio, it is important to know that turbopump-fed engines, the ratio of thrust to engine
deviations will also lower vehicle performance--cut weight is another useful yardstick. Larger modern
run time, owing to premature exhaustion of one of liquid-propellant rocket engines may fall into a range
the propellants, and reduce mass ratio, owing to from 75 to 125 lb of thrust per pound of engine
excessive residual amounts of the other propellant weight. These figures represent a substantial progress
(increased burnout weight). Since the relationship over the past (see Fig. 2-5).
between engine performance (I s ) and mixture ratio Appendix A presents a more detailed discussion
for many systems is usually relatively fiat near the of the various facets of rocket-engine weight and its
optimum point (Fig. 2-4), the effects from duration interaction with the vehicle. Included are considera-
and burnout weight may well be the most influential tions of dry weight, wet weight, propellant weight,
ones for vehicle range. residual-propellant weight, and payload weight as well
The effects of even minor discrepancies in as the influence of structural weight on propellant
mixture ratio during the rocket-engine operating time weight, and the tradeoffs between weight and burnout
(propellant utilization) are substantial. In a typical velocity and b e t w e e n weight and required per-
single-stage medium-range ballistic missile, for ex- formance.
ample, each pound of excess burnout weight will
decrease range approximately 0.2 n. mi. For long- Envelope (size)
range vehicles, the penalty is still higher. Active
mixture-ratio-control systems have been utilized on The linear dimensions of liquid-propellant rocket
systems such as the Atlas that are highly sensitive to engines require relatively elaborate description and
residual-propellant effects. frequently cannot be made clear without a drawing.
When only approximate values are required for
Weight comparison or for overall estimates, engineers use
the term "envelope". For instance, definition of a
The parameter of weight, as no other, dominates the hypothetical smallest cylinder, cube, or sphere into
thinking of rocket engineers. Success is often gaged which the engine would fit conveys a good feeling of
directly in pounds of payload flown per dollar spent. engine size or bulkiness.
The importance weight rightfully carries does not Obviously, engine size directly affects engine
necessarily mean that it is all-important. For instance, weight (Fig. 2-5). Increasing engine size also directly
a somewhat smaller payload placed into orbit more affects numerous other areas, such as these:
reliably, or at a lower cost per pound, may be
preferred. • The vehicle structure becomes heavier, especial-
As we have seen earlier, a vehicle's final velocity ly with upper stages. Engine size directly affects
is a function of, among other parameters, its mass the size and thus weight of the aft end and/or
ratio. The smaller the final mass, the higher the final interstage structure.
velocity. However, since payload mass should be as • Handling e q u i p m e n t and procedures b e c o m e
high as possible, the weight squeeze is applied to all more costly.
vehicle components which are not payload. This • Servicing becomes more difficult.
includes the engine. • Manufacturing machinery becomes larger.
To isolate the influence of vehicle structural • Storage and transportation means become more
weight, engineers use a parameter called "propellant bulky.
fraction." This factor expresses the ratio of the total
propellant weight to the fueled vehicle weight without Several of these areas present a definite upper limit,
payload. Typical values are 0.94 for turbopump-fed such as railroad tunnel sizes, clearances on bridges
systems and 0.89 for pressure-fed systems. For and underpasses, and available machine tools.
For a given chamber pressure, thrust-chamber
expansion area ratio has a very pronounced effect on
340 engine envelope. W h e n optimizing the thrust-
chamber expansion area ratio, which is also in-
A fluenced by performance, weight, pressure drop, heat
~D transfer, and other considerations, its effect on
envelope, and thus on other vehicle systems, must be
30o considered.

Reliability has become almost a branch of science by

260 I , I L ! I I
itself, engaging, in addition to the designer, develop-
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
ment engineer, and user, mathematicians, statisti-
O/F Mixture Ratio
cians, and "human factor" and "man-rating" special-
Fig. 2-4 Theoretical thrust-chamber ists. Numerous books have been written on the
performance vs. mixture ratio for N204/N2H4. subject and manufacturers maintain entire groups to
At pc - 1000 psia shifting equilibrium and predict, monitor, tabulate, and evaluate the reliability
o p t i m u m sea-level e x p a n s i o n . of their products. The advent of manned space flight

~°, i i . . . . . . . . .4"~ " ' ........... . ~ / A It- "

• "~: qL •


Early Navaho Engine Early Redstone Engine German V-2 Engine

(Rocketdyne 1953) (Rocketdyne 1952) (1942)
Thrust:sL: 120,000 Ib Thrust:sL: 75,000 Ib Thrust:sL: 56,000 Ib
Dry Weight: 1,230 Ib Dry Weight: 1,475 Ib Dry Weight: 2,484 Ib
ISsL = 230 s ISSL= 215 S Is8L = 199 S
F = 97.5 F _ 50.8 F _ 22.5

Fig. 2-5 Early p r o g r e s s i n ratio o f t h r u s t to e n g i n e weight.

has placed even greater emphasis on rocket-engine able. Statisticians interpret the interrelation of re-
reliability. liability and its confidence level..
Reliability may be defined as the ability of the What can the r o c k e t - e n g i n e designer do to
engine to perform according to specifications, when- achieve the highest possible reliability, as early as
ever "the button is pushed." The degree to which it possible? A p p e n d i x B c o m p i l e s pointers and
will meet specs can be expressed in figures and thoughts which have proven valuable, followed by
graphs. If the evaluation is made following a test specific details for the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of a re-
series, reliability can be expressed simply as the ratio liability-assurance program.
of success to failure, say, 98% (2 failures and 98
successes in 100 runs). As there is no guarantee, Cost
however, that the system under test will perform iden-
tically in subsequent tests, reliability predictions will Cost considerations should enter a design at the very
be made, the accuracy ("confidence level") of which beginning, not only from the viewpoint of com-
will increase with the amount of information avail- petitive bidding and narrow profit-margins, but also

in terms of available or developed national re- use LOX and LH2, start simultaneously and lift the
sources. A major rocket program may tax the vehicle off. First-stage propellant exhausted, the solid
resources of certain materials, facilities, and services boosters drop off and the core engines continue to
to the limit. Moreover, it should be ascertained that burn. Propellants for the core engines exhausted, the
the program does not rely on facilities and on supply core external tank drops off. The core engines
of materials and of propellants that may not become remain attached to the Orbiter for recovery. Parallel
available for several years. The rocket engine under burn sacrifices some of the payload capacity of series
design may well be for a project costing hundreds of burn to recover the main engines.
millions of dollars. Savings of even fractions of a Saturn and Space Shuttle will illustrate how the
percent can therefore amount to millions. mission and vehicle requirements lead to engine
Cost, as far as the designer is concerned, will be type.
affected by the selection of materials, by the Saturn vehicle f o r the Apollo Mission. F-1
machinery required to make the parts, by the time engines were used in the first stage of the Saturn
and skill required to make them, by the difficulty of vehicle. Because they initially exhausted to atmos-
assembling, testing, and servicing the parts, and last, pheric pressure, they had a relatively high chamber
but not least, by the experience of the people making pressure to obtain the higher nozzle area ratio
the design. required to obtain high specific impulse. To obtain
high chamber pressures without excessive tank weight,
Availability (Scheduling) they were pump-fed; and because they spent much of
the flight in the atmosphere, they used dense fuel
The best design, the most perfect device, may be (rather than liquid hydrogen) to minimize tank size,
useless if it is not available when needed. In a way, stage inert weight, and aerodynamic drag. Because
the design (in our case) of a rocket engine is a they were expendable (flew only once), development
product by itself. It must be planned, prepared, and emphasized the 150-s operating duration. For these
made. It generates physical products: drawings, reasons, the F-1 engine had the very high thrust of
written instructions, and procedures, which all must 1.5-million pounds, a high (at that time) chamber
be faultless and available when needed. Delays in the pressure of 1000 psia, a dense fuel (RP-1), and, to
release of drawings can become very costly indeed. minimize development costs, a gas-generator turbine
In a manufacturer's overall plan of action, the design drive.
will be timed and synchronized with other activities. J-2 engines powered the second and third stages
If the drawings are not available on schedule, sizable of Saturn, five in the second stage and one in the
portions of a machine shop or an assembly plant third. These engines had a higher premium on
may be forced to stand idle. performance because every p o u n d of propellant in
an upper stage is a dead weight that must be lifted by
2.3 MISSION REQUIREMENTS the lower stages. Also, upper-stage engines generally
exhaust to a vacuum, and therefore do not have to
A multitude of missions engender rocket-engine have a high chamber pressure to obtain a high
designs, and each mission has distinctive require- nozzle area ratio. However, the J-2 engine was tested
ments. Some of these missions will be discussed here at sea-level conditions. Its area ratio of 27 was
along with associated engine design requirements selected based on full nozzle flow without the use of
and optimization approaches. an exhaust diffuser. As a result, the J-2 engine, using
liquid hydrogen for fuel, had a larger nozzle area
Typical Mission Goals ratio with a chamber pressure that was less than that
for the F-1. Also, it was designed for lower thrust than
Many missions require multiple stages to reduce the F-1 engine because it did not have to lift as much:
overall vehicle size and propellant consumption. A 225,000 lb at a chamber pressure of 787 psia.
basic stage consists of engines, propellant tanks, and Because it also was expendable, the J-2 also used the
the required support structure. As the tanks empty, gas-generator cycle to minimize development cost.
the weight that no longer performs a function Space Shuttle. "Core" engines combine the re-
becomes dead-weight, and it is more efficient (i.e., quirements of booster and upper-stage engines, and
requires less propellant) to get rid of it by dropping operate during both booster and upper stage flight.
off the entire stage, and then starting the engines in Because they burn longer than booster engines, core
the next stage, which has full propellant tanks. This engines have a higher premium on performance.
technique was used for the Saturn rocket (Fig. 2-6) Unfortunately, they have a limited nozzle area ratio
that launched the Apollo Mission to the moon. because they must also operate at sea level, where the
Saturn used three pump-fed liquid-propellant rocket exhaust pressure is relatively high. Consequently, they
stages to get into orbit around Earth and to initiate have an even higher premium on chamber pressure
the flight from Earth to lunar orbit. The staging than booster engines.
sequence is illustrated in Fig. 2-7 for the Apollo 10 The Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), an
flight: a "series burn" because the stages burn in example of such an engine, has the very high
series, i.e., fire consecutively rather than simultane- chamber pressure of 3000 psia. To maximize per-
ously. formance at this high chamber pressure, it utilizes a
The current Space Shuttle uses a parallel-burn ar- staged c o m b u s t i o n cycle in which all of the
rangement. The first-stage booster engines, which use propellants burn in the thrust chamber at high
solid propellant, and the core-stage engines, which pressure. To minimize the weight of the resulting

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high-power turbomachinery, the SSME utilizes boost compatibility and life of components such as seals
pumps to allow the main pumps to operate at high that are in contact with propellants for an extended
speed without cavitation. These same high speeds period of time. Typical propellants for these
require the use of high-speed bearings, seals, turbines applications include nitrogen tetroxide (NTO) and
in the main turbopumps. Because of these features, hydrazine derivatives such as monomethylhydrazine
the SSME has pushed technology further than any (MMH). Engines of this type include the Titan
other rocket engine. engines that propel missiles that are stored for long
A t t i t u d e c o n t r o l a n d o r b i t - m a n e u v e r i n g en- times in silos and the XLR-132, a small engine (3750-
gines. Attitude-control and orbit-maneuvering lb thrust) intended for use in orbit transfer. (The
engines have low thrust compared to the engine XLR-132 was designed to be earth/space storable for
types just discussed for obvious reasons. Also, their on-demand use over a three-year period.)
operating durations are usually shorter, ranging from
a few milliseconds to a few seconds. Because of these Typical Vehicle-Requirement Optimization
two factors, small size and short duration, turbo-
pumps are not always practical (unless accumulators A Boeing analysis (Fig. 2-8) of a single-stage-to-orbit
are used) and, as a result, these engine types are very (SSTO) vehicle illustrates a typical optimization in
often pressure-fed. For similar reasons, standard re- which engine design parameters are selected based
generative cooling is often replaced with radiation, on their impact on vehicle capabilities. For this
ablative, and inter-regen cooling (a combination of horizontal-takeoff vehicle launched from a rocket-
film cooling augmented by conduction back to the propelled sled, parametric engine thrust, weight, and
injector). Also, because attitude-control engines performance data were supplied by the engine
often must be operational over a long period of time manufacturer to Boeing, and it then used the data to
in orbit, they often use storable propellants. predict the impact on vehicle gross weight and
M i s s i l e . Missile main-propulsion engines can payload. Three separate engine parameters--thrust,
have thrust ranging from the orbit-maneuvering nozzle area ratio, and chamber pressure--were opti-
engine (OME) type to the levels of the larger engines mized.
discussed above; and they have operating durations T h r u s t . Figure 2-8c shows vehicle gross liftoff
between those of the attitude-control engines and the weight (GLOW) as a function of thrust per engine and
others. Although having short operating durations, number of engines. As indicated, vehicle payload
they must be storable for long periods because they was held constant at 65,000 lb. For each curve, each
are generally used only during times of conflict. of which is for a fixed number of engines, GLOW
They are mass-produced and expendable for obvious reaches a minimum. For engine thrust below this
reasons. This combination of requirements results in minimum, vehicle accelerations and velocities are
features that are similar to those for attitude-control low. That causes inefficient propellant consumption,
and orbit-maneuvering engines; i.e., pressure-feed, because it is best to accelerate to a high velocity
modest chamber pressure, storable propellants, and early in the vehicle trajectory to minimize the
non-regenerative cooling. Because they operate for a amount of propellant that has to be carried to a
relatively long time as compared to attitude-control higher altitude. The inefficient propellant consump-
engines, pure radiation cooling would be inadequate. tion results in a larger GLOW due to a larger
However, the other cooling options (ablative and propellant load, despite the fact that engine weight
inter-regen) would be applicable. and vehicle aerodynamic drag are lower. For engine
M a n n e d . A manned vehicle creates a premium thrust above the minimum, the reverse happens; a
on reliability and crew safety. Those factors make high velocity is attained early in the trajectory, but
manned vehicles much more costly to build and to the engine weight and the vehicle aerodynamic drag
operate. Of the engine applications discussed above, are up, and the latter two dominate. Consequently,
all but the missile could be man-rated by utilizing a any given number of engines will have a design
carefully structured design, development, and testing (engine) thrust that minimizes gross liftoff weight of
program. the vehicle. This minimum GLOW should correlate
with minimum cost.
E x p e n d a b l e . An expendable engine will not be Figure 2-8c also shows that GLOW increases with
recovered once it has completed its mission. The number of engines; support structure for the engines
engines in the Saturn vehicle were expendable, while lowers thrust-to-weight ratio (T/W). This has to be
the engines in the Space Shuttle are reusable. This balanced, however, against the greater reliability of
has a significant impact on the technology level used the greater number of engines. If an engine goes out,
for an engine. An expendable engine may use a the remaining engines may be able to complete the
lower technology and a less stringent development mission if the failure occurs late in the burn. If it
program, occurs early in the burn, the remaining engines
Reusable. A reusable engine can afford a increase the chances of a safe abort.
higher technology because the added cost of design, Figure 2-8d leads to similar conclusions from a
development, and testing will be amortized over a perspective of maximizing payload for a constant
number of flights. GLOW. The analysis shown in Fig. 2-8c would be the
S t o r a b l e s y s t e m s . Systems using storable pro- initial study conducted to define the vehicle when
pellants (liquid at normal conditions--either at sea little is known about it. The vehicle defined to some
level or for satellite or space-transfer applications) extent, its payload capabilities can be analyzed as
require careful attention to issues such as material illustrated in Fig. 2-8d, which also shows that the

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optimum total thrust for this type of vehicle lies It is apparent that there must be some interplay
between 1.00 and 1.05 times GLOW. b e t w e e n the concept selection and the vehicle
N o z z l e area ratio. Figure 2-8e illustrates the requirement optimization discussed above, because
optimization of the area ratio of a dual-position some of the assumptions used in the vehicle
nozzle for the engines. As the area ratio in the optimizations are the subsystem concepts and
retracted skirt position (position 1, which is used at components. For example, the engine cycle was
takeoff when the ambient pressure is highest) drops assumed in the vehicle requirement optimization
below the baseline, the GLOW initially decreases and, at the same time, the engine cycle is one of the
because the performance at low altitude is improving. engine concept variables in Table 2-1.
However, at a position 1 area ratio of 50, the nozzle Engine System Configuration. The top three
skirt, which is the retracting part of the nozzle, can no concepts in Table 2-1 are the most common turbine-
longer be retracted around the engine because its drive cycles for pump-fed liquid-propellant rocket
minimum diameter is smaller than the envelope of engines. The schematic flow paths for these cycles
the engine-power head. This makes it necessary to are illustrated in Fig. 2-9. As indicated, all are fuel-
change to a heavier nozzle-retraction device for cooled. Also, the single-shaft turbopump arrange-
position-1 area ratios less than 50. As a result, a ment (i.e., one turbine driving both the fuel pump
position-1 nozzle area ratio of 50 would be the and the oxidizer pump that are mounted on the same
optimum from a minimum-GLOW standpoint. shaft) is shown for the basic cycles in Fig. 2-9 to keep
C h a m b e r p r e s s u r e . A staged combustion cycle the schematics as simple as possible. More-complex
was selected to meet the high engine-performance concepts are discussed later.
requirements of SSTO vehicles. For that type of The gas-generator cycl e (Fig. 2-9a) is the only
engine cycle, two factors cause an optimum: sea-level one of the three that has the turbine flow-path in
performance and engine weight. Sea-level perfor- parallel with the thrust chamber flow-path. This
mance increases with chamber pressure because largely separates the two functions and makes the gas-
increasing the c h a m b e r pressure increases the generator engine much easier to develop and
allowable nozzle area ratio in the retracted position. operate. It does have a performance penalty,
This causes payload to increase with c h a m b e r however, due to three facts: 1) the turbine-drive gases
pressure. The other factor is engine weight. Thrust are not fully expanded as in the thrust chamber, 2)
chambers are heavy at low chamber pressures and the turbine gases are not fully combusted to the
turbopumps are heavy at high chamber pressures, a mixture ratio of the thrust chamber, and 3) there is a
situation that generally results in a minimum total mixture-ratio shift (away from optimum) created in
engine weight occurring at about 2500-psia chamber the main thrust chamber when flow is taken from the
pressure. For the vehicle under consideration, these system to supply the gas generator. The inherent
two factors produce an optimum payload near 4500- simplicity of this type of engine makes it a prime
psia chamber pressure, as shown in Fig. 2-8f. Because candidate for both booster and space engines. The
the curve is relatively fiat in the vicinity of the F-1 and J-2 engines used for the booster and upper
optimum, and because a further increase in chamber stages, respectively, for the Saturn launch vehicle
pressure would increase the number of stages in the used this type of cycle.
hydrogen fuel pump, it was concluded that a baseline The e x p a n d e r cycle (Fig. 2-9b) avoids the
chamber pressure of 3500 psia would be appropriate. turbine-drive gas losses of the gas-generator cycle by
placing the turbine in series with the thrust chamber,
2.4 ENGINE PRELIMINARY DESIGN exhausting directly into it. This cycle differs from the
other two in that there is no combustion upstream of
The next step in the design process, determining the the turbine; the turbine-drive gas is the fuel after it
engine and engine-component parameters that meet has been heated in the thrust-chamber cooling jacket.
the requirements of the mission and vehicle, begins This limits the turbine inlet temperature, which, in
with selecting candidate concepts. Then optimizing turn, limits the attainable chamber pressure. As a
them yields a preferred concept, together with the result, this engine is primarily a space engine where it
preliminary design parameters that are used (as can exhaust to a vacuum and, consequently, can have
discussed in later chapters) to initiate detailed design a very high nozzle area ratio in spite of its lower
of the components. chamber pressure. The RL-10 engine for the Centaur
vehicle uses this type of cycle.
Engine System and C o m p o n e n t Concepts The staged c o m b u s t i o n cycle (Fig. 2-9c)
resembles the expander cycle in that it has the
For the application at hand, engine candidates are turbine exhausting directly into the thrust chamber,
synthesized from a k n o w n stock of system and and is similar to the gas-generator cycle in that it has
subsystem concepts. Typical advanced engine and combustion upstream of the turbine. For booster
engine-subsystem concepts for a SSTO vehicle are applications, this engine can perform better than the
summarized below under the major headings of gas-generator cycle because it has no secondary-flow
system configuration, nozzles, thrust chambers, and losses, and can perform better than the expander
turbomachinery. A high-pressure pump-fed engine is cycle because the higher turbine-inlet temperature
a s s u m e d due to the p e r f o r m a n c e and thrust allows it to have a higher chamber pressure and,
requirements of the typical application studied. The consequently, a larger nozzle area ratio. As a space
list includes both current-technology and advanced- engine, it has an advantage over the expander cycle
technology concepts, in that, due to its higher chamber pressure, it can

Table 2-1 Candidate advanced-engine-system cycles, configuration concepts, and components.

Potential Potential
Concept form. Life Wt Benefits Drawbacks Features
once . .,.. . ..,, . .. . J .

Staged x High Pc, high Higher Maximum performance; eliminates secondary flow losses;
combustion performonce development maximum energy available to turbines; severe turbine
cycle cost environment; high pump pressures

Gas generator x x Simplidty, lower Lower Simple system; components independent; parallel turbine
cycle development cost performance and chamber flows; easy to develop/test

Expander x x Good performance, Power limited Benign turbine environment; topping cycle for high
cycle good turbine performance; no secondary flow stream; limited to
environment relatively low thrust levels unless multiple chambers used

Hybridcycle x High Pc, lowturbine Requires Fuel side staged combustion cycle; oxidant side expander
temperatures validation cyde; reduced turbine hot-gas temperature due to
hydrogen mixing

Oxidizer-rich x High Pc, less Possible turbine Increased turbine flow rates; material compatibility issues
preburners interpropellant overtemperature
(for oxidizer sealing problem,
pump) increased turbine

Dual x Better altitude Isp, Complexity, Dual thrust chambers; dual staged-combustion cycles;
expander better propellant possible cooling altitude compensation; increased turbine energy;
density problems, heavy eliminates purge test requirement

Dual throat x Increased altitude Isp Weight, cooling Tripropellant system" central and annular thrust chambers;
conventional bell nozzle; separate or simultaneous
chamber operation; acts like E-D nozzle at altitude; base
bleed at altitude in central combustor
Optimum x Optimum Isp Operate engine at peak Isp mixture ratio; operate engine
mixture ratio at peak payload mixture ratio: variable mixture ratio for
high-density impulse

Slush H2 x Better bulk density of Cost;operational Increased propellant bulk density; smaller tanks; potential
propellants .,
difficulties payload benefits

Oxidizer Fuel
Oxidizer Fuel Oxidizer Fuel
Turbine l
Turbine Turbine Oxidizer __ _ Fuel
Oxidizer Fuel Oxidizer Fuel Pump Pump
Pump Pump Pump Pump

a) Gas Generator Cycle b) Expander Cycle c) Staged Combustion Cycle

Fig. 2-9 Basic cycles for pump-ted liquid-propellant engines.

0 ._! 0

i °




~ Q

c~ i-- -!-"
-r- ~

L I L, 1


6 | . •


O o






¢q "-r-

attain the same performance with a smaller nozzle. obtains its turbine-drive gas by tapping the main
However, relative to the other two cycles, the staged combustion chamber.
combustion cycle has the highest performance but it Other e n g i n e - c y c l e concepts are basically
is more complex, more difficult to develop, and derivatives, combinations, or variations of those in
heavier. The SSME uses this type of cycle. Fig. 2-9. Some of them are summarized in Table 2-2.
In actual practice, most of these engines do not The hybrid staged-combustion cycle (Table 2-2d)
use the single-shaft turbopump arrangement, as represents a compromise between the high perfor-
shown in Fig. 2-10. The J-2 and the SSME use a mance of conventional staged combustion (Fig. 2-9c
separate turbopump for each propellant (dual shaft), and Table 2-2a) and the simplicity of the expander
and the in RL-10 a gear drives the LOX pump off the (Fig. 2-9d). It uses the staged combustion cycle to
LH 2 turbopump drive shaft. Figure 2-10 shows the J- drive the fuel turbopump and the expander cycle to
2S engine, a modified form of the J-2. The J-2S drive the oxidizer turbopump. In this manner, lower

Table 2-2 Engine-cycle c o n c e p t s and relative evaluation.

i _|1 |

Relative Performance Technology A l s e n m e n t

Engine Cycle Concept Configuration Features Potential Relative Weight Compadson Reliability Considerations Summary
, lu |i, = i i i , ., ., , = =l i
Conventional Conventional staged combus. High delivered specific im- Thrust chamber weight de- Development of the SSME Development of $SME gives
Staged Combustion tion cycle as used in SSME pulse (no turbine exhaust creases with chamber pres- has shown that careful at- strong technical base for de-
engine. Fuel-rich preburner is losses) since all propellants are sure, required pump power tention must be paid to en- velopment of stage,d-combus-
used to generate turbine drive combusted at high pressure increases substantially with gine start transient operat- tion engines having different
gas, remaining oxygen is corn- and expanded through high increasing chamber pressure ing conditions to avoid tur- design point thrust and cham-
busted with turbine drive gas area ratio nozzle. High pres- due to interdependency of bine over-temperatures. ber pressure. Regenerative

. ! in main combustion chamber.

Single or dual preburners can
be used for turbine drive gas.
Fuel regenerative cooling is
sure (3,000 psi and above)
provide high area ratio (90 to
120) and high delivered specif-
ic impulse.
flow circuits, lhrbopump and
powerhead weight increases
more rapidly with chamber
pressure than for gas genera-
Also mechanical and struc-
tural design of turbopump
are key engine reliability
cooling of thrust chamber
feasible at 130 to 200K vacu-
um thrust level at chamber
pressures up to 4,500 I~ia.
used for the main combustion tor cycle.

. . . . .
@ ''Mixed-Preburnern Staged combustion cycle with High delivered specific im- As with conventional staged- Development of the SSME Development of SSME gives
oxidizer-rich preburner to pulse (no turbine exhaust combustion cycle, thrust has shown that careful at- strong technical base for de-
drive the LOX turbomachin- losses) since all propellants are chamber weight decreases tention must be paid to en- velopment of the mixed pre-
ely and a fuel-rich preburner combusted at high pressure with chamber pressure. Re- gine start transient operat- burner staged-combustion
to drive the fuel turbomachin- and expanded through high quired pump power increases ing conditions to avoid tur- engine. Regenerative cooling
ery. All oxygen is combusted area ratio nozzle. Chamber substantially with increasing bine over-temperatures. of thrust chamber feasible at
in the preburners so there is pressure capability higher than chamber pressure due to in- Also mechanical and struc- 130 to 600K vacuum thrust
more turbine drive gas than in conventional staged-combus- terdependency of flow cir- tural design of turbopump level at chamber pressures up
conventional staged-combus- tion cycle, higher specific ira. cuits. Turbopump and power- are key engine reliability to 6,000 psia. The oxidizer-
tion cycle. Fuel regenerative pulse, higher area ratio. head weight increases more drivers. The oxidizer-rich rich turbine drive technology
cooling is used for the main rapidly with chamber pressure environment is a reliability needs to be developed and
combustion chamber. than for gas generator cycle.

area that needs to be as- risks need to be assessed.
sessed with both advantages
and disadvantages existing.

The dual-expander engine The dual-expander engine The increased complexity of The more advanced nature Technology is required in the
uses an arrangement oi con- achieves an increase in specific the thrust chamber design will of this configuration points basic thrust chamber to deter-
centric combustion chambers impulse when the outer corn- result in a heavier thrust to a lower initial system re- mine configuration and the
to obtain lower area ratio per- buster is firing with the inner chamber and injector configu- liability. The chamber con- proper contour. This can be
formance with both combus- shut clown. This can be advan- ration. Also there are an in- figuration and adequate clone in a cold-flow diagram.
tors firing and high area ratio tageous for launch vehicles creased number of control cooling during both modes The proper cooling method
performance with only outer which must first operate from valves on the engine. of operation will largely (transpiratioWregenerative)
combustor firing. This ar- within the atmosphere and determine overall engine must be demonstrated for a
rangement requires a more then in vacuum conditions. reliaiblity. long life chamber.
complex cooling and propel-
lant injection scheme.

Hybrid Staged The hybrid staged combus- The chamber pressure delivery There is some weight differ- The main attribute of this Advanced technology is re-
Combustion tion cycle is a variation of the anti performance of this cycle ence due to the removal of the cycle is the use of lower quired to raise chamber pres-
conventional staged combus- is lower than the conventional ox'ygen preburner. Heated temperature turbine drive sure to higher levels than cur-
tion cycle, in this cycle fuel staged-combustion cycle. hydrogen is the turbine work- fluids with attendant bene- rently delivered by SSME.
turbine is driven by a fuel- ing fluid and restllts in a larg- fits in reliability and life. Areas for technology ad-
, . rich preburner and the oxid~- er ox)'gen turbine. vancement are the pump stag-
er turbine is driven by heated

ing, crossovers, and bearings.
hy0rogen supplied by heat
exchange in a portion of the

Gas Generator Conventional gas generator Performance of the gas gener- The weight of the gas genera- The reliability of gas gener- The technology requirements
cycle used in Saturn-Apollo ator is lowered by two fac- tor cycle is less than that of ator engines has been high for gas generator cycle en-
J-2 engine with a series tur- tors: (1) the lower specific closed cycles such as the sta- with the flight history show- gines are moderate due to the
bine drive configuration. Tur- impulse of the turbine exhaust ged-combustion cycle. Gas ing very few propulsion sys- large amount of development
-- t bine exhaust gas is introduced gases due to their lower tem- generator cycles are usually tem flight failures. work previously accomplished
back into expansion section of peratures, and (2) the shift in run at moderate pressure to on this system.
nozzle to regain performance. thrust chamber mixture ratio avoid the higher loss asso-
Pump pressure needs only to necessa~" to balance the effect ciated with high pressure de-
supply system pressure drops of the fuel-rich turbine ex- signs.
and does not (lepet]d upon haust gases. This causes a sub-
turbomachmery efficiencies. stantial performance penalty
(- 10 to 12 s) in specific im-
pulse at 3,000 psia.

turbine-drive temperatures can be realized together Nozzles. The standard nozzle for rocket
with a gain in reliability and life, for only a small engines, the bell (Fig. 2-11A) nozzle, has a bell shape
penalty in performance. for the portion downstream of the throat. For high-
The mixed-preburner staged combustion cycle pressure pump-fed engines, bell nozzles are generally
(Table 2-2b) uses an oxidizer-rich preburner to drive regeneratively cooled by the fuel. They are very
the oxidizer pump so as to maximize the power efficient for the altitude for which they are designed.
available to drive the turbomachinery, thereby However, their area ratio is fixed and, as a result,
yielding the cycle with the highest chamber pressure. booster engines with this type of nozzle operate off-
The d u a l - e x p a n d e r ( m e a n i n g dual-thrust-
chamber expansion) cycle (Table 2-2c) uses dual f Injector
combustion chambers arranged concentrically to f ~'~i cem~-~, c~-.~r
yield a dual nozzle area ratio, which improves
performance by allowing the nozzle area ratio to be
larger at high altitudes.
D1 Retracted
Other system concepts in Table 2-1 include
propellant-related options such as optimum mixture
ratio and the use of slush hydrogen. Optimum /,l__
... I
mixture ratio refers to variable engine mixture ratio
with the LOX/LH2 propellant combination. To do A) Bell B) Mum Position Nozzle

this, high engine mixture ratios (up to 12 to 16) are

used for the booster operating mode and low engine
mixture ratios (4 to 6) are used for the space II I I.A...-.- Combustion ~F~'~k.~" Combustion
/'~e~ Chamber ~J/~[ Chamber
operating mode. In the booster mode, high mixture
' ~ F ' ' ~ Thr°at / 7 jD ! ~ Throat
ratio yields the high propellant bulk densities desired
to minimize both tank sizes and vehicle aerodynamic ,, 11~. !1\
drag when traveling in the atmosphere and, in the I v" ~v I
C) Spike t D) E-D I
space-engine mode, where there are few factors to
compromise performance, low mixture ratio yields
=]4~ Combusll~n Chamber
high performance to minimize total propellant con-
sumption and, consequently, total weight. The net Throat
benefit of this concept is a smaller total tank size.
This has to be traded off against greater system
complexity and a greater total propellant weight.
The last system in Table 2-1, a slush-hydrogen en-
gine, employs partially frozen hydrogen to increase
the propellant density, thereby reducing tank size. Secondary
" Contour
This has to be traded off against the higher cost of E) Dual Bell

obtaining and maintaining hydrogen in a slush

condition. Fig. 2-11 Thrust-chamber nozzle concepts.

Table 2-3 Candidate advanced nozzle concepts.

Potential Potential
Concept Benefits Drawbacks Features
,| i , i
Multiposition nozzle Altitude compensation Complexity, One or more translating or movable nozzle segments; altitude
higher Isp weight compensation
Variable position nozzle Altitude compensation Complexity, Continuously varying nozzle position; maintains optimum Isp
optimum at all allJtudes weight, unproven at all altitudes
Aerospike Good altitude Weight, cooling Good altitude compensation; short length; high diameter
compensation difficulties
E-D Altitude compensation Weight, cooling Outwardly directed annular throat; outer wall contour deflects
(expansion-deflection) exhaust gases axially; shorter than conventional bell for same
thrust; larger diameter than conventionaJbell; altitude
Dual bell Altitude compensation Weight, cooling Rxed nozzle with double bell contours;contour transition at
area ratio that optimizes sea-level performance; exhaust
attaches to second contour at altitude; performance similar to
multiposition nozzle; lightweight due to absence of extension
, , , ,

design for all but that moment when they pass and cooling problems of the aerospike by essentially
through the nozzle design altitude. The nozzle reversing the flow path of the aerospike nozzle. The
concepts summarized in Table 2-3 are all designed to flow is directed radially outward through the annular
provide some degree of altitude compensation, throat, thereby resulting in a more conventionally
thereby alleviating the performance penalties of the sized combustion chamber. Also, the annulus
fixed nozzle. As shown in Table 2-3, the degree of diameter is much less, thereby greatly reducing the
compensation ranges from optimum performance at cooling area in the region of the throat, where the
two altitudes up to optimum performance at all cooling problem is the most critical. The altitude
altitudes (up to the area-ratio limit of that nozzle). compensation occurs by having the plume in the
Some achieve this capability mechanically, and some center of the nozzle vary with altitude. As with the
achieve it aerodynamically. All achieve it at the ex- aerospike, some flow through the base region is
pense of weight and complexity. The final selection desirable to increase base pressure and improve
would be based on a tradeoff between the benefits of nozzle performance.
i m p r o v e d p e r f o r m a n c e and the penalties of The dual bell (Fig. 2-11E) steps the nozzle
increased weight and greater complexity. contour so that the plume separates from the nozzle
The first concept in Table 2-3, the multiposition wall at the step during low-altitude operation, and
nozzle shown in Fig. 2-11B, usually consists of the follows the contour below the step during high-
basic bell, with one or more movable extension seg- altitude operation. This yields optimum perfor-
ments that can be moved into position to increase mance at two altitudes (assuming one step), similar to
the overall nozzle area ratio to match the reduced the multiposition nozzle with one translating
ambient pressure that occurs as the vehicle gains segment. Relative to the multiposition nozzle, it has
altitude. The result is optimum performance at two the advantage of not requiring a heavy translating
or more altitudes, depending on the number of mechanism, but has the disadvantage of a larger
movable segments. volume.
The variable-position nozzle can yield optimum T h r u s t C h a m b e r s . As shown in Table 2-4, four
performance continuously. An example, the over- of the advanced thrust-chamber concepts involve
lapping-petal arrangement used in turbojets, may be cooling-jacket options to improve chamber life. Two
very heavy and very complex, particularly if used in of the four achieve longer life by cooling the
combination with regenerative cooling. As indicated chamber wall at the expense of engine performance.
in the table, this type of nozzle has not been used for The other two achieve longer life by using high-
rockets. temperature low-conductivity thermal barriers that
A candidate that also offers continuous altitude require development. In assessing these four
compensation, the aerospike (Fig. 2-11C), has an cooling-jacket options, the first two involve a tradeoff
annular throat with expansion along the spike wall. between life and performance, and the second two
Because there is no outer wall, the outer plume is free involve a tradeoff between life and the cost of
to adjust with altitude. The resulting excellent altitude development and fabrication.
compensation must be balanced against the weight of Transpiration cooling utilizes a porous thrust-
the large annular combustion chamber and the chamber wall through which coolant seeps. The
associated cooling of the large surface area. resultant evaporation on the wall surface and the
The expansion-deflection nozzle (E-D, in Fig. 2- concentration of coolant along the wall both keep
l lD) avoids some of the combustion-chamber weight the wall cooler than with purely regenerative cooling.

Table 2-4 Candidate a d v a n c e d thrust-chamber c o n c e p t s .

Per. Potential
Concept form. Life Drawbacks Features
ance Benefits
,. .., .. ,
Hill ii

Transpiration X Improvedchamber Reduced Transpiration cooling of chamber wall results in better

cooling life performance cycle life; performance penalty due to mixture ratio

Film coding Improved chamber Reduced Similar to transpiration cooling; fuel-rich film on chamber
life perforrnance wall; lower wall temperatures

Refractory liner X X Thermal barrier Requires High-temperature, low conductivity ~ermal barrier;
reduces heat flux at development near-adiabatic chamber; slight performance gain
high Pc (reduced boundary-layer loss); life gain due to reduced
heat flux

Rhenium liner X X Thermal barrier Fabrication Same as above

reduced heat flux at difficult, costly
big, Pc
Bafflelessinjector More effective Risk of instability Elimination of injector baffles; improved injection
propellant injection efficiency

For a given chamber pressure, this increases the wall. As above, this can either increase the life of the
chamber life, and for a given life it can increase the thrust chamber for a given chamber pressure or
attainable chamber pressure. However, the concen- increase the chamber pressure for a given life. An
tration of coolant along the wall results in less additional benefit of these candidates is that they can
propellant being fully combusted at the entrance to permit operation at high chamber pressures. As
the thrust chamber, which results in less propellant major disadvantages, both liner candidates need
being fully expanded in the nozzle. This constitutes a development to ensure that they have the ability to
loss, which must be traded against the advantages dis- meet the rocket-engine life requirements.
cussed above. The last thrust-chamber concept involves the use
Film cooling obtains a similar result by i n t r o - of injectors without baffles. This concept involves a
ducing coolant through passages in the combustion- slight risk of instability. However, experience with
chamber wall. That flow is introduced through small the SSME has indicated that this risk is very low with
passages, rather than through the porous wall used in LOX/LH2. Removal of baffles to improve perfor-
transpiration cooling. The coolant then helps cool mance is probably advisable. In this case, the
the downstream wall by flowing along the wall tradeoff is between the penalty of a slightly greater
surface. The film can also be introduced at the risk of instability and the benefits of better
injector face by concentrating some of the fuel performance, reduced weight, and reduced cost.
injector elements along the wall. As with the trans- Turbomacbtnery. The nine turbomachinery op-
piration cooling, a loss clue to incomplete combus- tions in Table 2-5 potentially can increase efficiency,
tion and expansion of the film coolant occurs. decrease weight, increase life, or do some com-
The next two candidates in Table 2-4, refractory bination of the three. These options are discussed
and rhenium liners, are high-temperature, low- individually below in the order of presentation in
conductivity thermal barriers applied to the hot-gas Table 2-5.
side of the thrust chamber. These barriers reduce the Increasing the number of pump stages generally
heat flux and the temperature of the thrust-chamber increases efficiency, throttleability, and margin

Table 2-5 Candidate advanced engine-turbomachinery concepts and components.

Per- Potential
Concept form- Life Wt Benefits Drawbacks Features
ance i

Increased number x Higher Pc leading Increased weight Improved pump efficiency; reduced head per
of pump stages to higher Isp and complexity stage; increased stage spedfic speed

High-spood Higher pump Possible life Improved pump efficiency; increased stage specific
turbopumps effidency, reduced impact speed; required high-strength materials

Hydrostatic Reduced weight, Requires

bearings simplicity validation
Magnetic bearings x Frequency control Small radial load
High.velodty Improved pump Improved pump efficiency
crossovers effidency

Multistage partial Higher turbine

admission turbines effidency

Jet pumps for x x Lightweight, no Requires No moving parts; high reliability

low-pressure moving parts validation
Increased turbine Higher Pc and Isp Possible life and Higher energy available to turbopumps; requires
inlet temperatures reliability impact advanced materials

Cooled turbines Improved blade Increases Longer life at current temperatures; increased
environment complexity turbine temperatures at same life

Ceramic turbine X X X Strong, lightweight, Brittle, fragile Preloaded blades in compression; high
blades high temperature temperature operation; brittle, subject to thermal
capability shock

relative to the impeller tip-speed limit. Also, it application yields the benefits of a boost p u m p
decreases pump diameter at the expense of increased (higher efficiency and lighter weight for the main
pump length. However, it increases complexity and turbopump) with very little increase in either com-
cost. The net impact on the engine is improved plexity or cost. As its major drawback, the jet pump
performance and throttleability. The impeller life has very low efficiency. When selecting a boost
may be extended, but the life of the shaft-support sys- pump, therefore, the tradeoff is between the
tem may be compromised by critical speed. Cost simplicity of the jet pump and the higher efficiency
and complex-ity would increase for the engine just as of a conventional low-pressure rotating pump and
for the pump. In general, the number of pump stages drive.
is minimized within the tip-speed limits if the stage High turbine-inlet temperatures are very de-
specific speed is over 700, which is sufficient to yield sirable for engine cycles because they increase the
a reasonable efficiency. amount of energy available per unit flowrate to drive
Designing turbopumps for high rotational speed the turbomachinery. This increases the pump pres-
tends to increase the efficiency of the pump, may sure rise per unit turbine flowrate, which, in turn,
increase the efficiency of the turbine, and definitely increases the chamber pressure attainable for a given
decreases the weight of the entire turbopump. If the turbine flowrate. This increased chamber pressure
speed is too high, however, the lives of the bearings can be used in one of several ways, such as to
and seals can be compromised, cavitation damage increase the nozzle area ratio and the performance
and/or insufficient pressure rise can occur in the or to decrease the engine size and weight for a given
p u m p impeller if not enough inlet pressure is nozzle area ratio. In any event, high turbine-inlet
supplied, and the turbine blades can be overstressed. temperatures are beneficial. Any turbine material
In general, the design rotational speed needs to be that has a higher-temperature capability is desirable.
maximized within component limits that provide rea- This capability can also be used to increase the
sonable operating margins for the components. operating margin relative to the ultimate limit, which,
Hydrostatic bearings eliminate the bearing for a given turbine-inlet temperature, will increase life
rotational-speed limits by eliminating the rolling and reliability.
elements in the bearings. This also theoretically An alternative method for raising the turbine-
eliminates the bearing life limits as long as metal-to- inlet temperature--using a portion of the propellant
metal contact is avoided. Disadvantages are a de- to cool the blades and/or the rotor--can increase
crease in pump efficiency due to an increase in flow the operating stress level for a given hot-gas
leakage and an increase in development cost due to temperature, thereby allowing either a higher rota-
the lack of a broad base of experience with this type tional speed (higher blade stress) to yield a lighter-
of bearing. In general, hydrostatic bearings are now weight turbopump or a higher pitch-line velocity
being r e c o m m e n d e d for long-life and high- (higher disc stress) to yield higher efficiency. In
performance rocket engine applications. addition, it can simply be used to increase the life
Magnetic bearings achieve the same objective as and reliability of an existing unit under its existing
hydrostatic bearings by supporting the shaft by operating conditions. As a disadvantage, cooling
magnetic rather than hydrostatic forces. They have usually requires additional propellant consumption, a
an additional advantage of being able to compensate performance penalty. To be beneficial, the advan-
for shaft oscillations by varying the strength and tages of turbine cooling have to outweigh the
frequency of the magnetic forces. At present, how- performance penalty.
ever, practical magnets are too weak to support the A material and design option that has the po-
shaft with any reasonable size of bearing. The state- tential of allowing higher turbine-inlet temperatures,
of-the-art for this type of bearing is still in its infancy. the use of hollow ceramic blades held in
High-velocity crossover passages from the exit of compression by a metal fixture that passes through
one centrifugal-pump stage to the entrance to the the hollow portion, requires considerable develop-
next tend to improve the efficiency and decrease the ment effort to ensure that the attachment eliminates
size and weight of multistage centrifugal pumps. In the brittleness associated with ceramics.
general, they are used for high-pressure liquid-
hydrogen pumps. Preliminary Design Optimization
For small pump-fed rocket engines (thrust levels
less than 30,000 lb), multistage partial-admission Once a set of candidate components has been
turbines can be used to obtain reasonable blade selected, the engine must be optimized to yield the
heights at the high-pitch-line velocities that yield design parameters for the components. As discussed
high turbine efficiencies. The net impact on the earlier, the basic overall goal will usually be mini-
engine is a higher chamber pressure, which can be mum vehicle life-cycle cost per unit of payload.
used to reduce engine size and weight for a given Because this cost is the total cost related to the
performance or to obtain higher performance from engine during its operating life, the optimization
a given engine size and weight. analysis must include consideration of such factors as
Jet pumps are very simple units that can be used performance, weight, development, design, f a b r i -
for boost pumps. They utilize high-pressure flow that cation, maintenance, servicing, and operations, as
is recirculated from the main pump discharge to well as propellant selection. In general, maximizing
pressurize the low-pressure incoming flow. This is performance and minimizing weight within reason-
done in an ejector, and therefore the jet pump has able technology limits will contribute to minimizing
no moving parts. Using this type of pump in this many of these costs. Performance and weight are

much easier than the other factors to quantify early pressure has a definite maximum, as shown in Fig. 2-
in the design process. Therefore, maximizing perfor- 12. The procedure used to optimize gas-generator-
mance and minimizing weight are usually the initial cycle performance finds that maximum.
design goals, which are then tempered by cost As discussed above, the performance for staged-
considerations. combustion and expander cycles will be optimized
In the optimization process, the various com- by maximizing chamber pressure within other
ponents are characterized basically as a function of constraints. That procedure is illustrated by Fig. 2-13,
chamber pressure, and the chamber pressure is which shows the relationship between turbine
varied to yield engine performance and weight as a pressure ratio, chamber pressure, and turbopump
function of it. The design is not permitted to exceed efficiency (product of pump and turbine efficiencies).
any of the component limits that are specified to For a given value of turbopump efficiency, the curve
keep the engine within a safe design region. These of pressure ratio vs. chamber pressure curves upward,
limits may fall into the category of envelope eventually reaches infinite slope, and then curves
(maximum length and diameter allowed by the backward as the increase in required turbine pressure
installation in the vehicle), interface (minimum drop begins to exceed the corresponding increase in
pump-inlet and nozzle-exit pressures allowed by the pump pressure rise. For a given turbopump ef-
vehicle), stress (pump impeller tip speeds, turbine- ficiency, there will be a maximum chamber pressure
blade stresses, bearing speed), or fluid-mechanical and, in turn, a maximum performance; but, for a
factors (cavitation in the pumps). In the discussion given number of pump and turbine stages, turbo-
below, the performance and weight optimization pump efficiency declines as pump pressure rises and
processes are discussed individually. the corresponding turbine pressure ratio increases.
Performance. Thrust-chamber performance This results in a fixed staging optimum that occurs at
usually increases with chamber pressure. High pres- lower values of turbine pressure ratio and pump
sure reduces performance losses, such as those due to pressure rise than the fixed efficiency optimum, as
reaction kinetics. Thus high pressure and high area also shown in Fig. 2-13. Therefore, the procedure
ratios can be permitted. In addition, there is usually used to optimize staged combustion and expander
some limit on the nozzle-exit conditions, such as
minimum exit static pressure for a booster engine or
maximum nozzle-exit size for an upper-stage engine,
which limits expansion area ratio. As a result,
= 60%
increasing chamber pressure increases maximum qp'Ir

permissible nozzle area ratio and thrust-chamber

performance. This thrust-chamber performance % Pump Tip
Speed DrnJl
trend with chamber pressure is shown by the dashed Fixed
Op. . . .
',,/ /
curve in Fig. 2-12. For staged-combustion and Turbopurrko
Efticiency - ~
expander cycles, the engine performance equals the ~2 _
thrust-chamber performance. As a result, simply
e ". Fixed
maximizing chamber pressure maximizes engine Turbopump
performance. That issue is discussed in more detail /.~'
below. For the gas-generator cycle, the secondary-
flow losses (due to the turbine-drive gas path being in
parallel with the thrust chamber) are proportional to 0
_ 1
pump pressure rise, which, in turn, is roughly propor- Ctlamber Pressure,Pc (psia)

tional to chamber pressure. When these losses are

deducted from the thrust-chamber performance, the Fig. 2-13 Staged-combustion-cycle performance
resulting curve of engine performance vs. chamber optimization.

Thrust = 750,000 Ib-Sea Level

.~. 360
,~oe~ .,. -" "* " T seconaan/ ..,... O GG i
_g c~,~~ .. o | Flow Losses ,,,..
d z~ LH 2 _ C o o l e d GG i
"5 350
................................. i
o__ .~ 3,000
d.~,,," Optimum
340 .~oC~a~'~ee t-

32q 1 I . J_ .
0 1 ,ooo 2,000 3,000 4.000 2,000 i l I I,,, I I , l
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,O00
Chamber Pressure, Pc (psia)
Chamber Pressure, Pc (psia)

Fig. 2-12 Gas-Generated (GG)-cycle

performance optimization. Fig. 2-14 Thrust-chamber weight trends.

cycle engines will determine the optimum chamber As shown in Fig. 2-18, staged-combustion-cycle
pressure on the appropriate fixed turbopump staging engines are considerably heavier than gas-generator-
curve. This has to be done within the engine- cycle engines, because staged turbines are in series
component technology limits, such as pump-impeller with the thrust chamber, whereas gas-generator
tip speed. The optimum shown in Fig. 2-13 is satis- turbines are in parallel. The series arrangement
factory in that it occurs at a pump-impeller tip speed produces much higher pump pressure rises for the
below the technology limit. staged combustion cycle, which, in turn, results in
Weight. Rocket-engine component weight trends heavier turbopumps (Fig. 2-15), heavier ducts (Fig. 2-
with chamber pressure are shown for LOX/ 16), and heavier valves, preburners, and manifolds
hydrocarbon engine candidates in Fig. 2-14 through (Fig. 2-17). The only major component that is not
2-19. For a fixed thrust, thrust-chamber weight significantly affected by this cycle difference is the
decreases with increasing chamber pressure (Fig. 2- thrust chamber (Fig. 2-18).
14) because the thrust-chamber size decreases. On
the other hand, turbopump weight increases with
chamber pressure (Fig. 2-15) because horsepower is 3,000 O GG
proportional to pressure rise, which, in turn, is LH2 - Cooled GG Thrust = 750,000 Ib-Sea Level
13 SC
roughly proportional to chamber pressure. Ducting oI
and pressurization system weights also increase with v

chamber pressure (Fig. 2-16) because increased t-


internal pressures increase the wall thickness of ducts

and pressure vessels. Other components show little D
impact of chamber pressure (Fig. 2-17). As the end ~o

result of these trends, engine weights reach L)


minimums at chamber pressures between 2000 and

3000 (Fig. 2-18 and 2-19). This is typical for pump-fed
-o-a--a- d~-6~a~
liquid-propellant rocket engines.
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5.000 6,000 7,000
Chamber Pressure, Pc (psia)
6,000 r- Fig. 2-17 Miscellaneous (valves, controls, GGs,
Thrust = 750,000 Ib-Sea Level
PBs, manifolds) weight trend~.
o 14,000 Thrust = 750,000 Ib-Sea Level
O GG 0
ol A LH2 - Cooled GG
4,000 / -
12,000 o SC /

E 3,000

2,000 w 8,000

1,000 L t_ I I . I .I I
6,00C I l I ,, I I ! I
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 0 1,ooo 2,ooo a,ooo s,ooo 6,ooo 7,ooo
Chamber Pressure, Pc (psia)
Chamber Pressure, Pc (psia)

Fig. 2-15 Turbopump weight trends. Fig. 2-18 Engine weight trends.

3,000 E"
Thrust = 750,000 I b - S e a Level

LH2 - Cooled GG LOX/RP-1/LH 2
E! SC U. ~ LOX/RP-1
6 ~ . . . , ~ ~ ~ LOXJC3H8

1- n- X/OH4

• 2,ooo O lb-Sea Level .N


Z o


1,000 i _ • I i t . l _ , ILl
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 80 . . . . , - w . . . . . . - 1- • ' ' i

Chamber Pressure, Pc (psia) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000

C h a m b e r Pressure, Pc (psia)
Fig. 2-16 System (ducting, pressurization, etc.)
w e i g h t trends. Fig. 2-19 Thrust-to-weight ratios for GG cycles.

2.5 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Table 2-6 Engine-design checkoff sheet.

... , , .
Once the overall engine concept has been defined,
the design process can begin. Several factors must Subsystem:

be kept in mind. Design quality must be ensured,

and a procedure to maintain it throughout the design
process must be established. The tasks used to 1. Have designs for similar earlier projects been thoroughly reviewed and understood?
conduct the systems analysis and generate the design 2. Have principal participants in those projects been contacted? Has their advice been solicited?
layout must occur in the proper sequence and must 3. Has a list been prepared of all problems which were encountered in previous, related
projects, including their solutions?
complement one another. Finally, thorough stress
4. Has the new engine system schematic diagram been reviewed for hidden "won't works?"
analyses and material selections must be made 5. Has the number of components and their complexity been reduced to a minimum, without
throughout the design process in order to be able to loss in flexibility and serviceability, for maximum reliability? (in particular: has minimum of
meet the s t r i n g e n t reliability and w e i g h t moving parts been achieved?)

requirements. 6. Has a thorough malfunction analysis been made? (Assessment of malfunction effects of
each c o m p o n e n t on all other parts and on the complete system. Include external systems,
such as the vehicle and GSE.)
The Importance of Design Quality 7. Have all existing detail designs been reviewed for possible inclusion and/or adaptation to the
n e w design?
8. Have standard parts been used wherever possible, permissible, or as prescribed by customer
Even today, many people regard the design of
technical objects as not much more than the act of 9. Has the number of external connections ("customer connections") been held to a minimum?
putting pencil lines on large pieces of paper. The 10. Has the location and type of customer connections been chosen in the best interest of the
general concept of design is much broader. Many a customer? Has he been consulted?
designer may not even occupy a drawing board, I I. Has the need for ground support equipment (GSE) been reduced to a minimum, by number
as well as by complexity?
since he may be completely devoted to the creation
12. Are there good reasons if support equipment used during R&D is different from the one
of basic ideas and solutions, to the numerical supplied to the field?
checking of their validity, or to the planning, direc- 13. Have all environmental conditions been considered, including those not likely but possible to
tion, and integration of a design team. On the other occur? (Salt spray, sand, fungus, humidity, temperature, etc.)
14. Has resistance to vibration and shock effects been considered? In all planes? Including
hand, many of the most successful designers always
improper handling?
retain their b o a r d - - t h e i r most valuable tool of 15. Have acceleration effects bex:nconsidered? In all planes?
c r e a t i o n m h o w e v e r advanced their position in the 16. Has the use of critical materials been held to a minimum? (Chromium, molybdenum,
organization may be. tungsten, cobalt, etc.)
17. Has it been made absolutely certain that no cheaper materials will do?
It is commonplace to state that a technical
1g. Has it been assured that no elecoro|ydc action can occur due to attachment of dissimilar
project will stand or fall with the quality of its design. metals?
Obviously, no device can be built, tested, or used 19. Can the engines be gimbailed according to specifications?
until and unless it has been specified first how to 20. Can the engine be clustered, if necessary?
build, test, and operate it. With this in mind, a 21. Cart the engine be attached to air frames other than the one presendy contemplated?
22. Has it been c o n f i ~ that all parts can be made?
c o m p l e t e d design can be considered a set of 23. Has it been confirmed that there is no cheaper way of making these parts?
instructions for shop actions to follow. For instance, 24. Can the parts readily be assembled, with a minimum of special tools?
final drawings are only the end product of an 25. Has it been made impossible to incorrectly assemble and install any part? (Or incorrecdy
extensive, diversified effort which preceded their re- reassemble and reinstall them in the field?)
26. Will all parts requiring service be readily accessible, prior to and following mating of the
lease. All this is well known, yet sometimes forgotten engine with the vehicle?
in the daily grind of a project. Suffice it to state that 27. Have all markings been called out completely and correcdy?
the design and the designer are principal links of the 28. Do instructions for inspection and quality control leave no gap?
chain in a project. 29. Has it been ascertained that (without penalty) the design cannot save further weight?
This b o o k attempts to s u p p l y some of the 30. Is the envelope the smallest possible?
3 I. Can the system be drained, readily and completely? (Avoidance of traps, low spots, etc.)
necessary special tools required to arrive at a de- 32. Have engine propellant feed system components, including pumps and thrust chamber, been
tailed "set of instructions" to the shop foreman, from designed for minimum trapped propellants after cutoff?. (Minimum wet weight)
which an engine could be actually built and prepared 33. Has the purchasing depamnent been appraised of the significance of mandatory (proven)
for test. The following chapters are devoted to the sources, where applicable?
34. Can it be transported? In one or several pieces?
necessary technical detail, based on the latest state of
the art in the field of liquid-propellant rocket
The numerous areas that the designer should • Availability and application of an effective failure
consider early and keep in mind at all times, for analysis and correction system.
overall increase of quality and reliability and for • Last, but not least, the experience, knowledge,
reduction of cost, include the following: analytical capabilities and judgment of the
designer himself.
• Experience, reliability, and reputation of sub-
contractors and their products. Time-proven tools available to the designer to
• Adequate receiving inspection. optimize his design and the end product it describes
• Clear and complete instructions for inspection include the following:
and quality control.
• Full use of the experience of others in plant and • Design-checkoff sheets. Checkoff sheets force the
out of plant. designer to check his design systematically from
• Use of suitable existing designs, from small parts all imaginable angles, before release. A sample
to subsystems. sheet is shown in Table 2-6.

• D e s i g n - c h a n g e c h e c k o f f sheets. Used for

Table 2-7 Engine-design-change checkoff systematic evaluation of design changes on all
sheet. potentially affected systems, including the user
and the vehicle. A sample sheet is shown in
Change N o . : Table 2-7.
• Failure report. The feedback to the designer of
Supervisor: failures of his product in the field, for immediate
corrective action.
Assuming that it has been a s c e r t a i n e d beyond doubt (has it?) that a design change must be made,
check that the effect of this change is fully understood and implemented in the following areas:
• Change control. A project-wide effort to
scrutinize and minimize proposed changes; and
1. lnterchangeability of changed parts. to establish and monitor implementation by
2. "Chain Reaction" to other parts and systems, including vehicle, test facilities, and GSE. engine serial number, if the change must be
3. Engine start and stop sequence.
4. Engine performance, including gain factors.
5. Conformance with all specifications. • Specifications. Detailed specifications, often
6. Weight, envelope, c.g., moments of inertia, loads. based on applicable government specifications,
7. Reliability. to establish the exact execution of all manufac-
8. Instrumentation, data recording, telemetry.
9. Packaging, shipping, storage.
turing processes, materials used, parts purchased,
10. Development and qualification. tests to be performed, and so on.
l I. Human factors: skills, training, notification of persons concerned.
12. Field service equipment and procedures. Systems Analysis and Design Layout
13. Handbooks and other user d o c u m e n t s .
! 4. Logistics (spare parts maintenance).
] 5. Manufacturing tooling and processes.
So far, numerous important basic considerations for
16. Purchased materials. rocket-engine design have been discussed. The
I 7. Subcontractor-supplied parts. detailed engine-design procedures and the treatment
18. Funding.
of typical examples as they may occur in practice will
19. Agreed-to delivery dates.
20. Customer notification and approval. now follow. The questions are where to start, how to
proceed, and what are the expected results.

I Check Valve
Drilled 4 Way Drilled LOX Seal
Check Vent Drai Ill Quick Disconnect
Sequence Check Solenoid
Valve ~ v e \ Fuel Additive, LOX I Orifice
Valve ~_ Inlet
Main LOX Valve (N.C.)\ Unit I Overboard Vent
i i i
LOX Dome Purge k
Torus Dome

Fuel Injection LOX Seal Purge Drain

LOX Duct LOX Pum Pump Seal

Fuel Pum Lube Drain

Inj Fuel Duct



Tubular Wall
Thrust Chamber
~ k~~ ' Gas Generator Fuel Purge
\ Gas Generator
Gas Generator Valve (N.C.)
Gas.Generator LOX Purge
Ignition Monitoring Valve
Hypergol Unit
Drilled Check Valve
Main Fuel Valve (N.C.)

Fig. 2-20 Typical engine-system schematic diagram.


It would be beyond the scope of this book to performance diagram. Engine and component start-
describe the detailed mechanics of the generation of ing and operating characteristics can be analytically
design drawings, their breakdown, their execution, predicted with a high degree of accuracy by
and the system for their release. The young engineer, computers. Thus, important knowledge required for
who uses this book and already works in industry, optimum design is obtained long before the part is
knows. The student reader can be assured that the actually built and tested. Savings in time and cost are
future employer has a manual (usually voluminous) substantial. These analyses and computer programs
covering this subject exhaustively, and slanted to his will draw heavily upon experience with earlier
specific needs. The following are specific design systems and on advanced design studies.
techniques as they are used in liquid-propellant en-
Once the prototype schematic diagram is
gine design. Many of these techniques will be
considered completed, and performance parameters
applied in subsequent chapters, in connection with
have been established by the analysis, the first actual
the discussion and demonstration of various
"engine picture" will be drawn. This very likely will
component designs.
be a general, in-scale preliminary layout of the
The activities discussed below are not clearly
engine system and components. Figure 3-2 shows a
separated phases, following one another in a rigid
typical example of a preliminary layout.
sequence. Rather, they overlap, frequently occur in
parallel, and are tightly interwoven. One of the first Through continued analyses, calculations,
drawings the liquid-rocket designer will most likely consultations, and joint reviews by all participants,
prepare is a schematic diagram of the engine system. the layout will gradually take final shape. In this
A typical example (Fig. 2-20) shows how the principal process, nothing should be left to chance. Consul-
components are linked together. The schematic may tations with specialists in their fields and rigorous
be accompanied by a sequence diagram, showing the calculations, double-checked for accuracy and
operation of each component in relation to the presented in a readily understood form, will con-
other as a function of time (Fig. 2-21). tribute materially. Layout drawings should be made
Concurrently, analyses will have been conducted accurately and to true scale. In this manner, all
to establish preliminary engine-performance para- components of the engine system will have been
meters and operating characteristics, as well as designed and optimized for one another, rather than
individual component configurations and operating "hung on a mounting frame in Christmas-tree
principles. Figure 3-1 shows a typical example of a fashion."

Start Cutoff
. . . . . . ii i

r Control Valve Solenoid Energized for Open Control

Cutoff Signal from Vehicle
r GG Spark Exciter Energized Program
GG Valve Opens
Control Valve Solenoid
Energized for Close Control
Gas Generator Build-Up

Turbopump Build-Up
GG Valve Closes
V/A Main LOX Valve Opens

Sequence Valve Opens Y/;, Main LOX Valve Closes

Hypergol Cartridge Diaphragms
Burst (Igniter Fuel Flows)
Chamber Pressure Rise K6
Main Fuel Valve
7, 7J Ignition Monitoring
Valve Opens lamber
Main Fuel Valve "essure
Open Deca
Thrust Build-Up
7. Monil
V 90% Thrust Valve Closes

V Mainstage
.., II . . . . . . . ,

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.5 1.0

Seconds Seconds
Fig. 2-21 Typical engine-system sequence diagram.

Before working drawings are made from the determined:

layouts, they should again be reviewed and revised as • The type of load: constant, impact, or repeated.
necessary, taking into consideration all design • The maximum value a n d duration of a constant
aspects, the basic considerations, and the reliability- load; the maximum and the minimum value for
assurance aspectsthat were discussed here. repeated or varying loads.
• The nature of load application: concentrated or
Stress Analysis uniform; rate per unit of time; and, for repeated
loads, total number of working cycles.
Stringent reliability and weight requirements call for • Vibration-load effects.
rigorous and complete stress analyses during the • Load effects with respect to the nature of
mechanical design of engine components. Stress material: ductile or brittle.
analyses predict the manner in which a mechanical • Load effects with respect to the shape of a part:
part will likely fail under anticipated working effect of geometry on stress concentration.
conditions. They also generate means to prevent • Temperature effects: thermal stresses, high-
failure. The goal is to design a part with sufficient, temperature creep and reduction of strength, low-
but not excessive, strength in every detail. temperature embrittlement.
In conjunction with the engine design layouts, the • Chemical reaction or corrosion effects: .embrit-
approximate shape of the parts will be established, tlement, stress concentration.
based on functional requirements and on similar A part will have a p r o p e r margin of safety if it is
satisfactory designs of the past. designed with a design limit load larger than the
First, a preliminary design sketch is made. maximum expected working load. The design limit
Subsequently, probable working loads, environmental load in turn should be smaller than the calculated
effects, deflections, stresses, and final dimensions will damaging loads because of the uncertainty and inac-
be determined, step by step, together with the curacy involved in stress analyses. Damaging loads
selection of materials. The following steps are typical include e n d u r a n c e limit load, yield load, and
for stress analyses: ultimate load. The more accurate the analysis, the
• Analyze and determine the loads and environ- smaller the allowable margin between the design
mental effects to be expected during the useful limit loads and damaging loads. Typical recom-
life of the part. mended criteria for the working loads, the design
• Evaluate the various possible modes of part limit loads, and the damaging loads (yield and
failure from stress and strain induced within the ultimate loads), plus proof-testing loads applied to
part by the working loads and from other effects, component design, can be defined as follows:
• Select the materials and establish their me- • Design limit load; select the largest of the
chanical properties under anticipated working following:
conditions. Applying a likely theory of failure,
arrive at the final dimensions of the part. 1.2 x load (A)
• Apply experimental stress analyses to refine the 1.2 x load (B) (2-4)
above procedure. Redesign the part if necessary. 1.1 x load (C)
In certain cases, such as with highly stressed 1.0 x load (D)
lightweight members, further stress-analysis refine-
ment must be obtained. The greater the refinement where~
desired, the more nearly the methods of stress
analysis must indicate the true strength of the Load (A) = Working load under normal
member. This requires consideration of complex steady operating conditions.
states of stress, residual stresses, stress concentrations, Load (B) = Working load under normal
dynamic effects, inelastic effects, and other influences transient operating conditions,
which determine the true stresses within the member. such as during normal engine
Here follows discussion of the four steps of stress start and stop.
analysis just enumerated. Load (C) = Working load under occasional
transient operating conditions,
Working Loads and Environmental Effects. such as load during irregular
In stress analyses for mechanical design, working starts.
loads and environmental effects should be consid-
Load (D) = Mandatory malfunction load
ered jointly. Stresses and strains induced in mechan-
that must be taken into account.
ical parts by external forces, which we will call
For example, in a clustered en-
"loads," are affected significantly by environmental
gine configuration, certain mount
effects such as temperature, chemical reactions,
members may carry the greatest
corrosion, etc. Furthermore, the mechanical proper-
load when one engine ceases to
ties of most materials are affected by temperature.
fire while the others are still op-
Sometimes, thermal stresses are induced as a result of
erating (engine-out capability).
temperature gradients within the part. Chemical
In c e r t a i n instances it is
reactions or corrosion can change the mechanical
m a n d a t o r y that an individual
properties of the material, as well as the size and rocket engine continue to op-
shape of the part. For the analysis of working loads erate w h e n a given c o m p o n e n t
and environmental effects, the following must be fails. If this causes significant

structural loads, they are con- Required inside diameter of the sphere---
sidered m a n d a t o r y malfunction
= Q/6volume = Q/6 x 7238
Yield load: the load that will induce a stress equal
to the yield strength of the material used under
rated ambient conditions. = 24 in. (2-8)
Yield load = 1.1 design limit load (2-5)
From Eq. (2-4), design-limit pressure = largest of the
Ultimate load: the load that will induce a stress following:
equal to the ultimate strength of the material
used under rated ambient conditions. 1.2 x 2000 = 2400 psia;
Ultimate load = 1.5 x design limit load (2-6) 1.1 x 2200 = 2420 psia;
1.0 x 2450 = 2450 psia
° Proof-test load: the load applied to test the part Selected: 2450 psia
during the acceptance inspection. Its value can
be adjusted for material properties if the rated From Eq. (2-5), yield pressure = 1.1 x 2450 = 2695
ambient conditions cannot be duplicated for the psia.
Thickness of sphere wall--
Proof-test load = 1.0 x design-limit load (2-7)

When a part is subjected to an indefinite number Yield pressure x diameter of sphere

of cycles during service life, such as in rotating 4 x yield strength at 300 ° F
machinery, the endurance limit of a material should
be applied instead of the ultimate strength. The 2,695 × 24
endurance limit is the stress which can be repeated = 4 × 150,000 -- 0.108 in. (2-9)
an infinite number of times without causing failure of
the material from progressive fracture or fatigue. The or from Eq. (2-6), with ultimate pressure = 1.5 x 2450
e n d u r a n c e limit of metals, d e p e n d i n g largely on = 3675 psia, thickness of sphere wallm
range of stress variation, runs as low as 20-60% of ul-
timate strength in tension. An additional design Ultimate pressure x diameter of sphere
margin of safety should also be allowed for dynamic- 4 x ultimate strength at 300 ° F
impact loads. When the s h a p e of a part changes
abruptly, as with a groove, a notch, a hole, or small 3,675 x 24
section joining a large one, the value of unit stress at = 4 x 178,000 = O.124 in. (2-10)
points close to the abrupt c h a n g e or discontinuity
increases steeply. Stress increase generally ranges Use the higher value, 0.124 in. Therefore, the sphere
from 100 to 300% of the mean stress in the section. dimensions will be 24-in. in inside diameter (ID) x
0.124-in. in wall thickness.
Sample Calculation 2-1
Co) From Eq. (2-7), nominal proof-test pressure at
The hydraulic accumulator of a large liquid-pro- 300"F will b e u
pellant rocket engine has the following design pa-
rameters: (a) required volume (fluid capacity), 7238 = Design limit pressure
cu in.; (b) working pressure (load) under normal
steady and transient operating conditions, 2000 psia; = 2,450 psia (2-11)
(c) occasional surge pressure, 2200 psia; (d) man-
datory malfunction pressure, 2450 psia; (e) maximum Proof-test pressure corrected for room temperature
ambient temperature, 3000°F; (f) material selected, conditions will b e - -
AISI 4340 H.T.-180 (strength at room temperature:
ultimate, 185,000 psi; yield, 170,000 psi. strength at Yield strength at room temperature
- 2,450 ×
300°F: ultimate, 178,000 psi; yield, 150,000 psia). Yield strength at 300 ° F

Problem 170,000
= 2,450 x ~ = 2,780 psia (2-12)
Determine the following: (a) lightest possible config-
uration and resulting dimensions; (b) required proof- Evaluation o f f a i l u r e modes. There are three
test pressure at room temperature. basic types of failure mode: elastic deflection,
p e r m a n e n t plastic d e f o r m a t i o n , and fracture.
Solution 2-1 Although not a material failure, elastic deflection
may cause a part to perform improperly, resulting in
(a) A sphere will be used because it is the lightest malfunction of a c o m p o n e n t or system. The other
pressure vessel for a given volume and pressure. two--plastic deformation and fracture--are material
For a 7238-in.3 volume: failures influenced by material properties, load and

environmental conditions, and by the shape of the E x p e r i m e n t a l Stress Analyses. A rocket-en-

part. gine part may be of such shape, or may be loaded in
Each of the three failure modes is characterized such a way, that design based on theoretical analysis
by certain criteria. For elastic deflection, strain; for alone proves difficult and unreliable. Then
plastic deformation and fracture, stress. In the experimental stress analyses can supplement the
process of stress analyses, following load deter- theoretical methods. Many recent advances in stress
mination, the possible modes of failure of the part analysis can be attributed to the development of
can be established in relation to the criteria induced effective experimental methods. Measurements of
by the loads. Failure cause can thus be determined, strains and stresses will be made while applying loads
and the failure prevented through design changes. simulating as closely as possible the ones expected in
Some of the possible combinations of failure modes actual use. These loads can be applied to full-size
and criteria are listed in Table 2-8 together with prototype parts, to scale models made from the real
suggested design remedies. material or from special plastic material, or to
Selection o f Materials a n d Dimensions. For portions of full-scale parts. Not infrequently, applied
the process of finalizing the dimensions of a part to loads are intentionally increased beyond rated levels,
endure all w o r k i n g loads and environmental until failure of the part occurs. These "tests to failure"
conditions without failure, the strength or ability of can establish the actual margin of safety achieved in
the selected material to withstand these loads must the design. The tools used in experimental stress
be known. Material properties are determined analysis include electrical, mechanical, and optical
through tests of specimens. In these tests, all strain gages and photoelastic plastic models,
conceivable loads, such as tension, compression, lacquers, and paints.
torsion, and shear, are applied often with simul-
taneous application of temperature, vibration, or Selection of Materials
chemical environment. The results are compiled in
graphs and tables. From these tables, materials with Selection of materials for liquid-propellant rocket
properties most suitable for a particular application engines is complicated by the extreme environ-
can be selected. mental conditions these materials must withstand.

Table 2-8 Failure modes and criteria.

, ,,, , ,,,
, , i II ,,l

Failure ~ Conditions Criteria Design Remedies

- ii • ,, . . . . . ,

1. Elastic deflection:
a. Stal~ ~uiliNum Load within elastic limits Strain; linear or angular dis- Change of shape or dimensions
placement (=retch or bending) (stiffening); material selection
b. Unstable equilibrium Loads within elastic limits Buckling; ralJo of applied vs Change of shape or dimensions
critical load
c. Vibration Within elastic limits; abrupt Amplitude, frequency trans- Stiffening; change of natural
changes of loads; repeated missivity, resonance frequency; damping
application of load at or near
natural frequency
2. Plastic deformation:
a. Yield Loads exceed elastic limits Stress;permanent set Change of dimensions and/or
b. Creep Loads may or may not exceed Stress; slow permanent set Change of dimensions and/or
elastic limits; elevated material
3. Fracture:
a. Overload Load increase beyond yield Stress; elongation; area Change of dimensions and/or
point to ultimate strength reduction; rupture material
b. Brittleness Load above ultimate strength Stress; rupture with little or no Change of dimensions and/or
yield material; change of heat
treatment; change of contour
c. Impact or shock Abrupt load application to Stress;behavior like brittle Selection of most ductile mate-
ductile materials materials rial; increased margin of safety
d. Fatigue Many repeated load applica- Stress; number of load Change of shape and dimen-
tions within elastic limits applications sions; change of material;
increase of endurance limits

Table 2-9 Examples of materials usage in rocket engines.

J • ii

Material Enmple$ Applk~atlone Useful Temp Comments

,| .,
Range i

Austenitic stain- 316, 321,347, 21-6-9, Nozzle tubing, ducts, bolls, belows, -423"F to 600"F Susceptible to pitting and stress
less steels 16-25-6 hydraulic tul~ng, ducts, washers, corrosion--
shims, turbine discs, injectors
Martensitic 440C Bearings - bals, races -423"F to 300"F Susceptible to al forms of
stainless steels corrosion
PH stainless 17-4 PH, 17-7 PH, Valve parts- rams, poppets -110"F to 200"F Susceptible to hydrogen environ..
steels 15-5 PH ment embriglemenl. Stress
corrodes in high strength tempers,
marginal for cryogenic ap~ications
Nickel-base 718, 625, WASPALOY@ Impebrs, inducers, ~ housings, -423"F to 1500"F Suscel~ible to hydrogenenviron-
superalloys MAR-M-246 & 247~ valves, ducts,manlolds, bolls, merit embriltlement
HASTELLOY-C~ turbine blades, turbine discs, shafts,
bellows, starers, ~ r s
Iron-base 903,909, A286 Struts, ducts, bellows, bolts, turbine .423"F to 1100"F Resistant to hydrogen environment
superalloys discs embrlttlement
Aluminum alloys A356, A357, 6061, Pump housings, impellers, injectors, -423"F to 200"F Often used as castings
7075, "i"73,2219 gear cases, brackets, valve bodies
Copper alloys OFHC Cu, NARIoy-Z, Thrust chambers, injector rings, -423"F to 1000"F High oxygen grades susceptible to
NARIoy-A baffles hydrogen reaction embrittlement

Titanium alloys "1i-5AI-2.5Sn ELI, Impelers, inducers, pump housings, -423"F to 600"F Pyrophoric reaction in LOX, pure
Ti-6AI-4V ELI valve bodies, ducts, gimbal blocks, GOX, red fuming nitric acid. May
Tv6AI-6V-2Sn pressure bogles, hydraulictubing absorb hydrogen above -110"F
Ti-10Y-2Fe-3 AI

Be-98, Bee-1.5 Small thrust chambers 70"F to 1200"F Brittle, avoid all notches in design.
Hazardous material, not weldable
Cobolt alloys
HAYNES188~, L-605, Injector posts, ducts, springs, -320"F tO 2100"F Vary in susc~ibility to hydrogen
ELGILOY~. MP 3Sn, turbine blades environment embdttlement
Low alloy steels
4130, 4340, 9310, Thrust mounts, frames, reinfordng 70"F to 300"F Susceptible to corrosion, marginal
52100 bands, gears, shafts, bells, bearings for cryogenic apl~ications
polymers KeI-F, PTFE, FEP Seals, coatings, rub rings, elec- -423"F to 200"F Generally compatible with iquid
trical insdalion oxygen
Nitrile rubber, silicone O-dngs, gaskets, sealants, elec- 70"F to 300"F Not compatible with liquid oxygen
rubber, chbroprene trical insulation, adhesives
rubber, butyl rubber,
fluorocarbon rubber
Nickel-200 Nozzle tubing, electrodeposited -423"F to IO00"F Susceptble to hydrogen
Electrodeposited Ni dose-outs of coolant channelsfor environment embdttlement
combustion chambers
PSN, P692 Combustbn chamber throat -423"F to 600"F Brittle material
inserts, dynamic tu~ne seals
A~:)3, ZrO,wc, sK)2 Protective coatings on turbine -423"F to 15(X)'F High temperatures, brittle materials
blades, nozzles, thrust chambers,
thermal insulation, valve seat, and
poppet coatings
Caution: This table is not to be used for materials selection.

The low temperatures encountered when in contact systems. Fluorocarbons such as Teflon and Kel-F
with cryogenic liquids introduce severe toughness exhibit limited compatibility but must be batch-
and ductility problems with metals and non-metals tested before use.
alike. On the other hand, metals which contact the Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC)
hot exhaust gases must be capable of resisting creep must be considered w h e n selecting materials for
and stress rupture at elevated temperatures. Table 2-9 liquid-propellant rocket engines. Many propellants
summarizes some examples of materials and their and exhaust gases are corrosive to metals, therefore
usage. compatibilities must be determined on an individual,
Both h y d r o g e n and o x y g e n can precipitate case-by-case basis. Also, metals must withstand
catastrophic failures of many materials. Hydrogen severe ambient environments during storage. Alloy
environment embrittlement (HEE) will occur when a steels, magnesium alloys, and high-strength alum-
susceptible metal undergoes strain in the presence of inum alloys are generally unsuitable unless they are
gaseous hydrogen. Most metals suffer greatest protected from the environment. Likewise, SCC must
susceptibility near ambient temperature; below 200°F be considered when selecting metals for engine ap-
most metals become immune to HEE. However, plication. Alloys with low resistance to SCC include
consideration must be given to start-up and shut- alloy steels heat-treated to high strength, precip-
down conditions because even a short-term exposure itation-hardening stainless steels in high-strength
to w a r m h y d r o g e n could cause embrittlement. conditions, and high-strength aluminum alloys in
Metals which are most susceptible to HEE include the-T6 temper.
martensitic steels, nickel and nickel alloys, and Finally, the behavior of metals under the vacuum
titanium alloys. conditions in space must be considered. Metals with
Contact of many metals and nonmetals with low vapor pressure, such as cadmium, will vaporize
oxygen can result in spontaneous ignition. Metals and could redeposit on other surfaces. Also, metal
which cannot be used with liquid or gaseous oxygen whiskers can grow on many metals, causing "shorting"
include titanium and magnesium. Caution must be of electronic components and switches.
exercised w h e n using aluminum in high-pressure The materials most c o m m o n l y used in liquid-
oxygen (LOX or GOX), particularly in applications propellant rocket engines, and their abilities to
w h e n rubbing or particle impingement may occur. withstand the aforementioned environmental condi-
Most nonmetallics are not compatible with oxygen tions, are described in more detail in Appendix C.
Chapter 3

Introduction to Sample Calculations

3.1 APPROACH Table 3-1 Four-stage A l p h a t ace vehicle.

Takeoff weight, 2,100,000 Ib;
A primary goal of this b o o k - - t o familiarize the Payloada for 300-n.mi. orbit, 109,500 Ib
reader with the detailed techniques used by industry
in liquid-propellant rocket engine systems and Number Engine
Stage Stage Propellant
component design--has engendered a set of realistic Thrust, Ib of Engines Thrust, Ib
sample calculations. To promote an understanding of , ,,, ,, i

the interrelationship a m o n g major s u b s y s t e m s , A-1 3,000,000 4 750,000 LO2/RP-

principal calculations have been made for the en-
gines of a hypothetical multistage space vehicle. A-2 600,000 150,000 LO2/LH2
These calculations and their associated designs were
especially prepared for this book and are not related A-3 48,000 16,000 LF2/LH2
to existing or planned engines. Because the various
subsystems of liquid-propellant rocket engines will be
A-4 15,000 2 7,500 N204/N2H4
discussed in s u b s e q u e n t chapters, most of the i _ _

supporting sample calculations throughout the book, aConsistingof stages 3 and 4 and of the missionpayload
will be for the engines of the assumed vehicle. For
simplicity of reference, the space vehicle will be
called Alpha. It will be composed of four stages: A-l,
A-2, A-3, and A-4. Table 3-1 lists the major flexibility. Within the limits of existing propellant-
parameters of the Alpha. tank configurations, the following principal possibil-
ities of modification exist:
The Alpha vehicle combines realistic designs,
• Omission of the upper two stages for Earth-or-
even though not necessarily optimized. For instance,
bital tankers, shuttle vehicles, space-station
a different propellant combination has been chosen
assembly, and supply ships.
for each stage to permit sample calculations and
• Omission of Stage A-4 for unmanned deep-space-
designs for a number of typical propellant combina-
probe assignments, with no return intended.
tions, feed systems, and thrust levels. To permit
• Off-nominal tanking of one or more stages. This
multiple use of parts, fewer combinations would be
modification may yield some overall perfor-
chosen. In fact, the student and the teacher using this
mance gains for special missions.
book may find it interesting and instructive to modify
Most emphatically, it is not our intent to say that
the designs chosen. For instance, the student may
the stated modifications can be m a d e a few days
wish to determine what engine-design parameters
before launch. Rather, the stages and certain of their
would result if Stages A-2 and A-3 were to use the
subsystems m in particular, the engines - - should be
s a m e p r o p e l l a n t c o m b i n a t i o n ; or w h a t design
regarded as building blocks. Their availability can
parameters would be obtained if Stages A-3 and A-4
permit meeting a new requirement, for example,
were combined into one stage, capable of restart and
throttling to 30% nominal thrust. within a year, as compared to several years w h e n
"starting from scratch." In such ways, substantial gains
It is not our intent to fix a specific mission for
have been obtained in practice. The earlier Thor,
Alpha. However, a "primary mission" for it could be
Redstone, and Atlas Mercury boosters are well-known
the landing of an u n m a n n e d scientific payload on
the Moon to gather samples and return them to
Brief mention should be made here of experi-
Earth. The staging sequence might then be as follows:
mental engine systems, sometimes referred to as
Stage A-l: Boost to 250,000-ft altitude. "breadboard" engines. Because of time and funding
Stage A-2: Boost to 300-n.mi altitude and inject limitations, the design and development of liquid-
into Earth parking orbit. propellant rocket engines for a given mission rarely
Stage A-3: Accelerate to escape velocity and permit the investigation of novel ideas and princi-
inject into a translunar trajectory. ples. New ideas must then be tried independently,
Stage A-4: First s t a r t - - d e c e l e r a t i o n for lunar detached from rigid schedules. Here, the test effort
orbit and soft Moon landing of sci- can be conducted with full awareness that many of
entific payload; second start--Moon the principles under investigation will not "make the
takeoff for return to Earth. In grade." However, although those that succeed can be
addition to its main p o w e r plant, applied to a d v a n c e d operational systems, the
Stage A-4 will require very low-thrust marginal ones are just as valuable, because they were
attitude control jets. prevented from finding their way into operational
engines. If experimentally verified advances are
Even if designed for a given "primary mission," a selected for operational use with strong emphasis on
vehicle combination retains a certain d e g r e e of vehicle application, true progress will have b e e n


made. The major U.S. liquid-propellant engine manu- 3.2 A-1 STAGE ENGINE
facturers conducted experimental engine programs
with excellent results for a number of years. Four engines, each with 750,000-1b thrust, were se-
The reader will now become acquainted with lected for a combined thrust of 3-million lb, as a
some of the characteristics of the engines which have compromise between the number of engine systems,
been selected for the different stages of the Alpha and thus complexity, on the one hand, and flexibility,
vehicle. The summarizing descriptions can serve as a on the other. Flexibility can be gained in different
guide and reference throughout the book. ways, such as including engine-out capabilities using

Table 3-2 A-1 Stage e n g i n e o p e r a t i n g p a r a m e t e r s for sea-level c o n d i t i o n s .

I ' I ' | I

Engine (turbopump feed): Une pressure drop psi 10

Thrust Ib 750,000 Main valve pressure psi 15
Nominal single-firing duration s 165 Calibration orifice pressure drop psi 110
Specific impulse s 262.4 Pump:
Oxidizer L02: Inlet pressure psia 45
Flow rate Ib/s 1,967.7 Discharge pressure psia 1,720
Density .38 Developed pump head ft 4,790
Fuel RP-I" Pump:
Flow rate Ib/s 892.3 Row rate Ib/s 892
Density 5o.4s Shaft power bhp 11,790
Mixture ratio O/F 2.20 Efficiency % 65.8
Thrust chamber (tubular wall construction regeneratively Shaft speed rpm 7,000
cooled by fuel): Turbine:
Thrust Ib 747,000 Inlet pressure psia 640
Specific impulse s 270 Inlet temperature "F 1400
Injector end pressure psia 1,095 Pressure ratio 23.7
Nozzle stagnation pressure psia 1,000 Gas flow rate Ib/s 92
Oxidizer flow rate Ib/s 1,941 Shaft power bhp 27,140
Fuel flow rate Ib/s 827 Efficiency % 58.2
Mixture ratio O/F 2.35 Shaft speed rpm 7,000
c° efficiency % 97.5 Shaft torque in-lb 20,380
c° ft/s 5,660 Auxiliary drive:
Cf efficiency % 98 Shaft power bhp 500
CI 1.532 Gas generator system:
Contraction ratio Ac/A t 1.6 Oxidizer side:
Expansion ratio Ae/At 14 Flow rate Ib/s 26.7
Throat area At in2 487 Entrance loss psi 25
L° in. 45 Une pressure drop psi 25
Nozzle contour 80% bell Control-orifice pressure drop psi 615
Oxidizer side: Valve pressure drop psi 10
Injector pressure drop psi 200 Injector pressure drop psi 120
Torus dome pressure drop ps= 150 Fuel side:
Line pressure drop pst 25 Flow rate Ib/s 65.3
Main valve pressure drop pst 35 Entrance loss psi 25
Pump inlet pressure ps~a 55 Une pressure drop psi 25
Pump discharge pressure psma 1,505 Control-orifice pressure drop psi 800
Developed pump head ft 2,930 Valve pressure drop psi 20
Pump: Injector pressure drop psi 140
Flow rate Ib/s 1,971 Gas generator:
Shaft power bhp 14,850 Mixture ratio O/F 0.408
Efficiency % 70.7 Injector end pressure psia 710
Shaft speed rpm 7,000 Combustor pressure drop psi 70
Heat exchanger Ib/s 3 Thrust vector control:
Fuel side: Minimum acceleration rad/s2 1
Injector pressure drop psi 200 Maximum velocity deg/s 10
Jacket and manifold pressure drop psi 270 Displacement deg _+14

smaller systems or designs already in existence and Starting sequence. As shown in Figs. 2-20 and
implementing various guidance (gimballing) and 2-21 (pages 45 and 46), launch preparations com-
packaging considerations. pleted and the main propellant tanks pressurized, the
The propellant combination of liquid oxygen gas-generator's dual spark plugs are activated upon a
(LOX) and kerosene-type RP-1 fuel was selected for given signal, and the engine four-way control valve is
the A-1 engine, principally because high perfor- energized to open. The closing side is vented, and
mance will not be as critical for booster first stages as fuel-pump outlet pressure (50 psia from tank head) is
for upper stages. Moreover, both propellants are admitted to the opening side of the main oxidizer
abundantly available and comparatively inexpensive; and the gas-generator valve actuators. The gas-
the fluids and their combustion products are generator valves open and admit both propellants to
"docile"; their corrosivity is nil. Both fluids are rela- the gas-generator combustor, where they are ignited
tively dense. Liquid-propellant rocket engine systems by the spark plugs. At this point, the main oxidizer
using these propellants are well developed and re- valve remains closed; the valve spring prevents it
liable, and thus many "off the shelf" components and from opening until later in the sequence, w h e n
designs are available for them. substantially higher actuating fuel pressures are
developed by the pump.
General Engine-System Description The initial, low power level of the gas generator is
sufficient to start and accelerate the turbopump. This
The A-1 engine is a single-start, fixed-thrust, gim- acceleration, in turn, increases the propellant pres-
balled, bipropellant system. The fuel, RP-1, is also sures available to the gas generator, which is con-
used as the turbopump lubricant and as the engine- nected upstream of the still-closed main fuel and
control-system actuating fluid. The major compo- oxidizer valves. As a result, the gas-generator turbine
nents of the A-1 engine are a regeneratively-fuel- system "bootstraps" itself.
cooled, double-pass, tubular-wall thrust chamber with At a predetermined fuel-pump outlet pressure
bolt-on injector; a direct-drive turbopump consisting (valve-spring rate selection), the main oxidizer valve
of two centrifugal pumps and a single-stage, two-wheel opens. During the oxidizer-valve stroke, an integral
turbine; an uncooled gas generator with a dual-ball and mechanically linked igniter fuel-sequence valve
valve; butterfly main valves; and the required con- is actuated. The sequence valve then admits pres-
trois. The gas generator uses the same propellant surized fuel to a hypergol igniter cartridge, rupturing
combination as the thrust chamber. Table 3-2 pre- its diaphragms. Hypergol (such as triethylaluminum)
sents all necessary operating parameters on which enters the combustion-chamber igniter elements and
engine component designs will be based for the A-1 ignites with the oxidizer (which is just being admitted
engine system. by the main oxidizer valve). The fuel following the
Figure 3-1 shows the A-1 engine schematic, which hypergol sustains the igniter flame.
identifies clearly all major engine components and The chamber pressure which results from igniter
their interconnecting plumbing. For the various combustion is sufficient to actuate the ignition-
phases of engine design and development, it has monitor valve. This valve admits fuel pressure to the
been found useful to work from an "engine-perfor- actuator that opens the main fuel valve, the last step
mance diagram," a combination of the basic engine in the s e q u e n c e . As the main fuel enters the
schematic and the principal performance para- combustion chamber, the chamber pressure and
meters. The A-1 engine diagram is shown in Fig. 3-1. thrust climb to the rated level.
(We suggest that the readers prepare their own Cutoff sequence. As shown in Figs. 2-20 and 2-
performance diagrams for the other three stages.) 21, a cutoff signal de-energizes, and thus closes the
For compactness and simplicity of mounting, the engine four-way control valve. The opening pressures
turbopump is attached directly to the thrust chamber. of all valves vent; the valves close. Turbine power and
All other components either are mounted on these main-chamber pressure decay. While the main
two assemblies or are located in the plumbing system propellant tanks vent, all valves are held in the
b e t w e e n them. This arrangement permits engine closed position by springs. Note that the gas-
gimballing without pump-discharged, high-pressure generator valve and the main oxidizer valve are
propellant-duct flexure. Instead, thrust-vector control closed by admitting actuation pressure to their
is achieved by gimballing the entire engine. The closing port, but the main fuel valve is closed by
engine weighs approximately 7500 lb dry, 7900 lb wet, spring force only. Experience has shown that cutoff
and 7830 lb at burnout. The preliminary design lay- precision is largely influenced by turbopump decay
out of the A-1 engine system and its overall dimen- characteristics and by cessation of the propellant
sions are presented in Fig. 3-2. flow that has the smallest duct volume below the
v a l v e - in this case, the oxidizer (with no cooling
System Operation jacket). The fast-closing valves need some timing,
however, to control pressures caused by wat-
For starting, the A-1 engine employs a "main-tank- erhammer effects.
head start" approach, combined with a pressure-
ladder sequence. Propellants are used under vehicle 3.3 A-2 STAGE ENGINE
tank-head pressures to initiate gas-generator op-
eration. As the turbopump starts to accelerate, main For the same reasons as with the first stage, the A-2
propellant pressures "bootstrap" the system to will have clustered (four) engines, delivering vacuum
mainstage level. thrust of 600,000 lb (150,000 lb per engine). Because

Oxidizer Inlet
Main Oxidizer Valve PIN = 55 psia

P = 1.5o5I~ia [![ W = 1.971 Ib/se~-c~ ' - ' - - ' ~

Duct ~
t / Pump
,. - ' e - - - - - - - ~ - - -
WGGO = 27 Ib/sec:; ~ ' ~ ~ j
;-~ _ CalibratedOrifice
, ~, ~ N ~

P~ = 1.720psla
Ptni End = 1.095 psia Fuel-Discharge = 892 Ib/sec Fuel
Pc = 1.000 psia PIN = 45 psia
Main Fuel Fuel Inlet

Gas Generator ~ P = 640 " Turbine

TIN = 1400 °

Turbine Exhaust P = 27 psia 750K First Stage

Thrust Chamber Fuel Pu.rnp

Developed head 4,790 ft
Flow rate 892 Ib/s
Efficiency 65.8%
Horsepower 11,790 bhp
Nominal Engine Para.meters Speed 7,000 rpm
Liquid oxygen density 71.38 Ib/ft 3 Oxidi .zer Pump~
RP-1 density 50.45 Ib/ft 3 Developed head 2,930 ft
Thrust (sea level) 750,000 Ib Flow rate 1,971 Ib/s
Specific impulse 262.4 s Efficiency 70.7%
Mixture ratio 2.20 Horsepower 14,850 bhp
Thrust Chamber Speed 7,000 rpm
Expansion area ratio 14 Turbine
Throat area 487 in2
Thrust 747,000 Ib Pin 640 psia
Specific impulse 270 s Pressure ratio 23.7
Mixture ratio 2.35 TemPin 1400°F
Flow rates: Efficiency 58.2%
Oxidizer 1,941 Ib/s Horsepower 27,140 bhp
Fuel 827 Ib/s Exhaust thrust 3,000 Ib

Fig. 3-1 A-1 engine performance diagram.

of the substantial performance gains obtainable attenuation of RF signals, an important aspect for
through the use of high-energy propellants in upper vehicle guidance and telemetry. Most important, the
stages, liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen (LOX/LH 2) yield in specific impulse of this combination ap-
have been selected as propellants. proaches theoretical maximum for chemical reac-
Over the years, the production and handling of tions. Only certain fluorine/hydrogen combinations
the cryogenics liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen are slightly higher (approximately 4%). (The extreme
have become routine; and the price has come down toxicity of fluorine and fluorine compounds, both as
considerably. Both elements are abundantly avail- liquids and as components of combustion products,
able. Their combustion p r o d u c t - water v a p o r - is makes fluorine less attractive for operational use.) By
the most harmless of all propellant exhausts, solid or building the A-1 and A-2 stages a little larger, the
liquid. Telemetry engineers like it because of its low same payload that fluorine offers can be obtained.

45 ° " ~ 45 ° I-
,t 4 4---~l ~ 42.0 ~ Thrust Chamber _
L"~"~.'~., " / Actuator / Fuel ~ ,,., ~ ~]~l
Main ~t L ~ ~ Attach Ox Dome ~.1 Manifold El
% // 4.4---~.

"---I( .
0 Vehicle-- I~.
Attach t~
Point !j

Flexible Gas Generator Ox Inlet/'~ ~, ne

--~Jl [..~-131 &valve
\ ~ Turbine-~~Heat ExchanE:haust
Fuel Inlet Inlet & Outlet
Ox Pump Fuel Pump

Fig. 3-2 Preliminary layout of A-1 first-stage engine system.

Moreover, all the advantages of LOX/LH2 are re- the 40:l-area-ratio plane. The remainder of the
tained, including the extensive past experience with chamber, upstream of the 30:1 plane, is regenerative-
them. ly cooled (1 1/2 pass). Helium gas actuates the con-
Even so, hydrogen does have its drawbacks, the trois. No lubricants and no fluids that could freeze at
principal one being its low density, resulting in rather low temperatures are used. Hot gases generated by a
bulky tanks, which make it an unattractive candidate solid-propellant turbine spinner start the engine.
for first-stage/booster applications in most cases. Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3) , hypergolic with LH2,
For a typical oxygen-to-hydrogen mixture ratio of 5:1, ignites the combustion chamber. The turbine spinner
the corresponding volume ratio is inversed: 1:5. This and igniter fluid are both insulated and temperature-
disadvantage, however, will be offset for upper stages conditioned electrically from a ground source until
by the high-energy yield (Is). The improved state of first-stage takeoff. Gaseous hydrogen bled from the
the art of ultralightweight vehicle and tank construc- thrust-chamber coolant passage pressurizes the main-
tions will further increase the superiority of hydrogen fuel tank. A small portion of liquid oxygen, bled from
for upper stages. the oxidizer-pump discharge and heated in a heat
Low density also creates a high boiloff rate, un- exchanger, pressurizes the main oxidizer tank.
less tanks and lines are properly insulated. Because of Table 3-3 lists the A-2 engine operating parame-
the low density and the resulting large surface area of ters. The engine schematic diagram appears in Fig. 3-
the containers, the heat input per unit of hydrogen 3. Note that engine parameters are based on v a c u u m
mass is high. Furthermore, the temperature of liquid c o n d i t i o n s u b e c a u s e A-2 starts and operates in a
hydrogen is sufficiently low to liquefy air on tank vacuum for its entire duration. In the case of the A-2
surfaces. This liquefaction sharply increases heat- Stage, the starting altitude of 250,000 ft can be
transfer rates, resulting in extreme boiloff rates. Tank- considered absolute vacuum, for all practical pur-
and-line insulation, therefore, is vital. Although the poses.
techniques of rocket-vehicle insulation are highly de- Gimballing the entire engine applies TVC. The
veloped, the necessary insulation does impose some engine weighs approximately 2181 lb dry, 2317 lb wet,
weight penalties. and 2292 lb at burnout. The overall dimensions and
Overall, however, hydrogen produces a substan- the preliminary design layout of the A-2 engine are
tial net performance gain for upper stages. shown in Fig. 3-4.

General Engine-System Description System Operation

The A-2 engine is a single-start, fixed-thrust, gim- The A-2 engine (Fig. 3-3 and 3-5) employs a "turbine
balled, bipropellant system. The thrust chamber fea- spin start" for very fast buildup (less than 2 s from
tures a combination of fuel regenerative cooling and start signal to main stage). Starting power is furnished
film cooling with turbine exhaust gas. The chamber by a turbine spinner. Chamber tapoff gases then
assembly is fed by two independent, direct-drive bootstrap the turbine.
centrifugal turbopumps. For the fuel, an alternative
axial pump may be chosen. Each operates at opti- Starting Sequence
mum speed. Hot gases are tapped off the main com- As part of the separation and staging sequence, a
bustion chamber to power the turbines. A hot-gas vehicle programmer furnishes a start signal (to the
orifice in the tapoff duct controls the engine thrust engine) that ignites the turbine spinner, which
level. The turbines, gas-coupled in parallel, exhaust to supplies gases at 2000"F to the turbines and combus-
the thrust chamber, being injected in the 30:l- tion chamber. This signal also energizes the solenoid
expansion-area-ratio plane. Thus, the gases provide of the engine control valve that vents the closing side
film cooling for the nozzle portion and from there to of both main propellant-valve actuators and

Table 3-3 A-2 Stage e n g i n e o p e r a t i n g p a r a m e t e r s for v a c u u m conditions.

| l, , _ ,, ,=, ,,,

Engine (turbopump feed): Shaft speed rpm 8,600

Thrust Ib 150,000 Turbine:
Nominal single-firingduration s 250 Inlet pressure psia 700
Specific impulse s 434 Inlet temperature "F 1200
Oxidizer L02: Pressure ratio 16
Flow rate Ib/s 288 Gas flow rate ItYs 1.58
Density Ib/ft3 7128 Shaft power bhp 1,940
Fuel LH2: Efficiency % 54.3
Flow rate Ib/s 57.6 Shaft speed q~m 8,600
Density Ib/t~ 4.42 Shaft torque in-lb 14,200
Mixture ratio O/F 5 Fuel side:
Thrust chamber (tubular wall construction regeneratively Injector pressuredrop psi 100
cooled by fuel. Nozzle extension film cooled by turbine Jacket and manifold pressuredrop psi 325
exhaust gas): Une pressuredrop psi 20
Thrust Ib 149,500 Main valve pressure drop psi 20
Specific impulse s 440 Calibration orifice pressure drop psi 60
Injector end pressure psia 875 Pump inlet pressure psia 25
Nozzle stagnationpressure psia 800 Pump dischargepressure psia 1,400
Oxidizer flow rate Ib/s 285.2 Developed pump head tt 44,800
Fuel flow rate Ib/s 54.5 Pump weight flow rate ItYs 59.8
Mixture ratio O/F 5.22 Pump volumetric flow rate gpm 6,080
c° efficiency % 97.5 Heat exchanger bleed Ib/s 2.2
C" ft/s 7,480 Pump:
Cfefficiency % 101 Shaft power bhp 6,100
Cf 1.895 Efficiency % 80
Contraction ratio Ac/At 1.60 Shaft speed rpm 27,000
Expansion ratio A4A t 40 Chamber coolant passage bleed
Throat area At in2 98.6 for fuel lank pressurization Ib/s 2.2
L" in. 26 Turbine:
Nozzle contour 75% bell Inlet pressure psia 700
Oxidizer side: Inlet temperature "F 1200
Injector pressuredrop p~ 160 Pressure ratio 16
Torus dome pressuredrop ps~ 40 Gas flow rate Ib/s 4.32
Une pressuredrop ps~ 20 Shaft power bhp " 6,100
Main valve pressure drop psJ 20 Efficiency % 62.5
Calibration orifice pressuredrop psi 60 Shaft speed rpm 27,000
Pump inlet pressure ps=a 35 Shaft torque in-lb 14,250
Pump dischargepressure ps~a 1,175 Tapoff gas from thrust chamber for turbine drive:
Developed pump head ft 2,305 Pressure Ib/in2 750
Pump weight flow rate Ib/s 290.5 Temperature "F 1200
Pump volumetric flow rate gpm 1,830 Weight flow rate Ib/s 5.9
Heat exchangerbleed (oxidizer Mixture ratio O/F 0.90
tank pressurization) Ib/s 2.5 Thrust vector control:
Pump: Minimum acceleration rad/s2 2
Shaft power bhp 1,910 Maximum velocity deg/s 15
Efficiency % 64 Displacement deg _+6

pressurizes the opening side of the fuel-valve actuator When the main fuel valve reaches the 90%-open
with helium gas. Simultaneously, the hypergol- position, ports open that are integral with the actu-
sequence valve (mechanically linked to the main fuel ating piston and permit helium gas to flow through
valve), is opened and the actuator of the (normally the hypergol-monitor valve and to pressurize the
open) fuel-bleed valve is pressurized closed. The fuel open side of the main oxidizer-valve actuator. The
flows through the chamber cooling jacket under main oxidizer valve opens, admitting oxidizer to the
increasing pump-discharge pressure and injects into chamber where pressure builds up rapidly. Chamber
the combustion chamber. Ignition is achieved by the tapoff gases bootstrap the turbines to mainstage
hypergolic reaction between hydrogen and the slug operation. The spinner burns for about 1.2 s. After
of chlorine trifluoride forced into the chamber by the main stage level is achieved, the propel-lant-uti-
increased oxidizer-pump discharge pressure. lization servo system begins to function.

Oxidizer Inlet
Oxidizer-Pump Pump
Inlet ~ Fuel Pump
Oxidizer Tank ] Turbine
Pressure-Heat ~
Exchanger . _ . _ _ ~ '~ Fuel Turbine
!,,-- :
Hypergol Cartridge_ . __ ~r-'~,, Turbine Spinner
& Monitoring Valve
Main Oxidizer.._..__ Fuel-Tank Pressurant
Valve Bleed (GH2)
PU Control Hypergol Sequence
Manifold Tapoff--~ . L ~ , ~ _. ;uel Bleed Valve
• Engine-Control 4-Way Valve
Return to
Main Thrust Chamber Fuel Tank
Main Fuel Valve
Helium Tank
Turbine Exhaust
Fig. 3-3 A-2 Stage engine-system schematic diagram.

. "~ 106 in. ". . . . . . . =

Gimbal Actuator Turbine Spinner
Attach Point 6 in Fuel Pump Thrust Chamber.
r Fuel Turbine Fuel
45dog ~ 4 5 d e g M L
Main Ox Main Fuel
Valve & ~Valve
PU Control
Fuel ,,~,IT i'i
in. P 72.5 in.

I ::tb~.lI N
L Elect. Pack
Ox. Dome L 02 Heat Exchanger
Tapoff Gas-- "Ox. Turbine
Gimbal Manifold f "Ox. Pump
Block Gimbal Turbine Exhaust
Gas Manifold
Fig. 3-4 P r e l i m i n a r y layout of A-2 Stage engine s y s t e m .

Cutoff Sequence 3.4 A-3 STAGE ENGINE

The cutoff signal, received from the vehicle Three engines of 16,000-1b thrust each power the A-3
programmer, de-energizes the engine-control valve Stage. They employ liquid fluorine and liquid hy-
causing it to close. This closure vents the open side drogen as propellants to gain the very high perfor-
and pressurizes the closing side of the main propel- mance required of upper stages. To date, there have
lant-valve actuators. By proper orificing of the he- been almost no applications of fluorine as a propel-
lium lines, the main oxidizer valve is made to close lant except on an experimental basis. Fluorine has
faster than the main fuel valve, to ensure a fuel-rich vigorous and reliable hypergolic ignition and super-
cutoff. The valve closure causes engine thrust to de- ior specific impulse with most fuels. The high density
cay. The fuel bleed valve opens after venting of the of liquid fluorine, combined with high performance
helium pressure in its actuator. with liquid hydrogen, results in maximum payloads. It

Start ...... Cutoff

Turbine Spinner Ignites

,q Engine Control 4-Way Valve Solenoid r Engine Control 4-Way Valve Solenoid
F Energized for Open Control Deenergized for Close Control

~ ~ Turbopump Buildup

Main Fuel Valve and Hypergol

,['"',,i'.'",('",,~?'1SequenceValve Open; Fuel
~ Main Oxidizer Valve Closes

Main Fuel Valve and Hypergol

b,,i'"',~i'"',~i"",,~"i>~i3,, SequenceValve Close; Fuel
Bleed Valve Closes. ..~. i IBleedValveOp en
l-~~",,,,,~ Main Ox. Valve Opens ~,,_7, rust Decays

~ , , ,/',-,,?',kThrust Buildup
/ y 90%Thrust
l [ Y L ainstage
___ J _ U _ U _ _
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 3-5 A-2 Stage engine-system sequence diagram.

has been thought that as mis-sion requirements ponents in design of the entire propulsion system.
become more ambitious, payload advantages from Welded joints are used extensively. No rotating seals
the fluorine-oxidized propellant combination might are employed; sliding seals, the metal-bellows type.
compensate for handling problems caused by A preliminary design layout of the A-3 propul-
fluorine toxicity and corrosiveness. sion system and its dimensions are depicted in Fig. 3-
7. The fuel tank is pressure- rather than mechanically
General Engine-System Description stabilized. The thrust loads are transmitted to the
payload through the fuel tank. Both tanks are in-
The A-3 engine is a multiple-start, gimballed, bipro- sulated, along with the ducts between tanks and en-
pellant system. The thrust chamber uses a combina- gine systems. Gimballing the thrust chambers applies
tion of fuel-film (LH2) and radiation cooling. The TVC. Each basic engine weighs approximately 330 lb
propellants are fed directly from pressurized pro- dry and 365 lb at burnout. Each has a cylindrical
pellant tanks, through main propellant valves, to space envelope of 5 ft 4 in. in diam by 7 ft 6 in. in
thrust-chamber inlets. The propellant tanks and their length. The propulsion system (including the three
gas pressurization system are considered part of the engines and the tankage) weighs approximately 5130
engine propellant-feed system. Gaseous helium, lb dry, 37,900 lb wet, and 5530 lb at burnout.
supplied from a high-pressure helium bottle located
inside the main fuel tank, pressurizes the main oxi- System Operation
dizer tank. The main fuel tank is pressurized by
gaseous hydrogen, supplied from a liquid-hydrogen The A-3 propulsion system is designed for automatic
bottle pressurized by helium; it is located inside the start on receiving a signal from the guidance system.
main fuel tank. Both pressurants are heated in heat A similar signal starts automatic engine shutdown.
exchangers, located at the thrust-chamber nozzle One or more restarts can be made by merely send-
extensions, before being expanded through pressure ing additional start/shutdown signals to the propul-
regulators and transferred to the propellant tanks. sion system. Figure 3-8 shows the operational se-
Helium gas operates the main valves and the gimbal quence of the A-3 engine stage. In conjunction with
actuators and purges the propellant manifolds during Fig. 3-6, this figure illustrates the startup and shutdown
the hypergolic start. of the system.
Table 3-4 lists A-3 engine operating parameters
for vacuum conditions. Figure 3-6 shows the propul- 3.5 A-4 STAGE ENGINE
sion system schematic diagram.
The highly reactive and toxic nature of fluorine The A-4 stage employs two engines, each of 7500-1b
forces simplicity and a minimum number of com- thrust, to achieve a desired thrust of 15,000 lb. It is as-

sumed that the mission assigned to this fourth (and Storable hypergolics possess certain character-
last) stage of the space vehicle may require istics that contribute to high reliability--such as
prolonged cruising periods before ignition and simplicity of ignition and ease of propellant main-
possibly even longer waiting periods before re-igni- tenance (because the propellants can be contained
tion. Although it would be desirable to utilize the in closed vessels over reasonable temperature ranges
high-energy propellants of the second and third for considerable periods of time without developing
stages, the fact that they are cryogenics poses some excessively high pressures or undergoing unac-
problems. Cryogenic propellants could probably be ceptable changes in composition). Applicable stor-
used with refined insulation techniques, but they were ables with high performance include chlorine trifluo-
not selected because the increase in complexity ride (CIF3)/hydrazine (N2H4) and nitrogen tetroxide
(resulting from the insulation techniques) was (N204)/N2H 4. As a monopropellant, hydrazine is
deemed inappropriate for a vehicle of this size. Solid prone to explosive thermal decomposition, but this
propellants were also ruled out because of the condition can be remedied by certain additives. The
requirement for repeated starts and throttling. CIF3/N2H 4 produces slightly higher performance

Table 3-4 A-3 Stage engine operating parameters for vacuum conditions.
• , , , ,,, m , i - r - ~ I ~r II

Engine (pressurized gas-feed): Calibrationorificepressuredrop psi 17

Thrust Ib 16,000 Oxidizer tank pressure psia 170
Nominal total multiple-firing Total oxidizerweight (300 s duration
duration s 300 for 3 engines, plus 1% residual) Ib 27,950
Specific impulse s 446 Oxidizer lank volume (including 3%
Oxidizer LF2: ullage volume) ft3 305
Density Ib/fl3 94.16 Pressurant(helium) flow rate
Flow rate Ib/s 30.78 (assuming tank gas temperature
Fuel LH2 • 400"R) Ib/s 0.1555
Density lb/ft3 4.42 Total pressurant weight (including
Flow rate Ib/s 5.13 other requirements in the system)
Mixture ratio O/F 6 (assume storage bottle final
Thrust chamber (solid wall film cooled by fuel and pressure 350 psi, plus 2% reserve) ib 60
radiation cooled on nozzle extension): Pressurant storage tank, volume
Thrust Ib 16,000 (assume 200"R storage
Specific impulse s 446 temperature, including3% ullage
Injector end pressure psia 110 volume) f13 7.35
Nozzle stagnation pressure psia 100 Pressurant storage tank, initial
Oxidizer flow rate Ib/s 30.78 pressure psia 4,500
Fuel flow rate ItYs 5.13 Fuel side (pressurized by heated hydrogen)
Mixture ratio O/F 6 Injector pressure drop psi 25
c* efficiency % 98 Inlet manifoldpressuredrop psi 10
c* ft/s 7,910 Main valve pressure drop psi 10
Cfefficiency % 102 Line pressure drop psi 5
Cf 1.817 Fuel tank pressure psia 160
Contraction ratio Ac/A t 2 Total fuel weight (300 s duration for
Expansion ratio Ae/At 35 3 engines, plus 1% residual) Ib 4,660
Throat area At in2 88 Fuel tank volume (induding 3%
L* in. 28 ullage volume) ft3 1,087
Nozzle contour 70% bell Pressurant (hydrogen) flow rate
Thrust vector control: (assuming tank vapor temperature
Minimum acceleration rad/s2 2 300"R) ItYs 0.346
Maximum velocity deg/s 15 Total pressurant weight (assuming
Displacement deg +_7 storage bottle final pressure 350
Oxidizer side (pressurized by heated helium): psia, plus 4% reserve) Ib 108
Injector pressure drop psi 25 Pressurantstoragetank, volume
Oxidizer dome pressure drop psi 5 (liquid hydrogen including 3% ullage
Main valve pressure drop psi 8 volume) 113 25.2
Une pressure drop psi 5 Pressurantstoragetank, pressure psia 350

H 2 Bottle

Oxidizer Tank
Fuel Tank

--I~ Helium Supply to Purge and Actuating Systems (Not Shown)

"~ Pressure Regulator " ~ Pressurant Shut-Off ~ Tank Fill and Drain Valve
v Tank Relief Valve ~ Main Propellant =O Pressurant Fill Vent and
•.m. Check Valve Valve Relief Valve
Fig. 3-6 A-3 Stage engine-system schematic diagram.

Fuel (LH2) Tank

Oxidizer (LF2) Tank Thrust Chambers (3)
~----- 7 ft 6 in.
! Ir I

12ftD 5ft4inD
• 170

=.=.=...==.,~.- .,.. ! .= , ~ = =

350 psia

Thrust Vector --"

Control Gimbal
16ft Actuators (6)
, .
24 ft . . . . ~'1
Internal Helium Bottle
Tank Interstage Connecting Skirt
Insulation Liquid-Hydrogen
Pressurant Bottle

Fig. 3-7 Preliminary layout of A-3 Stage propulsion system.


Table 3-5 A-4 Stage engine operating parameters for vacuum conditions.
l I III l II l III I I l Ill l Ill I . l i i

Engine (pressurized gas-feed) and throttleable: Main valve pressure drop psi 4
Thrust Ib 7,500 Calibration orifice pressure drop psi 8
Nominal total multiple-firing Mixture ratio control reserve psi 10
duration at full thrust s 410 Oxidizer tank pressure psia 165
Specific impulse s 320 Total oxidizer weight (410 s full thrust
Oxidizer N204 • duralJon for 2 engines, plus 0.8% residual) Ib 10,560
Density Ib/ft3 90.88 Oxidizer lank volume (including 2.5%
Flow rate Ib/s 12.78 ullage volume) ft 3 120
Fuel N2H4" Nominal pressurant (helium) flow rate
Density Ib/ft3 63.25 (assuming tank ullage temperature 700"R) Ib/s 0.0225
Flow rate Ib/s 10.65 Total pressurant weight (assuming storage
Mixture ratio O/F 1.2 bottle final temperature 191 "R, pressure
Thrust chamber (ablatively cooled and radiation cooled on 400 psia, plus 2% reserve) 12.95
nozzle extension): Pressurant storage tank:
Thrust Ib 7,500 Volume tt 3 4.3
Specific impulse s 320 Pressure psia 4,500
Injector end pressure psia 110 Temperature 'R 560 max
Nozzle stagnation pressure psia 100 Fuel side (pressurized by heated helium):
Oxidizer flow ItYs 12.78 Injector pressure drop psi 25
Fuel flow Ibis 10.65 Inlet manifold pressure drop psi 4
Mixture ratio O/F 1.2 Une pressure drop psi 4
c* efficiency % 98 Main valve pressure drop psi 4
c* ft/s 5,540 Calibration orifice pressure drop psi 8
C f efficiency % 101 Fuel tank pressure psi 155
Cf 1.858 Total fuel weight (410 s full thrust duration
Contraction ratio Ac/A t 2 for 2 engines, plus 1.2% residual) 8,840
Expansion ratio Ae/At 35 Fuel tank volume (including 2.5 ullage
Throat area, At in2 40.4 volume) t13 143.5
L" in. 32 Nominal pressurant (helium) flow rate
Nozzle contour 70% bell (assuming tank ullage temperature 700"R) Ibis 0.025
Thrust vector control: Total pressurant weight (assuming storage
Minimum acceleration rad/s2 2 bottle linal temperature 191"R, pressure
Maximum velocity deg/s 15 400 psia, plus 2% reserve) 14.4
Displacement deg __7 Pressurant storage tank:
Oxidizer side (pressurized by heated helium): Volume ft3 4.77
Injector pressure drop psi 25 Pressure psia 4,500
Oxidizer dome pressure drop psi 3 Temperature "R 560 max
Une pressure drop psi 5

i i •
Start i JILl , II , I , • , l • , l, Ii
ii I i I I l|l l

I! _ _
I I ~\\\'X\~\N
b- C'o" 'ona'
Pressurant Shutoff
I,k'~\\'~\'~\\\\~ Pressurant Shutoff Valves Open
I _ _ !
~X= I Valves Close
I ~\\\\~'x\\"~, Thrust Chamber Purge Thrust Chamber Purge
I i|
I ~<~\X\\\\\\\\\',~ Propellant Tanks Pressurized K \ \ X X ~ \ \ \ x ~ T a n k Pressures Decay
I ~ Main Propellant Valve Control Main I~ropellant Valves Control
Solenoid Valve Open & Purge Stops [ ~ Solenoid Valve Closes Purge Starts
Ii Start I ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , ~ Main Propellant Valves Open .k\\~ Main Propellant Valves Close
Signal I _.,<~-,~\\\\\.X~ Thrust Buildup ~Thru'st Decays
_1 ! I I I 1 . . . . . . . . .
l| l,l l l , -
o 1 2 3 4 5 Time(s) 0 1 2 3 Time(s)
Fig. 3-8 A-3 Stage engine and propulsion system operational sequence.

Valves Pressure
To Valve and
Gimbal Actuators Regulator
Tank Vent
and Relief Fuel
Valves Valve
ue, I!/ O,,,,zer
Tank Tank Mixture
Control Thrust /
Chambers Heat
Main Exchangers

Helium Start

Drain Lines 1 ~ Helium Fill and

j Vent Valve

Fig. 3-9 A-4 Stage engine and propulsion system schematic diagram.

Fuel (N2H4)
Oxidizer (N204) ~ - - - - -
5 ft 9 in. ~ ~ ]
-! 3 ft 6 in. D
High Pressure ~ I - "
Helium ~ ~

7 ,~ ° .

psla ,

Diffuser Connecting Thrust Vector Control
Skirt Gimbal Actuators (4)
14 ft 4 in. ~ 7rID -

Fig. 3-10 Preliminary layout of A-4 Stage propulsion system.

than N204/N2H4, but CIF3 requires special design assembly employs ablative and radiation cooling
provisions for handling because of its thermal char- and undergoes hypergolic ignition. This engine sys-
acteristics. For this reason, N204/N2H4 was chosen for tem links two thrust chambers to one propellant-feed
the A-4 engine. N204/N2H4 has performance com- system and one set of propellant controls. The
parable to LO2/RP-l's. propellants are fed by pressurants directly from the
Teflon and Teflon 100X can be used as seal ma- propellant tanks through the main propellant valves
terial in the A-4 engine system. Although KeI-F is a to thrust-chamber inlets. Gaseous helium supplied
satisfactory material for use with N2H4, it degrades from high-pressure bottles pressurizes both tanks. The
after short-term service in N204. Most series 300 stain- pressurant is heated in heat exchangers, located at
less steels, aluminum alloys, nickel, and nickel-base the thrust-chamber nozzle extensions before ex-
brazing alloys can be used as construction materials. pansion through a pressure regulator and transferred
to the propellant tanks. Helium gas also operates the
General Engine System main valves and the gimbal actuators.
Table 3-5 gives A-4 engine operating parameters
The A-4 engine is a multiple-start, variable-thrust, at vacuum condition. Figure 3-9 shows an engine and
gimballed, bipropellant system. The thrust-chamber propulsion system schematic diagram.

Start Shutdown ,

Pressurant Shutoff
~ Pressurant Shutoff Valve Opens //A "~ Valve Closes

.~ ~ 77-/~/////j Propellant Tank Propellant Tank

Pressurization Pressurization

.~ ' ~ . ~ ;;;~,',~ Thrust Chamber Purging "/"A Thrust Chamber


~ Oxidizer Valve Opens Oxidizer Valve Closes

~ ~ Fuel Valve Opens
~,. Fuel Valve Closes

• . ~ Thrust Level and

Thrust Level and Mixture Ratio
Mixture Ratio Control Deactivates
Control Activates I I I I
~,'7//,,,~ Thrust Buildup and
~2~ruit Decays
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Seconds Seconds

Fig. 3-11 A-4 Stage engine operational sequence.

The engine gimbal blocks are fastened to thrust shows the preliminary design layout of the A-4
mounts attached to the aft end of the oxidizer tank. propulsion system.
The fuel tank is attached forward of the oxidizer tank Note that for the A-3 and A-4 engines, a slightly
to form an integral vehicle structure. As in the A-3 smaller nozzle expansion area ratio has been speci-
system, the thrust loads are transmitted to the pay- fied than for the A-2. Although all three upper stages
load through the pressure-stabilized tank assembly. operate in vacuum and can use the largest practical
The propellant ducts between fuel tank and engine expansion area ratio for best performance, other
systems are routed outboard and covered by fairings considerations influence the ratio actually chosen.
for protection against aerodynamic heating and for
lower air resistance during first-stage boost. System Operation
Both throttling and propellant-utilization control
are achieved by varying the degree of opening of The propulsion system has been designed to start
both propellant valves. The positions of valves are automatically upon a signal from the guidance sys-
controlled by the vehicle guidance system in con- tem. During main-stage operation, engine's thrust
junction with a vehicle propellant-quantity measuring level and mixture ratio will be controlled continu-
system. Gimballing the thrust chambers applies TVC. ously through the engine-control package by the
The basic single engine weighs approximately 150 lb guidance and propellant-utilization systems. A guid-
dry and 170 lb at burnout. It has a cylindrical space ance signal shuts the engine down. The propulsion
envelope of 3 ft 6 in. in diam by 5 ft 9 in. in length. system can restart an indefinite number of times. It
The complete propulsion system (including the two can be operated at any level between 10% and full
engines and the tanks) weighs approximately 725 lb thrust. Figure 3-11 shows the operational sequence of
dry, 19,649 lb wet, and 795 lb at burnout. Figure 3-10 the A-4 Stage engine.
Chapter 4

D e s i g n o f Thrust C h a m b e r s and Other C o m b u s t i o n Devices

While each of the proud designers of the various The basic elements of a thrust chamber include a
subsystems of a rocket engine considers his product combustion chamber, expansion nozzle, injector, ig-
as "the heart of the engine," the thrust-chamber nition device (for nonhypergolic propellants), pro-
assembly undeniably embodies the essence of rocket pellant inlet and distribution manifolds, and appro-
propulsion: the acceleration and ejection of matter, priate surfaces and structures for component mount-
the reaction to which imparts propulsive force to the ing and for carrying the thrust forces to the vehicle.
vehicle. The designer aims to achieve this with a Figures 4-1 and 4-2 illustrate a thrust-chamber as-
device of maximum performance, stability, and dura- sembly that typifies those employed for relatively low
bility and minimum size, weight, and cost. chamber pressure (<1000 psia) and liquid oxygen/
The design of a thrust chamber presents one of RP-1 propellants. This assembly has three major
the more complex tasks in the field of liquid-propel- subassemblies: thrust-chamber body (which includes
lant rocket engineering, primarily because the basic the expansion nozzle), injector, and igniter. In some
processes, especially the combustion within the thrust cases, particularly for larger engines, the nozzle may
chamber, are imperfectly understood. This makes be a separate piece that attaches to the thrust-cham-
analyses difficult and imprecise. Thus, during most ber body at some small distance beyond the throat.
engine-development programs, a major effort must The thrust-chamber body subassembly, a venturi
be expended on design and development of the shape, consists of a cylindrical section in which the
thrust chamber. combustion occurs, a section narrowing toward a
throat, and a bell-shaped, expanding nozzle section
4.1 BASIC THRUST-CHAMBER ELEMENTS through which the combustion gases are expelled.
The wall of this chamber is constructed of nickel
The thermodynamic processes governing the gener- tubes running longitudinally, joined by silver brazing,
ation of thrust within a chamber have been treated in and retained by external tension bands. The tubes,
Chapter 1. In a liquid-bipropellant rocket engine, the of 0.012-in. wall thickness, have rectangular cross
following basic steps characterize the conversion of section of varying area, to conform to the thrust-
the energy of propellants into thrust: chamber shape. This construction permits simple
1) The liquid propellants, at proper oxidizer/ thrust-chamber cooling by flowing fuel through the
fuel mixture ratio (O/F), are injected into the com- tubes of the chamber wall. The fuel, under pressure,
bustion chamber and atomized into droplets. enters the thrust-chamber body at the fuel-manifold
2) The droplets are subsequently vaporized by
heat transfer from the surrounding gas. The size and
velocity of the droplets change continuously during , . .-, , , -~ .-,, ; v . v "- , _ _
their entrainment in the combustion-gas flow.
3) The vaporized propellants are mixed rapidly, .... .£ ~,
further heated, and promptly react, thus continuously
increasing gaseous mass flowrate within the corn-
bustion chamber. This gas-phase reaction is aided
by high-speed diffusion of active molecules and
atoms. Combustion will essentially be complete up-
stream of the chamber throat, when all liquid drop-
lets have been vaporized. Under certain conditions,
shock and detonation waves may be generated by I;-J'[ CTC.',~ l:q :.Tf
local disturbances in the chamber, possibly caused
by fluctuations in mixing or propellant flow. These
may trigger pressure oscillations that are amplified
and maintained by the combustion processes. Such
high-amplitude waves--referred to as "combustion
instability"--produce high levels of vibration and
- :.

7.g.. ,;

heat flux that can be very destructive. A major por-

tion of the design and development effort therefore
concerns stable combustion.
4) As the gaseous products of the combustion • .iF ( . . ' 0 ~,

process pass toward and through the throat, they are

accelerated to sonic, and then to supersonic, velocity ...... i)/,.
..~ .
Within the diverging nozzle section, and are finally
ejected. l~ig. 4-~ Thrust-chamber assembly.

inlet and is distributed to alternate thrust-chamber

tubes. It then moves down toward the nozzle exit FUEL MANIFOLD INLET

where the fuel-return manifold reverses the flow into INDEX P I N . \

the return tubes. The fuel then flows through an .,
injector fuel screen, and into the injector. To meet 3NITION FUEL
conditions of high heat flux (e.g., LOX/hydrogen ,ILET PORT "'.

combustion at high chamber pressure), the chamber

will usually be constructed from a single solid piece OXYGEN

of highly conductive material containing many small

slots (coolant-flow passages) within the wall, instead
of tubes.
Following are the operating characteristics and
principal dimensions of a hypothetical thrust INJECTOR
chamber similar to the one shown in Fig. 4-1: IGNITION FUEL ~ .

Propellants LOX/RP- 1 THRUST CI'~AMBER

O/F mixture ratio 2.30
Characteristic velocity c*, ft/s 5400
Thrust coefficient Cf (sea level) 1.489
Specific impulse (Is)tc (sea level), s 249
Total propellant flowrate, lb/s 402
Thrust (sea level), lb 100,000
w,- X
Chamber pressure (injector \\
end), psia 520
Chamber pressure (nozzle
stagnation), psia 480 Fig. 4-2 Thrust-chamber injector.
Average gas specific-heat ratio 1.233
Combustion-chamber cross-section
area, in.2 244
Throat area, in.2 140 The liquid-oxygen dome provides the inlet for
the liquid oxygen. It also serves as the thrust-cham-
Nozzle exit area, in. 2 1120
ber-to-vehicle attachment interface. The electrically
Combustion-chamber volume
fired pyrotechnic igniter is mounted at the center of
(above throat), in 3 5320 the injector.
Combustion-chamber length Injector design, particularly selection of the
(to throat), in. 28.5 number, size, and location of orifices, will be cru-
Characteristic chamber length L*, in. 38 cially important to the performance and stability
Overall thrust-chamber length, in. 73 (and often thrust-chamber-wall heat flux) of the en-
Design contraction area ratio 1.60 gine. In addition to the like-impinging doublet ele-
Design expansion area ratio 8 ments described above, the injector may also em-
ploy unlike impingement and multiple (more than
High-strength bolts hold the thrust-chamber in- two) stream impingements. Finally, liquid/gas pro-
jector (Fig. 4-2)ma round plate honeycombed with pellant combinations will usually employ coaxial
circular and radial inner passages~ which lead to injection elements in which the gaseous fuel (e.g.,
drilled injection orifices--in position at the fuel hydrogen or methane) in the annulus atomizes the
manifold, below the liquid-oxygen dome. The seals liquid (e.g., LOX) in the central stream.
between the injector and thrust-chamber bodies are
of the O-ring type, made of material selected for
compatibility with the fuel. A mount in the center of 4.2 THRUST-CHAMBER PERFORMANCE
the injector permits installation of a pyrotechnic ig- PARAMETERS
niter. The injector has 20 circular concentric copper
rings that contain the injection orifices. Fuel and The significance of the parameters that express or
oxidizer are kept separate by an elaborate distri- influence the efficiency of thrust-chamber operation
bution system feeding alternate rings. Fuel flows has been discussed in section 1.3 of Chapter 1.
through the outermost ring, through each alternate Before discussing the details of actual thrust-chamber
inner ring, and through a central fuel disk separately design, the parameters will be summarized here and
fed from an igniter fuel valve through an ignition their use illustrated for design calculations, by
fuel-inlet port. Liquid oxygen is supplied to the re- applying them to the engine systems of the Alpha
maining rings. The injection orifices are angled so vehicle discussed in Chapter 3.
that the propellant streams impinge upon each other
in the thrust chamber, in a like-on-like pattern (i.e., Specific Impulse I s (s)
LOX on LOX and fuel on fuel). The primary orifices
are arranged in pairs, with 0.416 in. between center From Eq. 1-31 and 1-31c:
lines and a 40-deg included impingement angle, for F c*Cr
both propellants. (Is)tc- Wtc- g

The Is figure indicates the overall quality of the effects of which have just been summarized for c*,
thrust-chamber design, showing the level of thrust has been determined. Then, with a given gas prop-
generated per "running propellant expenditure." erty 7, the performance efficiency of the remaining
thrust-generating functions of the thrust chamber,
Characteristic Velocity c* (ft/s) essentially those of the divergent nozzle, will depend
on the nozzle geometry (mainly 8, which determines
From Eq. 1-32a: the pressure ratio pe/(pc)ns and the ambient pres-
sure (Pa).
c* = f(7, R, (Tc)ns) (4-1)

Assuming that the propellant and mixture-ratio

selections have been made, it can be expected that P e r f o r m a n c e Calculation
the gas properties (T,R) will fall into a known band.
From there on, c* almost entirely depends on the In design practice, the calculation of thrust-chamber
temperature of the gases. Obviously, this temperature performance is based on theoretical propellant
has a theoretical maximum for a selected propellant combustion data and the application of certain
combination. How close to this maximum the cham- correction factors, as explained in Chapter 1. The
ber will operate depends on influences discussed for theoretical propellant combustion data are derived
mixture ratio in Chapter 2. Figures 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, and from thermochemical computations which equate
4-6 illustrate this. The c* peaks at combustion the heat of reaction of the propellant combination to
temperatures somewhat lower than maximum. Other the rise in enthalpy of the combustion gases. Typical
considerations, such as bulk densities, which affect propellant combustion data at frozen composition
vehicle tank sizes, may cause further adjustments of are presented in Fig. 4-3 through 4-6. For given
the mixture ratio to gain optimum overall vehicle propellant combinations and chamber-nozzle stagna-
performance. Within these boundaries, the quality of tion pressures (Pc)ns, the values of the combustion
the combustion process greatly depends on the gas temperature (Tc)ns, molecular weight M, and spe-
design efficiency of the thrust-chamber assembly, in cific heat ratio T are plotted against the O/F mixture
particular, the injector. ratio rw. Performance correction factors are deter-
mined by the theoretical assumptions and from test
Thrust Coefficient Cf ( d i m e n s i o n l e s s ) data, as well as from the chosen design config-
urations. Typical performance calculation methods
From Eq. 1-33a: have been demonstrated earlier by sample calcu-
lation (1-3). The following sample calculations il-
Ce = R'7, e, P,) (4-2) lustrate more specific approaches. Although the fro-
zen composition curves in Fig. 4.3 to 4.6 are used in
Assume that the performance efficiency of energy these examples, the corresponding equilibrium com-
generation through the combustion process, the position curves are now generally employed.

,- c 30
C ~ -0.--
-- 0 ~'0
::)-"~ o 5
M' . . . . ',
5,900 ~ ~o 16
II , / i C*
j r
8,000 >,
~ ~
or- °o
14 II L
7,800 o
~ -,,
>, O'~EO~ II O

7,6oo :~
o 15 5,700 Hal
\ , ~0 ~= 8 ~0 7,400 :=
7000 5,600 7 \
E o-
600O Y. f\ ,
5,500 .o_

\ 7,200 "~
• / / N 7,000
c~ ~ 5000 I ,
i 5,400
if,_ ,~.=.~ 6000 i~--- 6,800 "-
'-' o o. 4000 ,, 0"~).~ (3 E:kJ (ro)r,~ O
5.300 ~- = ~o"- 5 0 0 0
.~. 3000
_f! I
5.200 0
~__.~~" 4000
E !
.~#- - 3000
o 1.30 .....
5,100 3O
(, 3 I db~,k~ J
1 0 1.28 25 -'(::~
! 5,000 o
_ __ ~ I O 1.26 i /
1.25 ,,,~, ,~....__ .t
:',E_- ",-' 0
20 ~ '
70 c c) "l- 7"\ 15 m"5~
-~- ~;= CO 1.22 f

1.20 j 60 _ ~ 1.20 -
50 m 5
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 .~ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mixture Ratio, rw = Wo/Wf Mixture Ratio, rw = Wo/Wf

Fig. 4-3 Theoretical O2/RP-2 c o m b u s t i o n data. Fig. 4-4 Theoretical O2/H2 c o m b u s t i o n data.
F r o z e n c o m p o s i t i o n ; (Pc)ns = 1000 psia. Frozen c o m p o s i t i o n ; (Pc)ns - 800 psia.

Sample Calculation 4-1 (b) 150K A-2 Stage Engine: Propellants, LO2/LH2;
thrust chamber O/F mixture ratio, 5.22; (Pc)ns,
Problem 800 psia; propellant combustion data, Fig. 4-4;
nozzle expansion area ratio e = 40.
Determine the design values of c*, Cf and (Is)tc for
the engine thrust chambers of the stages of the hypo-
thetical Alpha vehicle, with the following assumed S o l u t i o n 4-1
design parameters.
(a) From Fig. 4-3 for LO2/RP-1 at (Pc)ns = 1000 psia
(a) 750K A-1 Stage Engine: Propellants, LO2/RP-
and a mixture ratio of 2.35, the following values
1; thrust c h a m b e r O / F mixture ratio, 2.35; are derived for the chamber product gases:
(Pc)ns, 1000 psia; propellant combustion data,
Fig. 4-3; nozzle expansion area ratio e = 14. (Tc)ns = 6000"F or 6460"R, M = 22.5 lb/mol, 3' =
13 ~ " ~I ~ /C i ~ ~ 8,300 ~"
1 -

Substitute into Eq. (1-32a).

,~ f ] / , - - .i.-- ~,~oo
~ g'8 - ~ 8.100 .=>" , , / 3 2 . 2 x 1.222 x 6,460 x 1,544/22.5
-flank. ~.. ~ ' - -M 8 Theoretical C* ,q
o E~n
~ o "6
"50= ,t[ . _ o

~" N " 7,900 = 5810 ft/s

This value for c* can also be derived from Fig. 4-3.
7000 _..,~ . ~ ,, ~ , ~ .- 7.700 For a good combustion chamber and injector design,
(rc)ns.._% "~ o~
E~ ~ooo~~-- f - r.soo .~ the c* correction factor for LO2/RP-1 and frozen
composition will be about 0.975.
...= = =
~ooo ~ /. _.

1 -7aoo
O t~
4000 . . . . . . .
Design c* = 5810 x 0.975 = 5660 ft/s
-~E 3000[ / •
[ _,

o ~0001 / I _ For T - 1.222, 8 = 14, a theoretical vacuum Cf value of
1.768 can be derived from Fig. 1.11.
rr 1.35 ':lt~ j = >,
1.33 ~'~ L / ' Y , ~ ~ , , , , . ~ ' ~ _~] ~ "~
"r ePa
.o Theoretical Cf at sea level = (Cf)vac - (Pc)ns

1.29 [ 10 x~ 14 x 14.7
= 1.768-
1.27 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.511.5
= 1.562
Mixture Ratio, rw = Wo/W~
Fig., 4-5 T h e o r e t i c a l F2/H2 c o m b u s t i o n data.
F r o z e n c o m p o s i t i o n ; (Pc)ns = 100 psia. Sea level Cf can also be calculated using Eq. (1-33a),
with the aid of Eq. (1-20). With effective nozzle-
22 contour design, an overall Cf correction factor of 0.98
20 for LO2/RP-1 frozen composition can be used. De-
•~.Q =-
oE e
18 r sign sea level Cf= 1.562 x 0.98 - 1.531.
~o~ 16 g
. £ 14
From Eq. (1-3 lc):
" 5,700
/ ' ) #'i IX 5,600
Design sea level (Is)tc = 5660 x 1.531 = 270 s
E "
d o
r- " "
4400 / J z',' i l ix ....,

,,,C) O
..-$=c ~
4200 5,500
~) A-2 Stage engine: From Fig. 4-4 for LO2/LH2 at
4000 "o (Pc)ns = 800 psia and a O/F mixture ratio of
E~ 3800
Zi'l~itt _, I :. ; .

5.22, the following values are derived for the

1.26 ~ i i chamber product gases.

O "~,./ i db I (Tc)ns = 5580"F or 6040"R, M = 12 lb/mol,

1.25 \ 80 ~,

75 y = 1.213
-r" Cl
o 1.24- 70 m

65 g~ Substitute into Eq. (1-32a):

oo 1.23 11i ~-~
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Mixture Ratio, rw = Wo/Wt x 1.213 x 6,040 x 1,544/12
Theoretical c* = ~ 32'12
Fig. 4-6 T h e o r e t i c a l N 2 0 3 / N 2 H 4 c o m b u s t i o n
data. F r o z e n c o m p o s i t i o n ; ( P c ) n s = 100 psia. = 7670 ff/s

Based on experimental data, a c* correction factor tion products, and the stay time needed for efficient
can be assumed for the LO2/LH 2 frozen-composition combustion. This relationship can be expressed by
data of about 0.975. the following equation:

Design c* = 7670 x 0.975 = 7480 ft/s Vc = XV,cVts (4-3)

For 7 = 1.213 and e = 40, a theoretical vacuum Cf where V c = c h a m b e r volume, ft~; Wtc=propellant
value of 1.876 can be derived from Fig. 1-17. Cfcan mass flowrate, lb/s; V = average specific volume, ft~/lb;
also be calculated using equations (1-33a) and (1-20). and ts=propellant stay-time, s.
With effective nozzle-contour design, an overall Cf A useful parameter relative to chamber volume
correction factor value of 1.01 can be used for and residence time is the "characteristic length" (L*,
LO2/LH2 frozen-composition data: pronounced "L-star")--the chamber volume (in cubic
inches) divided by the nozzle sonic throat area (in
Design vacuum Cf = 1.876 x 1.01 = 1.895 square inches):

From Eq. (1-31c): L* _ Vc _ Wtcvts (4-4)

At At
7480 x 1.895 The L* concept is much easier to visualize than the
Design vacuum (Is)tc = = 440 s more elusive "combustion residence time," expressed
in small fractions of a second. Since the value of A, is
The reader should perform his own calculations for in nearly direct proportion to the product of Xig,c and
the A-3 and the A-4 engines, with the aid of Tables 3- V, L" is essentially a function of ts. The effect of L" on
4 and 3-5 and Fig. 4-5 and 4-6. c" in an experimental combustion chamber is s h o w n
in Fig.4-7. The c" value increases with L" to an asymp-
4.3 THRUST-CHAMBER CONFIGURATION totic maximum. Increasing L" beyond a certain point
LAYOUT tends to decrease overall engine system performance
because of the following:
After major thrust-chamber operating parameters
such as type of propellant, thrust level, chamber • Larger L* results in higher thrust-chamber vol-
pressure, Cf c*, and Is have been established from ume and weight.
engine system requirements and performance calcu- • Larger L* creates more surface area in need of
lations, one of the fundamental dimensions of the cooling and may increase thermal losses.
thrust chamber, the throat area, can be readily • Larger L* increases the frictional losses in the
derived (Eq. 1-33). The throat area is usually the combustion chamber, reducing nozzle stagnation
starting point of a thrust-chamber configuration lay- pressure and resultant thrust.
out. The combustion chamber and nozzle section
are c o m m o n l y designed as an integral thrust- The customary method of establishing the L* of
chamber body. For light weight and ease of manu- a new thrust-chamber design largely relies on past ex-
facture, a thrust chamber will have the general shape perience with similar propellants and engine size.
of a pressure vessel with wall surfaces of rotation and Various computer programs for combustion model-
smooth contours. ing have provided assistance and guidelines to verify
the size selection. Most of these models are based
Combustion-Chamber Volume on estimated or assumed propellant drop size; they

The combustion chamber serves as an envelope to

retain the propellants for a sufficient period ("stay ~ 'N204J50-50N2H4-' UDMH i_
time") to ensure complete mixing and combustion. O/F MixtureRatio = 1.90
The required stay time, or combustion residence (Pe)ns = 275 psia. Cc = 2.00_
time, is a function of many parameters. The rate of " a II . . . . . . . . . IIIII Ilr

combustion is determined by the propellant com- 5,800

bination, the injected conditions of the propellants
(liquid, gas, gel), combustor geometry (contraction .o_= 5,700
ratio, Mach number, turbulence level), and injector .~-;" 5,600
design. Rate-limiting factors are vaporization rates
~'~ 5,500
for liquid propellants (or surface-regression rates for t.__

~'~ 5,400
injected solids), mixing time, and the (seldom t--o
limiting) kinetic rates of the reactions. Larger en- o~, 5,300
gines, with their typically larger injection elements, 5,200
will produce larger drop sizes, extending the time re- 1 I ! I I l 1 I I I
quired for combustion completion. Combustor vol- 10 20 30 40 50
ume thus has a definite effect on combustion effi- Chamber Characteristic Length(L*) in.
ciency. The theoretically required combustion-
chamber volume is a function of the mass flowrate of Fig. 4-7 Effect o f L* o n c* value o f e x p e r i m e n t a l
the propellants, the average density of the combus-
thrust c h a m b e r .

include expressions for the rate of vaporization in While spherical and near-spherical chambers were
the combustion environment and predict the rate used in early European designs, the cylindrical cham-
and degree of combustion completeness. Some of ber has been e m p l o y e d most frequently in the
these models have expressions for prediction of United States. Compared to a cylindrical chamber of
mixing effects, but the predictions will be much less the same volume, a spherical or near-spherical
reliable than the vaporization/combustion values. chamber offers the advantage of less cooling surface
Under a given set of operating conditions, such and weight. A sphere has the best surface-to-volume
as type of propellant, mixture ratio, chamber pres- ratio of all the geometric choices, and for the same
sure, injector design, and chamber geometry, the material strength and chamber pressure, the min-
value of the m i n i m u m required L* can only be imum wall thickness required for pressure loads is
evaluated by actual firings of experimental thrust about half that of a cylinder. However, the spherical
chambers. L* values of about 15 to 120 in. for corres- c h a m b e r is more difficult to manufacture and has
ponding propellant stay times of 0.002 to 0.040 s have provided poorer performance in other respects.
been used in various thrust-chamber designs. Typical Selecting the proportions and size of a new
L* values for various propellants are shown in Table thrust-chamber assembly for specified thrust and
4-1. With throat area and minimum required L* c h a m b e r pressure usually appears to be a rather
established, the chamber volume can be calculated arbitrary process. The operating regime (sea level,
by Eq. (4-4). vacuum), chamber pressure, and thrust level provide
the desired nozzle area ratio and thrust coefficient
Combustion-Chamber Shape for the approximate nozzle, which sets the throat area
for the selected engine. The largest remaining gray
As can be seen from Eq. (4-3), the stay time is area thus becomes combustion-chamber sizing. The
theoretically i n d e p e n d e n t of c o m b u s t i o n - c h a m b e r total combustion process, from injection of the reac-
geometry. On this purely mathematical basis, for a tants until completion of the chemical reactions and
given required volume, the chamber can have any conversion of the products into hot gases, requires fi-
shape. In actual design, however, the choice of corn- nite amounts of time and volume, as expressed by
bustion chamber configuration is limited. A long the characteristic length L*. The value of this factor
chamber with a small cross section entails high is significantly greater than the linear length between
nonisentropic pressure losses, as explained in Chap- injector face and the throat plane. The contraction
ter 1. Long chambers also dictate a longer thrust- ratio, which is defined as the major cross-sectional
chamber envelope and impose space limitations on area of the combustor (typically in the cylindrical
the injector design to a c c o m m o d a t e the desired portion near the injector f a c e ) d i v i d e d by the throat
number of injection elements. With a short chamber area, is basically related to the mean Mach number
of large cross section, the propellant atomization and of the combustion gas.
vaporization zone occupies a relatively large portion Typically, large engines are constructed with a
of the chamber volume, while the mixing and com- low contraction ratio and a comparatively long
bustion zone becomes too short for efficient com- length; and smaller chambers employ a large con-
bustion. Other factors, such as heat transfer, corn- traction ratio with a shorter length, while still
bustion stability, weight, and ease of manufacturing, providing sufficient L* for adequate vaporization and
must also be considered in determining the final combustion dwell-time. A look at some extreme ex-
combustion-chamber configuration, amples gives insight into the reasons for this tenden-
Three geometrical shapes that have been used in cy. In general, the combustion process is not scale-
combustion-chamber design are shown in Fig. 4-8. able. Thus, if it is decided to scale down the F-1
engine from 1,500,000 lb of thrust to 100 lb while
maintaining the same length and contraction ratio,
Table 4-1 Typical combustion chamber char- the 39-in.-long combustor, which is about 40 in. in
acteristic length (L*) for various propellant diam. in the F-l, would be less than 1/8 in. in diam.
combinations. ,,, in the l O0-1b engine. The converse approach, scaling
Combustion a 100-1b-thrust engine to the F-1 thrust level, would
Chamber result in an equally grotesque configuration. A small,
Propellant Combination
Characteristic l O0-1b-thrust attitude-controll engine typically has a
Length (L*), in. combustor about 1 in. in diam. and about 4 in. or less
in length. Increasing the chamber area to the F-1
Chlorinetrifluoride/hydrazine-basefuel 20-35 thrust level would produce a diameter of about 10 ft;
Uquid fluorine/hydrazine 24-28 c o n v e r g e n c e to the throat diameter in 4 in. of
Uquid flourineJliquidhydrogen(GH2 injection) 22-26 chamber length would be nearly impossible.
liquid fluorine/liquidhydrogen(LH2 injection) 25-30 As a good place to start, the process of sizing a
Hydrogenperoxide/RP-1 (includingcatalystbed) 60-70 new thrust chamber examines the dimensions of
Nitric acid/hydrazine-basefuel 30-35 previously successful designs in the same size class
Nitrogentetroxide/hydrazine-basefuel 30-35 and plotting such data in a rational manner. As
Uquid oxygen/ammonia 30-40 shown above, the throat size of a new engine can be
Uquid oxygen/liquidhydrogen(GH2 injection) 22-28 generated with a fair degree of confidence, so it
Liquidoxygen/liquidhydrogen(LH2 injection) 30-40 makes sense to plot the data from historical sources
Liquidoxygen/RP-1 40-50 in relation to throat diameter. Figures 4-9 and 4-10
plot contraction ratio and chamber length, respec-

Throat Nozzle
Injector !
L Thrust Chamber

J Axis

Combustion Throat Nozzle
Chamber In'jector i /

Thrust Chamber

Near Spherical
Combustion Throat Nozzle
Chamber Injector

Thrust Chamber

Cylindrical Combustion

Fig. 4-8 Frequently used geometrical shapes for combustion chambers.

I 60 .
c~ o
LOX H y d r o g e n Engines
z~ z~
Storable Engines ..i
0 0
Liquid Ox]RP1 Engines 40 - ~/////"
10 Q o
G a s - L i q - 400 psia PC m
G a s - L i q - 500 psia PC m
.{2_ 4-4- L i q - L i q - 4,000 psia PC §
7 ~. 20 - •
tr w Basic Curve - D q - L i q - ~ psia PC
~ 5
u 10 - ,_. .

t- -,-.-.

, , I , . , I , / . 1 I .l L 1 1. 1 I
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Throat Diameter (in.)
Throat Diameter (in.)

Fig. 4-9 Contraction ratio relationships used in Fig. 4-10 Chamber length relationships used in
scaling program. scaling program.

tively, as functions of throat diameter. It is important experience has been with liquid-propellant rocket
that the output of any modeling program not be engines with large injection elements; these have
slavishly applied, but be considered a logical starting shown poor performance even when combustion-
point for specific engine sizing, chamber lengths have been increased to 100 in.
Throat size is not the only driving force in Propellants containing solid materials have evi-
chamber sizing. Since the primary purpose of the denced even greater resistance to efficient com-
combustion chamber is the effective reaction of the bustion. The high chamber pressures used in ad-
propellants, the forces which govern and limit these vanced booster engines also have combustion
reactions are major drivers. The conditions of the problems related to high injection density levels.
injected reactants are significant parameters. The The high flowrates per square inch of injector face
form of the propellants--gases, liquids, gels, or even area lead to large orifices, with resultant large
solids--has major impact on reaction times and the droplets, and the elevated pressure also slows va-
resultant chamber volume required for adequate porization rates. Any model or sizing approach must
dwell time. Obviously, a gas/gas reaction takes min- make provisions for these effects, or the designer
imum volume or distance in the chamber, since it using the procedure must modify the results in
requires no atomization/vaporization mechanisms, response to these requirements.
This characteristic has been verified in some Although a rocket combustion chamber might
combustors that have provided very good perfor- properly have proportions which approach a sphere,
mance when only 1/2 in. long. The converse of this the combustor requires a certain volume to accom-

- Chamber The total surface area of the combustion-chamber

Diameter De
Injector Area A c walls, excluding the injector face, can be approx-
Face Throat imated by the following expression:
I I!
! /-- Nozzle
Total area = 2Lc~x/~-~ecAG+ csc 0(ec - a)At (4-6)

As a practical matter, both chamber volume and

surface area can be more easily and accurately deter-
mined by a numerical-integration computer program
t_-.lq -L;.,oa ' that can include effects of wall radius and approach
angles and also provide information on local gas
0~ ,~~I Diameter D t velocities, etc.
Chamber Area A t
Cylindrical Nozzle Expansion Area Ratio
Length Lc
] With all other parameters fixed, particularly chamber
pressure, there is only one optimum nozzle expan-
Chamber Contraction sion area ratio for a given altitude. Except for
Area Ratio % = At systems that start in vacuum, ambient pressure must
be considered. This is especially true for boosters
Fig. 4-11 Elements of basic cylindrical that start at or near sea-level, for which ambient
c o m b u s t i o n chamber. pressure will not be constant. It is therefore impor-
tant to know the trajectory of the vehicle to be pro-
pelled or, more specifically, its altitude-vs-time
plish the vaporization and reaction and it is assured-
characteristics. With this information, the designer is
ly a pressure vessel. The total surface area is a design
factor for both structural strength and weight as well in a position to make a first optimizing selection of a
nozzle expansion area ratio for best results through-
as for the total a m o u n t of heat rejected to the
out the entire trajectory. The optimization for
structure. The suggested design approach tends to
ambient pressure then is essentially an averaging
keep the proportions of the combustor neither too
long and thin nor too short and fat, but does not
A first-stage booster engine presents an extreme
force it to spherical proportions. Other design fac-
case of such compromise in nozzle expansion ratio.
tors in chamber construction and injector placement
tend to favor a more cylindrical chamber. Keeping A nozzle optimized for the pressure ratio at sea-level
ambient pressure will soon be underexpanded and
the combustor somewhat smaller in diameter and a
wasteful of potential thrust as the vehicle gains
little longer helps provide turbulence for mixing and
altitude. For this reason, booster-engine expansion
reaction; also, the smaller diameters are more con-
ducive to combustion stability. ratios are typically based on the expected limit of
attached nozzle flow. A classic bell nozzle operates
Other factors, such as packaging and cost-vs-
with full exit-plane flow at an e x p a n d e d pressure
complexity trades, enter into the final sizing of a
significantly below ambient pressure. This is defi-
rocket engine. A sophisticated injection pattern can
nitely not an optimized operating point at this
provide the required level of performance in a
altitude for this nozzle area ratio, since a large por-
shorter, more c o m p a c t combustor than a coarse,
tion of the expansion wall area is at a static pressure
simplified pattern. In some engine configurations,
below ambient and is contributing negative thrust.
cooling limitations can dictate a shorter combustion
As the vehicle gains altitude, however, the thrust
chamber, in spite of potential loss of performance.
coefficient improves and is soon higher than it would
A limited-volume packaging problem can also force
be for an expansion ratio sized for the sea-level pres-
less chamber size, with a calculated performance
sure ratio; there is usually significant gain in overall
tradeoff. In the other direction, engines using cool-
delivered specific impulse for the mission.
ing enthalpy as the energy source for pumping work
This overexpansion presents various mechanical
(expander or topping cycles) may require greater
and structural problems caused by the loads on sec-
chamber length to provide the needed heat input to
the working fluid. tions of the wall below ambient pressure. An even
worse structural problem can exist at a lower pressure
The basic elements of a cylindrical thrust-cham-
than this design point (such as during pressure rise in
ber are identified in Fig. 4-11. In design practice, it
start-up), w h e n the nozzle flow can alternately attach
has been arbitrarily defined that the combustion-
and detach from the wall. This condition is typically
chamber volume includes the space between the
a cyclic p h e n o m e n o n and generally couples with a
injector face I-I and the nozzle throat plane II-II. The
structural resonant distortion mode of the nozzle
approximate volume of the combustion chamber can
be expressed by the following equation: skirt. For these reasons, the nozzle structure should
be as rigid as possible within the weight constraints,
and extended operation at these transient pressure-
ratio points must be avoided. In some cases, tempo-
Vc = At Lcec+ ~.~/~- cot 0(e~/' - 1) (4-5) rary restraining structures are provided during start
transients; they disconnect after start to minimize

system flight-weight. A typical mainstage exit static converting an existing design to higher or lower
pressure being used for current booster design is 6 expansion area ratio without major redesign.
psia, and the expansion ratio is selected on this basis. The configuration of a typical conical nozzle is
The limit on booster expansion ratio because of shown in Fig. 4-12. The nozzle throat section has the
these factors is the reason that high chamber pres- contour of a circular arc with a radius, R, ranging
sure is desirable for booster engines. The chamber from 0.5 to 1.5 times the throat radius Rt. T h e h a l f -
pressure and resultant expansion-ratio limit have
angle of the nozzle convergent cone section can
large impact on the m a x i m u m specific impulse
range from 20 to 45 deg. The divergent cone half-
angle 0c varies from approximately 12 to 18 deg. The
Other considerations can cause the designer to
length of the conical nozzle section can be expressed
deviate from the "paper optimum" for the nozzle
expansion area ratio. Some of the most c o m m o n by the following equation:
considerations are weight, size, ease of manufacturing, R,(x/7-e- 1) + R(sec ct - 1)
handling, and cooling (heat-transfer) requirements. Ln = (4-7)
tan a
Nozzle S h a p e The conical nozzle with a 15-deg divergent half-angle
has become almost a standard because it is a good
Most rocket nozzles are of the converging-diverging compromise on the basis of weight, length, and
De Laval type. Since the flow velocity of the gases in performance.
the converging section of rocket nozzle is relatively Since certain performance losses occur in a
low, any smooth and well-rounded convergent nozzle conical nozzle as a result of the nonaxial component
section will have very low energy losses. By contrast, of the exhaust gas velocity, a correction factor, £ , is
the contour of the diverging nozzle section is very applied in the calculation of the exit-gas momentum.
important to performance, because of the very high This factor (thrust efficiency) is the ratio between the
flow velocities involved. The selection of an optimum exit-gas momentum of the conical nozzle and that of
nozzle shape for a given expansion area ratio is gen- an ideal nozzle with uniform, parallel, axial gas-flow.
erally influenced by the following design con- The value of ~. can be expressed by the following
siderations and goals:
° Uniform, parallel, axial gas flow at the nozzle exit X = V2(1 + cos ct) (4-8)
for maximum momentum vector.
° Minimum s e p a r a t i o n and t u r b u l e n c e losses
where 0t = half-angle of the conical nozzle.
within the nozzle.
For an ideal nozzle, k is unity. For a conical
° Shortest possible nozzle length for m i n i m u m
space envelope, weight, wall friction losses, and nozzle with cz = 15 deg and X. = 0.983, the exit-gas
cooling requirements. velocity will be 98.3% of the ideal nozzle-exit velocity
° Ease of manufacturing. calculated by Eq. (1-18). The v a c u u m - t h r u s t
coefficient of a nozzle is directly proportional to the
Any abrupt change or discontinuity in the nozzle thrust or to the nozzle-exit gas velocity. Therefore,
wall contour should be avoided to prevent the the theoretical vacuum thrust coefficient (neglecting
possibility of shock waves or turbulence losses. Theo- friction and other flow losses) of a conical nozzle
retically, the nozzle throat is simply the unique plane with 15-deg half-angle will be 98.3% of the ideal
of minimum cross-sectional area. In practice, a well- nozzle thrust coefficient calculated by Eq. (1-33a).
rounded throat section is employed. Only the nozzle Bell n o z z l e . To gain higher performance and
exit plane has a sharp edge, because a rounded one shorter length, engineers developed the bell-shaped
would permit over-expansion and flow separation. nozzle. It employs a fast-expansion (radial-flow)
C o n i c a l n o z z l e . In early rocket-engine applica- section in the initial divergent region, which leads
tions, the conical nozzle, which proved satisfactory in to a uniform, axially directed flow at the nozzle exit.
most respects, was used almost exclusively. A conical The wall contour is changed gradually enough to
nozzle allows ease of manufacture and flexibility in prevent oblique shocks.
Figure 4-13 shows the contour of a bell nozzle. A
circular arc of selected radius R1 is chosen for the
nozzle contour MT upstream of the throat. Contour
TNE is the diverging portion of the nozzle. The
initial expansion occurs along contour TN; contour
R, =
NE turns the flow over to a direction nearer to axial.
For design convenience, the contour TN is also a
circular arc, with a smaller radius R2.
Using transonic-flow analysis, a constant-Mach-
L Ln
Nozzle Axis number line TO can be defined at the throat. Given
the flow condition along TO and the solid boundary
Throat TN, a kernel flow field TNKO can be generated by the
method of characteristics. The kernel of the rocket-
nozzle contour is defined as that portion of the
Fig. 4-12 Conical n o z z l e contour. supersonic flow field determined entirely by throat

Exit II
Plane E ' ' 100
E" _ Point . Bell Nozzles -

~Throat / ~ ' ~ ~ 7 - T- 99
/N / //ZOontrol / o_-
-, 15 deg Point
R ~ J ~ ///-x Surface ] -D 98

[ ' [1"., . D,,~';Tx('~d/ Characteristic I

& 97 ,
i7 f ~x Conical Nozzle
i ... I..
' 0 _. , Nol_~J_e_~ =1o/ /
Axis 96 / ..,
Fig. 4-13 Bell n o z z l e contour.
95 ]
60 70 80 90 100 Lf%
conditions. The last right characteristic line NK of Fractional Nozzle Length (if) Based on a 15 deg Half-Angle
kernel TNKO, and thus the location of the point N Conical Nozzle with Any Area Ratio
along contour TN, is determined by specific design
criteria. Fig. 4-14 Thrust efficiency vs bell nozzle length.
The location of the end-point E along contour
NE is defined by the given nozzle expansion area
ratio and nozzle length (distance between throat and
exit plane). Then the right characteristic line NK can
be determined by satisfying the following conditions

1) A control surface PE can be generated be- I E e

tween the point E and a selected point P

along the line NK.
2) Mass flow across PE equals the mass flow
across NP.
3) Maximum thrust by the nozzle is attained. i Re=~
Rt , Circle
By selecting points P', P", etc. along line NK, a series I Nozzle
of control surfaces P'E', P"E", etc. can be generated to 1

define points E', E", etc. along the contour NE. .......... i Axis
_ _~
. . . . . . Ln

Calculations for the nozzle contour can be effectively Throat

performed by a computer.
An equivalent 15-deg-half-angle conical nozzle is Fig. 4-15 Parabolic a p p r o x i m a t i o n o f bell nozzle
commonly used as a standard to specify bell nozzles. contour.
For instance, the length of an 80% bell nozzle
(distance between throat and exit plane) is 80% of
that of a 15-deg-half-angle conical nozzle having the
same throat area, radius below the throat, and area throat T to the point N and parabola from there to
expansion ratio. the exit E.
Figure 4-14 shows the thrust efficiency, T, versus Design of a specific nozzle requires the following
fractional nozzle length, Lf, for conical and bell data: throat diameter Dt, in.; axial length of the nozzle
nozzles. from throat to exit plane, Ln, in. (or the desired
Bell-nozzle lengths b e y o n d approximately 80% fractional length, Lf, based on a 15-deg conical noz-
do not significantly contribute to performance, espe- zle); expansion area ratio e; initial wall angle of the
cially when weight penalties are considered. How-
parabola On, deg; and nozzle-exit wall angle 0e, deg.
ever, bell nozzle lengths up to 100% can be optimum
for applications stressing very high performance. The wall angles On and 0e are shown in Fig. 4-16
P a r a b o l i c a p p r o x i m a t i o n o f the bell n o z z l e . as a function of the expansion area ratio e. Optimum
One convenient way of designing a near-optimum- nozzle contours can be approximated very accurately
thrust bell nozzle c o n t o u r uses the parabolic by selecting the p r o p e r inputs. Although no
approximation procedures suggested by G. V. R. Rao. allowance is made for different propellant combin-
The design configuration of a parabolic approx- ations, experience has shown only small effect of the
imation bell nozzle is shown in Fig. 4-15. The nozzle specific heat ratio ~, upon the contour.
contour immediately upstream of the throat T is a A n n u l a r n o z z l e s . For ideal expansion, the
circular arc with a radius of 1.5 Rt. The divergent- thrust generated by a thrust chamber depends only
section nozzle contour is made up of a circular en- upon the mass-flow conditions (velocity and di-
trance section with a radius of 0.382 Rt from the rection) at the nozzle exit. In some nozzle designs,

such as annular nozzles, the gas at the throat does not their geometry to space-vehicle applications, because
necessarily flow parallel to the axis, but the exit flow short-ended nozzles reduce interstage structural
is similar to that of a conical or bell nozzle and thus weight and permit an increase in payload through
produces the same thrust results. increased performance for a given length.
There are two basic types of annular nozzles: ra- The nozzle expansion area ratio e for an annular
dial-inflow (spike nozzle) and radial-outflow [Expan- nozzle is defined by Eq. (4-9), as follows:
sion-Deflection (E-D), Reverse-Flow (R-F), and Hori-
zontal-Flow (H-F)]. They are s h o w n in Fig. 4-17, Projected area of the
together with conventional conical and bell nozzles. c o n t o u r e d nozzle wall _ ~ (4-9)
For comparison of the effect of nozzle type on size, e= Throat area - At
all nozzles shown are scaled to the same thrust level,
nozzle expansion area ratio, and theoretical nozzle where the projected area of the contoured nozzle wall
efficiency. These nozzles show potential for adapting equals nozzle-exit-plane area Ae less the center-body
projected area Ap. Another convenient design para-
meter for annular nozzles is the annular diameter
ratio Dp/Dt, where Dt is the throat diameter of an

equivalent circular throat and Dp is the centerbody
o 4o q = 60% diameter. The parameter Dp/Dt is an index of t h e
Lf = 70% annular-nozzle-design geometry as c o m p a r e d to a
-~o 30 Lf = 80% conventional nozzle. The contour-calculating meth-
L, = 90%
< Lf = 100% ods for annular nozzles are similar to those for bell
(:D nozzles.
In a conical or bell nozzle, the gases may expand
to pressures well below the ambient (sea level or low-
20 altitude operation) before flow separation from the
nozzle wall occurs. As explained in Chapter 1, for
~'o = 60% nozzles with large area ratios this over-expansion
_ a~ 10 = 70% reduces thrust at low altitudes. Annular nozzles, be-
iT_< Lf = 80% cause of their special characteristics, are not subject
Lf = 90% to these losses. As shown in Fig. 4-18 for an E-D
'=, 0
10 20 30 40 50 Lf = 100% nozzle (and equally applicable to other annular
Expansion Area Ratio c nozzles), the back pressure Pb at the back face of the
centerbody plays an important role in regulating the
Fig. 4-16 On and Oe as function o f expansion nozzle flow. The value of Pb is a function of the
area ratio. ambient pressure and generally is lower than am-

Area Ratio = 36:1

~ Injector CF Efficiency = 98.3% (AIt)
Combustion /Injector f Injector
5 deg Chamber
- Combustion ~. ~ _ Combustion
Chamber ~ Cha~t ber

1,,I, JL /.~

i i'Cone' ; } ",' Bell '/ Spike :'' E - D !''4

Dp/Dt = 1.3 Dp/D t = 1.3
Nozzle Length = 100% Nozzle Length = 74.2% Nozzle Length = 41,4% Nozzle Length = 41.4%
Overall Length = 100% Overall Length = 78% Overall Length = 51% Overall Length = 51%
Overall Diameter = 100% Overall Diameter = 100% Overall Diameter = 105% Overall Diameter = 102.5%

~ Throat
Injector " X /- Combustion
Combustion "~ ~/ Chamber
.~.- -r.~ Chamber
~-~ i.--~D p ----4 - mr-|
R-F r H-F '
bp/D t = 5 Dp/D t = 10
Nozzle Length = 24.9%
Nozzle Length = 14.5%
Overall Length = 21%
Overall Length = 12%
Overall Diameter = 130%
Overall Diameter = 194%

Fig. 4-17 c o m p a r i s o n of nozzle s h a p e s .


Nozzle Wall--~ E Constant Nozzle Wall

Constant Mach----, ~,J----"...~ Mach ~ \
Line \ y ~ Line " ,
Throat • / ~ / , ~0 F r e e iI Throat, ~ ~ |
Injector--,, ._ ~ ~ c l l 8"tream i ,/~.-".. Free Stream Surface
I.--Pd Surface, Nozzle Injector ~ . . ~ { ~ ' ~ J " I
"" "i " ~ - , ~
. . . .
center', Axis .~._~I~T~_~l.._~~'_~--Shock
j -----------~ I _~Nozzle
. . . . . Bo yl ,, i Ax,s
Wall II I !
Pressure ~ ' ~ ~ II II L \ Center I
Profile Wall ~ ~ Body i
l "L-'--<
. . . .

Fig. 4-18 E-D nozzle at low altitude operation.

Fig. 4-19 E-D nozzle at high altitude operation.

bient. Downstream of the throat, the expansion of

the gases around the centerbody shoulder C will exhausted from an annular-type combustion cham-
continue unaffected until this base pressure is ber and expands against the metal surface of the
reached. After the initial gas expansion through the center truncated-spike nozzle (Fig. 4-20). The char-
constant-Mach line CD, the downstream flow of gases acteristics of the primary flow field upstream of the
is controlled by two boundary conditions: 1) The base, shown as region 1 in Fig. 4-20, are determined
nozzle wall contour DE, which turns the gases to by the annular throat geometry, the nozzle wall
near-axial flow, and 2) the base pressure Pb, which contour, and the ambient pressure. The annular pri-
influences the free-stream surface of the inner jet mary flow continues to expand beyond the nozzle
boundary. surface and encloses a subsonic, recirculating flow
Because of the curved wall contour, the gases are field in the base region (region 2). The pressure
deflected, which leads to some compression and acting on the nozzle base contributes additional
local increases in wall pressure. A typical nozzle-wall thrust to the nozzle.
pressure distribution for low-altitude operation is Introducing a small amount of secondary flow
shown in Fig. 4-18. This compressive turning at the into the base (added to the recirculating flow) further
nozzle wall, which is also typical of the spike nozzle, increases the base pressure. As the secondary flow is
improves nozzle performance at low altitude. Be- increased, the overall nozzle efficiency (considering
cause of the selfadjusting nature of the inner jet the additional flow) increases because of this in-
boundary, there is no flow separation from the nozzle crease in base pressure. There is a limit to this gain
wall, as in the case of a conventional nozzle. in efficiency, and an optimum secondary flow exists
In high-altitude operation, the base pressure Pb for each configuration.
becomes so low that the nozzle flow converges The outer surface of the annular primary flow is a
behind the centerbody, as shown in Fig. 4-19. Since free-jet boundary, influenced by ambient pressure.
the flow at the closure point must be axial, a shock This influence endows this type of nozzle with altitude
wave may occur, depending on the flow conditions. compensation. In operation at high-pressure ratios
However, the expansion of the gases may continue (i.e., altitude conditions) the outer free-jet boundary
unaffected up to the end of the nozzle. Nozzle-wall of the primary flow expands outward, governed by
pressure distribution under this condition is also the Prandtl-Meyer turning angle at the throat. At low
shown in Fig. 4-19. pressure ratios (i.e., sea-level operation) the relatively
An improved spike-nozzle concept , the aero- higher ambient pressure compresses the outer free-
dynamic spike nozzle has a truncated annular spike jet boundary of the primary flow field. This com-
(radial-inflow type) that utilizes a small amount of pression increases the static pressure on the nozzle
secondary flow introduced into the nozzle base re- wall and partially offsets the negative effect of the
gion. Performance of the aerodynamic spike nozzle higher ambient pressure on the back side of the
reflects various geometric parameters, the amount of nozzle. The base pressure also is increased with the
secondary flow, the manner in which this secondary higher ambient, because the compressed primary
flow is introduced, and the relative energy between flow field, which influences the base pressure, has
the primary and secondary streams. To describe the higher static pressure. This combination of flow-field
flow field and the interrelated effect of truncating the effects imparts the altitude compensation inherent to
spike nozzle, the base pressure and the base-pressure the aerodynamic spike nozzle.
increase achieved through the secondary-flow addi- Figure 4-21 compares performance of various
tion require a lengthy, detailed discussion; only the nozzle designs. It shows the nozzle thrust coefficient
basic operation can be presented here. Cffor an ideal nozzle (i.e., a variable-area-ratio nozzle
The primary flow (high-pressure gases), which having the optimum expansion for each chamber
produces the major portion of the engine thrust, is pressure to ambient pressure ratio Pc/Pa), together

Combustion Chamber
Primary Flow Acts
Annular Throat on Nozzle.
Producing Thrust

Secondary Flow Acts

on Base. Producing
Nozzle Base

Outer Free-Jet Recirculating
Boundary Flow (Region 2)

Inner Free-Jet Primary Flow

Boundary (Region 1)

\ ~ Trailing Shock
Fig. 4-20 Aerodynamic spike flow field illustrated u n d e r altitude conditions.

, , .... The advantages and disadvantages of annular nozzles

may be summarized as follows:
Ideal Nozzle (No Losses) ~"~~,- ,~
High-Area Ratio ~ , s ~ ''~
Aerospike Nozzle " / / ~ s " ~ " 1) Shortened nozzle length for the same perfor-
mance, or increased performance (higher
~~Jf t / expansion area ratios) for a given length.
/ / / 2) Improved performance at sea level or low
// / altitudes. (Annular nozzles with high ex-
pansion area ratios can be used for a single-
t" • //j.. ~" Bell Nozzle stage sea-level to vacuum mission.)
/ / / 3) The relatively stagnant region in the center
of the nozzle can possibly be used for
/ /t Sea-Level/
(Vacuum) installation of gas generators, turbopumps,
I-" " OperatingRange ------Jkm.. tanks, and auxiliary equipment and for
turbine gas discharges.
4) A s e g m e n t e d - c o m b u s t i o n - c h a m b e r design
" eaLevel (Vacuum) can be used, easing development effort (indi-
I-~ OperatingRange ----~/P- vidual segments can be built and tested
[_~ l , l l i l J ! I ill,,l~, I__ i_1
L during the early phases) and improving
30 50 100 200 300 500 1.000 2.0004.000 v combustion stability.
Pressure Ratio (Pc/Pa)
Fig. 4-21 Nozzle p e r f o r m a n c e c o m p a r i s o n . 1) Relatively high cooling requirements, be-
cause of higher heat fluxes and greater
surface areas to be cooled.
with those of the high-area-ratio aerodynamic spike 2) Heavier structural construction in some
and bell nozzles. The Cf curve of the aerodynamic applications.
spike follows ideal nozzle performance (altitude 3) Manufacturing difficulties.
compensation), rather than dropping off rapidly like
bell design at low Pc/Pa (i. e., sea-level) operating Clustered-Nozzle C o n c e p t s
points. All nozzles have a higher Cf at a high Pc/Pa
(i. e., vacuum). Two-dimensional, or cluster-type, nozzles (Fig. 4-22)
The development of the annular-nozzle concept are special cases related to the annular-nozzle family.
may influence the design of rocket vehicles, espe- An engine assembly with a two-dimensional nozzle,
cially in boattail-structure and staging optimization. using a two-dimensional centerbody expansion

Fig. 4-22 Cluster nozzle concepts.

Linear Plug Cluster

........... ~i~! ~,.........

~,.~. •




Combustor Assembly
( 10 Segments)

Linear Engine
Type: Liquid Propellant, Pump Fed f!
Thrust: 200,000 Ib
Fuel Propellants: Liquid Hydrogen/Liquid Oxygen Ii
Manifold Tubular
Specific Impulse: 455 s
Nozzle Wall
Mixture Ratio (O/F): 5.5:1
Chamber Pressure: 1.224 psia [~
Area Ratio: 115:1 ~
Base Manifold Dimensions: 120 in long/120 in wide 90 in highB
Fuel Manifold

Fig. 4-23 Linear engine.


Injector Throat Exit

0 e = 9.8 deg
Face Et = 102.4 in.

Parabola ~,.,~.

Nt =
-2.19 in. ~ ~
I On.= 27.4 deg 46.'
Do = 31.50 in. Na --~ 12.99 in
Thrust |

1 Dt - 24.90 in.I

tk. 18.~.8 in. R ~

De = 93.4 in.

20 deg 2[_


"-"-31 in..=j=- Ln = 102.4 in . . . . . . . . . . =-,

Fig. 4-24 A-1 Stage e n g i n e t h r u s t c h a m b e r , i n t e r n a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n l a y o u t : E = 14, 80% bell, L* = 45

in., i;c = 1.6.
Injector Throat Exit
-r .... Et=83.6in. - .... i 0c=9"25deg

i Parabola. _~,,a-."~: "'~ -~

-- !
O n ----- 3 3 deg 35.5 in.
Thrus.____t_ ____ D.
Chamber Axis
R Na = 5.94 in
De = 71 in.
Dt = 11.2 in
! ':u uug '!\ 8.4 in. R

, ~, - _

Fig. 4-25 A-2 Stage e n g i n e t h r u s t c h a m b e r , i n t e r n a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n layout: E = 40, 75% bell, L* -- 26
in., ~;c = 1.6.
surface, was demonstrated in hot firing on the "J-2 for the engines on the Alpha vehicle with the data
Linear" engine (Fig. 4-23). It appeared to have merit derived from Sample Calculation (4-1) and the
for special applications. Clusters of conventional, following required chamber thrusts Ftc:
bell-nozzle chambers have also been proposed, and
some wind-tunnel data have been obtained, although A. A-1 Stage engine: Ftcl = 747,000 lb at sea-
there is little hot-fire experience. This configuration
offers the c o m p a c t packaging and some of the
B. A-2 Stage engine. Ftc2 - 149,500 lb at altitude
altitude-correcting characteristics of the more classic
annular nozzles. C. A-3 Stage engine. Ftc3 = 16,000 lb at altitude
D. A-4 Stage engine. Ftc4 = 7500 lb at altitude
Sample Calculation 4-2

Problem The detailed calculations and results are pre-

sented b e l o w for the first-stage engine only (Fig.
Lay out the thrust-chamber internal configuration 4-24). For the other stages the calculation results are
(cylindrical combustion chamber with bell nozzle) summarized in Fig. 4-25 to 4-27. The reader is urged

Face Throat Exit
Et = 68.1 in. ~i 0e =,10.5 deg

= 1.13 in. __,,,,,~--"

Dt = 10.58 i n . - en~;4 deg

Ea 31 25 in

Thrust _ t-
Chamber Axis a Na = 5.64 in
De = 62.5 in.
Oc : " " ' ' n J
7.93 in. R

in:[a~-- u --,,-qL
- I..n = 68.1in. ,---,
Fig. 4 - 2 6 A-3 S t a g e e n g i n e thrust chamber, internal configuration l a y o u t : e = 35, 70% bell, L* = 28
in., ec = 2.

to m a k e his o w n calculations, using the first stage as a u p s t r e a m of the throat, as follows:

guide, a n d to c o m p a r e his results with those shown.
C h a m b e r diameter: Dc = x/TT-.-~x 24.9 = 31.5 in.

Solution Rc - 31.5 - 15.75 in.

A-1 Stage engine..
Use Eq. (4-7) to calculate the c h a m b e r c o n v e r g e n t
c o n e length.
F r o m s a m p l e calculation (4-1): Design sea level
Cf= 1.531; (P¢)ns= 1,000 psia; e = 14
Convergent cone length

_ 1 2 . 4 5 ( ~ - . 6 - 1 ) + 18.68 (sec 20 d e g -, ,,
Substitute into e q u a t i o n (1-33): tan 20 d e g

747,000 = 487 in. 2 4.515

T h r o a t area: At = 1.531 x 1,000 - 12.4 in.

Using the c o n e - f r u s t u m - v o l u m e e q u a t i o n a n d ne-

T h r o a t diameter: Dt = 4 X 487 = 24.9 in.
glecting the slight r o u n d i n g of the throat, the ap-
p r o x i m a t e c o n v e r g e n t c o n e v o l u m e can be o b t a i n e d
24.9 as follows:
Rt- -- 12.45 in.
V o l u m e = ~ x 12.4[(15.75) 2 + ( 1 2 . 4 5 ) 2
Exit d i a m e t e r : De = ~ x 24.9 = 93.4 in.
+ 15.75 x 12.45]
Re - -- 46.7 in. = 7,760 in. 3

R e q u i r e d v o l u m e for cylindrical c h a m b e r section

Use a c o m b u s t i o n c h a m b e r L* of 45 in. for LO2/RP-1
application a n d substitute into Eq. (4-4): =21,915-7,760= 14,155 in. 3

C h a m b e r volume: V c - 487 x 45 = 21,915 in. R e q u i r e d length for cylindrical c h a m b e r s e c t i o n

14,155/1.6 At = 18.17 in.

Use a n o z z l e c o n v e r g e n t half-angle of 20 deg, a Distance f r o m injector face to throat

c o n t r a c t i o n area ratio ec = 1.6, a n d a circular arc of
radius R - 1.5 Rt, or 18.68 in., for n o z z l e c o n t o u r = 18.17 + 12.40 = 30.57, say 31 in.

Face Throat Exit
"-' Et = 46.1 in.
0e =,10.5 deg

-~"' ~ Nt = 0.77 in.

D t = 0.77 in. I
On = 34 deg Ea =21.1 n
Thrust _ ~ _
Chamber Axis
1.37 in. R [ Na De = 42.3 in.
= 42.3 in
Dc = 10.16 in.---J
25 deg 5.39 in. R

| ~

18 in. ~ I~, Ln = 46.1 in. -.

Fig. 4-27 A-4 Stage engine thrust chamber, internal configuration layout: e = 35, 70% bell, L* = 32
in., Ec = 2.

Now design an "80% bell" nozzle configuration using Table 4-2 C o m p a r i s o n of sample combustion
the parabolic approximation procedure. The nozzle chamber sizing
contour d o w n s t r e a m of the throat will be a circular
arc of radius 0.382 Rt, or 4.75 in. By definition, the
nozzle length Ln will be 80% of the length of an Sample Curve-Rt
equivalent 15-deg-half-angle conical nozzle. Sub- Calculation Expression
stitute into Eq. (4-7): (4.2)
Contraction ratio 1.6 1.9
12 45(x/-~ - 1 ) + 4.75(sec 15 d e g - 1)] Chamber diameter, in. 31.5 34.6
Ln = 0 . 8 X " . . . .
tan 15 deg ] Chamber length, in. 31.0 27.7
Characteristic length, in. 45.0 50.6
= 0.8 x 128 = 102.4 in.
Contraction ratio 1.6 2.7
The parabolic-contour wall angles On and 0 e can be Chamber diameter, in. 14.2 18.5
derived from Fig. 4-16 for e = 14 and Lf = 0.8, @n = Chamber length, in. 17.3 16.6
27.4 deg, and 0e = 9.8 deg. The location of N and E Characteristic length, in. 16.0 41.0
along the nozzle contour, with respect to throat and A-3
nozzle axis, can be calculated as follows:
Contraction ratio 2.0 2.7
Nt = 0.382Rt sin On = 2 . 1 9 i n . Chamber diameter, in. 15.0 17.5
Na = Rt + 0.382 Rt (1-cos On) = 12.99 in. Chamber length, in. 16.0 15.1
Et = Ln = 102.4 in. Characteristic length, in. 28.0 37.2
Ea = Re = 46.7 in. A-4
Contraction ratio 2.0 2.6
With the aid of the established coordinates for points Chamber diameter, in. 10.2 11.5
N and E and the angles On and 8e, a parabola can be Chamber length, in. 18.0 12.1
fitted to complete the contour. Figure 4-24 shows the Characteristic length, in. 32.0 28.6
g e n e r a l layout of the A-1 Stage e n g i n e thrust ,,

chamber. More-accurate calculations of the diver-

gent nozzle contour c a n be m a d e with a c o m p u t e r Alternate Solution
program using the method of characteristics.
Since the calculations for the t h r u s t - c h a m b e r The alternative c h a m b e r - s i z i n g m e t h o d b a s e d on
configuration are based on the calculated design Cf e x p e r i e n c e with existing engines and on rational
value, which has to be verified by subsequent testing, scaling criteria, can be used to lay out the internal
a slight c h a n g e of c h a m b e r p r e s s u r e is usually dimensions of the A-l, A-2, A-3, and A-4 thrust
allowed to c o m p e n s a t e for Cf deviations in order to chambers. Application of Fig. 4-9 and 4-10 gives the
meet the required thrust. contraction ratios and c h a m b e r lengths based on the

throat diameters calculated above. Comparisons of transmitted to the outer structure. Ablative
the results obtained by both techniques are given in cooling has been used in numerous designs,
Table 4-2. The curve-fit method is considered to be initially mainly for solid-propellant systems,
the more reliable. but later, equally successfully, for short-dura-
tion and/or low-P c liquid systems.
4.4 THRUST-CHAMBER COOLING 6. Radiation cooling. With this method, heat is
radiated away from the surface of the outer
Cooling Techniques, and Selection thrust-chamber wall. It has been successfully
applied to very small, high-temperature-
Because of high combustion temperatures (4000 to material combustion chambers and to low-
>6000°F) and high heat-transfer rates from the hot heat-flux regions, such as nozzle extensions.
gases to the chamber wall (0.5 to over 100 Btu/in.2-s),
thrust-chamber cooling will be a major design con- Selection of the best cooling method for a given
sideration. For short-duration operation (up to a few thrust chamber depends on many considerations.
seconds) uncooled chambers may sometimes be There are no simple-and-fast rules. However, the
used; the heat will be absorbed by a heavy chamber main factors that influence the selected design
wall acting as a heat sink, until the wall temperature approaches will be the following:
approaches the failure level; but for most long-
duration applications a steady-state chamber cooling 1. Propellants. The properties of the com-
system must be employed. One or a combination of bustion products, such as temperature, spe-
the following chamber-cooling techniques will cific heat, specific weight, viscosity, etc., have
typically be used: a direct bearing on the heat-transfer rate and
thus affect chamber cooling requirements
1. Regenerative cooling. Regenerative cooling, and methods. The properties and flowrates
the most widely applied method, utilizes one of the propellants determine whether they
or possibly both of the propellants fed are suitable or sufficient for regenerative,
through passages in the thrust-chamber wall transpiration, dump, or film cooling. Con-
for cooling, before being injected into the sequently, the propellants involved will be a
combustion chamber. (See section 4.1 and primary consideration in the design of a
Fig. 4-1.) chamber cooling system.
2. Dump cooling. With this principle, a small 2. Chamber pressure. Higher chamber pres-
percentage of the propellant, such as the hy- sures are linked with higher combustion-gas
drogen in a LO2/LH2 engine, is fed through mass flowrates per unit area of chamber
passages in the thrust chamber wall for cool- cross section and therefore with higher heat-
ing and is subsequently dumped overboard transfer rates. Regenerative- and film-cooling
through openings at the rear end of the methods are usually combined to meet the
nozzle skirt. Because of inherent problems, stringent requirements of high-chamber-
such as performance losses, this method has pressure applications.
only limited application. 3. Propellant-feed system. The type of propel-
3. Film cooling. Here, exposed chamber-wall lant feed used in an engine system deter-
surfaces are protected from excessive heat by mines its pressure budget. In a turbopump-
a thin film of coolant or propellant intro- fed engine, more pressure drop is usually
duced through orifices around the injector available for chamber cooling. The avail-
periphery or through manifolded orifices in ability of this pressure drop permits the use
the chamber wall near the injector and of regenerative cooling, which requires
sometimes in several more planes toward the sufficient pressure to force the coolant
throat. The m e t h o d has been used, through the cooling passages before entering
particularly for high heat fluxes, either alone the injector. A pressure-fed engine usually
or in combination with regenerative cooling. has more stringent pressure limitations and
4. Transpiration cooling. Transpiration cool- operates at relatively lower chamber pres-
ing introduces a coolant (either gaseous or sures. This suggests the application of film,
liquid propellant) through porous chamber ablative, or radiation cooling or combin-
walls at a rate sufficient to maintain the ations of these techniques.
desired temperature of the combustion-gas- 4. T h r u s t - c h a m b e r configuration. The ge-
side chamber wall. This method is essen- ometric shape of the chamber affects local
tially a special type of film cooling. combustion-gas mass flowrates and wall
5. Ablative cooling. In this process, com- surface areas to be cooled. This influences
bustion-gas-side wall material is sacrificed by the choice of cooling method.
melting, vaporization, and chemical changes 5. Thrust-chamber construction material. The
to dissipate heat. As a result, relatively cool properties of the thrust-chamber materials
gases flow over the wall surface, thus lowering will profoundly affect the cooling-system
the boundary-layer temperature and assist- design. Strength at elevated temperature and
ing the cooling process. In addition, the thermal conductivity will determine the suit-
ablative material is usually a good thermal ability of a given material for regenerative
insulator, keeping to a minimum the heat cooling. For film-cooled chambers, higher

allowable material working-temperatures are where

desired, for lower film-coolant flowrates. The
a p p l i c a t i o n of radiation c o o l i n g to a (Tc)ns = Nozzle s t a g n a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e (or
chamber depends largely on the availability chamber total temperature), "R
of high-temperature (3000"F and up) mate- Mx = Local Mach number
rials. The success of ablative cooling de- r = Local recovery factor
pends entirely on the availability of suitable R = Effective recovery factor (from 0.90 to
materials. 0.98)

In practice, the design of the thrust-chamber The local recovery factor represents the ratio of the
cooling system is a major link in the complete frictional temperature increase to the increase caused
engine design. It cannot be treated independently, by adiabatic compression. It may be determined
without consideration of other engine system aspects. e x p e r i m e n t a l l y or estimated from the following
For instance, optimization of the chamber pressure simplified correlations based on the Prandtl number:
of a high-performance engine may be largely limited
by the capacity and efficiency of the chamber- r = (Pr)0.5 Laminar flow
cooling system. In turn, chamber pressure affects r = (Pr)0.33 Turbulent flow
other design parameters, such as the nozzle expan-
sion ratio, propellant feed pressure, and weight. Determination of the gas-side heat transfer coef-
Because of the complex interrelations between these ficient hg presents a rather complex problem. Com-
factors, the complete analysis of chamber-cooling parisons of analytical results with experimental heat-
systems is a specialized field, requiring thorough transfer data obtained on rocket thrust chambers
knowledge of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermo- have often shown disagreement. The differences are
dynamics, materials, and structures. The engine largely attributed to the initial assumptions for ana-
system designer should therefore enlist the services lytical calculations. The boundary layer that controls
of competent specialists in these fields. the heat-transfer rate to the wall will be greatly
affected by the turbulent combustion process and the
Gas-Side Heat T r a n s f e r local gas composition and temperature. Also, each
injector configuration produces different combustion
A primary step in the design of a thrust-chamber characteristics (turbulence and localized gas proper-
cooling system analizes heat transfer from the ties). This results in deviations from calculations
combustion gases to the chamber walls (gas-side heat based on the assumption of h o m o g e n e o u s product
transfer), which occurs by forced convection. Before gases. However, it has been established by exper-
the gases can transfer heat to the wall, the heat iment that the heat-transfer coefficient is predom-
energy must pass through a layer of stagnant gas inantly influenced by the mass velocity or the mass
along the wall, the boundary layer. The basic cor- flowrate per unit area of the gas, subject to the ex-
relation for this complicated convective heat transfer p o n e n t 0.8. In comparison, all other factors are
can be expressed by the following equation: relatively minor. A rough approximation of hg can
thus be expressed by the following equation:
q = hg(Taw - Twg) (4-10)
hg ~ (p 'V) °.8 (4-11)
q = Heat flux, or heat transferred across the where
stagnant gas film per unit surface area per p' = free-stream local gas density, lb/in.3
unit time, Btu/in.2-s V = free-stream value of local gas velocity, in./s
hg = Gas-side-heat transfer coefficient, Btu/in. 2-
s-'R Thus, u n d e r normal circumstances, the heat-
Taw = Adiabatic wall temperature of the gas, "R transfer coefficient varies with the chamber pressure
Tv,g = H o t - g a s - s i d e local chamber-wall to the 0.8 power and throughout a given chamber
temperature., "R inversely with the local c h a m b e r diameter to an
exponent of 1.6.
The adiabatic wall temperature of the combustion gas Based on experience with turbulent b o u n d a r y
at a given location in the thrust chamber may be layers, some relatively simple correlations for the
obtained from the following expression: calculation of the gas-side heat-transfer coefficient
have been developed. The following form (credited
to Colburn) has been much used:

l+r t 2 Nu = C Re°Spr °34 (4-12)

Nu = Nusselt number = hg D/k
C = Dimensionless constant
Re = Reynolds number= p' VD/I.t
= (Tc)nsR (4-10-a) V = Free stream velocity, in./s

Dr = Prandtl number = l.tCp/k 1.6 ~ b,'Two/(Tc)ns = 0

D = Hydraulic diameter, in.
k -- Gas thermal conductivity, Btu/s-in.2-°F/in.
bt = Viscosity, lb/in.-s
Cp --- Specific heat at constant pressure, • .,r ,) Twg/('le)ns
t- =
Bartz developed the following correlation from Eq.
1.6 ~ . ~ ~/ = 1.3 Twg/(Tc)ns = 0
(4-12) primarily for nozzle heat transfer:

1 . 2 [ - ~ - ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ .1/4 l T '-"
h g = [0"026//#°2CP'~ ( ( ~ s _ g )
Dr°-2 \ Pr6.6 ,],s 0.8(_.~) 0.
( a t " ~ 0.9
x k,X) ° (4-13)

where ,+L . . . . . , =' I

• 114
R = Nozzle radius of curvature at throat, in.
o - Correction factor for property variations
across the boundary layer
= Area along chamber axis, in. 2
3:3 l
4 3 2 1 2 4 6 810 20 3 0 4 0
Gc ~--'~"
Contraction Expansion
The value of c~ can be established in terms of nozzle
stagnation temperature, local gas-side chamber wall
temperature, and local Mach number, as follows: Fig. 4-28 Values o f c o r r e c t i o n factor c for
p r o p e r t y v a r i a t i o n a c r o s s b o u n d a r y layer.
o r =

[1 T _ . . ~ ( ' ) , 2 1 M 2 ) 11°"68[
~" (Tc)ns\l + - + l +
2) The combustion gases may deposit solids on
(4-14) the chamber walls, that act as insulators.
3) Boundary-layer cooling may be used.
Values of a as a function of Twg/(Tc)ns and ~,, as
computed by Bartz, are shown in Fig. 4-28. With certain propellant combinations, the combus-
tion products contain small amounts of solid
particles. These solids tend to deposit on the cham-
If Pr and l.t data are not available for particular
ber walls and form a rather effective insulating layer.
combustion-gas mixtures, the following equations
Quantitative evaluations of the insulation effec-
may be used for approximate results:
tiveness of such layers, which are necessary for
correct heat-transfer calculations, have been made
Pr = 4",/ experimentally.
93' - 5 (4-15)
In the case of the LO2/RP-1 combination (at
chamber pressures below about 1500 psi), carbon
# = (46.6 X 10-1°)M°ST °'6 (4-16) solids are deposited on the chamber walls. After a
firing, the carbon gives the interior of the thrust
where T = temperature of gas mixture, "R; M --- chamber the appearance of being freshly painted
molecular weight, lb/mol; and la = viscosity, lb/in.-s. black. The outer surface of the carbon appears sooty
Equations (4-13), (4-14), (4-15), and (4-16) can be and can easily be r e m o v e d by light rubbing.
used to calculate approximate hg values along the Underneath the exterior soot layer may be a harder,
thrust-chamber walls. However, the calculated values graphite-like layer that can also be removed but is
should be expected to be lower than the actual ones more tenacious. This carbon deposit significantly
if the following conditions exist: increases the gas-side thermal resistance. The
temperature of the carbon deposit at the hot-gas-side
1) Substantial fraction of the combustion gases interface approaches the gas temperature as the
are strong radiators. carbon thickness increases.
2) Substantial dissociation, with s u b s e q u e n t Values of the thermal resistance of the carbon
recombination near the wall. deposit at the indicated test conditions, based on
3) Strong, high-frequency, flow instabilities. experimental results obtained with a LO2/RP-1 thrust
chamber, are shown in Fig. 4-29. For calculations of
On the other hand, the calculated values may be gas-side heat transfer with the solid deposit on the
higher than actual ones, because of the following: chamber walls, the following equations can be used:
1) The combustion reactions may not be com-
pleted in the chamber. q = hgc(Taw - Twg) (4-17)

"o 18.68 + 4.75

rr' 2600
Mean radius of the throat contour =
u~ 2
0 2400 = 11.71 in.
2200 Then:
2000 1544
o 1.222 ×
0 oI 1800 = yR _ 22.5 = 0.485 Btu/lb-*R
(D 69
Cp (,,/-1)J-(1.222-1)×778
e- d 1600
. m

00 From Eq. (4-15):

0 1400

1200 4 x 1.222
g Pr = (9 x 1.222)- 5 = 0.816
e- 1000 ~
l--" 2 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 From Eq. (4-16):
"~'~- ec •
Contraction Expansion = (46.6 x 10-10) x (22.5)0.5 x (6140)0.6
Area Ratio = 46.6 x 10-10 x 4.76 x 188
Fig. 4-29 T h e r m a l r e s i s t a n c e o f c a r b o n d e p o s i t = 4.18 x 10-6 lb/in.-s
o n c h a m b e r w a l l s LO2/RP-1, m i x t u r e r a t i o =
2.35, ( P c ) n s = 1,000 p s i a . From Eq. (4-13):

w h e r e hgc = overall gas-side thermal conductance, [0.026 ((4 18 x 10-6)°-2 x 0 . 4 8 5 )

Btu/in. 2-s-'R hg = ~ x " g~i-~g.. 6 •

and 1
hgc = 1 ( 1000 x 32.2 ) 0 8 x ( 24.9 )0.1] (_~)0.9 o
h--~+ Rd (4-18) 5660 \11.71

w h e r e Rd - thermal resistance caused by the solid

deposit, in.2-s-'R/Btu. When there is no solid deposit,
R d = 0, hg c = hg, and Eq. (4-10) is used for heat-
- 0 . 0 1 3 6 6 x 0.046 x 4.02 x 1.078 x /_~/ °'9

transfer calculations. ( _ _ ~ ) 0.9

- 0.0027 x o
Sample Calculation 4-3
Since the c a r b o n - d e p o s i t temperature a p p r o a c h e d
Problem the gas temperature, a (Twg/(Tc)ns value of 0.8 is used
to determine the o values from Fig. 4-24 (T -= 1.2). At
Determine the approximate design gas-side overall the combustion chamber:
thermal conductance hgc in the combustion cham-
ber, at the throat, and at the exit nozzle point of E - 5
for the regeneratively cooled thrust chambers on the = = 0.655, o = 1.05
A-1 and A-2 Stage engines.

Solution hg = 0.0027 x 0.655 x 1.05

(a) A-1 Stage Engine
= 0.00185 Btu/in.2-s F
First, consider Eq. (4-13). The combustion reactions
are a s s u m e d to be h o m o g e n e o u s and complete. At the throat:
From Fig. 4-3 the following values can be derived for 0.9
the chamber product gases, for LO2/RP-1 at (Pc)ns = =l,a=l
1000 psia and a mixture ratio of 2.35:
hg = 0.0027 x 1 x 1 = 0.0027 Btu/in.Z-s F
(Tc)ns = 6000"F or 6460"R
M = 22.5 lb/mol At the exit nozzle point of
g = 1.222

The design (Tc)ns = theoretical (Tc)ns x (c* cor-

( )09 (5)0.9 = 0.235, o = 0.8
rection factor)2 = 6460°R x (0.975) 2 = 6140"R. (See Eq.
1-32a and 1-41.) From Sample Calculation 4-1: Design hg = 0.0027 x 0.235 x 0.8
c* = 5660 ft/s. From Sample Calculation 4-2: Dt = 24.9
in. = 0.000507 Btu/in.2-s F

The experimental data of Fig. 4-29 can be used to From Eq. (4-13):
determine the values of thermal resistance Rd for the
carbon deposit. The thermal resistances are 0.026 .(2.92 X 10-6) 0.2 X 0.943.)
hg = 11.2 °~ 0.8200.6
_ in.Zs*F in.Zs*F in.Zs*F
1670~, 1125 Btu , a n d 1645 Bt'--~' 800 X 3 2 . 2 ) °8 (1 1.2"~°11
' 74"80 X \57~/ (--~) 0"90

for points at the combustion chamber, the throat, /-~/O.9

and the nozzle exit area ratio of 5. Substituting into = 0.01605 x 0.0828 x 2.69 x 1.078 x or
Eq. (4-18), at the combustion c h a m b e r
(_~) 0.9
= 0.00385 x o

hg c = 1 = 0.00045 Btu/in.2-s-'F
+ 1670 Since there is no solid deposit on the chamber walls,
an average gas-side wall t e m p e r a t u r e of 1500°R is
At the throat assumed, and a (Twg/(Tc)ns) value of (1500/5740) or
0.26 is used to determine the o values from Fig. 4-28.
At the combustion chamber:

hg c = 1 = 0.00067 Btu/in.2-s-'F .~)0.9= /!.6/0.9 = 0.655, o = 1.38

+ 1125

At the exit nozzle of E = 5 hgc = hg = 0.00385 x 0.655 x 1.38

= 0.00348 Btu/in.2-s-'F.

At the throat:
hg c = 1 = 0.000276 Btu/in.2-s-'F 0.9
+ 1645 =1, a=1.35

(b) A-2 Stage Engine

Then hgc = hg = 0.00385 x 1.0 x 1.35
= 0.00520 Btu/in.2-s-'F.
Again, the combustion reactions are assumed to be
h o m o g e n e o u s and complete. From Fig. 4-4, the At the nozzle exit point, e = 5"
following values are derived for the chamber product
gases, for LO2/LH2 at (Pc)ns = 800 psia and a mixture
ratio of 5.22: (Tc)ns = 5580"F or 6040"R, M = 12
/--~/0"9= /5) 0"9= 0 . 2 3 5 , o=1.16
lb/mol, T = 1.213. The design (Tc)ns = theoretical
(Tc)ns x (c* correction factor)2 = 6040 x (0.975) 2 =
5740"R. From Sample Calculation 4-1. design c* = Then hgc = hg = 0.00385 x 0.235 x 1.16
7480 ft/s. From Fig. 4-25" Dt = 11.2 in. = 0.00105 Btu/in.2-s-°F
8.4 + 2.14
Mean radius of throat contour = 2 = 5.27 in.
Regenerative Cooling
Regenerative cooling, which sees increasing appli-
1544 cation in high-pressure, high-heat-flux thrust cham-
1.213 x ~
= 12
( 1 . 2 1 3 - 1 ) x 7 8 8 =0"943 Btu/lb°F
bers, has several a d v a n t a g e s over other cooling
techniques, and some disadvantages. Advantages
include no p e r f o r m a n c e loss (thermal e n e r g y ab-
sorbed by the coolant is returned to the injector),
From Eq. (4-15). essentially no change in wall contour as a function of
time, indefinite firing duration, and relatively light-
4 x 1.213 weight construction. Disadvantages include limited
Pr = (9 x 1.213)-5 - 0.820 throttling with most coolants, reduced reliability with
some coolants (e.g., hydrazine), high pressure drops
From Eq. (4-16): required at high-heat-flux levels, and thrust levels,
mixture ratios, or nozzle area ratios possibly limited
= (46.6 x 10-10)(12)0.5(5740)0.6 by m a x i m u m allowable coolant-temperature.
= 46.6 x 10-10 x 3.47 x 180 Design of a regeneratively cooled thrust chamber
= 2.92 x 10-6 lb/in.-s involves consideration of gas-side heat flux, wall

The bulk temperature of the coolant increases

"1 I~" Chamber
e l,t[ InnerWall from the point of entry until it leaves the cooling
passages, as a function of the heat absorbed and of
!~1 ~ Coolant Side the coolant flowrate. Proper balance of these para-
,.,"~ Boundary Layer meters, to maintain the chamber walls at temper-
f.#l atures below those at which failure might occur
r J
because of melting or stress, becomes one of the
Taw~ P'' major requirements for the design of regeneratively
~J;~ Coolant cooled thrust chambers. For metals commonly used
Combustion .. in thrust-chamber walls, such as stainless steel, nickel,
Gas I~t- - NARIoy-Z, and nickel-base superalloys, the limiting
hot-gas-side wall temperature ranges from 900 to
I~ -
Twg "LJx~
--Twn 1800"F. The resultant differences between com-
. . . . . ,Too bustion-gas temperature and wall temperature range
from 2500 to 6000°F.
Assume a station in the thrust chamber with gas
Radial Distance From temperature Taw and coolant bulk temperature Tco.
Center of Chamber Referring to Eq. 4-21, it will be seen that the heat flux
q, which must be the same through all layers, is a
Fig. 4-30 Heat transfer schematic for function of the temperatures and of overall heat-
regenerative c o o l i n g .
transfer coefficient H. The value of H is composed
of the individual coefficients for the boundary layers
structural requirements, coolant-side heat transfer, and the chamber metal wall (Eq. 4-22). The smaller
and the effects of temperature increases on coolant H is, the smaller q. However, it is one of the major
properties. design goals to keep coefficient hgc low, but heat-
Heat transfer in a regeneratively cooled chamber transfer coefficient hc and conductivity t/k high, in
can be described as the heat flow between two relation to hgc. Since the temperature differentials
moving fluids, through a multilayer partition. Figure are inversely proportional to the heat-transfer coeffi-
4-30 shows this process schematically. The general cients of the heat-flow paths, the temperature drop
steady-state correlation of heat transfer from the will then be steepest between hot gas and inner
combustion gases through the layers, which include chamber wall. The effect is analogous to voltage
the metal chamber walls, to the coolant can be drops along resistors in electrical circuits.
expressed by the following equations: The heat absorbed by the propellant used for
regenerative cooling raises the temperature of the
hgc(Taw Twg) = q = ( k ) ( T w g - Twc) (4-19) propellant, and thus the energy level, before it is
\~/ injected into the combustion chamber. However, the
effect on overall engine performance is slight, the
= hc(Twc - Tco) (4-20) gain usually being less than 1%. On the other hand,
regenerative cooling, with attendant pressure losses
requiring additional turbopump power or higher gas-
= H(T~w - Tco) (4-21) pressurization levels, imposes an overall
performance penalty.
Gas-side heat transfer was discussed in a pre-
1 ceding section of this chapter. It is a function of
H= 1 t 1 (4-22) combustion-gas properties, chamber pressure, and
hgc + k + hc chamber geometry and is transmitted in three modes
which, in order of decreasing importance, are forced
convection, chemical recombination, and radiation
from the gas to the wall.
q - Heat flux, Btu/in.2-s
hgc - Overall gas-side thermal conductance, Coolant-Side Heat Transfer
Btu/in.2-s-'F (see Eq. 4-18; without de-
posits, hg c - hg) The coolant-side heat-transfer coefficient hc is in-
hc - Coolant-side heat-transfer coefficient, fluenced by many factors. At the high heat fluxes
Btu/in.2-s-'F and temperatures e n c o u n t e r e d in thrust-chamber
k - Thermal conductivity of chamber wall, operation, the propellants used for cooling may
Btu/in. 2-s-'F/in become corrosive, may decompose, or may deposit
t -- Chamber-wall thickness, in. impurities upon the heated surface, thereby reducing
Taw = Adiabatic wall temp. of the gas, "R cooling effectiveness. It is impossible to calculate the
T~g = Gas-side wall temperature, "R hc values under these conditions without experi-
Tx~: - Coolant-side wall temperature, "R mental data.
Tco = Coolant bulk temperature, "R The characteristics of coolant-side heat transfer
H = Overall heat-transfer coefficient, depend largely on the coolant pressure and coolant-
Btu/in.2- s-'F side wall temperature. Figure 4-31 plots heat flux vs.

wall temperature for a constant coolant pressure, bulk

temperature, and flow velocity. Curve A indicates the
behavior of heat transfer at coolant pressures below
critical. Line segment A1-A2 represents normal A3 A4
forced-convection heat transfer without boiling when Curve A
the wal! temperature is below the saturation tem- x
e r oo
a 5 (Pco ~ 1/2 Pcritical)
perature of the coolant corresponding to the fluid
pressure. As the wall temperature at A2 exceeds the
LL.~_ 4 . ~ - "== B3
saturation temperature by a certain margin (50 to
100°F), bubbles will form within the coolant layer
close to the wall. The bubbles grow continuously out Curve B
into the colder liquid stream until condensation at (Peo > Pcritical)
the vapor-to-liquid surface begins to exceed the rate
of vaporization at the base of the vapor bubble,
whereupon the bubbles start to collapse. This pro-
0 2 4 6 7 19 12 14 16 18 20
cess, which occurs at high frequencies, is called Coolant Side Wall Temperature
"nucleate boiling." It substantially increases the heat- Twc (°F) x 10 -2
transfer coefficient, resulting in little increase in wall
Fig. 4-31 Heat flux vs coolant side wall
temperature for a wide range of heat flux. The heat
temperature o f typical propellant in various
transfer with nucleate boiling is represented by line
heat transfer regions.
A2-A3. At A3, further increase in the heat flux
abruptly leads to such a dense bubble population
that the bubbles combine into a vapor film with an where~
attendant large decrease in heat-transfer coefficient. C 1 = Constant (different values for various
The region of heat transfer with film boiling is coolants)
represented by line A3-A 4. The resulting increase in Nu = Nusselt number = hcd/k
wall temperature is so high that failure of the wall Re = Reynolds number = pVcod/bt
material often occurs. The heat flux at A3 is defined Pr = Prandtl number = laCp/k
as the upper limit of nucleate boiling of the coolant gt = Coolant viscosity at bulk temp., lb/in.-s
qul, which therefore should be used as the design gtw = Coolant viscosity at coolant sidewall tem-
limit for a regenerative cooling system. perature, lb/in.-s
Curve B indicates the heat-transfer behavior of a d __ Coolant passage hydraulic diameter, in.
coolant above critical pressure. Since no boiling can k = Coolant thermal conductivity, Btu/s-in.2-
occur, the wall temperature continually increases with "F/in.
increasing heat flux. Line A1-B 2 represents the heat- p ._ Coolant density, lb/in.3
transfer region, when the wall temperature is below Vco - Coolant velocity, in./s
the coolant critical temperature. The heat-transfer Cp = Coolant specific heat at constant pressure,
coefficient remains essentially constant. As the wall Btu/lb-'F
temperature reaches the critical temperature B2 and
higher, a gradual transition to a stable supercritical The heat flux at the upper limit of nucleate boiling,
vapor-film boundary layer begins; this results in qul, can be estimated from this relation:
somewhat lower heat-transfer coefficients. Line B2-
B 3 represents the heat transfer in this region. Wall qu~ C2 x 104
=~ (4-24)
failure temperatures are usually reached at lower qnonboiling PcoG
temperatures when the coolant is above the critical where--
pressure than when it is below it. Where possible, a C2 = Constant, its value depending on
coolant operating pressure b e t w e e n 0.3 to 0.7 of coolant
critical pressure should be used to take advantage of qnonboiling = Heat flux without nucleate boiling,
the high heat-transfer coefficients available with Btu/in.2-s
nucleate boiling. In most systems, h o w e v e r , Pco = Coolant pressure, psia
particularly those fed from a turbopump, the coolant G = Coolant maximum flowrate per unit
pressure is supercritical. For the nonboiling sub- area, lb/in.2-s
critical temper-ature regions of both subcritical and
supercritical coolant pressures (A1-A2 and A1-B2 in When the heat is transferred through a vapor-film
Fig. 4-31), the relationship between wall temperature boundary layer (coolant at supercritical pressure and
and heat flux, which depends on the heat transfer temperature, region B2-B 3 in Fig. 4-31), the coolant-
coefficient hc, can be predicted with sufficient side heat-transfer coefficient can be estimated from
the following expression:
accuracy for design purposes with the help of the
Sieder-Tate equation (Eq. 4-23) for turbulent heat hc = 0.029Cp/z°2(G°8'~ ( '~Tco 0.5s
transfer to liquids flowing in channels: pr ~, \dO.2j ~ T wJ (4-2 5)

Nu = C1 ReO.SVr,,.4(~*~
\~'~/ ° (4-23) Cp Coolant specific heat at constant
pressure, Btu/lb-°F

~t = Coolant viscosity, lb/in.-s • i:!

Pr = Prandtl number -:i>. - .............

G = Coolant weight flowrate per unit area, ":::L-v

d = Coolant-passage hydraulic diameter, in. :~:iiiii!i~i
Tco = Coolant bulk temperature, "R ~~ii!iJ:i:i
T~aac = Coolant-side wall temperature, "R .... ii, :i~

>' :7/ :!':

The bulk temperature of most coolants should be :i " !i:

kept below the critical temperature, since the vapor-

film heat-transfer coefficient would be too low to
cool the wall effectively. The cooling capacity of the
liquid-state regenerative coolant system can be
estimated by the following:

Qc = xkrcCp(Tcc -- Tci) (4-26) J l

ee ::~:i:!~¢
where ¢ % ::~
Qc = Coolant capacity, Btu/s
/% = Coolant mass flowrate, lb/s
Cp = Coolant specific heat at constant pressure,
Wcc = Coolant critical temperature, "R (Note: overheated and burnt-through
Tci = Coolant inlet temperature, "R spot on chamber wall)

The allowed value of gas heat-transfer rate Q for Fig. 4-32 Coaxial shell thrust c h a m b e r cutaway.
the total chamber wall should be kept below Qc by a
safe margin (Q < Qc). However, there is no such
limitation when hydrogen is used as a coolant. Hy- strength); and the liner is contained within an Inco-
drogen has excellent heat-transfer characteristics, 718 structural shell.
with a reasonably high heat-transfer coefficient even
in the supercritical pressure and temperature region. Wall D e s i g n Considerations
Usually liquid hydrogen enters the chamber coolant
passage under supercritical pressure and reaches The three most important parameters involved in the
supercritical temperature a short distance from the design of a regeneratively cooled chamber wall are
inlet. the wall material thermal conductivity, the maximum
The coolant passage areas at various points along allowable operating temperature, and the wall
the chamber walls are designed to maintain the thickness between the hot gas and the coolant. High
proper coolant velocity, dictated by the heat-transfer conductivity is desirable because it reduces the wall
coefficients determined by the heat-transfer calcu- temperature drop for a given heat flux. If the coolant
lation. There are several basic design approaches for undergoes nucleate boiling or is subject to decom-
regenerative-c-oled thrust chambers. Axial-flow positon, however, high wall conductivity may not be

cooling lackets, made up of tubes, are used in the advantageous, because of the resulting lower gas-side
design of some large thrust chambers (3000 lb of wall temperatures and higher heat fluxes. Wall
thrust and up); coaxial shells separated by helical thickness is established by structural requirements to
ribs or wires generally typify smaller-thrust-chamber accommodate pressure and thermal stresses as well
designs. An increasingly used regenerative cooling as by fabrication feasibility limits. Further, the wall
method for high-pressure, high-heat-flux engines material can significantly affect coolant pressure-
employs rectangular slots or channels machined cir- drop requirements, particularly at high chamber
cumferentially into the chamber wall. Figure 4-1 pressures.
shows a large, regeneratively cooled, tubular-wall
thrust chamber. Figure 4-32 represents a typical Tubular-Wall Thrust C h a m b e r D e s i g n
coaxial shell design for a smaller thrust chamber. In
this design, the coolant passage is defined as the In the design of tubular-wall thrust chambers, the
rectangular area between inner and outer shells and number of coolant tubes required is a function of the
two adjacent ribs, which are w r a p p e d helically chamber geometry, the coolant weight flowrate per
around the inner shell or liner. Figure 4-33 shows the unit tube area, the maximum allowable tube wall
combustion chamber of the Space Shuttle Main stress, and fabrication considerations. The critical
Engine, which has 390 coolant slots in the copper cooling region near the throat, where the heat flux is
alloy (NARIoy-Z) liner; the slots are closed out with a highest, determines the number of tubes required for
thin layer of electrodeposited copper (as a hydrogen a given coolant flowrate. For lower stress, tube cross-
barrier) and then e l e c t r o d e p o s i t e d nickel (for sections of circular shape are preferred, but other
92 D E S I G N OF L I Q U I D - P R O P E L L A N T R O C K E T E N G I N E S

!i ii !i:i!!!i! =
'>~:-:{ai!i. . . . -....... ' ~ -"~ ' ~ ~. . . . . ' .... "'~~:. . . . ~ ............. ~*''":~f~'~!i>~N~ii~;ii}i!i{i!:i~i~i:'

~., .. :, :~ ~. ~~

N~N!iii!4 {{ !i|iii!!{ii:iiii::!!iii~ii~i~:::::i~!#~:
.~ .-:.~4~i~~!-~...., .#:i};i:::.i::~:

~~i I i!!~' {ili{i!:~!!!!{i~!!ii~i~i~i:~!~!i{:i!

~..................... ~...y.:.~ ....... .:.~:

Fig. 4-33 SSME m a i n c o m b u s t i o n c h a m b e r .

s h a p e s are often u s e d to m e e t certain flow-area / Chamber

requirements. The stress analysis of the tubes is Jacket Zone II
based u p o n three primary considerations: the h o o p
stress caused by coolant pressure, the thermal stress
c a u s e d by t e m p e r a t u r e gradients across the tube t
section and the wall, and the bending stress caused
by distortion i n d u c e d by the pressure differential
b e t w e e n adjacent tubes (if any) or by other effects
such as discontinuities. The tube design stress is
b a s e d on the c o m b i n e d stress from these three
considerations. In most designs, the m a x i m u m I Zone l
combined stress occurs at the throat region.
As s h o w n in Fig. 4-34, the m a x i m u m combined
tangential stresses of the circular tube will be at
section A-A and can be expressed as follows:
Equivalent Chamber
Internal Radius
St = !Pco - ps)r + Eaqt + 6M__.k (4-27)
t 2(1 -- v)k t2 Q
Thrust Chamber
St = Combined tangential tensile stress, lb/in.2 Fig. 4-34 Circular tube wall o f regeneratively
q = Heat flux, Btu/in.2-s c o o l e d thrust c h a m b e r .
r = Tube radius, in.
t = Tube wall thickness, in. Since the combustion-gas-side portion of the tube
= Coolant pressure, lb/in.2
(zone I) has a much higher m e a n temperature than
Pg = Combustion gas pressure, lb/in.2 that of the backside tube portion and c h a m b e r outer
E = Modulus of elasticity of tube wall material, shell (zone II), the thermal expansion of zone I will
lb/in.2 be restrained by zone II. Because of the considerably
-- Thermal expansion coefficient of tube wall greater mass of zone I1, thermal inelastic buckling will
material, in/in.-°F be induced under certain conditions in zone I in the
= Thermal conductivity of tube wall ma- longitudinal direction. The longitudinal thermal
terial, Btu/in.2-s-°F/in. stress can be estimated by
V = Poisson's ratio of tube wall material
MA = Bending m o m e n t caused by discontinuity, S1 = EaST (4-28) (no effect of pressure differential
b e t w e e n adjacent tubes for circular-tube w h e r e S 1 = longitudinal thermal stress, lb/in.2, and
design) AT = mean temp. difference between zone I and zone

Chamber I -- Length of flat portion on tube wall, in.

Jacket Zone II Ap = Pressure differential between adjacent
tubes, lb/in. 2

Maximum stress of the elongated tube can be calcu-

lated by substituting Eq. (4-30) into Eq. (4-27).

The w o r k i n g loads i n d u c e d in a regenerative

tubular-wall c h a m b e r by the c h a m b e r pressure are
designed to be a b s o r b e d by a c h a m b e r jacket or
Pg tension bands w r a p p e d around the tube bundle.

Zone l Coaxial-Shell Thrust Chamber Design

A P = Pco 1 - P c o 2 In a coaxial shell-type thrust chamber, as shown in


Equivalent Chamber Fig. 4-32, the outer shell is subjected only to the h o o p
Internal Radius stress induced by the coolant pressure. The inner
shell, however, u n d e r g o e s a c o m b i n a t i o n of com-
pressive stress, c a u s e d by the pressure differential
b e t w e e n the coolant and combustion gases, and the
thermal stress c a u s e d by the t e m p e r a t u r e gradient

across the wall. The m a x i m u m stress occurs at the
inner-wall surface of the inner shell and can be
calculated from this equation:

Thrust Chamber
Sc = (Pco - pg)R + Eaqt (4-31)
Fig. 4-35 Elongated tube w a r o f regeneratively t 2(1 - v)k
c o o l e d thrust chamber.
Sc =
Max. c o m b i n e d compressive stress, lb/in.2
II, "F. S1 should be kept at a level not higher than 0.9
q =
Heat flux, Btu/in.2-s
So below.
R --
Radius of the inner shell, in.
The critical stress for longitudinal inelastic t =
Thickness of the inner shell, in.
buckling on zone I can be estimated by--- Pco =
Coolant pressure, lb/in.2
4ErEct pg =
Combustion-gas pressure, lb/in. 2
Sc = (x/~tx/-~c)ZX/3(1 V2)r (4-29) E =
Modulus of elasticity of inner-shell ma-
terial, lb/in.2
a = Thermal e x p a n s i o n coefficient of inner-
Sc = Critical stress for longitudinal inelastic
shell material, in./in.-'F
buckling in zone I, lb/in.2
k = T h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y of i n n e r - s h e l l
Et = Tangential m o d u l u s of elasticity at wall material, Btu/in.2-s-'F/in
temperature, lb/in.2 v = Poisson's ratio of inner-shell material
Ec = Tangential m o d u l u s of elasticity from
c o m p r e s s i o n stress-strain curve, at wall
temperature, lb/in.2 Pressure Drop in Cooling Passages

Stresses from an elongated-cross-section tube design, It is desirable to design a cooling passage with
as s h o w n in Fig. 4-35, can be calculated from Eq. (4- m i n i m u m pressure drop. Abrupt c h a n g e Of flow
27), (4-28), and (4-29). Here, again, the m a x i m u m direction and s u d d e n e x p a n s i o n or contraction of
c o m b i n e d stress is at section A. The b e n d i n g flow areas should be avoided. The inner surface of
m o m e n t at section A, M'A, should take into con- cooling passages should be s m o o t h and clean. A
sideration the pressure differential (if any) b e t w e e n cooling passage can be treated as a hydraulic conduit
adjacent tubes: and the pressure d r o p calculated accordingly, as
. lap
M~. = MA + ~A-'~'-- (4-30)
where L pVcZo (4-32)
AP=fd 2g
M' A = Combined bending m o m e n t at section A,
in.-lb/in. where
MA = Bending m o m e n t due to discontinuity, in.- Ap = C o o l a n t p r e s s u r e d r o p t h r o u g h the
lb/in. portion of cooling p a s s a g e u n d e r con-
K A = Dimensionless design constant based on sideration, lb/in.2
test results (range 0.3-0.5) L = Length of that portion, in.

d= E q u i v a l e n t a v e r a g e d i a m e t e r of that e x p e c t e d to remain so for the remainder of the

portion, in. passage. Total temperature increase for a typical
P = Average density of the coolant, lb/in.3 thrust-chamber design is about 100-400"F b e t w e e n
Vco = Average coolant flow velocity, in./s cooling jacket inlet and outlet. The heat-transfer
g = Mass conversion factor, equal to gravi- coefficient required to permit the calculated heat flux
tational constant, 32.2 x 12 in./s2 for the temperature differential assumed can now be
f = Friction loss coefficient, a function of the calculated from Eq. (4-20):
Reynolds n u m b e r and of cooling passage
conditions such as surface smoothness, q 3.00
geometric shape, etc.: can be determined hc = Twc - Tco = 1000-600
only experimentally. - 0.0075 Btu/in.2-s-'F

Sample Calculation 4-4 Equation (4-23) shows the relationship b e t w e e n

required hc and correct tube diameter, with exper-
Determine the cooling passage and the tube design imental data for RP-1 (Cl = 0.0214):
at the throat for the thrust chambers of the A-1 and
A-2 Stage engines.
Nu = 0 . 0 2 1 4 R e ° a p r ° 4 ( k ) °
or, substituting corresponding terms"
(a) A-1 Stage Engine

The fuel RP-1 will be the coolant. Since the cooling k =0.0214 o (a)
requirement is most stringent at the throat, the tube
design for this station will serve as the starting point
The following additional relationships exist:
for the entire chamber. For its high strength, Alloy
X-750 will be the tube material. Based on experi-
mental test results that s h o w e d good solid-carbon N u m b e r of tubes N = 7r[Dt + 0.8(d + 0.04)]
(d + 0.04)
deposits, design values not exceeding 1460"R may be
p e r m i t t e d for gas-side t u b e - w a l l t e m p e r a t u r e . (0.8d + 24.93)
Specifically, the throat region will be given a Twg = (b)
(d + 0.04)
value of 1188°R. Using the results of Sample Calcu-
lation 4-3, the value of the adiabatic wall temperature
From Sample Calculation 4-2, Dt - 24.9 in. The factor
Taw can be calculated by multiplying (Tc)ns by the
0.8 expresses the fact that the tube centers are located
estimated stagnation recovery factor of 0.923, or Taw
on a circle, rather than in a straight line. The double-
= 6140 x 0.923 - 5667"R. From the same calculation,
pass design will then have the following coolant
the overall gas-side thermal c o n d u c t a n c e at the
throat region will be hgc = 0.00067 Btu/in.2-s-'F.
Substituting into Eq. (4-10), yields the heat flux at the ~rf
p 827 x 8 2106
Vco = N (~rdz) = ~rNd2p -- Nd2p (c)
q = (5667-1188) x 0.00067 = 3.00 Btu/in.2-s
2 4
Material-property data list the following average
values for Alloy X-750 at 1000-1200"R: coefficient of From Table 3-2: w f - 827 lb/s; p = local value of fluid
thermal expansion, a = 8 x 10-6 in./in.-'F; modulus of density.
elasticity, E = 28 x 106 psi; thermal conductivity, k = RP-1 at 600"R has the following properties: l.t =
3.19 x 10-4 Btu/in.2-'F/in; Poisson's ratio v, = 0.35. 4.16 x 10-5 lb/in.-s; k = 1.78 x 10-6 Btu/in.2-s-°F/in.; Cp
A circular-tube configuration will be used with an = 0.5 Btu/lb-'F. For RP-1 at 1000 R, - 0.416 x 10-5
internal diameter d and a wall thickness of 0.020 in. lb/in.-s. Now substitute known values and Eq. (c) into
The assumption for thickness must be verified by Eq. (a):
heat-transfer and stress calculations. From Eq. (4-19),
the coolant-side wall temperature will be
'4 2106 \
0.0075d OdNd~o 0~
Twc = Twg- qt 3.00 x 0.02 ... 1.78 x 10 -6 = 0.0214 x .16 x i 0 " - 5 /
= 1188 - 3.19 x 104 - 1000"R

The design will employ a double-pass; i.e., the (0.5 x 4.16 x 1 0 - 5 ) °4 (.4_-1.6x10-5'~ 0.14
coolant passes down through alternating tubes and X 1"~:7"8 X 10 -6 ' X \ 0 . 4 1 6 X iO-'S,,/
up through adjacent tubes. For an "up" tube, assume a
coolant bulk temperature Tco = 600"R at the throat 4,220d = 1 1 5 , 0 0 0 ( ~ d ) °a
(the more severe case, since the coolant has passed
the throat region before, on the way down). This
temperature is well b e l o w critical and can be N = 6 2 . 4 d - 2.25 (d)

And substitute Eq. (d) into Eq. (b): ( b ) A-2 Stage Engine
62.4d_2.25 = a-(0.8d + 24.93)
The fuel, hydrogen, will be the coolant , and again
(d + 0.04)
Alloy X-750 will be the tube material. To avoid the
d = 0.85 in. "hot shortness" (low-ductility) properties of Alloy X-
750 in the range 1200-1400"F, the mean temperature
Substitute (d) into Eq. (b): N = 94.5.
of the tube wall must be kept under 1000"F (1460"R).
Since a two-pass design needs a whole, even tube
The adiabatic wall temperature Taw of the gas can be
number, a design value of N = 94 will be substituted
calculated using an a s s u m e d stagnation r e c o v e r y
into Eq. (b), yielding d = 0.855 in.
To define a n e w tube design, repeated calcula- factor of 0.92: Taw - (Tc)ns x 0.92 = 5740 x 0.92 =
tions, with varied assumptions, will be required. An 5270"R. From Sample Calculation 4-3, the overall gas-
experienced designer will require fewer approaches, side conductance at the throat region hgc = 0.00520
particularly if test results of prior, c o m p a r a b l e Btu/in2-s-'F. Substituting into Eq. (4-19) yields the
designs are available. Even for complicated condi- heat flux at the throat:
ions, h o w e v e r , great a m o u n t s of data can be
generated in a relatively short time on a computer. q = (5270-1600) x 0.00520 = 3670 x 0.00520
Proceed as follows. From Table 3-2: = 19.10 Btu/in.2-s

50.45 A value of 1600"R will be used for the gas-side wall

p- - 0.0292 Ib/in. 3
1728 temperature Twg at the throat region. The following
Substitute into Eq. (c). data apply to Alloy X-750 at 1600°R (1140"F): a = 8.2 x
10-6 in/in.-'F; E = 24 xl06 psi; k = 3.86 x 10-4 Btu/in.2-
s-'F/in.; v = 0.35.
Vco = 94 x (0.855) 2 x 0.0292
A circular-tube configuration will be used with an
= 1051 in./s or 87.6 ft/s internal diameter d and a wall thickness of 0.008 in.
From Eq. (4-19) coolant-side wall temperature will
At the throat, Pco = 1500 psia represents an inter- be
polation b e t w e e n f u e l - p u m p outlet pressure and
Twc = 1600 - 19.10 x 0.008
injector-manifold pressure. Combustion-gas pressure 3 . 8 6 x 10 -4 = 1 6 0 0 - 3 9 6 = 1 2 0 4 ° R
at the throat will be
Pg = Pt = (Pc),-,~ + 1 s-~ = 1000 x 0.562 = 562 psia
A mean value will describe the wall temperature.
1600 + 1204
Twc= =1402 ° R<1460 ° R
And 7 = 1.222 from Sample Calculation 4-2; use Table Assuming a coolant bulk temperature Tco - 135 R at
1-2. Maximum tensile stress at the inner tube-wall face the throat, Eq. (4-20) then yields
can then be determined using Eq. (4-27):
19.10 = 0.0179 Btu/in.2/s/° F
( 1 5 0 0 - 562) x 0.427 hc = 1204 - 135
St - -
0.020 Substituting into Eq. (4-25) gives

+ 28 x 10 6 X 8 X 10 - 6 )< 3.0 x 0.2 MA 00179 0"029Cp~°'2 (G°S) (Tc°'~ ° ' '

2 x (1 - 0 . 3 5 ) x 3.19 x 10 -4 + 6 7 • = p2,3 (d °2) \Twc,] (a)

= 20,000 + 35,500 + 15,000MA From Fig. 4-25, Dt -- 11.2 in. The following relation-
ships exist:
= 52,500 + 15,000MA
N u m b e r of tubes N = "a'[Dt +.0.8(d x 0.016.)]
(d + 0.016)
Material property data list an Fty of 82,000 for Alloy
X-750 at 1000"R, which leads to the following value: = x'(0.8d + 11.213) (b)
(d + 0.016)
8 2 , 0 0 0 - 52,500
Maximum allowable MA= A 1 1/2-pass design will be used (i.e., the coolant
enters the fuel manifold at the e. = 8 nozzle plane,
= 1.97 in.-lb/in. flows to e = 30 and back, and then passes through the
throat a n d c o m b u s t i o n c h a m b e r z o n e b e f o r e it
enters the injector). From Table 3-3: wt = 54.5 lb/s.
From experience, it can be a s s u m e d that the Coolant w e i g h t flowrate per unit area will be:
bending m o m e n t caused by discontinuity in this case
will be less than 1.97 in./lb/in. Thus the assumed
wf 54.5x4 69.3
0.020-in. thickness for the tube wall is sufficient.
G = - ~ N "/rNd2 Nd2 (c)
Summarizing the tube configuration at the throat: d =
0.855 in., t = 0.020 in., N = 94.

For hydrogen at 135°R: Pr = 0.82; Cp = 3.5 Btu/lb-'F; Ix

= 0.367 x 10-6 lb/in.-s. Substituting these values and
Eq. (c) into Eq. (a) yields the following: 0 0 0 000
Tube Sections
0 A

0.029 X 3.5 X (0.3657 X 10-6) 0.2 Max Weld

0.0179= Width
(0.82) 2/3 O004 i n ~ _ _ ~ Vent Hole (3)

× I ( 6\ g9g' 3/ ' ~ °" 1 × ( 1 7 / 4 )

0.55 ~ ~
Tube Arrangement
v i
Up~hannel '~
"Plug F Channel Band
1 Plug Aspirator
dO.2 Mounting Band" " ./-- Jacket ~ Band . ~ _ _ . . _

or N = 3.91d-2.25. Then, substituting Eq. (d) into Eq.

(b) yields _ ~ l iHl Ill I 111__
rc(0.8d + 11.213) Fig. 4-36 Typical regeneratively cooled tube w a l l
3.91d-2.25 = (d + 0.016) ; d = 0.185 in. thrust chamber.
Substituting into Eq. (b) gives

g(0.8 x 0.185 + 11.213)

N = 178
(0.185 + 0.016) ~sTeflonCoated0.001in.

Maximum tensile stress can n o w be checked at the

inner-wall surface using Eq. (4-27). At the throat,
estimated Pco = 1200 psia; pg = Pt = (Pc)ns [2/(T+I) ~'
/ (~/-1)] = 800 x 0.554 = 443 psia; and T = 1.213 from !IIAssembly
Sample Calculation 4-1. Then. Vasher

..... Assembly(4)
St = ((1200-443) x 0.0925/0.008) + (24 x 106 x 8.2 x ExitManifold
10 -6 x 19.10 x 0.008/[2(1 - 0.035)x 3.86 x 10 -4 ] + 6 Fig. 4-37 Detail of injector manifolding and
MA remnri manifold of typical regeneratively cooled
(0.008)2 = 68,750 + 94,900 MA tube w a l l t h r u s t chamber.

Material property data list an Fty of 81,000 psi for / Close-Out and
Structural Back-Up
Alloy X-750 at 1200°R. T h e n - -
. / // 5,,, X/ "','4"
, ,' ',.'.,
81000 - 68750 / , # ; > , : > 5 : ~ , : ' , " ; ' ~ ~,'.q [ ~ ' ; ' S Z ,':7>:>:,'5'-%.
Max. allowable MA = = 0.131 in.-lb-in.

From experience, it can be assumed that the bending

m o m e n t caused by discontinuity will be less than
0.131 in.-lb/in. Thus the selection of 0.008-in. tube Hot-Gas Passages (Channels) ',',,,"
thickness is valid. Summarizing the tube configura- Wall
tion at the throat: d = 0.185 in., t -- 0.008 in., N = 178. Fig. 4-38 Typical channel wall configuration.
As a general design aid, Fig. 4-36 and 4-37 present
construction details for a typical regeneratively-
cooled, tube-wall thrust chamber. The c h a m b e r were then hand-brazed, a process requiring many
shown is very similar to the one presented in Fig. 4-1 weeks and considerable skill. More recently, furnace
and 4-2. Figure 4-36 shows clearly how the tube shape brazing has b e e n successfully applied, drastically
changes along the longitudinal axis. cutting chamber-assembly time.
In a typical m a n u f a c t u r i n g process, tubes of
uniform circular cross-section are first cut to length Channel-Wall Design
and then swaged or tapered. The tubes are filled with
wax, and then bent (preshaped) in a special fixture to The preferred cooling technique for high-pressure
the thrust-chamber contour. After wax removal, each (2000 psi or greater) thrust chambers, in which heat
tube is placed in a die of varying cross-sectional area. flux may be very high, flows the coolant through
Hydraulic pressure applied to the inside of the tube rectangular slots, or channels, m a c h i n e d into the
forces it to align with the die and to assume final chamber liner. The machined channels are closed
shape. A trimming process usually follows. In out and the liner is enclosed in a structural support
preparation for assembly into a chamber, the tubes shell (Fig. 4-38). Examples of such chambers are
are arranged on a brazing fixture (core). Proper those used in the O2/H 2 SSME, in which cryogenic
brazing requires great care to assure even distribution h y d r o g e n is the coolant (Fig. 4-33) and in the
of the gaps between tubes. Earlier chamber models NTO/MMH XLR-132 engine, in which supercritical

NTO is the coolant (Fig. 4-39). In both chambers, the = Prandtl number. Subscript 1 : reference parameters
inner wall containing the coolant channels is (40K subscale test data); subscript 2 : design
NARloy-Z, a copper-silver-zirconium alloy with sig- parameters.
nificantly greater strength than pure copper but with The injector-end heat-transfer coefficient is
only slightly lower thermal conductivity. For blended into the axial profile derived from the
structural strength the channels are closed out by a boundary-layer program (Fig. 4-40), and the coolant-
thin layer of electrodeposited copper followed by channel flow-area and wall-thickness requirements
electrodeposited nickel. are then determined.
Channel-wall cooling has two major advantages Various computer programs have been written to
for high-heat-flux applications. One is the increased analyze the temperature distribution in a channel-
wall mass available, which permits "smoothing" of wall configuration. In one such program, "REGEN", a
any localized, extremely-high-heat-flux regions, two-dimensional analysis is employed in conjunction
thereby permitting the wall to survive such occur- with the one-dimensional compressible-flow equa-
rences. The second advantage is the ability to use tions. The procedure accounts for variable coolant-
high-conductivity material for wall construction, such side wall temperature in calculating coolant-side film
as copper, copper alloys, and nickel. coefficients. Figure 4-41 shows a sample printout of
Design of a channel-wall thrust chamber begins the REGEN program. The estimated temperatures are
with a contour analysis. Key parameters required for printed as a "plot" between the two axes of symmetry
this analysis include the combustor injector-to-throat
length, combustor length and diameter before start
of convergence, convergence angle, and the throat
radii, upstream and downstream.
A boundary-layer program is used to estimate the
gas-side film coefficient profile along the combustor O
and nozzle. The local Stanton Number is obtained =;
by using a semi-empirical correlation between the \
Stanton Number and the energy-boundary-layer J
Boundary Layer
Program Solution
thickness and between the skin-friction coefficient
and the momentum-boundary-layer thickness. The
convective film coefficient is then given b y - -

:E /'~"-~ Extrapolated From

hg = #VCpSt (4-33) Experimental Data /

where p = gas density, lb/in.3; V = velocity, in./s; Cp --

1 _1 _ I _ _ I i
heat capacity, Btu/lb-°F; and St = Stanton Number = -8 -4 0 4 8
hg/pVCp. Axial Distance From Throat (in.)

The injector-end heat-transfer coefficient can be Fig. 4-40 Hot-gas heat transfer c o e f f i c i e n t
estimated by scaling experimental data (for example, profile.
from the SSME 40K subscale chamber), using flowrate
and property corrections based on the standard
Number of Iterations = 57
Nusselt Number correlation, as follows:
% of Heat in and Heat Out = 0.00073
Hot-Gas Wall
Heat Influx = 24.8986 J
0.4 . . . . ]
547 547 549 550 551 552 I
(hg)~_ = (hg),k, \ G , ~-~2] \ V r , ] (4-34) 491 492 493 495 496 497

435 435 436 440 443 44,5 ]
380 377 373 388 395 397 I
where k = gas thermal conductivity, Btu/s-in.2-'F/in.; 331 325 307 I
G = mass flux, lb/s-in.2; gt = viscosity, lb/in.-s; and Pr d 288 282 263
253 248 231
Land Centerline ~ ~ ~ " ~ Coolant Channel Wall
226 221 2O6
P = 1,780psia P = 2,355psia 2O4 2O0 188
T = 733.7 °R T = 554.02 °R ~ [ ! -~ 189 185 174
\ P = 2,014psia ~ 177 174 163
\ T = 652.3 OR \ t1"lll .J~'-.,,,,"~g. 171 167 154 142 135 133
~ p = 2,332 psia 155 154 153 152 152 151
153 153 153 153 153 153

1. Land Width = 0.05

2. Channel Width = 0.045
_AJ., 1 [ _ l n ' , i i - 3.820 Ref-I~..t"q--- 5.690 Ref .0.278 Ref 3. Wall Thickness = 0.032
, ~._ ' ÷ 7 , " Back Wall of Liner
4. Channel Depth = 0.08
5. Closeout Thickness = 0.1
6. TAW = 10000000
7. HG = 0.00000249
8. TC=94
9. Reference HC = 0.0653
10. HC Factor for Upper Wall = 1
11. HC Factor for Lower Wall = 1
12. Exponent = 0
13. K of Region 1 = 0.0048750 + (--O.187D-O6)*T
14, K of Region 2 = 0.0048750 + (-0.187D-06)*T
15. K of Region 3 = 0.0013400 + (-0.139D-05)*T
16. Convergence Criterion = 0.01

Fig. 4-39 Flightweight XLR-132 t h r u s t c h a m b e r Fig. 4-41 S a m p l e output o f the REGEN c o m p u t e r

s h o w i n g 1-1/2-pass, longitudinal, c o o l a n t program.
c h a n n e l in wall.

of the channel (center of the land and center of the 1.5-

channel). Maximum temperatures (547 and 552"F)

are at the center of the land and center of the ,~ 1.4 [
channel, respectively. / COOlant 1
For regions in which the coolant passages curve, u..
1.3 ";tGaS
a cooling e n h a n c e m e n t factor a c c o u n t s for
secondary-flow eddies that develop in the stream. ol Gas
The straight-path film coefficient is multiplied by this m

factor to give the local value. The coolant curvature

enhancement factor, which is also applicable to ~ 1.1

tubes, is shown as a function of turning angle in Fig.

4-42. 1.0 0 1 I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8o 9O
An optimized, regeneratively-cooled thruster may Turning Angle, e
combine the coolant-channel and tube-wall concepts.
In the SSME, for example, the channel-wall com-
Fig. 4-42 Curvature enhancement factor profile.
bustor has demonstrated ability to withstand throat
heat-flux levels on the order of 100 Btu/in.2-s. At a
nozzle expansion ratio of 5, the chamber is attached
to a tubular thin-wall nozzle, which is much more
weight efficient than a channel-wall configuration at
the lower heat flux. A. Longitudinal Passage B. Spiral Passage
Double-Wall Charnber Double-Wall Chamber

Dump Cooling

Dump cooling may prove particularly effective in

hydrogen-fueled, low-pressure systems (pc<100 psia)
or in nozzle extensions of high-pressure hydrogen C. Longitudinal Tubewall D. Spiral Tubewall
systems. A small amount of the total hydrogen flow Chamber

is diverted from the main fuel-feed line, passed

through cooling passages, and ejected. The heat-
transfer mechanism is similar to that of regenerative
cooling. The coolant, however, becomes superheated
Fig. 4-43 Typical dump-cooled chamber
as it flows toward the nozzle exit, where it is expanded
fabrication methods.
overboard at reasonably high temperatures and
velocities, thus contributing some thrust. Application maintaining proper flow velocities and dimensional
of dump cooling is often limited, however, by various clearances in the coolant passage.
technical difficulties, such as discharge nozzle design Because the hydrogen coolant gas can be dis-
at low coolant flowrates. charged at relatively high temperatures (1000"R and
The type of coolant path for a dump-cooled up), overall engine system performance may not be
thrust chamber will be selected to assure maximum affected appreciably by the dump-coolant flow.
overall engine system performance. Two possible
paths are shown in Fig. 4-43: Film Cooling

Porous wall materials, or slots and holes provided in

1) Axial flow: a one-pass longitudinal passage, thrust-chamber walls, can serve to introduce a
using double-wall (Fig. 4-43a) or tube-wall coolant, a process commonly referred to as film
design (Fig. 4-43c). Both are open-ended, cooling. Because of interaction between coolant film
with provision for expansion of the dumped and combustion gases, as a result of heat and mass
superheated hydrogen gas at the nozzle exit. transfer, the effective thickness of the coolant film
2) Circumferential flow: a double-wall design decreases in the direction of flow. In most cases,
with a spiral flow path for the coolant and therefore, additional coolant is injected at one or
provision for e x p a n s i o n of the d u m p e d more downstream chamber stations. Figure 4-44
superheated hydrogen gas in the axial di- shows a model of the film-cooling process. The
rection (Fig. 4-43b). A spiral-wound tube coolant is introduced through rows of holes. The
design may also prove advantageous (Fig. 4- fluid introduced through row "A" will cover the wall
43d). surface between "A" and "B." Fluid from row "B" will
cover the surface between "B" and "C," etc. In an
The various constructions differ considerably in optimum design, the flowrate from each row is just
complexity and fabrication cost. Selection will de- sufficient to cover the area to be cooled.
p e n d on an optimum tradeoff among reliability, Although heat protection exclusively by film
performance, cost, and weight. The longitudinal- cooling has not been applied in the past for the
passage designs are often chosen for higher coolant major operational rocket engines, it is significant
flowrates, as related to the physical size of the thrust that, in practice, regenerative cooling is nearly always
chamber. The spiral-passage designs are used for supplemented by some form of film cooling. In
lower coolant flowrates to alleviate the difficulties of most instances, a fuel-rich gas boundary layer is

liquid-film-cooled thrust chambers:

hg Taw
Heat Transfer ' - =

~ Wc "Vg =CombustionChamber Gc 1 H (4-35)

.L ....
-- --"~'R'-'- Tw,-, Gg tic a(1 + bCpvc/c~g)
...." B 4 :l : : k , ° where
""-" 'hFuel ' "'-- Chamber Wall
Gc -Film-coolant weight flowrate per unit area
of cooled chamber wall surface, lb/in.2-s
'///;//17//// Gg = Combustion-gas weight flowrate per unit
oO- Detail at A, B,C
area of chamber cross section perpen-
dicular to flow, lb/in.2-s
TIC = Film-cooling efficiency
H = Film-coolant enthalpy, Btu/lb
Cpvc(Taw- Twg)
Fig. 4-44 F i l m - c o o l i n g m o d e l . Cpjc(Tws -- Tco)+ AHvc
Cplc = Average specific heat at constant pressure
of the coolant in the liquid phase, Btu/lb-
Cpvc = Average specific heat at constant pressure
of the coolant in the vapor phase, Btu/lb-
Cpg = Average specific heat at constant pressure
of the combustion gases, Btu/lb-'F
Taw = Adiabatic wall temperature of the gas, °R
= Gas-side wall temperature and coolant-
film temperature, "R
Wco = Bulk temperature at manifold, "R
AHvc = Heat of vaporization of coolant, Btu/lb
a = 2Vd/Vmf
b = (Vg/Vd)- 1
f = Applicable friction coefficient for the two-
phase flow between combustion gases and
liquid film coolant
Vd = Axial stream velocity of combustion gases
Fig. 4-45 E x p e r i m e n t a l h y d r o g e n / o x y g e n , film- at edge of boundary layer, ft/s
cooled thrust chamber. = Average axial stream velocity of com-
bustion gases, ft/s
Vg = Axial stream velocity of combustion gases
created by the injection of fuel toward the chamber at the center line of the thrust chamber,
wall through peripheral orifices in the injector. An ft/s
important advantage of film cooling is the fact that it
reduces heat transfer through the wall. Consequently, In practice the theoretically d e t e r m i n e d film-
thermal stresses b e c o m e less critical. This is an coolant flowrate would be inadequate because of
important consideration, because thermal stresses losses. A film-cooling efficiency tic must be intro-
may establish the feasibility limits of conventional duced to correct for this. Liquid-film cooling effi-
regenerative cooling. ciency values range from about 30 to 70%, depending
on injection geometry and flow conditions. They
Liquid-Film C o o l i n g are determined experimentally in hot firings of a
specific design or test model.
It has been shown experimentally that, simply to Hydrocarbon fuels have been found to be very
reduce heat transfer to the wall, film cooling is more effective liquid-film coolants, owing to their action as
effective with the coolant injected as a liquid than as both film and barrier cooling-agents. As mentioned
a gas. Liquid coolant film behaves essentially as an earlier, these fuels deposit carbon on the wall, which
isothermal heat sink as it evaporates and diffuses into serves as an effective insulator. At c h a m b e r pres-
the free stream. However, this process results in two- sures of 2000 psi or higher, however, carbon depo-
phase flow, consisting of an annular liquid coolant sition is significantly less than at lower pressures.
film and a combustion-gas core. This effect intro-
duces coolant losses, which reduce the theoretical Gaseous-Film Cooling
cooling potential. Disturbances in the form of
capillary waves appear on the surface of the liquid With the increasing use of hydrogen, gaseous-film
film adjacent to the combustion gases and accelerate cooling has b e c o m e important because, even if
coolant loss. The following theoretically derived hydrogen is injected as a liquid for film-cooling
equation can be used for design calculations of purposes, the film between the combustion gases and

the chamber wall is heated to temperatures above Solution

critical within a very short distance, after which the
film behaves as a gas. For design calculations of Substitute the given data into Eq. (4-36)"
gaseous-film-cooled thrust chambers, the following
theoretically derived equation can be used: 5240-1900 (.a °°°~ ~ )
=e- c x 3.--.-.-Ax o.5
5 2 4 0 - 50
Taw- Tw8
T~w-Tco = e- (c¢c~%,c) (4-36) (0.000_6!)
where 1.554=e\ Gc
Taw =Adiabatic wall temp. of the gas, "R
Twg =Max. allowable gas-side wall temp., "R 0.00061 0.00061
Tco =Initial film-coolant temperature, "R = 0.001392 lb/in.2-s
Gc = fit 1.55-----~= 0.43-------~
e =Base of natural logarithms, 2.718
hg =Gas-side heat-transfer coefficient, Btu/in.2- To calculate the heat flux for a regenerative cooling
s_°F system with added film cooling, a corrected value of
Gc = Film-coolant weight flowrate per unit area T a w must be used in Eq. (4-10) or (4-17). This
of cooled chamber wall surface, lb/in.2-s c o r r e c t e d adiabatic wall t e m p e r a t u r e can be
Cpvc = Average specific heat at constant pressure determined experimentally under the specific thrust-
of the gaseous film coolant, Btu/lb-'F chamber operational and film-cooling conditions. It
Tic = Film-cooling efficiency has been found that there is practically no difference
in the gas-side heat-transfer coefficient with and
Equation (4-36) assumes that a balance exists without film cooling. Thus, the normal gas-side heat-
between heat input and coolant temperature-rise. transfer coefficient hg can be used in Eq. (4-10),
The heat input is based upon the gas-side heat- Note that if a hydrocarbon fuel is used as the film
transfer coefficient hg and the difference between the coolant, carbon deposition must be taken into
adiabatic gas temperature at the wall and the coolant- account (Eq. 4-17).
film temperature. The heat absorbed is proportional
to the heat capacity of the coolant film from initial Mixture-Ratio Bias
to final temperature values. Once equilibrium is
reached, no heat is transferred to the wall (adiabatic Film cooling achieves its effect by lowering the
condition) and the chamber-wall surface will have temperature of the gas in contact with the chamber
achieved the film-coolant temperature correspond- wall, thus reducing the heat flux into it. Another
ing to the various axial locations. Accordingly, the means of lowering the peripheral gas temperature
wall-surface temperature will range axially from the modifies the propellant mixture ratio in this region,
value of initial coolant temperature to a maximum regardless of what other cooling technique is
allowable design wall temperature, at which point the employed. Biasing the mixture ratio in the outer
next film-coolant injection station must be provided. region of the injector to produce lower-temperature
It is the specific aim of film-cooled-thrust-chamber combustion (usually achieved by making this region
design to accomplish cooling with an optimum more fuel-rich than the core flow) can yield
number of coolant-injection stations. substantial decreases in heat flux. This has been
Figure 4-45 shows an experimental hydrogen- demonstrated, for example, in experimental firings of
film-cooled thrust chamber. Cooling is provided by LOX/RP-1 at high chamber pressure (2000 psi) in a
four film-coolant injector rings upstream and one 3.5-in. workhorse combustor. A high-performance
downstream of the throat. Axial coolant injection, in injector (95% c* efficiency), with a pattern of
the direction of combustion-gas flow, greatly intersecting oxidizer and fuel circumferential fans,
improves film-cooling efficiency, whereas normal exhibited high-heat-flux levels in its original config-
injection results in the escape, without any benefit, of uration, which had a slightly-oxidizer-rich periphery
large portions of the coolant into the combustion-gas (compared to the nominal 2.8 mixture ratio). By
stream. Typically, film-coolant flow is approximately moving the outer row of fuel orifices slightly
3 to 10% of the propellant, outboard, the mixture ratio in the outer zone was
changed to fuel-rich, relative to the core value. The
effect of this minor modification was dramatic (Fig.
Sample Calculation 4-5 4-46). Heat flux in the cylindrical chamber section
was reduced about 70% and heat flux at the throat was
Problem reduced about 30%, with no measurable performance
degradation. Note, however, that a change of this
The hydrogen-film-cooling system for the thrust magnitude is not typical; mixture-ratio bias usually
chamber of the A-3 Stage engine has the following has a much smaller effect on heat flux.
data properties at the throat section: hg = 0.0011
Btu/in.2-s-'F; Taw = 5240"R; Twg = 1900"R (max); Tco = Transpiration Cooling
50"R; and Cpvc = 3.6 Btu/lb-°F (average). Assuming a
value of 0.5 for film-cooling efficiency, determine the Figure 4-47 shows the principle of transpiration
film-coolant weight flowrate per unit area of cooled cooling. Coolant can be introduced through nu-
chamber surface in the throat section. merous drilled holes in the inner chamber wall or

70 - Circumferential-Fan Injector I Flange for Radiation -

4.5 s after MFV Open, MR - 2.8 I Cooled Nozzle Extension


5O i ......
T 40

~ 30
...., t
-r 20
~noSnda~gnand -OuterStrength
H i g hSheli
10-- [~
I Fig. 4-48 Ablatively c o o l e d thrust chamber.
o - I 1_. I_ ~
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5
Distance from Throat (in.) = Gas-side wall temperature, "R
Tco = Coolant bulk temperature, (entering) °R
Fig. 4-46 Effect of outer z o n e mixture ratio bias
o n c o m b u s t i o n chamber heat flux (LOX/RP-1 at Gc = Transpiration-coolant weight flowrate per
2,000 psi). unit area of cooled chamber-wall surface,
Combustion Gases GG >~v % = Combustion gas weight flowrate per unit
Adiabatic Wall Temperature, Taw Heat Transler into Wall
area of c h a m b e r cross section perpen-
Gas Side Film Coefficient, % __ _ l [Q / A - dicular to flow, lb/in.2-s
Drm = Mean film Prandtl number
-: ': e - Base of natural logarithms, 2.718
Reb - Bulk combustion-gas Reynolds number

l-_ ii iU l 'CJ Equation (4-37) predicts coolant flows slightly lower

\7 than those required experimentally. It is recom-
m e n d e d that an efficiency factor of approximately
Coolant Bulk Temperature, Tco
0.85 be used for calculations.
Fig. 4-47 Transpiration c o o l i n g m o d e l . The porous material used for the transpiration-
cooled chamber walls must be selected and dimen-
sioned for correct hydraulic resistance to obtain the
the wall can be made of porous material. In both required coolant flowrate per unit surface area. It
cases, the permeable chamber inner-liner is enclosed must also be able to withstand the stresses caused by
by an outer shell (similar to Fig. 4-32), forming a the pressure differential b e t w e e n coolant and
jacket from which the coolant emerges. For adequate combustion gases, as well as thermal stresses. These
design, the total coolant-flow r e q u i r e m e n t and requirements impose certain limitations on the
coolant weight flowrate per unit area of cooled selection of materials and on construction methods.
chamber wall must be determined and then imple- The mechanical design of the coolant distribution
m e n t e d by a practical m e t h o d . Transpiration- system, therefore, is an important factor for
coolant-flow requirements determined from theo- successful application of transpiration cooling.
retical equations are significantly lower than those
for film cooling because of more efficient coolant Ablative Cooling
distribution. The Rannie equation for transpiration
cooling can be used to calculate the theoretical Ablatively-cooled thrust chambers offer many ad-
coolant-flow requirements: vantages for booster and upper-stage applications.
They can be designed to meet cumulative firing
durations from a few seconds to many minutes. Most
aw-Tco [ I
Twg "- Tco = 1+ 1.18(Reb) °'l -11 designs are limited to chamber pressures of 300 psia
or less. When assisted by film cooling or by throat
inserts made of refractory materials, however, they
have proven successful in firings up to a chamber
pressure of 1000 psia. In general, ablative chamber
construction can be rugged, keep exterior wall tem-
peratures to a minimum, and have relatively low cost.
[ C37(G~)(Reb,O'P"rm] (4-37) Pyrolysis of resins contained in the chamber-wall
material does the cooling. The thrust-chamber
construction will vary with mission requirements. As
where shown in Fig. 4-48, the chamber and nozzle employ
an ablative liner, a thin layer of insulation, and a
Taw - Adiabatic wall temp. of the gas, °R high-strength outer shell. The ablative liner is

fabricated from materials such as phenolic-resin- the charred portion of the thrust chamber wall
impregnated high-silica fabric or c a r b o n / c a r b o n during and after the hot firing. Test data from hot
composites. The structures are woven, braided (3D), firings with various ablative thrust chambers indicate
or tape-wrapped and molded. Thickness is pro- that the charring process in the combustion chamber
g r a m m e d as a function of chamber station to (including the throat)--that is, the relation between
provide adequate strength, char thickness, insulation, mass pyrolyzed and heat a b s o r b e d R c a n be ex-
and minimum weight for a particular mission. A pressed by the following equation:
wrap of oriented phenolic-impregnated asbestos or
rubber covers the outer (far) surface of the ablative
[ 2kt N ( 1 + RrRvCp(Taw- Td))]
.... °5
liner as an insulator. The high-strength outer shell
may be c o m p o s e d of any one of a n u m b e r of a = c RrRvCpp Lp
structural materials, such as filament-wound glass
bonded with epoxy resin, carbon/carbon composites [ (pc)ns104 (4-38)
bonded with a resin, alumimum, and stainless steel. 1°° j
Figure 4-49 shows an ablative-cooled thrust
chamber fitted with a throat insert. Quartz/phenolic where
resin, 98% tungsten/2% m o l y b d e n u m alloy, and a = Char depth, in.
pyrolytic graphite have been successfully employed c = Correction factor based on experimental
as insert materials. The quartz/phenolic resin and data for the specific design at the throat
t u n g s t e n - m o l y b d e n u m alloy have given the best section and on a nozzle stagnation
results. Although pyrolytic graphite has a much pressure of 100 psia
lower density than the tungsten alloy and therefore Rr = Weight fraction of resin content in the
has a substantial weight advantage, it is vulnerable to ablative material
fracture from thermal shock, making design and Rv - Weight fraction of pyrolyzed resin vs.
installation critical. The throat insert is usually total resin content Rr
installed with heavy graphite backups for better Cp = Heat capacity at constant pressure of
structural strength. Insert and backups are bonded to pyrolysis gases, Btu/lb-'F
the thrust chamber's main ablative liner with epoxy
p = Density of ablative material, lb/in.3
adhesives. These adhesives have performed satis-
k = Heat conductivity of char, Btu/s-in.2-'F/in
factorily up to 500°F. Certain ceramic materials, such
as silicon carbide, have also been used successfully as t = Thrust-chamber firing duration, s
throat inserts in space engines. Lp = Latent heat of pyrolysis, Btu/lb
When heat is transferred from the hot com- Taw = Adiabatic wall temperature of the gas, °R
bustion gases to the ablative chamber wall, the resin Td = Decomposition temperature of resin, "R
in the ablative material decomposes or pyrolyzes (Pc)ns = Nozzle stagnation chamber pressure, psia
into a porous carbonaceous char, with evolution of
volatile gases. These gases move from the pyrolysis Results predicted by Eq. (4-38)agree very closely with
reaction zone, through the char, to the wall surface, char-depth data obtained from firings of Refrasil-
where they mix with the combustion-gas boundary filled phenolic chambers. Downstream of the throat,
layer. As this process continues, the pyrolytic however, char had somewhat greater depth than
reaction zone recedes, leaving behind a charred predicted on the basis of the equilibrium gas tem-
region of increasing thickness. The wall surface itself perature. Temperature recovery in the boundary
may also recede if the charred material is removed layer may be one cause of the discrepancy. A
bymechanical action of the flowing combustion gas. modified equation is therefore used to predict char
Design of an ablative thrust chamber for a given depth in the nozzle:
mission depends on the accuracy of predicting the
depth of char during exposure and on the soak-back a = bt°Se - °°247' (4-39)
temperature variation in the insulation surrounding
where b = a constant depending upon the nature of
Flangefor Radiation - the ablative shield (to be determined experiment-
Insulationand ally), E = nozzle expansion area ratio at the investi-
Cooled Nozzle Extension
¢ Bonding
gated section, and e = base of natural logarithms,
"" . ~ - '. . ='- ,~. ,
The char-rate analysis is based on the formation
of a char layer that progresses from the heated
surface toward the supporting wall. Formation of a
Flangefor 1 L - ' ~ " I I }t~-- m
hard carbonaceous surface of increasing thickness is
vital during pyrolysis of the resin because this surface
Throat Insert,
resists thermal and mechanical ablation and
2%Molybdenum chemical attack. At the charring interface, which
o 8 l tr~nnth
ren~tl~ A Tu,
" "
slowly travels away from the hot chamber gases, a
Graphite large amount of heat energy is absorbed by pyrolysis,
Fig. 4-49 lblatively cooled thrust chamber with i.e., by the melting and vaporization of the bonding
throat insert for high chamber pressure material. As gaseous pyrolysis products flow through
applications. and out of this char layer, they control the heat flux

to the walls by endothermic decompositions and by steady-state heat transfer for a radiation-cooled wall,
migration into the boundary layer. as shown schematically in Fig. 4-50, can be expressed
The ablation processes produce no gross di- by the following equation:
mensional changes; but mechanical erosion some-
times occurs in the throat region, caused by the high hgc(Taw - Twg) = ~oT4wg (4-40)
prevailing shear-stresses. Chamber pressures below
150 psia usually cause less throat erosion. where
The adaptation of ablative thrust-chamber tech- hgc = Overall gas-side thermal c o n d u c t a n c e ,
nology to the special field of space engines has Btu/in.2-s-'R
advanced during recent years. Approaches typical of Taw - Adiabatic wall temp. of the gas, "R
this type of engine are discussed in Chapter 11. % - Gas-side wall temperature - bulk wall
temperature, "R
Sample Calculation 4-6
= Total emissivity of outer-wall surface
Problem - Stefan-Boltzmann radiation-heat-transfer
constant, 0.3337 x 10 -14 Btu/in.2-s-('R) 4
The following design data characterize the ablatively-
cooled thrust chamber of the A-4 Stage engine: c = The design approach determines a Twg value that
will satisfy Eq. (4-40) within the structural strength of
1.05; Rr = 0.3; Rv = 0.41; Cp = 0.38 Btu/lb-'F; p =
the wall material under operational conditions. Only
0.061 lb/in.3; k = 9.8 x 10-6 Btu/in.2-s-'F/in; Lp = 686
materials which possess short-time strength in the
Btu/lb; Taw = 5060 R; Td = 1460 R; b = 0.0335. temperature range of 2600-3500"R have been success-
fully applied to radiation cooling. Pyrolytic graphite,
Determine the char thickness at the throat and com- a molybdenum alloy containing 0.5% titanium, and a
bustion-chamber section, and in the nozzle at station 90% tantalum-10% tungsten alloy a p p e a r to have
E = 5, after firing for the design duration of 410 s. sufficient short-time strength for use at 3500"R.
Because of the low emissivity of m o l y b d e n u m and
Solution also for resistance against oxidation, a coating of
MoSi2 must be applied to both sides of the metal.
From Table 3-5: (Pc)ns = 100 psia. Substitute this and Withstanding temperature higher than the working
given data into Eq. (4-38). The char thickness at the range of bare metals may necessitate the use of
throat and combustion section will b e - - insulating coatings of ceramic materials on the gas-
side wall surface. Because of brittleness and coeffi-
2 x 9.8 x 10 -6 X 410
a = 1.05 [
0.3 x 0.41 x 0.38 x 0.061
X & ( l + 0.3 X 0.41 X 0.38(5060
1 4 6 0 ) ) ] 6 8- 6 /
-----1~ /
x (1)°4 Combustion /
Gases / ------Ira. Radiation
= 1.05 x [2.82 x & 1.245]°5= 0.828 in. / q = co- .,T,*,g4
q = hgc('raw-Twg )
Char thickness at nozzle station e = 5, using Eq. (4- / ------Ira-
39), will b e - - /
a = bt°Se - 0.0247~ _ . 0.033 5 x (410) 0.5
Fig. 4-50 S c h e m a t i c o f r a d i a t i o n c o o l i n g .
X (2.718) - 0.0247x 5

= 0.0335 X 20.248 X (2.7182)a-~
cient of thermal expansion relative to that of the
alloys, these coatings must be applied judiciously.
= 0.599 in.
Sample Calculation 4-7
Radiation Cooling
Cooling by radiation heat transfer will usually be
practical for thrust-chamber nozzle extensions, where The following design data characterize the A-4 Stage
pressure stresses are lowest. Radiation cooling of nozzle extension at area ratio -- 8. hgc = 7.1 x 10-5
very small, pyrolytic-graphite combustion chambers Btu/in.2-s-'R; Taw - 4900"R. Assuming a total emissiv-
and throats has also been demonstrated. Assuming ity of 0.95 of the outer-wall surface, determine bulk
negligible temperature drop through the wall, the temperature and radiated heat flux.

Solution Combined Cooling Methods

Substitute data into Eq. (4-40): Various techniques of thrust-chamber cooling can be
used in combination to provide efficient overall
7.1 x 10-5 (4900-Twg) = 0.95 x 0.337 x 10-14 x (Twg)4 cooling. Combinations such as the following have
been successfully employed: regenerative and film
(Twg)4 = 22.4 x 109 x (4900-Twg) cooling, radiation and film cooling, mixture-ratio
biasing and regenerative cooling, ablative and film
Twg = 2660"R cooling, and heat-sink and mixture-ratio biasing.

Heat Flux = 7.1 x 10-5 (4900-2660) = 0.159 Btu/in.2-s 4.5 INJECTOR DESIGN
Heat-Sink Cooling The injector, as the name implies, injects the
propellants into the combustion chamber in the
Because a heat-sink combustor does not reach right proportions and the right conditions to yield
steady-state conditions, transient conduction rela- an efficient, stable combustion process. Placed at the
tions must be solved for the temperature distribution forward, or upper, end of the combustor (Fig. 4-1 and
in the wall as a function of time. A changing 4-2), the injector also performs the structural task of
temperature gradient exists across the wall during the closing off the top of the combustion chamber
firing. The following factors apply to heat-sink against the high pressure and temperature it contains.
cooling: The injector has been compared to the carburetor of
an automobile engine; since it provides the fuel and
Operating times should be short to minimize oxidizer at the proper rates and in the correct
the amount of heat absorbed by the wall. proportions, this may be an appropriate comparison.
2) Values should be high for wall-material However, the injector, located directly over the high-
specific heat (to increase heat-absorption pressure combustion, performs many other functions
capacity) and conductivity (to minimize related to the combustion and cooling processes and
temperature gradients and thermal stresses is much more important to the function of the rocket
within the wall). engine than the carburetor is for an automobile
3) A liner (ceramic, refractory metal, insulating engine.
paint, or an ablative) between the wall and No other component of a rocket engine has as
the combustion gases should be considered great an impact u p o n engine performance as the
to reduce heat flux. injector. The measure of delivered performance
(specific impulse) is the number of pounds of thrust
Thin ceramic coatings (such as ZrO2 or AI20 3) can provided per p o u n d of propellant consumed per
provide substantial wall protection at high heat second (see section 1.2). Each percentage-point loss
fluxes; at low heat fluxes, however, a thicker coating in injector combustion efficiency (c*, Eq. 1-32)
will be needed to reduce heat flux appreciably to the means a loss of the same magnitude in overall I s
chamber wall. Three factors limit coating thickness: propulsive efficiency.
In various and different applications, well-de-
1) Excessive coating thickness may result in
signed injectors may have a fairly wide spread in
high temperature and possibly surface melt-
combustion efficiency, and it is not uncommon for
ing of the coating.
an injector with c* efficiency as low as 92% to be
2) Maximum coating temperature (and there-
considered acceptable. Small engines designed for
fore maximum coating thickness) will also be
special purposes, such as attitude control, may be
limited by thermal gradients and stresses that
optimized for response and light weight at the
threaten coating integrity.
e x p e n s e of combustion efficiency, and may be
3) Improper adherence between coating and
deemed very satisfactory even if efficiency falls below
wall or differential thermal expansion at the
90%. Since these systems burn only a small portion
wall-coating interface may cause spalling.
of the vehicle's propellant loading, their response in
This may be alleviated by use of graduated
making precise small corrections is more important
coatings to match the coefficients of thermal
than their steady-state combustion efficiency. In
general, however, recently well-designed injection
A refractory metal liner (such as molybdenum) systems have demonstrated c* efficiencies so close
may be e m p l o y e d to take advantage of contact to 100% of theoretical that the ability to measure this
resistance (a function of liner temperature and of parameter is the limiting factor in its determination.
surface roughness and hardness). The liner can be Examples are the SSME (99.7%) and the upper-stage
allowed to heat to high temperatures because it is not XLR-132 engine (99%).
a structural member. High levels of combustion efficiency derive from
Film cooling on a heat-sink chamber can reduce uniform distribution of the desired mixture ratio and
heat flux to the wall. If the external wall temperature fine atomization of the liquid propellants. Local
is sufficiently high (e.g., about 2500"F for a graphite mixing within the injection-element spray pattern
chamber), radiation cooling may begin to have an must take place at virtually a microscopic level to
effect. ensure combustion efficiencies approaching 100%.

Combustion stability is also a very important re- will be the primary candidate. For hypergolic liquids
quirement for a satisfactory injector design. High and rapid response in a small chamber, an unlike-
performance can become secondary if the injector is impinging pattern will be the logical starting point.
easily triggered into destructive instability. At times, For a large booster with LOX/RP-1 propellants,
it may seem that the design requirements for stability combustion stability becomes a major issue, and the
are counter to those for performance, since many of density of liquid-phase injection generally rules out
the injector key parameters for high performance the use of a coaxial pattern. The element of choice
appear also to reduce the stability margin. Stable in this case would probably be a like-impinging type,
operation will depend in good part on the injection- such as a like-doublet. The possibly better mixing
element type selected and the provision for damping from an unlike-impinging element would be out-
any oscillatory phenomena. Injection flow resistance weighed by the probability of sensitivity to insta-
is an example of an aid in designing for stability; this bilities. The number of like-doublet elements used
is one reason for the typical use of 15-20% of would depend on the engine size and would involve
chamber pressure as an appropriate level of injector a tradeoff between fabrication costs and stability
pressure drop. concerns, on the one hand, favoring fewer elements,
and the performance requirements on the other,
Injector Design Issues dictating more numerous elements. The placement
of elements will be important in providing good mix-
Injector design, like many engineering tasks, entails ing interaction between elements, uniform mass
many compromises. For any new engine application, distribution, and possibly tailoring the mixture-ratio
there are almost always several different approaches distribution to minimize combustor wall-heating.
that could produce a satisfactory injector design, and
perhaps more than one approach which would Mass distribution, another important design
provide an outstanding injector design. The proper parameter for successful injector/combustor in-
design starting point considers the particular teraction, can be difficult to achieve in truly uniform
application, engine size, propellant combination, and fashion across the injector face. The mechanical
design priorities. Of course, the initial approach in- space requirements for the perimeter of the
vokes complete optimization of all features: light manifolds push the outer row of elements inward,
weight, high performance, low cost, reliability, etc.; away from the wall. In addition, the use of acoustic
but that soon emphasizes priority for the really cavities around the injector perimeter further forces
important design parameters. the outer row away from the wall. The result usually
Two greatly different real engines will serve to will be a mass-deficient zone around the injector
illustrate how priorities are realistically established. perimeter. The initial gas generated, centered
The SSME requirements called for a highly inward, will tend to fill the chamber area, causing an
outward "radial wind" that carries a portion of the
sophisticated, high-performance booster/core engine
using liquid-oxygen/liquid-hydrogen propellants. It reacting gases against the wall. With most liquid-
propellant combinations, the oxidizer vaporizes
was to be reusable over multiple missions in manned
spacecraft, a use that dictates a higher reliability than more rapidly than the fuel. The oxidizer-rich hot
any other application. High sophistication and very gases thus scrub the upper section of the chamber
high performance did not mean inexpensive or severely, increasing local heating and, in extreme
particularly light weight. The SSME actually has three cases, burning the inner surface of the chamber.
injectors: the usual main-engine injector and one Good injector design includes a computation of the
injector each for the fuel and oxidizer turbine-drive effective mass distribution and an assessment of
preburners. Each had to be highly developed for its design adequacy in this regard.
specific task. Mixture-ratio distribution also plays an important
In contrast, at the other end of the spectrum, a part from the standpoint of both performance and
"divert" engine for a small kinetic-energy weapon chamber compatibility. With combustion chambers
("smart bullet"), called for light weight, small size, made of metals (copper, nickel, steel) that are fuels, it
and extremely rapid response. This engine had a is important to avoid scrubbing of the chamber wall
firing life of only a few seconds, but had to reach by high-temperature oxidizing streams. Most injec-
thrust in a handful of milliseconds. The injector was tion patterns are designed to avoid this possibility,
given an unlike-impinging, 36-element pattern and generally to provide an excess of fuel in these
supplied by a manifold with short direct passages areas. Formal film cooling or boundary-layer
from a valve integrated into the injector body. The cooling systems frequently employ fuel streams that
injector face had a diameter of only 1 inch. The directly impinge against the wall at a shallow angle,
engine thrust-to-weight ratio set a record high, and to spread a protective evaporating layer on the wall
steady-state performance proved very good, consid- surface. Other systems use "barrier zone" elements,
ering the rapid response and very small combustion either fuel-rich or totally fuel, in the region adjacent
chamber. to the wall. All these methods involve a performance
Basic injector design will combine prior ex- penalty, since the coolant fuel mainly will be
perience and innovation in terms of the identified unavailable for effective combustion. It will not be
problems. Type of propellants and injection con- completely lost from the propulsive flow, however,
dition most strongly influence selection of the because it will be heated and expanded as part of the
injection element. For liquid oxygen and the fuel a working fluid; but this is less effective than burning it
lightweight gas, such as hydrogen, a coaxial element in a well-mixed fashion. The performance loss for

this type of mixture-ratio unbalance varies signifi-

cantly for different propellant combinations. Hydro-
gen entails only a very small penalty for film cooling.

Combustion Stability
Combustion stability is covered in section 4.8, but the
interaction b e t w e e n stability and injector con- a)
figuration is an important consideration in injector
design. As mentioned, high performance can
become s e c o n d a r y if the system can easily be
triggered into a destructive instability, and many of
d 9'
the injector parameters that provide high per-
formance appear to reduce the stability margin. All
systems which release large amounts of energy have
the potential for destructive oscillations, particularly
if there is regenerative feedback (gain) between the a) Placement of baffles on injector face
b) Fuel-cooled baffle hub
combustion p h e n o m e n a and the rate of energy c) Fuel-cooled baffle spoke
release. This is particularly true of the combustion d) Baffle coolant feeds
process, because temperature and pressure variations
can directly impact the rates of vaporization and Fig. 4-51 Baffled injector.
reaction. Stable operation can be achieved by either
damping or detuning these processes. The injection
flow resistance provides isolation between propellant the start of the c o m b u s t o r wall. The usual
flows and chamber disturbances. The characteristics configurations are Helmholtz resonators or quarter-
of the injection element also significantly impact the wave slots. The open areas required for these devices
stability of a particular design. In general, unlike- impact injector design, influencing structural and
impinging elements are the most easily excited to cooling requirements, and also tend to affect
instability, with like-impinging elements lower in adversely the outer-zone pattern provided for mass
sensitivity, and nonimpinging elements the most distribution and wall cooling.
Manifolding, as well as other elements of the Manifolds
propellant-feed systems, may have frequency char-
acteristics that can couple with chamber acoustic Selecting injection-element types and establishing a
modes. These should also be addressed in the pattern for them will be tightly interwoven with the
injector design. One example of this, the length of design of a feed-system manifold~interconnecting
the central post in a coaxial injection element, can multiple feed paths to a single supply source. The
have organ-pipe modes; another, the "racetrack" manifold must first provide passages to feed the
mode, can exist in ring-groove manifolds. These often complex, interrelated injector orifices in the
frequencies should be considered during design, and desired pattern. The pattern selection is frequently
d a m p i n g devices or d e t u n i n g applied w h e r e driven by the need to provide this manifolding and
appropriate, the limitation of available fabrication techniques.
Injectors frequently have physical devices to aid Providing all the elements with uniform flow requires
i n damping or to otherwise change frequency a free-flowing manifold system, with minimized flow
response. Typical of these devices are acoustic restrictions, to avoid nonuniform distribution of
cavities and baffles. Figure 4-51 shows an example of mass and mixture ratio across the injector face.
an injector with baffles. These reduce the effective This, in turn, dictates a large manifold volume, but
local size of the combustion area by compartmenting other factors limit the practical size, notably, locating
the injector face, thus raising the r e s o n a n t the physical space for the intertwined flow passages
frequencies to higher, more easily damped, values, of the two propellants and establishing the so-called
The baffles operate in a high-heat-load environment, "dribble volume." The volume of the manifold
and cooling provisions, shown in the figure, are determines the time required to prime the system
frequently required. The length of the baffles is and the length of time during which the vapor
related to energy release rates, which describe the so- pressure maintains "dribbling" flow after the inlet
called "sensitive" zone, the region most likely to valves have been closed. The dribbled propellants
initiate instability. It is desirable to make the baffles continue the combustion process at reduced pressure
as short as practical for structural and thermal and poor efficiency after the initiation of engine
reasons, since generally the cooling provisions cause cutoff. The thrust delivered during this time is usually
some performance loss. referred to as "cutoff impulse." Many systems specify
Acoustic cavities are d a m p i n g devices that a maximum value for this. Rocket engines often must
employ tuned lengths or other open areas exposed provide a specific amount of impulse to produce the
to the reaction process (functionally similar to required final velocity with a high degree of accuracy;
acoustic liners used in jet-engine afterburners). In the dribble volume very adversely affects re-
rocket engines, they are most effective when located peatability, particularly for small attitude-control or
between the outer perimeter of the injector face and maneuvering rockets, which are primarily corn-

m e n d e d in short pulses--frequently only a few

milliseconds long. The dribble volume represents a , ,'///; ~ V,
major loss in efficiency for this class of engine. F'Y///A///,////,h.
. . . .
.----. ,'.
~ ,
...,-z-~..----.'i~'-----~ =- J ~_,.
~ ....
With efficient distribution requiring greater flow
area and resulting volume, and cutoff requirements
pulling the o p p o s i t e way, there must be an I 11111 l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l
engineering compromise. The most effective sizing ~---~.,91----HighFlowfromInlet J + 20% Flow
tool has been a rational guideline for injection flow 7 - - - ~ " VelOcityHead t
velocity. A rule of thumb which has served well in
t - - - ~ - - ~ MeanFlow
numerous design programs gives each manifold run
four times the flow area of the total group of
injection orifices that are fed by it. Consequently, a Reduced FlowTuming
_ 1
linear manifold feeding a row of injection orifices VenaContracta
should be tapered, with the area decreasing as each Flow Rate Effects, Manifold
additional orifice is fed. An alternative, which Inlet and Cross Flows
produces virtually the same result, is called the "1%
rule." This rule can be applied to any branch of a I,,
flow system and does not require knowledge of the
injection orifice area: velocity head (dynamic com-
ponent of the total pressure) shall not exceed 1% of
the local system pressure. For example, the velocity
head in a feed line with a working pressure of 3000
psi should not exceed 30 psia. Velocity head in psi is / / / / / / /
readily computed from Eq. 4-41:
Cross Velocity Effects
with Angled Orifices
2.238x~ 2
Hvel -- pA 2
Fig. 4-52 Velocity effects in injector m a n i f o l d s .

where w = weight flowrate, lb/s; p = density, lb/ft3; and

A = flow cross-sectional area, in. 2. That guideline will flow, or as a baffle, diverting flow. This same effect is
generally keep manifold velocity-induced distribution seen when the injection orifices are drilled at an
variations below 5% in average flow (the "noise level" angle to the manifold flow. In that case, the flow is
for most applications). In engines needing response increased by the scoop effect and pressure recovery.
more than steady-state performance, it is often The reverse effect is also true; angling the orifices
acceptable to drop the manifold area to a two-to-one away reduces the flowrate. Most of these effects can
ratio to keep short-pulse efficiency as high as be reduced to acceptable levels by reducing the
possible, although system pressure loss and injector manifold velocity to the guideline values. With good
flow distribution will be compromised to achieve this design practice, the impact of manifold flows on
response. injector flow distributions can be relatively minor.
Figure 4-52 shows the way manifold velocities im-
pact element flow distribution. The figure shows a Manifold Types
typical ring-shaped manifold with orifices distributed
around the perimeter and a single manifold feeder. Figures 4-53, 4-54, and 4-55 show some of the more
The picture represents the perimeter unwrapped, with c o m m o n manifold configurations used in rocket-
the inlet in the center. The injection orifices directly engine design. The classic liquid/liquid propellant
under the inlet see the inlet velocity-head. This injector for a booster engine typically employs a
increases the flowrate through these elements, "ring groove"-face manifold with a "LOX dome."
commensurate with the increase in effective pressure Figure 4-53 illustrates the injector body of such an
drop. As the main flow branches into the legs of engine (LOX dome covering not shown). In this
each side, there is a "vena contracta" effect, and the system, the manifold passages are typically lathe-
local velocity is high, resulting in low static pressure turned as circular grooves in the face of the injector
in this portion of the manifolding. These orifices body. The injection orifices are drilled into the ring-
typically provide the lowest flow, since this static- shaped bands, which are inserted into the open face
pressure drop exceeds the pressure loss around the of these grooves and are attached by brazing,
manifold. Other initial orifices are also reduced in welding, or other means to close out and seal the
average flow by the static-pressure drop caused by face. With fuel-cooled chambers, the fuel flow is
manifold velocity. As flow is bled off around the typically conducted to the outer perimeter of the
ring, the cross-velocity drops, and average flowrate injector body and ducted into the fuel rings by radial
per element increases slightly until, at the far side of passages (drilled, milled, cast, etc.). The intersection
the manifold, most of the velocity head is recovered of these radial passages with the rings are called "dog
as the velocity goes to zero; these orifices flow higher legs." The alternate oxidizer rings from the LOX
than average. dome usually feed through axial passages (between
Figure 4-52 assumes orifices at right angles to the the radial fuel passages) that carry the oxidizer down
flow, without significant irregularities, or burrs. An to the oxidizer rings (these axial passages are fre-
entrance burr might act either as a scoop, to increase quently referred to as "downcomers").

Section B

-_-~-._-_ ~- .,,..IIT-'I
Jl-: ''-'I*~-~--~-~-I-|~'I'~
--,,u_ ..,,,,._ r-:'-''''--"
_ . ' ~Otr_
. B I ~ Fuel Inlet

Orifice RD25
Fig. 4-53 Concentric ring injector.

one of the J-2 injectors that had this general

configuration. These engines usually employ a
concentric element. The central oxidizer tube of
each element carries the oxidizer "down" through the
fuel manifold. Fuel surrounds this post and enters
Gimbal Bearing into the individual element through a fuel sleeve.
Mounting Surface The injector face is supported against the manifold
9- pressure by these element assemblies. In the J-2
configuration shown, the face plate was a trans-
piration-cooled, porous, stainless steel plate,
mechanically attached to the LOX post structure by a
Cavity i mechanical flare joint. More recent engines typically
use a mechanically threaded face-nut system.
Posts With smaller injector assemblies, such as the gas-
generator injector shown in Fig. 4-55, the injector
~,,,~-~ Integral manifolding can be machined directly into a
'~" Face Plate homogeneous injector body. Drilled radial passages
directly feed fuel; oxidizer injection orifices are
drilled directly into a LOX-dome-equivalent cavity.
As mentioned, the manifold systems for small
'~1~ Passage pulsing engines require very restrictive manifolding
Oxidizer Inlet to avoid dribble volume. Such manifolding is usually
Section A-A a complex arrangement of intersecting drilled
passages, to provide minimum volume with adequate
Fig. 4-54 Integral face plate injector.
flow area. This method also provides extremely
good pressure integrity, which is valuable, since some
In large gas/liquid injectors, such as those used pulse engines have e x p e r i e n c e d manifold
for h y d r o g e n / o x y g e n engines, the manifold is detonations.
somewhat similar, with a roughly equivalent LOX In some small pulse engines with relatively few
dome, but the fuel manifold is generally another elements, the manifolding has taken the form of
cavity "below" this dome. Figure 4-54 shows a view of capillary feed tubes from the valve directly to each

• • • • N
• 0•0 Oe• •
• ,o ~% o "° o %
o o ~0 ~ o

• gO• 0 0•0 ~•~ Oe 0 0

0 0 o.o O) oeO0 "
o/oo oo .o .
~ °.° ~% 0
Drilled at 5 deg angle 00eo ~•0 0 •0 olO 0
0 0 0= •

44 Holes • gPe~ o • ° 0 • 0 0 o e O •
0.055 in. alia. • O • 0 O• 0 •
4.375 in. ;. . . . . . . . LOX ~

" o
. ~

Film Cooling Copper Injector

36 Fuel Holes Fuel ~ ~ l t ~ Fuel 88 Holes
0.0465 in. alia. 0.073 in. dia.,
Total Clearance 0.004 in. Orifice Pattern
Each Surface Plated 0.200 in.--J I - - 20 deg angle
with 0.0002 in. Nickel Typical Spray Pattern
with 0.0008 in. Gold 347 CRES Tube ,, f'~
Furnace Brazed / 0 . 0 0 4 in. Clearance '
\ f.-j
Fuel LQX / __ / Furnace Brazed • •", ~, "."" .",;. J.
~ .:,ea~.~'.~',',..'..
i-.'.., ~,.~...~
8 Holes 0.250 . . .t,..,,.:.
. . . .,~., 7*
in. dia. .,4,," ,.i ~1'
347 CRES " ~ ..... U .... ~ U 8 Studs ~ U 41 4Holes
al4iai. n . 0 " ,"w.,'.
, .,,.,":...,:
i, i~~
3/8-24 8 Holes O.187 ;:; • :,,4 LOX Orifices
Injector in Manifold LOX Purge in. dia. Shown for
Approx. Assembly Wt. 6.9 Ib Fuel Manifolds

Fig. 4-55 Bipropellant gas generator injector.

Injection Elements

The configuration of an injector is frequently de-

scribed as being a pattern of specific injection el-
a) Direct Feed Tubesto Orifices ements. The most c o m m o n types of injection el-
ements are nonimpinging, unlike-impinging, and like-
Oxidizer impinging (Fig. 4-57).

Nonimpinging Elements
(~ Downcomers
Coaxial The most c o m m o n type of non-
impinging element, the coaxial configuration, char-
acterizes the SSME injector and o t h e r oxy-
gen/hydrogen engines. The coaxial, or concentric,
injection element usually has a slow-moving central
R::idalpFUse Oxidizer} Orificeslnjecti°n
stream of liquid oxidizer surrounded by a high-
velocity concentric sheet of gaseous fuel. Initially
b) TypicalManifold Nomenclature developed at NASA during early experiments with
LOX/hydrogen, it has a well-earned reputation as a
Fig. 4-56 Types of injector manifolds. h i g h - p e r f o r m a n c e , stable injection e l e m e n t for
gaseous fuel and liquid oxidizer. The liquid oxidizer
is deliberately injected at low velocity, with the usual
injection p r e s s u r e - d r o p a c c o m p l i s h e d by an
upstream metering orifice in each element, and
orifice entrance (Fig. 4-56). This can have the added diffused to a reduced velocity in the tubular LOX
benefit of combining thermal isolation for the heat- post. On the other hand, the fuel injection pressure
sensitive valve components with minimum volume is turned into high injection velocity in the annular
and simultaneous feed to each element. Figure 4-56 gap around the LOX post. Mixing, atomization of the
also shows typical manifold nomenclature. liquid, and mass distribution are provided by the

Low Velocity '

,r e'
' )d"
,e' a~"
¢ ,~r .j,"
r lr
..,," I

Liquid (Ox) /;" /i/l";i....",i lll.~

f-f :-'--,-
~"/ ,¢iff'-ll i I /
L I -- . ,7 -

. .
. .
/'a ~e..,." /'.i ........,"f i .e"
d I' ~)t'l .,d) , / iI ii I
/- ,,,,-.,,,,,.,,,,,,-,,,,,,-.,,,,t. ,,,, ..,,,,- ,,,,- ,,,,.,,,,,. I i~,-o,l , 1)' d)l o, | iii )o)
.Fi .,,i .,~ .,)i j .,iF.eel.,,d
.i tll mill" .i I jI .i I1" .,,,l .ill P .ill) 4111 ,I P .idl

High Velocity Gas (Fuel)

Spray or
Coax Element "Shower head" "Fan" Former

Fuel Fuel
/ -., ~'~/ .Oxidizer

and Sheets Unlike Doublet Unlike Triplet

Fuel Do~ Ox Doublet

Like Impinging "Fan" Mixing Overlap

Doublets ub ~Zone Typical

Fig. 4-57 Typical injector element types.

shearing action of the high-velocity gaseous fuel on surface area of propellant streams, but they have
the surface of the liquid. Typical in this application seldom been successful. Flow from slots usually has
are liquid velocities of less than 100 ft/s and gaseous proven quite erratic, tending to ligament into large
fuel velocities of over 1000 ft/s. The fuel surrounding and irregular masses. Sheet flow of liquids generally
the oxidizer tends to shield the combustion process, requires swirl or impingement to provide the desired
which enjoys a favorable combustor-wall heating dispersal.
environment, and also appears to benefit combus-
tion stability. The coaxial element is less well suited Unlike-Impinging Elements
to liquid fuels, or even very dense gaseous fuels, since
the velocity relationships required to make it work Unlike doublets. A straightforward way of
well are difficult to obtain. mixing two different fluid streams directs one against
Sbowerbead. Directly axial, or near-axial, non- the other; this in essence describes the basic unlike-
impinging streams of either liquid or gaseous impinging doublet. The impact produces a fan-
propellants are generally referred to as "shower- s h a p e d spray made up of a mixture of the two
heads." This type of element provides very little impinging fluids. With no combustion or other
effective atomization or mixing, and is seldom used chemical reactions, the c o m b i n e d streams form a
for primary injection. It is most frequently used for largely two-dimensional spray in a plane basically at
fuel-film-cooling streams at the chamber wall. right angles to the plane which includes the center-
Fan f o r m e r s . Liquid-injection geometry that lines of the impinging streams. From the impinge-
provide sprays in "cones" or "fans" are frequently ment angles of the two streams the spray spreads at a
used in various types of combustions systems. Such resultant angle ("beta angle," computed from sum of
injection methods are the primary techniques in air- m o m e n t u m vectors) b a s e d on the c o m b i n e d
breathing systems with liquid fuels. Generally, these momentums (Fig. 4-58):
units use internal geometry employing either swirl or
impingement to provide a stream which diverges in a tan fl = w~V~ sin a] -w2V2 sin a2
predetermined pattern as a finely atomized spray. ~vlW 1 COS al -+- ~g2V2 cos a2
However, these systems have not been popular with
rocket-injector designers, probably because of face- For the impinging streams shown in Fig. 4-58, (~1
cooling problems and high total-mass-flow densities and 0t2 are the respective angles between the thrust-
associated with rocket combustors. Limited attempts chamber axis and the streams, Wl and w2 are the
to use this type of element have not been particularly weight flowrates, and V 1 and V 2 are the injection
successful. velocities.The width of the spray fan largely reflects
Slots a n d s h e e t s . Narrow, two-dimensional the included impingement angle of the two streams,
slots have often been suggested to increase the the thickness to the stream diameters, and the

turbulence level. Mixing in the spray fan is not Thrust

perfectly distributed, being adversely affected by any 6-- Chamber
p. . . . . IL J -

m o m e n t u m and/or stream-diameter mismatch of the

impinging fluids. Stream misimpingement, resulting
from the fact that the stream centerlines rarely
intersect at the theoretical impingement point, Injector
distorts the shape of the spray fan and produces Face
mixing imperfections. Other effects arise when
c o m b u s t i o n processes are s u p e r i m p o s e d u p o n Wl, V1
impinging-stream hydrodynamics. One such phe-
n o m e n o n , that affects the performance of highly-
reactive, unlike-impinging reactants--"blow apart," or
reactive-stream separation, or reactive demixing--oc-
curs because hypergolic propellants usually have
extremely short ignition delay and thus start gen-
erating gases before completion of the mechanical
impact of the two streams. These gases add forces to
o~2 Impinging
the hydrodynamic ones and tend to separate the -T'- Point
surfaces of the reactants. At high chamber pressures,
there is evidence that liquid propellants not
normally considered hypergolic (such as liquid oxy- ~" •
/ / /
gen/kerosene) may also exhibit this phenomenon. W2, v2 Wall
Other effects of the combustion process may also
modify the mixing and mass distribution of the Fig. 4-58 Resultant angle of impinging streams.
injected sprays. Because of the turbulence near the
injector face and hot-gas crossflow, "radial winds" will tions prove sensitive to combustion instability and
distort the spray and strip off the most rapidly are probably even worse than the triplet element.
atomizing portions of the injected propellants. This
effect will be discussed in the section on mass
distribution. Like-impinging Elements
Unlike triplets. A mismatch in stream size and
m o m e n t u m between the oxidizer and the fuel in L i k e d o u b l e t s . Like-impinging (or self-ira-
unlike doublet elements will force the spray away pinging) elements impinge the injected streams
from the desired axial direction and distort the fan, (liquid or gas) directly on other streams of the same
resulting in poorer mixing. This problem may be propellant. The most common of these, a doublet
avoided by use of a symmetrical, unlike-injection configuration, has two like-fluid streams angled
element consisting of an axial central stream of one together to an impact point, producing in a fan-
propellant and two symmetrically-impinging outer shaped spray of droplets similar to that of an unlike
streams of the other propellant. This unlike triplet doublet. These fans also travel in a direction de-
may have either two fuel streams impinging on a termined by the resultant of the momentum vectors
central oxidizer stream (fuel-oxidizer-fuel) or the of the incoming streams before the impingement
reverse (oxidizer-fuel-oxidizer). In most propellant and are generally two-dimensional, as described for
combinations, the total oxidizer flow area will be the the unlike doublet. However, there is no mixing
greater, so the O-F-O system provides a closer match within this fan, since only one reactant is present in
of stream sizes and consequently better mixing, each. Energy dissipated by the i m p i n g e m e n t
However, placing the oxidizer on the outside of any atomizes the liquids. Orientation of the initial fans
element configuration entails the risk of oxidizer-rich for secondary impingement and overlapping of the
streaking. A typical triplet-spray fan will be narrower sprays mixes the two propellants. Provision of this
than an equivalent doublet, and the mass more interaction between doublet sprays will be the key to
concentrated as a result. Unlike-triplet injectors have a successful like-impinging doublet design.
demonstrated high levels of mixing and resultant Like-impinging elements are frequently used for
combustion efficiency, but they also tend to be liquid/liquid propellant systems in which reaction or
sensitive to stability problems, heat transfer between unlike-impinging streams is
Pentads, etc. Obviously, there are many undesirable. The like-impinging doublet avoids most
possible combinations of unlike-impinging streams, of the reactive-stream demixing of unlike-impinging
However, an unlike impinging stream configuration designs and better maintains combustion stability
seldom exceeds the use of four streams of one than unlike patterns. Although the initial mixing
propellant against a center stream of the other, provided by the element is poorer than for the
Properly designed pentads, or quadlets, or other unlike-impinging case, good design practice can
groupings, can have high levels of mixing efficiency provide high levels of overall combustion efficiency.
but exhibit poorer mass distribution. These elements L i k e - i m p i n g i n g triplets. Three streams of the
should be considered when there are much higher same propellant can be directed to a c o m m o n
mass flows of one reactant relative to the other, as in impingement point. This concept has been applied
gas-generator combustors, which operate very fuel- in some injectors requiring small holes, since more
rich. In general, these multiple-impinging configura- triplet elements can be packed into the same

manifold space than doublets. However, the like- pressure drop of 20%, and throttling down to half
impinging triplet usually produces narrower spray thrust, chamber pressure would become 500 psia and
fans and larger drops than an equivalent doublet, delta pressure would be 50, 10% of chamber pressure.
resulting in an overall net loss rather than gain. The Further throttling would lower the injection-pressure
same result is obtained with self-impinging quadlets, drops to dangerously low levels. Some rocket
pentads, and other multiple-orifice arrangements, engines have been throttled successfully by reducing
upstream flow, but many have also experienced
Other Element Types severe pressure oscillations.
Various methods were p r o p o s e d to meet the
Virtually any way that a liquid can be sprayed has Saturn/Apollo Lunar Module descent-engine re-
been tried in rocket-engine injectors. Early injection quirement of a 10-to-1 throttling range. One used a
patterns frequently used splash plates to break up the system of gas entrainment in the liquid propellants
liquid streams and to reduce emphasis on careful to maintain atomization and flow isolation at low
control of the dimensions of impinging streams, flowrates by in effect reducing propellant density at
Injectors have also been designed with swirl, or other throttled condition. This system has the problem of
geometric features within the injector structure, to a third c o n s u m a b l e and a s s o c i a t e d control
enhance atomization and distribution of the fluids, requirements but was simpler than many mechanical
Platelet construction. One design concept, ones. The flight Lunar Descent engine used a pintle-
called "platelet construction," has effectively type injector (Fig. 4-59). A central element had
employed diffusion-bonded photo-etched plates for axially moving components to change the injection-
fabrication of small- to mid-sized injectors (ana- flow area. This provided the desired range of thrust
logous to printed-circuit-board technique in the elec- control with reliabili W and stabiliw. A design for the
tronics industry). It offers significant advantages in sustainer section of the Lance missile used a pintle of
cost and in design f r e e d o m for i n n o v a t i v e a different configuration (Fig. 4-60) and demon-
manifolding and injection elements, and has been strated throttling of over 40-to-1. This system had
used to provide spray formers of various config- injection orifices in the form of tapered "ramp"
urations, often with effective stream impingement, grooves, with area throttling by sliding piston-ring
Premixed. It is common practice to premix fuel seals. This basic throttling system has been used on
and oxidizer upstream of the chamber in other types numerous experimental engines.
of combustor design, but very rare in rocket-engine
combustors. In air-breathing systems, the fuel is
mixed with air and "flameholding" is provided
downstream, in the combustion zone. At the high i Oxidizer
pressures and high-mass-flux conditions in a rocket . Movable Sleeve
engine, however, the probability of a premixed ; ; F,~el
reaction travelling upstream to the mixing section is
high and could be disastrous. Many rocket II
propellant combinations are either hypergolic or
potentially detonable in the mixed condition. In
Fuel Injection Fuel Injection
spite of these limitations, some experiments have /-,-(__v_/,j/ , \~L_..,
''x' "~)~1 Annulus Annulus
been made with premix chambers, although fre- {~./~./ ~ '-'C~ ",~ i
x..,~..~j~ Engine ~ ~x~_.~ i[ l i
quently they also become precombustion chambers XCenterlin 7 ~ ~ ] _ ~]~
with excessive thermal loads on the structure. Such
special elements are useful for solving special prob- I
Reaction ~ S~-"
lems, but, in general, better performance and better Zone Oxidizer [~r]
control of wall heating and combustion stability have Orifices . . .
b e e n provided by more conventional injection
Fig. 4-~9 Pintle i n j e c t o r .

Many rocket engines have a requirement for variable

thrust over a wide range of operating conditions.
That spells special problems for injector designers.
Most well-designed injector systems with reasonable
pressure isolation can be throttled through a modest
Pintle ~ ~ _ Combusti n
range of o p e r a t i n g levels by u p s t r e a m flow P~' r a // / ~ ~ ' / ~ ~ Chamber
restriction. However, the operating range will be o
O x,o,ze, • ... -, ~
limited in liquid injection systems b e c a u s e of ..... - ,.~,Xh':"s~ot,,
..... ..- . . . . . . Ioje~
~...;~...,.,.'," ...:-,~,..:.,,'-..',,,,',~,,,'slots
,.', \I~Z;/,,)X
pressure drop/flow relationships and the need to (,{,~,;'.c,,)..),::;,7",:\",.:,K~'.,',,:, , G , '",,',,
, ' , , \x ~ 5 , . X ~-
provide a significant pressure drop across the
injection elements. Liquid pressure-drop changes as \.\.,
")"~\.\.~\X ,, \".. ",."Cl..'/ //.l"./" •', " / f . . " k.
the square of flowrate while chamber pressure is ~-
linear with flow. For example, starting with a
maximum thrust level at 1000 psia with a propellant Fig. 4-60 Lance s u s t a i n e r p i n t l e injector.

Injection Pressure Drop and Orifice Sizing an exit loss of 1.0 into a near-infinite reservoir,
resulting in a total K of 1.7. For impinging-injection
A good starting-point for the design level of injection elements, it is generally preferable to have a radius
flow resistance is 20°/6 of c h a m b e r pressure. For or other type of orifice entrance to reduce the head-
example, if the design chamber pressure is 2000 psia, loss coefficient. It is also desirable to turn as much
the pressure loss across the injection orifice system of the available pressure loss as possible into
would be targeted at 400 psid at design flowrates and injection velocity for best atomization and mixing.
conditions. For each propellant, the total flow area In addition, the directional control of a liquid stream
of the injection orifices is b a s e d on the desired is more consistent with a low entrance-loss. This
expected flowrate and the pressure drop. The dif- orifice design approach is also supported by the
ferential pressure across the injection orifices concept that the inertia of the injected stream, like
imparts the injection velocity to the streams. In turn, the pressure drop, helps provide stability isolation.
it supplies the energy for atomization and provides However, injection-orifice sizing proves a bit
mixing by controlled mass distribution. Low-velocity more complex than the preceding discussion m a y
streams without pressure drop would just dribble indicate. The total injection area is easy to compute,
weakly into the chamber and puddle into ineffective but orifice diameters d e p e n d on the number of
pools, with resultant poor mixing and poor com- elements in the injector. For maximum atomization
bustion. Equally important, the injection-pressure and mixing efficiencies, the choice would be to use as
drop provides isolation b e t w e e n a combustion many elements as feasible, or orifice sizes as small as
disturbance and the local, instantaneous propellant can be fabricated. In the real world, the choices are
flowrates. NASA specifications allow up to 5% of n e v e r this simple and m a n y factors must be
chamber-pressure oscillations for "stable" combus- considered. In addition to the difficulties of man-
tion. If there were only 5% pressure drop across the ufacturing myriads of tiny holes, there are the factors
injection orifices and a local pressure disturbance of of combustion stability and contaminant plugging to
5% of c h a m b e r pressure occurred, the local flow be considered. Also, fine injection patterns are
would stop. Hence, the local rate of reaction would easier to excite in combustion-instability modes.
fall, the pressure wave would be followed by a Fortunately, large engines, which have the more
rarification wave, and that, in turn, would cause a serious stability concerns, tend to have l o n g e r
temporary increase in local flowrate. If any of the combustion chambers, with increased residence time,
system frequencies were close to these rise rates, a and do not require very small orifices to provide
combustion instability would build. Even with the high levels of combustion efficiency. Small engines,
baseline 20% pressure drop, a 5% disturbance can which require compact combustion chambers, are
cause significant flow variations. Typically, although less prone to stability problems and can utilize fine
an injection pressure drop of 20% of chamber injection patterns. Injection-orifice sizes have ranged
pressure is recommended as a starting point, some from diameters as small as 0.004 in., for a 1-1b-thrust
applications, such as engines designed for throttling experimental engine, to nearly 0.75 in. in a pressure-
or those with stability sensitivity, may require higher fed booster application. The more usual range has
values, b e e n from 0.0135 in. (in the XLR-132 upper-stage
Injection area and orifice diameter can be storable-propellant engine) to 0.281 in. (in the Saturn
computed with simple expressions based on flowrate, F-1 booster); most injector orifices are in the range
propellant density, and a factor for the head-loss of 0.020 to 0.080 in.
coefficient, as follows: Determination of the proper metering area of
the LOX post in a coaxial injector is more complex
than in the single-orifice case. Typically, the design
2.238K velocity for the central LOX stream is low (between
Aini = xJv "' p & p - (4-43)
50 and 100 ft/s) and the velocity head falls well below
the desired degree of pressure isolation. An up-
stream orifice can regulate the flow and give the
dorifice --- / 3"627K~2'~°25
pa-g / (4-44) pressure drop required for stability. The head-loss
computations give an accurate estimate of the system
flow resistance. The primary pressure loss derives
where v~ - flowrate, lb/s; P - density, lb/ft3; AtP - from the sudden expansion from the metering-orifice
pressure drop, lb/in.2; K = head-loss coefficient; N = diameter to the post internal diameter. The entrance
number of orifices. A reasonable value of the head- of the orifice is usually well rounded, to yield low loss
loss coefficient would be 1.7 for a sharp-edged orifice at this point. The friction inside the LOX post and
of a typical length used in injectors, or 1.2 for a the exit pressure loss are taken at the lower velocity.
radiused-entrance orifice. (Injection orifices gener- The SSME LOX post represents a more special case
ally are "short tube" passages ducting flow from a (Fig. 4-61), since the expansion from the metering
manifold to the combustion chamber.) orifice is taken in two steps.
This method of orifice sizing, using the head-loss Elements with internal m o m e n t u m exchange, or
coefficient instead of the m o r e c o m m o n flow- swirl, and diffusion-bonded "platelet" elements are
coefficient, sums the appropriate values for the spe- special cases for flow-resistance prediction. In these
cific orifice configuration. For example, a square- cases, the only reliable a p p r o a c h is the use of
edge tubular orifice has an entrance-loss coefficient e x p e r i m e n t a l flow testing to establish rational
of 0.5, a running friction loss on the order of 0.2, and coefficients.

Oxidizer Inlet ,,~

//~~ /

Fuel (Hot-Gas)
fixture to clean the injector assembly. Liquid or
gaseous backpressure seems to be equally satisfactory
Six Orifices Inlet
for resistance calibration, although gaseous backpres-
sure gives a truer simulation of hot-fire conditions.
Cold-flow mixing tests. Numerous techniques
have been employed to predict injector performance
from nonreactive flow data. Liquid/liquid patterns
SecondaryPlate (ReOl "-" FN3eplate can be evaluated fairly well by using two nonsoluble
liquids as propellant simulants and collecting the
spray in a grid system. The flow from each position
in the grid is collected and the mass ratio at that
Primary Plate (Flat) place determined. These tests are relatively inex-
pensive and the information is valuable in design.
Fig. 4-61 LOX post schematic. Gas/liquid nonreactive mixing tests are much more
difficult to do and are subject to greater unknowns,
but they may still provide useful data.
Combustion modeling using computer programs
to predict atomization and vaporization helps select Atomization t e s t i n g . The degree of atom-
the most appropriate orifice sizes. Some computer ization of the propellants strongly conditions
programs provide guidelines for the degree of combustion efficiency and relative sensitivity to
combustion-stability sensitivity, but previous exper- destabilizing influences. Numerous methods of non-
ience with similar applications remains the best reactive atomization testing have been used, ranging
arbiter on element sizing, from qualitative observations during cold-flow
calibrations to sophisticated laser measurements and
Experimental Evaluation of Injector Designs holographic reconstructions. Early quantitative
efforts were based on the collection of frozen
The design of an injector can be improved by droplets of wax or low-melting metals. Later efforts
proper application of experimental results obtained concentrated on laser devices using doppler inter-
in nonreactive (cold-flow) and hot-fire testing. The ference, diffraction, or other nonintrusive optical
latter is the true test of the merit of any design, but diagnostic techniques. These techniques generally
much valuable information can be obtained at suffer from obscured view at the high-mass-flux
considerably lower cost and risk by use of operating conditions typical of high-chamber-
nonreactive techniques, pressure engines. Also, high-chamber-pressure large
Cold-flow c a l i b r a t i o n t e s t s . The most basic engines with supercritical injection conditions are
cold-flow tests calibrate flow resistance and visual less sensitive to the hydraulic-atomization charac-
assessment of the injected streams. These should be teristics of the injection elements. Most engines in
performed before hot-fire testing of any new injector. this class appear to be mixing-limited, rather than
Flow-resistance data are required for setting inlet vaporization-limited, in performance. Consequently,
pressures. Agreement of measured and computed some interest has shifted away from atomization
resistance values checks the computation technique measurements.
or, in some cases, gives a measure of the quality of Hot-fire t e s t s . Hot-fire testing is often applied
fabrication. Visual observation of flow streams to subscale simulations of planned larger assemblies,
complements these data, indicating any misdrilling but final data are obtained in full-scale hardware. In
of orifices or potential plugging or other blockage of either case, however, the right kind of test program
any elements. Visual observation of the spray pat- will be very important in developing and proving the
tern helps identify impingement problems and gives design. It is generally desirable to evaluate a larger
clues to the interaction of the combustion process operational range of flowrates, pressure, and mixture
with the combustor wall. The appearance of the ratio than to evaluate just the specified requirements.
streams also gives an indication of the degree of Mixture-ratio testing can sometimes indicate momen-
atomization that the pattern is producing, tum-related performance characteristics that can aid
Ideally, the pressure-drop calibration should be in the next design or rework of the existing design.
done with raised downstream back pressure. Never- Heat-flux measurements in a calorimeteric chamber
theless, valid information on flow resistance can be also provide data that can make improvements
obtained without requiring full simulated flowrate, as possible. Thermal capability of the test chamber
long as cavitation is avoided in the testing. Most must be investigated in evaluating the injection
injection elements will not cavitate if the back pattern and to establish the n e e d for, and
pressure is at least half the pressure drop across the optimization of, any film-cooling flows that may be
test orifices. Therefore, with ambient backpressure required.
(14.7 psia), data would be taken up to about 30 psid. Variation of some of the physical test charac-
Data should be obtained for several flows above and teristics is often desirable, such as change in
below this pressure-loss value, so that the cavitation combustor length to evaluate required L*. Stability
points may possibly be determined. Plotting of flow characteristics are often assessed by introducing
resistance will indicate any departures associated with chamber-pressure disturbances such as "bombs,"
cavitation. The backpressure fixture can provide dual "pulse guns," or rapid perturbations of propellant
utility if designed also to be used as a backflush flowrates. The time required to damp out any

"ringing" resulting from such disturbances helps oxidizer and fuel orifices. If the orifices have pre-
indicate stability margin in the system. pared entrances (at the least, an angled countersink),
Frequently, injector modifications can be made the head-loss coefficient will be about 1.3. From Eq.
to the hardware under test to evaluate these effects. (4-43) and (4-44):
Injection orifices can be plugged or enlarged, and
orifices can be added for film cooling, for example. ( 2 . 2 3 8 x l 3~ °5
Ao = 1941 ~,~ i~3-'8 x 207)/ = 2 7.7 in. 2
Obtaining valid experimental data in these tests
requires appropriate instrumentation. The injector
designer must take these requirements into consid- \~u. q:> xX:20--01')0.5
( 2.238
Af= 827,',:~7"7,: 3 -- 14.04 in. 2
eration in providing suitable ports for pressure,
temperature, and vibration measurements.
do_ (4 x 27.7~ °5
Analytical Models x 1500/ = 0.153 in.

Many analytical models have been written and used (4x 14.04~ 0"5
= 0.109 in.
for prediction of injector/chamber performance. x
T h e y are primarily vaporization and spray-path
mixing models and depend on many empirically The injection velocities will be as follows.
modeled mechanisms and on user skill to provide
meaningful predictions. Computer models are also 144 x 1941
employed to quantify empirically the design features Vo = 27.7 x 7 1 . 3 8 - 141 ft/s
known to impact combustion stability, such as orifice
size, chamber diameter, and c h a m b e r pressure. 144 x 827
These parameters are fit to various expressions that Vf = 14.04 x 50.45 168 ft/s
provide a factor that reflects the divergence of these
characteristics of a proposed design from previous Use of an orifice flow coefficient Cd to c o m p u t e
successful practice. The model outputs provide gen- injection velocity is not recommended, because most
eral guidelines and an indication of pretest pre- orifices flow "full."
diction of combustion stability.
Considerable effort is being e x p e n d e d on (b) A-2 Engine
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models, but
none has yet been developed to the state of a truly From Table 3-3, the propellant flowrates for the
useful injector-design tool. Rational, simple, two- thrust chamber are 285.2 lb/s (oxidizer) and 54.5 lb/s
dimensional flow regimes, such as airfoils and (fuel); the propellant densities are 71.38 lb/ft3
expansion nozzles, are fairly well simulated by CFD (oxidized and 0.72 lb/ft3 (fuel; gaseous hydrogen at
techniques, but results for rocket-engine combustors 180"R). Coaxial injection elements are used; with a
have been limited to reasonably accurate predictions typical density of about two elements per square inch
of local flow fields and local droplet behavior. The of injector face area (157.8 in.2), a total of 300
multidimensional mechanisms of an impinging- elements can be assumed. Start with a generally
stream injector are still not well enough understood accepted value of LOX velocity in the central post of
to model effectively a major portion of the injec- 60 ft/s, as follows:
tion/combustion phenomena, even if the required
computational power were economically available.
144 X 285.2
These mechanisms, combined with the turbulence Total post area = 71.38 x 60 = 9.59 in. 2
and other forces acting in the combustion chamber,
put CFD techniques out of the realm of practical uti-
lization for injector design for the present. The Post I.D. = ( 4 Xx9"59~°
30-'0fl 5 = 0.20 in.
potential exists for improved analytical tools in this
area, however, and continued effort is justified.
The fuel-side pressure drop in coaxial injectors will
S a m p l e Calculation 4-8 generally be less sensitive to pressure oscillations
than in impinging-stream configurations. In addi-
Using data in Tables 3-2 and 3-3, determine the tion, the pressure loss in the cooling jacket and the
injector-orifice sizes and injection velocities for the difficulty of p u m p i n g liquid h y d r o g e n force the
A-1 and A-2 Stage engines. selection of fuel-side-injection pressure d r o p s
somewhat lower than the "standard" 20% of chamber
(a) A-1 Engine pressure. A convenient level is 15%, or 130 psi.
(Values as low as 10% have been successfully used.)
Thrust-chamber propellant flowrates are 1941 lb/s The fuel-side head-loss coefficient can be taken as 1.7
(oxidizer) and 827 lb/s (fuel); propellant densities (typical of a sharp-edged, drilled orifice):
are 71.38 lb/ft3 (oxidizer) and 50.45 lb/ft3 (fuel);
injector pressure drops are 200 psi for both pro- (2.238 X 1.7) 0.5
Total fuel area = 54.5 \~)-~-~ x 1 3 0 = 11.0 in. 2
pellants. Assume an injection pattern of 750 element
sets, with one oxidizer selfimpinging and one fuel
selfimpinging doublet per set, for a total of 1500 each Fuel area per element = 11.0/300 = 0.0367 in. )..

A LOX-post wall thickness of 0.025 in. then gives-- 4) Ability to maintain safe shutdown without
complicated purging and draining systems.
Lox-post O.D. = 0.20 + 0.05 = 0.250 in. 5) Ability to restart safely (restartable engine
systems only).
Total element area = 0.0367 + [0.7854 x (0.25) 2]
Additional design requirements d e p e n d on the
= 0.0858 in. z
particular engine system involved.
Gas generators can be classified according to the
Element I.D. = (0.0858/0.7854) o.5 = 0.330 in. propellants employed: solid-propellant, liquid-mono-
propellant, or liquid-bipropellant.
Fuel gap = (0.330 - 0.250)/2 = 0.040 in.

54.5 x 144
Fuel velocity = = 991 ft/s
0.72 x 11.0
Solid-Propellant Gas Generators
Velocity ratio = 991/60 = 16.5
Solid-propellant gas generators are used in liquid-
This velocity ratio falls within the range (10 to 20) propellant propulsion systems for limited-duration
that gives good atomization and mixing. Because the a p p l i c a t i o n s , such as providing a s u p p l y of
low oxidizer velocity and flow resistance might not pressurized gas to power turbines for engine start or
assure stability, a metering orifice is placed at the to provide gas pressurant for short-duration, pres-
inlet of each LOX post. Such metering orifices are sure-fed systems. The temperature of gases gener-
designed by an iterative process because the primary ated by solid propellants generally exceed 2000"F,
flow resistance arises from the e x p a n s i o n loss which is too high for uncooled components over
between the orifice and the post I.D. and is difficult extended durations. Diluents can be used, either
to predict accurately, i n c o r p o r a t e d into the propellant formulation or
injected into the gas stream. Use of diluents
increases system complexity or, in the case of
4.6 GAS-GENERATING DEVICES coolants added to the solid propellant, reduces gas-
generator efficiency and may degrade performance.
In liquid-propellant engine systems, gases are re- Figure 4-62 shows a typical design of a solid-
quired to power the propellant feed systems and propellant gas generator used to supply power to a
other subsystems. Bottled compressed gases such as turbine for engine start. It is built in the form of a
helium can be employed for these purposes; but the replaceable cartridge that bolts to a flange at the
use of higher-temperature gases generated by suitable liquid-propellant gas generator (shown in Fig. 4-64).
d e v i c e s gives m u c h h i g h e r overall s y s t e m This design is a disposable type, not intended to be
performance. Gases at temperatures ranging from reloaded and reused. The unit consists of three
400 to 1000"F are used for pressurizing propellant concentric cylinders of solid propellant with retainer
tanks. Gases in the range from 1200 to 1700"F have plates, an igniter containing pyrotechnic pellets, a
been used to drive gas turbines for pump-fed systems, structural case, an outlet orifice, a burst diaphragm,
Wherever possible, the engine system's primary and two initiators (removable). Electrically fired
propellants are used for generating gas in the initiators are installed immediately before engine
interests of overall system simplicity. In certain start to minimize the risk of inadvertent initiation.
applications, however, such as in a pressurized gas- A firing stimulus is sent to the gas generator at
fed system or to start a turbopump-fed system, high- engine start. This fires the initiators and ignites the
pressure propellants other than those tapped off the pellet charge. It, in turn, ignites the solid-propellant
primary system are required for gas generation, grains. Within approximately 40 ms, the generator
Most operational engine systems use special produces gas at a rate of 4.7 lb/s and maintains this
devices for gas generation. However, tapping hot flowrate for approximately 1.0 s. The gas generator
gases from the main chamber has shown promise in o p e r a t e s at a c h a m b e r pressure of 1000 psia,
certain applications. Design objectives for op- producing gas at 2550°F. The product gas has a
erational gas generators may be summarized as characteristic velocity of 4260 ft/s.
follows: In addition to the basic, constant-flowrate unit,
gas generators can be designed with tailored flowrate
1) Ability to produce gases safely, with required profiles to meet special requirements. Gas gener-
properties (temperature, pressure, nonex- ators with regressive flowrate-time profiles, i.e.,
plosive), in a compact unit at the required flowrates that decrease during the burn, have been
flowrate, produced for operational vehicles, and progressive-
2) Ability to start and stop smoothly without b u r n i n g units featuring increasing flowrate-time
abrupt temperature surges, pressure oscil- profiles have been designed and fabricated to power
lations, or overflow of unburned propellants, turbines for LOX/H2 engines during start.
3) Ability to operate over a wide range of Current technology enables use of exploding-
propellant flowrates and (in the case of bridgewire, flying-plate, and laser concepts to design
bipropellants) mixture ratios and to respond initiators that are resistant to inadvertent ignition.
closely to the control system. Use of such devices can support factory installation

of the initiators into the solid-propellant gas where k2 = constant, characteristic for a given
generators. propellant at a given temperature; Ao = gas-generator
Design of solid-propellant gas generators re- orifice area, in.2; Ab = burning area, in.2; and n -
quires the application of basic principles of internal constant.
ballistics. Propellant is contained within the case in
the form of one or more geometric units, called
Liquid-Monopropellant Gas Generators
propellant grains. The rate at which a grain produces
gas is a function of the propellant formulation, the Monopropellants such as hydrogen peroxide (H20 2)
a m o u n t of surface area burning, the operating
and hydrazine (N2H4) have been used as gas
pressure at the burning surface, and the bulk
generants in many applications. They permit a
temperature of the propellant. Exposed surfaces of
simple generator system and do not require mixture-
solid propellant burn in a direction normal to the
ratio adjustments. These systems are relatively easy
surface at a rate d e p e n d e n t on gas-generator
to control and the gases are generated at predictable
chamber pressure and propellant temperature. The
temperatures. Unless the monopropellant is also
correlation can be expressed as follows:
employed as one of the engine's main propellants,
Pc ) n however, the generator system introduces a third
R=kl i"006 (4-45) propellant, often requiring special handling and tank-
Figure 4-63 shows a schematic of a typical
where R = linear burning rate of the propellant, in./s; monopropellant gas generator using 90% hydrogen
k l = constant representing the linear burning rate of peroxide. The catalytic screen pack (bed) consists of
a given propellant, at a given temperature and at a alternate layers of stainless steel mesh and silver-
chamber pressure of 1000 psia; Pc -- chamber pres plated-brass-wire screens secured by perforated end-
sure, psia; and n = constant indicating sensitivity o plates or grids, which are applied with a preload of
the propellant burning rate to changes in pressure at approximately 800-1000 Ib/in.2 of bed cross-sectional
a given propellant temperature. area. The length of the catalytic bed generally ranges
The weight flowrate of gas produced by a solid- from 2 to 3 in. The allowable design throughput, that
propellant gas generator can be calculated as follows: is, propellant flowrate per unit cross-sectional area
of catalytic bed, is about 0.4 lb/in.2-s. The propellant
wg = AbRp (4-46) pressure drop across the bed can be approximated
by the following:
where * g = weight flowrate produced by the gas CiG~ .95
generator, lb/s; Ab = burning-rate area, in.2; and p = APt, = 0.'---V--+ C2t (4-48)
propellant density, lb/in.3. A constant-flow gas
generator requires a propellant design that provides where APb = pressure drop through the catalytic bed,
constant burning area as the propellant is consumed. psi; Gb = throughput, lb/in.2-s; Pc = gas-generator
Solid-propellant gas generators often have sonic chamber pressure at the end of the catalytic bed,
outlet orifices to decouple chamber pressure from psia; t - accumulated running time, s; and C1, C2 =
the downstream pressure, which may be changing constants determined experimentally for a given bed
during the start sequence. In such a choked-flow gas configuration.
generator, the gas flowrate, chamber pressure, and
orifice throat area are related by Eq. (1-32). The Sample Calculation 4-9
c h a m b e r pressure is given by the following
A hydrogen-peroxide (monopropellant H 2 0 2 ) g a s
1 generator attached directly to the inlet flange of a
Pc=k2 A ),n turbine has turbine-inlet pressure of 340 psia and
total turbine nozzle throat area of 0.776 in.2 Assume

St~leoltRetainer Tri-Legged Plate

SteelIgniter ~ ~ Bonding/Inhibitor ~ X . 7 Weld Inlet Valve
Body 78 Holes j ~ z ; ~ L ~ l ~ ? . ~ . . ~ " "~ ~ #
0 187 in alia - - II P - ~ \ \ \ ~ i ~ Slud
• " ~ II
1 . 4 ~ ' ~ 1 ~ ~-~
i~ . . . . .
. . . .
" ...........
- . . . . .
~" ......... L.,,,, .......... ~ ........
~ --'-~',-1,~
~r. r
- "tt,, L,¢" 'It.-..; ... : -:.-.o~e, G,~ir~ :: :.. -.: ... ..~,].i I, Injector
. ~ ~. :..~ :..:... .: c,ote, ~;~.,~,... :.:: : ~,: .,,

~1< " Burst . . . . . .

~ ~'~~ o,,,o,,,~..,,, i1~. Catalytic Screen
Grid Pack
~ gNeaded)

!." ~:".;.:.-;-:-:' :"_".;. : . : - i".. :".. ; .

weld igniterPellets Cartridge/ Bonding

37 G in PolyethyleneBag ~ Gas Outlet
/I I ~,',
Fig. 4-62 D i s p o s a b l e s o l i d propellant gas Fig. 4-63 Schematic of monopropellant gas
generator. generator.

a c* value of 3080 ft/s for 90% H 2 0 2 and the nature of the combustion gases constitutes a severe
catalytic-bed design constants C] = 7.2x104 and C2 = environment (most metals are fuels). The oxidizer-
0.021 psi/s, rich case is therefore relatively rare (notable ex-
ception: a large Russian engine which uses an NTO-
Problem rich p r e b u r n e r in a staged c o m b u s t i o n cycle).
Another variation from fuel-rich gas generators
Determine the gas flowrate, catalytic-bed area, and inv61ves the use of a diluent, such as water, in a near-
pressure drop after 480 s of accumulated running stoichiometric gas generator, as in the European
time. Ariane system. The primary problems with fuel-rich
gas generators are formation of soot and coking with
Solution carbon-bearing fuels, flammability of the exhaust
gases, and performance losses in the engine cycle.
Proceed as follows. Gas-generator pressure will equal Fuel-rich gas generators with hypergolic storable-
turbine-inlet pressure of 340 psia. Equivalent gas- p r o p e l l a n t c o m b i n a t i o n s have p r o b l e m s with
generator throat area will equal total turbine nozzle temperature control. Since the fuels in these
throat area = 0.776 in. 2 Substituting into Eq. (1-32). combinations are h y d r a z i n e - b a s e d , a m o n o p r o -
pellant reaction process can occur that releases a
great deal of heat, regardless of the mixture ratio.
3080 = 340 x 0.776 x 32.2 Even with the more stable hydrazine fuels, such
~vg as m o n o m e t h y l hydrazine, the crossover point
between fuel monopropelling or just diluting the
reaction mixture for a lower temperature is difficult
Gas flowrate ~¢g = 2.76 lb/s. to predict or control. The staged combustion cycle
Now apply a design value for catalytic-bed addresses many of the disadvantages of fuel-rich gas-
throughput Gb of 0.4 lb/in.2-s. Catalytic bed area will generator operation, at the e x p e n s e of system
equal 2.76/0.4 = 6.9 in.2 Substitute given data into Eq. complexity. In these cycles, turbine-discharge gases
(4-48), as follows: are the "fuel" for the engine's primary combustion
chamber. The resulting system pressures bootstrap
7.2 x 104 x (0.4)1.95 to high levels to accomplish this, as in the SSME, in
Bed pressure drop APb = (340)0.9 which the combustion-chamber pressure of about
3000 psi requires an u p s t r e a m p u m p - d i s c h a r g e
+ 0.021 x 480 pressure of almost 8000 psi.
= 63.5 + 10 = 73.5 psi Figure 4-64 and Table 4-3 describe a typical
liquid-bipropellant gas generator used on existing
booster engines. It was designed to produce hot
Liquid-Bipropellant Gas Generators gases from the primary engine propellants (LO2/RP-
1) to drive the turbine of a pump-fed system. The
Bipropellant gas-generator systems are used in most
control system consists of two normally-closed linked
current large engines because they utilize the same
poppet valves which control the flow of propellants
propellants and generally provide the most flexible
to the gas-generator injector. The valve assembly
high-performance system. This category also in-
includes an oxidizer strainer, oxidizer poppet, fuel
c l u d e s g a s - g e n e r a t o r s y s t e m s r e f e r r e d to as
poppet, timing orifice, actuating piston, and valve
"preburners," which have a slightly different appli-
main-body. The valve assembly is actuated by gas
cation in staged-combustion-cycle engines. Bipro-
pressure, which forces the piston down on the fuel
pellant gas generators act in the same fashion as the
injector/combustor components of the main engine.
They differ primarily in the selected mixture ratio to Actuator Port
provide the desired gas temperature and chemical LOX Poppet e~,.~[]~ ~
properties. Primarily these components provide the
Control H i ' ~ ; ' i ' l l l ~ FII
motive gases for turbine-driven machinery in the
e n g i n e (mainly the p r o p e l l a n t p u m p s ) . This ~ 1 = ' ~ ~ _~.~- Fuel Inlet Port
application requires a discharge temperature that the LOX inlet . - - . , - - - - - - ' ~ ~ ~
Port ( R o t a t e d ) I n j e c t o r ~ Brazed Joint
turbine blades can a c c o m m o d a t e . Generally,
delivered temperatures have been held below 1800°F;
current practice is closer to 1140"F. The highest
allowable temperature is desirable, since this maxi-
mizes delivered power for the propellant weight flow
diverted from the p r i m a r y p r o p u l s i v e effort.
However, temperatures that are too high have an
adverse effect on the life of the turbine components.
Lower gas temperatures are usually produced by Combustor"
fuel-rich operation, which provides a reducing
a t m o s p h e r e for the d o w n s t r e a m structural com-
' G-~'-,7~
ponents. Low temperatures can also be produced by
oxidizer-rich operating conditions, but the oxidizing Fig. 4-64 Liquid bipropellant gas generator.

Table 4-3 Operating characteristics of a typical liquid

Oxidizer Prebumer
biprolwJlant gas generator systetzk
.. . , . , , . . ...,, .

Oxidizer Uquid oxygen

Fuel RP-1
Total propellant flow rate 17.34 Ibis Fuel Preburner
O/F mixture ratio 0.342 ' ~ f , ~ - - - - ~ Heat Exchanger

Oxidizer flow rate 4.42 Ibis

Fuel flow rate 12.92 Ibis
GG chamber pressure (injectorend) 612.1 psia
GG chamber temperature 1200"F
Oxidizer side pressure drop of line, valve, and 114 psi
injector Hot Gas Manifold Assembly
Oxidizer side pressure drop across orifice 121 psi
GG oxidizer supply line takeoff pressure (total at 846 psia Fig. 4-65 Cross section o f SSME powerhead
main oxidizer pump discharge) assembly.
Fuel side pressure drop of line, valve, and injector 216 psi
Fuel side pressure drop across orifice 80 psi
GG tuel supplyline takeoff pressure (total at main 907 psi
fuel pump discharge) p o w e r requirements of the p u m p i n g system.
.,. ,, .. ., , . Maximum available energy will be extracted from the
generated gases when they expand isentropically
through a supersonic nozzle to the available exit
side, to open the fuel poppet. A yoke integral with pressure. This available energy is given by Eq. (6-14),
the piston actuates the oxidizer poppet. The valve (6-15), and (6-16).
design, through a combination of manifold volumes Because of the relatively low product-gas
and LOX-poppet adjustments, effects a slight oxidizer temperatures, gas-generator chamber designs do not
lead to prevent detonations and a fuel-rich cutoff to usually employ cooling provisions. Exceptions are
avoid possible turbine burning. The propellants flow systems designed for repeated operation, in which
through the poppets to the injector and into the gas- temperature cycling might cause unacceptable levels
generator combustor and are mixed and reacted of cracking. Even such long-life requirements call
within the inner chamber and combustor body. Two for careful study of cost trades before incorporation
pyrotechnic igniters start the propellants. A gas duct of active cooling systems.
with two opposing flanges is located at the end of the
combustor body. These flanges connect with the Thrust-Chamber Gas-Tapoff Systems
solid-propellant gas generator's turbine spinner and
the turbine-inlet duct. In these systems, combustion-product gases are bled
Figure 4-65, a cross section through the SSME from the main thrust chamber and ducted to the
powerhead assembly, shows the two preburners used turbine, where they are used as the working fluid.
in this system. A separate injector/combustor This arrangement eliminates the need for a separate
section drives the fuel turbine, and another drives the gas generator and contributes significantly to engine
LOX-turbopump system. Engine operating points are system simplicity and reliability. Figure 4-66 shows a
set and controlled primarily by changing the schematic of a tapoff system.
operating conditions of these two combustor/turbine In a separate gas-generator system, gases are
systems. This section view also shows how the p r o d u c e d and "tailor-made" for t u r b i n e - p o w e r
discharge of these turbines is introduced as the fuel purposes, with the benefit of relatively high liquid-
for the primary combustion chamber. supply pressures. In a tapoff system, the bulk of the
The basic design parameters for bipropellant gas extremely hot gases of the main chamber would not
generators are virtually the same as for thrust-
chamber-injector/combustor designs. The total Oxidizer Pump ~ . _.__~ . . . . .
effective throat area of the turbine-inlet nozzle
system can be considered the equivalent of the Fuel Pump -~.~.~ ']-~ ~L . . . . ~ ~
throat of a thrust chamber. This can be used to - _ -" 7±-- = - ~ _.. -) Thrust
calculate the combustion chamber's characteristic Turbine ~/o~- j ~ lj Chamber
length (L*). In general, the effective L* of a gas
generator will be about twice that of an equivalent
thrust chamber and the effective contraction ratio ExhaustDuctt " o / ' ~ /
will usually also be greater. This is based on the HOtGas ~ ('
lower vaporization rates of liquid propellants at lower Duct
temperatures and the sensitivity of the turbine
structure to relatively small levels of temperature
striations ("streaks").
The primary sizing of gas generators is directed Fig. 4-66 Schematic diagram of thrust chamber
by the size of the turbine, which is dictated by the gas tapoff system.

be suitable as turbine-drive fluid because of the propellants. Igniters derive power from an outside
limitations of the turbine construction materials. It source or from a limited quantity of internally stored
has been successfully demonstrated, however, that by energy. Because of the necessity of having an
withdrawing chamber gases from the boundary zones ignition source available at the time of main
only, and by proper shaping and location of the propellant introduction, systems can be designed to
bleed ports, the desired turbine-inlet temperature provide pilot flows of main propellants to be ignited
(usually less than 1700"F) can be reliably and before opening the main valves. Once ignited, main
repeatably produced for a given thrust chamber and propellants remain ignited, so it is not necessary to
injector design. maintain an ignition source, although some ignition
The bleed gases thus withdrawn have been found systems do maintain such a source throughout
to possess thermodynamic properties comparable to mainstage operation.
the products of a liquid-bipropellant gas generator
utilizing the same propellants. Obviously, a tapoff Pyrotechnic igniters. Pyrotechnic igniters are
turbine must be designed to operate at an inlet electrically initiated slow-burning pyrotechnic
pressure lower than the thrust-chamber pressure. torches. They are designed with solid-propellant
Furthermore, a tapoff engine system will require a technology and typically incorporate one or more
simple starting device, such as a gas spinner. With solid-propellant charges. Burn duration is in the
the aid of a hot-gas-regulating valve placed at the range of 2 to 10 s, depending on engine re-
turbine inlet, hydrogen-tapoff engine systems have quirements. Pyrotechnic igniters can be mounted to
been successfully throttled to thrust ratios of 10:1 or the thrust-chamber injector at the injector face (Fig.
better. 4-2), or through the injector from the manifold side.
Flame-spreading designs enhance heat distribution
4.7 IGNITION DEVICES and ensure early ignition of incoming propellants.
Injector-mounted igniters with radial flame output
Release of chemical energy stored in liquid pro- (Fig. 4-67) provide a sheet of flame immediately
pellants can be initiated by a number of methods; downstream of, and parallel to, the injector face.
and they have been used for both thrust chambers These designs were in common use in the 1950s. A
and gas generators. Selection of an ignition system more recent igniter design, for an u p p e r stage
depends on the nature and phase of the propellants LOX/H 2 engine, is axially mounted through the in-
(bipropellants or m o n o p r o p e l l a n t s ) , need for jector, with a flame tube and a deflector that splits
altitude start, need for restart, system safety, com- the flow and imparts a radial component to the
patibility of the ignition method with overall engine combustion products expelled from the igniter.
design, and weight and space considerations. Pyrotechnic igniters for gas-generator propellant
All ignition methods, particularly those for ignition have been mounted in gas-generator bosses
bipropellant systems, have one overriding re- as screw-in plugs (Fig. 4-68). The igniter propellant,
quirement in common: rapid reliable ignition of typically an end-burning charge, produces a flow of
incoming propellants before accumulation of re- hot gas and incandescent particles that are expelled
active material. Propellants entering the combustion into the c o m b u s t o r parallel to, and slightly
chamber not promptly ignited can cause explosive downstream of, the GG injector. Figure 4-68 shows a
mixtures to form and detonate. Assurance of pyrotechnic igniter used for GG ignition for a
satisfactory ignition depends on proper selection of 1,500,000-1b thrust LOX/RP-1 engine. The same
the ignition method, quality of design, and integrity design was used to ignite turbine exhaust gases where
of the ignition-system hardware. they enter the thrust-chamber assembly. It had the
following characteristics: no-fire voltage, 250 Vac;
Igniters firing voltage, 500 Vac, 60 Hz; pyrotechnic, perchlo-
r a t e / a l u m i n u m / b o r o n / e p o x y - r u b b e r ; flame tem-
Igniters are defined as devices, or assemblies, that perature, approximately 4000"F; output flow rate, 0.25
release heat and thereby initiate reaction of the main gm/s; and operating duration, 8 s.

I- /

Fig. 4-67 Radially o u t w a r d firing pyrotechnic
igniter for center of injector mounting.

Fig. 4-68 Gas generator igniter with built-in fusible rink.

Pyrotechnic igniters are initiated by electric recent engine systems, for reasons such as these:
squibs that light the igniter propellant. Early py-
rotechnic igniters fired directly from 28-Vdc power 1) Electro-explosive interfaces and electrical
sources, but more recent igniters are designed to fire components necessitate redundancy.
from 500-Vac power supplies. High-voltage designs 2) Many large injectors are compartmented,
provide good protection against inadvertent firing, requiring separate ignition source(s) for each
including accidental application of electric power compartment.
such as direct hookup to 220-Vac power. A number 3) Pyrotechnic devices are e n c u m b e r e d by
of electrical firing concepts represent options in stringent safety requirements that raise hard-
designing to required reliability and safety. ware costs.
Exploding-bridgewire or laser initiators provide very 4) Field checkout and installation of com-
safe pyrotechnic devices. Igniters can also be ponents are frequently required. Field sites
designed to ignite from other "hot" components, must provide facilities for receiving,
such as a solid-propellant gas generator used to start handling, and storing pyrotechnic devices.
the turbopumps. 5) The igniter must be installed for each engine
Fusible-link electrical circuits, designed to test and for launch.
provide an open circuit when the igniter is suc-
cessfully fired, are commonly incorporated in py- Technology is now available for design of py-
rotechnic igniters. The fuse element is buried in the rotechnic igniters with laser-pyrotechnic interfaces
propellant column (or otherwise configured) to replacing the electro-explosive interfaces. Elimina-
require propellant burning to interrupt the circuit, tion of the electro-explosive interfaces enables
"Opening" of the linking wire circuit verifies that the design of devices insensitive to radio-frequency-
igniter has received an adequate firing stimulus and induced power and electrostatic discharge. Com-
has responded correctly, bined with the use of through-bulkhead initiation,
Proper use of redundant igniters, with redundant laser firing can provide a very safe subsystem that
electrical firing systems and fusible-link ignition- will reliably contain high chamber pressures without
verification circuits, can give ignition reliability in need for high-temperature, high-pressure, glass-to-
excess of 0.9999. Pyrotechnic ignition systems were metal, or ceramic-to-metal seals.
successfully used in one or more locations in the
Atlas, Delta, F-l, H-l, J-2, Redstone, and Thor I-Iypergolic Igniters
propulsion systems.
Although pyrotechnic igniters provide excellent The term "hypergolic" denotes a bipropellant corn-
ignition sources, they have not been popular in bination that ignites spontaneously when the two

Triethylboron, another room-temperature-storable

liquid hypergolic with oxygen, produces a softer, less-
tenacious residue than triethylaluminum. However,
triethylboron has demonstrated long ignition delays
when injected into very cold oxygen. Mixtures of 10-
15% by weight of triethylaluminum in triethylboron
provide satis-factory ignition-delay characteristics
with liquid oxygen, while producing an acceptable
The quantity of hypergol required for start is
based on the feed-system design and the start se-
quence. Just a fraction of a cubic inch of hypergol
Fig. 4-69 Hypergol slug cartridge and housing. will cause ignition at each location. Typically,
however, a branched feed system will be employed;
and several cubic inches of fluid will be required to
ensure that hypergol precedes fuel in all igniter-
components meet. Such a system was used as an element feed passages. Hypergol volumes vary from
ignition source for the German A-4 engine (later 4 cu. in., used in small vernier engines, to 35 cu. in.,
called V-2 engine), which used hydrazine-hydrate used for a multicompartment injector in a 1,500,000-
( N 2 H 4 - H 2 0 ) and 80% hydrogen peroxide (H202). 1b-thrust LOX/RP-1 engine.
Thin tubes supported by a wooden stick were inserted Organometallic-hypergol slug injection--the
into the thrust chamber from below. Upon an standard technique for ignition of main propellants
"ignition" signal, a ground-mounted supply unit, in- in LOX/RP-1 engines--has been used in the Atlas,
cluding remotely operated valves, fed the two Delta, H-l, F-l, and Thor propulsion systems with an
components to the injection region, where they outstanding reliability record. The hypergol-slug
burned with a spontaneously igniting hot flame. This system has not found application for gas-generator
method may also have been used temporarily on ignition, because it generates solid particles and
other systems. However, its clumsiness, the frequent requires an oxidizer lead; these conditions are not
clogging of feed lines, -and the need to eject a compatible with most turbine-drive designs.
considerable amount of inert solid material made it Reactive-oxidizer hypergols, such as gaseous
undesirable. Also, adaptation to repeated starts fluorine and chlorine trifluoride, have proven useful
would be complex and would require vehicle for ignition in research and development com-
mounting, thus adding inert flight weight. bustors, but they have not been used in production
An improved technique for using the hypergolic systems because of the extreme reactivity and toxicity
effect for main propellant ignition employs a of the materials and the corrosive potential of the
hypergolic slug. In this design, a small amount of combustion products.
fluid, hypergolic with one of the main propellants, is Hypergol igniters embody reactive materials that
stored in a cylindrical cartridge that has burst are not delivered in the engine system. Organo-
diaphragms at both ends. The cartridge, in turn, is metallic liquids are pyrophoric as well as hypergolic
loaded into a housing forming part of a bypass line with oxygen. Most, if not all, hypergols are toxic.
paralleling a high-pressure main-propellant-feed line Field processing of hypergol-filled cartridges requires
(Fig. 4-69). A fluid chosen to be hypergolic with the controlled storage and very careful handling proce-
oxidizer but neutral to the fuel would be installed in dures. When selecting a slug-hypergol ignition
the fuel system, and vice versa. The former is the system, the designer must consider safety require-
more common; a fuel-bypass line feeds an injection ments and provide facilities and procedures for
element in the center of the injector, or a set of producing, testing, packaging, shipping, handling, and
elements distributed over the injector face, including installing the igniters.
at least one element in each compartment in Spark plugs. Spark plugs and their supporting
compartmented injector designs. When the pump electronics have been developed to high levels of
starts and outlet pressures rise, the oxidizer valve is reliability for liquid-propellant rocket engines. Spark-
opened. As pressures rise further, burst diaphragms ignition systems are well-suited for applications
in the hypergolic-fluid cartridge rupture and the fluid requiring repeat starts without servicing between
meets with oxidizer in the chamber, igniting sponta- starts. The plugs can be used in direct spark
neously. The fuel following the slug sustains the igni- applications or to ignite propellants in a precom-
tion flame. The main fuel valve is then opened and bustor or torch device. The latter concept has been
all parameters reach mainstage level. Since the preferred, to ensure propellant ignition at controlled,
igniter elements carry fuel fed from the main low-flowrate conditions, to allow starting the igniter
propellant source after ignition, they continue to before introduction of main propellants, and to
participate in the combustion, undistinguished from provide a controlled environment for the plug,
the remainder of the main injector. following ignition, to protect the plug tips. Direct-
Triethylaluminum, a room-temperature storable spark systems, in which sparkplugs directly ignite gas-
liquid, hypergolic with liquid oxygen, offers excellent generator (GG) or main-injector propellants, are not
ignition-delay characteristics. However, a major usable for all applications and require careful design
combustion product is aluminum oxide, a tenacious to ensure acceptable ignition without potentially
solid that can clog small feed passages and orifices. damaging pressure-spikes.

Three types of spark-ignition systems and three enclosed, pressurized, and sealed to enable operation
types of sparkplugs have been used for rocket-engine at near-vacuum condition.
ignition. High-tension and low-tension capacitive- A more recent ignition system, for a 470,000-1b-
discharge and inductive discharge ignition-exciters thrust LOX/H2 engine, features an integrated exciter
have been designed, fabricated, and tested. and plug assembly, eliminating the need for a high-
Sparkplugs have been designed with air, surface, and
voltage cable. This igniter assembly (Fig. 4-71) incor-
shunted-surface gaps. The most robust, flexible
porates an inductive exciter delivering approximately
electronic systems incorporate high-tension, capac-
10.5 millijoules per spark at the plug tip. The igniter
itive discharge exciters mated to recessed surface-gap
produces approximately 75 sparks per second. Dual,
plugs. A properly designed capacitor-discharge
redundant igniters serve each of three ignition
ignition system can deliver sparks into a chilled
functions, all spark-torch applications. Although the
combustor at chamber pressures in excess of 300
integral-plug exciter offers benefits in size and weight,
psia. Such a system, designed for a 200,000-1b-thrust shielding radio-frequency energy, and providing a
LOX/H2 engine, was used in a spark-torch igniter for
controlled environment for high-voltage electronics,
main propellant ignition and in a direct-spark the system has only limited spark energy and thus
application for gas-generator-propellant ignition. may not be suitable for systems requiring high power
The ignition exciter delivered 320 millijoules per sparks and high-pressure-quench resistance.
spark, with approximately 100 millijoules per spark at The designer should provide dual, redundant
the plug tip (Fig. 4-70). The exciter provided a maxi- plugs in all high-reliability spark applications to
mum ionization voltage greater than 27 kV and pro- preclude system failure resulting from failure of a
duced approximately 50 sparks per second. Oper- single electrical component in the ignition exciter,
ated from 28 Vdc, it was active for less than 10 s cable, or plug.
during the engine-start sequence. Ignition-exciter Spark-torch igniters. Limitations of direct-
and plug high-voltage electrical components were spark systems in providing a widespread ignition
source (spark plasma), in withstanding spark-
quenching GG pressure environments, and in sur-
viving main combustor operating conditions led to
development of spark-torch ignition systems, or
augmented-spark-ignition (ASI) systems, in which
small amounts of engine propellant are fed into an
igniter combustor and ignited by electric sparks. The
flame output is ducted to the required area and, in
turn, ignites main propellants. Torch igniters may
vary in size from about 1/4- to 1-in. diameter.
~. ff # The igniter is built into the injector or is as-
sembled onto the injector end of the thrust-chamber
(Note: at right, screw-in spark p l u g ;
assembly, as required, to provide an ignition source
at left, cable c o n n e c t o r ) at the desired place. Mounting of torch igniters on
Fig. 4-70 Spark igniter assembly.



.7' l j ..

CERAMIC TO METAL SEALS ~ ,.~i.~~ii~!i ...~

..... ,...
\ ........ELECTRONIC
SPARK PLUG ....... -,
•\ ..

• I

Fig. 4-71 Integral ignition exciter and spark plug assembly.


Spark and tested that use outlet flame tubes less than 0.5 in.
Igniter Oxidizer Inlet in diam and operate at flowrates of 0.05-0.15 lb/s.
t--- Fuel Inlet Combustion-wave igniters. Large segmented
engines and multicompartmented injectors with
numerous individual compartments may require
near-simultaneous ignition at many locations. Use of
a large number of single-point ignition sources
J becomes expensive and requires a substantial
amount of igniter hardware. A combustion-wave
igniter with branched outputs provides multipoint
ignition sources from a single precombustor.
This ignition concept (Fig. 4-73) uses a com-
Fuel bustion wave passing through unburned, manifolded,
Injector - Oxidizer premixed propellants to ignite bipropellant pilot
Injector elements at, or near, the injector face. An electric
spark initiates combustion in the premix chamber.
Combustion The resultant flame, or deflagration wave, propagates
Chamber in the direction of flow. It produces compression
and shock, and eventually a detonation wave
Fig. 4-72 Augmented spark igniter. develops in the unburned mixture that propagates
through the manifold to the pilot locations. Com-
the centerline of the injector, with output directed bustion-wave characteristics are dependent on the
down the center of the thrust chamber, has proven propellant combination, propellant mixture ratio,
satisfactory for several large LOX/H2 engines. premix temperature and pressure, and the manifold's
internal geometry. Branched manifolds direct the
Figure 4-72 shows the principle of an augmented-
combustion wave to the required pilot-ignition
spark-igniter design in an igniter featuring a like-on-
like oxidizer doublet impinging at the combustor
The ignition system consists of a precombustor
axis. Fuel is injected through multiple, tangentially-
with propellant-feed system, sparkplug electronics,
aligned orifices for igniter combustion and for
branched distribution manifold, pilot flow-injection
cooling the combustor wall. The swirling fuel also
elements, and related propellant-control valves.
imparts rotation to the exhaust, and the output is a
Pilot-flow elements are integrated into the main
swirling hot-core gas stream. Redundant sparkplugs
injector design at the required locations. Propellant
placed upstream of the fuel-injection orifices, in a
flow is established in the igniter precombustor and
propellant-recirculation zone, enable rapid ignition
manifold. At about the time the igniter "primes" with
and ensure a survivable environment for the plug
gaseous propellants, pilot flow is established at the
tips. The combustion chamber may include a
main injector pilots. The spark system is initiated
convergent, throatless nozzle or a straight, cylindrical
and the igniter oxidizer valve is sequenced closed.
output tube, depending on design constraints for the
Combustion is established in the precombustor and
injector packaging and on the dispersion angle
desired for the exhaust stream. High-thermal-con-
ductivity materials, such as copper alloys, are CW = Combustion Wave
typically used in fabrication of the igniter injector. F = Pilot Flow, Fuel
The nozzle-tube assembly is manufactured from
0 = Pilot Flow, Oxidizer
stainless steel or comparable low-thermal-con-
ductivity material. The igniter (Fig. 4-72), originally Oxidizer Valve Fuel Valve
designed to operate with LOX and RP-1, has also seen
extensive service with LOX/H2 propellants.
The torch igniter can deliver a very large number
of starts, including ignition at high altitude. It can
operate over wide ranges of propellant-inlet con- Spark Plug (2)
ditions, mixture ratios, and flowrates. Following
ignition of igniter propellants, the spark system is M ix er- P reco mb u s t or
turned off and the torch continues to operate during
the start transients and throughout mainstage. This Combustion Wave ~
ensures an ignition source when required, minimizes Manifold
the igniter's valve-sequence requirements, and
prevents main-chamber propellants and combustion
products from backing into the igniter nozzle and
igniter-feed system. Igniter propellant flowrates of
about 0.1- 0.3% of the main propellant flow have
proven sufficient for large LOX/H2 engines.
&Vo x:I/o
Injector Face
Spark-torch igniters can also be designed in
miniature configurations for small engines. Small,
hot-core, spark-torch igniters have been designed Fig. 4-73 Combustion wave ignition system.

Sonic Orifice

Resonator Cavity

Hydrc Oxygen

Oxidizer Valve

Torch Outlet
Fig. 4-74 Resonance igniter.

propagates t h r o u g h o u t the distribution network, c h a m b e r a n d is e x h a u s t e d from the igniter.

igniting the pilots. The pilot flames ignite the main Temperatures of 2000°F have been generated within
propellants, s e q u e n c e d into the chamber by the 60 ms with gaseous hydrogen. After the fuel in the
main propellant valves, cavity has reached a sufficient temperature, oxidizer
This system functions well with gaseous oxygen is introduced at the "hot" zone to effect ignition. The
and gaseous hydrogen, but it is also usable with other concept can be used with propellants other than
gaseous propellants. Minimum diameter of the h y d r o g e n / o x y g e n , and with premixed propellant
internal manifold passages can be as small as combinations. Several variations of the resonance-
0.010 in. for h y d r o g e n / o x y g e n at ideal conditions, cavity design have been tested, including "flow-
Passage lengths are theoretically unlimited. Propa- through" designs, which heat gas for subsequent
gation has been experimentally demonstrated in injection into a combustible mixture or for injection
coiled tubing to lengths of about 600 ft. with a second propellant to create a combustible
The primary disadvantage of this concept is the mixture.
amount of hardware required: a spark ignition system, Special designs. To minimize the need for
p r e c o m b u s t o r , c o m b u s t i o n - w a v e manifold, pilot engine electrical inputs and to simplify engine
elements, and significant propellant-feed hardware, sequencing, liquid-propellant gas generators have
including sequence-control valves. Pilot elements at been designed to ignite directly from solid-pro-
the main injector must be properly designed and pellant-gas-generator (SPGG) combustion products.
operated to ensure ignition by the combustion-wave In a variation of this concept, a gas generator was
pulse and to "flame-hold," ensuring the presence of designed incorporating dual pyrotechnic igniters that
an ignition source when the main valves are opened, ignited from SPGG combustion products and, in turn,
Resonance igniters. Resonance igniters use a ignited liquid propellants entering the gas generator.
flow of pressurized gaseous propellant to create The pyrotechnic igniters could not be electrically ini-
resonance heating that will start the igniter pro- tiated, but contained fusible-link circuits to monitor
pellants. Igniter exhaust, with or without oxidizer igniter ignition. The igniter-link circuits could
augmentation, is directed to the injector face, where rapidly detect inadvertent SPGG ignition and initiate
it is used to ignite the main propellants as they enter a chain of events leading to safe engine shutdown.
the combustor. Catalysts. In a general sense, catalysts are not
The igniter consists of the basic elements shown igniters but initiators and sustainers of reactions, and
in Fig. 4-74. It does not require external electrical remain unchanged during these reactions. In rocket-
power or catalysts. Gas introduced from an elevated ry, catalysts have been used predominantly to initiate
pressure source upstream of the sonic nozzle expands and sustain the decomposition of monopropellants
into the mixing chamber and is directed into the ("monergols"), notably, hydrogen peroxide. Several
resonator cavity, where it is cyclically compressed operational or near-operational systems existed
and expanded. This raises the temperature of the gas during World War II, such as the earlier Messer-
at the closed end of the cavity. An additional schmitt Me-163, which used hydrogen peroxide with
a m o u n t of gas spills directly into the mixing potassium permanganate solution as the catalyst,

and the turbine steam-generating system of the V-2 igniters suitable for production-engine applications
ballistic missile, which employed 80% hydrogen have not yet been developed.
peroxide with either potassium permanganate or
sodium permanganate as catalysts. Ignition Detection
Because they need relatively elaborate timing,
valving, and interlocking devices, liquid catalysts were The potentially catastrophic consequences of ig-
soon found to be cumbersome and undesirable. nition failure have prompted extensive investigations
Development of solid catalysts was undertaken. They of means to detect reliably the presence or absence
have been used in the Redstone rocket steam-plant of ignition in liquid-propellant rocket engines.
and in the AR airplane super-performance rockets, Ignition is a discrete event. The only verification
which decompose hydrogen peroxide fed through a required is that safe, damage-free ignition has been
solid catalyst bed consisting of impregnated wire achieved. Ideally, the ignition-detection system
screens. Since the specific impulse of decomposed should be capable of instantaneous, 100%-reliable
hydrogen peroxide alone is low (below 200 s, ignition detection--detection so rapid that, proper
depending on concentration and design parameters), ignition not achieved, the engine can be shut down
RP-1 fuel is injected below the decomposition safely. With such a system, the start sequence can
chamber. Because of the high temperature of the proceed only after receipt of an "ignition OK" signal.
decomposition gases (1400°F), the RP-1 ignites and In practice, however, ignition reliability typically
burns spontaneously with the free oxygen of the de- exceeds the reliability of the ignition-detection
composed H202 (Fig. 4-75). In this manner, the solid system. The resultant decrease in reliability caused
catalyst indirectly serves as an ignition system. While by combining a high-reliability ignition system with a
the specific impulse with an RP-1 afterburner is still less-reliable detection system is only acceptable for
moderate (approximately 245 s for the AR), such a high-reliability, "ground-level" ignitions, in which an
system offers versatility, storability, and simplicity, erroneous engine shutdown can be tolerated. Such
including the capability of throttling to low levels systems have proven valuable for development and
and restartability. acceptance testing.
More recently, it has been successfully demon- Ignition-detection systems are not tied into
strated that catalytic ignition offers an alternative to engine-start logic for upper-stage or space-based
augmented spark ignition for hydrogen/oxygen applications, where an erroneous engine shutdown
systems. The concept is basically simple, requiring would cause loss of mission. When ignition-detection
only the feeding of a mixture of gaseous hydrogen systems cannot be included in operational engine
and oxygen through a properly designed catalyst- sequencing, they can be used in preflight ground-test
bed. Catalysts for hydrogen-oxygen mixtures include safety systems, and the "ignition OK" signal can be
iridium, palladium, and platinum. Component ig- monitored during flight to further build a reliability
niters have been designed and tested, and catalytic database.
igniters have been used to start large thrust cham- In one form or another, the engine designer must
bers. However, highly reliable and durable catalytic provide means for ignition detection. A survey
follows of several which have found operational
Fuel Pump Turbine
V i s u a l d e t e c t i o n . For the V-2 and the early U.
Oxidizer Pump S. Redstone missiles, visual observation by the test
(H202) conductor was the ignition detector. Man was the
Gas Generator interlocking device and would initiate the next
(Solid Catalyst) sequence step only if, in his judgment, ignition was
Generator adequate. This simple procedure was satisfactory
Valve because these early systems employed a prestage,
during which the main propellants were admitted at
Thrust Main low tank-head pressures. The resulting relatively-low
Control Oxidizer
Valve Valve flowrates were then increased by starting the
turbopump after receipt of a "Prestage OK" signal.
With the increasing size of modern rocket en-
gines, visual observation became unreliable. The
type of installation of these systems in static-firing
stands and on launch pads made direct observation
Main ~ Fuel difficult. Furthermore, improved igniters, developed
Valve ~ Injector to keep the ignition flame concentrated where it
should be, i.e., at the injector face, resulted in little or
no visible fire emerging at the chamber exit. With
Screen Pack '
Thrust Chamber the disappearance of the prestage step, the visual
(Solid Catalyst) problem increased, because the large amount of
oxidizer present in full-flow ignitions shrouds the
Fig. 4-75 Schematic of a Rocketdyne AR-I ignition flame. Means had to be found to detect
superperformance rocket engine. ignition by other methods.

O p t i c a l detection. G r o u n d - m o u n t e d optical Indirect methods. In conjunction with hy-

devices can be moved close to the chamber exit. A pergolic-slug ignition, other approaches to ignition
number of types have been investigated, such as sensing have been developed. In one design, an
simple light- or infrared-sensitive cells. They were electric contact ensures that a cartridge is actually
found to be subject, however, to the limitations installed. This does not ensure, however, that the
mentioned for human observers. It is possible to cartridge is loaded or completely loaded, or that the
mount the optical devices in the chamber wall facing downstream lines are not clogged, or that the
toward the inside near the injector face; but the diaphragms will burst. Weighing the cartridge and
devices then become vehicle-mounted and require purging all lines must be included in the firing
interfaces to g r o u n d - s u p p o r t equipment. Also, preparation.
"windows" in the chamber wall represent undesirable In another arrangement, a switch senses pressure
discontinuities that impact heat-transfer continuity buildup in the igniter injection line upon rupture of
and pressure-seal integrity. the burst diaphragms of the hypergolic-fluid car-
Pyrometers. Heat-sensitive pyrometers are tridge. The switch signal then initiates the next
closely related to the optical devices and are subject sequential step. A modification of the system
to the same limitations. substitutes a pressure-actuated valve for the switch
Fusible-wire links. For many applications, with similar effects. This method does not ensure,
fusible-wire links prove simple and reliable devices. however, that the cartridge is properly filled with the
A wire is strung across the chamber exit, which, when right amount of the correct fluid.
fused by the ignition flame, interrupts a circuit and Spark igniters are monitored to verify that the
signals "Ignition OK." Proper selection of wire gage, plugs are sparking, based on electrical-circuit per-
material, and distance from the chamber exit and/or formance in the ignition exciter. Ignition-monitor
center, will give some quantitative judgment. The circuits are commonly designed to verify spark rate
wire can be ground-mounted or chamber-mounted. at the exciter and to indicate the amount of energy
It must be isolated and should have spring loading, being delivered by the exciter. Operation of the plug
like fuses, to ensure positive separation. is dependent on electrode design, electronic-circuit
Wire links have a number of shortcomings. The design, and gas composition, temperature, and
fused-wire ends may touch other metal parts and thus pressure at the tip. High chamber pressure will
reconnect the circuit before the relay drops out. q u e n c h the sparks by preventing arcing at the
Suitable circuitry and mounting must therefore be sparkplug tip. With a properly designed monitor
applied. If a pyrotechnic igniter is used, the wire can circuit, the health of the electronic subsystem can be
be broken by inert particles or even by a dud igniter checked before engine start, and the spark system can
coming out of the chamber, giving an incorrect be monitored during start to verify spark quench
"ignition OK" signal. This has been overcome by within a predetermined chamber-pressure range.
providing redundancy, with several wires in parallel, A technique that has proven useful for ignition
all of which must be broken before the sequence can detection monitors the chamber pressure-to-flowrate
proceed. In another design, the wire is mounted as a ratio to determine when ignition occurs. Obviously,
loop in a groove on a w o o d e n or plastic stick. It is this technique is of use only in systems in which
thus s u p p o r t e d against all reasonably expected flowrates and pressures can be accurately measured
mechanical damage and a d e q u a t e insulation is during start. The method has been successfully
maintained after fusion. incorporated during static testing and has proved
P r e s s u r e - s e n s i n g d e v i c e s . Because of the generally useful when the necessary parameters are
need to mount the fusible wires at the exit of the monitored.
thrust chamber, they are subject to some of the The m e t h o d s in the above list, which un-
limitations noted for visual and optical methods. It doubtedly is not complete, are described as indirect
has, therefore, been attempted to sense the pressure because none of them directly and reliably detects
rise in the combustion chamber resulting from the ignition, i.e., the release of adequate heat. This is a
burning igniter flame. Since the pressure rise is small drawback and cannot entirely be offset by weighing,
(a few psi at best), however, reliable discrimination is certifying, and inspecting.
difficult. Further, the transducers must be able to
w i t h s t a n d the much h i g h e r pressures during
subsequent mainstage. Pressure-sensing devices,
however, do have potential for multistart engines.
"Combustion instability" is defined in terms of the
R e s i s t a n c e w i r e s . Another method designed nature of pressure fluctuations in the combustion
to overcome the shortcomings of fusible-wire links chamber. Chamber-pressure fluctuations are always
applies resistance wires. Constructed like a glow plug present during normal, stable operation of a rocket-
and connected to a bridge circuit, the resistance wire engine system. They are usually quite random,
signals by a distinct c h a n g e in resistance the showing f r e q u e n c y spectra that are essentially
presence or absence of ignition. The art is to find continuous in nature, with few, if any, recognizable
the spot in the thrust chamber or gas generator that peaks. In unstable combustion, however, large
experiences a clear temperature rise as a function of concentrations of vibratory energy appear at one or
ignition, yet remains cool enough to prevent fusion more frequencies in the spectrum and can easily be
of the wire. Resistance-wire sensors are ideally suited r e c o g n i z e d against the normal r a n d o m - n o i s e
for repeatable-start engines. background.

Stable operation is a design prerequisite for chamber acoustic conditions are not well defined. It
rocket-engine combustors because high-frequency is possible that some occurrences of buzz may
combustion instabilities carry the potential for se- actually be high-frequency instabilities at off-design
rious damage and catastrophic engine failure. Low- operating conditions.
frequency instabilities can interfere with vehicle For simplicity, this section will focus on low- and
operation or damage instrumentation. In a few high-frequency instabilities, describing the influential
instances, vehicles have been lost due to combustion d e s i g n p a r a m e t e r s and typical d e s i g n and
instability during flight. In most cases, combustion- developmental test approaches used to gain stability.
stability issues will be resolved during engine devel- For a more detailed description of instability
opment, although considerable resources may be characteristics and analysis procedures, consult
required. Experience has shown that no engine type N A S A SP-194, "Liquid Propellant Rocket Combustion
or propellant c o m b i n a t i o n can be c o n s i d e r e d Instability."
inherently stable. Acoustic-mode instabilities can be divided into
Stability can be affected by the configuration of two categories: the "intrinsic acoustic mode," in
the engine-feed systems, injector, and thrust which the propellant-injection flow oscillations are
chamber as well as by operating conditions. Hence, negligibly small, and the "injection-coupled acoustic
it is important to address the issue of combustion mode," in which the propellant-injection flow
stability, as well as engine performance, during the oscillations play an essential role. That is, intrinsic
early stages of engine design, before any required acoustic stability is determined by coupling between
modifications become difficult to implement. For the propellant burning process and the chamber
example, combustion stability may be improved by acoustics, while injection-coupled acoustic stability is
the addition of damping devices such as baffles or determined by coupling between the propellant-
cavities, but they must be integrated with the injector injection process and the chamber acoustics. The
and the propellant manifolds. Modification of the frequency of acoustic oscillations in a combustion
injector pattern may enhance stability but may also chamber is a function of the gas sound speed and the
affect combustion performance and combustor heat- chamber geometry. Because of great differences in
loads, combustor geometry it is not appropriate to identify
To verify the stability margin of a given corn- the mode of an instability solely on the basis of the
bustor design, a stability-rating test program should frequency of the oscillation.
be conducted. Occurrences of combustion instability High-frequency instabilities cause acoustic modes
can be detected during engine operation by use of that closely match those of a closed cylindrical
high-frequency pressure transducers and accelerom- volume. For proper remedial action, it will often be
eters. The level of disturbance significant enough to important to know which mode the oscillation is
be considered a combustion instability is not well exhibiting. The modes can exist either as standing
defined. CPIA Publication 247, "Guidelines for waves or traveling waves. The characteristic
Combustion Stability Specifications and Verification frequencies of standing waves in a cylinder can be
Procedures for Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines," determined from classical a c o u s t i c theory.
suggests that sustained oscillations with peak-to-peak Tangential, radial, and longitudinal oscillations can
amplitudes greater than 10% of the steady-state exist in a combustor as pure or combined modes.
chamber pressure are generally considered as The chamber acoustic frequencies, fijk, corresponding
constituting combustion instability. However, that to these modes, can be a p p r o x i m a t e d by the
same document also indicates that oscillations of 3- following equation:
5% of chamber pressure may be unacceptable in
specific engine systems. Stability-level criteria for
accelerometers d e p e n d on transducer installation f,jk = Ac[(aij/dc) 2 + (k/2Lc)Z]°5 (4-49)
and the structural dynamics of the combustor and
where i, j, and k are the tangential, radial, and
facility. Within milliseconds combustion-instability longitudinal mode numbers; aij is the i-j mode
oscillations usually grow to substantial fractions or
eigenvalue; Lc is the chamber length; Ac is the cham-
even multiples of the steady-state chamber pressure.
ber acoustic velocity; and dc is the chamber diam-
When this occurs, the engine must be cut off prompt-
ly to minimize damage to combustor hardware. eter. The chamber, injector, and nozzle convergence
p r o m o t e "closed-closed o r g a n pipe" type of
longitudinal modes. The effective length for
Types of Instability longitudinal modes is somewhat less than the actual
chamber length because of the gradual contraction
Most instability oscillations can be classified as being in the chamber diameter near the nozzle-throat inlet.
of one of two fundamental types: acoustic-high- Figure 4-76 illustrates several chamber acoustic
frequency or low-frequency. Sometimes, interme- modes.
diate-frequency, low-amplitude instabilities are Typically, the acoustic velocity predicted by
distinguished as a third type, to which the term "buzz" equilibrium chemistry for conditions of complete
has been applied. Buzz instabilities are feed-system combustion is used to calculate theoretical fre-
coupled and are characterized by wave motion in the quencies. However, many situations can induce
chamber at a frequency below that expected for an acoustic velocities (and hence transverse-mode
acoustic chamber mode. Such activity has been de- frequencies) that are significantly different from
tected during transients, such as engine start, when those indicated by equilibrium results. Standing

I..c = Combustion chamber length
(injector face to throat) ]
dc = Combustion chamber diameter |
•u f = Normal acoustic frequency
Ac = Velocity of sound in chamber J


First First First

Longitudinal .Tangential Radial
Mode Mode Mode
f = A_._~.c f = 0.59Ac. f = 1.2,?. Ac
2Lc dc dc Fig. 4-76 T h r e e m o d e s o f instability.

waves give rise to characteristic chamber-wall ~Fhere are two general methods by which
pressure distributions that can be used to identify the combustion instability may be avoided: alter the
mode even when the observed frequency does not basic design of the c o m b u s t o r to eliminate any
correspond to an expected value. For example, the coupling mechanisms that might cause an instability,
first tangential mode produces two circumferential and install damping devices in the combustion
locations of maximum fluctuating pressure amplitude chamber to inhibit unstable combustion.
and two locations at which the pressure does not
vary. High-frequency pressure instrumentation is Intrinsic A c o u s t i c I n s t a b i l i t i e s
usually installed at various circumferential locations
to take advantage of this fact. The combustion process is controlled by liquid-
Transverse instabilities may also take the form of propellant atomization, vaporization, mixing, and
traveling or "spinning" waves. A spinning wave chemical kinetics. The combination of these pro-
travels around the circumference of the chamber, cesses defines the rate-controlling mechanism of an
Careful p l a c e m e n t of multiple h i g h - f r e q u e n c y intrinsic instability. In rate control, one of the
pressure transducers can detect and help identify this processes may require a significantly longer time to
complete relative to the others. The Rayleigh
Generally, tangential modes have been found to criterion states that if energy is added to an oscil-
be the most severe with respect to damage potential, lation during the high-pressure phase of the cycle,
Quite often, the first tangential mode of a combustor the wave will be reinforced and grow. Therefore, the
is the critical one to be stabilized. Severe damage burning rate controls the phasing between the mass
and catastrophic failure have been observed in tens production of product gas and the low-amplitude
to hundreds of milliseconds of a tangential-mode white noise that always exists in a combustor. Just the
instability. Tangential m o d e s tend to exhibit right phasing may cause an instability.
maximum pressure fluctuations in the region of the Although the m e c h a n i s m s involved in the
injector face. Often, when fully developed, these combustion process are well defined, the physical
modes exhibit steep-fronted waves with peak-to-peak processes are complex. The problem is further
amplitudes equivalent to a large fraction of the complicated when wave-induced mixing and droplet
chamber pressure. Longitudinal waves are charac- deformation and drag are included. There are,
teristically much less damaging. Test combustors however, trends associated with combustor design
are usually equipped with "rough-combustion cutoff and operating conditions that should be considered
devices" that sense the amplitude and duration of the during the design process. First is the injector type,
oscillations and cut the test promptly when preset which is usually a concentric tube (coax) or an
criteria are exceeded, impinging element. The combustion process of the
As indicated earlier, liquid-propellant-engine coax e l e m e n t tends to be distributed more
combustion instability can also occur in nonacoustic throughout the chamber relative to most impinging
(low-frequency) modes. These modes exhibit injectors. Such distributed energy release has a
uniform c h a m b e r - p r e s s u r e oscillations, without stabilizing effect. Intrinsic stability is also affected by
acoustic-wave effects, and are usually referred to as the mass-flux distribution, which is a function of the
"chugging" modes. C h u g g i n g instability is injection pattern.
characterized by coupling between the propellant- The atomization process strongly depends on
feed system and injection flow oscillations and the injection-element design in both coax and impinging
lumped chamber-pressure oscillations, injectors. The atomization process of a coax element

Propellants LO2/GCH 4. Chamber Pressure = 2000 psi

w Pressure

........................ i .............. ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ............................... 7 : ............. , " : : ......................................... ; ................... Injection
..................... ~.............. ~......................................... i ........................... " ........................ i ...................... . . . . . . . . . . •. . , ............. Pressure
Radial Accel.

"717Z1717 .........../7: ..........7 .......7 : ......

i...... i........ i..... 1777/iiiii.iii "ii
- r T . - - ,,- - .
. . . .
r::~." ~ ' 7 " , - " -
. .
=it.;_%./ .... v- - - . . ~ r- . . . . "-'-'.T."- " Fuel

.............. i .... -........ ii.' . iil ........................................ i..i ..... i


................... "........................._Tgst 0 2 8
I ............................... ..................................................................................................... ~ ~ ~+, " ' Axial
........................ I .............. j ............................................... i .................................... :: .................................. i ................... Accel.
........... L-: ............ i ................................................. i ................. ~ = = - . . . . - --i ................. i .......... ~.' Oxidizer
..... , . . . . . . . . j .... . . , . ~, , . . . . . ., 0 . , . . u . . . .
I|i;I fr i! . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . 41 h'l,ql ii , ..... a, ,, Ii JI . ,,;;, ,l Time Code


Fig. 4-77 I n j e c t i o n - c o u p l e d acoustic instability.

Fig. 4-78 Typical c h u g instability.

is enhanced as the velocity difference between the

gaseous fuel and liquid oxidizer jet is increased, but accelerometers respond to the instability, but close
some data suggest that the degree of atomization may examination is required to determine the frequency
degrade if the velocity difference becomes very large, content. Typically, the accelerometers are used as
The atomization process of an impinging element rough combustion transducers. The final parameter
strongly depends on the liquid-stream diameters, the shown in Fig. 4-77 is the oxidizer-manifold pressure,
kinetic energy of the propellant streams, and the im- which also responds to the unstable combustion.
pingement angle. Consequently, orifice size and
injection velocity can greatly affect the atomization
rate. Liquid-propellant vaporization rates are strong L o w - F r e q u e n c y Instabilities
functions of chamber pressure, increasing with
increasing chamber pressure. Interelement mixing Chugging has often been associated with the quality
is more significant with a like-impinging element and p r o m p t n e s s of ignition of the entering
than with a coax element, propellants. Ignition processes include "flame-
As the overall burning rate increases, a decrease holding characteristics," "combustion lag-times," and
typically will be seen in the stability margin of a "flame-propagation velocity." These processes are
combustor. Unstable c o m b u s t i o n is usually related to an excessive accumulation of unburned
associated with high performance, but this is not fuel, with subsequent detonation or cyclic higher-rate
universally true. Combustion. The resulting chamber-pressure spikes
cause a reduction, or even reversal, of the propellant
Injection-Coupled Acoustic I n s t a b i l i t y flows and a consequent rapid collapse of chamber
pressure, allowing propellants to rush in and repeat
Injection-coupled acoustic instability is typically the cycle. The physical d i m e n s i o n s of the
characteristic of a coax element for acoustic modes, combustion chamber and propellant ducts and the
Both impinging and coaxial injectors may exhibit magnitude of the propellant flowrates and their
low-frequency (nonacoustic), injection-coupled mixture ratio play critical roles in the phenomena of
instabilities. The rate-controlling processes of an low-frequency system oscillations.
injection-coupled instability are the pressure and Pressure and acceleration levels of a typical chug
flow oscillations in the feed system due to hydraulic are displayed in Fig. 4-78. Note that the chamber and
resonance. The center tube of a coax element is feed-system pressure oscillations are at the same
prone to organ-pipe resonance. If the resonant frequency and show a constant phase difference that
frequency of the element coincides with an is indicative of the combustion lag-time.
acoustical-chamber mode, an instability may occur. Chugging occurs most frequently during start or
The combustion process is important in this case, s h u t d o w n of an engine system or at off-rated
since coupling must occur, but the dominant rate- operating conditions. Also, thrust levels too high or
controlling process is the feed-system oscillation. (particularly) too low may lead to chugging. The
This instability can be minimized by designing the latter is important in systems requiring throttling to
injector so that feed-system flow resonances do not a lower-than-rated thrust level during flight; for them
coincide with chamber resonant modes. If this chugging may occur when the resistances drop
cannot be accomplished, the feed-system gain should b e t w e e n the p r o p e l l a n t manifolds and the
be reduced by increasing the feed-system pressure combustion chamber. If sustained, chugging can
drop. cause performance losses attributable to widely
Pressures and acceleration levels of an acoustic fluctuating mixture ratios. Another p h e n o m e n o n
instability attributed to injection coupling are shown involves the transition of a chug instability to an
in Fig. 4-77 for a c o a x - e l e m e n t injector with acoustic mode. Although a chug instability may
LO2/GCH4 propellants at 2000-psi chamber pressure, damp with increasing chamber pressure, it still may
As shown in the figure, the instability produces a excite an acoustic instability. Short pressure-ramp
complex waveform, with the dominant mode being times during engine operation may eliminate this
the first tangential. Also as shown in the figure , the problem.

Prevention of Triggering Mechanisms propellant to travel from the injector fac~ to the
point of impingement is close to the half-period (or
The best m e t h o d of controlling instability is to an odd multiple of the h a l f - p e r i o d ) of the
prevent the occurrence of the physical or chemical longitudinal-mode oscillations. Also, liquid-liquid
processes which trigger and sustain the instability, injectors show strong indications that increasing the
While a great number of studies have been carried injection pressure drop to too great a value may
out in which different parameters w e r e varied cause unstable combustion in the transverse acoustic
systematically, the results have failed to yield truly modes. Injection pressure drop has opposite effects
generalized design criteria. This can be traced to the on longitudinal feed-system-coupled acoustic modes
fact that the basic processes that trigger and sustain and on hydrodynamic instabilities, for which stability
the various types of instability are complex and improves as injection pressure drop increases. Other
highly coupled. Thus, although a design parameter injector design parameters that may affect stability
or criterion which controls one type of instability include propellant injection velocities, flow areas,
may have been established, this same parameter may and mass distribution across the injector face.
enhance another type of instability.
Propellant Combination and Mixture Ratio
Propellant-Feed-System Design
Control tests with various propellants have shown
As indicated in the foregoing discussion, certain that some oxidizers or fuels can be triggered into
combustion instabilities are sustained through an instability more easily at certain mixture ratios. In
interaction b e t w e e n feed-system and combustion LO2/LH 2 systems, reducing the hydrogen temperature
dynamics. Since hydraulic resonances are a major tends to trigger instability.
factor in sustaining this type of instability, it is
necessary to design a feed system with hydraulic Engine-System Operating Characteristics
characteristics that will not trigger the interaction
with the combustion process. In particular, for In some cases, combustion instability can be avoided
coaxial injectors, the center tube must be designed so by modification of engine-system operating char-
that its longitudinal modes do not coincide with acteristics. For instance, an excessively long cham-
chamber acoustic modes. The feed-system hydraulic ber-pressure buildup during engine start may give a
resonances must be d e t e r m i n e d and must not chugging instability time to develop. A start
coincide with chamber resonances. For acoustic and sequence with a faster chamber-pressure buildup may
low-frequency (chug) stability, the stability margin eliminate this instability.
increases with increasing injection pressure drop.
Also, for low-frequency stability, reduced manifold Application of Damping Devices
volume tends to improve stability.
Special d a m p i n g devices can e n h a n c e stability
Combustion-Chamber Design margin in the combustion c h a m b e r and engine
system. Baffles, divergent wall-gap, and acoustic
Analytical studies and experimental results have cavities have been applied with good results.
indicated that the geometrical configuration of the
combustion chamber governs the frequencies of Injector Baffles
acoustic modes of instability. Chambers with large
length-to-diameter ratios appear to be more prone to Injector baffles have been found to be effective in
large-amplitude longitudinal instability than shorter- suppressing transverse acoustic modes of combustion
length chambers. On the other hand, chambers with instability. This effectiveness has been demonstrated
small length-to-diameter ratios appear to be more with various propellant combinations in full-scale
sensitive to the transverse modes, relative to the thrust chambers and small-scale models. Such
longitudinal modes of the combustor. Also, with a baffles are usually designed to be secured to the
given i n j e c t o r - e l e m e n t pattern, s m a l l - d i a m e t e r injector face (Fig. 4-51). The major components of
chambers are more stable than large-diameter the baffles are the radial blades and the hub. The
chambers. Damping devices will be required if the radial blades begin near the center of the injector
inherent damping of the chamber can not overcome and extend radially outward. The baffle hub is the
the associated gain of the combustion process,.

Injector Design Injector Face

Injector design is a most critical factor governing

the mechanisms associated with instability. In turn, it
offers great potential for controlling instability-
triggering processes through variation of parameters.
Several injector design parameters can be associated
with the combustion rate and, consequently, the Conloured Wall
stability characteristics of the combustor. For Gap Filler Block
example, there is some indication that longitudinal Fig. 4-79 Combustion chamber divergent w a l l
instability m a y be p r o m o t e d if the times for gap.

constant-radius portion of the baffle. As shown in stable combustor. In other cases, combustion
Fig. 4-51, the radial blades may extend outward from stability may prove sensitive to the injector operating
the baffle hub. A simple rule may be applied to conditions, and so the combustor will be operated
determine the number of baffles needed to inhibit over a wide range of conditions to determine its
transverse-wave motion. This rule states that (2n + spontaneous stability characteristics.
1) blades are required to inhibit the nth tangential "Dynamic stability rating" is defined in NASA
mode. For a radial mode, n hubs are required to publication SP-194 as a methodology aimed at de-
inhibit the nth radial mode. No longitudinal-mode termining the response of a combustor to a transient
stability enhancement can be gained by use of in system operation. Dynamic stability is demon-
baffles. Adequate cooling should be provided to strated when the c o m b u s t o r returns to stable,
keep the baffles from burnout. The height of the nonoscillatory combustion after such a transient. A
baffles is related to the distance of the flame front transient may consist of some artificial variation in
from the injector face and to the chamber diameter. the propellant flows or a pulse directly applied to the
combustion process.
Chamber Divergent Wall Gap
Feed-System Disturbances
It has been found experimentally that, for liquid- Two methods have been used to produce a transient
liquid injectors, a blank annular portion of the in- in one or both propellant flows: continuous-
jection area adjacent to the combustion-chamber oscillation generators and single-pulse devices:
wall (Fig. 4-79) improves the ability of the com- Continuous-oscillation generators. This cat-
bustion chamber to recover from triggered insta- egory includes piston-type pulsers and sirens that
bilities. It was further determined that, in many cases,
produce continuous, relatively-low-amplitude pres-
filling this wall gap with a contoured filler block sure perturbations. Generally, this method has been
drastically improved stability. The exact shape of the applied to evaluate low-frequency-stability charac-
contour is critical. Experimental evaluations are re- teristics of engine systems.
quired to determine the most effective design Single-pulse devices. The single-pulse device
configuration. generates high-amplitude pulses in the feed system,
typically by a gas- or explosive-driven single-pulse
Acoustic Cavities and Liners piston. Like the continuous oscillation technique, the
single-pulse device has been applied to evaluate low-
Another device effective in eliminating organized frequency feed-system-coupled stability charac-
combustion noise has been the acoustic cavity. teristics.
Arrays of Helmholtz resonators (a particular type of Combustion-Chamber Disturbances
acoustic cavity) were first incorporated into air-
breathing combustors, such as turbojet engines, to The principal methods used directly to perturb the
eliminate combustion and turbomachinery noise. combustion process are directed explosive pulses,
These arrays, also known as acoustic liners, extend nondirected explosive pulses (also known as stability-
axially from the injector around the radial periphery rating "bombs"), and directed nonexplosive gas-flows
of the combustor. Because of high heat-transfer (Fig. 4-81). The first two approaches have seen the
rates, single-cavity rings tuned to specific chamber widest application.
modes have seen wider use. Unlike baffles, acoustic
cavities are not necessarily mode-dependent devices,
but can be tuned to specific frequencies. The cavities
typically have a radial or axial orientation (Fig. 4-
80). The required resonant frequency and the sound
speed in the cavity dictate its physical dimensions. Injector
The local sound speed in the cavity, however, is diffi-
cult to predict and usually requires experimental fine-
tuning. Quite often, cavity tuning includes more
than one frequency. If the combustion process has a AxialCavit"y ~ -~ RadiaCavi
l ty
wide bandwidth, several acoustic modes may be
eliminated with a multiple-tuned cavity configuration. Fig. 4-80 Radial and axial acoustic cavities in
One drawback of using acoustic cavities is that they combustion chamber.
may be too large physically for some combustors. In
this case, a combination of acoustic cavities and Burst Control
baffles may be required to obtain stable combustion. Diaphragm Explosive Valve
f.~Charge ( ~ "91---
Stability Rating ~ ~ Gas
Explosive Supply
It is desirable to establish the combustion-stability a)Directed b) Nondirected c) Directed
characteristics of a particular engine system or ExplosivePulse Explosive Nonexplosive
combustor without an excessive number of tests. In Pulse GasFlow
most cases, it is possible to accomplish this by Fig. 4-81 Combustion chamber perturbation
perturbing and observing the response of a normally methods.

Criteria have been proposed for the range of tude d i s t u r b a n c e s or exhibits a t e n d e n c y to

pulse overpressures required to demonstrate com- spontaneous instability. In such cases, a test program
bustion-stability characteristics. CPIA Publication can be d e v e l o p e d to demonstrate the statistical
247 recommends stability rating with pulses of 10- (spontaneous) stability of the engine or combustor.
100% of chamber pressure. Test experience indicates The test matrix should include a large n u m b e r of
that instabilities can be successfully induced with tests at the widest possible range of operating
o v e r p r e s s u r e s significantly lower than 100% of conditions. Additionally, stability aids such as
chamber pressure. baffles and cavities may be systematically modified
Directed pulses. The directed-pulse method of or removed to determine the margin of stability of
inducing instability, as shown in Fig. 4-81a, mounts a the unmodified combustor. Pulsed engines are
solid-propellant- or high-explosive-loaded shock tube typically rated in this fashion, since, the cost per test
to the combustion chamber in such a way that the being low, a large number of tests can be carried out
shock wave enters the chamber with any desired during development.
orientation. A method efficient from the standpoint of the
Nondirected explosive pulses. A nondirectional number of tests required involves fuel-temperature
e x p l o s i v e pulse (Fig. 4-81b) gives the closest ramping, until either the combustor develops a high-
simulation of localized, random detonation that can frequency instability or the facility-limited minimum
occur during normal operation because of accumu- fuel temperature is reached. This stability-rating
lation of unburned propellants. A high-explosive technique has been applied to coaxial injectors with
charge assembled into a composite ablative case gaseous fuels. It exhibits a high degree of repeat-
d e s i g n e d to withstand the c o m b u s t i o n - c h a m b e r ability with respect to the temperature at which the
environment through the period of the start transient combustor goes unstable. Hardware ranging from
and into mainstage forms the pulse device. It is research combustors to full-scale thrust chambers has
m o u n t e d in the desired place and detonated during been successfully rated by this technique, which may
c h a m b e r operation. It can be designed to be require modifications of the test facility to control
initiated electrically or by heat that is generated by the fuel temperature.
the combustion process. Electrically-initiated devices A stability-rating program often will be con-
can precisely control the pulse-sequence time. This ducted with hardware of various size and configu-
is important for combustors sensitive to pulsing ration. Rather than risk loss of full-scale, flight-type
d u r i n g engine start or at a particular operating combustors or engine systems in the event of an
condition. Thorough stability rating may involve instability, lower-thrust, subscale combustors can be
use of a variety of charge sizes installed at several used during initial testing. Typically, the injector-
radial and longitudinal locations within the chamber. element configuration and the number of elements
Figure 4-82 shows a b o m b - i n d u c e d instability per unit area are close to the full-scale design. The
during a test of a coaxial injector. Note that the combustor may be cylindrical or two-dimensional
disturbance initially decays before growing to full (slab-type). The stability characteristics of a low-
amplitude. Unstable liquid-liquid injectors often thrust cylindrical combustor can be used to develop
exhibit full amplitude at and after the bomb pulse. stability correlations and anchor stability analyses, as
Directed nonexplosive gas-flows. In this method well as to verify combustion performance. The width
(Fig. 4-81c), a fast-acting valve controls a flow of gas of a two-dimensional combustor can be adjusted so
from a regulated high-pressure source. This valve is that it will support transverse instabilities in a range
placed as near to the chamber as possible. of frequencies characteristic of the full-scale design.

Spontaneous-Instability Methods

As stated earlier, dynamic-stability rating may not be Instrumentation

feasible with some engine systems. Other situations
m a y arise in which the combustor appears to be High-frequency instrumentation characteristics and
m o r e sensitive to naturally-occurring, finite-ampli- locations critically affect prompt combustor shut-
down in the event of an instability and the attempt to
determine the nature of the instability. Generally, the
sensitive b a n d w i d t h of the high-frequency trans-
Acceleromeler ducers and the recording system should permit
determination of the frequency and amplitude of
oscillation over the first few high-frequency modes.
High-frequency pressure transducers provide
definitive evidence of the stability of the combustor.
Pressure transducers should be installed to permit
identification of at least the first few m o d e s of
ZillliZZZZZZZZili21111.1..ZiZiiZZ.ZiZ...Zi.i.l.lllll.i .......... i...ill ..... .i. 1211..2Li.._.ii.A...£.. ......... I IZ acoustic instability in the chamber. Consideration
7.4 MPa Oversn00t;
P/Pc = 55%
................................................. ;.......................................... ....................................................
,1, i............................... i ..................... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
should also be given to the fact that these modes
may occur in any orientation. In general, transducers
should not be installed diametrically opposite one
Fig. 4-82 Bomb-induced instability data, coaxial another, because a pressure nodal line of a standing-
injector. wave instability could orient itself at the transducer,

so that little or no pressure oscillation would be accelerometer measurements to the structural dy-
measured. High-frequency pressure transducers namics of the combustor system and to mounting
should also be mounted in the combustor manifolds locations makes it difficult to establish the level of
to permit assessment of feed system coupling. oscillation that corresponds to an instability. In
Accelerometers are useful in providing backup to addition, care must be taken in determining whether
chamber-pressure transducers. In some cases it may the observed spectra are the direct result of an in-
not be possible to install high-frequency pressure stability or simply of hardware structural resonances.
transducers on the chamber because of chamber- In some extreme situations, accelerometers may not
cooling requirements. "Rough-combustion cutoff" sense the occurrence of an instability. Most often,
control methods frequently depend on oscillation however, a large-amplitude instability will be obvious
level and duration measurements by accelerometers. on all a c c e l e r o m e t e r channels at a frequency
Ideally, accelerometers that can sense all three axes matching that of the pressure oscillations.
of motion should be installed on the combustor to In addition to h i g h - f r e q u e n c y transducers,
measure the full response of the hardware to pro- thermocouples should, if possible, be installed in the
pellant flow and combustion disturbances. backing volumes of acoustic cavities to permit
Although accelerometers are quite useful for verification of the assumed cavity temperatures used
measurement of instability, some care is required in to size the cavities. This information is useful for
interpreting the indicated results. The sensitivity of retuning (resizing) the cavities to improve stability.
Chapter 5
Design of Gas-Pressurized Propellant Feed Systems

Transfei" of the rocket propellants from the tanks to frequently narrow and uncertain. As a result, the
the thrust chamber at the needed flow rates and initial design calculations of the quantity of pressur-
pressures, requires a suitable feed system. Its selec- ant gas required must be considered approximate
tion will d e p e n d on the vehicle's accelerations, until verified experimentally. The refinement of the
maneuvers, and weight, the thrust level and duration, analytical approach to minimize discrepancies be-
vibration levels, the envelope available, the type of tween theoretical predictions and actual test results is
propellants, reliability, and cost. There is no simple an art requiring experience and thorough under-
rule for the choice between a gas-pressurized and a standing of the physical processes. Basic consid-
turbopump feed system. Typically, systems with erations and necessary procedures for the calculation
small propellant quantities have gas-pressurized of pressurant requirements are described below.
propellant tanks because the weight penalty to design
the propellant tanks at a high pressure is not signifi-
cant compared to the complexity of a turbopump R e q u i r e d S y s t e m Data
feed system. Alternatively, weight considerations
require that large systems utilize low-pressure Before starting calculations of pressurant require-
propellant tanks with the propellant pressure in- ments, the following operating parameters must be
creased downstream by pumps. With advancements known or assumed:
in the state of the art of high-strength propellant tank
materials and small, reliable turbopumps, the upper • Operating temperature ranges of the feed-system
limit of gas-pressurized propellant tanks has been components and fluids
expanded and the lower limit of pump-fed systems • Propellant properties, weights, and correspond-
has been reduced, resulting in considerable overlap ing volumes at the extremes of the operating
of their applicabilities. It should be noted, however, temperature range and loading accuracy
that even pump-fed systems normally require some • Tank volumes: nominal values, tolerances, and
type of low-level pressurization of the propellant variations due to temperature and pressure
tanks to minimize pump requirements. • Initial ullage. ("Ullage" means portion of a
Classified according to source of gas, four major propellant tank not occupied by liquid.)
types of pressurized feed systems can be distin- • Trapped-propellant volumes at the end of
guished: expulsion
• Operating propellant-tank pressure: nominal
• Stored gas value and variations
• Propellant evaporation • Mission duration and engine firing times
• Nonpropellant evaporation
• Chemical reactions To avoid later marginal conditions, calculations
should assume worst-case parameter values.
The following factors must be considered when
selecting a pressurization gas:
Factors I n f l u e n c i n g P r e s s u r a n t R e q u i r e m e n t s
• Mission requirements
• Compatibility of pressurant gases with propel- Several important factors that will influence the final
lants and tank materials, considering chemical state of the pressurant gas, and thus the required
interactions, temperature, and solubility quantity, may be summarized as follows:
• Pressurization-system reliability
• Pressurization-system cost 1) Propellant vaporization. Propellants evap-
• Pressurization-system weight and size orate to various degrees from the gas-liquid
interface within the tank. The amount de-
pends upon the volatility of the propellant,
5.1 DETERMINATION OF PRESSURANT the temperature of the pressurant gas, the
REQUIREMENTS turbulence of the gas, the sloshing of the
liquid, the tank's internal structural geometry,
The physical and chemical processes which take and the rate of propellant expulsion. To the
place during the expulsion of a liquid propellant degree that vaporization takes place, it lowers
from a tank by a gas or gas mixture are numerous the temperature of the ullage gas and adds
and difficult to analyze. Even the simplest systems propellant vapor as a component of the
require simultaneous, time-dependent modeling of pressurant gas. Also, as the propellant level
the fluid flow and heat transfer. Applicable exper- recedes, a film of liquid may be left on the
imental data for a selected system are often limited. tank wall, further contributing to propellant
Thus, the basis for the analytical approach is evaporation.

2) Tank wall temperature. If the pressurant gas However, in cases where longer system durations and
is hotter than the propellant-tank walls, it will higher pressurant temperatures are involved, the
cool and the wall will heat up. Alternatively, pressurant requirement can best be determined by
aerodynamic heating of the propellant-tank the following procedure, k e e p i n g in mind the
walls may cause heating of the pressurant gas. limitations set forth at the beginning of section 5.1.
It may also heat the propellant and thus in- Consider first a single-start operation (not re-
crease vaporization effects and raise NPSH quiring coast periods and restarts) and neglect heat
requirements in turbopump-feed systems. transfer from the tank walls. The total heat transferred
from the pressurant gas to the vaporized propellant
3) Vapor condensation. Certain components of can then be approximated by Eq. (5-2):
the pressurant gas, such as water vapor, may
condense. Even if the bulk of the gas Q = HAt(T, - T¢) (5-2)
remains above the dew point for the conden-
sible c o m p o n e n t , local condensation m a y where--
occur at the tank walls or at the propellant
surface. Q = total heat transferred, Btu
H = e x p e r i m e n t a l l y d e t e r m i n e d heat-transfer
4) Solubility of the pressurizing gas. If the pres- coefficient at the gas-liquid interface,
surant gas contains components soluble in Btu/s/ft2-'R
the propellant, these components may dif- A = area of the gas-liquid interface, ft2
fuse into it. Solubility usually will be affected t = operating duration, s
by temperature and pressure. Tu = temperature of gas at end of expulsion, °R
T~ = temperature of the propellant, "R
5) Ullage-gas compression. If, before pressuriza-
tion of the propellant tank, the ullage space is Both Tu and Te are treated as constant values at the
filled with low-pressure gas, pressurization will interface between liquid and gas.
cause adiabatic compression. This can raise
the ullage-space temperature considerably This heat, Q, is assumed to have heated and va-
during the initial few seconds of operation. porized the propellant according to the following
6) Chemical reaction. If any components of the
pressurant gas are chemically reactive with Q = Wv[Cp,(Tv - T~) + hv + Cpv(Tu - Tv)] (5-3)
the propellant, the reaction products may
become a component of the gas. where--
7) Pressurant-gas turbulence. The heat ex- Wv -- total weight of vaporized propellant, lb
change b e t w e e n the pressurant gas and = specific heat of liquid propellant, Btu/lb-'R
propellant can be extremely large if the gas
is permitted to agitate the liquid-propellant hv = heat of vaporization of the propellant,
surface. This effect can be prevented through Btu/lb
the use of a diffuser that spreads the gas in a Cpv = specific heat of propellant vapor, Btu/lb-'R
gentle flow at the top and sides of the tank. Xv = vaporization temperature of propellant, °R

Design Calculations of Pressurant The value of Wv can now be obtained from Eq. (5-2)
Requirements and (5-3) with an assumed value for Tu. The partial
volume occupied by the vaporized propellant will be
If the system operating duration is relatively short, or as follows:
if the pressurant t e m p e r a t u r e is close to the
propellant and hardware temperatures, heat transfer Vv WvZRpTu
and pressurant/propellant mass-transfer effects can = PT (5-4)
be neglected. The required pressurant weight in the
propellant tanks can then be calculated, as follows: where Vv = total volume occupied by the vaporized
propellant, ft3; Z = compressibility factor evaluated at
PTVTZ the total pressure PT and the temperature Tu of the
Wg -- RgTg (5-1) gaseous mixture at the end of expulsion; Rp = gas
where--- constant of the propellant vapor, ft-lb/lb-'R.
The propellant-tank volume remaining at the end
% = required pressurant weight in the propellant of expulsion can be assumed to be occupied by the
tanks, lb pressurant gas:
PT = maximum propellant tank pressure, lb/ft2
VT = max. volume of propellants expelled, ft3 vg = VT- Vv (5-5)
= gas constant of the pressurant, ft-lb/lb-'R
= mean temperature of entering pressurant, "R where Vg = volume of pressurant gas at the end of ex-
Z = compressibility factor pulsion, ft3. The weight of pressurant will be calcu-

lated as follows: temperature of pressurant gases during the

entire mission, °R. This is a function of
many factors such as length of coast periods
W g = RgTu- (5-6)
and heat transfer between gas and tank wall.
To maintain the heat balance, the value for Q should Other effects such as vapor condensation,
satisfy the following equation. solubility of the pressurant gas in the propellant, and
chemical reactions of the pressurant gas with the
Q = W g C p g ( T g - Tu) (5-7) propellant can be included; but, because of the
complexity of the processes, it is usually necessary to
where Cpg = specific heat at constant pressure of make gross assumptions or use experimental data.
pressurant gas, Btu/lb-'R. From Eq. (5-7) the required Vapor c o n d e n s a t i o n d e p e n d s on gas-circulation
value of Tg for the assumed Tu can thus be cal- patterns and contact with cooler surfaces. Solubility
culated. If, however, Tg is a predetermined fixed depends upon how vibration affects diffusion into the
value, then the values of Wg, Wv, and T u must satisfy propellant. Chemical reactions depend on the fluids
the following as well as other correlated equations: involved.
It is important to be conservative in determining
W g C p g ( T g - Tu) the required pressurant. Inadequate pressurant will
prematurely end the mission. If a cold gas is used,
= Wv[Cp,(Tv - Te) + hv + Cpv(Tu - Tv)] (5-8) there may be significant cost and schedule impact to
redesign the pressurant-tank volume or wall thickness
Thus far, heat transfer from the tank walls has
for a higher pressure. The penalty for this conser-
been neglected. However, if there is a considerable
vatism is weight associated with a larger or thicker-
temperature differential b e t w e e n pressurant gas,
walled tank.
propellants, and tank walls, the total heat transferred
In some cases, the uncertainties in pressurant sys-
between them during the mission must be taken into tem design can be reduced by providing adjustability
c o n s i d e r a t i o n to d e t e r m i n e the quantity of
of the pressurant temperature at the propellant-tank
vaporized propellant at the end of expulsion.
inlet. In this approach, the temperature of the pres-
Equation (5-3) can be rewritten a s - -
surant gas at the end of expulsion is assumed or
targeted from the beginning. Based on this and
Q ± Qw, = Wv[Cpl(Tv - Te) + hv + Cpv(Tu - T,,)] (5-9) other given or assumed data, the values of required
pressurant quantity and inlet temperature can be
where Qw I = total heat transferred between tank walls calculated by Eq. (5-1) through (5-11). If the required
and liquid and gaseous propellant pressurant quantity based on test data deviates from
during the mission, Btu. The positive the calculations, an adjustment of the pressurant
(+) or negative (-) sign indicates temperature at the propellant-tank inlet can often be
whether Q w 1 is from, or to, the tank made to correct for this difference, such as through
walls. Furthermore, Eq. (5-7) becomes an adjustment of the pressurant supply from a heat
this: exchanger or from a gas generator. The following
sample calculation demonstrates this design ap-
Q = W g C p g ( T g - Tu) ± Qw2 (5-10) proach:

where Qw2 = total heat transferred between pressur- Sample Calculation 5-1
ant gas and tank walls during a
mission, Btu. Again the positive or Table 3-5 presents the following data for the oxidizer
negative sign indicates whether heat tank of the A-4 Stage propulsion system: oxidizer,
is from, or to, the tank walls. N204; pressurant, gaseous He; tank volume VT, ne-
glecting the volume of residual propellant, - 119 ft3;
Combining Eq. (5-9) and (5-10), the heat balance average tank cross-sectional area A = 20 ft2; tank
considering heat transfer from the tank walls can be pressure PT -- 165 psia, or 23,760 psfa; and propellant
written as follows: temperature Te - 520"R.
[WgCpg(Tg-" Tu)] ± Qw2 = Wv[Cp,(Tv - T,)
+ hv + Cpv(T, -- Tv)]- ( 4- Qw,) (5-~ ~)
Calculate two cases, as follows:
If the vehicle mission includes several powered-flight
and coast periods, the calculation of the heat transfer ( a ) The total pressurant weight Wg and required
across the gas-liquid interface should take the total
temperature Tg at the propellant-tank inlet, for a
mission time into consideration. Then Eq. (5-2) can
be rewritten as follows: single operation time t of 500 s, with an experi-
mentally determined heat-transfer coefficient H at
Q = HAtm(Tm -- Te) (5-12) the gas-liquid interface of 0.002 Btu/s-ft2-'R. Assume
that the ullage-gas temperature Tu at the end of
where tm = total mission time including powered expulsion will be 700"R and that there is no heat
flight and coast periods, s, and Tm = mean transferred at the tank walls.

( b ) The required pressurant weight Wg and temper- Substitute results into Eq. (5-7)"
ature Tg at the tank inlet, for a mission consisting of
several powered-flight and coast periods, with a total Q = 9.79Cpg(Tg - Tu)
mission duration tm of 18,000 s. The following con-
ditions obtain: mean temperature of the pressurant 3600 = 9.79 x 1.2 5 ( T g - T,) (bs-6)
gas during the mission Tm, 526"R; total heat
transferred between the propellant and tank walls The required pressurant temperature at tank inlet will
be as follows:
(Qw1), -2000 Btu; total heat transferred between the
pressurant gas and tank walls ( Q w 2 ) , - 6 0 0 Btu; 3600
Tg = 9.79 x 1.25 + 700 = 995* R (bs-7)
t e m p e r a t u r e (Tu) of the ullage gas at the end of
expulsion, 660"R.
(b) From Eq. (5-12) find the total heat transferred at
the gas-liquid interface:
Solution 5-1
Q = HAtm(Tm- Te)
(a) Standard propellant references give the following
data for N204 at a pressure of 165 psia: vaporization = 0.002 X 20 X 1 8 , 0 0 0 ( 5 2 6 - 520)
temperature Tv -- 642°R, heat of vaporization hv =
178 Btu/lb, mean value of specific heat in liquid state = 4320 Btu (bs-8)
Cpl = 0.42 Btu/lb-'F, mean value of specific heat in
vapor state Cpv = 0.18 Btu/lb-°F, compressibility Substitute into Eq. (5-9)"
factor Z = 0.95, and molecular weight = 92. The 4320 - 2000 = Wv[0.42(642 - 520) + 178
specific heat of helium, Cpg, is 1.25 Btu/lb-'F and its
molecular weight is 4. From Eq. (5-2) total heat + O. 18(660 - 642)]
transferred at the gas-liquid interface will bern
Wv = 10.0 lb (bs-9)
Q = HAt(Tu -- Te)
Substitute into Eq. (5-4):
= 0.002 x 20 x 500(700-- 520)= 3600 Btu (bs- 1)
l O •O x 0 . 9 5 x ,( 1 592
4 4 ~/ x 660
Substitute this into Eq. (5-3)"
Vv =
3600 = Wv[Cpi(Tv - Te) + hv + Cpv(Tu - TO] 23,760

= Wv[0.42(642 - 520) + 178 + 0.18(700 - 642)] = 4.45 ft ~ (bs- 1O)

= Wv x 239.6 (bs-2) Substitute into Eq. (5-5):

Total weight of vaporized propellant W v = 15. 1 lb. Vg = 1 1 9 - 4.45 - 114.5 ft 3 (bs-11)

Substitute into Eq. (5-4) to obtain the volume
occupied by the vaporized propellant:

VV - "
15.1 x 0.95 x ~ x 700

= 7.13 ft 3 (bs-3)
Substitute this into Eq. (5-5) to obtain the volume oc-
cupied by pressurant gas:

Vg=VT-Vv=l19-7.13=lll.87ft 3 (bs-4)

Equation (5-6) then gives the required pressurant

weight: off Valve
PTVg TI Reg ulator
Wg = RgTu

23,760 X 111.87 To Main

Propellant Tanks
= (1_~) X 700
Fig. 5-1 H e l i u m p r e s s u r i z a t i o n s y s t e m w i t h o u t
= 9.79 lb (bs-5) heating.

Substitute into Eq. (5-6): siderable quantity of cold, high-density helium still
remains in the storage tank at the end of expulsion.
23,760 x 110.76 x 1 Helium c a s c a d e s y s t e m . The cascade system
shown schematically in Fig. 5-3 is an all-helium
": x pressurization system designed to minimize the
weight penalty resulting from cooling of the helium
during expansion. System components include
= 10.65 lb (bs-I 2) helium-storage tanks of equal pressure but of different
Substitute into Eq. (5-10): sizes (two of which are divided internally by a
flexible diaphragm), three thrust-chamber heat

4320 = lo.65 x 1.25(Tg- 6 6 0 ) - 600

4320 + 600
Tg = 10.65 x 1.25 + 660 = 1030 ° R (bs-13)


Stored-gas pressurization systems are widely used.

The gas is usually stored in a tank at an initial
pressure ranging up to 10,000 psi and supplied to the
propellant tanks at a specified pressure controlled by
a regulator. These systems have achieved a high Shutoff Valve
level of reliability. In early systems, nitrogen or even
air (German V-2) was frequently used, mainly for
logistics reasons. As it became more readily Thrust Chamber
available, helium found increased usage because of Heat Exchangers
its substantially lower molecular weight and thus
reduced total pressurant weight. For hydrogen-fueled
engines, reliable hydrogen systems have b e e n Regulator
successfully developed. In general, the most impor-
tant design requirements for a stored-gas system are
low molecular weight of the gas, high gas density at To Main
storage conditions, minimum residual-gas weight, and Propellant Tanks
high allowable stress-to-density ratio of the
pressurant-tank material. The following discussions Fig. 5-2 Helium pressurization system using
will be based on helium systems, since they are now thrust-chamber heat exchangers.
the most widely used.

Commonly Used Configurations

Helium system without h e a t i n g . This
pressurization system is shown schematically in
Fig. 5-1. It consists of a high-pressure storage tank, a
start and shutoff valve, and a pressure regulator.
Regulated helium is ducted directly to the propellant Thrust Chamber
tanks. This has the advantage of great simplicity. Diaphragm Heat Exchangers
However, the weight of the system is relatively high
because of the low temperature and specific volume Helium
of the gas.
Helium s y s t e m using t h r u s t - c h a m b e r h e a t
exchangers. This system, which is used in the
design for the A-3 and A-4 Stage propulsion systems,
consists of a high-pressure helium storage tank, a start
and shutoff valve, manifolded thrust-chamber heat Diaphragm
exchangers, and a pressure regulator. Figure 5-2
shows a typical schematic. The heat exchangers are
part of the thrust-chamber divergent nozzle section
and absorb heat from the combustion process. From ~ v ~ Regulator To Main
overall performance and weight considerations, it is ' ~ Propellant
considered preferable to locate the heat exchanger Tanks
in the high-pressure portion of the system. Volume Start and Shutoff
increase of the gas due to heating reduces the mass Valve
required for tank pressurization. However, a con- Fig. 5-3 Helium cascade system.

exchangers, a start-and-shutoff valve, and a pressure

regulator. During operation of the system, helium
flows from the first and smallest tank, through a heat Helium
exchanger, and displaces the helium in the interme-
diate tank. The helium in the intermediate tank in
turn flows through a second heat exchanger and
displaces the helium in the last and largest tank. The
latter flows through a third heat exchanger and
pressurizes the propellant tanks. At the end of the
operation, only the small storage tank contains low-
temperature, high-density helium, while the two larger
storage tanks contain relatively warm, low-density
helium. This contrasts with the preceding systems in Heat Exchanger
which one large tank remains partially filled with low-
temperature, high-density helium. The disadvantages
of cascade systems are high weight and complexity. Start and Shutoff Valve

Helium s y s t e m with heating inside s t o r a g e
t a n k . Shown schematically in Fig. 5-4, this system Regulator
consists of a high-pressure helium storage tank
containing a heat exchanger or other heat-generating
device mounted internally, a start-and-shutoff valve,
and a pressure regulator. This system provides To Main
higher-temperature helium to the propellant tanks, Propellant Tanks
simultaneously assuring relatively warm residual gas Fig. 5-4 Helium pressurization system using
in the storage tank. Disadvantages are the need for heaters in storage vessel.
larger and more complex high-pressure storage tanks
and the possibility of control problems during
operation. engine's oxidizer tank. In addition, a safety margin is
For the pressurization of liquid-hydrogen pro- usually provided. In this case, the mission is assumed
pellant tanks, stored hydrogen gas can be used in to be completed when the storage-tank pressure
place of helium for the systems described above. decays to 400 psia.
If a heating source is provided inside the tank, as
Calculations for Stored-Gas Requirements shown in Fig. 5-4, the expansion process of the gas
within would be polytropic. For a system without
The design calculations discussed in section 5.1 heating inside the storage tank, the expansion
applied only to the quantity of gas required to process of the gas can be assumed to be isentropic;
pressurize the propellant tanks. However, the gross i.e., no heat is transferred between gas and tank walls.
weight of the stored gas required for a given system From Eq. (1-13) the following correlation can be
depends also on the system design, on the expansion derived to calculate the final gas temperature in the
process during operation, and on the environmental storage tank:
temperature range within which the system must
function. Based on conditions at the end of
expulsion, the total stored-gas requirement can be (5-15)
expressed by the following correlation: r7 = \ g /

Stored-gas = Propellant t a n k + Residual gas in + Residual gas in (5-13)

requirement requirement pressurant tank other components

A parameter to define these additions is the

"pressurant-use factor," the ratio of stored-gas re- where--
T1 = initial helium temperature in the tank, "R
quirement or initial gas weight in the storage tank to
the net weight of pressurant utilized: T2 - final helium temperature in the tank, "R
P1 = initial helium pressure in the tank, psia
P2 - final helium pressure in the tank, psia
Pressurant _ Stored-gas requirement
(5o14) n - exponent for the polytropic expansion
use factor Propellant tank
requirement The e x p o n e n t n is estimated during analytical
treatment and verified experimentally. For isen-
The lowest pressure level in a storage tank required to tropic expansion of helium, n -- 1.67.
safely operate the pressurization system will be deter- For most analyses, it has been found adequate to
mined by the individual system pressure-drops. assume an adiabatic flow process through regulator
Figure 5-5 shows estimated pressure drops for the and lines. It is a characteristic of this process that
stored-helium pressurization system with thrust- the total (or "stagnation") temperature remains
chamber heating that was selected for the A-4 Stage constant. Since the gas essentially comes to rest in

the propellant tank and no further compression takes 380

place following initial propellant-tank pressurization, 370 ~ -i Min. HeliumTank
it is assumed that the propellant-tank temperature Press. 370 psia
equals the heat-exchanger outlet temperature. 360 Line
If an operating temperature range is specified for
a system, the lower temperature limit must be used to
I .... ]
calculate the weight of pressurant required, while the
upper limit determines the volume of the gas storage
tank for a given storage pressure. Thus, for a stated
propellant tank net pressurant gas requirement, a 330/ Heat cha r A p (100 psia)
wider environmental temperature range results in a
heavier pressurization system, regardless of the
expansion process of the gas. 260
¢ao itj
& 250 Line Ap
Sample Calculation 5-2 (D
{tJ 240 ,
The following data characterize the stored-helium (D
pressurization system of the A-4 Stage oxidizer tank:
temperature range in the storage tank at system start, 220
Regulator A p (75 psia)
500-560"R; storage-tank pressure at system start, 4500 210
psia; pressure in the storage tank at the end of
expulsion, 400 psia; volume of the helium lines 20O,
downstream of regulator, 0.4 ft3; volume of heat 190
exchangers, 1.0 ft3; volume of lines between storage
tank, heat exchangers, and regulator, negligible; and 180
pressurant reserve, 2%. 170 -di , Propellant Tank
Line Ap t Press. 165 psia
Problem 160
Pressurization System
Assuming an isentropic expansion process, calculate
the following: Fig. 5-5 Estimated p r e s s u r e drops for A-4 Stage
o x i d i z e r - t a n k p r e s s u r i z a t i o n system.
(a) Oxidizer-tank pressurant weight, storage-tank
volume, and use factor, for case (a) of Sample
Calculation (5-1).
(b) Oxidizer-tank pressurant weight, storage-tank
volume, and use factor, for case (b) of Sample
Calculation (5-1). It is further assumed that the temperature of the
(c) Oxidizer-tank pressurant weight, storage-tank residual pressurant in the heat exchangers have
volume, and use factor for single-start operation, propellant-tank inlet conditions, or 995°R, and that
but without heat exchangers. the pressure is that of the residual helium in the
(d) Same as (c), but assuming a polytropic expan- pressurant-storage tank, or 400 psia. That produces
sion process with n=1.2 in the storage tank. the following value for these residuals:
Solution 5-2
1 x400x 144x 1
--- O. 15 lb (bs-15)
The following calculations establish the requirements (1544.___._._)
x 995
for the oxidizer tank, which in the A-4 Stage has the
higher minimum-storage-pressure requirement. To
this required pressurant mass and volumes for fuel- Substituting the lower limit of the system operating
tank pressurization must be added purges and valve t e m p e r a t u r e and the initial and final helium
actuations. pressures into Eq. (5-15) yields the temperature of the
residual helium in the pressurant tank at the end of
( a ) A net pressurant requirement of 9.79 lb is ob- expulsion:
tained from Sample Calculation 5-1, Case (a).
1.67- 1
Temperature and pressure of the residual pressurant
in the lines downstream of the regulators are
assumed to be the same as those of the propellant-
tank ullage gas at the end of expulsion (700"R and
= 500 x (0.089) 0.4 = 191 *R (bs- 16)
23,760 psfa). Residual-gas weight in these lines then
will be---
Using Eq. (5-13), the pressurant volume VL required
0.4 x 23,760 x 1 for oxidizer-tank pressurization can now be calcu-
= 0.035 lb (bs- 14)
( 1 5 4 4 ) x 700 lated, based on the lower storage temperature-limit of

4500x 144XVLX 1 400x144xVtx 1 Pressurant weight including 2% reserve.

(1~4)______ =9.79+. ( )154
x 500 q4 x 191
4500x 144x4.2x1
x 1.02 = 14.45 lb (bs-24)
x 500
+ 0.035 + 0.15

9.957 Required volume of the pressurant tank:

VL = 0.374 x 6.9 = 3.78 ft 3 (bs-17)

Pressurant weight: x560x 14.45

Vu = 4500 x 144 × 1 = 4.82 ft 3 (bs-25)

4500x 144×3.78× 1
x 1.02 = 12.95 lb (bs-18)
x 500 Pressurant-use factor:

including 2% reserve. - 1.36 (bs-26)
Using the upper start temperature limit (560"R),
the required volume of the pressurant tank for oxi- (c) Without heat exchangers, the bulk temperature of
dizer pressurization will b e - - helium in the propellant tank at the end of expulsion
can be expected to be the average of the initial and
( 1 5 4 4 ) X 5 6 0 X 12.95 final helium temperatures in the pressurant tank:

Vu = 4500 x 144 x 1 = 4.3 ft 3 (bs-19) 5 0 0 + 191

Tg = 2 = 346°R (bs-27)
From Eq. (5-14), LOX tank pressurant use factor:
Since this temperature is lower than the propellant
temperature, no heat loss from pressurant to propel-
- 1.325 (bs-20) lant is assumed. The net pressurant weight required
9.79 may then be calculated by Eq. (5-1):
( b ) ,From Sample Calculation 5-1, Case (b), the net 23,760 x 119 x 1
= 21.2 lb (bs-28)
pressurant requirement is given as 10.65 lb. Assuming
temperature and pressure in the lines are the same as
those in the propellant tank at the end of expulsion
(660"R and 23,760 psia), the residual gas in these lines The weight of residual helium in the lines at the end
will weigh of expulsion will be as follows.
0.4 x 23,760 x 1
= O.03 7 lb (bs-21 ) 0.4 x 23,760 x 1
= 0.071 lb (bs-29)

The temperature of the residual pressurant in the

Equation (5-13) gives pressurant volume V L and mass,
heat exchangers is assumed to be at the propellant
tank inlet level, or 1030"R, and that the pressure is based on the lower ambient-temperature limit:
that of the residual helium in the pressurant tank, or
400 psia. The gas weight in the heat exchangers then 4500x 144xVLx 1
amounts t o - -
"(1544) x 500
1x400x144x 1
= O. 145 lb (bs-22)
( ! 544) X 1030 400x 144xVt x 1
+ +0.071
(~) X 191
From Eq. (5-13), pressurant volume VL and mass are
obtained, using the lower temperature limit:
Vt -- 2.58 -- 8.25 ft 3 (bs-30)
4500x 144XVLX 1 4 0 0 x 144XVLX 1
( 1 5 4 4 ) x 500 =10.65+ (!544) x191 Pressurant weight will equal the following, including
2% reserve:

+ 0.037 + 0.145

Vt -
- 4.2 ft 3 (bs-23)

x 500
x 1.02 = 28.2 ]b (bs-31)

The required volume of the pressurant tank is-- The required volume of the pressurant tank will b e - -

( 1 5 4 4 ) x 560 x 28.2 (1544)×560×20.6

Vu = 4500 x 144 x 1 = 9.4 ft 3 (bs-32) Vu = 4500 x 144 x 1 = 6.88 ft 3 (bs-40)

Pressurant use-factor will then b e - - Pressurant use factor:

- 1.33 (bs-33) 20.6
21.2 - 1.178 (bs-41 )
( d ) The expansion process of helium in the pres-
surant tank is assumed to be polytropic, with n = 1.2.
Equation (5-14) gives the temperature of residual
helium in the tank at the end of expulsion: Design of Stored-Gas System C o m p o n e n t s

Since system components can be expected to require

1.2-- 1 relatively extensive development effort to achieve
= 500 x (:50o0) satisfactory performance and reliability, they require
very careful design thought. This is especially true
for large, high-pressure, lightweight, pressurant stor-
= 500 X ~ = 336°R (bs-34) age tanks, pressure regulators, and thrust-chamber
nozzle heat exchangers.
The helium bulk temperature in the propellant tank at
the end of expulsion: Tanks
500 + 336
Tg = 2 -- 418 °R (bs-35) Because of the c o m b i n e d requirement of high
pressure and lightweight, pressurant tanks are gen-
The required net pressurant-weight: erally spherical in shape and made of high-strength-
to-weight materials. Stainless steel, titanium, and thin
23,760 x 119 x 1 metallic liners filament-wound with matrix materials
Wg=-(.1.544) X 418--=17"51b (bs-36) of glass, Kevlar, or graphite-and-resin systems have
been successfully employed as construction materials
for tanks. Design details for pressurant tanks will be
further discussed in Chapter 8.
The residual helium weight in the lines at the end of For weight estimates in preliminary design of
expulsion: large tanks, it is assumed that they are made of two
hemispherical shells and that the thickness of the
0.4 x 23,760 x 1 weld lands can be accounted for by assuming a 3-in.-
= 0.059 lb (bs-37)
(, ,4 x418 wide band of one-half the wall thickness placed over
the weld seam. Hence, the total weight of the tank can
be estimated as follows:
Pressurant volume and mass, based on the lower
ambient-temperature limit:
Wv = 7rd2pm(pd/4s) + 3zcl,om(0.5pd/4s) (5-16)
4500x 144xVLX 1
=17.5 where Wv = weight of the tank, lb; d - inside diame-
~ (15~44._____)x500---
ter of the tank, in.; p = maximum storage pressure,
psia; s = allowable working stress of the material, psi;
400x 144xV~.x 1 and P m = density of the material, lb/in.3.
+0.059 It is of prime importance in the design of stored-
+ (154.__~4)× 336 -- gas systems that the tank be capable of containing
the gas at high pressure for long periods without
leakage. Frequent checking of the storage pressure or
17.56 recharging is undesirable in most applications.
V~. = 2.9----~= 6.01 ft 3 (bs-38)
Experimental data indicate that gases of low molec-
ular weight, such as helium and hydrogen, will not
Pressurant weight including 2% reserve: leak through h o m o g e n e o u s metals such as good-
quality, hot-rolled stock or forgings. However, they
can leak through porous metals such as may exist in
4500x 144x6.01 x 1
x 10,=20 1 castings and in w e l d e d joints. G o o d w e l d i n g
x 500 workmanship and effective leakage inspection are
very important in the fabrication of sound tanks.

Pressure Regulators zle Wall

Heat l
Exchanger- r le
Most pressurization systems need a high-accuracy
regulator. Regulation becomes particularly difficult if
the system requires high-temperature gas, high flow
rate, large variation in inlet pressure, or large !
variation in downstream volume. Design detail of d

pressure regulators will be discussed in Chapter 7. For

some applications, .a control system combining a
pressure switch, a solenoid valve, and an orifice may
be preferred.

T h r u s t - C h a m b e r Heat E x c h a n g e r s
.._.._.. _l ~ThrustChambe___~r
For helium systems using thrust-chamber heat ex-
changers, as shown in Fig. 5-2, the heat exchanger
should be designed as an integral part of the thrust-
chamber expansion nozzle. As a rule, the heat
exchanger will be made of coiled tubing formed to fit r
the nozzle contour (see Fig. 5-6). I

The combustion-gas-side heat-transfer coefficient

can be determined by methods described in Chapter I

4. The heat conducted through the wall of the heat

exchanger is assumed to be totally absorbed by the
helium pressurant, raising its temperature. The
determination of the helium-side heat-transfer coef-
ficient and the design of the heat exchanger tubing Fig. 5-6 Thrust-chamber heat e x c h a n g e r .
follow the analyses for the regeneratively-cooled
tubular-wall thrust chamber. The number of tube
turns for the heat exchanger is a function of the
helium temperature rise required and of the heat at any given time d e p e n d s on the tank exit-
e x c h a n g e r location at the nozzle. The various temperature. The choice of heat-exchanger tube
operating parameters of a thrust-chamber heat material must be made with consideration of its
e x c h a n g e r can be correlated by the following brazing compatibility with the thrust-chamber nozzle
equation: wall. The heat exchanger must be firmly attached to
the nozzle wall, because its efficiency depends on
intimate contact. Selection of tube thickness must be
based on pressure and thermal-stress conditions.
WhCp(To - - Ti) = A "l/-h~ t 1
Sample Calculation 5-3

The following data characterize the design of the

(5-17) pressurant heat exchangers for the A-4 Stage engine-
thrust-chamber nozzle extension, when located at an
area ratio = 10 and used in parallel: helium flow rate
where~ through each heat exchanger W h = 0.024 lb/s (con-
¢vh- helium flow rate, lb/s siders requirements for both tanks and for other
Cp - specific heat at constant pressure of heli- uses); helium specific heat ratio 7 = 1.67; helium spe-
um, Btu/lb-'F cific heat at constant pressure Cp = 1.25; mean tem-
Ti = mean He temp. at heat-exchanger inlet, "R perature of helium at heat exchanger inlet Ti = 346"R;
T O = mean He temperature at heat-exchanger mean temperature of helium at heat-exchanger outlet
outlet, "R To = 1030°R [from Sample Calculation (5-1), Case
a effective area of the heat exchanger, in.2 (b)]; combustion-gas-side adiabatic wall temperature
hg = combustion-gas-side heat-transfer coeffi- Taw = 4900°R; and combustion-gas-side heat-transfer
cient, Btu/in.2/s-'F coefficient hg = 5.7x10-5 (Btu/in.2-s-'F).
hh -- helium-side h e a t - t r a n s f e r coefficient,
Btu/in.2/s-'F Problem
heat-exchanger-tube wall thickness, in.
k = thermal conductivity of the tube material, Calculate the following:
Ta W. -- combustion-gas-side adiabatic wall tem- (a) Heat-exchanger-tube dimensions, assuming tube
perature, "R to be made of 13V-11Cr-3A1 titanium alloy with the
Heat-exchanger design must consider that the following physical characteristics, at a recommended
temperature of the helium leaving the heat exchanger maximum working temperature range of 1400-15500R:

minimum yield strength Sy = 40,000 psi; modulus of Inside tubing diameter d = 0.44 in.
elasticity E = 12 x 106 psi; thermal conductivity k = Check for combined pressure and thermal
2.04 x 10-4 Btuh.2-s-"F/in.; coefficient of thermal ex- stresses at the heat-exchanger outlet (neglecting
pansion a = 5.0 x 10-6 in./in.-'F; and Poisson's ratio, v bending stress) using Eq. (4-27) and assuming bend-
= 0.33. ing stress caused by discontinuities to be negligible,
as follows:
(b) Number of turns of the heat-exchanger tubing.
P C- P )
Solution 5-3 S, =
+ 2(1Eaqt
- v)k
(a) The wall temperature at given sections of the
heat exchanger will vary directly with the bulk
temperature of the helium in these sections. Maxi-
mum wall temperature occurs at the heat-exchanger
outlets. A mean combustion-gas-side wall temperature
T, at the outlets of 1400"R is allowed. Equation (4-10)
giv& the heat flux at that section:
= 19,800 + 2200 = 22,000 psia (bs-48)

The combined pressure and thermal stresses at the

heat exchanger inlet are now checked. It can be
A stipulated tube wall-thickness t of 0.05 in. will be assumed that the difference between the combustion-
checked below for compatibility with pressure and gas-side wall temperature and the helium bulk
thermal stresses. From Eq. (4-19) the mean helium- temperature remains approximately constant
side wall temperature will be- throughout the heat exchanger. Then:

Twg at the inlet = 1400-(1030-346) = 716"R (mean

T,, =T tI‘
---= 1400 - 0.05 X 0.2
wg k 2.04 x temperature)
Heat flux q at the inlet = 5.7 x 10-5 (4900-716) =
0.239 Btuhn.2-s

Using Eq. (4-20), the helium-side heat transfer coeffi- Combined stress St at the inlet will then be-
cient will be calculated as-

h,, = hc = q - 0.2
(Twc- Tco) - (1350 - 1030)
= 19,800 + 2630 = 22,430 psia (bs-49)
Therefore, it is safe to use the selected tube size of
Equation (4-15) permits determination of the Prandtl 0.440-in. inside diameter and 0.050-in. wall thickness,
number of the flowing helium: with sufficient margin for the fact that the heat-ex-
changer helium inlet temperature will be higher than
the maximum at the beginning of the process.

(b) Equation (5-17) gives the required effective area

The viscosity of the helium according to Eq. (4-16) for each heat-exchanger element:

From Eq. (4-25): = 95 i n 2 (bs-50)


The nozzle diameter at area ratio = 10 of the A-4 valve combinations, as shown in Fig. 5-8, or by
chamber will b e ~ regulators. The latter are often preferred, particularly
if a narrow band of regulation is essential. In both
D = Dt x x/T0 = 7.18 x ~ = 22.7 in. (bs-51 ) cases, flow-limiting orifices may be used in series for
increased reliability with valve or regulator design-
Assuming 40% of the internal surface of the tube as biased to fail open.
the effective heat-exchanger area, the n u m b e r of The required propellant flow rate bled for va-
heat-exchanger tube turns required will be as follows. porization and main-tank pressurization will be
determined by the main propellant flow rate at the
A 95 pump inlet (or tank outlet) and by the heat- and
~rD x ~rd x 0.4 ~r2 X 22.7 x 0.44 x 0.4 mass-transfer processes within the main propellant
tank, which in turn are influenced by pressurant and
= 2.42 turns (bs-52) environmental temperatures. For a given rate of
evaporation of the propellant in the tank, average
5.3 PROPELLANT-EVAPORATION SYSTEMS flow rate through the tank vent, and tank ullage gas or
v a p o r c o n d i t i o n , the f o l l o w i n g s t e a d y - s t a t e
This concept is practical only for thermally stable, correlation can be established:
low-normal-boiling-point propellants, such as cryo-
genics and near-cryogenics, for which it is widely WPT (W~ -- W 0 (5-18)
used, particularly for cryogenics of low molecular ~¢/'P- oRT N
weight, such as hydrogen. where--
.p- required flow rate per engine bled off for
Pump-Fed Propellant Feed Systems propellant-tank pressurization, lb/s
rate of propellant evaporation in the tank,
Propellant-evaporation systems for pump-fed engines lb/s
usually employ propellants tapped off downstream of average flow rate through the tank vent, lb/s
the pump and vaporized in a heat exchanger, after = main propellant flow rate (per engine) at
which they are used to pressurize the main propellant pump inlet, lb/s
tank from which they were withdrawn. Figure 5-7 p density of the liquid propellant, lb/ft3
shows a typical heat-exchanger design used in an
PT = propellant tank pressure, lb/ft 2
LOX/RP-1 pump-fed engine system. The turbine
exhaust gases are used as the heat source. Sometimes R = gas constant of the propellant vapor, ft-
the vaporized propellant is bled directly from the lb/lb-'R
manifold d o w n s t r e a m of the c h a m b e r - c o o l i n g W temperature of the tank ullage gas, "R
passage if it is the coolant in a regeneratively cooled N = number of engines in the system
thrust chamber. As shown schematically in Fig. 3-3
and 5-8, the pressurant for the A-2 Stage main Sample Calculation 5-4
oxidizer tank receives oxygen tapped off downstream
of the oxidizer pump and vaporized in a heat ex- The following data were established for the A-2 Stage
changer located at the turbine-exhaust duct of the engine and vehicle systems during steady-state opera-
oxidizer turbopump. The main fuel tank of this stage tioning conditions:
is pressurized by bleeding hot hydrogen from the
thrust-chamber fuel manifold downstream of the • Number of engines in the vehicle system, 4
thrust-chamber cooling tubes. The pressure of both • Main oxidizer flow rate at pump inlet (Table 3-3),
tanks can be regulated by pressure-switch/solenoid- per engine, 290.5 lb/s
• Main oxidizer-tank pressure, 45 psia
• Rate of oxidizer evaporation in the tank, 1.6 lb/s
Gaseous Nitrogen • Average flow rate through the oxidizer-tank vent,
to Main Fuel Tank Hot Gas from 1.64 lb/s
Turbine Exhaust
GaseoL ~'
Main O:
• ~ ~~,"--
, ~ Pressure Switch
Solenoid Valve

Liquid Ox
Oxidizer |
\ Hel |
H Helium

Nitrogen from
Storage Bottle

Exhauo, ,.,u,..t
Fig. 5-8 A-2 Stage propellant-tank
Fig. 5-7 Typical heat-exchanger design. pressurization system (schematic).

• Temperature of the oxidizer-tank ullage gas, 2 2 0 " R values reflect the fact that storage and vehicle
• Main fuel flow rate per engine (Table 3-3), at containers, even when vented to atmosphere, have
pump inlet, 59.8 lb/s small positive pressures because of vent-valve
• Main fuel tank pressure, 38 psia resistance, resulting in slightly increased propellant
• Rate of fuel evaporation in the tank, 4.2 lb/s temperatures. However, since later engine-calibra-
• Average fuel flow rate through the fuel-tank vent, tion-run evaluations will require corrections for a
6.6 lb/s number of run-to-run engine input deviations,
• Temperature of the fuel-tank ullage gas, 1 2 0 " R consistent usage of design parameters is probably
more important than their absolute value. Tank
(Concerning venting, note that, for fire-hazard pressure regulation through venting, it should be
reasons, vehicle design very likely will require noted, particularly if used throughout the systems
provisions to prevent venting during first-stage boost, duration, is not efficient, since onboard gas storage
Also, during regulated A-2 Stage operation, venting must allow for the maximum vent rate anticipated.
should normally not occur, as it would be a perfor-
mance loss. However, as a pressurization-system Gas-Pressurized Propellant Feed Systems
performance margin, it is well to lay out the system
on the basis of some vent losses. Also, in cryogenic Propellant-evaporation systems have limited ap-
systems it may be desirable to increase the tank plication to gas-pressurized propellant feed systems.
pressures toward the end of stage operation to Evaporation systems can lower pressurant-tank
improve pump NPSH conditions, when the upper- weight, as compared to stored-gas systems, because of
tank layer, in which somewhat warmer liquid may higher storage densities and lower storage pressures.
have accumulated, is about to reach the pump pass However, this advantage can be offset by the higher
around the regulator, using the vent-valve liftoff molecular weight of some propellants. For hydrogen,
pressure as the regulating factor. This can be simply the principal propellant with low molecular weight,
done by opening an orificed bypass around the another limitation exists because of the low critical
regulator, using vent-valve liftoff pressure as the pressure. To obtain reasonable volume increases due
regulating factor.) to vaporization, the tank pressure must be kept
sufficiently below the critical pressure.
Problem Furthermore, the propellant-evaporation con-
cept, when applied to pressure-fed systems, requires a
Calculate the following: pressurization system within a pressurization system,
since a separate stored gas expels the liquid
(a) The required steady-state flow rate per engine pressurant from its tank, after which it is vaporized in
bled off for oxidizer-tank pressurization, a heat exchanger. This system comprises a relatively
complicated array of c o m p o n e n t s , lines, heat
( b ) The required steady-state flow rate per engine exchangers, and support structures. It is further
bled off for fuel tank pressurization, complicated because of the auxiliary pressurization
system required to initiate the main propulsion
Solution 5-4 system operation. As shown schematically in Fig. 3-6,
the main fuel tank of the A-3 Stage propulsion system
(a) The density of liquid oxygen is 71.38 lb/ft3, and is pressurized by evaporated hydrogen supplied from
the gas constant of the gaseous o x y g e n is a separate liquid-hydrogen tank, which in turn is
1544/32=48.2 ft-lb/lb-'R. Substitute this and data given pressurized by helium gas. The hydrogen pressurant
above into Eq. (5-18) to obtain the required steady- is vaporized in the heat exchangers, located at the
state flow rate of evaporated oxidizer pressurant: thrust-chamber nozzle extensions.
For the various reasons stated, the propellant-
290.5 x 45 x 144 ( 1 . 6 - 1.64) vaporization principle will be used only for the fuel
Wp = 7 1 . 3 8 x 48.2 x 2 2 0 - 4 tank of the A-3 stage, for which it still appears
attractive because of the relatively low pressure se-
= 2.50 lb/s (bs-53) lected and the low molecular weight of hydrogen.
The A-3 oxidizer tank will be pressurized by helium
(b) The density of the liquid hydrogen is 4.42 lb/ft3, gas. This decision was further influenced by the
and the gas constant of the gaseous hydroge~n is difficulty in handling gaseous fluorine and by its
1544/4=386 ft-lb/lb-'R. Substitute this and data given toxicity.
above into Eq. (5-18) to obtain the required steady-
state flow rate of evaporated fuel-pressurant: 5.4 INERT-GAS-EVAPORATION SYSTEMS

59.8 x 38 x 144 (4.2-6.6) Inert-gas pressurization has not been employed fre-
XVp = 4.42 x 386 x 1 2 0 - 4 quently. Two types of inert cryogenics could be
considered applicable: liquid nitrogen and liquid
= 2.2 lb/s (bs-54) helium. Both have definite disadvantages that would
generally preclude their use in nonpropellant evapo-
Some engine specialists prefer to use slightly ration systems, such a solubility in the propellants
lower propellant densities; for instance, 71.0 for (nitrogen in liquid oxygen) and storage temperature
liquid oxygen and 4.4 for liquid hydrogen. These significantly lower than that of the propellants (liquid

helium). The system design for this concept is similar liquid propulsion systems. Gas temperatures up to
to that of a propellant-evaporation system. 3000"F and tank pressures up to 2000 psia have been
proven successful for short-duration applications.
5.5 CHEMICAL-REACTION SYSTEMS This pressurization method is primarily employed
for its inherent simplicity, low production cost, long-
Pressurization systems using hot-gas products term storability, relatively light weight, and compact-
generated from solid or liquid propellants or cat- ness. The system is usually composed of two electri-
alytic-reacted gases have been successfully developed cally fired initiators, or squibs, a charge of igniter
for storable liquid-propellant engine systems. pellets, safety and arming devices, a pressure-relief
Another technique used with noncryogenics is the regulator, and the propellant grains. A device to cool
main-propellant-tank injection pressurization system. the hot gas may be required in specific applications.
Here a hypergolic fluid is injected into the tank and Figure 5-9 shows a typical design. The gas-genera-
pressurization is provided by the products of the tor assembly is enclosed in an insulated steel housing
reaction occurring within the tank. within an aluminum casing, which in turn is an
These methods are not applicable to cryogenic integral part of a propellant tank constructed of
propellants because the products of reaction, such as aluminum alloy. The gas-generator unit is completely
water, will solidify and because the heat of integrated into a compact package ready, with
combustion will undesirably raise the bulk tempera- minimum effort and maximum safety, for acceptance
ture of the cryogenic propellant. Especially in the testing, storage, and installation into the propulsion
case of liquid hydrogen, bulk heating cannot be system. All of the gas outlets are hermetically sealed
tolerated because of its limited liquid range (normal with burst diaphragms to maintain system reliability
boiling point to critical point). even after long storage.
Two important considerations for the application The ignition train starts the propellant grains
of combustion products for pressurization are burning and producing the pressurization gas. The
propellant compatibility and gas temperature. Ex- burning rate of the grain, and in turn the pressure of
cept for very short operating durations (a few a solid-propellant system, is affected by the grain
seconds), fuel-rich hot gases are used for fuel tanks to bulk temperature. The grain is designed to produce
prevent reactions. Similarly, oxidizer-rich hot gases the required gas pressure and flow rate at the lower
are applied to oxidizer tanks. initial environmental temperature-limit. When oper-
ating at a higher initial temperature, the pressure is
maintained by a regulator that vents all excess gas
Solid-Propellant Gas Generators overboard. The required grain charge is sized for the
full operating duration at the upper temperature
Several effective solid-propellant gas generators have limit, which corresponds to the maximum grain
been developed to pressurize prepackaged, storable burning rate.

Oxidizer Tank

~llant Isolation Diaphragm
t Diaphragm
Igniter Pellets

Support Plate
F Burst Diaphragm

" ~ " ~ . . _ _ ~ To Fuel

Type Regulator

Molded -
Phenolic ~=" '---'----"~ Propellant Gas Generator Housing
/ O-Ring Seals Grains 8-7-5 Steel
F-34 Formica Insulation --.--.-----
.,,-- Hot Gas Diffuser
Oxidizer Expulsion Diaphragm

Propellant Tank Wall

Fig. 5-9 Typical solid-propellant gas generator (GG) pressurization system.


The selection and design of solid-propellant gas- to-coolant ratio. Final gas temperatures as low as
generator pressurization systems must consider po- 400"F have been obtained.
tential problem areas, notably the following: 3) Gas generator with azide cooling pack, as illus-
chemical and temperature compatibility of the gas trated in Fig. 5-12, cools hot gas by passing it through
with the propellants; pressure-regulation difficulties; a bed of azide material that decomposes and yields
solid particles carried by the gas clogging the system; essentially pure nitrogen. However, the gas leaving
lack of restart capability; and requirement to vent gas the azide pack is often contaminated with metal
rapidly in the event of premature engine cutoff. particles from the decomposition of the azide. These
Several commonly used solid-propellant systems have to be removed in a cyclone separator. The gas
may be described in brief as follows: is filtered to remove any remaining particles, regu-
1) Gas generator without cooling, as shown lated, and then directed to the propellant tanks. This
schematically in Fig. 5-10, consists of a solid-propel- pressurization system provides relatively p u r e
lant grain, igniter, filter, and hot-gas regulator or ori- nitrogen gas at a reasonable temperature (as low as
fice. This system is mainly suitable for relatively short 600"F).
durations. Upon ignition, hot gas is fed through the 4) Helium system with gas-generator heating, as
filter, regulated, and ducted to the propellant tanks. shown in Fig. 5-13, consists of a high-pressure helium
The regulator dumps excess gas overboard, for which tank with a solid-propellant gas generator mounted
a vent line must be provided. As an alternate, an internally, a filter, and a pressure regulator. The solid-
orifice may be installed in place of the regulator. In propellant grain provides both heat and additional
the latter case, the propellant-tank pressure and pressurant gas. This system needs a relatively large
engine thrust level are functions of the gas-generator high-pressure storage tank.
pressure, which in turn is a function of environmental
temperature. Liquid-Propellant Gas Generator
2) Gas generator with solid coolant, as shown in
Fig. 5-11, consists of a solid-propellant grain and ig- Both liquid-monopropellant and liquid-bipropellant
niter, a sublimating solid coolant, a filter, and a gas generators have been used successfully for
regulator. In operation, the hot gas is cooled as it generating pressurant gas in systems with relatively
passes through a bed of solid material, subjecting it long operating times. The selection and design of a
to decomposition or sublimation. Thus, the cooling gas-generation system must consider propellant
process simultaneously results in additional pressuri- compatibility, operating temperature limits of pro-
zation gas. The gas then passes through a filter, is pellants and tank materials, and molecular weight of
regulated, and is ducted to the propellant tanks. the gas.
A typical design might use an ammonium nitrate- Among monopropellants, hydrazine is consid-
base propellant with a theoretical flame temperature ered the most satisfactory with respect to chemical
of 2320"F. Oxalic acid pressed into pellets--the solid characteristics and molecular weight of the product
coolant--decomposes endothermically at tempera- gas. The decomposition products of hydrazine can
tures above 250°F, producing a mixture of CO, CO2,
and H20. The desired temperature level of the mixed
gas is achieved through selection of the propellant- ~,,,r ,a,' - I,,,F-III,,1
o~", |1 i0111 I III
)tII i~!

I,,F ,,i
'~ ,,F .,,,,",,
J,/,,,'~,/ .......,] iI i~|11 ill 1
" . / /,#'/ /,d' l ,,,"1 flo,,,~# iI l~iII $ii|I
i,,,' ,,,ee"" #" ,,'J
rtl' ,,~i II ~'l l' ,,"'/J ",'"' ,,' ~ . ~ Solid Propellant
oI l' ,l'l'°
,,e,,' "fl' ,~
I' ,# ," ,~' ,"'I ,1|,| or=,I
,ool" ,,¢l
V'/ ......., / ' / ] ~ Solid Propellant
l,"',/,/,/,,,"l L
I,"'" ......//~'1 d l ~
i III i III i III iiii i
with Igniter ',,,, ' 'h
• ",,,)'"h
l'",'"","/','#"/'"'l %;° -'h 'h:, ,1,,
r", ......,/,.//"l
i III iiit tl iii III iii II iii II
'%, % .'%.. .%
,,iii '~,~',,,, ",%-.%
I/' ,/,,,"/' ,,I ""i11h """ill ~ Solid Coolant
i I, l III l III iii It ill I ',1,..l,
[,/ ,/ /' .,,~ J %l,. -',,~ ,lib ,,,,
r'//,,~'/i ',,,.',,,• %, '%
I.," ~" ~,'.,,".,'I
'%,.",i '%, 'l,l~
I - I ",i,_"hi 'lI h %1I
'.l~l ' ',,
Filter ',,~'%1 %%'

Vent ~ Pressure-Relief Type Filter

Regulator or Orifice Vent Pressure-Relief
Type Regulator

To Main To Main
Propellant Tank Propellant Tank
Fig. 5-10 Solid-propellant gas generator without Fig. 5-11 Solid-propellant gas generator with
cooling. solid coolant.

be made even lighter by catalytic decomposition of injected to lower the temperature to well below
the ammonia. The gas contains no carbon, deposits 1000"F, however, this benefit will not be obtained,
of which could lower the heat transfer rate of a heat resulting in a gas with high molecular weight that
exchanger. The theoretical g a s - d e c o m p o s i t i o n readily condenses.
temperature of pure hydrazine is 1800"F. Additives Liquid-propellant gas generators require rela-
can be used to reduce the temperature. tively complex components and controls. The se-
To meet the requirement for compatibility with lection and application of these will be determined
the propellant, bipropellant gas generators possess mainly from mission requirements, such as long
the flexibility of operation at either fuel- or oxidizer- operating time and need for restarts. The following
rich conditions. Thus, the same propellant combi- systems give an idea of applications.
nation can be used to produce both a fuel- and an 1) Single gas-generator system with injection
oxidizer-compatible pressurant gas. For instance, cooling provides pressurant gas for both the fuel and
nitrogen tetroxide in combination with hydrazine, oxidizer tanks. The liquids employed consist of
UDMH, and various other amine fuels permits either a monopropellant and a nonreacting injection
hypergolic starting and stable operation in either coolant or a bipropellant with cooling achieved by
fuel- or oxidizer-rich modes. injecting an excess of one propellant. As shown in
Several avenues are open to meet the temper- Fig. 5-14, system components include a small high-
ature requirement of the pressurant gas. Both fuel- pressure helium storage assembly (including a tank
and oxidizer-rich mixtures burn at values far from and start, relief, and fill valves), a pressure regulator,
stoichiometric, resulting in lower temperatures. A
limitation exists if one of the bipropellants is also a
monopropellant, which continues to decompose
exothermically. The cooling effect can also be
obtained by injecting a given amount of noncom-
bustible liquid, which absorbs heat when evaporating,
into the hot gas. A third m e t h o d of cooling,
transfering heat with one of the liquid propellants in
a heat exchanger, can be applied with essentially any
propellant combination, provided the cooling liquid
can safely absorb the heat transfer from the gas.
The requirement of low molecular weight can be
met by most fuel-rich gases if they are at ap-
proximately 1000"F, where the complex organic com-
pounds composing most fuels are cracked into
simple gases of low molecular weight. If excess fuel is

~ Filter
_J Regulator

Solid Propellant i
Charge To Main
Propellant Tanks
I- Fig. 5-13 Helium system with heating by solid-
propellant gas generator.

Azide Pack

I Regulator
Separator Coolant )
E or Propellant if S Propellant
~ Filter Bipropellant Gas|
Generator is Used_J.
Dump Type
Regulator ~ Gas Generator

To Main
Propellant Tanks To Main
Fig. 5-12 Solid-propellant gas generator with Fig. 5-14 Single liquid-propellant gas generator
azide cooling pack. with injection cooling.

two liquid-storage tanks, and a gas-generator while the gas-generator gas pressurizes the main fuel
assembly (including controls), tank. While the system efficiently uses the available
This system is potentially simple and reliable, heat for both tanks, it has the disadvantages of
The product gas is cool enough for use in the requiring a moderate-size, high-pressure helium tank
propellant tanks. The difficulty is to find a combi- and of regulating the pressures and flows.
nation of liquids that will produce a product gas 3) Dual bipropellant gas-generator system with
meeting all requirements, including compatibility injection cooling, as shown in Fig. 5-16, feeds fuel and
with both propellants. It has been demonstrated, oxidizer to the gas generators by pressurizing the
however, that a fuel-rich gas can be used to pressurize auxiliary propellant tanks with helium. One gas
storable oxidizers. For instance, ammonia-rich, generator operates with excess fuel to produce
ammonia-nitrogen tetroxide gas-generator products
and hydrazine-decomposition products with either
water or ammonia injection have been successfully
applied as the pressurant for storable oxidizers.
2) Single gas-generator helium system has the
main components shown in Fig. 5-15. The number of
propellant tanks depends on use of a mono-
propellant or bipropellant gas generator. The hot
gas-generator products are ducted to a heat ex-
changer where heat is transferred to the cold helium.
The heated helium pressurizes the main oxidizer tank,
, Fuel ,) Oxidizer

i , _ l | ~ |

f ,'", Main
Second Propellant I _ ~ ~ PropellantTank Main
TankGas( B i p r ° p e l l a N ~ ' ~ " J " - " ~ "'~'" Oxidizer Fuel
Generator) Tank Tank
L _ _ U..,.L,Gas Generator
Heat Exchanger
, , , i

Fig. 5-17 Main-propellant-tank dual direct-

injection system.
To Oxidizer To Fuel
Tank Tank
Fig. 5-15 Single liquid'pr°pellant'gas'generat°r
h e l i u m system.





,c. 7 Main
Gas Generator ( / Gas Generator
Tank Tank
Ap Regulator
ToMain ToMain L ~ - - ~
Oxidizer Fuel _~.
Tank Tank
Fig. 5-16 Dual bipropellant gas-generator Fig. 5-18 Main-propellant-tank series direct-
system with injection cooling, injection system.

relatively-cool, fuel-rich gases that directly pressurize storage tank, a helium-pressure regulator, and two
the main fuel tank. The second gas generator small auxiliary propellant tanks from which
operates with excess oxidizer to produce relatively propellants are injected into the main tanks. The
cool, oxidizer-rich gases that directly pressurize the series injection system (Fig. 5-18) consists of only
main oxidizer tank. A design problem arises from the one auxiliary oxidizer tank for main-fuel-tank pressur-
need to balance the output of the two gas generators ization, or vice versa, instead of two separate auxiliary
and to provide proper pressure control in both tanks. tanks. The series system takes advantage of the situa-
Gas temperatures as low as 600°F have been tion where one of the main propellant tanks can
successfully generated with these systems. operate at a slightly lower pressure than the other. In
the case shown in Fig. 5-18, a small quantity of the
Direct Injection into Propellant Tank main fuel supply is fed through a regulator to the
main oxidizer tank. Although these systems appear to
The direct-injection systems employ injection of
offer the lightest and simplest method of pressuri-
small quantities of fuel and oxidizer into the main
zation by number of components, they present the
oxidizer and fuel tanks, respectively. Hypergolic
designer with questions of system safety, reliability,
reaction produces the pressurizing gases within the
and ability to produce steady, regulated tank-
main propellant tanks themselves. The fuel system
(Fig. 5-17) includes a small high-pressure helium-

Table 5-1 Comparisons of various tank pressurization systems for the A-4 Stage
propulsion system.

Total Number of System System

Stored Gas and Ouaniity of Complex Overall Overall
System Gas Produced System Component Weight, Volume,
Generants % %
Components Designs
iii , i l i

Helium with thrust chamber Helium Helium at 995"R 11 3 100 100

heating (fig. 5-2) average

Helium-no heating Helium Helium at 354"R 182 183

(fig. 5-1) average

Helium cascade (fig. 5-3) Helium Helium at I O00"R 17 81 75


Solid propellantgas Helium, ammonium aMixed helium and 15 79 72

generator heating helium nitrate base grain solid propellant
(fig. 5-13) products at 1000"R
Solid propellantgas Ammonium nitrate asolid propellant 53 12
generator with solid base grain, oxalic products at IO00"R
sublimingcoolant acid pellets
(fig. 5-1 I)
Solid propellant gas Viton azide Nitrogen at IO00"R 11 70 11
generator with azide propellant, lithium
cooling (f~. 5-12) azide coolant

Single liquid propellant gas Helium, hydrazine bHelium at 1000"R on 11 63 51

generator--helium oxidizer, hydrazine
(fig. 5-15) products at 1200"Ron

Helium, nitrogen aAmmonia-rich gas 16 48 16

Dual liquid propellant gas tetroxide, ammonia generator productsat
generator with injection 1000"R on fuel; N2~-
cooling (fig. 5-16) rich gas generator
products at 1000"Ron
oxidizer |l

~Questionable compatibilityof pressurant with propellants.

Marginal pressuranttemperature level on fuel.

5.6 SELECTION OF PRESSURIZATION chemical inertness, freedom from excessively

condensible and soluble gas products, and proper
The inception of pressurization-system design begins pressurant temperature level. Reliability is evaluated
with a preliminary study of the various design ap- on the basis of system complexity and failure
proaches. Although providing a technical basis for modes. Components that can be expected to require
selection, this study can become a relatively complex considerable development effort to achieve satis-
task in view of the great number of tank-pressurization factory reliability include gas-generator assemblies,
techniques that have been developed. The study will thrust-chamber heat exchangers, and regulators. The
gather all information pertinent to the wide range of gross weight of the pressurization system is treated as
systems. The vehicle configuration and requirements inert weight, since the pressurant gas is part of the
for performance, structural materials, and other vehicle weight at the end of the expulsion cycle.
factors affecting the pressurization system design will A sample preliminary-design study was con-
likewise be accumulated to permit valid weight and ducted for the tank-pressurization system for the A-4
size comparisons of the various systems. Stage propulsion system. The vehicle mission was
The five principal selection criteria are mission assumed to require single-start, constant-thrust, full-
and vehicle requirements, fluid and material duration operations. The study compared eight
compatibility, system reliability, cost, and system different pressurization systems (Table 5-1). The
weight and size. Mission and vehicle requirements column "Complex Component Designs" refers to
include storability, system start and restart, and parts requiring relatively long development time and
pressure and flow tolerances. Compatibility includes high production cost.
Chapter 6

Design of Turbopump Propellant Feed Systems

For high-thrust, long-duration liquid-propellant rock- with a single stage; axial pumps, multistage. However,
et engines, the use of turbopump-fed systems usually multistage centrifugal pumps with crossover-type dif-
lowers system weight and raises performance as fusion systems have also been used effectively.
compared to pressurized-gas fed systems. Turbo- Various pump configurations are shown schemat-
pump-fed systems require only relatively low pump- ically in Fig. 6-3.
inlet pressures, and thus propellant-tank pressures, Centrifugal pumps. Almost all operational
while the major portion of the pressure required at rocket propellant pumps are of this type. They can
the thrust-chamber inlets is supplied by the pumps. handle large flows at high pressures efficiently as well
This saves considerable tank weight, particularly in as economically in terms of weight and size. The
large vehicles. elements of a centrifugal pump are shown in Fig. 6-4
As the overall trend toward higher chamber and 6-16. Centrifugal pumps, like other steady-flow
pressure for liquid-propellant rocket engines con- rotating machinery, consist essentially of two basic
tinues, the role of turbopumps in an engine system elements: the rotor and the stator. These accelerate
becomes of greater importance, particularly with the the fluid flow by imparting kinetic energy to it in the
high-performance hydrogen-fueled engines. The ad- rotor and then decelerating, or "diffusing," it in the
vantage of pump-fed over pressure-fed engines
increases as mission velocity requirements increase,
and becomes very substantial as orbit-insertion
velocities are approached. Dense Propellants (LOX, RP-1, N204, etc) ti
Figure 6-1 shows a representative range of pump Inducers (All Propellants) ti
operating parameters for various liquid-propellant
rocket engine applications. Figure 6-2 depicts an
envelope of power requirements for a number of 100.000 -
actual turbine designs.
Main Pumps
10.000-- "N~
The vehicle designer must insure that propellants go
to the inlet of the pumps at required minimum 3:
pressures. The turbopump feed system raises the
pressure of the propellants received from the vehicle
tanks and delivers them to the main thrust chamber, 1,000 -
through ducts and valves, at pressures and flow rates
commensurate with rated engine operation. A turbo- Inducers ~ ~~"~:{i !
pump feed system may consist of the following basic
elements: lOO . I . J. . . . . . 1
10 100 1,000 10,000 100.000
• Propellant pumps. Flow GPM
• Turbine(s) them.
• Power source for the turbine(s) (during engine Fig. 6-1 Range of operation for typical propellant
start as well as main stage). pumps.
• Speed-reduction gear transmissions (if any).
• Lubrication system for bearings and gears.
• Accessory drives.
• Propellant inlet and discharge ducts.
• Turbopump mounts.
N • • •

Propellant Pumps \ I
_z 1o, ooo
The principal requirements of a rocket-engine rr
°~ /"
propellant pump are high reliability, low cost, light I.-"
weight, stable flow for the required operating range,
high efficiency, adequate suction performance, and
1,000 [ . I
long life. The relative importance of these factors
and their resulting influence on the design will vary 100 1000 10,000 100,000
depending on the application. The most widely used TURBINE H O R S E P O W E R
p u m p types are centrifugal (or radial), axial, or
mixed flow. Centrifugal pumps are usually designed Fig. 6-2 Rocket-engine turbine design envelopes.

Outlet Cross-Over Volutes-7_ Outlet

Inlet--~r-"~ Drive inlet..~,j ~ -2'~~ ~rive

,nOuc . "

0.=.- Volute
, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump

Inlet- - ~ [ ' " " " " ' ~ ) Drive Fig. 6-3 Pump configurations.

Inducer--~... .... ' ~ Volute

Multi-Stage AxialImpeller

Multi-Stage Axial Pump

PumpCasing VolutePassage
(Optional for Hydraulic
Front WearRing Balancingof Axial
Thrustin Place of
Fig. 6-4 Elements of a centrifugal-flow
Drive Shaft/~.

- Shaft Bearings
Shaft Seals

Diffuser Vanes

stator. This results in increased fluid pressure head. As primary functions, the pump stator assembly
The rotor assembly usually includes an inducer, an diffuses (i.e., decelerates) the fluid to convert the
impeller, bearings, and a shaft. The stator assembly velocity head into pressure head, collecting and
consists of a casing with stationary diffuser vanes, a redirecting the fluid to the pump discharge outlet,
volute with discharge outlet, and seals. and provides structural support and a pressure
An inducer, an axial-flow rotor, increases total enclosure for the pump. Wear rings (see Fig. 6-4)
pressure of the entering fluid sufficiently to permit provide axial-thrust control and minimize internal
noncavitating operation of the main impeller. An leakage--circulation of the fluid between the high-
inducer can reduce the pump-inlet-pressure net pos- pressure (discharge) and the low-pressure (inlet or
itive suction head (NPSH) requirements substantially. suction) zones. Dynamic shaft seals prevent external
The impeller of a centrifugal (or radial) p u m p leakage along the shaft.
basically is a rotating wheel with blades that dis- Multistage centrifugal p u m p s . For higher
charge the flow in a radial direction. Fluid is pressure rises, multiplestage centrifugal pumps can
admitted axially to the impeller that, when rotating be designed if a single stage proves limited. A
in an enclosure, ejects it at the periphery with multistage pump basically resembles a single-stage
increased absolute velocity (Fig. 6-4). pump, except that it requires proper channeling of

the fluid b e t w e e n stages. Figure 6-5 shows such a reduce its size and cost. The inducer design for this
design used on the Space Shuttle Main Engine p u m p is similar to those used in either centrifugal-
(SSME) high-pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP). or axial-flow pumps.
Multistage axial pumps. This design permits
achieving high head through multiple staging with Turbines
smaller-diameter pumps. It has been used for liquid-
hydrogen p u m p applications. It is not as well suited The turbines (see Fig. 6-9 and 6-16) that provide shaft
for wide-flow-range operation, as will be discussed power to the propellant pumps typically derive their
below, but can be more efficient in applications energy from the expansion of a high-pressure, high-
requiring relatively high ratios of flow vs. head (or at temperature gas to lower pressures and temperatures.
high "specific speeds," a term to be defined below). Turbines can be divided into two major types:
Elements of an axial-flow pump are shown in Fig. 6-6. impulse and reaction. Impulse turbines can be either
The rotor assembly consists of an inducer, a cylin- single- or multiple-stage. Reaction turbines are
drical rotor with multiple rows of rotating blades, usually multistage. Impulse turbines are most fre-
and a rotor shaft. The stator assembly includes a quently used for high-pressure-ratio, low-flow appli-
cylindrical casing with rows of stationary blades cations. Reaction-bladed turbines are more frequent-
spaced between inducer and rotating blades, a volute ly used for low-pressure-ratio, high-flow designs.
casing, beatings, and seals. Single-stage, single-rotor impulse turbine.
An inducer placed at the pump inlet supplies the This turbine consists of a single-rotor disk or turbine
fluid to the m a i n - p u m p section at the required wheel to which is attached a row of turbine blades or
pressure and velocity. Both rotor and stator blades buckets. Gas is fed to the rotating blades through
have a hydrofoil shape. The rotor blades accelerate stationary nozzles (Fig. 6-10). In the nozzles, the gas
the flow relative to the stator and thus increase the pressure is converted into kinetic energy (velocity
kinetic energy of the fluid, while the stator blades, head) with attendant static-pressure drop. The gas
acting as diffusers, convert the velocity head of the flow reaches maximum velocity upon entering the
fluid into pressure head. However, the velocity vector rotating blades, where the kinetic energy of the gas is
of the fluid in the axial direction is kept essentially imparted to the turbine rotor as mechanical energy
constant throughout the various stages of the pump. of rotation. Ideally, the static pressure of the gas
Inducer pumps. The simplest axial-flow pump remains constant when it passes through the rotating
consists of a single rotor designed as an inducer to blades (except for the effects of friction).
achieve good suction, as shown in Fig. 6-7. The Velocity-compounded impulse turbine. In
inducer can consist of either a single- or double- this type of turbine, as shown schematically in Fig. 6-
blade row, an example of the latter being shown in 11, two separate rows of rotating blades instead of
Fig. 6-8. These pumps are used as low-speed "boost one transfer the kinetic energy of the gas discharged
pumps" to raise the pressure sufficiently to permit from the set of stationary nozzles. A row of stationary
the main p u m p to operate at much higher speeds to blades between the wheels guides the gas into the

• • •~i!i


" ~ - \ .... - '7 •~ •

/~(!///ii~~ii! ~:

Fig. 6-5 SSMEHPI~P.


p StatorBlades
umpuastng/ ~ ,, VolutePassage
a torBlades / / ~f i "%w/'" (ToDischarge)
InletFlange ~ ~~ ~ ` / BalancePiston

i .~__~~.~t~..,7.,-~..~,,T¢'%.~ / Shaft Fig. 6-6 Elements o f an

axial-flow p u m p .
Flow . . . . . . . . . . . ,~b-----
-- --- -~~~-Drive
- - ~ ~ - - - - } -

............... i

/ i Fue,Di cha, e
Inducer Bearing ' Duct


Fig. 6-7 SSME LPOTP.

Fig. 6-8 Two-blade-row inducer.
second set of moving blades. Ideally, the entire
pressure drop occurs in the stationary nozzles. The
gas velocity decreases during passage through the rotating blades. This results in equal energy
first row of rotating blades, remains constant through transferred to each rotating-blade row, while the
the stationary blades, and decreases further as it pressure drop in each stationary nozzle row will vary.
passes through the second row of rotating blades. Since the pressure is greater in region A than in
V e l o c i t y - c o m p o u n d e d t u r b i n e s are c o n s i d e r e d region B, it is necessary to separate the stages by a
single-stage because they involve only one pressure sealing diaphragm to prevent bypass flows (Fig. 6-9).
step. Because of clearances required at the rotating seal
P r e s s u r e - c o m p o u n d e d impulse turbine. As between diaphragm and turbine shaft, however, some
s h o w n schematically Fig. 6-12, this turbine losses do occur at this point due to leakage from
expands the gas in Steps, through two or more rows stage to stage.
or stages of stationary nozzles, each set being Reaction turbine. An impulse and a reaction
followed by a row of rotating blades. A designer turbine (shown schematically in Fig. 6-13) have this
wants velocity, and thus the kinetic energy, of the gas main difference: an impulse turbine sees no static-
flow to be the same at the entrance of each row of pressure drop (no expansion) while the gas passes

First Row Rotating Blades

Stationary Nozzles
Inlet Gas Manifold / Stationary Blades or Second Row Nozzles
~,,~..~q Second Row Rotating Blades

Sealing Diaphragm
Bearing \
Housing .~-Rotating Seal
Turbine Shaft

--" ""~ -'1---

. --'...- ,.- w. d

Bearings Turbine Exhaust Duct

8 o ~ •

Shaft Seals Turbine Wheels

Turbine Housing
Fig. 6-9 Turbine elements.

of Motio

Fig. 6-10 Single-stage, of Motiol Stationary Row

single-rotor impulse


co °._

Fig. 6-11 Single-stage, two-rotor, velocity-
compounded impulse turbine.
through the rotating blades, whereas the pressure
does drop (expansion occurs) in a reaction turbine.
Both impulse and reaction wheels are driven by a
change in m o m e n t u m of the gas. In a pure reaction- across the rotor and the nozzle. Any magnitude of
type turbine, the driving force is derived entirely reaction can be designed, but typically values of 50%
from the reaction due to gas expansion within the or less are more efficient.
rotating blades (similar to the gas expansion in a Hydraulic turbines. Occasionally it will be
rocket nozzle). In actual reaction-turbine designs, more economical in the engine system to use the
however, a portion of the driving force comes from high-pressure liquid from the p u m p discharge to
gas impingement on the rotating blades. The percent drive a hydraulic turbine which derives its energy
reaction is the ratio of the static-pressure decrease from the pressure drop across the turbine rather
across the rotor divided by the pressure drop across than the temperature of the driving gaseous fluids.
both the nozzle and rotor expressed as a percentage. The turbine shown in Fig. 6-7 does this to simplify
Thus, a 50%-reaction design has equal pressure drops sealing requirements by using liquid oxygen as the

Nozzle GG


a) Bipropellant b) Monopropellant c) Thrust Chamber

Bleecl ('rapofl)

- Oxidizer Pump
t 1.F Fuel Pump
- Turbine
0 GG - Gas Generator
TC - Tlqrust Chamber

d) Expander e) Staged Combustion

Fig. 6-14 Typical turbine power sources.

° . -


requires a third propellant if neither one of the main

Fig. 6-12 Two-stage, pressure-compounded propellants is suitable for m o n o p r o p e l l a n t appli-
impulse turbine. cation.
Thrust-chamber bleed. As applied in "tapofP'
engine systems, gases will be bled off directly from
the main combustion chamber to drive the turbine.
The gas has an elevated temperature from the
combustion process in the main chamber. Since the
turbine-drive fluid is d u m p e d o v e r b o a r d after
leaving the turbine, this type of design is similar to
those used for the gas-generator system.
Expander. In an expander cycle, such as with a
hydrogen-fueled engine system, the heated hydrogen
gas emerging from the thrust-chamber cooling jacket
is used as the turbine working fluid before being
injected into the main combustion chamber. In
> systems using a mono-propellant as one of the main
Fig. 6-13 Reaction turbine. propellants, the m o n o p r o p e l l a n t can be decom-
p o s e d and used to drive the turbine prior to
injection into the main combustion chamber.
D u a l ( s t a g e d ) c o m b u s t i o n . Here the entire
drive fluid in the turbine as well as in the pump. Such fuel flow reacts with a portion of the oxidizer in a
turbines are typically of the reaction type. bipropropellant gas generator and thus provides the
gas to drive the turbine. The usually fuel-rich exhaust
Turbine Power Sources gas is then ducted into the main c o m b u s t i o n
chamber and reacts with the balance of the oxidizer.
Several different types of engine cycle are available The turbine-discharge flow goes to the thrust cham-
and can be classified primarily based on where the ber, resulting in a similar turbine design as the
turbine-drive fluid originates and where it is dis- expander cycle, but at higher temperature. Staged-
charged after leaving the turbine. The typical turbine combustion-cycle efficiency equals that of the ex-
p o w e r sources shown in Fig. 6-14 are described pander cycle. The SSME engine is of this type. A
briefly here. variation of this cycle is to use an oxidizer-rich gas
B i p r o p e l l a n t g a s g e n e r a t o r . This was the turbine for the oxidizer pump and a fuel rich turbine
most widely used system before 1970 since it has the for the fuel pump.
advantage of using the engine main propellants, and Most systems require an auxiliary power source
the turbine circuit is in parallel with the thrust during engine start to drive the turbine until the
chamber flow. The turbine-drive fluid consists of hot main p o w e r source takes over. Evaluating start
gas from the combustion process in the gas genera- methods on a new engine usually calls for compar-
tor. The turbine flow is s u b s e q u e n t l y d u m p e d ison between a spin and a tank-head start. A spin
o v e r b o a r d or to some low-pressure point. This start uses an auxiliary power source to provide the
system obviously operates with a high pressure ratio initial buildup of turbine speed. A tank-head start
and low flowrate to minimize impact on engine uses propellants out of the main tanks for initial
specific impulse. The turbine for this system will turbine power. As the speed increases, pump-dis-
typically be an impulse supersonic design. charge pressures increase, and the turbine flow and
M o n o p r o p e l l a n t g a s g e n e r a t o r . This pro- available power increase, resulting in the engine
vides the simplest gas-generating system, but it bootstrapping itself to mainstage. The primary fac-

Dual Shafts
Direct Drive Geared Hot Gas

A. Pumps
Back-To-Back G A. Pancake

A. Turbines in Series

B. Turbine B. Off-Set Turbine

Between Pumps

G Gas

O = Oxidizer Pump I
F = Fuel Pump
T = Turbine
G = Gears B. Turbines in Parallel

C. Single-Geared Pump

Fig. 6-15 Principal turbopump drives.

tors affecting the start method are the type of fuel get enough hydrogen flow to prevent temperature
used and the engine cycle. Whether the oxidizer is spikes in the gas generator. This makes a tank-head
cryogenic or storable is not a major factor. start very difficult. The gas-generator cycle does
Storable fuel. A storable fuel will be a liquid at lend itself fairly easily to a spin start because only a
ambient temperature and pressure, such as RP-1 small portion of the total hydrogen goes to the gas
(kerosene) and the hydrazines. Since storables do generator. During the spin portion of start, the main
not gasify at low pressures, relatively high initial fuel valve will be open, providing a path for the
flowrates can be obtained under tank-head condi- main fuel flow to prevent stalling of the main fuel
tions. This makes a tank-head start a reasonable pump. Initial combustion for a spin start will be at a
option. Spin starts have also been used where stored significantly higher pressure than a tank-head start,
high-pressure gas, a solid-propellant gas generator, and will therefore reduce the likelihood of turbine-
or bipropellant start tanks generate the initial turbine inlet temperature spikes. Thus, a spin start will usu-
power. Using a spin start will usually require less ally be r e c o m m e n d e d for hydrogen-fueled engines
development but at the expense of the additional with a gas generator.
components. Cryogenic fuel,, expander cycle. An expander-
Cryogenic-fuel; gas-generator cycle. All cryo- cycle engine has a relatively low turbine pressure-
genic pump-fed engines have used hydrogen for the ratio at mainstage because the turbine flow goes into
fuel. The following discussion concerns using hydro- the main combustion chamber. During start, prior
gen, but would also apply for other cryogenic fuels. to main-chamber prime, there is very low back-pres-
At mainstage, a gas-generator cycle tends to have a sure. As a result, a tank-head start will be a turbine
high turbine pressure-ratio. For a tank-head start, the pressure-ratio equal to or higher than mainstage.
initial turbine pressure-ratio will be lower than This produces a high turbine power for a relatively
mainstage because the initial pressure driving the rapid speed-buildup. Also, the expander does not
turbine has to be lower than the engine fuel-inlet have any combustion upstream of the turbines, so
pressure. This results in a relatively low initial power temperature spikes are not a problem. This cycle
and a slow rate of bootstrap. Also, because hydro- should therefore be fairly easy to tank-head start. It
gen vaporizes easily at low pressure, it is difficult to is also difficult to spin start because a significant

portion of the fuel-pump flow goes through the tur- single-geared p u m p where one p u m p is mounted
bine. Therefore, a high turbine-inlet pressure with the turbine on the same shaft, while the other is
generated by a spin system restricts the fuel-pump driven through a reduction gear. Dual-shaft tur-
flow, resulting in a low flow-coefficient. Because a b o p u m p arrangements with p u m p and turbine for
hydrogen p u m p is very susceptible to stall and boil- each propellant on separate shafts include two gas
out at low flow, this cycle should use a tank-head turbines in series, with the discharge gas from the
start. first turbine driving the second turbine, and two gas
Cryogenic fuel; staged-combustion engine. In turbines in parallel, both receiving gas directly from
the staged-combustion engine, most of the fuel flow the power source.
is used by the turbines; therefore it has the same
potential fuel-pump stall problem (for a spin start)
as the expander cycle. The tank-head start has the Description of Developed Turbopump Systems
difficult p r o b l e m of p r e v e n t i n g t u r b i n e - i n l e t
temperature spikes at low flowrates. Even though dif- Figure 6-16 shows the major elements of a typical
ficult, tank-head start is used for the staged-combus- geared liquid-bipropellant turbopump system for a
tion cycle, but start temperature spikes can lead to rocket engine. Developed for a 188,000-1b-thrust
turbine-blade damage. They can force use of LOX/RP-1 booster engine, this d u a l - p u m p unit
coatings for thermal protection. consists of oxidizer pump, fuel pump, reduction
gearbox, accessory drive adapter, and a turbine. The
Turbopump-Drive Arrangements turbine is started by hot gases from a turbine spinner
(solid-propellant gas generator) and powered from a
The specific type of coupling between turbine and liquid-propellant gas generator during mainstage.
pumps depends not only upon the propellants being The turbine shaft drives a series of reduction gears,
pumped but also on the design of the overall engine which in turn drive the pump shaft. The turbopump
system. Various turbopump-drive arrangements are gears and bearings are cooled and lubricated either
shown schematically in Fig. 6-15. Where a single by a separate oil-supply system or by a fuel-additive
turbine directly drives b o t h propellant p u m p s subsystem. During mainstage operation, the turbo-
through a common shaft, it can be located either on pump supplies oxidizer and fuel to the main thrust
the shaft end (with back-to-back pump arrangement) chamber as well as to the gas generator at the re-
or between pumps. Then both pumps and turbine quired pressures and flow rates. Table 6-1 lists oper-
will operate at the same shaft speed. Gear-driven ating characteristics and materials of construction
turbopump arrangements include the pancake type, for this turbopump.
which uses different reduction gears and is applied Both oxidizer and fuel pumps are of single-entry,
where there are speed differentials between pumps centrifugal-flow type. They are mounted back-to-back
and turbine; the offset turbine, with both pumps on on a c o m m o n shaft, one on each side of the
one shaft but driven through a gear train; and the gearbox. The fuel p u m p is bolted to the gearbox,

Fuel Pump
Oxidizer Pump
Pump Casing Volute Passage (To Discharge)
Gear Box Impeller Balance Ribs
• Radial-Flow Impeller
I Front Wearing Ring
IJ Pump Inlet
~-- Pump Shaft and Shaft Nut
Shaft Seal
~ Shaft Bearing
First Row Rotating B~ades
Pump Inlet
Flange and Second Row Rotating Blades
Seal Stationary Blades or
cond Row Nozzles
Accessory rbine Wheels
Drive Pad
Turbine Shaft and
Shaft Nut

Turbine Drive - ~ -v(d- Rotating Seal

Gear T r a i n J Seal Diaphragm
Turbine Inlet Gas Manifold
Turbine Shaft Seals
Stationary Nozzles

Fig. 6-16 Major elements of a geared turbopump.


Table 6-1 Operating characteristics and construction materials for t u r b o p u m p s h o w n in Fig. 6-16.
, ,,
., .. ==, ,.. • , .. • •

Oxidizer Fuel
i m |

Fluid Liquid oxygen RP-I
Inlet density 71.38 Ib/ft3 50.45 ib 3
Inlet pressure (total) 80.0 psia 57.0 psia
Discharge density 70.95 Ib/ft3 50.55 Ib/~
Discharge pressure (total) 915.2 psia 1,023.0psia
Pressure rise in pump 835.2 psi 966.0 psi
Pump developed head 1,696.2 ft 2,751.0 ft
Volume flow 3,257.4 gpm 2,007.6 gpm
Flow rate 518.0 Ibis 225.7 Ibis
Shaft speed 6537 r;~m
Efficiency 75.5% 72.1%
Shaft power 2,117 bhp 1,585 bhp
NPSH required 35.0 It 35.0 It
Casing material TENS 50-T6 aluminum alloy sand casting
Inducer material 7075-T6 aluminum alloy die forging I 2024-T351 aluminum alloy plate
Impeller material TENS 50-T6 aluminum alloy sand casting I 9669-48230-3 aluminum alloy sand casting
Shaft material 4340 alloy steel
Bearing material 9310 alloy steel
Inlet gas pressure (total) 597.6 psia
Exit gas pressure (static) 32.86 psia
Pressure ratio: Total inlet/static exhaust 18.21
Inlet gas pressure (static) 517.8 psia
Inlet gas temperature 1200"F
Exit gas temperature 938"F
Gas flow rate 17.34 Ibis
Brake horsepower 3,793 hp
Shaft speed 31,740 rpm
Efficiency 66.2%
Housing material Hastelloy "B"
Nozzle block material Hastelloy "B"
Wheel material Timken alloy 16-25-6 AMS-5727 steel
Shaft material 4340 alloy steel
Bearing material 9310 alloy steel
Reduction speed ratio 1/4.855
Gearbox material TENS 50-T6 aluminum alloy sand casting
Gear and shaft material 9310 alloy steel die forging
Bearing material 9310 alloy steel

while the oxidizer pump is secured to it by radially in turn, distribute the gases to the first row of rotating
inserted steel pins. These pins allow the oxidizer- blades. When leaving these, the gases again increase
p u m p housing to e x p a n d and contract during velocity when passing through the second row of
extreme temperature changes without distortion and stationary nozzles. They finally pass through the
misalignment. Each pump has an axial-flow inducer, second row of rotating blades and leave the turbine
a radial-flow impeller with backward curved vanes, through an exhaust duct. A sealing diaphragm be-
stationary diffuser vanes, and a volute. The diffuser tween the first and second turbine wheel prevents the
vanes and volute are designed to achieve uniform hot gas from bypassing the second row of stationary
pressure at the outer diameter of the impeller to nozzles.
minimize radial loads. Balance ribs on the back side
of the impellers neutralize pump-shaft axial thrust. Figure 6-18 shows a direct-drive liquid-oxygen
The gearbox includes a series of full-depth re- turbopump for a dual-shaft turbopump system. The
duction spur gears with integral-bearing inner races, main pump element, a double-suction design, has a
gear carrier and main-shaft bearings, accessory rotor consisting of mirror-image inducers and back-
drives, pump-shaft bearing seals, and a bearing to-back centrifugal impellers. The flow splits equally
heater on the oxidizer-pump shaft. A drain manifold in the inlet, flows through the inducers and im-
handles horizontal drainage. The gears reduce the pellers, and is rejoined at the impeller outer diam-
speed of rotation between turbine and pump shaft by eter, subsequently flowing through the vaned diffuser
an overall ratio of 4.88 to 1. Details of typical and volute. As can be seen in Table 6-2, this pump
turbopump gears and bearings are shown in Fig. 6-17. has a discharge pressure at rated power level of 4100
The pump shaft turns clockwise as viewed from the psi, but 9.3% of the oxygen flow is tapped off
oxidizer pump. The sequence of power transmission downstream of the main pump and sent through the
goes from turbine to high-speed pinion gear then small centrifugal "kick" pump, which raises the
and to pump-shaft gear. Power is also transmitted to pressure to 6952 psi. The shaft system rotates on
a main accessory-drive gear from a drive pinion duplex ball bearings, which are cooled b y a positive
gear mounted on the intermediate gear shaft. flow of the liquid oxygen from the pump.
The turbinewan impulse-type, two-stage pres- The turbine-drive gas comes from a preburner
sure-compounded unit (Fig. 6-12) bolted to the fuel- system, the t u r b o p u m p being used on a staged-
pump housing--consists of a hot-gas inlet manifold, combustion-cycle engine. The turbine, a two-stage
stationary nozzles and vanes, first- and second-stage axial-flow reaction design, has a small reaction rate
turbine wheels, a turbine shaft, and a splined quill to help minimize axial loads. A mixture of liquid
shaft connecting the turbine shaft to the high-speed hydrogen and hot gas cools the turbine disks and
pinion gear. The turbine shaft is supported on the housing to attain structural integrity. The turbine-
inboard side by a ball bearing; on the outboard side, drive fluid is prevented from mixing with the liquid
by a roller bearing. Carbon-ring shaft seals prevent oxygen by a complex seal package consisting of a
hot-gas leaks. The turbine-inlet manifold distributes main LOX seal, double-floating-ring intermediate
the gases to the first row of stationary nozzles. They, seal with an interior helium purge, and a double-

Main Gear (76 Teeth)

Gear Ratio
Main to Turbine 1" 4.885
Bearing No. 1 Turbine to Main 1.0.205
Main to Accessories 1" 0.609
Main Shaft Turbine to Accessories 1"0.125

Oxidizer ~'~'-~~ Fuel Pump

(7'0 Teeth) Bearing No. 2
Bearing No. 3~
Bearing No. 4

-----.--- Intermediate Gear (33 Teeth)

Pinion Gear
(23 Teeth) (33 Teeth) ~ . ~ Bearing No. 8


" Bearing No. 7

Accessory Drive Gear J
(2 Required) - (87 Teeth Each) Bearing No. 6
Bearing No. 5

Fig. 6-17 Typical turbopump gears and bearings.



.[ ..... :i. y:~....

. . . . . .

41 ._ O

Fig. 6-18 SSME HPOTP.

floating-ring hot-gas seal. Overboard drains mini- 2) Required pump-inlet suction pressure. Re-
mize the required helium-supply flowrate. quired suction pressure directly translates into re-
Axial thrust is controlled by a double-acting quired main-propellant-tank pressure level. Suction
balance piston located on the front shrouds of the pressure raised, tank and pressurization-system
back-to-back main impeller. weights increase and thus reduce the stage payload
for a given burnout weight.
3) Turbine-gas flowrate. For gas-generator
6.2 TURBOPUMP SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND cycles, the turbine-drive gases are usually ejected at a
DESIGN PARAMETERS lower specific impulse than the thrust-chamber gases.
Their flowrate decreases the overall Is of the engine
Being closely related, variation of the turbopump system and thus for a given velocity increment it
design and operating parameters will contribute to decreases the allowable stage-burnout weight. For a
the optimization of both turbopump and engine fixed weight of engines, tanks, guidance, and other
system performance. The design procedure for the equipment, a decrease in allowable stage-burnout
turbopump system includes evaluation of all possible weight decreases payload weight.
design approaches and mechanical configurations
that can satisfy engine system specifications. From Turbopump System Design Parameters
this will be selected the best design with respect to
overall systems reliability and performance. Further In the design of turbopump systems, the following
discussion of this subject can be found in Ref. 6-1. parameters, often interdependent, are considered
paramount: propellant properties, pump-developed
heads and flowrates, pump specific speeds, pump net
Turbopump System Performance positive suction head (NPSH), pump efficiencies,
overall performance and operating efficiency of
Turbopump performance affects the vehicle payload turbine, turbopump-system cycle efficiency, and
in three way~,: turbopump-system calibration and off-design charac-
1) Turbopump component weight. Since the teristics. No simple rules are available for optimizing
turbopump components form part of stage burnout the correlations of these parameters when designing
weight, they directly affect stage payload. a specific type of turbopump for a given engine

Table 6-2 O p e r a t i n g p a r a m e t e r s for m r b o p u m p s systems application. Generally speaking, however,

o n t h e SSME at rated p o w e r level. available pump suction pressure together with the
, basic pump flow characteristics will determine the
HPOTP maximum shaft speed at which the unit can operate.
The higher this shaft speed, the lower the turbopump
Tudx)pump LPOTP HPFTP Main Boost weight will likely be. Once the pump speed is deter-
Figure Reference 6-7 6.5 6-18
, ,, , , mined, turbine type, turbine driving arrangement,
Pump: and turbine power source will be selected on the
Fluid LOX I.H2 LOX LOX basis of efficiency, weight, simplicity, and other
Inlet density,Ib/ft3 71.03 4.32 70.28 70.28 factors.
Total inlet pressure, psia 100.0 250 374.8 4,031 Propellant properties. General data for some
Total discharge pressure, psia 408.8 6,024.8 4,129.8 6,952.2 propellants used in liquid-rocket engines are given in
Pump developed head, tl 625.9 168,920 7,591 5,934 Tables 1-3 to 1-5. Table 6-3 lists properties of
Flow rate, Ib/s 890.3 148.5 1,067 101.2 commonly used liquid propellants that have specific
Volumetric flow at inlet, gpm 5,626 15,436 6,814 594.7 significance in the design of pumps. These
Shaft speed, rpm 4,961 33,974 27,039 27,039 propellants include earth-storable liquids such as RP-
Efficiency, % 68.6 77.3 67.3 82.5 1 and N204, cryogenics such as LO2 and LH2, and
Shah power, bhp 1,476 58,970 21,882 1,330
liquids having a wide range of physical and chemical
Fluid LOX Hot gas Hot gas
Inlet total pressure, psia 3.961 4,933 4,924 The low temperature of cryogenic liquids im-
Discharge total pressure, psia 408.8 3,376 3,286 poses design limitations that must be addressed in
Isentropicvelocity ratio 0.465 0.356 0.286 the selection of materials, seals, bearings, and
Pressure ratio, T-T -- 1.461 1.498 lubricants. For example, the temperature is low
Inlet temperature, "R 191.3 1835.9 1430 enough to freeze any water vapor present, creating
Dischargetemperature,"R 189.7 1698.3 1314.9 ice that can damage parts or cause them to mal-
Flow rate, Ib/s 176.9 145.6 60.6 function. The total temperature range to which the
Horsepower 1,476 58,972 23,212 structural elements of a cryogenic turbopump may
Shaft speed, rpm 4,961 33,974 27,039 be exposed varies from-300 to -430"F at the pumps
Efficiency, % 63.1 79.6 78.1 to 1200 to 1700°F at the turbine. This induces
aThe turbinefor the LPOTP is a hydraulicturbine, and 1he two high-pressure
temperature gradients between the various turbo-
turbines are two-stage pressurecompounded designs using 0 2 -LH2 pump components that must be accommodated, and
combustion products. requires structural flexibility or suitable devices to

Table 6-3 Fluid p r o p e r t i e s of c o m m o n l y u s e d liquid p r o p e l l a n t s .

a Data at Normal Conditions


Conversion Factors
Liquid Temper- Vapor viscosity,
ature, Pressure, Oensi~ Head ft/
Ib/fP gpm/ IIPs/inz
"F psia Pressure, Ib.s

N204 60 11.1 90.7 1.59 4.96 0.637 x 107

H202 (90%) 60 0.026 87.8 1.64 5.12 1.868 x 10"7
N2H4 60 0.158 63.3 2.28 7.12 1.49 x 10.7
RP-I 60 0.031 50.8 (max) 2.83 (min) 8.84 (min) 3.22 x 107
49.8 (min) 2.89 (max) 9.00 (max)
Ethyl-alcohol (95%) 60 0.062 50.4 2.85 8.91 2.22 x 10.7
UDMH 60 1.83 49.66 2.90 9.06 0.842 x 10.7
50% UDMH/N2H4 60 1.77 56.66 2.54 7.94 1.378 x 10.7
LO2 -297.6 14.7 71.17 2.02 6.32 0.2765 x 10.7
LF 2 -307 14.7 94.21 1.54 4.79 0.353 x 10.7
':LH 2 -422.9 14.7 4.43 32.5 101.5 0.0208 x 10.7
~LN 2 -320.4 14.7 50.44 2.86 8.92 0.226 x 10.7
awater 60 0.256 62.37 2.31 7.2 1.64 x 10.7

a Normal conditionsdo not necessarily imply standard conditions, if tank pressures have been applied.
b Included here because these fluids are frequently used as pump calibration media.
c Conversion factors are affected by thermodynamiceffects for large pressure changes.

permit the required thermal expansion and contrac- where Ap is in units of psi and density is in units of
tion. Radial connecting pins are often employed to lb/ft3. For a fluid like hydrogen that has a degree of
permit a cryogenic pump to contract independently compressibility, the head is typically defined as the
of a turbine and of a normal-temperature pump. isentropic enthalpy rise from inlet conditions to the
The vapor pressure of the propellants under discharge pressure. The specific h e a d / p r e s s u r e
normal engine operation conditions directly in- relationship is d e p e n d e n t on the fluid-thermo-
fluences total suction-pressure requirements at the dynamic state conditions. For small pressure
pump inlet. This will be further discussed in con- changes (e.g., less than 1000 psi), the incompressible
junction with the pump-inlet net positive suction relationship shown above can generally be used as a
head (NPSH). first approximation.
The density variations of different propellants The required p u m p - d e v e l o p e d head at the
produce substantially different pump headrise re- design propellant flowrate (i.e., engine thrust level) is
quirements, as well as large differences in volume dictated by the sum of the hydraulic resistances
flow. The power required per unit weight flow and within the engine's propellant-flow system. These
pressure rise of a pump is inversely proportional to resistances include the pressure drops across in-
the density of the fluid--dramatically evident in'the jector, thrust-chamber manifold, cooling jacket,
case of liquid hydrogen, which has a density of less propellant valves and ducts, as well as the thrust-
than 10% of that of other propellants. For the same c h a m b e r pressure. In addition, for the staged
weight flow and pressure rise, a liquid-hydrogen combustion cycle and the expander-cycle engine,
pump requires more than 10 times the volume flow pressure differential across the turbine must be
and driving power of other propellant pumps. Thus provided for in the pump-discharge pressure. Figure
the design of liquid-hydrogen pumps requires 6-19 shows an engine propellant-flow-system hy-
specific considerations. draulic-resistance curve representing the resistance
The viscosity of the p u m p e d fluids effects a head to flowrate relationship at various p u m p
boundary layer along the surface of the flow passages operating levels.
within the pump. There is a minimum size of the The head is developed by the rotating members
impeller cross-section below which pump perfor- imparting energy to the fluid primarily in the form
mance will fall off rapidly. As the passage clearances of kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is then
in the impeller are decreased, a point will be converted by the stationary members into pressure
reached where the flow is predominantly boundary energy. The magnitude of the developed head for a
layer, and viscous forces rather than turbulent forces given design is a function of both the pump speed
become predominant. This completely changes the and flow. The head is generally expressed by a
performance of a pump. The drag effect of the head-flow (H-Q) characteristic at one or more
boundary layers, together with the rotation of the constant values of speed, as shown in Fig. 6-19. At
fluid in certain pump passages (such as in the high flows, the pump-drive energy is consumed by
impeller of a centrifugal pump), results in secondary internal flow losses, and the head rise decreases to
flows being set up. These flows, together with friction zero. At the other extreme, as flow decreases the
losses (also in direct proportion to the viscosity of head continues to increase, at least at first. It can
the fluid) and leakage losses, constitute a major then level off, begin slowly to decrease, or, in some
portion of the energy losses in a pump. A high cases, drop off dramatically due to p h e n o m e n a
propellant viscosity tends to lower pump efficiency. known as stall. That unstable condition, discussed
Some liquid propellants, such as LF2 and N2H4, below, must be avoided to achieve constant pump
are highly reactive chemically and are thermally
unstable beyond certain temperature limits. In the
design of turbopumps for these propellants, special r-ENGINE PROPELLANT FLOW
consideration must be given to the selection of \ SYSTEM HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE
compatible materials as well as to the construction
of mechanical parts. Seals, bearings, and the \ /--PUMP H-'Q
protection (insulation)of the pump section against I--
I.d / /---110%RATED DESIGN
heat influx from the turbine section following engine Ld
shutdown are typical problem areas.
P u m p - d e v e l o p e d heads and f l o w rates. The
pump adds energy to the fluid preferably in the form <t
W HDe$
~-- , ~ ~ / /-'90% RATED DESIGN
of higher discharge static-pressure. The term "pump- - sPEED
developed head" (DH), defined as the difference D.
b e t w e e n pump-discharge total head and pump 23
suction head, represents the energy added per
pound of pumped fluid expressed as a change in
enthalpy with units of ft-lb/lb, which is typically
shortened to units of "ft." For an incompressible O Des
fluid, developed fluid pressure lap (psi)] and fluid
head ,[AH (ft)] have this relationship:
Fig. 6-19 Engine system resistance and pump
AH = 144 Ap/(fluid density) (6-1) characteristics.

operation. Increasing speed increases the head by speed. Actual pump operation has shown, however,
the speed-squared relationship provided the ratio of that p u m p efficiency does change with speed. The
f l o w / s p e e d can be maintained constant. This is degree depends on the individual pump design and
strictly true only for an incompressible fluid, but the pumped fluid. Most rocket-engine propellants are
approximately valid even for a compressible liquid basically incompressible and show less than 2 or 3%
like hydrogen. change in efficiency over a wide speed range. Thus
Two dimensionless coefficients are frequently the pump affinity laws hold quite well in most cases.
used to indicate the head and flow characteristics of Because much more strongly affected by speed,
a given pump: pump head coefficient ~ and pump hydrogen pumps need efficiency calculated by a
flow coefficient @. The pump head coefficient is the thermodynamic model of the p u m p system at the
ratio of rated p u m p head (ft) to the maximum desired speeds.
theoretical head at zero flow for meridional (axial) The relationships established in Eq. (6-3a), (6-
inlet (no prerotation), expressed as follows: 3b), and (6-3c) permit deriving a useful pump-design
parameter, the pump stage specific speed, NS:
= AH/(U22/g) (6-2)
Ns = N(Q)0.5/(AH)0.75 (6-4)
= overall pump head coefficient at rated de- where--
sign point (range is 0.4 to 0.7 for a single- NS - pump specific speed
stage centrifugal pump and 0.2 to 0.4 for a N = pump rotating speed, rpm
single-stage axial pump) Q = pump flowrate, gpm
AH = pump rated developed head, ft AH = pump-developed head in a given stage
U2 = mean tip velocity of pump impeller at rated
design rotating speed, ft/s Pump specific speed is a characteristic value
g = gravitational constant, 32.2 ft/s2 typically defined at the point of maximum efficiency,
which is usually the design point. In pump design,
The pump flow coefficient @can be defined based this term is very useful to classify inducers or
either on inlet or discharge conditions, each as a impellers on the basis of both performance and
ratio of the average meridional velocity (cm) in ft/s geometric proportions regardless of the actual size
divided by a tip speed U in ft/s (that is, ~ = cm/U). or speed at which they operate. NS, a function of
The inlet flow coefficient uses inlet velocity based on design configuration, does not vary significantly for
the flow and the geometric area from the first rotor- a series of geometrically similar impellers (having
inlet tip to the hub. The value of U is based on the the same angles and proportions), or for a particular
inducer tip diameter, if present, or the impeller eye impeller operating at any speed.
diameter (tip diameter at the inlet of the blade). For Figure 6-20 indicates typical p u m p specific
the discharge flow coefficient, the average merid- speeds for various impeller geometries. For a given
ional velocity at the impeller discharge is used speed, a low value of specific speed is characteristic
together with the tip speed at the impeller exit. Inlet for low-volume flow, high-headrise pumps. Higher
flow coefficients for rocket-engine pumps typically specific speed indicates a higher-volume-flow, low-
range from 0.07 to 0.30. Discharge flow coefficients head-rise pump.
range from 0.01 to 0.15. Radial-type i m p e l l e r . The head is largely
Pump specific speeds. For any given pump developed by action of centrifugal force. This radial
design, the relation between fluid flow rate Q, de- type is used for specific-speed from 500 to 1200.
veloped fluid head AH, required driving power hp, Geometric proportion (r2/rl) varies from 2 to 3.
and rotating speed N can be defined by three Francis-type impeller. This type has an axial
expressions called the affinity laws of a pump. inlet and a radial discharge, and is used for lower
These laws state: heads. Specific speed generally ranges from 1000 to
1) Pump volume flowrate varies directly with 2400. Geometric proportion (r2/rl) varies from 1.3 to
speed: 1.8. The Francis type is most representative of
rocket-engine pumps.
Q1/Q2 = N1/N2 (6-3a)

2) Pump-developed bead varies directly as the

square of the speed..
AH1/AtH2--- N12/N22 (6-3b)
3) Pump driving power varies directly as a , Radial - " " Francis ~ Mixed "/J~. Propeller " ' - - Rotation
cube of the speed:
Higll Head /
Low Flow ~ -
I Low Head
Higrt Flow
Ns = 500 J Basic Impeller Type INs "" 12,000
hpl/hp2 - N13/N23 (6-3c)

The affinity laws are based on the assumption that Fig. 6-20 Relationship between the pump
the pump efficiency is independent of the rotating specific speeds and pump-impeller geometries.

M i x e d - f l o w - t y p e i m p e l l e r . The head de- CURVE OF CRITICAL NE'T

veloped in this impeller is due partly to change in POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD
tangential velocity and partly to change in fluid
velocity relative to the rotor. Discharge is partly
radial and partly axial. The impeller blades are tu
doubly curved. Specific speed varies from 2200 to W
Propeller-type impeller. The head developed 6 DES-
~u 'O%
by this type is through push of the vanes only. Flow RATED DESIGN FLOW
direction is axial. Specific speeds range from 3000 to
6000 for multi-stage impellers, and from 6000 to Q. I10 PERCENT RATED DESIGN FLOW
12,000 for inducers.

Sample Calculation 6-1

The following data characterize the propellant I
pumps of the hypothetical A-1 Stage engine at the
rated design point:
Pump Oxidizer Fuel Fig. 6-21 Typical c a v i t a t i o n characteristics o f a
Fluid density, lb/ft3 71.38 50.45 p u m p o p e r a t e d at rated d e s i g n s p e e d .
Inlet total pressure, psia 55 45
Pump discharge pressure, psia 1505 1720
Pump flowrate, lb/s 1971 892
Pump speed, rpm 7000 7000 where--
(NPSH)a = available net positive suction head, ft
Problem Pt = propellant-tank pressure, psia
Determine the pump specific speeds. P = density of propellant, lb/ft3
Z =height of propellant above the p u m p
S o l u t i o n 6-1 inlet and within the tank (corrected
in flight for vehicle acceleration and
For the oxidizer pump: gravity effects), ft
developed pressure - 1450 psi Apf = pressure drop due to friction losses
developed head = 2930 ft within the propellant suction ducts,
volumetric flowrate = 12,420 gpm psi
specific speed = 1980 Pv = propellant vapor pressure for the
propellant temperature at the p u m p
For the fuel pump: inlet, psia
developed pressure = 1675 psi
developed head = 4790 ft Alternatively, total pressure at the pump inlet given
volumetric flowrate = 7960 gpm by Ptl, NPSH can be simply expressed a s - -
specific speed = 1083
NPSHa - (Ptl - pv)144/p (6-6)
Pump net p o s i t i v e suction head (NPSH);
cavitation. Allowing the static pressure of the fluid In design practice, the term "critical net positive
at the pump inlet or any regions within the pump to
suction head" (NPSH)c defines the NPSH value that
drop below the local fluid vapor-pressure level will
will result in a 2% head-generation loss at the rated
cause these regions to cavitate; i.e., the fluid will pass
design speed and flow rate of a given pump. (Some
from liquid to vapor and form bubbles. The for-
references use a 3% head falloff rather than 2%.)
mation of vapor alters the effective flow passages of
Usually further reduction in inlet NPSH below the
the fluid and can seriously affect normal pump
(NPSH)c point results in rapidly increasing cavi-
performance. The subsequent collapse of these
tation. In turn, the d e v e l o p e d head is further
vapor regions creates local pressure forces that can
reduced, bringing on nonsteady flow. Figure 6-21
cause flow instabilities and/or substantial damage.
represents the cavitation characteristics of a typical
To avoid cavitation during operation of a
pump operated at rated design speed. Although the
propellant pump, the pump-inlet available net
head p r o d u c e d by the p u m p remains relatively
positive suction head (NPSH)a, furnished by the
constant down to the critical NPSH, there may be
propellant-feed system upstream of the pump, must
significant cavitation occurring in the pump that can
be higher than the suction h e a d above the
produce other effects. This is particularly true of
propellant vapor pressure at which cavitation would
inducers, which are designed to operate with cav-
begin. (NPSH)a is the difference between the propel-
itation. However, the cavitation can produce physical
lant inlet total pressure head and the propellant damage to the hardware and increase oscillations of
vapor pressure, expressed as follows: both flow and pressure in the pump. It is not
uncommon to be able to visually see cavitation in
(NPSH)a = (144/9) [Pt- Apf- Pv] + Z (6-5) inducers at NPSH values that are several times the

critical, and the oscillations are typically noticeable permit satisfactory pump acceleration from zero to
in the range from one to two times the critical. These nominal design speed and flow rate in the desired
effects are dependent on the design, and it is not time and manner. The starting (NPSH)c depends on
necessary, in general, to eliminate all cavitation to the rate of acceleration and on the control system of
achieve a good design even for applications re- the engine, as well as on vehicle acceleration, gravity
quiring long life. In fact, most rocket-engine pumps effects, and propellant-suction-duct geometry. There-
operate with cavitation to minimize weight. Below fore, sufficient tank pressure must be provided to
the critical NPSH, surging flow can occur or p u m p accelerate the propellant and to o v e r c o m e the
speed can run away due to the loss of head in the hydraulic resistance in the suction duct, as well as to
pump. Operation below this value must be carefully supply the necessary p u m p (NPSH)c during all
monitored. phases of system operation. Similarly, the NPSH dur-
To ensure a margin of safety for pump opera- ing shutdown transients must be sufficient to permit
tion, the (NPSH)a supplied by the vehicle must be a safe shutdown without a t u r b o p u m p - o v e r s p e e d
larger than the (NPSH) c of the propellant pumps. condition.
The margin to be used will depend on the applica- Pump operational efficiency; l o s s e s . Several
tion. General guidelines are presented in the section types of energy loss occuring during pump operation
on inducer design. affect efficiency.
It is useful to compare the suction characteristics Hydraulic losses. These include friction losses
of various pump designs on the basis of a design in the passages and flow-turbulence losses. The
parameter called suction specific speed Nss, which is friction losses are a function of the "wetted areas" in
defined as follows: the passages and of the roughness of their surfaces.
The turbulence losses are caused by disturbances in
Nss = N(Q)0.5/(NPSH)c0.75 (6-7) certain regions of the pump, such as at the inlet and
outlet edge of the vanes of both impeller and
where-- diffuser and in the return guide-vanes. Flow in pump
Nss = pump suction specific speed components is essentially always diffusing (lower
N = pump rated design speed, rpm relative velocity at the exit plane than at the inlet for
Q = pump rated design volume flow rate, a given blade row), which has associated losses. Tip-
gpm clearance flows contribute losses in u n s h r o u d e d
(NPSH)c = p u m p critical net positive suction regions. Cavitation in flow passages can increase
head, ft these losses by causing local accelerations plus
adding the losses associated with the cavitation-
Suction specific speed is related to the critical net collapse mechanism.
positive suction head in the same manner the Disk-friction losses. The energy required to
specific speed is related to overall pump-developed rotate a disk, such as an impeller or inducer, in a
head. Design values of suction specific speeds for fluid is known as disk-friction loss. The disk-friction
rocket-propellant pumps range from 10,000 without losses are due to two actions: the actual friction of
inducers to values over 100,000 for certain propel- fluid on the disk, which is relatively minor, and a
lants with inducers. pumping action on the fluid in contact with the disk,
Another coefficient describing p u m p suction whereby the fluid is circulated locally by centrifugal
characteristics, the Thoma parameter r, is the ratio action. The energy loss due to disk friction is
of critical net positive suction head (NPSH)c and transformed into heat and can appreciably increase
rated pump-developed head AH: the temperature of the fluid.

r = (NPSH)c/AH = (Ns/Nss)1.333 (6-8)

This parameter is not commonly used today because Pressure Compounded Turbine __ Nss = 40,000
it does not represent a c o m m o n pump character- 20 _ (Two Stages) ~1k
istic. ........
E Desirable
For a given vehicle (NPSH)a, the pump suction 16 Area , J
characteristics Nss determine the maximum permis- CD
Velocity /'4 '"::: ~ , ~ ..,,
Cor.poon,J~,J - - ~ 8.,., 20,000
sible rpm at the design flowrate. A high pump Nss z 12 Turbine /,~: ~:.:~"
capability or a high vehicle (NPSH)a permits a high- 13..
(Two ROWS) ~": . ~ " " ~
er pump rpm, lower turbopump weight, and possibly - 8

higher turbine performance. It is desirable to £


operate a pump at the highest practical speed. Figure "6

6-22 represents the results of a parametric turbo-
pump-system design study for a typical LO2/RP-1 I ..1 I I I I
booster-stage rocket, such as the A-1 Stage engine. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
The study reflects the effects of N, (NPSH)c, and Nss (NPSH)c, 11
on the selection of turbopump configuration.
Fig. 6-22 Effects of N, (NPSH)c and Nss on
In addition to the pump (NPSH)c values during
steady-state operation, the engine starting transient
turbopump selection for a typical LO2/RP-1
pump (NPSH)c must be determined and specified t~- booster-stage rocket engine system.

Mechanical losses. These are losses in bearings centrifugal pump, Fig. 6-24 shows the correlation
and seals caused by mechanical friction. between p u m p flowrate and the following three
Leakage losses. To prevent the pumped fluid parameters: developed head, efficiency, and required
from leaking back to the inlet after it has exited the brake horsepower.
impeller and is at outlet-pressure levels, close- Turbine overall p e r f o r m a n c e and operating
clearance seals or wearing rings are provided. efficiency. The turbine generates the power needed
Increases in leakage require pumping power and to rotate the pump at the desired speed. The turbine
introduce heat into the inlet fluid; both contribute to derives its energy from the working fluid. The power
a loss in efficiency. generated equals the product of the flow times the
The overall efficiency of a pump (rip) can be available energy of the working fluid times the
expressed by the ratio of pump fluid-horsepower turbine efficiency. To achieve the desired power, the
output, fhp, to brake-horsepower input by the pump turbine designer will typically try to achieve the
drive, bhp: maximum efficiency within the constraints imposed,
and the tradeoff between flow and available energy
rip = fhp/bhp (6-9) will depend on the particular cycle.
The available energy content of the turbine
The p u m p fluid h o r s e p o w e r - - t h e actual usable working fluid is defined as the enthalpy drop per
output delivered by the p u m p m i s the product of pound of working fluid in the turbine:
delivered propellant weight flow [Wp (lb/s)] times the
AHt = H o - H e (6-12)
actual head AH(ft) developed by the pump, divided
by a conversion factor:
AHt --- available energy content of the working
fhp = Wp AH/550 (6-10)
fluid, Btu/lb
The brake horsepower represents the mechanical Ho = enthalpy per unit weight of the working
horsepower delivered to the pump by the drive. It is fluid at turbine inlet, Btu/lb
consumed in the pump as fluid horsepower and as He = enthalpy per unit weight of the working
the various losses: fluid at exhaust pressure (assuming
isentropic expansion), Btu/lb
bhp = fhp + (hp) h + (hp)df + (hp) m + (hp)l
(6-11) Using Eq. (1-10) and (1-13), Eq. (6-12) can be
rewritten for an ideal gas as follows:
= brake horsepower
= fluid horsepower
= h o r s e p o w e r required
hydraulic losses
to overcome t / ]po
(hp)df = horsepower required to overcome disk where--
friction losses Cp = working-fluid specific heat at constant
(hp)m = h o r s e p o w e r required to overcome pressure, Btu/lb-F
mechanical losses To = working-fluid total temperature at turbine
(hp)l = h o r s e p o w e r required to overcome inlet, "R
leakage loss Te -- working-fluid static temperature at turbine
exhaust, "R
The efficiency of a pump is related to the vol- Po = working-fluid total pressure at turbine
ume flow rate Q and the pump specific speed Ns. inlet, psia
There is a definite trend toward increased efficiency Pe -- working-fluid static pressure at turbine
with higher pump capacities primarily because the exhaust, psia
resulting larger size of the pump permits operation ~, = working-fluid specific heat ratio
with smaller relative clearances, reducing leakage
losses, and surfaces that are hydrodynamically The ratio of turbine-inlet and exhaust pressures
smoother, reducing the skin-friction losses. The low- pl/P2 can be expressed as the turbine pressure ratio
specific-speed pumps have less efficiency because Rt, which is a frequently used parameter in turbine
they typically have disk-friction and leakage losses design. Substituting this into Eq. (6-13) yields--
that are relatively higher. This can be seen from Fig.
6-23, which shows the efficiency as a function of both
the specific speed and the volumetric flowrate. (All
rocket-engine pumps do not fall exactly on these
curves, but they show the correct trends.) The overall
AHt = Cpro [ 1 -- \Rt,] J (6-14)

efficiency of rocket-engine propellant pumps of high

developed head and rotating speed ranges from 60 It can be seen that the available energy in the tur-
to 85%. This is up to 10% lower than that of high- bine working fluid is a function of gas properties,
p e r f o r m a n c e industrial pumps. For a typical inlet temperature, and the turbine pressure ratio.

Table 6-4 P r o p e r t i e s of typical fuel-rich

w'°,°°°,°°~5.. ""7' ~ ~ 4 . III
85 3,000to 10.000pgm . ~ ="'- ', .. I _~ I,~..~_.~, =t
c o m b u s t i o n p r o d u c t gases.
I i It-i/,oa.ooogp,,, ~ _ . < _ _ _ j ~ I! _
I ~
I ~ - . .
,"..LJ_~ -'_:
Inlet Ct~ Mixture
75 I - " - - l ' - " - t ~ ' / -- - I 4- N Fluid Temper. Y R,
fl/'R Ratio,
ature ib 'F O/F
, , ,, i

LOX/RP-1 1100 0.635 1.097 43.3 0.308

1150 0.639 1.100 45.1 0.320
1200 0.643 1.106 47.1 0.337
..... I I [ 1 1250 0.646 1.111 58.6 0.354
, : ( I
1300 0.648 1.115 50.4 0.372
500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 10,000 15,000 1350 0.651 1.119 51.8 0.390
Values of Specific Speed, N s rpm g ~
1400 0.653 1.124 53.6 0.408
1450 0.655 1.128 55.4 0.425
Fig. 6-23 Variation o f p u m p e f f i c i e n c y w i t h 1500 0.657 1.132 58.0 0.443
specific speed.
1550 0.659 1.137 59.0 0.460
1600 0.660 1.140 60.7 0.478
1650 0.661 1.144 62.4 0.497
P u m p D e v e l o p e d H e a d H, ft 1700 0.662 1.148 64.0 0.516
P u m p E f f i c i e n c y Tip, %
P u m p R e q u i r e d Power, B h p
N204/CH2(UDM H) 1400 0.380 1.420 87.5 0.110
1500 0.398 1.420 91.6 0.165
Developed Head
1600 0.416 1.420 95.7 0.220
1700 0.434 1.420 99.9 0.274
/ Design
1800 0.452 1.420 104.0 0.328
Condition / Efficiency 1900 0.470 1.420 108.2 0.382
~ ¥ - - I / LOX/LH2 1000 2.05 1.374 434 0.785
1200 1.94 1.a~ 403 0.908
e 1400 1.86 1.354 378 1.025
1600 1.80 1.343 358 1.143
1800 1.73 1.333 336 1.273
2000 1.69 1.322 320 1.410

PumpFlowrate0 (gpm) Figure 6-26 shows the relationship between

turbine pressure ratio and available energy of the
Fig. 6-24 H-Q, e f f i c i e n c y , a n d r e q u i r e d p o w e r working fluid for a turbine-inlet temperature of
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c c u r v e s of a t y p i c a l c e n t r i f u g a l 1200"F, again for the propellant combinations
LO2/RP-1 and LO2/LH2. Although a large amount of
energy may be available in a working fluid, it may be
difficult to convert it efficiently into turbine shaft
Most of the turbine working fluids for rocket-engine horsepower because of the severe weight limitations
application are fuel-rich product gases generated by on rocket-engine turbopumps. Thus the available
bipropellant combustion. Typical working-fluid pressure ratio of a turbine often cannot be fully used.
properties are listed in Table 6-4. Precaution: these The overall efficiency of a turbine Tit is defined
working fluids do not behave exactly as perfect gases; as the ratio of turbine shaft horsepower thp to
real fluid properties must be used to assess enthalpy drop rate, or the available energy-delivered
accurately a turbine's performance. rate of the working fluid:
Figure 6-25 shows the relationship between 550thp
turbine-inlet temperature and available working-fluid tit = 778xJctAHt (6-15)
energy for a turbine pressure ratio of 20 for the two
propellant combinations, LO2/RP-1 and LO2/LH2. Again, for an ideal gas, this can be expressed using
Turbine-inlet temperatures are limited by the high- Eq. (6-14) to show the relationship to fluid
temperature properties of the turbine materials. properties, as follows:
State-of-the art uncooled metallic designs have a
practical design limit of about 1600"F. Above certain rh = 0.707 thp (6-16)
levels, the gain from a higher turbine-inlet
temperature will be offset by the turbine efficiency ~rtCpWo[ 1- (~tt)~-~]
losses (see "blade losses" in following paragraphs)
resulting from higher gas-jet speed (spouting velocity In turbine operation, efficiency can be affected
Co), which is proportional to the turbine-inlet by the following losses:
temperature. • N o z z l e l o s s e s . Similar to those in thrust-chamber


1.6oo 1,600 LOX/LH2
<1 1,20o i = 1200°F
•r 1,200 ..............................

.o 800
w 800

< 400 LOX/RP- 1

o I I .I ,, . i I l_ I
1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 0 . . . . .

Turbine Inlet Temperature (°F) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Pressure Ratio
Fig. 6-25 Effect of turbine-inlet temperature on
working-fluid available energy. Fig. 6-26 Effect of turbine pressure ratio o n
working-fluid available energy.

nozzles, these losses are due to the gas leaving the

nozzle at a lower velocity than it would an ideal 1001 Pressure Compounded
nozzle. The losses are due to flow turbulence, fluid .o_"a (Two-StageBasis)
friction, fluid turning, and loss of heat to and
through the turbine nozzle-blocks.
• Blade losses. These are caused by residual I

velocity of the gas as it leaves the rotor blades, the .9-° 6 0 - -

obliquity of the nozzle (i.e., the nozzle angle in Fig. /
6-10 cannot be made zero), flow turbulence, and fluid 40 Velocity Compounded
friction. Losses due to residual gas velocity can be >'
r~ (Two Row)
reduced by optimizing the turbine blade-to-gas c
.~_ 20 Single-Stage Basis ~
velocity ratio U/Co, where U is the pitch speed of .o_
the rotor blades and Co is the ideal spouting w ! .... I .! _ !., I
velocity of the gas based on available energy and 0~
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
isentropic expansion. These conditions can be
analyzed quantitatively by means of turbine-gas-flow Overall Isentropic Velocity Ratio - U/Co
velocity diagrams (to be discussed in section 6.6). Fig. 6-27 Typical efficiency curves o f impulse-
Flow turbulence can be reduced through improved type turbines.
blade shape and through full turbine nozzle
• Leakage or clearance losses. The clearance
required between rotor-blade tips and casing permits available energy, and by matching its high gas-
some gas to leak past the blades without doing work, spouting velocity Co with a high rotor-blade pitch
thus causing energy losses. The gas leakage from speed U. However, the blade speed is often limited
stage to stage in a multistage pressure-compounded by the required pump rpm, by the practical size of
turbine due to required clearance between shaft and the rotor wheel, and the strength of materials. The.
sealing diaphragm results in similar losses. optimum velocity ratio (or optimum value of blade
• D i s k - f r i c t i o n losses. Fluid friction occurs at the speed for a given gas-spouting velocity) is reduced
interface of gas and rotor-disk surfaces. Also, by the use of velocity or pressure-compounded
centrifugal action of the rotor disk causes some of arrangements (shown schematically in Fig. 6-9 and 6-
the gas to flow radially to the casing and to be 11). However, these designs increase weight and
dragged along the face of the casing by the rotor complexity.
blades, causing friction. In general, a direct-drive configuration (Fig. 6-15)
• Mechanical losses. These result from the with an rpm lower than ideal produces a low value of
mechanical friction in bearings and rotating seals. U/Co, and a velocity-compounded turbine will be
Efficiency. The design of turbines for rocket used because of its low overall weight and simplicity.
turbopumps tends toward the simpler and lighter Where a reduction gear is provided between pumps
impulse-types, with most of the expansion occurring and turbine, a higher value of U/Co is possible and a
in the stationary elements. Figure 6-27 shows the more efficient pressure-compounded turbine can be
typical efficiency curves of various impulse-type used.
turbines. The design problem becomes one of Since the turbine pressure ratio has only a small
balancing efficiency (optimum velocity ratio U/Co), effect upon available energy content of the working
weight (number of stages or rows), and structural fluid (Fig. 6-26), the power level of a turbine will
considerations. A higher performance can be usually be regulated by controlling the inlet pressure
achieved by employing a working fluid with high (po) and in turn the flow rate (wt) of the turbine.

System c a l i b r a t i o n a n d off-design char- respective p u m p parameters to achieve the desired

actertstics. Before the 1970s, rocket-engine systems operation. For the SSME, the oxidizer and fuel
operated at a single set of conditions, specifically, at pumps are on separate shafts so that a seoarate
rated thrust and mixture ratio. Each of the adjustment of their respective speeds is achievable
components in turn were designed for optimum as well as an adjustment of flowrate.
functioning at that rated thrust level. However, most One of the most significant pump off-design
of the engine components, notably p u m p s and characteristics, the pump stall point, usually occurs
turbines, were also required to operate satisfactorily in the low-flow region. The pump operation tends to
within a certain range different from the design be erratic at this point, resulting in the abrupt loss of
point. Such a need may be caused by system and developed head and the danger of overspeeding.
c o m p o n e n t calibration characteristics, system Stall is the result of a boundary-layer separation at
operational deviations, system start and shutdown some point in the pump system. The first blade row
transients, and special system requirements, such as to stall could be either a rotor or stator, depending
throttling. on the particular design. The magnitude of the head
Owing to tolerance requirements on engine and falloff due to stall will also vary from pump to pump;
c o m p o n e n t p e r f o r m a n c e , and to correct for but in general, axial-flow pumps tend to have a much
hydrodynamic variations within the components, it more severe stall characteristic than centrifugal
is sometimes necessary to calibrate a t u r b o p u m p pumps, as illustrated in Fig. 6-29. Because of this,
before its integration into an engine system. The applications requiring a wide operating range
performance of each p u m p will be determined typically use centrifugal designs rather than axial. It
experimentally. By modifying the pump geometry is the responsibility of the pump designer, of course,
(impeller trimming) and varying the discharge to establish the required operating range for a pump
hydraulic resistances, the desired operating charac- and to produce a design that will be satisfactory over
teristics required by the engine system can be this range.
achieved. For turbopumps with both pumps driven During the start and shutdown transients of an
by a single turbine (as shown in Fig. 6-15), the engine system, propellant flow and pressure char-
calibration procedure begins with the experimental acteristics will be determined by the engine's system-
determination of the shaft speed at which one of the design characteristics. Figure 6-30 shows the
pumps (usually the oxidizer pump) develops the propellant flows and chamber-pressure buildup his-
required head and flow. Simultaneously, the suction tory for a typical gas-generator engine start transient
characteristics of this p u m p are determined at this (note temporary oxidizer-flow drop as a result of
speed. The other pump is then operated at the same LOX-dome priming). A rocket t u r b o p u m p must
speed and the discharge adjusted for the required attain full p o w e r in substantially less time than
flow. Based on the pressure readings, the diameter of conventional turbomachinery. Frequently, full-power
the pump impeller will then be trimmed on a lathe operation must be attained in less than 1 s--dictated
until the desired head is produced at rated speed by the need for propellant-consumption economy in
and flow. The pump suction characteristics at these flight and for avoiding the possibility of flow
conditions are also determined. Figure 6-28 shows instability in the thrust chamber and other compo-
the trimming effects of a typical pump. The trim-
ming procedure requires that the pump impellers to
be made sufficiently large initially, since addition of
material is not feasible. The calibrated pumps are 120
then combined with a turbine. ...$

"" Z,,E,oR~

The turbine calibration requires either an ad- W

justment of the flow to achieve the required power
or, if the flow is limited, an adjustment of the fluid
I10 -
"'-/%-1 '""
operating condition (e.g., temperature). This pro-
cedure considers the influence of turbine variations
] ",,,
resulting from fabrication variations. The turbopump z
is then matched with the remaining engine system in u

complete-engine system calibrations. Adjustments in

90 -
engine mixture ratio can be made by installing an z"
orifice in the discharge of one of the pumps. Orifice
installation considerations and type of propellant
often make it desirable to ensure that the orificing is (:3
always installed for the same propellant; in LOX/RP a..

systems, usually the fuel. For this reason, the pump

> 70 ./. i ,
for that system is trimmed for a slightly excess head.
Adjustments in engine thrust level are made by
varying the turbopump speed.
More recent engine designs (e.g., the SSME) 60 70 80 90 tO0 I10 120
require operation over a throttling range that forces
the pumps to operate at off-design conditions. This
requires an active control system that adjusts the
Fig. 6-28 T r i m m i n g effects o f a typical pump.

1.4 ..... i I

c, ~ Rotation
1.2 -

Backward / "'"" ,.i

co e / :
\ \ \__~- \ \_
Radial _ ~ i i W

Fig. 6-31 Velocity diagrams for a pump.


plus the rotational velocity (U) equals the fluid

0.4 ..
\ velocity in the absolute reference plane. For ex-
Axial ample, Fig. 6-31 shows the absolute velocity at the
inlet of a pump blade row as c with components cm
o.2 ------~~////a- in the through-flow direction and cu in the tangential
Starting Range direction (cu could be zero or even negative). The
velocity W1 is the inlet velocity relative to the blade
0 ' =' that establishes the blade loading and performance.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Similarly at the discharge, W2 is the relative vector
Pump Flowrate,Q e x p e r i e n c e d by the p u m p blade, but c2 is the
R a t e d Design Pump Flow, Qdes.
resulting absolute velocity. Note that, in the absolute
plane, the velocity was increased (c2>cl), i.e., the
Fig. 6-29 Typical off-design characteristics of
various types o l pump. p u m p added energy to the flow. In the relative
plane, however, the velocity is diffused (decreases,
W2<W1). The boundary layers on the pump blade
are based on the relative vectors, not the absolute
100 . . . . •" r vectors. These vector relationships will be used in
/ o ° further discussions of p u m p design.
80 , ,j =

~-o a, Q, Fuel ~./,7/ ! l 6.3 INDUCER DESIGN

O LI.. ~ - J
~ ~,._ (/) 60
. . . . . . . ;"- /- " ~ Chamber The rocket-engine industry has b e e n the primary
.... 0xidizeri "{l/i~'''''~// ,~~~/, Pressure_ contributor to the d e v e l o p m e n t of inducer tech-
Eo~ 40 nology (Ref. 6-2). The inducer's axial-flow rotors can
~>¢,-, r - C) operate with a low inlet pressure without significant
m 20 decrease in the discharge head. The inducer typi-
cally operates with some amount of cavitation, which
may occur in the tip vortex flow or along the blade
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 element itself as the inlet pressure is decreased.
Time From Mainstage Signal (s) However, the technology has progressed to the point
that long life can be achieved even with cavitation
Fig. 6-30 Propellant-flow and chamber- occurring. Inducers used in the initial rocket engines
pressure transient characteristics during produced very low headrise with head coefficients
engine-system start. that were typically less than 0.1; the inducer was
operated in series, and generally was close-coupled
to the main impeller. As the technology improved,
nents. This, together with other transient require- i n d u c e r designs b e c a m e m o r e c o m p l e x , with
ments, such as throttling, must be satisfied by the off- increased head coefficients (up to 0.25 with a single
design characteristics of a turbopump. Throttling row of blades and in some cases over 0.5 with a
substantially influences selection of p u m p type. double row of blades, as shown in Fig. 6-8). These
Basically, the problem involves coupling the p u m p larger head coefficients made it possible to use the
characteristics with those of the rest of the engine inducer as a boost p u m p where the inducer is the
system under off-design operating conditions. only rotor on the shaft (e.g., LPOTP--see Fig. 6-7,
Relative-velocity concepts. Before dis- and LPFTP p u m p s on the SSME). In s o m e
cussing the details of pump and turbine design, the commercial applications, inducer pumps have been
concept of relative-velocity vectors must be under- used where the only rotor is an inducer.
stood because of the rotating blade rows. The The need for an inducer is based on the re-
rotating c o m p o n e n t s have a velocity U in the quired minimum NPSH, or alternatively, the max-
circumferential direction that is independent of flow. imum suction specific speed. Generally, an inducer
The velocity of the fluid relative to the rotor (W) will be required if the suction specific speed exceeds

, • B a s e d o n Test Experience
Inlet Ducting Loss
m 1.0
2PS~\ \ ~ " . , 3
a PS,\ . ~ , /

~ 0.8
~ 0.6 o9 2-
g n
n Z


1 -
0.2 = ! ! i i _ i I I
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Engine Inlet Pressure (psia)

4.01 0 . . I I I ] .... I I / .I
0.04 0.06 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.60 1.0
3.5 0.08 0.80
g Flow Coefficient ~ = C-ro-
•~ 3.0 UT
8 Inlet Ducting Loss
2.5 1 PSI
Fig. 6-33 Suction-specific-speed capability with
no thermodynamic suppression head benefit.

~ 1.5
the inducer is producing a small percentage of the

_E ~.o
overall head, as in a centrifugal or multi-stage axial
pump, the total head lost by the inducer can be 15 to
0.5 [ ~ I I . 1. I l I I .. I 1 I I 30% when the pump head drops by 2%. For boost
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Engine Inlet Pressure (psia)
pumps consisting of only the inducer, the head loss
in the pump is equivalent to that for the inducer it-
Fig. 6-32 Pump speed and diameter as a self. The NPSH at which the defined head falloff
function of supplied inlet pressure. occurs is called, as mentioned earlier, the critical
To design an inducer, the margin relative to the
10,000. For rocket-engine pumps that require suction critical NPSH must be established based on the re-
specific speeds from 20,000 to 50,000 or higher, quired use, life, and conservatism desired in the
inducers are almost invariably used; and in fact, the pump. For example, a pump designed for a non-
suction performance will dictate the allowable speed manrated e x p e n d a b l e launch vehicle that only
of many turbopumps. This will in turn determine the experiences the minimum NPSH at end of flight
size of the pump, number of stages, and general might be desired to operate at NPSHc at the end of
configuration to a large degree. Figure 6-32 shows the flight. For a reusable vehicle requiring long life
the impact on speed and diameter of a given design and consistent operation at a given NPSH, however,
as inlet pressure is reduced assuming constant head a margin would be required, where the margin M is
coefficient and number of stages for the pump. expressed as a percentage using the relationship:
Experience has shown that the suction of a pump
strongly depends on its inlet flow coefficient. Figure M = 100 (min. operating NPSH- NPSHc)/ NPSHc
6-33 shows this effect for an inducer operating in a (6-17)
fluid with low vapor pressure (e.g., water). In
cryogenics, the capability is even further improved Typical values used in design would be M = 100% for
because of the localized decrease in temperature and long life at a given NPSH = 20% for short life at the
vapor pressure in the vicinity of the cavitation on minimum condition but ability to handle reasonable
the blade surface (an effect k n o w n as "thermo- part-to-part and flight-to-flight variations.
dynamic suppression head"). This can be seen in To initiate an inducer design after defining the
Fig. 6-34, which shows actual data acquired from required margin, an experienced-based capability
numerous pumps used in fluids with high vapor curve, as in Fig. 6-33 or 6-34, must be used. As was
pressure, such as liquid hydrogen and oxygen. Some indicated above, fluids with a substantial vapor
of the hydrogen pumps fall on the (NPSH/cm2/2g) pressure (like liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen)
curve of 1.0, reaching corrected suction-specific- offer additional benefits. It has been shown that hy-
speed values of up to 140,000. Some of the LOX drogen inducers can operate at a critical NPSH equal
pumps fall on the curve of 2.0. to one inlet-velocity head, and liquid-oxygen induc-
Capabilities as expressed in Fig. 6-33 are based ers can operate with two inlet-velociW heads. That is,
on some defined percentage of head loss in the NPSHc = cm2/2g liquid hydrogen = 2cm2/2g liquid
pump. Common values used in industry are either 2 oxygen. However, this is only true when the inlet-
or 3% head falloff from the "noncavitating" head. If velocity head is small compared to the vapor head.

Test F l u i d
. . . . .
. . .

. . . . . Water = 535 _ I°R

--"~ LHz = 37_+ l°R
. . . . . . LOX = 163 +_ 1°R
Inlet Tip Inlet Tip
Pump or Inducer Angle (°) dia (in.)
, ,

3-2 Hydrogen Pump 7.35 7.80

Mark 25 Nuclear Feed 10.92 7.86
155 Hydrogen Pump 11.10 7.54
O 11.30 7.25
145 0 J-2S Hydrogen Pump 7.50 8.15
O J-2S Hydrogen Pump (Improved Design) 7.50 8.15
135 Hydrogen Two-Phase Pump 6.96 8.33
[3" Atlas Sustainer Oxygen Pump 9.8 4.91
0 F-1 Oxidizer Pump 8.99 15.75

I ,~ Scale Model of F-1 Oxidizer Inducer 9.18 6.54
J-2 Oxidizer Pump 9.85 7.25
tJS' 115 Jl~ J-2S Oxidizer Pump 9.10 7.25
0 Wedged Inducer 7.0 5.35
¢d' 105 Ext'l Hubless Inducer 7.24 8.0
(D (~ Shrouded Forward Swept Inducer 5.0 6.765
95 Expt'l Inducer Driven by Hydraulic Turbine 7.5 9.39
° - .
0 Breadboard Engine Oxygen Pump Inducer 8.6 6.386
Breadboard Engine Hydrogen Pump Inducer 6.0 9.4
m 85
84° Helical Hydrogen Inducer 6.0 4.986

23 .,.

o0 C2ml/2g
xJ 65

o 55

45 / j.5


i 2.0

15 °
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
Inlet Tip Flow Coefficient, ~tl = Oral/u/t1

Fig. 6-34 Suction specific speed achieved in cryogenics.

As a general limit, the t h e r m o d y n a m i c suppression Let M = 20%

h e a d TSH of a fluid cannot exceed 50% of the vapor NPSH minimum = (25-15) 144/70 -20.6 ft
head. NPSH c = 20.6/1.2 = 17.1 ft
To illustrate a typical design process, assume that Assume the inlet hub-diameter of the inducer is 30%
an engine is being designed to deliver 25,000 gpm of of the tip diameter. For some high-speed inducers
liquid oxygen with a m i n i m u m required total inlet in a dense fluid like liquid oxygen, a larger value of
pressure of 25 psia and a vapor pressure of 15 psia. 40% m a y b e r e q u i r e d for structural r e a s o n s .
A s s u m e the d e s i g n only o p e r a t e s at m i n i m u m Calculate cm:
conditions for a short time, nominally operating at
m u c h higher inlet pressure. cm = (2g NPSHc/A)0.5 (A = 1,2,3 d e p e n d e n t on
fluid; for LO2 use 2)
cm = (2g [17.1]/2 )0.5 = 23.5 fps

Verify that inlet velocity head is less than 0.5 times than at the inlet. This reduces the amount of
vapor head to get full TSH benefit: diffusion being done along the hub streamline--a
critical factor in preventing discharge recirculation
cm2/2g = 8.55 ft and thereby providing a relatively uniform head and
50% of vapor head = 0.5 (15)(144)/70 = 15.4 ft velocity into the impeller eye or into a downstream
stator. The design objective is to achieve the head
Calculate the tip diameter of the inducer inlet: in the inducer, provide a relatively uniform dis-
charge condition, avoid any recirculation at the
cm = Q/A inducer discharge, and avoid any cavitation on the
A -- (g/4)Dt2 (1 -[Dh/Dt]2)/144 ft2 leading edge of the downstream blades. The exact
= 4.96 (10-3)Dt 2 diameter selected will be based on analyses of the
flow in both the inducer and impeller (or stator)
where Dt is in units of inches and Q must be in units using either a quasi-3D or full-3D approach.
Approximate selections can be based on ve-
of cfs. Substituting from the above values yields.
locity-vector diagrams at the inlet and exit of each
blade row using simple radial-equilibrium equations
D t = 21.86in.
at the discharge to account for variations from tip to
D h = 6.56in hub. The resulting profile would appear as shown for
the inducer in Fig. 6-7.
At this point, a flow coefficient must be assumed. The number of blades for the inducer is kept
For optimum suction performance, values in the small at the leading edge to minimize blockage and
range of 0.06 to 0.10 are used; the lowest values are thus improve suction performance. Previous designs
more sensitive to fabrication tolerances and more have used 3 to 7 inlet blades, but 3 to 4 is preferable
limited in flow range. For long-life values higher for suction performance. Some inducers with three
than 0.15 are used. Inducers with values up to 0.3 blades experience larger radial loads under partial
have been tested. Assume: cavitating conditions. In view of that, four blades are
more frequently used in current designs. Larger flow
= 0.I coefficients (~0 > 0.2) allow a larger number of
Ut = cm/~ = 235 ft/s blades. To increase head rise, partial-length blades
are sometimes introduced downstream of the blade-
This is a reasonable value for structural limits. The overlap region at the point where all cavitation is
p u m p speed is then N - 2464 rpm. Check suction collapsed. Thus, the inducer exit would have twice
specific speed: the n u m b e r of blades as the inlet. This is
recommended if head coefficients must exceed 0.25.
Nss = N (Q)0.5/(NPSHc).75 = 46,300 The inlet-velocity angle at the tip is established
by the flow coefficient, assuming no inlet prewhirl.
Based on Fig. 6-34, this is an achievable suction That is, letting ai equal inlet flow angle from
specific speed in liquid oxygen. tangential at the tip:

The head generated by the inducer usually will be 0ti = tan -1 cm/Ut = tan -1 (6-18)
selected to enable the following impeller to operate
with essentially no cavitation. For example, the
With ~ being generally less than 0.15 for rocket-
impeller might be designed for a maximum suction
engine inducers, ai is generally less than 8.5 deg.
specific speed of 5000 to provide some margin in
the impeller design. Thus, the head produced by the Inducers are designed to operate with an incidence
inducer must be sufficient to increase the NPSH from angle i that varies from approximately 3 deg up to a
its inlet value to the value needed for the impeller. m a x i m u m of approximately one-half of the inlet
Using the numbers from the above example and blade angle. The effect of incidence angle on the
letting NPSHI equal the NPSH at the impeller inlet design is discussed in detail in Ref. 6-2 through 6-5.
The exact incidence chosen at the design point will
depend on the required flow range of the part and
the life characteristics. The inlet blade angle [31t
Nss = 5000 -- 2464 (25,000)0.5/NPSHI 0.75 NPSHI
= 332.8 ft equals the inlet flow angle plus the incidence angle,
as shown in Fig. 6-31. The length of the blade is
much longer in the tangential than in the axial
Therefore, the required inducer head rise will be AH
direction because of the small blade angle. At the
= 332.8 °20.6 = 312.2 ft.
inlet, the blade angle varies from tip to hub
With the tip speed of the inducer previously
according to the relationship--
calculated, the inducer head coefficient will be ~ -
312.2/([23512/32.2) = 0.182. This is an achievable
r tan } = constant (6-19)
head coefficient with a single row of blades. How-
ever, to achieve this it will be necessary to increase The discharge blade angle is set to achieve the
the diameter of the hub at the discharge. desired head. This head can be expressed a s - -
The hub diameter of inducers for current rocket-
engine pumps will usually be larger at the discharge AH = 11 A(Ucu)/g (6-20)

where r I is the inducer efficiency and the velocities suitable model is available, the new pump design can
cu are as illustrated in Fig. 6-31. The discharge axial be scaled from the previous design. Letting "f' equal
velocity is calculated to satisfy continuity and radial the ratio of the scaled dimension, that is---
equilibrium. The resulting velocities enable calcu-
lation of the discharge vector diagram. This f = D2/D1 (6-21)
establishes fluid velocities, but because of the blade
loading the flow typically exits the inducer at an makes the following correlations valid for pumps
angle less than the blade angle. This difference with like specific speed, based on the pump affinity
(deviation angle) must be accounted for based on laws [Eq. (6-3a) and (6-3b)]:
experience or an accurate Navier-Stokes solution of
the inducer flow-field.
Q2 = Qtf3(Nz/N~) (6-22a)
The distribution of blade angle between the inlet
and discharge is designed to provide for both (6-22b)
DH2 = DHlf2(N2/N1) z
suction performance and efficiency. To improve
suction performance, the inlet region to the point of
overlap of the blades is typically designed with less where--
camber than would be obtained, for example, from a N1, Q1, and DH 1 = rotating speed (rpm),
circular-arc-blade profile. Final profiles are usually flow rate (gpm), and de-
established based on quasi-3D or 3D analyses of the veloped head (ft) of the
flow field. existing model at rated
The structural integrity of the blades must be conditions
evaluated over the full range of operation, including N2, Q2, and DH2 = rotating speed (rpm),
any transients. The blade loading due to partially flow rate (gpm), and de-
cavitating conditions can be very different from the veloped head (ft) of the
loads noncavitating. Typically, as inlet pressure n e w p u m p at rated
decreases, more of the blade loading shifts to the conditions
back of the blading, owing to cavitation on the = impeller diameter of the
suction surface, which provides a minimum pressure
existing model, ft
D2 = impeller diameter of the
6.4 D E S I G N OF CENTRIFUGAL P U M P S new pump, ft

Because of its specific needs, the rocket industry has

To achieve the same performance, all dimensions in
developed its own pump design approaches, which
the p u m p must be scaled by the scaling factor,
may differ from those for conventional applications.
including parameters such as surface finish and seal
In addition, designers may employ their individual
clearances. When scaling up, this is easily done, and
methods of analysis and calculation. However, the
usually the larger pump will achieve even better
broad underlying principles are quite similar. The
performance because of lower relative surface finish
range of speeds, proportions, design coefficients,
and clearance values. When scaling down, however,
and other mechanical details for rocket-engine
this works against the performance.
pumps has been well established by earlier designs
If a suitable model is not available for the design
as well as through experiments (Ref. 6-6).
of a new pump, the designer can use "design factors"
established e x p e r i m e n t a l l y by other successful
General Design Procedures designs. These may permit establishing relations
between rated pump-developed head and flow rate
As a rule, rated p u m p head capacity (H-Q) re- and such parameters as veloci W ratios. However, best
quirements and expected available NPSH at the results are obtained through experimental testing of
p u m p inlets will be established by engine system the proposed design itself. The test results can then
design criteria. The first step then is to choose a be used for design revisions and refinements. The
suitable suction specific speed Nss and the type of discussion below uses the following basic symbols:
inducer that will yield the highest pump speed N at
design conditions [Eq. (6-7)]. The p u m p specific c = flow velocity, absolute (relative to
s p e e d (N s) or type of impeller can now be ducts and casing)
established from the chosen pump speed and re- v = flow velocity, relative to inducer or
quired head-capacity characteristics. Owing to its impeller
relatively light weight and simplicity of construction, u -- velocity of points on inducer or im-
a single-stage centrifugal p u m p may be given first peller
With suction specific speed and specific speed of Subscript:
the proposed pump design established, the designer 0 - inducer inlet
can now look for a suitable "design model" among 1 = inducer outlet and impeller inlet
comparable existing pumps that approximate the 2 = impeller outlet
desired performance (i.e., a pump with the same 3 = pump casing exit
specific speed and suction specific speed). If a (prime)' = actual or design

u2 .- Backward
I"Q",.0.utlet Width b2 e2 / Blades

Front _ / - Back T
Shroud ~ ' ShroudI

Ul ,--i
Axis ~ - I i 1.1 1
.A Inlet Velocity Diagram
Section A-A \
, , V'2
Fig. 6-35 Typical shrouded centrifugal impeller
with backward-curved blades.

Operating Principles of the C e n t r i f u g a l

U2 . . . . . I
In its simplest form, the impeller of a centrifugal Outlet Velocity Diagram
p u m p can be regarded as a wheel with blades, ro-
Fig. 6-36 Flow-velocity diagrams for the
tating in an enclosure, with the fluid being admitted
axially and ejected at the periphery, as s h o w n impeller s h o w n in Fig. 6-35 (drawn in a plane
schematically in Fig. 6-35. The tangential velocity normal to the impeller axis).
c o m p o n e n t of the fluid increases as it moves out
radially b e t w e e n the blades. The centrifugal force
to centrifugal forces and to a decrease
acting on the fluid therefore increases as the fluid
of flow velocity relative to the im-
moves out radially. For optimum performance, most
peller, ft
impellers in high-speed centrifugal rocket-engine
pumps have shrouded, backward-curved blades. The AHi = ideal total-pressure-head rise of the
impeller width is tapered toward the periphery to fluid flowing through the impeller =
keep the cross-sectional area of the radial flow path the ideal d e v e l o p e d h e a d of the
nearly constant, as shown in Fig. 6-35. pump impeller, ft
Velocity diagrams may be constructed to analyze Qimp = impeller flow rate at the design point
the fluid flow vector correlations at various points of (rated conditions), gpm
an impeller. Assume the following ideal conditions: A1, A2 = area normal to the meridional flow at
no losses, such as fluid-friction losses, impeller the impeller inlet and outlet, ft2
passages completely filled with actively flowing fluid dl, d2 - blade diameter at the impeller inlet
at all times, flow axisymmetrical (velocities at similar and outlet, in.
points on the flow lines are uniform), and fluid Ul, u2 = impeller peripheral velocity at inlet
leaves the impeller passages tangential to the vane and outlet, ft/s
surfaces (complete guidance of the fluid at the Vl,V2 = flow velocity relative to the impeller
outlet). at the inlet and outlet, ft/s
The ideal inlet- and outlet-flow velocity diagrams Cl, c2 = absolute velocity of the flow at the
of the impeller described in Fig. 6-35 are s h o w n in inlet and outlet, ft/s
Fig. 6-36. With corresponding fluid velocities u, v, CUl, cu2 = tangential component of the absolute
and c (as identified above), 0t is the angle between c velocity at the inlet and outlet, ft/s
and u, and ~ is the angle enclosed by a tangent to = "meridional" or (by definition for
cml, cm2
the impeller vane and a line in the direction of vane
radial-flow impellers) radial com-
motion. The latter is equal to the angle b e t w e e n v
p o n e n t of the absolute inlet flow
and u (extended). Based on these velocity diagrams,
velocity at the inlet and outlet, ft/s
the following correlations have been established:
~1, = impeller blade angle at the inlet and
outlet, deg
AHip = [u22 - Ul 2 + v12 - v22]/(2g) Eq. (6-23)
For centrifugal pumps of the noninducer type (now
AHi = [u22 - u12 + v12 - v22 + c22 - c12]/(2g) rarely used in rocket pumps), proper selection of the
= (u2 cu2- Ul CUl)/g Eq. (6-24) impeller inlet vane-angle ]]1 or the provision of
guide vanes at the inlet minimizes the absolute
Qimp = 448.8 cml A1 = 448.8 cm2 A2 Eq. (6-25) tangential c o m p o n e n t of fluid flow at the inlet CUl,
which for best efficiency should be zero. This is
cu 2 = u 2 - cm2/(tan b2') Eq. (6-26) defined as no prerotation, where 0~1 -- 90 deg. Thus,
where-- Eq. (6-24) b e c o m e s - -
AHip = ideal static-pressure-head rise of the
fluid flowing through the impeller due AH i = u 2 cu2/g (6-27)

This discussion has assumed ideal conditions. For Qimp = Q + Qe (6-32)

most rocket applications, centrifugal pumps are
designed with an inducer upstream of and in series where--
with the impeller. The flow conditions at the Qimp = required impeller flow rate at the rated
impeller inlet thus are affected by the inducer's design point, gpm
discharge flow pattern. In addition, two types of flow Q = rated delivered-pump-flow rate, gpm
usually take place simultaneously in the flow Qe = impeller leakage losses, gpm. Most of
channels, namely, the main flow through the pas- these occur at the clearance b e t w e e n
sages and local circulatory (vortex) flows. It is impeller wearing rings and casing. Typical
preferable to keep these secondary flows small, but design values of Qe vary from 1 to 5% of
they are always strong enough to significantly affect Qimp. (Oxidizer pumps may be higher.)
the overall flow field. As a consequence, the fluid is
caused to leave the impeller at an angle [32' less than Centrifugal-Impeller Design Elements
the impeller discharge vane angle ~2 and to increase
the absolute angle cz2 to a2'. This and the hydraulic After general pump-design parameters, such as
losses in the impeller correspondingly change the developed head AH, capacity Q, suction specific
relative flow velocities v 1 and v 2 to Vl' and v2', the speed Nss, rotating speed N, and specific speed Ns
absolute flow velocities Cl and c2 to c1' and c2', and have been established, a centrifugal (radial) p u m p
the absolute tangential components CUl and cu2 to impeller may be designed in two basic steps. The
cul' and cu2'. Since the radial-flow areas A 1 and A2, first will be selection of velocities and vane angles
that are needed to obtain the desired characteristics
and the impeller flow rate Qimp remain constant,
with optimum efficiency. Usually this can be done
the absolute radial or meridional components cml
with the help of available design or experimental
and cm2 also remain unchanged. The inlet- and out-
data such as pump-head coefficient ~, impeller vane
let-flow velocity diagrams in Fig. 6-36 may now be coefficient ev, and leakage loss-rate Qe. The second
redrawn as represented by the dotted lines. The
step, design layout of the impeller for the selected
correlation established in Eq. (6-24) may be
angles and areas, requires considerable experience
rewritten as follows:
and skill of the designer to work out the best-
performing configuration based on the given design
AHimp = (u2cu2,- u I CUl')/g (6-28) inputs. This can be done graphically o r numerically,
but either approach will require a flow analysis to
where-- confirm the design using at least a quasi-3D analysis.
AHimp = actual developed head of impeller, ft Codes capable of solving the 3D full Navier-Stokes
CUl = tangential c o m p o n e n t of the design equations in the complex flow field of a centrifugal
absolute-inlet-flow velocity, ft/s impeller are being u s e d but have not yet
cu2' = tangential c o m p o n e n t of the design demonstrated that they are qualified to optimize the
absolute-outlet-flow velocity, ft/s design. Three-dimensional Euler codes are used with
success in analyzing the flow fields at least near the
The ratio of the design flow velocity cu2' to the ideal maximum efficiency point.
flow velocity cu2 can be expressed a s - - The following are considered minimum basic
design elements required for proper layout of a
ev = cu2'/cu2 (6-29) radial-flow impeller:
1) The inlet flow coefficient ~ = cml/Ue, where
where ev = impeller vane coefficient; typical design U e is the velocity of the impeller at the eye. A
values range from 0.65 to 0.75. Referring to Fig. 6-36, typical design guideline imposes constant merid-
Eq. (6-26) may be rewritten: ional velocity from the inducer discharge to the
impeller eye. Thus the inlet flow coefficient is
cu2'= u 2 - cm2/(tan [32) (6-30) primarily set by the inducer discharge, the hub and
tip diameters of the impeller inlet being set to
By definition, the required impeller-developed head achieve an area equal to, or larger than, that at the
can be determined f r o m - - inducer discharge. The eye diameter of the impeller
frequently is increased relative to the inducer
AHimp = AH + H e - AHind (6-31) discharge tip-diameter to account for added flow
through the wear rings of the impeller. These leakage
where-- flows can be relatively large in small pumps, and if
AH = rated-design pump-developed head, ft the pumped fluid is cryogenic the density of the
AHind = required inducer head at the rated leakage fluid may be lower, thereby increasing the
design point, ft volumetric flowrate. These leakage flows will be
mixing with the core flow from the inducer, but
He = hydraulic head losses in the diffusion complete mixing will not occur before entering the
system including the volute, ft. Typical impeller eye. Thus, the area must be increased to
design values of He vary from 0.10 to maintain a constant inlet meridional velocity. In the
0.30 AH. The required impeller flow rate early phases of the design, the leakage flows will not
can be estimated from-- be k n o w n but must be estimated based on

T a b l e 6-5 A l l o w a b l e impeller tip speeds for different materials.

Approxmiate t i p - s p e e d limit, FT/S ....

Material" ' Fo~ Cast Cast Forged C ,~t
Inco 718 |
Inco 718
, ,,
A1357, ,

LOX 900 760 N/A N/A N/A

Hydrogen 1650 1400 1400 1190 2000 1870
Methane 1490 1260 600 1240 1200

E Numberof blades velocity cmi. The flow coefficient will then be set by
° 22 6 = 0 4 ~ the impeller tip speed selected to meet the head
%30 6 requirements. Values of discharge flow coefficient
90" from 0.05 to 0.3 have been used.
3) Ratio of impeller eye to tip diameters. This
ratio should be maintained below 0.70 to avoid
efficiency penalties. Larger values have been used, up
~1> | 60. to 0.8, but a mixed-flow impeller will usually give a
better efficiency for these higher values.
4) The impeller peripheral velocity at the
g 0.4 b-- discharge U2. The value of U2 can be calculated by
~ L ZeroPrewhir' 3o~=1'~,-,~.~
\ Eq. (6-2) for a given pump-developed head H and a
Shrouded Impellers 20
~. 0.31-- 8 = 0.65 25= selected overall p u m p head coefficient V. The
E <~ Dischar?e b,ade ang maximum design value of U2 depends on the
. .! . , _ I ,I ,4o . . 45.
0.05 o.lo o.15 0.20 o.2s 0.30 material strength, which determines the maximum
Cm2) at best efficiency point
Impeller discharge flow coefficient (~2 =-'~-2
developed head that can be obtained from a single-
stage impeller. Typical maximum values of U2 range
Fig. 6 - 3 7 I m p e l l e r h e a d c o e f f i c i e n t as a from 600 to 2000 ft/s, as shown in Table 6-5. With U2
function of discharge flow coefficient, blade and N known, the impeller discharge diameter d2
number, and blade angle.
can be calculated readily.
5) The inlet blade angle 131. Because the value
of ~1 will be affected by the inlet flow conditions, [31
should ordinarily be made equal or close to the inlet
experience. The flow coefficient for the impellers flow angle ~1' so that the incidence angle is a small
usually will be higher than for the inducer inlet, but positive value. The incidence may be varied from
values from 0.08 to 0.4 have been used. Setting this hub to tip because of the velocity gradients;
parameter will set the inlet diameters. therefore, it is usually best to select the tip incidence
The impeller hub diameter must of course be because the tip has the highest relative velocity,
large enough to fit over the shaft. The required shaft which makes it more prone to cavitation. Also, if the
diameter can be estimated using the relationships: p u m p must operate over a wide flow range, the
incidence at the "design point" may be adjusted to
Ss = 16 T/(rtds 3) (6-33) enable noncavitating and nonstalled performance
over the full required range. Typical design values
St = 32 M/Otds 3) (6-34)
for ~1 range from 2 to 8 deg, with the smaller values
at the tip.
ds = impeller shaft diameter, in. 6) The discharge blade angle ~2. In the special
T -- shaft torque, in.-lb case of radial-bladed impeller designs, [32 equals 90
M = shaft bending moment, in.-lb. deg. Backward-curved impellers, with [32 less than 90
Ss = shear stress due to torque, lb/in.2 deg, are usually more efficient and more stable, and
St = tensile stress due to bending moment, these are used on almost all modern designs. Usually
lb/in.2 the selection of ~2 is the first step in determining
the other impeller design-constants, since most of
2) The discharge flow coefficient ~2 = cm2/U2, them depend on [32. Pump efficiency and head-ca-
where U 2 is the velocity of the impeller at the tip. pacity characteristics are also important consid-
The discharge meridional velocity cm2 should be erations for the selection. For a given U2, head and
approximately 1.0 to 1.5 times the inlet meridional capacity increase with ]32. Figure 6-37 shows the rela-

tionship between ~2, the discharge flow coefficient where--

~2, and the number of impeller blades. Typical de- [32 = impeller width at the discharge, in.
sign values for ~2 range from 17 to 40 deg for back- e2 = c o n t r a c t i o n factor at the discharge.
ward swept blades. Typical design values range from 0.85 to
7) Number of blades. Figure 6-37 has shown the 0.95. This nondimensional factor ac-
relationship of the number of blades to other key counts for the blockage due to the blades
design parameters. The figure shows the minimum and the boundary layers. Smaller pumps
number of blades needed to achieve a given head may require a smaller value.
coefficient for an impeller with a ratio of eye-to-tip Qimp = impeller flowrate at the rated design point,
diameter (8) of 0.65. The number of blades derived gpm
from the figure is the n u m b e r required for the
discharge of the impeller. Fewer blades will usually After the blade angles and other dimensions at inlet
be required at the inlet to avoid cavitation. It is not and discharge have been established, no set rule
uncommon, therefore, for a rocket-engine impeller guides designing the backward-curved blades. The
to have partial blades (also known as splitters) which blade profile must be smooth and avoid steep
begin partway through the impeller and continue to gradients along the suction surface to avoid bound-
the exit. Impellers have been successfully used with ary-layer separation. The blade shape is typically
more than one set of partials; e.g., the SSME HPFTP generated using smooth profiles, and then analyzed
(Fig. 6-5) has 6 blades at the inlet and 24 blades at using an appropriate code (quasi-3D or better). The
the exit. The impeller has a set of long partials and blade will then be adjusted to attain a smooth
then a set of short partials. The placement of the variation of velocity from inlet to discharge, with no
partial leading edge in the blade passage is critical; it local areas of large diffusion on the suction surface
must be chosen by an adequate flow analysis to and no potential for cavitation along the blade. It is
avoid leading-edge cavitation and to achieve a also desirable to minimize the length of the passage
relatively uniform flow-split. The discharge blade to reduce friction losses, but this must be balanced
characteristics will usually be identical for full and by the requirement to control the diffusion rate. The
partial blades, the objective being to achieve a flow-passage shape should be as close to square as
uniform velocity field in each exit passage. As an possible. It is also desirable to have the blade at the
alternative to Fig. 6-37, the designer can use other exit be at a relatively constant angular location from
published slip factors to calculate the blade angle tip to hub shroud to avoid corner angles that can
required to achieve a given fluid angle. (The slip increase boundary-layer blockage. The blades should
factor is a ratio of the discharge fluid's tangential be as thin as the material strength and manu-
velocity compared to the ideal velocity obtained if facturing processes will permit. They may be of
the flow followed the blade.) constant thickness, but the leading-edge profile will
8) The width of the impeller at the exit can be be c o n t o u r e d to avoid cavitation and reduce
calculated by the following correlation: incidence losses. This leading-edge contour may
require an appropriate ellipse rather than just a
~2 = Qimp/(3.12 gd2 cm2 g2) (6-35) simple circular arc.

. , /Cm


Axis = - . _ - - = J _ _ . . o ~ . , _ _ - -

a) Radial-Flow Impeller Wilh b) Mixed-Flow Impeller

Mixed-Flow Vanes at the
Impeller Enlrance

Fig. 6-38 tmneller designs.


Mixed-flow-type vanes that extend into the Two basic types of discharge casing are used in
impeller entrance or eye (shown in Fig. 6-38a) are rocket centrifugal pumps: the plain volute and the
frequently used in rocket-engine centrifugal pumps. vaned-diffuser volute (see Fig. 6-39). In the first, the
This is done to match the impeller-inlet flow path impeller discharges into a volute c h a n n e l of
with the inducer-discharge flow pattern, to provide gradually increasing area. Here, the major part of the
more efficient turning of the flow, and to provide conversion of velocity to pressure takes place in the
structural support to the shrouds. conical pump-discharge nozzle at the volute exit. In
The mixed-flow-type impeller (shown in Fig. 6- the latter, the impeller first discharges into a diffuser
38b) is used when the impeller needs a large ratio of p r o v i d e d with vanes. A major portion of the
eye-to-tip diameter. The velocity correlations and diffusion takes place in the channels between the
design constants of a mixed-flow impeller are diffusing vanes before the fluid reaches the volute
essentially the same as those of a radial-flow channel. The main advantage of the plain volute is
impeller. Mean effective impeller diameters are used its simplicity. However, the vaned diffuser plus volute
in the calculations for head rise, flow velocities, etc. can usually provide a higher degree of point
efficiency, particularly in high-head pumps. Head
Design of Casings losses in p u m p volutes are relatively high.
Approximately 70-90% of the flow kinetic energy is
The pump casing must have the structural integrity to converted into pressure head in either volute type.
carry loads from the p u m p to the engine-support The hydraulic characteristics of a plain volute
system. Internally it must provide hydrodynamic are determined by several design parameters, such
passages efficiently to collect the high-velocity fluid as volute throat area av and flow areas a0, included
exiting the impeller and convert this kinetic energy angle 0s between volute side walls (Fig. 6-40), volute
into pressure while minimizing the imposed radial
tongue angle 0tv, radius rt at which the volute tongue
load on the rotating members. It does not contribute
to the generation of head, but a poor design can starts, and volute width b 3. Pump specific speed Ns
significantly reduce both head and efficiency. The s o m e w h a t influences the design values. All of the
construction of a typical centrifugal-pump casing is
shown in Fig. 6-4. The front section of the casing,
which provides the p u m p inlet and houses the /Volute Discharge ~ ....
Discharge Nozzle~ ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ vo,ule
inducer, is called the suction nozzle. The rear section
Nozz,e" ~ ~ ~ ' ~ l J ~ t ~ ~
of the casing, which collects the fluid from the im-
peller and converts the velocity head into pressure m
before the discharge, is called the volute. There may
be an additional set of stationary vanes called a
vaned diffuser between the impeller and the volute. Diffuser ,/ ~ ~ Impeller
Since the flow path in a suction nozzle is short
and the flow velocities are relatively low, the head PlainVolutePump DiffusingVane VolutePump
loss in a suction nozzle due to friction is very small. Fig. 6-39 Plain-volute and vaned-diffuser-volute
The contour of the suction nozzle is designed to suit centrifugal p u m p casings.
the inducer configuration. A tapered suction nozzle
(as shown in Fig. 6-16) has the area gradually
decreasing toward the impeller eye, which steadies
the flow and ensures uniform feed to the impeller.
However, many p u m p s cannot efficiently use a
tapered inducer because of the need for axial
motion of the shaft to balance axial loads. In liquid-
Discharge..,t~ ~,.,/
mpe er
..-,-~ ,,,~ a,~'~ Diarneterd2
oxygen pumps, frequently a liner made of a material Nozzle.;"- II ~/ / e ~]~"%." '\ u ~ \
such as Kel-F or silver is inserted b e t w e e n the
inducer and suction-nozzle wall. This eliminates the
possibility of metal-to-metal rubbing in the presence
of narrow inducer-tip clearances. Rubbing in liquid- Vg/gee ~. ---~c!
oxygen pumps may cause dangerous explosions.
Pump inlets are not always configured to permit
an axial inlet flow. In such cases the inlet must be
designed to provide a relatively uniform inlet-
velocity field at the inducer inlet and to minimize
the losses which reduce the available NPSH for the
inducer. These design requirements can be met by
using either vaned elbows, a volute scroll with vanes
(Fig. 6-5), or a manifold inlet that enters radially on
o n e side a n d divides the flow into two
circumferential flow paths wrapped around the pump Typical
and feeding radially inward. Vanes are used in all of Trapezoidal
these designs to preserve a uniform velocity field at Volute Section
the inducer inlet. Fig. 6-40 Plain volute casing of a centrifugal pump.

p u m p flow Q passes through the volute throat

Vortex Pattern
section av, but only part of it passes through any
other section; the amount depending on the location
away from the volute tongue.
As its primary design requirement, the volute
must provide a uniform pressure boundary at the
impeller outer diameter at least at the design point.
That is, the single d i s c h a r g e i n t r o d u c e s an
asymmetry to the pump that at off-design conditions Vaned Diffuser
p r o d u c e s a pressure gradient at the impeller
discharge, causing a radial load acting on the ro-
tating member that must be carried by the bearings. Symmetric Folded
Volute Volute
At the design point of the volute, these radial loads
are theoretically zero. This design c o n d i t i o n
approximates a linear area distribution with cir- Fig. 6-41 Potential volute configurations.
cumferential angle, but is not exactly linear for two
reasons. First, the friction forces acting on the volute
walls affect the velocity/pressure field. Second, the
decrease in velocity because of the change in radius
(conservation of angular m o m e n t u m ) must be
To avoid impact shocks and separation losses at
the volute tongue, the volute angle 0~v is designed to
correspond to the direction of the absolute velocity
vector at the impeller discharge. The radius rt at
which the tongue starts should be 5-10% larger than
the outside radius of the impeller to minimize
dynamic loads on the impeller blades and the volute
tongue. Double Tongue Double Tongue
The dimension b 3 at the bottom of a trapezoidal Single Outlet Double Outlet
volute cross-section will be chosen to minimize
losses from friction between impeller discharge flow Fig. 6-42 Typical double-tongue and double-
and volute side-walls. The width b 3 is generally set discharge volute configurations.
between 1.0 and 1.25 times the impeller width at the
discharge for pumps without a vaned diffuser; low-
specific-speed p u m p s could be even higher. The Diffuser Throat \
shape of the volute shown in Fig. 6-40 results in a Diffuser,, 7.~
symmetric design that will generate a double vortex, Vanes X,~.~ ~ ~~~7~,~
as shown in Fig. 6-41. An asymmetric cross section is Diffuser \ /~'~"- ' ~ / Volute
preferred because it produces a single vortex that is
more stable and improves overall efficiency. For Impeller
designs with diameter limits, a folded volute can be
used (also shown in Fig. 6-41). For the symmetrical
volute, the maximum included angle 0s between the \
volute sidewalls should be about 60 deg. For higher-
specific-speed p u m p s or for higher impeller-dis- / L
charge flow angles, the value of 0s should be made
smaller. t I-- °' --'1
The pressure at the outer diameter of the im-
peller cannot always be kept uniform, especially Fig. 6-43 Typical layout of the diffuser for a pump.
under off-design operating conditions. This results in
a radial thrust on the impeller shaft. To eliminate or
reduce the radial thrust, both double-tongue and by internal pressures. Also, they are sometimes used
double-discharge volute designs have been used (Fig. as the primary path for structural loads carried
6-42). Here, the flow is divided into equal streams by through the housing. Hydrodynamically, the use of
two (or more) tongues set 180 deg apart. Although the diffuser improves efficiency, at least near the
the volute pressure unbalances may be the same as design point ,and tends to reduce radial loads at the
in a single-volute casing, the resultant of all radial off-design conditions by significantly reducing the
forces may be reduced to a reasonably low value velocity in the volute and maintaining a more nearly
because of symmetry. constant velocity angle. Figure 6-43 shows a vane-is-
Vaned diffusers have also been used extensively, land diffuser that is desirable w h e n the diffuser is in
particularly in higher-pressure pumps. The diffuser the structural-load path. Diffuser vanes with
vanes serve as structural members to maintain the aerodynamically shaped discharges as well as inlets
integrity of the volute under hoop stresses induced are used for peak efficiencies where the vanes d o not

have to carry large loads. The radial clearance to the inlet of the next stage, and distributing the
between impeller and diffuser-inlet vane tips must be flow uniformly at the inlet to the next impeller.
sufficiently large to avoid large dynamic stresses on Crossover requirements can best be met in separate
the impeller blades and diffuser vanes because of steps. The continuous-passage crossover (as found in
dynamic interaction. The preferred ratio of diffuser- the SSME HPFTP, Fig. 6-5) is a good example. The
inlet to impeller-discharge diameter is in the range majority of the pressure recovery is achieved in the
of 1.07 to 1.10. However, for peak efficiencies and to upcomer, which is a passage diffuser with design
reduce size and weight, smaller values are sometimes features similar to a vaned diffuser's. Flow will be
used, e.g., 1.05, particularly in low-density fluids such turned in a constant-area turnaround duct, designed
as liquid hydrogen. The width of the diffuser at its to minimize secondary flows and their associated
inlet should be similar to or up to 10% smaller than losses. The remaining pressure recovery takes place
the width of the impeller's discharge flow. in the downcomer, which is also designed to provide
The design of the vane shapes requires careful the desired inlet velocity vector at the next stage
flow analysis to achieve efficiency and avoid inlet inlet. The flow is discharged from the downcomer in
stall or cavitation. Typically, the design-point in- an annular channel long enough to provide some
cidence angle of the inlet will be kept small unless mixing of the wakes and boundary-layer growth
the desired operating flow range allows the design be developed in the crossover passage. The flow then
biased in one direction to minimize stall over the enters the eye of the next impeller.
whole range. At the low-flow condition it is not
uncommon for the vaned diffuser inlet to be the first Balancing the Axial Thrust of Centrifugal
location to experience stall, although the head loss Pumps
due to the stall may be relatively small (e.g., less than
5% of the overall head). The pressures generated in these pumps and the
The number of diffuser vanes (z) should be kept areas of the rotating members are sufficiently large
to the minimum, consistent with good performance, that the designer must hydrodynamically balance
and to avoid resonances should have no c o m m o n the axial loads acting on the rotating components.
factor with the number of impeller vanes. If possible, This balance must be sufficient to maintain low axial
the cross section of the passages in the diffuser loads on the bearings throughout operation--for
should be made nearly square (i.e., b 3 = h3). The transient operation as well as steady state. If the
shape of the passage below the throat should be p u m p is required to throttle, the balance must be
diverging, with an angle between 10 and 12 deg. The adequate throughout the throttle range to protect the
flow leaving the diffuser should have velocity kept bearings from overload. Various techniques are
slightly higher than the velocity in the p u m p - available to achieve a balance design. For the
discharge line. t u r b o p u m p in Fig. 6-16, the two impellers are
Multistage centrifugal p u m p s require crossover mounted back-to-back with balance ribs on the back
channels to direct the flow from the discharge of of the impeller that can be adjusted to achieve a
one stage to inlet of the next. Crossovers can be reasonable balance at a fixed operating condition.
external using a volute collector at the discharge of The discharge pressures attained in this p u m p and
one stage and a duct routed to the inlet manifold of the single-point operation yielded an acceptable de-
the next. However, this leads to a m u c h larger, sign, requiring no self-adjusting control system.
heavier, more-costly design as c o m p a r e d with an The pressure forces acting on the surface of the
internal-crossover system. rotating m e m b e r s are strongly affected by the
Internal-crossover design involves conversion of magnitude of the rotational velocity of the fluid in
kinetic energy into pressure, turning the flow 180 deg the cavity between the rotating and stationary walls.

p_ Pv~/9l--- Pv


MOMENTUM~ dfr d i dL Po .m.. ,L. ~._ _. . . . " . . . . . ~ ." ~' , 1 ~"-'-'-ds-- - < NEGATIVE

FRONT ,,,d-- "~ V / ~ -

WEARING/ ~ V] "~,

Fig. 6-44 Balancing axial thrusts of a centrifugal p u m p by the balance-chamber method.


Frequently, the velocity in the cavity can be approx- were given a diameter that would improve overall
imated by a forced-vortex type of flow (velocity balance. Finally, to provide some self-adjusting
linearly dependent on radius). With such an approx- ability, a balance piston (Fig. 6-45) was incorporated
imation, pressure at any point along the rotating on the back side of the third-stage impeller. The
surface is given b y - - complete rotating assembly is free to move over a
limited range, in the axial direction, to respond to
Pr = Pl - P k2 (U12 -Ur2)/2g (6-36) any unbalanced loads. As the assembly moves it
opens one of the two orifices of the balance piston
where Pl, Pr are the pressures at the tip and at any and closes the other. This adjusts the pressure on the
other radius, respectively; U1 and Ur are the corre- back side of the impeller that changes until arriving
at a balanced force. The total available travel is typi-
sponding rotational speeds of the wheel; p is the
fluid specific weight, and g is the gravitational cally small (e.g., 0.020 in.), and the balance piston is
constant; k is the ratio of the average fluid tangential designed to operate at the middle of the force range
velocity c divided by the rotational velocity of the at the operating point with the highest speed.
wheel U at any radius. Note that if k is large, the
pressure gradient is large, and the pressure force is 6.5 DESIGN OF AXIAL-FLOW PUMPS
less as the diameter decreases. Placing balance ribs
Except when used as inducers, axial-flow pumps for
on the rotating wheel increases the fluid velocity;
that produces a higher k value and reduces the force. rocket engines have essentially b e e n limited to
liquid-hydrogen systems in a multistage configura-
As another option, placing antivortex ribs on the
stationary surface tends to decrease the k value and tion where the required flow range of operation was
increase the fluid force. For two smooth surfaces with limited (Ref. 6-7). Multistage axial-flow hydrogen
no appreciable through-flow, the average value of k pumps are used in applications going beyond the
will be 0.5. capability of a single-stage centrifugal pump, since
Rather than ribs, seals can be used to achieve a the multistage construction is comparatively simple
balance, as illustrated in Fig. 6-44. A balance (Fig. 6-3). As shown in Fig. 6-6, the fluid in an axial-
flow pump flows from one stage to the next with a
c h a m b e r is provided at the back shroud of the
minimum of connecting passages.
impeller, between back wearing-ring diameter dbr
The head coefficient of a typical single-stage
and shaft-seal diameter ds. Proper selection of the centrifugal hydrogen pump falls in the range of 0.45-
projected chamber area and of the admitted fluid 0.65. For an axial pump, h o w e v e r , the h e a d
pressure balances axial loads. The pressure level pc coefficient for a single stage will usually be limited to
in a balance chamber can be controlled by careful the range of 0.2-0.4. Thus, more stages will be
adjustment of the clearances and leakages of the
back wearing ring and the shaft seals. The required
Pc can be determined by integrating the pressure
forces over the respective areas to achieve the
Stator Rotor
necessary balance. Vanes Vanes
The high-pressure pumps on the SSME operate Clearance
over a throttle range and involve such large hv
pressures that more sophisticated balancing tech- . r -"v
niques were required. To illustrate the techniques
available to the designer, consider the SSME HPFTP
of Fig. 6-5. The pump and turbine being on the same
'1 /i:ii 'c " 1
shaft, both must be included in the axial-thrust
model. The turbine thrust was designed to oppose
the pump thrust to help achieve an overall balance.
The labyrinth seals on the back side of the impellers
Pump Axis
of Rotation

Vaned ~ /
Diffuser~ [, Force
~____~ ~- x
• [~ " ~ - - ~ ' ~ ' ~ " " Higrl Pressure
tmpetter~]]] I / Orifice
/-- g_
...£~ "~"Balar.:e
~ ~ ~ Lo°r~:gessure
-r H'-". (Ibis)
Vane Height hv (in.)

0 y,/8 10
Fig. 6-46 Effect of v a n e h e i g h t o n the
Fig. 6-45 Balance-piston c o n c e p t . p e r f o r m a n c e o f an axial-flow p u m p .

required to get the same head for the axial pump, pump. The pump operation must be maintained at
but the staging is much easier to achieve. Typically, some comfortable margin (e.g., 10%) of flow above
the axial pump will have a lower flow-limit because the stall condition.
of the minimum practical height hv of the vanes (Fig.
6-46). For heights below 0.5 in., the tip clearance
required for efficient performance becomes critical, Basic Assumptions for Axial-Flow Pumps
causing manufacturing problems or increased risk of
operation. Each axial stage should preferably have a During operation of an axial-flow pump, it is as-
flow coefficient in the range of 0.25 or higher and sumed that the meridional or axial component cm
the stage hub/tip diameter ratio should generally be of the absolute flow velocity remains constant
less than 0.9 for efficient operation. Using these throughout all stages of the impeller rotor and the
guidelines, the designer can parametrically evaluate stator. This approximation assumes that the ther-
the relative design features, such as diameter and modynamic conditions do not change sufficiently to
blade height, to meet requirements. Also, a reduction require adjusting the density of the fluid in the
in rotor diameter below certain values will not be stages. If the density changes are significant, they
practical because of the high rpm required for should be accounted for at least in the interstage
proper blade speed. planes. (There is seldom enough density change to
Axial pumps typically are used where specific require analyzing the pump flow as a compressible
speeds per stage are in the range of 3000 to 6000. An fluid in a given stage. However, the pump designer
area of overlap allows either a multistage axial or must be aware of the potential for cavitation and
centrifugal pump. The better solution will be dictated design to avoid it.) To satisfy the flow-continuity
by other considerations, such as space envelope, equation, the cross-sectional areas of the various flow
mounting and ducting arrangement, required flow passages at right angles to cm must also remain
range, etc. Probably the major limit of axial pumps constant. This assumption is reasonable, except for
is their tendency to stall at low-flow conditions. This the effects of frictional drag at the casing walls and
stall involves separation of the boundary layers on the vanes. Again, where significant boundary layers
the blades, and it significantly reduces both pump develop it may be desirable to increase the blade
head and efficiency. This can be seen in Fig. 6-47, heights in successive stages to maintain an approx-
which presents actual data of a multistage axial flow imately constant cm in the core flow.

2.8 I S,a,,L, ne
I . . . . Head/Flow
2.6 I \ Mark 26


ii11~~ M_1 j
"o 2.0
: N Mark 9
15-F I
.- rk I



•~- 6

! ! l I I ! ! I I I i I ! . I i 1 I ! ....
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.12
Inducer Inlet Flow Coefficient

Fig. 6-47 H-Q, q-Q data for axial p u m p with stall.


mean line for better performance and for structural

Operation of the ImpeRer Rotor
strength. To effectively impart the driving action to
the fluid, the angle of the vane mean line, or rotor-
As its main function, the impeller rotor of an axial-
vane angle, is gradually increased from ~2 to ~3.
flow p u m p - - - b y the action of airfoil-shaped rotor
vanes (Fig. 6-48 and 6-49--imparts kinetic energy to The difference b e t w e e n the two, ~ 3 - ~2, gives a
the fluid by increasing the tangential c o m p o n e n t of measure of the vane curvature (camber) along any
the absolute flow velocity. It is c o n v e n i e n t to particular v a n e section. Mean-line g e o m e t r i e s
describe the vanes on several developed cylindrical d e v e l o p e d for axial compressors and airfoils are
sections. Three sections are of particular interest: at generally applicable to pumps, but the potential for
the impeller tip diameter dt, at the impeller hub dh, l e a d i n g - e d g e cavitation must be e v a l u a t e d a n d
and at its mean effective diameter dm (inches). The avoided for a g o o d design. In axial-flow p u m p
m e a n effective diameter is defined by--- designs, all v a n e m e a n lines can often be
approximated by a circular arc. For this case, the
dm2 = 0.5( dr2 + dh2) = 0.5 dt2(1 + rd2) (6-37) following correlations can be established:

w h e r e r d = impeller hub ratio, or dh/dt. For sim- ~c = 0.5(~2 + ~3) (6-40)

plicity, vane characteristics and flow conditions are
d i s c u s s e d here only with respect to the m e a n Cr - 2Rr sin [0.5([33 - ~2)] = tr/sin [3c (6-41)
effective diameter dm. The vanes are equally spaced
at a circumferential distance Pr: where--
- chord angle of the rotor vane, deg
Pr = ~:dm/zr (6-38) = vane angle at the rotor inlet, deg
= vane angle at the rotor outlet, deg
w h e r e m P r = pitch or rotor vane spacing at the mean
effective diameter dm, in., and Zr = number of rotor Cr = chord length of the rotor vane, in.
vanes. The ratio of the rotor-vane chord length Cr to Rr = radius of the rotor vane curvature, in.
the pitch Pr is called rotor-vane solidity Sr: Lr = axial length of the rotor vane, in.

An angle of attack (incidence angle)"i" b e t w e e n

S r - Cr/Pr (6-39)
rotor-inlet vane angle ~2 and the direction of the
w h e r e Sr = rotor-vane solidity at the mean effective relative velocity of the flow entering the rotor ]32'
diameter dm. The solidity generally increases from allows more effective driving of the fluid. Also, an
r o t o r - t i p d i a m e t e r dt to hub diameter d h for angle "ii' allows deviation of the flow from the rotor-
structural reasons. outlet vane angle [33, the direction of the relative
The profile of the vane can be represented by velocity of the flow leaving the rotor being [33'. For
the vane mean line (Fig. 6-49), which determines the design of impeller rotors, velocity diagrams of
most of the important hydraulic properties of the the flows at the inlet and outlet of rotor vanes can be
vane. The thickness of the vane varies along the constructed (Fig. 6-49) with the f o l l o w i n g

..r I -

- ~ " J Flow

dh ~ - ~ i ~

dt - ' ,.--- 1

Fig. 6-48 Inducer, inducer stator, impefier rotor, and impeUer stator of an axial-flow pump.

correlations. = r e q u i r e d i m p e l l e r flowrate at the

rated design point, g p m
~2 =~2'+i (6-42) Q = rated design p u m p flowrate, g p m
= J~3'+ ii (6-43) Qe = impeller-leakage loss rate (2 to 10%
Cm = Qimp/[3.12 p(dt 2 - dh2)e/4] (6-44) of Q), g p m
Qimp =Q+Qe (6-45) E: = contraction factor of v a n e passage
Um = ~:Ndm/720 (6-46) (0.85 to 0.95)
AHimp = (AH)I + He Himp = developed head required per
(6-47) impeller stage, ft
= [UmCu3'- UmCu2']/g
= (AH)l/Um2/g (6-48) (AH)I = rated design d e v e l o p e d h e a d per
axial-flow-pump stage, ft
Cm = Cu2' tan (z2' = Cu3' tan 0t3'
He = h y d r a u l i c - h e a d losses per stage of
= c2' sin at2' = c 3' sin et3' impeller stator, ft
= v 2' sin [32' = v 3' sin ~3' (6-49) (~)1 = head coefficient per axial-flow p u m p
i = angle of attack, deg At various cylindrical sections b e t w e e n vane tip
ii = discharge deviation angle, deg d i a m e t e r dt a n d h u b d i a m e t e r dh, the following
P2', P3' = relative flow angles at the rotor inlet correlations b e t w e e n vane angles and flow velocities
and outlet, deg have b e e n established:
Or2', 0t3' = a b s o l u t e flow angles at the rotor
inlet and outlet, deg dmtanp2 =dttanP2t=dhtan[32h=dxtanP2x
cm = meridional or axial c o m p o n e n t of (6-50)
the absolute flow velocities, ft/s dm tan ~3 = dt tan ~3t = dh tan [~3h = dx tan ~3x
Um = rotor p e r i p h e r a l velocity at m e a n
effective diameter dm, ft/s um/dm = ut/dt = Uh/h = ux/dx (6-52)
c2' , c 3' = design absolute flow velocities at
Cu2'/dm = Cu2t/dt = Cu2h'/dh (6-53)
the rotor inlet and outlet, ft/s
Cu3'/dm = Cu3t'/dt = Cu3h'/dh (6-54)
cu2' , cu 3' = tangential components of t h e
d e s i g n a b s o l u t e rotor inlet a n d
outlet flow velocities, ft/s where~
v2' , v 3' = design relative flow velocities at the P2t, P2h = rotor-inlet v a n e angles at tip and
rotor inlet and outlet, ft/s hub diameter, deg

l'--"-Ps i ~ c~4
Stator Vane C , ~ ,
~lVlean ,.C~7-~
Elements and Cm
Flow Velocity 0l'4~ ~'3 _ 1
Diagrams _ _1
C'u4 C,u3 ~-,

" / .MeanL,ne .
Rotor Vane
Elements and
°,3 --7 c.0r01 '3 iTm
Flow Velocity
/,~'2 ,'~
II "-M X 132
...... Urn -,

Stator Vane
Chord\ Cis
Mean--/X- ~
Line' 7"-.."~',~
,/~ I
, ~'-m C'1

Elements and
Flow Velocity
Diagrams _J_z C'u2t c u, _1
i--:--~- Pis " =!

Fig. 6-49 Vane elements and flow-velocity diagrams of axial-flow pumps.


]~3t, ~3h = rotor-outlet vane angles at tip and assumption that the absolute flow velocities and
hub diameter, deg angles at stator inlets and outlets equal the corre-
Ut, Uh = rotor peripheral velocities at tip sponding ones at the rotor outlets and inlets. This
and hub diameter, ft/s facilitates the design of multistage axial-flow pumps
Cu2t', Cu2h' = tangential components of the using uniform rotor and stator stages.
design a b s o l u t e r o t o r inlet-flow To deflect the fluid effectively, the inlet-vane
velocities at tip and hub diameter, angles (0c3) of the stator should be greater, by a few
ft/s degrees, than the inlet absolute-flow angles (0c3'); i.e.,
Cu3t', Cu3h' = tangential components of the an angle of attack "i" should be allowed. Also, an
design absolute rotor outlet-flow angle "ii" should be allowed b e t w e e n outlet-vane
velocities at tip and hub diameter, angle (~4) and outlet absolute-flow angle (0c4') for
the deviation angle. The following correlations can
be established for the vane and flow velocity
Some parameters in the equations above require
diagrams of the stator (Fig. 6-49):
further definition. The parameter e represents the
ratio of effective flow area to the geometric area---a
Ps --- 7t dm/z s (6-55)
parameter introduced to express the blockage caused
by the buildup of boundary layers, particularly at the Ss = Cs/Ps (6-56)
hub and tip-shroud. Thus, this parameter will usually 0tc = 0.5 (0t3 + 0t4) (6-57)
be smaller at stages further downstream. Estimation
Cs = 2 Rs sin [0.5(0c4 - 0t3)]
of this parameter is usually based on an empirical
database, although solutions to the Navier-Stokes = Ls/sin 0Cc (6-58)
equations with an adequate turbulence model are 0t3 = ¢x3, + i (6-59)
also acceptable. The parameter Qe is used to account
for any leakage introduced at the various points in 0t4 = cx4, + ii (6-60)
the flow path. Calculation of leakage flows is Cm = Cu3' tan 0c3' - Cu4' tan 0c4'
generally d o n e i n d e p e n d e n t l y a n d successively
= c 3' sin 0t3' = c4' sin 04' (6-61)
iterated with the p u m p design. The incidence angle
is chosen by the designer considering the efficiency, dm tan 0~3 = dt tan cz3t = dh tan 0C3h
cavitation potential, and the required flow-range. The = d x tan CX3x (6-62)
deviation angle "ii" must be calculated in terms of
the real fluid effects or estimated using some empiri- dm tan 04 - d t tan 0t4t = dh tan 0t4h
cally based estimating technique. One such tech- = dx tan 0C4x (6-63)
nique that has been widely used, the "Carter's Rule"
or "modified Carter's Rule", can be found in various where--
references (e.g., Ref. 6-2 and 6-7). As can be seen Ps = pitch or stator-vane spacing, in.
from Eq. (6-47), calculation of the deviation angle to Zs = number of stator vanes
design a blade to get the correct discharge velocity Ss = stator-vane solidity
is absolutely critical to obtaining the correct head. Cs = stator-vane chord length, in.
Otc = stator-vane chord angle, deg
Function of the Stator
a3, 0~4 = vane angles at stator inlet and
The stator of an axial-flow p u m p converts a major outlet, deg
portion of the tangential c o m p o n e n t of the absolute Rs = radius of the stator-vane curvature,
flow velocity leaving the rotor into static pressure by in.
"straightening" the flow after it leaves the rotor. The Ls = axial length of the stator vane, in.
stator-vane curvature is designed so that the fluid i = angle of attack, deg
enters the vanes with minimum loss and leaves the ii = angle allowed for circulatory flow
stator with a reduced tangential c o m p o n e n t of the at the outlet, deg
absolute flow velocity. The cross-sectional areas of 0c3' , 0c4' = absolute-flow angles at stator inlet
the stator flow passages normal to the axial direction and outlet, deg
equals those of the rotor, thus maintaining the axial cm = axial c o m p o n e n t of the absolute-
c o m p o n e n t of the absolute flow velocity. The flow velocities, ft/s
dimensions dt and d h of the stator, (Fig. 6-48) can be c3' , c 4' = design absolute-flow velocities of
treated as equal to the tip and hub diameters of the stator inlet and outlet, ft/s
rotor. The solidity of the stator vanes generally Cu3', Cu4' = tangential c o m p o n e n t s of the
increases from hub diameter (d h) to tip diameter design absolute velocities at stator
(d t) because the vanes are supported structurally at inlet and outlet, ft/s
the tip. The axial length (Ls) of the stator vane at the 0c3t, (X3h, 0C3x = stator-inlet vane angles at tip, hub,
mean effective diameter is usually made equal to that and any intermediate diameter,
of the rotor (Lr), but it is governed by the solidity deg
and the required number of vanes. Cl4t, ~4h, Ot4x = stator-outlet vane angles at tip,
Regarding Fig. 6-49, the velocity diagrams for the hub, and any i n t e r m e d i a t e di-
stator inlet and outlet are constructed with the ameter, deg

Design of Impeller Rotors and Stators 2) With N established, selection of impeller

rotor and stator of a given specific speed per stage
A number of design factors directly affect the per- (Ns)l, combined with a determination of the number
formance characteristics of an axial-flow p u m p . of p u m p stages, can proceed with the aid of the
Evaluation of test information, on the basis of following correlations:
specific speed per stage (Ns)l, shows the following
definitive correlations: (Ns)l = N (Q)0.5/(AH)10.75 (6-64)
I m p e l l e r - h u b r a t i o r d . The ratio of impeller
AtH = AHind- Hee + n(AH) 1 (6-65)
hub diameter dh to tip diameter dt (Fig. 6-48) has a
direct bearing on the specific speed per stage (Ns) 1. where--
Higher-specific-speed p u m p s have higher relative (Ns)l = specific speed per axial-flow-pump
flows and therefore smaller hub ratios that result in stage
greater free-flow area; but they also have lower head N = rated design p u m p rotating speed,
( H / Q ) characteristics. However, a higher hub ratio rpm
tends to yield a higher head coefficient per stage Q = rated design pump flow rate, gpm
(W)I. Typical values of rd in rocket-engine hydrogen (AH)I = rated design p u m p - d e v e l o p e d head
pumps range from 0.75 to 0.86. Typical design values per axial-flow pump stage, ft
for (Ns)l and (W)I range from 3000 to 5000 and from AH = rated design pump-overall-developed
0.25 to 0.40, respectively. A key factor that sets the head, ft
head coefficient, the diffusion factor, will be dis- AtHind = inducer rated head rise, ft
cussed more fully below. Hee = hydraulic-head loss at the inducer
V a n e s o l i d i t i e s S~ Ss. The vane solidities or stator, ft
chord-spacing ratios of the rotor and s t a t o r - - n = number of axial-flow pump stages
important design p a r a m e t e r s - - a r e selected on the
basis of previous experience. A higher pump specific 3) For the specific speed per stage (Ns)l thus
speed is linked with lower solidity primarily because obtained, various design factors and coefficients
the required head is smaller and so gives the higher such as impeller hub ratio rd, vane solidities Sr and
specific speed. Typical design values for vane
Ss, number of vanes Zr, and Zs, head coefficient per
solidities for the rotor and stator at the m e a n
effective diameter (dm) range from 1 to 1.34 and 1.5 stage (~)1, etc., will be selected based on past designs
to 1.8, respectively. Lower values are generally more with comparable (Ns) 1 values.
efficient w h e n the diffusion factor and h e a d 4) The required impeller rotor and stator
generated are lower. diameters, velocity diagrams, and vane profiles can
N u m b e r o f v a n e s Zr, Z s . A lower p u m p now be derived from Eq. (6-37) through (6-63).
specific speed usually results in a larger number of Impeller rotor and stator vanes are usually
vanes. Design values of z r range from 14 to 20. m a c h i n e d from forgings of aluminum alloys or
nickel-base alloys such as K-Monel. In view of the
Design values of Zs are typically higher, up to a factor
relatively low head produced by an individual axial-
of approximately 2. To minimize the potential for
flow-impeller stage, reduction of skin-friction and
dynamic interaction, the n u m b e r of stator vanes
flow-turbulence losses prove more important than
should have no c o m m o n factor with the number of
with centrifugal pumps. High efficiency demands a
rotor blades.
high degree of vane streamlining and polishing.
Vane curvature and setting. Experiments
The axial distance da between impeller rotor
indicate that the head developed by the rotor is
vanes and stator vanes (Fig. 6-49) has some bearing
essentially determined by vane curvature, i.e., ]33 - ]3 2.
on performance. Typical design values of d a range
Changes in vane settings (i.e., outlet-vane angle ~3 from 0.02 to 0.05 dr, where dt equals the impeller-tip
and inlet-vane angle 132) by the same amount will diameter. This spacing is also expressed as a
not affect head rise and efficiency significantly. function of the chord of the upstream blade. In
The design procedure for the impeller rotors general, the spacing should not be less than 10% of
and stators of a multi-stage axial-flow pump is es- this chord to avoid large dynamic stresses because
sentially the same as that for a single-stage cen- of the interaction of the rotor-stator blades. As
trifugal pump, except for the determination of the improved CFD codes are being developed, the
n u m b e r of p u m p stages. Design parameters and dynamic stresses can be calculated to give guidance
coefficients established experimentally using prior to the design. Design values for tip clearance c for
successful designs should be utilized to the fullest. both the rotor and stator (Fig. 6-46) should be no
Special development tests will still be required to more than approximately 2% of the blade or vane
verify the characteristics of a new design. The design height. Smaller values can be used depending on the
procedure should include the following steps: manufacturing tolerances and the dynamic behavior
1) To meet a given set of engine system re- of the pump that controls the rotor's radial motion.
quirements such as rated design p u m p - d e v e l o p e d The vane thickness along the mean line will
head H, flow rate Q, and rated pump (NPSH)c, the mainly be determined by structural considerations
p u m p rotating speed N is determined first through because experiments indicate that there is very little
selection of a suitable inducer of a given suction effect on p e r f o r m a n c e from variation of vane
specific speed (Nss)in d. thickness as long as the leading and trailing edges

are kept at a small radius and the thickness is have b e e n successfully used, but require a more
d e v e l o p e d along the m e a n l i n e in an efficient sophisticated analysis to assure that stall will be
manner. The problems with calculating stresses for avoided. Designs have been achieved that push the
~ ump rotor vanes are similar to those with turbine
lades. The methods given in section 6.6 for turbines
stall up to a diffusion factor of 0.75; obviously, the
higher the diffusion factor, the smaller will be the
can also be a p p l i e d here. Vanes e x p e r i e n c e unstalled flow range.
centrifugal, bending (due to lift and drag loading), Also used to estimate the stall condition has
and vibrational stresses. been a "retardation" factor. Using again the vectors
of Fig. 6-49, the retardation factor for the rotor is
Diffusion and Retardation Factors given by (v3'/v2') and for the stator by (c4'/c3'). The
designer should assume that stall will occur whenever
In designing the axial pump, it is desirable to in- the retardation factor reaches 0.5. SuccessfuU designs
crease the head per stage to reduce the total number have been achieved with this factor as low as 0.63.
of stages. However, the head per stage is limited by
the ability of the blading to turn the flow without
inducing a separation that causes p u m p stall, an Design of Casings for Axial Pumps
undesirable operating condition. Usually the peak
efficiency of the design will be maximum as the head As shown in Fig. 6-6 and 6-50, the casing of an axial-
per stage is increased, but design margins must be flow p u m p consists of a cylindrical section housing
maintained to avoid stall. To assess the stall po- the inducer and impeller stages. It also includes a
tential and the losses in an axial stage, a "parameter- volute section with radial guide vanes situated
diffusion" factor has been developed; it has been behind the last rotor stage of the impeller. In
shown to be a reliable indicator. Using the vector addition to converting the tangential-flow-velocity
diagrams of Fig. 6-49, the diffusion factor for the c o m p o n e n t into pressure, the volute section also
rotor can be expressed as follows: serves to reduce the axial-velocity c o m p o n e n t by
gradually increasing the flow area toward the volute
DFr = 1.0-(v3'/v2') + (cu3'-cu2')/(2Srv2') (6-66) discharge.
The radial guide vanes of the volute section are
Similarly, for the stator: designed so that the fluid enters them with minimum
losses and leaves them in a radial plane, analogous
D F s - 1.0-(c4'/c3' ) + (cu4'-cu3')/(2Ssc3') (6-67) to a centrifugal p u m p (Fig. 6-43). The number of
radial guide vanes will be chosen to achieve the
Good efficiencies at reasonable stall margins have desired turning with a reasonable diffusion factor in
been achieved with the diffusion factors in the range the space provided. They should have no common
of 0.45 to 0.55. Diffusion factors above this range factor with the n u m b e r of impeller rotor blades.

Vo,=e,.o,a, { .yvo,=e
Guide Lines _ __~..__ __

Balance Piston

uc'V I

.-- + dr d.f
I Rearward
Section A-A
Rotor Assembly

Rear Seal Rub


\ Balance Piston
Front Seal Rub ~ ~=~==~ Control Chamber
Fig. 6-50 Axial-flow pump volute casing and balance-piston arrangement.

Vane angle (av) can be determined by constructing

the flow velocity diagram for that section.
The design calculations for the volute are the
Gas-generator-cycle rocket engine applications will
same as for a centrifugal-pump volute. This includes
favor impulse turbines for their simplicity, high
the area distribution, cross-sectional shape, and the power-to-weight ratio, and low axial thrust (Ref. 6-8).
volute tongue angle.
Figure 6-51 shows the general arrangement of a
typical single-stage, two-rotor, velocity-compounded
impulse turbine. Gas-generator-cycle turbines are
Balancing the Axial Thrust of MultiStage characterized by relatively high pressure ratios (e.g.,
Axial Pumps as high as 20 for a single stage) with supersonic
velocities and low flowrates. Turbine flowrate is
Balancing of the combined axial thrust of a multi- minimized in a gas-generator cycle to maximize
stage axial-flow pump is an important function engine specific impulse because the turbine flowrate
because of the high pressures involved. Special bypasses the engine thrust chamber and produces a
balancing devices, such as automatic balance pis- relatively low thrust. In some cases the turbine flow-
tons, are frequently used. Secured to the rotor as- rate may be low enough to require partial-admission
sembly, as shown in Fig. 6-50, the balance piston turbine nozzles (nozzles flowing around only part of
operates on the same principle as the balance piston their circumference) for higher performance.
of a centrifugal pump, consisting of a disk with small Staged-combustion-cycle and series-expander-
clearances and a pair of seal rubs located on either cycle rocket engine applications will use low-reaction
side of the disk. The balance piston has a forward turbine stages to maximize turbine performance.
movement (toward the inlet) of the rotor assembly. Figure 6-52 shows the two-stage reaction turbine in
That reduces the clearance at the front-seal rub, the SSME HPFTP. Staged-combustion and expander-
simultaneously increasing clearances at the rear-seal cycle turbines are characterized by relatively low
rub. As a result, the pressure drops in the control pressure ratios (e.g., less than 2 for two stages) with
chamber between front and rear seal rubs. This effect subsonic velocities and high flowrates. Turbine
counteracts the forward hydraulic axial thrust of the pressure ratio will be kept as low as possible to
rotor assembly. Similarly, a pressure increase in the minimize the pump-discharge pressure required to
control chambers counteracts a rearward movement achieve a given main-chamber pressure and pump
(reverse thrust) of the rotor assembly. The volume to power requirements. The low-reaction staging min-
the rear of the control chamber communicates with imizes the maximum velocities in the stage, resulting
the low-pressure region of the pump inlet through in maximum efficiency. In high-chamber-pressure
cavities in the rotor. rocket engines, the low pressure ratios still result in
With the smaller diameter of the axial-flow high turbine-rotor pressure drops and high axial
pump, the available area for axial thrust control will thrust of the turbine.
usually be smaller, and thus requires higher pressures A turbine stage consists of an expanding sta-
to achieve similar thrust ranges. The higher tionary-vane row (nozzle) followed by a single row or
pressures also lead to higher leakage rates, which can multiple rows of rotating blades. Low expansions
penalize the pump efficiency. Thus, the final may occur in the rotating-blade rows and redirecting
performance comparison of axial- vs. centrifugal- stator. A second expanding nozzle begins another
pump design must include evaluation of the effects stage. The total available energy is divided between
of the balance-piston design. the stages based on the desired power split.

/ Bearing Inlet Flow
TurbineInlet / Flange\
Gas Manifold\ Rotating / / Shaft \
\ Sealsk / / qlL--:- Nozzles ..~] . . . . . . .

---~:.' ) " ~ L-,'~ -/~'~~'~ Ri~rs~~ _~.Rotation

Stationa~~'~ "=
~ ~ Blades ~ ' ~ ~ , - , d ~
.... \ ". _. ---, . j Second Rotor --'-'~'~"'----'- Rotation
~ i ~ .'~ Blades SectionA-A

I !1 Nomr" 'Driving A Ii,,I ContinuousRing

I I I Disc Splines "~JI TypeRotorBlade
.... . . . . <11 s. ooo

Fig. 6-51 Typical single-stage, two-rotor, velocity-compounded impulse turbine.


/ ............ i ",.~! ~.i i .~::,;'i..\ k. ; i~ ................... ~ )!~\~ ;-.:i

./ :--;i .\ !
/ ..." / .....::ii I !';I ~i ;~
{.~,~k ~ ;;"~"i ~ i '~ ~' i I / /


.~.~ .......
k~ ii:: :.\ !. ^.........

..........................(; ;:!~ , !~:..) Ii ~'~ ~"7


:i i. ' i.~i~i~-"~ ~ \;-¢i !! i- i .< ............I

Fig. 6-52 Two-stage reaction turbine for SSME HPFTP.

General D e s i g n Procedure ~,i?/J'//';//:/./'//'~,'~/l

I~~ Engine Balance ,/~I
L ' / ~ . ~ / I / I f / / / ..... Z...'.,I
An integrated turbine aerothermodynamic design
will have overall requirements specified by a rocket-
engine balance calculation. The following steps (Fig. 1 I
6°53) are essential in the design of a rocket-engine I Gas-Path I
I.... Optimization
Selection o f t u r b i n e type. The first item of Meridional-
Flow-Field Analysis
importance is the selection of the proper type. A r
single-stage rotor turbine (Fig. 6-10) will be used if First Pass:
Iterative Pass:
the required turbine power is low, if the efficiency of Inlet/Outlet
Data Only
Blade Thickness
and Flow
the turbine has less effect on overall engine system Distribution
L. . . . . . . . . . .
performance, or if the pressure ratio is high and End-Wall Contour ..

partial admission is required for high performance. Profile Generation

When the available energy of the turbine working- For All Streamlines

fluid, and therefore the gas spouting velocity Co is Blade-to-Blade

relatively low, a higher turbine velocity ratio U/Co Potential Flow

may be achieved with a moderate turbine rotor- Quasi-Three-Dimensional

blade speed U. As shown in Fig. 6-27, this suggests Analysis of Flow Field

the use of a relatively simple single-stage, single- Full Profile Data

rotor impulse turbine. This type was selected for the , .~

A-2 Stage oxidizer turbopump, at the same time Two- and
Boundary Layer Three-Dimensional Stator/Rotor
taking advantage of its overall simplicity. Analysis Navier-Stokes Solution Interaction
In most direct-drive turbopump configurations l J.
i I
(such as the A-1 Stage engine turbopump, Fig. 6-79),
where the turbine rotating speed N and consequently
turbine velocity ratio U/Co is lower than peak effi-
ciency, a single-stage, two-rotor, velocity-com- Fig. 6-53 Typical steps in the turbine design
pounded impulse turbine (Fig. 6-11 and 6-51) will be process.

selected for best results. Figure 6-27 indicates that flowdingle blading to determine axial thrust. Con-
the optimum efficiency of a velocity-compounded stant-section blading usually employs relatively-
turbine can be achieved at a relatively low U/Co short, high-pressure-ratio supersonic blades.
value. For longer turbine blades (usually in subsonic
The turbine can operate at a much higher ro- turbine stages), a free-vortex radial distribution with
tating speed (over 25,000 rpm) if a reduction gear twisted blades may be selected. Higher efficiency
train couples the pump and the turbine (Fig. 6-16). A results from twisted blades due to reduced-incidence
higher value of U/Co can be achieved with rea- losses and more uniform flow from hub to tip. The
sonable turbine rotor size. Then a higher-perfor- ideal characteristics of a free-vortex design are
mance, two-stage, two-rotor, pressure-compounded constant axial velocity and rotor work from hub to
impulse turbine (Fig. 6-12) may be used. tip. (Actual operation with efficiency gradients hub
Low-reaction staging (about 25% reaction) en- to tip cause variations in both velocity and work.)
ables low turbine pressure ratios to maximize effi- The tangential absolute velocity out of each blade
ciency. Stage velocity ratio U/Co and efficiency can row from hub to tip can be calculated assuming that
be increased and blade loading reduced by using the product of the mean radius and the mean
two low-reaction stages. The power split between absolute tangential velocity is a constant. The rotor
stages typically has been about equal. reaction at the mean diameter should be set to
S i z e o f t u r b i n e . After selecting the type of provide positive reaction at the hub. Inlet-blade
turbine, the designer determines the turbine-rotor angles are set to minimize incidence losses for the
size. Once the characteristics of the turbine working calculated flow-angles.
fluid, the turbine pressure ratio Rt, and the pump or Efficiency can be increased to the maximum by
turbine rotational speed N have been established, using a forced-vortex radial work distribution.
choosing a larger diameter for the turbine rotor Increased work is performed in the lower-loss mid-
tends to result in a higher velocity ratio U/Co, and height of the blade and reduced work is done in the
thereby higher efficiency. However, the larger-diam- higher-loss hub and tip ends of the blade, resulting
eter turbine rotor also spells higher assembly weight, in higher stage efficiency. The reduced tip work also
larger envelope, and higher working stresses. Final reduces the unshrouded-blade tip clearance loss.
selection of the turbine-rotor size, and consequently Figure 6-54 shows an example of a forced-vortex
the U/Co ratio, often entails a design compromise. design rotor blade.
D e t e r m i n e f l o w r a t e a n d p r e s s u r e ratio. The CFD a n a l y s e s . The design and analyses of
required power output from the turbine must be forced-vortex-stage 3D blading requires extensive
equal to the net input to the propellant pumps, plus computer graphics and computational fluiddynamics
the mechanical losses in the bearings, seals, gears (if (CFD). Computer-aided engineering (CAE) graphics
any), plus the net power required to drive any must define, stack, and display the three-dimensional
auxiliary drives. The required flowrate of the turbine
working fluid can be calculated using Eq. (6-15) after
the required power, available energy of the working
fluid [Eq. (6-13)], and the overall turbine efficiency
(from Fig. 6-27 in the initial phases of design) have
been estimated.
D i m e n s i o n s o f b l a d e r o w s . The initial di-
mensions of the stationary nozzles and of the ro-
tating blades can be calculated using a preliminary-
design pitch-line, gas-path program. The pitch-line
analysis includes the selected staging, pressure
distribution, and flow angles as well as representative
losses due to friction and turning for each blade row,
tip-clearance losses, partial-admission losses, rotor-
disk windage losses, and shaft- and interstage-seal
leakage losses. The blade-row outlet flow area can be
calculated using continuity for the outlet conditions.
Stage power, efficiency, and reaction are calculated
from the Euler equation, pressure distribution, and Z
the losses. The interactive program allows the de-
signer to alter the various design parameters to
achieve the optimum configuration within the design n E m lnuliaan|in-- --
constraints. Computer graphics can display the mmmmmammmmlmmm
resulting velocity-vector diagrams and blade-path mlmm~mmmmmmmmmmmm
When blades are relatively short (height-to-
radius ratio less than 0.10) and when turbine effi-
ciency does not have a strong effect on engine cycle
performance, constant-section blading can be used
to lower cost and gain good performance. The Fig. 6-54 Example o f a forced-vortex-design
radial-pressure variation is determined for constant- rotor blade.

blade shapes and establish the input data to the Nozzle efficiency ~n."
three-dimensional analysis programs. The detail
design analysis that establishes the flowpath ele- tin-- kn2 (6-69)
vation and blade-profile dimensions m a y be done
using an inviscid quasi-3D or full-3D analysis. The
Nozzle throat area coefficient ent:
vane and blade surface distributions of velocity,
Mach number, static pressure, and temperature are
Ent = (effective area of the nozzle throat)/
calculated from hub to tip for each blade row. The
surface b o u n d a r y layers are calculated assuming (actual area)
turbulent flow for the high-Reynolds-number com- (6-70)
bustor products of the rocket engine. The blade Actual gas-spouting velocity at the nozzle exit, fi/s..
shapes are modified until the surface distributions
and boundary layers have acceptable diffusion levels
and minimum loss and separation potential.
Blade-profile designs finalized, the viscous-flow

IT[ o
\Po/ _]
solvers may be executed to verify the viscous effects. = kn~/2gJAHo_ ,- (6-71)
W h e n the stage design is completed, the nozzle/
rotor interaction should be analyzed to establish the A m o u n t of nozzle reheat..
blade integrity under dynamic loading.
( 1 - k n ), 2C 2 ( - r l n ) C
Design of Turbine Nozzles = ~ (6-72)
qnr= kn2gJ r/n2gJ
Turbine nozzle designs are classified as convergent-
divergent for high-pressure-ratio, supersonic, single- Required total nozzle throat area, in.2. •
stage turbines, convergent for subsonic and tran-
~r t
sonic stages, and partial admission w h e n the rotor- Ant = (6-73)
blade height would be too small for full admission.
Supersonic convergent-divergent nozzles.
The nozzles of most gas-generator-cycle rocket- entPo "Y ~ ~-
engine turbines are basically similar to those of RTo
rocket thrust chambers. They are of the conven-
tional converging-diverging De Laval type with
Cp -- turbine-gas (working-fluid) specific heat
supersonic outlet velocities. In the main, the nozzles
of an impulse-type turbine efficiently convert the at constant pressure, Btu/lb-'R
major portion of available energy of the working T -- turbine-gas specific heat ratio
fluid into kinetic energy or high gas-spouting R - turbine-gas constant (1544/molecular
velocity. The gas fl0w processes in the thrust- weight), ft/'R
chamber nozzles are directly applicable to turbine T O - t u r b i n e - g a s total (stagnation) tem-
nozzles. However, the gas flow in an actual nozzle perature at the nozzle inlet, "R
deviates from ideal conditions b e c a u s e of fluid Wt - turbine-gas mass flow rate, lb/s
viscosity, friction, boundary-layer effects, etc. In Po - turbine-gas total pressure at the nozzle
addition, the energy consumed by friction forces inlet, psia
and flow turbulence will cause an increase in the Pl - turbine-gas static pressure at the rotor-
static temperature of the gases flowing through a blade inlet, psia
nozzle, above that of an isentropic process. (This ZXHo.I,, = isentropic enthalpy drop of the gases
effect is known as "reheat.") As a result of the above flowing through the nozzles, due to
effects, the actual gas-spouting velocity at the turbine expansion, Btu/lb
nozzle exit tends to be less than the ideal velocity The performance of a turbine nozzle, as ex-
calculated for isentropic expansion (from stagnation pressed by its efficiency or velocity coefficient, will
state at the nozzle inlet to the static pressure at the be affected by a number of design factors, such as;
rotor-blade inlet). Furthermore, the effective flow exit velocity of the gas flow, properties of the turbine
area of a nozzle will usually be less than the actual gases, angles and curvatures at nozzle inlet and exit,
area because of circulatory flow and boundary-layer radial height and width at the throat, and pitch
effects. The following correlations h a v e been (spacing) and number of nozzles. Design values for
established for the design calculations of turbine the efficiency and velocity coefficients of a given
nozzles: turbine nozzle may be determined experimentally or
Nozzle velocity coefficient kn: estimated from past designs. Design values of nozzle
efficiency ~n range from 0.80 to 0.96. Design values
kn = C1/Co (6-68) of nozzle velocity coefficient kn vary from 0.89 to
0.98. The nozzle-throat area coefficient (ent) gen-
where C1 = actual gas spouting velocity at the nozzle erally will increase with nozzle radial height, design
exit, and Co is the ideal gas velocity calculated for values ranging from 0.95 to 0.99.
isentropic expansion from the stagnation state at the Rocket-turbine nozzles have rectangular cross
nozzle inlet to static pressure at the rotor blade inlet. section (Fig. 6-55). Nozzle vanes are closely spaced

-'-- din-" ~ Fbnt b

7. _ ~ . . . . . '-'ne

_ J ~/. Turbine ~ ~ - ~ E : ~ ~ ~ _ X
l_.olL_ . . . .
Blade~ ~ Nozzle
hb ~ Impulse Back " - ~ " - - . , , ~ 1
- i 11 T ,bi e
• _ [I Symmetrical ,
][ Rotor --~-.-~ _---- ~ ....~'-....~, o~1
[] Blades Blade rf..~ Cp Rotation V2 ..~7,-, U ¢ Rotor
. ,11. % 2 = 0b, Faces
el- - _..
'-Shroud I ~ ~ Pb-'] ~-tl LI--
- ' t ~ u~2
Velocity Diagrams of a
Typical Single-Stage
),, Impulse Turbine
r- q
...... ! .... ~ ImpulseTurbine ~ h
!1 Unsymmetrical ~'N~ ~;~."~
~ Rotor Blades .~

_ . -- ~. hb2 > hbl -- _.J"----,f . . . . .

--4 k_shroud
Fig. 6-55 Nozzles, rotor blades, and velocity diagrams of a typical single-stage impulse turbine.

on a circular arc extending over a part of (partial Determination of nozzle pitch also requires a design
admission) or all of (full admission) the circum- compromise. The following correlations have been
ference. Most high-power turbines use full admission established for calculation of nozzle-flow areas:
for better performance.
While the gases are passing through a nozzle and Total n o z z l e throat area, in.2.
expanding, the direction of flow is changing from an
approximately axial direction to one forming the Ant = zntbnthnt (6-74)
angle 0tl (Fig. 6-55) with the plane of rotation, at the
nozzle exit. Therefore, the turning angle is 904Xl deg. Total n o z z l e exit area, in.2:
The angle (On) of the nozzle centerline at the exit
usually represents a design compromise. Theo- Ane = 144 vet/(PlC1 ene) = Zn bne hne
retically, a smaller nozzle-exit-angle yields better
efficiency, since the rotor blading work is larger and = znhne(P n sin en - tn) (6-75)
the absolute flow velocity at the rotor-blade exit is
smaller. However, a smaller nozzle-exit-angle means
a larger angle of flow deflection within the nozzle, Pitch or n o z z l e spacing:
which causes higher friction losses. Design values of
e n range from 15 to 30 deg. The actual effective dis- Pn -- 71:dm/zn (6-76)
charge angle 0t 1 of the gas jet leaving the nozzle
tends to be greater than 0n because of the unsym- wt = turbine-gas mass flowrate, lb/s
metrical nozzle shape at the exit.
A sufficiently large nozzle passage aspect ratio P1 = density of the gases at nozzle exit, lb/ft 3
hnt/bnt is desirable for better nozzle efficiency. For a C1 = gas-spouting velocity at nozzle exit, ft/s
given nozzle height, an increase in aspect ratio can ene = nozzle-exit-area coefficient
be secured by decreasing the nozzle pitch Pn- hnt = radial height at nozzle throat, in.
However, a small pitch and consequently a large hne = radial height at nozzle exit, in.
number of nozzles (Zn), with attendant increase in bnt = width normal to flow at nozzle throat, in.
wall surface, tends to increase friction losses. bne = width normal to flow at nozzle exit, in.

Zn = number of nozzles 80 -[- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [

100% Admission
On = angle between nozzle-exit centerline and
plane of rotation, deg a
tn = thickness of nozzle partition at exit, in.
60 I/ ~ Flow
d m = mean diameter of nozzles and rotor
blades, in. ~ 50 1

Subsonic convergent Staged-

nozzles. o>, e c 3/6
combustion and series expander-engine-cycle-drive 40
turbines use subsonic convergent nozzles. The
30 d 6/12
nozzle turns and accelerates the flow to the desired
outlet Mach number from the inlet conditions. The 20 e = 85/170
nozzle passage converges with the minimum flow
area at the outlet of the control channel (the throat).
Additional e x p a n s i o n and turning may occur
downstream of the throat. Nozzles with relatively
short vanes can have constant section from hub to 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
tip. The minimum passage width may be set by Isentropic Velocity Ratio U/Co
manufacturing constraints that would also affect the
number of nozzle vanes. The height-to-throat open- Fig. 6-56 Effect o f n u m b e r o f active arcs o n
ing ratio has typically been between 3.5 to 8. The partial-admission turbine efficiency.
trailing-edge thickness typically varies between 5 to
15% of the throat opening. The fillet radius at the
endwalls usually will be less than 30% of the throat If the second-stage nozzle also has partial
opening. The number of subsonic nozzles used in admission, the second nozzle can be set to capture
rocket turbines has varied from 25 to 61. Nozzle the kinetic energy out of the first rotor at the design
efficiency values range to 0.97. Radial variations condition to maximize performance. An axial space
from hub to tip b e c o m e significant for longer upstream of the second nozzle will aid circum-
nozzles. The nozzle-outlet flow angle and area ferential flow out of the first rotor into the second
distributions are set to achieve the desired work nozzle for off-design operation, such as startup and
distribution. shutdown transients.
Laid out using c o m p u t e r graphics and CFD
analyses, nozzle profiles are designed to achieve the
required acceleration and turning for the desired D e s i g n Of T u r b i n e R o t o r B l a d e s
stage distributions. Numerous profiles are defined
from hub to tip and analyzed as two-dimensional Turbine rotor blades used in rocket-engine turbines
vanes, including the effects of streamtube thickness can be classified as supersonic impulse blades and
to determine the suction and pressure surface dis- subsonic impulse and reaction blades.
tributions of velocity, Mach number, static pressure, Supersonic impulse rotor-blades. Rotor
and static temperature. The vane loading, diffusion, blades in an impulse turbine (Fig. 6-51 and 6-55)
and boundary layers are evaluated for acceptability, transform a maximum of the kinetic energy of the
and the resulting 3D vane shape compared with the gases from the nozzles into useful work. Theoretically,
stage requirements. there should be no change of gas static pressure,
Cylindrical endwalls ordinarily will be used with temperature, or enthalpy in the rotor blades. In
low-pressure-ratio turbine nozzles; contoured outer actual operation, however, some gas expansion (i.e.,
endwalls will be used on some first-stage nozzles. reaction) usually occurs. Furthermore, the actual gas
The preliminary subsonic-nozzle calculations for flow through the rotor blades deviates from ideal
nozzle efficiency, outlet velocity, reheat, nozzle exit flow because of friction, eddy currents, b o u n d a r y
area, and tangential spacing use the same equations layers, and reheating.
as the section for supersonic nozzles. The factors The velocity-vector diagram shown in Fig. 6-55
that affect supersonic nozzle performance, as dis- describes graphically the flow conditions at the rotor
cussed in the section above, apply to subsonic blades of a single-stage, single-rotor turbine at the
convergent-nozzle performance as well. mean diameter dm. The gases enter the rotor blades
P a r t i a l - a d m i s s i o n nozzles. Partial-admission with an absolute velocity C1 and at an angle C~l to
nozzles are open for flow over only a fraction of the the plane of rotation. The rotor blades have
circumference of the turbine. The nozzles may be tangential or peripheral s p e e d U at the m e a n
supersonic or subsonic, depending on the appli- diameter. The relative velocities at the blade inlet
cation. The minimum number of nozzles is one, but and outlet differ (i.e., V1 > V2) due to friction losses.
generally two or more nozzles will be used with an Ideally, the gas should leave the blades at very low
equal sector 180 deg apart and opposite each other, absolute velocity C2 and in a direction close to axial
for structural and dynamic symmetry. As the num- for optimum energy conversion in the blades. The
ber of sectors increases, losses are incurred due to forces generated at the rotor blades are a function of
the increasing number of transitions from the active the change of momentum of the flowing gases. The
to inactive arc of admission, as shown in Fig. 6-56. following correlations can be established for design

calculations of the rotor blades of a single-stage, --- relative-gas-flow angles at the inlet
single-rotor turbine. and outlet of the rotor blades, deg
C1, C2 --- absolute-gas-flow velocities at the inlet
Tangential force acting on the blades Ob/Ib of gas and outlet of the rotor blades, ft/s
flow~s). V1, V2 = relative-gas-flow velocity at the inlet
and outlet of the rotor blades, ft/s
Ft = (C1 cos 0t1 + C2 cos a 2 ) / g U --- peripheral speed of the rotor, ft/s
= (V1 cos [$1 + V2 cos 132)/g (6-77) dm = mean diameter of the rotor, in.
= equivalent nozzle efficiency appli-
Work transferred to the blades (ft-lb per unit of gas cable to the expansion process in the
flow/s): blades
AHI_2, = isentropic enthalpy drop of the gases
Eb -- U (C1 cos a l + C2 cos ~2)/g flowing through the rotor blades due
- U (V1 cos [31 + V2 cos ~2)/g (6-78) to expansion or reaction, Btu/lb;
AHI_ 2, equals 0 if only impulse is
U - g dm N/720 (6-79) exchanged

For subsequent calculations, the following relation All parameters refer to the mean diameter dm unless
will be useful: specified otherwise. The turbine overall efficiency nt
defined by Eq. (6-15, 6-16) can be established for a
tan ~1 = C1 sin al/(C1 cos {Xl - U) (6-80)
single-stage, single-rotor impulse turbine in the
following form:
Axial thrust at blades (lb per unit of gas flow~s);
1]t = 1]n 1]b 1]m (6-87)
Fa = (C1 sin 0~1 - V2 sin ~2)/g (6-81)

Blade velocity coefficient.. where---

tin = nozzle efficiency
kb = V2/V 1 (6-82) TIb = rotor-blade efficiency
Tim = machine efficiency, indicating the me-
Blade efficiency.. chanical, leakage, and disk-friction losses

qb--" Eb/(C12/2g) (6-83) Equation (6-84) shows that the blade efficiency (TIb)
improves w h e n 132 becomes much smaller than ]31.
Ideally, TIb will be a m a x i m u m for a single-rotor
Reduction of 132 without decreasing the flow area at
impulse turbine when the turbine velocity ratio i s - -
the blade exit can be achieved through an un-
symmetrical blade (Fig. 6-55), in which the radial
U/C, _- cos c~___._.1~ blade height increases toward the exit. In actual
2 designs, the amount of decrease of [32, or the
increase of radial height, will be limited by incipient
flow separation and centrifugal stresses. Generally,
i.e., w h e n U = 0.5 Clt where Clt is the tangential
the ~2 of an unsymmetrical blade will be approx-
c o m p o n e n t of C1. This yields a m a x i m u m ideal
imately [~1 - (5 to 15 deg). Equation (6-84) also
indicates that TIb improves as a l is reduced. Design
TIb -- 0.5 cos20tl(1.O + k b cos [32/cos ~1) (6-84) values of kb vary from 0.80 to 0.90. Design values of
rib range from 0.7 to 0.92.
If there is some reaction or expansion of the gas Referring to Fig. 6-55, the radial height at the
flowing through the blades, the relative-gas-flow rotor inlet hb will usually be slightly larger (5 to 10%)
velocity at the rotor-blade outlet can be calculated as than the nozzle radial height hn. This height,
follows: together with the blade peripheral speed U, will
determine the centrifugal stress in the blades. The
V2-- ( kb 2 V12 + 2gl Tin AH1-2') 0'5 (6-85) mean diameter of the rotor blades is defined as dm
- d t - hb where dt is the rotor tip diameter. Pitch or
Amount of reheat in the rotor blades (Btu/lb of gas blade spacing Pb is measured at the mean diameter
flow).. dm. There is no critical relationship between blade
pitch Pb and nozzle pitch Pn. There should be a
qbr = (1.O-kb 2) V12/(2gJ) + (1.O-Tin) AH1-2' (6-86) sufficient number of blades in the rotor to direct the
gas flow. The number of blades Zb to be employed is
whereto established by the blade aspect ratio hb/Cb and the
~1, 0t2 --- absolute-gas-flow angles at the inlet solidity Cb/Pb, where Cb is the chord length of the
and outlet of the rotor blades, deg rotor blades. The magnitude of the blade aspect

Integral Type Shroud

ratio ranges from 1.3 to 2.5. Design values of blade A-~- n
solidity vary from 1.4 to 2. Best results will be
d e t e r m i n e d by experiment. The n u m b e r of rotor ~/ Blade
blades should have no c o m m o n factor with the
n u m b e r of nozzles or of stator blades for the
purpose of minimizing dynamic loading.
The blade face is concave, with radius rf. The A-A
back is convex, with a circular arc of small radius rr Shrouded Blades Fabricated by
Precision Casting Process
concentric with the face of the adjoining blade
ahead. Two tangents to this arc to form the inlet; and
outlet-blade angles 0bl and 0b2 complete the blade
Joint Disk
Tang s peened
back. The leading and trailing edges may have a Stop ~- over to
small thickness t b. U n s y m m e t r i c a l - i m p u l s e - b l a d e located secure
profiles have also been defined using tangent Blades Welded wl~eel Blades Attached Typical "Fir Tree"
to the Disk to the Disk by "Fir Type Tang
parabola curves and combinations of straight lines, Tree" Type Tang
circular arcs, and parabolas.
The inlet-blade angle 0bl should be slightly Fig. 6-57 Typical rotor-blade construction.
larger than the inlet relative-flow angle ]31. If 0bl < ~1
the gas stream will strike the backs of the blades at
the inlet, exerting a retarding effect on the blades
Typical construction of turbine rotor blades and
and causing losses. If 0bl > ~1 the stream will strike
disks are shown in Fig. 6-52, 6-51, 6-55, and 6-57.
the concave faces of the blades and tend to increase Usually, blades are designed with a shroud to prevent
the impulse. The outlet-blade angle 0b2 is usually leakage over the blade tips and to reduce turbulence
made equal to the outlet relative-flow angle ([32). and thereby improve efficiency. The shroud also
The mass flow rate w t through the various nozzle limits blade vibration amplitudes and increases
and blade sections of a turbine is assumed constant. rotor dynamic stability. Frequently the shroud forms
The required blade flow areas can be calculated by an integral portion of the blade, the shroud sections
the following correlation (Note that the temperature fitting closely together w h e n assembled. In other
values used in calculating the gas densities at various designs the shroud may form a continuous ring (Fig.
sections must be corrected for reheating effects from 6-51) attached to the blades by tongues at the blade
friction and turbulence): tip or by rivets. It can also be welded to the shrouds.
The blades may be either welded to the disk or at-
wt = plY1 Abl ebl/144 tached to it using "fir-tree" or other dovetail shapes.
(6-88) The main loads experienced by a rotor blade
= p2V2 Ab2 8b2/144
can be divided into three types:
• T e n s i o n a n d b e n d i n g d u e to c e n t r i f u g a l
Total blade inlet area, in.2.
forces. The radial c o m p o n e n t of the centrifugal
forces acting on the blade body produces a cen-
Abl = Zb bbl hbl
trifugal tensile stress that reaches a maximum at the
= Zb hbl (Pb sin 0bl - tb) (6-89) root section. As a remedy, blades are often hol-
lowed and tapered, with the thinner section at the
Total blade exit area, in.2: tip, to lower centrifugal root-stresses. The centroids
of various blade sections at different radii generally
Ab2 = z b bb2 hb2 do not fall on a true radial line. Therefore, the
=Zbhb2(Pbsin 0 b 2 - t b) (6-90) centrifugal forces acting u p o n the offset centroids
will p r o d u c e b e n d i n g stresses that also are at
where-- maximum at the root section.
Pb = pitch or rotor-blade spacing • B e n d i n g d u e to gas loading. The tangential
Pl, P2 density of gases at inlet and outlet of driving force and the axial thrust produced by the
the rotor blades, lb/ft3 m o m e n t u m change of the gases passing over the
Vl, V2 relative gas velocities at inlet and blades produce bending stresses. These forces are
outlet of the rotor blades, ft/s sometimes integrated and treated as acting at the
midheight of the blade to determine the amount of
gbl, gb2 area coefficients at inlet and outlet of
bending induced. Otherwise, distributed pressures on
the rotor blades
the blade are defined from a 3D flow analysis.
Zb number of blades
• B e n d i n g d u e to vibration loads. Gas d o e s
hbl, hb2 radial height at inlet and outlet of the not flow uniformly in the blade passages, as assumed
rotor blades, in. in theory, but varies cyclically from minimum to
bbl, bb2 passage widths (normal to flow) at maximum. The resultant loads represent a dynamic
inlet and outlet of the blades, in. force on the blades, having a corresponding cyclic
0bl, 0b2 = rotor blade angles at inlet and outlet, variation. The frequency of this force coming equal
deg to the natural frequency of the blades may cause
tb -- thickness of blade at inlet and outlet, deflections that will induce bending stresses of
in. considerable magnitude. Therefore, the primary

forcing functions acting on the blades are designed generally quite thick at the axis, but taper off to a
so as not to correspond in frequency with any blade thinner disk rim to which the blades are attached. In
natural frequency. single-rotor applications it is possible to design a
Detail stress analyses for rotor blades can be solid disk so that both radial and tangential stresses
rather complex. A basic a p p r o a c h counteracts a are uniform at all points, shear being neglected. In
major portion of the b e n d i n g moments from gas multirotor applications, it is difficult to do this
loading with the bending m o m e n t s induced by the because of the greatly increased axial length and the
centrifugal forces at nominal operating speeds. This resulting large gaps between rotor and stator disks.
can be d o n e by careful blade design. Thus the Equation (6-94) may be used to estimate the ave-
centrifugal tensile stresses b e c o m e a first consider- rage tangential stress in any turbine disk, neglecting
ation in blade design, while other details such as rotor-blade effects:
c e n t r o i d l o c a t i o n a n d r o o t c o n f i g u r a t i o n are
established later to fulfill other design requirements.
Sd = 0.00137 (Pd/g) dd 2 N2/[loge (to/tr) ] (6-94)
The following correlations have been established at
the b l a d e - r o o t section w h e r e stresses are most
Sd = average tangential tensile stress of a
constant-stress turbine disk, psi
Centrifugal tensile stress at the root section o f blade
of a uniform cross section, psi: Pd = density of the disk material, lb/in.3
dd = diameter of the disk, in.
Sc = 0.00548 Pb hb dm N2/g (6-91) N = turbine speed, rpm
to = thickness of the disk at the axis, in.
Centrifugal tensile stress at the root section o f tr = thickness of the disk rim at dd, in.
tapered blade, psi: g = gravitational constant, ft/sec2

Equation (6-95) permits estimation of the stresses in

Sct = 0.005481pbhbdm N2
g any turbine disk, neglecting effects of the rotor

Sd = 0.00548 W d ri N2/(adg) (6-95)

x 1----------~- 1+ (6-92)
Bending m o m e n t due to root-section gas loading, Sd = centrifugal tensile stress of the turbine
in-lb: disk, psi
Wd = weight of the disk, lb
Mg - hb wt (Ft2 + Fa2)0"5/2Zb (6-93) ri = distance of the center of gravity of the
half disk from the axis, in.
g = gravitational constant, ft/sec2 ad = disk cross-sectional area, in.2
N = turbine speed, rpm
Pb = density of the blade material, lb/in.3
g = gravitational constant, ft/sec2
hb = average blade height, in.
dm = mean diameter of the rotor, in. For good turbine design, it is r e c o m m e n d e d that at
N --- turbine speed, rpm the maximum allowable design rotating speed the Sd,
ar = sectional area at the blade root, in.2 calculated by Eq. (6-95), be about 0.75 to 0.8 the
at = sectional area at the blade tip, in. 2 material yield-strength.
vet = turbine gas flow, lb/s Turbine rotor blades and disks are made of high-
Zb = n u m b e r of blades temperature alloys of three different base materials:
iron, nickel, and cobalt, with chromium forming one
Ft = tangential force acting on the blades, of the major alloying elements. High tensile strength
lb/lb/s (6°77)
and fatigue resistance at the operating temperature
Fa = axial thrust acting on the blades, lb/lb/s
are important criterion for material selection. Other
required properties include resistance to hydrogen
The bending stresses at the root can be calcu- embrittlement, low creep rate, and oxidation and
lated from the resultant b e n d i n g m o m e n t and the erosion resistance. Astroloy, Waspaloy, Mar M-246,
blade-root section properties. The vibration stresses A 286, and Inconel 718 are alloys frequently used.
can be estimated from past design data. A shroud The rotor blades are fabricated either by precision
added to a blade increases stresses at the root. The casting or by precision forging. Rotor disks are best
total stress at the root section adds these stresses to made of forgings for optimum strength. Integrally-
those caused by the centrifugal forces acting on the bladed disks ("blisks") are also used, but blade
blades. damping is more difficult to achieve, requiring more
The stresses in a turbine-rotor disk are induced care to avoid fatigue damage.
by the blades and the centrifugal forces acting on S u b s o n i c Blades. The design of subsonic rotor
the disk material itself. In addition, torque causes blades uses extensive, interactive computer graphics
shear stresses. As seen in Fig. 6-51, turbine disks are and computer-aided engineering (CAE). The design

process, d e p i c t e d in Fig. 6-53, sets the basic at an absolute flow velocity C2, and at an angle 0t2.
requirements of each blade row by a meanline-gas- After passing over the stationary blades, the gases
path analysis. The turbine-configuration optimiza- enter the second rotor blades at an absolute flow
tion follows various constraints. The rotor profile velocity C3, and at an angle 0c3; V 3 and V4 are the
will be defined by a multistage meridional-flow-field relative inlet and outlet flow velocities at the second
analysis for the specified blade-path elevation. The rotor blades. Angles ~1, ~)2, ~)3, and ~4 represent the
results of the meridional analysis establish the
flow directions of V1, V2, V3, and V4.
acceleration a n d turning characteristics of each
As with single-rotor turbines, the exit velocity
rotor-profile section from hub to tip. Initial rotor
from any row of blades (rotary or stationary) will be
profiles are generated on the c o m p u t e r at several
less than the inlet velocity because of friction losses.
radial locations. The initial profile surface-velocity
It can be assumed that the blade velocity coefficient
and static-pressure distributions can be c h e c k e d
kb has the same value for any row of blades:
using estimated streamtube thicknesses for adverse
pressure gradients based on established guidelines.
The rotor profiles are stacked from hub to tip, as can k b = V2/V 1 = C3/C 2 = V4/V 3 (6-96)
be seen in Fig. 6-54, including an estimate of the lean
and tilt that may be required from the structural In a multirotor turbine, the total work transferred will
design to establish the 3D blade profile. be the sum from the individual rotors:
The 3D geometry is used in an inviscid multi-
stage quasi-3D or full-3D analysis program that Total work transferred to the blades of a two-rotor
determines the streamline and blade-to-blade flow- turbine, ft-lb/lb of gas flow~s:
field characteristics. The multistage capability being
required, a c o m p l e t e evaluation can be made of U
Eab = g ( C 1cos c~1 + C2 cos c~2 + C3 cos oe3 + C4 cos cq)
potential c h a n g e s of individual blade surfaces,
including the effects on the other turbine-blade rows.
The profile g e o m e t r y along a specified streamline U
= - ( v , cos ~, + v , cos ~a + v3 cos ~3
will be d e t e r m i n e d so that detailed suction and g
pressure surface distributions can be calculated using
a suitable flow-code. These distributions will be used + V4 cos B4) (6-97)
in the boundary-layer code to determine the bound-
ary-layer characteristics that are assessed for losses Combined nozzle a n d blade efficiency of a two-
and separation potential. Solid modeling of the rotor turbine:
defined 3D blade path that can be viewed from any
orientation allows an early look at the turbine blad- hnb = E2b/(J AH) (6-98)
ing for mechanical, structural, and thermal design
analyses. where AH = overall isentropic enthalpy drop of the
turbine gases (Btu/lb) = total available energy con-
Design of Single-Stage, Two-Rotor, Velocity- tent of the turbine gases (Eq. 6-13). Equation (6-87)
Compounded Impulse Turbines can be rewritten for the turbine overall efficiency Tit
of a two-rotor turbine as follows:
Most impulse turbines will have only one or two
rotors. It is assumed that a single-stage, two-rotor,
tit = rlnb ~m (6-99)
velocity-compounded impulse turbine expands gases
completely in the nozzle, and that no further static-
pressure change occurs during gas flow through the : Nozzle
moving blades. As mentioned earlier, the two-rotor,
v e l o c i t y - c o m p o u n d e d a r r a n g e m e n t provides high
efficiency at low velocity ratios. In this case, the gases Vl
ejected from the first rotor blades still possess
Rotation ~ czl
considerable kinetic energy. They are therefore ------t-----~l ._.._ First Rotor
redirected by a row of stationary blades into a
second row of rotor blades that extract additional Va
work from them. The gases usually leave the second 132 C2
rotor-blade r o w at a moderate velocity and in a (X2 .... Stator
direction close to axial. ju
Va C3
The velocity diagrams of a single-stage, two-
rotor, v e l o c i t y - c o m p o u n d e d impulse turbine are Rotation 133~- cz3
based on a mean rotor diameter, as shown in Fig. 6- ----x--., Second Rotor
58, the peripheral speed of the rotor blades at the v4

diameter being U. The gases leave the nozzles and

enter the first rotor blades with an absolute velocity
v4•••4 ke,
C1, at an angle 0cI with the plane of rotation; V 1 and Fig. 6-58 Velocity diagrams of a typical single-
V 2 are the relative flow velocities in ft/s at the inlet stage, two-rotor, velocity-compounded i m p u l s e
and outlet of the first rotor blades. The gases leave turbine.
the first rotor blades and enter the stationary blades

First Stage
Ideally, TIb would be a maximum for the single-stage, Nozzle
two-rotor, v e l o c i t y - c o m p o u n d e d impulse turbine
velocity ratio. c~1
First Stage
U/C 1 = 0.25 cos O~1

i.e., when U = 0.25 Clt. The workload for the second

~__ ~.;u ~.~/ (x2 Second Stage
rotor of a two-rotor, velocity-compounded turbine is
designed at about one-fourth of the total work.
The design procedures for the gas-flow passages Second Stage
of the rotor and stationary blades of a single-stage, Rotor
two-rotor turbine are exactly the same as those for a
single-rotor turbine. However, velocities and angles
of flow change with each row of blades. As a result,
the radial height of symmetrical blades increases
Fig, 6-59 Velocity diagrams of a typical two-stage,
with each row, approximately as shown in Fig. 6-51.
two-rotor, lZrtssaire-compounded impulse turbine.
The effects of reheating (increase of gas specific
volume) in the flow passages must be taken into
account when calculating the gas densities at various
sections. Equation (6-86) may be used to estimate the
amount of reheat at each row of blades.
In the calculations for multi-row unsymmetrical a single-stage turbine. The carryover ratio rc--i.e., the
blades, the radial heights at the exit side of each row
ratio of the kinetic energy actually utilized as inlet
are determined first by Eq. (6-90). The radial heights
energy by the second-stage nozzles to the total
at the blade inlets are then made slightly larger, by
kinetic energy of the gases leaving the first stage--
approximately 8%, than those at the exit of the
can vary from 0.4 to close to 1.0. The axial distance
preceding row.
between the first-stage rotor and the second-stage
nozzle, as well as the leakages through the sealing
Design of Two-Stage, Two-Rotor Pressure-
diaphragm between stages, should be minimized for
Compounded Impulse Turbine
optimum carryover.
Determining the correct enthalpy drop resulting
An operational schematic of a typical two-stage, two-
in equal work for each stage may require a trial-and-
rotor, pressure-compounded impulse turbine and its
error a p p r o a c h , in relation to the effects of
velocity diagrams at the mean diameter are shown in
reheating, or the proper enthalpy drop may be
Fig. 6-12 and 6-59. Each stage of a pressure-com-
p o u n d e d impulse turbine may be regarded as a estimated from previous designs and test data. With
single-stage impulse turbine rotating in its o w n the velocity coefficients for nozzles and blades given
individual housing. Most of the design characteristics by past or concurrent experiments, Eq. (6-72) and (6-
of a single-stage turbine are applicable to the 86) can be used to estimate the amount of reheating.
individual stages. The gas-spouting velocities C1 and Most equations established for the single-stage
turbines may be used in the design calculations for
C3, at flow angles 0t1 and 0t3, of the first- and second-
t w o - s t a g e turbines. The following additional
stage nozzles are designed to be approximately the correlations are available for the design of choked
same; V1, V2, V3, and V4 represent the relative flow second-stage nozzles:
velocities at inlets and outlets of the rotor blades; ~1,
[32, 133, and ~4 are the corresponding flow angles for
V1, V2, V3, and V4. The second-stage nozzles are T2t = T2 + rc 2gJCp (6-100)
designed to receive the gas flow discharged from the
first-stage rotor blades at an absolute velocity C2,
and to turn it efficiently to a desired angle cx3. P2t = P2 \ T2,](T2'~ "~-' (6-101)
Simultaneously, by expansion to a lower pressure, the
gases are accelerated to a desired velocity C3. Flow at
the outlet of the second rotor has an absolute
velocity C4 and flow angle cz4; U is the rotor periph- c3= kn +pT2,[ 1_
eral speed at the mean effective diameter dm.
The total work performed in the turbine sums the
separate stages. These may be designed to divide the = knVrcC~. + 2g]AH2_3, (6-102)
load equally (i.e., the velocity diagrams of each stage
will be identical: C1 = C3, C2 - C4, 0tl = 0t3, 0t2 = 0t4,
etc.). The friction losses occurring in the first stage ~qTt
(Ant)2 =
are passed on in the gas stream as additional ~+1
enthalpy and increase the available energy for the
6ntP2t~ g'y - y + l
second stage. Also, the kinetic energy of the gases
leaving the first stage will not be entirely lost, as with RT2t

T2t = turbine gas total (stagnation) temper-
~821 tt/S (0.139 Mach Number)

ature at second-stage nozzle inlet, "R

Inlet Total _/'1'24~~ 4
1892°R 1 Mach Number)
5,525 psia (0.21
T2 = turbine gas static temperature at Nozzle Outlet Static
second-stage nozzle inlet, "R 1829°R 54.1 deg -~1 ~I --:- -.o
4,812 psia ~/ 1,616
P2t = turbine gas total pressure at second- Rotor Outlet Slatic 2,278 1 113 Speed -- 36,353 RPM
794°R ~ /'~94) Power = 72,903 HP
stage nozzle inlet, psia 4,393 psia Flow = 164.9 Ib/s
P2 = turbine-gas static pressure at second- Nozzle Outlet Static ~~~___________ 6B.I de2g
1749°R 412
stage nozzle inlet, psia 3.939ps,a .139 ~ "'>.. (~14271
C2 = absolute-gas-flow velocity at first-stage 1720OR ,.
rotor-blade outlet, ft/s
C3 = gas-spouting velocity at second-stage (0.369) ~ " ]~ 1,034

nozzle exit, ft/s

1,616 79.9 deg
rc = second-stage carryover ratio of kinetic
Cp = turbine-gas specific heat at constant Fig. 6-60 SSME'HPFTPturbine velocity diagram
at full power.
pressure, Btu/lb-°F
7 = turbine-gas specific heat ratio
AH2_3, = isentropic enthalpy drop of the gases
flowing through the second-stage 6.7 TURBOPUMP ROTORDYNAMICS AND
nozzles due to expansion, Btu/lb MECHANICAL ELEMENTS
(Ant)2 = required total 2nd-stage nozzle area,
in.2 Rotordynamics
kn = nozzle velocity coefficient
The rotor structure will resonate when excited at its
Ent = nozzle-throat-area coefficient natural frequency. With the pump propellants used,
the amount of damping obtained in a rocket engine
turbopump is typically too small to critically damp
Design o f Two-Stage, Two-Rotor, Low-Reaction the system. Therefore, at the resonance, large vi-
Turbine bration amplitudes can be experienced and gener-
ally must be avoided. The rotating-assembly natural
Two-stage, two-rotor, low-reaction turbines are used frequency will be dictated by the rotor mass a n d
in staged-combustion-cycle or series-expander-cycle bending stiffness distribution coupled with the bear-
rocket engine systems to provide the highest turbine ing-support-structure stiffness, and will include the
efficiency. In these engine systems, the turbine gyroscopic effect of the spinning disks. "Rotor
pressure ratio is low (1.5 to 2.0) and the stage synchronous motion" means rotation with the shaft
velocity ratio is high (0.4 or higher). In high- spin speed and precessional speed equal in
chamber-pressure o x y g e n / h y d r o g e n engines like the direction and magnitude. The most common cause
SSME, using two stages increased blade height, gave of forward synchronous motion is rotor unbalance.
higher efficiency, and divided the high p o w e r Rotor vibration amplitude is determined by the
between two rotating blade rows, lowering blade proximity of the natural frequency to the syn-
stresses in comparison with a single-stage turbine chronous excitation and the amount of damping
The design calculation and resulting vector present in the system. Figure 6-61 shows how these
diagrams of a two-stage, low-reaction turbine (see Fig. factors influence the behavior of a simple rotor.
6-13) are similar to those for the two-stage, pressure- Operation of turbomachinery at or near a nat-
compounded impulse turbine (Fig. 6-12) discussed in ural frequency causes excessive response, increases
the previous section (6.6.5), except for greater stage wear, and reduces reliability. Synchronous motion
reaction (increased rotor-static-pressure drop coincident with the rotor natural frequency is de-
fraction) and lesser nozzle and rotor turning. Two- fined as operation at a critical speed. The dynamic
stage, low-reaction turbines usually optimize for response can be reduced by increasing the effective
nearly equal power split between the rotors, with the damping or designing the rotor to locate its natural
first stage producing the slightly higher power. The frequencies far from the shaft-spin-speed excitation.
blading is usually twisted to minimize inlet incidence In dynamic analysis of the rotating assembly--
losses for the significant radial-flow-angle variations an essential part of the turbopump design processm
from hub to tip. Rotor-outlet absolute velocities are critical speeds, rotor-stability margins, bearing loads,
usually near axial (zero swirl). Reaction turbines shaft loads, and shaft deflections will be calculated to
have higher rotor axial thrust due to the higher ensure that rotor-dynamic characteristics will be
static-pressure drop across the rotor. compatible with operating speed and transient-
Figure 6-60 shows the mean diameter velocity response requirements w h e n traversing critical
vector diagram for the SSME HPFTP turbine at full speeds. Additional analyses are performed to inves-
power level. Note the proportions of blade speed to tigate potential problem areas due to nonlinearities
nozzle-outlet velocity and relative velocity increase resulting in nonsynchronous shaft whirl or shaft
across the rotors compared with Fig. 6-59 for the loads and deflections due to steady-state hydro-
pressure-compounded impulse turbine. dynamic sideloads. Turbopump rotors are designed

so that the critical speeds are well separated from

the operating range. The rotor bearing supports are ~ Undamped
designed to provide the stiffness required to separate
Lightly Damped
the critical speeds from the operating range and
minimize the dynamic bearing loads and shaft
deflections. The most desirable situation is to design
..~/Heavily Damped
the rotating assembly to operate below the first
critical speed; that produces minimal bearing loads
and shaft deflections even in the transients. A 20%
separation margin between calculated critical speeds
fn Frequency
and operating speeds follows standard design
practice, as demonstrated successfully in pump-fed Fig. 6-61 D y n a m i c r e s p o n s e o f a simple system.
rocket engines. Torsional vibration is not normally a
problem in direct-drive turbopumps due to lack of a
significant forcing function and sufficient damping.
Most t u r b o m a c h i n e r y rotors are a complex Representative Range of Stiffness
arrangement of components mounted on a shaft of Values for Complete Bearing
Assemblies (combined fluid-film
variable diameter. The relationship between the or rolling-element bearing and

rotor stiffness, mass, and damping distribution com- mountstiffness) ~ f

bined with gyroscopic effects determines the rotor-
damped natural frequencies and associated mode -~~, i ,,, L

shapes. The mode shape is the relative rotor

deformation present when operating at a natural fre-
quency. Every natural frequency has a unique mode
shape associated with its resonant vibration. Rotor g
mode shapes provide valuable information that
graphically indicate factors that are influential in =: •~-
FRepresentative Rrange

determining its characteristics, and, thus, provide

guidance as to what design changes would be most ]of StiffnessValues
I for Fluid-Filmand
effective in changing the natural frequencies away RollingElement
from the operating point. Bearings in Rigid
Figure 6-62 graphically displays how physical
i.--'i Supports
change to the rotor supports can alter rotating- Rotor Support Stiffness (LogScale)
machinery critical speeds and associated m o d e
shapes. It is apparent from this data that support Fig. 6-62 Effect of rotor supports o n critical
stiffness is a very important rotor-dynamic param- speeds.
eter. Design revisions will be necessary if inadequate
critical-speed margins are present. Review of the
rotor mode shapes can identify design modi-
fications. In general, modifications to bearing and CriticalSpeeds~._ ,, Synchronous Line
seal stiffness and d a m p i n g can be effective if
significant relative motion exists at that location. ThirdMode
Modifications to the shaft bending stiffness can be
effective if sufficient shaft angulation exists at the O

change location for the m o d e in question. Second Mode

Modifications to the mass distribution will only be O
effective when significant relative motion exists at ii
m FirstMode
the mass location to be relocated. Common prac-
tice maximizes the stiffness and damping and locates
the bearings as close as possible to large rotor
In addition to bearing and seal stiffness and
damping as a function of shaft speed, damped- r

natural-frequency analyses include variable hydro- Spin Speed

dynamic influences. The damped critical speeds are Fig. 6-63 D a m p e d critical speed map.
identified as the coincidental occurrence of these
natural frequencies and the shaft spin speed, as
shown in Fig. 6-63. assemblies will increase in response amplitude with-
These d a m p e d critical speeds and associated out bound after a perturbation, as shown in Fig. 6-64.
mode shapes are not only important in defining the The most common form of rotor-dynamic in-
safe-operating-speed margin, but also in predicting stability, s u b s y n c h r o n o u s whirl, finds the rotor
rotor stability. Most rotor-dynamic motion will precessional speed less than the spin speed and
either decay with time or maintain a constant level coincident with a rotor natural frequency. This
after application of an external excitation (pertur- situation without sufficient damping can produce a
bation)---evidence of a stable system. Unstable rotor vibration that may result in destruction or catas-

trophic failure. Rotor instability exhibits a threshold entrance or roughening the seal bore relative to the
spin speed at which the normal rotor response will shaft journal. The bearings provide a relatively large
increase without bound. The design goal is to source of stiffness as the main rotor support.
maintain the threshold speed above the operating Rolling-element bearings tend to provide a non-
speed with a large margin. linear support stiffness, because clearance between
Rotordynamic stability is controlled by pro- the bearing outer diameter and housing will be made
viding an abundance of damping to suppress the to meet other functional requirements during tran-
destabilizing whirl drivers. These instability drivers sient axial-shaft excursions. This nonlinearity might
produce tangential forces to the radial motion that produce nonsynchronous rotor motion at a limited
oppose the damping between the rotor and housing. amplitude, which is usually not detrimental. Hydro-
The tangential f o r c e s - - c o m m o n l y referred to as static bearings can provide superior stiffness and
"cross-coupling" forces--can be in the direction of damping as a rotor support and, when located
shaft rotation or counter to the rotation, optimally along the rotor, can critically damp the
The most c o m m o n destabilizing tangential rotor-dynamic response.
forces that excite nonsynchronous rotor motion are The rotor stability is controlled by designing
the following: significant margin into the design. Rotor-dynamic
analysis, including the various instability drivers and
Hydrodynamic forces under p u m p partial-cavi- dampers along the rotating assembly, will predict the
tation most unstable rotor mode. It usually will be the
Tangential blade-tip forces lowest m o d e because it usually has the least
Annular seal forces due to Couette flow damping. Operating at twice the lowest mode is a
Nonlinear load-deflection characteristics in common concern because seal tangential forces are
bearings near half shaft speed and are therefore potentially
Frictional forces between shafts and shrink-fit coincident with the lowest mode in this situation.
parts Sufficient d a m p i n g is r e q u i r e d to p r e c l u d e
Tangential rubbing forces acting on the rotor instabilities, and adequate margins should be main-
Hydrodynamic loads on the rotor that rotate tained. Normal design practice avoids operation
relative to the rotor within 20% of the calculated stability-threshold
Hysteresis forces within the rotor speed. Additionally, rotor stability is controlled by
Coupling of unbalance forces from one rotor providing sufficient damping at the operating speed
through the engine structure to another rotor to ensure a rapid v i b r a t i o n decay after a
perturbation as a measure of the system safety mar-
C o m m o n design techniques minimize cross- gin. The "log-decrement" parameter quantifies the
coupling forces and enhance support stiffness and relative rate of vibration decay as a dimensionless
damping. H y d r o d y n a m i c forces are primarily number, allowing t u r b o p u m p s of different size,
functions of blade and flow-path design, but rotor- weight, performance, etc. and different rotor modes
dynamic performance is generally improved by the all to be compared on an equal basis. The larger the
addition of shrouds. Friction forces can be log-decrement number, the more stable the system.
controlled by avoiding the use of long-length shrink At the threshold speed the log decrement equals
fits on the shaft. For instance, if a long spacer is zero, and a critically-damped rotor mode has a log
required, it should not be shrunk-fit on the shaft decrement of 0.7. It is debatable what log decrement
along its entire length. Coupling of unbalance forces should be maintained as suitable; but successful
through the engine structure is not normally a t u r b o p u m p rotor e x p e r i e n c e dictates the log
problem and can be controlled by proper turbo- decrements for all modes at all rotational speeds
pump mount-design. Close-clearance annular shaft within the operating range be at least 0.05.
seals can be detrimental, but can also be used to Physically, this means that a vibration response after
significant rotor-dynamic benefit. Labyrinth seals a perturbation will decay to half the initial response
provide minimal stiffness and damping, and under amplitude in 20 revolutions of the shaft because the
certain conditions can provide negative stiffness and reciprocal of the log d e c r e m e n t indicates the
stability concerns. Rotor-dynamic characteristics of number of cycles decayed in one time-constant. For
these seals can be improved significantly by clarity, Fig. 6-65 shows a graphical representation of
converting to smooth annular seals, possibly with a the rotor-stability evaluation.
slight convergent taper to the stator bore. The seal In general, the rotor-dynamic analysis guides the
coefficients can also be further enhanced generally mechanical arrangement of the various rotor
with the addition of fluid anti-rotation ribs at the seal components on the shaft to provide a rotating as-
sembly with minimal dynamic response, thus arguing
a long service life.

Turbopump Bearing Design

~~..~~ ~--~ Time A turbopump shaft is supported by two or more

bearings designed to transmit all the loads acting on
the rotating members to the housing (Ref. 6-9). The
Stable System Retumsto Rest Unstable System IncreasesWitl3out Bound loads acting on the rotating members can be
Fig. 6-64 Stability o f a simple rotor system, divided into two classes: radial acting normal to the

shaft axis and axial acting parallel to the shaft axis.

~ - - ~ In some cases, the radial loads also act to produce a
tangential moment on the shaft that can be either in
, i
the direction of rotation (e.g., the tip-seal forces on
turbines) or opposite the direction of rotation (e.g.,
the damping achieved by certain seal designs). The
E ~, Stable objective of the turbopump designer is to define any
resultant loads that must be carried by the bearings
and to minimize these over the operating range.
Stability S
~N ~ Unstable Rolling-element bearings have been used most
extensively in rocket-engine turbopumps. These
include both ball bearings, as seen in Fig. 6-4, and
roller bearings, as seen in the turbine end of Fig. 6-9.
The ball bearings can also be used as duplex pairs,
as shown in Fig. 6-5. Rolling-element bearings have
Fig. 6-65 Graphical representation of rotor been used because of their high load capability
stability. independent of speed, high radial stiffness, ability to
start and shut down reliably, and compatibility with
the propellant fluids being used. Normally, these
bearings operate directly in the propellant medium,
the propellant serving to cool the bearing by a
positive controlled flow. However, some propellants

Table 6-6 Comparison of turbopump rolling-element bearings.

Type of Primary condition

Bearing Advantages Disadvantages for use

Conrad-type Any combination of Limited number of Combined load; two-

ball radial and thrust balls; two-piece direction thrust loads
direction; large cage necessary
misalignment capa-
bility; moment-load

Angular- Thirty percent more Predominant thrust High speed, high-load

Contact ball capacity than simi- required; one- single-direction
lar-size Conrad; one- direction capacity; thrust; can be used
piece cage lower misalignment in duplex pairs for
tolerances than two-direction thrust

Split-ring Thirty percent more Predominant thrust Two-direction thrust

thrust capacity than required; lower mis-
similar-size Conrad; alignment tolerance
one-piece cage; two- than Conrad
direction thrust
capability; lower
axial clearance through
use of Gothic arch

Cylindrical Much higher radial No axial load High radial capacity

capacity than ball capacity; roller ends without axial
bearing; provides wear in nonlubrica- restraint; higher radial
axial freedom of ting coolants; stiffness
shaft; higher radial lower misalignment
stiffness than ball tolerance than ball
bearings; one-piece bearings; requires
cage negative internal

the two bearings from fighting each other to avoid

The primary types of rolling element bearings
are listed in Table 6-6 along with advantages and
disadvantages. Figures 6-66 and 6-67 show examples
of such bearings. Various arrangements of duplex
pairs of angular-contact ball bearings can be used, as
shown in Fig. 6-68, to provide bidirectional axial-
load capability and overcome their main dis-
Normal Operation Three-Point Contact advantage. Springs are typically used to maintain
(Clearance at a) (Wiping Contact at a) axial preload of the bearings to remove internal
clearance and control the radial stiffness. The
Split-Inner-Ring Ball Bearing
springs also provide axial compliance to accom-
modate thermal effects. In order to provide roller
guidance without end wear, some roller bearings are
preloaded radially by negative internal clearance
achieved through a thin-flexible outer race.
Rolling-element bearings are speed-limited due
to parasitic loads from ball or roller inertia. This is
Low Shoulder typically expressed as a DN limit, defined as the
Contact at b product of the inner-race bore diameter D (in mm)
and the pump rotational speed N (in rpm). A
Angular-Contact Ball Bearing practical DN limit for Conrad-type and cylindrical
Fig. 6-66 Typical bail-bearing designs. roller bearings is 1.6 million, while angular-contact
bearings have shown reliability up to 2.1 million.
However, the life of the bearings at even lower DN
values may be limited because of the lubrication
do not provide lubrication to the bearing and, as a
available and the load combinations experienced.
result, allow bearing wear or surface distress. For
The higher DN values lead to higher centrifugal
many turbopump applications, the wear rate is
forces, higher sliding velocities, and increased fluid
sufficiently low that the resulting life of the rolling-
churning. The propellant will also affect the DN
element bearing more than adequately meets the
limit; e.g., the maximum values just cited have been
turbopump requirements. Such bearings have been achieved in liquid hydrogen, but liquid-oxygen
used very successfully in turbopumps for expendable bearings have not typically been used at these limits.
launch vehicles. Note that for a given transmitted horsepower, the
To overcome the limitations of rolling-element shaft diameter based on allowable stress does not
bearings for long-life high-speed turbopumps, hy- decrease proportionally with the increase of shaft
drostatic bearings are being introduced. These bear- speed. Thus, the required bearing DN value rapidly
ings operate on a fluid film and derive their ability increases for high-speed turbopumps. As a result,
to sustain loads and provide required rotor-dynamic the turbopump rpm may be limited by the bearing
stiffness through a high-pressure supply of the DN value.
propellant from the pump discharge. These bear- Ball-bearing radial stiffness ranges from 0.2-1.5-
ings also offer basically unlimited speed and pos-
million ft -1 depending upon bearing size, contact
itive damping to the turbopump rotor. There-fore,
they are of particular value when high speeds are angle, speed, mounting compliance, and applied
load. As an example, the stiffness of a particular 45-
desirable and operation above one or more critical
mm ball bearing with 750-1b axial preload will be
speeds is desired. Primary limitation: they must start
and shut down in a rubbing contact. The ability to approximately 500,000 ft-1 at 30,000 rpm if the outer
do this successfully has been demonstrated for ring is allowed to tilt, but will be significantly stiffer if
certain applications and is the subject of ongoing the outer ring is rigidly mounted. Roller-bearing
technology developments. stiffness is typically higher, ranging up to 2.0-million
Hybrid systems consisting of both rolling el- ft -1. To achieve a given stiffness, bearing design is
ement and hydrostatic bearings can also be used critical to the successful control of rotor-dynamic re-
where the rolling-element bearing carries the loads sponse.
at start and shutdown when the hydrostatic pressure During the turbopump design phase, computer
for the bearing is low. As pump speed increases, the programs are used to predict bearing characteristics
hydrostatic pressure increases, and the hydro-static and to optimize bearing geometry to meet design
bearing begins to take an ever-increasing percentage goals. Stiffness is calculated to support rotor-
of the applied loads because of its larger stiffness. dynamic analysis of critical speeds and unbalance
Thus, the life of the rolling-element bearing is response. Ball excursions determine required cage
extended because it carries low loads at speed, and pocket-clearance and structural criteria. Fatigue life,
the life of the hydrostatic bearing is extended local stresses, and sliding-velocity calculations are
because it does not experience contact at start and used to assess the effects of variations in bearing
shutdown. The hybrid system, of course, requires geometry and operating conditions. Although the
more axial length and must be designed to prevent rolling bearing is a dynamic system, it is most often

Cylindrical Radiused Outer

Outer Raceway / I Cylindrical Section Raceway
r ;-1 of Ro,e

Cylindrical Inner ~ 1_ A Extended

Raceway Cylindrical - - 'Cylindrical
Inner l-- [ Section
Raceway on Roller

Fig. 6-67 Typical roller-bearing designs.

The most commonly used material for bearing

rings and balls, vacuum-melted 440-C steel, although
not superior in either category, combines hard-
enability and corrosion resistance better than most
other materials. Since short bearing life is a major
constraint on engine utility, several alternative
materials have been identified which may enhance
Duplex DB (back-to-back) Duplex DF (face-to-face) life and reliability. These include CRB-7 and BG-42
steels, which have higher hardness, and the ceramic
Fig. 6-68 Typical duplex-pair arrangements of silicon nitride (Si3N4) , which is harder and 60% less
ball bearings. dense than steel. In addition, the failure mode of the
silicon nitride is generally fatigue-spalling rather
than fracture. It thus appears to be a better material
analyzed in a quasi-static manner; the forces and for the balls of a high-speed turbopump, but further
moments due to motion are determined for the demonstration of this is required. The most widely
assumed design configuration (speed, load, number used cage material for propellant-cooled bearings is
and size of rolling elements, internal clearance, and Armalon TM, a fiberglass-reinforced polytetrafluo-
material properties), and then the bearing-system roethylene (PTFE), or Teflon TM. The glass fabric,
equilibrium is established by treating the forces and impregnated with PTFE, gets mandrel-wrapped under
moments as static quantities. These solutions are heat and pressure into a tube of near net size, and
contained in commercially available computer then machined to final shape. Its advantages include
codes. Several of the first were written by A.B. Jones, light weight and high strength at cryogenic
based upon his high-speed bearing analyses (Ref. 6- temperature, and resistance to ignition in LO2. Al-
12). SHABERTH (SKF Technology Services, Ref. 6- though the Teflon TM provides some friction reduc-
13) includes options for automatically adjusting fits tion through film transfer, the glass fibers may
and clearances in response to temperature effects on promote wear. Friction-reducing treatments for
shaft and bearing materials. The ADORE computer Armalon TM include phosphate-bonded MoS 2 (which
code by Pradeep Gupta (Ref. 6-14) performs a true is quickly worn away) and a fused coating of
dynamic analysis by solving the equations of motion fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), which has
for the interaction of the cage with the balls and shown good improvement in bearing wear-life.
rings, and can be used to assess the effects of cage To maximize propellant-cooled-bearing life
clearances and mass and geometry on cage stability. potential, a positive flow of propellant must be
The axial loads generated by turbopump rotors provided, and coolant temperature and pressure
at mainstage often exceed the load capacity of ball should be controlled to avoid vaporization of the
bearings, so the function of rotor axial-position fluid in the bearing. This may require maintaining
control is performed by a balance piston operated high pressure in the bearing area by throttling flow
by pump internal pressure. Ball bearings with axial- downstream of the bearing. Coolant may be jet- or
travel stops can limit axial motion during start and flood-fed, preferably to each bearing individually
shutdown transients when loads are of short duration rather than in series. Particulate matter should be
and within ball-bearing strength. Relatively excluded by filter or traps to avoid bearing-surface
compliant springs permit the balance piston to damage.
position the rotor without loading the ball bearings A most important consideration in bearing
excessively. design concerns the required operating life of the

rocket engine. The bearings must have adequate in the compensating orifice and the second in the
statistical probability of exceeding this. One ac- close clearance between the journal and the lands
cepted life rating for rolling-element bearings, the defining the recess boundaries. A radial motion of
"B-1 life," denotes the operating life in hours at the journal reduces the flow area on the sid e of the
which 1.0% of a set of bearings at a fixed load and approach, increasing the local flow-restriction, caus-
speed will have failed by contact fatigue. B-1 life is ing the fluid pressure to rise in the associated recess.
often used to show life potential, but it is recognized Simultaneously, the land flow restriction opposite is
that the calculation methodology evaluates the reduced, with a resultant decrease in the associated
fatigue life under ideal lubrication. By contrast, the recess pressure. The relative pressure change, acting
bearing environmental conditions in rocket-engine over the projected bearing area, provides a force
turbopumps frequently lead to wear rather than tending to restore the journal to its original position.
fatigue. Therefore, adequate B-1 life is necessary but Fluid forced through an annular space can
not sufficient to assure meeting bearing-life needs. generate significant stiffness across the radial gap.
Hydrostatic bearings offer an attractive means of With the large pressures available in turbopumps,
overcoming limitations of rolling bearings, as they stiffnesses of over a million lb/in, can be produced.
are theoretically speed-limited only by the Converging clearance assures positive stiffness and
centrifugal shaft stress, and thus can operate at enhances load capacity with minor increases in
journal speeds to approximately 5,000,000 DN. leakage flow.
Additional benefits include increased stiffness and Hydrostatic bearings differ from rolling bearings
load capacity (with sufficient fluid pressure and flow because the fluid film introduces significant damping
available) and significant damping, which is minimal and cross-coupling. The importance of these
with rolling bearings. Since external pressurization characteristics must be assessed based on rotor-dy-
must develop the significant load capacity, hydro- namic response. High values of direct stiffness can
static bearings are subject to rubbing during start be obtained by adjusting size, pressure available, and
and shutdown. Means of avoiding wear during these bearing geometry, somewhat independent of the
periods include auxilliary rolling bearings, wear- fluid used, while the cross-coupling and damping
resistant materials, and "prepressurization" before generally increase with the fluid viscosity.
start. Two types of radial hydrostatic bearings are Hydrostatic bearings permit additional flexibility
used in turbopumps: orifice-compensated and in selecting the basic turbopump configuration; the
axially-fed. restrictions associated with the rolling-bearing DN
Figure 6-69 illustrates a recessed, orifice-com- and stiffness limits often result in a rotor con-
pensated radial hydrostatic bearing. Its load ca- figuration that operates between critical speeds and,
pacity arises from fluid pressure responding to two therefore, has significant operating-speed restrictions
flow restrictions in series. The pressure drop across to maintain safety margins. By increasing the shaft
the bearing has approximately equal steps: the first and bearing stiffness, subcritical designs with less

] . . . . . . .

B .lC,rcu=,eren,,.,
........ "rrD . . . . "1
{B) (c)
Cross Section Unwrapped View

JL -i|


Circumferential l

Axial View
Fig. 6-69 Typical hydrostatic-bearing features.

Tang. _.. Antirotation
Housing Tang
Static Housing
Sealing Vibration
Face Static / Damper
Primary Sealing
Face Adapter
Floating Bellows Floating - Segmented
Seal Secondary Seal Secondary
Ring Element Ring Seal
Face Contact Floating Seal Ring Bellows Face Contact Floating Seal Ring Segmented
Secondary Element Seal Secondary Seal
Fig. 6-70 Face contact seals.

restriction of operating speeds are more attainable, upon work initially performed to determine the
The approximate load capacity of an orifice- characteristics of seals.
compensated hydrostatic bearing is 25% of the
product of the projected area (length x diameter)
and the available pressure drop, and this rough rule Dynamic-Seal Design
may be used in preliminary size-selection. However,
the minimum journal diameter will often be Turbopump dynamic seals have two main purposes:
determined by other considerations, such as shaft to prevent or minimize the leakage of propellants or
strength and stiffness, fluids between the rotating components, and thus
Bearing radial clearance has a significant effect improve efficiency, and to prevent mixing of
upon the bearing stiffness, damping, crosscoupling, incompatible fluids, e.g., fuel and oxidizer, for
and leakage flow. As a general rule, there should be reliable, safe operation. A secondary purpose has
at least 0.001 in. of radial clearance per inch of proven to be of value in high-speed turbopumps:
journal radius. Sometimes a larger value is used for ability of seals through proper design to provide
manufacturing economy, but the relative benefit of significant damping and stiffness to the rotor-
larger tolerances must be traded off against the dynamic system. The seal system, i.e., the
consequent increase in leakage flow and lesser arrangement of seals, drains, and purges, must seal
stiffness, reliably at all extremes of operation and allow a
The hydrodynamic relations describing flow and single seal failure without destructive failure of the
pressures in a hydrostatic bearing are complex, and turbopump (Ref. 6-10).
analyses are performed with computer programs The type of seal for each application will be
specifically developed for this purpose. For orifice- selected to satisfy the pump operating conditions
compensated bearings, analysis is generally based and the seal limitations. The seal system design and
on Reynolds' equations with corrections applied to the seal performance limits are iterated in terms of
approximate the effects of high levels of turbulence, pressure capability, temperature limits, speed limits,
Improved codes are being developed that use the wear life, leakage, space requirements, and cost. The
more basic Navier-Stokes relations. Analytic meth- principal types of seal used in turbopumps are face°
ods used for axially-fed hydrostatic bearings is based contact, segmented shaft-riding, floating-ring,

Table 6-7 Relative leakage of seals.

Type of Typical
Seal Leakage radial gap, in. Fluid

Face contact Minimum 0.0003 Liquid/Gas

Segmented shaft-riding Low 0.0005 Gas
Hydrostatic/hydrodynamic Low 0.0003-0.0005 Liquid/Gas
Floating ring Medium 0.002-0.003 Liquid/Gas
Labyrinth High 0.005-0.010 Liquid/Gas

Table 6-8 Face-contact-seal speed and PAt limits direction for minimum operating clearance. The
radial dynamic seal is formed by the close clearance
for typical propellants.
,, ,
to the shaft; the axial static seal, by loading the ring
against the seal housing. The ring is partially pres-
Max. Speed, Max. PV, sure balanced in the axial direction to control the
Fluid ft/s psi X ft/s axial load and the radial friction force. The cen-
tering force is provided by the pressure profile in
LH2 500 50,000 the clearance gap. The force increases on the side
LOX 200 25,000 approaching contact and decreases on the opposite
RP-1 300 25,000 side to give a centering force when the ring moves
GH2 400 20,000 off center relative to the shaft. The centering force is
Hot gas 200 10,000 increased by a factor of approximately 3 when a
convergent taper is utilized on the seal-ring bore.
The optimum taper ratio of inlet clearance to exit
clearance is approximately 1.5 to 2.0 for most fluids.
Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic geometry may
hydrostatic/hydrodynamic, and labyrinth. Table 6-7 be utilized on face seals, segmented seals, and
gives a relative comparison of their effectiveness. floating-ring seals to provide a lift force pro-
The face-contact seal (Fig. 6-70) provides the portional to the operating gap at the sealing surface.
lowest leakage and generally will be used when the The lift force increases as the sealing surface
pressure-speed-life limits are consistent with reliable approaches rubbing contact and decreases for larger
operation. The sealing comes through rubbing gaps to form a very small (0.0005-in.) self-adjusting
contact between a rotating mating ring attached to
the shaft and the seal face. The mating ring is
generally plated with a wear-resistant hard plating
and is lapped fiat. The seal ring is generally a self- ;her
lubricating carbon material with a fiat sealing face. Nave Spring
The seal ring can be floating to minimize thermal
distortions or can be press-fitted into a metal Snap Ring
adapter. The seal ring is loaded against the mating
ring with either a welded-metal-bellows secondary
element or compression springs. The sealing dam is
established to balance the pressure-induced closing
forces to maintain a satisfactory face load at high Springs
pressure. The secondary sealing element can be a
welded bellows, piston ring, segmented ring, or
elastomer, d e p e n d i n g on the operating require-
ments. Welded metal bellows are ordinarily used for
temperatures below -65 or above 500"F.
Face-contact seals are speed-limited by heat
generation at the rubbing face and cooling capacity
of the environment. The heat generation rate is a
function of the contact load and velocity of the Carbon Ring
rubbing surface. The limit is given as a PV factor, Assembly
where P is the unit contact load in psi and V is the Segmented 3-Ring Design Segmented Single Ring Design
rubbing velocity in ft/s. The PV limit is based on with Overlapping Joints With Tongue and Groove Joints
the cooling capacity of the environment. Table 6-8
gives PV limit for typical propellants. Clearance-
type seals, such as labyrinth, floating-ring, or hydro- Fig. 6-71 Segmented shaft-riding seals.
static/hydro-dynamic, are used for higher speeds.
The segmented shaft-riding seal (Fig. 6-71)
consists of segmented sealing rings that are loaded
^,-,4 ; _ D,~¢~ti,-~ n
against the shaft with a garter spring and the pressure Bearing
differential to form a radial dynamic seal. An axial
static seal is formed by loading the segments against
a fiat surface on the seal housing using springs and Sealing
the pressure differential. The segmented rings may Taper
consist of three rings with overlapping joints or
single rings with tongue and groove joints. Having CarbonInner
the segmented rings in rubbing contact minimizes
leakage. The segments are loaded by the pressure ~ ~ Inconel
differential and are generally limited to approx- Ring
imately 100 psi.
The floating-ring seal (Fig. 6-72) consists of a
solid sealing ring that is free to float in the radial Fig. 6-72 Floating-ring seal.

I L°werlLimit_/ / High Pressure
..... Gr°°ves(Typical)" ~ A ~ i ~ ~ ~ Vent StationaryRotating

Carbon/ "'"~"
SealRing J
vv v v Mating
CRottio' Ring
- , - -
" Upper Limit

Fig. 6-73 Convergent tapered-face hydrostatic

face seal. HighPressure MatingRing
MatingRing"~-l~ -l-
Hydrodynamic t~ J
Vent Lift
Seal Ring,,
Groove\ Mating~. \ LowPressure
Rayleigh k~ll~.
~ Ring ~ . PressureProfile
Step f~,dl"l
Bearing~~ Fig. 6-75 Spiral-groove hydrodynamic face seal.

ngi StationaryR°tating--'/

Sealing A-A
HighPressure _lr7- SealRing
. . . . Q'~'~'~: "0"6"0:0:~:
J v/! Bearing
Lift [- -[ -...)~ I Sealing
"";".-..-,.~-E~, i Face Step Labynnth KEL-F Insert
Step Labyrinth
Knurled Bore
Straight Labyrinth
Low Pressure v /
Fig. 6-76 Labyrinth-seal designs.
Pressure Profile

Fig. 6-74 Rayleigh-step hydrodynamic face seal. radial motion, the leakage is significantly higher than
for the other types. Step-labyrinth seals are used to
reduce the leakage by creating barriers to reduce the
clearance yielding minimum leakage and no steady- velocity head. The number of teeth, tooth pitch, and
state rubbing contact. A convergent tapered face height will be optimized to give minimum leakage.
(Fig. 6-73) may be used to provide hydrostatic lift. Figure 6-77 shows typical data on the effectiveness of
Hydrodynamic lift may be provided by Rayleigh the labyrinth design for reducing leakage with a
step pads (Fig. 6-74) or spiral grooves (Fig. 6-75). liquid propellant. Kel-F plastic inserts are used for
The Rayleigh step pads provide hydrodynamic lift oxidizer seals to allow rubbing contact without the
by viscous pumping of the sealed fluid in the hazard of ignition. A straight or convergent
recessed pads. The spiral grooves develop hydro- labyrinth with a knurled bore and smooth shaft
dynamic lift by viscous pumping the sealed fluid in provides additional dynamic stability by reducing
the spiral grooves. Both concepts are pressure- the circumferential velocity relative to the axial-
balanced by locating the sealing dam inside of the leakage velocity.
hydrodynamic geometry. Both the hydrostatic and Table 6-9 gives pressure and temperature limi-
hydrodynamic-lift seals, as successfully tested in the tations for the principal types of seal. The seal type
laboratory, have demonstrated positive control of will be selected to satisfy the pressure-speed-life
the quality of the sealed fluid. To date, these seals limits with minimum leakage and maximum
have not been used in flight turbopumps and are not reliability.
as reliable if the fluid is susceptible to vaporization Oxidizer and fuel on a rotating shaft will usually
in the seal. be separated by a primary oxidizer seal, an inert-gas-
The labyrinth seal (Fig. 6-76) can be used when purged intermediate seal, and a fuel seal with
low cost and reliability are the primary con- separate drains for the oxidizer and fuel. The purged
sideration or when the pressure and speed limits of intermediate seal provides a pressure barrier
other types of seal are exceeded. Typically, the wear between the drain cavities to prevent mixing of the
rings on the rotating impellers are labyrinth seals propellants. For reliable operation, high-pressure
because of the higher velocity due to the required propellants may require staged sealing to reduce the
diameter. Since the clearance gap must be large pressure at the intermediate seal. Figure 6-78 shows a
enough to allow for mislocation tolerances and shaft representative seal system incorporating these

h = 0.020

0,,n / ®
'. - L r - I - ~ ~
, h. // // o h = 0.033
h = 0.020
' I1
® h = 0.033
0.7 . ~ I'~ {9 h = 0.019

, ,, i ~,,,~,~ ~,~
® h = 0.019
h = 0.031
o ~ - h = 0.019

c- h = 0.032
O o4

I. -rh
, I J_._______ (~ n =0.033

Labyrinth Diameter = 9.0 in.
0 0.2 ' Test Fluid = Water
Test S p e e d = 3,600 rpm (150 fps)
Q = Flowrate, ina/s
= .~2g AN
A = C l e a r a n c e Area, in 2
Qd AH = Differential Head, in.
Re = Av d = Diametral Clearance, in.
0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x104
1) = K i n e m a t i c Viscosity, in2/s
Reynolds Number Re

Fig. 6-77 Effect of labyrinth design on leakage.

Table 6-9 Seal pressure and temperature limits. Hot Gas + He

Helium Drain
Temperature ---~ ., LOX + He \ X,=\ ;f Hot Gas
Recommended Limit ('F) ~./~,",~l~ ~qk ~! Drain
Seal Type Max Pressure RemaAs
Min Max Slinger ~ ~ ' / " ' J ' ~ ~ ~
Face Contact
Metalbellows 5430 -423 1500 Cryogenicor reactive fluids
Piston ring 750 -423 1500 Hotgas or cryogenic 650 es~ -4,,~'~1 ~ 1 , . . , .,=_.._ ! F / / ~ ~lg/~;~ ~ 3,5o0 PSlA
Elastomeric 1,000 -65 500 Lubricated NN,,~--N~~ ~ _ ~ ~ .I ~ 1200 ° F
Segmented 100 - 423 1000 Hot gas and purge gas
Floatingring 5,000 - 423 1200 Hot or purge gas, longlife
Labyrinth Unlimited - 423 1800 All Iluids,reliable Primary
KeI-F Insert PHrn~d Secondary Hot Gas Seal
Hydrostatic/hydrodynamic 500 Step - " ~" Hot Gas
Labyrinth Floating
Ring Seal Seal

concepts. The leakage drains are sized to accom- Fig. 6-78 Typical seal system for separating
modate the maximum leakage while maintaining a high-pressure propellants.
pressure at the intermediate-seal discharge that does
not exceed the purge pressure between the inter-
mediate-seal rings. This assures a positive separation power applications (100-5000 hp). The need to
of the fluids at all times. operate the rocket-engine p u m p s at low inlet-
Some applications require a positive seal during pressure frequently limits the allowable operational
prestart conditioning but an o p e n seal during pump speeds. In general, the optimum turbine
operation. For such cases, static liftoff seals are speed will differ from that of the pumps; and if there
typically used that close by spring forces until in- are significant differences in oxidizer and fuel
ternal pressures increase with rotation to provide a density, it is desirable to operate the pumps at
force large enough to completely o p e n the seal. different speeds as well. Geared systems provide a
Typically, the seal will open at a shaft speed of 20- means of operating all components at optimum
30% of the mainstage speed. speed (Ref. 6-11).
Geared t u r b o p u m p s find application in gas-
Turbopump Gear Design generator cycles for both storable and cryogenic
propellants because of the high turbine speed re-
Gear drives for rocket-engine turbopumps are used quired for the high pressure ratio and low mass flow.
to achieve maximum efficiency in low-to-medium Upper-stage liquid-hydrogen-fueled engines are also

candidates because the large difference in density Gear alignment (shaft parallelism) is critical to
between fuel and oxidizer causes different optimum obtaining maximum gear capacity. Highly loaded
pump-speeds, and the low power level results in a gears should, therefore, be centrally mounted
geared pump being lighter than separate, direct- between two bearings to minimize the deflection
driven fuel and oxidizer pumps. caused by the large transverse loads arising in the
Several major U.S. launch vehicles (Atlas, Delta, mesh. Gear alignment as well as the need to isolate
and Titan) utilize geared turbopumps for boost the hot turbine housing and cold pump housing (in
stages of flight, as does Japan's N-2, which is similar the case of cryogenic propellant) usually requires the
to the Delta. The European Ariane and the U.S. gearcase structure be isolated from pump and
Centaur use a gear-driven LOX-LH2 turbopump. turbine structures.
L u b r i c a t i o n . The method used for lubrication Rotor-dynamic and shaft bending limit the mass
and cooling has a fundamental influence on the of discs, particularly on a high-speed shaft. To avoid
design of the gear system. Lubrication schemes are this constraint, the turbine may be supported by its
often categorized by use of oil or propellant, but the own set of bearings and linked to the high-speed
design will be most influenced by the degree of good pinion by means of a quill shaft that will accom-
or poor lubrication. modate misalignment and isolates loads.
For small LOX/LH2 pumps (the Centaur RL10, G e a r g e o m e t r y . The factors that differentiate
for example), gaseous hydrogen can be used to cool t u r b o p u m p power gears from other high-speed
aerospace power gears are higher tooth-face loads
the gears and bearings with lubrication supplied by
dry film coatings, such as molybdenum disulfide, (tangential force per unit tooth width) and short life.
Tooth loads may be as high as 5000 lb/in, for a
applied to contacting surfaces. Such coating gives
poor lubrication, but allows a workable design by turbopump power gear, but life requirements are
seldom longer than a few hours. These factors, along
keeping contact loads and speeds low. Design
emphasizes minimize wear. with the need for minimum weight and extremely
H i g h e r - p o w e r applications (typically above high reliability, determine the design of the gears.
Involute spur gears have been used exclusively
several hundred HP) demand good lubrication. This
because of their high efficiency and simplicity.
generally means oil; but, with RP-1 (kerosene)-fueled
engines, equal success has been obtained using Although helical gears offer advantages by somewhat
kerosene with an extreme pressure additive (EPA) to higher load capacity and smoother operation, they
minimize scoring of the gear. With good lubrication, introduce axial loads that complicate bearing and
turbopump gear design follows conventional prac- casing design, and therefore have been avoided.
tice, but gives special emphasis to factors significant The critical concerns in gear performance are
at high pitchline speeds and tooth loadings. tooth-bending fatigue life, pitting fatigue life, and
Although fluid lubricating properties are im- scoring resistance. Gear design must balance the
portant, flowrates and method of application are sometimes competing parameters that affect these
dictated by cooling requirements. Frictional heating concerns to achieve the desired life.
in the gear mesh takes roughly 0.5% of the power Tooth bending strength is related to tooth size
transmitted. As pitchline velocity increases, tooth (diametral pitch), pressure angle, number of teeth,
cooling becomes critical. Directing jets of lubricant and face width. Face width is generally limited to 0.5
at the disengaging side of the mesh, where the to 0.7 times the pitch diameter of the pinion
working flanks of the teeth are first exposed, provides (smaller gear) because unavoidable misalignment
efficient cooling if high jet velocities (velocities at tends to load the tooth ends as width increases.
Relatively high pressure angles (angle between a
least as large as the pitchline velocity) can overcome
windage flows. normal-to-the-tooth surface and the tangent-to-the-
Both recirculating and single-pass oil systems pitch circle), typically 25 deg, are used because they
are being used on larger turbopumps. The lubricant allow a wider tooth base for strength and a larger
radius of curvature at the point of contact to reduce
systems must be capable of meeting both gear and
bearing flow-requirements. Inert-gas purges may also hertzian contact stress.
be used to control gearbox pressure in order to Tooth size and number of teeth are related to
the gear diameter. Smaller diameters reduce
reduce lubricant foaming and to improve drainage
or oil scavenging. pitchline velocity and weight at the expense of
higher tooth-loads. For a given pitch diameter, the
G e a r b o x a r r a n g e m e n t . Figure 6-16 shows a larger the teeth, the smaller the contact ratio (i.e., the
cross section of the turbopump used on the Delta average number of teeth in contact at one time).
first-stage engine. It illustrates several factors that High contact ratios give smoother operation (for
influence the overall t u r b o p u m p and gear-train reduced dynamic loads, especially at high pitchline
layout. The pumps and turbine are usually signifi- velocities) and lower contact loads at the tooth tips
cantly larger than the gears and must interface with where sliding velocity is a maximum. Contact ratio
large fluid ducts. Therefore, packaging requirements must be traded against tooth size (larger teeth
usually force the impellers or turbine wheels to provide greater bending strength). A contact ratio
overhang the end of the shafts. It is often necessary of 1.5 has proven near-optimum for turbopumps.
to use idler gears or multiple reductions (even when Standard tooth proportions can be modified to
the required speed reduction ratio could be improve gear performance further. Pinions are
obtained with a single mesh) to obtain sufficient frequently made with long addendums and gears
spacing between pump and turbine shafts. made with short addendums to reduce sliding at the

pinion tip, where wear tendencies are greatest, and to 6.8 DESIGN LAYOUT OF TURBOPUMP
strengthen the pinion, which experiences a larger ASSEMBLIES
number of stress cycles than the gear. Pinion teeth
can be further strengthened by increasing thickness Figure 6-79 presents the design layout of the A-1
at the expense of the mating gear. The involute Stage engine turbopump assembly. Logical packaging
profile may be relieved near the tip and root to and arranging of the basic mechanical elements of
account for large elastic deflections of teeth as they the turbopump are among the considerations in
enter and leave the mesh. Crowning or end-easing is preparing the layout. For instance, ease of devel-
also e m p l o y e d to prevent maximum loads from opment will be one of the more important criteria
occurring at the tooth ends. that influences the selection or arranging of the
Gear materials, p r o c e s s i n g , and quality. t u r b o p u m p mechanical elements. Standard or
Materials, processing, and quality control are as proven mechanical detail should be extensively
essential as the basic design and geometry in adopted in the layouts. Important turbopump design-
meeting life requirements. For highly loaded power layout considerations include these:
gears, life is generally limited by bending fatigue and
wear. Deep-carburized, case-hardened steel provides
high surface hardness (58-62 Rc) to gain wear re-
sistance and fatigue life. Vacuum-melted and forged • Compatibility with engine systems packaging
materials can further improve fatigue properties. and plumbing
Tight control of tooth-form tolerances proves • Structural integrity
critical for minimizing dynamic loads from tooth • Material selection (e.g., for weight and fluid
spacing errors and ensuring uniform load distri- compatibility)
bution across the width of the teeth. To obtain the • Control of system critical speeds and dynamic
desired tooth-form accuracy without introducing response
detrimental machining effects in the critically • Control of axial and radial loads on the ro-
stressed fillet region at the base of the teeth, the tating members
following process may be used: • Positive sealing of fluid mediums
• Teeth are rough-cut before heat-treatment, leav- • Control of fits and deflections
ing a slight undercut below the working-flank surface. • Compensation for thermal e x p a n s i o n and
• After heat treatment, the root area may be contraction
shotpeened to improve fatigue resistance further. • Ease of development
• Working flanks are finish-ground, taking par- • Ease of assembly
ticular care to avoid grinding in the fillet and root. • Ease of manufacturing

Fuel Pump Fuel Pump Inlet

Oxidizer Pump\ Volute and \ r" Turbine Manifold
Volute and ,~charge " ;i [ rTurbine Nozzles
Discharge Fuel-'~ / / / ~'Firstgowgotating
Pump ] t ~ Blades



~-' ~ - Z " "IV ., . ~;~ i SecondRow
Pump Seal Inducer Blades
Impeller Drain Hvdraulic-~= ~_. i '
Pump Inlet . ~ ~ . ~. '- Hydraulic ~" Stationary
Auxiliary Power ~ Pump Blades
Pickup Shaft -- Impeller
Fig. 6-79 Assembly design layout of the hypothetical A-1 Stage engine turbopump.

Turbopump design layout demands considerable turbopump off the engine. With duplex bearing pairs,
experience and skill. To illustrate the influence of some of the bearings are generally not inspectable
some of these parameters, consider the SSME HPFTP without turbopump disassembly. Future turbopumps
of Fig. 6-5. The use of a scroll inlet to the first stage will likely rely more heavily on advanced instru-
was driven by an engine system arrangement that mentation to measure bearing condition, rather than
would not permit an axial inlet. Also, the way the visual inspection.
turbopump was mounted to the hot-gas manifold The decision to design for ease of fabrication
and the structural backbone of the engine led to a will depend on the relative importance of other
decision to limit the turbine-pitchline diameter, parameters. For example, in the SSME pump (Fig. 6-
thereby giving up several points of turbine efficiency 5) welds were used extensively rather than bolted
to reduce weight and provide better structural joints, even though this significantly increased the
margin. In selecting materials for the turbine disks, cost and difficulty of fabrication. This was done
no material was available that provided the structural because in the design phase of this turbopump the
integrity at the temperature of the hot-gas turbine emphasis was on weight and performance to assure
drive fluid. As a result, the turbine disks had to be meeting all projected mission requirements.
cooled with liquid hydrogen. However, this created
an incompatibility; the hydrogen embrittled the disk 6.9 REFERENCES
material. Gold-plating the disks eliminated this prob-
lem. 6-1. "Turbopump Systems for Liquid Rocket
One of the key ways to control the critical speeds Engines," NASA Monograph SP-8107, Aug 1974.
is through the selection of the bearing locations. For 6-2. "Liquid Rocket Engine T u r b o p u m p
the SSME pump in Fig. 6-5, the bearings were placed Inducers," NASA Monograph SP-8052, May 1971.
outboard, but this was driven by bearing DN limits 6-3. Stripling, L. B., and Acosta, A. J.,
that prevented placing the bearings over the part of "Cavitation in T u r b o p u m p s - Part 1," Journal of
the shaft that was carrying the torque. At the Basic Engineering, Vol. 84, Sep 1962, pp. 326-338.
outboard locations the shaft diameter can be 6-4. Stripling, L. B., "Cavitation in Turbopumps
reduced because there is no shaft torque. To - Part 2," Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 84, Sep
improve the dynamic response with these bearing 1962, pp. 339-350.
locations, the pump must operate between the 6-5. Furst, R., and Desclaux, J., "A Simple
second and third critical-speed, and the seals must Procedure For Prediction of NPSH Required By
be designed to provide additional stiffness and Inducers,"ASME Pumping M a c h i n e r y - 1989. FED
damping. The ball bearing at the centerline of the Vol. 81, July 1989.
shaft at the pump end was added after the original 6-6. "Liquid Rocket Engine Centrifugal Flow
design to serve as a transient axial-thrust-control Turbopumps," NASA Monograph SP-8109, Dec 1973
device (rather than using rubbing seal surfaces within 6-7. "Liquid Rocket Engine Axial Flow
the pump). This is a clutching ball bearing that Turbopumps," NASA Monograph SP-8125, April 1978.
carries the loads until the balance-piston pressure 6-8. "Liquid Rocket Engine Turbines," NASA
can take control. This usually results in the bearing Monograph SP-8110, Jan 1974.
being engaged until the p u m p speed reaches 6-9. "Liquid Rocket Engine T u r b o p u m p
approximately 7000 rpm. Another favorable design Bearings," NASA Monograph SP-8048, Mar 1971.
feature of this pump is that every external seal is 6-10. "Liquid Rocket Engine T u r b o p u m p
only required to seal the pump-inlet-pressure, which Rotating-Shaft Seals," NASA Monograph SP-8121, Feb
is close to 300 psi, rather than sealing the discharge 1978.
pressure of 7000 psi. This was achieved by providing 6-11. "Liquid Rocket Engine Turbopump Gears,"
internal piston-ring seals {0 seal-the high pressures NASA Monograph SP-8100, Mar 1974.
and venting the area under the external casing back 6-12. Jones, A. B., "A General Theory for
to the inlet pressure of the pump. Elastically Constrained Ball and Radial Roller
In laying out the pump, it is necessary to plan Bearings Under Arbitrary Load and Speed
the complete turbopump for assembly and, as well, Conditions," Journal of Basic Engineering, Jun 1960,
disassembly with a minimum loss of parts. However, pp. 309-320.
the fits required sometimes dictate that parts be 6-13. Hadden, G. B., Kleckner, R. J., Ragen, M. A.,
assembled by selective heating/cooling of adjacent and Sheynin, L., "Steady State and Transient Thermal
parts that prevents disassembly without destruction Analysis of a Shaft Bearing System Including Ball,
of one of the parts. Another consideration in the Cylindrical and Tapered Roller Bearings," NASA CR
design layout is the requirement for instrumentation No. 165365 (SKF Rept. No. AT810040) submitted to
and/or inspection. For example, it is frequently NASA Lewis Research Center, May 1981.
desirable to be able to inspect bearings between 6-14. Gupta, P. K., Advanced Dynamics of
tests, but it is hard to do this without taking the RollingElements, Springer-Verlag, NewYork, 1984.
Chapter 7

Design of Rocket-Engine Control and Condition-Monitoring Systems

7.1 CCM---INTO A NEW ERA quence may consist of systems preconditioning
(purging, chilldown); application of start energy, if
The past several years have seen sophistication in- required (by means of propellant tank-head pressure,
creasing for rocket propulsion systems. Stricter mis- solid-gas-generator turbine spinner, gas-blowdown
sion requirements and the demand for "smart sys- start bottle, etc.); and introduction and ignition of the
tems" have placed more emphasis on propulsion propellants in the main combustion chamber. Sec-
control system analysis, design, and implementation. ondary sequences may be required for certain
To obtain the required performance characteristics subsystems such as the gas generator. A reliable
and meet the tougher demands, modern control ap- engine-start sequence may be computer-controlled
proaches have been developed to supplement the and maintained by monitoring during each func-
classical. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) tech- tional step of engine operation during the start
niques, particularly expert (knowledge) systems, are transient. The propellant-valve operating sequence
expanding the methodology for enhancing control effects either an oxidizer-lead or a fuel-lead start, usu-
and condition-monitoring (CCM) system designs. ally as dictated by propellant type and chamber igni-
The ability of today's microprocessors rapidly to tion and cooling methods. During the start transient,
gather, process, and analyze tremendous quantities of high-temperature spikes in the turbines and the thrust
data provides the necessary capability to implement chamber can be avoided by proper sequencing of
increasingly complex CCM designs. the turbine-feed circuit valves and the main-chamber
A control system interconnects components de- control valves. Early engines used timing signals or
signed to yield a desired response or output based pressure-ladder sequencing, in which valve sequenc-
on a command or reference input. Two general ing was controlled by propellant pressure rise during
categories of control approach enable the desired the start transient. Figures 2-21, 3-5, 3-8, and 3-11 pre-
output. An open-loop (no-feedback) system does not sent typical engine-system start and cutoff sequences.
measure the output or use it to modify the Engine-system cutoff control Rapid and safe
commanded input. As a result, owing to system engine shutdown, during normal operation as well as
disturbances, the controlled output can deviate from in an emergency, allows minimum and repeatable
the command input by a large error. Systems that cutoff impulse and e n h a n c e s reliable systems
require minimal variations of the measured output operation. The cutoff sequence usually consists of
from the commanded input usually embody one of shutoff of subsystems power (gas generator, etc.),
many forms of closed-loop control. A closed-loop shutoff of main-chamber flowrate, and, in the case of
(feedback) control system uses a comparison, or test firings, postfiring securing (purges, flushes). As a
error, of the commanded input with the controlled rule, the propellant-valve-closing sequence will be
output to influence continuously the commanded adjusted to provide a fuel-rich cutoff in the main
input. By minimizing the measured error, the system combustion chamber. This prevents damaging tem-
can be made to respond with the desired accuracy. perature spikes and results in smooth and rapid
Both of these control-system approaches will be dis- thrust-termination.
cussed later in the chapter.
Selection of the control method best suited for Duration control o f engine main stage.
the propulsion system--an important first step in Important considerations governing engine firing du-
CCM system designDwill be influenced by the re- ration have been discussed in section 2.1. The signal
quirements analysis, required accuracy, dynamic for in-flight cutoff, unless registering a malfunction,
characteristics of the engine being controlled, and will be supplied by the vehicle and fed directly into
particularly by engine reaction-time constraints. the cutoff control system just discussed. For lower
With the control method chosen, the basic elements stages, where optimum utilization of the propellants
for the proposed system must be selected, such as is desired, a tank low-level sensor is often employed.
type of component for the power supply and working In final stages, where precise cutoff velocity is essen-
fluid (electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic) and the op- tial, an integrating accelerometer or equivalent de-
erating mechanism for specific control devices. vice will signal cutoff.
Engine-system safety controls. Special mon-
itoring devices, such as monitors for detecting
Basic Liquid-Propellant-Engine C o n t r o l S y s t e m s
combustion instability, gas-generator overtempera-
ture sensors, or turbopump-overspeed trips, are
Most engine systems require several or all of the ba-
frequently employed to prevent undesired or unsafe
sic control systems summarized in the following
conditions by effecting prompt, automatic, nonhaz-
ardous, fail-safe system shutdown during all phases of
Engine s y s t e m s t a r t control. A start-se- engine operation. In addition, most engine control
quence control brings the engine system safely from systems are designed so that an interruption of
start signal to main-stage operation. A typical se- electrical power supply will cause the system to shut

down safety. (For certain missions it may be de- In addition to the checkout equipment, the engine
sirable to switch to an emergency power source, or GSE must include equipment to permit control of
prevent shutdown by mechanical latching, to con- static-test firings.
tinue operation.) Mechanical and electrical interlock
devices may be used in the control system to assure Engine Thrust-Level Control
the reliability of the safety control systems.
Propellant-tank pressurization control. The significance of the thrust level of a liquid-propel-
Various propellant-tank pressurization systems have lant rocket engine (sea level or vacuum) has been
been discussed in Chapter 5. Most propellant-tank explained in section 2.1. Fixed-thrust engines usually
systems employ closed-loop control of pressuriza- have this level specified with a tolerance, for in-
tion. Design requirements for the control of these stance, "+3%." Throttleable engines have it specified
systems must consider-- as a tolerance band across the thrust range. It is pos-
sible for "fixed-thrust-level" engines to guarantee this
Means to maintain the required tank pressure band with simple orifice calibrations in the various
level within an allowable range during all propellant subsystems of the engine, without resort to
phases of vehicle and engine systems opera- closed-loop systems, and with a minimum of calibra-
tion, including steady-state engine mainstage; tion firings. However, thrust regulators or controllers
start or dynamic throttle-transients; and vehicle may be employed in vehicle systems that require a
coasting periods between restarts. higher degree of precision and repeatability, such as
Effective safety devices such as pressure-relief in single-stage vehicles starting at sea level, or in final
valves to prevent overpressurization and rup- stages of a multistage system. Thrust regulators are
ture of the propellant tanks. actually chamber-pressure regulators; and at altitude
Compatibility with other subsystem controls, (vacuum) they in effect act identically to thrust regu-
such propellant-utilization-control and thrust- lators, since, at altitude, thrust for a given engine and
control systems. mixture ratio is solely a function of chamber pres-
sure. The same is essentially true for systems starting
Engine-system control calibration. Control at sea level, because the relationship of thrust to
systems described in the preceding paragraphs re- chamber pressure as a function of altitude is pre-
quire proper adjustment and calibration to produce dictable with high accuracy.
the desired engine operating characteristics and per- Occasionally, vehicle missions will require in-
formance. This includes the programming of control flight thrust control over a wider range. Usually, in
computers, setting of timing devices, pressure such cases, the need is for a planned reduction of
switches, position switches, and sizing of orifices. The thrust, or "throttling," during the last portion of pro:
correct values for each of these will be verified dur- pelled flight. This can be done by one or the other of
ing engine-calibration and checkout firings. For en- two basic procedures--stepwise reduction of cham-
gines with fixed sea-level thrust, orifices may be ber pressure (pc) or continuous reduction of pc.
placed in propellant lines for performance-parame- Each can be accomplished by control of--
ter calibration, others in pneumatic or hydraulic
lines as timing and restricting devices. Turbine power ( in the case of turbopump-fed
E n g i n e - s y s t e m s c h e c k o u t a n d t e s t controls. systems), through regulation of gas-generator
To verify operational readiness of the engine system propellant flow rate or hot-gas flow rate.
and its subsystems, suitable controls must cover Main-propellant-flow rate.
postassembly and prefiring checkouts. These permit Variation of main-tank pressures (in the case of
simulation of engine operation and its critical con- pressure-fed systems).
trol components, without actually firing the engine
system. Utilizing suitable ground-support equipment Additionally, in multiple (clustered) engine sys-
(GSE), an engine checkout control system should in- tems, stepwise thrust reduction can be effected by
cluded shutoff of one or more engines of the subsystems.

Provisions to conduct leak and electrical-con-

tinuity checks of the entire engine system. Propellant-Mixture-Ratio and Propellant-
Provisions for verifying proper operation of all Utilization Control
instrumentation pickups, such as dc bus voltage
and sparkplug firing monitors, and open, The significance of propellant mixture ratio and its
closed, and continuous-position signals for control have been discussed in section 2.1. Mixture-
valves, propellant flowmeters, and pressure ratio control will be needed principally to gain op-
transducers. timum engine performance (vs. mixture ratio) and
Provisions for verifying the proper function good propellant utilization; i.e., minimum residuals.
and operating range of all control devices and Both goals are closely interrelated and essentially in-
subsystems, such as flow-control valves, pres- separable.
sure regulators, and thrust and mixture-ratio O p e n - l o o p m i x t u r e r a t i o c o n t r o l Installation
control devices. of properly sized calibration orifices in the main
Provisions to simulate vehicle signals for propellant lines forms the simplest mixture-ratio
"cold" checkout of the engine system's operat- control. Other factors affecting engine mixture ratio
ing sequence, such as for start and cutoff. during flight, such as propellant-density changes due

to heating and acceleration, can be calculated for between the command signal and the mixture ratio at
their effect on mixture ratio, and an averaging of which the engine is operating. Figure 7-1 shows the
flight mixture ratio can be used to reduce propellant A-4 Stage engine-mixture-ratio control loop; it uses
residuals. Selection of the corresponding orifice size continuous sensing of propellant mass flow to
reduces mixture-ratio deviations over the duration of establish the ratio of propellants consumed. The
flight to a level acceptable for optimum total propel- mixture-ratio feedback (MR) b can then be compared
lant utilization in many missions. Open-loop mixture- with a command reference mixture-ratio input (MR)r
ratio control can often be further refined by the fol- in the propellant-utilization control computer. The
lowing procedures: resulting error signal (MR)e is fed to the mixture-ra-
tio-control vernier position actuator for the oxidizer
Weighing of the propellants loaded; i.e., accu- valve. The actuator forms a link in the mechanical
rate determination of the tanked-propellant coupling between the two main propellant-control
mixture ratio. The vehicle to be launched valves. The oxidizer flow rate can thus be modified
rests on load cells, thus permitting weighing of to eliminate the error. In high-thrust turbopump-fed
the propellants actually loaded. In mixed sys- engine systems, such as the A-2 Stage engine, where
tems, the noncryogenic component is loaded the propellant valves are independently actuated, the
and weighed first. The cryogenic component system's propellant-mixture ratio can be controlled
follows and is subsequently maintained at level by varying the main oxidizer flow in a similar
through a topping line. The mass of both pro- manner. For instance, a propellant-utilization servo
pellants will be determined from on-the-spot control valve, which regulates the pneumatic pressure
temperature and ambient pressure readings to the main oxidizer-valve actuator, may control the
during the tanking procedure. oxidizer flow by adjusting the angular position of the
oxidizer valve during mainstage operation of the
Use of adjustable, rather than fixed, orifices in engine.
one or both propellant lines. As close to vehi- It can readily be seen that control systems, based
cle takeoff as possible, and as a function of on propellant-flow-rate measurements, are basically
tanked weight and temperature readings, a still mixture-ratio controls and thus merely "assume,"
hand or remotely ground-controlled orifice but do not measure directly, the amount of propel-
adjustment is made. This method is usually lants actually remaining in the tanks and their unbal-
confined to noncryogenic fluids. ance. To accomplish this "propellant utilization"
PU, additional control elements must be employed
For systems where engine operation closely fol- in the form of vehicle tank-level sensors. Numerous
lows that obtained during final calibration, remark- means for this are known: point-sensing, sonar,
able accuracy, approaching that of a closed-loop sys- acoustic, radiation-sensing, differential-pressure, and
tem (single stages, first stages), of targeted mixture ra- capacitance probes.
tio and thus propellant utilization can be obtained
Figure 7-2 presents the PU control system for the
with the open-loop method.
A-4 Stage propulsion system. The residual propellant
In certain applications, however, the variation of
mixture ratio as a function of increasing acceleration
may exceed tolerable limits. Acceleration in most
vehicle arrangements affects predominantly the pro- Mixture Rat~
pellant in the forward tank. Because of the long sup- 1 Con rol
ply line, acceleration continues to act upon a rela-
C ~ Cernpu~ 1
tively large fluid column, even near the end of pow- MixtureRatio

ered flight (tank depletion). By comparison, the ef- ControlOx~izer rer

Valve Vernier
fect on the fluid in the rear tank is often nearly com- P°siti°nActuat°r
..... 1

pletely offset by the simultaneous decrease in fluid OxidizerFlow

head (short liquid-column). 4+°
To offset excessive acceleration effects on the > Electl~C t l

fluid from the forward tank and thus on mixture ratio,

head-suppression valves are sometimes used at the Fig. %1 Propellant-mixture-ratio control loop
pump inlet of turbopump-fed systems. Here, pump for the A-4 Stage engine.
inlet-pressure increase is sensed as a function of ac-
celeration. Corresponding signals are fed through a PU Control
Fuel Mass
logic device to the head-suppression valve, gradually Transd~eT
closing it and thus acting as a inlet-pressure throttling
Closed-loop m i x t u r e - r a t i o c o n t r o l Certain i+ (M,~,~ I MixtureRail° I
cases may require a closed-loop s y s t e m - - s u c h as Computer
high-velocity-increment u p p e r stages or missions
requiring engine restart following extensive cruising ~ OxiclizerMass (~ Electric Summing

periods involving propellant boiloff. In a closed- 'tr="=~'?erI b, Junction

Electric Amplifier
loop system, the mixture ratio is controlled and
compared to a command or reference mixture-ratio Fig. 7-2 Propellant-utilization-control system
by a feedback system that minimizes the difference for the A-4 Stage propulsion system.

quantities in the main tanks are continuously moni- according to specifications; contamination and
tored, summed, and compared with a PU-reference in dilution).
the PU-control computer. Any error detected is used m
Acceleration effects dul'ing flight.
to modify the c o m m a n d reference mixture-ratio in- Propellant-tank pressure deviations.
put (MR) r to the mixture-ratio-control computer. Turbopump speed deviations.
This method isolates the mixture-ratio control from Differences between fuel and oxidizer p u m p
the P U control, and thus prevents interaction be- characteristics as a function of speed.
tween them. The bandwidth of the PU control system Line-resistance changes as a function of tem-
is made narrower than the mixture-ratio control sys- perature and for miscellaneous mechanical
tem's, because residual-propellant errors may be ex- reasons.
pected to develop slowly; i.e., initial tanking errors
can be corrected over the entire duration of engine Each of these factors must be considered first
operation. evaluating the need for a closed-loop PU system as
The sensors used in the vehicle tanks may serve well as the mixture-ratio control range required to
additional purposes. In combination with suitable properly minimize residuals.
ground equipment, they may permit an automatically
controlled loading, high-level limiting and topping Thrust-Vector Control
procedure. In static firings and flight, they may serve
as redundant low-level sensors to initiate engine cut- Steering a vehicle over the desired trajectory em-
off. ploys thrust-vector control (TVC). The following
A closed-loop mixture-ratio- and PU-control sys- methods have found application.
tem may be used not only for accurate maintenance
of a fixed mixture ratio; it also has the potential for 1) Gimballed thrust chamber or engine assembly
p r o g r a m m e d mixture-ratio control (PMR) during (widely used).
flight, either continuously or in steps. It must be kept 2) Gimballed thrust-chamber nozzle (rare with
in mind that the average mixture ratio still must be liquid propellants).
equal to the tanked mixture ratio to assure simultane- 3) Jet vanes in the nozzle section of the thrust
ous propellant depletion. However, by programming chamber (obsolescent).
a mixture ratio in favor of the heavier c o m p o n e n t 4) Secondary injection (into the thrust chamber).
during the early portion of flight, and then switching 5) Auxiliary jets.
it in favor of the lighter one, the accelerated vehicle
mass will be reduced faster. Also, mixture ratio may The first method is used most frequently, due to
be programmed to provide a higher thrust level dur- its inherent reliability and performance. The first
ing the steeper portion of a trajectory. This provides three systems require actuators that may be operated
a better thrust-to-weight ratio in the presence of grav- b y hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric means. The re-
itation, with attendant velocity benefits. These meth- maining systems are controlled by flow regulation.
ods, possibly in combination, m a y substantially in- T V C s y s t e m s using a c t u a t o r s . Figure 7-3
crease stage payload, since the effects of mixture ra- presents a simplified schematic for a TVC system
tio on performance (Is) are usually small within a employing hydraulic or pneumatic actuators. It can
reasonable range (see Table 7-1). serve to explain the fundamentals of closed-loop
General design c o n s i d e r a t i o n s . The preci- TVC, even through the systems used in practice may
sion with which a desired mixture ratio can be ob- differ significantly in detail. The actuators are
tained or maintained will be affected considerably in controlled by commands, originating in the vehicle's
open-loop systems, and to some extent in closed- guidance system, the commands being a function of
loop systems, b y - - the vehicle's deviations from a prescribed path and
of its response to corrective steering action. The
Instrumentation accuracies (in particular, flow command signals are fed through an electronic TVC
and tank-level metering). logic to servovalves. In the system shown in Fig. 7-3,
Machining tolerances of orifices.
Operating tolerances of regulators.
Temperature influences on orifices and regula- Actuator Assembly
tors. Posilion Transducer
Verdcle Rate TransOucer
Density tolerance of the propellants, as a func-
tion of temperature and of purity (composition Command I
' ~=" -
] e
c~rcu,s 1

Engine Cutoff
Table 7-1 Effect o f m i x t u r e ratio o n Working
FI,uicl Supply
~ ) Electric Summing /
Mixture Row Rates Junction
Thrust NPSH Is
Fuel Oxidizer
[:::> Electric Amplifier
i i
Fig. 7-3 Typical s c h e m a t i c o f a thrust-vector-
Change, percent +10 +11 +12 -1.3 +4 +14 c o n t r o l s y s t e m u s i n g h y d r a u l i c or p n e u m a t i c
-10 -11 -12 +1.3 -4 -14

each servovalve modulates the fluid flow to its re- Veflicle

~,~-. [- ~.,.,wo; 1
spective actuator assembly in response to an electri-
cal error signal proportional to the difference be- °.07 [
InpUl,r l ~ ' - ~ -
DIC Motor
tween desired actuator position and its actual posi-
tion. Feedback of the actual position is obtained Rate I.
through a transducer attached to the actuator. Ad- Generator I-

ditionally, a rate transducer senses the actuating

speed and applies it to the control computer to stabi- Microsyn I
Position ~
Pickup !-
lize the closed-loop control through adequate damp- ® 'E~,~..~S~.,,~,~"~
ing. Instead of a rate transducer, electronic differen- D Electric Amplifier
tiation of the position transducer output may serve
the same end. Malfunction safety circuits make en- Fig. 7-4 Typical schematic for a thrust-vector-
gine cutoff in the event of erratic operation. control system using electromechanical
Figure 7-4 shows a typical schematic for a TVC actuators.
system using electromechanical actuators powered by
a reversible 28-volt dc motor. The control computer
consists of summing junctions and an amplifier, as in ~-~C ~ Vehicle Thrust Mount Centerline
the case of hydraulic actuators. The dc motor driv- I,
ing the actuator is controlled by the error signal gen- ~' ,,
erated by comparing the guidance-command refer- - - GimDal Center I

ence input with systems-position feedback. To pro- T -~ b, _ . . . . ~-

vide adequate systems damping, a rate generator or A
EngineNehicle'lMounting Face
differentiation of the position signal gives the
actuating speed. ' '
• ~ Reference Line - - ~
Engine-to-vehicle interfaces with actuator in pitch and yaw
Paraltelto Stage {
systems. Many factors affect efficient actuator per- I ~ Method I
formance. ' ~ DimensionA is furnished by Engine Builder, Parallel to
' ~ Thrust Vector.
Engine installation and alignment. To keep I \ DimensionB is determined by Vehicle Manufacturer,
\ Parallelto Stage Centerline.
demands to the minimum on the vehicle's guidance Index Points-"-~,',\ / 'l ~ Actuator length = A + B + Correction if C p D
and engine-actuation systems, the engine thrust vec- I ~ Method 2
I ~ AdjustActuator length until E = 90o _+1/20
tor must be properly prealigned with respect to the
vehicle attachment point in all three planes. Typical
specified tolerances are +0.25 in. laterally and +0.5"
The significance of good thrust alignment can be
seen from the fact that in an engine cluster, at the Fig. 7-5 Engine alignment.
randomly distributed maximum of these tolerances, a
trim deflection of close to 0.5" would be required
from all engines to offset the misalignment. the vehicle axes, installation of the engine then sim-
For larger (looser) alignment tolerances, the trim ply consists of attaching it and observing the engine
deflection would be further increased. Even if the logbook specifications. Figure 7-5 shows installation
trim deflections seem to reduce effective thrust and methods of a prealigned engine into the vehicle. For
guidance capability only slightly, the need to apply the first vehicles of a new type produced, it is advis-
them for the full duration of powered flight would able to specify verification of engine alignment fol-
appreciably reduce payload. lowing transportation to the launching site.
It is customary to align the engine thrust vector Actuators, loads. Actuators can be of the hy-
to the upper face of the gimbal bearing before ship- draulic-piston, hydraulic-rotary, or electromechanical
ment. Both optical and dynamic methods (load type. Gimbal actuators are attached to the engine at
cells) are used. The optical (cold) alignment estab- one end and to the vehicle at the other (Fig. 7-5).
lishes the geometrical location of the thrust vector in They may be procured by the vehicle builder or by
the shop, by finding the centers of nozzle throat and the engine builder, but must be properly dimen-
nozzle exit and aligning their connecting line per- sioned. The attachment points at either end must be
pendicu!ar to the gimbal plane. A simple plumb at- capable of absorbing, with an adequate reserve, the
tached to the injector center can aid this operation. forces encountered. As a rule, two actuators will be
Subsequently, during engine firing, this measurement required for each engine. Together, they permit de-
may be confirmed dynamically using side-load cells flection of the engine in all directions. It is impor-
in lieu of gimbal actuators. As a rule, after a few en- tant to note that, if an individual actuator produces a
gines have been aligned in this manner, experience maximum deflection of, say, 7 deg, the consequence
will permit meeting specification by optical means will be approximately 10 deg of maximum angle
alone. The vertical alignment can be documented ("corner deflection") from a pair of actuators. The
simply as the eye-to-eye distance of the actuator at- ducts, flex lines, gimbal bearing, and possibly other
tach points or as the line through two index points components affected must be able to "take" this de-
(Fig. 7-5). Lateral dimensions can be marked in a flection.
suitable manner at or on the gimbal bearing face. If Selection and design of the actuators is based on
the mating vehicle face has been properly aligned to the gimbal forces required. In a typical case, the ac-

oscillation is a function of actuator stroke per degree

of engine deflection, feedback gains, and compensa-
tion-network parameters.
Secondary injection. Thrust vector control
through secondary injection of matter into the thrust-
chamber nozzle ("SITVC") has been successfully ap-
plied to solid motors. It has found only limited, and
then predominantly experimental, application in liq-
uid-propellant propulsion systems, where it appears
A) Hot or Warm B) Bipropellant Gas promising for upper-stage engines, in which the lat-
Gas Chamber Generator Gas Injection
Tapotf eral forces required are smaller than with boosters.
Secondary injection employs, principally, gas injec-
tion using inert stored gas, thrust-chamber tapoff [Fig.
7-6(a)], or a gas generator [Fig. 7-6(b)] or liquid injec-
Shock Wave Mulliporl Liquid Valve tion [Fig. 7-6(c)] using inert fluid or propellants.
In a gimballed thrust chamber, the side force acts
approximately at the injector end. With an SlTVC
system, the applied side force acts downstream of the
nozzle throat and approximately at the point of in-
C) Liquid Injection jection, resulting in a longer moment arm, which de-
creases the required side force.
Fig. 7-6 Secondary injection systems. Performance evaluations. The performance
of any type of secondary injection system is based
upon two performance factors: amplification K and
tuator force may be as high as 25% of the engine axial-thrust augmentation K1, defined as follows:
thrust level. The force is determined by considering
inlet-duct reactions, flexible serviceline reactions,
gimbal bearing friction, heat-shield reaction (if any), K - Iss _ Fs/vCs __ Fs/Fp (7-: a)
correction for misalignments, aerodynamic loading ISp Fp/wp Ws/iCp
(if any), vehicle acceleration effects, inertia of gim-
balled mass, and miscellaneous minor effects.
The engine design must reduce these forces to a ISa AFa/ws AFa/Fp
minimum for the smallest size and lightest weight of K~ = - - = ~ = (7-1b)
Isp Fp/wp Xils/~/v"
the actuators and associated equipment. Recognition
of this need and careful design can do much toward
this goal. The system must be capable of stable, well-
damped response when cold gimballed, such as dur-
ing prelaunch checkout, even though the loads en-
w~ = secondary flow rate, Ib/s
% = primary flow rate, lb/s
countered there may be quite different from those
occurring during engine firing. This dual-load situa- Fs = side force, lb
tion may pose serious problems. Fp = undisturbed axial primary-thrust, lb
During startup of the engine, brief p e a k side- AFa = axial-thrust increase, lb
loads, in excess of those occurring during normal Isp = undisturbed axial specific impulse of the
gimballing, can be generated by the thrust chamber primary chamber Fp/wp, s
itself, especially with high-expansion-area nozzles be- Iss = side specific impulse Fs/ws, s
ing developed at sea level. Unless these loads can be Isa = secondary axial specific impulse ZXFa/ws, s
eliminated or at least reduced, they must be consid-
ered in the design of actuators and attach points at Essentially, the K factor determines the quantity
both ends.
of fluid required to obtain the side force, and the K1
Crosstalk and spring rate. Since the engine and
factor determines the penalty on the overall system Is
vehicle designers are not entirely i n d e p e n d e n t
regarding actuator installation, a situation may exist to obtain the required side-force. Both of these
wherein motion of the actuator in one plane affects factors known, the total effect of a given secondary-
the other actuator it its plane. This is referred to as injection system on a propulsion system may be de-
"crosstalk." Excessive crosstalk may develop control termined. The K factor determines the quantity of
instabilities. The engine designer and vehicle builder secondary injectant fluid required (for a known duty
need close coordination to minimize crosstalk. cycle). The K1 factor evaluates the Is penalty on the
The actuator must be able to translate its motion propulsion system. If K1 equals 1, the specific im-
without delay into engine deflection. If the control pulse of the secondary fluid will equal that of the
loop formed by actuator, engine structure, and vehi- primary fluid, and therefore the propulsion system
cle thrust-structure is "soft, "--if it has a low spring will suffer no Is penalty due to the SlTVC system.
rate (lb/in.)--the engine will not react promptly to Both the amplification factor K and the thrust-
an actuator motion as called for by the guidance sys- augmentation factor K 1 are influenced by the sec-
tem, but rather delay, with subsequent overshoot and ondary-injection orientation. For each application, a
continued oscillation. The natural frequency of this tradeoff must be made between the two factors to de-

termine the optimum injection orientation for max- CCM architecturemthe fundamental organization of
imum propulsion efficiency. Side forces for a given the CCM system. The following must be accounted
w s are increased if injection is made through a series for in defining an architecture configuration: hier-
of holes arranged on a horizontal arc, rather than archical levels of control, distributed processing vs.
through a single orifice. Note that the manifolds re- centralized processing, functional emphasis, subsys-
quired in this case may adversely affect response, tem partitioning, software architecture, and redun-
however. In a typical tapoff SITVC system, the gas dancy configurations.
flow rate may be 1.5 to 2.5 percent of the primary Once defined, candidate CCM systems can be
flow rate, the upper value indicating the situation of modeled and simulations run to define their perfor-
maximum force required between two injection sta- mance in terms of meeting the system requirements.
tions (two jets operating). Trade studies between the candidate systems will use
The performance of a gas generator SITVC sys- the simulation results. Evaluations are usually con-
tem is comparable to that of a tapoff system, proba- ducted in terms of selected system-parameter values
bly slightly better. This if offset by higher complexity or performance characteristics as defined in the re-
(valves, injectors, ignition, cooling). quirements phase of the analysis. The CCM concept
Liquid injection systems (inert fluid or propel- that best satisfies the mission needs goes into devel-
lants) offer the simplest arrangement. This is offset opment.
by their lower performance, K-factors being in the Figure 7-10 shows a representative example of a
order of unity, at flow rates from 5 to 6 percent of the modern control-system architecture, the SSME Block
primary flow. However, in systems with low-duty cy- 11 controller. It is a dual redundant system with
cles, they may still be very attractive. cross-strapping between the three major subsys-
As a rule, four injection elements are required for temswinput electronics, data processor, and output
a given system, equally spaced on the main chamber electronics--designed so that no single-point failure
circumference, of which no more than two adjacent will ever cause the system to malfunction. A first fail-
ones would be operating at a given time. The control ure causes switchover to an alternative channel of
of the required valves is accomplished through a electronic hardware/software. A second failure in the
logic and a servosystem analogous to that of a hy- alternate channel causes electrical/hydraulic lockup
draulic gimbal actuator system. (engine valves and controls maintained in position)
or safe shutdown (depending on the operational pro-
CCM Concept and Preliminary Design file). This redundancy approach is termed fail-op-
Development erate~fail-safe.
Before actual control-system logic development, mis- Control Methods
sion requirements must be defined and functional
analyses performed. Developing and selecting the As mentioned earlier, control systems may be gener-
most suitable CCM system and components for a ally classified as either open-loop or closed-loop.
particular application will be aided by the method- Open-loop control Figure 7-11 shows a generic
ology shown in Fig. 7-7. It covers both classical and example of this type of control system along with its
modern control-system design, and is representative advantages and disadvantages. This system uses
of current usage in government and aerospace orga- preset controls, such as orifices and on-off command
nizations for CCM system selection (Ref. 7-1). devices.
Requirements generation and analysis. A typical example of open-loop control, an en-
Basic CCM requirements are generated by the cus- gine propellant-flow system calibrated to a fixed set
tomer with contractor participation. Typically, tech- of conditions, has the propellant flows controlled
nical requirements for a CCM system flow down from simply by opening and closing the propellant valves.
the mission, vehicle, and engine requirements. Fig- Thus, minor deviations from the design mixture ratio
ure 7-8 outlines sample CCM system-requirement or propellant flow rates, such as from fabrication tol-
considerations based on this flow-down. The level erances of engine components, can be corrected be-
and scope of requirement considerations for any forehand by insertion of accurately sized orifices into
particular application vary widely, depending on the the propellant-flow lines to effect the desired pres-
customer and magnitude of the program. sure drops. The extent of correction would be de-
Functional analysis~allocation. Performed termined from preflight-calibration test data. Open-
in the concept and preliminary-design phases after loop control has the advantage of simplicity, but it is
the complete set of requirements has been generated, limited to a specific set of operating parameters, and
functional analysis consists of determining what must is unable to compensate for variable conditions dur-
be done by the CCM system to meet the mission ing operation.
requirements. Figure 7-8 outlines representative func- Accurate sequencing of an open-loop control
tional-analysis considerations. Functional flow dia- system as may be used for engine start and stop, usu-
grams usually aid an analysis. Figure 7-9 shows an ally with the aid of interlocks. For example, the pro-
example of a functional flow diagram for a typical pellant valves of many small engines or gas genera-
orbital-transfer-vehicle (OTV) engine. The functional tors are mechanically linked and are operated by a
analysis will define the major c o m p o n e n t s and single actuator. Adjusting the relative positions of
internal and external interfaces of the CCM system. the valve gates or poppets, with respect to the me-
Synthesis. Functional-analysis allocations will chanical linkage, will properly sequence fuel and oxi-
be used in the synthesis of several candidates for dizer valves.

I ~XOCAT~ ~ oET.,,t.OeS~N
RB~llONS~PS J __~~ ~~
~ 1 1 C N
A/:IcHr/EcTURE B . B , ~ ' S

, , t .....
L ~ (SxPSm')

. . . . . . .









~. ~ STUOE,

D E ~ |
siMu~r~ /
_ . ;

,~ecnFY *LTr=mAT~ES j
SB~=nlVll"Y CHECK /

~ ~ I~
Fig. %7 CCM s y s t e m d e v e l o p m e n t SS.ECTPREFERR~ l
methodology. RESUL'I~ CXFEVAL.U A ~ ]

Closed-loop control
Also called feedback sensitivity to environmental changes and changes in
control, this type of system usually includes sensors component characteristics. It is applied to areas
to measure control or engine-operating parameters, such as engine thrust control and/or throttling, pro-
microprocessors to analyze the sensor data, and pellant mixture-ratio control, and thrust-vector con-
effectors to implement the control strategy. Unlike trol. Figure 7-12 shows a generic closedqoop control
open-loop control, closed-loop control depends on system and points out the advantages and disad-
the magnitude of an error signal (deviation of vantages of this type of system.
desired output from measured output) to bring about A desire to make rocket-engine control more ro-
a correction. In general, closed-loop control aims to bust and stringent has brought about enhancements
minimize errors during operation and reduce system to the classical closed-loop diagram of Fig. 7-12.
From Mission. Vehicle. l From C C M Requirements
Engine System and Defined Engine

Requirements Components
, t ,,

I CCMat_
Generation and
Analysis b

CCM Functional
Analysis and
---- CCM Synthesis
~~} CCM Trade
l- CCM Evaluation CCM Selection

Generation System Architecture Modeling Evaluation Selection

Considerations Analysis Considerations Considerations Considerations Considerations Considerations
Capability (Performance) External Interfaces Signal/Data Processing Physical Define Objectivesand Select Preferred
Timeline Input Signals Central Mathematical Requirements Alternative Based on
Ufe Output Signals Distributed Static/Dynamic Identify Alternatives Requirements and
Environment Status Hierarchical Distributed/Lumped Formulate Selection Results of Evaluation
Availability Checking Analog/Digital Parameter Criteria
Maintainability Reporling Sequential/Parallel Nonlinear/Unear Weight Criteria
Reliability Data Processing Control Loops Time Varient/Time Evaluate Alternative
Survivability RelaSonships/Sequencing/ Number. Typec Variant Sensitivity Check
Commonality Timing So.are Stochastic/Deterministic Evaluate Parametersand
Safety Start Language. Protocol Discrete/Continuous Alternatives
Testing Transient Valves/Actuators Simulation Approach
Growlh Steady State Number. Typec Problem Definition
Interfaces Shutdown Instruments Mathematical Model
Analysis Approach Normal Number. Typec Formulation
Analyze Above Specific Emergency Interconnects Program Development
Requirements for Implied Allocation Approach HW/SW Allocation Verification
Requirements Decompose Until Function Design Methodology Experimental Design
Can Be Identifiedwith a ;CM Components Validation
Control Componentand Approach Conduct Simulation
Internal Interfaces Defined Valve/Actualor
TypeC Legend
Instruments a Control and Condition Monitoring
Typec b Requirements Flowdownfrom Mission Through
Microprocessor Vehicle to Engine
Typec c Electncal. Hydraulic.Pneumatic. Mechanical

Fig. 7-8 CCM system development considerations.

Thrust Level

Perform Engine OK
Precheck Prior
to Starting

Command Shutdown

Ir.,~ II I I I

, ThrustLevel No
,~ Command ~ ~' ~ ......
C°ntr°' I OK ~ u ~ Control ' ~ OK
o w n ~ COntrOl
.-.,. Monitor -~ and Monitor i
Engine Monitor Engine
From Engine! Normal
Tank Head Fault Higher During Fault Shutdown
Idleto Sustained From
Pump Idle Pump Idle i Shutdown Pump Idle
~ , / ~ Fault


and OK p Control
and ~,,, / ~ . , ~s Controland
, _ ~ Monitor
Monitor ' Monitor Engine
Engine Engine • Normal
From Dunng Shutdown
Pump Idle Fault Sustained From
I Dunng to Mainstage | Shutdown Mainstage
I Emergency Mainstage
~ Fault..,~

Fig. %9 Orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) engine control system--top-level-function flow diagram.

..... ,. ..
!" ,
c. _ j

1 DC

--D A. . . . . . . . . .
:~ ~. .-.-. -. -.C.-H.~A.Nr.NE
.L. . . B ~ J COMMANDS-.


Fig. 7-10 SSME b l o c k 11 controller.

_ Input
Disturbance I_.., v(t)
Input F

Command Input Control Input

-- + • Output

r(t) | " '

Control System to be[ y(t) ,,.._

Law Controlled i v


Used when: Advantaaes _

No disturbance or noise inputs Simple Sensitive to external disturbances/noise
Input-output relation known Economical Recalibration usually required
Stable Relatively low precision
Low power
Low weight
Low volume

Fig. 7-11 Block diagram o f an o p e n - l o o p control s y s t e m .

Optimal control strategies try to optimize the system tern performs operating-system identification, devel-
with respect to a chosen operating parameter. In an ops a revised set of control laws, and then uses the
adaptive-control approach, loop operating character- adaptive component of the system to control the en-
istics are changed to maintain control for pre- gine or vehicle. Figure 7-13 shows a schematic dia-
dictable departures from the normal control mode. gram of a CCM system design using an expert system
Closely related to the adaptive strategies are the with adaptive control.
knowledge-based (expert system) control approaches.
Here, the control system has the ability to change Control-law D e v e l o p m e n t
loop operating characteristics to maintain control
for unpredictable departures from the normal con- The previous two sections have focused on the fun-
trol mode. An onboard, real-time computerized sys- damental aspects of defining the requirements of the

System Equation ~(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + BIv(I)

Control Law* e(t) - Nr(t)- Kx(t)
Output* y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) ,..! DirDct "
-- -- ~ Transmission m - - m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m

*Linear Time Invariant F

| Matrix
B1 - I Input Vector
Command I l I I Disturbance i..,, v(t) I
Vector E(s)
I Input Matrix State-Variables I-" I
I Output
I G(s) Vector I Vector
' B ' C
Comd/Input Control ~ ~ ] Control Input ~ , ~ V ) ~ ~ S y s t e m to be Output
Scale Matrix Law ! ,,m I Matrix I + ~ - ! Controlled Matrix
Control Inputs
B(s) System
H(s) Matrix ] State Feedback

' Feedback -.,, L '

Gain Matrix I Output
( Feedback

Used when: Advantages: Disadvantages:

Subject to noise and disturbance Precise control High cost
Less sensitive to disturbances and More components
Input-output relation is not well parameter variations
known Possibly unstable
Easier to achieve required transient and
steady state response Higher power

Fig. 7-12 B l o c k d i a g r a m o f a c l o s e d - l o o p control system.

I Actuat°rs'- 1I ~-I Reusable ,,.. ,,,

Peak ' ~ ~ Allowable Tolerance

t F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Balance Model"
, ! • Time Varying Overs,00,~ / ', \ 1 /'-N
......... .__,,,_,__,__,___.___, .... \-____ .... ~,
r ....
I Controller
, ,~ Parameter
I 1.0

I r- -~ ~ Estimator
, • Control Bias o a,e,
Declare Failure I
Time . /
/ ....... ....... _
] I .Shutdown
I .......... -- . . . . . . . . . . /
| Data 'Analyzer " " l I Estimator
' I
I Decision ] _i ~ I" Pe.ormance-I I I y- i Componenti I
MaKing ~ or Conclition ~ or Condition [ L~.___LJr~S.~___J Pedormance [--,LL
• Comparison=
/ I' ::;:::-'
= ..
Monitoring {
I ; , • Synthesis
• Judgments • Expert System iI Real-Time 0.0 ,,, ~,
• Past Experience Parameter
• Arlificial Intelligence I Estimate Rise I Time t

• Human Intelligence I Time |


Fig. 7-13 CCM d e s i g n o f an e x p e r t / a d a p t i v e con- tp ~ SettlingTime
trol system. F" ts ,

Fig. 7-14 Time-response specifications.

control system and have given an overview of the dif-

ferent types of control methods available to meet the
mission objectives. This section discusses ap- provide a relatively quick-and-easy design tool for
proaches that can be used in the design and devel- control-system development. It has the disadvantage,
opment of a control system. however, of not revealing the i n t e r n a l behavior of
Classical control. Classical control method- the system.
ology is applicable to control design problems in Classical control is applicable to both open- and
which the characteristics of the system to be con- closed-loop designs. Being a single input-single out-
trolled are not precisely known or in which sim- put (SlSO) approach, it does not have the ability of
plifying assumptions can be made if the system is multiloop control system design in the strictest sense;
complex. Classical control views each system com- but, some classical quasi-multiloop techniques have
ponent as a block in which the input and output are been developed. Classical control m e t h o d o l o g y
related by a transfer function. This approach must confine itself in practice to a lumped-parame-
simplifies the solution by combining the behavior of ter, linear, time-invariant modeling representation,
the internal components of the system to be con- with either stochastic, deterministic, or discrete time-
trolled into one system block (transfer function) to capability.

The usual classical a single-loop sys- Integral time-square error

tem designs the control loop on an individual basis T
by using one of the techniques mentioned below.
For multiloop control systems, the loops are de- ITS? = j t e 2 ( t ) d t (7-5)
signed on an individual basis, normally resulting in
various degrees of cross-coupling between them. The
remainder of the system design consists of enhanc-
Complimentary to the time-domain response
ing or eliminating the cross-coupling between the
technique, the frequency-response approach uses si-
loops (using the methods described here under
nusoidal signals as inputs to determine the output
"Classical Multiloop Design Techniques") to achieve
characteristics of the system in the frequency do-
the best possible compromise design for the in-
main. The output is displayed by means of Bode
tended application. Classical control design can also
plots, root-locus diagrams, Nyquist diagrams, Nichols
be used to design both single and multiloop adaptive
charts, and/or inverse Nyquist diagrams. Lengthy
systems (i.e., when control operating regime changes
discussions of both the time- and frequency-domain
can be predicted) by providing for gain changes
approaches can be found in basic control textbooks
(gain scheduling). This type of approach has been
(Ref. 7-2 through 7-6).
used on the SSME. Recently, classical control
methodology designs, incorporating learning (ex-
Classical nonlinear design techniques. Two
additional techniques in classical control can aid the
pert) capability (i.e., when control operating regimes
are used to define a "knowledge-base") have been design of nonlinear systems: the describing function
receiving great attention. and the phase plane.
Classical linear design techniques. The Describing function. The describing function,
essentially a generalized transfer function for nonlin-
primary design approaches used in linear, classical
ear systems, based on a restricted mathmatical foun-
control are the time- and f r e q u e n c y - r e s p o n s e
dation, is easy to apply, gives reasonable results, and
techniques. In the time-response approach, a step,
can be used for systems of any order. The analysis
ramp, parabolic, or impulse signal is used as an input
assumes that a sinusoidal signal input to a nonlinear
into a control system to define its output characteris-
element has an output signal with the same funda-
tics in terms of a mathematical model of the system.
mental period as the input. It is further assumed that
Analytically, the Laplace transform is often used to
transform the model from the time domain to the all harmonics, subharmonics, and dc components
can be neglected (a reasonable assumption for most
complex S-Plane domain. The problem is therefore
feedback situations). And it is assumed that the feed-
transformed from a set of time-dependent differ-
back control system has only one nonlinear compo-
ential equations to a set of time-independent alge-
nent, and that time-invariant. Describing functions
braic equations. The solution to the algebraic set is
then transformed back into the time domain by using are generated from Fourier series analysis of the out-
the inverse Laplace transform. put waveform. Once the nonlinearity has been char-
In the time domain, system response characteris- acterized, various methods of compensating for it,
tics and requirements can be specified in terms of such as reducing system gain, adding a phase-lead
delay time td, rise time, tr, peak time tp, peak over- network, or introducing rate feedback, can be exam-
shoot Mp, settling time ts, and steady-state error. ined. Nyquist diagrams and Nichols charts are the
Figure 7-14 shows a representative time-response most revealing techniques for stability analysis for
wave. the describing-function approach
Performance indices may also be used to evalu- Phase plane. Although associated with the clas-
ate CCM performance during system development. sical approach, the phase-plane method, a state-
Frequently used performance indices for a control- space analysis, specifically concerns the solution of a
second-order, nonlinear, time-invariant differential
law development in the time domain are the follow-
equation. It is a technique for analyzing the transient
response of a feedback control system to a step input
Integral square error ISE or for solving an initial-condition problem. Dif-
ferent curves of displacement vs. velocity, called tra-
jectories, are generated for a series of step functions.
= e (t)dt (7-2) The resulting family of curves defines the phase
ff 2 portrait. If the trajectory approaches infinity, the
system is unstable. If the trajectory circles the origin
Integral of the absolute magnitude of error continuously in a closed curve, a sustained oscillation
T (limit cycle) results. If the phase trajectory ap-
IAE = [ I e(t) I dt (7-3) proaches the origin, the system is stable.
6 There are three procedures to construct the
phase portrait of a system. Two are analytical: direct
solution of the differential equation and transforma-
Integral time-absolute error tion of the second-order differential equation to a
first-order one. The remaining, a graphic method,
T isoclines, is the most useful of the three.
ITAE = d t I e(t) I dt (7-4) Classical multiloop design techniques. In
recent years, the classical approach has been ex-

tended for certain limited cases to multi-input, multi- each tank yields--
output (MIMO) systems. A transfer-matrix approach
is used to diagonalize or decouple the system repre- dT 1
sentative with a shaping-function matrix. The decou- C 1-d-~-= W(Td - T1) + ql (7-7)
pied-loops can then be designed with such SISO
techniques as the direct or inverse Nyquist array or
direct or inverse characteristic-locus methodologies.
Control l a w s . The following equation expresses dT 2
the most general and standard control l a w w t h e C2--d7 = W(Td - T2) + q2 (7-8)
proportional-integral-differential (PID) control:

{P} {D} {I} For small deviations about equilibrium, ql and q2 are
related linearly to u 1 and u 2, respectively, as follows:

de Kc t
p = Kce + KcZD~-~- + ~ e d t + Ps (7-6)
tI u q l = C3Ul (7-9)
K = gain, I: = derivative time (min) q2 = c4u2 (7-10)
c D
1:I = integral time (min), e = error, and Ps = constant
where the constants c 3 and c4 include the power-am-
Generally, it will be preferable to use the simplest plifier gains. Letting Xl = T1, x2 = T2, gl = C1/w and
procedure possible in designing the control system.
I;2 = C2/w. Using Eq. (7-9) and (7-10) in Eq. (7-7) an
However, using only the proportional mode results in
degraded static accuracy caused by inherent offset- (7-8), respectively, with bl = c3/C 1 and b2 = c4/C2
error. Adding integral control eliminates the offset yieldsw
but may cause large overshoot. The addition of
derivative control achieves more rapid transient re-
sponse and tends to decrease initial errors. Various dxl 1 1
-- xl + blul + - - T d (7-1 1)
combinations, such as proportional integral (PI) and dt t~ t~
proportional differential (PD), can meet the control
requirements. If the controller cannot meet the con-
trol requirements, it will be necessary to design a
dx2 1 1
compensator to move the control design into a re- -- x~ - - - x 2 + b2u2 (7-12)
gion where the system design can provide accurate dt t2 t2
transient-and-stable operation.

w h e r e the inlet t e m p e r a t u r e deviation T d is the

Classical control system examples. An
disturbance. The power and speed of modern micro-
example, a multiloop system, will demonstrate the
processors and associated software have m a d e it
m o d e r n approach to classical control-system design.
more convenient to formulate the system equations
By showing h o w the system is modeled and control
in matrix form. Therefore, Eq. (7-11) and (7-12) can
laws written, both single input/output and multiple
input/output type problems can be covered simulta-
Multiloop-output-control e x a m p l e (Ref. 7-7). Trl Potentiometer
Potentiometer Tr2
A two-input, two-output regulator system (Fig. 7-15) is ~2
required to control the temperatures T1 and T 2 of a
propellant in two interconnected tanks. The desired
t e m p e r a t u r e s Trl and and Tr2 are set on input E01 !£02
potentiometers that supply the c o m m a n d voltages Controller
' ~U2
Erl and Er2. The tank temperatures are sensed by
thermistors whose outputs E01 and E02 are compared
to the command voltages to obtain the errors e. The
controller uses these to synthesize a control law u.
I I [ Thyristor J

The controller output signals Ul and u 2 are boosted

by thyristor amplifiers that supply p o w e r to resis-
tance heaters (Fig. 7-15). Let w denote the product of
wA ! w

the volumetric flowrate, density, and specific heat of

the propellant and Td the entrance temperature. Let
I Sensor
] _ T2
C1 and C2 denote the thermal capacitances of the
tanks, and q l and q2 be the heat per unit-time gener-
ated by the heaters. Then conservation of energy for Fig. 7-15 Multiloop system.

be expressed as the matrix equations:

dt - A x + Bu + B1Td

The relevant matrices will be defined b y - -

--" -1 --'
-- 0
t1 b1 0
a B ~_
Fig. 7-16 Multivariable feedback control.
1 1 0 b2
_ t2 t2 _
Equation (7-16) has the f o r m - -

11° ]
k (7-17)
Y(s) - Gp(s)U(s) + Gd(s)Td(s)
BI= C = (7-13)
0 1 where Gp(s) is the 2x2 plant matrix and Gd(s) is the
0 2xl disturbance matrix defined in Eq. (7-16). Figure
7-16 shows a block diagram of the control system.
The transfer-function matrices, relating the outputs to Having formulated the mathematical representation
the control inputs and the disturbances, will be given of the system, a control scheme must be chosen. In
as follows. this example, a PI controller was designed for each of
the outputs. The system and disturbance matrices are
Y(s) -- C (sI-A)-I BU(s) + C(sI-A) -1 BITd (7-14) given by Eq. (7-16). Assume that tl = t2 = 10 and bl -
b 2 - 100. With these parameter values the matrices
After proper substitutions, the inverse matrix reduces

100 100
-- 1
s+-- 0 (s+0.1) 0 (s+0.1)
-1 1 Gp(S) = 1_.___00 100 Gd(S) = 10
(s I - A) =
2 (s+0.1)
k s+k 1
1 (s+0.1) (s+O.1) 2

t2 tI

Substituting Eq. (7-13) and (7-15) into Eq. (7-14), it A matrix, the decoupling compensator matrix, will
follows that-- make the plant matrix Gp(s) relating output (Y(s)) to
the control U(s) b e c o m e a diagonal matrix. This
greatly simplifies the solution procedure. The de-
Y(s) = \ b \ b c \ [ ( \ a \ c o 2 \ v s l 0 \ h s l 0 ( \ f f b \ s ( ,1),s + 1),
coupling compensator matrix is chosen a s - -
- 1 -
1 G12(s) ]
tI G(s) = (7-19)
G21(s) 1
bI S+--


(slXs t2 b2 Post-multiplying Gp from Eq. (7-18) by G(s) yields--

, 1 )) U(s) + Td
+ + S+--
100 100G12

t1 t2 tlt 2
s+0.1 s+0.1
GpG = (7-20)
_ s tl ~2 10 100G21 100
+ s+0.1 s+0.1
(s+O.1) 2

We want this matrix to be diagonal; therefore, s e t - -

G12(s) -- 0 G21(s) - - s+0.1

In this case the diagonal elements of Eq. (7-20) are S+0.1 "~
identical to the diagonal elements of the system ma-
trix in Eq. (7-18). Now individual PI controllers can
be designed for the two u n c o u p l e d systems by em- S+0.1 +

ploying the techniques of single-input, single-output

systems. Figure 7-17 shows the resulting control sys- - I S+0.1 )

tem. Each of the two u n c o u p l e d systems is desig-

nated as second-order, and the two controller gains
can be set to yield the desired natural frequency and
damping ratio. Fig. 7-17 Control system for multiple output.
Modern control As just shown, classical con-
trol theory uses input-output relationships, princi-
pally the transfer function. After being written, the
another form of writing the differential equation of
differential e q u a t i o n s describing the system are
motion of the system). These two variables may then
linearized and subjected to constraints to allow for
be considered to be the components of a state vector
useful input-output relationships. In contrast to the
x. State space is then de fine d as the two-dimen-
classical approach, m o d e r n control theory m a k e s
sional space with Xl a n d x2 as the coordinates. For
direct use of the differential equations in the solution
approach. larger systems with m o r e defining equations, the
Modern control theory system representations number of state variables will grow accordingly.
do not obscure the internal behavior of the system, For a linearized system, it is always possible to
as classical theory may do with the transfer function, write generalized vector equations relating the output
and are not limited to linear stationary systems. In vector y to the state vector x and control vector u as
theory, there are no limitations to the applicability of follows:
m o d e r n control theory; but practical limitations do
dx/dt = A(t)x + B(t)u + Blv (7-24)
exist. Although it may be possible to represent the
system as a set of simultaneous differential equations,
it may prove impossible to find solutions. Therefore, y = C(t)x + D(t)u (7-25)
the m o d e r n approach makes frequent use of digital
computers and numerical solutions. where A(t) is the plant or system matrix and B(t) is
A great deal of research is being done in m o d e r n the control matrix. The C and D matrices relate the
control theory to make its powerful techniques more output variables y to the state x and control u vari-
convenient and practical. Whichever version of the ables. M o d e r n control theory deals b r o a d l y with
m o d e r n a p p r o a c h is chosen, extensive use will be solving and manipulating these two equations. H o w
made of the concept of state space. does this system treat a control law of the following
S t a t e - v a r i a b l e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n . The "state" of form?
a system means the smallest set of variables that must
be k n o w n at some time to to predict u n i q u e l y the u = - K x + Nr (7-26)
future behavior of the system for any specified input.
Although the state of the system is unique at any where r is the c o m m a n d input vector, K the gain ma-
instant of time, a set of state variables is not. The trix, and N a scaling matrix. As formulated, the prob-
individual set of state variables c h o s e n must be lem is not well-posed: there are more u n k n o w n s than
linearly independent. equations. To circumvent this, s e t - -
For example, the second-order differential equa-
K = pkT (7-27)
tion for a mass-spring-damper system with an exter-
nal forcing function may be written as follows:
w h e r e the elements of p will be c h o s e n arbitrarily
md2x/dt2 + Bdx/dt + kx = fa(t) (7-21) and the elements of kT will be the roots to be speci-
fied. After substituting, the defining e q u a t i o n be-
Replacing x by Xl and dx/dt by x2 allows the second-
order differential equation to be written as a set of dx/dt - (A-BpkT)x + BNr + BlV (7-28)
two first-order equations:
The resulting closed-loop characteristic equation be-
dxl/dt = x2 (7-22)

dx2/dt = - ( k / m ) x l - (B/m)x2 + (fa/m) (7-23) ]sI = A + BpkT[ = 0 (%29)

The variables x l and x 2 are called the state variables which is identical to the characteristic equation of a
since they define the state of the system (they are just single-input system. Continuation of the e x a m p l e

presented above for multiloop control will demon- is obtained from m

strate how these concepts are applied in the design
of a control system.
State feedback control example. A Y(s) = X(s) = ( s l - A + B p k T ) - l [ 0 0 1 ] T d
controller was considered in the example "Multiloop
Output Control" for a two-input, two-output tem-
perature-control system. With the parameter values

1 r s+243.2 _243.1
used in that example, state equations (7-22) and (7-
23) for the system b e c o m e - -
s2+7s+25 L 236.4 s_236.2

dx 1 From that will be obtained--

dt - -0.1x 1+ 100u 1+0.1T d 2, = (( 223.64
Y1 Ls +7s+25 ) Y2(s) Ls +7s+25) Td
dx 2
dt - 0.1Xl-0.1x2+100u 2
For a step change in the disturbance Td of magnitude
while the A and B matrices of Eq. (7-13) b e c o m e - - H, the final value theorem yields the limits as t-> oo of
Yl and Y2 as 24.32H/25 and 23.64H/25, respectively;

[_.0101 B=
[1000] these are the steady-state errors.
This example gives some indication of the power
of modern control theory. With the block diagram
0.1 -0.1 0 100 of the system (Fig. 7-18) and the governing equations,
the designer can define a controller to eliminate the
steady-state errors. It is also possible to experiment
In the example, the desired temperature values are mathematically with different system parameters and
set by the potentiometers; and if they remain fixed, input conditions.
there will not be a change in the command input This brief overview of control-system analysis
vector so that r = 0. We wish to design a regulator for and design has presented examples to demonstrate
the system. In Eq. (7-26), u = -Kx, arbitrarily select Pl the application of the theory to an engineering prob-
= P2 = 1. That then g i v e s - lem. Complete development of all of the concepts

=r,001 [100,0] introduced along with numerous examples can be

found in Ref. 7-2 through 7-8.
Bp L100J Q = [ Bp ABp ] = 100 0 7.2 DESIGN OF FLUID-FLOW-CONTROL

The characteristic Eq. (7-29) of the closed-loop sys- D e s i g n C o n s i d e r a t i o n s for Fluid-Flow-Control

tem b e c o m e s - - Components

Liquid-propellant rocket engines use valves and pres-

s+0.1+100k 1 100k2 sure regulators for controlling fluid flow. Fluids con-
I sI-A+BpkT [ =
-0.1+100k 1 s+0.1+100k 2 ,, , , , ,,

- s +(0.2+ 100kl + 100k2)s+0.01+ 10k 1+20k2=0
For this second-order system, the desired roots will -2.363
be made so that the natural frequency will be 5 ,, ,

rad/sec and the damping ratio 0.7. The desired , , ,

characteristic equation will then b e - -

+ I o.ool
s 2 + 7s + 25 = 0 (7-31)

Matching the corresponding coefficients of Eq. (7-30) 2.431 ] lOO Ix2 Y2(~j
and (7-31) gives kl = 12.363 and k2 - 2.431. Figure 7-
18 shows the structure of this regulator. The transfer , . . . . . ,

function relating the output vector to the disturbance Fig. 7-18 Multiloop regulator.

trolled include propellants, pressurants, and control- Table %2 Nomenclature for flow equations
system fluids (hydraulic or pneumatic). This section
discusses some of the design considerations and
analyses governing these components. Symbols
Flow and pressure-drop equations f o r sizing = arithmetic average surface roughness, in.
valves. Determining the flow area of a valve from A = flow area normal to flow direction, in 2
the given flow-rate and pressure-drop data employs
a = velocity of sound, ft/s
equations that contain empirical coefficients. These
coefficients are established from test data on the C = flow coefficient for nozzles, orifices, and valves
specific type of valve and are specified by various d = hole or hydraulic diamter, in.
methods. Several of these equations, each containing D = seat mean diameter, in.
a unique empirical coefficient, are described in this e = peak to valley surface roughness, in.
section. The equations not only provide a basis for f = Darcy friction factor
computing the required valve flow-area, but also a
g = gravitational constant, 32.174 ft/s2
ready reference for converting from one method of
specifying the valve size (flow capacity) to another. he = equivalent parallel plate gap, in.
Table 7-2 gives nomenclature and units used in this hp = parallel plate channel height (gap), in.
section. k = ratio of gas specific heats
Incompressible-fluid-flow equations are used for K f = resistance factor
fluids having relatively constant density with respect K I = pressure loss coefficient
to operating pressure. At moderate pressures, most
K N = Knudsen No.
liquids can be considered incompressible fluids.
The orifice coefficient C together with the in- K p = permeability constant, in 3/in ~s
compressible orifice equation defines the flow capac- L m = channel length, in.
ity of valves as well as orifices ("A" is the orifice flow L = mean molecular free path, in.
area or valve minimum-flow area, which usually oc- M = Mach number
curs at the seat), as follows: P = pressure, psia
CA AP = pressure drop, psi
w =-~-~-[2go (P1 - P2)]1/2 (7-33) Q = volumetric flow at 70"F and 14.7 psia, in3/min
r = resistance, s2/l13/in 2
For orifices, the flow coefficient C is a function of R = gas constant, ft/'R
various parameters, including the following: Re = Reynolds' number
• The Reynolds number, a dimensionless quan- S = incompressible flow function, ft1/2/s
t i W o a function of line size, fluid velocity, and T = temperature, 'R
viscosity. An equation for the Reynolds num-
v = volume, in3
ber appears in Table 7-3.
• The ratio of the line inside diameter to the V = velocity, ft/s
orifice diameter. w = weight flowrate, Ib/s
• The geometry of the orifice; i.e., whether or W = channel width or perimeter, in.
not the orifice has a sharp (or rounded) inlet w m = mass weight, Ibm
and the relative length of the orifice.
Greek Symbols
A large collection of empirical data on orifice IJ. = viscosity, Ib-s/in 2
coefficients that include the effects of the above pa- p = density, Ib/ft3
rameters will be found in Ref. 7-9. Subscripts (other than those used above)
Use of the incompressible orifice equation for
a ambient conditions
valves is commonplace. Specific values for C are in-
fluenced by many of the same parameters that apply 1 inlet or entrance conditions
to straight orifice flow. However, valves usually have 2 downstream conditions
flow paths that are much more complex than orifices, o stagnation conditions
often involving many changes in flow areas and flow * choked conditions ( i = 1)
direction throughout the valve flow-path. As a result, E exit conditions
valve C values can be accurately defined only from
flow test-data. Each valve type has its own character- S standard conditions
istic value for C. Additionally, within each valve type L liquid
other factors may cause a variance in C values. For G gas
example, consider a pilot valve that has not been de-
signed to minimize pressure drop and has a C of 0.4.
On detailed examination of the valve flow-path, one lot-valve design having an identical seat flow-area
might find that all of the flow areas come close to the might have a higher actual flow capacity, perhaps a C
value of the minimum-flow area, which occurs at the of 0.6, because flow areas in series with the seat are
seat. For this reason, all of the flow velocities within designed to yield lower flow velocities.
the device will be high, contributing to high differen- The range of orifice coefficients for valves can
tial pressure and thus a low value for C. Another pi- vary from less than 0.4 for small pilot valves, with

many sharp edges and changes in flow direction, to The Cv value becomes the number of gallons of water
values higher than 2.0 for ball valves with a smooth per minute that a valve will flow with a differential
flow path and with a minimum-flow area that is the pressure of 1.0 psi. A useful form of this equation re-
same as the inlet and outlet lines. Conversely, a ball lates Cv to flow capacity for any fluid with known
valve (which ideally has a large value of C) can also density:
have a much lower value if the minimum-flow area
through the valve is much smaller than the inlet- or Cv 1/2
exit-line diameters, which will incur expansion and w= ~ [r (P1 - P2)] (7-36)
contraction losses.
There are two common methods of using the ori- Equating Eq. (7-33) and (7-36) yields the effective
fice coefficient and flow equation to specify valve area:
• Effective area Ae, the product of the orifice co- Cv
efficient and the minimum-flow area for the Ae = CA - 38
valve, Ae = CA.
• E q u i v a l e n t s h a r p - e d g e d orifice d i a m e t e r Many of the same equations used for incompressible-
(ESEOD). This diameter can be used in the flow analysis can be used for compressible flow if the
orifice-flow equation as effective area w h e n pressure drop will be less than 10% of upstream pres-
converted to area and multiplied by a speci- sure. More accurate results can be obtained by using
fied orifice coefficient (usually 0.65), as follows: the compressible-fluid equations that are applicable
over the complete range of operating pressures and
A e - CA = ~- ESEOD 2 x 0.65 pressure drops.
The following converging-nozzle equations are
derived from t h e r m o d y n a m i c considerations for
The empirical pressure-loss coefficient KI accounts isentropic flow:
for pressure losses in contractions, expansions, and
bends in the flow path. Specific values for many cases CAP1S
can be found in Ref. 7-9. This coefficient is also used W-
to characterize valve flow-capacity, based on the flow
area of the upstream line. The relationship b e t w e e n
K1 and the flow rate i s N
where if ~11 < , flow is sonic a n d - -
W= KI (7-34) 1/2
S ~_

By equating Eq. (7-33) and (7-34) the effective area

can be found:

A1 where i f ~ l > , flow is subsonic, a n d - -

Ae = C A -

Another factor useful in measuring and analyzing

pressure loss, resistance r, helps most in analyzing a
system where resistances can be added algebraically s: [Fi-]-Lelj j
in much the same way as they are added in an elec-
trical circuit. The fluid-resistance analogy, however, where--
requires flow as a squared function, replacing the lin-
ear current in the electrical circuit. The defining k k+l 2 k+l
equation i s m c = k2i-' cl = ~2]-, c2 = ~ and c3 - k

w -- [o(P1 -- P2)] 1/2

r (7-35) The flow coefficient for nozzles depends on nozzle
geometry and the ratio of line to nozzle diameters
(as detailed in Ref. 7-9). Applying this equation to
By equating Eq. (7-33) and (7-35), the effective area
sharp-edged orifices yields a flow coefficient that is
can be c o m p u t e d from a given resistance value, as
nearly constant with respect to pressure ratio P2/P1.
However, this same equation, applied to nozzles,
12 yields a flow coefficient that depends on pressure ra-
Ae = CA = tio (Fig. 7-19).
(2gr) 1/2
The average-density orifice equation is derived
from the incompressible orifice [Eq. (7-33)] and the
A c o m m o n industrial practice relates valve flow ca- average gas density, based on upstream and down-
pacity to water flow at a specific differential pressure. stream pressures at constant temperature, assuming

perfect gas. The perfect gas law states: This flow equation is frequently used for sizing valves,
where the flow coefficient is based on experience
wmRT with similar flow devices.
144 Leakage flow equations. Leakage flow
equations are essential tools for the design of fluid-
The resulting flow equation is: control components. An understanding of these
equations permits the prediction of propellant leak-
age, based on test results with referee fluids. For
(7-38) example, it is not practical or economical to perform
component leakage tests with a cryogenic fluid, such
as liquid oxygen, because of associated hazards and
~ / ~ A'~n2 the difficulty of handling and measuring leakage from
a fluid that changes phase from liquid to gas. In addi-
"" [ P1
tion to leakage correlation of one fluid to another,
N e g l i g i b l e Approach these equations make possible the estimation of
Velocily Assumed
w = _CAPIS , N o z z l e Equation leakage from known leak-path surface geometry, such
as might exist between the poppet and seat of a valve.
¢: The following discussion has been extracted from
Ref. 7-10.
u. Leakage of fluids can occur through one or more
- ~ . . . . . . . . . . .
"~K~,. W = CA ./-'-'~ ( ~
~ E m p i r i c a l E q u a t i o n Yields
) ApproximatelyConstant
of the following mechanisms: permeation, molecular
0.5 ,
, w = ~,/A ~ ~
, I I .
I I -
l F l o w Coefficient for
flow, transition flow, laminar flow, turbulent flow, and
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.O nozzle flow. Each of these mechanisms will be dis-
P2/P1 = R
cussed in following paragraphs. Equations and
Fig. 7-19 Compressible orifice flow. boundary conditions are summarized in Tables 7-3

Table 7-3 Gas-leakage equations

Flow Regime Flow Equations Boundary Parameters

, , ,, , ,, ,, t ,,,

kpA(PI" P a) No boundary;leak rate varies

Permeation W= , kp is a functionof seal material,fluid,and temperature exponentiallywith temperature

Lm Lm
KN="~" or-E-> 1.0

Molecular flow

w- 4 42g-RT
L (P1 "Pa)
1 o3
w=~" RT ~ (P1 "Pa)
43.2 F
Lm=pi+p2 R'~~

Whp3 (P12- P E2) ~:d4 (P12-P 2 2 ) K N <0.01, Re <500

Laminar flow W= 2w 4w
288'~ L'RT W-
3,072g LRT Re = - - - - - -
12~Wg = i2~:dgg

w=AP1M1 k"~-131,= 1 . MI
2 (~) 500 < Re < 2,000
For plates, f = 96/Re
k For hole, f = 64/Re
T1 = Tot]31"T* = 2]31T1/(k + 1);P 1 = Pot131EXP~-7~-

P* = M1P 1
T~_" , f = , "2LOG ~"d + 1.14- 2LOG "1+- 9.28 -]-2 (2) Re > 2,000
Choked f = function e/d
turbulent flow
(3) IJd or L/hp > 10
d = 2 hp in f equationfor plate flow, e = 3 (AA)

A = Whp = ~:d2/4, Re (see above)

L _ L o 2hpr1"M12 k+l (k+1)M12 3

= f LkM'-~7 + ' 2 k LN 2131 , (2hp = d for hole)
. . . . . . .

Choked nozzle CAPo / , 2 k+l

flow w =R - ~ o ' ~ / g K Ik+ i ) E X P . . C is function of entrancegeometryand L/d L/d or L/hp < 10

Table 7-4 Liquid-leakage equations

Row Regime Row Equations Boundary Parameters


l_,~l i , , , ,,._
i///L Re < 2,000
I~' W -qr
Laminar flow

pW~3 ,~P ~pd 4 z~P 4w

Re = ~ ~ - ,
w = 20,736 IJ.L w = 221,1841~L 12~Wg - 12~:dlJ.g

Aq 21~&#" Re > 2000

w= kfl + fL/d + kfE

d " 9.28 "1 -2

Turbulent flow f : ~2LOG~. + 1.14- 2LOG 1 + ""
Ud or Ijhp > 10

d = 2 hp in f equation for plate flow, e =_3 (AA)

A = Whp = ~d2/4, Re (see above)


C A ''' L/d or Lfnp < 10

w =T~V2g pAP


C is function of entrance geometry and I./d

and 7-4. These equations are derived for a circular gas molecules encounter the walls more frequently
hole of diameter d and a parallel plate leak-path than other gas molecules. This type of flow results
model of width W and gap hp, with pressure drop w h e n the mean-free path Lm exceeds the leakage gap
over length L for each path. hp, a condition defined by the Knudsen number as
Permeation, turbulent flow, and nozzle flow are follows:
proportional to the flow area; thus, circular or other
flow paths can be substituted. The hydraulic diame- Lm
KN = -K--
,,p > 1.0
ter d is used to determine the applicable Reynolds
number and friction factor. However, molecular flow
and laminar flow are integrated equations, involving Molecular flow results from a greater concentration
the path geometry. The noted constants will therefore of molecules on one side of a barrier than on the
differ as shown in the tables. other. The driving force for flow is therefore the par-
Permeation flow occurs by a process of gas ab- tial-pressure differential existing across a given leak
sorption on a surface film, diffusion through the bulk, path. As an example, with 1.0-atm helium pressure
and desorption on the low-pressure side. It usually on one side of an opening at 1.0 atm and a like pres-
takes large surface areas and organic materials to sure of nitrogen on the other side, there would be a
produce significant leakage. Natural rubber, a typical molecular-flow transfer of each gas in opposite direc-
example of material with high permeability, will be tions across the same leak path.
easily penetrated by helium and water vapor. Metals A small mean-free-path of the molecule with re-
are not permeable to the rare gases, although hydro- spect to the distance between walls induces laminar
gen gas can diffuse into most metals, often causing flow governed by bulk fluid properties, primarily vis-
loss of metal strength. Unless in the mass spectrome- cosity. The Knudsen number for the lower boundary
ter range (<10-5 scim or 10 -2 scc/hr), permeation of laminar flow is KN < 0.01. In this case, the channel
leakage is usually insignificant. Note, however, that is full, and flow prevails only from higher to lower
other modes of flow can occur through physical pressure.
openings in the permeable material in the same or Between laminar and molecular flow, a transition
opposite direction as the permeation leakage. Con- region combines molecular- and laminar-flow char-
sequently, it is difficult in the low-leakage range to acteristics. The easiest treatment simply adds the two
differentiate between leak modes. types of flow or, if sufficiently high flow exists, ignores
Molecular flow occurs w h e n gas pressure is suffi- the molecular component (and vice versa). In lami-
ciently low and/or the leak path is small enough that nar flow, the viscous forces between the fluid particles

govern the stream lines, resulting in a predictable ve- Control-fluid p r e s s u r e l e v e l The operating
locity profile from zero velocity at the boundary to a pressure of fluids has a major effect on the design of
maximum velocity between boundaries. This velocity fluid-control components. For example, actuating
profile is termed parabolic because it follows a sec- forces required to control the c o m p o n e n t are af-
ond-degree curve (parabola). As the flow velocity is fected by operating pressure on any unbalanced
increased, the inertial forces between fluid particles pressure areas. Additionally, seal friction loads will
become greater than the viscous forces, and a transi- be higher at high operating pressures as a result of
tion to turbulent flow begins. The defining parameter the increased contact load.
is the Reynolds number, the ratio of inertial to vis- The magnitude of operating pressure influences
cous forces: the design of seats and seals. Elastomeric and plastic
9Vd seals, for example, must be contained to prevent ex-
Re =
1728 m g trusion at high pressures.
Structural loads resulting from high pressure must
Tests of valve seats show gaseous laminar flow to exist be considered in selecting materials to meet stress
for Reynolds numbers less than 500. Flow velocities requirements. Although more subtle, deflection re-
are usually low enough to assume infinite heat trans- sulting from high pressure, or from assembly loads
fer or isothermal flow. For Reynolds numbers ap- required to contain the high pressure, must be con-
proaching 500, gas-exit velocities become very high sidered in selection of clearances of precision de-
because of expansion and reduced density, and the vices, such as bearings. Deflections (which degrade
isothermal assumption is not valid (although the re- surface geometry) may affect performance of such
suits may be sufficiently accurate for most analyses). items as static seals and valve seats.
Published data indicate that liquid laminar flow pre- Under certain circumstances, combinations of
vails with Reynolds numbers up to 2000. pressure and temperature can cause deleterious ef-
In the turbulent flow regime, laminar flow exists fects on material properties. More detail on this sub-
only in a narrow boundary near the walls. The veloc- ject can be found in the section on "Design of
ity profile is nearly fiat, and the flow characteristics Dynamic Seals for Fluid-Control Components."
are defined by both theoretical and empirical infor- Special system operating provisions are often
mation. Basically, pressure drop is a function of in- made to meet the stringent requirements in high-
ternal and surface fluid friction over the length of the pressure applications. For example, the cutoff events
flow path. Under some conditions of incompressible in a high-pressure, turbopump-fed engine system may
flow, entrance and exit losses can exceed the friction be sequenced so that turbine power is cut first; thus
loss, and these factors must be considered in the main propellant valves will not be required to
c o m p u t i n g the leakage flow. For gas flows, shut off against the mainstage high discharge pres-
thermodynamic considerations are employed to de- sures.
fine fluid conditions, and the flow is considered to be
adiabatic; i.e., there is no heat transfer. Consequently, Fluid-flow velocity. Problems associated with
temperature will decrease as the gas expands to an high-velocity fluid flow in control components in-
exit pressure. The exit pressure will either be greater clude generation of acoustic resonances, unforeseen
than the ambient for sonic flow or equal to the am- loads resulting from differences between stagnation
bient for subsonic flow. pressure and static pressure, and direct impingement
Nozzle flow occurs as the flow path is shortened, of high-velocity flow on devices sensitive to side
friction losses become negligible, and flow-pressure loads.
drop is expended in a turbulent jet. In this case, the Components and lines that have a disruption in
flow rate is governed by the velocity head and an the flow path and a geometrical configuration that
empirically defined flow-coefficient that is largely a causes the fluid and the disruption to interact have
function of the entrance geometry and length of path developed acoustic resonance. The resultant local
to gap ratio. mechanical vibration and acceleration can cause
Compressibility effects exist in most modes of hardware damage.
gas-leakage flow. The most significantly affected re- In components having a high-velocity fluid--i.e.,
gions are the turbulent and nozzle-flow regimes. With the stagnation and static pressures are very differ-
constant-area leak paths, the exit velocity will be lim- ent---caution must be taken to prevent these pressure
ited by a p h e n o m e n o n k n o w n as "choking." This differences from distorting or loosening hardware
condition results when the exit velocity equals the exposed to the high-velocity flow stream.
acoustic velocity. Mach number, a measure of com- Fluid-flow temperature. Fluid temperature
pressibility effects, and an important parameter in plays a major role in the selection of basic design
gas dynamics, is defined as the ratio of the average c o n c e p t s for seals and for material selection.
fluid velocity V to the speed of sound a at the same Materials with similar coefficients of thermal expan-
conditions: M -- V/a. sion provide the best c o m b i n a t i o n for extreme-
Compressibility effects can usually be neglected temperature service. Additionally, the design should
with a Mach number less than about 0.4, correspond- consider differential t e m p e r a t u r e s from point to
ing to a pressure drop less than 10% of the upstream point in the c o m p o n e n t to avoid excessive distor-
pressure. This case will seldom be seen with seal tion, compression, or tension in critical parts.
leakage because the supply pressure is usually several Differential temperatures can be expected to occur
times greater than the ambient or downstream back- during transients, when, for example, the interior of a
pressure. component is first exposed to a cryogenic propellant

PIN Main valve force-balance a n d acceleration:

to,. ,, pc .vc
!v_d F -- PcA1 - Pin (A1-A2) - Pvent (A2-A3) - PinjA3 - Fs
, L v--~lViill/AlV~
;; j • ! .....
,.. I i • tVIlI/A• , t.i _,] A
'. F = mass x acceleration =
dV M

"~'~/////Ma I1 ~a(/,/AY//~t A,
F,, . . . ~ ~ / / ~ _I~,~/'XE IOXIOIZER Main-valve piston velocity a n d position:
I~/71//~ I I
I ~ Y~C-~Pox
l~x., L_____I,E., POPPET.A ss= I ~ dVM
,t ,t i.- ~
--i <, " VM = dt dt + VM(O)

Fig. 7-20 Bipropellant-valve schematic. XM = fot VM dt + XM(0)

Pilot-valve f l o w area:
and the exterior of the c o m p o n e n t is initially at
room temperature. CAp = C R Dp Xp, 0 < CAp < CApMAX
In designing components, other considerations
for temperature include selection of materials for CAv = C ~: Dp (XpMAX-Xp) , 0 < CAV < CAVMAX
ductility and strength (cryogenic temperatures usually
lower ductility and increase strength, while high tem- Pilot-valve flow-rate:
peratures have the opposite effect).
Some pneumatic components require pressuriza-
tion and venting rates to be maintained to meet cer- WIN - CAp [-~T [PIN2 - PC2]] 1/2
tain engine-sequencing requirements. Changes in gas
temperature will affect these rates. The system either
should have heaters on the actuators to maintain gas WVENT = CAv [-~T [ P C 2 - PVENT2]] 1/2
temperature constant or should use thermally-com-
pensated orifices to correct changes in temperature.
D y n a m i c c o n s i d e r a t i o n s in f l u i d - f l o w con- Main-valve variable control volume:
trol components. Dynamic analysis of fluid-flow
control components often requires development of v c = VCMIN + 2 X MA1
computer models. The control c o m p o n e n t to be
simulated can usually be represented mathematically Main-valve control pressure rate a n d pressure:
by a set of nonlinear differential equations. The
equations can then be solved by using numerical dPc k R T (WiN- WVENT) - 2 k PC VM A1
integration techniques on a digital computer. These dt vc
computer models are extremely useful in predicting
and explaining c o m p o n e n t dynamic and static be-
havior as well as in defining p e r f o r m a n c e and / ~ dPC
operation boundaries.
Pc-- -aT- dt + PC(0)
Transient factors, such as dynamic response, sta-
bility, pressure surge, flow noise, and induced vibra- Seal frictional force. (Seal friction force has both a
tion, are important design considerations in any constant term, resulting from installed force, and a
fluid-flow control component. To obtain reliable p r e s s u r e - d e p e n d e n t term, where the seal-friction
control performance at high-fluid-flow velocities, the force is a function of the differential pressure across
components must be designed to withstand the im- the seal):
pact loading imposed upon the control surfaces by
the fluid stream and also the impact force inflicted Fs = FS1 + FS2 + FS3
on the seat by the poppet.
The following example illustrates the use of a To d e m o n s t r a t e the analysis, a mathematical
computer model to simulate transient characteristics model was constructed based on the preceding equa-
of a control valve. Figure 7-20 illustrates the schemat- tions. The computer model simulated valve opening
ic of a bipropellant control valve. In this concept, and closing. A time-domain solution set was gener-
the main valves are designed to have a differential- ated by using numerical integration. Figure 7-21
area piston, controlled by a three-way pilot solenoid shows the dynamic response (opening and closing
valve (normally open). This valve alternately pressur- piston-displacement) of the bipropellant valve/pilot-
izes and vents the control side of the piston for valve poppets. Figure 7-22 displays the transient
opening or closing. Basic equations appear below for pressure at the valve outlet.
the pilot valve and one of the main valves.
Nomenclature o t h e r than that d e f i n e d by the Plots, such as these examples, can be used during the
schematic may be found in Table 7-2. design process to predict performance and to aid in

Bi-Prop Valve 1,500 1

Full Closed

0.050 - ' ' I I .., ~ Closing

L. ' ~ Opening Signal
/__ Electrical Signal (No Scale)
Poppet /

0.040 ' '

I / Travel--"-~" /

~o~ 1,000 --I Full Open
d 0.030 _ Poppet _ ~
Ea~ Opening Closing n

X M (Main Valve)
o 500 ,
.---,---31 i

(PiI?I.!,~ / m

0.000 7/'. , , / | i ,I, i I 1~1 oi 1 ! I I I I I 11 jIPl_

0 10 20 30 40
0 10 2O 3O
Time (ms)
Time (ms)

Fig. 7-21 Pilot and main-valve d i s p l a c e m e n t vs. Fig. 7-22 Main-valve pressure vs. time.

ensuring that response-related requirements can be

met. A} O-Ring -
1.500 psi
B) O-Ring - with Backup Rings
10,000 psi
C) O-Ring - with Slipper Seal
10,000 psi
10 -3 SCIM Helium 10 .3 SCIM Helium 10 -3 SCIM Helium

D e s i g n o f D y n a m i c Seals for Fluid-Control

Components Loader Ring
f , 1 ~Seal

Apart from static seals, which will be treated in

Flat springs ~',~ tt n n t~ n t~
/ Weld

Chapter 9, two basic types of seals are required for .__~~.~'~.__ ~. Weld --~_

fluid-flow-control components: seals for moving (re- D) Lip Seal

1.500 psi
E) Triangle Seal
10.000 psi
F) Hydroformed Bellows
10.000 psi
ciprocating and rotating) cylindrical elements, such 300 SCIM Helium 100 SCIM Helium 10.6 SCIM Helium
as actuator pistons, shafts, and rods (referred to as
dynamic seals), and seals for valve seats (seating
Temperature is one of the most important con-
siderations in the design of seals. Seals can be classi-
G) Piston Rings H) Rotary Face Seal
fied into those for medium-temperature service (-65 10.000 psi 1.500 psi
to 400°F), low-temperature service (-423 to 400"F), and 10 3 SCIM Helium 100 SCIM Helium

high-temperature service (over 400"F). The selection

of the configurations and the materials for these seals Fig. 7-23 D y n a m i c shaft and p i s t o n seals for
is based to a large extent on service conditions and fluid-control c o m p o n e n t s .
the type of fluid involved. Generally, soft nonmetal-
lic or elastomeric seals are used wherever possible.
The outstanding advantage of these seals is that they
function satisfactorily despite minor imperfections in ible with the service fluids, show poor dynamic ser-
the seal or the mating part. vice because of their physical properties. The use of
Dynamic seals f o r medium-temperature a slipper seal then lets the O-ring act as a static seal,
services. Medium-temperature-service dynamic while the slipper seal makes the true dynamic seal.
seals, successfully used on liquid-propellant rocket Dynamic seals f o r low-temperature service.
engine valves (Fig. 7-23), include O-ring packings with Lip seals (Fig. 7-23d) can be used effectively as recip-
and without backup rings or slipper seals (Fig. 7-23a, rocating and rotary shaft seals and as reciprocating
b, and c). Plain elastomeric O-rings have been used piston seals in propellant valves for temperatures as
as dynamic seals for both hydraulic and pneumatic low as -42YF and pressures up to 2000 psi. They are
service. For applications where the differential used to seal pressurants, such as helium and nitrogen,
pressure across the seals exceeds 1500 psi, backup and propellants, such as liquid hydrogen and liquid
rings have normally been used to prevent extrusion oxygen (and RP-1 at medium temperatures). The de-
of the O-ring between the shaft and bore. sign creates differential pressure to increase contact
Some applications need a plastic slipper seal in stress between the seal and the moving surface. This
conjunction with an O-ring. As an example, a valve in pressure enhances the contact stress already present
which the friction accompanies an O-ring may not from hoop tension in the seals. The thin sheet mate-
satisfy repeatability requirements. The plastic slipper rial used in this design furnishes the flexibility re-
seal, usually a Teflon-based material, then provides a quired for cryogenic operation. Mylar is the material
nearly constant, repeatable coefficient of friction, of choice for this seal design, although KEL-F has
permitting better repeatability. The slipper seal can also been used, if proven adequate in seal-fluid com-
also be useful when the available elastomers, compat- patibility testing.

The triangle seal (Fig. 7-23e) serves the same ap- Sealing specifications. Design requirements
plications as the Mylar lip seal, but at the operating on leakage often dictate the seal design. For this
differential pressures extending to over 8000 psi. reason, it is beneficial to have an extensive knowl-
This design is rugged and simple. Precise machining edge of seal capabilities. The use of inert gas for leak
of the seal geometry permits analysis of loads re- testing usually can circumvent the impracticalities of
quired to close the gap between the seal and the mat- testing with propellants, because leakage thus mea-
ing surfaces, permits estimation of contact stress and sured can be analytically converted to equivalent
load, and provides a means of estimating friction propellant leakage.
load from known friction coefficients. Propellant Figure 7-24 shows typical helium-leakage for the
seals at high pressure use polyimide material, such as various seal designs (maximum allowable over the
DuPont Vespel SP-211, which contains Teflon to re- range of pressure and temperature). Lower values
duce friction. Other applications, notably in lower- can be achieved, but at higher cost, owing to the
pressure service to approximately 1000 psid, use vir- need to provide better hardware-geometry control
gin or graphite-filled TFE Teflon, or Vespel SP-211. and to the expected higher initial rejection rates.
The wave-washer springs force the loader ring against
the seal at an angle of 45 deg, which provides equal Design of Seating Closures for Fluid Control
axial and radial load. Additionally, the seal contact Components
stress and load increase with differential pressure. A
major benefit of this design is the degree of lateral Seating closures used on rocket-engine control com-
motion that the seal can withstand, by virtue of its ponents (Fig. 7-24) include seals for propellant, pres-
ability to slide sideways, without detrimental effect on surant, and hydraulic systems for a wide variety of
leakage or on seal stress. The lip seal, by compari- operating pressures and temperatures.
son, requires hoop deflection of the seal material to Seating closures f o r medium-temperature
accept compliance for lateral motion. service. The trapped-O-ring seat (Fig. 7-24a) is used
Hydroformed metal bellows (Fig. 7-23f) are used extensively in poppet valves for medium-temperature
extensively as reciprocating piston and shaft seals on service with gases, such as helium and nitrogen. The
rocket-engine valves in applications which demand design employs a two-piece p o p p e t to facilitate
essentially zero propellant or pressurant leakage. In groove machining and to permit seal installation.
addition to the sealing ability, the bellows can also Dimensions of the seal groove are selected to retain
provide spring force to bias valve poppets to a speci- the O-ring firmly and to provide a protrusion of ma-
fied position. Bellows can have either single- or mul- terial that seats against a mating metal corner. This
tiple-ply construction. Multiple-ply construction can seal is used at differential pressures up to 4500 psi at
increase hoop strength of the bellows without the 160"F with a 90-Shore-hardness O-ring. This seal de-
large increases in spring rate that shown by a single sign is also used for dual seating, where two seals on
ply of equivalent thickness. Bellows are typically hy- the same poppet must seat simultaneously, at differ-
droformed in dies. After forming, the plies are ential pressures up to 1000 psi and temperatures of
welded together at the ends to form a solid mass for 165"F with 70-Shore-hardness O-rings. Design re-
the final machining to length and for welding to the quirements for this seal include making certain that,
mating shaft or piston and housing. Disadvantages to prevent blowing the seal from the groove, gas
of bellows include high cost of the fabrication pro- trapped between the groove and the O-ring will have
cess, high spring rates, which may require additional been vented before applying pressure.
control load to operate the component, and rela- The bonded elastomeric seal (Fig. 7-24b) is used
tively large envelopes, which increase the size and on certain fuel valves and pneumatic-service-control
weight of the component. poppet valves. Leaktight to liquids, it seals less than 5
Dynamic seals f o r high-temperature service. scim using helium. The bonding process used to fab-
Precision metal piston rings (Fig. 7-23g) are used for ricate this seal must be closely controlled, because it
sealing gas at high temperatures. A typical applica- does not allow normal inspection, as in the case of
tion might have a Stellite piston ring in a nitrided- the trapped O-ring seal. The design permits a one-
stainless-steel-bore. Piston rings are simple and ef- piece poppet because it needs no separate retainers
fective for sealing hot gas without incurring large fric- to hold the seal in place. Design considerations in-
tion loads. However, they allow significant leakage. clude limiting the volume of the seal protrusion
As a consequence, propellants m u s t be positively above the metal-stop surface to the volume of the
separated from each other or from the atmosphere open section of the seal below the stop-surface cavity
by multiple seals with vent or drain ports between the in order to prevent bulk compression and to ensure
seals. stopping on the metal stop.
A bellows and metallic-face-seal assembly (Fig. 7- Seating closures f o r l o w - t e m p e r a t u r e
23h) can also be used for high-temperature rotary- service. The plastic-disc seal (Fig. 7-24c) is but one
shaft sealing. Limits on operating temperature are of many configurations used in poppet valves. The
imposed by the allowable stress and fatigue life of the primary characteristic of this seal is that it is retained
bellows material at the operating temperature. This mechanically, as opposed to being molded in place,
type of seal has been used in gate valves at tempera- and is machined from plate or bar-stock plastic, usu-
tures up to 1400"F and pressures up to 1150 psi. The ally KeI-F. The seal does not provide the ability to
illustrated seat consists of a flame-sprayed tungsten conform to the mating surfaces as well as elastomer
carbide surface on the shaft in contact with a Rene-41 seats do; but its operating temperature extends t o -
ring. 423"F. Additionally, because of material compatibili-


~. / "O" Ring ~ l Metal Poppet tal Poppet

Housing I/1 ElastomerSeal
~ H~sing
Surface ] /
IPlastic Seal
A) Trapped O-Ring Seal B) Bonded Seal C) Plastic Disc Seal
4,500 psi 3,000 psi 3.000 psi
1 SCIM Helium 1 SCIM Helium 5 SCIM Helium

0.0002 " 1 "

__ ! ,/ Poppet Poppet ~ |
Tungsten \ I
l Poppet
~ 1 0 to 10o

-.11.- Sealing Land Tunn$_e..a~,SteCarbide
D) FloatingSeal E) FlatMetal-to-MetalSeat F) CutterSeat
3,000 psi 10.000 psi 450 psi
0.1 SCIM Helium 0.1 SCIM Helium • 1.000psid 0.02 SCIM Helium

Bellows Retainer/~
Soft Seal Molded KEL-F Gate Seal L . . J Poppet

! i l,n.
B ~ /Seal Re~
Seal Retainer ,l~./J ~ Elgiloy Disc

~" Screw

]~~G 0.0010
~- Invar Spacer ~~]"~.~~~'~0.005
G) BellowsLoaded Ball Seal H) Lip Seal I) FlexureDisc Seal
1,500 psi 1,500 psi 1,000 psi
50 SCIM Helium 300 SCIM Helium 5 SCIM Helium

Fig. 7-24 Seating closures u s e d in fluid-control c o m p o n e n t s .

ties, the use of plastic for sealing permits service with ponents requiring service in extreme temperatures,
a much wider range of propellants than elastomers either high or low, and with fluids not compatible
have. For example, use of plastics, such as TFE with soft materials. Typical materials include tung-
Teflon, will make this design suitable for use with such sten carbide poppets and 440"C seats. A b u m p e r
exotic propellants as nitrogen tetroxide and fluori- land outside of, and slightly below, the seating land
nated oxidizers. Design details that must be consid- can often eliminate damage to the seating land that
ered include the use of a positive stop to limit the might result from impact of the poppet on the seat-
amount of deflection imposed on the plastic. In es- ing-land corner when it is not closing in true parallel
timating poppet stroke, material creep should be fashion. Surface finishes as low as 0.1 ~tin. AA can be
taken into account. achieved with flat seats that allow practical fabri-
The floating seal (Fig. 7-24d) is used in certain cation with low leakage. Operating pressures for the
poppet check-valve designs to good advantage. With metal-to-metal seat are virtually unlimited, if surface
a design permitting the seal (usually Teflon) to float, areas can limit contact stress b e l o w the yield
the seal can seek the proper geometry to achieve clo- strength. The design must take into consideration the
sure. The seal also acts as the positive stop that keeps problem of particulate contamination, which can
impact-loading away from metal parts, which other- damage the seat and cause excessive leakage. For this
wise might create detrimental wear. Although offer- reason, metal-to-metal flat seats should be used only
ing the self-centering feature, this design must reseal with clean fluids or with filters.
on two faces at the end of each open-and-close cycle The cutter seat (Fig. 7-24f), a specialized ar-
(whereas a more conventional seal design, retained rangement, resists particulate contamination and
in the poppet, has to reseat only on one face). keeps leakage very low. Both the poppet and the seat
Flat metal-to-metal seating (Fig. 7-24e) is used ex- are tungsten carbide for extreme hardness. The seat
tensively in small control valves where the effective lands are purposely kept narrow to reduce the chance
unbalanced pressure area must be precisely con- of trapping a particle of contamination and to cut
trolled. Metal-to-metal seating is also used in corn- through particles if they do become trapped. The

narrow seating land also provides very accurate con- analytically converted to equivalent propellant
trol of effective pressure area. This design is used in leakage.
pneumatic service for operation at-200"F. Design Figure 7-24 shows typical helium leakage
considerations for this seat include sensitivity to im- (maximum allowable over the range of pressure and
pact damage due to the use of low-ductility materials. temperature) for the various seal designs. Lower val-
The bellows-loaded ball seal (Fig. 7-24g) serves ues increase cost, owing to the need to provide better
ball valves, usually employing Kel-F to gain a degree hardware-geometry control and expected higher ini-
of compliance with the macrogeometry of the ball tial rejection-rates.
surface. The seal seats on one end in a retainer
welded to a metal hydroformed bellows. The oppo- Design of Propellant Valves
site end of the bellows is welded to another retainer,
which is bolted in place to the valve housing and Propellant valves control flow of propellants to main
sealed by a static seal. The bellows permits the seal thrust chambers and gas generators or preburners.
to seek the ball seating surface as the ball moves lat- Other functions include control of bleed flow, spark-
erally through clearances, and also permits a degree igniter flow, and various thermal conditionings.
of compliance because of ball misalignment axially Although usually two-position (open/closed), nor-
in the housing. This seal design is used at differential mally-closed valves, to meet specific sequencing re-
pressures up to 1500 psi and at temperatures as low as quirements, designs may include an intermediate
-423"F. Careful selection of contact points between opening position. For thrust- or mixture-control
the seal and the retainer and the seal and the ball, purposes, a continuously-variable opening position
with regard to the mean-effective area of the bellows, may be required on some propellant systems.
must be observed to establish proper seating. As a In addition to propellant compatibility and struc-
disadvantage of this method, hydroformed metal bel- tural integrity, prime design considerations for pro-
lows are usually costly and require a lengthy lead pellant valves include the following objectives:
time to procure. • No leakage of propellant through the valve
A lip seal (Fig. 7-24h), similar to the dynamic seal when closed (see previous section on leakage
discussed previously, typically seals butterfly valves flows for considerations to minimize potential
for liquid-propellant engines, but will be one-piece leakage).
Kel-F and usually much thicker than the shaft-seal de- • Proper actuating time during opening and
signs. The additional thickness provides mechanical closing in accordance with the requirements
stiffness needed to withstand high-velocity liquid flow of the control system.
and the resultant differential pressure. Retainers and • Minimum pressure-drop.
bolts clamp the seals to the b o d y to effect a gasket- • Meet fail-safe and/or fail-operational system
type static seal with the housing. Invar washers are requirements.
sometimes used to provide thermal compensation, Among the great variety of propellant valve types
which aids in maintaining a constant gasket load as available, each has certain characteristics that make it
the temperature of the bolts, seal, and housing de- suitable for a specific application. Frequently used
creases to that of the propellant (as low as -423"F for propellant valves can be classified according to their
liquid hydrogen). This seal design has limited differ- design configurations: butterfly, ball, poppet, venturi,
ential operating pressure. Making the seal thick and gate.
e n o u g h to handle high differential operating pres-
sures would reduce its flexibility to the point that the Butterfly-type propellant valves. One of
compliance could not guarantee a good seal. the most widely used types used in large liquid-
The flexible-disc seal (Fig. 7-24i) represents the propellant rocket engines, the butterfly valve has
low-temperature equivalent for the compliant elas- established a reliable operational record in LO2/RP-1,
tomeric seal of Fig. 7-24a. This seal permits dual seat- LO2/LH2, storable, and other liquid-propellant ser-
ing on a common shaft. It has deflections on the or- vices. Existing butterfly-valve designs range from 2.0-
der of 0.001 to 0.002 in. and operating pressures un- to 17.0-in. nominal diameter, for use at propellant
der 1000 psi (owing to the hertz contact stress be- pressures from 20 to over 1500 psia.
tween the flexible disc and the seat). This seal can be Figure 7-25 presents a typical butterfly-valve de-
used at temperatures down to -423"F. sign. In it, a lip seal engages a spherical surface on
Seating closures f o r high-temperature the valve gate, similar to the one in Fig. 7-24h. The
service. The metal-to-metal seat and the cutter seat valve gate pivots on the valve shaft, the axis of which
(Fig. 7-24e and f) both offer satisfactory high-tem- passes through the geometric center of the spherical
perature service. Additionally, the flexure-disc seal sealing surface. In most designs, the valve gate ro-
(Fig. 7-24i), within the limits of material properties tates 90 deg from the closed to the fully opened posi-
for flexure stress and hertz contact stress, also gives tion. The valve is operated by a piston-type actuator,
suitable high-temperature service. through a connecting link and shaft crank arm. Lip
Sealing specifications. As in the case for seals make dynamic closure with the rotating valve
dynamic seals, here design must often be selected to shaft (Fig. 7-24d). Noncryogenic-propellant pressure,
fulfill seal-leakage requirements. For this reason, the an inert gas supply, or hydraulic system pressure con-
designer needs extensive k n o w l e d g e of seal capa- trolled by a pilot valve supplies the actuating power.
bilities. In most cases, use of inert gas for leak testing The valve in Fig. 7-25 is designed to be normally
will circumvent the impracticalities of testing with closed by a spring installed on the closing side of the
propellants, because leakage thus measured can be actuator piston. Except for shaft, gate, link, lever, and


;g,u.go, /
/ :.c,u.,,..,,.,°,.,,,.o.,,o.,.,.°,

"'~'P"OC'' '" ~ ~ ' ~ / :~ . . . . I' '"OJEC ' ' ~ V" LV' G ' ' [ " ' ' '

o-,,.o,,...~~/ 1 j \

!"i,~ - = - I i ! : ! ~ I / uj.\l e-- q

t . . . . . . . . . . .

',,.. v
• ,I--l,
- • '.

/ ~-~\ \ .(o ,o ~T~.) -~--

/ ,,~,,o~~ - A \ .-c,o..,c,,.o ~. I
/ \ ~ s -- --I ,.-.VALVE
opt. vALv~ / # I /L,P~EAL
J , " Fig. 7-26 Four-inch butterfly-type main LOX
r----,_. If'~'.~'_LKg_:-"........; ......-.--'-~t~-.0.=.
l~ " - . ~ "
~ ~ ' " valve used on rocketdyne atlas ICBM booster
• " -- F " - " !~._:.~I l -

I,, Main Oxidizer Valve

/ / /_VALVESH~.FTROTATINGTYPE O p e n i n g S i d e Actuating
/ / --UPSEAL Pressure Applied M a i n O x i d i z e r V a l v e in
Fully O p e n e d Position
Actualing Fluid
Inlet Port
Fig. 7-25 Design of typical butterfly-type pro-
~,ctuator Piston
pellant valve (shown in the closed position).
F u e l Pressur~
Engine Contl
Rotate lc
pins, which are made of stainless steels, most of the O p e n V~_

o t h e r parts are made of aluminum-alloy forgings. Valv~ ter Fuel

] u e n c e Valve
Figure 7-26 shows a 4-in., butterfly-type LOX valve
used on the Atlas booster engine. /
Jel to H y p e r g o l
Butterfly valves have relatively low resistance to igniter C a r l r i d g e
fluid flow. They are compact, light, and easy to ser- a n d Ignition
Monitor Valve
vice. And they have a high characteristic area, which
can be expressed as---
Fig. 7-27 Mechanical linkage between the main
71" oxidizer valve and the igniter fuel-sequence
A* = ~-ds2 - Ag (7-39) valve of the A-1 Stage engine.

w h e r e (see Fig. 7-25 for dimension references) A =

characteristic area of the valve, in.2; d s = inside di-
ameter of the valve seat lip-seal, in.; and Ag = pro- potentiometer will be attached to the shaft to give
continuous indication of the angular position of the
jected valve gate area at fully o p e n position, in.2.
valve gate.
Values for A range from 65% of the duct area on a 2-
The torque required to turn the valve shaft and
in. valve to about 87% of the duct area on a 12-
gate will be determined by the summation of hy-
in.valve. A butterfly valve maintains a relatively
draulic and friction torques. For most operational
smooth fluid-flow stream over a wide range of valve-
valve designs, hydraulic torque (imbalance of forces
gate angular positions. Thus, w h e n used as a throttle
on the valve gate, caused by the flow of fluid around
valve, it has little tendency toward turbulence and its
it) will b e - -
attendant adverse effects, such as local propellant
When RP-1 is used as the actuating fluid for the To = Tf + Th (7-40)
LOX valve a heater may be required at the actuator
to keep the fuel from freezing. The actuator and valve Tc = Tf - Th (7-41)
arrangement of the butterfly valve (Fig. 7-25) may be
d e s i g n e d for n o r m a l l y - o p e n or normally-closed w h e r e - - T o = required opening torque, in-lb, Tc = re-
operation, and position indicators may be added. quired closing torque, in-lb, Tf-- friction torque, in-lb,
Figure 7-27 illustrates the linkage between the main Th = hydraulic torque, in-lb (assumed to act in the
oxidizer valve and the igniter-fuel-sequence valve of closing direction). The friction torque Tf varies with
the A-1 Stage engine. During the opening stroke, the the pressure differential across the valve gate and
cam attached to the main oxidizer-valve shaft with the valve-gate projected area, which is a function
actuates the igniter-fuel-sequence valve. Often a of gate angular position. Friction torque can be esti-

mated b y - - Ball-type p r o p e l l a n t valves. A ball valve

Tf = Kffsfmds2Ap (7-42) offers low pressure drop, since it permits in-line,
unrestricted fluid flow, if it has the same flow area as
the connecting lines. As an additional benefit, ball
where-- valve's spherical sealing surface can readily be
fabricated with precise geometry. Ball valves have a
Kf friction-torque coefficient, a function of gate
---" reliable record in cryogenic and in some storable-
angular position (to be determined experi- propellant control applications for the main thrust
mentally) chamber and for high-capacity gas generators.
r s -- radius of valve shaft at the bearing section, Ball valves have actuating-torque characteristics
in. similar to those of butterfly valves. A fluid-dynamic
f m -" coefficient of friction between shaft and torque acts in a direction to close the valve, increases
bearing (0.20 for aluminum journal and as the valve is opened until reaching a maximum
steel shaft; 0.05 for needle bearing and steel torque value between 60 and 80 deg open, and then
shaft) decreases rapidly to zero as the full, 90-deg open po-
d S = inside diameter of valve seat-lip seal, in. sition is reached. This 90 deg of rotation for opening
Dp = pressure differential across the valve gate, necessitates an actuator with relatively long stroke.
psi The SSME main LOX valve (Fig. 7-29) presents an
example of a successful application. It has a 2.38-in.-
Hydraulic torque T h may be estimated b y - - diam propellant-flow passage. Flange-mounted be-
tween the main-thrust-chamber LOX dome and the
high-pressure oxidizer duct, the valve controls oxi-
Th = Kh ds3atp (7-43) dizer flow to the main-chamber LOX dome and
main-chamber augmented-spark igniter. A hydraulic
where Kh = hydraulic torque coefficient, a function of servoactuator, mounted to the valve housing, oper-
gate angular position (determined experimentally). ates the valve. Operating pressure is 4600 psi and the
Figure 7-28 shows plots of required opening and flow rate is 853 lb/s. (Preburner ball valves on this
closing torques vs. gate angular positions for a typical engine operate at pressures as high as 8800 psi and
butterfly valve. In actual design practice, the actuator LOX flow rates up to 83 lb/s.)
of a butterfly valve will provide two to three times the The valve has two major components, the inte-
maximum estimated opening and closing torques. In gral ball/shaft/cams and the ball-seal retracting
addition, at the start of the opening stroke the actua- mechanism. The ball seal is a machined plastic, bel-
tor has to overcome the static-friction forces of all lows-loaded design. Redundant shaft seals with an
seals. Butterfly-type propellant valves are relatively overboard drain between them prevent leakage along
fast-acting. Opening and closing times range from 20 the shaft (actuator end) during engine operation.
to 200 ms. Inlet/outlet throttling sleeves align the flow to mini-
mize turbulence and the resultant pressure loss. Ball-
seal wear is minimized by cams and a cam-follower
assembly that displaces the seal away from contact
)ening Torque with the ball (after the initial few degrees of ball
rh) travel when it is being opened).
ue (m0
ydraulic Torque (mh)
f Sh,att Seals

0 deg ~ 90 deg

Required Closing Torque

(Tc = Tf- Th)

Gate Angular Position

0 deg ~ 90 deg
Closing Cam Follower
Throttle Sleeve j I (Seal Liftoff Device)
Fig. 7-28 Typical required opening and closing
torques vs. gate angular position for a butterfly Fig. %29 Space Shuttle Main Engine main oxi-
valve. dizer valve.

Main Valve Outlet namic forces and thus the size of the actuator. The re-
I Dual Seal ActuatingFluid Inlet Port (Opening) lationship between the dynamic-seal and seat-seal di-
• I Position ameters, in conjunction with the propellant pressure,
i Indicator. Actuating Fluid Inlet Port
/ ~k /{Closing) produces sufficient unbalanced force that, even with
. / \ ! / SequenceValve Inlet the loss of actuator control pressure, the valve would
,~ ' . ~ . ~ . SH°eq~en;eVeVla still retain the fully-open position. A small sequence
Main Valve _. valve mechanically attached to the main valve actua-
tor mechanically sequences it with other engine
Main Valve/
L I I I "SequenceValveOutlet components. This type of poppet valve is suitable for
' ~ ~ SequenceValveActuating Rod
Poppet V~- Actuator Piston high-flow and high-pressure cryogenic and storable-
Main , •Seal Drain
Seat Se Spring to Hold the Valve Closed propellant services.
nce Chamber Venturi-type propellant valves. Figure 7-31
Seal Drain
shows a typical design for a venturi-type propellant
valve. In certain installations, for various reasons, it
Fig. 7-30 Design of Saturn first-stage F-1 for may be desirable to use a valve of a nominal size,
poppet-type propellant valve.
smaller than that ~f the main duct. A valve installed
in the throat of a venturi offers a possible solution.
The smooth contours of the venturi limit pressure-
~ Valve Poppet drop penalties to a few psi. With adjacent ducting
Electrical permitting, it is conceivable that the venturi may
simultaneously be used for flow measurements.
The venturi may be designed to operate as a cav-
Outlet itating venturi. Based on Bernoulli's energy equation,
the minimum pressure of a liquid is made to fall be-
low its vapor pressure. As a result, a gaseous region
forms at the throat. If this gas moves through the
throat at the velocity of sound, downstream pressure
variations and disturbances cannot advance beyond
Inlet the throat. Up to minimum pressure differentials
OI, JIg;I II,J l l , J F IIU| Valve across the venturi (for example, 20% of upstream
pressure), the flow rate will then depend on upstream
Valve Schematic ~ 8otenoid Pilot Valve pressure only. When used as a throttling device, the
cavitating venturi affords smaller pressure drops, be-
cause the gaseous characteristics at the throat pro-
~ ----,-- Flow
duce a near-linear relationship between flow rate and
supply pressure, rather than following a square law.
Poppet Cavity" I\ The fluid-flow venturi valves have been applied suc-
Clearance Area ~ VTveV~pen; ppe' cessfully in cryogenic and storable-propellant units.
In fluid-flow systems that require flow limitation
Fig. 7-31 Typical venmri-type propellant valve and a shutoff control valve as well, the venturi valve
designed and manufactured by Fox Valve with a cavitating diffuser will provide both, at a weight
Development Co. of only the valve and at a pressure drop of only the
Venturi valves occupy a relatively long space in
P o p p e t - t y p e p r o p e l l a n t valves. Poppet the direction of flow, between four to six times the
valves offer relative simplicity, primarily because of line nominal diameter. This length imposes limita-
the reciprocating operation which permits the direct, tions on size and application in engine systems.
in:line connection of an actuator. However, this However, venturi valves up to 10-in. nominal diame-
arrangement requires turning the flow inside the ter have been successfully built for rocket systems.
passage, with consequent relatively high pressure- The venturi-type propellant valve of Fig. 7-31 was
drops. Poppet valves prove satisfactory when precise designed and manufactured by Fox Valve
throttling control is not required and w h e n tight Development Co. A pilot-operated shutoff valve, it
shutoff may be required. Throttling of poppet valves, has a venturi section with a spring-loaded poppet
without sophisticated contouring of some sort of plug seated at the throat. Propellant line pressure, con-
within the flow path, results in poor control as a trolled by a solenoid pilot valve, actuates the valve,
consequence of the high area gain w h e n the poppet open or closed. As shown in the schematic, the nor-
is near the seat. mally-closed pilot valve is inserted in a passageway
Figure 7-30 presents the design of the main pro- that interconnects the poppet cavity and an opening
pellant-control poppet-type valve of a Saturn first- in the venturi throat. Normally, upstream propellant
stage F-1 engine. The F-1 engine contains two LOX pressure fills the poppet cavity and provides addi-
valves and two fuel valves of similar design. The dis- tional seating force on the poppet in the same direc-
played valve has a seat diameter of 8 in. and a 2.34- tion as the valve spring to ensure valve closure. When
in. stroke. These valves are hydraulically actuated to the pilot valve is energized to open, propellant pres-
either of two positions, open or closed. A pressure- sure behind the valve p o p p e t is vented out at a
balancing chamber reduces the unbalanced hydrody- greater rate than it can be replaced by leakage

through the poppet clearance area. This condition The most frequently used on-off pilot valves may
reduces pressure and thus overcomes the valve be classified according to design configuration into
spring and causes the main valve poppet to open. the two-way, three-way, or four-way Wpe.
Because the valve body is not pierced by a shaft or
Two-way-type pilot valves. The term two-
actuator rod and there are no dynamic seals, no
way refers to the number of ports. A two-way pilot
pathways exist for leakage to ambient. The small
valve is basically a two-port, open-close-type shutoff
number of moving parts further enhances the relia-
valve. The sequence valves shown in Fig. 7-27 and 7-
bility of venturi valves.
31 are typical examples of two-way-type pilot valves.
Gate-type p r o p e l l a n t valves. Figure 7-32 Both kinds use mechanical actuation from the main
displays a typical design of a propellant gate valve.
propellant valves. Solenoid or fluid-pressure-oper-
Its unrestricted fluid flow, resulting in low-pressure
ated two-way pilot valves are also used frequently.
drop, is a major advantage. It also provides a
T h r e e - w a y - t y p e p i l o t valves. A three-way
relatively short distance between the valve inlet and
pilot valve (Fig. 7-33) has three ports: the inlet or
outlet in the direction of the flow. This design uses
pressure port, the outlet or cylinder (actuator) port,
elastomer O-rings as the valve-seat seal; these are
and the vent or return port. If the valve is designed
suitable only for m e d i u m - t e m p e r a t u r e services.
normally closed (NC), the fluid path between inlet
Cryogenic application requires other seal types. Gate
and outlet ports will be closed when no actuator
valves are designed for propellant line pressures up
power is applied, while the path is open between
to 3000 psi. Because of relative bulkiness, gate valves
outlet and vent ports. Actuation of the valve closes
are limited to low-propellant-flow applications, in-
one fluid path and opens the other. The reverse is
cluding gas-generator control and ground-support
true for a normally open (NO) valve; i.e., the fluid
path between the inlet and outlet ports is normally
Design of Control Pilot Valves The design illustrated in Fig. 7-33 contains a hard
metal-to-metal seat, restrained from radial motion
A pilot valve controls a fluid, which in turn controls
during vibration by a flexure disc, which also serves
or actuates other fluid-flow-control components, such
as a spring to open the valve at low inlet pressures.
as propellant valves, or controls engine-sequence
Metal seating permits precise analysis of the unbal-
events, such as the admission of igniter fuel. A great
anced seating area and results in the minimum-size
variety of control pilot valves serves liquid-propel-
actuator. The poppet is made of a fine-grain tungsten
lant rocket engines. Basically, they can be grouped
carbide, and the seats are hardened 440C stainless
into two categories, on-off and proportional (servo).
steel. Filters are built into the inlet and outlet ports
This discussion concerns only the on-off type. Since
to protect the seats from particulate contamination.
the proportional-type pilot valves are used widely in
The valve is held closed against the inlet pressure by
closed-loop control systems, they will be treated as
a spring that acts through the armature and the
regulating devices and thus discussed in another sec-
pushrod. Both armature and pushrod have Teflon
bushings, which eliminate metal-to-metal sliding mo-
A pilot valve may be operated electrically or by
tion and the resultant need for lubrication. The
fluid pressure or through a mechanical connection
solenoid is completely potted to restrain lead wires,
with other control components. Requirements for
coil wires, and solder joints during vibration. The
fast response, minimal leakage of control fluid
solenoid is hermetically sealed by weld joints be-
through the valve when closed, and actuating power
tween the case, electrical receptacle, and base and by
source compatible with systems design--all receive
a glass compression seal within the electrical recep-
close attention in the design of pilot valves.
tacle. In the construction of the solenoid magnetic
path, 430 stainless steel eliminates need for protec-
/- Actuating Fluid Inlet tion from the operating fluid or from the atmo-
h Poa(Closing)
i I~ Pist°n-Type Actuat°r Armature Case Base Filter
Actuating Fluid
Coil,~ \ ~ I Vent Out • / In

Actuator Rod DynamicO-Ring Inlet

t~- Seat
Lock Ring FloatingValve Gateto
Static O-Ring -'~ t.,,---- Gate ActuatingRod Connection

Static O - R i n g ~ Seat Spring
Valve Seat
Dynamic O-Ring ~ tatic O-Ring
Inlet utlet

h"~BodyCavity ' ppet

O-Ring Retainer ~
Valve Gate Guide- J ~ O-Ring Retainer Spring Core ---"!["-- Gap G Vent Seat

Plate Seal Drain ~--Valve Gate Guide Plate

Fig. 7-33 Normally cosed solenoid-operated
Fig. 7-32 Typical gate-type propellant valve. t h r e e - w a y valve.

sphere, and provides a high electrical resistivity for B2A BG

fast-response time. F - NI-
72 0.7 P
Four-way-type p i l o t valves. A four-way-type
pilot valve can replace two three-way valves for
control of double-acting (two-directional) actuators.
Figure 7-34 presents the basic schematic of a four-way
B = magnetic flux density in the air, kilo-
pilot valve. The schematic shows a solenoid actuator;
A = armature cross-sectional area, in.2
but mechanical or pressure actuators are also com-
P = factor comprising constants and the
mon. A four-way valve has two outlet ports, one
permeability of the fluid in gap G be-
normally closed and one normally open. The nor-
tween core and armature; a value of
mally-open port is connected to the inlet port when
0.00319 applies for an air gap
the actuator is not energized. Likewise, the normally
N = number of coil turns
closed port is connected to the vent. When the
I = electric current to the coil, amp
actuator is energized and the poppet is moved to a
G = gap between core and armature, in.
second stop, the outlet ports reverse their function;
i.e., the normally closed port is connected to the
The numerical value of 0.7 shown in the ampere-turns
inlet and the normally open port is connected to the
equation implies that 30% of the ampere-turns devel-
vent. Figure 7-34 shows a poppet-type four-way valve.
oped by the coil will be used in the fixed air-gaps
Slide and sleeve four-way valves are also common
and in the magnetic material, leaving the remainder
but usually only in hydraulic systems.
to do the useful work across the variable air-gap G.
Design o f s o l e n o i d a c t u a t o r s . Solenoid
More precise estimates of the distribution of the am-
actuators are usually applied to the sliding stem of
pere-turns used within the magnetic circuit require
pilot-valve p o p p e t s to give on-off, two-position
analysis of all flux paths and are usually accom-
operation. Solenoids (electromagnets) contain an
plished by numerical analysis of all fringing, leakage,
armature or plunger that moves in a coil of wire.
and series flux-paths.
Energizing the coil exerts a magnetic force on the
Solenoid actuators (particularly if energized for
armature, the force's magnitude proportional to the
extended periods) must be designed with sufficient
cross-sectional area of the armature, the number of
heat-transfer radiating-and-conducting surfaces to
the coil turns, the electric current applied to the coil,
prevent temperature from becoming excessive. To
and the gap between armature and core. The force of
provide the required current, the resistance of the
attraction increases as the gap narrows.
coil should be based on its maximum temperature.
Figure 7-33 shows a typical dc solenoid actuator.
Suitable protection, such as weld or braze joints,
Its magnetic circuit consists of a stationary core, case,
base, and armature. Energizing the coil pulls the ar- should be provided to prevent the solenoid from be-
mature toward the core against a compression spring. coming contaminated with operating fluids.
The spring pushes the armature back to the normal Fast response in solenoids depends on magnetic
position when the coil is de-energized. materials with high resistivity, which reduces the eddy
The following equations are used for preliminary currents that produce flux opposing the direction of
d e s i g n of flat-faced ( p l u n g e r - t y p e ) a r m a t u r e intended motion. Additionally, drop-out current may
solenoids of the type shown in Fig. 7-33. be high if gap G is permitted to go to zero. This
problem can be avoided by use of nonmagnetic
shims or by undercutting the face of the armature by
a small amount (0.0005-0.0015 in.), leaving only a
small surface area to contact the mating face.

Spring Armature
Frictionless ]

First Stage
Return Pres,,
t,linder Pressure
Normally Sprin

Return Pressure

Fig. 7-35 Two-stage nozzle/flapper electrohy-

Fig. 7-34 Four-way solenoid valve schematic. draulic flow-control servovalve.

Design of Servovalves / , PolePieceAssy

Servovalves, in general, are electrohydraulic devices

that will control fluid flow or pressure applied to a ,,

load in response to an electrical signal. Valves are

staged to fit the horsepower requirements of the ap-
plication. A single-stage valve may be suitable for
low-horsepower needs; two-stage valves are necessary
for higher flow rates and pressure. The electrohy-
draulic interface takes place in the first stage, which
incorporates a permanent-magnet torque motor and
either a single-inlet (jet-pipe) or nozzle/flapper hy-
draulic servovalve. cy, 1 cy,2 \ s e

Nozzle/flapper servovalve. Figure 7-35 shows ' Flapper

a nozzle/flapper (first stage) combined with a purely
hydraulic second stage. The sliding-spool valve vta P,e~o,e ÷ "4"
arrangement displayed supplies the second-stage
function of most servovalves for flight and engine-
control applications. Proportional flow or pressure Cyll ~ Cyl2
control is achieved through balance of electro-
magnetically-produced torque against moments pro-
duced by linear deflection of springs in the first and
second stages.
The torque motor converts electrical input sig-
nals into mechanical motion of the armature. The
magnets, frame, and armature form a magnetic cir- Fig. %36 Servovalve cross section.
cuit. Current applied to the torque motor coils cre-
ates an additional magnetic field which, w h e n
summed with the permanent field, produces a net displacement, and by restraining the spool with a
torque on the armature. This magnetic torque, in a feedback spring, referenced directly to the armature.
single-stage valve, is balanced by the motion of the The balance of the torque, created by spool motion
armature, resulting from deflection of the flexure with the torques produced by the electromagnetic
tube; in a two-stage valve, the feedback torque from circuit and angular deflection of the flexure tube,
spool motion is also summed. yields a linear relationship between input current and
Armature motion translates directly into dis- load flow.
placement of the flapper b e t w e e n the nozzles and Figure 7-36 shows the servovalve used on the
production of hydraulic forces on the spool. The mo- SSME hydraulic-actuation system. The torque motor
tion of the flapper between the two opposed nozzles consists of coils, frame, and an armature assembly.
varies the pressure in the two branches of the hy- Typical values for coil resistance and rated current
draulic circuit. The hydraulic circuit constitutes a are 1000 f~ and 8 mA, respectively. The frame as-
bridge network with four flow restrictions; two fixed sembly surrounding the coils closes the permanent-
orifices and two variable restrictions are formed by magnetic circuit of the torque motor. The frame is
the nozzle/flapper clearances. Motion of the flapper designed to minimize stray magnetic flux, so that the
increases restriction at one nozzle and decreases flow torque motor will neither react to, nor magnetically
area in the other. Motion of the spool results from influence, other electrical equipment.
connecting these pressures to the ends of the spool The armature a s s e m b l y - - m o t o r armature, flap-
and balancing the resulting force against the feed- per, feedback spring, and flexure-tube support--is
back spring. mass-balanced to provide minimum susceptibility to
The spool-and-sleeve valve represents a four-way shock and vibration. The armature, which extends
design, with a pressure, a return, and cylinder 1 through the center of the coils, is mounted on a tube
(CYL1) port and cylinder 2 (CYL2) port. Although that acts both as a fluid barrier and a cantilever
pneumatic-service four-ways have a seat and poppets spring. The flapper extends below the assembly on
for positive sealing, hydraulic spool-and-sleeve valves the "wet" side of the joint to control the hydraulic
rely on tight diametral clearances (on the order of circuit.
0.0002 in.) between the spool and sleeve to limit leak- The first-stage orifices and filter are combined
age flow to manageable values. The leakage through into one assembly to allow the filter to be washed
these lapped clearances is herein referred to as lap with the second-stage flow. The filter is sized to en-
leakage. sure protection of the small restrictions in the first
Displacement of the spool from a neutral null stage. Because any pressure drop is identical for
position instigates flow from one of the two load both orifice circuits, use of a single filter element for
ports (CYL1 or CYL2). Spool m o v e m e n t varies the both orifices eliminates the influence of filter pres-
flow areas of the load flow-metering slots in the sec- sure drop on valve null bias. Materials used in this
ond stage. Flow proportional to input current is assembly will be chosen for high structural strength,
achieved by using rectangular metering slots, in corrosion resistance, and m i n i m u m differential
which the flow area is directly proportional to spool thermal expansion.

Servovalve performance requirements are typi- where--

cally defined by the following characteristics: rated
flow, pressure gain, frequency response, internal leak- AO - Orifice area, in.2
age, hysteresis, threshold, and linearity. Typical val- Cdn = Discharge coefficient for noz-
ues for the type of valves used on the SSME-HAS are zle/flapper flow
as follows: Discharge coefficient for orifice flow
Cdo -

Rated flow 7.5 gpm at 3000 psid n Cdn Dn

CO =
Pressure gain 14,000 psi/mA Cdo Ao
Frequency response -3 db, -90° at 100 Hz Dn = Nozzle diameter, in.
Internal leakage 0.20 gpm at 3000 psid Dr = Return pressure, psi
Hysteresis 3% rated current Ps = Supply pressure, psi
Threshold 0.5% rated current p = Fluid density, lb-s2/in. 4
Linearity +I0 % Xf0 = Nozzle/flapper spacing at null, in.

A basic understanding of the mechanics of a two- Second-stage leakage proves a more difficult quantity
stage servovalve can be gained by examining simpli- to predict because of the difficulty encountered in
fied expressions for servovalve performance. The measuring dimensions such as diametral clearance
primary static-performance measurements will be and metering-edge radii. However, the following ex-
seen in internal leakage, pressure gain, and second- pression provides a reasonable estimate of the leak-
stage flow. Internal leakage results from first-stage age through the overlap region of a spool valve:
quiescent flow and lap leakage from the second stage;
in equation form: 2wc[ 3/,C2mL
=-7 - c'-
Qlk = Qlkl + Qlk2
[ (3#C2mL)2c4+ 2pPcC~m] 1/2]

Q~ - Total internal leakage (total flow from where--

pressure to return ports with no control
flow demand, usually measured with C ~- Radial clearance, in.
cylinder ports blocked), in.3/s Cdm = Discharge coefficient for flow through
Qlkl = First-stage quiescent flow, in.3/s spool/sleeve metering area (at null)
Second-stage lap leakage, in.3/s
g Spool/sleeve overlap (per edge), in.
Q~2 =
Pc - Neutral cylinder pressure, psi
The following expression describes the first-stage w = Total slot width, in.
flow: bt - Fluid absolute viscosity, lb-s2/in.

This expression holds for sleeves with two

8.886 Xf0 Cdn Dn [Ps - Pr] 1/2
Qlkl = diametrically-opposed slots. Because the condition
p1/2 [1 + Co2 Xf02] 1/2 of the spool/sleeve metering edges for parameters
Cdm and L must be taken into account, the designer
must depend on previous experience in developing a
two-stage servovalve.
First-stage pressure gain, an important factor in
dynamic performance, normally will be measured in
Magnet/Frame/Assembly the development of a servovalve to verify first-stage
sizing. It can be calculated using the following expres-
.~" Coil
Armature~ -4 Co 2 Sf0 (Ps - Pr)
PG1 =
(Co 2 Xf02 + 1) 2
Frictionless ~ ~
•~ ~$" ~-~- , Jet Pipe
Note that, in a two-stage servovalve, the spool must
be locked in the null position to obtain a meaningful
Cylinder Pressure .~ . ~ ~ Receiver first-stage pressure-gain measurement.
Second-stage flow can be accurately calculated by
using the turbulent-flow "orifice equation":
~ ~ ~ 1 ~
Return P r e s s u r e
r 1
.-,,- I -.,-- SupplyPressure Q = Cd2 w Xsp r] 1
Feedback C tl 1
Motion (External Feedback Spring)

Fig. 7-37 Single-stage "jet p i p e " electrohy- where Cd2 = discharge coefficient for metered flow
draulic servovalve with mechanical feedback. (out null region) and Xsp = spool stroke from null, in.

Motor Cr. . . . . .
Screw Adjustment for
Retainer Spring Calibration

Metallic Bellows
Internally Evacuated
or Vented Calibrating Spring

Sensing Pressure
1.gB ~bly
Chamber Dynamic Seal
l II ~ Output Connection
to a Servovalve
Regulated Pressure
Sensing Input
Fig. 7-39 Schematic of a typical gas-pressure-
regulator controller.
Standard Housing/Spool and Sleeve Assembly

Fig. 7-38 Direct-drive servovalve.

For example, the gas-pressure regulator for the A-4
Stage propulsion system (Fig. 3-13) maintains a con-
stant main-oxidizer-tank pressure of 165 psia, while
Nozzle/flapper valves have been used as the first the helium gas pressure at the regulator inlet varies
stage of dual-stage servovalves for at least 30 years. from 4500 to 245 psia. If the tank pressure should
More recently, fluidic or completely electromechani- continue to rise with the regulator completely closed
cal designs have been replacing nozzle/flapper because of such effects as aerodynamic heating, a
valves on many applications. tank relief valve gives additional protection.
Jet-pipe servovalves. In one type of fluidic Elements o f g a s - p r e s s u r e regulators. Most
valve design, the "jet pipe" configuration produced pressure regulators include two basic elements,
by HR/Textron, movement of the torque-motor ar- regulator controller and regulator valve. The con-
mature deflects the dominant portion of a high- troller controls opening of the regulator valve, which
velocity jet into one of two "receivers," transferring then meters the gas flow through the regulator.
the kinetic energy of the moving oil into differential The regulator controller, essentially a sensing
pressure across a load (Fig. 7-37).
and computing unit, measures the difference between
Direct-drive servovalves. In the last decade, actual and desired pressure. Its output, called the er-
significant work has been done in developing designs ror signal, can be directly applied as a mechanical
to replace the traditional electrohydraulic first stage force, or it can control pressure output to a ser-
with a completely electromechanical configuration. vovalve. Figure 7-39 shows the schematic of a typical
These "direct-drive" valves (Fig. 7-38) apply modern gas-pressure regulator controller, the regulated
rare-earth magnet materials to generate the forces pressure being sensed externally by a bellows, which
required to move the second-stage load and protect is internally evacuated, or vented, to atmosphere. The
against contamination. The particular concept dis- vacuum establishes an absolute pressure reference,
played employs a rotary, limited-displacement dc while the vented bellows uses ambient pressure for
torque motor and an eccentric ball to impart axial reference (gage pressure). As the regulated pressure
motion to the second-stage spool. A LVDT provides (the sensing pressure) changes, the bellows deflects
position feedback to the control circuit. against a calibrated internal-spring load, simul-
Direct drive significantly reduces quiescent leak- taneously positioning a directly connected ser-
age, and the direct mechanical coupling of the motor vovalve (Fig. 7-40), which in turn regulates a control-
to the valve also minimizes the effects of vibration, pressure output.
shock, and impulse loads on the null stability and ac- A regulator valve consists of the control valve
curacy of the device. The direct-drive valve currently and an actuator. If only limited accuracy is required,
sees favor in systems requiring great reliability, expe- or if very small capacities are involved, the regulator
riencing large thermal transitions and high vibration controller can develop the error signal directly as a
and shock loading, and needing better dynamic per- mechanical force to position the regulator valve.
formance. Such a directly spring-loaded pressure regulator is
represented schematically in Fig. 7-41a. For greater
Design of Gas-Pressure Regulators accuracy, the regulator valve actuator can be posi-
tioned by controlled pressure from a servovalve con-
Basically, gas-pressure regulators are variable-area- nected to the regulator controller.
type pressure-reducing valves. They maintain con- Figure 7-40 presents schematically the principle
stant pressure at an outlet or in a downstream region, of operation of typical single-bleed, poppet-type,
even though the pressure at the inlet may vary pneumatic servovalves (as used in gas-pressure-regu-
(decrease). Gas-pressure regulators may be operated lating services). Two basic configurations are in use.
independently, or in conjunction with pressure-relief The first (Fig. 7-40a) regulates output control pressure
devices, under either dynamic or static conditions. Pc through variation of the bleed-port-flow area. The

Actuated by Regulator Actuated by Regulator

Controller Controller

VaM Valve Ster- ,namic Seal

'alve Poppet Output Control
Gas Supply Bleed Port, ~ Pressure Pc to
Pressure Ps_ ..-,--.,.,41~ Gas Supply Regulator Valve
Output Control Pressure Ps Actuator
Pressure Pc to alve Poppet
Regulator Valve
#alaHCe I-'lSiOFI
Balance Piston
a) b)
Fig. 7-40 Schematics of typical single-bleed, poppet-type, pneumatic servovalves used in gas
pressure regulators.

Control Pressure Pc from a Single-Bleed Type

Servovalve Attached to the Regulator Controller.
Reference Spring Load Outlet Pressure from a Precision Loader Can
Also Be Used.
..~ Dome
Vent to
Atmo. Pa
/ Diaph agm ~ Diaphragm
il -- ~~ Outlet Pr Inlet Pi ..... ~ - - . - ~ Outlet Pr
Inlet P i - ' - ~ ~ ~
Regulator Valve Regulator" Valve
a) Direct Spring Loaded b) Dome Loaded
Control Pressure Pc from a Single-
Bleed Type Servovalve Attached to the Connections to a Four-Way Servovalve
Regulator Controller Attached to the Regulator Controller
~, --Diaphragm ~~.~~,L\\\N,~ Actuator Piston
Calibrating Spring Dynamic Seal
Vent to Dynamic Seal .--'-~ ~ ~
Atmo. Pa
Outlet Pr . _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ Outlet Pr
Outlet Pi'-~" Inlet Pi
~'N'Nx'~~ Regulator Valve -- Regulator Valve
c) Control Pressure Operated d) Four-Way Servovalve Operated

Fig. 7-41 Schematics of various gas-pressure-regulator designs.

second (Fig. 7-40b) fixes the bleed-port area , Pc be- When a single-bleed servovalve is used with the
ing regulated by varying the gas-flow rate. regulator controller, the supply pressure Ps to the
Because the servovalve amplifies them, small er- control servocircuit must be isolated from the inlet
rors in regulated pressure will cause large changes in pressure Pi to the main regulator valve, because of
control-pressure output. This control pressure Pc can the steady-state error that would be introduced by the
then be applied to control the regulator-valve posi- often extreme variation of Pi. A simple, (directly)
tion in the following ways: spring-loaded, low-capacity regulator, similar to the
1) Control pressure Pc serving as the loading one in Fig. 7-41a, will be required to reduce Pi to a
pressure for a simple dome-loaded pressure regula- reasonably constant supply of pressure Ps for the
tor, as shown schematically in Fig. 7-41b. A large-ca- control servocircuit. This regulator, commonly called
pacity, dome-loaded pressure regulator can also be the "bleed regulator," can be a part of the main regu-
loaded by a separate, small-capacity precision pres- lator controller.
sure regulator (precision loader). Design considerations f o r g a s - p r e s s u r e
2) Control pressure Pc serving as the input to a regulators. Basic considerations for the design of
mechanism that positions the regulator valve as a gas pressure regulators include the following:
linear function of control pressure. In its simplest 1) Principal causes of error in a pressure regula-
form, this mechanism, consists of a spring and a di- tor: variation of inlet pressure, flow demand, and
aphragm (Fig. 7-41c). temperature; mechanical hysteresis, friction, and

creep of stress members; variation in effective length Sizing of t h e g a s - p r e s s u r e regulator. Re-

of members because of angular displacement; varia- quired flow area across the regulator valve when it is
tion in vehicle acceleration, and vibration. Also, the fully open, i.e., the characteristic flow area of a
fact that pressures are not sensed at the desired point pressure regulator, may be calculated for required
of pressure control (influence of pressure drops flow capacity and regulated outlet pressure at
caused by flow through d o w n s t r e a m systems). minimum allowable gas-inlet pressure. The isen-
Whether or not these errors have been held within tropic-nozzle-flow equation (Table 7-4) is typically
allowable tolerances, without mechanisms (including used for sizing regulators.
diaphragms and springs) of unreasonable complexity Dome-loaded pressure regulators. The
and size, makes the basic test of a good regulator de- dome-loaded type of regulator (Fig. 7-41b), one of
sign. the most frequently used regulators, normally em-
2) Proven usage. Where feasible, proven con- ploys a metallic diaphragm in the main actuator to
cepts and control mechanisms of previous designs keep friction low. The dome pressure Pc, which de-
should be utilized--especially for dynamic character- termines the force to the actuator diaphragm and
istics, stability and transient response and for me- thus regulates valve position and outlet pressure, can
chanical details, such as poppets, seals, diaphragms, be regulated either internally by a pressure controller
and springs. or externally by a low-capacity pressure regulator or
3) Balance of the regulator-valve poppet. It loader. There are many variations of dome-loaded
should minimize the forces imparted to the valve by regulators.
inlet pressure Pi. This balance may be achieved by The typical dome-loaded gas pressure regulator,
attaching a balance piston, similar to the one of the shown in Fig. 7-43, has an alternate mode of opera-
poppet servovalves (Fig. 7-40). However, this proce- tion as a shutoff valve. The regulator chiefly main-
dure will require some type of dynamic seal, and dy- tains a regulated outlet pressure at a preselected value
namic seals are known to be trouble sources. In cer- called the "set point." The regulator is composed of
tain applications, therefore, an unbalanced valve may four elements: start pilot-valve, bleed regulator, sens-
be preferred. ing control unit, and main regulator valve. The com-
4) Alternative mode. In most cases, the regula- bination of bleed regulator and sensing control unit
tor must lend itself to the alternate mode of opera- forms the main regulator controller.
tion as a shutoff valve, until the opening of a start pi- The start pilot v a l v e ~ a solenoid-actuated poppet
lot-valve. valve normally held closed by a spring--in the
5) Lockups. The various gas-pressure-regulator closed position locks up the outlet pressure of the
designs in Fig. 7-41 control pressure by admitting ad- bleed regulator. The bleed r e g u l a t o r ~ a normally-
ditional gas, as required, to the regulated pressure re-
gion. If the flow demand on the regulator is reduced
to zero (dead-end conditions), the regulator valve Gas Inlet Pressure Gas Inlet Pressure
shuts off. However, the pressure in the regulated re- 3,000 psia 1,200 psia
.- 500 - 500
gion may increase above the design point, even with =~"
the regulator valve closed, because of a time lag in o&
closing, following reduction of demand to zero; in-
o , - 4001- 4001-
evitable regulator-valve leakage; and thermodynamic :::109 I
_+5% Outlet
effects, such as increase in temperature of the gas in Pressure
the regulated pressure region or vaporization of a ~ 300 ~ ° 300
0 1 2 0 1 2
pressurized liquid. The condition of zero flow, known Time (s) Time (s)
as a lockup, often poses problems. Lockup can be
eliminated by incorporating a relief valve down- Fig. 7-42 D y n a m i c r e s p o n s e characteristics o f a
stream of the regulator valve as part of the regulator typical pneumatic pressure r e g u l a t o r .
assembly. In the A-4 Stage propulsion system, indi-
vidual relief valves for the main propellant tanks pre- MainRegulatorValve
vent possible intermixing of propellant vapors. ActuatorDiaphragm
6) Miscellaneous design considerations for gas- StartPilot Control Single-Bleed Flapper-
Dome Pc N//~s:}ZzlServovalve
pressure regulators: type of regulated gas; gas inlet- Valve~, Sohnoi SensorDiaphragm
pressure and temperature range; regulated-gas outlet Actuator ensor Spring
pressure level with respect to ambient or vacuum, its ~~ Sl~ring,~r~_4~~,
e n i t ; ~ nsing-Oontrol
tolerance or accuracy of regulation, and range of ad- Restrictor
justment; required maximum flow capacity; required VentPortC h e c k ~ ~ ~ Sensor
response time and allowable overshoot; type of line Regulator,,,.~~ ~
Bleed i~ ~:M,,, Adjustment
Bleeo R e g u t = o r - , ~ / I r ~ d~ • I~ RainMaze
connections; environmental conditions (temperature, SpringAdjustment '=~{~, ~"~ Regulator Outlet Pr
vibration, humidity, etc.). Regulator..--~~ !~
Figure 7-42 presents the dynamic-response char- InletPI ~ =1~:
BleedRegulatorJ i ,~, MainRegulatorValve
acteristics of a typical pneumatic pressure regulator OutletPressurePs
upon initiation of a demand. The regulator was set at
a regulated outlet pressure of 400 psia. The gas used Fig. 7-43 Schematic o f a typical dome-loaded,
(helium) was discharged into a system of approxi- negative-gain-type gas regulator with an alter-
mately 60-in.3 volume. nate m o d e of operation as a shutoff valve.

Table 7-5 Principal d e s i g n p a r a m e t e r s o f a typical dome-loaded, negative-gain-type gas-pressure regulator

(see Fig 7-43).

Parameter Design Data

, , , , ,, , ,,,,

Regulated gas Helium

Inlet gas pressure, pi 4,500 psia nominal, 5,800 psia maximum, 500 psia minimum
Inlet gas temperature, T 110' to 360"R
Regulated outlet pressure, Pr 500 psig +25 psi
Flow demand a. Maximum" 0.1 Ib/sec at 500 psia inlet pressure and 160°R inlet temperature
b. Minimum" zero
Modes of operation a. Start pilot valve solenoid deenergized regulator remains shut off. outlet pressure = 0
b. Start pilot valve solenoid energized: regulator functions normally
Controller bleed a. None when start pilot valve solenoid deenergized
b. 0.002 Ib/sec at 530"R when solenoid energized
Main regulator valve Seating diameter, 0.205 in; characteristic area, 0.0281 in2
Main regulator valve actuator Effective area, 7.55 in2 • bias spring preload, 75.5 Ib; rate 500 Ib/in.
Start pilot valve Seating diameter, 0.025 in; characteristic area, 0.000437 in2
Bleed regulator valve Seating diameter. 0.028 in; characteristic area, 0.000301 in2
Bleed regulator sensor Effective area, 0.185 in2" reference sprig preload 93.5 Ib; rate 1,500 Ib/in.
Bleed flow restrictor Diameter, 0.0116 in." area, 0.000105 in?.
Main regulator controller sensor Effective area, 0.315 in2. reference spring preload, 126 Ib, rate 702 Ib/in.
Flapper-nozzle servovalve Seating diameter, 0.043 in. (2 holes; maximum stroke, 0.0011 in.; maximum flow area,
0.003 in2; bias spring preload, 1.0 Ib; rate, 5.0 Ib/in.

Ring tions from the set point and magnifiesthe error sig-
Bleed Regulator Housing
nals by means of a single-bleed, nozzle/flapper ser-
Filter Bleed Regulator Spring
vovalve linked to a sensor diaphragm by increasing
or decreasing the control pressure Pc that operates
End Collar the actuator diaphragm of the main-regulator valve, a
• Push Rod normally-closed, dome-loaded pressure-reducing de-
Washer--,~ vice.
Operations follow this sequence of events. Gas
• Bleed Regulator Valve enters the regulator through a filter located at the
* - ' - Spring regulator inlet port, but is prevented from entering
Regulator the main-regulator-control pressure dome by the
~ Outlet Pr
closed start-pilot valve. Upon opening the start-pilot
Seal ~ and valve by energizing its solenoid, gas flows through the
Filter , (Not
bleed regulator and is reduced to pressure Ps, as de-
termined by the preset reference-spring force. The
Lock Screw . . . . . . .

gas then enters a fixed restrictor and passes into the

Spring ~ - - % ~
o~=,o ,w,,-_~,-~ r- Body
control dome, where the flow tends to o p e n the
main-regulator valve against the actuator spring.
Dome pressure Pc is controlled by varying the flow
area of the nozzle/flapper servovalve, which bleeds
Control Dome Cover
the loading gas into the main-regulator outlet mani-
fold. Equilibrium between the sensed regulated-outlet
Weld pressure Pr and the sensor-spring force positions the
servovalve flapper a sufficient distance off the nozzle
Fig. 7-44 Typical dome-loaded, zero-gain type seat and maintains a steady-state control pressure
gas-pressure regulator loaded by a bleed regula- p c m a pressure always greater than Pr, as determined
tor. by the set of the main-regulator-valve actuator spring.
Under these steady-state conditions, gas continues to
closed, directly-spring-loaded type of pressure-reduc- flow from the bleed regulator through the servovalve
ing valvemsupplies an approximately constant preset at a rate determined by the restrictions and out to
pressure to the sensing control unit. This preset pres- the outlet manifold. The regulator-controller circuitry
sure exceeds the main-regulator outlet pressure Pr. It has what is called a negative gain. A sensed increase
is the sensing control unit, then, that establishes the in pressure Pr causes an amplified decrease in con-
main-regulator outlet pressure. It detects small devia- trol pressure Pc, with attendant decrease of the main-

Regulator Controller lator controller, controls the regulator-valve actuator.

Sensor Assembly sor Outer Bellows
Supply pressure Ps of the servovalve is taken from the
Sensor Damper Orificed Partition
regulator-outlet pressure Pr (i.e., Ps = Pr). The sensor
contains two bellows with an oil-filled damper be-
Vent Spool-TypeFour-Way
tween them. The damper consists of a partition with a
Sensed Pressure Servovalve
properly sized orifice. The outer bellows (exposed to
From Oxidizer
Tank Inlet "-- the propellant vapors) is hydroformed from thin 321
stainless-steel tubing, because the pressure differential
Sensor Reference S
across it is small and because it contains fluid. The
Sensor Inner Bellows / ~ iston-Type
Seal--"/"' ~ RegulatorValve inner bellows must withstand a pressure differential
Dynamic uator equal to full tank pressure, since the interior of this
O,,.et to oxidizer"- - T ---~ p . . . . Outletto bellows vents directly to the atmosphere. For this
Oxidizer Tank;
Tank Pr ~ Pr reason, the bellows is machined from 17-4 PH stain-
Balance-Type less-steel stock. This regulator is called an integrating
Regulator Valve
type because a constant-tank pressure error will pro-
duce a constant actuator-piston velocity (neglecting
~ Regulator Inlet, Pi extraneous forces). This velocity, in turn, gives a con-
stant regulator-valve opening (or closing) velocity
Fig. 7-45 Integrating-type gas-pressure regula-
and a constantly increasing (or decreasing) gas-
tor with spool-type, four-way servovalve.
flowrate. Tank pressure is then the integral of tank
pressure error vs. time. The integrating type of pres-
sure regulator provides the constantly increasing reg-
regulator-valve opening. Similarly, a decrease in Pr ulator-valve flow area required for decreasing supply
causes an increase in valve-opening. The controller pressures, with minimum error in tank pressure, but
gain can be defined as follows: may be unstable if the gain of the servovalve and ac-
tuator combination gets too high. A suitable gain
value should be determined by computer studies of
G = -- Apc (7-44)
Apr the regulator dynamic characteristics.

Design of Liquid-Flow and Pressure Regulators

where G - controller gain, Apc = change in control
pressure, psi, and AP r - change in sensed pressure, Liquid-flow and pressure regulators basically are vari-
psi. Table 7-5 lists the principal design parameters of able-area-type, pressure-reducing valves. A liquid-flow
the gas-pressure regulator displayed in Fig. 7-43. regulator maintains a constant rate of flow or limits
Figure 7-44 presents the design layout of a typical the maximum rate of a flow. A liquid-pressure regula-
dome-loaded, zero-gain type of gas-pressure regula- tor, like a gas-pressure regulator, maintains a constant
tor. The main-regulator controller consists of a fluid pressure at its outlet under variable-flow condi-
spring-loaded bleed regulator and a fixed-area bleed tions. Design considerations for liquid-flow regulators
orifice, which gives a constant bleed from the control and pressure regulators are similar to those for gas
dome to the regulator outlet. The bleed regulator regulators.
maintains the control-dome pressure Pc at a constant Design of liquid-Jlow regulators. Liquid-flow
level. Here, too, control pressure Pc exceeds the reg- control can be obtained with a venturi. The pressure
ulated outlet pressure Pr by an amount determined at the throat is proportional to the velocity of the
by the main-regulator-valve actuator-spring preload. (incompressible) fluid and thus the flowrate. The
This regulator has been designed to maintain an out- pressure differential between throat and inlet can be
let pressure Pr of 282 psig +-5 psi at inlet pressures used to control the position of a butterfly valve, and
ranging from 5000 to 375 psig. The actuator di- thus the flowrate, by means of a servocontrol circuit.
aphragms are made of a 0.0025-in., 17-7 PH high- Figure 7-46 shows the schematic of a regulator of this
strength stainless-steel sheet. All sliding members, type.
such as regulator-valve poppets and guides, use 440C Figure 7-47 presents the principle of another type
stainless steel to eliminate surface galling. The regu- of flow regulator that frequently gets used in rocket-
lator main body and housing are made of aluminum- engine systems because of its simplicity. It consists of
alloy forgings. two restrictors, one of fixed and the other of variable
Integrating-type pressure regulators. Figure area. This combination automatically maintains a
7-45 presents the design of a typical integrating-type constant pressure drop across the fixed restrictor,
gas-pressure regulator that controls the propellant- providing a constant flow. The fixed restrictor con-
tank pressures of a pressurized-gas propellant feed sists of a disk containing a number of orifices and
system such as the A-4 Stage propulsion system. m o u n t e d in a piston. The variable restrictor is
Main-oxidizer-tank pressure is sensed through a rela- formed by variable throttle ports located around the
tively short external line. Fuel-tank pressure is main- piston periphery. The pressure differential across the
tained at 10 psi below the oxidizer-tank pressure by fixed orifices causes the piston to move against the
different pressure settings of line check-valves and regulator reference-springs. Piston throttle ports and
tank-relief valves. A spool-type, four-way servovalve, reference-spring rate are designed to maintain a con-
which is directly connected to the sensor of the regu- stant pressure drop across the orifice disk.

Differential Diaphragm
Rin~ . . . . . . . .

Mylar f---~c2>
_~- - '=~=4
===' ~ .-=._
Pilot Valve
Laminations ~ 7 . - 5!{ ,!~::
Mylar Gaskets
Working Fluid Inset A
Diaphragm Assembly
- Actuator
Diaphragm a

Direction of Inlet Tl~roat

Fluid Flow 0 (Sec. 1)
~c. oeo a,,c e,e e0ce
Pressurelnlet ~ ~ ~x'%\/ ( )

Venturi ~ ~ Butterfly Gate

Fig. 7-46 Schematic of a typical closed-loop,

Rotated into View j[~--~!~F[xx"~ Plunger
fluid-flow control system. J-~lll ":11:/ ~
Oxidizer Outlet ~ ~ \ \ \ \ ~ \
Port ~ / / ~ / / M u . ~ Oxidizer Inlet
Throttle Ports
Fixed Orifice
Disk AP1 Sliding Piston Reference Springs Fig. 7-48 Typical liquid-pressure regulator de-
sign for LOX service.
\. , .-, , . . ~ - :-,'.Z_"-txxx_~.e,xl_N. \
(Ap/AI) = change of pressure drop across the
piston throttle ports per inch of
movement of piston, lb/in.2-in.
Adjusting Adjustment of the regulated flowrate is made by ad-
justing the reference-spring force, using a vernier
1 mechanism.
Outlet Design of liquid-pressure regulators. Figure
7-48 presents a liquid-pressure regulator design
Fig. 7-47 Schematic of a typical sliding-piston- frequently used in rocket-engine systems. The actua-
type liquid-flow regulator. tor diaphragm of the regulator valve (plunger) can
be loaded either by a pneumatic reference pressure
(as shown) or by a reference spring. Regulated outlet
As the fluid inlet-pressure increases, or the back- pressure is sensed directly. An increase in outlet
pressure decreases, the flowrate tends to increase pressure tends to reduce the flow area of the regula-
also. However, the attendant increase is pressure dif- tor valve until an equilibrium is reached between out-
ferential; i.e., pressure force on the piston moves it let and reference pressures. The actuator diaphragm
against the reference springs, simultaneously increas- is made of Mylar laminations, which are compatible
ing the flow restriction. A n e w equilibrium is with cryogenic propellants, such as liquid oxygen.
achieved as the inlet-pressure increase is absorbed
by an increase in pressure drop across t h e piston Design of Pressure-Relief Valves
throttle port. The following design correlations have
been established for this flow regulator: Pressure-relief valves protect fluid systems and pres-
sure vessels from being over-pressurized. There are
Fs = (Ap] + Apz)A p (7-45) two basic types, the direct-operated and the pilot-op-
erated. In the direct-operated, the valve p o p p e t is
Ap loaded directly by a properly calibrated reference
Ks = " ~ A p (7-46) spring. The valve opens as the pressure force acts
where-- against the spring force. In the pilot-operated valve,
the main-relief-valve actuator is controlled by a pilot
valve calibrated for the desired relief-pressure setting.
Vs --- regulator reference-spring preload,
for a given flowrate, lb The direct-operated relief valves are used for large
tolerance, low-capacity services. For large-flow re-
AP 1 --- pressure drop across the fixed orifice
quirements, pilot-~perated relief valves are used for
disk at that flowrate, psi quick response and to avoid excessive size. Most
Ap2 - pressure drop across the piston pressure-relief valves are used in gas-pressure sys-
throttle ports at that flowrate, psi tems. Important design considerations include type
Ap = effective piston area, in. 2 of gas and its conditions; pressure-relief level, its tol-
Ks = regulator reference-spring rate, lb/in. erance and range of adjustment; required response

time, dead-band (differential between actuation or level, the pilot valve is actuated to open (cracking
opening, and deactuation or closing pressure), and pressure). The open valve vents the main-relief-
other dynamic characteristics; required maximum- valve-actuator control pressure Pc and, in turn, per-
flow capacity; simplicity of construction and line mits the main valve to open. The main-valve poppet
connections; and environmental conditions, such as position is a function of the control pressure, which
temperature, humidity, acceleration, and vibration. then is controlled by the position of the pilot-valve
The required flow area for a gas-pressure relief poppet and by the tank pressure.
valve at a maximum-opening position, i.e., its charac-
teristic flow area, can be calculated from the isen- Design of Miscellaneous Fluid Flow Control
tropic nozzle equation of Table 7-4. Components
D i r e c t - o p e r a t e d g a s - p r e s s u r e r e l i e f valves.
Figure 7-49a shows the design of a typical low-capac- Check valves. Check valves allow fluid flow to
ity, direct-operated gas-pressure-relief valve. Its pop- go in only one direction. There are two basic check-
pet is loaded directly by a coil spring. This valve is valve types, the poppet and the swing-gate. Valve
one of the simplest designs, but it may become dy- selection depends to a great extent on application.
namically unstable under externally introduced vi- General design requirements for check valves include
bration. type of fluid and its pressure and temperature,
Figure 7-49b gives the schematic of an improved required flow capacity, allowable pressure drop,
design of a direct-operated relief valve, one assuring allowable rate of reverse leakage (including zero
a predictable deadband and eliminating chatter un- leakage), space envelope and line connection, and
der vibration. This design employs coned-disk-type simplicity of construction.
(Belleville) springs, operating between positive stops, Figure 7-52 pictures the design of a typical pop-
in the negative-rate portion of the force-deflection pet-type check valve. A light, compression-return
curve of the spring. As shown in Fig. 7-49b and 7-50, spring normally holds the poppet in the closed posi-
the spring remains against pretravel stop C until the tion, preventing any possibility of fluid leaking back.
applied force (valve-inlet pressure Pi x valve-poppet When fluid pressure is introduced upstream, the
seat area) reaches level A. The spring then snaps poppet will open against the return spring. Because
from C to the post-travel stop D, with no further in- of their relatively high-pressure drop, check valves of
crease in applied force. Reduction of the applied this type are used only in low-capacity service, with
force to B will cause the spring to snap back from D either elastomer O-rings or metal-to-metal seals.
to C. The positions of the pretravel/posttravel stops Figure 7-53 illustrates a swing-gate-type check
can be adjusted for constant actuation and deactua- valve. It consists of two elements, inlet body and out-
tion forces, independent of spring-manufacturing tol- let body. The swing gate is secured to the inlet body.
erances. The coned-disk spring washers are usually A torsional-type return-spring holds the gate in clos-
made of beryllium copper or 17-7 PH stainless steel. ing position. Swing-gate check valves minimize pres-
This type of relief valve suits high-pressure-helium sure drop. However, positive sealing against reverse
storage bottle services, such as in the A-4 Stage flow is more difficult. In some applications, orifice
propulsion system. holes are drilled in poppets or swing gates to allow a
Pilot-operated gas-pressure r e l i e f valves. regulated reverse flow for specific control purpose.
Figure 4-51 presents the schematic of a typical high- The tendency for check valves to oscillate during
capacity, pilot-operated tank-gas-pressure relief valve. operation can be overcome by three methods:
Normally, both main and pilot valves are held closed 1) Design the check valve to be fully open
by valve spring forces Fsm, Fs3, and pressure Pc. The against a stop for the required flowrate and never re-
pilot-valve controller also senses the tank pressure Pt. duce flow below the design flowrate during service.
When the pressure reaches or exceeds the preset 2) Provide coulomb (friction) damping.

Sprit Pretravel
)dy Seal
-Ring Stack of Coned-Disc
ock Nut Springs in Series or
D_J___ in Parallel
~ric Pressure
Poppe Relief C I Reli,
O-Ring or
Soft Disc

Valve Seat
a) Coil-Spring-Loaded, Direct- b) Snap-Action, Coned-Disk, Spring-Loaded,
Operated Relief Valve Direct-Operated Relief Valve
Fig. 7-49 Low-capacity, direct-operated gas-pressure-relief valves.

Applied Force (Ib)
(Valve inlet pressureX
valve poppet seat area)
OOWN$"rlIEAM / ~'2x'"~""~.~~~~,__~ UPSTREAM



Fig. 7-52 Typical poppet-type check valve.

Fig. 7-50 Coned-disk-spring, force-deflection

Control Orifice do, Wo

Piston Ring Seal ws ~ (Tank Pressure) Downstream 4---------- -¢1--- Upstream
\\ •
Main ReliefValve - - ~ ~
Inlet Body
Outlet Bo neturn Spring
Fig. 7-53 Typical swing-gate-type check valve.

PipdtValVv;veC°ntr°ller\ ' I~1 f B o dIntermediate

"ank Pressure) Pt "-" Annular ~.,~K\\~~x ~ .......
Restriction -~


Fig. 7-51 Schematic of a typical high-capacity,

pilot-operated tank-gas-pressure relief valve ///~///,&..\\\~\\\x,.~l~.\\X~.x"."
f l[ ~--Seat ~ k '
3) Provide an a u g m e n t e d force to hold the ~x-~'~ ('~Positive
poppet on an open stop at reduced flowrates.
Often, it is not possible to control the actual Fig. 7-54 Augmented-force check valve used in
range of flowrates the check valve will be exposed to, the SSME purge system.
once it is in service. As a result, preventing poppet
oscillation by means of method (1) is usually imprac- inlet pressure is increased, pressure acting over the
tical. Method (2), friction damping, has been used seat area overcomes the spring force and the poppet
successfully; but hysteresis introduced by the friction begins to open. As the poppet moves open, pressure
causes cracking and reseating pressures to become builds up in a cavity (A) intermediate of the seat and
less predictable. Method (3), augmenting the poppet the restriction (B). This intermediate pressure pro-
force, can extend the range of flow rates over which vides an augmenting opening force by acting against
oscillation does not occur. This range will be some- the poppet-head area (C). The poppet in this design
what narrower than for coulomb damping; but will move to a fully-open position and rest on the
problems associated with hysteresis will not develop. positive stops at differential pressures lower than the
Augmented-force check valves (Fig. 7-54) in the initial cracking differential-pressure, thus extending
purge lines on the SSME isolate the pneumatic purge the range of flow rates with no oscillation.
system from propellant systems. Force augmentation The check valve in Fig. 7-54 has metal-to-metal
is achieved by placing a restriction (B) downstream seating with a hard facing on both poppet and seat.
of the seat adjacent to the poppet head area (C). As This arrangement permits service with back pressures

Upstream Burst
Fluid Pressure

Open Close
1.1 r Elastomer Valve Seal
Coined in a

Upstream Storable Valve Poppet
Propellant Machined Groove
~ody '- Burst Diaphragm

a) Flat Disk Burst Diaphragm b) Burst Diaphragm Attached to a

Propellant Valve Poppet

Fig. 7-55 Typical burst-diaphragm designs.

up to 8500 psi with both liquid-hydrogen and liquid Burst diaphragms are made from a wide variety
oxygen propellants. This specific design flows up to of metals. Annealed aluminum alloys such as 1100-0
130 scfm of nitrogen at 750 psi and 70'F. and 6061-0, are among the alloys most easily con-
Burst diapbragms. To gain positive, hermetic trolled. Burst diaphragms rupture in a combination
sealing, the designer will often use burst diaphragms, of shearing, bending, and tearing. The exact burst
especially in storable-liquid-propellant engine pressure of a specific diaphragm design can be eval-
systems. They also serve as safety valves to prevent uated only experimentally. Variations of the mate-
excessive pressures or to initiate flow at a prede- rial's ultimate strength have a pronounced effect.
termined pressure. Burst diaphragms can be ruptured The consistency of the desired diaphragm burst-pres-
either by the upstream fluid pressure or by me- sure level will be greatly enhanced by the following
chanical means. General design considerations for precautions in manufacturing and quality control:
burst diaphragms include these important points: Grinding the raw sheet or diaphragm to ensure
The type of fluid and corrosive characteristics uniform, accurate thickness.
of it. Close control of groove depth, by precision
Duration of storage (especially with corrosive coining or machining, and by stress-relieving before
storable liquid propellants). and after coining.
Method of diaphragm installation in duct or Continuous testing of the diaphragm material
valvebody. for hardness.
Method of rupture (upstream fluid pressure or Close control of the clamping pressure with
other means). bolted diaphragms.
Burst-pressure level (if upstream fluid pressure Close control of the welding or brazing pro-
is used) and its tolerance; environmental temperature cesses to minimize heat effects.
effects. Proper dimensioning of diaphragm thickness
Retention of the diaphragm after rupture (no and groove depth to allow for corrosive effects of the
metal particles are to be ejected). propellant during storage.
Allowable pressure drop across the burst di- It is possible to hold burst-pressure variations of
aphragm. a specific diaphragm design to within 2% for di-
Figure 7-55a shows a typical flat-disk-type burst aphragms of over 1-in. diameter and design burst-
diaphragm. A V-groove has been coined into it in a pressures greater than 300 psi. For diaphragms of
horseshoe pattern. The depth of the groove will de- smaller size and lower burst-pressure, this tolerance
termine the burst pressure. The uncoined section may increase up to 5%. Because deliverable burst di-
serves as a hinge during rupture and as a retainer. aphragms cannot be tested, a number of samples are
The diaphragm can be jointed to the duct by weld- drawn from each manufacturing lot for testing. The
ing, brazing, or bolting. This design has been satisfac- number of samples is determined statistically to meet
tory for many applications. specific reliability requirements.
Figure 7-55b shows a poppet-type storable-pro- Explosive-actuated valves. For a device that
pellant valve with a built-in burst diaphragm, that as- may be required to operate only once (either to
sures a positive, hermetic seal of zero leakage during open or to close), an explosive-actuated valve pro-
long storage periods. It also protects the elastomer vides the smallest possible size and weight. Because
seal of the valve seat. Rupture of the diaphragm oc- the power of the explosive actuation is virtually un-
curs during valve opening, either from valve actua- limited, a rigid, hermetic, zero-leakage-type seal can
tion or from upstream propellant pressure. When be used with this type of valve.
closing, satisfactory valve sealing is provided by the Figure 7-56 displays a typical explosive-actuated
elastomer seal only. pilot valve (developed and produced by the Conax

Typical rocket-engine systems contain a large
array of instrumentation for specific measurement
J .---"1" It.AM
tasks, in four main categories reflecting the criticality
of the control system: engine ready (blueline), safety
i [ / ,--'D" SHEARINGI-lEAD A F P-O
(redline), control, and condition monitoring. Some
of these tasks require redundant measurements using
either multiple sensors or multiple-channel sensors.
Five essential parameters must be monitored in
an engine: temperature, pressure, flow rate, p u m p /
turbine speed, and vibration. Measurements will be
!NI,ET iNLET made during the engine design-verification or devel-
o) IIEFORERILING b) AFTERFIRING opment stages plus condition-monitoring evaluations
of roller bearings, coolant liners, turbine blades, etc.
Fig. 7-56 Typical explosive-actuated pilot valve. Sensors such as strain gages and heat-flux calorime-
ters are generally used for such measurements.
Proper instrumentation requires that a sensor or
sensor system satisfy a wide range of operating pa-
Corp). The actuator of this normally closed valve
rameters. A good rule of thumb sets a target for each
consists of an explosive charge "A" and a ram "B,"
sensor of using a third to two-thirds of its total range.
including a shearing head "D." The seal of the valve
This will be particularly important for pressure sen-
has a solid metal diaphragm "E," machined as an in-
sors because they tend to be more accurate within
tegral part of the valve body. Upon an electrical sig-
nal the explosive charge detonates and drives the this range.
A thorough sensor evaluation is especially im-
ram forward to cut out the seal diaphragm as a single
portant when designing or specifying sensor compo-
piece of metal and hold it firmly against the end plug
nents to be used in close proximity to engine hard-
"F." The tapered head of ram "B" plunges into the
ware, due primarily to the violent nature of the en-
guide-hole edge and causes a perfect metal-to-metal
gine environment. A shallow knowledge of rocket-
seal at point "C." This seal prevents contamination of
engine behavior can p r o d u c e disastrous results.
the working fluid with gases from the explosive
Material compatibility is a major issue where liquid
charge. The input current required for this valve is
oxygen is concerned. Many non-metallic materials
about 0.5 A, and actuation of the valve takes about
are not tolerated by the liquid-oxygen environment
0.002 s.
and can produce a violent, sometimes explosive re-
action. Hydrogen on the other hand, interferes with
the intergranular structure of certain nickel-
7.3 DESIGN OF INSTRUMENTATION AND chromium alloys (17-4pH for example), leading to
HARNESSES material degradation. Special consideration should
be given to the thermal properties of materials
Engine Instrumentation (thermal range and thermal expansion) since these
effects can compound structural weaknesses.
For high-performance liquid rocket engines to meet Most importantly, once a sensor has been se-
demanding mission objectives, all component sub- lected for use in an engine, proof that it functions
systems must be designed to operate at peak perfor- properly over the specified temperature range will be
mance levels. All of the components are monitored essential to its eventual acceptance into established
continuously during the construction and hot-fire sensor inventories. Although a given temperature
testing phases to ensure that reliable performance sensor might not be rated for use at liquid-oxygen or
characteristics will be maintained throughout devel- liquid-hydrogen temperatures, it is often possible to
opment and delivery. It is only through the use of "extend" thermal ranges by performing a calibration
highly specialized instrumentation and dedicated at the "new" operating temperature.
computing capability that closed-loop control, con-
dition monitoring, and engine safety requirements Principal Types o f Instrumentation
can be met.
To successfully instrument a rocket-engine sys- Temperature sensors. There are three com-
tem, the designer must understand the intricacies of m o n sensors u s e d for measuring temperature:
normal engine operation. This understanding should thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors
then be followed by instruction in instrumentation (RTDs), and thermistors (Table 7-6).
basics and control theory tempered by a meaningful Two dissimilar metal wires joined at one end
treatment of rocket-engine failure mode data. Before forms a thermocouple. It generates an electromotive
instrumentation can be installed on an engine, de- force (EMF) proportional to its bulk temperature.
tailed analyses must be performed to define fatigue Thermocouples are simple, rugged, and have fast re-
factors, vibration levels, and heat-transfer characteris- sponse time, 100 ms for very small wire diameters.
tics. From a purely functional standpoint, individual They can readily be installed into most engine de-
sensor designs can range from the relatively simple signs. Thermocouples are available in a variety of
to the highly complex. Selecting the right sensor for types for specific applications (Table 7-7).
the job directly impacts the performance and As a disadvantage, a thermocouple has very low
reliability characteristics of an engine system. output voltage (Fig. 7-57), approximately 60 mV, thus

necessitating a signal amplifier. In addition, thermo-

70 #
couple output tends to drift over time, and that, de- ,,.# (Courtesy of
pending on the usage time-frame, may create a prob- 60 NANMAC Corporation)
lem. There are other design factors to take into ac-
count before selecting a specific thermocouple for a soL ~ ¢~
given application. Grounded-type thermocouples
have a faster response time than ungrounded, but a
g ,0 /j
shorter useful life due to mechanical strain induced sten vs Tungsten 2 6 % Rhenium

during thermal cycling (Fig. 7-58 and 7-59).

Thermoelectric elements should also be matched
to the physical environment in which they will be
used. For example, iron-constantan thermocouples
rust when exposed to moist environments. For this o
I 1 l , i t 1 t 1 I_ I
reason, sealed sheaths normally protect thermocou- 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
pie wires. Whenever possible, thermal-expansion co- Temperalure (°F)
efficients of the thermoelectric materials should be
matched to those of the sheath material to minimize Fig. 7-57 Temperature-vs.-EMF curves.
thermally-induced-strain effects.
The resistance temperature detector (RTD), a
wound coil made of platinum or nickel wire whose
resistance varies with temperature, gives stable per-
formance over long periods and is highly accurate, 100 "

especially while sensing at cryogenic temperatures. 0.040"

90 dia
The coil RTD often forms the fourth leg of a wheat- "x 0.062"
-" dia 0.12
stone bridge that converts variable resistances into Q.
dla 0.188"

voltages. Like the thermocouple device, the RTD

~ 7o
output is nonlinear, but can be characterized through
the use of a polynomial-fit equation. Unfortunately, ~ 60

.~ 4o
Table 7-6 Temperature s e n s o r s and r e s p o n s e
times ~. 30 --I~ / / / All tests performed by rapid
II ! / / immersion into stirred hot oil
Thermocouple RTD Thermistor 20
• _, . . . . . . . . .

Repeatability 2" to 15"F 0.05" to 0.1"F 0.22" to 2'F 10

Stability 1" to 2"F drift/yr less than 0.10% 0.2" to 5"F ddlt in 1 yr 0
drift in 5 yr 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)
Sensitivily 10 to 15 IW/'C 0.2 to 10 D[C 100 to 1000 D/'C

Interchangeability +/- 0.75% +/- 0.5% +/- 0.75% Fig. 7-58 Response times of sheathed,
Temperature range 400" to +5000"F -200" to +1600'F -150" to +550"F grounded thermocouples.
Comments Low voltage output Requires bridge or Highest sensitivity,
requires low drift other network Ior inherently nonlinear
signal conditioning typical interface

Metal Sheath Thermocouple Elements (Typical)/

Table 7-7 Temperature limits for thermocou- Mineral Insulation (Typical) X
EXtension Wire
pie wire plcal)

Wire Gauge (AWG)

Tllermocou~e ISA . . . .

Type 8 14 20 24 28

Copper-constantan K -- 700"F 500"F 400"F 400"F

Iron-constantan J 1400"F 1100"F 900"F 700"F 700"F

Chromel-constantan E 1600"F 1200"F IO00"F 800"F 800"F

Chromel-alumel K 2300"F 2000"F 1800"F 1600"F 1600"F

,yp, . . . . . . . . . . . .

Platinum-platinum rhodium R and S . . . . . . 2700"F --

Platinum 6%
Rhodium-platinum B . . . . . . 3100"F -- I II I I
Rhodium 30%
Type 3 Insulated Junction
Tungsten rhenium Fig. 7-59 Conventional thermal junctions.

-~:~- .~ ~ ~ .i~:~'':i%~i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii~ililiiiiiiii ~i!i!i!!ii !! i~:!!iii!i!!i~iliii ~

...... .... ~ :' ~ : : i i ~ i ~-'~::~'~~i!~iii~ii!iiiii~i~ !!!!.... ~i :i~Oi~iiii~ii:!7~ili~'¸i!~


Fig. 7-61 SSME pressure transducer

(manufactured by C.C.C.).

Piezoelectric pressure sensors are used primarily

for measuring dynamic-pressure components, exten-
sively in the d e v e l o p m e n t phase. The term piezo
Fig. %60 Cryogenic temperature sensor.
means "to squeeze," and conveys the principle u p o n
which these sensors operate. A quartz crystal is pack-
aged inside a hermetically sealed container. In its
RTDs tend to be fragile and must be packaged for the equilibrium state the sensor reads "zero." But acted
e n v i r o n m e n t of a specific application. Second, an u p o n by an external pressure wave, the crystal pro-
"area"-sensitive device, the RTD has a slower re- duces a static charge on its surface proportional to
sponse than the thermocouple. Figure 7-60 shows a the applied pressure. As the pressure stabilizes, how-
two-element RTD used for measuring cryogenic tem- ever, the charge dissipates and the sensor's output re-
peratures. turns to zero.
The third type of t e m p e r a t u r e sensor, called a The most c o m m o n type of pressure transducer
thermistor, a s e m i c o n d u c t o r device with a limited utilizes a standard resistance gage to measure strain
operating range, primarily has b e e n used for moni- on an object and convert it to a pressure value (Fig.
toring the t e m p e r a t u r e of other electronic equip- 7-61). Such a sensor has a metal diaphragm or force
ment. Thermistors have a fast response time and are collector that employs strain gages at the areas of
very nonlinear. They must use a linearization circuit minimum and m a x i m u m strain. W h e n c o n n e c t e d to
to provide a linear voltage-to-temperature relation- a Wheatstone-bridge network, the sensor produces a
ship. They are also easily damaged; thus packaging full-scale output of approximately 5 mV per volt of
requirements are an important design consideration. excitation. Pressure sensors utilizing foil-gage tech-
Pressure sensors. Pressure measurements fre- nology are limited to a bulk temperature of approxi-
quently require that sensors o p e r a t e over a wide mately 250"F.
temperature range at high vibration levels. Two types The term "piezoresistive" is reserved for pressure
of p r e s s u r e m e a s u r e m e n t s c o n c e r n r o c k e t - e n g i n e transducers embodying semiconductor measuring el-
designers: static and dynamic. Static-pressure mea- ements. Small pieces of P- and N-type silicon (pro-
surements can be performed with sensors having low cessed specifically for transducer applications) are
f r e q u e n c y r e s p o n s e , typically less than 1000 Hz. b o n d e d to a central diaphragm. The P-type material
These sensors can be installed s o m e distance from increases its resistance with an applied load; N-type
the p r e s s u r e port w i t h a s m a l l - d i a m e t e r t u b e material, the opposite. C o n n e c t e d to a standard
connecting the port to the sensor. In cases where the W h e a t s t o n e bridge, this circuit makes an effective
pressure m e d i a will e x p e r i e n c e very high tem- pressure-measuring device. These sensors are used in
peratures (>600"F)uin the combustion chamber, for m a n y high-temperature applications and are not as
example, this type of m e a s u r e m e n t is preferable p r o n e to the sensitivity and linearity shifts often as-
because the sensors can be installed in a m o r e - b e - sociated with other pressure-sensing devices.
nigh thermal environment. Pressure switches are used w h e n it is not neces-
Dynamic pressure m e a s u r e m e n t s require sensors sary to monitor the absolute analog pressure of a
to be installed near the pressure media. For a high- given media. Like the other pressure sensors, pres-
frequency-response sensor (>5 kHz), the sensing ele- sure switches use diaphragms as the force collector,
ment (i.e., diaphragm) should be in almost immedi- which in turn actuates a switch at a p r e d e t e r m i n e d
ate contact with the pressure media or flush to the pressure level. That level can be preset at the factory
surface of the pressure chamber. or set in the field.

Accelerometers. Accelerometers measure the restriction can be related to the actual fluid flowrate.
acceleration of an engine component that has been The output of this flowmeter is nonlinear (a square
subjected to shock and vibration. Most acceler- root function) and the dynamic range is limited to
ometers utilize the same piezoelectric technology as 4:1. Orifice plates and venturis cause a permanent
dynamic pressure sensors. A single quartz crystal is static-pressure loss in the flow system. However, ven-
packaged together with a seismic mass and spring turis can measure approximately two-thirds more
mechanism. Variations in pressure on the piezo- flow at the same differential pressure than the sharp-
electric element change its electrostatic charge in edge orifice of the same size.
proportion to the vibration/shock load. This sensor S p e e d s e n s o r s . Turbopump shaft speed needs
has a very high natural frequency, making it ideal for monitoring to verify its performance while con-
shock and vibration measurements. Piezoelectric firming that redline shaft speeds are not being
accelerometers can be used from -450 to 1400"F and exceeded. The typical speed sensor is a variable-
are available in single- or multiple-axis config- reluctance type consisting of a permanent magnet
urations. Figure 7-62 shows a miniature accelerome- and an independent pole piece surrounded by a coil
ter used for measuring engine-component vibration. winding of thin-filament magnet wire (Fig. 7-64). The
Flowmeters. Flowmeters are fundamental to speed sensor is installed through the turbopump case
propellant/oxidizer mixture-ratio determinations in in close proximity to the s p e e d - n u t assembly
the main combustion chamber. Flowrates are ex- mounted on the p u m p shaft. The speed nut has a
pressed in volumetric units or weight per unit time. collection of equally sized and spaced teeth around
Flowmeter selection criteria d e p e n d on the fluid its outer diameter. Each tooth passing through the
environment and the data type required by the magnetic field produced by the permanent magnet
engine controller. Turbine and venturi are two induces an ac voltage in the coil winding. This
common flowmeter types. voltage pulse is transmitted to the engine controller,
The turbine flowmeter has been used in rocket
engines very successfully for years (Fig. 7-63). A rela-
tively simple device, it has a turbine wheel suspended
in a duct. The turbine rotates freely driven by the gas
or liquid flowing past. The rotational speed of the Electric Pickup
turbine is proportional to the velocity of the fluid.
Since flowrates are usually constant, the turbine's ro-
tational speed is also a true representation of the
volumetric rate of fluid moving through the flowme-
ter. Turbine rotation is sensed through the flowmeter
body by an external pickup mounted on the surface
directly above the flowmeter rotor. The rotation Flow
produces a train of electrical pulses in the pickup. Flow Out
The frequency of these pulses can then be transmit-
ted to the appropriate readout electronics in the en-
gine controller. The output characteristics of the
flowmeter are quite linear. Accuracies to 0.5% full
scale (FS) can be obtained. Repeatability is a re- Rotor
spectable 0.1% FS or less.
Rocket-engine test stand facilities frequently use Fig. %63 Turbine-type flowmeter.
differential-pressure flowmeters to measure fluid flow.
Either venturis or orifice plates are used as the pri-
mary restrictive elements limiting fluid flow in a lo- HPFTP ~ ~ ~~R ~~i ~I~ i ~
calized region. Differential pressure sensed near the

/ .• l

" :}]
i :~ •

~i (~•iI

Fig. 7-62 SSME flight accelerometer. Fig. 7-64 HPFTP speed sensor.

which converts the signal frequency to a voltage ence/radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI) envi-
proportional to the shaft speed. ronments.
Strain gages. Strain gages help to quantify Potentiometer displacement sensors have been
strain levels in various engine components for design used in various capacities for reporting valve and ac-
verification or failure investigation. Although strain tuator position. They are cost-effective and require
gages are simple devices, to properly employ them no specialized signal-conditioning equipment to be
requires the user to understand the selection criteria incorporated into a control system. They do suffer
explicitly in terms of precision, strain magnitude, the disadvantages, being a variable-resistor type, of
temperature extremes, cyclic endurance, and other necessarily experiencing mechanical wear of the
test variables including the availability of desired wiper and coil. Second, these sensors are extremely
gage types. Technical support provided by the noisy when vibrated. Third, like the LVDT, they can
strain-gage manufacturer contributing importantly to be a bit large. It should be noted that if cost is im-
the success of strain-gage selection and installation. portant and long life is not an issue, this type of sen-
Three main types of strain gage are commer- sor may well be worth considering.
cially available: nickel-chromium (also known as ni- Certain valve and actuator applications require
chrome), semiconductor, and foil. All are available only that the home positions (full-open or full-close)
as single units or in gage c o m b i n a t i o n s called be reported. If it will not be cost-effective to incorpo-
rosettes. Three-gage rosettes are widely used in stress rate a high-priced, customized sensor, requiring ex-
analysis where magnitude and direction are totally tensive signal conditioning, then limit switches make
unknown. an ideal choice, especially when the engine does not
Temperature fluctuations represent an important need throttling. Limit switches have been used in
source of error for strain gages because resistance many rocket-engine applications with a high degree
changes with both strain and temperature. Compen- of success. They are extremely cost-effective and,
sating for temperature-induced error can be done in even w h e n used in redundant systems, maintain a
a number of ways. A "dummy" gage, identical to the high degree of reliability.
active gage, can be attached to an unstrained coupon
of the same material as the active gage and subjected Instrumentation Installation
to the same temperature conditions. Both active and
d u m m y gages then connected to adjacent legs of a Temperature sensors. Sensor chosen for a
Wheatstone bridge will cause the resistance changes particular measurement, the designer should direct
due to temperature to cancel. Another approach is attention to the selection of an appropriate sensor
to measure the temperature at the gages; this requires port before beginning any support hardware designs.
that the strain-gaged assembly be calibrated before Selecting a commercially available t e m p e r a t u r e
use. The calibration will provide the necessary char- sensor will make installation design considerably
acteristic curve(s) to correct for thermal error. In easier. Otherwise, further analyses will be required to
either case, it is advisable to use t e m p e r a t u r e - define the structure that best facilitates the sensor
compensated strain gages. installation. Sensors should be compatible with
Position sensors. Control-system feedback propellent and engine-hardware requirements, both
loops depend heavily on the use of position sensors, internally and externally. Equally important, the
particularly w h e n modulating c o m p o n e n t s such as designer must assure himself that the installation
valves and actuators are involved. These devices does not put the sensor in a position to cause
literally translate the mechanical position of a device m e a s u r e m e n t errors (stem c o n d u c t i o n , velocity
(valve position 90% OPEN, for example) into an errors, inadequate immersion into the flow, etc).
electrical output. This information can then be used Pressure sensors. Pressure-sensor installation
for throttling control of the p r o p u l s i o n system. procedures d e p e n d on the designer's understanding
System safety or start enable/inhibit parameters are of the pressure media to be m e a s u r e d and also
other possible commands. As a unique feature, this whether static or dynamic pressures are to be sensed.
sensor type can be readily built into valve or actuator Pressure sensors will be installed either directly or
hardware, remotely from the pressure media depending on the
Many methods can be employed to measure po- e n v i r o n m e n t a l conditions at the pressure port
sition. Only three types will be discussed here: and/or the characteristics of the media. Sensors
LVDTs, potentiometers, and limit switches, installed directly have the advantage of requiring no
The linear variable differential t r a n s f o r m e r extra hardware, thus reducing engine weight.
(LVDT)--a popular choice when it comes to position In ducts carrying propellants, static-pressure
sensing in a valve or actuator--operates from an ac measurement ports must be distanced from connect-
source and provide an ac signal proportional to the ing elbows or other transitions that produce turbu-
position sensed. In addition, the direction traveled lence. In certain situations, shields are recom-
can be defined by observing the phase characteris- mended in front of the pressure ports to minimize
tics of the output; that is, whether or not the output is the dynamic effects of the media. Installing the sen-
in phase with the input. LVDTs have one particularly sors remotely requires a careful examination of the
agreeable trait: there is little or no noise associated type of hardware available to connect sensor and the
with their operation. In addition, by following pressure port. If the pressure media is water vapor
proper design practices, LVDTs can be adapted to a (LOX-hydrogen combustion byproducts), provisions
wide range of temperatures (-423 to 1000"F), moder- must be made to purge the sensing line pre, post, and
ate vibration, and severe electromagnetic interfer- sometimes during testing periods. Supercooled lines

may produce an ice obstruction in the line, resulting transducer and acoustic-cavity equivalents, plus asso-
in faulty or loss of measurement. Connecting lines ciated equations.
must be also be designed with adequate diameters Accelerometers. To gain accurate and useful
and lengths. The lines must be fastened to the struc- information, special care must be taken to couple the
ture to withstand severe vibration levels. Again, it is sensors properly to the test component. Attachment
equally important that the installation not put the methods must not introduce any distortion and the
sensor or pressure-pickup point in a position to cause sensors must be mounted rigidly to a base structure
measurement errors (velocity errors, total pressure, that responds to the frequency range of interest.
etc). W h e n e v e r possible, the accelerometer should be
In designs requiring dynamic pressure measure- m o u n t e d on a stud base. The accelerometer base
ments, sensors should be installed as close to the must be in good contact with the test object and care
pressure media as possible. In applications where should be taken to ensure a flush mating with a
the frequency response desired runs above 4 kHz, it is smooth, flat surface. Standard m a c h i n e screws
advisable to have the p r e s s u r e - s e n s i n g e l e m e n t should be avoided because, since they lack a flange
(diaphragm) in close proximity with the media. The or shoulder, it is possible to bottom them in the ac-
diaphragm should never protrude into the flow. celerometer, thereby changing its dynamic response
For a dynamic response from 100 Hz to 4 kHz, and possibly causing damage to the unit. For an
the pressure-sensing element may be located several electrically insulated installation, special care must
inches away from the pressure media. This is conve- be taken to isolate the accelerometer from the
nient if the sensor cannot be installed directly or the electrical ground, thereby preventing ground loops.
surrounding environment prevents it from being lo- Making accelerometer attachments to surfaces
cated in close proximity. It is always recommended that cannot be drilled or tapped present a unique
to analyze the pressure cavity to ensure that the cav- problem. As one way to resolve it, the sensor can be
ity resonant modes combined with the tap-transducer c e m e n t e d directly into the test object. Adhesives
cavity come well above the measured pressure fre- should not be scraped or sanded from the ac-
quency range. celerometers; this creates a rough mounting surface
Figure 7-65 shows a typical sensor installation in and can cause poor frequency response and a possi-
the thrust c h a m b e r of a rocket e n g i n e m p r e s s u r e ble increase in transverse sensitivity.

Jcer E ~ Transducer

Adapter~. ~/77 Diaphrag m

~ / / ~ Engine Component
Ta Wall

Engine Component Diaphragm

Transducer Installation Transducer Installation

-"{ -T-L
fn = 2n-14 (C)

where: where:
n = Any whole number (1,2, 3 . . . etc) C = Acoustic velocity
n = i for the fundamental frequency S = Cross-sectional area of tube, in2
C = Acoustic velocity of the medium V = Volume of cavity at the end of the tube, in3
(13,550 in/s for air at 68°F) L' = Effective length of tube, in.
L = Length of tube in inches L' = L + 1.7a
where: L = Actuailength
a = Radius of tube

a) Acoustic Equivalent b) Acoustic Equivalent

Fig. 7-65 Acoustic equivalents of pressure-transducer mounting cavities.


In certain applications, mounting the accelerom- face finishes for several classes of gage installation
eter on the test object may effect the system being are summarized as below.
measured and thus the nature of the data obtained.
With piezoelectric accelerometers, this occurs for Surface F i n i s h RMS
one of two reasons: (1) the fixture required to couple
Class o f I n s t a l l a t i o n Micro- Micro-
the accelerometer to a flexible structure may intro-
inches meters
duce local stiffening, thus changing the structural re-
sponse, or (2) the a d d e d mass of the fixture/
transducer may change the system characteristics.
General stress analysis 63/125 1.6 / 3.2
Effects due to either can be reduced or eliminated by
High elongation > 250 > 6.4
choosing the smallest and lightest accelerometer
Transducers 16 / 63 0.4 / 1.6
Ceramic cement > 250 >6.4
Flowmeters. The turbine-type flowmeter can
be installed in a simple fashion between available The normal method to locate and orient a strain
flanges in existing ducting (Fig. 7-63). This type of gage accurately on the test surface first marks the sur-
transducer is very sensitive to velocity-profile dis- face with a pair of crossed reference lines at the
turbances in the flow stream. The line configuration point where the strain measurement will be made.
should therefore minimize or eliminate flow distur- The lines are made perpendicular to one another,
bances during calibration and use. The line should with one oriented in the direction of the strain mea-
be straight for a minimum of 10 diameters upstream surement. The lines should be made with a tool that
and 5 diameters downstream. The presence of major "burnishes" rather than scores or scribes the surface
flow. disturbances caused by turbopumps, valve (ballpoint pen or a r o u n d - p o i n t e d brass rod).
inlets/outlets may require even greater straight Graphite pencils should never be used on high-tem-
sections. perature alloys w h e r e the operating temperature
If swirl is present in the line ahead of the flowme- might cause carbon embrittlement. All residue from
ter installation, a longer straight section may be re- the burnishing operation should be r e m o v e d by
quired or flow straighteners may need to be installed. scrubbing with conditioners used on cotton-tipped
Flow straightening should conform to industry stan- applicators. Cleaning solutions should never be al-
dards and specifications. Piping and system compo- lowed to dry on the surface. The final step in surface
nents should be arranged to minimize pulsations en- preparation brings the surface condition back to an
tering the turbine meter. Pulsations may cause the optimum alkalinity of 7.0 to 7.5 pH. Preparations to
meter to read high, and excessive pulsations may achieve the right alkalinity are available from strain-
cause permanent bearing damage. Pulsations should gage suppliers.
be kept below 10% of flowrate at the meter location. Several adhesives are available for b o n d i n g
strain gages for use at temperatures ranging f r o m -
Pickup installation. The magnetic pickup
452 to 700"F. Special bonding materials--notably ce-
output, a low-level signal, will range from 10 mv to
ramic "paints" and flame-sprayed c e r a m i c s - - a r e
several volts peak-to-peak. The following rules govern
available for temperatures up to 1200"F.
proper installation:
The weldable gage, a precision foil sensor
• Do not mount the pickup close to electrical
b o n d e d to a metal carrier, can be spot-welded to
equipment producing large electrical fields (motors,
structures and other surfaces. Spot welding proves
relays, etc).
convenient, particularly where bonding conditions
• Use twisted and shielded cable for the
are not ideal. It can be done with a stored-energy
pickup/amplifier connection.
handprobe spot welder.
• Hard or flexible conduit for the pickup cable
Position sensors. Most position sensors in
must not be shared with other cabling carrying high-
rocket e n g i n e s are specifically d e s i g n e d for
level power sources.
measuring a mechanical displacement within a
• Use a #14 AWG or larger-diameter ground wire
s u b s y s t e m / c o m p o n e n t normally used for closed-
connected from the amplifier ground to the pickup
loop controls (i.e., fuel/oxidized valves, actuators).
body or pipe to reduce the incidence of electrical
noise. The sensor installation concepts should be integrated
in the earlier stages of the s u b s y s t e m / c o m p o n e n t
S t r a i n g a g e s . The installation of strain gages is development. This will avoid unnecessary costs in
by itself a considerable science. Each application developing a radical design. Furthermore, the engine
deserves special care and study. The selection of designer must come to understand the operation and
valid gage characteristics is very important to function of all mechanisms involved in the design.
optimizing performance, taking into account the This will aid the integration of sensor and other
operating environment while obtaining accurate anti mechanisms. In general, the designer will follow
reliable strain measurements. good engineering practices to achieve a successful
Strain gages can be bonded satisfactorily to al- installation.
most any solid material if the material surface is pre-
pared properly. Cleanliness is vital. Throughout the Engine Harnesses
surface-preparation process, it is wise to guard against
contamination. The optimum surface finish for The various subsystems of the engine electrical sys-
strain-gage bonding depends upon the nature and tem must be connected by suitable wiring, which, for
purpose of the installation. The recommended sur- proper mounting and clean routing, will be corn-

l Electrical Vehicle to I Vehicle Propellant

Container GSE Static Vehicle Ground I Management
(Batteries and Checkout Instrumentation Umbilical I System
Control Devices) Connections Patch Panel Con tions .] (Sensors and Logic)
c~ Other
Engines Engines
(if any) Engines
(if any) (if any)
L._.J I__J I 1

A ,, ,,,, _ , , , ,, Vehicle Mounted Junction Box

(one per engine)
i ~ ~ _. ~ ~ [ r- " - 7

E = EE

~ B~:~~~ Temperature

o ~ Measurements o~
C __1- 7

Engine Primary Engine Secondary Propellant

Control Instrumentation Engine Utilization (PU)

I -
Package Package Instrumentation Valve

Fig. 7-66 Typical block diagram of engine-to-vehicle electrical connections.

bined into one or several wire harnesses. These • Flexibility (installation, stiffness vs. bending
components must be designed and manufactured to load)
the same standards as any other engine component • EMI requirements/protection
or subsystem. In addition to the cabling required to • Redundancy
interconnect the various engine electrical subsystems, • Maintenance of harness and engine
other cables are required to link the subsystems to
the vehicle systems. This includes wiring for power For manufacture, the designer must supply certain
supply, controls (start and stop, power up, throttling, information, this is best combined into a single as-
etc.), instrumentation, and checkout circuits. To facil- sembly drawing containing the following informa-
itate engine installation and line connections, these tion:
wires will be combined into trunks, each terminating 1) Wire list. This list (Fig. 7-67) calls out each
in connectors that must have a mating counterpart harness wire by number, color, and conductor size,
on the vehicle. The vehicle-to-engine interface con- and defines its termination hardware. It also speci-
nections use a "J-Box" (junction box) into which are fies the wire routing b e t w e e n end points (plugs
plugged both the engine and the connectors to vehi- and/or receptacles) and shield-termination schemes.
cle systems. The "J-Box" permits easy and environ- 2) Harness schematic. For clarity, the schematic
ment-protected redistribution of incoming and out- repeats in pictorial form most of the information
going wires to assigned connectors. supplied in the wire list, together with additional in-
The typical block diagram in Fig. 7-66 depicts formation. Signal names, logic names, grounds, volt-
the principal electrical connections b e t w e e n engine ages, and functions may be specified. Use of a
subsystems and vehicle. schematic is optional.
3) Physical routing diagram. This diagram (as
Requirements. Proper design of a rocket- shown in Fig. 7-68) defines the branch points and
engine wire harness must consider the following: their relative distance from the primary connector,
• Working environment clocking (if required) all part numbers used in as-
• Importance of signal transmitted sembly, identification, nomenclature, wire size, and
• Materials type. Each connector will have its shell size, contact
• Harness-construction type arrangement, polarity, application name, and refer-
• Routing (minimum distance, interference) ence designation on a hard callout (field note).
• Secure clamping (safety, avoidance of wire
chafing) Design Considerations
• Selection of attachment points (avoidance of
special brackets) Design considerations span a wide range of diverse
• Adequate support (harness weight, vehicle factors.
acceleration) Thermal. Thermal environments fall generally
• Moisture protection (potting, sheathing) into six categories: ambient, sub-zero, hot gas, plasma
• Heat protection (routing, wrapping) gas, cryogenic and combinations of those. Each en-
• Arching protection (corona & dead shorts) vironment establishes its own parameters. Ambient

Wire List
conditions can often be harnessed with almost any
available a p p r o v e d flight materials and of course
Wire From To may use the special materials, and designs used in
Item & Tie Item & Tie hostile applications.
No. Color Type Terminal
,, , ,, •
Shield to Terminal Shield to When harnessing in sub-zero conditions, care
1 White @ J202-E P213-1
should be used in finding proper materials. Many
21 soft goods will not perform well at such thermal lev-
2 Black J202-F P213-4

3 White
els. Fast freezing makes good protection from water
J202-G P213-2
4 Black ® J202-H 21 P213-3 an essential. Cryogenic conditions occur when nor-
5 Red J202-J P213-5 mal atmospheric gases liquify. Insulations, soft
6 White ® J 2K 21
P214-1 goods, and resins will become brittle or fractured.
7 Black J202-L P214-4 Thermal coefficients of expansion for connectors
8 White J202-M P214-2
become a factor as well as sealants in hermetic con-
I~ Black ® J202-N 21 P214-3 nectors. Hot gas and plasma environments also re-
Red J202-P P214-5 quire special material; insulations are usually woven
11 White @ J202-A P215-1 glass or ceramic.
12 Black J202-B 21
P2154 Vibration. Vibration can have a detrimental ef-
13 While J202-C P215-2 fect on all engine harnesses. Harnesses for high-vi-
14 Black J202-D 21 P215-3 bration areas require the use of stress/strain relief,
15 Red J202-E P215-5
good clamping techniques, potted backshells, and
16 White @ J202-F_
P216-1 thicker insulation. High-reliability connectors should
17 Black J202-G P216-4 be used for interconnection.
18 White J202-H P216-2 Humidity Humidity can be a serious problem if
19 Black @ J202-1 21 P216-3 not handled correctly. Humidity causes short-circuit
20 Red J202-J P216-5
failures, corrosion failure, and water/ice damage.
21 White @ J202-HH J202 Shield When harnessing in extreme humidity it is important
to avoid trapping moisture in harness or connector
Shield Shied areas. Braided harnesses and non-potted backshells
Wire Coded to Primary Terminalion Secondary Termination
Hard Callout on Connector Connector tend to trap moisture and should be avoided if pos-
Field of Drawing and Contact and Contact sible. Dual wall (glue-wall) sleeving should be used.
Rigid sleevings should be avoided due to the cracking
problems associated with them.
Material compatibility Candidate materials for
Fig. 7-67 Wire list. harness use need to be scrutinized, because incom-

( ~ Cable, Electrical, RB0150-144 Type 2-22

F-- 29 ft as Required
/ @ Cable, Electrical, RB0150-144 Type 3-22
/ A 29 tt as Required
/ ( ~ Wire, Electrical, 40MS0577-B-22-9
1 It as Required
. Typical Secondary
/ / Connector Hard Caliout
' / ('~ ( ~ 276-4BKOD438DIATubing /
Primary Connector / /-,J v 2 in. as Required / Branch Point. . . . / 10 Shell 5 Contact
J202 (22-55PN) _/ ,/ ,j EJ..ocKe.oas ~no.,.wn.unless I~' Sockets Keyed Normal
~ P A ,., ~ . umerwlse ~pecmea r, Iv
I I • • ~ ~.,..=" ~ ("] MainChamber "
L...J ..... ~ 29.00 - ( ~ 60.50 ~;) • 71.75 ~ 87.00 U PressureRef.

rl \ 54.75 -X ~ ,~'
" Ref
' : " "Des

/ "BI" \ _ \ \ @ NB-R-10 Backshell. 90 deg (1 req'd)

. ~ ,P,21~4(10,7,5S..N) ~ ............ ~ ( ~ M2305314-304-0 Insulation
rk~ RES1235- 22255PN Connector(1 req'd) ,d _N~'U/ff ffreDumer
- - \ . . .r~o
. . Uu~_~orq. \ Sleeving as Required
,~ /~r ~ressure Her ~ HPOTPDischarge ~ k Clock Connector at 5"30
( ~ NB-S-22 Backshell (1 req'd) ~ ~ PressureRef ~ •
G RE483-3003-0550 Ring (1 req'd) / ¢ ~ P216 (10- 5SN)
. . / | L,,,"3, HPOTPBoost Stage
_ RE483 - 3005- 0170 Ring (1 req d) ~ RE1731-971005N Connector (1 req'd) / ~ ImpeIlerD=schar
" ge
0 4) M23053/4-304-0 Insulation ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ RE1731-971005N Connector (1 req'd) I PressureRef
--- . . NU-~-]U uacKsnell (1 req'oJ
Sleeving as Required (~ @ NB-R-10 Backshell, 90 deg (1 req'd) /
(~) M23053/4-304-0 Insulation
Sleeving as Required G M23053/4-304-0 Insulation G RE1731-971005N Connector (1 req'd)
Sleeving as Required @ NB-R-10 Backshell, 90 deg (1 req'd)
Clock Connector at 10:30 (~) M23053/4-304-0 Insulation
Sleeving as Required
Clock Connector at 3:00
Backshell Clocking
Clocked at 12:00
Unless Otherwise Specified
Fig. %68 Physical-routing diagram.

patible materials are a leading cause of harness inate from the instrumentation, and output signals
failure. Metallic materials need to be compared on are transmitted to the engine control valves. Proper
the galvanic scale to avoid galvanic corrosion. engine function depends upon good signal quality.
Materials selected (especially soft goods and plat- Proper shielding will help guide unwanted electronic
ings) must be c o m p a t i b l e with specified flight signals to ground. Power signals should be run in
requirements. Flammability and outgassing require- separate cables from data signals on the same har-
ments require definition. ness leg. Shielded twisted pairs and triples should be
Weight Minimum-weight requirements are al- used for most signals.
ways important in space vehicles; but integrity, sur- Noise Unwanted impulses absorbed into the sig-
vivability, reliability and service life should never be nal carrier create noise. There are two kinds of noise,
sacrificed for less weight. spurious and c o m m o n - m o d e . Spikes from other
Bend radii Bend radii fall into two categories: electronic carriers either near or around the signal
b e n d radius at connector/termination and routing- carrier cause spurious noise. Common-mode is pri-
bend radii. When harnesses exit connectors, the ini- marily ac noise induced by radio frequency (RF)
tial bend will exhibit the most critical element on the waveform or magnetic fields. Proper shielding prac-
life of a harness. Care must be taken to limit the tices will help block spurious but not common-mode
amount of bend transmitted to the relief and har- noise; it must be attenuated through the use of prop-
ness-configuration connector. As a general rule, 10X erly designed signal-conditioning equipment.
diameter of harness is considered optimum, 3X mini- Electromagnetic interferenc~ Electromagnetic
mum, for bend radius. Care must be taken to avoid interference (EMI) is caused by magnetic fields
sharp objects, corners, and other damaging parts as penetrating the outer shield. That changes the ampli-
well as hot ducts and moving parts when routing har- tude and RF waveform. Since 90 deg to the electronic
ness and determining bend radii. It is important to field, a strong, dynamic magnetic (e) field creates a
maintain adequate clamping always. disturbance in the electron flow. EMI can best be
Harness routin~ Harnesses should be routed in a eliminated by a complete shield sized to attenuate
m a n n e r that prevents d a m a g e to harness or the the energy in the greatest e-field found (or expected)
connector. When clamping next to the connector, and good conduction to ground.
an effort should be m a d e to eliminate side play Crosstalla Two analog ac signals running parallel
(especially on angled backshells). Side play tends to to each other can cause crosstalk (signal crossover).
loosen backshells and connectors, causes birdcaging The waveforms transmitted tend to increase in
in braided harnesses, and can cause c o n d u c t o r amplitude and frequency as they interact with each
breakage. The first clamp should be located within 6- other. Running signals in twisted pairs and triplets
in. of the backshell exit. Harness clamps should be help reduce cross talk. Further, power should be
located in a manner that will prevent the harness isolated from data signals whenever possible by the
from contacting sharp edges and other surfaces that use of shielded cabling and segregation.
can cause damage. The maximum distance between Conductorx When choosing wire it is important
clamps should be 15 in. Multiple harnesses may be to look at a current vs. resistance. As a rule, aircraft
secured in a single clamp. Bend radii should be use 600-V RMS wire with resistance selected by choice
maintained by proper clamping. Routing on fuel of an AWG. Resistance is usually kept to less than 1
lines should be avoided. Loops should not be left ohm over the engine-harness conductor length.
that maintenance personnel can use as hand or foot Conductor insulation. Rocket engines, owing to
holds. the severe environments in which they operate, need
Shielding. It is sound practice when designing special insulation, the best of which are in the Teflon
harnesses to provide shielding to eliminate noise, series TFE, PTFE, PFA. Teflon is basically limited to
crosstalk, EMP, and RF interference and to provide a an operation temperature of 200°F. The insulation
good ground connection. When designing shielding, should be heavier than standard military wire for
care should be taken not to produce ground loops. protection against high vibration. It is always better
Harnesses that need protection from electromag- to use a solid insulation rather than braided insula-
netic pulse (EMP), fire, or lightning strikes must be tion unless nothing else is available (such as ceramic
designed in a manner that will allow a high energy braid in hot-gas environment).
pulse to be absorbed and directed to the ground Conductor assemblies The standard wire used for
without degradation of signal. Most designs use a harnessing, multi-conductor cable grouped in sets of
flexible or rigid outer sheath that will carry the high- two or three, can be shielded or unshielded (shielded
energy pulse to engine ground. Flexible sheath mate- preferred), twisted (preferred) or non-twisted,
rials are generally woven into a fabric or braid con- stranded (preferred) or solid. Groups of multi-
figuration around the conductor bundle. Materials conductors are bundled to make a harness run.
used in braiding include copper with nickel plate, When implementing a redundant harness, the backup
stainless steel, and Inconel. Rigid sheaths are usually will usually be routed in the opposite direction and
copper and are supplied only as coax. Braided har- never tied into the primary assembly.
nesses need special connector backshells to termi- Conductor construction Solid conductor wire
nate the sheath mechanically and electrically. Care normally will not be used in harnessing since it
should be exercised to prevent ground loops w h e n should not be crimped, is not flexible, and will break
mechanically terminating secondary harness ends. upon repeated bending. In special cases, solid con-
Signals Signals usually are ac or dc and analog ductor can be used (wire welds, transitions, etc.).
or digital. Input signals to the engine controller orig- Stranded conductor wire is considered to be the best

choice for harnessing. It is crimpable and flexible, Non-locking connectors require help to stay in-
and has a long fatigue life. Preferred strand configu- stalled while in use. Lockwire, locktite, or Torque
rations are bundles of seven or nine conductors re- stripe can be used to keep connectors tight.
gardless of individual strand AWG. High reliability High reliability, as the name
Conductor material Conductor material should implies, means withstand severe environments with-
be high-strength copper alloy. High-strength alloy out degradation or loss of electrical signal. High-re-
gives excellent pull and crimp strength with little sac- liability connectors are designed primarily for high-
rifice to higher-resistance values. Pure copper should vibration and high-moisture environments.
be avoided except u n d e r special circumstances. Hermeticx Hermetic connectors are normally
Other materials include nickel wire, thermocouple- used on assemblies that require a gas-tight seal.
harness wire, fiberoptic cable, and stainless steel. H e r m e t i c - c o n n e c t o r assemblies are i n s e p a r a b l e
Aluminum should not be used due to galvanic corro- (contacts cannot be removed or replaced). Most
sion. hermetic connectors have a shell with a permanent
Conductor plating, Plating will normally be used dielectric (glass) insulator around the pins. The glass
to prevent corrosion on copper-alloy conductors. insulator can be a small bead or can cover the whole
Nickel plating is used extensively due to its excellent insert area. Hermetic connectors are usually circular.
properties. Silver plate is to be avoided due to oxide Mechanical retention Bayonet connectors are
growth and bad galvanic relationship with copper. used in applications where side loading and vi-
Unplated copper wire should never be used except in bration are not present. Bayonet connectors are
noncorrosive conductors (such as nickel, nickel al- fully engaged in less than one turn. Threaded con-
loys, and stainless steel). nectors come in two main series, standard thread
Coaxial conductors Coax is commonly used for and tri-start thread. Standard thread uses English or
RF signals. The "RG" series is recommended due to metric threads to retain the connector; this style is
its inherent ability to mate with existing connector used less in new designs. Most new designs now use
systems. When choosing coax, impedance must be tri-start connectors. Tri-starts become fully engaged
matched as well as voltage standing-wave ratio in about one full turn and require low hand-torque to
(VSWR) in the selected connectors. Careful attention lock and seal. The thread-form type has three lead-in
must be made to verify that all components of coax circular threads with a modified acme form in either
to cable are matched: center conductor AWG, di- English or metric pitch.
electric ID and OD, braid and braid type (foil, braid, Scoop-proof Scoop-proof connectors should be
etc.), and outer sheath OD. If required, low-noise used whenever possible because they prevent bent
coax may be used; it incorporates a second outer pins, a major cause of connector failure.
conductor to shunt EMI and noise to ground. Connector clocking, When two or more of the
Connectorx Connector assemblies can be very same connectors are used in one place, clocked con-
versatile as long as the design stays within the chosen nectors can prevent accidental/incorrect h o o k u p .
series. When choosing parts, threads, contacts, shell Clocked connectors use polarized keys on the con-
sizes, and materials must be compatible. The choice nector to prevent mismating. Polarized connectors
of connector series should be based upon these pa- make interconnection "fool-proof" by eliminating the
rameters: possibility of improper connector mating. In addi-
• A qualified standard part tion, the harness design should avoid placing two or
• Flight-rated and certified more of the same connectors close enough to be
• Reliability failure history based upon in-house cross-connected.
experience and industry alerts Pins and sockets The national electric code
• Available standard materials (pins, sockets, requires that power supplied by sockets and that mat-
shells, platings) ing pins be the correct size for the intended service.
• Electronic characteristics (attenuation, current, This p h i l o s o p h y u i n t e n d e d to stop accidental short-
VSWR) ing across unprotected pins with a foreign conduc-
• Available pin sizes tormshould be used unless precluded by other re-
• Backshell accommodations quirements. Contact materials are usually gold-
• Density of contacts plated alloy 52 (iron-nickel) with a crimp socket for
• Shape (bulkhead, firewall, etc.) connector interconnection.
• Hermetic availability Crimp terminations are preferred because they
• Scoop-proof (no bent pins) are stronger in tensile strength than the conductor
• Connector shell-type (circular, "D", miniature, used and provide true electron-exchange bonding.
etc.) The drawbacks are that only one conductor may be
• Interconnect type (threaded, bayonet, breech crimped in a single well and solid-conductor wire
lock, etc.) should not be crimped. Pull tests must verify crimp
• Availability integrity as well as correct tooling. Crimps must be
• Self-locking, non-locking sized by conductor size vs. crimp-well size (see mili-
tary or commercial specification). A conductor may
Self-locking connectors can lock themselves in never be doubled over to increase its size for proper
position after being assembled and do not loosen in crimping.
working environments. Locking schemes can be Four types of solder terminal will normally be
ratcheting, wire bales, jam nuts, or screw posts. Self- available (Fig. 7-69): spade, turret, solder-well, and
locking connectors are preferred over non-locking wire-wrap post. The spade lug is preferred since its
types. two sides and hole relieve the most strain. Shade

designations. The numeric identifier is individually
numbered. Numbers should not be used twice or
reused if a REF DES is cancelled. In system method-
ology all P&J prefixes may or may not match the
mating-connector reference designator. When using
system identification, a permanent log must be kept
with the system to assign REF DES, to prevent errors,
I and to assign future REF DES.
I In assembly-style methodology, each assembly will
1 have its own series of REF designators starting with
numeral one. Each connector will have a unique
Wire Wrap numeral regardless of prefix (for example: J1, P2, J3,
Solder Well Post
Turret J4, P5, etc.). Most organizations prefer assembly style
to identify connections.
Fig. %69 Typical solder terminals. Harness types. Conventional harnesses are
used in areas that are not usually vital to engine
function. Most expendable engines use conventional
terminations without holes should not be used. harnesses because of cost-effectiveness and ease of
Turrets are good for multi-conductor solder termina- fabrication. Conventional harnesses are constructed
tion but are more susceptible to strain failure. Solder of insulated conductors in braided shielded cable
well, the standard design available in most military- available in groups of 1,2,3,5, etc., with 2 and 3 being
type pins, can be used to accommodate multi-con- most common. Conductor groups are laced together
ductor termination, but need good strain relief and with twine or sleeving and terminated in normal
possibly potting boots to ensure fatigue life. Wire- strain-reliefs or backshells.
wrap posts should only be used with solid conduc- Coax harnesses serve all kinds of high-frequency
tors, with minimum of four wraps on each post. It data cabling. Normally they are c o n n e c t e d to
should be noted, however, that solder terminals accelerometers and high-frequency pressure trans-
should be avoided if possible. ducers. Coax cabling is available in two forms, rigid
Contact insertion and extraction Contacts must and flex, the more common being flex. Normally,
be i n s e r t e d using only the a p p r o v e d tool. low-noise coax will be the common flex form. It is
Unapproved or wrong-size tools will cause grommet almost always triaxial-type cable, constructed with two
damage and destroy sealing. All contacts must be in- outer conductors in c o m m o n to attenuate noise.
serted into the connector (used or unused contacts). Coax harnesses can be point-to-point or ganged into
Unused contacts should have sealing plugs inserted a c o m m o n connector/harness configuration.
behind the contact; test done with a proper tool after Specialized harnesses. Harsh environments
insertion to verify seating of the contact; contacts ex- may include water or salt spray/ice, vibration, hot or
tracted using an approved tool. Unapproved or cold w o r k i n g - t e m p e r a t u r e , high electrical loads,
wrong-size tools will cause grommet failure and seal dynamic movements, high "delta" temperature over
damage. Special tools are required to remove con- working temperature, and harsh or hazardous working
tacts from unused holes. medias. It is the designers responsibility to de-
Specialized hardware In most applications, termine the extent of the working environment and
hardware must be added to protect harness and con- choose suitable hardware (Fig. 7-70).
nector. Protective caps, strain reliefs, and backshells Armored harnesses Armored braided harnesses
all must be checked for compatibility. Shrink sleev- provide lightning protection and allow an engine
ing, strain-relief boots, and part-number tags must be system to shut down in the event of a failure/fire. An
added in proper order and be made of pliable mate- armour harness must survive a fire that is present in a
rials. All end-points must have a readable reference- reducing e n v i r o n m e n t (oxidizer rich). Armored
designator tag. Other special hardware may be harnesses are usually constructed with multiple layers
addedDEMI backshells, potting boots, etc. of braided sheath, with the outer braid typically
Redundancy Redundant signals should always made of Inconel and the inner braids of stainless
be carried through separate harnesses and separate steel and/or copper (with nickel plate).
primary connectors. A good block diagram will al- Lightning harnesses. Lightning braid, on the
ways show single-point failure areas which negate re- other hand, is used to prevent lightning strikes on the
dundancy principles. engine or vehicle from affecting engine function A
Identification methodology. There are two good rule of thumb is to carry the impulse to ground
types of identification m e t h o d o l o g y - - s y s t e m style as soon as possible. Lightning protection should
and assembly style. System identification uses dis- conform to MIL-B-5087 or other specifications.
tinct reference designation (REF DES) for each inter- Harness construction methods. Most
connection. The REF DES is broken into two parts, harnesses are made on a wire board created on the
class letter and unique numeral (for example, J78). basis of the wiring document (usually assy drawing).
The class letter (per ANSI Y 32,2) is usually "P" for A good assembly drawing will show branch points
plugs or movable c o n n e c t o r and "J" for jack/ with clocking (if none specified, it will be constructed
receptacle or more-primary (closer-to-source) mov- as drawn) and the connector clocking (if none
able connector. P&J should not be confused with shown, it will be 12:00 to master keyway) so that the
pins and sockets, which do not influence reference wire board will be made correctly.

~-:N~... '.*.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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i!':i::;;i!iiiiiiiii~i:;~:}i!iiii?ii?i!!ii~i~::::}.-:-)~;~ii~ii "~i;i
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~i}}i:,!i{i~i',g.-.:i~}~~a, !i
Fig. 7-70 SSME harness configurations.

Mockup hardware should imitate the final prod- Bayonet connectors should be inspected, air-
uct, ordinarily using rope of the same approximate gunned, and then installed by hand until clicked into
OD, but sometimes cable for more complex mock- position. Use turning to demate the connectors.
ups. Mockups should have realistic tolerances and Inspect and install the protective cap on the mating
dimensions from connector face-to-face. Also, when connectors.
locating branch points, short branch points (break Coax connectors should be inspected, air-gunned,
out before intended branching point) will be prefer- installed, torqued, and then potted to keep out mois-
able to long ones since long branch points will cause ture and lock the connector. Potting needs to be re-
the harness to double back on itself. moved for demating. Remove the connector, in-
Splicing should be avoided in harnessing. spect, and cap.
Splices should be crimp splices with shrink-sleeving
covers. Sleeving should be multi-layered dual wall 7.4 AVIONICS ARCHITECTURE
under flexible single wall for moisture protection.
When splicing conductors in a leg or run, the entire The early rocket engine might have been compared
area should be covered with a separate shrink sleev- to the carbureted internal-combustion engine in that
ing to provide strain relief. Individual splices must mixture ratio was controlled by orificed openings
be clamped to prevent tensile loads from pulling on and control sequences were programmed by a pres-
the splice. sure-ladder process. As engine complexity evolved,
Connector mating. Circular connectors should the control sequencing became more critical and a
be mated and t o r q u e d down according to the rudimentary control unit, the relay controller, came
connector series. Before mating, threaded con- into use. Two significant changes in the SSME made
nectors should be inspected for cleanliness, bent the electronic controller a necessity. The first in-
pins, deplated contacts, and corrosion. Ionized air volved achieving the required performance by
should be blown on each connector face. If ionized means of closed-loop control and safety monitoring
air is not available, clean gaseous nitrogen should be of critical parameters. To do this and optimize start,
used. Torquing should be performed with strap run, and stop sequences, as well as manage redun-
wrench and torque wrench. dancy and accommodate changes, the general-puro

pose computer was essential. The second significant The position of the main fuel and oxidizer valves,
change was the concept of a reusable engine. This as well as valves used for thrust and mixture-ratio
required measurement, processing, and recording of control, must be m e a s u r e d accurately to ensure
data relevant to health of the engine so that its con- proper engine performance. The position of other
dition could be determined before the next flight. valves (such as anti-flood and bleed valves) must be
known to determine whether the engine can be safely
Requirements Def'mition operated. For valve-position sensing, the rocket-en-
gine control will employ the rotary variable differen-
The foremost requirements for a control system are tial transformer (RVDT) for measuring angular mo-
reliability, response, accuracy, and stability. The pre- tion and the linear variable differential transformer
liminary design of the engine determines what must (LVDT) for measuring linear travel. Optical en-
be controlled, how it is to be controlled, and control coders and ratiometric techniques, such as the track-
accuracy. As the engine design progresses into the ing resolver-to-digital converter, offer better accuracy
detail phase, the n u m b e r of sensors and control and should be specified in new valve designs.
valves will be further defined. From this, an engine- Parameters that should be specified are minimum
to-controller interface can be defined and initial pro- and m a x i m u m values of position to be measured,
cessing requirements established. After initial sizing resolution, accuracy, and excitation source (if re-
of the hardware, a preliminary reliability analysis de- quired). Techniques that are sensitive to cable length
termines the required r e d u n d a n c y to achieve the or capacitance should be avoided. For on-off indica-
mission goal. The requirements can be divided into tions, the LVDT has been employed instead of limit
four areas: converting sensor inputs to a usable form, switches because of the unreliability of switches in the
processing sensor data to perform safety monitoring rocket-engine environment. New proximity switches
and process control, converting computed results that use magnetic or capacitive effects offer adequate
into a form suitable for driving the necessary effec- accuracy with lower cost but are as yet unproven in
tors, and performing necessary prelaunch and in- the rocket-engine environment.
flight tests to ensure safe engine operation. The reusable rocket engine has made it necessary
to monitor vibration during flight to detect bearing
wear or failure. Radial accelerometers located on the
Sensor-Input Requirements pumps are fed to bandpass amplifiers that record the
real-time signal on tape for postflight analysis; if re-
Parameters that must be monitored include combus- quired, the rms value of the vibration will be avail-
tion temperatures, fuel and oxygen temperatures, able as an engine-shutdown control (redline). The
combustion chamber and p u m p pressures, valve po- requirement to protect the vehicle from the effects of
sitions, pump speed and flow, and engine vibration. bearing failure is leading to the development of new
Resistance temperature devices (RTDs) and thermo- bearing-wear detectors and use of real-time tracking
couples will usually be employed to measure temper- filters to provide precise vibration data. Parameters
atures. For each temperature to be measured, the that should be specified include frequency range of
type of device must be determined, and required re- interest, signal-processing bandwidth and range, and
sponse times, device impedance, accuracy, and the a complete definition of vibration amplitude over
maximum and minimum temperature range must be the entire frequency range that the transducer is ca-
defined. Calibration and linearity characteristics pable of detecting. Piezoelectric accelerometers are
must also be specified. capable of outputting signals in the high-frequency
The principal type of pressure sensor em- range up to 5000 g. Electronics must be designed to
p l o y e d - - a strain-gage unit connected in a balanced filter and amplify without signal distortion. To min-
bridge configuration (see Fig. 7-61 in section 7.3)-- imize the effects of random vibration, a narrow-band
must have specified its characteristics such as tracking filter should be employed that can measure
impedance, frequency response, excitation voltage, synchronous or harmonic vibration only. Accuracy
voltage sensitivity (in volts per unit of pressure), and and response time need to be specified.
maximum and minimum pressure ranges as well as Certain general requirements apply to all sen-
calibration requirements. sors: tolerance to faults (such as open or shorted
Typical instruments for measuring s p e e d and connections), sensitivity to electrostatic discharge,
flow use a moving ferromagnetic-pole piece and and protection from electromagnetic interference
pickup coil to sense shaft rotation (of either the (EMI). Interface design should prevent any external
p u m p shaft or flow-measuring turbine shaft). A failure from causing an in-range parameter failure.
counter circuit measures the interval between succes- Sensor lines coming into the controller should have
sive pulses. Electrical characteristics such as coil re- EMI filters to prevent radiation from within the con-
sistance, inductance, output voltage versus frequency, troller as well as entry of external EMI and electro-
and the maximum and m i n i m u m frequency range to static charges. (See section 7.3 for a more detailed
be measured are also considered. One often-used discussion of engine instrumentation.)
testing technique employs a second coil that is in-
ductively coupled to the primary coil, which in turn Data-processing Requirements
applies a test frequency to the primary coil. This
signal is then measured through the pulse-interval D e t e r m i n i n g the d a t a - p r o c e s s i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s
counter and verified. Where two coils are provided necessitates an assessment of the tasks necessary to
for redundancy, the test signals can be cross-coupled. control the engine. That calls for an in-depth

analysis of the engine operation. The following task ages in the solenoid should be suppressed at the out-
list illustrates the approach: put loads of the inductor to prevent spark-gap emis-
• Sensor processing requirements can be esti- sions from intermittent cables.
mated from the engine m e a s u r e m e n t s list. Pro-
cessing tasks for sensors include a reasonableness Engine and Controller Self-test
test, comparison to other sensors, curve fitting, scal-
ing to engineering units, and reporting the data to a To reduce prelaunch checkout time and to perform
health-monitoring system. health monitoring, self-test capability must be de-
• Control p r o c e s s i n g r e q u i r e m e n t s include signed into the controller, sensors, and effectors. All
redline monitoring, control of thrust and mixture ra- functional elements such as analog-to-digital con-
tio, and receipt and a c k n o w l e d g m e n t of vehicle verters, digital-to-analog converters, effector drivers,
commands. Algorithms should be developed and computers, and memories must be verified as func-
processing requirements should be estimated from tioning before launch and periodically checked dur-
them. A state table should be maintained that de- ing flight. All analog and digital data-paths should
fines engine and controller status. During prelaunch, be checked in the same manner by monitoring trans-
launch, and postlaunch activities. fer of known data through each path.
• Control of output devices requires c o m m a n d For each element required in real-time engine
output and verification that the device responded. control, a watchdog timer monitors the control func-
• Continual self-testing of the controller must tion and has the ability to switch to the backup con-
verify that input and output data paths are function- trol after a failure. Where redundant elements or
ing correctly. The processors themselves must be backup functions such as watchdog timers are re-
tested, either by doing a preprogrammed problem quired, all elements must be verified as functional be-
with known answers or by some other technique such fore a launch. Controller circuits calibrate pressure
as parallel processors that compare computed re- and temperature sensors and verify sensor continuity
suits. Redundancy management of the controller and for voltage-source devices such as speed or flow
engine resources requires maintaining a fault table. components.
The complexity of the fault table can affect process- Before launch, software-controlled a u t o m a t e d
ing requirements and execution time dramatically. checkout will be required on engine and control
Typical software requirements for redundancy man- components to ensure a successful mission. Control
agement exceed those required for control. After the valves, sensors, and the electronic controller must be
tasks are defined, an estimate of processing time can exercised in a mode that simulates flight. Control
be made. Experience from similar programs can be valves should be opened and closed with response
used, and representative tasks can be coded and then checks in the controller. Sensor accuracy should be
extrapolated to the total requirements. Because of verified at ambient conditions and at simulated near-
the uncertainty of the process, a safety factor of two full-scale readings. All controller interface circuits
or more is prudent. must be verified to be operating properly, and all re-
dundant elements of the controller must be verified
Control of Effectors as functional; likewise, all circuitry required to per-
form self-test, such as data comparators, watchdog
The engine is controlled simply by the opening and timers, and self-generated test signals.
closing of valves: for control of flow paths, solenoid Because it is not possible to perform self-tests on
on-off valves; for engine performance, proportional sensors and valves during flight without interrupting
valves controlled by several methods. In one their control function, other techniques must be used.
method in current use, an electrical current controls "Reasonableness" testing of all sensors is currently
the flow of fluid in a hydraulic servovalve. The hy- employed; for example, during main-stage engine
draulic circuit has power amplification to drive the operation, an abnormally low or high chamber-pres-
valve. Position feedback to the electrical circuit al- sure reading would indicate that the sensor or sensor
lows closed-loop control of c o m m a n d e d valve posi- interface circuit had failed. Choosing the limits for a
tion. (See section 7.2 for a more detailed discussion reasonableness test requires analysis and historical-
of engine valves.) data evaluations. Future engine-control-system de-
Proportional and on-off valves both employ in- signs may incorporate mathematical models of en-
ductive coils for control, but the resistive and induc- gine performance to predict all measured parameters
tive characteristics of the solenoids must be defined. and to monitor engine performance more closely.
The power levels required to activate the coils and
the response time for each valve must also be deter-
mined. Power levels should be kept as low as practi- E n v i r o n m e n t a l Requirements
cal and where practical, should use existing voltage
forms. Solenoids and drivers must be designed with The requirements imposed upon rocket-engine elec-
built-in fault detection that monitors solenoid voltage tronics are unique: vibration levels may be 100 g or
and/or current. Solenoid drivers should be designed greater across a wide range of frequencies, tempera-
to give high-side switching and to withstand shorts to tures may go below -55"C, or above 100"C, and the
ground or other voltages in the harness without over- environment may be saturated with water. Of course,
stress. The driver circuits should be unconditionally it is necessary to protect electronics from these ex-
stable for any load impedance. EMI filters should be tremes. Hardware that cannot be designed to with-
provided on each output line, and self-induced volt- stand these environments must be enclosed in her-

metically sealed containers and mounted on vibra- and control of engine valves (output electronics).
tion isolators. Because both heating and cooling may The interface between the engine sensors and the
be required at different phases of engine operation, controller forms part of the input electronics (IE).
all controls are centrally located in a single unit to Temperature sensors include thermocouples (TCs)
minimize the cost and weight penalties of providing and resistance temperature devices (RTDs).
isolation from the environment. The advent of Each RTD needs a bridge termination network
highly integrated electronics offers the possibility of with noise filtering, and each TC requires additional
locating circuits such as valve drivers and sensor gain. These RTD or TC outputs must be converted
processors directly on the c o m p o n e n t to save har- from analog to digital for use by a digital computer,
ness weight and cost; but the environmental concerns and there are numerous approaches to performing
must be addressed as a design trade-off. this conversion. Figure 7-72 shows one approach:
conditioning all temperature and pressure signals
Vehicle Interface and multiplexing them onto a single analog-data bus,
and thence converting them to a digital value for
Engine interface with the vehicle consists of com- data processing. This approach features minimum
mands such as start, stop, and thrust-level changes, as hardware but imposes high-frequency response re-
well as health-monitoring data sent back to it. quirements on the multiplexing and analog-to-digital
Certain data such as engine commands, critical to (A-D) converters. Pulse-interval counters measure
operation, are encoded in some form of error-check- the period of the speed and flow waveforms. The pe-
ing code. The SSME makes use of Bose, Chaudhuri, riod is then converted to a flowrate in the computer.
and Hocqeuenghem (BCH) polynomial encoding for Other functions include sensor testing and calibra-
c o m m a n d data transmission. Health-monitoring tion, which are controlled by the computer as part of
data that are not mission-critical may be transmitted preflight testing.
with no more than parity-bit encoding, but any data Engine data require a variety of operations for
transmitted in a noisy environment or through the control and monitoring:
a t m o s p h e r e requires some level of encoding to • Comparison of engine parameters to stored
achieve an acceptable reliability. data for reasonableness as a sensor fault-detection
In addition, multiple sets of command lines are technique.
necessary to maintain engine control after one or • Comparison against stored data that define
more data-transmission failures. A typical system safe operating limits.
would employ three command lines and remain fully • Conversion of all input data into engineering
operational after one data-path failure. Response af- units for recording and/or real-time display.
ter the second failure would depend on the nature of
the failure and criticality of the command data.

is_,d, o
Additional interfaces such as power and cooling
may be required and should be defined with the
same care. For example, for power, maximum and
~1 ;l
Output ~~J~llll Valves !
minimum voltages under all operating conditions,
conditions for power loss, transient response, and
power requirements should be defined.

Controller Architecture I Memory

The design of a high-performance engine such as the

Fig. 7-71 Functional diagram of an engine
SSME required precise control of start sequences,
thrust, and mixture ratio, which could only be real-
ized with an electronic control system. Fuel and oxy-
gen flow, pressure and temperature, must be mea-
sured and in many cases averaged or compared with To Digital
other similar measurements for additional resolution. Computer

This requires the use of high-speed, precision analog-

measurement circuits and a digital computer to pro- Acceleronleter _'~ DataBus
cess measurement data. The computer will also pro- =u,
•I Processor
r.-.~!~...,,~ i
vide mixture-ratio and thrust control and manage-
ment of self-test and redundancy. The identification
of these requirements and their breakdown by task
description mark the first steps in defining a hard-
ware configuration (or architecture) to accomplish ]GND
the task.
I MPu~e'Ral|e
, . . . . . . . ',
CJrct.ats |
Function Allocation
~'~ [ ,:'u~e~,~' /

Controller functions can be divided into three areas

(Fig. 7-71): input of engine sensor data (input Fig. 7-72 F u n c t i o n diagram of input
electronics), processing of data (digital computer), electronics.

• Solution of all control equations related to gine down safely after the second failure (fail-op; fail-
engine control. safe). The first problem is to detect when a failure
• Communication to and from the vehicle. has occurred and the second is to be able to switch
• Verification that engine components respond control of the engine to the backup hardware. Of the
to commanded inputs, valve position, etc. many approaches to fault detection, two representa-
• Scheduling of input, computation, and output tive selections are discussed here.
within the controller sampling-cycle. The first approach has been used on the SSME~
These tasks can be performed by a general-pur- diagnostic testing by built-in-test (BIT) hardware.
pose digital computer. Its design should be based on Sensors are tested by switching in a BIT signal that
the data-processing needs identified in the require- simulates an input. Analog circuits are tested by in-
ments analysis, but the nature of the computing task serting precision test voltages in the analog-data path
should also be considered. For example, since the and checking for correct analog-to-digital conver-
dynamic range of sensor and control-output data will sion. Digital-data paths are exercised by transmitting
be limited, fixed-point data processing proves ade- known data patterns and checking for proper data-
quate and results in a faster and less-complex com- transfer. Digital computers can be checked by a se-
puter than a floating-point machine. Should a single, ries of operations to verify correct arithmetic and
powerful processor perform every task or multiple data-transfer operations. When a microprocessor is
processors share a task? Because of the micropro- used, it is not possible to predict the scope of fault
cessor, distribution of the processing task may now coverage of self-test software. Therefore, a scheme
be the preferred method. Should special-purpose employed in a n u m b e r of high-reliability applica-
data buses be tailored to the specific needs of this tions uses self-checking processor pairs. Two identi-
controller or industry standard buses employed? The cal microprocessors are operated in lockstep and
tradeoffs are lower p e r f o r m a n c e and additional their output c o m p a r e d on a bit-by-bit basis. Data
h a r d w a r e if industry standard buses are used. sent from one unit to another can be looped back to
However, the flexibility to incorporate new functions the sending unit for verification.
in the future may offset the disadvantages of a stan- Valve-driver response can be checked by measur-
dard bus. The selection and sizing of the memory ing coil voltage and current and by monitoring the
should also relate to the system-requirements analy- valve position. The portion of failures that can be
sis and support the necessary data-processing rates. detected in this manner is referred to as f a u l t cover-
Issues that must be considered are memory volatility, age, and it is critical to mission success.
data integrity, and size. A second approach employs multiple channels
As to the valve-control driver circuits, valve and of independent hardware to solve the problem and
valve-driver design will be affected by response time, then compare the answers. If an output is incorrect,
p o w e r levels, electromagnetic noise, and reliability. switching logic prevents that channel from control-
Since a valve that uses low power has high inductance ling the engine. This approach can provide 100%
and, therefore, poor response time, a tradeoff must fault coverage for all the controller electronics ex-
be made between response time and power level. To cept the output comparator and switching logic.
minimize system-interconnect noise, p o w e r and Multiple comparators and redundant switching logic
ground circuits associated with valve drivers should can circumvent these problems.
be isolated from the input and computer electronics. The second part of the problem involves switch-
Where high current levels are employed, such as in ing control from a failed unit to any unit still operat-
motor-driven valves, the power electronics may be ing properly. For most failures, the built-in selftest
collocated with the motor. The goal of valve and hardware detects the problem and the unit takes itself
valve-driver design should be to use standard voltage out of service. A minority of failures cannot be self-
forms wherever possible on the vehicle. Monitoring diagnosed; for example, if the processor should halt,
the valves for confirmation that the c o m m a n d was it can no longer control the engine and, in addition,
executed should also be done in the output-electron- cannot relinquish control.
ics area. Monitoring of voltage and current for each Figure 7-73 illustrates one method for switching
valve can check for associated open and shorted ca- control. Both channels can control the valve, but
bles. Valve position must be monitored to verify that
the valve has responded to the command.
The selection of a system architecture, then, be-
/,~ ~ ....
comes a series of tradeoffs featuring cost, weight, per- Channel 1 Output
Data - - - - - ' - - -
formance, and reliability as the principal factors. For Electronics

example, whether a motor driver circuit is located on

the motor or in the controller chassis would deter- Channel 2 Outpul
mine environment (vibration and temperature), har- Data Electronics
ness design, and packaging design in addition to
electrical design considerations. Update
Command Watchdog
From Ch 1 Timer

Failure Detection and Response

From Ch 1
Because failures in electronic hardware are random,
the minimum requirement for fault tolerance is to be Fig. 7-73 Output-electronics redundancy
operational after the first failure and to shut the en- diagram.

channel 2 has an additional control coil that, when Propagation-delay calculations. A worst case
enabled, allows the channel 2 valve driver to control timing consideration of logic implementation is nec-
the valve. In one servoactuator design, each control essary to ensure that adequate timing margins exist in
coil modulates an independent hydraulic circuit and the design. In addition to intrinsic propagation delay
the channel-enable coil selects which of the two inde- of a logic device, other timing delay contributors
pendent circuits is active. For the design shown in must be included in the analysis. These contributors
Fig. 7-73, if channel 1 detects a failure, it would force account for the effects of voltage, temperature, aging,
a time-out of the watchdog timer, allowing channel 2 external loading, and interconnect media. For high-
to assume control. If channel 1 halted, no channel 1 speed devices with subnanosecond delays, it is neces-
updates would be received by the watchdog timer, sary to treat most circuit paths as transmission lines.
which would allow channel 2 to assume control by Digital interfaces. The quality of digital sig-
default. This diagram, a simplistic concept of only nals and system noise generated by signal distortions
one redundancy management scheme, only serves to should be considered in the design, interconnection,
illustrate the principle. and physical layout of digital elements. To ensure
Finally, as part of the design process, a failure that the desired signal characteristics are achieved,
mode and effects analysis (FMEA) would be con- the following should be given consideration:
ducted to determine if the design contains unde- • Interface line impedance and various discon-
tected failures, improper failure responses, or single- tinuities.
point failure modes. • Source- and load-impedance management to
control reflection on lines.
• Electrical line lengths and relationship to
Hardware Design Rules signal rise/fall time.
• Configuration of multiple-load connections.
The following guidelines are to be used for ana- • Separation and parallel run length of adjacent
log-digital circuit design, EMC/EMI requirements, signal paths.
c o m p o n e n t placement, standard-parts usage, and Unused gates and pins. Unused logic gates
component derating. (spares) should be forced into their lowest power-dis-
sipation state by grounding or pulling up their inputs.
Analog-design guidelines. The guidelines for Of unused input pins on logic gates, those required to
analog-circuit design can be divided into four areas be logically low must be grounded, and those re-
of concern: verifying that the circuit meets require- quired to be logically high must be returned to 5 Vdc
ments by using a circuit-analysis program such as through a pull-up resistor.
SPICE; selectiing parts whose parameters permit the DecoupUng. The following procedure will de-
circuit to perform over the environment and life of couple simultaneously digital logic components and
the unit; derating component parameters to ensure logic boards: For low-frequency board decoupling,
the reliability of the circuit; and seeing that the pack- each printed wiring board (PWB) uses one 15-~F +/-
aging and layout constraints of decoupling, signal 20%, 30-V tantalum capacitor, CLR79 type, located
routing, and component placement retain the perfor- near the main connector. For high-frequency board
mance inherent in the design. These design steps and component decoupling, CKR05 or CKR22 ce-
should be followed: ramic capacitors are distributed around the board.
1) Select a circuit topology (mechanization) For each group of logic or digital elements, the
that performs the required function with minimum amount of capacitance follows this rule: a minimum
error sources and minimum number of parts. of 0.20 mF of capacitance for every group of ele-
2) Select parts, considering standard parts, part ments totaling a change in power supply current
availability (qualified parts lists, STD-Parts list, (state to state) of 100 mA.
multiple sources), stress, and parameter stabilitymini-
tial tolerance, temperature, and time stability. EMI/EMC design guidelines. The most impor-
3) Analytically determine that the circuit re- tant step in achieving electromagnetic compatibility
quirements meet design centering and worst-case will be to define the EMC system, that is, decide how
conditions as a design goal. Root-sum squared (rss) to separate electrically noise from electrically sensi-
analysis should be used only on circuits unable to tive areas and where to put EMI filters and shields.
meet worst-case conditions. Breadboard, brassboard, The Space Shuttle main engine controller (SSMEC), a
or prototype tests should be used to show that the complex system, employs high-level transient output
circuit requirements will be met under temperature signals, low-level analog input signals, high-speed dig-
extremes and power-supply variations. ital signals, and a complex, multi-output power sup-
4) Consider mechanical constraints, including ply. In general concept, the SSMEC should enclose
power dissipation, grounding/shielding, signal rout- the circuitry in a metal box with the power supply
ing, and error coupling (component placement). isolated in a separate compartment within the box,
and the EMI filters should be placed on power-supply
Digital-design guidelines. The ground rules to inputs and outputs, noisy boards, physically sepa-
control the digital logic design cover fan-out, propa- rated from sensitive boards and high-level and low-
gation delays, termination, unused logic gates and level signals routed separately.
pins, component and board decoupling, signal line The power supply should be isolated in a sepa-
lengths, and multiple-loaded signal paths for various rate compartment with prime power entry on one
logic elements. side of the compartment through bulkhead-mounted

EMI filters. Power-supply outputs should be routed signal layers between ground planes. As a design
through bulkhead-mounted EMI filters on another goal, PWB paths should have a characteristic
power-supply wall. Output signal cables, digital-signal impedance of 50-75 L. PWB-to-PWB signal paths
cables, and input analog-signal cables should be should tend toward 50 L to minimize cross-coupling.
physically separated and should not have shields PWB-to-outside-world signal paths should tend to-
terminated at the same point. Back-plane intercon- ward 75 L to minimize reflections. On a logic PWB,
nects should be via multilayer boards. If wire wrap is parallel paths should be limited to minimize
used, sensitive signals should be placed in the first crosstalk.
two layers adjacent to the ground plane, with the less- Thermal overlays should be isolated from signal
critical signals further away. common on PWB. Provisions should be made for
Mechanical considerations. The SSMEC must grounding the thermal overlays to the chassis, where
be electromagnetically compatible with the remain- the overlays are clamped to the chassis sidewalls, so
der of the Shuttle. To this end, the integrated EMC that the overlays function as shields.
design requires that the metal box or cabinet housing Clock signals should be routed only where abso-
the SSMEC circuitry provide on the order of 60-dB lutely necessary and should be distributed at as low a
attenuation of electromagnetic fields over the fre- frequency as possible. Clock lines should not be
quency range of 14 kHz to 1 G Hz. This is not difficult routed around the edge of a PWB and should not go
to achieve with any of the common aluminum alloys. off of a PWB if at all possible. Clocks leaving the
Thickness of the material is not critical, since thick- daughter board should be distributed differentially,
ness is usually driven by structural requirements and clock signal paths should be surrounded by
rather the EMI requirements and any thickness grounds (signal common) on both sides, top and
greater than about 0.020 in. is satisfactory for EMI bottom. Cables should be as short as possible and
protection. yet consistent with maintainability. Digital signals
Particular attention must be paid to seams and may be routed on etched flex tapes with ground
joints in the areas of fastener spacing, material finish, planes above and below.
and joint evenness to prevent unacceptable degrada-
tion of attenuation. All metal structural parts should Postt~ght Data Analysis
be electrically bonded together and ultimately to the
housing ground-lug. Small covers should be bonded An essential development requirement will be to
with silver-filled silicone rubber radio-frequency-in- measure parametric data for determination of engine
terference (RFI) gaskets to avoid bowing of joints. performance. Typical required measurements in-
P o w e r d i s t r i b u t i o n a n d grounding. Prime clude vibration, pressure, temperature, turbine
p o w e r should be brought into the power-supply speeds, fuel and oxidizer flow rates, and valve posi-
compartment through tubular bulkhead-mounted EMI tions. Engine design parameters such as thrust and
filters. If the power cable passes through the con- flow rates must be verified by engine testing.
troller before going through the EMI filters, it must Temperature and pressure measurements must be
be shielded. A "doghouse" is preferred for power en- taken to confirm design safety-margins. These mea-
try; that is, a small enclosure is used to mount the surements will first be made during engine-develop-
power connector on the outside of the controller ment ground testing and become a set of baseline
housing so that the EMI filters are outside of the con- data that define nominal engine-operating parame-
troller. ters.
Both the high- and return-power lines must be Measurement of various engine temperatures en-
isolated from the chassis and signals made common sures that cryogenic propellants are not leaking into
within the controller. Transformer isolation is pre- the engine, subjecting its components to temperature
ferred, even on dc power lines. In this case, the dc is overexposure. During engine start and shutdown,
c h o p p e d before application to the transformer. turbine temperatures, speeds, and pressures indicate
Providing a control signal across the transformer, if whether transients have damaged engine compo-
necessary, will best be done with fiber-optic tech- nents. Rotor unbalance, bearing wear, and pump-in-
niques or transformer coupling. let cavitation can be evaluated from vibration mea-
Secondary power should be distributed on fiat surement.
planes placed adjacent to power/signal c o m m o n For the case of the expendable rocket engine,
planes. Power connections to digital-logic PWB these measurements were of primary importance dur-
should be made by multiple pins spaced across the ing development and acceptance testing of the flight
connector. Output-electronics (OE) driver power hardware. Many of the measurements were of sec-
should be carried to the OE PWB by twisted pairs. If ondary importance during flight in determining
made through multilayer boards, power and returns causes of failure. However, the amount of data taken
must be routed together and carried through connec- during flight was limited by how much data could be
tors on adjacent pins. OE power returns/common downlinked from the vehicle.
should be connected to logic c o m m o n or analog The advent of the reusable rocket engine, how-
common only on the OE PWB. Input electronics ever, required acquisition of data that can indicate
(IE) power/signal common should be connected to hardware conditions during operation. The engine
logic common only on a PWB. controller for a reuseable engine must measure, pro-
Interconnects. Printed wiring boards should cess, and report engine data. As each engine builds
have multilayer construction with no more than two operating time, a database is established. After each

engine run, the data are examined by each discipline and after engine operation to determine status and
within the engine team and a data review made be- performance of the engine and the controller hard-
fore the engine is flown again. The instrumentation ware. These operations normally include the follow-
group examines the data for indications of sensor or ing items: controller self-test, sensor validation, sen-
sensor-processing failures. Most instrumentation sor check and monitoring, valve monitoring, engine-
failures are usually caused by shorted or open con- ready and ignition monitoring, actuator and pneu-
nections in the harness or sensor, and these can be matic checkout, communication check and monitor-
detected by tests performed automatically b y the ing, and power-supply check and monitoring.
electronics. However, intermittent or parameter-shift Failure detection and recovery. Software
failure may require more analysis. The data-analysis monitoring and controlling of the engine makes pos-
group, using statistical analysis, compares the most sible early detection of failure and smooth switching
recent run to the existing database and identifies to an alternate component. The software may com-
components that may be indicating premature fail- pensate for temporary hardware errors and some
ure. Long-term trends sometimes indicate more sub- hardware degradation to support safe operation.
tle failure modes. Research on the SSME indicates Certain critical parameters must be monitored to be
that these long-term trends exist and suggests that within specified limits (redlines) to ensure engine,
additional data taken during flight may reduce flight vehicle, and mission safety. These parameters, which
turnaround-time through more accurate prediction of are determined by the type of engine, controller, and
component failure. vehicle, normally include main combustion pressure,
turbine-discharge temperatures, turbopump-seal
Software Requirements purge pressures, turbopump coolant-liner pressures,
preburner purge pressures, and pump-vibration sen-
When the electronic controller was introduced to sors. The software should also include failure-mode
pace and monitor the engine operation, software be- analysis and diagnostic routines to determine the
came an important element in rocket-engine control, cause of failures.
supporting optimum engine performance, safety and C o m m u n i c a t i o n . The processor communicates
health monitoring, redundancy management, etc. It with the vehicle to accept commands and report en-
enables the controller to use many complex control gine and controller status. This communication de-
algorithms and a close monitoring scheme. For a pends on the amount of data traffic and response-
reusable engine, the historical data can be used for time requirements. Reliability of the communication
the next flight as well as real-time health monitoring. link is just as important as any other part of the sys-
The beginning of the engine-controller design tem. Communication protocol and error-detection
process sees software requirements defined as one of and recovery methods will be part of these require-
the controller components. Hardware/software trade ments.
studies determine the best balance to meet the fun- D a t a g a t h e r i n g . Software will gather pertinent
damental control-system requirements, including data for use in postflight analysis and health moni-
functional performance, reliability, accuracy, and toring. These data are especially useful for reusable
stability. In addition to the hardware interface, the engines, new engine design, and improvements in ex-
software requirements normally include the following isting engine designs.
areas: engine control requirements, engine and con- Fault t o l e r a n c e . The system requires at least
troller performance and status monitoring, failure de- fail-operational/fail-safe operation, which includes
tection and recovery, and communication and data- r e d u n d a n c y management, tolerance of hardware
gathering requirements. degradation, and recovery from temporary errors. If
Engine c o n t r o l . One of the primary functions the controller is used for critical operation, software
of the software, engine control, will be based on the redundancy should also be considered to detect any
overall engine-performance requirements. Software bugs.
may be used in both open-loop and closed-loop S o f t w a r e a r c h i t e c t u r e . Primarily the engine
control. In future systems, adaptive control will be controller controls and monitors the engine within
made possible with advanced software architecture in specified times required in its operation. To be effi-
the control loop. cient, the software structure must reflect this real-time
During control-algorithm development, a com- requirement. The architecture design must also con-
puter program simulates control models to deter- sider software-development efficiency, which affects
mine necessary sensor data, actuator output, and software integrity, maintenance, cost of development,
other engine parameters. These parameters, along expansibility, and reusability.
with the control algorithm, will be included in the Real-time operating systems are more flexible
_software functional requirements. and easier to use both for run-time system and soft-
Engine control includes start, run, and stop ware development. However, the resulting software
phases with engine-thrust, propellant-mixture, and programs tend to be larger than other architectures.
igniter-control outputs. The control requirements "Real-time executive," an efficient run-time system,
also include timing requirements of the control loop, requires careful planning and design to be flexible
startup sequence, shutdown sequence, and post-shut- and maintainable. The software development re-
down operation. quires another operating system or compatible de-
Engine a n d c o n t r o l l e r p e r f o r m a n c e a n d velopment environment.
s t a t u s m o n i t o r i n g . The software performs various Embedded software, a customized architecture,
checks, validation, and monitoring before, during, yields the most efficient run-time program for the

real-time system. It is the most time-consuming sys- Prototyping. The prototyping method is best
tem to develop and is not easy to maintain without used when the customer says, "I know what I want
careful planning and a well-structured development when I see it." It develops functional elements closest
methodology. to the estimated requirements as a feasibility model
Multitasking operations will be determined at the and evaluates this prototype to generate prototype
time of requirements definition. Number of tasks, re- requirements. The process is repeated until the final
sponse time, interrupts, and task priorities, among requirements are established. This process creates a
other factors, affect the decision. product most desirable for the system; but it can be
Software development. Although not a large- very time-consuming and costly.
scale task, development of the engine-controller soft-
ware will be a complicated and critical operation.
Design tools. Establishing the software-devel-
opment environment entails the greatest capital in-
Success demands proper design methodology along
vestment in this area. It must be carefully chosen so
with efficient project management.
that proper software tools will be available for design.
Design methodology. Engine system design
Computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools
will see many requirement changes and improve-
can facilitate this work t h r o u g h o u t m f r o m require-
ments. The popular waterfall method is not well
ment analysis, software design, and design analysis to
suited for changing requirements or design. The fol-
all documentation and the configuration manage-
lowing three methods best suit this design task:
Incremental. The incremental method, a varia- ment.
tion of the waterfall method, may be applicable if the
Design language. Selection of design language
or method will reflect the software complexity and
requirements are fairly well established. The software
coding requirements. Figure 7-74 graphically repre-
is divided into a number of modules of manageable
sents the control flow of the program. This type of
size and is designed one module at a time. Since
detailed design is easy to code and modify; but data
each module is small, normal changes are easily ac-
commodated. flow can not easily be shown in the computer-gener-
ated diagram and documentation. Using the com-
Evolutionary. The evolutionary method can be
used when the major requirements are known. The puter for graphical design is cumbersome compared
to the program design language (PDL), as shown in
design starts with only the major requirements im-
plemented and evolves to the final configuration. Fig. 7-75. Many other types of graphic software de-
sign charts are available with CASE tools. PDL offers
For the engine-controller software, normally the ma-
the advantages of ease of writing the detailed design
jor requirements will be known and the refinements
and documentation on the computer, but the disad-
may change from time to time. This methodology
well suits this type of software. vantage that the designer tends to code in PDL,
rather than concentrating on designmand that lapse
may cause more design errors.


DO UNTIL terminate flag is set and simulation test flag is set

IF simulation test flag is set
IF umbilical is disconnected
set prelaunch mode
use real IRU data
set flight time to -5 seconds
[s~,P~L,~NC,Mod~ disable valve commands
' I u,e ~= IRuOa~ I ENDIF
ISet Flight Tirr~ = :5 S]
l IF prelaunch mode
" I . I ~,,~, WlveCommands ] IF flight time is 0
set flight mode
[Enable Valve Comn~n~ls I enable valve commands
[wa, t for N ~ ,RU Data Ready I
j [ Clear Simulation
, Test Flag [ clear simulationtest flag
.... I ENDIF
DO UNTIL new IRU data ready
null process
IF new image processor data is available
~ N o ~
call image processor data handler
IF lerminate flag is set
IF simulation lest flag is clear
disable valve commands
[_Disable Valve Commands I

Fig. 7-74 Flow diagram Fig. 7-75 Program design language.


Implementation language. For most of the controller software design requires a team effort and
controller software, any language may be used for close coordination with hardware design, efficiency
implementation; but assembly language is used to in project management greatly affects the final soft-
code the most efficient software. The "C" language is ware product.
widely used because of simplicity and flexibility. The The most important phase of the development
Ada language is suited for complex software to min- cycle will be the requirements analysis and defini-
imize coding errors. Another disadvantage of high- tion, followed by the testing regimen. Erroneous re-
order language (HOL) is that compiler efficiency, in quirements are the hardest to find and most costly to
many cases, determines the code efficiency of the repair. Good documentation is another important
program. On the other hand, assembly-language factor in maintaining the software.
programming, although complicated, produces the The controller software development does not
fastest code if programmed properly. In many case, different from any other software development in
HOL and assembly language are mixed to get the that it must follow good software-engineering prac-
best results. tices. As critical tasks pile on the software, its quality
Testing. The final phase of software develop- becomes aa ever more dominant factor in the over-
ment is testing. The software is tested as a module all engine system.
(unit testing), together with the other modules
(integration testing), and finally as a total system.
The thoroughness of these tests determines the qual-
ity of the final product. The final test must include
all real conditions such as faults and noise. Since the 7.5 REFERENCES
engine cannot be fired for all the software tests, simu-
lated engine tests are performed until the product is
sufficiently proven. Therefore, these tests depend References 7-1 through 7-8 cover material for design
highly on the quality of the engine-simulation pro- of rocket-engine control and monitoring systems.
gram. References 7-9 through 7-11 cover material for design
Independent validation and verification. of fluid-flow-control components. These reference
Independent validation and verification (IV&V) of materials prove invaluable in the design of fluid flow
software development has proven highly desirable in control components.
creating a quality software product. The IV&V pro-
cess may cover the entire software-development cy- 7-1. Systems Engineering Management Guide,
cle, from the requirements-analysis phase to the final Defense Systems Managment College, United States
test, or it may be limited to the test phase only, de- Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402,
pending on the criticality of the software. 1986
Other software-design considerations. Basic
software requirements for the controller will be estab- 7-2. Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering,
lished during the initial e n g i n e - s y s t e m design Prentice-Hall, New York, 1970
through a careful hardware-vs.-software tradeoff. At
the time the software functions are defined, related 7-3. Brewer, J., Control Systems Analysis, Design,
hardware functions, inputs, and outputs must be and Simulation, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1974
clearly and unambiguously defined. These items in-
clude hardware accessibility by the software, mem- 7-4. Shinners, S., Modern Control System Theory
ory-size limitation, communication and bus speed, and Application, 2d Ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading,
data traffic, timing requirements, etc. The trade study Mass., 1978
also evaluates hardware/software efficiency in terms
of size, cost, complexity, and ease of maintenance. 7-5. Kuo, B., Digital Control Systems, Holt,
Other software design considerations are as follows: Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1980
• Software response time to any critical event.
• Software system modularity for ease of de- 7-6. Borrie, J., Modern Control Systems, Prentice-
velopment and maintenance. Hall International, 1986
• Robustness to tolerate hardware degradation
and noise and temporary errors. 7-7. D'Souza, A., Design of Control Systems,
• Maintainability to reduce cost of maintenance Prentice-Hall, New York, 1988
and improvements.
• Testability to improve testing and quality of 7-8. Brogan, W., Modern Control Theory, Quantum
the software product. Publishers, Inc., 1974
• Reusability to improve software quality and
reduce development cost and time. 7-9. Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and
• Flexibility in both software structure and de- Pipe, Engineering Division, Crane Inc., New York, NY
sign to adapt to any engine system improvement.
Summary. The primary ingredients of any high- 7-10. Tellier, G., "Space Shuttle Prototype Check
quality software design will be the software engi- Valve Development," NASA-CR-150991, Sep 1976
neers, followed by proper development methodol-
ogy, efficient software tools, and software environ- 7-11. Engineering Guide to Spring Design,
ment suited to the development. Since the engine- Associated Spring, Barnes Group Inc., Bristol, CT

The following additional references will aid the Roters, H. ,C., Electromagnetic Devices, John Wiley
reader who needs more in-depth information on sub- and Sons, New York, NY
jects related to fluid-flow-control component design.
A more complete listing of useful reference material Young, W. C., Roark's Formulas for Stress and
can be found in the bibliography of Ref. 7-11. Strain, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY

Howell, G. W., and Weathers, T. M., Aerospace Fluid Electrohydraulic Flow-Control Servovalves, Society
Component Designer's Handbook, RPL-TDR-64-25, of Automotive Engineers, Pittsburgh, ARP 490D, Rev.
TRW Systems Group, TRW, Inc., Redondo Beach, CA 11/1/78

Materials Selector, published annually by Material, Merritt, H., Hydraulic Control Systems, 1967, John
Engineering, Cleveland, OH Wiley and Sons, New York, NY

Parker O-Ring Handbook, Parker Seal Group, O-Ring "Two-Stage Servovalve," Model 25C, HR/Textron
Division, Lexington KY Report HR72100112, 14 May 1987
Chapter 8

D e s i g n o f P r o p e l l a n t Tanks

Liquid-propellant rocket engines and propellant-feed the tanks by burst disks or isolation valves. Both the
systems form the propulsion system. Since propellant tank and containment c o m p o n e n t construction
tankage and its arrangement have a large effect upon materials must be compatible with the propellants
liquid propellant rocket e n g i n e design and for the storage duration. In the example, the propel-
propulsion systems integration, a detailed discussion lants are expelled by a pressurization gas produced
of propellant tank design is presented in this chapter. by a solid-propellant gas generator. The tank walls
Much of the information also applies to pressurant form an integral part of the vehicle structure and are
tank design. designed to withstand the internal pressure loads as
well as the vehicle dynamic loads. In some designs
8.1 DESIGN CONFIGURATIONS the tanks are further stabilized by the internal pres-
sure against buckling; i.e., the walls are always kept un-
The configuration of propellant tanks depends der tension loads by a specified pressure level main-
largely on vehicle mission and size. In many designs, tained during storage and handling. In smaller units,
the tanks form an integral part of the vehicle the walls are usually capable of taking external loads
structure. Propellant tanks can be nonexclusively without being pressurized internally. Operational tank
categorized, according to vehicle application, as pressures range from 400 to 2000 psia. Prepackaged
p r e p a c k a g e d storable-liquid, booster-stage, and storable-liquid systems are usually employed in
upper-stage systems. relatively short-duration, low-thrust applications.

Prepackaged Storable-Hquid Systems Booster-stage Systems

Figure 8-1 presents the configuration of a typical Figure 8-2 presents the propellant-tank configuration
prepackaged storable-liquid propulsion system. The of a typical propulsion system used in the booster
tanks, arranged in tandem, have a common bulkhead. stages of a large launch vehicle such as the Saturn V.
This system is designed for long storage periods, The system shown can be used for either storable or
perhaps 5 to 10 years. A main characteristic of these cryogenic propellants. The tanks, arranged in tan-
systems: propellants will be loaded and contained in dem, form walls of the vehicle structure. For booster

Structural Connection to Payload (Interface or Forward Skirt)

r Solid Grain
' Burst Diaphragm
Main Fuel Tank
Pressurant Cooling
Burst Diaphragm Type
Removabl~ Main Fuel Valve
F Igniter f Burst Diaphragm Type
Main Oxidizer Valve

Thrust Chamber

Pressure Relief
Type Regulator

Vent Lines
~--Burst Diaphragm ~-- Aft Shaft
Solid Propellant -.~
Main Oxidizer Tank
Gas Generator
Fig. 8-1 Propellant-tank design configuration of a typical prepackaged storable-liquid propulsion

6.0 Typ ]'~-

_ 2.5 Typ ~ Typical Skin-Stringer Section

i._~ . . . .

" • t ' ''


[, ib,

• ,~ , , |

, i

Main / Main izer Pump Fed

Fuel Tank Wall Oxidizer st Engine System
Interstage Tank Skin-Stringers Tank Fuel Aft Mounts
(Fwd Skirt) Intertank Bulkhead and Insulation Duct Skirt
(Ins. Optional for Cryogenic Propellants)

Fig. 8-2 Propellant-tank design configuration of a typical booster-stage propulsion system.

application, overall vehicle systems optimization usu- pellant discharge. The tanks are bolted to the shell
ally dictates use of a turbopump-fed engine system. structure around their support ring.
This permits relatively low operational tank pressures, Many upper-stage vehicles employ a gas-pressur-
ranging from 30 to 100 psia. ized propellant feed system. Tank pressures range
The tanks represent a large percentage of the from 100 to 400 psia. The system shown in Fig. 8-3
vehicle structural (inert) weight. Low pressure levels uses helium gas for pressurization. The gas is stored
allow constructing the tanks with extremely thin walls. at an initial pressure level from 4500 to 5500 psia at -
However, the often huge tank structures thus become 300"F in two liquid-nitrogen-jacketed, high-pressure
sensitive to external buckling loads. To stabilize the spherical tanks located between the two main
tank structures of large booster-stage systems, two propellant tanks.
basic design avenues are open: pressure-stabilization The following discussion treats directly only
and self-supporting structures. In pressure-stabilized upper-stage propulsion systems; but many of the
systems, such as the Atlas ICBM, tank pressures must design principles presented apply equally to booster-
be constantly maintained above a specific minimum stage tanks.
by elaborate controls. Atlas's tank structure, basically
a thin-wall monocoque, requires special handling 8.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
procedures. In most booster-stage systems, the pro-
pellant tanks are self-supporting, with tank walls rein- Systems optimization within the overall vehicle
forced by skin stringers (Fig. 8-2) or by other design greatly influences tank design. A principal
structural means, such as waffle-grid patterns. vehicle-design objective will be highest payload
Cryogenic propellants may require tank insu- and/or velocity increment with maximum possible
lation. It will be mandatory in a liquid hydrogen reliability. Design details depend largely upon type
system to prevent ambient-air liquefaction, which of propellants, mission requirement and config-
causes high heat-transfer rates, with attendant high Uration, propulsion-system design, and available
boiloff rates, and safety hazards. construction materials and fabrication techniques.

Upper-stage Systems Propellant Properties

Figure 8-3 presents the propellant-tank design for a Propellants affect tank design mainly by their
typical pressure-fed upper-stage propulsion system. physical and chemical characteristics. The boiling
An outer cylindrical shell, designed to withstand all point or storage temperature of a propellant deter-
anticipated boost and flight loads, contains the tanks. mines the operating temperature range of the tank as-
The propellant tankage consists of two individual sembly. Cryogenic propellants cause tank design
welded aluminum-alloy tanks, modified spheres, problems due to thermal gradients, the need for
faired into conical sections at the bottom for pro- insulation, and need for construction materials ca-

Fuel Tank ... r~,r~er Cylindrical .qhell /- High Pressure Helium Storage Bottles
..... /"-" - " '/ .,..;.. ~ ..., t"- Main Oxidizer Valve
• vun[ ---7 / - " a i n Fuel r'- iVl¢=lll I"U~, t
Fuel Tank ~w A/
Pressurant Line -~ . / / / Tank ~'7 ~ /
- ". . . . . i ' " -" Main Fuel Valve

Oxidizer Tank
Pressurant g i n e ~ ~ i!11 ~ FIll ~ ~

Connection in-- I~ Thrust hamber

to Payload Tank Support / L. L~I2Vent /Ma~n Oxidizek "\ Assembly
Oxidizer Tank / Tank SuD[:)ort \ L... Gimbal Actuator
Main Oxidizer Interstage Attachment
Tank to Booster Stage

Section A - A

Fig. 8-3 Propellant-tank d e s i g n configuration o f a typical upper-stage p r o p u l s i o n system.

pable of remaining ductile at very low temperatures. The required volume of a propellant tank will be
The low density of some propellants, such as liquid the sum of usable propellant volume and other
hydrogen, necessitates tanks of considerable volume. volume requirements:
The highly corrosive and reactive properties of other
propellants severely limit the selection of tank Vt = V + T + B + U (8-1)
Shape a n d Size o f Propellant Tank vt = propellant-tank design volume, ft3
V = usable propellant volume calculated
As a propellant tank, a sphere offers the smallest sur- from propulsion-system requirements, ft3
face-to-volume ratio and the smallest shell stress for (may include a "usable residual" term
a given internal pressure, but the combination of representing design reserves, loading un-
several spheres into the generally cylindrical enve- certainty, and mixture-ratio-shift effects)
lope typical for most rocket vehicles causes sizable T _. trapped-propellant volume, a function of
weight and volume penalties. Furthermore, a sphere system configuration; includes pro-
precludes use of the tank wall as a load-carrying pellants trapped in tank and components
member of the vehicle structure (Fig. 8-1 and 8-2), down to the engine valves, ft3
resulting in further weight and volume penalties. B _. boiled-off propellant volume (applicable
Thus, both vehicle configuration and tank only to cryogenic propellants), ft3
pressure will determine the shape of propellant tanks. U tank ullage volume, ft3
Vehicles of relatively large length-to-diameter ratios
and of limited space envelopes will use cylindrically-
shaped tanks. Relatively high tank pressures and less- The calculation of propellant volume takes pro-
stringent space conditions may favor spherical tanks pellant density at specific temperatures. The tank
(Fig. 8-3). The ends of cylindrical tanks can have ullage-volume calculations should allow for propel-
either spherical or ellipsoidal shapes. The basic lant volume changes due to temperature change of
cylindrical tank with spherical ends weighs less than the tanked propellant and for tank deformation
one with ellipsoidal ends; but overall, an ellip- under pressure. This is especially important for
soidally-ended tank may weigh less owing to shorter prepackaged storable-liquid systems to prevent ex-
interstage structure. In some designs, the propellant- cessive tank pressures when the system is exposed to
tank ends will have special shapes to accommodate a specified upper temperature limit during storage.
structural loads, minimize residual propellants, and The weight of the trapped propellant will be greatest,
utilize available envelope. however, at the lowest operating temperature.

Sample Calculation 8-1 General considerations include m i n i m u m overall

weight, maximum storage volume in a given enve-
The following data characterize the A-4 Stage lope, least possibility of propellant mixing, aerody-
propulsion system, including two engines. namic vehicle shape, ease of installation of ducts and
lines, ease of insulation, ease of fabrication and
• Oxidizer (N204) density, 90.12 lb/ft3 handling, and a minimum of trapped (unusable)
• Oxidizer weight-flowrate, 12.78 lb/s per engine propellants.
• Fuel (N2H4) density, 63.17 lb/ft3 Arrangement "a" in Fig. 8-4 is taken as standard.
• Fuel weight-flowrate, 10.65 lb/s per engine Arrangement "b", c o m b i n i n g tandem propellant
• Nominal engine-firing duration at full thrust, tanks with an integrated helium bottle in between,
410s gives lowest weight, but poses design problems in the
• Trapped oxidizer volume To = 0.9 ft3 routing of pneumatic lines and controls. Arrange-
• Trapped fuel volume Tf = 1.8 ft3 ment "c" with concentric tanks eases the installation
• Tank ullage volume U = 2.5% of propellant of propellant ducts, but has the possibility of simul-
volume taneous puncture of both tanks, and subsequent
mixing of the propellants. Arrangement "d" with
Problem multiple tanks has the highest weight, but is easier to
fabricate and handle, especially for very large
Determine the volume of the propellant tanks. vehicles.
Structural Loads
Solution 8-1
As structural members, propellant tanks must be
The required usable oxidizer volume-
designed to withstand a combination of the following
12.78 x 2 x 410
Vo = = 116.2 ft 3 (bs-1)

The oxidizer-tank ullage volume.

Uo = (Vo + To) x 0.025

= 117.1 x 0.025 = 2.9 ft 3 (bs-2)

a) Tandem Propellant Tanks with Common Bulkhead and Separate
From Eq. (8-1), the required design volume of the Helium Bottles - Tankage Weight, 100%
oxidizer tank:

Vto = Vo + To + Uo
.130 0.045 0.130
= 116.2 + 0.9 + 2.9 = 120 ft 3 (bs-3) Oxidizer I! | i _ I
,4" o c.Q.
The required usable fuel volume: 0.,045-~ "~_ I - Wet .C.G.. ~ " ~ 71

10.62 x 2 x 410 b) Tandem Propellant Tanks with Integrated Helium Bottle in the Middle -
Vf = 63.17 = 138.2 ft 3 (bs-4) Tankage Weight, 93%

The fuel-tank ullage volume.

Uf=(Vf+Tf) x0.025=140x0.025=3.5 ft 3 (bs-5)

From Eq. (8-1), the required design volume of the

fuel tank:
~: c)

30x ,z.r
o.,=,,' '" :

..+ c: .v
w,,c.G. :-./
Concentric Propellant Tanks with Integrated Helium Bottle at Aft End -

Tankage Weight, 118%

Vtf = Vf -~- Tf + Uf
~ 0.130" - Jr- QO80 . . . . . . . . .
= 138.2 + 1.8 + 3.5 = 143.5 ft 3 (bs-6)
r Dry C G.-t 0 1 8 8 r ~
Propellant-tank A r r a n g e m e n t Helium Wet C G-~ 1 / ~
( Fue, "LLt3
Most vehicle systems have the propellant tanks in • /., ~b.. I J" .~"~
tandem, but other arrangements can be used for spe- Oxidizer J
cific design reasons. Figure 8-4 presents various pro- d) Multiple Propellant Tanks and Helium Bottle in Cluster -
pellant-tank configurations for a typical vehicle Tankage Weight, 162%
system using helium for tank pressurization. A design
analysis will determine the best solution for a given Fig. 8-4 Various propellant-tank arrangements
propellant-storage volume and vehicle envelope. of a typical vehicle system.

probable structural loads: where--

Sw = maximum allowable operating stress, psi;
• Internal pressures and their dynamic effects i.e., the stress due to maximum tank pres-
• Axial thrust loads and their dynamic effects sure under normal transient and steady
• Bending moments due to vehicle transverse operating conditions
accelerations, wind loads, and shifting of the Fy yield strength, psi, of the tank construction
center of gravity material, at operating-temperature con-
• Aerodynamic forces ditions
• Thrust-vector-control forces FU ultimate strength, psi, of the tank construc-
• Vibration and shock loads tion material under operating-temperature
• Loads produced by mounting arrangement conditions
• Loads c a u s e d by thermal transients and
• Loads produced during ground handling Maximum allowable operating stress Sw gets
calculated for both Fy and Fu. The lower value should
In most vehicle systems, internal tank pressure loads
and axial-thrust loads are the principal ones. These then be used. All propellant tanks are subjected to
hydrostatic-pressure tests before acceptance. For case
and other loads require careful evaluation, including
(1), the proof-test pressure equals 110% of the
experimental testing.
maximum tank working pressure. For cases (2) and
Safety Factors (3), the proof-test pressures should be 115 and 125%
of the maximum tank working pressure, respectively.
The r e c o m m e n d e d criteria for structural loads
Sample Calculation 8-2
presented in Chapter 2 (Eqs. 2-4 through 2-7)
generally apply to propellant-tank design. However,
The start transient of a prepackaged storable-liquid
w h e n calculating allowable operating stresses from
propulsion system for an aircraft-launched missile is
tank internal pressure, Military Standard MIL-STD-
programmed not to attain main-stage level until the
1522A (USAF), Standard General Requirements For
missile reaches a specified distance from the aircraft.
Safe Design And Operation Of Pressurized Missile
And Space Systems, is frequently imposed. It re-
quires minimum proof test and burst factors of 1.25 Problem
and 1.5, respectively. If MIL-STD-1522A is not spec-
Calculate the maximum allowable operating stresses
ified, the following correlations are r e c o m m e n d e d
minimums for various situations: for propellant tanks made o f - -

1) (a) Aluminum alloy 6061-T6, Fy - 35,000 psi, Fu =

No hazard to personnel or vital equipment:
45,000 psi
F (b) Aluminum alloy 6066-T6, Fy = 50,000 psi, Fu =
Sw= Y (8-2)
1.1 57,000 psi
Solution 8-2
Fu (8-3)
Sw - 1.25 (a) Tank made of aluminum alloy 6061-T6.
2) Special safety devices provided for personnel Since the system involves personnel safety
(example: the booster for a m a n n e d upper during start transient, Eq. (8-6) and (8-7) will be
stage which has an ejection device with an applied, as follows:
exceptionally high degree of reliability):
_ F ~ _ 35,000 28,000 psi (bs-7)
S w - 1 . 2 5 - 1.2-----~ =
- ~
S w - 1.15

Eu Fu 45,000
Sw- - ~ = 30,000 psi (bs-8)
S w - 1.35 (8-5) 1.5 1.5
Maximum allowable operating stress during start
3) Hazard to personnel or vital equipment: transient = 28,000 psi.
During mainstage operation, p e r s o n n e l are
considered safe and Eq. (8-4) and (8-5) can be used:
Sw= Fy (8-6)
Sw - F _ ~ 35,000
- 1.15 -- 1.1--------~-- 30,435 psi (bs-9)

FU Sw- Fu _ 4 5 ' 0 0 0 - _ 33,360 psi (bs-lO)

Sw = 7 . 5 (8-7) 1.35 1.35

Maximum allowable operating stress for mainstage = titaniums qualify for storable and cryogenic pro-
30,435 psi. pellants, and can serve at higher temperatures (800°F
maximum). Epoxy resins used with graphite will
(b) Tank made of aluminum alloy 6066-7"6. ordinarily be limited to temperatures less than
approximately 300"F, but other resins may be used up
During start transient: to approximately 500"F.
Fabrication methods for propellant tanks depend
s. = ~ = 50,000 largely u p o n the type of material used. The most
= 40,000 psi (bs- 11)
1.25 1.25 important considerations for tank fabrication are
dimension control, heat treating, and welding. Tank-
stress calculations must consider the lower limit of
Fu 50,000 wall-thickness variation, but the upper limit will be
Sw - 1.5 - 1.----~= 38,000 psi (bs-12) used for weight calculations. The strength of a metal
may fall into a band, too, the variation of which
Maximum allowable operating stress during start depends on the heat-treating process. Stress calcu-
transient = 38,000 psi. lations will be based on the minimum expected
strength. The quality of the welding process or the
During mainstage operation: efficiency of a welded joint may require extra wall
thickness as calculated from separate operating
F.. 50,000 stresses. Assuming a weld efficiency of 90-95% will be
Sw =
1.1'5 = =
43,478 psi (bs-13)
reasonable. Depending on the alloy, welds are fre-
quently subjected to a heat cycle to relieve residual
or stresses due to welding. Figure 8-5 presents the
construction of a welded propellant tank. Note the
Sw - Fu _ 57,00______OO= 42,222 psi (bs-14)
1.35 1.35 segmented tank end, which is typical for large tanks.

Maximum allowable operating stress during main-

Design Problems
stage - 42,222 psi.
Many other design and analysis problems have to be
carefully considered before a successful propellant
Material and Fabrication Considerations
tank can be produced. The relatively thin, highly
stressed shells make it difficult to attach concentrated
In addition to considerations of propellant com-
loads. The loads must be spread out in a suitable way
patibility and operational-temperature ranges, se-
to prevent localized overstresses. Cryogenic propel-
lection of construction materials for propellant tanks
lants may create thermal transient and gradient
will be based on strength-to-density ratio at a given
problems. While the empty portion of a tank may be
temperature and on ductility. Properties will often be
subject to aerodynamic heating, the filled portion
specified from Military Standardization H a n d b o o k
MIL-HDBK-5E, "Metallic Materials and Elements for
Aerospace Vehicle Structures." For a given working
pressure, the lightest tank structure will be the one
made of the material with the highest ratio of ulti-
mate strength-to-density. The following construction Gore Segments
materials have frequently been used for propellant
• Aluminum alloys, such as 2000 and 6000 series.
Room temperature properties: average density p = 0.1
lb/in.3, Fy up to 60,000 psi, Fu up to 70,000 psi, Fu/p=
70x 104. Circumferential
• Steel alloys, such as AISI 300 series, A286, 17-7 Welds
PH, PH 15-7 Mo and Inconel 718. Room temperature
properties: average density p = 0.285 lb/in.3, Fy up to
200,000 psi, Fu up to 220,000 psi, Fu/p = 77.2x 104. Longitudinal
• Titanium alloys, such as 6AI-4V. Room tem- Welds.
perature properties: average density p = 0.16 lb/in.3,
Fy up to 155,000 psi, Fu up to 170,000 psi, Fu/p
s l X
• Filament-wound graphite/resin composites.
Room-temperature composite properties: average
density p = 0.059 lb/in.3, Fu = 600,000 psi. Fu/p = 1020
Compatible with most storable and cryogenic
propellants, aluminum alloys may be used for op- Fig. 8-5 Typical welded propellant-tank
erating temperatures up to 350°F. Stainless steels and construction.

may be at a very low temperature. Additional thermal f CylindricalTankSection

problems may arise in outer space, such as from
solar heating of one tank side and radiation cooling
..... EllipsoidalTankEnd
of the other. Other problems associated with the { . . . . . . . . ! = Ellipse Ratiok = a/b
m a n a g e m e n t of the propellants within the tanks
.---...:_ ,
include uniform dispersion of the entering tank or=
pressurant, sensing of propellant quantities (PU), ..... , ~ ,.,.. ~-~.o, ~
prevention of propellant sloshing, expulsion of pro- Knuckle J C L c. . . . . ~ ~ Knuckle
pellants under adverse conditions, and fill, drain, Juncture Juncture
vent, and pressure relief of the propellant tanks.
Fig. 8-6 Nomenclature of principal tank
As a rule, the wall thickness of propellant tanks will
first be calculated from stresses caused by internal-
pressure loads and discontinuities. Then the design 3) Wall surface area, in. 2.
will be checked for other loads. If small in thickness
c o m p a r e d to the radii of curvature (t/r<__1/15) and As = 4"a'a2 (8-10)
offering no resistance to bending, the wall will be
subjected only to direct or h o o p - m e m b r a n e stresses, 4) Weight, lb:
which are assumed to be uniformly distributed over
Ws = 41ra2ts0 (8-11)
the thickness. However, any discontinuity along the
wall, such as an abrupt change in radius of curvature
or wall thickness, will introduce discontinuity and 5) Critical pressure due to external loading, psi.
bending stresses. At a sufficient distance from the External pressure higher than the internal tank
juncture between the tank ends and the cylindrical pressure may create a pressure differential across the
shell, where interaction does not occur, the max- wall that can buckle the tank.
imum stress in the tank wall due to internal pressure 2 Ets2 '
should be calculated using the h o o p - m e m b r a n e - Pcr= ~ 3 ( 1 v 2) (8-12)
stress formula only.
Figure 8-6 identifies the major tank elements. In
an optimum tank design, the wall thickness varies Ellipsoidal and Spherical Ends (Fig. 8-6)
according to a combination of local m e m b r a n e ,
bending, and discontinuity stresses, especially for The spherical end, a special case of ellipsoidal end,
spherical and ellipsoidal tank-ends. The following has the major half-diameter, a, equal to the minor
m e t h o d s can be used to calculate volume, wall half-diameter, b.
thickness, wall surface area, and weight of various tank
shapes. The following general terminology is used: 1) Volume:

Pt = maximum tank operating pressure, psig Ellipsoidal-tank-end volume, in.3:

Sw = maximum allowable operating stress of the 2~-aEb
tank construction material, psi Ve - 3 (8-13)
= density of the tank construction material,
E = modulus of elasticity, psi Spherical-tank-end volume, in.3:
V = Poisson's ratio
ew = weld efficiency 27ra5
Vs- (8-14)
Spherical Tanks where a = elliptical-tank-end major half-diameter, in.
= radius of the cylindrical tank section; b = elliptical
1) Volume, in.3: tank end minor half-diameter, in.

47ra3 2) Wall thicknesses c o n s i d e r i n g c o m b i n e d

Vs- 3 (8-8) membrane, discontinuity, and local bending stresses
caused by internal tank pressure Pt. An equivalent
wall t h i c k n e s s - - a n average value of knuckle-and-
where a = nominal radius of the tank, in. crown thicknesswmay be used to calculate the weight
of the tank ends:
2) Wall thickness, in., required to withstand
membrane stresses from internal tank pressure.
Kp,a (8-15)
tk - Swew

ptR (8-16)
t s - 2Swew (8-9) tcr 2Swew

1.20 ~ ] ; I-:K ":-- -

(tk+tcr)=Pta(K+k) ,! ! i':'-'~ (combined stress)[~,.,~
te --- (8-17) ,-f-I',.....
, "'~" r. r-!'.
2 2S~ 1.10 ~1I l i =. I )1 Ii I'

ptaK + ( 2 )
Envelope Curve
• for K for 'i
1.00 ~ Combined StTessl I .Z-'~.2

i L', I_l t!-'l"7. ~ ' ~ / : ' ] Z _

ts = 2Sw (8-18) -' J ! I , ) J J .'._L~:
"Curve for K for ~___~'J-'iz;7;'

(K+2) (8-19)
- Alone
_,_l , ,J _,I i, . ",'~x=
'' 4,-L'
] / ' l , . . f , -./4_ " ''- ' r~-
' -",--.~.,.

. . . . P41"
E' 5 i II _ / ~ + -i i :''

t-7 = 2 (8-20)
i-: z :-i:-t-4- -!-'1-:,'-
whereto 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
k = t a n k - e n d e l l i p s e r a t i o = a / b ; k -- 1 for a
spherical e n d
Ellipse Ratio
R = t a n k - e n d c r o w n radius, in. = ka; R = a for a
spherical e n d
*For spherical tanks use K = 0.50 at k = 1.0
K = stress factor, a f u n c t i o n of the ellipse ratio
For spherical heads use K = 0.67 at k = 1.0
k. Figure 8-7 p r e s e n t s a K-vs.-k c u r v e for
combined membrane, discontinuity, and Fig. 8-7 Ellipse ratio k vs. k n u c k l e f a c t o r K,
local-bending stresses c o m p r e s s i o n s t r e s s -K, a n d p a r a m e t e r E'. ( F r o m ARS
tk = wall thickness at the knuckle, in. paper, "Design Criteria and Analyses for Thin-Walled
tcr = wall thickness at the c r o w n , in. Presstwtzed V ~ and Interstage Structures," by T. J.
t e = e q u i v a l e n t wall t h i c k n e s s of an ellipsoidal Hart)
tank-end, in.
ts = e q u i v a l e n t wall t h i c k n e s s o f a s p h e r i c a l
tank-end, in. w h e r e - - ( s e e Fig. 8-7)
tc = wall thickness o f a cylindrical tank section,
E' = design factor
3) Wall surface area:
1 k +x/~- 1
- & (bs-16)
Ellipsoidal-tank-end surface area, in.2: - 2k + 4 k 2 _ 1 k - ~Jk 2 - i

~.b2 & [ ( 1 + e)] Critical pressure d u e to external loading, psi:

Ae = a ~ + 2e (8-21 ) For an ellipsoidal tank end, a p p r o x i m a t e d as:

Spherical-tank-end surface area, in.2: Cb2Et2 (8-25)

Pore -- R2
As = 21ra z (8-22)
where-- For a spherical tank end:

e = eccentricity =
Va 2 _ b2
=/i 1 -~ (bs-15) Pcrs -- 342Et_______~s
2( a p p r o x i m a t e l y ) (8-26)

4) Weigbt:
w h e r e Cb = buckling coefficient, a f u n c t i o n of R/te,
Ellipsoidal-tank-end weight, lb: ranging from 0.05 to 0.10.

• "a2teE ' p Cylindrical Section

W e ~ ~ (8-23)
1) Volume, in.3:
Spherical-tank-end weight, lb: Vc = ~ra21c (8-27)

Ws = 2 ara2tso (8-24) w h e r e a = radius, in., a n d lc = length, in.


2) Wall thickness, in., r e q u i r e d to w i t h s t a n d • Tank construction material, a l u m i n u m alloy

m e m b r a n e stresses due to internal tank pressure: 6066-T6. Fy = 50,000 psi; Fu = 57,000 psi; p =
0.101 lb/in.3; E = 10.4 x 106 psi; v = 0.36
pta (8-28) • Weld efficiency, ew = 100%
tc - Swew

3) Discontinuity stresses. The discontinuity at the Problem

juncture between the cylindrical tank section and the
tank ends will cause bending and shear loads along Determine the following:
the cylindrical circumference at the juncture and the
adjacent areas. These discontinuity stresses will su- (a) Required internal dimensions of tank.
perimpose upon the m e m b r a n e stresses axial bend- Co) Required thickness of the tank walls at various
ing stress, h o o p b e n d i n g stress, additional h o o p sections, considering internal p r e s s u r e loads,
stress due to the shear load, and shear stress. discontinuity, and local bending stresses.
Discontinuity stresses fade out rapidly, b e c o m i n g (c) Approximate weight of the tankage.
negligibly small a short distance from the juncture. (d) Critical external loading pressures, using a buck-
Detail analyses of discontinuity stresses can be found ling coefficient Cb = 0.10 for the tank ends.
in standard textbooks. In general, buildup of wall
thickness of less than 0.5 tc, near the juncture, will S o l u t i o n 8-3
suffice for most designs, with only small weight
penalty. (a) Since the oxidizer tank consists of two ellipsoidal
ends without a cylindrical section, Eq. (8-13) may be
4) Wall surface area, in.2: applied.
Ac = 2 ~ralc (8-29) 2 x 2 ~raZb
Vto = (bs- 19)
5) Weight,lb:
Rearrange to obtain the minor elliptical half-di-
Wc = 2 lralctcp (8-30) ameter of the tank ends:

6) External-loading critical pressure, psi: 3 XVto 3 x 1 2 0 x 1,728

b = 2 x 2 r a 2 = 4 x ~" × (41) 2 = 29.4 in. (bs-20)
For a short tank (i.e., BS-17):
The tank-end ellipse ratio.
lc < 4.9a aX~c
a 41
EI~2~/( 1 )3tc~ (8-31) k - b - 29.----4- 1.395 (bs-21)
Pc,c=0.807 1 v2 T a
Using an ellipsoidal end of the same proportion at
For long tanks (i.e., BS-18): the fuel-tank top, the fuel-tank volume m a y be treated
as the volume of a cylindrical tank section with the
lc -> 4.9a aX~c length Ic. Equation (8-27) gives the volume of the fuel
Pcrc -- 4(1 -- v2)a 3 (8-32) Vt f -- ~-a21c
Ic Vte 143.5 X 1,728
where E - modulus of elasticity. - r a 2 -- ,r X (41)2 = 46.9 in. (bs-22)

To summarize the internal dimensions of the tankage:

Sample Calculation 8-3
a=41 in. b-29.4in.
The following design data characterize the A-4 Stage
propulsion system, which employs a cylindrical pro- k = 1.395 lc = 46.9 in. (bs-23)
pellant-tank section with ellipsoidal ends (prelim-
inary layout shown in Fig. 3-10): ( b ) Assuming that certain missions of the A-4 vehicle
require it to be man-rated., the m a x i m u m allowable
• Required design volume of the oxidizer tank, operational stresses can be derived from Eq. (8-6)
Vto - 120 ft3 and (8-7):
• Maximum oxidizer tank operating pressure, Pto
= 180 psia _ F_~ _ 50,000
= 40,000 psi
• Required design volume of the fuel tank, V t f - Sw-1.25- 1.25
143.5 ft3
• Maximum fuel-tank operating pressure, P t f - Fu 57,000
170 psia Sw- 1.5- 1.---~-= 38,000 psi (bs-24)
• Internal radius of the cylindrical section, a -
41 in. Use the lower value of 38,000 psi.
294 D E S I G N OF L I Q U I D - P R O P E L L A N T R O C K E T E N G I N E S

Figure 8-6 gives the tank-end stress factor K of the (c) From Eq. (8-23), the weight of the oxidizer-tank
c o m b i n e d stresses as 0.80 for an ellipse ratio k of end:
1.395. Then, from Eq. (8-15), the r e q u i r e d wall
thickness at the knuckle of the oxidizer tank end will x'a2teoE ' p
be as follows. Weo = 2k (bs-34)
Kpta_0.80x 180x41 Figure 8-7 gives E' = 4.56 for k = 1.395'
tko = Sw -- 38,000 = 0.155 in. (bs-25)

From Eq. (8-16), the required wall thickness at the ,r(41) 2 x 0.145 x 4.56 x 0.101
Weo =
crown of the oxidizer-tank end: 2 x 1.395

ptR 180x 1.395x41 = 126.4 lb (bs-35)

tc~o = 2Sw = 2 x 38,000 = o. 135 in. (bs-26)
The weight of the fuel-tank end:
From Eq. (8-17), the equivalent wall thickness of the
oxidizer-tank end: Weotef 126.4 x 0.137
Wef- - = 119 4 lb (bs-36)
teo O. 145 '
(tko + tc~o) (0.155 + 0.135)
teo - = = 0.145 in. (bs-27)
2 2 From Eq. (8-30), the weight of the cylindrical tank
Some designs "save" weight by taking advantage of
the fact that the b u l k h e a d c o m m o n to both tanks Wc = 2~ralctcO = 2 x 7r x 41 x 46.9 x 0.183 x 0.101
experiences a relatively small differential pressure in
operation. Such systems, however, require more elab- = 223.3 lb (bs-37)
orate pressurization and loading systems including
interlocks. In case of malfunction, the c o m m o n bulk- Add 4% of overall tankage weight to allow for local
head may suffer serious damage. wall-thickness buildups, w e l d e d joints, discontinuity
stresses, etc., and for tolerances during fabrication.
The required wall thickness at the knuckle of the fuel- Approximate overall weight of the tankage:
tank end:
tkoPtf _ O. 155 X 170 Wt = 1.04(2 x W¢o + Wet + Wc)
tkf = Pro - 180 = O. 146 in. (bs-28)
= 1.04(2 x 126.4 + 119.4 + 223.3)
The required wall thickness at the crown of the fuel-
tank end: = 596 lb (bs-38)
tcroPt__._.__f= 0.135 X 170
tcrr = Pro 180 = 0. 128 in. (bs-29) ( d ) From Eq. (8-25), the critical external loading
pressure for the oxidizer ends:
The equivalent wall thickness of the fuel-tank end:
Cb2Et~2o 0.10 x 2 x 10.4 x 106 × (0.145) 2
Pcreo -'-
R2 (1.395 x 41) 2
(tkf + tcrf) 0.146 + 0.128
t¢r = 2 = 2 = 0.137 in. (bs-30)
= 13.4 psi (bs-39)

From Eq. (8-28), the required wall thickness of the The critical external loading pressure for the fuel-tank
cylindrical tank section: end:

Pt# 1 7 0 X 41 Cb2Ete2r_ 0.10 X 2 X 10.4 X 106 x (0.137) 2

t c = Sw = 38,000 = 0 " 1 8 3 in. (bs-31) Pcref = R2 - (1.395 x 41)2
= 11.9 (bs-40)
To provide a buildup of 0.4 tc on the cylindrical-tank-
s e c t i o n wall n e a r the j u n c t u r e to allow for This leads to the following:
discontinuity stresses:
lc < 4.9a a'f~c (bs-41)
tcj = tc + 0.4t + 0.183 + 0.4
Thus, Eq. (8-31) applies, yielding the following ex-
x O. 183 = 0.256 in. (bs-32)
ternal-loading critical pressure for the cylindrical
To summarize: tank section:
0.807 × 10.4 x 106 ) (0.183) 2
tko "- 0.155 in., tc,o = 0.135 in., t,o = 0 . 1 4 5 in. PCI'C
46.9 × 41

tkf = O. 146 in., tcrr= 0.128 in., tel= 0.137 in. 1

x 1 --(0.36) 2 ~ = 10.8 psi (bs-42)
tc = 0.183 in., tcj = 0.256 in. (bs-33)

Axial Compressive Loading on the Cylindrical The critical axial compressive load of the cylindrical
Section section:

In integrated propellant tank designs (Fig. 8-2 and 8- Fc = Scx 27ratc = 17,476 × 2~r x 41 × 0.183
3) the cylindrical tank section must withstand large
axial compressive loads during vehicle handling and = 823,900 lb (bs-44)
operation. If the tank is not pressurized, i.e., if tank
pressure = ambient pressure, the critical axial com- From the results it is obvious that the A-4 Stage
pressive stress for an unstiffened cylindrical tank may tankage can withstand a substantial axial compressive
be calculated as follows: load without internal pressurization.

( b ) From Eq. (8-34), the required internal tank

Sc= 9 +0.1 \lcJ E (8-33)
F~ 100,000
where Sc = critical axial compressive stress, psi. P t - 7ra2 - ~r × (41)2 = 18.95 psi (bs-45)

This is the axial compressive stress that will cause the

tank to buckle. Water-hammer Effects Due to Impact
Internal pressure can increase the axial load-
carrying ability of a cylindrical tank section with Impact on a loaded propellant tank will cause a
minimum weight penalty. This is known as pressure water-hammer effect within itma surge of the tank
stabilization. Internal pressure will raise the critical internal pressure. For very short impacting times
buckling stress of a tank; or it may be used to counter- (less than 1.2 x 10-3 s), the following correlations
balance an axial compressive load Fa w h e r e - - have b e e n established for cylindrically-shaped
propellant tanks:
F~ = lra2pt (8-34)
Ps -- ra2g (8-35)
Pressurization will also reduce tank failures from very
large bending loads. If the pressure is ever permitted
to drop below a value necessary to carry the axial C p
and bending loads, however, the tank will collapse c= (8-36)
and the vehicle will probably be damaged beyond ~1 + 2.5Epa(1 - 0.8v)
repair. Et~
An alternative method of increasing the external
load-carrying ability of a cylindrical tank is to make it where~
self-supporting. This involves stiffening the cylin-
Ps = pressure surge due to the impact, psi
drical skin by means of longitudinal and circum-
ferential members, or h o n e y c o m b structures. The
W -- equivalent flow rate of the propellant due
to the impact, lb/s
members may be either separate stiffeners welded to
radius of the cylindrical tank, in.
the tank wall, or may be made integral with the wall
by machining or chemically milling a thicker wall. tc -- wall thickness of the cylindrical tank, in.
g = gravitational constant, 32.2 ft/s2
C -- acoustic velocity of the restrained pro-
Sample Calculation 8-4 pellant, in./s
C! free acoustic velocity of the propellant,
Problem in./s
Ep = compressive modulus of elasticity of the
For the A-4 Stage tankage, calculate: propellant, psi
E modulus of elasticity of the tank con-
( a ) Critical axial compressive load of the cylindrical struction material, psi
section with no internal pressure. V --- Poisson's ratio of the tank construction
( b ) Required internal tank pressure to offset an axial material
compressive load of 100,000 lb with no compressive
stress on the cylindrical section. In many prepackaged liquid applications, the pro-
pellant tankage must withstand certain impact loads,
Solution 8-4 as specified by the height of drop tests. The following
sample calculation illustrates details of estimating
(a) From Eq. (8-33), the critical compressive stress of tank pressure-surges from a free-fall impact.
the cylindrical section:

[ (0.183'~, 1.6
_/0.183'~ '3] Sample Calculation 8-5
Sc= 9\ 41 ~/ + 0.16~ 46.9 / X 10.4 X 106
The following data characterize the cylindrical fuel
= 17,476 psi (bs-43) tank of a prepackaged storable-liquid propulsion

system: ( b ) After a 20-ft free drop, the final velocity at

Fuel, N2H4
Fuel density pp = 63.17 lb/ft3 V = 2 q ~ = 42 x 3 2 . 2 × 20 = 35.9 fps (bs-51 )
Compressive modulus of elasticity of the fuel, Ep
= 6.06 x 105 The equivalent propellant flow rate due to impact:
Free acoustic velocity of the fuel, c' = 80,100 in./s 2
Tank construction, aluminum alloy 6066-T6 xJ~r--- #p~ra2V = 63.25 x a" x ('i~2) x 3 5 . 9
Modulus of elasticity of the tank construction
material, E -- 10.4 x 106
Poisson's ratio of the tank construction material, = 792.5 lb/s (bs-52)
v = 0.36
Radius of the cylindrical tank, a - 4 in. The tank pressure surge due to impact after a 20-ft
Length Ic of the cylindrical tank = 50 in. free drop:
Wall thickness tc of the cylindrical tank = 0.167 in. cw 43,100 X 792.5
P s - ~ra2g- 7r × (4) 2 X 386 = 1,765 psi (bs-53)
For a tank falling in the direction of its longitudinal
axis, estimatem
The design of tanks for storable liquid propellants
(a) Tank pressure surge due to the impact after a 6-ft
uses the same general design practices applied to
free drop.
other propellant tanks, except in the area of com-
(b) Tank pressure surge due to the impact after a 20-ft
patibility. Most storable propellants will remain
free drop.
stable for long periods if stored in tanks constructed
of compatible materials. To minimize propellant
Solution 8-5
d e c o m p o s i t i o n and tank-material corrosion, the
surface of tank walls in contact with the propellants
(a) For a 6-ft free drop the final velocity at impact:
must be smooth and clean.

V = "4~ = x/2 x 32.2 x 6 = 19.65 fps (bs-46) Tank-material Compatibility

This yields an equivalent propellant flow rate due to Final selection of tank material requires a study to
impact of--- determine compatibility of it and its fabrication
processes with the propellants. Two major consid-
erations should be kept in mind: the required storage
w -----Op~ra2V = 63.17 x lr x X 19.65 life and the applicability of available data. Several
material/propellant compatibility test programs have
= 434.5 Ibis (bs-47) been conducted; but some have reported results at
variance, possibly as a consequence of the way ma-
terial coupons were processed before the test, the
From Eq. (8-36), the acoustic velocity of the re-
strained fuel. testing of material coupons vs. fabricated tanks, using
techniques to achieve "long-term" results with short-
term tests, and differing environmental conditions.
C =
,/ [
80,1 O0
2.5 x 6.06 x 105 x 4(1 - 0 . 8 x 0.36)
] The Air Force Astronautics Laboratory (formerly
Air Force Rocket P r o p u l s i o n Laboratory) has
conducted extensive long-term-compatibility tests of
] 0 . 4 x 106 X 0.167
coupons and tanks using numerous combinations of
= 43,100 in./s (bs-48) alloys and propellants. A series of reports have
documented the results, one of the latest being
Impact time delay in the tank: "Metallurgical Analysis of Liquid Rocket Tankage," by
E.J. King and H.G. Kammerer, AFRPL TR-84-054.
lc 50
-=~=1.16x 10 - 3 s
c 43,100 Tank Construction

(i.e., < 1.2 x 10 -3 s) (bs-49) Eliminating m a i n t e n a n c e during storage and

prelaunch activities represents one of the prime de-
Equation (8-35) yields the tank pressure surge due to sign objectives for storable-propellant tankage. All-
impact after a 6-ft free drop: welded construction permits this. To achieve iso-
lation, leakproof burst diaphragms or pyrotechnic
valves are installed at the inlets and outlets of the
cw 43,100 x 434.5 tanks. Propellant fill ports are capped and welded
P s - 7ra2g- ~r X (4) 2 X 386 = 964 psi (bs-50)
after tanking. Tandem tanks are favored over concen-

tric tanks, since they s e p a r a t e propellants more Forged One-Piece

positively during storage, transportation, and adverse fDoCb~eTw;IBUl:ehs:g
conditions. Some applications have the c o m m o n
/ ~ InterpropellantJoint
b u l k h e a d between two propellant tanks designed to
withstand a differential pressure in either direction
that m a y result from nonsimultaneous pressurization.
However, the diaphragm at the pressurant inlet to the
oxidizer tank of the A-4 Stage system, being designed
to a lower burst pressure than the pressurant inlet
diaphragm for the fuel tank, keeps the oxidizer-tank
pressure always higher.
Full-penetration welds should be used in the
construction of all propellant tanks, and especially FullPenetrationj / FuelDuct
tanks for storable propellants. A full-penetration WeldedJoin/ OxidizerDuct
Weld shows complete fusion to the root of the joint.
All such welds which cannot be dye-penetrant-in- Fig. 8-9 Design o f a typical storable-propellant
spected at the root must be x-rayed to ensure full tank with a forged one-piece c o m m o n
penetration. Figure 8-8 presents the design detail of a bulkhead.
typical full-penetration, single-weld butt joint.
If possible, interpropellant welding (i.e., the fuel
and oxidizer separated by only one welded joint) Knowledge of the precise strength characteristics,
should be avoided in tank designs. A double-weld degree of brittleness, and notch sensitivity of the tank
design will prevent the mixing of propellants due to a construction materials at cryogenic temperatures (as
single failure of welded joints. Figure 8-9 presents the low as -423°F for l i q u i d - h y d r o g e n service) is a
design of a typical storable propellant tank with a prerequisite for their selection. In general, m o s t of
forged one-piece c o m m o n bulkhead. A double-weld the a l u m i n u m alloys a n d the austenitic a n d
design is used on the c e n t e r - h o l d joint for the semiaustenitic stainless steels possess good m e c h a n -
oxidizer duct. ical properties at cryogenic temperatures (also see
Chapter 2). The thermal stresses can be analyzed by
Wall Surface Requirements d e t e r m i n i n g the t e m p e r a t u r e profile at v a r i o u s
regions of the tank and m a y be m i n i m i z e d b y
The tank must be cleaned with a solvent or, in some discrete design approaches. The capacity of the tank
instances, with an alkaline or acid solution to relief valve s h o u l d be b a s e d on the m a x i m u m
eliminate contamination that may cause corrosion or anticipated p r o p e l l a n t boiloff rate during g r o u n d
be reactive with the p r o p e l l a n t - - a process called hold and actual operation of the vehicle systems.
"passivation." In extreme circumstances, it can be A m o n g the cryogenic propellants, liquid hy-
achieved by application of a propellant rinse before drogen imposes the most serious tank-design p r o b -
loading the propellant. lems, mainly due to its very low service temperature
a n d its relatively large specific volume. D e s i g n
8.5 CRYOGENIC-LIQUID-PROPELLANT problems are especially acute with the hydrogen-tank
TANK DESIGN insulation. It often b e c o m e s one of the most critical
design factors in a hydrogen-fueled vehicle system.
Design of cryogenic-propellant tanks presents several T h e difficulties arising in h y d r o g e n s y s t e m s in
potential p r o b l e m areas that m a y affect p r o p e r connection with heat transfer m a y be dramatically
functioning and reliability: properties of the tank illustrated as follows.
construction materials at the cryogenic propellant Assume two tanks of equal size, subject to the
service temperature range, thermal stresses induced same heat influx per unit time, one filled with liquid
in the tank structure by temperature gradients, the oxygen and the other with liquid hydrogen. The ratio
relief of tank pressure c a u s e d by boitoff of the of heat of vaporization per unit weight O/H = 0.48,
cryogenic propellants, and thermal insulation of the but density ratio O / H = 14.3. Thus the volume rate of
tank wails. vaporization in the hydrogen tank will be 6.85 times
faster than in the oxygen tank. In reality, the heat
influxes would not b e equal for two uninsulated tanks,
because of the higher temperature differential across
the wall, a n d especially b e c a u s e of the greatly
j Build Up Land increased heat-transfer rate from air liquefaction o n
the hydrogen-tank surface. This m a y further accel-
~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ "~-"TankWalNomi
l nal erate the hydrogen boiloff to approximately 70 times
1_,/ /
. . . . . .
/ / ~
,:_.: .a:~-a.;~=~
",, .\ \ \ \ l _ i _
, •
~cknas, that of oxygen. In an actual oxygen/hydrogen system
operating at a weight mixture ratio O / H = 5, the
Strip Optional tanked mixture ratio b y v o l u m e H / O = 3.23. De-
pending on the shape of the tanks (surface ratio), this
Fig. 8-8 Design detail o f a typical full- may again double or triple the relative boiloff of hy-
penetration, single-welded butt joint for drogen. Insulation, it is clear, must drastically reduce
propellant tanks. heat influx into a hydrogen system.

Boiloff rate is not the only problem caused by I n s u l a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s for

the physical properties of hydrogen. Near the Cryogenic-Propellant Tanks
ambient boiling temperature, the gradient of vapor
pressure is 2.4 psi/'R, as compared to 0.78 psi/'R for Most vehicle missions include three distinct phases
liquid oxygen. Moreover, this gradient increases calling for effective insulation of cryogenic-propel-
rapidly with increasing temperature, which would be lant tanks: ground hold, boost phase, and coast in
experienced following tank pressurization. Figures 8- space. The propellant-tank insulation design will
10 and 8-11 show the trend for both liquid oxygen primarily be based on flight-performance criteria.
and hydrogen. The data have great significance to However, propellant evaporative losses during long
pump NPSH. As may be seen, just one degree of hold periods on the ground requiring continuous
liquid-hydrogen temperature rise requires a 3-psi topping may become a significant cost item. Then it
increase in tank pressure to maintain proper NPSH. may be economical to provide an insulating blanket
In a large vehicle, the required increase in tank-wall on the tank, and remove it just before liftoff. The
thickness may affect payload noticeably. The sit- boost phase sees high temperatures from aerody-
uation is further aggravated by the high heat influx namic heating and large a e r o d y n a m i c forces.
into hydrogen, for reasons mentioned in connection Although of short duration, this phase dictates the
with boiloff. Even for relatively short boost periods, structural elements of the insulation. During coast in
rapid warm-up may create a problem more severe space, the principal source of thermal energy, ra-
than boiloff, and place further emphasis on adequate diation from the sun and planets, can be blocked by
insulation. The following discussion of tank insula- radiation shields surrounding the basic tank in-
tions therefore emphasizes hydrogen service. sulation, thereby effectively controlling the heat flux
across the tank wall. Very important will be the
properties of the materials used in a solar shield,
such as the absorptivity and emissivity of the surface
when subjected to various types of radiation and
body temperatures. The amount of shielding re-
quired depends on the duration of the coast and on
optimization of shield weight vs. propellant-boiloff

c:'~ Basic I n s u l a t i o n Types

~a. 2
¢oa; Major desirable design features of an insulation
include light weight, uniform and repeatable in-
~m sulation characteristics, ease of application, low cost,
~:~- I
low hazard, reasonable ruggedness, ease of repair,
. I I I !
good reliability, and, above all, low heat-conductivity.
35 36 37 38 39 40 OR
! I I ! ! I
Excellent results can be achieved with a lami-
12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 psia nated-type insulation--an aluminum foil and a
structural material, often in multiple layers. The
Saturation Temperature and Pressure of Liquid Hydrogen---l~-
aluminum foils act as reflectors, effectively rejecting
Fig. 8-10 Rate o f c h a n g e o f saturation vapor radiative heat, while the evacuated space in between
pressure to temperature for liquid h y d r o g e n . prevents conductive heat transfer. This insulation can
be applied to single-curved and to large-diameter,
double-curved surfaces. The laminar insulation can
fairly easily be damaged, however, possibly resulting
1.5 in loss of vacuum (cracks and infiltration of gas, for
instance). Use of this type of insulation in atmo-
spheric applications has therefore been infrequent.
H o n e y c o m b - s u p p o r t e d structures are finding
:~" 1.0 wide application. Figure 8-12 shows typical externally-
applied hydrogen-tank insulation. A 1/2- to 3/4-in.-
nominal-size plastic honeycomb goes between an
o g 0.5 inner and outer facing sheet. The cells may or may
not be filled with an isocyanate-type foam, de-
pending on weight limitations. The foam bubbles or
the properly sealed cells will form individual vacuum
0 ! I I. . . . R spaces when cold (cryopumping). However, because
160 165 170 of the possibility of vacuum degradation by in-
I ! , I I psia filtration of air (outer insulation), or hydrogen
12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 (inside insulation), it is often preferred to purge the
Saturation Temperature and Pressure of Liquid Oxygen cells with helium, for which lateral passage ways must
be provided. The purge also serves as a leak-detec-
Fig. 8-11 Rate o f c h a n g e o f saturation vapor tion device, in conjunction with gas analyzers, to
pressure to temperature for liquid o x y g e n . detect contamination of the helium from leaks. Figure

8-12 shows a separate gap purged with helium, rather ternal or external to the tank wall. It can be integral
than the honeycomb cells. Thermal conductivity of or disposable during boost; i.e., it can be bonded in
the insulation shown is about 3.8 x 10-7 Btu-in./in.2-s- place or mechanically retained. Basically, any insu-
"F (0.2 Btu-in./ft2-h-'F). lation applied to a tank must be justified with respect
Thermal conductivities of various types of in- to advantages of performance and/or economy.
sulation vary from 0.05 x 10-7 to 6.0 x 10-7 Btu-in./in.2- Locating the insulation inside the propellant tank
s-'F. Densities range from 2.0 to 20 lb/ft3. Since the has the obvious advantage of protecting the insu-
quality of an insulation will affect cost and weight, an lation from handling damage. The tank structure is
optimization study will have to be made, based on isolated from the severest low-temperature effects of
mission characteristics. the propellant and is thus subjected to only mod-
erate thermal cycling from its source. Internal
Sample Calculation 8-6 insulation also minimizes propellant loss w h e n
chilling the tank during filling. However, if a crack or
Problem leak should occur in internal insulation of a hydro-
gen tank, gaseous hydrogen would enter the crack and
Determine heat-transfer rates in Btu/in.2-s across the gradually increase the heat transfer. Other undesir-
tank insulation shown in Fig. 8-12 d u r i n g w able features of internal insulation include difficulties
in installation, in locating and repairing of leaks, and
( a ) Ground hold, with temperature of the insulation in cleaning the tank. Internal insulation is also subject
surface near the tank wall approximately -360"F and to higher pressures and more severe temperature
the outer surface 70"F. effects, which tend to impair the insulation sealing.
( b ) Boost phase, with inner insulation-surface External insulation has the advantage of isolating
temperature reaching -210"F and the outer insulation the tank structure from the extreme temperature of
temperature 800"F. a e r o d y n a m i c heating during boost. Installation,
repair, and sealing of the external insulation can all
Solution 8-6 be done without special consideration of access,
ventilation, and curing techniques in closed areas.
( a ) During ground hold, the temperature differential However, special consideration will be required for
across the insulation AT = 70-(-360) - 430"F. The tank-leak detection, especially with integrally insu-
overall thickness of the insulation t = 2 x 0.03 + 0.75 = lated areas. A crack in the external insulation will
0.81 in. Equation (4-19) gives the heat-transfer rate: allow liquefaction of air and cryopumping, resulting
in a significant rise in heat transfer.
3.8 X 10-7)
0.81 x 430 Insulation for C o m m o n Bulkheads

= 2.02 x 10 -4 Btu/in.2-s (bs-54) When a common bulkhead is used between propel-

lant tanks and cryogenics are involved, insulation is
required to prevent freezing of the propellant with
( b ) During the boost phase, T - 800-(-210) - 1010"F. the higher boiling point. Figure 8-13 shows the
The heat-transfer rate: equatorial area of a typical insulated c o m m o n
bulkhead. A fiberglass h o n e y c o m b is located be-
q = AT = " x 1010 tween a forward and an aft facing sheet. In the
equatorial area, where the facing sheets have to be
= 4.74 x 10- 4 Btu/in.2_s (bs-55) faired into the cylindrical tank portion, they are
reinforced by waffle grid ribs. This design also re-
Selection of Tank-insulation Designs quires special insulation on the inside of the LOX

Many factors will influence the selection of a tank-

insulation design. The insulation may be located in-
. . . . . ~ .A
Bulkhead ......
"oo. °omO o,e aOe "
,p,a,,c '
of Pher~oliC - Impr e g n a l e d
C,o,h \ honeycomb,
Density = - ". /, 2" " , _ _ -"-'-'-"--'7-0030 in. Thick Laminate He purged) t
hl ! I / Type,nsuJationSea,ed .,,.... :...,,.'.'X.,,.... Equaiorial
Space Jn H o n e y c o m b I ! , / oens,y=,t7 ,bt,3 ~ S t a i n l e s s Steel )-" "xABI$ B ,,~,~...-;~ ! J Insulation
Cote Filledwith Foam ,
Typelnsulation =a'~-=a-~ ___ ~ CoreandClose-,. ~ ........ "i_" ........... '| '
Density= 2.0 Ib/fl 3 Out Alum Sheet ~ ~ ~
,~ , -, , . -
0 0 1 6 tn.
l/2Hard3OlSlainl . . . . . . :~. ' . .~ ~.~ J-Joint
Steel Tank Wall ~ , . , . ~ ~ ~_~ -. " ~ " Ion Covered -,i~'~ " --- - Metallic
-\ 0 , 0 in. Wall Gap Purged Spacei's ~ " ~ Honeycomb
by Helium Gas . . . . .

L,quid Hydrogen Sectlon B-B

Fig. 8-12 Construction e l e m e n t s of a typical Section A-A

liquid h y d r o g e n tank insulation design Fig. 8-13 Design o f a typical insulated c o m m o n
(external type), bulkhead separating LH2 and LO 2 tanks.

tank in the equatorial region. No foam filler was used Since the cyclic fatigue of the composite will far
in this particular example. exceed that of a metallic liner, liner design becomes
critically important. In a typical design, the liner
8.6 COMPOSITE LIQUID-PROPELIANT TANK plastically deforms during proof testing, while the
DESIGN composite does not exceed its elastic limit. Upon
venting of the proof pressure, the composite returns
Most tanks with surfaces of revolution can be fab- to its original shape and causes the liner to be in
ricated as a continuous filament wrapped in a spe- compression. During subsequent operating pressure
cific pattern, impregnated with resin, and then cured. cycles, the liner is subjected to compressive and
Compared to metals, such composite has relatively tensional stresses that are not always in the elastic
high s t r e n g t h - t o - w e i g h t ratio, owing to the range. Ductility and toughness are therefore impor-
intrinsically higher strength of uniform filiaments tant parameters in the selection of a liner material.
and the ability to vary directional properties in the Alloys that have been used include 2219, 5086, 6061
wrapping process. and 6351 aluminum, 321 stainless steel, 6AI-4V and
The progression of filament material technology 15-3 titaniums, and Inco-718.
has been from fiberglass (E-Glass and S-Glass) to Another consideration in the design of com-
aramid (Kevlar) to graphite. The strength-to-density posite tanks will be useful life at pressurized condi-
ratio advantage for composites has increased from tions, usually referred to as "static-fatigue life." This
2:1 for E-Glass to 10:1 for graphite, compared to drops as the operational pressure conditions, ex-
metal tanks. An additional weight advantage can be pressed as a percentage of ultimate strength, increase.
achieved by design efficiency. For example, loads in Because of scatter in experimental data, a reliability
the cylindrical section of a tank are twice as great in value is normally expressed along with the static-
the circumferential direction as in the meridional fatigue-life requirement.
direction. Fibers in a composite structure can be
oriented to correspond to the directional variability, 8.7 DESIGN OF PROPELLANT-TANK
but metal tanks must be designed for the circum- PRESSURANT DIFFUSERS
ferential loads, leaving a large excess in the merid-
ional direction. Uniform properties and g o o d A pressurant diffuser introduces the pressurant gas
reliability require the use of numerically-controlled evenly into the propellant tank at a desired direction
winding machines to orient the fibers precisely. Fig- and velocity. The gas is usually injected in a plane
ure 8-14 shows a typical filament-wound tank. near the forward end, at a right angle to the tank and
Being relatively porous and incompatible with vehicle axes. This will minimize disturbances at the
propellants, composites must be separated from the pressurant/propellant interface. Figure 8-15 presents
contained fluid by a liner, either elastomeric (for some typical designs for a propellant-tank pressurant
pressurant-gas storage) or metallic. Elastomeric liner diffuser. A radial-type diffuser, located at the tank
materials, such as chlorobutyl or acrylonitrile rubber, axis, serves the fuel tank. This arrangement permits a
are formed over a rigid, water-soluble mandrel, the simple, lightweight diffuser design. However, the
composite overwrap applied and cured, and then the reversed ellipsoidal common bulkhead at the forward
mandrel washed out. Such a liner, for tanks less than end of the oxidizer tank requires a ring-type diffuser,
4 ft. in diameter, will typically have a leakage rate of consisting of many individual diffusing nozzles at the
10-4 scc/s. circumference of the tank.
Metallic liners can either be thin and carry The pressurant enters the tank at a temperature
essentially no load or relatively thick and carry as depending on the source, such as a LOX heat ex-
much as 20% at operating pressure. The design and changer. In some cases, because this may not be the
fabrication of metallic liners are similar to metallic optimum temperature for critical structural members,
tanks, but being relatively thin can cause design a separation tube (Hilsch tube) may be combined
problems at thickness-transition regions, fabrication with the diffuser. Without moving parts, it operates on
problems in meeting tolerances, and welding prob- the principle of separating the higher-energy from
lems. Leakage rates, for tanks less than 4 ft. in lower-energy molecules. Temperature spreads of
diameter, are typically less than 10-7 scc/s. 100"F or more can be obtained, depending on con-
struction and available pressure-drop. In a LOX/
hydrogen system with common bulkhead, the device
Circular Ovaloid End may be used to direct the cold stream toward the
Windings Windings bulkhead, thus lowering the temperature differential
and heat transfer across it.



Under zero or oscillatory g-loading conditions typ-

ical of many vehicle trajectories, the propellant's
Helical Windings Polar Fitting location in a tank becomes uncertain and thus
requires a means to prevent gas from being expelled
Fig. 8-14 A typical f i l a m e n t - w o u n d tank. with the propellant. The propellant must be sub-

Radial Type I
Fuel Tank ".~-'~
r~iffl i ~ r
|i Ill Fuel Tank
• •
. . . .Tank . . . . • Tank
. . . . . ~--- . JiJ Pr'-ssurant I-'ressuran! umuser /
Detail . ~ Diffuser/ Fuel Tank / /
ii / / / .... ---.. J Oxidizer Tank
I ~ / / .. ~ - - " b / " " ' ~ , ~. "~,~ / Pressurant Line
/ __,,/_--.-~-.=- ~ 7 r ~ " _ ... • " "-,, "~ /
"-'. ",/
,//" / ' :~,, Y "~'~~, / ' Fuel Tank
,' / I-7 "~O, J ' , . ~ Pressurant Line

Forward ./ ,_

Fuel Tank
7.,- /
Relief Valve
\ ~
" " ~ ' - / - - . . ~ " " b " ~ ' = : --'--
-"~--~-'! "" "-'-" Oxidizer Tank
/ Relief Valve
~ p
~ t
Axes of the Tank Common ~
and Vehicle Bulkhead Holes ./~.~11
i i i i .

Fig. 8-15 Typical designs Ring Type Oxidizer ...~L [

of propellant-tank Tank Pressurant
pressurant diffusers. Diffuser Detail

jected to an acceleration to settle it immediately A positive-expulsion propellant tank consists of

before usage, or at least a portion of it must be an outer structural shell and an inner movable
continuously confined to the vicinity of the tank expulsion device, such as metallic diaphragm or
outlet. The two approaches can be defined as bladder, elastomeric diaphragm or bladder, bellows,
"impulse settling" and "propellant management." and pistons. A surface-tension propellant tank con-
sists of an outer structural shell and an inner
Settling compartment that confines a small portion of the
This method employs a small propulsive force di- propellant at the outlet at all times. The inner
rected axially, parallel to the vehicle center line of compartment may be very simple or extremely
thrust. This acceleration forces the propellant to the complex, depending on the possible orientations of
tank outlet before initiation of main-engine oper- propellant within the tank when flow to the engine is
ation. This approach especially suits most space ve- required.
hicles, because their low-thrust reaction control units There are three important factors in the selection
can also provide the thrust for propellant settling. of a method of propellant management: the impulse
Although this method would eliminate the need on the vehicle generated by propellant movement,
for propellant-management devices for the main variation in the propellant center of gravity, and
propellant tanks, it would necessitate them in sep- available tank envelope. Positive expulsion may be
arate tanks for the sole use of the reaction-control the only alternative if the impulse generated by
system. This settling method has the possible dis- propellant sloshing inside a tank with a surface-
advantages of no control of vehicle center-of-gravity tension device cannot be controlled adequately with
shifts and low thrust-to-weight ratio under these reasonably sized baffles. Positive expulsion may also
conditions, which may increase response time be required if the center-of-gravity shift caused by
beyond tolerable limits. propellant movement during vehicle maneuvers with
For single-start upper stages, jettisonable short- a surface tension device causes excessive attitude-
duration solid-propellant settling rockets may also be control-system requirements. Finally, bellows and
applied to advantage. pistons are not applicable if propellant volume
requirements cannot be packaged into cylindrical
Propellant Management tanks in the available envelopes.

The other method of achieving proper propellant Metallic Diaphragms

orientation within the tanks is by continuously
confining the propellant to the vicinity of the tank Metallic diaphragms (half shells) or bladders (full
outlet. This may be accomplished by positive dis- shells) can be used with spheroidal, cylindrical or
placement of the propellant with a moving surface or conospheroidal tank shapes. Dual-wall containment
by using the surface tension properties of the of propellant uses a bladder, half of it normally thick
propellant with a porous plate or screen. (stiff) enough to keep it from deflecting. As its

primary design goal, a diaphragm or the movable In addition to promoting rolling and inhibiting
half of a bladder makes complete reversal (i.e., from buckling, variations in diaphragm thickness can
being nestled in the inlet tank-half to being nestled in control reversal symmetry. Normal variations in
the outlet, stationary bladder tank-half) in a smooth, thickness, due to forming or machining the di-
controlled manner, aphragm to shape, and lateral external loads such as
Diaphragms can be designed to start reversal at acceleration can cause nonsymmetrical reversal,
either the apex or the girth. A fiat or slightly dim- nonrepeatable shifts in the center of gravity during
pied area at the apex can control the initiation at the expulsion, reduced volumetric expulsion, and greater
apex. A small amount of prereversal is normally risk in cracking the material. This can be controlled
formed into the girth region of a girth-initiated on an apex-initiated reversal, for example, by
reversal, increasing the thickness from the apex to the girth.
Once reversal has been initiated, the goal is to As a result, if one side of the diaphragm starts to
continue in a rolling mode, rather than buckling, by reverse ahead of the other, it encounters greater
designing for a small force to roll the material resistance to rolling because of the increased
compared to the force to buckle it. This can be done thickness, which helps to correct the nonsymmetry.
by the shape of the tank, the diaphragm alloy and Diaphragms as thin as 0.010 in. are used to
heat treatment, variations in diaphragm thickness, minimize wrinkling, increase expulsion efficiency
prestressing the diaphragm, and b o n d i n g the (reversed volume divided by p r o p e l l a n t - w e t t e d
diaphragm to the shell with a low-strength adhesive, volume), and reduce the differential pressure across
Figure 8-16 shows the progression of an apex-initiated the diaphragm. As long as the tank-outlet half-shell
diaphragm during expulsion. (or rigid bladder half) has the same shape as the
To achieve a volumetrically efficient propellant natural shape of the reversed diaphragm, there is
t a n k and to provide structural support for the little risk from cracks due to wrinkles, unless a high-
diaphragm, which supports part of the propellant vibration environment can cause fatigue failure.
mass, the diaphragm and tank shell should be in Because wrinkling is inevitable and cold-working dur-
contact until reversal. Diaphragms are usually made ing rolling degrades the elastic properties, metallic
from a low-strength annealed alloy. To avoid diaphragms are not ordinarily considered to be
corrosion problems associated with dissimilar metals reusable. Expulsion efficiencies usually range from
wetted with propellant for a long storage period, approximately 95% for small tanks to 99% for large
diaphragms are usually made from a material within ones. The pressure differential across the diaphragm
the same class as the tank, i.e., an 1100 aluminum during reversal typically runs 5 to 25 psi.
diaphragm would be used with a 2219 aluminum tank, D e v e l o p m e n t testing of d i a p h r a g m s in a
but not with a stainless-steel tank. Similar materials transparent tank or attached to only the tank-inlet
permit conventionally welded joints but avoid heavy half-shell conveniently allow observing the di-
flanges with mechanical fasteners and seals, aphragm during reversal. Test results can then be
Diaphragm membrane thickness can be varied by used to optimize the design.
t h i n n i n g during spin-forming, machining, or
chemical milling of step changes. Another technique tlastomeric Diaphragms
to preclude buckling locally stiffens the diaphragm
by mechanical attachment or integral machining of An elastomeric diaphragm (or bladder) can be
rings, which must be positioned to avoid interference applied to most tank configurations. However, be-
with one another during reversal, cause not as stiff as the metallic, elastomeric
diaphragms do not provide as much resistance to
propellant movement and the impulses imparted on
the vehicle or variations in the center of gravity.
Elasticity does, however, increase the expulsion
efficiency compared to metallic diaphragms and
~ allows reuse.
• An elastomeric diaphragm does entail a design
~- complication: the leak-free mechanical joint required
J where it attaches to the tank shell. Elastomers have
not been developed for all of the propellants being
used or for hot-gas pressurization. Some propellants,
. ~. .__...~ such as nitrogen tetroxide, degrade the properties of
i existing elastomeric materials to the extent that
affects the reliability. But there are solutions to the
leak-free-joint problem.


Another metallic device for positive expulsion of

propellant, bellows can be used in cylindrical tanks
and may be either of the expanding or contracting
Fig. 8-16 Progression of an apex-initiated type. In the expanding type, the propellant resides in
diaphragm during expulsion. the tank, ahead of the compressed bellows, which on

e x p a n s i o n ejects it. In the contracting type, the

bellows contains propellant and w h e n compressed ~~~ilL-
........ "~ Tank
expels it. CommonBulkhead~ ~ , ~, __._.~ J ~ Concentric
~ ~ C e n t e r Post

An alternative m e t h o d of o b t a i n i n g positive
" "--'-~" ~rant Inlet
expulsion in cylindrical tanks, a piston actuated by
pressurant gas requires seals to prevent leakage
during operation. The seals may be piston-type rings
or some type of wiper. In either case, the dimension Piston
and surface finish of the tank inside diameter should RingSeal ~ CylindricalTank
be maintained relatively accurate and smooth. In Movable Piston
some designs a concentric center post guides the
piston, requiring an additional seal. In other designs Fig. 8-17 Movable p i s t o n used in a cylindrical
the surface in contact with the tank wall will be made propellant tank for positive expulsion.
long enough to prevent cocking of the piston. Figure
8-17 presents the design of a piston guided by a
center post. I~! :U | I~.1 ]la'lt~l:I'l-l~t'l ~-~

The pressure differential across the piston re-

quired to overcome friction during operation in-
creases the required pressurant pressure and the tank
structural loads for a given propellant pressure at the
tank outlet. The pressure differential may be
estimated as follows:

AtpAp= fsFnLs (8-3 7)

Ap = pressure differential across piston, psi
Ap = cross-sectional area of the piston, in.2
es = coefficient of friction of the piston seals • ~IIII I II liIl£el~iII-- ]

Fn - unit normal force reacted by the piston

seals on tank wall and guide post, lb/in, of
seal Fig. 8-18 Surface t e n s i o n propellant storage
Ls = total length of all piston seals, in. assembly.

Sample Calculation 8-7

The following data characterize a cylindrical positive- Substituting this into Eq. (8-37) gives the pressure
expulsion tank with a movable piston as shown in Fig. differential across the piston:
8-17: inside diameter of the tank, 20 in.; diameter of
the guide post, 1.5 in.; coefficient of friction fs of the fsF, Ls 0.1 x 500 x 67.54
piston seals = 0.1; and unit normal force Fn reacted Ap_ Ap 312.4 - 10.8 psi (bs-58)
by the seals - 500 lb/in.

Problem Surface-tension Devices

Estimate the pressure differential across the movable Unlike a positive-expulsion device, a surface-tension
piston. device maintains propellant at the tank outlet without
any moving parts by relying on the surface tension of
Solution 8-7 the propellant. The principle may be quite simple,
but the mechanical design can be complicated. The
The cross-sectional area of the piston: objective is to keep the surface-tension "compart-
ment" at the tank outlet filled with propellant while
7r X (20) 2 ~" X ( 1 . 5 ) 2 the rest of the tank is emptied. It is necessary to know
Ap -- 4 - 4 = 3 1 4 . 1 6 - 1.76 where the propellant will be located during each type
of maneuver, and that depends on the acceleration
= 3 1 2 . 4 in. z vector. Means of flowing propellant from its
locations into the compartment, i.e., porous plates or
The total length of piston seals: wire screens, must then be positioned where the
propellant is.
In the Peacekeeper Missile Stage IV cylindrical
Ls = 7r x (20 + 1.5) = 67.54 in. (bs-57) tank (Fig. 8-18) the surface-tension c o m p a r t m e n t m

called the propellant-acquisition device (PAD)Dwas

Center Gallery d e s i g n e d for forward, lateral, and b a c k a w a y
Screen maneuvers, and thus includes six screens (see Fig. 8-
19). During a lateral maneuver, propellant is con-
Communication Lower Gallery
tained within the PAD and along-the wall on one side
Screen / Screen of the tank in its forward section. Propellant in the
forward section and aft compartment is separated by
a bulkhead and a circumferential "communication"
wire-mesh screen (Fig. 8-19). As propellant flows out
Gas Arrestor of the tank (and PAD), it is preferable to flow
propellant rather than pressurant gas through the
communication screen into the PAD.
As long as propellant wets a portion of the
screen, the propellant will wick and wet the entire
screen. When wetted, the screen will preclude the
Bulkhead flow of gas up to a certain differential pressure, called
Vent Screen
the "bubble point." The "breakdown" differential
pressure can be increased by reducing the pore size
of the screen (increasing the mesh wires per inch).
The differential pressure is created by height (Fig. 8-
Outboard Gallery 19), the vehicle acceleration, and the propellant
velocity through the screen. The screen must be
Fig. 8-19 Propellant acquisition device screens designed so that the bubble point exceeds the
and bulkhead c o m m u n i c a t i o n screen operation. pressure differential.
Chapter 9
Design of Interconnecting Components and Mounts
9.1 INTERCONNECT COMPONENTS tigue life, improved long-term corrosion resistance, a
greater number of gimballing cycles for articulating
Interconnect components are defined here as fluid- ducts, and ease of maintenance and refurbishment.
carrying conduits--lines or ducts along with integral Another new requirement was the high chamber
elements such as bellows, flexible joints, flexible pressure of the engine (3000 psi, three times greater
hoses, flanges and seals, tube fittings, and engine- than previous operational man-rated rocket engines)
gimbal mounts. Except for the gimbal mounts, all of and very high pump-discharge pressures (as high as
the above components also connect other rocket-en- 8500 psi), forcing the use of stronger materials.
gine system components together.
Propellant-supply Ducts
Line Assemblies
Principal interconnections between engine and vehi-
As the first requirement, interconnect components cle include the propellant-supply ducts that operate
and lines must remain leak-tight under the extreme at relatively low pressure. Since every psi of propel-
conditions found within an engine system during lant-tank pressure above the minimum required for
rocket operation. Second, under all expected condi- proper engine performance adds weight to the tank
tions, movement in one end of a line (or duct) must walls and gas pressurants, it is desirable to keep the
not unduly stress either components fastened to the pressure losses between tank outlets and engine inlets
other end or line components. Once a design meets to a minimum.
these two requirements, then reliability enhancement, The task of designing these ducts, or at least the
weight/cost reduction, and other features can be op- flexible portion of them immediately upstream of the
timized. This methodology was followed in designing engine, frequently falls to the engine designer. T h e
the LH2/LO2 turbopump-fed engine system shown in designer must find an optimum balance between low
Fig. 9-1. pressure-drop (by making the duct diameter as large
Over the years, requirements keep increasing. as possible) and flexibility and structural integrity,
The engines used on the Saturn vehicle and the asso- which in general becomes more difficult with increas-
ciated propellant-feed systems had severe design re- ing duct diameter. The designer must further con-
quirements. Line sizes, operating pressures, flow ve- sider the fact that the ducts, because of their location
locities, and gimballing life all exceeded previous off the engine gimbal center, experience torsional
engine requirements. More recently, the Space loads in addition to bending. Furthermore, the ducts
Shuttle Program specification for hardware design are subjected to internal pressure, frequently in a
included the new requirement of reusability. That in- stringent cryogenic and vibration environment. The
troduced the need for longer low- and high-cycle fa- many forces acting upon the ducts call for restrainers

Engine Gimbal Mount Assembly

Fuel Turbopump Assembly

G. G. Oxidizer Line
Engine GimbaJ
Actuating Lugs

Oxidizer Turbopump Assembly

Fuel Turbopump
Oxidizer Turbopump Mount

Pump Discharge
High Pressure
Main Oxidizer Duct

Fuel Turbine Exhaust Fig. 9-1 Various interconnecting

Hot Gas Duct
c o m p o n e n t s and mounts in a
typical LH2/LO2 pump-fed e n g i n e
Pump Discharge
Turbine Drive High
High Pressure system.
Main Fuel Duct
Pressure Hot Gas
/ '='== Thrust Chamber

Oxidizer Turbine ~ " ~ No~.leExtension

Exhaust Hot Gas


• Bellows Anti-Buckling Linkage (typ) on the bellows react to the supporting engine or ve-
hicle structure. Brackets may be required to offset
Vacuum Jacket
column buckling if the ducting has a large length-to-
g~lllilW///Allillllillk~,"111111I1~1II IIIIIIl/Allk~l, lll ~ ReliefValve diameter ratio; i.e., > 1 (Fig. 9-3a). The compression-
type system, although widely applied, will usually be
Flow limited to low-pressure applications such as the inlet
ducts of the engine propellant pumps to avoid un-
necessarily heavy restraining structures.
A line containing flexible joints will be given a
Line Flange _ ~ ~ "" VacuumAnnulus(typ) centerline geometry that will minimize the number of
(lyp) ~ a u m = Jacket~,ow~(,~)
Detail of ~ flexible joints. Since a flexible joint (bellows) is
l i IJU L ~ ~ LinePrimaryBellows(typ,
B ~ ~~N -"'-" TightlyFormed complex, costly, and not as reliable as a hard line,
Assembly U U ' ~ ~ _ .~~UU Bellows
the necessity for each flexible joint receives careful
S~leled/ ~1' Slip Flange scrutiny in the design phase. System considerations
that must be kept in mind during the centerline rout-
Fig. 9-2 Tightly formed b e l l o w s subassembly ing and locating of flexible joints include provisions
used to absorb torsional deflection of primary for line deflection and clearance under vibration,
bellows in inlet line of p u m p on J-2 engine. thermal contraction and expansion, and engine gim-
bailing; accessibility for installation inspection and
removal; wrench clearance around bosses and fit-
against buckling. These may be located inside the tings; accessibility for in-place welding or repair;
ducts, thus adding to undesired pressure drop; or consideration for clearance if the line needs insula-
they may be applied externally, which increases the tion; and accessibility to other major components.
duct envelope and may cause interference with other Whenever critical components become integral parts
vehicle systems. of a line, such as a flowmeter, reliability must be
Figure 9-2 shows a typical flexible propellant- weighed against the replaceability of the component.
supply duct that has outer restraining linkages for A classic configuration adhering to the mini-
stabilizing the bellows. At the vehicle end, these mum-number-of-flex-joints principle (believed to
ducts will connect to longer or shorter ducts, the have originated with, pump-discharge ducts for the
length of which depends on the tank being con- Atlas-booster engines)rathe wraparound duct ar-
nected, fore or rear. It is important that the engine rangement for gimballing engines shown in Fig. 9-4
designer inform the vehicle builder not only of con- places a flex joint centered on each of the two gim-
necting-flange dimensions and types of gasket being bal axes. This geometry has been used for the Atlas,
used, but also of the forces transmitted by the engine Thor, and Jupiter engine pump-discharge ducts, the
duct to the vehicle during gimballing. In most pump- pump-inlet ducts of the H-1 engine, the gimballing
fed systems, the working pressure of propellant-sup- feedlines of the Apollo Service Module engine, a n d
ply ducts usually does not exceed 50 psig. In upper the descent engine for the Lunar Excursion Module
stages, during lower-stage boost, however, pressures (LEM). It was used for all of the vehicle-to-engine in-
may temporarily be substantially higher as a result of terface lines of the F-1 engine except the main pro-
combination of high accelerations and full tanks (100 pellant lines.
psig and over). The SSME uses the wraparound concept exten-
The compression-type duct system (Fig. 9-3) uses sively~seven articulating ducts and six braided-metal
free bellows (i.e., no tension-tie linkage across the hose assemblies crossing the engine-gimbal plane.
bellows) to absorb the deflections imposed on the Each of the ducts has three tension-type bellows
duct during operation. The pressure-separating loads joints with one of the joints centered as closely as

Shear Fig. 9-3 Compression-type flexible line configurations.


J i (

° m


Shear Axial


a) Single Bellows b) Double Bellows


possible on each of the gimbal axes. The ducts are charge, high-pressure propellant ducts connect the
arranged in parallel routing around the gimbal in a oxidizer and fuel pump discharges to the main oxi-
plane perpendicular to engine thrust line (Fig. 9-5). dizer and main fuel valves attached to the thrust
The second important consideration in duct chamber. The ducts contain bellows sections that
routing, the location of flexible joints, calls for a permit the degree of movement required between
kinematic analysis to determine the optimum loca- thrust chamber and turbopump to accommodate tol-
tion for flexible joints in the system. Each will be erance buildups, misalignments, and motion due to
positioned in the duct assembly to maximize the de- temperature change and acceleration loads. In some
flection capability of the assembly. Further, each engine designs, however, rigid, in-place welded ducts
joint will be placed and designed to accommodate as have been successfully applied. Therefore, the sepa-
few modes of deflection as possible and to minimize rating pressure loads acting on the two components
any deflection of the joint, thus imposing minimum connected by a flexible member must be absorbed
strain. Torsional deflections and "Hooke's Joint" ef- by restraining links attached tO the bellows or by
fect may also impose significant restrictions. other compensating means.
Pump-discharge, high-pressure propellant Figure 9-6 presents a typical pump-discharge,
ducts. In turbopump-fed engines, the pump-dis- high-pressure propellant duct with external restrain-
ing links. It is used for the main LOX duct of the sys-
tem shown in Fig. 9-1.
• Inlets
The high-pressure propellant lines between pump
discharge and gas generator usually can be made of

Gimbal Axes
Inlet Flange
.~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ / Flexible joints are located so
J ':,//" \ ~
~.....~ /
~ /
\ ---,L... t'
that only one type of deflection
is applied and the maximum
Throat- " ~ \ "" use of deflection capability is
Mounted } \ achieved. Joints are internally
I \ tied, chain-link type and the
Girnbal I ! \ centers of each are located on
i / the throat-mounted gimbal
! } axes.

Restraining/Links ~~/~~"~OulleI Flange Connecting1o

Ball Joint

Fig. 9-4 Propellant feeding arrangement on the Fig. 9-6 Typical pump4itscharge, h i g h - ~ u t ~
LEM descent engine pro~t duct with ~ links.

Typical Propellant Articulating Duct

(Low-Pressure Fuel-Pump Discharge Duct) Typical Rigid Component Interconnect
(Oxidizer-Prebumer Oxidizer Duct)

Gimbal Actuator
Gimbal Actuator Mount
Mount -..

Low-Pressure \ " " R.~" ~-"~. " " " " ~ Low-Pressure
LOX Pump \

Gimbal Bearing Mount

Flexible Line Assemblies

Fig. 9-5 Plan view of articulating-duct arrangement in gimbal plane of Space Shuttle Main Engine.

wire-braided flexible hoses or tubing, because of their uid at tank bulk temperature will continuously replace
relatively small size (often less than 1 inch). the warming fluid and cool the containing metal
Propellant-tank-pressurization lines. These parts. To avoid hazardous conditions at the launch
lines connect the main propellant tanks to the pres- site, the bleeds, particularly if they can form com-
surant sources such as stored-pressurant-gas s y s t e m s bustible or explosive mixtures, .are ducted away,
(including storage bottles, heat exchangers, pressure through a line connection from the engine to the ve-
regulators), gas generators, cryogenic-propellant heat hicle and beyond. Such lines are usually made of
exchangers, etc. High-pressure hoses and tubings are wire-braided flexible hose and tubings.
used. A special case is presented by cryogenic engines
S e a l d r a i n lines. It is difficult to achieve per- in upper stages that will not start until some time af-
fect dynamic sealing at the shafts of turbopumps and ter the bleeds have been closed at liftoff or that have
other components. Seal drains are therefore often to start after prolonged cruising periods. For them
provided between two dynamic seals placed in series. will be preferred a recirculation system that returns
The required seal drain-lines, including flexible hoses the fluids to the tanks rather than d u m p i n g them
and tubings, are routed away and overboard. For overboard. Lines across the interface between engine
LO2/RP-1 systems, this can be done by routing the and vehicle are required.
drain lines along the thrust chamber wall to the Bleed and recirculation flows can be minimized
c h a m b e r exit. Propellant combinations that can if the vehicle builder will provide the means, such as
form highly explosive mixtures require routing to suf- subcooling, insulation, avoidance of temperature
ficiently spaced vent ports at the vehicles periphery. stratification, m a x i m u m economic tank pressure to
Figure 9-7 shows a schematic of a typical pump-seal keep the temperature of the bulk sufficiently below
drain line for an .upper-stage system. The seal drain- the boiling temperature at operating tank pressures.
lines are routed to the vehicle periphery during In some cases, prechilling of metal parts exposed to
boost flight and to chamber exits in stage operation. cryogenic fluids may be advantageously done by
Pneumatic supply lines. Liquid-propellant cooling media supplied from ground through a vehi-
rocket engines usually have one or more pressure cle disconnect to the engine. Routing of all lines
vessels to supply pneumatic pressure for valve actua- mentioned will be similar to drain lines (Fig. 9-7).
tion, turbine start, sequenced purges, and other pur- P u r g e lines. During the start and shutdown se-
poses. The vessels must be charged before a test run quences, and for prerun and postrun servicing, inert-
or flight, requiring high-pressure flexible line connec- gas purges are frequently required to keep a system
tions to the vehicle and disconnects at the vehicle dry, to prevent combustible mixtures from forming,
periphery. The design of these not only must consid- or to expel residual propellants. If they are continu-
er the mating counterpart on the vehicle side but ous during ground hold, it is advantageous to feed
also the type of fluid and its temperature and pres- them from ground to avoid increased flight weight.
sure. This requires connecting lines from the engine to the
Cryogenic-propellant bleed lines. Cryogenic- vehicle. It is strongly r e c o m m e n d e d that entirely
propellant engine systems with turbopump feed may separate purge systems for each propellant be em-
experience difficulties during start if the metal parts ployed to avoid backup of one fluid into the system
containing cryogenic fluid are at ambient or insuffi- of the other. Check valves are not considered as re-
ciently low temperatures, and if the fluids in the vol- liable as strict separation. For engine design, we are
umes below the tank outlet are superheated and form concerned here only with purges that connect di-
gas pockets. Since the pressure upon opening of the rectly to an inlet port of an engine part, such as the
main valves and start of the turbopumps will further thrust-chamber cooling jacket or injector manifold.
reduce the static pressure at the pump inlet, gas pro- From the viewpoint of the environment in which the
duction will accelerate and, in turn, may cause pump engine must operate, the engine designer should ad-
cavitation and starving of the gas generator. To pre- ditionally specify the purges to be provided by the
vent this, a continuous bleed from a point farthest vehicle building to condition the engine compart-
d o w n s t r e a m from the p u m p inlet is applied until ment as needed. All purge lines can be made of
shortly before engine start. In this manner, fresh liq- wire-braided flexible hoses and tubings and may be
routed as are the drain lines.
Hydraulic lines. Various high-pressure hy-
Gimbal Center (Typ) draulic lines are used in a liquid-propellant rocket
at Staging -~J TuYoo~rnps
engine for hydraulic actuating, lubrication, etc. All
lines must permit flexure and must be of the proper
size and pressure rating. Most of the hydraulic lines
are made of wire-braided flexible hoses and tubings.
Disconnect --I. Turbine-drive, high-pressure, hot-gas ducts.
In most turbopump-feed engines, the gas generator
connects directly to the turbine inlet; thus, there is no
need for ducting. In some designs, however, high-
Vehicle Aft End pressure hot-gas ducts must make the connection be-
/ tween gas generator and turbines (in systems with two
Slip Joint reqtared for Engine 1oVehicle
Line Supported by
Vehicle Structure Upper Stage Separation Interface(Typ) individual t u r b o p u m p s ) or b e t w e e n main-thrust-
chamber bleedoff ports and turbines (tapoff gas-tur-
Fig. 9-7 Typical p u m p seal drain schematic. bine-drive systems). These ducts usually consist of
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 309

rigid and flexible sections made of stainless steels Wall t h i c k n e s s . After the duct flow area has
and nickel-based alloys, for service temperatures up been sized, the duct wall thicknesses can be estab-
to approximately 1700"F. The ducts must be capable lished through a stress analysis, in which the magni-
of absorbing considerable deflections from thermal tudes of the stresses produced by fluid pressure, fluid
expansion, in addition to deflections due to mis- flow, thermal gradients, external forces, and accelera-
alignments and dynamic loads. tion forces are evaluated so that the optimum thick-
Turbine-exhaust, hot-gas ducts. The hot ness for reliability, fabricability, and weight mini-
gases from the turbine exhaust may be ducted to near mization can be selected.
the main-chamber nozzle exit or into a thrust-cham- Determination of hard-line wall thickness must
ber exhaust manifold. Most turbine-exhaust ducts are be carefully assessed because the lack of flexible sec-
of welded-stainless-steel or nickel-alloy sheet-metal tions requires that the line itself and its attachment
construction. Bellows sections permit the degree of points be capable of handling any applied load. The
movement required by the system for thermal ex- structural analysis of hard lines is based on the max-
pansion, misalignments, and tolerances. In most imum envelope resulting from tolerance stackups.
cryogenic propellant systems, a heat exhanger in the The minimum wall thickness, developed from basic
exhaust-duct assembly vaporizes one of the propel- thin-shell theory, is based on maximum operating
lants, usually LOX, for tank pressurization. pressure at the critical operating temperature and in-
cludes the effect of thinning in the bends. The
Sizing flanges are designed to develop the axial yield
strength of the line at operating temperature. Max-
F l o w a r e a . After the centerline routing of the imum misalignment, thermal, and discontinuity loads
duct has been established, the inside diameter (ID) must be determined.
must be determined. The ID will represent a com- Life considerations for hard lines include both
promise among tolerable system pressure-drop, high- and low-cycle fatigue. High-cycle fatigue will
available space, weight, spring rate and pressure limit the effective alternating stress due to pressure
thrust reaction of bellows, system dynamic considera- and vibration enough to provide a given minimum
tions, and cost. safety factor on the material-endurance limit. For
Any prediction of system energy loss based on low-cycle fatigue, the effective peak strain resulting
the test data for individual elements will likely be from both primary stresses (pressure and vibration)
very conservative. Flow tests on pressure loss of a and secondary stresses (misalignment,.thermal, and
particular component usually are run to evaluate the discontinuity) typically will be limited to provide a
maximum component loss. The maximum loss is re- minimum given factor on cycles. The strain levels of
alized when the installation incorporates a long hard lines can be up to twice the yield strain.
straight run downstream of the test component; only Yielding during the initial installation will permit op-
part of the loss chargeable to the component actually eration in the elastic region for subsequent loadings.
occurs within its confines, the remainder arising from
flow disturbances downstream of it. Obviously, if an- Control o f Pressure Drop
other component closely follows the first, part of the
effect of the first will cancelled. Thus, a 180-deg re- E l b o w f l o w losses. When engine vehicle inter-
turn bend causes no more than four-thirds the loss of faces do not permit a straight approach, flow must be
a 90-deg elbow, or slightly over twice the loss of a 45- directed into the engine (or pump) through elbows.
deg elbow. Calibration of a particular component, For flow in a given Reynolds number regime, the loss
will subtract test-setup tare (i.e., basic pressure drop coefficient for an elbow attains a minimum value and
of the test setup only, with the component under test then increases as the ratio of bend radius to inside
removed) from total differential pressure. References diameter (R/D) decreases. Pressure drop can be
9-1 through 9-2 provide detailed procedures. Ref- minimized by selecting an optimum R/D value for
erences 9-3 through 9-7 treat pressure losses in duct the elbow; otherwise, pressure drop can be mini-
components. mized by addition of flow guide vanes. (See Ref. 9-8.)
In an elbow having a small R/D value, guide
vanes provide parallel-flowing elbows of more nearly
optimum R/D. Flow guide vanes as shown in Fig. 9-8,
Vaned Elbow are utilized in sharp elbows at the pump inlets for the
Fuel Pump
Inlet ull Engine Thrust Centaur (RL10), Thor, Atlas, and Saturn S-IC (F-l) en-
gines, and have also been used in the pump dis-
charge ducts of the Thor and Jupiter engines. Min-
imization of pressure drop in all these applications
directly enhances engine performance. (References
9-9 and %10 provide design data on pressure loss for
flow guide vanes). Because vanes can be excited by
fluid oscillations in the system, vane frequencies must
Oxidizer be calculated to avoid potential vibration.
Pump Inlet nl Branch or takeoff duct centerlines are aligned
with mainline flow directions to capture mainline ve-
Fig. 9-8 Flow guide vanes in sharp elbows o f locity pressure. This alignment yields higher avail-
p u m p inlet lines. able pressure at the branch inlet than would be avail-

able at a. flush wall tap at a right angle to the main- /- LOX Inlet Elbow
line flow. Minimum tapoff-pressure drop figures im-
portantly in applications such as tapoffs from main A
propellant ducts to gas-generator bootstrap lines. Flow
Reference 9-11 provides information on optimum
takeoff angle.
Bellows f l o w loss. The flow loss in a bellows
exceeds c o n s i d e r a b l y m l 0 to 15 times--that of a
smooth pipe of the same diameter. Pressure loss in Combustion
straight lengths of unsleeved bellows can be calcu- Chamber
lated using the following expressions from Ref. 9-8:

/ 1.6
f -0.4 hDi (9-1)
NDi Egg-Crate Type
f | ! I t Flow Straightener
J It I
I, lit ! i
where N = number of convolutions per in., f --- Darcy-
Weisbach friction factor, h - height of convolution,
and Di = inner diameter of bellows. After determin- A-A
ing f, the following formula can be used to determine
the total pressure loss: Fig. 9-10 F l o w - d i s t r i b u t i o n d e v i c e i n c o r p o r a t i n g
an "egg crate" type o f f l o w straightener.
Ap _ DiZg (9-2)
contraction pressure losses can be reduced by about
where Ap = total pressure loss, p = fluid density, V = 90% if the edges of the contraction are radiused
average fluid velocity through bellows, g - gravitation rather than sharp. Radii larger than 0.15 times the
constant, and L = line length. contracted diameter add little improvement. For ex-
Figure 9-9 may be used to determine the pres- panding sections, little reduction in pressure loss for
sure-loss factor for 90-deg bends in convoluted metal a given area ratio can be expected unless the diver-
hoses, using K in place of f in the above formula for gence cone angle is kept small (total included angle
the total pressure loss in the elbow. Bellows flow lin- near 10 deg).
ers frequently can minimize the high friction losses In small-diameter lines with threaded fittings,
in the convolutions. care must be exercised in calculating the line losses,
F l o w - a r e a change. Almost every interface because standard fittings (unions, tees, elbows, and
where a line begins or terminates involves an area crosses) usually have a smaller ID than the tubing it-
change to or from the line. The shape of these tran- self. Reference 9-12 presents data on loss factors for
sitions requires consideration to avoid excessive fittings.
pressure loss from abrupt flow-area changes. Flow- Flow distribution. The flow distribution (to
maintain equal pressure drop) at the exit of engine-
feed ducting importantly affects duct design. For ex-
ample, the flow profile at pump, valve, and injector
entrances can have a great effect on the performance
K includes friction loss + bend loss of these components. In pumps having dual op-
36 | K is constantfor Reynolds numbers iii~
J in excess of 300,000 Iil] posed discharge-ports, the attached ducts must have
ov2 i!! equal pressure loss to ensure equal flow out of each
30 ] q = -ff~- (veloc,ty head) Iii
Jo- port. Flow distribution has been improved with
] ~.P :,Jotal pressure I o ~ ~ ~ ~ .......~j vaned elbows (Fig. 9-8) and with "egg crate" straight-
.,_- 24 eners (Fig. 9-10) downstream of elbows. This latter
(].} design evolved as a solution to the uneven flow dis-
tribution of LOX from the inlet elbow to the injector
o 18
co on the Atlas and Thor engines.
The splitter in the propellant feedlines of the
_.J Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) descent engine (Fig.
~ 12 9-11) represents another flow-directing device for
achieving even distribution. The engine utilizes re-
6 dundant shutoff valves; in normal operation, both
~ . ~ _ D valves open and close simultaneously. In a partial
failure, however, either of the valves can be closed.
I_ I I ! I ! Flow into the valves therefore must be evenly dis-
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
R/D Ratio tributed for minimum effect on engine performance.
That can be done with the flow splitter in the duct el-
Fig. 9-9 P r e s s u r e - l o s s c o e f f i c i e n t for 90-dog bow immediately upstream of the valves.
b e n d s in c o n v o l u t e d m e t a l h o s e , a n n u l a r or Flow straighteners or splitters, or any other struc-
helical tures that rigidly span the diameter of a duct, cause

structural loading by differential thermal expansion form of vibrational instability during flight. Such an
or contraction. In a duct, the vane usually heats or instability first caused real concern in the Titan II in
cools during thermal transients at a faster rate than 1962. A significant longitudinal instability occurred
the restraining duct wall. When this happens, the late in first-stage flight. Analysis showed that the vi-
vanes try to move farther than the duct will allow. bration was caused by a regenerative-feedback inter-
Differentials large enough can distort or destroy the action b e t w e e n the vehicle's propulsion and struc-
vanes or duct. This can be prevented by an expan- tural systems. This lengthwise oscillation was named
sion element in the duct-to-vane connection that will "Pogo," after the motion of a pogo stick (Ref. 9-14).
slide or flex, absorbing thermally-induced motion The incorporation of a simple hydraulic suppression
while transmitting minimum loads to the wall. One device into the first-stage propellant feedlines solved
effective solution has been a sliding clevis joint, Titan's Pogo problem; the oscillation amplitude at
which allows sliding normal to the wall but ade- the payload was maintained within L0.25 g, a level
quately carries the flow loads on the vane to the wall. tolerable to the astronauts in the Gemini spacecraft.
A different approach was used on the SSME low-pres- Although Pogo is a system-design problem, duct de-
sure fuel duct to avoid the thermal expansion and signers need to be aware of the p h e n o m e n o n be-
contraction problem. This duct had the egg crate cause it can influence their designs, particularly for
machined into a tube section that was then welded pump-inlet ducts of a pump-fed system. (For a more
into the duct. complete discussion of Pogo, see section 10.7.)
Flow resistance. Surface friction between
rough duct walls and the flowing fluid can produce Insulation
large pressure losses. As the ratio of roughness-height
to duct diameter increases, so does the pressure loss. Insulation of propellant lines may be required on
Castings generally have undesirably rough walls and cryogenic lines to prevent condensation of liquid air
are smoothed to improve flow efficiency. Drawn-tub- or nitrogen on liquid-hydrogen lines, to reduce
ing and sheet-metal ducts have been adequately chill-down recirculation flow rates, and to minimize
smooth for all applications, but weld protrusions into propellant-subcooling requirements. Nitrogen or
the flow stream have to be controlled when they con- liquid air should be kept from dripping because the
tribute sufficient disturbance to the flow stream. liquid falling on critical components can easily make
Weld protrusions contribute much more to large them inoperative. On the SSME, the fuel lines have
contraction ratio in small lines than they do in large. been insulated using two different methods: vacuum
In flexible-joint assemblies with internal ties (e.g., jackets and polyurethane-foam insulation. A combi-
chain link, tripod with ball-and-socket bearing, inter- nation of the two was used on the low-pressure fuel
nal gimbal ring), the linkages protrude into the flow duct and a fuel-bleed duct. The bellows flex joints
stream and cause head losses. Reference 9-13 pre- have an outer bellows and air-tight supporting struc-
sents data on pressure-loss factors for some of these ture that provide a vacuum around the flex joints,
bellows restraints. and the rigid duct section has a 1/2-in.-thick
polyurethane molded-foam case with an outer cover
Control o f Pump-inlet-line Vibration of nickel to protect it. Damage has been known to
occur on the nickel-plated cover due to handling and
Virtually every pump-fed liquid-propellant rocket de- by abuse from ground-support personnel working in
veloped in the United States has experienced some the area. A vacuum cover with a stronger outer tube
could prevent some of this type of damage. The liq-
uid-oxygen lines were not insulated since the chill-
down recirculation flow rates and sub-cooling re-
quirements were acceptable without insulation.
Prooe,,an, From

Interconnect tubing assemblies are made up of tub-

ing, in-line fittings, and threaded fittings or flanges
on the tube ends for installation purposes. Tubing
\/~ Splitter ordinarily will be made of corrosion-resistant steel or
aluminum; but nickel-base alloys or titanium may be

! used for special applications. Design considerations

include material, tube size, separable tube fitting or
flange, and the engine-installation requirements.

oo o_ Redundant bx~ ~,
Design W o r k i n g Pressures for Tubing

~ Ball-Type [~,~"I, Tubing normally used on rocket engines is corrosion-

Shutoff resistant steel (18-8), annealed and pressure tested.
Valves Where weight is critical, aluminum may be used. The
term "tube" refers to lines up to 2 in. in outside diam-
Fig. 9-11 Flow splitter in propellant-feed sys- eter (OD). Flanged joints are the preferred method
t e m o f LEM d e s c e n t engine. of attachment for tubing, although threaded coup-

Table 9-1 Corrosion-resistant-steel (18-8) an- lings have been used on a number of engine
nealed (MIL-T-8504 ASG) tubing. Allowable programs.
working pressure in psi at 100"F; safety factor Tables 9-1 and 9-2 present pressure ratings for
o f 4. various tube sizes for corrosion-resistant and alu-
Maximum Working Pressure, 3,000 psi minum-alloy tubing. A factor of safety (i.e., the ratio
Tube OD in.
Wag gtckness,in
0 042
0.109 of the ultimate strength of the tubing material to the
MaximumWorking Pressure, 2,400 psi maximum allowable working stress) of 4 may be used
Tube OD in. 114 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-114 1-1/2
Wall ~ckness, in. 0.020 0028 0.035 0.049 0.058 0.072 0.095 0 109 for most rocket-engine applications. Higher values (6
MaximumWorking Pressure, 1,,rfllOpsi to 7) should be used in applications involving hazard
Tube ODm. 114 3/8 ll2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-112 2
Wall thickness, in. 0.020 0.028 0.032 0035 0.042 0049 0.058 0.065 0095 and excessive vibration. For high-pressure applica-
tions, aluminum tubing should be avoided. Other al-
loys are available for high-pressure use, such as
Inconel 625 with ultimate strength of 120,000 psi and
Table 9-2 Muminum-alloy: 5052 round, seam- yield strength of 60,000 psi and Inconel 718 with ul-
less drawn WW-T-78a, temper H34. Allowable timate strength of 180,000 psi and yield strength of
working pressure in psi at 100"F; safety factor
150,000 psi.
of 4.
MaximumWorking Pressure, 1,S00 psi
Tube OO ~n 114 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1.1/4
Tubing Installations in Engine Systems
Wall Ihlckness, =n 0 025 0042 0.049 0.058 0072 0.095 0 120
Maximum Working Pressure, 750 psi
Tube OD,n 1/4 3/8 112 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-I/2 2
Installations requiring bends must be made with min-
Wall ~ckness. m 0020 0028 0.032 0.035 0.042 0 049 0.065 0.072 0 095
imum distortion and constriction of the tubing. A
satisfactory bend decreases tubing OD less than 6%.
Table 9-3 lists recommended minimum bend radii
Table 9-3 Minimum bend radii for stainless- for stainless-steel and aluminum-alloy tubing. The
steel and aluminum-aHoy tubing. All measure- stainless-steel radii can also be used for Inconel ma-
ments in inches. terials. More severe forming is feasible but incurs in-
creased cost owing to special tooling requirements.
Inside Radiito Tubing assemblies must be properly supported to
Tube OD Wall Bend Center prevent stresses and consequent weakening of the sys-
Thickness Radii of Tube tem under vibration. In addition, proper support
,,, minimizes the danger of recoil and live whip in event
3/16 Any 5/8 23•32 of tube failure. Where tube fittings are employed,
1/4 Any 3/4 7/8 support spacing should be reduced by 20% to
account for the added weight. Supports should be
5/16 Any 3/4 29132
placed as close as practical to each side of fittings,
3/8 Through 0.022 1-1/2 1-11/16
valves, and other components. Overhang should be
Over0.022 1 1-3/16
minimized by placing supports as close to bends as
1/2 Through 0.028 1-3/4 2 conditions allow. Table 9-4 presents the recom-
Over 0.028 1-1/2 1-3/4 mended maximum bracket spacing for common-size
5/8 Through 0.028 2-1/2 2-13/16 tubing assemblies in engine systems. Where tubes of
Over 0.028 1-3/4 2-1/6 different diameters are connected, average spacing
3/4 Through 0.028 3 3-3/8 may be used.
Over 0.028 2-1/2 2-7/8 General design practice requires no detail draw-
7/8 Through 0.035 3-1/4 3-11/16 ings for tubing assemblies less than the 3/8-in. size.
Over 0.035 2-3/4 3-3/16 They are shop-fitted according to an engine mockup
1 Through 0.035 3-1/2 4 during the assembly of the engine system.
Over 0.035 3 3-1/2
1-1/8 Through0.035 4 4-9/16 Separable Tube Fitting
Over 0.035 3-114 3-13/16
The flared-tube fitting coupling (Fig. 9-12a) was de-
1-1/4 Through0.035 4-1/2 5-1/8
veloped for aircraft hydraulic systems before World
Over 0.035 3-1/2 4-1/8
1-1/2 Through0.035 6 6-3/4
Table 9-4 Recommended support-bracket spac-
Over 0.035 4 4-3•4 ing for tubing assemblies in engine systems.
1-3/4 Through0.035 7 7-7/8 Maximum support spacing in inches.
Over 0.035 5 5-7/8
2 Through 0.035 7 8
Over 0.035 6 7 Tube Size Aluminum Stainless Steel and
2-1/2 Through0.049 9 10-1/4 (OO) in. Alloy Inconel Material
Over 0.049 7 8-1/4 . . . . . .. ....

3 Through 0.049 11 12-1/2

1/4 through 1/2 12 14
Over 0.049 9 10-1/2
4 Through 0.065 12 14 5/8 through 3/4 17 20
Over 0.065 10 12 1 and over 21 24
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 313

War II and was carried over on the early rockets. 3) The weak point of the tubing at the base of
These fittings have several disadvantages, which in the flare is eliminated.
most cases result in system leakages. Aluminum con- 4) Seizing eliminated between tube and sleeve.
nectors have limited strength to contain the system 5) Greater hoop strength helps prevent seizing
fluid in high-temperature or high-vibration environ- between sleeve (now the tube end) and coupling nut.
ments and are subject to seizing under high torque. 6) Stronger couplings permit higher torque,
Stainless-steel connectors proved difficult to seal be- which improves sealing and resists nut relaxation.
cause of poor yield characteristics at the seal surface, Another approach for achieving a seal on the
difficulty in controlling the tube flare, tube cracking flared connector, use of a soft material, generally
during flaring operation, and torque relaxation of the copper or aluminum, between the steel interfaces
coupling due to temperature changes and vibration (Fig. 9-12c), raised the likelihood of making a leak-
environment. free-coupling; but some of the above problems still
A machined flare sleeve (Fig. 9-12b) was devel- exist (e.g., torque relaxation due to vibration, tube
oped to overcome some of the tube-flare problems. cracking during flaring operation). This seal created
Put into service on the Saturn program, the flare new problems, including improper seal installation
sleeve provided the following advantages over the (which orificed the flow) and galling of the seal,
flared tube: which introduced metal particles into the fluid sys-
1) Tolerances in the conical-tube sealing surface tem.
can be closely controlled. Due to the leakage problems with the flared-tube
2) Increased rigidity of the machine flare resists coupling, the Air Force issued a directive that re-
distortion at the sealing surface. quires separable tube connectors to have redundant
seals for new designs in space and launch vehicles.
This requirement has been met by a dynamic beam
connector per MIL-F-85421 (Fig. 9-13). Tests by users
TFlu~reed S~e%,...-,.:~~B-NuI],ynion MachinedSleeve B-Nut Union and manufacturers have demonstrated that the con-
Tube Weld\ ~ ~
nector has redundant seals in series and good sealing
I characteristics.
-: ili '.. I ~ The dynamic beam connectors contain the fol-
lowing desirable features: all-metal construction, inte-
a) Flared b) Machined Sleeve gral redundant seals in series, seals in most fluid sys-
tems, seals in cryogenic and elevated temperature
units, seals in vacuum, low-pressure helium and fluids
to 8000 psi, small envelope, light weight, high
¢) Flared, With Crush-Gasket Conical Seal strength, low torque values, numerous attaching
methods, availability in various materials, and less
Fig. 9-12 Flare types of threaded couplings. protrusion for easier component removal.

Coupling Nut Dynamic

Beam S,
b) Primary Seal Loaded

Female Connector
With Butt Weld Male Connector
Stubout With Butt Weld
a) Dynamic Beam Fluid Fitting Assembled
Beam Seal

Fig. 9-13 Dynamic-beam fluid fitting.

c) Secondary Seal Loaded


.~.---~ ._- ~ L~._~


b) Plug to Boss
/ Boss


a) Tube Coupling to Boss Dynamic

c) Dynamic Beam to Boss Fitting

Fig. 9-14 Typical installations of fittidgs into MS33649 bosses.

Small lines may be required to connect to com- conflict with high reliability), and low cost. The joint
ponents or larger lines. For this purpose a threaded as an assembly must be capable of maintaining inti-
fitting and boss connection offers an alternative to a mate conformance of seal and sealing surfaces
bolted flange. Figure 9-14a shows a line with a B-nut, throughout the joint's life, regardless of all strains,
union, and elastomer O-ring installed in a MS33649 loads, and thermal gradients. Such design can also
boss and figure 9-14b shows a plug with a metallic be applied to other components, such as thrust
seal (K-seal) installed. Section 9.3 describes seal se- chamber, injector, dome, turbopump, and valve-
lection. It must be based on the service conditions. housing flanges.
A special fitting available has a dynamic-beam-cou- Typical flanged-joint configurations, shown in
pling interface on one end and a straight thread on Fig. 9-15, can be modified as required to mate with
the other (Fig. 9-14c) that can be installed in the the various types of seal. Flanged joints are used
MS33649 boss. The tube fittings should be made of where loads require the type of restraining force pro-
the same material type as the tube when possible to vided by bolts or vee clamps or where joint reliabil-
avoid coefficient-of-expansion~contraction problems ity dictates the use of more than one threaded
and to prevent metal distortion during the torque clamping fastener. Failure of a threaded coupling by
operation. A fitting will be designed to be as strong thread disengagement can be catastrophic, whereas
as the strongest tubing of like material that would be failure of one of a number of bolts on a flanged joint
used with it. Design details and dimensions of tube may have less impact. This factor was one of the rea-
fittings can be found in AF, AS, and MS specs. sons that threaded couplings on the F-1 engine were
limited to zero-pressure drain systems. The joint
9.3 DESIGN OF FIANGED JOINTS configurations used on this engine consisted primar-
ily of fiat-face flanges, flat face with seal cavity, and
The interconnecting lines of a rocket-engine system fiat-face flanges with swivel ring. The swivel-ring de-
must retain various fluids at a wide range of pressures sign was used where alignment of bolt patterns pre-
and temperatures. Each of these lines may have one sented a problem. Leakage monitoring was provided
or more mechanical flanged joints requiring a static on joints that were considered critical or were repre-
seal to prevent leakage. These flanged joints must sentative of a family of joints of similar design and
satisfy the following requirements: "zero leakage" for operational environment. On the J-2 engine, fiat-face
man-rated systems (a p h i l o s o p h y that developed flanges, fiat face with swivel ring, and threaded-boss
through the Saturn vehicle development and flights couplings were used, with leakage monitoring at each
and continued during the Shuttle Program), high re- joint. On the SSME, the high-pressure flanged joints
liability and low weight (a consideration often in used a raised flange with a seal cavity (Fig. 9-15h). A
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 315

a) Flat Face b) Flat Face With c) Flat Face With Seal d) Flat Face With -e) Flat Face With
Seal Cavity Cavl~ in Each Face Swivel Ring Internal Pilot

f) Ring Coupling
g) Raised Face h) Raised Face With Fig. 9-15 Basic types of
Seal Cavity flanged couplings.

Seal Point of Flange

'~k/ Rotation
0.030 in. Nom. Gap ---~-I..~--

L] I' " I'I,'~ ...... t,.l~-----I
I IXt . . . . . . ! ~

\ y '.

a) Typical SSME High-Pressure Coupling b) Typical Saturn High-Pressure Coupling

Fig. 9-16 Comparison of flanged-coupling designs used on SSME and Saturn engines.

design study showed this design to have a signifi- FlangeRotation

cantly smaller envelope and to be lighter in weight
than the flat-face flange. In addition to the raised-
face flange, bolt sizes on the SSME joints were kept
small by using a larger number of bolts, and the bolt
load per bolt was increased by using bolt elongation
rather than a torque measurement. Figure 9-16 com-
pares typical SSME and Saturn joints. The SSME
flange concept saved some 500 lb on the engine as a) FlangeBowing b) FlangeRotation
compared to flat-face flanges.
Fig. 9-17 Two kinds of flange deflection result-
Flange-Joint Design Integration ing f r o m lack o f rigidity.

The flange joints normally consist of three ele-

m e n t s - t h e flanges, the fasteners (bolts and nuts),
and the seal. Proper integration of these elements 32-I.tin. finish and, for pressure-assisted seals, also a
must provide a leak-tight joint. In addition to the circular lay (phonograph-record profile).
structural needs, other considerations for flange Rigidity. Flange rigidity enables the coupling to
joints include seal contact surfaces, rigidity, restrain- resist deflections and distortions due to mechanical
ing mechanism, temperature, degree of sealing, leak- or thermal loading. The degree of rigidity required
age monitoring, and seal drainage. for a flange relates directly to the seal element that
S e a l - c o n t a c t s u r f a c e on flanges. The success must compensate for deflections and distortions.
of the flanged joint in limiting leakage depends on its Figure 9-17 shows typical deflections and distortions
ability to make the necessary seal contact. The inter- that can cause leakage problems with flanged joints.
face requirements involve the seal housing on the Flange bowing, the tendency for flanges to sepa-
flanges, surface fin!sh, machine lay, and surface flat- rate between bolts as a consequence of thinness or
ness and waviness. The sealing surface for aerospace- an inadequate number of bolts, can be prevented by
type seals, including elastomeric O-rings, requires a increasing the flange thickness or the number of

bolts or both. Flange rotation denotes the tendency methods for preloading bolts. The usual method of
of the joint to separate at the seal surface as a conse- torquing with the standard torque wrench is consid-
quence of thin duct walls that have too little resis- ered to be only about 50% accurate because of fric-
tance to the rotating moment, flanges that lack suffi- tional variations from unit to unit. This variation
cient rigidity and consequently deflect under high limits the design bolt-load to the minimum expected
separating loads, insufficient flange contact outside value and does not permit the optimum utilization of
the bolt circle, insufficient flange thickness, and an the bolt ultimate strength. As a consequence, the
adverse thermal gradient that prevents the flange joint requires thicker flanges, larger bolts, and more
from expanding without constraint. The flange-rota- bolts than if a more accurate preload method were
tion problem normally will be resolved either by in- used. The high pressures required on the SSME ne-
creasing the flange rigidity or by increasing the abil- cessitates large, heavy joints, and these became a sig-
ity of the seal to follow the flange separation. The nificant weight problem. As noted, the joint design
current flange design practice permits deflections was changed as shown in Fig. 9-16a. In addition,
within the capability of one of the high-resilience preload for the SSME joint bolts was determined by
type of seals (metal or elastomer), so that flange size measuring bolt-length change with an ultrasonic de-
and weight are kept to a minimum. vice. In this method, a transducer mounted on the
In the flange-joint design concept used on the bolt head sends a sound pulse down the length of the
SSME, the point of rotation is placed just on the bolt. The wave reflects from the bolt end back to the
pressure side of the seal and as near to it as possible, transducer. The time for the wave to traverse the
with a gap between the two flanges (Fig. 9-16a). Any length of the bolt and return is determined. The in-
rotation of the flange, therefore, has little effect on strument is calibrated to read changes in length as a
the seal. Figure 9-16b shows the design widely used function of time. The method, however, involves
on the large Saturn engines. The two figures illustrate more than bolt-length change, since material density
the difference in size that can be achieved in sealing due to strain, bolt bending, and twist also affect the
the same fluid pressure by using the SSME design ultrasonic wave travel through the bolt material.
with high strength material (Inconel 718) for the Temperature. The temperature of the fluid
flanges and the bolts and by measuring the fastener greatly affects the type of seal selected and the joint
preload with an ultrasonic instrument that measures a material. Also, the problem of maintaining a leak-
change in bolt length. tight flange joint is compounded by temperature ef-
Restraining mechanism. The restraining de- fects. Temperature differentials at the flange joints of
vice provides the force required to keep the flanges rocket engines may be large, because of steep heating
together under all operating loads, internal and ex- and flow transients. They introduce thermal stresses
ternal. Internal loads, due to the system pressure, in- and strains that may disturb the sealing. When de-
clude the effects of surges generated by operation of signing an elevated-temperature or cryogenic flange
components in the system and by the system opera- joint, the temperatures of the various parts should be
tion itself. External loads include vibration and mis- analyzed to assess their effect on the sealing load.
alignment loads transmitted through the lines or Ideally, thermal effects should neither loosen nor
components, torque from rotating machinery, ther- tighten the joint. In actual design the flange joint
mally-induced loads, seal loads, acceleration loads, must be sufficiently elastic to maintain sealing loads
and the load from the joint-restraining mechanism within acceptable limits.
itself. Degree o f sealing. Most applications require
To provide the required restraint, a preloaded sealing to prevent mass flow under operating condi-
device seats the seal and exerts a compressive load tions. Joint design integrity can be verified by simu-
greater than the separating loads. Insufficient lated operating tests and measuring leakage. Once
preload will result in leakage if the resilience of the the joint integrity has been proven, soap-solution
seal can not compensate for the separation that oc- leak tests are performed at the assembly levels to ver-
curs in operation. Also, a gap between the flanges ify the joints free of leaks. When sealing the lighter
can result in seal abrasion in an installation sub- gases (H 2 and He), diffusive flow through openings of
jected to high vibration. Joint restraining problems molecular size may become significant.
have occurred on both cryogenic and hot-gas appli- Seal. Effectively sealing at the flange surfaces
cations as a result of installation preload, loss of usually requires a material that will readily conform
preload because of a thermal gradient, and bolt to them, or that as coated with a soft material will
yielding at high temperatures. Such problems are re- form a barrier at the flange interfaces. Seals which
solved by analyzing the joint and specifying the damage the flange sealing surfaces are usually unsatis-
proper bolt loading. factory, since they prevent resealing. Sealing load at
The restraining mechanisms for flange joints installation must be maintained so that the seal
consists of bolts or ring clamps. Most liquid-propel- compressive load will withstand internal fluid pres-
lant rocket engine joints are restrained by bolts be- sure without leaking.
cause of high clamping-load requirements and the Leakage monitoring and seal drainage. A
large duct diameters, which prohibit the use of requirement for monitoring joint leakage was imple-
threaded couplings. Ring clamps have not been used mented early on the Saturn program. Joint leakage
extensively on rocket engines. could be monitored on bench, subsystem, static-en-
A significant problem with bolted systems has gine-firing tests, and, if desired, even on critical joints
been the inherent inaccuracies in the common in flight. Leakage monitoring introduced a low-pres-
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 317

Primary Seal
l Cavity Primnrv . q ~ l

~ry Seal tvity

Port Leakage

Fig. 9-18 Provisions for monitoring

a) Flanged Joint With b) Flanged Joint With leakage at a joint.
Spacer Seal Molded-in-Place
Spacer Seal

sure secondary seal concentric with the primary seal Sg = mp (9-7)

and a bleedoff passage in one of the mating flanges
between the two seals. The secondary seal gives suffi-
cient resistance to leakage past the primary seal to F5 = nF] (9-8)
force flow out through the bleed passage and an at-
tached flowmeter. These flow passages may also be Wb = F]~'D (9-9)
used to collect leakage past the seal, so that com-
bustible fluids may be separated and drained to a
suitable venting area. Figure 9-18 shows typical moni- where (refer to Fig. 9-19)--
toring provisions for joints. The SSME did not have
leakage-monitoring provisions. D = diameter of the circle passing through the
Leakage monitoring entails design penalties. The centroid of the flange-ring cross section, in.
coupling diameter must be increased to permit a D1 = inside diameter of flange and duct, in.
secondary seal inside the bolt circle, enlarging it, D2 = inside diameter of the gasket, in.
thus requiring larger bolts (increased weight). D3 --" outside diameter of the gasket, in.
P = internal fluid pressure, psi (the maximum
Flange-Joint Structural Design working pressure should be used)
F1 = force per unit length of the flange ring from
Figure 9-19 presents the structural design configura- bolt loading, lb/in.
tion of a typical fiat face flange joint as frequently F2 = force per unit length of flange ring from
used in rocket engines. The flange ring, under vari- longitudinal tension of duct, lb/in.
ous working loads, is subject to bending as shown ex- F3 = force per unit length of the flange ring from
aggerated by the dotted lines. The bending moments internal pressure p, lb/in.
may become quite large; the resulting stresses reach F4 = force per unit length of the flange ring from
their maximum at corner Z, where the flange joins
gasket loading, or seal loading, lb/in. Load
the wall of the duct.
ranges (F 4) for several types of seals are:
The basic approach to the design of a flange
joint is to prestress the flange bolts in tension so that
• Elastomer O-ring: 5-150 lb/in.
a gasket compressive stress or seal compression is
• Metal O-ring (See Table 9-6)
maintained to seal effectively against fluid leakage,
under maximum working pressure and other loads.
Defining a flange ring segment of unit length (i.e., 1
in. along the arc of a circle passing through the r---T --~]
flange cross-section centroid) as a free body, the cor- ~ F - - - : , -
relations between all forces acting on that segment,
and the minimum required design flange bolt load- Weld Joint I Centroid~ ! i ILl F
of t " -~ ~" 1
ing, are established as follows: Doo, ] t.e "~-]~'- ,[ Iy
D4 .. |Section I N. f ~ , ~ •
Fl = F2 + F3 + F4 + F5 (9-3)
D, _ Y~ . L . I ~ \ \ \ \-"~ Y2
/pD2' wo u F4 ..L,
F2 = \ 4D J + ~'D (9-4) Flange Fling @ i ::~~~~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ t
Gasket r- ' ' 1 --
P ( D 22 - D~)
F3 = 4D (9-5)
| Duct Center Line

F4 = Sg(D~- D~) Fig. 9-19 Structural design configuration of a

4D (9-6) typical flange joint.

Pressure assisted seals: After the required design bolt loading has been de-
• Teflon-coated: 75-150 lb/in. termined, the number, size, and torque value of the
• Metal-plated: 100-500 lb/in. bolts needed to produce that load must be chosen.
F5 = force per unit length of the flange ring from Use of small-diameter, high-strength bolts will be de-
compression load at the flange outside sirable to gain tensile elasticity. Bolts should be
diameter, lb/in. placed sufficiently close to ensure a reasonably even
Sg - required average gasket compressive-stress, distribution of the load around the gasket circumfer-
for proper seating against an internal fluid ence. The following empirical correlation is recom-
pressure p, psi m e n d e d for maximum spacing to produce a tight
m = gasket factor, a function of gasket design to joint:
be determined experimentally; design val-
ues range from 0.8 to 10 Ps = 2d+T (9-10)
n = flange factor, a function of flange configu-
ration and its rigidity; design values range where Ps = maximum bolt spacing, in.; d = nominal
from 0.1 to 0.8 bolt diam, in.; and T = flange thickness, in. The gener-
We = end loads on the duct due to inertia and al proportion of the flange ring may be determined
thermal effects (tension or compression), lb by the following empirical equations (Fig. 9-19):
Wb = min. required design bolt-loading, lb
T = At (9-11)
Sample Calculation 9-1
L1 = Bt (9-12)
The following design data characterize the flange
joint of the flexible duct for oxidizer-pump discharge where t = thickness of the duct wall as determined by
in the A-1 Stage engine- a hoop-stress calculation, in.; L1 = overall axial length
of the flange ring, in.; A = design factor, ranging from
Working pressure under normal steady, operating 4 to 10; and B = design factor, ranging from 10 to 14.
conditions, 1505 psia A taper angle of 25 deg is generally used for the hub
Maximum fluid working pressure under occa- portion of the flange ring.
sional transient conditions, 1750 psia The stress-and-strain analysis of the flange ring
Inside diameter D1 of the duct = 8 in. may be treated as the twisting of a thick circular ring
Inside diameter D2 of the gasket = 8 in. of uniform cross section under the influence of turn-
Outside diameter D 3 of the gasket = 8.5 in. ing couples uniformly distributed along a circle pass-
End loads on the duct due to thermal contrac- ing through the centroid of the ring cross-section.
tion, W e = 2400 lb The following correlations approximate the maxi-
Gasket factor m = 0.8 mum working stress and strain of a flange ring (see
Flange factor n = 0.3 Fig. 9-19):

Problem Mt = F1YI+F2Y2+F3Y3+F4Y4-F5Y5 (9-13)

Determine the minimum required bolt loading of the (D4 - D )

Y' = 2 (9-14)
flange joint.
(D -- D1 -- t)
Solution 9-1 Y2 = 2 (9-15)

Maximum working pressure p equals 1750 psia. (2D - D2 - D l )

Equation (9-5) gives the required average gasket Y3 = 4 (9-16)
compressive-stress, as follows.
( 2 D - D 3 -- D2)
y4 = 4 (9-17)
Sg = mp = 0.8 x 1750 = 1400 psi
(Ds -- D )
Combine Eqs. (9-3) and (9-8): Y5 = 2 (9-18)

F~ = (Fz + F3 + F4) 0 = MtD 2

(1 --n) (9-9a) (9-19)
Combining this and Eq. (9-4), (9-5), (9-6), and (9-9)
MtDZ(L1 - L)
yields the minimum required design bolt loading of Sz ~" (9-20)
the flange joint: 2Dlly_y

Wb= [ p l r D ~ + 4 W e + . p~r(D~
. D. 2) +. SgTr(D~ - D 2)]
4(1 - n)

Wb = [1,750 X 7r X 82+ 4. X 2,4.00 + 1,400 x Ir(8.5 z (9-9b)

- 8~)1 = 1 4 1 , o o o lb
4(1 - 0 . 3 )

where Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 - distances between the ring The flanges have been structurally verified with
cross-section centroid and forces F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 proven structural computer-programs. This includes
in inches a n d - - determining stress levels, bolting requirements, and
flange deflections. The flange joint carriers all ap-
D4 = diam of bolt circle, in. plied loads through the load pilot, which is the only
D5 = outside diameter of the flange ring, in. contact between mating flanges. When the bolts are
installed, the contact point is compressed and the
Mt = resultant twisting couple per unit length
outside diameters of the flanges rotate toward each
of flange ring, in.-lb/in.
other. The seal contact surface, being adjacent to the
½ = the moment of inertia of the ring cross- load contact-point, keeps flange rotation low and
section about the Y-Y axis, in.4
produces a negligible effect on seal deflection and
= modulus of elasticity of the flange mate-
seal load. Flange deflection is under 0.002 in. for
rial, psi
each flange and within the seal-deflection capability
= angular displacement of the flange ring of 0.006 in. for the pressure-assisted seal. When ex-
under maximum working pressure and ternal loads are applied, the flange contact load de-
loads, rad creases to a minimum of 10% of the installed load.
Sz = flange-ring maximum tensile stress, The maximum bolt load occurs at installation and
which occurs at the corner Z and is remains nearly constant during operation, thus re-
normal to the plane of Fig. 9-19, i.e., in ducing bolt fatigue.
the hoop direction, lb/in. 2 Preliminary flange-joint sizing criteria have been
developed for the SSME-type flange shown in Fig. 9-
Figure 9-16 presents the structural design configu- 20. Listed below are the ground rules used for sizing
ration of a flanged joint used throughout the SSME in this type of joint:
the high-pressure system. A modified ASME flange, 1) Flange deflections at the sealing diameter
this design has been optimized for minimum joint due to pressure will not exceed 0.002 in. (maximum)
weight. The design maintains contact between a sur- per flange.
face on one flange and the mating surface on the 2) Seal groove dimensions (pressure assisted
other flange under all operating conditions by prop- seal) will be as follows:
er use of bolt loads. The design offers nearly
constant fastener loading under pressurized and 0.163 depth (axial) {+'~_.
nonpressurized condition and minimum flange de-
flection at the sealing surface, which results in main-
taining the sealing load. The flange size is kept small
by positioning the bolts on the smallest practical 0.210 width (radial) [-.000
bolt circle and making the flange outside diameter
tangent to the bolt heads.

Minimum total bolt design

load W 8 = 2 X duct axial
yield load(1) ~ ~ ~ 0.030
,~-~T ,ql-- T ~

~ ,~ -
Bolt H{ ad Radius 0.02.0 (min) ~ 2:1 Ellipse

( leredge j 0 070 R ~ ... / l 2 -

Radius ~, .i... b
i ~ " ....

t 2.0t (min)
. . . . . L _ .
(1)Axial yield load will be based on room temperature properties for ambient and high temperature ducts
and cryogenic properties for cryogenic operation.

Nomenclature R4 = Bolt circle radius = R1 + bmax (nom.) (in.)

t = Nominal duct thickness (in.) where bma x -- larger of:
R1 = Inner duct radius (nom.) (in.) (1) 1.9t + h + 0.020 + radius bolt hole
h = Seal groove width (in.) (0.215 in. used in this study) (2) 2.0t + Rcounterbor e
Wb = Minimum total bolt design load = 4,rrRtFy S = Minimum bolt spacing = 2 X bolt dia.
Fv= duct yield stress as defined above(1) R5 = Outer flange radius = R 4 + Rbolt head
T = Flange thickness = 1.9 Rll/3 tl/2

Fig. 9-20 Preliminary flange sizing-criteria for SSME type of flange joint.

Proof pressure Pproof (at LN2 temperature) = 1.2

(6600) = 7920 psi.

7920 (2.50)
Sproof = 0.115 = 172,000 psi

Factor safetyy = 172,00----------6= 0.948
a) O-Ring Installed b) O-Ring Under Pressure

1 215,000
Factor safetyu = 172,00----------6= 1.25

Now calculate the minor yielding acceptable based

on flange-joint sizing criteria of item 8 above.
Assuming a duct with a 2D bend radius that results in

c) O-Ring Failure
a 20% wall thinning, weld efficiency of 100%, and dis-
regarding tolerance:
Fig. 9-21 Elastomer O-ring i n s t a l l a t i o n .
tnom- 0.8 - 1.44 in.
3) Under all load conditions, the axial contact
at the flange I.D. (Load Pilot) will be maintained (see The minimum design total bolt load Wb for this en-
Fig. 9-20). gine will be twice the duct axial yield-load with a
4) W h e n rigid ducts are used, the flange joint safety factor of 1.4 on ultimate for the bolt.
will be capable of taking the allowable yield load of
the duct. Wb = 2 (2p Rlt) Fy = 4n (2.5)(0.144)(163,000)
5) The flanges will be sized for 200-ksi bolts. --- 738,000
6) The preload will be known within +__10%.
7) The bolts will be installed with a minimum Min. tilt. No. Bolt Min. Bolt
factor of safety on ultimate of 1.4. Bolt Bolt Load Req'd Spacing NS/2 x,
8) The strain at the m a x i m u m point in the Size (# Bolt) (N) S, in. in.
flange will not exceed two times the yield strain, and
no more than 20% of the maximum cross section of
the flange will exceed the yield strain. 9/16 37,240 20 1.13 3.597
9) The bolt-circle diameter, as well as the outer-
flange diameter, will be a minimum. 5/8 47,396 16 1.25 3.183
3/4 69,464 11 1.50 2.626
Sample Calculation f o r SSME Flange 9-2
7/8 95,102 8 1.75 2.226
The following design data characterize the fuel high-
p r e s s u r e - p u m p discharge line for Inconel 718 duct S=2 times bolt diameter. Based on Inconel 718 bolts,
and flange: duct design pressure P = 6600 psi, duct in- with 220,000-psi Fu, bolt-circle radius R4 and outer-
side radius R1=2.5 in., operating temperature T= - flange radius R5 will b e - -
320"F, seal groove width of 0.300 in., and material
properties, Inconel 718: R4=R1 + b m a x

T, °F Fy, psi Fu, psi Then b max will be the greater of calculation (1) or
(2) below:
70 145,000 175,000 1) b = 1.9 (0.144) + .300 + .020 + R of bolt hole +
-320 163,000 215,000 .030 oversize hole = 0.624 + R of bolt hole.


Design the flange. Column I 2 3 4 5 6

.... i,

Solution 9-2 Bolt R+ (>Col. R Bolt Rsb

Size 1.b I or 2) NS/2n Head
PxR1 , i

Duct thickness tmin = Fallowable 0.562 0.905 0.840 3.405 3.597 0.482 4.079
0.625 0.936 0.883 3.436 3.183 0.525 3.961
For operation at -320°F, Fallowabl e = 163,000/1.1 or 0.750 0.999 0.983 3.499 2.626 0.625 4.124
215,000/1.5 = 148,000 psi or 143,340 psi. Then: 0.875 1,.061. 1.077 3.577 2.228 0.719 4.296

ah R of counterbore= R of bolt head + 0.70

6,600 x 2.5
tmin = 143,340 -- 0.115 in. =R 5 = (larger of col. 3 or 4) + col. 5
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 321

2) b - 2.0 (0.144) + R of counterbore --- 0.288 + R volume reduction, increase in hardness, and com-
of counterbore. pression set.
In O-ring sealing, a two-step operation, compres-
Static Seals for Flange Joints sion of the O-ring by the dimensional control of the
groove (Fig. 9-21a) makes the initial seal at installa-
Early rocket engines used seals available from indus- tion. Then, under system pressure, the elastomer acts
trial applications. These included elastomeric O- as a viscous fluid with a high surface tension and is
rings, flat-sheet gaskets of asbestos fibers with rubber forced to the side of the groove and blocks off the
binder, spiral-wound gaskets of asbestos, and pre- leak path (Fig. 9-21b). An O-ring fails when the gap
formed steel ribbons. Over the years, operating between the two flanges becomes greater than the O-
conditions on engines have become much more se- ring can block (Fig. 9-21c). Failures can be elimi-
verewseeing pressures up to 10,000 psi and tempera- nated by one or more of the following: reduce pres-
tures from-423 to 1400"Fmand thus created the need sure, increase flange stiffness, or use a harder O-ring
for development of new metal seals, including metal material.
O-rings and pressure-assisted seals. Flat-sheet and Satisfactory results have been experienced at
spiral-wound gaskets are no longer recommended for pressure levels as high as 3000 psi. Higher pressures
use on rocket engines since they are prone to leakage are possible if joint design can control the deflec-
at all pressures, the leakage increasing at higher pres- tions that support the O-ring from extrusion. The in-
sures and at temperature extremes. Asbestos fibers formation in figure 9-22 should be used to select
are avoided because of their environmental impact. hardness of the O-ring material with respect to work-
In spiral-wound gaskets, the metal ribbons can mar ing pressures. Table 9-5 gives typical elastomer O-
the flange surfaces on aluminum and corrosion-resis- ring flange-joint design data for use in groove-type
tant steels, forcing a refinishing of the flange sealing flanges, as shown in Fig. 9-23.
surfaces or even component replacement. Metal O-rings. Properly designed, the metal O-
Considerations in seal selection or seal design ring, a tube formed into a circle with ends welded to-
include resilience (spring back), installation load, en- gether, can be used at cryogenic temperatures and up
vironment of media to be sealed (including tempera- to 1200"F or higher when made of high-temperature
ture, pressure, and fluid compatibility), and cost. metal. It can be used at high pressures by drilling
Ideally, a universal seal for a rocket engine would be vent holes on the pressure side of the tube when used
very resilient so it could conform to flange-surface with rigid flanges. The metal O-ring operates differ-
waviness and accommodate flange separation and ently than an elastomer O-ring. The metal O-ring is
deflection; have low installation load to minimize compressed by the flange load into a groove which
impact on bolt and flange designs; be effective at controls the deflection, and this deflection produces
both low (-423"F) and high (1400"F) temperatures; be an interface load sufficient to seal at low pressures.
operational at pressures to 10,000 psi; be compatible The vent holes permit pressure into the tube, which
with all engine fluids such as propellants, hydraulic
fluids, and combustion gases; and be low in cost.
The importance of trouble-free and leak-free 10,000
static-seal joints in spacecraft cannot be overempha- Basis for curves
sized. The consequences of leakage include fire and • No backup (anti-extrusion)
explosion hazards, freezing of fluid or equipment ad- 6,000
jacent to a leak, overpressurization of an engine • Total diametral clearance
4,000 must include cylinder
compartment on the vehicle, and degradation of en- expansion due to pressure
gine performance because of loss of specific impulse. 3,000 • 100,000 cycles at rate of
E l a s t o m e r seals. The elastomer O-ring, the 150/min from zero to
~ 2,000 icated p r e s s u r e
simplest seal, has proven the most reliable when the
flanged joint is properly designed. The inexpensive Extrusion Occurs
Above a Given
O-ring will usually be the first seal choice if the elas-
tomer is compatible with the environment. o 1,000
Elastomer O-rings have been used with good re- 0. 800
sults in rocket-engine joints in the temperature range -.~ 600
between -30 and 400"F. At temperatures lower than
room temperature, the elastomers become hard and 400
at -60"F all of the various elastomer compounds lose
the resilience that permits them to conform to the 300
Hardness 70
flange surfaces. For low-temperature service (below Shore A
0°F), elastomers should be selected by an evaluation 200
of the different c o m p o u n d s for low-temperature
properties, such as flexibility, resilience, compression
set, and hardness. The upper temperature limit for 100
elastomers is based on heat deterioration of the elas- 0 0.008 0.016 0.024 0.032 0.040
Total Diametral Clearance (in.)
tomer. Selection of an elastomer c o m p o u n d for
high-temperature service should be based on proper- Fig. 9-22 O-ring extrusion related to d i a m e t r a l
ties at the service temperature and should include clearance, fluid pressure, and O-ring hardness.

Table 9-5 R e c o m m e n d e d elastomer O-ring provides a pressure-assist load for sealing high-pres-
flange-joint design data. All d i m e n s i o n s in sure systems (Fig. 9-24).
inches. The industry has established standard tube sizes
ranging from 0.032 in. for small-diameter rings up to
0.625 in. for very-large-diameter rings (32 in. and
Nominal Aclual Seal
O-ring O-Ring Minimum Depth of Width of Bottom Surl~e
Surface larger). Recommended tube diameters for normal
Cross Cross Squeeze Groove, a Groove, b Radius, Finish, Finish,
Section Section
r fl f2 engine applications are 0.062, 0.093, 0.125, 0.188 and
1116 0.070 _+0.003 0.013 0.052 _+0.002 0.101 1O0.107 0.005 Io 0.015 0.250 in. Aerospace static joints normally must be
0.103 _+0.003
0.139 _+0.004
0.077 + 0.003
0.104 + 0003
0.136 to 0.142
0.177 Io 0.187
0.005 to 0.015
0.010 to 0.025 32rms 64rm$
gas-tight due to the hazardous fluid and high operat-
3/16 0.210 _+0005 0.043 0.157+0.005 0.2701o0.290 0.020 to 0.035 ing pressure in the system as well as the required gas-
1/4 0.275 + 0.006 0.058 0.206 + 0.005 0.342 I0 0.362 0.020 100.035
leak checking procedure. To achieve a gas-tight joint,

,/" d" ~,"'

,Y ,,,," ,,,,

F'"/' .,,'' .f' ,,~" ~,'"~,,'"'1

Seal Surface Finish f~; It Should Be Free of

Nicks, Scratches, and Other Imperfections
Except Annular Tool Marks

r /

Break Corners 0.005 in.

D2 GrooveseFnsh2
FF (both sides of groove)

I iilii ~.:::~:~::j
.j,!iS~iiLIi: i,ii!iiiiiiiiiiii Radiusr

D for Elastomer O-Rings: Equals

Mean O.D. of O-Ring Plus Zero,
It Should Be Free of Nicks, Minus 1% of Mean O.D. but Not
Scratches, and Other More Than Minus 0.060
Imperfections Except
Annular Tool Marks
Fig. 9-23 Flange seal groove design


~,~,1,,,, .,,~,,";L 1"', 11

iiii!!iiiiiiiii i i i iii i iiii i i i i i

I1 '~1 IIll, I "'111 |'11,, '"
I,X,,,'%, %,L~,,~"~, !
t"......"'"'"'.......'.......'.......''":......."" Sealing ....,"':,,,) '%1%,, "~ % %,
,,,%~,,~,%,, %' ,~,,,",,,~,J
,% ,,,,',,, ,, %, '% %,, % % ,,.,
.,, ~, ~ '%, ,
":'7 ",>b>(>:!
,,,,, .,,,. ,%-,,, .I,,~ 1
,~ /,~,,,,,'. ,,,,,'/,," ,,, :::,,,,'::/::,,,,'::,,,,"::,,<:

.... . ..... Y'"
!, l

,,,,, , , , , , , , , . / ......
, /,,'"¥,
~ ,.,,,/,~,,,,,j.
' " ,......i,.
" ,,,",,,,",,,",,,",,,",,,".,,".,,~.,,I.,,".,,".,,'~.,,"
,,; ,,,,,; ,#' ,,, ,,, ;
',,,,, ,,,,,"#,,," ,,,,," ,,,,,"
'/,~/" ,//' ,~'
!"/~/,,,,'" ,,,,,",~,
,,,,',,2 ,,~',,,,',., ,
,,,,,'",,,,'",,,,,",,,,,"' ,,," ,

,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ....

' ,d' ,,? ,," #," #~'
,,,' ~,' ~,,', ,#' ~'


.... ,.... ,,,'~,',,,,/,,,,',,,,',,,', .... !


,~,,-,,,,,- I '# '' '" '~'' ~''~ '#' y '#' /'' "" '' ,,,,' ,,,,' ,,!
., ,,,,, #,, ~,~ ,,,, .,~ .,i, .,, .,,, a,' ,,,," ,,,," ,," ~,,,,'

I....I',/, '.......,,,'',/',,,'.......
,,,': ......',,"',,'Mechanical
,', o' ~, o' ' ,'....., ",f' j,'.,,o,,'y##,,;'
r",:,,,'":,,,"'....... ,:'.......
, ,,,'"",..... Sealing ...."1 I'""'
'/ .......
,,, Fluid /,'"'",,/I
#. ,,,-,,. #, ,,, I,">,~>'S/, ....Force~ :'"?">"/I""""
l'",/>S, ,~' ,,'"'> ' " " ' " :l
~,,,,',,,,',/,' ,,,',,#
• .,,,' r'/'//?~/
Before Applying Pressure After Applying Pressure

Fig. 9-24 Metal O-ring installation.

I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 323

the O-ring must be sized to obtain an installation joint. Thus the system pressure generates a consider-
load of 700 lb/in, of length or higher. This requires able portion of the seal's contact load at the higher
an O-ring selection based on diameter, tube thick- pressures. Seals have been designed and are in ser-
ness, and material properties. Table 9-6 shows the vice on the SSME with the legs extending outward for
variables required for O-ring sizing plus data on elas- sealing an external pressure. Pressure-assisted seals
tic spring-back (point no seal load if the flange joint are installed in a concentric groove cut into one of
has deflection equal to the spring-back). As the the flanges. This limits the amount of total flange
flange deflection approaches the spring-back, the preload transmitted through the contact points of the
joint will be prone to leakage. Metal O-rings must be seal. The following correlations have been estab-
coated with Teflon, silver, or gold for cryogenic ser- lished for the seal designs to determine the appro-
vice and silver, gold, or nickel for high-temperature priate seal-contact load.
service. Table 9-7 shows typical metal O-ring tube
sizes for various O-ring diameters and flange-groove E j3 d pK
dimensions. F s l = 8 K 3C1 Fs2=Fsl + 2
P r e s s u r e - a s s i s t e d s e a l s . The pressure-assisted
seal was developed to attain a deflection that would
better handle deformation of the flange joint under where--
working loads. Figure 9-25 shows two different seal
types. The spring effect is achieved by a metal circu- Fsl = Seal-contact load per inch of seal cir-
lar seal having a U-shaped cross section. The ta- cumference without internal fluid pres-
pered legs provide a nearly uniform stress in the ma- sure, lb/in.
terial. Compressed between the surfaces of the flange Fs2 = Seal-contact load per inch of seal cir-
joint, the seal tips at the open ends make contact with cumference with internal fluid pressure,
the flange surfaces and deflect until the flanges make lb/in.
contact. This type of seal permits the seal legs to fol- - Modulus of elasticity of seal material, psi
low the flange deflections. The open end of the seal D+L
= Ave. thickness of seal leg, ~ in.
is oriented toward the pressure side of the flange
= Length of seal leg F-G in Fig. 9-25, in.
= Seal deflection in the flange joint (i.e.,
Table 9-6 Metal O-ring design installation loads. difference between initial seal width Es
and flange-groove depth), in.
P = Internal fluid pressure, psi
C1 = Design factor; a function of seal leg con-
Basic Wall Instal- Elastic figuration and seal diameter, its value
Tubing Thick- Tubing Metal lation Spring- ranging from 0.5 to 1.0
OD, in. ness, Load, Ib/
in. lineal in. back, in.
,,, , , ,, ,, Contact surfaces of pressure-assisted seals will
0.062 0.012 Stainlesssteel 800 0.002 usually be coated with a material with a lower elastic
0.014 Stainlesssteel 1,300 0.0025 modulus than the seal material. The seal structural
0.016 Stainlesssteel 1,500 0.003 material will be chosen for the good spring-like
0.006 Inconel 300 0.002 properties to gain maximum deflection, while the
0.010 Inconel 420 0.002
0.012 Inconel 550 0.002
0.014 lnconel 1,100 0.002
0.010 InconelX-750 550 0.002 Table 9-7 Typical metal O-ring flange-joint de-
0.012 InconeiX-750 700 0.002 sign data.

0.093 0.016 Stainlesssteel 1,100 0.0035

0.007 Inconel 150 0.0025 Actual O-Ring Size
. . . .
Flange Groove Dimensions
. . .

0.010 Inconel 250 0.0025 Nominal

O-Ring, O-Ring
0.012 Inconel 350 0.002 OD Tube OD Do a
0.018 Inconel 1,000 0.0025 +0.005 +0.003 D2 ÷O.l~osb ,0.005
0.010 InconelX-750 300 0.0025 -0.000 -0.000 Maximum -0.000 -0.000 A

1 1.000 0.061 0.857 1.005 0.042

0.125 0.020 inconei 1,000 0.0035 1-1/2 1.500 0.061 1.357 1.505 0.042
0.025 Inconel 1,400 0.004 2 2.000 0.061 1.857 2.005 0.042
0.020 InconelX-750 800 0.004 2-1/2 2.500 0.061 2.357 2.505 0.042
0.025 InconeiX-750 1,600 0.004 3 3.000 0.061 2.857 3.005 0.042
4 4.000 0.094 3.777 4.005 0.075
5 5.000 0.094 4.777 5.005 0.075 32 rms,
0.155 0.025 Stainlesssteel 1,000 0.003 ~' circular
6 5.000 0.094 5.777 6.005 0.075
0.025 InconelX-750 950 0.002 8.000 0.124 7.705 8.005 0.105
10 10.000 0.124 9.705 10.005 0.105
0.186 0.032 Stainlesssteel 2,300 0.005 15 15.000 0.124 14.705 15.005 0.105
0.020 Inconel 600 0.004 20 20.000 0.124 19.705 20.005 0.105
30 30.000 0.124 29.705 30.005 0.105
0.250 0.035 Stainlesssteel 1,100 0.006
~See figure9-32 tot flange design. Ductdiameter D1 may be equal to 02
-0.049 Stainlesssteel 2,500 0.007 Increase diameterto compensatefor coatings or platings.

. . . .

coating material provides the properties needed to load exceeds approximately 150 lb/in, of seal cir-
establish the intimate contact required to prevent cumference at installation and 450 lb/in, when pres-
leakage between the seal and flange surfaces. To pre- surized with a cryogenic fluid for the configuration.
vent leakage, sufficient compressive stress must be Silver and gold plating require higher seal-tip bear-
developed in the coating to make it flow into imper- ing pressures to cause it to flow, and can withstand a
fections on the flange surfaces. much larger load when pressurized. Seal-tip load
The seal-tip load will be limited by the coating runs approximately 300 lb/in, of seal circumference
applied to the seal. Teflon coating will extrude to the at installation and can be over 1000 lb/in, when pres-
point of cutting through and causing leakage if the surized.

-"1 o o3o +_ooo

:{ef + 0 004 I ! r - 0.030 _ 0.005
0"020 -01000 R -]~" T L ;

o oo..+oooo,

i + 0.003
. . . . +0000 ~ II ~'XO'OOS-O.OOOR
u.u,,o -0:003 . ~ ) [
_ II ~ D 1' "+0005
- ~ 1 ~ o o 2-o:ooo
Material: Inconel 718
Teflon Coat: 0.002to 0.003 ~ Sealing 3~C ~ '
Heat Treat: 175,000- 200,000 psi Surface i, ~ Es
Both Sides I--~ ,-s
See Table 9-8 for Lettered Dimensions
Section A - A
O Sealing surfaces shall be free of nicks, scratches, or other im- (Dimensions Typical Both Sides)
perfections which would impair the sealing function
Flatness and waviness within 0.0003 in. when restrained against
a surface plate

a) Cryogenic Pressure-Assisted Seal, Teflon Coated

0.025 __.0.002 R , ~ 0.065 +_.0.005 R

L---l;,, 1' / ~:"; / 7 ~ .$0.040_0.002

. . . . . . . . ~k
\\"~- //,ll
o oo,O.oO:oO
-T---F/J' V/~ oo~o+O:~o~. F
0.050 + 0.005 5 + 0.003 R

Material: Incone1718 • - " 8 ~ • + 0.003 "

Silver Plate: 0.001to 0.0015 (~~ Se~ing . . . . . + 0.003 ..
Heat Treat: 175,000- 200,000 psi
See Table 9-8 for Lettered Dimensions ~u°~o0 0 , j~ l _ e ~ ~+0000 o uoo -0000"
, ~ 0.172 -0.002 - ' ~
(~ Sealing surfaces shall be free of nicks, scratches, or other im-
perfections which would impair the sealing function Es
Section A - A
Flatness and waviness within 0.0003 in. when restrained against (Dimensions Typical Both Sides)
~a surface plate
b) Cryogenic and Hot Gas Pressure Assisted Seal, Silver Plated

Fig. 9-25 Pressure-assisted seals.

I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 325

To prevent leakage, the surface finish on the machined parts such as elbows, tees, bosses, and
flanges must have a 32 (rms) roughness with a circu- valves, fixed joints are a necessary design element.
lar lay (approximately circular relative to the center Complexity, cost, and the effect on reliability keep
of the surface, similar to a phonograph record). If the number of such joints to a minimum within a
the flange configuration does not permit this type of line. Fixed joints can be made by welding, brazing,
finish, an 8 rms multi-directional lay has been de- diffusion bonding, and soldering. However, welding
termined to be an acceptable alternate. The sealing is the preferred method. Problems that make brazed
surfaces must be free of defects such as machine joints a second choice to welding include close di-
steps, tool gouges, scratches, material tears, and pits mensional tolerances of c o m p o n e n t parts, inade-
for the seal to function without leakage. Teflon coat- quate cleaning, which reduces braze wettability
ing is softer and more forgiving of defects on the (ability of braze alloy to adhere to the surface), built-
flanges than silver, and Teflon-coated seals have a in crevices that can trap contamination and act as
lower installation load, which translates into lower stress concentrations, intergranular carbide penetra-
flange loading. tion of line material, and inability to inspect for
Many versions of pressure-assisted seals have proper braze coverage with non-destructive testing.
been used on rocket engines. Rocketdyne developed Diffusion b o n d i n g - - a unique method for joining
the Naflex-type pressure-assisted seals with the early some widely different metals by the use of controlled
seal designs made of alloy steel, nickel-plated and temperature and pressure---does not have many ap-
coated with a layer of Teflon. Later designs used plications in rocket-engine ducting to date. Soldered
Inconel 718 with Teflon, silver, or gold. The Teflon- joints have very low strength and some of the same
coated seals are effective for cryogenic service (- problems associated with brazing.
430°F). Silver- and gold-plated seals are used for Welding, the most common and recommended
cryogenic and hot-gas service (1700"F). The Teflon- method of joining the various duct components,
coated seals are limited to 3000 psi; the silver- and produces joints with mechanical properties and envi-
gold-plated seals are effective at pressures greater ronmental and propellant compatibility characteris-
than 10,000 psi. Design details and data for typical tics similar to the components being joined. A butt
cryogenic and hot gas seals and flange joints are weld does not contribute to the system contamina-
given in Fig. 9-25 and table 9-8. tion and does not have a built-in crevice. Welded
joints are usually made on a bench, but they can be
9.4 DESIGN OF FIXED JOINTS made as final-installation joints. The type of welded
joints which have been used in fluid-system lines are
Fixed joints are nonseparable connections of fluid- illustrated in Fig. 9-26. The butt, fillet, and sleeve
system components. Since it is impractical to make w e l d s m t h e most c o m m o n m s o m e t i m e s are used in
line assemblies in one piece from end to end be- combination, as shown in Fig. 9-26f. Butt welds are
cause of requirements to insert specially formed or bench-fabrication joints and are the recommended

Table 9-8 Typical design data of Naflex pressure-assisted seals and flange joints.
All d i m e n s i o n s in inches.

Seal Dimensions Flange Groove Dimensions t

,.. , , ,. ,

A Diameter D E, F L Dz a Surface
+0.000 B Diameler C +0.000 +0.000 +0.000 +0.000 +0.000 +0.002 Finish
-0.005 (ReD Basic -0.003 -0.002 -0.005 G -0.003 -0.010 D3 -0.000 ri ro f
• , ,,, ,, , .

Cryogenic Pressure-Assisted Seals (figure 9-25a)


+ 0.000 + 0.010
-0.004 -0.000 __. 0.005 +_. 0.005
0.943 0.513 0.075 0.024 0.157 0.215 0.049 0.026 0.433 0.948 0.148 0.020 0.020 32 rms
1.943 1.513 0.075 0.024 0.157 0.215 0.049 0.026 1.433 1.948 O. 148 ~k ik Circular
2.005 1.525 O. I00 0.026 O. 158 0.240 0.048 0.031 1.445 2.0 I0 O. 148 Lay
5.005 4.525 O. I00 0.026 O. 158 0.240 0.048 0.031 4.445 5.010 0.148
5.130 4.650 0.I00 0.024 0.183 0.240 0.052 0.031 4.570 5.135 0.173 ~r ~r
23.505 23.025 O. lO0 0.024 O. 183 0.240 0.052 0.031 22.945 23.510 0.173 0.020 0.020

Cryogenic and Hot Gas Pressur,;-Assisted Seal (figure 9-25b)

b +0.000 +0.005 + 0.005

-0.002 -0.000 -0.000 +0.010
1.000 0.600 0.070 0.028 0.172 0.200 0.040 0.034 0.560 1.005 0.163 0.005 -0.020 32 rms
~L Ak ~k
1.450 1.050 Jk 0.028 ik Ak ~k 0.034 1.000 1.455 Circular
1.500 1.100 0.028
0.036 1.060 1.505 Lay
2.950 2.550 i 0.028 0.036 2.510 2.955
3.000 2.600 ~r 0.031 lr ~r ~r 0.036 2.560 3.005
46.000 45.600 0.070 0.031 o. 172 0.200 0.040 0.036 45.560 46.005 0.163 0.005 0.020

'Dimension increases 0.005 in. after Teflon coating

bDimension increases 0.003 in. maximum after silver plating
1. See figure 9-32 for flange design
2. Duct diameter D! may be equal to 132

l///////d.l.q.&. • The longitudinal forces in the tube will load

the weld in shear.
• Unless all can be eliminated by design, as in
a) Bull Weld b) Fillet Weld
Fig. 9-26f, crevices provide a collector for contami-
nants and corrosive materials.
~'//)'///~.q..'*"~...,........ • Radiographic inspection of the weld proves
relatively difficult.
~!i11/IilI..~~ ~//llJ),)~,.. . . . . . . . . . d The F-1 engine used the combination fil-
c) Sleeve Weld d) Combination Fillet/Sleeve let/sleeve weld (Fig. 9-26d) extensively on tube sizes
of 1-in. in diam or less. The fillet was added because
of line failures due to the high vibration experienced
on this engine. The sleeve weld with separate sleeve
(Fig. 9-26e) was predominant on the J-2 tube lines
and the combination fillet/sleeve (Fig. 9-26f) was
l) Combination Fillet/Sleeve With
e) Sleeve Weld With Separate Sleeve Separate Sleeve (eliminates both used in some instances of high vibration. When the
Internal and external crevices) B-nut type of coupling was used (for instrumentation
lines), machined sleeve-tube stubs were attached to
Fig. 9-26 Types of welded joints used in fluid systems. tubing with the welded-sleeve design of Fig. 9-26e.
Weld joints are located in low-vibration areas w h e n
possible. Welds with vibration normal to the tube
axis should be avoided. Clearance around the exte-
rior of the joint must be provided for in-place weld-
ing equipment. The number of joints should be kept
to a minimum consistent with overall system re-


i) Compression-Type Bellows b) Externally Restrained Double-Shear
Externally Restrained Against Buckling GimbaI-Joined Bellows
Bellows joints are the critical design and perfor-
mance members of the flexible-line assembly. A
bellows section in a line usually consists of three
/, ~,~.
parts: a flexible pressure-carrying convoluted tube
(the bellows), a restraint on the bellows to handle the
pressure-separating load, and a provision for attach-
ing the bellows to the line. Straight-sidewall, annu-
larly-convoluted bellows with tension-type, pressure-
separation, load-restraint linkages are the most
commonly used designs. Typical bellows joints are
c) Externally Restrained d) Internally Restrained Bellows:
shown in Fig. 9-27. References 9-15 through 9-25 pro-
Tension-Tie Bellows internal Triped with Integral
Ball and Sockel
vide r e c o m m e n d e d information on the design and
use of bellows.
Fig. 9-27 Four e x a m p l e s of bellows joints. Different deflection modes (i.e., axial, angular,
and shear) produce the same type of bending
stresses in the bellows convolutions. If a bellows
type because of the ease of bench welding, ability to must deflect in all of these modes simultaneously, the
perform thorough nondestructive testing (surface sum of the deflections for all modes must be kept
penetrant inspection and X-ray), and the lack of within acceptable stress limits. (Reference 9-26 pre-
built-in crevices. Butt-weld joints are used extensively sents methods for converting different types of bel-
on rocket engines including the J-2, F-l, and the lows deflection into equivalent axial deflection.)
SSME. Therefore, the duct system will be routed so as to
In-place joints normally used on small tube lines keep all accumulated deflection stresses within the
(< 1 in.) have the sleeve-weld configuration shown in safe working stress value of the material and meet the
Fig. 9-26e because of the self-aligning feature of this required fatigue life.
type joint. Sections of tubing can be cut out of a line Torsional loading (twist about the duct longitudi-
assembly for tube repair or for installing different nal centerline) should be avoided in the design and
components or fittings by use of the in-place sleeve application of a duct system. When, because of de-
joint. Sleeve welds are used to join thin-wall tubing sign constraints, torsional loading is unavoidable, the
where the sleeve must be added to achieve the thick- torsional effects should be minimized by appropriate
ness for practical welding. They entail the following design, such as introduction of slip plates and tor-
disadvantages: sional bellows or slip-limiting flanges.
• Unless all crevices can be eliminated by de- If space limitations force a duct to be designed
sign, as in Fig. 9-26f, the resulting built-in crack will relatively short and straight, so that torsional deflec-
act as a stress raiser and lower fatigue life. tions cannot be absorbed through anRulation of bel-

lows joints in d o g - l e g s of the duct, o t h e r m e a n s of A b e l l o w s joint in d u c t i n g c a n a b s o r b m o t i o n s

permitting torsional deflection must be provided. with m u c h smaller reaction loads than those devel-
Figure 9-27a s h o w s a device d e s i g n e d to a b s o r b tor- o p e d in a h a r d line. A free b e l l o w s can a b s o r b four
sional deflection. A tightly-formed b e l l o w s assembly, k i n d s of m o t i o n a p p l i e d to its ends: axial ( e x t e n s i o n
it was i n c o r p o r a t e d into the p u m p - i n l e t ducts of the J- or c o m p r e s s i o n ) , offset ( w i t h e n d - p l a n e s parallel),
2 e n g i n e ( u s e d o n t h e Saturn S-II a n d S-IV stages) a n g u l a r ( a b o u t its c e n t e r ) , a n d t o r s i o n a l ( a b o u t its
w h e n the torsional m o v e m e n t of the ducts w a s f o u n d axis). Typical a p p l i c a t i o n s m a y i m p o s e o n e , all, or
to be too high for the p u m p casings to resist. any combination of these end-point motions
T h e b e l l o w s is thin-walled (0.010 in.) a n d has 40 (deflections) on a bellows. V a r i o u s r e s t r a i n i n g de-
d e e p c o n v o l u t i o n s s t a c k e d in a 1.25-in. h e i g h t . vices or linkages are d e s i g n e d to limit a b e l l o w s to
Flanges encompass the bellows and permit the a b s o r b only certain m o t i o n s (e.g., a gimbal-ring link-
a p p l i c a t i o n of o n l y torsional deflections. T h e joint a g e a l l o w s a b e l l o w s to r e c e i v e o n l y a n g u l a t i o n ) .
constitutes, in effect, a l o w - s p r i n g - r a t e t o r q u e t u b e T h e s e e n d - p o i n t m o t i o n s a n d the n u m b e r of m o t i o n
that can a b s o r b torsional rotation w h i l e m a i n t a i n i n g cycles that a bellows joint is d e s i g n e d to a b s o r b m u s t
a leak-tight enclosure. be s p e c i f i c a l l y d e f i n e d before t h e d e s i g n p h a s e .

Table 9-9 Bellows restraint-linkage selection chart.

Types of Restraint Linkages

, , , . , • | ,, ,

External Internal External Internal Tri Pod
Type Gimbal Ring Gimbal Ring Hinge Chain-Link Ball & Socket
,, . . . . . j . , . . . . , ,. , . . . . . •


, , . . . . . . . .

Movement Angulation in any Angulation in any Angulalion in plane Angulation in any Angulation in any
Capability plane plane of hinge only plane plane
, , , , ,, , , ~ . . . .

Spring rale of bellows Spring rate of bellows Spring rate of bellows Spring rate of bellows Spring rate of bellows
Load lo Deflect plus bearing friction of plus bearing friction of plus bearing friction plus bearing friction plus bearing friction
gimbai gimbal of hinge of link of ball and socket

Tends to be heavy due Lighter than external Lighter than hinge Lightest type of restraint for low pressure
Weight to twisting moments gimbal for a given application
applied to gimbai ring application
. . . . . . . . . ,

Larger than with inter- Bellows O.D. but must Smaller than hinge Bellows O.D. itself Bellows O.D. itself
Envelope Size nal gimbal ring be increased slightly to ring since there is no ex- since there is no ex-
allow for internal re- ternal linkage ternal linkage
straint . . . . . .

Bellows can be fully Restraint linkage can Bellows can be fully High loss factor is a High loss factor is a
sleeved so that loss no be integrated into flow sleeved so that loss no function of percent- function of % of
Pressure Drop greater than smooth sleeve; loss factor is in greater than smooth age of blocked area blocked area and is in
bore mitered elbow 0.04 to 0.08 range bore mitered elbow and is in the 0.2 to the 0.2 to 0.5 range
when angulated when angulated 0.5 range
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Affords some damage Cools linkage of cryo- Same as gimbai ring Low cost; simple con- Permits efficient tie
protection to bellows genic joints in radi- joints except can ab- struction across long line length
ation environment sorb single plane mo- bellows
tions only
1. Inherently restrains pressure thrust, no guide 1. Suitable for low velocity flow applications
or anchor requirements where pressure loss is not a factor
Principal 2. Gimbal carries dead weight of dueling and 2. Provides lightweight tension system for low
Advantages other external loads pressure applications
3. Transmits shear loads
4. Provides for close control of movement
5. Prevents torsion loads from being applied to

1. Used in pairs or sets of three to absorb large Same as gimbal ring 1. Used in pairs or sets of three to absorb large,
complex, multi-plane motion without impos- joints except for single complex, multi-plane motion without impos-
Principal Uses ing pressure thrust on ducting or equipment plane motion usage ing pressure thrust on dueling or equipment
2. Transmits weight and other loads to available only 2. Transmits weight and other loads to available
support points support points
, ,, i • , i | , 11 i , |1 11 , 11

T a b l e 9-9 ( C o n t ' d ) B e l l o w s r e s t r a i n t - l i n k a g e s e l e c t i o n chart.

"P),pes of Restraint Linkages

External Internal Braided PVC; External

~pe Bali and Socket Ball and Socket Wire Sheath Tie Rods
I • |

i ,, , ,,

Movement Angulalion in any plane Angulation in any plane Angulation and lateral Axial movement, lateral and
Capability offset angular deflection

Spring rate of bellows plus Spring rate of bellows plus Spring rate of bellows inner Combined spring rates of
bearing friction of ball and bearing friction of ball and core plus high friction of bellows and linkage bearing
Load to Deflect socket, large radius arm on socket braid wire friction
bearing friction torque

Lighter than an external Lighter than an external Low weight, light test ten- Very low weight for a PVC
Weight gimbal ring gimbal ring sion tie device type duct
,, ,

Smaller than external gim- Smaller than external gim- Small, only slightly larger Smallest envelope of PVC
Envelope Size hal ring for a given applica- bal ring for a given applica- than bellows O.D. type duct
tion tion

Bellows can be fully Restraint linkage can be in- High, 10 to 15 times that of Bellows can be fully sleeved
Pressure Drop sleeved tegrated into flow sleeve, same ID smooth tube. No to minimize pressure drop
loss same as smooth bore practical flow sleeve yet
mitered elbow when de- devised

1. Permits an even distribution of pressure separating load 1. Angulation pivot point 1. Only externally tied-type
over full circumference of attaching duct does not have to be expansion joint to absorb
carefully aligned axial movement while
2. Offers smaller envelope than gimbal restraints still restraining pressure
2. Can absorb lateral offset thrust
combined with angula-
Principal tion
3. Small envelope, light in
4. Bellows not susceptible
to squirm due to braid
enclosure, consequently
long sections may be
used when needed

1. Same as gimbal ring joints 1. Small diameter (< 2 in.) 1. To absorb axial or com-
Principal Uses applications with large bined axial/lateral/
installation misalign- angular movement where
ments pressure thrust on equip-
ment or anchors cannot
be tolerated

T h e s e r e q u i r e m e n t s l a r g e l y d e t e r m i n e t h e t y p e of Restraints
joint n e e d e d .
Selecting a restraint calls for w e i g h i n g s u c h fac-
tors as m o t i o n c a p a b i l i t y ( m o d e s a n d m o m e n t s ) , Hinge joint. This t y p e of joint suits applica-
p r e s s u r e drop, weight, a n d e n v e l o p e size. Table 9-9 tions requiring a n g u l a r d e f l e c t i o n in only o n e plane.
gives a list of s u c h factors. It s h o w s ratings a s s i g n e d T h e d e s i g n m a y b e of the internal- or e x t e r n a l - h i n g e
for e a c h of 12 restraint linkages. T h e table m a y be t y p e a n d c a n b e e i t h e r single- or d o u b l e - s h e a r .
u s e d as a guide in selecting, d e s i g n i n g , or m o d i f y i n g Bellows sizing c a n b e k e p t to a m i n i m u m with this
a restraint m e c h a n i s m . Figure 9-28 s h o w s the config- type of restraint; f l o w obstructions will be minimal in
urations m o r e clearly. the hinge design. W e i g h t is generally low.

T a b l e 9-9 ( C o n t ' d ) B e l l o w s r e s t r a i n t - l i n k a g e s e l e c t i o n c h a r t

Types of Restraint Linkages Accessories

,, ... , .,

PVC; Axial and PVC; Concentric

External ly and Externally
PVC; Pressurized Pressurized
Type Concentric Bellows Bellows Bellows Type Uses and Advantages
|l , . . ,, ,

Internal Uses
Flow 1. Have been used successfully on all
Design Sleeves of listed joints except braided wire
,, 1. Reduces pressure drop through
bellows joint
Movement Axial movement only Axial movement only Axial and angular
Capability movement 2. Prevents flow induced vibration of
bellows by high velocity impinge-
Combined spring rates Combined spring rates Combined spring rates ment
Load to Deflect of bellows of bellows of bellows, ball bearing 3. Prevents erosion of bellows in
friction on angulating abrasive service, e.g., turbine
bellows exhaust duct downstream of J-2S

solid propellant turbine starter

Heavy due to Lighter than con- Heavy due to
Weight concentric bellows centric bellows design concentric bellows 4. Internally insulates bellows in
design due to use of axial bal- design high temperature service
ancing bellows

Envelope Size Large due to con- Large due to annular Large due to concen- Vacuum Uses
centric bellows design flow path requirement tile bellows design Jackets 1. Bellows concentric to primary
., . . . . . .
bellows forms vacuum jacket cavity
High due to long High due to changes Angulating bellows to insulate primary line fluid
Pressure Drop unsleeved bellows in flow direction unsleeved causes high Advantages
through annulus loss in that area 1. In cryogenic service, limits boil-off
of propellant during filling operation
1. Deflection cycling of duct will not produce 1. Since pressure
possible performance degrading pressure thrust is 2. Prevents formation of liquid air on
surges in system because of pressure- inherently outer surface of liquid hydrogen
Advantages volume compensation feature restrained, the and helium lines
need for heavy 3. Minimizes recirculation flow
structural reaction required to maintain propellant
members is quality in cryogenic systems
. . . . .

1. To absorb large axial deflections in 1. To absorb large Travel Advantages

Principal Uses proportion to bellows live length where axial and angular Limit 1. Prevents overdeflection and possible
pressure thrust on equipment or anchors deflections in a Stops fatigue or interference damage
cannot be tolerated relatively short during processing and handling
overall length

External 1. Protect bellows against mechanical

Cover damage during installation and in
2. Protect personnel in hazardous
3. Serve as support for external

Gimbal j o i n t . S o m e t i m e s r e f e r r e d to as a uni- design. T h e e x t e r n a l - r e s t r a i n t a s s e m b l y offers t h e

versal joint, the g i m b a l joint m a y be of internal- or b e l l o w s e x c e l l e n t e x t e r n a l protection.
external-restraint design. Gimbal-jointed assemblies
are u s e d p r e d o m i n a n t l y in h i g h - p r e s s u r e s y s t e m s that C h a i n l i n k s . C h a i n - l i n k joint has a p p l i c a t i o n
r e q u i r e a n g u l a r d e f l e c t i o n in all p l a n e s a n d will with- similar to t h e g i m b a l joint, b u t it is r e c o m m e n d e d
s t a n d i m p o s e d t o r s i o n a l loads. A l t h o u g h t h e pres- for use in m e d i u m - p r e s s u r e systems w h e r e flow loss is
s u r e d r o p of e i t h e r d e s i g n will b e relatively low, in- n o t critical. It typically sees use in l o w - p r e s s u r e , l o w -
t e r n a l flow s l e e v e s s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d in t h e ex- velocity, h o t - g a s e x h a u s t s y s t e m s not n e e d i n g h i g h
ternal-restraint c o n f i g u r a t i o n . Both d e s i g n s i m p o s e a torsional strength. C e n t e r i n g of the b e l l o w s w i t h re-
weight penalty and the external design requires a s p e c t to the i n t e r n a l link joint is critical in this de-
l a r g e r e n v e l o p e . Stops to p r e v e n t e x c e s s i v e a n g u l a - sign. S o m e offset d e f l e c t i o n m a y be the p r o d u c t of
t i o n are r e a d i l y a d a p t a b l e to t h e e x t e r n a l - r e s t r a i n t t h e linkage c e n t e r of rotation a n d m a y g e n e r a t e addi-

for the bellows inside. Friction between the braid

and the bellows can be minimized by applying solid-
film dry lubricant to the outer surface of the bellows
and the inner (or all) surfaces of the braid. Care
must be exercised in the selection of the dry lubri-
External Gimbal Ring Internal Chain-Link cant to ensure compatibility with the end-use fluids.
Flex hoses are acceptable for use in both high and
low temperature and pressure extremes.
Slide joint. A slide joint is a variation of a bel-
lows with an internal flow sleeve except that the bel-
lows is isolated from the flow media and undergoes
an external pressure differential. Flow loss with this
Internal Gimbal Ring
design is negligible; and since bellows pressure is ex-
Internal Tri-Pod Ball & Socket
ternal, this type of joint is far less susceptible to
squirming. It can absorb axial deflection, shear, and
Outer - Sl~r,ng Bod Bea r, rx3
Bering i.~ce
bending forces and can be designed to accommo-
date angular deflections.
M o l i n g ~ Bell

Basic Types

Bellows have been used successfully in vehicle and

External Hinge
External Ball & Socket rocket-engine ducting in a wide range of sizes under a
variety of operating conditions. However, success
depends on careful design, as bellows generally op-
erate in the plastic range of the bellows material.
This condition is necessary so that the wall thickness
can be reduced sufficiently to produce acceptable
end-restraint reaction loads with the bellows in a de-
flected position and to reduce weight.
PA2 = PA~
The pressure-separating load on a bellows in a
Internal Ball and Socket PVC; Concentric Bellows
duct system is developed, as if the bellows were a
ATosphenc Vent ~,~
pressure vessel with end caps, by the duct pressure
reacting against a projected area across the duct bore
(e.g., an elbow, an injector face, or any other reaction
point in the system). Bellows have low spring rates
and thus cannot withstand very-high-pressure separat-
ing loads without changing length. Therefore, re-
Braided Wire Sheath PVC; Axial and Exlemally
Pressurized Bellows straint mechanisms to prevent this change must be
used to enable the bellows to perform its function in
a duct assembly.
Formed, straight sidewall bellows predominantly
see use in aerospace ducting. Welded-disk bellows,
the other major type, are not used in any aerospace
\ BellOWSThrust
CompensatingLin~aoe There are four basic types of bellows manufac-
PVC; Exlemal Tle Rods PVC; C:oncentric and Externally tured: formed, welded, machined, and deposited--
Pressurized Bellows
the formed being by far the most predominant.
Fig. 9-28 Bellows restraint-linkage configura- Table 9-10 describes typical applications of each
tions. type. Convolution shapes are m a n y and varied.

tional loads on the bellows that must be accounted Table 9-10 Typical applications for beIlows.
for in the joint design.
Ball Joints. This type of joint design provides Formed Welded Mlg~n~l Deposited
a gimbal-type restraint and motion while applying a . . . .
Loadingele~enl for rotarylace seals Senso~ be,ows Instrumentationsystems
uniform circumferential load in the mating assembly.
Positiveexpulsionlank Surgesupp'essorsin fluid fk)w Sene-actualorbalanong
The bellows in this design is enveloped with a spher- Uad~s systems belews

ical inner and outer race separated by ball bearings. Valve seals Posil~ expulsim lankbladders eear~ Weoad spr~s

The bellows can receive excellent external protection Innen:om~

retained ~ail01ehose
Valve seals Check valve seal and spring

by the external-restraint assembly.

Pressure sensingelements Accumulators
Braided-wire sheath. A braided flexible lot regulatorcontrods

h o s e - - a n inexpensive method for a tension tie re- Flexible dine shall couplings Aneroidsystems

straint---can accommodate both angular and shear Vo~mecompensatorsin hermetically

sealed instrumentssuchas gyrosand
deflections, and the braid acts as a vibration damper accelerometers

Convolution Resislance Convolution

Axial Long Stroke to Diff.
Shape Crown
., . Spring Rate Capability Pressure Hollow
Formed R/dot Ring
Semitoroidal Very high Very poor Very good
• , .,
U-shaped Medium Fair Fair
U-shaped, ext. ring
support High Fair Very good
U-shaped, int. ring
support High Fair Very good
U-shaped, ext. T-ring
support High Fair Very good
a) Hollow Root Ring b) Deflection Limiting Root Rings
S-shaped ~_~ Medium Fair Fair
. . .
S-shaped, ext. ring
support High Fair Very good
Fig. 9-31 D e f l e c t i o n - l i m i t i n g root rings.
ToroidP.I, ext. pressure Very high Poor Excellent

Toroidal, int. pressure Veryhigh Poor Excellent

. . . . . .
of the Atlas vehicle (Ref. 9-28). When using very-thin-
Flat ~~y~ Medium Fair Good gauge material, on the order of 0.005 to 0.010 in., it
~ J ~ ...... ._
Stepped Low Good Fair
offers low deflection forces but is highly susceptible
. . . . to damage.
Single sweep f ~ ~ Medium Good Good Welded-disc bellows. In rocket engines,
. . .,
welded disc bellows have been limited to rotary-face-
Nested ripple ~J~ Very low Excellent Poor
seal applications as a low-axial-travel loading ele-
Deposited . . . . . . .
ment. This mechanical face-type seal incorporates a
U-shapecl (can be varied) Low Good Fair
_ . welded metallic bellows in place of the more com-
monly used spring and elastomeric packing. The bel-
High Fair Excellent lows can be made from any weldable material and
usually has low spring-rate, negligible hysteresis, and
Fig. 9-29 Major b e l l o w s c o n v o l u t i o n s a n d char- great compactness. It can be designed for pressure
acteristics. systems up to 2000 psig and temperature extremes
ranging from -425 to 1500"F. The major disadvantage
of welded disc bellows is that by nature of fabrication
Omega each ID and OD weld has a built-in notch that is sus-
/ ceptible to premature failure unless kept to low mag-
nitudes of stress. These welds have lineal length 30 to
JJ (',p~ 40 times that of a bellows made from a tube with a
single butt weld. At present, no nondestructive
methods can examine and verify the integrity of the
ID and OD welds.
Formed bellows. Extensively used in aerospace
systems, convoluted bellows serve both high- and
low-pressure liquid and gas systems at high- and low-
temperature extremes. They maintain positive seal-
~'~) Gimbal Ring
ing characteristics and can be designed to deflect ax-
a) Untied Omega or b) Thin-Walled Omega-Type ially, angularly, or laterally. They can be made from
Toroidal Joint Gimbal Joint
most available materials and in unlimited sizes and
Fig. 9-30 Typical o m e g a joints. wall thicknesses. The bellows can be either single- or
multiple-ply depending on the application. This type
of bellows may be restrained internally or externally,
or may be of the free type.
Figure 9-29 shows the major shapes and methods of Root rings. When design pressures are high, it
fabrication, and gives a brief description of charac- may be impractical to design the root of the convo-
teristics. lution to resist the effects of pressure. Thicker bel-
Omega joints. Omega or toroidal joints are not lows walls, required to resist high pressure, produce
used extensively in aerospace ducting systems be- higher spring rates and attendant lower fatigue life
cause of the difficulty in incorporating some means when exposed to repeated flexings. In such cases,
of selfrestraint against the unbalanced pressure force. root rings (Fig. 9-31) are sometimes used to assist in
Figure 9-30a depicts an untied omega joint; the pres- carrying the pressure load.
sure force must be restrained by the mounting struc- The root ring must have sufficient area to carry
ture. It has the attractive characteristic of hoop stress the hoop tension loads and, if hollow, must also re-
being a function of the omega cross-sectional and sist the bending loads applied to the ring wall by
not its full diameter (Ref. 9-27). pressure. The deflection-limiting root rings (Fig. 9-
The joint shown in Fig. 9-30b is used on the rela- 31b) are sometimes used in aerospace ground facili-
tively low pressure (<400 psi) propellant-feed systems ties. They permit thin-wall bellows and, thereby, low

Table 9-11 Bellows design reference stresses. These pressures produce both hoop stresses in
the bellows and stresses that tend to bulge the convo-
Max. Bending lution sidewalls. The bellows must be stable and re-
Max. Stress (psi) sist column buckling under the proof-pressure appli-
Sheet Bulging .J cation.
Material Thick. Stress 1,000 10,000 The calculated operational stresses are very high,
(in.) (psi) Cycle Cycle exceeding the yield strengths of the materials, but in
Life Life reality are only index stresses and must be treated as
such. Table 9-11 gives the limiting bulging stresses
321 & 347 CRES _<0.012 140,000 120,000 74,000 and allowable motion stresses (bending stresses) of
>0.012 120,000 frequently-used bellows materials. Cycles-life tests
apply full-stress reversals at a frequency of 30-60/min.
A286 <0.012 200,000 200,000 120,000 The following expression can be used to deter-
>0.012 160,000
mine additive bending stresses in the convolution
crowns and roots caused by simultaneous application
Alloy 718 <0.012 200,000
>0.012 160,000 210,000 135,000
of pressure and deflection, assuming the maximum
stress to be the one from only one of the effects:
Inconel 750 _<0.012 200,000
>0.012 160,000 165,000 105,000
Jb + JB 2
Hastelloy C-276 >0.012 150,000
<0.012 130,000 185,000 105,000 NJb,max/ BTm;x ~ 1

where Jr, = bending stress (motion stress) and J8 =

Incone1625 <0.012 120,000
>0.012 140,000 133,650 74,250 bulging stress.
The major problems with bellows in ducting on
Incone1903 <_0.012 200,000 190,000 125,000 large liquid-propellant rocket engines have been the
>0.012 160,000 following: fatigue failures (due to mechanical and
flow vibration and possibly contributed to by han-
dling abuse), buckling stability (internal and exter-
nal), corrosion, manufacturing difficulties, handling
deflection forces, and prevent overdeflection by use damage, and, less frequently, implosions in LOX, hy-
of the rings as excursion limiters. drogen, or high temperature service and bursting due
Machined b e l l o w s . Typically applied in in- to pressure surge.
strument systems and check valves and as null-bal-
ance springs in servo-mechanisms, this kind of bel-
lows can be machined from most materials, includ-
ing aluminum, and can be designed for use at high- Fatigue Life
and low-temperature extremes and high and low
pressures. Made in sizes ranging from 5/16 in. to 3 ft The end-point motions of a flexible-duct assembly
in diam, it can be used with an internal or external impose the largest deflections on the bellows joints
gimbal. Fatigue life will usually be high due to the within the duct. These motions, like the anticipated
absence of forming stresses and the low spring rates duty cycle, can be predicted in the design phase.
achieved through deep convolution machining. Wall With the use of this information and the S-N
thickness can be varied in given areas to suit design (alternating stress vs. number of cycles) properties
requirements. for the particular materials involved, the bellows then
Deposited b e l l o w s . This type of bellows usu- can be designed for an adequate low-cycle fatigue life
ally serves the need for extremely-low spring rates. while operating under very high stresses. Since
Wall thicknesses of deposited bellows can be as low aerospace design emphasizes light weight, thin walls
as 0.0003 in. They are used mainly for instrument characterize bellows. They reduce the weight of the
systems. bellows itself and also reduce spring rates, so that the
Rigidized tubing. This type of "bellows"--what reaction loads on attaching members stay low and
might by termed a partially formed bellows--typ- thus keep weight to a minimum. This thin-wall feature
cially stiffens a spool piece that separates a double- dictates that the bellows operate under stresses near
bellows joint; and it can be used in a rigid-tube as- or in the plastic range; i.e., in the low-cycle range
sembly to accommodate slight misalignment. It has affecting fatigue life.
been used with great success in thin-walled double- Other motions imparted to the bellows come
bellows assemblies where the line assembly is sub- from vibrations induced mechanically or by the fluid
jected to handling damage. flow. The bellows must be designed so that stresses
stay below the endurance limit of the material (i.e.,
Pressure Capability no reduction in fatigue life caused by vibration).
Methods for predicting flow-induced vibration
A bellows must withstand several kinds of operational inputsmas presented in Ref. 9-29 through 9-36--en-
pressure: normal operating, surge, proof [(normal able the designer to develop a bellows completely
operating pressure + surge pressure) times safety free from vibration or at least free from unacceptable
factor], and burst (proof pressure times safety factor) levels of vibration.
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 333

Vibration susceptibility. Structural integrity cause fatigue failures associated with the individual
must be maintained during and after the operational convolution vibration-mode. The essential dynamic
periods, when many types of dynamic loads may be fact concerns the response characteristics for the in-
applied to a bellows. The types of loads include dividual convolution mode being the consequence of
those generated by the enclosed fluids (e.g., pressure a coupling of the structural dynamics of the convolu-
surging such as Pogo, water hammer, pump oscil- tions and the dynamics of the fluid within the convo-
lations, and flow-induced vibration) and those lutions. The excitation due to fluid flow within the
imposed by mechanical environments (e.g., sinu- flexible line can excite a band of response frequen-
soidal vibration, random vibration, shock, noise, and cies having the boundaries of the excitation frequen-
steady-state acceleration). cies proportional to velocity. The low-frequency ex-
Bellows experience three primary modes of vi- citations generally are associated with vortex shed-
bration (Fig. 9-32): the axial or accordion mode, the ding within the turbulent boundary layer. The high-
lateral mode, and the mode in which the individual frequency (and potentially much stronger) excitation
convolutions rotate back and forth at the inner di- is associated with a convection frequency in the tur-
ameter while pivoting about the outer diameter. The bulent boundary layer. The convection frequency is
individual convolution mode (Fig. 9-32c) is especially defined as the characteristic frequency associated
noticeable in flow-induced vibration of braided with the fluid velocity past equally-spaced wall irregu-
hoses, where the convolution outer diameter is re- larities (the convolutions).
strained by the braid friction and thus provides a Acoustic loading can increase the number of de-
fixed pivot point for the convolution being excited grees of freedom of a bellows system by coupling the
by flow forces. bellows to the acoustic modes. That can propagate
For a given bellows design, the frequencies of very significant pressure fluctuations throughout the
these modes can be predicted with reasonable accu- fluid system. These acoustic resonances, in addition
racy. The difficult problems concern determining to producing noise, significantly increase the flow-in-
the frequencies and amplitudes of flow or mechani- duced stress levels, apparently owing to the acoustics
cal vibratory forces that may excite these modes and resonance flow and pressure fluctuations coupling
the possible response characteristics of the bellows with the vortex-shedding process to produce a force
to these forces. amplification (see Ref. 9-31 and 9-35).
F l o w - i n d u c e d v i b r a t i o n . Flow-induced vibra- If a resonance can exist, the analysis provides a
tion of flexible-line bellows, with resultant fatigue technique for estimating the energy levels associated
failure, frequently plagues lines containing fluids flow- with the resonance; and the energy available can
ing at high velocity. In bellows, an internal flow liner then be translated to a stress level in the part. When
has always resolved the problem by preventing im- the expected stress level is known, a quantitative eval-
pingement of the flow stream on the convolutions. uation then can be made to determine if the stress
However, the installation of the liner usually presents level exceeds the alternating stress that the part can
complications in design and fabrication and makes withstand without high-cycle fatigue failure.
the bellows more difficult to clean. The liners them- The detailed analytical methods for determining
selves have sometimes failed, apparently as a result flow-induced vibration excitation and response dy-
of vibration. Flow liners appear to be the best solu- namics are presented in Ref. 9-29 and 9-36. The ana-
tion to flow-induced vibration, particularly if incor- lytical methods allow determining, with a high confi-
porated early in the design, to avoid "quick fixes" or dence level, the flow-induced vibration susceptibility
"add-ons" that are more difficult to integrate once of a given flexible-line design for a given set of oper-
the duct configuration has been established. ating conditions while still in the design phase. These
Flow-induced-vibration analysis determines the techniques thus eliminate the need for expensive cut-
dynamic response and fluid excitation required to and-try flow testing of prototype hardware.
Mechanically-induced vibration. The vibra-
tion-response characteristics for a given mechanical
excitation input can be calculated just as for flow-in-
duced vibration. It is relatively simple to predict
,,,._I._ExlensiOn ,_
flow-induced-excitation inputs, but extremely difficult
,. t , --1 , to predict the mechanical-excitation amplitudes and
frequencies of the components or system in which
• i • the bellows will be installed.
• I Double-bellows spoolpiece arrangements (Fig. 9-
"" L-"...... 27c) with an undamped or unsupported span show
l../ vulnerability to vibration of the long unsupported
a) Axial or Accordion b) Lateral mass from both flow-induced and mechanical excita-
tion. The initial design of the discharge duct on the
pump for a particular engine incorporated this con-
figuration; and fatigue cracks attributed to vibration
occurred in its bellows. The condition was intensi-
In-Phase Out of Phase fied by stress raisers in the form of wrinkles found on
c) Individual Convolution the inside radius of the convolutions. These wrinkles
Fig. 9 - 3 2 Three primary modes o f b e l l o w s vi- were attributed to an overly small ratio of bellows
bration. convolution radius to thickness.

Table 9-12 Effect of p a r a m e t e r adjustment on bellows performance.

To Increase/DecreaseParameter
Parameter , , ,

Increase Decrease

Thickness of ply Increased bending stress. Decreased bulging and hoop

No. of plies stress.

Spring rate Convolution height Increasedbendingstress, Decreasedhoopstress.

No. of convolulions

Elastic modulus (other Changes in other material properties. Increased bending

material) stress.
Buckling stability Spring rate Uve length Increased bending stress.
. . . . . . ,. .

Bending stress Decreased spring rate and buckling stability

Bulging stress
Fatigue life
Material fatigue resistance Changes in other material properties
(other material)

Uve length No. of plies Decreased spring rate, buckling stability, and bending
Thickness stress. Increased hoop stress and bulging stress.
Axial deflection capacity
No. of convolulJons Increased spring rate, buckling stablity, bending stress,
and hoop stress.

Axial deflection capability Increased spring rate, buckling stability, bending stress,
Angular deflection capacity and hoop stress.
and offset deflection capability
Mean diameter Decreased spring rate, buckling stability, and hoop

No. of convolu- Decreased spring rate, buckling stability, and hoop

tions, convolution height stress, increased bulging stress.

Thickness Decreased spring rate and buckling stability. Increased

bulging stress and hoop stress.
Bending stress No. of plies
Thickness(without Increased bulging stress. Decreased spring rate, and
changingtotal buckling stability (no hoop stress change).

Elastic modulus Changes in other material properties. Decreased spring

(other material) rate and buckling stability.
,.. • ,

Convolution height Increased bending stress. Hoop stress and spring rate.

Thicknessof ply Increased bending stress and spring rate. Decreased

hoop stress.
Bulging stress
No. of plies Increased spring rate. Decreased hoop stress.

Thickness (without No. of plies Increased bending stress and spring rate (no hoop
changing total thickness) stress change). Decreased bulging stress.

Convolution height Decreased bending stress, spring rate, and buckling

No. of convolutions stability. Increased bulging stress.

Hoop stress Thickness of ply Increased bending stress and spring rate. Decreased
bulging stress.

No of plies Increased spring rate...Decreased bulqinq stress

I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 335

Design o f Bellows for Flexible Ducts costs. The detailed methods and examples for calcu-
lating spring rate, pressure-separating loads, friction
There are many acceptable approaches to the design forces, stress analysis, fatigue life, damage analysis,
of bellows, and the majority of them can reasonably buckling instability, and vibration susceptibility go
predict characteristics, the most significant being the beyond the scope of this presentation. Publications
spring rate and the ability to perform for a given dealing with these subjects can be found in the litera-
number of cycles, or "life." Many other factors must ture (e.g., Ref. 9-37 and 9-38.)
be taken into account as stated before, such as sus-
ceptibility to flow-induced vibration and fabricability Bellows Restraint
Spring rates for multiple bellows prove particu- M e c h a n i c a l linkages. The most commonly
larly difficult to predict due to friction forces between used restraint employs the gimbal-ring joint (or uni-
plies and effects of forming techniques on the actual versal). Other concepts include the hinged joint, ball
convolution shapes. Convoluted bellows can be joint, and braided sheath. Referring back to the
made from most available materials and in an al- opening section, Table 9-9 describes a broad spec-
most unlimited number of sizes and wall thicknessess. trum of design.
The bellows can be of single or multiple ply depend- The gimbal ring joint, the "workhorse" of bellows
ing on application. To adequately design a bellows restraints, can be designed to withstand extremely
for a particular application requires knowledge of high pressures and temperatures, allows angular de-
some basic elements: operating pressures, tempera- flection in all planes, and will withstand torsional
tures, flow rates, deflections, operating fluids (and loads. Stops to prevent excessive bellows angulation
characteristics), and a reasonable idea of the number are readily adaptable to this design. The load-carry-
of "safe" cycles required. The envelope limitations ing pivot pins may be designed for either single- or
must be defined. One of the most significant prob- double-shear support, the choice depending on the
lems will be simply identifying the governing param- separating load. The same comments apply to the
eters. Generally speaking, envelope will be a major hinged joint, which provides angulation in one plane
concern, with the available length in a pipe and the only.
adjacent structures dictating maximum envelope. A subtlew of gimballed bellows, sometimes over-
Since ideally it will not add to the overall constraints looked even by experienced duct designers, is the
of the engine design, the bellows will be small and fact that a gimbal (or universal) joint, when deflected
light, and generate low reacting loads--in most de- about both of its axes simultaneously, produces a tor-
signs. Table 9-12 offers guidance on various effects sional deflection. Motion is not transmitted with a
bellows geometry may have on aspects of reacting constant angular-velocity ratio unless the intersection
loads, life, and envelope. of driving and driven components lies in a homoki-
Structural fatigue due to cyclic stressing--the netic plane. Gimbal-ring linkages do not have this
most common mode of failure for metal-bellows ex- type of geometry, and therefore induce a torsional
pansion joints used in ducting--usually takes the deflection. The normal rigidity of gimballed bellows
form of circumferential cracks in the roots or crowns in torsion produces high torsional stresses.
of the convolutions with consequent leakage of the One of the most popular and inexpensive meth-
contained fluid. Most bellows will have relatively ods for an external, tension tie restraint--the use of a
short fatigue life because they are designed to braided-wire sheath, as in the case of a flexible
operate in the plastic stress range to minimize spring h o s e - - c a n absorb both angular and shear deflec-
rates and attendant reaction loads on connecting tions, and acts as a vibration damper for the bellows
ducts and structure. This is specially true in missile inside. The braid restricts angular deflection under
and space vehicle applications where weight is at a high pressure by off-center pivoting, which increases
premium. Low-cycle fatigue life, primarily a function bending moments.
of b e n d i n g stress in the convolutions, will be Friction between the braid and bellows can be
relatively independent of steady-state stresses, such as minimized by an adapter, which provides clearance
bulging stress in side wall of convolution and hoop at the end convolutions, and by the application of
stresses due to internal pressure. Thus, the expected solid, dry-film lubricant on the outer surface of the
life of a new design can be approximated before bellows and inner surface of the braid. Excessive
fabricating and testing the part. friction and possible eventual galling of the journal-
The envelope decided (life length and inside di- type pin bearings on the linkages present a problem
ameter), other parameters will have to be manipu- that also can be alleviated with solid, dry-film lubri-
lated to conform to the desired requirements: (as a cants. LOX-compatible lubricants should be used be-
minimum) performance of the bellows and deflec- tween bellows plies and on the bearings of restraint
tions to be absorbed (axial, angular, or offset). linkages in LOX systems. Data on LOX compatibility
Considerations of weight and life will often dictate of lubricants aid a selection. If data are not available,
the material to be used, and cost and producibility of as on a new product, LOX impact tests are per-
the bellows will also be factored out on the final de- formed.
sign. In general, multiply bellows made of thick ma- Once a gimbal-ring type of bellows restraint has
terial will tax most forming equipment and methods. been selected, the question of internal vs. external
Reasonable lengths will prevent special material-join- mounting (Fig. 9-28) must be resolved. In general,
ing techniques, which at best will add unpredictable the design will have the option of an internal or ex-
discontinuities and increased nondestructive-testing ternal gimbal after design tradeoffs have been made

on the particular application. Each type has advan- The SSME flexible joints incorporate internal tri-
tages and disadvantages. The internal gimbal will be pod and external gimbal-ring linkages. The internal
more difficult to clean, because all of the mecha- type (Fig. 9-34) serves the low-pressure pump-dis-
nisms come in contact with the flowing fluid and charge ducts, where the pressure loss can be tolerated
therefore require cleaning. Both gimbals can be and the overall joint envelope must be kept as small
"sleeved" to reduce flow losses; but the conventional as possible. The external type (Fig. 9-35) serves
internal gimbal ring design has a higher flow-loss co- small-diameter (2.0-2.7-in.), high-pressure ducts,
efficient than the external-ring, sleeved-bellows de- where the pressure losses associated with internal ties
sign. are not acceptable. The extremely high pressures
If the diameter of an internal gimbal ring at least and gimbal angles (up to _+13.5°) of the externally
equals the duct ID, a larger-diameter bellows must tied joints required the use of bellows' live lengths
encompass the linkage. The larger bellows causes a that were unstable in column buckling. This difficulty
greater separating load and consequently an increase necessitated the development of a novel linkage that
in linkage weight to carry it. A comparison of the provided lateral support at the midspan of the bel-
weights of internal and external gimbal designs for a lows' live length and thereby eliminated a potential
given diameter and pressure cannot be generalized, buckling instability. The geometry of the design in
but rather must be evaluated for each individual de- Fig. 9-35 ensures that the angular deflection of the
sign case. joint assembly will be distributed equally between the
The internal chain-tie-link joint, an economical two bellows.
version of the gimbal joint for small or medium The bending-moment loads required to angulate
pressure-separating loads, weighs less than the equiv- flexible-joint assemblies can be a significant factor in
alent gimbal, but has the disadvantage of high-flow- the design of a duct assembly and the load reactions
loss factors due to the frontal area's restriction to at the installation and attach points of the duct. A
flow. Although not suitable for use in systems with gimballing duct, for example, can add a considerable
high-velocity fluids, this joint has frequently been force requirement to the actuators that apply the
used in the low-pressure, turbine-gas-duct systems of moments to gimbal an engine.
rocket engines. Link joints also have low torsional Thrust-compensating linkages. The use of a
strength. thrust-compensating bellows to offset the thrust of a
The chain-link joint (Fig. 9-33) does not have a primary bellows in a duct system (Fig. 9-36 and 9-37)
fixed pivot point of the linkage. That peculiarity de- can be considered as a form of pressure-separating,
pends on the plane in which the joint is angulated.
Since the angular deflection is evenly distributed
over the live length of the bellows only when that
length is centered about the pivot point, this change
in pivot-point location with plane of angulation will
reduce fatigue life.

With bellows restraints, both gimbal and hinge
types, the bellows pressure-separating load often
produces reaction in highly localized areas of the
duct. Loads concentrated in a point on a member
will span the cross section of the member, as de-
scribed by a 30-45-deg half-angle. When the joint ad-
joins a flange, the duct will not have the length to al-
low the concentrated loads to redistribute circumfer-
entially into the walls of the duct. Consequently, lo-
calized loads applied to the bolted flange can over-
load the bolts in the load area or cause deflection in
the flange, possibly allowing static leakage of the Fig, 9-34 Internally-tied tripod flex joint used on
joint. discharge duct of SSME low-pressure pump.

/ Weld

Chain Link

Web (4)

Fig. 9-33 Chain-link restraint joint with inter- Fig. 9-35 Externally-tied gimbal-ring flex joint
hal tie. used o n SSME high-pressure lines.
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 337

load-restraint mechanism (i.e., a thrust-compensating internally-tied, angulating type and complete the util-
linkage). This type of bellows assembly allows axial ity of the duct assembly. This externally pressurized
deflection in the same manner as an unrestrained configuration permits the use of axial bellows with
bellows. lower spring rate than can be used with pressure ap-
The term "pressure volume compensating" (PVC) plied internally to bellows, because a given bellows
duct has come into use in describing this type of design will have higher critical buckling pressure with
joint. This terminology is misleading, since the duct external pressure than with internal.
makes no pressure compensation. A more nearly Compression system. A compression system
correct description is "thrust compensating," because has free bellows, without tension tie linkages, that ab-
it is the axial thrust caused by the pressure separating sorb the operational deflections in a duct system.
force that is balanced by the compensating bellows. The pressure-separating and spring-rate forces of the
It is axiomatic that, in order to compensate for thrust, bellows then must be reacted by the mating attach-
the volume must also be compensated; so this ment of the engine or airframe; this reaction places
portion of the PVC description is correct. The the ducting in compression.
compensating joint chiefly serves to retain a tension- In ducting systems with compression-restrained
type system in limited space where axial travel bellows (e.g., low-pressure systems), the engine or ve-
cannot be absorbed by angulation. By proper selec- hicle-support structure can be overloaded with mo-
tion of the cross-sectional area of the balance bel- ments (in bellows, shear deflections) caused by ec-
lows, the thrust force may be undercompensated, centric pressure-separating loads from the bellows.
fully compensated, or overcompensated, so that a This problem can be minimized by aligning the
compressive, balancing, or tensile load gets imposed thrust vector of the bellows with the reaction points
on the installation restraints. of the attaching structure. If the operational deflec-
The large (+ 50%) volumetric changes incurred tions of the bellows are predictable and repeatable,
in straight-run gimballing ducts correspondingly in- the bellows can be installed in an opposite deflection
cur pressure perturbations that could be detrimental position so that it moves toward a neutral (and lower-
to engine operation. The thrust-compensating design stress) position while in operation. Fig. 9-39 shows
eliminates these pressure variations. This design this type of installation.
concept was used in all ducts to the pump inlets of
the five F-1 engines of the Saturn S-IC vehicle. As the Bellows-to-duct Attachment
engines respond to thrust-vector control, these ducts
must deliver an axial stroke of as much as +50% of The present practice of joining bellows made of thin,
the live length of the compensator bellows. Without sometimes laminated, and often dissimilar materials
the PVC feature, the volume change of the system to adjacent, more-massive parts requires careful
could cause corresponding pressure pulses and vari- manufacturing techniques. Weld fixturing for proper
able loading on the pump inlets. Consistent engine fitup, use of chill blocks, and automatic welding where
performance depends on uniform supply of propel- possible must all be carefully planned, designed, and
lants to the pumps. The PVC design maintains a
constant system volume under all engine-gimballing
The thrust-compensating design shown in Fig. 9- Concentric Bellows \

38 has axial bellows of the same cross-sectional area, Axial Tension Rods '~ / Main Bellows
Alternately Located r~ ~ R n ~ . ¢ (ryp.)
with operating pressure applied to the outside sur- Around Circumference~~ , ~ " U U U U m~__ ~ur~~ .u_r ~ u n -_L.~. . .
faces of both. The internal volume of the bellows
second from the left in the figure is vented to atmo-
sphere. The outer shell over both center bellows acts
as the linkage that restrains the forces separating the
two. The joints on either end of the duct are of the
-- AreaA2 = 2 x area A1

Fig. 9-37 Internal pressure on thrust-compen-

sating linkage of F-I pump-inlet line.

Atmospheric Vent Joint
• .,. (Typ.) \

Axial Travel Bellows'

Bellows (Typ.)

Fig. 9-36 Thrust-compensating Hnkage employ- Fig. 9-38 External pressure on thrust-compen-
ing thrust-compensating bellows (PVC joint). sating linkage.

applied. Electron- or laser-beam welding and diffu- welds also lack a conclusive nondestructive-test
sion bonding offer advantages for joining dissimilar method for proving adequacy. Radiography can be
metals and widely different wall thicknesses in addi- used, but the film is difficult to interpret because of
tion to minimizing the effect on heat-treat properties the built-in cracks adjacent to each side of the weld
because of confined heat input. Heat-treatable alloy nugget.
bellows can be welded to non-heat-treatable alloy Fusion butt-welds (burndown) welds are prefer-
ducts without disturbing the heat-treat condition in able to resistance welds, but require very accurate jig-
the bellows material. This attachment can be made ging and tooling to align the butting edges. Butt
by welding a transition section of the duct alloy to welds can be inspected radiographically, and they
the bellows before heat treating so that the final weld are structurally superior to resistance welds, since the
to the duct involves identical alloys. weld is loaded in tension, not in shear, as in the resis-
The welded junctions of bellows to ducts (usually tance type.
thicker walled than the bellows) can cause high dis- Joining bellows to ducting sometimes unavoid-
continuity stresses. Butt-welded connections, which ably must employ induction brazing, a useful method
are as thick as the bellows wall at the weld and gradu- when the joint otherwise proves inaccessible.
ally taper to the tube thickness, appreciably reduce
stresses resulting from thermal shock. This type of Flow Liners
welded connection also reduces discontinuity stresses
resulting from radial pressure. The cobra-head hood Internal liners (sleeves) for bellows solve the prob-
(Fig. 9-40a) of the H-1 turbine exhaust demonstrated lem of fatigue failure brought about by flow-induced
fatigue failure in a weld joint from thermal cycling vibration. Liners also can reduce the pressure loss of
with mechanical vibration superposed. Fatigue cracks a bellows joint. They have been used as structural
and eventual leakage repeatedly occurred in its sand- members supporting tube coils in the engine heat-
wich-joint design (Fig. 9-40b). Thermal and stress exchangers. The liners themselves are not without
analyses of the design indicated that high cyclic problems, however. Liners must be designed such
thermal stresses at engine start and cutoff, due to the that, with the bellows at the maximum limits of excur-
large temperature gradient across the laminated
structure, were causing the failures. The butt-welded
forged Y-ring design (Fig. 9-40c), in which lamina- Area O! Attachment Sandwich Requires
tions of material in a high-heat-flux region are elimi- Close Fitup
nated (to reduce the thermal gradient) and all welds
Class II Weld
are Class I, proved to be the design solution, as
demonstrated by successful test evaluation.
Resistance seam welding, although the least ex- Exhaust Gas Flow Thermal Cycling Affects
pensive and quickest way to join thin-wall bellows to This Area
a) Overall View of Bellows-to-Duct b) Detail of Sandwich Joint Design Subject
thin-wall ducts (<0.090-in. wall), does present some Configuration to Thermal Fatigue
problems. During the circumferential seam-welding
operation, the clearance between the mating parts is
gathered into a single large gap as the roller elec-
.7 ~ i - J'~F.....~Forged Y-Ring All
trodes approach the 360-deg closeoff point (Fig. 9- Class I Welds
41). Too large a gap will prevent the electrodes from c) Detail of Butt-Welded Forged Y-Ring
forcing the two parts together for an adequate weld. Design Not Subject to Fatigue

Close fitup (i.e., careful sizing of the parts to be

Fig. 9-40 Design change to preclude fatigue
joined) and intermittent resistance spot welding
failure of bellows-to-duct attachments on H-1
around the circumference of overlapping parts be- turbine exhaust.
fore welding constitute a fundamental requirement
for a structurally acceptable joint. Lap resistance
Electrode (typ)
Pump Trunnion

~ I ~ Bellows Centerline

i /~'~-"~ ~/ / Duct Lengthens

Thrust nce
Chamb~ / Seam Weld
A • '--- Duct Wall

Bellows View A - A
_. I - Manifold
Poor Fitup
Thrust Chamber Manifold Expands
a) Circumferential Gathering b) Cross-Sectional View
a) Installation Bias Prior to Firing b) Condition During Firing
of Seam Weld of Seam Weld Joint
Fig. 9-39 Installation o f c o m p r e s s i o n beBows to Fig. 9-41 Fitup p r o b l e m with resistance seam
m i n i m i z e loading o n support structure. welding of thin-wall ducts.
I N T E R C O N N E C T I N G C O M P O N E N T S AND M O U N T S 339

%0',%'°L%C'eTnce L ~ ~ ~ b l e Hose Sections


/ Scalloped Edge
' "L'~." ~ ' ~ /
b) Short Conical Liner ' -- Gimbal
Flow Axes


c) Half Liners
/~ Thrust Chamber

a) Full Cantilevered Liners

Fig. 9-42 Typical flow-finer configurations.

sion, they will not bottom out or bind on the bellows Fig. 9-43 Gimbal-plane wraparound hose con-
or ducting; and they also should be designed with figuration.
drain holes located as near as possible to the weld at-
tachment to allow the removal of cleaning fluids and
contaminants. Figure 9-42 shows typical flow-liner
configurations. Routing
Liners in which cracks appeared in the trailing
edge and in the weld joint have exhibited fatigue fail- The same practices for routing ducts or lines gener-
ure attributed to vibration modes of the cantilevered ally apply to assemblies of braided flexible hose, ex-
end of the sleeve. Increasing the wall thickness, cept that all systems are of the tension type. The de-
which increased the rigidity of the liner, solved this signer wants a minimum number of flexible sections
problem. in an assembly, and positions them to achieve the
Liners have collapsed from pressure on the outer maximum line motion possible with minimum mo-
diameter exceeding that on the inner diameter. tion of the flexible section.
Collapse was attributed to sudden changes in flowrate Figure 9-43 shows a typical configuration for flex-
that cause a differential static pressure across the ible-hose assembly that displays sound design prac-
liner wall. Since liner usually has a diameter smaller tice. The assembly is for a rocket engine with a
than t h e attaching duct's, the liner section behaves thrust-chamber head-mounted gimbal used for thrust
like a venturi, and rapid changes in flowrate cause vector control. The entire wraparound lies in the
static-pressure changes in the liner section. If the gimbal plane. For two of the three flexible sections,
static pressures on either side of the liner do not sta- the longitudinal centerlines lie in the gimbal plane.
bilize quickly, a momentary differential can be in- The center of the live length of each of these two
duced on the liner wall and cause collapse. Vent flexible sections is located on each of the gimbal
holes in the liner can relieve some of this pressure axes. A third flexible section is located in the verti-
differential, or the liner can be strengthened to with- cal leg to provide universal motion of one end of the
stand the applied load. line with respect to the other. When the gimbal mo-
tion is fixed and limited to two planes normal to
9.6 FLEXIBLE HOSE e a c h other (including corner angle), the third
(vertical) hose may be omitted, with consequent sav-
The industrial experience in braided flexible hose ings of weight and reduction of envelope. This
provided a starting point for advancing the technol- method of locating the flexible sections limits their
ogy to the state required for space-vehicle applica- motions to the gimbal angle only, thereby minimiz-
tions. However, as in the case of bellows joints, pres- ing bending stresses and attendant fatigue.
sure ratings in the sizes needed were unheard ofmfor Hoses not inherently stiff enough to resist mo-
example, the procurement of commercial braided tions imparted by mechanical vibration or undesir-
metal hose of 3.0- and 3.5-in. diam made of 321 CRES able displacements due to acceleration loads can be
for 750-psi operational pressure in the original Atlas- given clamps and support brackets, strategically lo-
booster engine design. This pressure level greatly cated, as dampers.
exceeds the commercial rating and left little or no Other configurations have been used for crossing
margin of safety. These hoses, however, were used for the gimbal plane when lack of available installation
initial engine tests, and pressure ratings eventually space prevented the wraparound approach. The en-
were increased by modifying the design to meet gine-to-vehicle interface flex lines of the J-2 engine
aerospace requirements. Thousands of hoses in this are a case in point. These lines were arranged in L-
size have now been used for both cryogenic-oxidizer s h a p e d routing configurations with a section of
and hydrocarbon-fuel applications in rocket engines. braided flexible hose in each leg of the L shape.

A considerable amount of test data has been ac- Latching Sleeve..--~ /-- Latching Balls
cumulated on the flow losses through flexible metal Latching N o t c h ~ ~ / ~ Interface Seal (O-Ring)

hoses (Ref. 9-39 through 9-41) and used in the design

phase of a new application. The pressure drop in a
convoluted inner core is 10 to 15 times as much as
t . . . . ,qm
for a hard tube of comparable diameter. Bends in ~ •

flexible hose elements are avoided where possible. Vehicl d Half

The references show that, for comparable geometries,
the ratio of the pressure-loss factor for a convoluted a) Disconnected
elbow to straight convoluted section greatly exceeds
the ratio of pressure loss factor for plain tube elbow Sleeve R e t r a c l e d - ~ - ~ /---- Interface Seal Engaged
to straight tube. In addition to the pressure-drop dis- " ~ ; , , / ~ __ ~ Poppets Still Seated
advantages, the bent flexible configuration maintains
a steady-state deflection stress on the part in an in-
stalled position that can adversely influence fatigue

...... ~ Spillage Volume
b) Partially Connected (not latched)
Current practices in sizing flexible hose involve the
same general considerations used for sizing lines.
Analyses of pressure loss (Ref. 9-39 through 9-41) and B eared
--- . .
flow-induced vibration (Ref. 9-30 through 9-36) are
better methods for avoiding problems with either
As standard design practice, manufacturers of
flexible metal hose make the innercore ID greater
than the attaching tube's ID. This procedure intro- • - 21

duces expansion and contraction losses that must be c) Fully Connected (Latched)
traded off against hose pressure losses for an accept-
able total loss.
Fig. 9-44 T h r e e stages o f o p e r a t i o n o f a typical
Inner-core Behavior manually-operated disconnect.

Analysis of flexible-hose innercore for flow- and me-

chanically-induced vibration follows the attack for
bellows, with the exception that the braid restrains loading needed to gimbal the engine. Lubricants ap-
the convolutions to vibrate individually. Other con- plied to braid wires and the outer surfaces of the in-
siderations for flexible hoses, such as pressure capa- nercore reduce bending moments. Compressing the
bility and corrosion resistance, are similar to those innercore axially before installing the braid results in
for bellows. more convolutions per inch and a lower bending
Temperature extremes experienced by compo- stiffness at the expense of increased weight and mate-
nents in a rocket-engine system usually will exempt a rial cost. Innercore compression also improves the
nonmetal hose from consideration. Even if the hose ability of the hose to withstand pressure impulses.
qualifies otherwise to convey a particular fluid, prox- Buckling stability in the design of flexible hose
imity to hot or cold running components, placement does not draw the concern it does for bellows. The
in view of the exhaust plume, exposure to exhaust support that the braid provides for the innercore
blowback, a test stand fire, or exposure to cryogenic prevents buckling unless end attachments (on instal-
temperature could cause failure of a nonmetal hose. lation) prevent the braid from pulling taut when the
These adversities seldom pose problems with metal hose is pressurized.
hoses. Manually operated disconnects normally contain
The methods of stress analysis for bellows also a check or shutoff valve in each half; the valve is
apply to annularly-convoluted metal innercore, the forced open mechanically by the connecting opera-
predominant type of pressure-carrying m e m b e r in tion. Figure 9-44 illustrates this action. In some ap-
aerospace flexible hoses. However, it cannot be as- plications (e.g., purging from the ground) a pressure-
sumed that the total live length will be active in actuated valve may be used in the vehicle half.
bending. The "Chinese finger trick" effect of the Figure 9-44 shows the spillage volume in a typical
braid, which causes a compressive load on the inner- manually-operated disconnect design.
core OD, plus the bottoming out of the braid wires in
bending, do not permit a smooth arc (constant-ra- 9.7 GIMBAL-MOUNT ASSEMBLIES
dius) deflection of the innercore.
The m o m e n t required to bend a flexible hose Gimbals permit the engine to be angulated for thrust-
may affect adjacent components. For example, low- vector control of the vehicle. Most turbopump-fed
ering the bending moments of flexible hoses that engine systems (Fig. 3-2, 3-4, and 9-1) have gimbals
cross the engine gimbal plane reduces the actuator that are universal joints with provisions for mounting

Fig. 9-46 Typical cross-type gimbal mount de-

signed for medium-thrust engine.
Fig. 9-45 Typical ring-type gimbal mount de-
signed for low-thrust, upper-stage engine.

normally at the vehicle interface on one side and the

engine o n the other side. In addition to the angula-
tion function, the gimbal must transmit engine thrust
and all resulting loads to the vehicle. The angulation
is accomplished through the incorporation of bear-
ing surfaces within the gimbal. Common types of
gimbals are ring type, as shown in Fig. 9-45, cross
type, as shown in Fig. 9-46, and spherical type, as
shown in Fig. 9-47.

Design of Gimbal Mounts

The following primary design considerations affect

gimbal mounts:

1) Angulation. Pivotal movement will be re-

quired of engine assembly or thrust chamber for
thrust-vector control, generally ranging from t4 to
+12 deg.
- Fig. 9-47 Spherical-type gimbal bearing assem-
2) Thrust alignment. Design features must en- bly.
able lateral offset at the gimbal-engine interface for
thrust-vector alignment with respect to the engine 7 ) Maintenance of the gimbal. Some gimbals
centerline. Adjustment capability normally ranges require reapplication of a lubricant to the bearing
from 5 0.10 to 5 0.4 in. surfaces; others have antifriction bearings or bearing
3) Loads. As derived from engine thrust re- inserts that are maintenance-free. Gimbal boots may
quirements and engine configuration, side loads and be required to protect the bearing surfaces from dust,
moments must be transmitted through the gimbal to water, and foreign materials.
the vehicle. 8) Weight. High-strength-to-weight materials
4 ) Operation life. Generally 1000 complete cy- help lessen the weight impact on the vehicle.
cles will be made at maximum angle, i.e., total of 40-
deg excursion for a 10-deg gimbal angle. Reusable Ring-type gimbal mount. The ring-type gim-
engines have higher cycle requirements. bal shown in Fig. 9-45 was designed for a low-thrust,
5) Bearing surfaces. The designs must have upper-stage engine. The design has a closed-yoke,
minimum deflection of bearing surfaces and ade- flow-through, ring-type gimbal with plain-bearing
quate bearing area to prevent bearing-surface dam- pivot joints. This configuration allows the main oxi-
age. dizer duct to pass through the assembly in the longi-
6) Propellant-duct installation. Some gimbal tudinal axis to the thrust-chamber dome. The gimbal
designs require a propellant duct to pass through the mount was designed to connect the vehicle on one
gimbal. interface and the engine thrust-chamber dome on

the other interface. The lower support of the gimbal of gimbal will be given a tongue-and-groove ar-
mount provides an adjustment mechanism for thrust- rangement between the lower gimbal body and the
vector alignment. Except for the steel pivot pins and thrust-chamber dome.
the alignment bolts, all other parts can be made of
either aluminum or titanium alloys for minimum
weight. The bearing surfaces of the pivot pins should 9.8 REFERENCES
be chromium or electroless-nickel-plated. Solid, dry-
9-1. Sverdrup, N. M., "Theory of Hydraulic Flow
film lubricant or grease coatings are applied to all
Control," Product Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 4, April
bearing surfaces. The design bearing pressure of this
gimbal type runs about 10,000 psi of bearing pro- 1955, pp. 161-176.
jected area. The bearing coefficient of friction is
9-2. Morgan, P. G., Saunders, A., and Rajah, M.,
about 0.08.
"Measurement of Pressure Drop in Fluid Flow," The
Cross-type gimbal mount. Figure 9-46 shows
the design of a typical cross-type gimbal mount used Engineer, London, England, Vol. 214, Feb 23, 1962,
on medium-thrust engines (up to 200,000 lb). Here, pp. 359-360.
the gimbal mount secures the engine assembly to the
vehicle thrust frame and is mounted to the thrust- 9-3. Beij, K. H., "Pressure Losses for Fluid Flow in
90" Pipe Bends," Res. Paper R P l l l 0 , J. Res. Natl.
chamber dome and elbow assembly. It consists of a
cross-shaped unit incorporating bearing surfaces, up- Bur. Std., Vol. 21, Jul 1938, pp. 1-18.
per and lower gimbal-bearing blocks, upper and 9-4. Fowler, H.S., "Design of Power Plant Ducting,"
lower retainers, and thrust-vector-aligning slides. All Rep. ME-208, National Research Laboratory, Ottawa,
parts of this design are made of 4340 alloy steel. The Canada, May 11, 1954.
bearing surfaces of the cross unit are chromium or
electroless-nickel-plated. The bearing surfaces of the 9-5. Ginzburg, I.P., Applied Fluid Dynamics
blocks and retainers are phosphate-treated. Solid- (translated from the Russian), NASA TT F-94, 1963.
film dry-lubricant coatings are applied to all bearing (Available from OTS, U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of
surfaces, with grease providing supplemental lubrica- Commerce.)
tion. The design bearing pressure of this type gimbal
mount ranges from 15,000 to 27,000 psi of bearing 9-6. Lamb, O. P., and Holdhusen, J.S., "Investigation
projected area. The bearing coefficient of friction of Aircraft Ducting Components at High Subsonic
varies between 0.06 and 0.10. Speeds," WADC Tech. Rep. 56-187, Fluidyne
Spherical-type gimbal mount. Figure %47 Engineering Corp., Sep 1956.
shows a spherical gimbal mount designed for the
SSME; and similar designs have been used on en- 9-7. Howell, G. W., and Weathers, T.M., Aerospace
gines with thrust up to 1,500,000 lb. The gimbal is Fluid Component Designers' Handbook Vol. I, Rev.
bolted to the vehicle on one side and to the engine D, RPL-TDR-64-25 (AD 477995L), TRW Systems Group,
powerhead on the other. The unit consists of a lower Redondo Beach, Calif., Feb 1970.
body with a spherical protrusion and an upper seat
with a spherical socket. A center block and shaft 9-8. SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice No.
transmit side and torsional loads. Spherical bearing 735.
surfaces receive the engine-thrust load. All parts are
made of 6 AL-6V-25n titanium heat-treated to provide 9-9. Pfleiderer, C., Die Kreiselpumpen f u r
an ultimate strength of 175,000 psi. A Teflon-fiber- Flussigkeiten and Gas,. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
glass-composite insert bonded to the spherical socket 1955, pg. 73.
provides a low-friction bearing surface. The shaft 9-10. Ito, H., and Imai, K., "Pressure Losses in Vaned
and block bearing surfaces are coated with a dry-film Elbows of a Circular Cross Section," Journal of
lubricant. With the bearing insert and dry-film lubri- Basic Engineering, Transactions ASME, Series D,
cant, the gimbal does not require additional lubrica-
Vol. 88, 1966, pp. 684-685.
tion. The design bearing pressure for the bearing in-
sert extends to 28,000 lb/in. 2 and for the dry-film lu- 9-11. Daniels, C. M., and Pelton, H. A., "Pressure
bricant, to 20,000 lb/in. 2 of bearing projected area. Losses in Hydraulic Branch-Off Fittings," Product
The coefficient of friction varies between 0.06 and Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 29, Jul 20, 1959, pp. 60-61.
0.10 for the dry-film-lubricant coating and between
0.02 and 0.10 for the Teflon-fiberglass insert at 75"F. 9-12. Campbell, J. E., "Fundamental Characteristics
The coefficient of friction increases to 0.20 at -100"F of High-Performance Hydraulic Systems," USAF Tech.
and lower temperatures. Friction at low temperature Rep. 5997, USAF Air Material Command, Jun 1950.
can be a concern if the gimbal is mounted on a
component carrying a cryogenic propellant that 9-13. Daniels, C. M., and Fenton, R. E., "Pressure Loss
produces a temperature soak-back condition or if op- Factors for Internally Linked Bellows Joints,"
eration occurs in a cold space environment. Machine Design, Vol. 33, No. 19, Sep 14, 1961, pp.
The lateral adjustment for thrust alignment can 187-189.
be done by eccentric bushings with the required off-
set machined into the bushings based on engine hot- 9-14. Anon.: "Dynamic Analysis of Longitudinal
fire data. In another common adjustment, this type Oscillations of SM-73B Stage 1 (POGO)," CR-64-71

(bsd TR65-179), The Martin Co., Denver, CO, Mar 9-28. Kin, K. M., "Design of Bellows," Rep. No. PSD-
1964. 12, GD Astronautics Div. of General Dynamics, San
Diego, CA, Mar 7, 1962.
9-15. Trainer, T. M., Hulbert, L. E., Lestingi, J. F.,
Keith, R. E., et al., "Final Report on the Development 9-29. MSFC Spec 20M02540; "Assessment of Flexible
of Analytical Techniques for Bellows and Diaphragm Lines for Flow Induced Vibration," NASA Marshall
Design," Tech. Report No. AFRPL-TR-68-22, Battelle Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL.
Memorial Institute, Columbus Laboratories; Air Force 9-30. Gerlach, C. R., "Study of Minimum Pressure
Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Loss in High Velocity Duct Systems," Quarterly Rep. 2
Base, CA, Mar 1968. (NAS8-21133), Dept. Mech. Sci., SRI, San Antonio, TX,
Nov 3, 1967.
9-16. Gerlach, C. R., Bass, R. L., Holster, J. L., and
Schroeder, E.G., "Flow-Induced Vibration of Bellows 9-31. Gerlach, C. R., "Study of Minimum Pressure
with Internal Cryogenic Fluid Flows," Interim Tech. Loss in High Velocity Duct Systems," Quarterly Rep. 3
Rep. No. 2 (Contract No. NAS8-21133), Southwest (NAS8-21133), Dept. Mech. Sci., SRI, San Antonio, TX,
Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, Aug 1970. Feb 5, 1968.
9-17. Salzmann, F., "Ueber Die Nachgiebigkeit Von 9-32. Gerlach, C. R., "Study of Minimum Pressure
Wellrohrexpansionen," Schweiz Bauztg. Band 127, N. Loss in High Velocity Duct Systems," Quarterly Rep. 4
R. 11, Mar 16, 1946, pp. 127-130. (NAS8-21133), Dept. Mech. Sci., SRI, San Antonio, TX,
May 3, 1968.
9-18. SAE SC-9D Committee, "Aerospace Vehicle
Cryogenic Duct Systems" SAE ARP 735, Aug 15, 1966. 9-33. Gerlach, C. R., "Study of Minimum Pressure
Loss in High Velocity Duct Systems," Quarterly Rep.
9-19. Anon., Design of Piping Systems, M. W. 5 (NAS8-21133), Dept. Mech. Sci., SRI, San Antonio,
Kellogg Co. Second Edition, Wiley, New York, 1956, TX, Aug 6, 1968.
pp. 210-230.
9-34. Gerlach,C. R., and Schroeder, E. C., "Study of
9-20. Matheny, J.D., "Bellows Spring Rate for Seven Minimum Pressure Loss in High Velocity Duct
Typical Convolution Shapes," Machine Design, Vol. Systems," Interim Tech. Rep. 1 (NAS8-21133), Dept.
34, No. 1, Jan 4, 1962, pp. 137-139. Mech. Sci., SRI, San Antonio, TX, Jul 16, 1969.
9-21. Howard, J. H., "Designing with Metal Bellows," 9-35. Gerlach, C. R., et al., "Bellows Flow-Induced
Machine Design, Vol. 26, No. 1, Jan 1954, pp. 137-148. Vibrations and Pressure Loss," Final Report (NAS8-
21133), Dept. Mech. Sci., SRI, San Antonio, TX, April
9-22. Northdurft, N., "Eigenschaften von 1973.
Metallbalgen," Regelungstecbnik, Vol. 5, No. 10,
Munich, Germany, Oct 1957, pp. 334-338. 9-36. Sack, L. E., "Avoiding Fluid-Line Failure in
Bellows and Convoluted Tubing," Machine Design,
9-23. Anon., "Analysis of Metallic Expulsion Bellows Vol. 43, No. 13, May 27, 1971, pp. 68-71.
Design," Rep. No. 8230-933014 (Final Rep. on
Contract NAS7-384), Bell Aerosystems Co., Div. of 9-37. Anon., "Liquid Rocket Lines, Bellows, Flexible
Bell Aerospace Corp., Niagara Falls, NY, Feb 1968. Hoses, and Filters," NASA Space Vehicle Design
Criteria Monograph, NASA SP-8123, April 1977.
9-24. Matt, Richard J., "High Temperature Metal
Bellows Seals for Aircraft and Missile Accessories," 9-38. Anon., "Liquid Rocket Disconnects, Couplings,
Paper No. 62-WA-25, ASME, New York, NY, Nov 25-30, Fittings, Fixed Joints, and Seals," NASA Space Vehicle
1962. Design Criteria Monograph, NASA SP-8119, Sep 1976.

9-25. Anon., "Investigation of System Components 9-39. Daniels, C. M., "Pressure Losses in Flexible
for High Chamber Pressure Engines," Rep. 5329.F, Metal Tubing," Product Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 4,
Section VIII on Bellows (NASg-5329), Aerojet-General April 1956, pp. 223-227.
Corp., Sacramento, CA, May 1964.
9-40. Daniels, C. M., and Fenton, R. E., "Determining
9°26. Daniels, C. M., "Designing for Duct Flexibility Pressure Drop in Flexible Metal Hose," Machine
with Bellows Joints," Machine Design, Vol. 31, No. 21, Design, Vol. 32, No. 21, Oct 13, 1960, pp. 195-198.
Oct 15, 1959, pp. 146-156.
9-41. Hawthome, R. C., and von Helms, H. C., "Flow
9-27. Dahl, N.C., "Toroidal Shell Expansion Joints," in Corrugated Hose," Product Engineering, Vol. 34,
Paper No. 53-APM-30, ASME, New York, 1953. No. 24, Jun 10, 1963, pp. 98-100.
Chapter 10
Engine Systems Design Integration
10.1 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING and subsystems join, an interface exists, i.e., a demar-
cation line between these systems. This interface may
The foregoing chapters have covered design of the be a bolt-hole pattern; a flow of fluid, heat, or electri-
major liquid-propellant rocket engine subsystems cal current; an exchange of forces, loads, or torques;
and their components. These subsystems fulfill a use- or a complex dynamic interaction.
ful purpose only when integrated into a whole where The word "aerospace" has become synonymous
they function as a system and generate the designed with systems engineering. Over the years it has been
thrust. Although viewing the complete rocket engine increasingly stressed. Figure 10-1 shows the final con-
as the system, the designer should not lose sight of figuration of an F-1 engine, used in the Apollo Pro-
the fact that, to the stage builder, the engine is again gram. Comparing this to Fig. 2-4 will reveal the
a subsystem. In fact, to the launch-vehicle systems progress made through good systems engineering.
engineer, the stage in turn becomes a subsystem, in However, to have designed and developed a good-
addition to other stages, ground-support equipment, looking, perfectly-functioning rocket engine is not
launch facilities, downrange stations, etc. enough.
An earlier chapter defined the major engine pa- It may seem superfluous to state that the design
rameters requiring optimization during rocket-engine of a rocket engine must also consider the vehicle ap-
design. Clearly the subsystems discussed will not plication. Yet, in problem solving, and in engine de-
form an optimized complete system unless they are tail design and development, this application is eas-
designed for one another with this goal in mind from ily forgotten. The rocket engine/component designer
the beginning. The subsystems presented in the fore- and developer who can think and converse in terms
going chapters have become highly specialized fields of vehicle application will be sought after indeed, as
during recent years. Their designers and developers will the company represented by that designer.
often have only a rather general feeling for the func- Rocket-engine design for a particular vehicle ap-
tions and peculiarities of the other subsystems. Their plication is a consideration not only for vehicle
concentrated effort will not come about unless guid- flight or for optimum mission performance but also
ed by an important function: systems engineering. for the many details of integration into the flight ve-
In most rocket-engine projects this function is as- hicle. After the engine has been designed and de-
signed to the "systems engineer," commonly called veloped, and long before the first flight, it must be
the "project engineer" or "project manager." In con- installed. The facets of engine installation in a vehi-
formance with user requirements, the systems engi- cle range from the more complex areas, such as
neer has the job of establishing all ground rules and guidance-loop compliance and prestart conditioning,
performance parameters (see Chapter 2). He/she to simple "nuts and bolts" problems, such as match-
subsequently optimizes them through complete ing, connecting, fitting dimensions, and attachment-
integration of all subsystems during the entire design bolt sizes.
and development period.
Because of the interaction of funding, time, and
reliability (previously discussed), the project engi-
neer must be a good manager, in addition to having
engineering qualifications. The project engineer
needs to have adequate authority, commensurate with
his or her responsibilities, from superiors. The
project engineer must have a broad and thorough
understanding of the various disciplines governing
the design and development of the subsystems. In
view of the latter's high specialization, the project
engineer cannot be expected to have a complete
education in all these disciplines. However, in the
words of Du Pont's Crawford H. Greenewalt, the
project engineer must have "the ability to create a
harmonious whole out of what the academic world
calls dissimilar disciplines," and that in this respect
this job may be compared to that of a "symphony
conductor under whose hand a hundred or so highly
specialized and very different talents become a single
effort of great effectiveness."
The job of systems integration does not merely
ensure that all parts physically fit together, although
this certainly is a basic requirement. Wherever parts Fig. 10-1 F-1 e n g i n e .

We can easily realize the importance of continu- Define

ous and close communication between the engine Constants
design team and the vehicle design team. Complete Initial Conditions
Duty Cycle
and free exchange of correspondence, documenta-
tion and progress reports, frequent design reviews,
and, above all, prompt notification of changes are vi- Computation
tal. A close simulation of the flight-vehicle configura- Equations
tion w h e n performing static e n g i n e - d e v e l o p m e n t
tests will materially reduce the possibility of later
_1 Store Computed
Data in Array
for Output
"surprises." Each vehicle type, according to its mis-
sion, will have somewhat different interface prob- Test for and
lems. Many of these problems occur, however, in al- Increment Time
most any vehicle type.


Print and Plot ,I.
System dynamic analysis looks at the behavior of the Parameters as a F",
engine system as it changes with timewas opposed to
Function of Time /
the steady state of constant operation with t i m e N
Fig. 10-2 C o m p u t e r - m o d e l structure.
such operations as start, shutdown, throttling, and
pulsing. In addition, stability and control are
e x a m i n e d and evaluated not only internal to the considered a combustion-chamber design problem.
engine system but also b e t w e e n the engine and Radial modes are handled by the use of acoustic cav-
vehicle. ities around the periphery of the injector. Circum-
This dynamic analysis helps characterize the ferential modes are handled by the use of baffles that
operation of the system. It thus provides a means for protrude perpendicularly from the injector face and
evaluating the feasibility of a given engine configura- run radially from the face center to the outside edge
tion, predicting its operational performance, trou- of the injector.
bleshooting as d e v e l o p m e n t problems arise, ex- The interaction between the feed-system dynam-
amining alternate operating approaches, and opti- ics and vehicle structure (POGO) sometimes occurs
mizing various aspects of operation and control. in large rocket systems and is moderated by the use
In pump-fed propulsion systems an optimum of an accumulator to detune the feed system. Here
sequence of controls is critical to a safe and reliable again, mathematical modeling is the analytical tool.
start, throttle, and shutdown operation. The optimi- Modeling. A c o m p u t e r model consists of
zation must consider but not be limited to com- structured equations and incorporated chemical and
ponent performance tolerances, e.g. high tempera- physical data. It blends these elements with program
ture excursions in a main combustion chamber or logic. The logic framework can be represented by a
tubine inlet(s), or pressure surges in feed lines. diagram, as shown in Fig. 10-2. The model typcially
Attention must also be given to operating the consists of input, computation, and data-storage and
respective propellant pumps within a certain range output sections. The logic directs the data input, the
relating to head (pump delta-P/density), speed, and computation process, and the generation and display
flowrate. of output data.
Technical Approach
Examples of Equations, Functions, and Tables
for a Mathematical Engine Model
The basic analytical a p p r o a c h uses mathematical
models to simulate the many aspects of engine-sys-
The mathematical expressions and equations for the
tem operation. In the case of start, shutdown, and
various physical processes and operating dynamics
throttling, the models are nonlinear, with lumped
of a rocket engine may be derived from equations
and distributed parameters, and are composed of al-
given in Chapter 1 and in other chapters for the de-
gebraic and integral-differential equations. The equa-
sign of the various components. In this chapter, sev-
tions are programmed for digital-computer solution
eral typical examples will be presented to illustrate
and give a time history of the appropriate parame-
the application of these equations in a mathematical
ters. The computer model becomes, in effect, an en-
gine simulation which can be varied to evaluate dif- model.
ferent operating concepts.
0 Pressure drop o f f l u i d flow in duct or com-
Another type of system dynamic problem con- ponent:
cerns the interaction of the propellant-feed system
and the combustion process. It too will be analyzed P1 - P2 = ave2 + b ~ - phl_ 2 (10-1)
with mathematical models. However, these models
utilize linear system techniques, such as frequency-re- where a is a resistance term defined by---
sponse analysis. The approach is often one of find-
ing the appropriate resistance in the injector to a = K/(2KoA2) (10-2)
d a m p the oscillating behavior that results from this
interaction. and b is an inertance term defined by---
Combustion instability that occurs within the
combustion chamber (and is of an acoustic nature) is b = L/(A~') (1/3:2'~

P1 = pressure at the inlet, psi
Wo~~. . ..o "----- ~ Wc
P2 = pressure at the outlet, psi
= weight flowrate, lb/s Wf "'~._.~ .. _ . . . . . . Af
= rate change in weight flowrate, lb/s2
hi-2 = acceleration head of the fluid in the
duct, in. Fig. 10-3 S c h e m a t i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e c o m b u s -
p = fluid density, lb/in.3 tion process.
K = duct or c o m p o n e n t resistance coeffi-
cient, to be obtained from flow tests
A = flow area of the duct, or flow area of the
c o m p o n e n t at the design o p e r a t i n g where---
point, in. 2
1:o, 1:f = time required for oxidizer and fuel to
L = length of the duct or component, in.
pass through injector and enter into
g = gravitational constant, 386.4 in./s2
the combustion process, s
2. Combustion process; operating dynamics.. Po, Pf = density of oxidizer & fuel, lb/in.3

AO, Af = injector area, oxidizer and fuel, in. 2

Figure 10-3 describes schematically the combustion
process. A transportation delay, representing the LO, Lf = travel of injected oxidizer and fuel
time required for the propellants to pass through the before impingement, in.
! !
injector and enter into the combustion process, can
be expressed as follows: Lo, Lf = travel of impinged oxidizer and fuel
before combustion, in.
1:o = Po Ao (Lo + L~)/Wo (10-4) t = period in consideration, s

v~,wf = injected flowrate of oxidizer and fuel,

~f = pf Af (Lf + L~)/x~f (10-5) lb/s
Wo, wf = weight of oxidizer and fuel stored in
For frequency-domain analysis, these can be indi-
c o m b u s t i o n - c h a m b e r volume at the
cated by the Laplace-transformation operators e -tos end of period "t," lb
and e -tfs. A h o m o g e n e o u s combustion gas allows
defining the following correlations: Wo, wf = weight of oxidizer and fuel stored in
combustor c h a m b e r volume at the
Pc = R' (Tc/M) (wc/Vc) (10-6) beginning of period "t," lb
= complex operator in a Laplace trans-
w c -- w o + Wf (10-7) formation
Pc = combustion-gas pressure, psia
Ro -- Wo/(Wo + wf) (10-8) Tc = temp. of the combustion gas, °R
Vc = v o l u m e of c o m b u s t i o n c h a m b e r
from injector to throat, in. 3

Wo = Veo + (e-'oSWo - Rowe) dt (10-9) R

= universal gas constant, 18,528 in-lb/°R
M molecular weight of the combustion
gas, lb/mole
wf = w f + I0 (e -1:fS w f - (1-Ro) w c) dt (10-10) WC weight of the gas stored in the com-
bustion volume, lb

Wc flowrate of the gas emerging from the

In large engine time-domain models, Eq. (10-9) and combustion chamber, lb/s
(10-10) are simply used in the form: weight fraction of oxidizer stored in
the combustion chamber
At throat area, in. 2
W o = ( ( (Wo - Ro Wc) dt
g gravitational constant, 32.2 ft/s 2
C* characteristic velocity, ft/s
wf=g (wf - (1-Ro) VCc) dt
These equations for the combustion process can be
applied to the main thrust chambers, gas generators,
and other types of combustors.
Wc = At Pc g / C* (10-11)
3. Turbopump operating dynamics..
Tc/M = f (Ro) (10-12)
With certain components, such as p u m p s and tur-
C* = f (Ro) (10-13) bines, it is sometimes effective to use performance

curvgs developed by the component-design groups • Evaluation of component dynamic character-

rather than to use equations. For example, the rela- istics and interactions during start transients, such as
tionships between pump delta-P, speed, flow, and propellant-pump stalling, combustion-chamber igni-
torque are depicted in Fig. 10-4, along with the char- tion delays, and mixture-ratio excursions within
acteristic turbine curves. combustion devices.
To define combustion-gas properties for a given • Evaluation of system dynamic stability during
propellant combination, the characteristic velocity the start transient. The aim is to avoid prolonged
C*, combustion temperature Tc, molecular weight M, operation at levels exhibiting system or thrust-cham-
and ratio of specific heats ~, can be plotted as a func- ber oscillations.
tion of oxidizer fraction, as shown in Fig. 10-5. • Evaluation of various potential perturbations
Curves can be input as a series of points, and inter- and their effects on start transients, such as a start
polation can be used to obtain appropriate values. lacking the propellant-settling effects of gravitation.
Propellant properties can be obtained from ref- For some engine systems, such as the LO2/LH2
erence tables and interpolated as a function of two turbopump-feed system of the A-2 Stage engine, dy-
variables. Pressure is often determined as a function namic analyses of its start transient become rather
of internal energy and density as depicted in the fol- complex. They may include effects such as
lowing example: waterhammer (wave equation) in the propellant-feed
systems, distributed heat transfer and pressure drops
Internal Energy throughout the high-pressure fuel-feed system, the
Density U1 U2 U 3 ... choking of hydrogen gas in the chamber coolant
passages, stall characteristics of the fuel pump,
Pl P l l P12 P13"" cavitation at the pump inlets, changes in fuel density
#2 P21 P22 ... in the pump caused by enthalpy changes from
pumping, and many others.
P3 P31... Figure 10-6 presents graphically a modeled start-
transient of a typical turbopump-fed engine system
utilizing a gas generator for turbine drive. It indicates
valve timing, as well as pressure-buildup characteris-
tics of the gas generator, propellant pumps, and main
Other commonly used functions are valve sequenc- chamber. Other parameters, such as gas-generator
ing as a function of time, duty cycle as a function of c o m b u s t i o n gas t e m p e r a t u r e and p r o p e l l a n t
time, etc. flowrates, can be included in the graph. The model
typically will be used to simulate several engine-start
Dynamic Analysis of Engine-System Start and methods to evaluate potential problem areas and to
Shutdown Transients optimize the system's transient operation.
Dynamic analysis of engine-shutdown transients
The main objectives of fluid-dynamic analysis of en- focus on the following important objectives:
gine-system start transients may be summarized as • Investigation of the system's design for needed
follows: shutdown-transient controls, including operational
• Investigation of the system's design for needed sequencing and timing of various control valves.
start-transient controls, such as type and quantity of
control components, and sequencing and timing of
their operation.
• Estimation of start energy, time, and thrust-
buildup characteristics.

Pump Curves

"0 ._o

Flow Coefficient Flow Coefficient

pN pN
Turbine Curves


0.0 Oxidizer Fraction

• o
Velocity Ratio Equivalent Pressure Ratio
WdONo ÷wo
Fig. 10-4 Pump and turbine performance. Fig. 10-5 Combustion-gas properties.

1.000 1.000

a':Qe""r"to"l I I I 7 I I___L__V~'~'~'n
Ji F II Pump Discharge
v.,ve I
i V' ~ I ~ ~ 9 1 O p e n ! ! I I
Gas Generator ~., ,-- Main Fuel
....._. Valve ._~ .._ Valve
- I/ I/Ma'n-Ox~d'zerl/!- //: i ;Usmlr~get 700 P ~ t / N ~ Main Oxidizer ~ I ] I

1 qql Closed •~ ~ ~~a,ve , ~ ~,-O,o~e~

& 50O see l",..l" ~ J' ~' l' I -


~ 400
'gp"erG""'g?"~°"¢ I !,,,J,'/1~ ®
R" 400 -
~ " ~ Oxidizer Pump Discharge
~,1 ii Ii ~! i
I- 'it '" i!, ,.l-

~ I ! ~ r - Gas Generat°r .__L.--.

I'~ Chamber Pressure
300 300 - - - - ~
p- 1{\i
1 l i ,
Main Chamber Pressure
200 \ i%1 I I I I


.-::h :---i's,,_,5.d3 ! ...i[ I i

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0 0.1
. l ""f"'~l~-L-J
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Time from Start Signal (seconds) Time from CutoffSignal (seconds)

Fig. 10-6 Start-transient model for typical tur- Fig. 10-7 Cutoff-transient model of the typical
bopump-feed engine system utilizing a gas engine of Fig. 10-6.
generator for turbine drive.

• Evaluation of pressure surges and other ad- dynamic evaluation of the vehicle-propellant-tank
verse effects in propellant ducts and feed-system pressurization system, propellant-utilization (PU)
components during the shutdown transient. control system, vehicle acceleration and sloshing ef-
• Evaluation of possible temperature surges in fects, and feed-system combustion-coupled instabili-
the main chamber, turbine, or gas generator during ties.
the shutdown transient. • Matching the engine controls with the vehicle
• Evaluation and optimization of total shutdown guidance system, including response of engine start,
impulse, by minimizing shutdown time and improv- shutdown, thrust level, and vector controls to vehicle
ing repeatability. guidance commands.
• Evaluating engine thrust-decay characteristics. • Simulation of the interaction between engine-
A series of shutdown sequences with modified system operation and vehicle dynamics. (This may
shutoff timing of the control valves will usually be involve closed-loop coupling of a simulation of vehi-
simulated with the mathematical model. The various cle guidance and trajectory characteristics with an
simulated shutdown runs will be analyzed to deter- engine system during hot-firing.)
mine potential problem areas and to investigate • Simulation of the interaction between engine
whether or not these problems are a function of the feed-system and vehicle structural dynamics.
particular sequence used. Section 10.7 under the heading "Dynamic Inter-
Figure 10-7 presents graphically the shutdown actions" describes the problem of and a decoupling
transient model of the typical engine depicted in Fig. approach to engine-vehicle interactions.
10-6. The engine thrust-decay characteristics are rep-
resented by the main-chamber-pressure decay curve.
The integrated area under the chamber-pressure-vs.- Low-Frequency Combustion Instability
time curve may be used to assess the engine-shut-
down impulse. Analysis of low-frequency combustion stability treats
the interaction of the propellant system (pump inlet
Dynamic Analysis of Engine-Vehicle to combustion-chamber injector) and the combus-
Interactions tion process. The term "low frequency," in this case,
refers to the range of 50 to 1000 Hz. Linear-system
Engine-vehicle interaction analyses may be per- analytical tools are used, i.e., linear differential equa-
formed during the initial design phase of an engine tions to model the system and to define transfer
system, as well as following developmental test functions and a frequency-response technique to de-
firings. Areas of general interest to be analyzed may fine stability. Component characteristics accounted
include, but should not be limited to, the following: for in the analysis include the following:
• Engine system operation and performance re- • Resistance of the pump, propellant valve, and
quirements from a vehicle-mission point of view. orifice.
• Matching of engine propellant-supply require- • Dynamics of the feed line downstream of the
ments with the vehicle propellant system, including pump.

• Resistance of the injector with the inertia and Feed System Resistance Only 60% Power Level
compliance of the injector manifold. 2.8
2.6 H(s) G(s)
• Combustion chamber as an acoustic tube ter- 2.4 /
minated by a sonic throat. = 2.2
2.0 sing Frequency """ ~ x ~~ " /
• Gas generated by combustion. 1.8
The liquid/gas conversion is ideally described by 1.6
"~ 1.4
a linear differential equation that can be expressed as ~ 1.2 / ~ ~ a..... Critical !
a frequency-dependent transfer function. Combus- - 1.0 k unstaoue Stability
0.8 k,x Point ~ /
tion delays and clumping, as well as a distributed 0.6
burning zone, form part of the modeling.
In a low-pressure combustion chamber under
.(X ./_
steady flow, propellant droplets atomize and vaporize -0.4 r' ~ v' ~ f "= 'w ~ " i i "r" w ~ ~ ~ i

as they move downstream from the injector, while -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
chemically reacting. Atomization is essentially a Real Axis
mechanical process while vaporization results from
the feedback of a portion of the heat from the chem-
ical reaction. In a high-pressure system, true atomiza- Feed System Resistance Only 70% PowerLevel
tion and vaporization may not be possible, but there z8
is still mixing and energy feedback in preparation for 2.4 x.,

the chemical reaction. Either case will see a change 2.2 \,

in propellant density distributed along the chamber 2.0
1.8 ( ( Increasing Frequency .\
length. The fraction of propellant burned as a 1.6
function of axial distance can be calculated. 1.2
For low-frequency combustion, the combustion 1.0 k ~ x,,~ z S t a b l e ~ \ Critical )
0.8 Stability /
and feed systems can be considered to be composed 0.6 ".,, /" ~--------~ Point , / /..,
of a number of sections, as shown in Fig. 10-8. Each 0.4
of the blocks has a si..qle input and output. The 0.2 )
0 ,g-

dashed line represents ~ :dgnal path, which is actually -0.2

closed. For this case, however, the stability of the sys- -2 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2
tem can more readily be studied by using the open- Real Axis
loop approach.
The thrust chamber is assumed to have an oscil- Fig. 10-9 Nyquist stability at throttled condi-
latory gas flow as an input. The resulting injection tions.
end chamber pressure variation drives flow through
the iniector. The flow variation is attenuated some-
what by the impedance of the feed system. 10.3 DESIGN INTEGRATION
The f r e q u e n c y r e s p o n s e of the c o m b u s t i o n FOR ENGINE SYSTEM CALIBRATION
chamber, feed system, and injector are combined
and evaluated over the frequency range of interest to Calibration Design Requirements
generate a stability plot (Nyquist). An example in
Fig. 10-9 shows the stability characteristic as a system Because of unavoidable mechanical tolerances, it
is throttled down through the 70% power level (PL) may be expected that the operating characteristics
and through the 60% PL. Note that at 70% PL the sys- and performance of the various engine-system com-
tem is stable in that the response curve does not en- ponents will deviate somewhat from the nominal de-
close the +1 point on the real axis. At 60% PL the sign value. A certain amount of calibration will always
system has become unstable. be required for these components, as well as the en-
gine system as a whole, to attain the desired engine-
performance characteristics within design specifica-
tion. Provisions must be made in component and
systems design to permit effective calibration during
[ H(=) I system integration.
The specific impulse Is of an engine system being
the ratio of r.hrust F to propellant weight flowrate ~ ,
i P, . . any deviations affecting F or v~, will affect system per-
:+ I minor
I I~;.~ ico~=.,=~.b
~ P,ocess formance. Is is also being a function of propellant
I ..... I : ! G('.')
mixture ratio; therefore it might be desirable and
n | beneficial to calibrate an engine system by adjusting
a) Closed Loop its propellant-feed system. Before a complete engine-
system calibration, the pressure or pressure-drop-vs.-
flow characteristics of each individual c o m p o n e n t
should be calibrated and evaluated.
H(=) I ~% G(u) H(t~)G(u) < 1.0 Hydraulic and pneumatic components, such as
-, For Positive Feedback System
pressure and flow regulators, valves, flowmeters, ducts,
b) Open Loop
and lines, can all be readily calibrated on flow
Fig. 10-8 Feed c o m b u s t i o n system. benches. However, components that operate at tern-

Minimum Required Tank Pressure vs

Regulator Outlet Pressure ";~1 Flow Curve or Calibrated System
System Design Resistance Curve
Pressurant Line '~ gl System Design Pressure vs Flow
ressureOro\ \ " Curve or System Resistance Curve
Calibration Orifice D e s i g n ~ . ,~ i Without Orifice
Pressure Drop ~ ~ ~ - - Pressurant Line Pressure vs Flow
Design Pressure Drops in .- ] Curve (at Entrance to Tank)
Valves and Lines Design Chamber Inlet Pressure vs
Design Pressure Drop in the Flow Curve
Chamber (Manifold Cooling
Passage and Injector) Design Chamber Injector End Pressure
vs Flow Curve
Design Chamber Injector
End Pressure
Design Propellant Flow

Propellant Flow (Ib/s)

Fig. 10-10 Propellant-flow design characteristics of a typical pressure-fed engine system (oxidizer
or fuel).

Resistance Curve
FuelSystemResistance .-~ Oxidizer System Resistance
CurveWithout Orifice Curve Without Orifice
/ °'

Oxidizer Pump
Pfc' ~ I ~ " FuelPumpPressureN2 Pressure vs
C vs FlowCurveat FlowCurveat N2
Orifice Design Fuel Pump Pressure
Pressure Drop vs FlowCurveat N1
Pfd .... l~r~ul [ " Oxidizer Pump
Pressure vs Flow
, Curveat N1

Fuel Flow(Ibis) Woa Wod

ux,ulzer Flow(lb/s)
Wfd ' Wfb

Fuel System Flow Design Characteristics Oxidizer System Flow Design Characteristics

Fig. 10-11 Propellant-flow design characteristics of the A-1 Stage turbopump-fed engine system.

perature extremes, such as thrust-chamber assem- limit, in order to facilitate systems calibration, and to
blies, gas generators, and turbopumps, will best be keep other system components in their design oper-
calibrated by combining the flow tests with actual hot ating region.
firings. The characteristic propellant-flow curve of an • Sufficient pressure head should be set aside in
engine system will be obtained by summing the pres- each engine propellant feed system to compensate
sure or pressure-drop-vs.-flow curves of the various for contingencies caused by component flow resis-
components (Fig. 10-10 and 10-11). tance deviations. The propellant feed system can
The general design approaches in calibrating an then be calibrated by means of orifices or other ad-
engine system (to attain its design thrust at design justing means.
mixture ratio) are the following:
,, The design operating point of each compo- Design for Calibration of a Pressure-Feed
nent should be kept within the relatively fiat region of System
its pressure or pressure drop versus flow curve.
• The mechanical tolerances and built-in ad- The first design step determines the design flowrate
justments of each component should be designed so of each propellant, as calculated from the system's
that the random deviation of its flow characteristics thrust, design mixture ratio, and Is (as verified by ac-
from its design value will be kept within a reasonable tual thrust-chamber test firings). Based on these

flowrates, the pressure drops of the various compo- This particular example, a worst case, assumed
nents at the design operating point can be estimated that all components had maximum pressure drop. It
from previous design data or as obtained from actual is more likely that the square root of the sum of
testing. Certain components may have to be de- squares would be used. In the case of the oxidizer ori-
signed for the specific design pressure drops allowed fice, for example, that would give about 4 instead of 8
by the system. psi for the calibration orifice. Also, it should be
The design-pressure-vs.-flow curve of either pro- noted that in the early stages of a system design,
pellant flow system can be obtained by summation of most of the pressure-drop numbers represent esti-
design-chamber-pressure-vs.-flow and component de- mates that will continually be revised as a system is
sign-pressure-drop characteristics, as shown in Fig. developed.
10-10. In addition, a calibration orifice will be intro-
duced into each propellant-flow system. These steps Design for Calibration of a Turbopump-Fed
will yield the minimum required tank-pressure-vs.- System
flow curve for each propellant. In most pressure-feed
systems, design orifice pressure drop for system cali- The propellant-flow characteristics downstream of
bration determines the maximum allowable cumula- the pump discharge of a turbopump-fed system are
tive-pressure-drop increase of the components above similar to those of a pressure-feed system. However,
nominal values. A suitable tank-pressurization system the difference in turbopump pressure or head-vs.-flow
can then be designed, compatible with minimum re- characteristics from those of a pressurized system
quired tank-pressure-vs.-flow characteristics. dictates a somewhat different approach to system cal-
ibration. For mechanically coupled turbopump-fed
S a m p l e Calculation 10-I systems, such as the A-1 Stage engine, system calibra-
tion typically involves adjustment of the turbopump
The following data from analyses and c o m p o n e n t speed, as well as installation of an orifice in one of
tests characterize the A-4 Stage propulsion system at the propellant lines. For turbopump-fed systems with
rated-thrust conditions: dual turbine drive, such as the A-2 Stage engine, the
• Thrust-chamber-injector end pressure range calibration can be made by adjusting the speeds of
required to maintain rated thrust = 110 + 3 both turbopumps.
psia. The design principles for calibration of mechan-
• Thrust-chamber-injector pressure drop range ically-coupled turbopump-fed engine systems will
(both oxidizer and fuel) = 25 + 2 psi. best be illustrated by a typical example, as shown in
• Thrust-chamber oxidizer-dome pressure drop= Fig. 10-11. Here, the propellant-system resistance
3 + 1 psi. curves without orifices (representing conditions
• Oxidizer-line pressure drop = 5 + 1 psi. downstream of the pump discharges) are constructed
• Main-oxidizer-valve pressure drop (at the fully based on the designs and test results of the compo-
open position) = 4 +_ 1 psi. nents for the A-1 Stage engine system. Next, the dis-
• Thrust-chamber fuel-manifold pressure drop= charge pressure-vs.-flow curves of both pumps are
4 _+ 1 psi. constructed from test data obtained with the A-1
• Fuel-line pressure drop = 4 + 1 psi. Stage engine turbopump, operated at speed N1. These
,, Main-fuel-valve pressure drop (at the fully pump curves intersect the corresponding system re-
open position) --- 4 _+ 1 psi. sistance curves at point A. At this speed, fuel flowrate
• Pressure allowance required for mixture-ratio Wfa exceeds, and oxidizer flowrate Woa falls below, the
control by oxidizer-valve vernier positioning required design flowrates, @fd and Wod. To a c h i e v e
=_+ 10 psi. the design oxidizer-pump flow Wod at a desired
discharge pressure Pod, the design operating speed of
Problem the turbopump assembly must be raised to a required
level N2 by increasing the turbine gas flow. At this
Determine the design pressure drops of the calibra- speed, however, the fuel pump, which is mounted on
tion orifices and the minimum required tank pres- the same shaft as the oxidizer pump, would be
sures for design flowrates.
delivering a flowrate Wfb considerably above the
required design flowrate Wfd (point B in Fig. 10-11).
S o l u t i o n 10-1
To reduce the fuel flow to Wfd, a calibration orifice is
The design pressure drop of a calibration orifice placed in the fuel line. This amounts to increasing
must equal the sum of the maximum pressure-drop the fuel-pump discharge pressure at constant speed
increases of components above design values. Thus: N 2 to Pfc, where Wfd is reached at point C. The
• The design pressure drop of the oxidizer-cali- pressure drop across the calibrating orifice is
bration orifice = 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 8 psi. represented by Pfc-Pfd where Pfd is the desired fuel
• The minimum required oxidizer-tank pressure pressure.
at the design flowrate = 110 + 25 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 8 + 10 If fuel flowrate Wfa comes below and oxidizer
- 165 psia. flowrate Woa exceeds the required design flowrates,
• The design pressure drop of fuel-calibration the calibrating process would effect a speedup the
orifice=3+2+ 1 + 1 + 1 =8psi. turbopump to obtain the desired fuel flow, and lead
• Minimum required fuel-tank pressure at the to placement of an orifice in the oxidizer line.
design flowrate = 110 + 25 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 8 = 155 psia. However, it will usually be desirable to place the ori-

rice in the system of the propellant with the higher Because of the effects of chamber-pressure devia-
boiling point. In this situation, therefore, and also tions, the m a x i m u m value of fuel-calibration-orifice
w h e n the pressure drop across a calibrating orifice pressure drop will be required when the following
tends to become excessive, it is customary to trim the conditions exist:
p u m p impeller to reduce the effective speed and thus
attain the required flow and pressure levels. In view of (a) Thrust-chamber-injector end pressure at its
pump-efficiency effects, it is desirable to trim the lower limit (1065 psia).
p u m p drawing the smaller horsepower, usually the
one with the lower mass flowrate, except in cases of (b) All pressure drops in oxidizer passages at their
extreme density differences. The adjustment of the higher limits.
turbine-gas flowrate, and thus the t u r b o p u m p operat-
ing speed, can also be made by means of orifices in (c) All pressure drops in fuel passages at their
the turbine-inlet gas line or in the gas-generator pro- lower limits.
pellant lines.
In general, turbopump-fed systems permit less- (d) Oxidizer-pump discharge pressure, 25 psi below
stringent requirements for the various components its nominal value at the t u r b o p u m p s p e e d
regarding deviations from their design steady-state commensurate with the stated specific speed.
flow values, because the system is inherently more
flexible. However, systems dynamic characteristics (e) Fuel-pump discharge pressure, 25 psi above its
u n d e r transient conditions may restrict these devia- nominal value at the same speed.
The equivalent required oxidizer pump discharge
Sample Calculation 10-2
pressure under these conditions:
The following design values and allowable deviations
1065+220 160+27+38+25=1535psia.
characterize the A-1 Stage LOX/RP-1 engine-system
c o m p o n e n t s at rated thrust:
Required oxidizer-pump-developed head H:
• Thrust-chamber injector end pressure = 1095 +
30 psia. 144 x (1535 - 55)/71.38 = 2986 ft
• Thrust-chamber injector pressure drop (both
oxidizer and fuel) = 200 + 20 psi. Oxidizer-pump volumetric flowrate Q:
• Thrust-chamber oxidizer-dome pressure drop=
150 + 10 psi. 1971 x 449/71.38 = 12,400 gpm
• Oxidizer-line pressure drop = 25 + 2 psi.
• Main-oxidizer-valve pressure drop - 35 + 3 psi.
• Oxidizer-pump specific speed NS = 1980 rpm. Substitute this into Eq. (6-7) to obtain the re-
• Oxidizer-pump suction (min) = 55 psia. quired pump speed, as follows:
• Oxidizer-pump discharge pressure at 7000 rpm
and a design flowrate of 1971 lb/s = 1505 + 25 psia. = Ns H0.75/Q0.5
• Thrust-chamber fuel jacket and manifold pres- = 1980 x (2,986)0.75/(12,400) 0.5 = 7182 rpm
sure drop = 290 + 20 psi.
• Fuel-line pressure drop, 10 + 2 psi. Fuel-pump volumetric flow Q:
• Main-fuel-valve pressure drop, 15 + 2 psi.
• Fuel-pump specific speed NS, 1090 rpm. 892 x 449/50.45 = 7939 gpm
• Fuel-pump suction pressure, 45 psia min.
• Fuel-pump discharge pressure at 7000 rpm and From Eq. (6-7), fuel-pump nominal developed head
a design flowrate of 892 lb/s = 1720 + 25 psi. at 7190 rpm H -- (NQ0.5/Ns)1.333 = (7182 x (7939)0.5/
1090)1-333 = 4905 ft or 4905 x 50.45/144 = 1718 psi.
Problem The equivalent fuel-pump discharge pressure at
these conditions would be 1718 + 45 + 25 = 1785 psia.
Determine the location of the calibration orifice, its The required pressure drop for the fuel line cali-
n o m i n a l design pressure drop, and its e x p e c t e d bration orifice thus would be 1788-1065-180-250-8-13
range of adjustment. = 232 psi.
Similarly, a m i n i m u m fuel-calibration-orifice
Solution 10-2 [See Sample Calculation 6-2] pressure drop must be achieved w h e n the following
conditions exist:
• Required oxidizer pressure head at the design • Thrust-chamber-injector end pressure is at its
point = 1095 + 200 + 150 + 25 + 35 = 1505 psia. higher limit (1125 psia).
• Required fuel pressure head at the design • Conditions (b), (c), (d), and (e) above are re-
point = 1095 + 200 + 270 + 10 + 15 = 1590 psia. versed.
Since the LOX-pump discharge pressure is 1505
psia, but the fuel-pump discharge pressure is 1720 The equivalent required oxidizer-pump discharge
psia, the calibration orifice must be located in the pressure under these conditions = 1125 + 180 + 140 +
fuel system. The nominal orifice design pressure 23 + 32 - 25 = 1475 psia. Required oxidizer-pump de-
drop will be 1720-1590 = 110 psi. veloped head H = 144 (1475 - 55)/71.38 = 2865 ft.

Substituting this into Eq. (6-7), the required pump 1,2.50

speed will b e - - S
N = 1980 x (2865)0.75/(12,400)0.5 = 6963 rpm 1,200 S
L- S
0 S
From Eq. (6-7), the fuel-pump nominal developed S

. y ./
head will b e - - & 1,150 s s S

s s
H = [(6963) (7950)0.5/109011.333 E s s
= 4707 ft or 4707 x 50.45/144 = 1649 psi ~
s ./\ s
s .
S s
The equivalent fuel-pump discharge pressure at S
1,050 S
these conditions would be 1649 + 45 - 25 --- 1669 psia. S
The required pressure drop of the fuel-line cali- S S" " -" 95% Confidence
S Limits
bration orifice under these conditions would be 1669 S
-1125-220-290-12-17=5psi. S
Therefore the required range of adjustment for , i_., 1 I
the pressure drop of the fuel-line calibration orifice 700,000 750,000 800,000
runs from 5 to 232 psi. Engine Thrust (Ib)
The preceding discussion pertains to fixed-thrust
rocket engines. Engine systems that throttle under Fig. 10-12 C h a m b e r p r e s s u r e vs. e n g i n e thrust
computer control automatically adjust mixture ratio. at sea l e v e l for the A-1 Stage e n g i n e .

10.4 ENGINE-SYSTEM INTEGRATED Sample Calculation 10-3

The following data from design analyses and com-
Engine-system design must integrate performance ponent tests characterize the A-1 Stage LOX/RP-1 en-
characteristics. These data are prepared and com- gine system at nominal rated conditions, i.e., 750,000-
piled by the rocket-engine designer to provide the lb thrust at sea level:
vehicle systems engineer with information necessary
to integrate the propulsion system with the vehicle
Thrust-chamber sea-level specific impulse at
system. Where possible, a brief explanation of the
1000-psia nozzle stagnation pressure and a
data and its application should be included to pro-
mixture ratio of 2.35 O/F = 270 s
vide clearer understanding and greater usefulness.
Turbine-exhaust-gas specific impulse = 32.6 s
The following data represent important aspects of in-
Oxidizer-pump-developed head = 2930 ft
tegrated engine performance.
Oxidizer-pump overall efficiency = 70.7%
Fuel-pump-developed head = 4790 ft
Fuel-pump overall efficiency = 65.9%
N o m i n a l E n g i n e - P e r f o r m a n c e Values at Rated Gas-generator O/F mixture ratio, 0.408
Conditions Turbine-gas available energy content = 359
Usually prescribed by the engine-model specifica- Turbine overall efficiency, 58.2%
tion, these data describe nominal steady-state opera- Required auxiliary-drive shaft power = 500 bhp
tion of the engine system at rated conditions. Tables Required oxidizer flow for vehicle-tank pressuriza-
3-2 to 3-5 give typical examples of nominal engine tion = 3 lb/s
operating and performance parameters, which in-
clude nominal thrust, specific impulse, propellant Problem
combination, flowrates, mixture ratio, and various
component operating data. Allowable deviations are Determine the following nominal performance val-
specified for important parameters such as thrust ues at rated conditions:
(+3%) and mixture ratio (+2%). Engine-system spe-
cific impulse will usually be specified at its minimum (a) Thrust generated by turbine exhaust gas.
value. The performance of all deliverable engine sys- (b) Thrust generated by the main thrust cham-
tems must exceed this minimum during acceptance ber.
tests. (c) Engine-system propellant flowrates.
In addition to tables for nominal engine-perfor- (d) Engine-system mixture ratio.
mance parameters, nominal engine performance (e) Engine-system specific impulse.
graphs, such as chamber pressure vs. engine thrust
and engine specific impulse vs. engine thrust, are of- Solution 10-3
ten included as additional monitoring aids. Figure 10-
12 presents a typical performance graph for the A-1 A trial-and-error method solves this problem. The
Stage engine system: chamber pressure vs. engine first step approximates engine-system and gas-gener-
thrust at sea level. ator propellant flowrates. Substitute thrust-chamber Is

into Eq. (1-28): This last value closely confirms the a s s u m p t i o n s

for the last trial. Thus:
~v = F/Is = 750,000/270 = 2778 Ib/s (a) Nominal t u r b i n e - e x h a u s t - g a s thrust = 91.8 x
32.6 = 2993 lb.
The t h r u s t - c h a m b e r mixture ratio can n o w be used to (b) Nominal m a i n - t h r u s t - c h a m b e r t h r u s t --
a p p r o x i m a t e the c o r r e s p o n d i n g o x i d i z e r a n d fuel 750,000- 2993 - 747,000 lb.
flowrates. (c) Nominal t h r u s t - c h a m b e r p r o p e l l a n t flowrate
- 7 4 7 , 0 0 0 / 2 7 0 - 2767 lb/s.
x~o = 2778 x 2.35/(2.35 + 1) - 1948 lb/s Nominal e n g i n e - s y s t e m p r o p e l l a n t flowrate
= 2767 + 91.8 = 2859 lb/s.
Oxidizer flowrate = 1948 + 3 - 1951 lb/s Nominal e n g i n e - s y s t e m oxidizer flowrate =
91.8 x 0.408/(1+0.408)+(2767x2.35)/1 + 2.35
Engine-fuel flowrate v~'f = 2778 - 1948 = 830 lb/s = 1967.6 lb/s.
Nominal e n g i n e - s y s t e m fuel flowrate - (91.8-
From Eq. (6-12) a n d (6-13) can b e d e t e r m i n e d 26.6)+(2767-1941) - 891.2 lb/s.
the r e q u i r e d o x i d i z e r - a n d f u e l - p u m p drive h o r s e ( d ) Nominal e n g i n e - s y s t e m O/F m i x t u r e ratio =
p o w e r for this a p p r o x i m a t i o n : 1967.6/891.2 = 2.21.
• O x i d i z e r - p u m p h o r s e p o w e r = (1951 x 2930)/ (e) N o m i n a l e n g i n e s p e c i f i c i m p u l s e Is =
(550 x 0.707) = 14,700 hp. 750,000/2858.8 = 262.3 s.
• F u e l - p u m p horse p o w e r = (830 x 4790)/(550 x
0.659) = 10,970 hp. Engine-Performance Variations from
• The c o r r e s p o n d i n g t u r b i n e shaft h o r s e p o w e r Off-Nominal Conditions
Thp = 14,700 + 10,970 + 500 = 26,170 hp. E n g i n e - p e r f o r m a n c e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s at v a r i o u s off-
n o m i n a l conditions m u s t b e available to the vehicle-
From Eq. (6-19), the c o r r e s p o n d i n g t u r b i n e - g a s systems engineer. T h e y can be s u m m a r i z e d in
flowrate: g r a p h i c form, such as Fig. 2-2 ( e n g i n e - t h r u s t - a n d
specific-impulse-vs.-altitude curve), or by m e a n s of
wt = (550/778) x 26,170/(359 x 0.582) = 88.6 lb/s t a b u l a t e d e n g i n e i n f l u e n c e coefficients, as d i s c u s s e d
below. The effects of off-nominal c o n d i t i o n s of the
This value can be u s e d to start a n e w calculation cy- following e n g i n e - s y s t e m p e r f o r m a n c e p a r a m e t e r s vi-
cle to s e p a r a t e m a i n - c h a m b e r a n d g a s - g e n e r a t o r tally affect the d e s i g n of a vehicle system: atmo-
data. T h r u s t g e n e r a t e d b y a t u r b i n e - e x h a u s t - g a s s p h e r i c p r e s s u r e , p r o p e l l a n t densities, p r e s s u r e s at
flowrate of 88.6 lb/s = 88.6 x 32.6 = 2887 lb. the engine p r o p e l l a n t inlets, propellant mixture ratio
• Thus, the m a i n - c h a m b e r thrust Ft = 750,000 - a n d v e h i c l e PU ( p r o p e l l a n t u t i l i z a t i o n ) c o n t r o l ,
v e h i c l e a c c e l e r a t i o n , a n d throttling o f t h e e n g i n e
2887 = 747,113 lb.
• T h r u s t - c h a m b e r flowrate Wtc = 747,113/270 =
2767 lb/s. Engine Influence Coefficients
• O x i d i z e r - p u m p flowrate = (88.6 x 0.408)/(1 +
Engine influence coefficients are u s e d to c o n v e r t or
0.408) + (2767 x 2.35)/(1 + 2.35) + 3 = 25.7 + 1941 +
correct steady-state, m a i n - s t a g e - e n g i n e s y s t e m per-
3 = 1969.7 lb/s.
formance parameters (dependent variables) from
• F u e l - p u m p flowrate = (88.6o25.7)+(2767-1941) =
o n e c o n d i t i o n to a n o t h e r of i n d e p e n d e n t variables,
888.9 lb/s.
such as a t m o s p h e r i c p r e s s u r e , fuel t e m p e r a t u r e , oxi-
• Turbine-shaft h o r s e p o w e r Thp = (1969.7x2930)/
dizer density, etc. This m a y be a correction to stan-
(550 x 0.707) + (888.9 x 4790)/(550 x 0.659) + 500 = dard sea-level c o n d i t i o n s (first-stage b o o s t e r e n g i n e )
27,090 hp.
or a c o n v e r s i o n to o t h e r specified c o n d i t i o n s . The
• Turbine gas flowrate wt = [(550/778) x 27,090]/ coefficients are d e r i v e d f r o m the linearized solution
(359 x 0.582) = 91.7 lb/s. of a set of s t e a d y - s t a t e e q u a t i o n s that d e s c r i b e the
This value will serve a n o t h e r calculation trial: p e r f o r m a n c e of an e n g i n e system. T h e s e e q u a t i o n s
• Thrust g e n e r a t e d b y a t u r b i n e - e x h a u s t gas are solved by a digital c o m p u t e r using matrix meth-
flowrate of 91.7 lb/s = 91.7 x 32.6 = 2989 lb. ods a n d are p r e s e n t e d in tabular form, as s h o w n in
• M a i n - c h a m b e r thrust Ft = 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 - 2986 = Table 10-1 for the A-1 Stage engine system. Each in-
747,014 lb. f l u e n c e coefficient takes t h e form of a p e r c e n t a g e - -
• T h r u s t - c h a m b e r flowrate Wtc = 747,011/270 = the c h a n g e of a d e p e n d e n t e n g i n e variable, such as
2767 lb/s. thrust, as p r o d u c e d b y a 1% c h a n g e in an i n d e p e n -
• O x i d i z e r - p u m p flowrate = 91.7 x 0.408/(1 + dent variable, such as a t m o s p h e r i c pressure. A coeffi-
0.408) + (2767 x 2.35)/(1 + 2.35 ) + 3 = 1970.6 lb/s. cient p r e c e d e d by a p o s i t i v e sign indicates that an
• F u e l - p u m p flowrate = (91.7 - 26.6) + (2767 - increase of an i n d e p e n d e n t variable p r o d u c e s an in-
1941) = 891.1 lb/s. crease in the d e p e n d e n t variable. Conversely, a coef-
• Turbine shaft h o r s e p o w e r Thp = 1970.6 x 2930/ ficient with a negative sign indicates a d e c r e a s e in the
(550 x 0.707) + (891.1 x 4790)/(550 x 0.659) + 500 = d e p e n d e n t variable, as a result of an i n d e p e n d e n t -
14,849 + 11,776 + 500 = 27,125 hp. variable increase. T h e s e i n f l u e n c e coefficients are
• Turbine-gas flowrate 4¢t = (550/778) x 27,125/ usually sufficiently a c c u r a t e o v e r the entire d e s i g n
(359 x 0.582) = 91.8 lb/s. operating range of an e n g i n e system.

Table 10-1 I n f l u e n c e c o e f f i c i e n t for the A-1 Stage e n g i n e system.

(Value of C" correctionto be obtained fromthe C" correctionvs mixtureratiocurve shown in figure 10-13)
. . . . . ,,, , ,

Independent Variables and Nominal Values

A 1% Increase of Independent Atmospheric Oxidizer Fuel Oxidizer Pump Fuel Pump C


Variables Causes the Pressure, Density, ,~ Density, 3 Inlet Suction Inlet Suction Correction,
Following Percentage Change 14.696 psia 71.38 Ibm" 50.45 Ib/ft Pressure, Pressure, 1.000
of Dependent Variables 55 psia 45 psia

Dependentvariablesand nominal values:

Engine thrust, 750,000 Ib -0.1780 1.8750 -0.7420 0.0440 -0.0066 1.1030
Engine specificimpulse, 262.4 s -0.1780 0.2650 -0.0640 0.0072 -0.0150 1.1350
Engine mixtureratio, 2.20 0.0000 1.6420 -1 3650 0.0270 -0.0020 -0.0260
Engineoxidizer flow, 1,967.7 Ib/s 0.0000 2.0430 -1.1120 0.0465 0.0108 -0.0632
Engine fuel flow, 892.3 Ib/s 0.0000 0.6530 0.3120 0.0207 0.0045 0.0094

Because the influence coefficients are linear, the 0.044 x (65 - 55)/55 + (-0.0066) x (49 - 45)/45 =
total of several influences acting simultaneously on 0.04527, or 4.527%.
an engine system can be determined by summing the
individual effects. For example, the change of engine Engine-system thrust at an altitude, w h e r e Pa = 10.2
thrust for the A-1 Stage e n g i n e system (without C* psia, will then b e r n
correction) can be expressed as follows:
- 0.04527 Fn + Fn = 0.04527 x 750,000 + 750,000
(F - Fn)/(F n) = C1 (Pa - Pan)/Pan + C2 (Po - Pon)/ = 783,950 lb
Pon + C3 ( P f - Pfn)/Pfn + C4 (Poi - Poin)/Poin
+ C5 (Pfi- Pfin)/Pfin Nonlinear Corrections
When the linear approximation is not sufficiently ac-
where--C1, C2, C3, C4, C 5 are the influence coeffi- curate, the usefulness of the engine influence coeffi-
cients a n d ~ cients can be e x t e n d e d by a technique that allows
F, Fn = e n g i n e - s y s t e m t h r u s t a n d its nonlinear corrections for certain parameters. An ex-
nominal value, lb ample of this m e t h o d is the C* correction. For in-
Pa, Pan = a t m o s p h e r i c p r e s s u r e a n d its stance, a plot the change of C* correction vs. engine
nominal value, psia mixture ratio may be used in conjunction with a table
Po, Pan = oxidizer density and its nominal of influence coefficients, such as Fig. 10-13 and Table
Pf, Pfn = fuel d e n s i t y a n d its n o m i n a l 10-1, which are for the A-1 engine system. The change
value, lb/ft3 of engine mixture ratio can be c o m p u t e d for changes
in atmospheric pressure, propellant densities, etc., as-
Pfi, Pfin = fuel-pump-inlet suction pressure
and its nominal value, psia
Poi, Poin = oxidizer-pump-inlet suction pres-
sure and its nominal value, psia o

Sample Calculation 10-4 -0.1

Estimate the thrust of the A-1 Stage e n g i n e system g
o p e r a t e d at the following conditions, without consid- g -0.3
ering the effects of C* correction: atmospheric pres-
sure Pa = 10.2 psia, oxidizer density Po = 71.00 lb/ft3,
~ -o.4
fuel density pf = 50.90 lb/ft3, o x i d i z e r - p u m p - i n l e t
suction pressure Poi = 65 psia, and fuel-pump-inlet
suction pressure Pfi -- 49 psia. -0.5

S o l u t i o n 10-4 1 1 I
-16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12
From Eq. (10-14) and Table 10-1. Change in Engine Mixture Ratio (%)

(F-Fn)/Fn = (-0.178) x (10.2 - 14.696)/14.696 + 1.875 x Fig. 10-13 C* c o r r e c t i o n vs. c h a n g e in e n g i n e

(71 - 71.38)/71.38 + (-0.742) x (50.9 - 50.45)/50.45 + m i x t u r e - r a t i o curve for the A-1 Stage e n g i n e .

suming the C* correction to be initially zero. The C* potential trouble spots. Welded and brazed joints
correction for the resultant change in engine mixture should be used as much as possible. Problems intro-
ratio can be read from the graph, and then used with duced by vibration, high temperatures and pressures,
other independent variables to compute the changes and leakage and space restrictions will thus be more
in the remaining dependent variables. easily handled. Engine mechanical integration being
a vital part of the system-design concept, all factors
Sample Calculation 10-5 related to integration and packaging of components
and subsystems must receive careful consideration
Problem early in the preliminary design stage.
In general, a modular packaging approach should
Estimate the thrust of the A-1 Stage engine system be selected--like those used for the A-1 (Fig. 3-2) and
operated at the conditions listed for sample calcula- A-2 (Fig. 3-4) Stage engine systems, as well as for
tion (10-4), adding the effects of C* correction. Also, many advanced operational engine systems. This en-
for the same conditions, estimate the thrust, assuming sures engine integrity from time of manufacture
an additional mixture-ratio error of +10% caused by through vehicle launch. It also provides a compact
faulty calibration. package for ease of handling, transportation, and in-
stallation in the vehicle. Such packaging enables ease
Solution 10-5 of checkout and component accessibility.
The engine should be completely assembled in
By analogy with Eq. (10-14) and using Table 10-1, the the manufacturer's plant. Subsequent acceptance test-
engine system's mixture ratio change caused by the ing, air transportation, and installation in the vehicle
conditions of Sample Calculation 10-4 will be as fol- in the field should not require assembly of additional
lows: major components. Integrity of the propellant-feed
and hot-gas systems, once verified in a complete sys-
(MR - MRn)/MRn = 1.642 x (71 - 71.38)/71.38 + tem during acceptance test, will not necessarily be
(-1.365) x (50.9 - 50.45)/50.45 + 0.027 x (65 - 55)/55 + nullified by the need to temporarily disassemble the
engine for shipment. The integrated-engine-package
(-0.002) x (49-45)/45 = -0.0162 or-1.62%
concept provides added assurance that static test-
From Fig. 10-13, the C* correction for a mixture ratio stand firing results have verified structural soundness
change o f - 1 . 6 2 % is a p p r o x i m a t e l y - 0 . 0 2 % . From of the package to a substantially greater degree than
Table 10-1, the influence coefficient for engine-sys- would be the case for a system in which the vehicle
tem thrust is 1.1030 for a 1% C* correction. T h u s - - provides portions of the engine structure.
As an example of a special case of mechanical
% change in F = 4.527 + (-0.02) x 1.103 = 4.505% integration of a liquid-propellant rocket engine, the
p r e p a c k a g e d storable-liquid-propellant propulsion
Therefore, engine-system thrust considering effects of system shown in Fig. 8-1 represents a completely in-
C* correction will bern tegrated assembly, of all-welded construction, consist-
ing of thrust-chamber assemblies, propellant tanks,
F - 750,000 x (1 + 0.04505) = 783,790 lb pressurization system, and necessary controls. This
integration provides maximum assurance of system
Adding the mixture ratio error of 10%, the total mix- integrity from the time of manufacture, which in-
ture ratio change -- 10 - 1.62 = 8.38%. From Fig. 10-13, cludes loading of the propellants, delivery, vehicle
the C* correction will then be approximately-0.11%. assembly, and launch. For maximum safety, hermeti-
Thus: cally sealed burst-diaphragms completely separate
propellants until "systems start." Acceptance tests
% change in F - 4.527 + (-0.11) x 1.103 = 4.406% sample units at random from the production line
and hot-fire them. In addition, destructive tests of
Engine system thrust F = 750,000 x (1 + 0.04406) various types are performed on prepackaged storable
= 783,050 lb propellant systems.

10.5 MECHANICAL INTEGRATION OF ENGINE Packaging of Rocket-engine C o m p o n e n t s

Most major rocket-engine c o m p o n e n t s , such as
Basic Considerations thrust-chamber (Fig. 4-1) and turbopump (Fig. 6-16)
assemblies, readily form a logical, independent me-
Besides combining all components and subsystems chanical unit by virtue of function and physical
functionally and physically, the design for mechani- shape. In the case of minor components, however,
cal integration of an engine system must consider the such as control valves, gas generators, and igniters,
overall envelope of the system and its weight. This packaging design principles can best be served by
includes the location of the system's center of gravity. making them an integral part of a major component
Also, it should permit simplified maintenance and assembly or integrating them by groupingma typical
checkout practices. Judicious packaging design should example being a gas-generator assembly externally
be applied to minimize the number of interconnect- attached to a turbine-inlet flange (Fig. 3-2). Similarly,
ing hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical lines, with gas-generator propellant valves and the combustor
their attendant fittings, connectors, joints, and other can be integrated into one unit (Fig. 4-64).

" " . . . . . . . . . . /e Control

Bleed Press~ ,I Solenoid Valve

e Regulator
Mainstage Ig; .ition Phase Control
Solenoid V~ Solenoid Valve

Fail-Safe Check Valve

High Pressure Relief 10 Micron Filter

Low Pressure Relief Valve

Fig. 10-14 Typical pneumatic-
Pneumatic Control Package Schematic control package design used in
Vent Port Check Valve Low Pressure Relief Valve
liquid-propellant rocket engine
Helium Inlet Ignition Phase
Solenoid Control

Vent Port Check Valve

Vent Port Check


Helium Control Mainstage Solenoid

Solenoid Valve Control Valve

Bleed Pressure
Regulator G.G. Bleed Valve Control
Solenoid Valve

Certain types of hydraulic and pneumatic rocket- or stack, with common porting through the mating
engine control components lend themselves most surfaces from one unit to the next.
conveniently to the packaging design, one of the Subplate packaging.. Two or more individually
main objectives with these being to reduce line runs housed components are fastened to a subplate, so
b y combining all parts and passages into one hous- that all ports of the individual component housings
ing. Such a housing (or mounting plate) can be rela- lead into the subplate manifold, through their mating
tively leakproof, because trouble areas will be limited surfaces with the subplate, and on to the systems
to external line connections to other components. plumbing.
Furthermore, if c o m p o n e n t s are packaged in this Cartridge packaging: Two or more components
manner, reductions of weight and size will be housed individually in cylindrical cartridges are in
achieved through the use of common walls and turn assembled in a c o m m o n body with suitable
through the elimination of extra mounting platforms, manifolding to the systems plumbing.
clamps, and fasteners. The relatively few packages re- Multiple-component packaging: Detail parts for
quired, as compared to the usually large number of two or more components are assembled in a normal
individual components, greatly simplifies mainte- fashion in a common housing or body.
nance of such a system. Integrated packages are about Figure 10-14 shows a typical pneumatic-control
as easily removed and replaced as are the separate package for a large liquid-propellant rocket engine.
c o m p o n e n t s making up each package. However, This package combines two pressure-regulator as-
packaged design will not necessarily be desirable for semblies, two relief valves, a series of solenoid valves,
every control system. Each case must be carefully filter units, and check valves. It controls the flow of
studied. helium gas to various engine components. Engine
As a rule, one of the following methods, or a start energizes the helium-control solenoid, allowing
combination, can be used for packaging engine-con- helium to flow through the main pressure regulator to
trol components: the control system, and thence internally to the main
Bank packaging: A group of similar fiat-sided control valves through a fail-safe check valve. Should
component assemblies are bolted together in a bank the helium gas supply system fail, this check ensures

that the various engine propellant valves remain from a gimbal bearing that attaches directly to the
pressurized and thus open. thrust-chamber dome. The other half of the bearing
attaches the vehicle thrust structure. The low-pressure-
Packaging of Turbopump-fed Engine Systems propellant-supply ducts must be sufficiently flexible
to accommodate gimbal motions. Note that vehicle
In earlier high-thrust rocket propulsion systems steering by gimballing a single engine or chamber
(some of which may still be in operational use), all will be effective only for the pitch and yaw planes.
major engine components were mounted into a cage- Roll control requires at least two engines. For vehi-
shaped thrust mount that was bolted to the vehicle cles with a cluster of engines this poses no difficulties;
thrust frame by lugs. Figure 2-5 shows several typical but single-engine vehicles need special roll-control
examples. With these systems, vehicle steering was devices. These may be small auxiliary nozzles, possi-
done with carbon vanes protruding into the jet (V-2 bly used simultaneously as vernier engines after
and Redstone) or by swiveling the thrust chamber main-engine shutdown. Turbine exhaust has been
(Thor, Jupiter). In the latter case, the high-pressure proposed for roll control.
feed lines between pumps and injector had to be The engine may attach to the vehicle thrust struc-
much more flexible than to account for misalign- ture by a thrust frame or a gimbal bearing, but either
ments and thermal expansion and contraction alone. must be able to transmit the full thrust forces at full
Most advanced liquid-propellant rocket engines gimbal deflection, yet retain an adequate reserve for
are tightly packaged. All major components are at- normal and side loads. The bolt-hole pattern must
tached to the main thrust chamber, directly or by permit adjustment for tolerance deviations. In gen-
means of mounting structures, as shown in Fig. 3-2, 3- eral, engine and vehicle attachment-halves must be
4, and 9-1. The thrust chamber serves as the principal designed for one another.
structural member of the entire engine system. For Figures 10-15 and 10-16 illustrate packaging de-
steering, the complete engine package is gimballed sign details of a typical pump-fed system, a LO2/RP-1

Start Subsystem
Propellant Tanks Pneumatic Control Package

Engine Start
Subsystem •

Electrical Control
" ~ " ~ ~ ~.
M~ain Fuel Duct Assembly

EngineThrust Frame
~ ~ Assembly
Tuf'bopump Lube
Turbopump Assembly Subassembly
. Gas GeneratorAssembly


Gimbaled Main Thrust

Chamber Assembly
Fig. 10-15 Major component and subsystem
packages of turbopump-fed liquid-propellant
rocket engine.
"--- Main Oxidizer Duct Assembly
Turbine Exhaust Duct Assembly

-- Start Tank Vent Valve

Start Tank Pressurizing Switch-- -- Start Tank
Start Subsystem
Pressure/Pneumatic Control Package
Propellant Valve/--. Engine Thrust Frame Assembly
/ Jr~
._ ~ ~ , f TurbopumpAssembly

! ~~//_~l~~Tur~~opumpLube~'
Oil Tank
Control Packac
] '~ ~ ~--GG FuelValve
Turbine Inlet Duc - - ~ ~ ~ ~ G.G: Oxidl"zerValve
~ ~ G.G. Oxidizer Regulator
Turbine Exhaust Elbc
~ ~ G.G. Combustor
Thrust Chamber Dorr Main Fuel Valve

Heat Exch~ ~N~/ Fig. 10-16 System-packaging design detail of

- - ~ the engine shown in Fig. 10-15.

- Oxidizer Inlet Elbow

Main OxidizerValve
" Main Thrust Chamber

fixed-thrust engine with constant-chamber-pressure Oxidizer Pump Inlet

control. The basic engine package consists of the fol- Closure Cover,,
lowing subpackages: gimballed main-thrust-chamber
assembly (thrust chamber, injector, dome, oxidizer
elbow, and gimbal mount), turbopump assembly
Lube Oil Drain
(propellant pumps, turbine, gearbox, lube pump, Fuel Pump Inlet Closure Cover...
Closure Cover
electric heater, and auxiliary drive), gas-generator as- Accessory Pad Closure Cover
sembly (combustor, control valves, regulator, and
turbine-inlet duct), main-oxidizer-duct assembly Turbine Outlet Closure Cover-
(including main oxidizer valve), main-fuel-duct as-
sembly (including main fuel valve), turbine-exhaust-
duct assembly (including heat exchanger), engine-
start subsystem (oxidizer and fuel tanks, control
valves), turbopump lube subsystem (lube-oil tank and Thrust Chamber
Protective Cover
fittings), pneumatic-control package, electrical-con-
trol package, and engine-thrust-frame assembly. The
majority of the major component and subsystem
packages go within, or at the periphery of, the engine-
thrust-frame assembly. The main-thrust-chamber as- Cover Gasket
sembly attaches to the thrust frame through a gimbal Thrust Chamber Exit Closure Cover
Fig. 10-17 Various protective closure covers for
Mechanical Protection o f Engine-system the engine s h o w n in Fig. 10-15.

Several years may elapse between the date a liquid- The failure probability of the smaller units may be
PrOPellant rocket engine is completed and accepted low, but it increases with the number of units clus-
by the user and its vehicle flight. Design must there- tered. Reliability will not be a fixed value for either
fore consider means to protect the engine-system large or small, but rather will be a function of devel-
package in transit or storage against moisture, dirt, opment effort a n d time. A realistic analysis, consid-
and shock. Protections include simple closures, such ering all factors, m a y determine the appropriate
as caps, plugs, and cover plates applied to valve and choice; but the hard fact of the cost of going both
regulator vent holes, propellant inlets, and to other routes for a given mission and of comparing final
openings. Frequently, these closures contain desic- scores almost surely being prohibitive will preclude
cant bags and indicators that warn, through change an absolute answer.
of color, of the undesired intrusion of moisture. The clustering of liquid-propellant rocket en-
Certain lines, however, may require communication g i n e s - i n other words, the subdivision of vehicle
with ambient air ("breathing"). Then the closures thrust into smaller unitsmmay be done a number of
may be equipped with desiccant filters to permit ac- ways. The choice, for the most part, will be based on
cess of dry air only. Some of the covers must be re- vehicle considerations. Depending on the method
moved to permit installation of the engine in the ve- chosen, however, engine design will be directly af-
hicle. Others will be left in place until the engine is fected.
actually operated. To prevent being left in place in- There are no hard-and-fast rules that will deter-
advertently, these closures must be readily accessible mine optimum cluster configurations. Liquid-engine
and clearly marked, such as with bright colors. Figure clusters actually used in practice, however, do pro-
10-17 shows locations of various protective closures vide a guide for future designs.
for the Rocketdyne LR79-NA-11 engine.
Early Cluster Configurations
ROCKET ENGINES Figure 10-18 shows the cluster of two experimental
LOX/alcohol engines for a planned but discontinued
The idea of obtaining higher thrust levels expedi- ballistic missile. It consisted of two units of 120,000-
tiously through the combination of several smaller 1b-thrust each. Both subunits had a gimballed tubular-
rockets probably is as old as rocketry itself. The topic wall thrust chamber and a geared turbopump. The
of clustering still provokes spirited debate among de- turbines were powered in parallel from a single,
signers. Perhaps this reached a peak in March 1952 common gas generator and also had common con-
when, in a Collier's magazine article, Wernher yon trols. Thus, this propulsion system was not a true clus-
Braun described a space vehicle having a first stage ter, because it was not possible to develop and fire
powered by a cluster of 51 turbopump-fed rocket each unit independently. This engine powered sev-
engines. eral successful experimental flights.
Debate invariably turns around the deceptively Figure 10-19 shows another experimental cluster
simple question: Will higher overall reliability be consisting of three units that, although never flown,
obtained through a combination of well-developed achieved a remarkable reliability record during static
smaller engines or through one large, specially-de- firings at thrust levels up to 500,000 lb. This cluster,
veloped unit? The question has no simple answer. too, used common controls and gas-generating sy s-

Vertical Stabilizer

Base Heat Shield

Fig. 10-18 Dual-engine cluster. Body Flap and Stub

Fig. 10-20 Space Shuttle Orbiter Three-main

engine cluster.

and combined for the first time on the vehicle

In the S-l, the number of engines was, no doubt,
almost entirely governed by the availability of exist-
ing major engine components and tankage. For sub-
sequent vehicles, such as the Saturn V three-stage ve-
hicle, greater freedom existed, particularly with re-
spect to the optimization of thrust and total impulse
Fig. 10-19 Three-engine cluster. (propellant load).
The Space Transportation System utilizes a clus-
ter of three liquid-oxygen/liquid-hydrogen main en-
tem for the three subunits. Most of its components gines installed in the Orbiter aft fuselage. These
were essentially the same as those used for the two- Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) run from liftoff
engine cluster, except that propellants were RP-1 and until main-engine shutdown at approximately 510 s.
liquid oxygen. Two large solid-rocket boosters, one attached to ei-
Still another approach for ballistic missiles com- ther side of the external tank, supply additional thrust
bines a pair of booster engines with a large-expan- for the first stage of the flight. The clustered SSMEs
sion-area sustainer engine. During flight, the booster take the tucked-in position for reentry and landing of
engines may be jettisoned following the boost pe- the Orbiter. Figures 10-20 and 10-21 depict the instal-
riod, while the sustainer continues, fed from the same lation of the SSME cluster.
tanks. Such a configuration has been termed a "one- Assume that payload and mission of a multistage
and-one-half-stage vehicle." vehicle have been defined and that stage propellant
loads (total impulse) and tank geometry (diameter)
have been optimized. Assume further that engines are
Recent Cluster Design Trends available and will not be redesigned, and that the op-
timum thrust for a typical stage suggests a range of
The first U.S. clustered-engine vehicle~signifying the four to six engines. An analysis has shown that pay-
modern trend toward multipurpose engines~NASA's load performance probably increases with the larger
S-1 first-stage booster for the Saturn I, was powered by number of engines (Fig. 10-22), but there are other
eight LOX/RP-1 engines, the basic elements of which considerations.
were transplanted with relatively minor modifications One of the most influential will be the ability of a
from earlier engines. The S-1 is noteworthy for its vehicle to complete its mission with one engine in-
tank arrangement---eight tanks from a precedent mis- operative (also see Chapter 2, "Thrust Level"). Engine
sile clustered around a central larger tank. This provisions for "Engine-Out (EO) Capability" will be
"multicellular" design, which in the case of the S-1 summarized in section 10.7. Engine-out always entails
permitted early availability of large tank capacity some performance loss, but it decreases with increas-
without major retooling, has been recommended by ing number of engines because less performance re-
some vehicle designers for still larger vehicles. The serve will be needed, likewise less correcting thrust-
eight engines of the S-1 are grouped into four fixed vector trim from the operating engines.
inner engines and four gimballed outer engines. EO capability makes a substantial contribution to
Except for the outer-engine actuators, all eight are mission reliabilty, reducing cluster-failure potential
identical, independent units, built and tested singly, by more than half.

(Center) No. 1
Liquid OxygenGround~
Umbilical Disconnect
Liquid Hydrogen Ground
Umbilical Disconnect Panel

Liquid Hydrogen Engine Inlet Line

" .~ / Liquid Hydrogen Supply Manifold

Tank Liquid Hydrogen
Disconnect Fig. 10-21 Space Shuttle
Engine No.
(Left) Orbiter aft fuselage.
Liquid Hydrogen Recirculation
Liquid Oxygen Supply Manifold

Liquid Hydrogen Prevalve

Engine No. 3 Heat •
Liquid Oxygen Prevalve
(Right) Shield(
Orbiter-External Tank
Liquid Oxygen Disconnect
Engine Gimbal Bearing
Fluid System Interface
Panel (3) Liquid Oxyen Engine Inlet Line

Main Propulsion System


No Engine Out ~ .~-. ~~--~""~'~~--~-~~~ One Engine Out (Advanced

/ _ - ~ . _ ~ Develol~mentPhase)
_ P
ei aDevelsOut
) / N °~ ~ " ~ ~
.o 0.9
One Engine Out (Earlier
o Engine Development Phase)

sSIS ine


I_ I I No
4 5 6 Engine Development Phase)
Number of Engines • I I
4 5 6
Fig. 10-22 Stage-payload w e i g h t vs. number of Number of Engines
e n g i n e s in cluster. Fig. 10-23 Typical cluster reliability prediction
vs. number of engines in cluster and of devel-
o p m e n t time.
Figure 10-23 illustrates reliability at two points in
engine overall development. As testing progresses,
the difference between engine-out and no-engine-out Four-engine cluster. This configuration, in the
narrows (see also Table 2-2). It may be stated that, for groupings from four to six, offers optimum engine in-
a given number of vehicle flights, the lower the en- terchangeability. All four engines will be gimballed.
gine reliability, the greater will be the benefits of en- Only one installation is required: all inlet ducts and
gine-out. Figure 10-22, in combination with Fig. 10-23, other engine-to-stage connections can be made iden-
shows that simultaneous addition of one engine and tical. The thrust vector control (TVC) mode is sim-
inclusion of engine-out capability retain about the plest: all engines deflect in pitch and yaw, and all ac-
same payload for a substantially higher cluster relia- tuators participate equally in roll control (Fig. 10-
bility at any single-engine reliability level. 24a). The vehicle contractor's requirements will de-
Cluster diameter in relation to vehicle diameter cide the actual gimballing requirements.
raises another important consideration. As discussed Five-engine c l u s t e r . Five engines provide
in section 10.7, all engines must fit into the inter- greater thrust but complicate matters in other re-
stages to permit stage separation without interference. spects. Of two basic arrangements possible, as shown
That condition does not restrict the first stage, but in Fig. 10-24b and 10-24c, designers prefer the ar-
the degree of protrusion must be balanced against rangement with the center engine, mounted fixedm
drag losses. i.e., stiff-arms installed in place of gimbal actuators.
Specific considerations for some common en- It is advisable to install the engine with a complete
gine clusters may be summarized as follows (Fig. 10- gimbal bearing for standardization and ease of
24). alignment. The remaining four engines can be gim-

conditions. As to mounting-circle diameter, the two

five-engine clusters are about equal.
Six-engine cluster. This combination provides
the highest thrust, at the expense of a larger mount-
ing circle. This in turn increases the effects of one-
Yaw engine-out on trim required and may compound in-
Actuator terstage and inter-engine clearance problems. In
simplicity the control mode is comparable to the
Actuator a) 4 Engmes b) 5 Engines four-engine cluster. The six-engine cluster requires
two installations, with inlet and other effects similar
to those discussed with the five-engine configuration.
This cluster of six offers the potential of remov-
ing (not installing) two engines and still retaining a
satisfactory four-engine combination--added flexibil-
ity at minimum scar weight (i.e., weight of compo-
nents that cannot readily be removed along with the
If at all possible, the engine designer should
c) 5 Engines d) 6 Engines specify that the engine intended for cluster use be
tested under conditions c l o s e l y s i m u l a t i n g vehicle
Fig. 10-24 Typical e n g i n e - c l u s t e r arrange- installation. It may be expected that the vehicle
merits. builder will conduct a firing program of his own; but
this program must be devoted to cluster behavior
and performance evaluation, and should not deterio-
rate into continued single-engine development. A
~',. ~ , , / ~ All Propellant - "I major difference between single-engine and cluster
i Tank / i firing concerns the base conditions, i.e., the heat and
-,. i .- . .: ,,.--. dt .
pressure environment of the engines, particularly at
' :=> " " " " " " ~"~*iii!l altitude. Flame radiation effects, backwash of combus-
,!'7. " - .......... : / . . . . . - =---".""v,vl / :' ]!! ii
tion gases, and impingement may create much more
i~ '72--, .&7. ~_-...7-..~2.5~.-I : l f f | severe conditions than are present during single-en-
gine firing. The pressure environment produced by
several engines firing together may create moments
/N/'"; .~ ,:i-_ \ t.t ] ' J AftSkirl on the engines that must be accounted for in the de-
sign of the gimbal system. The engine designer
i / i ;. ' i ,.~ ; I ".
should be familiar with these conditions so that the
/I e. . . . . . .i.... -d
', .' ;
L,___t \ \ i\ & . . . l _ _ . .!~ \
/ #, \',
claim that the engine can be clustered remains valid
after delivery.
Engine Mount .
Center Engine \ Outboard Engine
Frame (Fixed) \ Gimballed
Awareness by engine designers of the considera-
tions governing engine clustering, as presented here,
Center Engine will enable them to complete a systems integration
Support Beam
with a broader view to specific applications.
Fig. 10-25 Typical five-engine cluster configura-
t i o n ( c e n t e r e n g i n e fixed, four o u t e r e n g i n e s 10.7 ENGINE-TO-VEHICLE INTERFACE
Throughout this book, references have been made to
the ultimate purpose of rocket-engine design and
production: propulsion of a vehicle. Some of the
balled and grouped as in a four-engine cluster and principal engine-to-vehicle interfaces, such as thrust
thus yield the same benefits. The centered engine, mount, pneumatic fluid, and electrical and propellant
however, forces two installations and two sets of inlet lines, have been discussed in preceding chapters.
ducts. The different length of the ducts affects pres- This section will summarize a number of vital engine-
sure drop and fluid velocity profile (engine turbo- to-vehicle interfaces. The able engine designer will
pump NPSH), waterhammer from closure of valves keep cognizant of them.
(valve timing), trapped propellants, and possibly in-
sulation requirements (weight penalties and complex- Design Documentation
ity). Figure 10-25 shows a typical five-engine installa-
tion with fixed center engine. Adequate mechanical design data, vital for the physi-
With all five engines arranged on a circle, the ba- cal integration of engine into vehicle system, must be
sic engine package may become more uniform, since properly d o c u m e n t e d b y t h e e n g i n e s y s t e m s d e -
all will be gimballed. However, the five engines will s i g n e r , the following being considered minimum re-
need three different installations (Fig. 10-24c), and quirements:
will seriously affect systems TVC response, because of • Engine-system general arrangement drawing.
roll and yaw coupling, particularly under malfunction This drawing defines the engine envelope and the lo-

cations and detail of various agreed-upon vehicle The ICD will describe operational requirements
connect points, such as--- and c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s u s u c h as prestart conditioning,
--Thrust or gimbal mount thrust buildup curves, steady-state performance, and
--Gimbal-actuator attach points thrust-decay characteristics--and fluids requirements,
--Fuel- and oxidizer-inlet flanges interface loads, thermal environment, mass proper-
u H y d r a u l i c and pneumatic system connections ties, and electrical and software requirements.
~ P r o p e l l a n t bleeds
--Electrical and instrumentation connections Space Envelope
--Autogenous pressurization connections
• Mechanical dimensions, tolerances, seals (if An engine being installed in a vehicle not only must
any), fasteners, and loads at the vehicle connect be properly bolted to the vehicle thrust mount, but
points listed. also, equally important, must be i m p e d e d by no
• Engine-system mass properties which include other vehicle parts. Space in the engine compart-
engine weights, gimbaled mass, center of gravity, and ment of the vehicle must not only accommodate the
a d d e d m o m e n t of inertia for the basic engine, engine envelope when in the neutral position (i.e.,
including accessories. pointing straight aft) but also when fully deflected in
• Engine performance data (as in Fig. 3-1). all directions. Typical maximum engine deflections
• Engine functional description (see Chapter 3). range from 4 to 10 deg. For clusters, moreover, the
• Engine handling procedures and equipment, possibility of faulty deflection of engines must be
needed for installation and maintenance. taken into account. Because space in the engine
• Engine servicing needs. compartment of a vehicle will usually be limited; en-
• Electrical-power requirements for both ac and gine designer and vehicle builder must have the
dc systems; power profiles and surge limitations in- closest cooperation, especially for upper-stage clus-
cluded. ters, where large-expansion-area nozzles must be
• Command and data channels and the neces- housed in a minimum interstage.
sary software details for any computer-driven con-
troller. Connect Panels
• Fluid requirements--purge gases, propellants,
propellant-tank pressurant, hydraulic fluids, etc. All engine-to-vehicle lines, which may amount to a
Included too will be flowrates, supply pressures, tem- dozen or more per engine, must be reliably connect-
peratures, and cleanliness requirements. ed for each engine installation, not only in the vehi-
• Environmental conditions, such as engine- cle but also in the static development and accep-
compartment thermal conditions at prelaunch, as- tance-firing stands. It has been found beneficial to
cent, and, if applicable, on orbit and during re-entry define this interface clearly by combining all lines in
and landing. one or several terminal-connecting panels (Fig. 10-
• Induced loads and vibration at all mechanical 26).
interfaces and aerodynamic loads on the nozzle for These panels, uniformly designed for all test lo-
ascent, re-entry, and landing. cations, may be m o u n t e d on the vehicle (or test
stand) or on the engine. For certain installations it
As a rule, this information will be compiled in may be advantageous to have matching panels on
detailed handbooks. Several years before the engines
are delivered and h a n d b o o k s become available,
however, the vehicle builder will need numerous en-
gine design details in support of the stage design.
These interface-design operational details will be
contained in the interface control document (ICD), a Test Stand
c o n t r a c t u a l entity that controls all of the en- Structure
gine/vehicle interfaces. With a new program involv-
ing a new engine and a new vehicle, the basic release
of the ICD usually has many specifics defined only as
TBDs ("to be determined's"). A propulsion-system- Engine Connect
interface working group must coordinate further defi- Panel
nition of the interfaces and properly document all
interface requirements. Any drawing for either the
engine or the vehicle interface must have a coded
note that prohibits changes to mutually affected di-
mensions without proper coordination and subse-
quent changes to the ICD. A properly administered
ICD has only design/operational requirements and
does not contain instructional information. The
"how to" and instructional information will be con-
tained in the engine-model h a n d b o o k prepared by
"Logistics." Maintenance and handling information
will also be defined in the various supporting logis- Fig. 10-26 Typical line connections on an ex-
tics manuals. perimental liquid-propellant rocket engine.

. ,
both the vehicle (or stand) and the engine. Aligned a
short distance apart, standardized jumper lines be- Bomout
tween pairs of panels will permit rapid and reliable =*. ," -7
connections. As a possible disadvantage of the panel
method, routing a line through the panels may force
additional line length, as compared to individual
routing of each line. Through careful design and
close coordination between the engine designer and
the vehicle builder, and in consideration of optimum Flight Time
location, subdivision, and orientation of the panels,
Fig. 10-27 Typical pump-i~Jet pressure variation
advantages will, in most cases, far outweigh disadvan-
of a vehicle affected by longitudinal oscillations.

Dynamic Interactions Mode

Coupling between the propellant-feed system, the Propellant in Tank

rocket engine, and the vehicle structure (as shown in % J
Fig. 10-27) can result in a transient instability during II

launch commonly called "POGO." Typically it is rec- "/~~ Propellant in Line

I 't.
ognized in data as a low-frequency oscillation (5-50 ) ~ Frequency Sensitive
/~ ~ :~=,,~.../ Engine ,n,et Impedance
Hz) that grows out of the noise, levels off, and then
decays back into the noise. This phenomenon was ~ [• . Engine Transfer
first seen in early unmanned flights of the Titan-
Gemini that observers likened to the motion of a Lower V~ic//~e
Stmclure and
child bouncing on a pogo stick. Evidence of POGO Engines
can be seen in the inlet-pressure measurement of Fig.
10-27. Fig. 10-28 Closed-loop coupling of propulsion
The problem (as indicated schematically in fig. system and vehicle (POGO).
10-28) involves the vehicle structure, the columns of
propellant in the feed lines, and the engines. The
structure supports the engine while the engine sup- ply an analytical estimate, although some unmanned
ports the propellant mass during powered flight. vehicles routinely experience peak POGO acceler-
During axial low-frequency vehicle vibration as the ations of 5-8 g.
engine moves forward, (relative to the vehicle) fluid When analysis predicts or flight data indicates
compression at the engine inlet causes the local POGO, the usual approach attempts to prevent tuning
pressure to increase. This pressure fluctuation of the feed system and structure by use of a compli-
produces an upward force on the propellant column ant device in the feed line near the engine inlet.
and an equal d o w n w a r d force on the engine and Devices to do this detuning include helium-filled ac-
structure. The pressure also causes an increase in cumulators, spring-loaded piston accumulators, gas-
flow into the engine, resulting in an upward-thrust tuned stand pipes, and compliant duct walls. The
component on the structure. If this upward-thrust Space Shuttle used an accumulator with a gaseous-
component exceeds the downward force caused by oxygen ullage and automatic level control that was
the engine-inlet pressure fluctuation, the consequence contained within the engine oxidizer-feed system.
will be a negative damping component on the struc- Avoiding POGO on a launch vehicle requires in-
ture. That will cause an instability, with divergent os- teraction between several disciplines. Like the flutter
cillations, if it exceeds the inherent structural damp- problem in aircraft, POGO occurs only during flight.
ing of the vehicle. Circumstances resulting in an in- Consequently, the dynamics of the subsystem must
stability can tune the dominant propellant-feed line be mathematically described so that system stability
to a major vehicle structural resonance. Such tuning can be estimated from simulation of in-flight cou-
and detuning occur naturally during flight as pling.
propellant in the tanks is consumed. POGO-suppression devices. The devices used
The engine has two significant effects on the to attenuate the flow perturbations in the Titan II
"POGO loop." It forms the lower boundary for the feedlines (Fig. 10-29 and 10-30) resemble in opera-
propellant-system and provides compliance and loss tion the surge tanks employed in the pressure regula-
so that it helps define propellant system resonant tion of large pipelines that have water-hammer prob-
frequencies and damping. More importantly, the en- lems. Surge tanks have been used as pressure-stabiliz-
gine sets the variation in upward thrust generated by ing devices in the flow lines of hydroelectric plants
a variation in inlet pressure. This so-called "engine and pumping stations for more than 50 years; they
gain" is critical to the evaluation of stability. In serve as a point of pressure relief or cushion when-
manned vehicles, for which 1/4 g POGO acceleration ever there is a sudden change in flow. Vehicle feed-
has been established as the crew limit, the frequency- lines, however, need suppression in a specific fre-
d e p e n d e n t "engine gain" can be obtained empir- quency range, and that necessitates a specially tuned
ically to preclude the possibility of a potentially surge-system. By selection of the proper damping
disastrous instability. Unmanned vehicles often ap- and spring characteristics, the pressure perturbations

in the line can be absorbed by the suppression de-

vice and, in effect, uncouple the engine from the Pump Inlet
structural feedback loop.
In the Titan II, an entrapped gas bubble was in-
corporated in the oxidizer-line standpipe to provide
a cushion or soft spring for the oxidizer mass in the
standpipe to act on (Fig. 10-29); the energy due to
pressure oscillations in the feedline can be trans-
ferred to this spring-mass system by judicious choice
of the volume or height of the entrapped bubble. Fuel Line
The fuel feedlines incorporated piston-type accumu-
lators that utilize a mechanical helical spring and pis-
ton arrangement to give the desired soft spring-ac- Piston
tion (Fig. 10-30); the fixed mass of the spring and pis-
ton along with the mass of fuel in the accumulator Piston-Type Accumulator
provided the equivalent mass required for a resonant
Helical Spring
The suppression devices were constructed and
tuned so that their frequency responses, coupled with
the appropriate feedline characteristics, would pro-
vide maximum attenuation of p u m p suction-pressure
oscillations that were excited by tank-structure oscilla- Fig. 10-30 Spring-loaded accumulator for POGO
tions. The combined system could be optimized for suppression, Titan II fuel-pump inlet line.
maximum attenuation in a specified frequency range.
POGO oscillations also occurred in the Saturn V
vehicle during boost flight. The frequency involved, LOX prevalves for the engines provided convenient
5 Hz, happened to be the natural frequency of the volumes for introducing gaseous helium, which does
combustion process of the F-1 engines and of the en- not condense at LOX temperature, to act as de-tuners.
tire Saturn V vehicle including the spacecraft. The A POGO suppression system in the LOX-feed sys-
vibration increased as propellants were consumed tem of the SSME at the inlet of the high-pressure
because the natural frequency of the vehicle in- oxygen turbopump (HPOTP) utilizes a gas-filled ac-
creased. The frequency approached 5.5 Hz about 125 cumulator to suppress vehicle-induced flow oscilla-
s after liftoff. While not necessarily destructive, the tions. Gaseous oxygen tapped off the heat exchanger
vibration had to be attenuated because it placed an in the oxidizer-tank pressurization system acts as the
undesirable acceleration on the crew. The design compliant m e d i u m following an initial helium
solution was to deter the two frequencies by placing a precharge. The system controls liquid level in the
pneumatic spring in the liquid-oxygen feedline of accumulator by means of a line that routes overflow
each of the five F-1 booster engines. Cavities in the fluids to the inlet of the low-pressure oxygen turbop-
ump (LPOTP).
In the SSME's POGO suppression (see Fig. 10-31),
,Standpipe With Gas Bubble the heart of the system, the gas-filled accumulator,
serves as a capacitance in the LOX-flow circuit and
prevents the transmission of the low-frequency (20-30
Hz) flow oscillations into the HPOTP. The system is
sized to provide sufficient overflow at the maximum
decreasing pressure transient in the LPOTP discharge
duct. The engine controller supplies valve actuation
signals and monitors system operation.
Engine-failure sensing and shutoff system
Oxidizer Line (EFSS). Such systems have been in use since the
early days of liquid rocketry. They are especially im-
portant during engine and early cluster development.
Part of them may later become a portion of flight
emergency detection systems (EDS) and engine-out
systems (see Chapter 2). The following list (not nec-
essarily complete) of major engine-oriented malfunc-
tions should be considered:
Pump Inlet
Pump-inlet pressures below safe minimum
Turbopump overspeed
Turbopump-bearing overheating
Turbopump-bearing vibration
Excessive turbopump leaks
Turbine-gas overtemperature
Fig. 10-29 Standpipe with bubble for POGO. Combustion instability

~ ~ . G i m b a l Joints
t...~,,.~ d 6 .. Pressurant Une Vehicle LOX Tank
[ Flex Hoses Bleed
~,,,'~,~ GOX Recirculation Une Valve
Engine LOX Bleed Une
From Engine Pneumatic Package
Recirculation Isolation Valve

GOX Inlet Diffuser

GOX Control Package
GOX Overflow Line Helium Precharge Control Package


Oxidizer Pump
Helium Su High-Pressure
\J Oxidizer Pump
Flex Hoses To Engine
Pneumatic Fig. 10-31 Schematic of P ~ - s u p p r e s s i o n sys-
Package tem in LOX feed system on SSME.

Abnormal injection pressures nents against these temperatures. At the same time, in
Ignition failure other areas at or around the engine, protection must
Premature propellant depletion be provided against the very high temperatures of
Electrical-power failure the combustion process and the emerging gas jet,
Pneumatic-pressure failure such as the cooling of the thrust chamber. The ex-
Improper valve positions haust jet, at sea level, usually does not pose a major
Fires problem, unless blowback occurs from the flame de-
flector. At higher altitudes with vacuum or near-vac-
Because of their potential for sudden destructive uum pressures, however, which are experienced even
effects, many of the malfunctions will be sensed and by first stages of a vehicle over the last portion of its
the signals used to initiate immediate automatic flight, a substantial portion of the thrust-chamber gas
shutdown. For others, which would not create an jet expands sideways from the nozzle exit, forming a
emergency within, say, fractions of a second, it is not plume, creating considerable backwash and radiating
u n c o m m o n to simply record their allowable mini- powerfully back into the engine compartment. This
m u m / m a x i m u m values using the test data computer. endangers both engine and vehicle c o m p o n e n t s m
If the test data goes outside of the safe region, the can cause surface temperatures of I O00"F or more
computer can initiate shutdown. without heat protection. In some cases it may be too
For flight, a few highly critical parameters of the cumbersome or costly in weight to provide individ-
EFSS may be retained for automatic engine shutdown ual insulation for each component. A protective heat-
or mission abort. In this case, if the engine-failure
sensing and shutoff system shuts down an engine yet
the flight continues with the remaining engines, a ve-
hicle-mounted electronic logic must sense the shut-
down and take certain actions, including these:
• Closing emergency-shutoff valves in the ducts
to the defunct engine, but not those in the others. 1 --~AA A
• Disconnecting electric power to the defunct
Flex Shield // ~ - ,~Flex .
engine only. Curtain Support , / " ("',,,~k curtaun
• Resetting or disarming backup s h u t d o w n -
Structure / ~ \
timers, since the reduced number of engines will
consume the available propellants over a longer pe-
riod of time. Secti SeAct~n
• Locking the defunct engine in the neutral gim-
bal position. Full Close-Out Partial Close-Out
Heat protection. The liquid-propellant rocket (Curtains Optional)
engine is a technological rarity, in which hot and
cold temperature extremes must be handled together: Fig. 10-32 Typical base-heating protection
insulation to maintain temperatures as low as -423"F concepts (center engine fixed, outer engines
in certain ducts, heaters to protect sensitive compo- gimballed).

Band -'~ 80
\ Skin Below Thrust Mount
Skin Above Thrust Mount


Thrust Chamber Nitrogen Ambient External to Mount
Tubes E -120
Engine Temperature
Insulation Band -160

m0era,ure E
Nitrogen Ambient Internal to Mount
-240, t I .. I I t _ ,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Hold Time from Propellant Loading (hr)
Fig. 10-34 Typical interstage temperature envi-
ronment for an upper-space using cyrogenic
propellants 565 SCFM (-IO0°F) nitrogen purge.

~ - Exit Ring and Flange

Fig. 10-33 Center-engine flame-impingement tained readiness with regard to absence of leaks, cor-
shield. rect valve positions, etc., prestart conditioning of the
engine essentially refers to temperature and pressure
levels around the engine and at the pump inlets. For
both, early cooperation will be essential between the
shield, forming a closeout diaphragm, may then be engine designer and the vehicle builder to arrive at a
more effective (Fig. 10-32). This shield may be sup- mutually feasible solution. Without this collaboration,
ported from a stationary (center) engine, if available, the optimistic note in engine drawings "to be sup-
or from a supporting structure. plied by vehicle contractor" will accomplish little.
Design and installation of the base heat-shield Certain engine subsystems, such as hydraulic
requires the closest cooperation between engine and components, control systems, and valve-actuation
vehicle designer. The need for a partial or full close- mechanisms, can function properly only if they
out must be determined through special model tests. come within a specified temperature range. Engine
In most designs the shield connects to the engine systems not employing cryogenic propellants may be
nozzle. Suitable brackets must therefore be provided. dependent on heating or cooling only during pro-
During gimballing the heat shield will resist the en- longed coasting times in space. Engine systems that
gine motion. The forces encountered must be con- do use cryogenic propellants almost always need at
sidered in the power budget for the hydraulic actua- least some heating. The cryogenic propellants within
tors. It must be taken into account that the heat-shield the engine, following start of tanking and the heat ab-
flex curtains may be quite cold bemre engine start sorption of tank surfaces and lines, may rapidly lower
and may still remain relatively cool at the far side, as the air temperature surrounding the engine to a few
planned, during stage operation. hundred degrees below 0"F.
In addition to backwash and radiation, which Most vehicle systems will specify an allowable
usually will not harm the internally-cooled engine hold period, following tanking, to allow adjustments
nozzle itself, mutual gas-jet impingement between en- and checkout of other systems and to await optimum
gines may occur from extreme deflection during launch times (rendezvous missions), etc. A hold pe-
gimballing. Excepting a major control malfunction, riod exceeding the allowance may allow severe sub-
this impingement should affect the nozzle only for cooling of engine components.
very brief periods near the exit. However, the heat The temperature environment can be substan-
may affect chamber structural elements, such as stiff- tially improved by the vehicle builder through en-
ening bands, which are not internally cooled. A heat- gine-compartment purges with warm gas (Fig. 10-34).
protective strip, a few inches wide, of ablative or An inert gas will bring the additional advantage of
other suitable material applied to the nozzle should counteracting the accumulation of combustible gas
suffice in most cases (Fig. 10-33). Obviously, single- mixtures from minor leaks. However, the vehicle
engine vehicles do not need this type of protection. builder's possibilities of heating through use of com-
Engine p r e s t a r t conditioning and s t a r t partment gas purges are definitely limited. Some of
Functional conditions required within the engine to the limitations stem from the engine designer's own
assure its readiness to start have already been dis- specifications, which require avoidance of elevated
cussed. When installed in the vehicle, the engine also temperatures around components containing cryo-
requires external conditions that must be met by the genic fluids to minimize boiloff and to prevent for-
vehicle builder. If prelaunch checkouts have ascer- mation of gas bubbles. Also, certain structural mere-

bers must be kept below maximum temperatures be- uids are tapped off at a point farthest away from the
cause of their strength characteristics. Moreover, the p u m p inlets and routed to the stage for overboard
purge-gas requirements and necessary heating provi- dumping or return to the tanks. A small auxiliary
sions would become prohibitive if attempts were pump has often been required to obtain the mini-
made to raise compartment temperatures above 32°F mum flowrates required for adequate bleeding.
or even to 0"F. Figure 10-35 shows the effects of in- During engine development, and even during
creasing purge flow and temperatures over those of vehicle static-firing programs, relatively favorable
Fig. 10-34. The analyses on which the graphs are prestart conditions exist: the enclosing interstage is
based have shown that a further increase of the purge not in place, hold periods are under better control,
rate to 12,000 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM) and cold lower-stage tank surfaces are absent. But
and 250°F barely raises the interstage temperature what worked faultlessly under these conditions may
above 0°F. At the same time, the propellant boiloff well fail in vehicle flight. A realistic recognition of
rates in exposed ducts increased tenfold over those this situation and close coordination between the two
under the conditions of Fig. 10-34. The locations design teams will therefore be vital during the early
quoted are identified in Fig. 10-36. phases of engine a n d vehicle design and develop-
For most applications the purges to the various ment.
areas will be made from a ground source. Once pre- For first-stage applications, the engine builder
conditioned, affected components can be expected stays relatively independent regarding start charac-
to maintain their temperature within an allowable teristics and sequence. The vehicle will not take off
band after vehicle liftoff during the relatively short until thrust exceeds vehicle weight; gravity holds the
boost-periods. Only stages with prolonged cruising propellants at the tank outlets; and all parameters are
times may require an onboard purge supply system; closely monitored from the ground control center. A
that imposes payload penalties. holddown period before vehicle release and takeoff
Literally a few inches away from the components introduces an additional safety margin.
requiring protection against low temperatures will be For upper-stage engine start, conditions become
others that must be protected against warmup due to considerably more complicated. Absence of the
influx of heat. Here again, noncryogenic propellants propellant-settling effects of gravitation, the sur-
pose few problems. By contrast, however, cryogenic rounding vacuum, temperature conditions at altitude,
systems, in particular those including liquid hydro- and remoteness from ground stations can only be
gen, are very sensitive to heat influx. The effects on crudely simulated in ground tests. Until first flights of
pump NPSH, which includes the vapor pressure of a new vehicle have been made, therefore, the engine
the fluid pumped, have been discussed in detail in in-flight start sequence, which is closely interwoven
section 8.5 in connection with tank insulation. For with the stage separation sequence, must be based
engine start, which involves the cryogenic fluids largely on analytical work. Neither vehicle builder
stored in the ducts immediately upstream of the en- nor engine designer can do this without considera-
gine and within the engine itself, insulation may be- tion of, and consultation with, the other. The follow-
come prohibitively complex. Continuous removal of ing principal relationships must be considered.
superheated cryogenic fluids from the engine system Starting the upper-stage engines while the lower
and substitution of fresh liquid, therefore, has been stage is still at full-thrust level is difficult, mainly be-
widely used. This removal can be accomplished cause of flame impingement and exhaust-gas dissipa-
through continuous overboard bleeding or through tion from the interstage. Engine start will therefore
recirculation back to the tank. In both cases, the liq- preferably follow stage separation; but then propel-

Upper Stage, LowerTank Bottom

40 ~x'" (Liquid Oxygen) //~
o 0 " N~" \ ~ ' ~ . ~ I
tD unt
Skin Inter-Stage
~ -80

-120 ,,,,,.,o, ,,,,,.,,,. . . . . ,,,v'~, . . . . . ount "Engine' / Engine

Engine \ Engine'

-160 i I I I I J
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Hold Time from P r o p e l l a n t L o a d i n g (hr)

/" Lower Stage, UpperTankTop
(Liquid Oxygen)
Fig. 10-35 Typical interstage environment for
an upper-space using cryogenic propellants---
4170 SCFM (250°F), nitrogen purge. Fig. 10-36 Multistage-vehicle interstage.

lant settling from acceleration effects of the lower •

I I 1 I
Sl'tutclow~ of Lower Stage Engines (from Propellant Depletion Signal)
stage can no longer be assured. Auxiliary propellant- •

Upper-Stage Ullage Rockets Ignited
Engine Start Sequence initiated [
settling ("ullage") rockets (usually solid-propellant • Separation Timer Started
type) are required instead during engine starts. These • Physical Separation Begins
(from Time or Accelerometer)
add weight and drag and reduce payload. The size of Lower Stage Retro Rockets Fire
the weight penalty, in turn, depends on engine-start I I
• Upper Stage Engine Nozzles Clear Interstage
characteristics (thrust-buildup time). For engines with I I
• Timer Allows Engines to Gimbal
relatively protracted buildup times, advanced initia-
tion (with respect to lower-stage thrust decay and t • Engines Ignite
separation) of upper-stage engine start may substan- • Engines Reach Full
tially reduce the penalties. One second, lopped off I ,., I , ,
2 3 4 5 6
the ullage-rocket burning times, may save hundreds -2 -1 0
/1me (seconds)
of pounds of stage weight. The same amount of time
added may not only reduce payload weight but may
also pose serious control problems to the space ve-
Fig. 10-37 Typical stage-separation sequence.
hicle, which floats essentially "rudderless" after sepa-
ration and before the start of its own engines. From
the foregoing requirements, the need for thorough and/or in gimbaled position create an even more
mutual understanding of this important vehicle-to- stringent situation.
engine interface becomes apparent. Interstage length. When the upper-stage engines
Vibration e n v i r o n m e n t . Even a normally or are mounted to the lower stage their length will de-
"smoothly" operating rocket engine generates a vi- termine the length of the required interstage. For a
bration pattern transmitted mechanically through the vehicle of the Saturn V class, each additional inch of
thrust mount, or acoustically through the ambient interstage length will cost approximately 40 lb. Thus,
atmosphere, if present, to the vehicle structure. here too, the added interstage weight required to ac-
Neglect of these vibrations by the vehicle builder commodate a longer, better-performing nozzle may
may lead to serious structural weakness or malfunc- void the theoretical gains.
tion of vital control organs mounted to the vehicle Stage separation. Separating the stages of a
structure. Means of reducing the normal engine vi- space vehicle entails three basic possibilities:
brations are limited and hard to analyze. Rather, it is 1) Leaving the interstage with the lower
important that the engine developers establish, as stage. This procedure requires the engines to
accurately as they can, the existing acoustic and vi- pull out of the interstage cylinder during separa-
bration pattern and inform the vehicle builder of tion (Fig. 10-37). Marginal clearance between en-
their findings. Inability of the tiedown-firing mea- gine skirts and the interstage wall may force
surements reliably to predict free-flight conditions complicated means to avoid collisions between
imposes a serious handicap. However, through a the separating stages. These may include a con-
thorough understanding of the potential and through trol system to tuck the engines inward and then
specifications of static-test and flight measurements, swing them out upon separation and start them.
in cooperation with the vehicle builder the engine Any such system adds complexity, lowers reliabil-
designer can greatly help reduce the incidence of se- ity, and may add weight. A shorter nozzle skirt of
rious problems. lesser diameter, although of somewhat lesser per-
N o z z l e e x p a n s i o n a r e a ratio. From his own formance, may be better overall.
analyses, the engine designer may have selected a 2) Leaving the interstage with the upper
nozzle expansion area ratio that appears to be an op- stage. To avoid the problem of stage collisions, it
timum compromise among engine weight, perfor- may appear attractive to leave the interstage at-
mance, size, and producibility. When analyzed in the tached to the upper stage. This adds inert weight
larger framework of vehicle performance, however, to the upper stage, a penalty that may prove con-
the selection may turn out not to be optimum. For siderably larger than the performance loss from
stages with engine clusters, in particular, upper stages, a somewhat shorter nozzle. A control problem
the following factors must be considered (single-en- may also be incurred in that the engine nozzles,
gine first stages disregarded here because least af- in their outward gimbal deflection, still must
fected): clear the interstage wall. In joint optimization
Gimbal angle. Following determination of the studies, the engine designer and the vehicle
maximum gimbal angle required for safe vehicle builder may weigh the possibility of leaving part
guidance, including consideration of actuation mal- of the interstage with either stage.
functions, the nozzle exit diameter will determine the 3) Leaving the interstage with the upperstage
attachment-point distances (mounting pattern) of the but dropping it in a second separation maneuver
engines in a cluster. several seconds after first separation. In this
Vehicle diameter. When mounted for proper dual-separation sequence, the second separation
gimbal capability, the envelope of the engine cluster may consist of shedding the interstage as a com-
must be in proper relationship to the vehicle diame- plete ring, possibly in combination with guide
ter. If the cluster envelope is too large, the increase in rails, or of blowing it off to the side in segments.
vehicle dimensions may void all gains from a larger Either method requires some form of actuation
expansion area ratio. Engines not permitted to pro- in addition to accurate timing. Also, while the in-
trade beyond the projected vehicle plane in neutral terstage is still attached, a serious base-heating

problem may develop. The requirement to over- compression of schedules the engine designer and
come any difficulties may increase complexity developer must make sure that schedules for design,
and reduce reliability and partially neutralize drawing release, manufacture, development, and en-
nozzle-performance gains. gine delivery are in accordance with the vehicle
Whichever method is applied, the thrust-decay
characteristics of the spent lower-stage engines great- Maintenance and Logistics
ly affect the separation sequence and the clearances.
To optimize these, the vehicle builder needs accurate For systems not man-rated, until reliable and eco-
information on thrust-decay characteristics and toler- nomic methods are developed to recover and refur-
ances from the engine designer. This information bish rocket vehicles, rocket engines will ordinarily be
may take the form of a graph, as shown in Fig. 10-38. used only once in flight, preceded by a reasonable
Flame-deflector size. Engine nozzle size and number of checkout and acceptance firings. The en-
arrangement on the vehicle, together with maximum girie model specification will include the total pre-
gimbal angles, strongly influence the design of flame scribed run capability (lifetime) of the engine, usually
deflectors on engine and stage static-firing test stands expressed in multiples of the rated flight d~ration. A
and launcher flame-deflectors. Here, the problem is factor of, for instance, 6, which includes a reserve for
not so much one of optimizing vehicle performance, repetition of checkout runs, is typical. Because of the
but of minimizing cost and of assuring the adequacy stringent weight considerations in rocket vehicles,
of these indispensable development tools. engine design attempts to assure this life expectancy,
but no more. Although reasonable safety factors
Engine Handling, Installation, and Servicing make it most unlikely that the engine would com-
Fixtures pletely collapse shortly after exceeding the allowable
maximum run-time, the statistical probability of
For handling engine parts and assemblies during en- some engine part failing does increase. For this rea-
gine.installation into development test stands and for son, most engine specifications prescribe overhauls
various servicing functions, the engine builder re- of a stated scope whenever this limit is exceeded.
quires numerous fixtures commonly referred to as Similarly, upper limits are set for storage times.
ground support equipment (GSE). Some of these fix- Exceeding these will trigger routine replacement of
tures can be used by the vehicle contractor as de- certain engine parts, notably of gaskets and seals.
signed, and others can be used for only a few minor Rocket-engine preservation and packaging methods
changes or additions. GSE takes substantial funding in are well developed, permitting storage periods ex-
a typical vehicle program. Common use of as many ceeding five years without overhaul.
of these fixtures a s p o s s i b l e by the engine designer During shipping, handling, installation, servicing,
and the vehicle builder is strongly advised. To ensure checkout, static firing, and launch preparation, dam-
this, the two must work together from the earliest de- age of various types may be incurred by the engine
sign steps. because of parts failures, mishandling, oversights, or
accidents. All incidents must be corrected by repair
Standardization and/or parts replacements.
Any or all of the described maintenance actions
The task of mating engine and vehicle will be sub- may be required either while the engine remainsl
stantially facilitated if the designers of both work to with the engine builder or following its delivery to
the same standards. This requirement applies to na- the vehicle contractor. An accurate and effective
tional, government, and company standards; to ter-
minology and to mathematical symbols; and to the
measuring system (metric or English, decimals or
fractions, tolerances). Since several avenues are open,
it is necessary, at the very outset, to agree on which
one shall be pursued. This task requires close coop-
eration and full documentation.

Delivery Schedule
.\.j .om,°a,
IE 50 - +_.2o" Variation
For the vehicle builder to deliver the stage on time,
complete and equipped with engines, the engines
must be available to him with sufficient lead-time. If
the engine builder is directly contracted by the vehi- 25 - ~'~'~
1 ~ =0 , ~% -j , Net Thrust
cle contractor, this schedule can be negotiated and
followed up in a straightforward manner. In most
0 ! . I I ', I I
cases, however, particularly with large liquid-propel-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
lant engines, these will be supplied to the vehicle
Time (seconds)
contractor as g o v e r n m e n t - f u r n i s h e d e q u i p m e n t Cutoff Signal
(GFE). The engine supplier may not necessarily be
fully cognizant, therefore, of the detailed vehicle Fig. 10-38 Typical engine thrust-decay devia-
needs. In either case, to avoid sudden unexpected tions.

maintenance or logistics plan must be worked out be- wherever the need arises. This convenience, however,
tween the two contractors, or with their contracting may cost substantially more than the expected sav-
agency, considering all handling needs at all test sta- ings: in mission compromises, reduced reliability, in-
tions. This plan will include the conditions under creased coordination effort between engine builder
which an engine should be returned to the factory for and vehicle builders, substantially increased possibil-
overhauls, repairs, and parts replacements. If return is ity of oversights and communication gaps, and cost-
not required, the correct handling fixtures and tools and time-consuming retrofits. As always, a thorough
must be provided for each location. Above all, an and unbiased joint analysis considering all aspects,
adequate stock of spare parts must be planned. The including that of the long-range future, will readily
engine designers will frequently be consulted for yield information about the point of diminishing re-
their advice in an effort to avoid both time losses turns.
due to lack of parts and costly overstocking.

MuRiple-Engine Use Reserves and Safety Margins

In view of the cost of rocket-engine design, develop- In the engine designer's negotiations with the engine
ment, and procurement, common usage of a given user, i.e., "the customer," which quite likely is a gov-
engine for several vehicles, or for several stages of ernment agency, the engine designer, like the vehicle
the same vehicle, will be very desirable. Also, com- builder, will frequently find himself under pressure to
mon usage can substantially reduce or simplify logis- compromise. This compromise may be to cut weight
tics, handling, checkout, launch preparation, and in- or to accelerate schedules. It is then that designers
strumentation requirements. Caution must be exer- will be most in need of their top management's un-
cised, however, not to go "overboard," lest engine-to- derstanding and support. But it is here also where
vehicle interfaces become considerably more com- they will be most criticized if their analyses prove in-
plicated. complete, superficial, not optimized, or heavily bi-
Effort should be concentrated on the common ased by safety factor upon safety factor. Striking an
usage of the major cost items and engine building optimum balance between high performance and
blocks, such as turbopumps, injectors, combustion adequate safety-factor reserves represents one of the
chambers, gas generators, valves, gimbal blocks, and finest arts of engineering and is directly translatable
high-pressure ducts. Peripheral equipment, such as into the degree of success. Once certain that this bal-
instrtlmentation lines, servicing lines, inlet ducts, and ance has been achieved, or concerned that it may be
wire connections, should be left flexible enough to lost, the designer should go on record. Doing so, the
adapt them to each vehicle without compromise. It designer should also remember Edmund Berkeley's
is tempting for procuring agencies to warehouse just observation: "Thoughtful and tolerant disagreement
one engine model and to ship "from the shelf" to is the finest climate for scientific progress."
Chapter 11
Design of Liquid-Propellant Space Engines
Liquid-propellant space engines embody the same quirements usually account for the principal dif-
operating principles and general characteristics as ferences between the main propulsion systems for
the liquid-propellant rocket systems previously spacecraft and those for booster vehicles.
discussed. However, their specific missions for use in
spacecraft require special design considerations, as
Reaction Control
described in this chapter.
Reaction-control systems differ from other liquid-
propellant rockets in design arrangement and thrust
level, which may run from 1 up to 1000 lb, with most
By definition, space engines supply all the forms of
systems falling within the 1-to-100-1b range. These
rocket propulsion that a spacecraft requires for var-
systems may be used to provide attitude control, to
ious maneuvers in space, including attitude control
align a spacecraft for a midcourse corrective or ter-
and stabilization, coplanar and interplanar orbit
minal maneuver, to rendezvous with another vehicle,
changes, trajectory corrections, rendezvous maneu-
and to stabilize the vehicle after separation from
vers, lunar and planetary landings and takeoffs, and
another stage or during Earth re-entry.
retrofiring (reversed thrust for deceleration) during
As a rule, attitude-control engines are used in
re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. The thrust of a
opposing pairs to produce pure couples about an
space engine may be a fraction of a pound or many
axis. They are often mounted in clusters to simplify
thousands of pounds. Aside from a few solid-pro-
plumbing and wiring. Parallel pairs of engines, or
pellant motors (used mainly for perigee and apogee
individual units, produce the translational move-
propulsion for raising orbits) and stored-gas systems
ments along the vehicle axis, as in rendezvous and
(used only in applications for thrust levels less than
docking maneuvers.
1.0 lb and for a total impulse of less than 5000 lb-s),
The reaction-control engine systems are usually
the majority of space engines employ liquid pro-
pressure-fed, using monopropellants or storable hy-
pellants. Because of inherent operational advantages,
pergolic propellants. Thrust level and duration must
liquid systems likely will continue to dominate the
be very closely controllable. The thrust chambers
space-engine field for the foreseeable future.
may be ablatively or radiation cooled, depending on
Liquid-propellant space engine systems may be
the application.
divided into two basic groups: vehicle main propul-
sion and reaction control. These differ not only in
function and thrust level but also in the type of Application Example
propellant used, the degree of required control-
lability and thrust variation, and system components. The application of various space engine systems may
But common to virtually all of them will be the best be illustrated by typical examples, such as the
requirement that they be able to start and operate Space Shuttle Orbiter, which has onboard propulsion
reliably in the cold vacuum of space. for orbital maneuvering and attitude control. The
orbital maneuvering system (OMS) provides axial
Spacecraft Main Propulsion thrust for orbit insertion, orbit circularization, orbit
transfer, rendezvous, deorbit, and various abort
The main propulsion for most spacecraft has em- scenarios. The reaction control system (RCS) pro-
ployed pressure-fed, storable hypergolic propellants, vides thrust for three-axis attitude maneuvers and
such as the Transtage propulsion system, with a thrust small translation maneuvers. Both systems are pres-
level of 16,000 lb. The systems include propellant sure-fed and use nitrogen tetroxide (N20 4) oxidizer
tanks and pressurization system, control valves, main and monomethyl hydrazine (MMH) fuel. The pro-
thrust-chamber assembly or assemblies, and a gimbal pellants are earth-storable and hypergolic.
mechanism or some other type of thrust-vector con- The OMS is mounted in two identical pods in the
trol. Most main thrust chambers are ablatively or rear of the Orbiter, as shown in Fig. 11-1. Each pod
regeneratively cooled, sometimes with radiation- contains about 12,000 lb of propellants and a single
cooled nozzle extensions. 6000-1b-thrust OMS engine. The tanks are pressurized
A few spacecraft have used pump-fed systems, with high-pressure helium; high-pressure nitrogen
such as the 17,000-1b-thrust pump-fed engine for the supplies engine purge and valve operation. After
Agena. As missions become more ambitious, requir- each engine burn, nitrogen purges propellants from
ing greater delta-V and higher-energy cryogenic the engine downstream of the bipropellant valve.
propellants, pump-fed systems become increasingly This procedure allows up to 10 restarts per flight. The
important in spacecraft propulsion. Most space mis- reusable OMS has been designed for 100 missions
sions require multiple starts (sometimes over a long with 1000 engine starts and up to 15 hr of cumulative
period of time) and may require throttling. These re- firing time.


The OMS engines are gimballed in the pitch and about 2400 lb of propellants and a helium-pres-
yaw planes. RCS operation is not required during surization system. The forward system includes 14
OMS burns unless gimbal capabilities are exceeded primary thrusters, with a thrust level of 870 lb, and
or a single OMS engine is used. Redundancy is pro- two vernier thrusters with 24 lb of thrust. Each of the
vided. The aft RCS thrusters can provide any of the aft systems includes 12 primary thrusters and two
OMS maneuvers. Propellant can be transferred from vernier thrusters. The primary thrusters can perform
the OMS tanks to the aft RCS tanks and between the all RCS tasks; multiple units provide redundancy.
left and right OMS pods. Vernier thrusters usually will be preferred for attitude
The RCS has both fore and aft positions, as control in orbit. Because primary thrusters can also
shown in Fig. 11-2; the forward RCS, in the fuselage be used, redundancy is not provided for the verniers.
nose area; the rear RCS, in each of the pods con- The primary RCS thrusters can sustain 20,000
taining an OMS. Each of the three systems contains starts and cumulatively 12,800 s of firing duration.
The engines can be pulsed in durations as low as 0.08
s. Continuous steady-state thrusting can run from 1
to 150 s. In the event of OMS engine failure, the aft-
OMS Engine facing engines have a maximum single-mission firing
capability of 800 s, and the forward facing engines
can fire for 300 s. The vernier thrusters are capable
of 330,000 starts and 125,000-s duration. They can
provide steady-state burns of 1 to 125 s and pulses as
low as 0.08 s.


Before the actual design of a space system, it is

OMS Helium
Tank necessary to examine the basic engine parameters to
OMS OxidizerTank determine their influence on the spacecraft's ability
Note: Shadedareaspart ofRCS[ to perform its intended mission. An overriding
consideration will be reliability. Typical space mis-
sions include the establishment of an orbit around a
Fig. 11-1 Space Shuttle Orbiter OMS (courtesy
planet following a transfer from Earth, which may last
o f NASA).
several months or years. The ability of a propulsion

Forward Reaction
~ System PrimaryThruster (14)
/~" ~ _./-'~ . Electrical
/J ,tt~,~
,.{~,~,1~, ~ Disconnect
-~-"~~~ i~i ~ ' Q N Access

/{ - L~. p~"-"-~ ~'~ ', '~"{'~ \ Left Aft OMS/RCS POD

/' ~ |,/ ~, ~,~. 'itS.'''~'J ~ (Right Aft OMS/RCS Pod Contains Identical Components)

~ ' " " " " t ~ ~ ~ / RCS Propellant

• f Manifold Valves
RCS HeliumTanks
Oxidizer Tank Fuel Tank ~ . . , f . - - . - " ~ I ~ . I ing
Serv'c L RCS Primary
(12 per EachThrusters
Aft Pod)
/ VernierThruster(2)~ Panel ..*~,
Purge and Helium Tank (2)
j Checkout i
Panel RCS .~
Fuel Tank ~;i I
"~;7i F~7p VernierThrusters
i er Each Aft Pod)

Note Shaded areas are part of

RCS PressurizationComponents , orbital maneuveringsystem
RCS OxidizerTank
Fig. 11-2 Space,Shuttle Orbiter RCS (courtesy o f NASA).

system to coast in space for such long periods and long coast periods in deep space missions. More in-
then fire reliably typifies many contemplated mis- sulation weight will be needed for cryogenic pro-
sions. It is one of the foremost considerations in the pellants than for the earth-storable. This difference
design of a space engine, becomes greater as the coasting periods last longer.
Based on mission, trajectory, and payload 3) Density. The bulk density of a propellant
requirements, optimization of one or a group of pro- combination also affects vehicle payload, especially
pulsion systems must examine the ramifications of in volume-limited applications. Higher bulk densities
propellant type, vehicle-system operational require- mean smaller propellant tanks and pressurization
ments, and mission environmental effects, systems for a given propellant weight.
Several different designs (assuming various 4) Ignition characteristics. Better hypergolic
propellants, feed systems, chamber-cooling methods, action by the propellant combination will effect a
etc.) may be conducted simultaneously for a given simpler and more reliable space-engine system,
space mission. These designs must be carried far particularly for multiple starts.
enough to evaluate their relative merits, such as reli- 5) Cooling and other characteristics. Some
ability and performance, and establish the advantage propellants are excellent coolants (for regenerative
of one design over the other. An optimum system or film cooling), while others have little cooling
design should thus emerge, ability. The propellant combination will determine
the combustion temperature and the gas constituents,
Selection of Propellants which vary widely as to their compatibility with
chamber materials, especially with the ablative or
Various aspects of liquid rocket propellants have refractory materials frequently used in space engines.
been discussed in section 1.4. Here will be covered Ideally, all propulsion systems in a spacecraft
characteristics pertinent to selecting propellants for should use the same propellant combination.
space-engine application. The reliability and per- However, in some applications the reaction-control
formance of a spacecraft will depend greatly on the engines will do the propellant-settling in the main
propellants. The choice ranks paramount in estab- system tanks. Then they must be supplied by
lishing the optimum design criteria and final separate tanks equipped with positive-expulsion de-
operational capabilities of a vehicle. For any vices. This factor likewise affects propellant choice.
planned mission, the projected program time-pe- Table 11-1 summarizes characteristics of various
riods, as related to the anticipated state of the art and propellants suitable for space-engine applications.
operational reliability of propellants, should be the
first criterion for selection. Propellants with unde- Vehicle-System Operational Requirements
sirable characteristics and those that have no advan-
tages over similar, more desirable types should be After the vehicle-system operational requirements
eliminated early in the studies. In addition, propel- have been analytically established for a given space
lants will be selected on the basis of the following: mission, m a n y design parameters and special
1) Specific impulse. Specific impulse may be considerations for the engine system or systems can
the most commonly used basis for comparison in be derived, notably the following (besides propellant
nearly all propellant evaluations. For a given initial selection):
spacecraft weight (limited by the payload capability 1) Engine-system design thrust and run time.
of the launch vehicle) and required mission velocity These will be optimized by analysis of the mission
increment, mission payload will be a function of the trajectory, considering spacecraft operating limi-
main engine system's specific impulse and the tations such as acceleration loads. Required mission
spacecraft inert weight, as shown in Chapter 2. delta-V and engine-thrust level influence, to a large
Similarly, for a given spacecraft initial weight, inert extent, the choice between a pressure-fed and a
weight, and payload, the mission velocity increment pump-fed system.
will be directly proportional to the main engine 2) Engine system operating characteristics.
system specific's impulse. The specific impulse of a These include engine throttling range, thrust as a
reaction-control engine directly affects its "system function of time, number of starts and repetition rate,
package" weight. A higher specific impulse will lower cutoff impulse and accuracy, and TVC require-
system weight for a given total-impulse requirement, m e n t s ~ m o s t of these determined by various pro-
2) Operating temperature. In an overall vehicle- jected spacecraft maneuvers. It may also be
optimization study, specific impulse must not be used desirable for the same engine system to fulfill more
as the only criterion for propellant selection, than one type of maneuver or to be reused on
Maintaining propellants at temperatures that permit subsequent missions. Figure 11-3 shows typical thrust-
effective use of the propulsion system after coast time histories for various spacecraft maneuvers.
adds a major design consideration. Thus thermal 3) Engine power cycle. If a pump-fed engine is
control of the propellants during coast affects the selected, one of the major decisions to be made
selection and vehicle configuration. Heat transfer concerns the power cycle. The power cycles dis-
between propellants, and between propellants and cussed in Chapter 2 apply to space engines as well as
other vehicle components, must be considered, as booster engines, the primary difference between the
well as heat radiation out to space, in from the Sun, two being that engines that do not operate in the
and between vehicle components. Studies have in- atmosphere do not benefit as much from high cham-
dicated the feasibility of insulating propellants her pressure. Since vacuum specific impulse in-
against excessive temperature changes even during creases only slightly with increasing c h a m b e r

Table 11-1 Liquid-propellant c o m b i n a t i o n s for space-engine applications.

. . . . . . . . . .

aSpecific Density Freezingand Boiling Points Mixture Combustion

Propellant Impulse Impulse ('F), Oxidizer/Fuel Ratio Temperature Remarks
Combination (s) (s-gm/cc) (FP)(BP)/(FP)(BP) (O/F) ('F)
. . . . . . . . _, . . . . . . . .

F2/H2 474 241 (-364)(-307)1(.435)(-423) 9.3 6440 Hypergolic

bO2/H2 456 143 (-362)(-298)/(-435)(423) 4.7 5110 Nonhypergolic
OF2/B2H6 430 424 (-371)(-299)/(-265)(-135) 3.5 7010 Hypergolic
OF2/B2H6 420 357 (-371)(-299)/(-265)(-135) 2.15 5910 Hypergolic
F2/N2H4 419 551 (-364)(-307)/(35)(236) 2.4 7285 Hypergolic
OF2/CH4 417 451 (-371)(-299)/(-300)(-260) 5.6 6700 Nonhypergolic
O2/B2H6 408 303 (-362)(-298)/(-265)(-135) 2.0 5960 Nonhypergolic
N2H4/B2H6 402 254 (35)(236)/(-265)(-135) 1.2 4085 Nonhypergolic
N204/B2H_ 375 340 (11)(70)/(-265)(-
135) 2.9 5710 Nonhypergolic
bN204/N2¢ 341 409 (11)(70)/(35)(236) 1.23 5513 Hypergolic
bMON/EMHF 341 407 (-23)(29)/(-76)(144) 2.2 5330 Hypergolic
bMON/MMH 338 401 (-23)(29)/(-63)(189) 2.4 5370 Hypergolic
b N204/50-50 339 408 (11)(70)/(18)(170) 2.1 5175 Hypergolic
bN204/MMH 339 407 (11)(70)/(-63)(189) 2.3 5290 Hypergolic
, =,, , , , , ,, , , , ,

Notes: MON = Mixed oxides of nitrogen, 85% N204-15% NO.

MMH = Monomethylhydrazine,CH3 • N2H3, 50-50 = 50% UDMH, (H3C)2N2H2 -50% N2H4.
EMHF = Eutectic mixture of hydrazine fuels = 87.6% MMH-12.4% N2H4 .
a Based upon theoretical shifting equilibrium at 150.psia nozzle stagnation chamber pressure and 40:1 nozzle expansion area
ratio in the vacuum.
b Propellant technology and application are well establi,~.

pressure, higher pressures primarily bring the benefit

! of smaller engine size and, up to a point, lower
engine weight. Expander cycles are therefore more
attractive for space engines since they are generally
limited to relatively low chamber-pressures.
Time 4) Engine system design. Experience has shown
Constant Thrust. Variable Impulse that multiple-start operation, as required by most
(Lunar Landing) space-engine systems, has a more severe effect on a
rocket engine than has continuous steady-state oper-
ation of comparable firing duration. This should be

Time expected, because continuous operation involves a

VariableThrust, VariableImpulse minimum of control components and actuations.
(Rendezvous) Multiple starts, on the other hand, require that each
component responds perfectly each time it is called

,I1 r'[rl rl_. lln Time

Pulse Rocket - Discrete Impulse Bits
upon. In addition, multiple starts require much
longer periods of minimum leakage by propellant
and pressurant. More rigorous approaches toward
improved reliability, such as component or subsys-
(Attitude Control) tem redundancies, must therefore be considered in
the design.
5) Engine-system component design. Besides
mission environmental effects (to be discussed
below), detailed design of the engine-system
Time components will be directly affected by the space-
(LunarTakeoff) craft configuration. For instance, the location of the
engine-system (internal in or external to the
(Coulbert, C.D.,"SelectingCoolingTechniquesfor Uquid Rocketsfor spacecraft) determines the feasibility of radiation
Space Craft,"J. Spacecraft and Rockets 1,129-139, 1964.)
cooling for the thrust chamber. Engine envelope
Fig. 11-3 Typical H q u i d - p r o p e l l a n t - e n g i n e limitations affect the choice of nozzle type, allowable
thrust-time histories for various spacecraft expansion area ratio, and even the feed-system type.
maneuvers. (In some applications a pump-fed system affords a

much higher expansion area ratio for a given diations will not cause appreciable damage to metals
envelope.) The structural design of the system com- over a period less than two years.
ponents will be influenced by the maximum vehicle 4) Meteoric bombardment. Spacecraft will be
acceleration and by vibration loads, exposed to the impact of meteoroids ranging in size
from microscopic dust particles to bodies of asteroid
Mission E n v i r o n m e n t a l Effects dimensions, with a correspondingly wide distribution
of kinetic energies. Collision of the spacecraft with
After the propellants have been selected and the these materials can cause surface erosion, punctures,
basic propulsion-system design established (with or total destruction of the vehicle. The ideal pro-
preliminary considerations of mission environ- tection for propulsion-system components would be
mental effects), it is possible to examine the various to locate them entirely within the vehicle. This,
engine subsystems in detail to determine which however, will usually not be practical for parts such as
components or phase of system operation will still the thrust-chamber nozzle skirt. Adequate consid-
be affected by the projected mission environment in eration must be given to the design of these parts
space. Characteristics of this environment include with respect to the cited effects.
the following: 5) Effects of gravity. The absence of gravity, as
1) High vacuum. The low ambient pressures well as the presence of large acceleration forces,
experienced in space missions may cause vapor- should, proper provisions being made in the design
ization of metals and partial or complete removal of phase, cause no mechanical-design problems. The
film or adsorbed gas layers at the surface of the main problem will be with the propellant-feed
material. Principal problems associated with high- system. This can be overcome by positive expulsion
vacuum conditions a r e ~ or by providing propellant-settling rockets (which
~ R e d u c e d ability of a component to perform its themselves would require a positive-expulsion feed
function, due to mass loss through material vapor- system).
ization or bulk-property changes.
~ C h a n g e s in the radiative-heat-transfer prop-
erties of the material, which could increase, to a 11.3 DESIGN OF THE SPACECRAFT'S MAIN
destructive level, the bulk t e m p e r a t u r e of a PROPUI~ION SYSTEMS
component such as a radiation-cooled nozzle skirt.
mPossible condensation of metallic vapor on System Design
electrical components, resulting in short-circuiting.
mChanges in the fatigue, frictional, and creep The reliability requirements for space missions have
properties of materials; possibility of self-welding of led to simple, stored-inert-gas pressure-fed main
metals, propulsion systems using conventional hypergolic
Design remedies against high-vacuum effects earth-storable propellants and redundant control
include material selection and proper location of the components. Recent d e v e l o p m e n t of a high
components within the vehicle to take advantage of performance pump fed space engine (the 3750 lb
nonvacuum environments, thrust XLR132, N204/MMH propellants) can lead to
2) Thermal environment. The thermal envi- future application of pump fed systems for space
ronment encountered in space missions, such as in missions.
Earth orbit or during the transfer phase in For tube connections, the trend is to welded or
interplanetary flights, obviously will affect the design brazed joints, with flexibility provided either by
of space propulsion systems, especially the storage of braided metal hoses or metal bellows. Beside
propellants. Three external sources of radiant energy meeting thrust and performance specifications, a
must be considered when evaluating the thermal spacecraft main engine will have the following
environment of a spacecraft: direct-solar, albedo principal system design requirements:
(solar energy reflected from a planet), and planetary- * High reliability and crew safety (through
emitted radiation. Direct solar radiation, the largest redundancy in the control system; use of proven de-
external heat source, will motivate an orientation of sign concepts, materials, and fabrication techniques;
the spacecraft for maximum protection of the and extended-life and overstress testing).
vulnerable subsystems such as propellant tanks. ,~ High combustion-stability rating with respect
Quantitative evaluation of thermal radiation in space to perturbations during start and throttle transients.
indicates that excessive absorption of radiant energy ,, Ability to make numerous starts, with repeat-
may damage some components unless protected by able cutoff impulse.
means such as reflective surfaces or coatings. • Deep throttling (optional, not required by all
3) Nuclear radiation. The two most important missions) with simple controls.
effects on metals of nuclear radiation in space are ,, Propellant utilization that exhausts both pro-
the production of internal heat and the dislocation pellants simultaneously.
of atoms within their crystalline structure. The ,, Effective isolation of the propellants from the
nuclear particles of interest are fast neutrons, lower- system during long coast periods (use of propellant-
energy protons, alpha particles, electrons, and isolation valves).
gamma rays. The fast neutrons present the most • System growth potential and flexibility for
severe problem. It is known, however, that they do mission modifications.
not exist to a great extent in space. Generally • Sufficient protection against heat, nuclear
speaking, the total radiative flux from all nuclear ra- radiation, and meteoric bombardment.

In some applications, the propulsion system can and mounting systems. Two interconnected spher-
be operated on a propellant-tank-ullage-gas blow- ical helium tanks, initially at 3600 psia, hold
d o w n principle during the latter portion of the pressurant to maintain the tanks at a regulated 160-
mission. This could reduce the required amount of psia pressure. When restarting in space, attitude-
pressurant (and pressurant-tank volume) by as much control engines settle the propellants in the main
as one-half of that for a regulated, constant-pressure tanks preparatory to engine start. Each Transtage
system. engine develops 8000 lb of thrust and operates at a
The critical start of the main thrust chamber will chamber pressure of 105 psia with an area ratio of
not need ignition devices if the system uses hy- 40:1, for a delivered specific impulse of 310.6 s. The
pergolic propellants. However, careful sequencing of thrust chamber has ablative cooling and a radiation-
the propellant flows during start will usually be cooled extension made of aluminide-coated colum-
required to avoid pressure spikes and instabilities. bium. Propellants are fed to the combustion cham-
Nonhypergolic propellants typcially employ ber through a bipropellant valve controlled by an
augmented spark igniters (ASI)--essentially spark electrically-actuated pilot valve.
plugs recessed into a cavity in the combustion cham- In a complete space-vehicle system, performance
ber. Propellants fed into the ASI ignite and light the gains of the spacecraft stages will effect increasing
main combustion chamber. weight savings for each succeeding lower booster
Various schemes have been considered and stage, as described in Chapter 2. Plans for future
developed for the deep throttling often required by spacecraft missions usually consider high-perfor-
spacecraft main propulsion systems. For instance, mance liquid propellants, such as O2/H 2. For high
the Apollo LEM descent engine was required to vary mission delta-V, these propellants in pump-fed
thrust continuously over a range from 1050 to 10,500 systems usually give a considerable performance
lb to permit hovering, selection of a landing site, and edge over pressure-fed systems. A pump-fed system
the landing itself. for these applications must reliably supply high-
The most straightforward means of throttling-- pressure propellants to the combustion chamber,
valves in the main propellant linesmcan give under vacuum and zero-gravity conditions and after
throttling ratios of about 3:1. Other components long periods of coasting. All pumps must be fully
must also be designed to accomodate the throttling. primed before starting the engine system to prevent
The injector pressure drop must be high enough to delays in pump buildup and overspeeding. This may
p r o m o t e good mixing and atomization of the require ullage-settling rockets, before and during
propellants as well as to prevent dynamic instabilities main engine start, or positive-propellant-expulsion
between the combustion chamber and feed-system devices. In addition, the systems should be able to
components. Since the injector pressure drop varies restart (if possible from available tank-pressure
with the square of the flowrate for liquid propellants energy, without auxiliary starting devices) and to
and directly with the flowrate for gaseous and super- throttle (for some applications over a wide range).
critical propellants, the design point pressure drops Major design concerns associated with turbopumps
will typically be higher for a throttling engine than under space environmental conditions (other than
for a fixed-thrust design. Similarly, the turbopumps material considerations) include: vacuum, temper-
(in a pump-fed system) must be able to accom- ature, and radiation effects on exposed high-speed
modate a wider operating range without experiencing bearings and dynamic seals; micrometeorite pen-
stall or unstable operation, and control valves must etration of fluid passages; and absence of the effects
provide adequate control margins over a wider of gravitation on pump operation.
operating range. If the thrust chamber is regen- An example of an advanced, high-performance
eratively cooled, the heat flux will fall off more slowly pump-fed space engine, the RS-44 (Fig. 11-5), has
than the coolant flow as the thrust is reduced, so the undergone detailed design and component testing.
cooling margins must be greater than with a fixed- A 15,000-1b-thrust regeneratively-cooled O2/H2
thrust engine. engine intended for orbit-transfer stages and lunar
Some means of varying the injector area will and interplanetary flight, it employs an expander
allow higher throttling ratiosmsuch as two or more cycle and, due to the excellent properties of the
manifolds with separate valving so that only some of hydrogen working fluid, operates at the relatively
the injector elements will be used during throttling; high chamber pressure of 1540 psia, which improves
but this method adds complexity to the hardware performance and reduces the size and weight of the
and control system and will usually lower combustion engine. Its reliability has been raised by eliminating
efficiency. Another method makes use of pintles to the hydraulic system, a step made possible by
change the injector flow area, which allows control operation of the control valves and gimbal actuators
over injector pressure drop with drop in the flowrate, by electric motors. Pneumatic override on the
again adding complexity. actuators provides redundancy. Low-pressure-drop
Figure 11-4 presents the schematic of the ball valves are used in the major propellant lines.
propulsion system for Transtage, an upper stage used The engine can be continuously throttled from 100
with the Titan launch vehicle to make orbit insertion, down to 10% thrust and can also be operated at
orbit modification, and rendezvous maneuvers. A about 3% of full thrust in a pressure-fed tank-head
pressure-fed system with multiple-restart capability, it idle mode to settle propellants in the tanks and to
uses about 23,000 lb of N204/50-50 propellants. chill the engine efficiently before a start.
The Transtage has two engines that share High-performance partial-admission turbines
propellant tanks, pressurization system, and electrical drive the centrifugal pumps. A single-stage turbine

Ordlmmce Pressure
Oxidizer Pressure Vent Valve Transducer
Tank Transducer
Check Fuel Tank
Umlt Valve Limit Switch
Switch (ULI.CLL)


Switch Fuel Tank
Oxidizer Tank

Tank ' Solenoid
Valves In Flight
Trap 'Screen

Fill Overboard v~s O~e~_'2. Hand Helium
Bleed Valve Fill

Pilot V T ~ : Solenoid
Pilot Valve PUot Valve
Orifice % Potentlometer Helium [ Orifice
Pressure Fuel
Oxidizer I I Potenllometer Vent
Vent Transducer SwHch

"m" he.,.--If BI-Propellantvalve

~] ~ Double
Open Clos_ed . Relief,Valve

~ Orifice
Liquid level
BJ- Sensor

_ ,.

\\ // .0.z,o

.... U L L ' " U p p e r Level Limit .

LLL Low Level Limit
. . . . ,.. .

Fig. 11-4 Schematic of the Transtage propulsion system (courtesy of Aerojet Tech Systems Co.).

and single-stage p u m p are used for the 02; the fuel space missions. (The following paragraphs describe
side uses a two-stage turbine and three-stage pump. the Rocketdyne version of the engine.)
The RS-44 thrust chamber, a channel-wall design Rocketdyne's design for the XLR-132 operates on
m a d e of Narloy copper-alloy material, has re- a gas-generator cycle, shown schematically in Fig. 11-
generative cooling to an area ratio of 225:1. A 7. The gas generator feeds a single partial-admission
radiation or dump-cooled extension can be added turbine that drives two single-stage centrifugal pumps,
and can be fixed or extendible, depending on the one m o u n t e d on each end of the turbine. The
application. Figure 11-5 shows an extendible nozzle turbine-exhaust gases are collected in a manifold and
with an overall area ratio of 625, which will produce a injected through supersonic nozzles into the main
vacuum specific impulse of over 480 s. The injector nozzle and further expanded to provide thrust. The
uses concentric elements with a transpiration-cooled combustion chamber is regeneratively cooled with
rigimesh face for long life. An electric spark igniter oxidizer to an area ratio of 50:1 and a radiation-
provides restart capability, and the design life is 10 cooled columbium nozzle extension is attached for
hours total run time. an overall area ratio of 400:1. The low-temperature-
Another advanced pump-fed engine design, the turbine-exhaust gases provide additional film cooling
XLR-132 (Fig. 11-6), delivers 3750 lb of thrust using for the forward portion of the extension. The engine
N 2 0 4 / M M H propellants. Currently under devel- operates at a chamber pressure of 1500 psia and pro-
opment for the Air Force by both the Rocketdyne duces a specific impulse greater than 340 s.
Division of Rockwell International and the Aerojet The XLR-132 is designed for multiple starts and
Tech Systems Co., it will support a wide variety of an operating life of 10 yr in orbit. The start/cutoff

: : :: : i ~ - - - "~ " ~
: - :

. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . •. i I

~PULSE,,SEC 48!.
HOURS 10 ~

i~ALL 461

i " :-:'~.;-~ i ¸

~i?iii~:~!!i~ ',

.: ==========================


Fig. 11-5 RS-44 pump-fed cryogenic-propellant rocket engine (courtesy of Rocketdyne).

, Theft M ~ . t

T ~ •
.. . ..... ,~
.. ~ " ~ - ~ O~kliz~V~hte
Signal Supply I I
t ~ I~,t .......... " .~ VlCtor Att~h
t~ (;tnd 9O' CCW) ~ r~ Pneumaticcontrol M
I sequencer~ 1 !! Assembly H
40@.1 C ~
~ , ~ • "
~~i exit No,~ Oxidizer Helium~ " ' ~ - - _---- ~ ~ ' ~ Purges I I
~ p ~ Gas......
]J ~ Turbine ii
/i i
. __ ~ . ___Genera,o! ~ l - ~ ~
m . _ _ ltT-~-co---G-,ot7 ; : l - F - - - , , " , -
i u .•~" ""
v-a[~s ....... L_71 I'1 Fuel
i ....

Oxidi~rtv ~ 1)]~(k Yalve

k~.v/ \\ Thrust ~ Hot Gas
'~ ,Chamber

~__~ Nozzle

Fig. 11-6 XLR-132 pump-fed storable-propellant Fig. 11-7 XLR-132 schematic (courtesy of
rocket engine (courtesy of Rocketdyne). Rocketdyne).

sequences are simplified to allow immediate restart applications. It has a high melting point (4400°F),
and high reliability. The propellant valves, designed excellent thermal-shock characteristics, relatively
for long life, incorporate propellant filters, gas- high thermal conductivity (115 Btu/h-ft2-'F/in.), low
generator supply ports, trim orifices, and ports for coefficient of thermal expansion (2.4x106 in./in.-°F),
propellant purging. excellent oxidation resistance, and high abrasion
resistance. Sometimes, a molybdenum backup sleeve
is used when the silicon carbide insert cannot con-
Main-Thrust-Chamber Design duct heat sufficiently. This material has good
thermal-shock resistance for a ceramic, but the
In addition to the design elements presented in design of the throat must keep the cross-section
Chapter 4, primary requirements for thrust chambers thicknesses as thin and as constant as possible to
of spacecraft main propulsion systems may include prevent the insert from thermally cracking. Such
optimum steady-state cooling methods, with due throats are limited to about 2 in. in diam at the
consideration of application in space; ability to throat portion of the insert. Even then, throat
withstand postrun soakback, intermittent operation, diameters exceeding 1 in. are recommended only for
and storage in the space environment; and ability to steady-state firing conditions, because large inserts
enter planetary atmospheres at high velocities. usually will crack and thus must be kept in place only
Many of the thrust-chamber cooling techniques by mechanical restraints imposed by the way the
described in Chapter 4 can be applied to space material cracks and interlocks. Throat erosion in
engines, especially ablative cooling of thrust cham- larger thrust chambers can be reduced through the
bers. Ablative-cooled chambers offer the inherent use of laminated silicon carbide-reinforced phenolic.
advantage of simplicity, ruggedness, and indepen- Throat erosion in engines using fluorine-based
dence of propellant coolant flows (including their oxidizers can be minimized by the use of graphite or
pressure drops), and thus offset the factors of limited carbon-carbon throat inserts. The graphite inserts,
total life and relatively heavy weight. They are however, have given mixed results and are not
suitable for most pressure-fed space engine systems generally recommended, especially for pulsed opera-
using earth-storable propellants at chamber pressures tion. Carbon or graphite-fabric-reinforced phenolic
of less than 150 psia. In some applications, ablative ablative can protect chambers at low pressures (less
cooling can be s u p p l e m e n t e d by one or a than about 150 psia) with minimal erosion.
combination of refractory throat-inserts, radiation- High-silica glass in the ablative material of the
cooled nozzle extension skirts, and propellant film combustion chamber section may become fluid
cooling. enough to be swept downstream and deposited in the
Selection of ablative material will be influenced throat section. This causes thrust variances and
by the propellants due to potential rapid reactions promotes an unsymmetrical velocity profile in this
between the combustion products and the thrust- area. This danger may be prevented by a liner of
chamber materials. With oxygen-based oxidizers JTA (45% graphite, 45% zirconium diboride, and 10%
(e.g., oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, nitric acid, etc.), an silicon) inserted in the combustion zone. The liner
oxide-based or silicon-carbide fiber reinforcement is usually segmented to provide a path for the gases
must be used for laminated ablative liner and nozzle from the pyrolyzed ablative (and reduce the pressure
materials. Suitable materials include quartz, high- drop across the liner) and prevent cracks that would
silica glass, asbestos, and some ceramic fibers. Flu- develop in an expanding unsegmented liner.
orine-based oxidizers (e.g., fluorine, chlorine Following the firing of an ablative thrust
trifluoride, chlorine pentafluoride, etc.) require car- chamber, the heat stored in the chamber walls soaks
bon fibers as the laminate reinforcement. Fuels into the unburned virgin material. This postrun
containing carbon are not r e c o m m e n d e d with soakback promotes further thermal degradation,
fluorine-based oxidizers due to build-up of pyrolitic which might also be affected by the vacuum con-
graphite in the throat and throat-entrance region. ditions, for 100 s or more, until the mean
Ablative cooling changes the dimension of the temperature of the char drops to about 500°F. Gas
chamber due to erosion during burning. Nozzle- generated and expelled by soakback charring will
throat erosion, if predictable and controlled, may be constitute about 15% of the weight of ablative
acceptable for some engine systems; it becomes material charred. This gas could cause a postrun
proportionally less significant in larger thrust- residual impulse exceeding the desired minimum
chambers. For fixed-area injectors and fixed pro- cutoff-impulse. However, this effect will be small for
pellant-supply pressures, propellant flow and engine larger systems. For long-duration space missions, the
thrust would increase with time, while specific temperature effects from solar radiation may cause
impulse would decrease, due to throat enlargement. vaporization of the ablative chamber material during
However, for a 40:1 expansion nozzle o p e r a t e d in coasting, and thus should be prevented if possible.
vacuum, the specific impulse loss would be only 0.5%, Ablative thrust chambers for space engines
for as much as a 10% increase in throat area, if the should be designed to permit many restarts. At the
aerodynamic characteristics of the nozzle contour end of a specified total firing-duration (design values:
did not deteriorate. 400-2000 s), sufficient insulation material must remain
A refractory nozzle-throat insert represents one between char and structural shell to limit the
remedy against excessive throat erosion with oxygen- adhesive-bond temperature between the ablative and
based oxidizers. A ceramic, silicon carbide, has been shell to a specified maximum (typical design values
used extensively for throat inserts in space-engine are 350°F for repeated firings and 500°F for steady-

state single firings). Any heat soakback during inter- may be more susceptible to meteoroid damage than
vals between firings should not affect total chamber solid walls. In some applications, an optimum
duration. For high-silica-fabric-reinforced phenolic overall design may combine regenerative cooling
thrust chambers operated at pressures of 100-125 with film cooling and a radiation-cooled nozzle
psia, using N 2 0 4 and hydrazine-type fuels, the extension skirt.
following empirical equations m a y be used to An example of a pump-fed, regeneratively cooled
estimate char depth, including the effects of charring space engine, the RL10 (see section I), powers the
due to soakback: Centaur upper stage of Atlas and Titan IV launch
vehicles. First flown in 1963, the current RL10
For the c o m b u s t i o n z o n e a n d the throat section (designated RL10A-3-3A) uses O2/H2 propellants and
(with or without liner and/or insert): delivers 16,500 lb of thrust. The thrust chamber,
constructed primarily of stainless-steel tubes, is
a = 0.0415t °5 (11-1) regeneratively cooled with hydrogen, which is then
used to drive the turbine in an expander cycle. The
For n o z z l e sections d o w n s t r e a m o f the throat: turbine drives a two-stage fuel p u m p directly and a
single-stage oxidizer pump through a gearbox. The
a = O.0335t°5e -°°247~ engine operates at a chamber pressure of 475 psia,
has an area ratio of 61.1, and produces a specific
impulse of 444 s at a mixture ratio of 5:1.
where a = char depth, in.; t = thrust chamber cu-
The Space Shuttle Orbiter OMS engine is an
mulative firing duration, s; e = base of natural log-
e x a m p l e of a pressure-fed regeneratively-cooled
arithms, 2.718; and E -- nozzle expansion area ratio at engine using Earth-storable propellants. The 6000-1b-
the section under consideration. Knowing the char thrust engine is fuel cooled to an area ratio of 6:1
depth based on design duration, including effects of with a radiation-cooled extension to the final area
soakback, the designer can calculate the thickness of ratio of 55:1. Channel-wall construction is employed
the insulating layer needed to keep the outer wall at in the regenerative portion and the extension is
the required temperature. made of Columbian alloy.
Thrust chambers cooled only by radiation wiil be Solenoid-operated bipropellant ball valves con-
limited in application due to the high temperatures trol fuel and oxidizer flows. Following engine shut-
and thrust loads in the combustion zone and throat down, gaseous nitrogen purges the fuel circuit
region. In contrast, the radiation-cooled nozzle skirt downstream of the propellant valve for 2 s to clear
experiences lower heat flux and lower thrust loads, the coolant jacket and injector of fuel, permitting safe
which can be accommodated by high-temperature engine restart. The engine uses a platelet injector,
materials. Radiation-cooled devices must "see" consisting of a stack of plates, each with an etched
space. Thus a radiation-cooled skirt should face out- pattern that controls the distribution and velocity of
board, and not radial:e undesirable heat to vehicle the propellant. The stack is diffusion-bonded and
components. Clustered e n g i n e s magnify this welded to the body of the injector. The engine
Nearly all radiation-cooled and ablatively-cooled
thrust c h a m b e r s e m p l o y some degree of film GN2 Oxidizer t t Fuel
cooling, fuel being injected near the wall to provide Inlet Inlet .~ ~~,
some protection against the hot temperatures in the
core flow. The fuel coolant can reduce the heat flux Fill & ~ Control i ' ~ ' ~ Orifice &
to the walls in the combustion chamber and on Valve Valves n rt Filter Assembly
through the throat. This also reduces the problem of ___.L~~'" J ValveBipr°pellant
oxidizer impingement on the wall, which can occur if Isolation'~,~
injector fabrication has not b e e n controlled very Valve
closely. Oxidizer impingement can cause severe Filter-~~
erosion and key-holing of the throat, which will cause Relief Purge
thrust misalignment. The degree of film cooling Valve "= Control
ranges from a few percent, which has an unmea- Regulator/~
surable effect on engine performance, to as high as Check Valve
40%, which can reduce specific impulse by several Accumulator
For p u m p - f e d space e n g i n e s o p e r a t e d at
relatively high chamber pressures, or engines having Thrust
long-life requirements, regeneratively-cooled thrust
chambers are more suitable in terms of heat transfer. Nozzle Extension~:ti~/
As a possible disadvantage, response time from start
signal to full thrust may be substantially higher than
with other cooling techniques. Spacecraft main
propulsion systems usually do not, however, require
rapid response.
Fig. 11-8 Regeneratively cooled storable-
Heat-transfer characteristics during throttling
propellant OMS engine (courtesy of Aerojet
also may present problems; and coolant passages
Tech Systems Co.).

operates at a chamber pressure of 125 psia and sitioned by a servo torque motor,, as a function of the
delivers a specific impulse of 313 s. c o m m a n d signal current and its polarity supplied
from a servo amplifier. By means of properly
Design of Control Components shaped valve-poppet contours, the main throttling
The various aspects of control-component design valves control the flow of oxidizer and fuel to the
have been discussed in Chapter 7. The following main thrust chamber at constant mixture ratio, and
considerations particularly apply to the design of thus regulate the main chamber pressure (thrust).
space-engine control components in general and of
propellant valves in particular: Propellant Storage for Space Missions
• Maximum reliability.
• Use of bellows for dynamic sealing in view of As previously mentioned, storage of propellants for
the need for long-term operating life in a vacuum space-system propulsion represents an important de-
environment. sign area. Cryogenic propellants require protection
• Combination hard and soft valve-seats to min- against high temperatures, particularly over long stor-
imize leakage. age periods. Earth-storable propellants, by contrast,
• Provision of a minimum of two seals and a require protection against low temperature, because
vent between different propellants. of the danger of freezing. There are two basic design
approaches to propellant storage for space missions,
• Avoidance of sliding surfaces in components vented and nonvented. Selection of the optimum
operating in a vacuum. system design depends on mission, propellant type,
• Mechanical linkage (where possible) of the and type of engine feed system.
propellant-valve actuators by a mechanism that en- In a vented storage system, mainly used for
sures positive, consistent, and synchronized opening cryogenic propellants, the pressure and temperature
and closing for smooth, repeatable ignition and of the propellant are maintained at a constant value,
thrust termination. any heat input being absorbed by allowing a small
° Minimum electrical-energy requirements. boiloff. Since conditions will vary widely during
The basic design details of the various control travel, the net heat input to each propellant tank may
components for space-engine systems, such as pilot be computed by numerical integration for the spe-
valves, regulators, and vent valves, are quite similar to
cific vehicle path, such as a complete orbit. This
those for booster-stage applications. The mechan- path can be divided into a number of intervals, and
ically-linked, poppet-type arrangement shown in Fig.
the equilibrium skin temperatures and net heat fluxes
11-9 typifies main-propellant or propellant-isolation (considering both internal and external sources) to
valves of space engines using hypergolic earth-
propellant tanks determined for each orbit position.
storable propellants. In the valve shown, placing the
By algebraically adding the net heat inputs for each,
poppets in series causes the oxidizer poppet's motion the net heat input rate for one complete orbit can
to simultaneously move the fuel poppet. Welded- then be obtained and the amount of propellant
bellows seals located at both ends of the fuel poppet boiloff per orbit calculated.
and at the connection end of the oxidizer poppet
completely separate fuel and oxidizer. The actuation
chamber needs no bellows because fluid pressure
I Oxidizer Outlet
acutates the valve. The center vent chamber between Piston Seals /
Solen Teflon Seal Vent Fuel Outlet
valve sections is the critical area where propellant ~j/'~B~)~d~T:~' I ,~ ~ " ~ , TeflonSeal Weld
mixing must be prevented. Both bellows would have
to fail, however, to cause this failure mode (reliability
through redundancy). This design also incorporates
all-welded static sealing joints, all-metal construction
~ee-Way ~1.~.1~
except for the Teflon dynamic-poppet-valve seals, Solenoid
~' I
and hermetically-sealed solenoids or torque motors. t Actuating
I Inlet
Piston Welded Bellows
The valve is spring-loaded normally closed, and In Oxidizer Oxidizer Inlet
is also held closed by pressure imbalance when inlet Activating
As a Propellant
On-Off Valve
pressure is applied. Allowing the oxidizer fluid to
Vent Servo Torque ~ A
enter the actuation chamber at nominal oxidizer- Motor --
valve inlet pressure opens the valve and, in turn,
overcomes the closing forces on the poppets. For
on-off and isolation use, a three-way solenoid pilot
valve actuates the fully o p e n or closed valve
positions. When energized, the valve actuation [ "l \\\ i J./J/=g~l I! ~ ~,c=)
~ O x i d i z e r - ~ ~ , \ ThrottlingValve Only
chamber is pressurized to open the poppets, and Actuating Fluid ~1~"~,~
~ ~ - ' ° I~
" ~L,.II~.~ I "~
when de-energized, the same chamber is vented, ~ Servo J[]-il, / "-'~ I ~/,
~.. Spool ~ / "~¢~>'~
allowing the pressure imbalance and springs to close I Valve ~ A /
the poppets. N Weld AS a Propellant
Section A-A
Thermal Relief (Typical) Throttling Valve
In a bipropellant throttling valve, the position of Throttling Valve Only
the linked main poppets is controlled by a servo Fig. 11-9 Typical mechanically-linked poppet-
pilot spool-valve that meters the control-fluid flow type, duM-propellant on-off or throttling valve
(oxidizer) to the main valve-actuation chamber. The for spacecraft main propulsion systems using
pilot spool valve, in turn, is proportionally po- hypergofic eartlh-storable propellants.

In a system without venting, heat input causes Of the various attitude-control systems, the
propellant temperature rise and a corresponding reaction systems have proven the most versatile, and
increase in vapor pressure. This system can be provide a wide range of torque, up to high levels.
applied to both cryogenic and earth-storable pro- They have been universally applied to m a n n e d
pellants. The a l l o w a b l e pressure rise, a n d spacecraft and in large unmanned vehicles.
c o n s e q u e n t l y the m a x i m u m heat input, will be
dictated by the allowable tank pressure. In this case, RCS Operational Modes
the storage analysis assumes an allowable vapor-
pressure rise during the mission, based on initial In any reaction control system (RCS) the amount of
conditions. This permits determination of the final thrust delivered on command must be very precisely
propellant temperature, expected changes in propel- controlled to avoid overshoot or u n d e r s h o o t and
lant density and ullage-volume requirements, and hunting. Three basic operational m o d e s are
pressure-dependent propellant tank weights. For available:
cryogenics, insulation is usually provided to limit • On-and-off ("bang-bang") control. This
heat input. For earth storables, insulation may be "multiple-start" system operates intermittently as long
needed either to limit heat input or heat loss (to as necessary at its rated thrust level. If the on-and-off
avoid freezing the propellants). command signals are given as a function of sensed
position error only, the system would tend to be
unstable because of the time lags that are present in
11.4 DESIGN OF REACTION-CONTROL ENGINE all real systems. This situation can be corrected
SYSTEMS through the use of control systems that use both
position error and rate of error change to time the
Spacecraft Attitude Control Requirements on and off command signals.
• Proportional control. The RCS operating
Spacecraft attitude control requires application of thrust will be varied according to the error signals.
torques about the three axes (yaw, pitch, and roll) • Repetitive-pulse control. This type of control
passing through the vehicle's center of mass. The needs only position-error sensing. It uses a system
problem of attitude control implies rotation a n d / o r that delivers thrust in a continuous series of ac-
stabilization of the vehicle about these axes. Its curately r e p r o d u c i b l e impulse bits to assure
operation consists of two main phases: orientation and stabilization of the vehicle. The op-
• Rotation of the vehicle over a given angle, timum thrust pulse-outline should be a square wave.
within a specified time. Control may be achieved by modulating pulse width
• Stabilization of the vehicle in a required or the frequency of a fixed pulse width, or by a
position, within acceptable tolerance limits. combination of these.
The position of a vehicle, if left uncontrolled,
may not be the one required for efficient use of its
main propulsion system. For example, a spacecraft RCS Engine Selection
may have to perform a series of trajectory correction
maneuvers, for which it must be oriented properly. Liquid monopropellants and bipropellants both have
Or during separation from the launch vehicle the been used for reaction-control engines. Selection of
spacecraft may gain unwanted momentum and thus an optimum system for a given mission primarily
need correction for proper orientation. d e p e n d s on total system weight (including pro-
Ideally, a spacecraft oriented at some attitude pellants) vs. total impulse. As mission time increases,
should remain so indefinitely; but being continuously so does the propellant and tankage portion of the
subjected to small external and internal forces, it will total system weight, while the weight of nozzles,
drift off the desired position. An attitude-control valves, and plumbing remains fixed. A comparison
system, either continuous or on-off, must counteract of two reaction-control systems of different fixed
all disturbing torques. Practical considerations tend weight and specific impulse may show the lower
to favor the on-off operation. The attitude-control fixed-weight system to have an overall weight advan-
system itself contains certain nonlinearities and tage despite a considerably lower specific impulse.
nonideal conditions. In actual operation these in- If total impulse is the variable and total system
herent nonlinearities cause the vehicle to settle into a weight the evaluating criteria, a plot of total system
periodic motion about a reference p o i n t - - r e p - weight vs. total impulse helps compare competitive
resented by a closed curve in the phase-plane and systems. If thrust and number of restarts (operating
termed the "limit cycle of operation." cycles) are also factors, comparison will need more
The problem of attitude control, then, becomes dimensions. Based on the selection criteria of
twofold: minimum total system weight, the three major factors
1) What will rotate the vehicle through a given to be considered as i n d e p e n d e n t variables for
angle to some new attitude? different space missions are total impulse, thrust
2) What will maintain the vehicle in this attitude? level, and number of cycles. Selection of an RCS en-
The energy for these two basic maneuvers can be gine largely depends on these three requirements,
calculated, and total attitude-control requirements for and reliability considerations. Other important
any space mission can be computed, by simply factors will be cost, p e r f o r m a n c e tolerances,
determining the total number of times these two ma- m a x i m u m impulse per cycle, space storage and
neuvers occur. environment, systems integration, and logistics.

Monopropellant reaction control systems typ- solenoid isolation valves. After passing through a
ically use N2H4 (decomposed catalytically or ther- filter, different pressurant-isolation valves, pressure
mally) with a vacuum specific impulse of 200-230 s. regulators, and the "quad" check-valve assemblies, the
For bipropellant systems using earth-storables or helium at the required pressure level pressurizes the
cryogenics, the system vacuum specific impulse may positive expulsion bladders in the oxidizer and fuel
be estimated by applying an efficiency ranging from tanks. Opening of propellant-isolation solenoid
90 to 94% for steady state and from 80 to 86% for valves allows the pressurized propellants to flow
transient operation (less than 25-ms pulse width) of through filters, distribution lines, and line-isolation
the ideal specific-impulse values given in Table 1 1 - 1 . solenoid valves to the normally-closed injector
The monopropellant systems are applied up to a solenoid valves that control the operation of the
total impulse of about 50,000 lb-s, or somewhat individual reaction-control thrust chambers. Re-
higher. Beyond this level, the hypergolic earth- moval of the start signal shuts down the system. This
storable bipropellant systems take over. closes the propellant-isolation valves and discon-
nects the reaction-control injector-valve solenoids
Optimization o f RCS Operating Parameters from the command system.
A relief valve sealed with a burst diaphragm
Most reaction-control systems are a pressure-fed protects the pressurant tank against overpressur-
using stored inert gas as pressurant because of ization. A high-pressure transducer monitors helium-
simplicity and reliability. After the propellants and tank pressure. In a hermetically-sealed system, this
the feed system have been selected, parametric transducer could also indicate the amount of
analyses of all engine system design variables propellants remaining in the tanks. A low-pressure
establish the minimum-weight system, within mission transducer d o w n s t r e a m of the helium-pressure
requirements, that satisfies other important con- regulators detects regulator malfunctions. Relief
siderations. Major operating parameters affecting valves sealed with burst diaphragms protect the
systems weight include chamber pressure, pressurant- propellant tanks against overpressurization.
storage pressure, mixture ratio, and the nozzle
expansion area ratio. Systems Redundancy in RCS
Chamber pressure and nozzle expansion area
ratio are foremost optimization parameters, since the Redundancy may be provided for reaction-control-
weight of major system components is directly engine operation in the following three areas:
related to and defined by them. Component weights
considered in the analyses should include the
pressurant and its storage tank, the fuel and oxidizer
tanks, and the thrust-chamber assemblies. Optimum
values for chamber pressure range from 50 to 200 Modular Control Package ~ r- Pressurant Tank
psia and for nozzle expansion area ratio from 25:1 to _____~~~ /'-- High Pressure
N.O. Pressurant Isolation Valve Transducer
60:1. The optimum mixture ratio depends on pro-
pellant type and thrust chamber cooling method. N.C. Explosive -~ ~ - - ~--~------.-4-- ..... ..--,
Optimum design values for pressurant-storage pres- Actuated Pressurant ~] \ ~ 6 /
StartValve x'L /l___m \! - ,,~ /
sure range from 3000 to 5000 psia.
! ~ = P / [ Solenoid
Basic System Design for Reaction-Control PressureR e g u l a t o r s ~
' iw,ve
Engines ! ' ~ ,,,,4- t.ow
Modular Control ~ ; '~0,~ / ', Pressure
]_ I-rl, ~ [ Transducer
For monopropellant systems, the propellant tank can Package ~, L__
". - - "7 ~ . ' ~
: --"2 "2.,'-'--. .o .__.J
"- ~ Ouad
be pressurized by a stored-inert-gas system. The OU~edCheck ~ m . . 7 : I 7 ' ' " - i' Ii r " "'~_1_'--"7"--'1
,I ~ ~]~"
! Valve
propellant valves, downstream of the propellant nk-- ]~ ~ }1 ' : ~1 [~ }~- MoOtJlar
tanks, control propellant flow to the thrust chamber. Ox~d~ze,Ta _ -- ~--2.---'$--..--..L.....-, .v---I Pack
For N2H 4 systems, catalysts or electrical heating Modular Control ~
Package ~_ _~,,/
elements can initiate the decomposition reaction. Solenoidlsolation-~.L~''--F----:. :lular
Valve ~ ¢T ltrol
Frequently, to simplify ignition requirements in a n auadCheck-"-'--~
=p ! Contr
~: ~ ; Package
N2H4 system, a common gas generator feeds several VaNe
I I I~1 #1 ] " - - Solenoid
nozzles. Suitable high-temperature materials must be I I ~ ~ ! Isolation
" . ..-.J L. ~ ! Valve
used for all components downstream of the gas
generator. _#- 1 .... I --Check
Identical | ] ] ~ Valve
Figure 11-10 illustrates the basic schematic of a Subsystem ' - ue, o,eoo,0
~\ ~7~JIrla7 ~ Isolation Valve
typical reaction-control system using hypergolic .... ~\ ~ | ["1 I~ , , , ]-~ Oxidizer Solenoid
earth-storable bipropellants and helium-gas pres- N.C.Solenoid" ~
S0~ Inter-- ---" I!"1"-I! d-I I r'l."T'l-'rl-'l IsolationValve
I I I I i i I i i 1i i i i i i _
surization. The RCS has two redundant subsystems, Subsystem Propellant
Subsyster Thrust Chamber
va~e L~ LJ LJ LJ L~ LJ L.l L.I ;--..EZL-,L;
injector valves)-
each physically and functionally independent. (It ,..._..,,._~~ _ . ~ . , , . ....
should be noted that this degree of redundancy is Ii Micronic Filter PitcrJ Yaw Roll

rare in actual practice.) Each subsystem is activated Burst Diaphram and Relief Valve Service C o n n e c t i o n - - - ~

independently by an electrical command signal to

explosive-actuated pressurant-start valves located in Fig. 11-10 Basic schematic o f a typical reaction
the helium pressurized line, and to the various control system (RCS).

• R e d u n d a n c y w i t h i n a subsystem. Figure 11- prevent leakage of pressurant and propellant and

10 shows several typical examples of redundancy minimize weight.
within a subsystem. Two explosive-actuated pres- Figure 11-11 presents the installation of the
surant-start valves operate in parallel; likewise, two reaction-control engine systems used on a typical
pressure regulators are used pilot-selected by a three- manned spacecraft, the Space Shuttle Orbiter. All
way solenoid valve. In each propellant-pressurant systems are pressure-fed and use N204/MMH pro-
line, a "quad" check-valve assembly ensures that pellants. The tasks of the Orbiter's reaction-control
propellants that may have permeated through the system include attitude control in orbit and during
positive-expulsion bladders will not reverse-flow into reentry and small translational maneuvers. In the
the common pressurant line downstream of the event of OMS failure, the RCS thrusters can also be
pressure regulators. A similar "quad" check-valve used for the OMS burns.
assembly downstream of each propellant tank The Orbiter's reaction-control engine systems
prevents reverse flow of propellants from the other comprise thirty-eight 870-1b-thrust primary thrusters,
propellant subsystem or from the main propulsion 14 forward and 12 in each of the rear pods, and six
system. 24-1b-thrust vernier thrusters, two forward and two in
• R e d u n d a n c y b e t w e e n subsystems. Refering each of the rear pods. The forward RCS module and
again to Fig. 11-10, normally-closed solenoid inter- the aft RCS pods each have five propellant manifolds
subsystem propellant valves provide redundancy to provide redundancy.
between two independent subsystems. If one pro-
pellant subsystem should fail, these valves open and Design of RCS Thrust Chambers
connect to the propellant lines of the other
subsystem. The distribution-line solenoid valves can For systems using hypergolic earth-storable bipro-
isolate a group of thrust chambers (pitch, roll, or pellants, reaction-control thrust c h a m b e r s are
yaw) should one in the group malfunction. generally cooled by some combination of ablative,
• R e d u n d a n c y outside the system. Redundancy radiation, or film cooling. The design and con-
outside the system may be provided by connecting struction principles for ablatively-cooled RCS thrust
to the pressurant and propellant system of the chambers do not basically differ from those for main
spacecraft's main propulsion system, which must be propulsion systems; but the small physical sizes (1-
capable of supplying one or both subsystems with 100-1b thrust) and the operational modes (such as the
pressurant and/or propellants. pulse mode) of reaction-control thrust chambers
require some special considerations.
Packaging and Installation of RCS For example, a typical thrust chamber with a
thrust level of 1 lb and a chamber pressure of 100
As with the spacecraft's main propulsion, the control psia would have a throat diameter of less than 0.1 in.
components of a reaction-control engine system can This throat diameter must be produced accurately
be packaged in modules. The modular packages may and remain unaffected by erosion during firing.
incorporate related control components within the Generally, in small ablative rocket motors, the
same housing. Typical modular control packages for internal geometry remains essentially unchanged as
reaction-control systems are indicated schematically ablation progresses. The thermal protection in this
in Fig. 11-10. All-welded and brazed construction will case, provided by the internal change from the py-
rolysis or decomposition of the plastic resin, yields a
porous char layer without any significant di-
mensional changes. The transition zone between the
l Each Aft Pod - 12 Jets ] virgin ablative and the char is referred to as the
"char front." The ablation rate, in this case, would
not be governed by a surface regression, but rather
L3A by a regression of the interface between the virgin
Left-Hand RCS ablative and the char. For highest accuracy, however,
I~ Direc Right-Hand RCS throat inserts made of refractory ceramics, such as
Thrus PoclNolSIlown silicon carbide, and combustion chamber liners
.g,'a' FF F made of graphite or ceramics, will further reduce
23 1 +Z
~ _ _ ~ uu u throat-size changes due to erosion and will prevent
~ . , ~ ~ ablative fluid from being swept downstream from the
. combustion chamber and deposited in the throat
" /~~f~...~...\\ section. Silicon carbide can be machined to rather
-¥ ~ ' ~ ' ~ " ~ ' ~ ' i ~ - ~ \ v close tolerances. The diameter of a throat can
_x~Z#.~ ~ / ~ ,/ ", ~'.. ~.a-o---.~ ~t. usually be maintained with a tolerance of +0.001 in.
~~...,( ~k~..~'.:.~/~aL Determining the char depth of ablative RCS
~J \ ..~~\.'~'\~~ thrust chambers employs methods similar to those
for the larger-size chambers. Methods described in
IlF°'~Jesta'aRCSM°du'e-114 Chapter 4 and earlier in this chapter may be used
~. 0 3v However, in the case of RCS thrust chambers
designed for repetitive pulse, or for intermittent
Fig. 11-11 RCS installation for the Space Shuttle operation, the heat-transfer conditions may be quite
Orbiter (courtesy of NASA). different. Many studies and experiments have been

conducted in this area, and theoretical and empirical chamber to heat influx from the combustion gases.
correlations have been generated. In fact, at some critical pulse mode the char
A study by Lee and Hahn indicates that, under regression ceases after reaching an equilibrium char-
repetitive short-pulse operation, the char-front region depth.
in an ablatively-cooled thrust chamber does not During intermittent firings, with off periods
experience appreciable temperature fluctuations, between firings of relatively long duration, the
because of the attenuating effect of the low thermal temperature at the char front does not remain at the
diffusivity of the char layer (Lee, J. C., and Hahn, J.R., pyrolyzing temperature all the time. Figure 11-12
"Regression Rate of Char Front in Ablative-Cooled shows the char-depth progression for a typical mul-
Rocket Motor Under Pulse Operation," AIAA Preprint tiple-start system. The ascending straight line
64-262, AIAA, New York, 1964.). The char-front region represents char-depth progression for a continuous
therefore stays at the pyrolyzing temperature during firing (100% burn). Assuming that the first firing
the entire period of cycling. The char regression cycle was terminated at "A,"the char layer at this time
under pulse operation can thus be treated as a case reaches a higher temperature than the pyrolyzing
of continuous firing with effectively reduced gas-side temperature, and ablation continues until the
heat transfer. The results show the char depth based temperature at the char front drops below the
on equal cumulative firing time to be a function of pyrolyzing temperature (point "B"). When the next
percentage of firing time over elapsed time. It cycle starts at "C," the char depth remains constant
increases with the decrease of the percentage of during warmup, until pyrolyzing resumes through
firing, to a maximum value several times that ob- shutoff at "E." The various events may be projected
tained with continuous firing. At low percentages of onto the 100%-burn line for convenience. The line
firingmi.e., below approximately 5% burn (pulse D'-E' in this case represents the soakback char depth
width/pulse cycle)--the char depth drops again, following the second cycle. Subsequent cycles can be
because of the increasing proportion of radiation or treated similarly. Note that the short second cycle
convection losses from the outer skin surface of the finds soakback charring a multiple of the charring
during burning. In general, it can be seen from Fig.
11-12 that soakback usually consumes a large
0.9 percentage of virgin ablative and does not contribute
0.7 100% - Bum to the useful firing time. Even though some char-
0.6 Char Depth After Firing preheating time will be gained during the subsequent
._ o.s F' J firing, that will hardly compensate for the loss of
.c: 0.4 burn time compared to what would have been
B' ~"m..m~.Dmmmmmm~--m
~ 0.3
available had the chamber been fired continuously.
e- I J B In this respect, it is desirable to minimize the number
of soakbacks, particularly toward the last portion of
the virgin ablative.
Combinations of repetitive pulsings and multiple
starts can be treated in the same manner as
I I i _1_~0 i. I I I I I I ,,1 ~ a
0"120 40 80 100 200 300 500 700 described above, except that the "on" cycles com-
Time (s) posed of repetitive pulsings will effect a different
Fig. 11-12 C o m b u s t i o n - c h a m b e r char d e p t h vs. gradient of the ablation curve, based on the
c u m u l a t i v e firing time o f a typical ablative- particular percent-burn value, instead of the contin-
c o o l e d RCS thrust c h a m b e r . uous-firing (100%) curve.

Fig. 11-13 R a d i a t i o n - c o o l e d RCS t h r u s t e r ( c o u r t e s y o f the Marquardt Co.).


Total radiation cooling applied to RCS thrust the two streams. Each engine has a 10-W heater to
chambers may pose the following problems: maintain injector temperatures within an acceptable
• Difficulties with inboard installation of the operating range. Solenoid-operated poppet valves
thrust chamber. are used for both the fuel and oxidizer.
• Thermal-shielding requirements for compo-
nents surrounding the thrust chamber.
• Recrystallization of the chamber construction Design of RC$ Control Components
metals in multiple-start applications.
• Need for a larger thrust chamber, w h e n The various aspects of RCS control-component
operated at a relatively low chamber pressure. design are similar to those for spacecraft main
If properly designed and applied, however, a propulsion systems, except that propellant and
radiation-cooled thrust chamber probably will prove pressurant have much lower flowrates. For instance,
the simplest, lightest, and relatively most reliable. the propellant flowrate of a thrust chamber may be
The radiation-cooled Space Shuttle Orbiter RCS as low as 0.004 lb/s to produce a thrust of 1.0 lb.
vernier engine (manufactured by the Marquardt Co.) Besides the propellant-injector valves, all other
shown in Fig. 11-13 has a combustion chamber made control components, such as pressure regulators,
of columbium with a columbium disilicide coating to check valves, and vent valves, are similar to those of
prevent oxidation. The nozzle is scarfed to match other systems.
the external contour of the forward RCS module and In addition to high reliability and suitability for
the rear RCS pods; and the engine has been insulated the space environment, the RCS injector propellant
to protect the Orbiter structure from the 2000-2400°F valves need fast and precise response when opening
temperatures. The injector has a single pair of fuel or closing, tight shutoff, with no leakage, and low
and oxidizer holes canted to cause impingement of power consumption.
Appendix A

Weight Considerations

The importance of rocket vehicle propulsion system Because of the importance of weight control,
weight to the achievement of the required velocity rocket-engine manufacturers employ "engineers
increment with a given payload wieght is presented specifically in charge of this area. Table A-1 shows a
in this appendix. typical weight progress form, as used by the
As was seen with residual propellants, excessive Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International. It is
dead weight at burnout imposes penalties. Whenever revised and reissued periodically. Thus it becomes a
rocket engines can be made lighter without compro- useful tool to raise early warnings of a trend to
mising reliability and structural integrity, the payoff overweight. The arbitrary example shows a slight
in range and payload will therefore be sizable. underweight. However, the table also shows the data
Engine and vehicle builders usually distinguish sev- to be based almost entirely on estimated and cal-
eral types of engine weight: culated figures, rather than on actual weighing results.
Dry weight. The net weight of the engine as it This is characteristic for the earlier phases of design
leaves the factory. and development of a rocket engine. More often
Burnout weight. Engine dry weight plus residual, than not, the weight advantage will disappear
measurable propellants remaining in the engine at gradually as the design firms up; then the squeeze will
cutoff. In a typical engine design, burnout weight be on. For convenient display of the weight tenden-
may be 4% higher than dry weight. Burnout weight cies over time, a graph like Fig. A-1 will be useful.
plays importantly in vehicle mass ratio (Eq. 1-30). The weight changes of the various components as
Wet weight. The engine dry weight plus all pro- well as of the entire engine affect centers of gravity
pellant within it, during main stage. In a typical and moments of inertia. Through issue of a data
design, engine wet weight may be 6% higher than dry sheet like Fig. A-2, all parties concerned can be kept
weight. Wet weight significantly affects vehicle in- informed on changes as they occur.
flight center of gravity and moments of inertia. Note that the data presented in Table A-1 and
Wet gimballed weight. This portion of wet Fig. A-1 and A-2 concern the 150,000-1b A-2 Stage
weight represents engine mass gimballed for steering engine system, a part of an assumed multistage space
purposes. In earlier designs this meant essentially vehicle configuration.
the thrust-chamber and injector wet-weight. In later Consider the influence of structural weight on the
designs it often refers to the entire engine less a rel- performance and gross takeoff weight of a rocket
atively small amount of stationary parts. This weight vehicle, and how its magnitude varies with the design
affects gimbal actuator loads and response char- parameters of different vehicle systems. The quan-
acteristics of the guidance control loop. titative relationships will be evaluated individually for
Ideally, dry weight and burnout weight should be each case.
equal; that is, no propellants should be trapped in Equation (1-30) can be rewritten for the stage-
the engine at shutdown. In practice, this will not al- burnout velocity of a single-stage vehicle or the stage
ways be possible. However, the engine designer can velocity increment of any individual stage of a
do much to bring it about through proper design, multistage vehicle system, as follows:
sizing and routing of lines, avoidance of traps, and
location of valves.

/'Stage usable Stage Stage

propellant payload inert
[ weight + weight +weight
2.00 ) l , ''"' , !i Vbo = Cvc "g" (Is)o~&
/ " Stage p a y l o a d Stage inert
L weight + weight
230C •' -. -
i ' ; ~ i : i ! LA
! : , ! : : /' :, t (A-l)
2,~o ~ : !. ' . . . . . ~ _ _ - - 1 ,~ i ! 1 !

= ,ooo '--- -:-- ~- - ' - [


>= ,eso , i ' ~ : L -- . 2 _ _ Stage i n e r t _ Stage residual propellant

IA / ~
" ', ~ ~ I I ' I-I--T2 weight weight at burnout
,,o0 , . ~ - - - y , - ~ -- .? - - ,-- ~- _
ENG,.E L/I I ! i , ~ ' i
+ Stage engine
ACCESS T i [ ~ OmG,NAL t { : ! ; ! ! I :
BURNOUT ~ , - - ~ - - SpEC . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . "- - .~ ' ! I , I
'=°l i ~ o&,& i ! : , " I . : : :
~ ........ 4-,- - - - - - -
SI~£C .' . . . . . .
.- - ;. . . . .
system weight
u~- m400 ~
t 2
I !
,I7 ,

Stage structure,
guidance and other
Fig. A-1 Weight history on A-2 Stage rocket weights, which are
engine and accessories. not payload

Table A-1 Weight r e p o r t o n A-2 Stage engine.

Model: A-2 stage Changes

Contract: Con- last to Basis for Current I)=ta
Issue: 1 Spec. tractor Current., ,
Date: Weight Changes Last Status Notes
Enclosure: per (Rev. Status (Col. 4 % %
Page: 1 Original fOe¢. Current (Report minus Estk Cslcu- %
Report No.: 12. . . .
Design Weight) Status No. 11) ,, c~. s) mated luted Actual
1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rocket engine and accessories (1580) (2380) (2292) (2112) (+180)
(at burnout) (A+D+E)

Rocket engine and accessories (1485) (2280) (2181) (2011) (+170) (30) (52) (18)
(dry) (B+D)

A. Rocketengine (at burnout) (1365) (2(X)O) (1923) (1763) (+160)

B. Rocketengine (dry) (1300) (1930) (1850) (1700) (+150) (24) (59) (17)
Thrust chamber 500 750 730 640 +90 7 62 31
Gimbal bearing 40 55 52 - - 6 94 0
Turbopump, fuel 200 260 250 217 +33 1 97 2
Mount, fuel pump 25 30 27 - - 1 87 12
Turbopurnp, oxidizer 190 230 224 202 +22 0 33 67
Mount, oxidizer pump 25 30 28 26 +2 3 82 15
Fuel feed system 70 100 95 96 +1 72 28 0
Oxidizer feed system 60 90 87 87 0 75 25 0
Controls (ignit. elect, pneu.) 100 130 114 114 0 65 33 2
Exhaust system 70 100 96 96 0 60 39 1
Propellant utilization system 10 15 12 10 +2
Start system 0 140 135 135 0 100 0
C. Fluidat burnout (rocketengine) (65) (70) (73) (63) (+10)

D. Accessories (185) (350) (331) (311) (+20) (57) (41) (2)

Inlet line, fuel pump 50 85 79 74 +5 33 65 2
Inlet line, oxidizer pump 50 85 81 75 +6 30 64 6
Helium bottle 0 24 21 21 0 100 0 0
Heat exchanger, oxygen 30 34 31 27 +4 12 82 6
Flowmeters 5 6 5 5 0 100 0 0
Instrumentation 50 80 78 73 +5 100 0 0
Vehide conneclJonprovision 0 36 36 36 0 100 0 0

E. Fluidat burnout (accessories) (30) (30) (38) (38) (0)

. . . A-2 . Stage Rocket Engine

..., . .Center oi' Gravi v and Moment of Inertia Data
Issue 12 Enclosure
Date _EP,J 2 . r I , I ~ Page 1 of 1


( ) , d ~ LOX Pump

+x 1
u"3 . . / - ~ - ~ ' - ~ ' ` ' ~ .... +Y

CE Gimbal ( Y O )
i ii
Center of Gravity - Inches 'Moment of Inertia - Slug ft2
Weight ...
Description (Ib) Y - Arm X - Arm Z - Arm Y-Y X-X Z-Z
('() Rocket Engine + Acc. - Dry 2181 + 23.3 + 1.5 -0.7 176 391 362
(2} Rocket Engine + Acc. - Wet 2317 + 22.5 + 1.5 -0.1 185 411 379
(3) Rocket Engine + A c c . - Burnout 2292 + 22.7 + 1.6 -0.2 184 408 375
(4) Gimballed Mass - Dry 2061 + 25.2 + 1.5 -0.2 168 672 649
(5) Gimballed Mass - Wet 2086 + 24.6 + 15 -0.2 177 688 662
Note: Items (1) through (3) represent the moment of inertia about specified C.G.'s.
Items (4) and (5) represent the moment of inertia about the referenced gimbal axis.

Fig. A-2 Typical data s h e e t for c e n t e r of gravity a n d m o m e n t of inertia.


For a given burnout velocity these equations weight increase of a component in an existing system
show an even weight tradeoff between stage engine- may only require the addition of a corresponding
system weight and stage payload weight. The weight small amount of propellant, but not require enlarge-
of all other items being kept constant, a pound ment of the tanks, valves, etc.; then the growth factor
decrease in the stage engine-system weight will will be small. In another case, the weight increase
increase the stage payload capacity by one pound. may be "the straw that breaks the camel's back," re-
For a fixed payload, and assuming other items quiring the use of the next-larger valve, duct, or the
except engine weight to be constant, the relation be- like; the growth factor will then be large.
tween the stage velocity increment Vbo and stage en- In general, growth factor gives the designer a
gine-system weight for a given system can be written useful tool during the early steps to an engine system,
as follows: because it attaches a tangible value to the importance
of the engine-system weight. A systems-weight in-
crease may be considered "uninvited payload." For
k(~22 + Stage engine system weight'~
single-stage vehicles, and relatively small weight
Vbo = klln + Stage engine system ~ )
changes, the value of the growth factor then can be
(A-3) expressed with sufficient accuracy as follows:

where-- Total vehicle system

Growth factor = weight at takeoff
kl = Cvcg(Is)oa = constant Payload weight (A-5)
k2 = Stage payload weight + Stage residual-pro-
For any stage of a multistage vehicle, the approx-
pellant weight at burnout + Stage structure,
imate value of the growth factors against total ve-
guidance and other weight = constant
hicle-system weight at takeoff can be expressed as
k3 = Stage usable-propellant weight + k2 = con-
Total vehicle system
Since k2 < k 3, the denominator will decrease more weight at takeoff
Growth factor =
rapidly than the numerator, with decreasing engine Stage payload weight (A-6)
weight. Thus fixed payloads increase burnout ve-
locity, which will pay off in longer range or higher The growth factors of any stage against the vehicle-
orbit. system weight at ignition of the same or lower stage
For a given burnout velocity and for a fixed can be expressed as follows:
payload, the required Stage average overall specific
impulse (Is)oa in terms of Stage engine-system weight Vehicle system weight
can be established as follows: at same or lower
stage ignition
Growth factor = (A-7)
Stage payload weight
(k 3 + System engine system weight'~
(Is)oa = k4/ln ~ k2 + St-~ge ~ sys---~-emem~ )

(A-4) Sample Calculation

where--- A three-stage rocket has the following weight data:
Vbo total vehicle-system weight at takeoff, 40,000 lb.;
k4 - Cvcg - constant vehicle-system weight at second-stage ignition, 7500
lb; vehicle system at third-stage ignition, 2200 lb;
Equation (A-4) shows that the overall-specific-im- payload weight, 700 lb.
pulse requirements decrease with decreasing engine-
system weight. Problem
The "growth factor" of a rocket vehicle also il-
lustrates the importance of weight. If the weight of a For each pound increase of engine-system weight of
component increases, for instance, the designer can first, second, and third stages, respectively, determine
adjust for this by increasing the propellant load and (at a constant vehicle performance) (a) increases of
thus possibly that of other components, such as a total vehicle-system weight at takeoff, and ( b )
pump, to maintain the same required vehicle per- increases of vehicle-system weight at second- and
formance--i.e., payload and vehicle trajectory. If third-stage ignition.
one part of the vehicle system exceeds its weight
allotment by one pound, the total vehicle system Solution:
weight at takeoff will see a certain number of ad-
ditional pounds. Growth factor is defined as the total (a) Payload weight of first stage = vehicle-system
vehicle-system (including payload) weight increase at weight at second-stage ignition = 7500 lb; pay-
takeoff divided by the causal increment of added load weight of second stage = vehicle-system
inert and/or payload weight. Growth factor for a weight at third-stage ignition = 2200 lb; payload
given vehicle system will not be a precise value, but weight of third stage = actual system payload-
rather vary within a band. For instance, a small weight -- 700 lb.

From Eq. (A-6): will be required for the third stage. From Eq.
1) Growth factor of first stage against vehicle-
system takeoff weight: 1) Growth factor of second stage against
vehicle-system weight at second-stage
Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000 ignition:
7,500 - 5.86

First-stage payload weight

Vehicle system weight
2) Growth factor of second stage against vehicle- at second-stage ignition 7,500
- ~ = 3.41
system takeoff weight: Second-stage payload weight 2,200

Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000 2) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle-
Second-stage payload weight - 2,200 - 20
system weight at second-stage ignition:

3) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle- Vehicle system weight

system takeoff weight: at second-stage ignition 7,500
700 - 10.72

Third-stage payload weight

Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000
Third-stage payload weight - 700 - 62.9 3) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle-
system weight at third-stage ignition:
Vehicle system weight
1) For each pound increase of first-stage engine- at third-stage ignition 2,200
- 3.14
system weight, the increase on vehicle-system takeoff Third-stage payload weight 700
weight will be 5.86 lb.
2) For each pound increase of second-stage en- 1) For each pound increase of second-stage en-
gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system
takeoff weight will be 20 lb. weight at second-stage ignition will be 3.41 lb.

3) For each pound increase of third-stage en- 2), 3) For each pound increase of third-stage
gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system engine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system
takeoff weight will be 62.9 lb. weight at second-stage ignition will be 10.72 lb and
the increase on vehicle-system weight at third-stage
ignition will be 3.14 lb.
Co) Note that the weight growth of lower stages will
not affect the upper-stage weight growth. For The correctness of results can be checked by
an increase of first-stage vehicle-system weight, recombining the individual stage growth factors to
there will be no weight changes on second and obtain the growth factor for the entire vehicle system:
third stages; and for an increase on second-
stage vehicle system weight, no weight change 3.14 x 3.41 x 5.86 = 62.9
Appendix B
Reliability Considerations
The effort to increase reliability in rocket engines weighed against the reduction in probability of the
should span the entire program spectrum from con- failure mode of concern. Man-rated systems typi-
ceptual design through production. The reliability ef- cally have the additional requirement to isolate phys-
fort can basically be split into three parts: preven- ically the redundant element from its sister element
tion of failures, process assessment and control, and to assure protection from common causes of failure
monitoring of performance. Reliability through pre- (e.g., contamination, heat, vibration, explosion, etc.).
vention involves early involvement of reliability en- Additionally, the operational status of each element
gineers in "concurrent engineering" design and de- of the redundancy may have to be monitored to as-
velopment loops to identify high-risk devices and de- sure its existence before flight.
signs and catastrophic failure modes. Both before For instance, to avoid a troublesome sealed con-
and during fabrication and fielding of hardware, po- nection it may be decided to omit flanges and seals
tential process faults and their effects should be eval- and to weld it. However, if one of the lines thus con-
uated and controlled to assure expected reliability nected were inadvertently pinched in the field, it
performance through a "Continuous Process Im- would be necessary to remove the entire engine from
p r o v e m e n t (CPI)" approach. The continuous the vehicle under preparation for launchmmagnify-
monitoring of performance needs to be organized in ing a simple replacement into a major operation. To
a formal way (e.g., Reliability Growth or Reliability be sure, welding or preferably brazing may indeed be
Demonstration Test Monitoring) to assure identifica- the best solution for many problem connections.
tion and correction of possible faults. The point is, this will not be true for all connections.
The design team must carefully analyze all aspects of
Reliability in Design the system including handling and, in particular, mis-
handling by the user.
The reliability contribution to a concurrent engineer- As another example, tests may have shown that
ing effort should be through assessment of past per- an engine could readily be set up and calibrated to
formance of similar-type hardware to identify high- specifications by means of orifices, eliminating pre-
failure-risk components or approaches in the pro- viously used regulators. Engines get delivered ac-
p o s e d designs, conducting reliability-optimization cordingly. With rocket engines, it is entirely normal
trade studies, and correlating past "lessons learned" that many months,' if not several years, may elapse
in rocket-engine-specific systems. Potential process between delivery and final use. Much can happen
inadequacies should be addressed, with considera- during this period. Changes in mission plans, for in-
tion for control of a process or designing in "fault stance, may have made another thrust level more de-
tolerance." For example, process-induced contam- sirable. Then, suddenly, an adjustment by means of
ination may be a problem largely solvable by en- orifices, in particular its verification, becomes a ma-
largement of flow passages in the engine systems. jor operation. Omission of a strategic regulator was
Another aspect of reliability in design, so-called indeed an engine simplification, but for the vehicle
"simplicity," usually will contribute significantly to system it turned out to be a complication. The point,
higher reliability. Parts which do not fulfill a truly again: careful evaluation of a planned omission must
useful purpose should be omitted; this may include consider all aspects, including changes of plans.
many so-called safety features and interlocking de-
vices, which often cause more trouble than they pre- Reliability Assurance
vent. Early designs of liquid-propellant rocket en-
gines indeed often suffered from an overdose of so- The emphasis on reliability must not become an
phistication and safety devices. Many of the more empty slogan. Fortunately, the rocket-engine de-
recent designs have been substantially improved in signer has certain means to achieve the highest de-
this area. Simplifications, like all other design fea- gree of reliability. One of these is an effective
tures, must be carefully planned and evaluated. "failure reporting and corrective action system
Simplification by elimination of a useful component (FRACAS)" during the monitoring of hardware test
must not become an excuse for failure to improve activities. Testing of all hardware should be moni-
that component if its absence could severely penalize tored in an organized and regimented fashion to as-
other subsystems or maintenance and servicing pro- sure identification and resolution of hardware design
cedures. and processing failures. The design~ should, at the
The counterpoint to simplicity will be redun- very least, implement a fundamental FRACAS loop.
dancy. Occasionally, the reliability of certain types This may be supplemented with a "reliability growth"
of parts are inherently too low or the consequences assessment program to appraise regularly the pro-
of the failure effect are too great to accept. Then a gress of the engine system toward the expected
redundant functional architecture may be consid- reliability performance. In many cases, a "reliability
er_ed, in which complexity, in terms of more parts, demonstration" test program may be p r o p o s e d to
will be increased to achieve a higher reliability. The determine, with "confidence," the final reliability per-
additional cost, weight, and failure modes must be formance of the engine system.

Definitions be initiated. Typical example: shutting off an engine

in a four-engine airplane and reaching destination
The definitions used in rocket-engine reliability pro- safely, although with a delay. Analogous provisions
grams vary widely with individual program require- are anticipated for manned rockets.
ments, with the object under design and develop- Man-rating. Design and operational provisions
ment, and with the missions contemplated. The def- to assure crew survival even in case of mission failure.
initions given below typify usage in actual rocket en- Thus, man-rated crew reliability typically exceeds
gine programs, and can be readily adapted to others. mission reliability. For instance, overall vehicle reli-
For the sake of clarity, irrelevant jargon and detail ability to achieve mission success may be 95%. By
have been omitted. the addition of an escape mechanism, man-rated re-
Reliability. The probability that a part or sys- liability may be increased to 99.5%. Caution is ad-
tem will function properly and, if necessary, repeat- vised not to become entirely "wrapped up" in man-
edly under rated operating conditions, within the rating at the expense of mission reliability. A single
specified load and time limits. launch of a man-carrying space vehicle costs several
Mission success. Completion of the rocket-en- h u n d r e d million dollars, all told. Investment in
gine mission objectives within specified tolerances. means to save the mission as well as the man, there-
All subsystems contribute to the success. It is an in- fore, appears to be prudent. Table B-1 illustrates this
herent characteristic of mission-success analysis and clearly. Pressing optimum reliability for spacecraft
assurance that they anticipate the probability of cer- and launch vehicle, including the engines, therefore
tain part and subsystem malfunctions, offsetting them minimizes the need for a crew-escape system.
with appropriate countermeasures (such as redun- Engine out. Design and operational provisions
dancies, emergency power sources, power and pro- in a multi-engine system to permit limited or com-
pellant reserves, etc.). plete mission continuance in case one engine fails to
Mission failure. Failure of the rocket engine to fire or malfunctions and gets shut down. This option
produce the required thrust for the specified time to can notably improve system reliability since one of
complete the mission objectives. Mission failures the engines is a redundant element.
can be classified as catastrophic, premature shut- Failure mode. The specific manner in which a
down, and "deferred." part or system malfunctions. This may be a "short"
C a t a s t r o p h i c f a i l u r e (Criticality I ) . An or "open" circuit, an incorrectly "closed" or "open"
"uncontained" failure in which the effects propagate valve, an engine out, or similar malfunction.
beyond the physical envelope of the engine system, Order o f failure. The number of components
with sufficient energy potential likely to propagate in a system that would have to fail, regardless of their
failure to adjacent systems. It is important to assess failure mode, to cause a system or mission failure.
and discriminate this type of failure from a prema- First-order failures derive from malfunction of a sin-
ture shutdown for crew safety in manned vehicles and gle component or part (i.e., "single-point" failure).
for mission success in multi-engine unmanned vehi- Second- and higher-order failures are defined in a
cles (if engine out is a viable mode of operation). like manner. Typical example: a stuck pressurizing
Premature shutdown (Criticality 11). A fail- valve causing overpressure in a vessel would rupture
ure in which the effects are contained and degrade it only if the safety valve failed to open; this would be
performance enough to trigger an engine shutdown. second-order failure. However, continuous venting of
In multi-engined vehicles with "engine-out" capa- a properly opening vent valve may prematurely de-
bility, the discrimination between catastrophic failure plete the gas supply. A thorough failure-effect analy-
and premature shutdown figures importantly in the sis will reveal all ramifications. In the example, de-
criteria for vehicle mission success. pletion would not occur instantaneously; this would
D e f e r r e d f a i l u r e (Criticality III). A failure be "deferred" failure. The designer can do some-
causing generally slow-acting and minor perfor- thing about it in advance, such as by giving the pilot
mance degradation in which continued operation of an overriding closing valve that remains completely
the engine is a consideration. Action to cope with inactive when not needed (although--not a complete
the failure will be deferred to allow analysis by the pi- blessingmthis adds weight).
lot or an automatic logic, to decide whether correc- Failure modes and effects analysis. An or-
tive action can be taken or an abort sequence should derly, hardware-based analysis listing all credible
modes in which components or parts of a system can
fail, the effects of the failures on the engine's or vehi-
cle's ability to complete the mission, and the order
Table B-1 R e l a t i o n s h i p o f v e h i c l e reliability to
flight safety. of the failures. Such an analysis should distinguish
between the prelaunch, launch, and cutoff phases. All
identified failure modes should be classified as catas-
Reliability Right Safety
trophic, premature shutdown, or "deferred." This
Spacecraft Probability hardware-to-effect approach assures that all notable
and Launch Escape of Crew pieces of hardware will be addressed and assessed.
Vehicle System Survival Fault-tree analysis. An event-based analysis
that targets specific failure-effect scenarios and then
, ,

0.50 0.998 lists all the hardware malfunctions in a graphical, hi-

0.90 0.99 0.999
erarchical "tree" (a reverse of the hardware-to-effect
0.999 0.00
, , ~
approach of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis).

Emergency detection system (EDS). T h e Functional failures. Something other than

EDS comprises the electromechanical devices, in- structural failure can cause malfunction of parts or
cluding sensors and discriminators, to detect an im- components. For instance, an "0" ring may fail to
minent malfunction. Depending on the type of fail- seal due to improper groove depth specified in the
ure ( c a t a s t r o p h i c , premature shutdown, or design; or a plunger may freeze in the bore of a guid-
"deferred"), it may initiate immediate action, or defer ing bushing, because of improper surface finish
but store a n d / o r display it in a suitable manner and/or noncompatibility of materials. The following
(timer, visual gage, or light). Inputs to the EDS must precautions will minimize possible function failures
be analyzed, selected, and provided by the designer in the design of engine components:
(in particular, the engine designer) at the outset. • Choose proven designs with an established
Noncomplex redundancy. The simultaneous service record.
function of identical equipment. Application de- • Use standard mechanical elements (bolts, nuts,
pends upon the particular failure mode to be elimi- threads, gears, pins, rivets, springs, seals, tube fittings,
nated. For a typical example, see Fig. B-1 and B-2. pistons, keys, shafts, bearings) wherever possible.
Other examples include dual (series) seals and paral- • Select simple designs, but without impairing
lel valves. flexibility. In particular, minimize the number of
Complex redundancy. The original function moving parts and sealing surfaces.
carried out by one component. Failure sensors, logic • Allow adequate functional margins in the de-
circuits, and switching devices energize an identical sign of components (spring forces, actuating powers,
standby component, when needed. The advantages supply of lubricants, supply of coolants).
obtained can be completely offset by the additional • Subject newly designed parts to extensive func-
complexity of sensing and switching circuitry. The tional testing, under simulated working and environ-
potential problem area may be merely shifted from mental conditions, before "freezing" the final config-
the equipment to the failure-detection components. uration.
However, this standby redundancy may be advanta- • Provide redundancy, a "buddy plan": where
geous for long mission times (e.g., days or weeks) one component would be sufficient, provide two of
where it may be undesirable also to subject the the same type. If one fails, the other takes over. This
backup equipment to prolonged operation. A typical can be achieved in two ways: by noncomplex and by
example: electric-power emergency battery with volt- complex redundancy. Intelligently applied, redun-
age sensor and switchover circuitry. dancy can significantly increase reliability.
• Pursue a rigorous program of continuous
Failure Modes of Engine Components product improvement.
Fatigue failures. Fatigue failures are fractures
Failure of a rocket-engine c o m p o n e n t may be at- caused by repeated loading at stresses considerably
tributed to basically three causes: functional, struc- lower than those causing failure by a single load.
tural, and process faults. They have the following They are the most common type of mechanical fail-
principal modes: functional failures, fatigue failures, ure. The ability of a part to resist fatigue failure can-
overstress and overstrain, failures pertaining to com- not be checked without destroying the part. Checking
bustion devices, failures pertaining to electrical is possible, however, through destructive endurance
devices, manufacturing and material defects, unex- tests with representative samples selected at random.
plained failures, human error, and manufacturing of Most fatigue failures start with a crack at or near
field-processing faults. an outside surface because stresses are apt to be
greatest there. The actual failure will result from
] ,[ ' gradual propagation of these cracks.
The starting point for a crack will depend upon

the geometry of the part and on surface conditions.
Any notch or other stress-raiser, being a point of
high stress concentration, may start fatigue cracks.
PRESSURE Fillet radii too small, threads, oil holes, keyways and
SWITCH :I¢ 2 similar surface irregularities all present p o t e n t i a l
sources of fatigue failure. Although a part may be de-
Fig. B-1 Noncomplex parallel redundancy. This signed to be free of geometric irregularities, having
type of redundancy guards against failure to no shoulders, grooves or the like, it may still contain
close w h e n commanded. a great number of minute stress-raisersmtool marks,
scratches, identification stamp marks, or various in-
herent discontinuities in the material itself, such as
SOLENOID inclusions of foreign matter and quenching cracks.
POWER VALVE The design engineer should make every effort to
[ PREssuRE ] [ PRESSURE 1 avoid stress concentrations in a highly stressed part
SWITCH~ I SWITCH~2 J subject to repeated loads. In the design, rigid speci-
fications should be called out for surface finishes. To
Fig. B-2 Noncomplex series redundancy. This carry repeated loads, forgings are usually preferable
type of redundancy guards against inadvertent to castings, and ductile materials to material prone to
closing; i.e., closing when not called upon to become brittle. Welded joints see almost every type
close. of stress concentration and fatigue failure. Wherever

possible, welded joints should be minimized in the exceeding values assumed during design or a combi-
design of parts subject to repeated loads. Rigid pro- nation of excessive temperatures and pressures.
cedures for welding and inspection must be called Under certain transient or unstable conditions,
out in the design. such as engine start or stop, combustion instability or
O v e r s t r e s s a n d o v e r s t r a i n . Stress analysis in abrupt pressure surges may cause a failure; see
mechanical design to prevent overstress and over- Chapter 4, "Design of Thrust Chambers and Other
strain was discussed in section 2.5.3. The interrela- Combustion Devices."
tionship of stress and reliability of mechanical parts
(as illustrated simplistically in Fig. B-3) can be evalu- E l e c t r i c a l f a i l u r e s . Although p r e d o m i n a n t l y
ated probabilistically. an assembly of mechanical parts, a modern rocket
Two stress levels exist for every part in a given engine employs a number of electrical devices with-
engine component: the working stress and the dam- out which it cannot function reliably. Electrical
aging stress at which failure occurs. The failure may components used most widely include power sources
be either a fracture or a deformation beyond allow- (batteries), converters (dc to ac), microprocessors,
able tolerances. Either will be a mean value of a dis- tranducers, wires and harnesses, connectors, switches,
tribution about a mean. The difference between the relays (electromechanical and solid-state), timers,
working and the damaging stress mean values indi- pressure switches, diodes, solenoid valves, servomo-
cates the stress reliability margin of the part. tors, and position indicators.
Deviations from the mean working stress mainly All of these devices represent, to some degree, a
reflect variations in the dimensions of the part and potential source of failure, the consequences of which
operational and environmental conditions. The dis- can be just as detrimental as failure of mechanical
tribution about the mean damaging stress results parts. By proper design and assembly instructions,
from variations in material properties, fabrication by careful selection of the elements, and by
processes, quality control, and maintenance prac- Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), the designer
tices. The area Pf, where the two distributions over- can forestall electrical failures and thus assure overall
lap, represents the probability of failure (unre- system reliability. Common points of electrical fail-
liability). ure include the following:
Close control of functional and environmental • Cold-solder spots in connectors, wirings, and
loads may decrease the variation of the working electrical elements. They often cause sporadic dis-
stress about the mean. Likewise, better materials and continuities, particularly under vibration.
strict quality control should increase the damaging- • Short circuits in wirings, connectors, and other
stress mean value and decrease the variation about electrical devices. This may be due to poor design,
the mean. Thus, the area of overlap may be substan- leaving insufficient separation between connector
tially r e d u c e d or eliminated, and reliability in- pins, lugs, and the like; or to excessive solder; or
creased. damaged insulation due to poor harness installation,
Failure o f c o m b u s t i o n d e v i c e s . Under steady- chafing under vibration, and poor handling; or over-
state operating conditions, combustion devices in load a n d / o r overheating in solenoids, moisture in
liquid-propellant rocket engines must withstand hot connectors, etc.
g a s e s - - t e m p e r a t u r e s ranging from 1000 to 6000°F. • Fused relay contacts, due to overload and/or
The walls of these devices either are made from high- incorrect current rating of the elements.
temperature-resisting (refractory) materials or are • Relay and switch contact-loss under vibration.
cooled by heat-absorbtion, ablation, and propellant- This is really an electromechanical malfunction. It
film and/or regenerative effects. Structural failure can be prevented by proper relay selection, shock-
may occur because of erosion from wall temperatures mounting, orientation of installation, or replacement
by solid-state circuitry.
• Power failure resulting from one or more of
z z the causes listed above. Preventions include emer-
(/) ~, ,., gency batteries and overload switches, c o m b i n e d
I"" =E ]I
with subcircuit isolation through diodes.
rr" ~

A liquid-propellant rocket engine usually includes

0.. a: <
o •¢g additional electrical elements as required for instru-
b. • o
mentation and t e l e m e t r y - - i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n p o w e r
supplies, end organs (sensors, pickups, thermocou-
WO.~,NG---~ / -.~G,~ [ /--0..~G,.G pies, accelerometers, position indicators), signal
conditioners (analog-to-digital), wiring, and the like.
Although, as a rule, instrumentation does not directly
g effect proper functioning of the engine system, its
failure may indirectly cause engine malfunction, by
interfering with its operation. For instance, a pres-
sure pickup may rupture and cause premature deple-
---i,- STRESS tion of a gas supply; the same event in the fuel system
may cause an engine-compartment fire; improper in-
Fig. B-3 Interrelationship o f stress and reliabil- stallation of a thermocouple may block a vital lubri-
ity as related to m e c h a n i c a l parts. cant or other line.

The engine designer's task includes engine in- As recent nuclear powerplant catastrophes attest,
strumentation. It is obvious that this peripheral sys- even a fully trained, possible very alert individual can
tem, too, will require his full attention. be subject to error. He may commit an error at a
Manufacturing and material defects. The desk while using a computer, or while connecting a
producibility of parts directly affects the reliability of number of hydraulic lines, or under stress while push-
components. Manufacturing and material defects ing buttons. The history of rocketry~is full of glaring
can be prevented only by strict process and quality examples. Whenever it happens, the most eloquent
control. The areas of quality control may be subdi- regrets are probably voiced by the designers of the
vided as follows: system involved: If someone had not done some-
• Materials inspection. The extent of inspec- thing to their perfect creation, it would have worked
tion and testing of raw materials depends upon the faultlessly. The reaction is understandable, but
nature of the part for which they will be used. wrong.
Inspection of materials includes testing for composi- For whatever reason a system failed, it obviously
tion, uniformity, mechanical properties, fabrication was not perfect. Its designer did not consider human
and heat-treating characteristics, and possibly other nature, non-ideal operating conditions, or emergency
properties, as the application may demand. situations. Clear and complete drawings, specifica-
• Traceability. By the time a materials defect is tions, and other written instructions are important,
detected, many more parts may have been made but they will not prevent, by themselves, human er-
from the same lot or batch of raw material. If accu- rors, because they can be misplaced, misread, or not
rate records have been kept on parts for which num- read at all.
bered material lots have been used, it will be possi- It is not surprising that the elimination of human
ble, without a "panic," to withdraw and replace all error, or more positively, the perfection of the inte-
parts made from the faulty lot. The importance of gration of man with the machine, is becoming an in-
accurate and complete records is obvious. dependent branch of engineering. It would be be-
• Process inspection. This refers to all shop in- yond the scope of this book to go into the details of
spections made of parts as they are being processed. "Human Engineering" or "Human Factors Analysis."
It in effect checks the performance of the operators Simply by applying mostly k n o w n methods and
and tools or equipment, and sorts out faulty parts as common sense, the rocket-engine designer can do
soon as errors are detected. much to prevent human error by the design of his
• Salvage. Someone decides whether defective parts and by mandatory actions during their build-
materials or parts can be corrected or must be ing, checking, and handling. The following are only
scrapped. typical examples of a probably infinite number of
• Final inspection. This inspection covers the ways to prevent human error by design:
completed c o m p o n e n t parts to ensure they come • Clear marking of bolts, lines, connectors, wires.
within the limits required by the design. • Use of dissimilar connectors, dissimilar
• Checking o f a c t u a l service performance. This threads, a variety of keyways, etc. to make incorrect
includes investigation of complaints and studies of electrical and mechanical connections impossible.
actual service performance of the part in the engine • Safety wiring, electrical and mechanical inter-
system (see "Failure-Reporting System"). locks.
Reliability demonstration. This is a strict, re- • Painting bright red and/or attaching bright
liability test series in which the "matured" engine sys- red streamers to auxiliary devices that must be re-
tem configuration is repeatedly tested in the same moved before operation.
configuration and mission cycle. The primary objec- • Storing of components and systems that have
tive is to statistically determine the reliability per- successfully passed all inspections and checkouts in
formance level and confidence limits for the engine locked, controlled-storage rooms.
configuration. • Simulated, mock o p e r a t i o n s ~ w i t h intentional
Reliability-growth monitoring. This is typi- attempts at improper handling, assembly, checkout,
cally a monitoring and assessment task over engi- and operation of components and s y s t e m s ~ t o assist
neering development test programs to continually "foolproofing" during development.
assess the development (i.e., "growth") in the reliabil- None of these and numerous similar steps will
ity performance of an engine system. Early successes eliminate human errors. However, they will substan-
and failures are plotted to continually check for the tially reduce the likelihood of them and thus con-
expected improvements through corrective actions tribute to overall reliability.
and process improvements.
H u m a n error. Experience with early manned Design Reviews for Reliability
rocket flights showed that certain functions could be
performed better by trained men than by automatic The reliability of a rocket engine and its components
devices. It appears certain that future spaceflight will depends on many factors. A concurrent engineering
employ combinations of automatic and manual sys- approach topped with periodic design reviews can
tems, the ratio of the two depending on mission re- bulwark reliability. In practice, a design review, the
quirements. Even u n m a n n e d missions, ostensibly progressive evaluation of a design, starts with the pre-
fully automatic, have people directly involved during liminary schematics, layouts, and specifications and
launch preparations and through postlaunch com- extends through the release of all final drawings.
mands for trajectory-correction maneuvers, informa- Those conducting reliability design reviews should
tion playback, and similar actions. include reliability specialists, design engineers, de-

velopment, test, and service engineers, and various Design reviews are valuable and cost-saving tools
specialists for structures, materials, manufacturing, for improving reliability. A group well organized and
and quality control. A minimum of three design re- staffed will assure a meaningful review and instigate
views should be made for each design: effective recommendations and actions. Complete
1) Preliminary design review. This is a prelim- documentation of all review details will provide valu-
inary review of work statements, basic concepts, able data for future reference.
schematics, layouts, and analyses. It determines de- Failures occur, from time to time, that cannot
velopment needs and results in decisions for the next readily be isolated as having originated in a given
design phases. This review should uncover misappli- c o m p o n e n t or p a r t - - b e c a u s e several causes were
cations, critical areas and marginal designs at an present simultaneously and could not tge separated,
early stage, when changes can be effected without dif- because instrumentation was inadequate, recording
ficulty. only the ultimate effects but not the cause, or because
2) Critical design review. This is the most im- an incomplete investigation was conducted, perhaps
portant review for decisions and approvals. It in- in the hope it would not happen again.
cludes formal review of all reliability aspects of lay- Classification of a failure as "unexplained" should
outs, analyses, planned development tests, and pro- never be done as a matter of convenience, but rather
curement specifications. only as a last resort if the most thorough investiga-
3) Final design review. This is the final review tion did not establish a clear cause. Complete and
of overall design layouts, detail and assembly draw- accurate records must be kept of the details associ-
ings, analyses, process specifications, and R&D test ated with the failure. Through special statistical
results, before production release. methods it may be possible to isolate the cause or
causes at a later date. Also, special instrumentation
The reviews should emphasize the following may immediately be added in the areas of suspected
points: structural integrity, function and performance, but unproven causes. But the most sophisticated ex-
customer (vehicle) connections and envelope, mate- planation of a failure cannot transform it into a suc-
rials compatibility and c o m p o n e n t interfaces, pro- cess.
ducibility and cost, reliability and repeatability, mal- Under "Man-rating" the cost of a single launch
function effects, environment and servicing, and was mentioned. Press releases give the cost of a ma-
"special" requirements. It is highly r e c o m m e n d e d jor space program as about 3.5 billion dollars a
that the agreed-to layout bear the approval signatures y e a r m l 0 million a day! To save a mission, or just a
of the groups involved. single day of preparation, by improved reliability will
A reliability checklist tailored to the individual quite clearly be worth the effort!
designs may be used as a guide during the various Likewise, the loss of a launch, or a day in the pro-
design-review phases. The "Design Check-Off Sheet" gram, is very costly indeed. The rocket-engine de-
shown in section 2.5 may serve this purpose. signer must do everything he can to prevent either.
Appendix C

Rocket Engine Materials

Liquid propellant rocket engines utilize a wide range They are susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking and
of materials; from steel alloys to thermoplastics and hydrogen embrittlement and become quite brittle at
composites. This appendix presents a brief dis- cryogenic temperatures. With the exception of 440C,
cussion of a range of material types and their general martensitic stainless steels have limited usefulness on
application in the design of liquid propellant rocket liquid propellant rocket engines. Being a high-car-
engines, bon alloy, 440C attains the highest hardness of the
stainless steels. It is widely used for bearings and
Plain-Carbon/Low-Alloy Steels other compressively loaded hardware requiring wear
Plain-carbon steels alloy iron and carbon. The low- A u s t e n i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s (300 series). The
carbon grades (0.1-0.2%) have excellent ductility and austenitic stainless steels all contain nickel in addi-
toughness and are easily formed. The medium-car- tion to the chromium. Nickel stabilizes austenite,
bon grades (0.3-0.5%) respond well to heat treatment, normally a high-temperature phase, at room temper-
and thus provide a good combination of strength ature and below. Austenite differs from martensite in
and toughness. The high-carbon grades (1.0-1.2%) many respects. The nonmagnetic austenitic stainless
are hard and wear-resistant, but have poor toughness steels are not heat-treatable, and cannot achieve the
and ductility. high strength of martensitic alloys. However, they
Low-alloy steels contain up to 2.0% alloying ele- possess good cryogenic toughness, good fabricability
ment in addition to the iron and carbon. Adding al- and weldability, excellent corrosion resistance and
loying elements to steel increases hardenability (i.e., resistance to stress-corrosion cracking, and are com-
ability to harden through thick sections). Other im- patible with oxygen and hydrogen. Relatively low
provements derived from alloy addition include im- cost, high availability, and good fabricability make
proved elevated-temperature properties, tough-hess, austenitic stainless steels an excellent choice for
and corrosion resistance. rocket-engine components where strength-to-weight
Plain-carbon and low-alloy steels are n o t good ratio is not a primary consideration.
candidates for rocket-engine hardware. Although in- Most austenitic stainless steels will be limited in
expensive, readily available, easy to fabricate, and usefulness by their low (30-ksi) room-temperature
typically high in strength, steels poorly resist atmo- yield strength. Alloy 21-6-9, a nitrogen-strengthened
spheric corrosion and will rust in ambient environ- modification, has about twice the yield strength at
ments unless protected. Also, they have a limited room temperature and three times the yield strength
range of useful operating temperatures. Most steels at -400°F of 300-series stainless steel. It does not re-
become brittle below 0°F and, on the high-tempera- quire heat treatment and possesses all of the other at-
ture side, are limited by tempering temperature, tributes of austenitic stainless steels.
which is usually below 1000°F. Plain-carbon and al- The corrosion resistance of all stainless steels
loy steels are susceptible to hydrogen-environment can be severely diminished by denying access to a
embrittlement, and are not resistant to stress-corro- plentiful supply of oxygen. For this reason, any ap-
sion cracking in some heat-treat conditions. plication which results in close laying surfaces or
crevices should be avoided. Multiply assemblies,
such as bellows, are therefore not ideal applications
Stainless Steels for stainless steels.
Moreover, a carbide precipitation characterizes
In stainless steels--iron-carbon alloys with the addi- many austenitic stainless steels when heated in the
tion of at least 12% chromium--the chromium pro- temperature range of 800-1600°F. This ,1 sensitization ,1
vides a "passive" oxide film that protects the body reduces corrosion resistance. Not only is this a limi-
from most corrosive environments. This film must tation of application temperature, but also of pro-
be maintained to ensure corrosion protection, cesses which involve heating above 800°F. The prob-
Oxygen shielding could cause deterioration of this lems of sensitization can be mitigated by utilizing
passive film, rendering the steel "active"--having low-arbon grades (304L, 316L) or stabilized grades
corrosion resistance and galvanic activity similar to (321,347) of austenitic stainless steels.
those of low-alloy steels. There are four distinct
classes of stainless steels~martensitic, austenitic, fer- F e r r i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l (405, 430, 446). Ferritic
ritic, and precipitation hardening, stainless steels see use in rocket engines for magnetic
M a r t e n s i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s (400 series ex- effects, as in solenoids. These steels have good cor-
cept 405, 430, 446). Martensitic stainless steels resem- rosion resistance, are resistant to stress-corrosion
ble low-alloy steels except they have sufficient cracking, and are compatible with liquid fuels. They
chromium to become passive. They can be heat- are low in strength, but have good ductility.
treated to high strengths, but have the poorest atmo- Precipitati°n'hardening (PH) stainless
spheric corrosion resistance of the stainless steels, s t e e l s (17-4PH, 17-7PH, PH15-7MO, A286, etc.). The


precipitation-hardening stainless steels combine resistance varies from excellent to fair; but in general
good corrosion resistance with high strength at tem- the higher-strength alloys must be anodized for at-
peratures up to 1100-1300°F. However, most of the mospheric- and galvanic-corrosion protection.
PH stainless steels are martensitic, and as such are Anodizing forms an electrically insulating layer that
susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking, hydrogen- could preclude electrical grounding.
environment embrittlement, and loss of toughness at
cryogenic temperatures. An exception, A286, Copper Alloys
austenitic steel, possesses all of the attributes of the
austenitic stainless steels coupled with high strength Copper of course has high electrical and thermal
(up to 200-ksi ultimate tensile strength in the cold- conductivity, excellent corrosion resistance, and ease
worked condition). A286 has proven to be excep- of fabrication, plus immunity to hydrogen-environ-
tionally suitable for fasteners, and has been used for ment embrittlement. Alloying elements improve its
nozzle tubing. Poor weldability limits wider applica- strength, but generally at the expense of electrical
tion of A286. JBK 75, a modification of A286, is not and thermal conductivity. For example, 2% beryl-
susceptible to weld cracking and therefore has appli- lium can increase ultimate tensile strength of copper
cability for rocket-engine hardware. from 30 to 200 ksi; but the electrical conductivity of
beryllium copper is only 20% of pure copper.
Iron-Base SuperaIIoys The more widely used copper alloys--brass
(copper and zinc), phosphor bronze (copper and
The iron-base low-expansion superalloys have exten- tin), and beryllium copper (copper and b e r y l l i u m ) -
sive application in liquid-propellant rocket engines have strength increasing in the order listed.
because they provide high strength, low coefficient of The major application of copper alloys in rocket
thermal expansion, and resistance to hydrogen-envi- engines is for high-heat-flux applications, such as
ronment embrittlement (HEE). These iron-nickel- combustion chambers. Their high thermal conduc-
cobalt alloys retain excellent properties from-423 to tivities minimize thermal gradients and resulting
1200°F, are resistant to stress-corrosion cracking, and thermal stresses. Narloy A is a copper-silver alloy
are readily weldable. However, lack of resistance to with thermal conductivity equivalent to pure copper,
corrosion limits the use of them. but with moderately high strength to 800°F. Narloy-Z,
Incoloy 903 was the first of these alloys to find with a zirconium addition, improves ductility and fa-
widespread application to structural components op- tigue life, and extends the operating range to 1000°F.
erating in gaseous hydrogen or hydrogen-rich steam. These alloys are available in the cast as well as
It also can be used as an overlay to provide HEE pro- wrought form. Copper alloys also serve as electrical
tection to welds of non-HEE-resistant alloys. Incoloy conductors, conductive springs, and bearings and
903 can be thermomechanically processed (TMP) for bushings.
improved high-temperature stress-rupture properties.
Incoloy 907 offers~ better stress-rupture properties Nickel-Base Alloys
without requiring the TMP procedure. Incoloy 909
offers better low-cycle fatigue life and a simplified Nickel-base alloys comprise some 65% of the weight
heat-treat cycle, which is compatible with that for of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. These alloys de-
Inconel 718. The weldability of Incoloy 907 has been rive their widespread usage in rocket engines from
rated higher than that of Incoloy 903, and Incoloy superior corrosion resistance, high-temperature oxi-
909 has been shown to be the most weldable of the dation resistance, retention of useful properties over
group. a wide temperature range, and, in many cases, very
unique physical properties. The nickel-base alloys
Aluminum Alloys can be divided into three groups, based on applica-
Aluminum alloys are low in cost, easily fabricated, The first group---nickel-base alloys used mainly
and readily available, but are limited in rocket-engine for superior corrosion resistance--include Nickel 200,
usage by maximum operating temperature. The high- the monel alloys, Inconel 600, Inconel 625, and elec-
strength wrought alloys (i.e., 2024, 7075) are limited to tro-deposited (ED) nickel. Inherently corrosion-re-
200-300°F while the cast alloys such as Tens-50 and sistant, nickel does not depend upon a metastable
356 can be used in the 300-400°F range. The devel- passive film for protection; and, being strongly elec-
opment of aluminum-base-metal matrix composites tronegative, it is not susceptible to galvanic corrosion
has extended the operational limits of wrought alu- when in contact with most other metals. Monels, al-
minum alloys to the 800-900°F range. However, lim- loys of nickel and copper, besides having good cor-
ited availability, high cost, and difficulties in fabrica- rosion resistance, have useful magnetic properties at
tion have been deterrents to the use of these com- cryogenic temperature and high resistance to igni-
posites in rocket engines. All of the aluminum alloys tion in oxygen. The Inconel alloys, composed of
are light in weight, resistant to hydrogen embrittle- nickel-chromium-iron, resist oxidation at tempera-
ment, and (most) have excellent cryogenic proper- tures up to 1800°F.
ties. Caution should be exercised with aluminum ap- The second group, the nickel-base superalloys, re-
plications in oxygen systems because of low ignition tain high strength at elevated temperatures. Alloy
temperature. 718, the workhorse of this group, has high strength up
The casting alloys, low-strength wrought alloys, to 1300°F, good cryogenic ductility, and good weld-
and moderate-strength 6061 are weldable. Corrosion ability. Fine-grained material should be specified for

parts to be electron-beam-welded. Higher-tempera- nium alloys are most commonly used at cryogenic
ture applications exploit Rene' 41, Waspaloy, and temperatures: Ti-5AI-2.5Sn ELI and Ti-6A1-4V ELI. In
MAR-M-246. the ELI (extra-low interstitial) grade of these alloys,
The third group, the special-application alloys, good cryogenic toughness is achieved by controlling
includes Nichrome (for electrical-resistance heating the interstitial elements oxygen, nitrogen, carbon,
elements), chromel and alumel (for thermocouples), and hydrogen, and the substitutional element iron, to
and Incoloys and Invar (for low-thermal-expansion much lower than normal levels. Typically, Ti-6AI-4V
applications). ELI is used to -320°F while the higher-toughness Ti-
All of the nickel-base alloys resist corrosion and 5AI-2.5Sn ELI is used as low as -423°F. However, Ti-
stress corrosion and are oxygen-compatible, but are 6AI-4V ELI can be employed at -423°F if the compo-
susceptible to hydrogen-environment embrittlement nent design compensates for its lower ductility and
(HEE) at temperatures above -200°F. HEE in nickel- toughness.
base alloys can be prevented by avoiding plastic Titanium and titanium alloys are classified into
strains or, this being impractical, by providing a pro- three major categories according to the predominant
tective barrier, such as electroplating with copper or phases present in their microstructure: alpha, alpha-
gold or overlaying by weld deposition with a nonsus- beta, and beta alloys. Although non-heat-treatable,
ceptible alloy. alpha alloys offer high toughness, are more oxida-
tion-resistant than alpha-beta or beta alloys, are us-
Cobalt Alloys able up to about 1000°F, and are relatively difficult to
form. Ti-5AI-2.5Sn is an example of an alpha alloy.
Cobalt-base alloys, like nickel alloys, offer excellent Alpha-beta alloys, such as Ti-6AI-4V, are heat-treat-
high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. able to higher-strength levels, are usable to 800°F and
Unlike the nickel alloys, cobalt alloys are immune to in some instances to 1000°F, and are somewhat more
HEE. formable than alpha alloys. However, alpha-beta al-
Alloy 188, a corrosion- and heat-resistant alloy, loys ordinarily would not be used in the fully-heat-
exhibits outstanding oxidation and creep resistance treated condition because its heat-treat response is
up to 2100°F. Although not hardenable by heat limited to relatively thin sections (--1.0 in.) and its
treatment, 188 has moderate room-temperature fracture toughness decreases significantly with in-
strength and good cryogenic properties. It also has creasing strength level. Beta alloys are generally
good resistance to corrosion and stress-corrosion quite formable at room temperature, are usable up to
cracking and can be readily welded, including by approximately 600"F, and are heat-treatable to rela-
electron-beam welding. tively high strength (e.g., -190 ksi) in thick sections
Elgiloy, a cobalt-base alloy, has found widespread while still retaining good toughness. The disadvan-
usage for springs. The alloy has high strength and tages of beta alloys are a higher density, lower oxida-
good corrosion resistance, and is nonmagnetic. tion resistance and lower toughness at cryogenic
Elgiloy derives its strength from a combination of temperatures. Examples of beta alloys include Ti-
heat treatment and cold work. It has a maximum use 10V-2Fe-3AI, Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr, and Ti-15V-3AI-
temperature of approximately 700°F. 3Cr-3Sn.
Most titanium alloys can be welded, although
Titanium Alloys welding requires the hardware to be thoroughly clean
and the operation to be performed in a high-purity
Titanium alloys possess high strength-to-weight ratios inert gas (Ar, He) or vacuum. Titanium and titanium
and good toughness, as well as excellent corrosion alloys are available as sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings,
resistance and resistance to stress corrosion cracking. extrusions, tubing, and castings.
However, titanium alloys are susceptible to hydrogen
embrittlement at temperatures above -ll0°F, and are Thermoplastic Materials
not compatible with gaseous or liquid oxygen or with
red fuming nitric acid, at any temperature. Titanium Thermoplastics, polymeric materials that can be
alloys also are incompatible with the products of formed or reformed by melting or softening with
combustion from many propellants; these factors heat, serve well as electrical insulation and seals.
limit their usefulness in liquid-propellant rocket en- They include fluorocarbons, nylon, polycarbonate,
gine systems. They can be applied, however, in fuel and amide-imide materials. Of these, the fluorocar-
systems involving propellants such as liquid hydro- bon polymers find the greatest number of applica-
gen, monomethyl hydrazine (MMH), and kerosene tions in liquid-propellant rocket engine design.
(RP-1). They also are compatible, under certain cir- Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), fluorinated ethylene
cumstances, with nitrogen tetroxide (NTO). Titanium propylene (FEP), and polychlorotrifluoroethylene
alloys have found use in liquid-propellant rocket en- (Kef-F) with or without fillers or reinforcing fibers
gine systems for pump impellers and inducers, valve find extensive use in rocket engines for seals and
bodies, pump housings, high-pressure fuel ducts, hy- coatings for seals due to the compatibility of these
draulic tubing, pressure bottles, struts, gimbal blocks, materials with oxygen and their properties in both
propellant-storage bottles, and nozzles. liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.
The most demanding applications have been for
use at cryogenic temperatures, where titanium alloys Elastomers
offer some of the highest strength-to-weight ratios of Elastomersna multitude of polymers that have high
presently available engineering materials. Two tita- elongation within the elastic rangeninclude all of the

A thermoplas"c requires
heat (thermo) to make d ABS (acryionite-butadiene-styr erie)
formable (plastic) and alter Acetal (homopolymers and copolymers) Acetal Dekin (e)
- 1 coolincj can be reheated Acrylic (modilMedand unmodified)
and reformed into new Cellulosics Celluloid
shapes a number of times Fluoroplastics (TFE, CTFE. FEP.PVFz) Polylelralluoroethylene Teflon (e)
withoul sicjnificant chancje Ionomer
,in properlies. MeIWI pentenes
Nylons (polyamides) Polyamide Type 6/6 Nylon Zytet (e)
I Polymeis builtup from simpler Phenoxy
chemicals called,monomers. I Polyallomer
Polyethylene Hicjl~:lenslty Polyet~lene Marlex (m)
Polylmlde Polyimide Vespel (e)
Phenylene oxide
Polypropyiene Unmodified Polypropylene Moplen (s)
HOMOPOLYMERS Po~myls Polyvr~/I Fluoride Tedlar (e)
Homopolymers are composed Chlorinated Polyelher Chlorinated Polyether Hypalon (a)
of single, repeatin0monomer Polyvmylidenes PolyvinylKlene Chloride Saran (I)
urns which make up the mole- im


combinatmn I
of monomers I A ther~al - A~yd
is used to I (thermo)to make its shape Amf)os (urea and melamine)
manufacture ~ permanent (set). Atler a Allyls (dtallyl phlhatate -DAP)
~::ofd~f:me~ --" lhermoset is formed ,nto
A hi~ molecular weicjt'rtcom- permanem shape, usually Furanresins
pound, natural or synthetic, of plaslics, wilh heat and pressure, it Phenobc
[ MONOMER l whose structure can usually canno( be remeRedand re- Polyester Polyesler Mylar (e)
I A}etatively ~ . be representedby a repeated formed. .... Polyurethane
simple corn small unit.the met: e.g., poly- Sdicone
pound who eOlylene, rubber, cellulose ._~ CRYSTALLINEPOLYMERS
can reacl t(
form a po~y by addition or conOensation Natural Rubber Crude Rubber
mer. polymerization of monomers. Isobutylene Isoprene Rubber (IIR) Butyl or GR--1 H/car (a)
Some polymers are elas- ] ELASTOMERS
Nftrile ButadmneRubber (NBR) Buna--N Polysar (c)
tomers, some plastics, and A materialwhich, Choioroprene Rubber (CR) Neoprene or GR-N Neoprene (e)
some are fibers (chain-like at room tempera- Silicone Rubber Silicone Rubber
molecules). lure, slrelches _ PolysuffideRubber (f'9[)iokol (h)
under low stress

_ PolyurethaneElastomer C~migum (I)

lo at least lwice
fls length and
Chlorosultonated Polyethylene
V~/lidene fluoride Hexafluoropropylene
Hypalon (e)
Viton (e)
snaps back to its Fluorosdicone Silastic (t)
Copolymers are composed of ortginal length Polytrffluorochloroerhytene (CTFE) KeI-F (k)
~o or more different chemical upon release of Styrene Buladlene Rubber (SBR) Buna-S or GR-S Philprene (m)
monomer Lineswhich are re- stress. Polybuta(kene (BR) Diene (o)
acted to form l~ polymer Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) Dutral (p)
chain. Polyacrylate (Polyacrylic) Trliacnl (h)

MANUFACTURERS(Products not listed 1or all)

COPOLYMERSYSTEMS (ai B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co. '.... (i) GoodyearTile and P,ul~er Co. '(s) ChemoreCorp.
Random Copolymer (b) EnlayChemical Co. (k) MinnesotaMmmcjand Mlg. Co. (u(0) HerculesPowder Co., Inc.
AIternatincjCopolymer (c) PolymerCorp., Lid (I) Dow CornmcjCorp. Allied Chemical Corp.
Block Copolymer (cl) FirestoneTwe and Rubber Co. (m) Phd~s PetroleumCo. (v) UnitedStales Stoneware Co.
Graft Copoiymer (e) E.I. duPont deNemours (n) NancjatuckC~mical (w) Monsanto CheBcal Co.
(f) GeneralElectric (o) firestone Synthetic Rubber Corp. (x) PennsaltChemicals Corp.
(g) UnionCarbon & Carbide (p) NontecantiniSoc. Gen (y) CelanesePolymer Co.
(h) ThiokolChemical Corp. (q) AvisunCorp.
(0 MobayChemicaICo (r) KoppersCo.

Fig. C-1 Polymeric materials--terminologies and relationships.

rubber materials noted in Fig. C-1 that find extensive seals of gas-turbine drives of turbopumps, and coat-
use in O-ring seals, gasket-type seals, electrical insula- ings to protect metals from high-temperature gases.
tion, vibration dampers, etc. These materials are also
used for adhesives, sealants, formed-in-place seals, Composites
and potting of electrical components.
A composite has a matrix materal reinforced in ran-
Nitrile rubbers find considerable use because re-
dom or oriented form with a special fiber, tape, fab-
sistant to oxidation and hydraulic fluids. They do
ric, etc. Examples would be glass-fiber-filled polyte-
not take a permanent set for long periods of time.
trafluoroethylene (PTFE), tape-wrapped ablative plas-
Consequently, these rubbers find much use in O-ring
tics, fabric-reinforced epoxy sheets, filament-wound
seals of hydraulic and pneumatic components.
thrust-chamber shells, etc. Composites find a wide
Silicone rubber, an extensively used sealant and
range of uses in liquid-propellant rocket engine de-
potting compound, has been exploited primarily due
sign, such as in seals, thrust-chamber structure, elec-
to its ease of application and wide usable-tempera-
trical printed wiring-boards, and ball-bearing separa-
ture range of-165-500°F. Fluorocarbon rubber is used
tors. The matrix may be carbon, metallic, polymeric,
w h e n the application requires compatibility with
or ceramic. Three types of composites might be dis-
oxygen or when the use temperature is in the range
tringuished: structural plastics, ablatives, and carbon-
of 300-375°F.
carbon composites.
Special designs may call for other elastomers,
S t r u c t u r a l p l a s t i c s . Choice of thermosetting
with unique properties. For example, resin-cured
resin such as an epoxy, phenolic, or polyimide for
butyl has been found to provide excellent seals in
fabricating a laminate will depend upon the thermal
NTO and/or hydrazine for short periods (i.e., under
and adhesive properties required. Epoxy resins offer
one hour).
high adhesive strength, but are more severely limited
in maximum use-temperatures. Other resins such as
Carbons and Ceramics
the phenolics or polyimides have very good high-
Pressed-carbon materials and various ceramics find temperature characteristics, but at the expense of
use in throat inserts for ablative engines, dynamic lowered adhesion and greater fabrication difficulties.

Reinforcements used in t h e laminated structure have been coated with some form of silicon carbide
may take the form of layers of fabric, random place- (with or without glass formers) to prevent oxidation.
ment of short fibers, or very precise placement of
continuous filaments through the use of filament Adhesives
winding or lay-up of collimated tapes. The exact type
Polymeric and ceramic materials are also used in
and form of reinforcement will d e p e n d u p o n the
adhesive applications on rocket engines. In general,
mechanical properties that are to be derived from it.
silicones are used for sealants and bonding applica-
For example, a cover requiring low mechanical
tions requiring good peel-strength at temperatures in
strength and rigidity might be made of r a n d o m
the range o f - 1 6 5 - 500°F; epoxies for high bond
fibers of glass sprayed onto a form with the resin
shear-strength from -65°F to as high as 350°F; epoxy-
added simultaneously, while a structural shell for a
phenolics for good bond shear-strength from liquid-
small thrust chamber might well be produced by fil-
helium temperature to 500°F; and polyurethanes
ament-winding a resin-preimpregnated graphite so as
when bonding must be done with contact pressure
to produce a structure with high strength and rigidity.
without elevated-temperature cure and the material
A b l a t i v e s . Rocket ablatives~materials that can
must exhibit good peel and shear strength at a cryo-
"sacrificially" cool a thrust chamber or n o z z l e ~ u s u -
genic temperature. Pressure-sensitive-adhesives hav-
ally are fabric-reinforced phenolic or rubber-modi-
ing a natural rubber base find use on tapes where the
fied-phenolic laminated materials. The reinforcing
adhesive must be completely removed with the tape.
fabric is placed in the formed structure at some pre-
determined angle to the expected flow of the hot gas.
The matrix material and the reinforcing material are
each selected for performance with the propellants Although s o m e hydrocarbon lubricants used for
to be used and the duty cycle of the thrust chamber rocket engines typify those for automotive purposes
or nozzle. (i.e., gear cases), most will have to be selected on the
The phenolic or rubber-modified-phenolic resins basis of propellant compatibility. As a result, few
have found the greatest use. They offer a high-tem- greases or oils are used. If needed, a grease will usu-
perature-resistant matrix with predictable properties ally be based on a fluorocarbon oil. Because most
w h e n exposed to the hot gas of the rocket engine. oils and greases become brittle at cryogenic temper-
They form a structural char and provide a cooling atures, dry-film lubrication is most often used, the lu-
gas at the hot surface as they pyrolize. The use of bricant usually being pure m o l y b d e n u m disulfide
rubber modification yields a somewhat lower abla- powder sprayed onto the component surfaces with
tion rate, but keeps the structure from delaminating. some binding agent (usually a resin if a fuel envi-
Reinforcements for ablative c o m p o n e n t s will ronment or a phosphate material if oxidizer).
usually be selected on the basis of the oxidizer.
Oxygen-based oxidizers demand the use of a fiber re- Platings, Surface Finishes, Coatings
inforcement that will not oxidize and that has a high Components are sometimes given a surface finish to
melting point plus high viscosity when melted, such assure corrosion resistance. It can be applied either
as silica glass and quartz, which tend to protect the by electroplating or by an electrolysis process, a
char from oxidizing rapidly even though there is a chemical film, or a paint. Coatings are also used to
high percentage of water vapor in the combustion give a soft chemical-resistant sealing surface to pres-
gases of the thrust chamber. A fluorine-based oxi- sure-assisted seals.
dizer develops the combustion products that rapidly Chromium and nickel are examples of plating
attack quartz and other glass, forming fibrous materi- materials commonly used. An anodized surface is an
als. This propellant demands reinforcements of car- example of a chemical-conversion coating. Zinc or
bon or graphite. strontium chromate-containing paints are commonly
Carbon-carbon c o m p o s i t e s . Carbon-carbon used to protect a variety of metals against corrosion.
c o m p o s i t e s ~ m a t e r i a l s with some type of amor- Many alloys protect against corrosion with an ox-
phous-carbon matrix reinforced by fibrous carbon or ide film. To assure the formation of this film, the
g r a p h i t e ~ f i n d use as thermal shields and nozzle component will often be given a chemical treatment
extensions. In all of the uses associated with liquid- ("passivated") to assure formation of the protective
propellant rocket engine design, these composites oxide.
Appendix A

Weight Considerations

The importance of rocket vehicle propulsion system Because of the importance of weight control,
weight to the achievement of the required velocity rocket-engine manufacturers employ "engineers
increment with a given payload wieght is presented specifically in charge of this area. Table A-1 shows a
in this appendix. typical weight progress form, as used by the
As was seen with residual propellants, excessive Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International. It is
dead weight at burnout imposes penalties. Whenever revised and reissued periodically. Thus it becomes a
rocket engines can be made lighter without compro- useful tool to raise early warnings of a trend to
mising reliability and structural integrity, the payoff overweight. The arbitrary example shows a slight
in range and payload will therefore be sizable. underweight. However, the table also shows the data
Engine and vehicle builders usually distinguish sev- to be based almost entirely on estimated and cal-
eral types of engine weight: culated figures, rather than on actual weighing results.
Dry weight. The net weight of the engine as it This is characteristic for the earlier phases of design
leaves the factory. and development of a rocket engine. More often
Burnout weight. Engine dry weight plus residual, than not, the weight advantage will disappear
measurable propellants remaining in the engine at gradually as the design firms up; then the squeeze will
cutoff. In a typical engine design, burnout weight be on. For convenient display of the weight tenden-
may be 4% higher than dry weight. Burnout weight cies over time, a graph like Fig. A-1 will be useful.
plays importantly in vehicle mass ratio (Eq. 1-30). The weight changes of the various components as
Wet weight. The engine dry weight plus all pro- well as of the entire engine affect centers of gravity
pellant within it, during main stage. In a typical and moments of inertia. Through issue of a data
design, engine wet weight may be 6% higher than dry sheet like Fig. A-2, all parties concerned can be kept
weight. Wet weight significantly affects vehicle in- informed on changes as they occur.
flight center of gravity and moments of inertia. Note that the data presented in Table A-1 and
Wet gimballed weight. This portion of wet Fig. A-1 and A-2 concern the 150,000-1b A-2 Stage
weight represents engine mass gimballed for steering engine system, a part of an assumed multistage space
purposes. In earlier designs this meant essentially vehicle configuration.
the thrust-chamber and injector wet-weight. In later Consider the influence of structural weight on the
designs it often refers to the entire engine less a rel- performance and gross takeoff weight of a rocket
atively small amount of stationary parts. This weight vehicle, and how its magnitude varies with the design
affects gimbal actuator loads and response char- parameters of different vehicle systems. The quan-
acteristics of the guidance control loop. titative relationships will be evaluated individually for
Ideally, dry weight and burnout weight should be each case.
equal; that is, no propellants should be trapped in Equation (1-30) can be rewritten for the stage-
the engine at shutdown. In practice, this will not al- burnout velocity of a single-stage vehicle or the stage
ways be possible. However, the engine designer can velocity increment of any individual stage of a
do much to bring it about through proper design, multistage vehicle system, as follows:
sizing and routing of lines, avoidance of traps, and
location of valves.

/'Stage usable Stage Stage

propellant payload inert
[ weight + weight +weight
2.00 ) l , ''"' , !i Vbo = Cvc "g" (Is)o~&
/ " Stage p a y l o a d Stage inert
L weight + weight
230C •' -. -
i ' ; ~ i : i ! LA
! : , ! : : /' :, t (A-l)
2,~o ~ : !. ' . . . . . ~ _ _ - - 1 ,~ i ! 1 !

= ,ooo '--- -:-- ~- - ' - [


>= ,eso , i ' ~ : L -- . 2 _ _ Stage i n e r t _ Stage residual propellant

IA / ~
" ', ~ ~ I I ' I-I--T2 weight weight at burnout
,,o0 , . ~ - - - y , - ~ -- .? - - ,-- ~- _
ENG,.E L/I I ! i , ~ ' i
+ Stage engine
ACCESS T i [ ~ OmG,NAL t { : ! ; ! ! I :
BURNOUT ~ , - - ~ - - SpEC . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . "- - .~ ' ! I , I
'=°l i ~ o&,& i ! : , " I . : : :
~ ........ 4-,- - - - - - -
SI~£C .' . . . . . .
.- - ;. . . . .
system weight
u~- m400 ~
t 2
I !
,I7 ,

Stage structure,
guidance and other
Fig. A-1 Weight history on A-2 Stage rocket weights, which are
engine and accessories. not payload

Table A-1 Weight r e p o r t o n A-2 Stage engine.

Model: A-2 stage Changes

Contract: Con- last to Basis for Current I)=ta
Issue: 1 Spec. tractor Current., ,
Date: Weight Changes Last Status Notes
Enclosure: per (Rev. Status (Col. 4 % %
Page: 1 Original fOe¢. Current (Report minus Estk Cslcu- %
Report No.: 12. . . .
Design Weight) Status No. 11) ,, c~. s) mated luted Actual
1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rocket engine and accessories (1580) (2380) (2292) (2112) (+180)
(at burnout) (A+D+E)

Rocket engine and accessories (1485) (2280) (2181) (2011) (+170) (30) (52) (18)
(dry) (B+D)

A. Rocketengine (at burnout) (1365) (2(X)O) (1923) (1763) (+160)

B. Rocketengine (dry) (1300) (1930) (1850) (1700) (+150) (24) (59) (17)
Thrust chamber 500 750 730 640 +90 7 62 31
Gimbal bearing 40 55 52 - - 6 94 0
Turbopump, fuel 200 260 250 217 +33 1 97 2
Mount, fuel pump 25 30 27 - - 1 87 12
Turbopurnp, oxidizer 190 230 224 202 +22 0 33 67
Mount, oxidizer pump 25 30 28 26 +2 3 82 15
Fuel feed system 70 100 95 96 +1 72 28 0
Oxidizer feed system 60 90 87 87 0 75 25 0
Controls (ignit. elect, pneu.) 100 130 114 114 0 65 33 2
Exhaust system 70 100 96 96 0 60 39 1
Propellant utilization system 10 15 12 10 +2
Start system 0 140 135 135 0 100 0
C. Fluidat burnout (rocketengine) (65) (70) (73) (63) (+10)

D. Accessories (185) (350) (331) (311) (+20) (57) (41) (2)

Inlet line, fuel pump 50 85 79 74 +5 33 65 2
Inlet line, oxidizer pump 50 85 81 75 +6 30 64 6
Helium bottle 0 24 21 21 0 100 0 0
Heat exchanger, oxygen 30 34 31 27 +4 12 82 6
Flowmeters 5 6 5 5 0 100 0 0
Instrumentation 50 80 78 73 +5 100 0 0
Vehide conneclJonprovision 0 36 36 36 0 100 0 0

E. Fluidat burnout (accessories) (30) (30) (38) (38) (0)

. . . A-2 . Stage Rocket Engine

..., . .Center oi' Gravi v and Moment of Inertia Data
Issue 12 Enclosure
Date _EP,J 2 . r I , I ~ Page 1 of 1


( ) , d ~ LOX Pump

+x 1
u"3 . . / - ~ - ~ ' - ~ ' ` ' ~ .... +Y

CE Gimbal ( Y O )
i ii
Center of Gravity - Inches 'Moment of Inertia - Slug ft2
Weight ...
Description (Ib) Y - Arm X - Arm Z - Arm Y-Y X-X Z-Z
('() Rocket Engine + Acc. - Dry 2181 + 23.3 + 1.5 -0.7 176 391 362
(2} Rocket Engine + Acc. - Wet 2317 + 22.5 + 1.5 -0.1 185 411 379
(3) Rocket Engine + A c c . - Burnout 2292 + 22.7 + 1.6 -0.2 184 408 375
(4) Gimballed Mass - Dry 2061 + 25.2 + 1.5 -0.2 168 672 649
(5) Gimballed Mass - Wet 2086 + 24.6 + 15 -0.2 177 688 662
Note: Items (1) through (3) represent the moment of inertia about specified C.G.'s.
Items (4) and (5) represent the moment of inertia about the referenced gimbal axis.

Fig. A-2 Typical data s h e e t for c e n t e r of gravity a n d m o m e n t of inertia.


For a given burnout velocity these equations weight increase of a component in an existing system
show an even weight tradeoff between stage engine- may only require the addition of a corresponding
system weight and stage payload weight. The weight small amount of propellant, but not require enlarge-
of all other items being kept constant, a pound ment of the tanks, valves, etc.; then the growth factor
decrease in the stage engine-system weight will will be small. In another case, the weight increase
increase the stage payload capacity by one pound. may be "the straw that breaks the camel's back," re-
For a fixed payload, and assuming other items quiring the use of the next-larger valve, duct, or the
except engine weight to be constant, the relation be- like; the growth factor will then be large.
tween the stage velocity increment Vbo and stage en- In general, growth factor gives the designer a
gine-system weight for a given system can be written useful tool during the early steps to an engine system,
as follows: because it attaches a tangible value to the importance
of the engine-system weight. A systems-weight in-
crease may be considered "uninvited payload." For
k(~22 + Stage engine system weight'~
single-stage vehicles, and relatively small weight
Vbo = klln + Stage engine system ~ )
changes, the value of the growth factor then can be
(A-3) expressed with sufficient accuracy as follows:

where-- Total vehicle system

Growth factor = weight at takeoff
kl = Cvcg(Is)oa = constant Payload weight (A-5)
k2 = Stage payload weight + Stage residual-pro-
For any stage of a multistage vehicle, the approx-
pellant weight at burnout + Stage structure,
imate value of the growth factors against total ve-
guidance and other weight = constant
hicle-system weight at takeoff can be expressed as
k3 = Stage usable-propellant weight + k2 = con-
Total vehicle system
Since k2 < k 3, the denominator will decrease more weight at takeoff
Growth factor =
rapidly than the numerator, with decreasing engine Stage payload weight (A-6)
weight. Thus fixed payloads increase burnout ve-
locity, which will pay off in longer range or higher The growth factors of any stage against the vehicle-
orbit. system weight at ignition of the same or lower stage
For a given burnout velocity and for a fixed can be expressed as follows:
payload, the required Stage average overall specific
impulse (Is)oa in terms of Stage engine-system weight Vehicle system weight
can be established as follows: at same or lower
stage ignition
Growth factor = (A-7)
Stage payload weight
(k 3 + System engine system weight'~
(Is)oa = k4/ln ~ k2 + St-~ge ~ sys---~-emem~ )

(A-4) Sample Calculation

where--- A three-stage rocket has the following weight data:
Vbo total vehicle-system weight at takeoff, 40,000 lb.;
k4 - Cvcg - constant vehicle-system weight at second-stage ignition, 7500
lb; vehicle system at third-stage ignition, 2200 lb;
Equation (A-4) shows that the overall-specific-im- payload weight, 700 lb.
pulse requirements decrease with decreasing engine-
system weight. Problem
The "growth factor" of a rocket vehicle also il-
lustrates the importance of weight. If the weight of a For each pound increase of engine-system weight of
component increases, for instance, the designer can first, second, and third stages, respectively, determine
adjust for this by increasing the propellant load and (at a constant vehicle performance) (a) increases of
thus possibly that of other components, such as a total vehicle-system weight at takeoff, and ( b )
pump, to maintain the same required vehicle per- increases of vehicle-system weight at second- and
formance--i.e., payload and vehicle trajectory. If third-stage ignition.
one part of the vehicle system exceeds its weight
allotment by one pound, the total vehicle system Solution:
weight at takeoff will see a certain number of ad-
ditional pounds. Growth factor is defined as the total (a) Payload weight of first stage = vehicle-system
vehicle-system (including payload) weight increase at weight at second-stage ignition = 7500 lb; pay-
takeoff divided by the causal increment of added load weight of second stage = vehicle-system
inert and/or payload weight. Growth factor for a weight at third-stage ignition = 2200 lb; payload
given vehicle system will not be a precise value, but weight of third stage = actual system payload-
rather vary within a band. For instance, a small weight -- 700 lb.

From Eq. (A-6): will be required for the third stage. From Eq.
1) Growth factor of first stage against vehicle-
system takeoff weight: 1) Growth factor of second stage against
vehicle-system weight at second-stage
Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000 ignition:
7,500 - 5.86

First-stage payload weight

Vehicle system weight
2) Growth factor of second stage against vehicle- at second-stage ignition 7,500
- ~ = 3.41
system takeoff weight: Second-stage payload weight 2,200

Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000 2) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle-
Second-stage payload weight - 2,200 - 20
system weight at second-stage ignition:

3) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle- Vehicle system weight

system takeoff weight: at second-stage ignition 7,500
700 - 10.72

Third-stage payload weight

Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000
Third-stage payload weight - 700 - 62.9 3) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle-
system weight at third-stage ignition:
Vehicle system weight
1) For each pound increase of first-stage engine- at third-stage ignition 2,200
- 3.14
system weight, the increase on vehicle-system takeoff Third-stage payload weight 700
weight will be 5.86 lb.
2) For each pound increase of second-stage en- 1) For each pound increase of second-stage en-
gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system
takeoff weight will be 20 lb. weight at second-stage ignition will be 3.41 lb.

3) For each pound increase of third-stage en- 2), 3) For each pound increase of third-stage
gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system engine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system
takeoff weight will be 62.9 lb. weight at second-stage ignition will be 10.72 lb and
the increase on vehicle-system weight at third-stage
ignition will be 3.14 lb.
Co) Note that the weight growth of lower stages will
not affect the upper-stage weight growth. For The correctness of results can be checked by
an increase of first-stage vehicle-system weight, recombining the individual stage growth factors to
there will be no weight changes on second and obtain the growth factor for the entire vehicle system:
third stages; and for an increase on second-
stage vehicle system weight, no weight change 3.14 x 3.41 x 5.86 = 62.9
Appendix B
Reliability Considerations
The effort to increase reliability in rocket engines weighed against the reduction in probability of the
should span the entire program spectrum from con- failure mode of concern. Man-rated systems typi-
ceptual design through production. The reliability ef- cally have the additional requirement to isolate phys-
fort can basically be split into three parts: preven- ically the redundant element from its sister element
tion of failures, process assessment and control, and to assure protection from common causes of failure
monitoring of performance. Reliability through pre- (e.g., contamination, heat, vibration, explosion, etc.).
vention involves early involvement of reliability en- Additionally, the operational status of each element
gineers in "concurrent engineering" design and de- of the redundancy may have to be monitored to as-
velopment loops to identify high-risk devices and de- sure its existence before flight.
signs and catastrophic failure modes. Both before For instance, to avoid a troublesome sealed con-
and during fabrication and fielding of hardware, po- nection it may be decided to omit flanges and seals
tential process faults and their effects should be eval- and to weld it. However, if one of the lines thus con-
uated and controlled to assure expected reliability nected were inadvertently pinched in the field, it
performance through a "Continuous Process Im- would be necessary to remove the entire engine from
p r o v e m e n t (CPI)" approach. The continuous the vehicle under preparation for launchmmagnify-
monitoring of performance needs to be organized in ing a simple replacement into a major operation. To
a formal way (e.g., Reliability Growth or Reliability be sure, welding or preferably brazing may indeed be
Demonstration Test Monitoring) to assure identifica- the best solution for many problem connections.
tion and correction of possible faults. The point is, this will not be true for all connections.
The design team must carefully analyze all aspects of
Reliability in Design the system including handling and, in particular, mis-
handling by the user.
The reliability contribution to a concurrent engineer- As another example, tests may have shown that
ing effort should be through assessment of past per- an engine could readily be set up and calibrated to
formance of similar-type hardware to identify high- specifications by means of orifices, eliminating pre-
failure-risk components or approaches in the pro- viously used regulators. Engines get delivered ac-
p o s e d designs, conducting reliability-optimization cordingly. With rocket engines, it is entirely normal
trade studies, and correlating past "lessons learned" that many months,' if not several years, may elapse
in rocket-engine-specific systems. Potential process between delivery and final use. Much can happen
inadequacies should be addressed, with considera- during this period. Changes in mission plans, for in-
tion for control of a process or designing in "fault stance, may have made another thrust level more de-
tolerance." For example, process-induced contam- sirable. Then, suddenly, an adjustment by means of
ination may be a problem largely solvable by en- orifices, in particular its verification, becomes a ma-
largement of flow passages in the engine systems. jor operation. Omission of a strategic regulator was
Another aspect of reliability in design, so-called indeed an engine simplification, but for the vehicle
"simplicity," usually will contribute significantly to system it turned out to be a complication. The point,
higher reliability. Parts which do not fulfill a truly again: careful evaluation of a planned omission must
useful purpose should be omitted; this may include consider all aspects, including changes of plans.
many so-called safety features and interlocking de-
vices, which often cause more trouble than they pre- Reliability Assurance
vent. Early designs of liquid-propellant rocket en-
gines indeed often suffered from an overdose of so- The emphasis on reliability must not become an
phistication and safety devices. Many of the more empty slogan. Fortunately, the rocket-engine de-
recent designs have been substantially improved in signer has certain means to achieve the highest de-
this area. Simplifications, like all other design fea- gree of reliability. One of these is an effective
tures, must be carefully planned and evaluated. "failure reporting and corrective action system
Simplification by elimination of a useful component (FRACAS)" during the monitoring of hardware test
must not become an excuse for failure to improve activities. Testing of all hardware should be moni-
that component if its absence could severely penalize tored in an organized and regimented fashion to as-
other subsystems or maintenance and servicing pro- sure identification and resolution of hardware design
cedures. and processing failures. The design~ should, at the
The counterpoint to simplicity will be redun- very least, implement a fundamental FRACAS loop.
dancy. Occasionally, the reliability of certain types This may be supplemented with a "reliability growth"
of parts are inherently too low or the consequences assessment program to appraise regularly the pro-
of the failure effect are too great to accept. Then a gress of the engine system toward the expected
redundant functional architecture may be consid- reliability performance. In many cases, a "reliability
er_ed, in which complexity, in terms of more parts, demonstration" test program may be p r o p o s e d to
will be increased to achieve a higher reliability. The determine, with "confidence," the final reliability per-
additional cost, weight, and failure modes must be formance of the engine system.

Definitions be initiated. Typical example: shutting off an engine

in a four-engine airplane and reaching destination
The definitions used in rocket-engine reliability pro- safely, although with a delay. Analogous provisions
grams vary widely with individual program require- are anticipated for manned rockets.
ments, with the object under design and develop- Man-rating. Design and operational provisions
ment, and with the missions contemplated. The def- to assure crew survival even in case of mission failure.
initions given below typify usage in actual rocket en- Thus, man-rated crew reliability typically exceeds
gine programs, and can be readily adapted to others. mission reliability. For instance, overall vehicle reli-
For the sake of clarity, irrelevant jargon and detail ability to achieve mission success may be 95%. By
have been omitted. the addition of an escape mechanism, man-rated re-
Reliability. The probability that a part or sys- liability may be increased to 99.5%. Caution is ad-
tem will function properly and, if necessary, repeat- vised not to become entirely "wrapped up" in man-
edly under rated operating conditions, within the rating at the expense of mission reliability. A single
specified load and time limits. launch of a man-carrying space vehicle costs several
Mission success. Completion of the rocket-en- h u n d r e d million dollars, all told. Investment in
gine mission objectives within specified tolerances. means to save the mission as well as the man, there-
All subsystems contribute to the success. It is an in- fore, appears to be prudent. Table B-1 illustrates this
herent characteristic of mission-success analysis and clearly. Pressing optimum reliability for spacecraft
assurance that they anticipate the probability of cer- and launch vehicle, including the engines, therefore
tain part and subsystem malfunctions, offsetting them minimizes the need for a crew-escape system.
with appropriate countermeasures (such as redun- Engine out. Design and operational provisions
dancies, emergency power sources, power and pro- in a multi-engine system to permit limited or com-
pellant reserves, etc.). plete mission continuance in case one engine fails to
Mission failure. Failure of the rocket engine to fire or malfunctions and gets shut down. This option
produce the required thrust for the specified time to can notably improve system reliability since one of
complete the mission objectives. Mission failures the engines is a redundant element.
can be classified as catastrophic, premature shut- Failure mode. The specific manner in which a
down, and "deferred." part or system malfunctions. This may be a "short"
C a t a s t r o p h i c f a i l u r e (Criticality I ) . An or "open" circuit, an incorrectly "closed" or "open"
"uncontained" failure in which the effects propagate valve, an engine out, or similar malfunction.
beyond the physical envelope of the engine system, Order o f failure. The number of components
with sufficient energy potential likely to propagate in a system that would have to fail, regardless of their
failure to adjacent systems. It is important to assess failure mode, to cause a system or mission failure.
and discriminate this type of failure from a prema- First-order failures derive from malfunction of a sin-
ture shutdown for crew safety in manned vehicles and gle component or part (i.e., "single-point" failure).
for mission success in multi-engine unmanned vehi- Second- and higher-order failures are defined in a
cles (if engine out is a viable mode of operation). like manner. Typical example: a stuck pressurizing
Premature shutdown (Criticality 11). A fail- valve causing overpressure in a vessel would rupture
ure in which the effects are contained and degrade it only if the safety valve failed to open; this would be
performance enough to trigger an engine shutdown. second-order failure. However, continuous venting of
In multi-engined vehicles with "engine-out" capa- a properly opening vent valve may prematurely de-
bility, the discrimination between catastrophic failure plete the gas supply. A thorough failure-effect analy-
and premature shutdown figures importantly in the sis will reveal all ramifications. In the example, de-
criteria for vehicle mission success. pletion would not occur instantaneously; this would
D e f e r r e d f a i l u r e (Criticality III). A failure be "deferred" failure. The designer can do some-
causing generally slow-acting and minor perfor- thing about it in advance, such as by giving the pilot
mance degradation in which continued operation of an overriding closing valve that remains completely
the engine is a consideration. Action to cope with inactive when not needed (although--not a complete
the failure will be deferred to allow analysis by the pi- blessingmthis adds weight).
lot or an automatic logic, to decide whether correc- Failure modes and effects analysis. An or-
tive action can be taken or an abort sequence should derly, hardware-based analysis listing all credible
modes in which components or parts of a system can
fail, the effects of the failures on the engine's or vehi-
cle's ability to complete the mission, and the order
Table B-1 R e l a t i o n s h i p o f v e h i c l e reliability to
flight safety. of the failures. Such an analysis should distinguish
between the prelaunch, launch, and cutoff phases. All
identified failure modes should be classified as catas-
Reliability Right Safety
trophic, premature shutdown, or "deferred." This
Spacecraft Probability hardware-to-effect approach assures that all notable
and Launch Escape of Crew pieces of hardware will be addressed and assessed.
Vehicle System Survival Fault-tree analysis. An event-based analysis
that targets specific failure-effect scenarios and then
, ,

0.50 0.998 lists all the hardware malfunctions in a graphical, hi-

0.90 0.99 0.999
erarchical "tree" (a reverse of the hardware-to-effect
0.999 0.00
, , ~
approach of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis).

Emergency detection system (EDS). T h e Functional failures. Something other than

EDS comprises the electromechanical devices, in- structural failure can cause malfunction of parts or
cluding sensors and discriminators, to detect an im- components. For instance, an "0" ring may fail to
minent malfunction. Depending on the type of fail- seal due to improper groove depth specified in the
ure ( c a t a s t r o p h i c , premature shutdown, or design; or a plunger may freeze in the bore of a guid-
"deferred"), it may initiate immediate action, or defer ing bushing, because of improper surface finish
but store a n d / o r display it in a suitable manner and/or noncompatibility of materials. The following
(timer, visual gage, or light). Inputs to the EDS must precautions will minimize possible function failures
be analyzed, selected, and provided by the designer in the design of engine components:
(in particular, the engine designer) at the outset. • Choose proven designs with an established
Noncomplex redundancy. The simultaneous service record.
function of identical equipment. Application de- • Use standard mechanical elements (bolts, nuts,
pends upon the particular failure mode to be elimi- threads, gears, pins, rivets, springs, seals, tube fittings,
nated. For a typical example, see Fig. B-1 and B-2. pistons, keys, shafts, bearings) wherever possible.
Other examples include dual (series) seals and paral- • Select simple designs, but without impairing
lel valves. flexibility. In particular, minimize the number of
Complex redundancy. The original function moving parts and sealing surfaces.
carried out by one component. Failure sensors, logic • Allow adequate functional margins in the de-
circuits, and switching devices energize an identical sign of components (spring forces, actuating powers,
standby component, when needed. The advantages supply of lubricants, supply of coolants).
obtained can be completely offset by the additional • Subject newly designed parts to extensive func-
complexity of sensing and switching circuitry. The tional testing, under simulated working and environ-
potential problem area may be merely shifted from mental conditions, before "freezing" the final config-
the equipment to the failure-detection components. uration.
However, this standby redundancy may be advanta- • Provide redundancy, a "buddy plan": where
geous for long mission times (e.g., days or weeks) one component would be sufficient, provide two of
where it may be undesirable also to subject the the same type. If one fails, the other takes over. This
backup equipment to prolonged operation. A typical can be achieved in two ways: by noncomplex and by
example: electric-power emergency battery with volt- complex redundancy. Intelligently applied, redun-
age sensor and switchover circuitry. dancy can significantly increase reliability.
• Pursue a rigorous program of continuous
Failure Modes of Engine Components product improvement.
Fatigue failures. Fatigue failures are fractures
Failure of a rocket-engine c o m p o n e n t may be at- caused by repeated loading at stresses considerably
tributed to basically three causes: functional, struc- lower than those causing failure by a single load.
tural, and process faults. They have the following They are the most common type of mechanical fail-
principal modes: functional failures, fatigue failures, ure. The ability of a part to resist fatigue failure can-
overstress and overstrain, failures pertaining to com- not be checked without destroying the part. Checking
bustion devices, failures pertaining to electrical is possible, however, through destructive endurance
devices, manufacturing and material defects, unex- tests with representative samples selected at random.
plained failures, human error, and manufacturing of Most fatigue failures start with a crack at or near
field-processing faults. an outside surface because stresses are apt to be
greatest there. The actual failure will result from
] ,[ ' gradual propagation of these cracks.
The starting point for a crack will depend upon

the geometry of the part and on surface conditions.
Any notch or other stress-raiser, being a point of
high stress concentration, may start fatigue cracks.
PRESSURE Fillet radii too small, threads, oil holes, keyways and
SWITCH :I¢ 2 similar surface irregularities all present p o t e n t i a l
sources of fatigue failure. Although a part may be de-
Fig. B-1 Noncomplex parallel redundancy. This signed to be free of geometric irregularities, having
type of redundancy guards against failure to no shoulders, grooves or the like, it may still contain
close w h e n commanded. a great number of minute stress-raisersmtool marks,
scratches, identification stamp marks, or various in-
herent discontinuities in the material itself, such as
SOLENOID inclusions of foreign matter and quenching cracks.
POWER VALVE The design engineer should make every effort to
[ PREssuRE ] [ PRESSURE 1 avoid stress concentrations in a highly stressed part
SWITCH~ I SWITCH~2 J subject to repeated loads. In the design, rigid speci-
fications should be called out for surface finishes. To
Fig. B-2 Noncomplex series redundancy. This carry repeated loads, forgings are usually preferable
type of redundancy guards against inadvertent to castings, and ductile materials to material prone to
closing; i.e., closing when not called upon to become brittle. Welded joints see almost every type
close. of stress concentration and fatigue failure. Wherever

possible, welded joints should be minimized in the exceeding values assumed during design or a combi-
design of parts subject to repeated loads. Rigid pro- nation of excessive temperatures and pressures.
cedures for welding and inspection must be called Under certain transient or unstable conditions,
out in the design. such as engine start or stop, combustion instability or
O v e r s t r e s s a n d o v e r s t r a i n . Stress analysis in abrupt pressure surges may cause a failure; see
mechanical design to prevent overstress and over- Chapter 4, "Design of Thrust Chambers and Other
strain was discussed in section 2.5.3. The interrela- Combustion Devices."
tionship of stress and reliability of mechanical parts
(as illustrated simplistically in Fig. B-3) can be evalu- E l e c t r i c a l f a i l u r e s . Although p r e d o m i n a n t l y
ated probabilistically. an assembly of mechanical parts, a modern rocket
Two stress levels exist for every part in a given engine employs a number of electrical devices with-
engine component: the working stress and the dam- out which it cannot function reliably. Electrical
aging stress at which failure occurs. The failure may components used most widely include power sources
be either a fracture or a deformation beyond allow- (batteries), converters (dc to ac), microprocessors,
able tolerances. Either will be a mean value of a dis- tranducers, wires and harnesses, connectors, switches,
tribution about a mean. The difference between the relays (electromechanical and solid-state), timers,
working and the damaging stress mean values indi- pressure switches, diodes, solenoid valves, servomo-
cates the stress reliability margin of the part. tors, and position indicators.
Deviations from the mean working stress mainly All of these devices represent, to some degree, a
reflect variations in the dimensions of the part and potential source of failure, the consequences of which
operational and environmental conditions. The dis- can be just as detrimental as failure of mechanical
tribution about the mean damaging stress results parts. By proper design and assembly instructions,
from variations in material properties, fabrication by careful selection of the elements, and by
processes, quality control, and maintenance prac- Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), the designer
tices. The area Pf, where the two distributions over- can forestall electrical failures and thus assure overall
lap, represents the probability of failure (unre- system reliability. Common points of electrical fail-
liability). ure include the following:
Close control of functional and environmental • Cold-solder spots in connectors, wirings, and
loads may decrease the variation of the working electrical elements. They often cause sporadic dis-
stress about the mean. Likewise, better materials and continuities, particularly under vibration.
strict quality control should increase the damaging- • Short circuits in wirings, connectors, and other
stress mean value and decrease the variation about electrical devices. This may be due to poor design,
the mean. Thus, the area of overlap may be substan- leaving insufficient separation between connector
tially r e d u c e d or eliminated, and reliability in- pins, lugs, and the like; or to excessive solder; or
creased. damaged insulation due to poor harness installation,
Failure o f c o m b u s t i o n d e v i c e s . Under steady- chafing under vibration, and poor handling; or over-
state operating conditions, combustion devices in load a n d / o r overheating in solenoids, moisture in
liquid-propellant rocket engines must withstand hot connectors, etc.
g a s e s - - t e m p e r a t u r e s ranging from 1000 to 6000°F. • Fused relay contacts, due to overload and/or
The walls of these devices either are made from high- incorrect current rating of the elements.
temperature-resisting (refractory) materials or are • Relay and switch contact-loss under vibration.
cooled by heat-absorbtion, ablation, and propellant- This is really an electromechanical malfunction. It
film and/or regenerative effects. Structural failure can be prevented by proper relay selection, shock-
may occur because of erosion from wall temperatures mounting, orientation of installation, or replacement
by solid-state circuitry.
• Power failure resulting from one or more of
z z the causes listed above. Preventions include emer-
(/) ~, ,., gency batteries and overload switches, c o m b i n e d
I"" =E ]I
with subcircuit isolation through diodes.
rr" ~

A liquid-propellant rocket engine usually includes

0.. a: <
o •¢g additional electrical elements as required for instru-
b. • o
mentation and t e l e m e t r y - - i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n p o w e r
supplies, end organs (sensors, pickups, thermocou-
WO.~,NG---~ / -.~G,~ [ /--0..~G,.G pies, accelerometers, position indicators), signal
conditioners (analog-to-digital), wiring, and the like.
Although, as a rule, instrumentation does not directly
g effect proper functioning of the engine system, its
failure may indirectly cause engine malfunction, by
interfering with its operation. For instance, a pres-
sure pickup may rupture and cause premature deple-
---i,- STRESS tion of a gas supply; the same event in the fuel system
may cause an engine-compartment fire; improper in-
Fig. B-3 Interrelationship o f stress and reliabil- stallation of a thermocouple may block a vital lubri-
ity as related to m e c h a n i c a l parts. cant or other line.

The engine designer's task includes engine in- As recent nuclear powerplant catastrophes attest,
strumentation. It is obvious that this peripheral sys- even a fully trained, possible very alert individual can
tem, too, will require his full attention. be subject to error. He may commit an error at a
Manufacturing and material defects. The desk while using a computer, or while connecting a
producibility of parts directly affects the reliability of number of hydraulic lines, or under stress while push-
components. Manufacturing and material defects ing buttons. The history of rocketry~is full of glaring
can be prevented only by strict process and quality examples. Whenever it happens, the most eloquent
control. The areas of quality control may be subdi- regrets are probably voiced by the designers of the
vided as follows: system involved: If someone had not done some-
• Materials inspection. The extent of inspec- thing to their perfect creation, it would have worked
tion and testing of raw materials depends upon the faultlessly. The reaction is understandable, but
nature of the part for which they will be used. wrong.
Inspection of materials includes testing for composi- For whatever reason a system failed, it obviously
tion, uniformity, mechanical properties, fabrication was not perfect. Its designer did not consider human
and heat-treating characteristics, and possibly other nature, non-ideal operating conditions, or emergency
properties, as the application may demand. situations. Clear and complete drawings, specifica-
• Traceability. By the time a materials defect is tions, and other written instructions are important,
detected, many more parts may have been made but they will not prevent, by themselves, human er-
from the same lot or batch of raw material. If accu- rors, because they can be misplaced, misread, or not
rate records have been kept on parts for which num- read at all.
bered material lots have been used, it will be possi- It is not surprising that the elimination of human
ble, without a "panic," to withdraw and replace all error, or more positively, the perfection of the inte-
parts made from the faulty lot. The importance of gration of man with the machine, is becoming an in-
accurate and complete records is obvious. dependent branch of engineering. It would be be-
• Process inspection. This refers to all shop in- yond the scope of this book to go into the details of
spections made of parts as they are being processed. "Human Engineering" or "Human Factors Analysis."
It in effect checks the performance of the operators Simply by applying mostly k n o w n methods and
and tools or equipment, and sorts out faulty parts as common sense, the rocket-engine designer can do
soon as errors are detected. much to prevent human error by the design of his
• Salvage. Someone decides whether defective parts and by mandatory actions during their build-
materials or parts can be corrected or must be ing, checking, and handling. The following are only
scrapped. typical examples of a probably infinite number of
• Final inspection. This inspection covers the ways to prevent human error by design:
completed c o m p o n e n t parts to ensure they come • Clear marking of bolts, lines, connectors, wires.
within the limits required by the design. • Use of dissimilar connectors, dissimilar
• Checking o f a c t u a l service performance. This threads, a variety of keyways, etc. to make incorrect
includes investigation of complaints and studies of electrical and mechanical connections impossible.
actual service performance of the part in the engine • Safety wiring, electrical and mechanical inter-
system (see "Failure-Reporting System"). locks.
Reliability demonstration. This is a strict, re- • Painting bright red and/or attaching bright
liability test series in which the "matured" engine sys- red streamers to auxiliary devices that must be re-
tem configuration is repeatedly tested in the same moved before operation.
configuration and mission cycle. The primary objec- • Storing of components and systems that have
tive is to statistically determine the reliability per- successfully passed all inspections and checkouts in
formance level and confidence limits for the engine locked, controlled-storage rooms.
configuration. • Simulated, mock o p e r a t i o n s ~ w i t h intentional
Reliability-growth monitoring. This is typi- attempts at improper handling, assembly, checkout,
cally a monitoring and assessment task over engi- and operation of components and s y s t e m s ~ t o assist
neering development test programs to continually "foolproofing" during development.
assess the development (i.e., "growth") in the reliabil- None of these and numerous similar steps will
ity performance of an engine system. Early successes eliminate human errors. However, they will substan-
and failures are plotted to continually check for the tially reduce the likelihood of them and thus con-
expected improvements through corrective actions tribute to overall reliability.
and process improvements.
H u m a n error. Experience with early manned Design Reviews for Reliability
rocket flights showed that certain functions could be
performed better by trained men than by automatic The reliability of a rocket engine and its components
devices. It appears certain that future spaceflight will depends on many factors. A concurrent engineering
employ combinations of automatic and manual sys- approach topped with periodic design reviews can
tems, the ratio of the two depending on mission re- bulwark reliability. In practice, a design review, the
quirements. Even u n m a n n e d missions, ostensibly progressive evaluation of a design, starts with the pre-
fully automatic, have people directly involved during liminary schematics, layouts, and specifications and
launch preparations and through postlaunch com- extends through the release of all final drawings.
mands for trajectory-correction maneuvers, informa- Those conducting reliability design reviews should
tion playback, and similar actions. include reliability specialists, design engineers, de-

velopment, test, and service engineers, and various Design reviews are valuable and cost-saving tools
specialists for structures, materials, manufacturing, for improving reliability. A group well organized and
and quality control. A minimum of three design re- staffed will assure a meaningful review and instigate
views should be made for each design: effective recommendations and actions. Complete
1) Preliminary design review. This is a prelim- documentation of all review details will provide valu-
inary review of work statements, basic concepts, able data for future reference.
schematics, layouts, and analyses. It determines de- Failures occur, from time to time, that cannot
velopment needs and results in decisions for the next readily be isolated as having originated in a given
design phases. This review should uncover misappli- c o m p o n e n t or p a r t - - b e c a u s e several causes were
cations, critical areas and marginal designs at an present simultaneously and could not tge separated,
early stage, when changes can be effected without dif- because instrumentation was inadequate, recording
ficulty. only the ultimate effects but not the cause, or because
2) Critical design review. This is the most im- an incomplete investigation was conducted, perhaps
portant review for decisions and approvals. It in- in the hope it would not happen again.
cludes formal review of all reliability aspects of lay- Classification of a failure as "unexplained" should
outs, analyses, planned development tests, and pro- never be done as a matter of convenience, but rather
curement specifications. only as a last resort if the most thorough investiga-
3) Final design review. This is the final review tion did not establish a clear cause. Complete and
of overall design layouts, detail and assembly draw- accurate records must be kept of the details associ-
ings, analyses, process specifications, and R&D test ated with the failure. Through special statistical
results, before production release. methods it may be possible to isolate the cause or
causes at a later date. Also, special instrumentation
The reviews should emphasize the following may immediately be added in the areas of suspected
points: structural integrity, function and performance, but unproven causes. But the most sophisticated ex-
customer (vehicle) connections and envelope, mate- planation of a failure cannot transform it into a suc-
rials compatibility and c o m p o n e n t interfaces, pro- cess.
ducibility and cost, reliability and repeatability, mal- Under "Man-rating" the cost of a single launch
function effects, environment and servicing, and was mentioned. Press releases give the cost of a ma-
"special" requirements. It is highly r e c o m m e n d e d jor space program as about 3.5 billion dollars a
that the agreed-to layout bear the approval signatures y e a r m l 0 million a day! To save a mission, or just a
of the groups involved. single day of preparation, by improved reliability will
A reliability checklist tailored to the individual quite clearly be worth the effort!
designs may be used as a guide during the various Likewise, the loss of a launch, or a day in the pro-
design-review phases. The "Design Check-Off Sheet" gram, is very costly indeed. The rocket-engine de-
shown in section 2.5 may serve this purpose. signer must do everything he can to prevent either.
Appendix C

Rocket Engine Materials

Liquid propellant rocket engines utilize a wide range They are susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking and
of materials; from steel alloys to thermoplastics and hydrogen embrittlement and become quite brittle at
composites. This appendix presents a brief dis- cryogenic temperatures. With the exception of 440C,
cussion of a range of material types and their general martensitic stainless steels have limited usefulness on
application in the design of liquid propellant rocket liquid propellant rocket engines. Being a high-car-
engines, bon alloy, 440C attains the highest hardness of the
stainless steels. It is widely used for bearings and
Plain-Carbon/Low-Alloy Steels other compressively loaded hardware requiring wear
Plain-carbon steels alloy iron and carbon. The low- A u s t e n i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s (300 series). The
carbon grades (0.1-0.2%) have excellent ductility and austenitic stainless steels all contain nickel in addi-
toughness and are easily formed. The medium-car- tion to the chromium. Nickel stabilizes austenite,
bon grades (0.3-0.5%) respond well to heat treatment, normally a high-temperature phase, at room temper-
and thus provide a good combination of strength ature and below. Austenite differs from martensite in
and toughness. The high-carbon grades (1.0-1.2%) many respects. The nonmagnetic austenitic stainless
are hard and wear-resistant, but have poor toughness steels are not heat-treatable, and cannot achieve the
and ductility. high strength of martensitic alloys. However, they
Low-alloy steels contain up to 2.0% alloying ele- possess good cryogenic toughness, good fabricability
ment in addition to the iron and carbon. Adding al- and weldability, excellent corrosion resistance and
loying elements to steel increases hardenability (i.e., resistance to stress-corrosion cracking, and are com-
ability to harden through thick sections). Other im- patible with oxygen and hydrogen. Relatively low
provements derived from alloy addition include im- cost, high availability, and good fabricability make
proved elevated-temperature properties, tough-hess, austenitic stainless steels an excellent choice for
and corrosion resistance. rocket-engine components where strength-to-weight
Plain-carbon and low-alloy steels are n o t good ratio is not a primary consideration.
candidates for rocket-engine hardware. Although in- Most austenitic stainless steels will be limited in
expensive, readily available, easy to fabricate, and usefulness by their low (30-ksi) room-temperature
typically high in strength, steels poorly resist atmo- yield strength. Alloy 21-6-9, a nitrogen-strengthened
spheric corrosion and will rust in ambient environ- modification, has about twice the yield strength at
ments unless protected. Also, they have a limited room temperature and three times the yield strength
range of useful operating temperatures. Most steels at -400°F of 300-series stainless steel. It does not re-
become brittle below 0°F and, on the high-tempera- quire heat treatment and possesses all of the other at-
ture side, are limited by tempering temperature, tributes of austenitic stainless steels.
which is usually below 1000°F. Plain-carbon and al- The corrosion resistance of all stainless steels
loy steels are susceptible to hydrogen-environment can be severely diminished by denying access to a
embrittlement, and are not resistant to stress-corro- plentiful supply of oxygen. For this reason, any ap-
sion cracking in some heat-treat conditions. plication which results in close laying surfaces or
crevices should be avoided. Multiply assemblies,
such as bellows, are therefore not ideal applications
Stainless Steels for stainless steels.
Moreover, a carbide precipitation characterizes
In stainless steels--iron-carbon alloys with the addi- many austenitic stainless steels when heated in the
tion of at least 12% chromium--the chromium pro- temperature range of 800-1600°F. This ,1 sensitization ,1
vides a "passive" oxide film that protects the body reduces corrosion resistance. Not only is this a limi-
from most corrosive environments. This film must tation of application temperature, but also of pro-
be maintained to ensure corrosion protection, cesses which involve heating above 800°F. The prob-
Oxygen shielding could cause deterioration of this lems of sensitization can be mitigated by utilizing
passive film, rendering the steel "active"--having low-arbon grades (304L, 316L) or stabilized grades
corrosion resistance and galvanic activity similar to (321,347) of austenitic stainless steels.
those of low-alloy steels. There are four distinct
classes of stainless steels~martensitic, austenitic, fer- F e r r i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l (405, 430, 446). Ferritic
ritic, and precipitation hardening, stainless steels see use in rocket engines for magnetic
M a r t e n s i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s (400 series ex- effects, as in solenoids. These steels have good cor-
cept 405, 430, 446). Martensitic stainless steels resem- rosion resistance, are resistant to stress-corrosion
ble low-alloy steels except they have sufficient cracking, and are compatible with liquid fuels. They
chromium to become passive. They can be heat- are low in strength, but have good ductility.
treated to high strengths, but have the poorest atmo- Precipitati°n'hardening (PH) stainless
spheric corrosion resistance of the stainless steels, s t e e l s (17-4PH, 17-7PH, PH15-7MO, A286, etc.). The


precipitation-hardening stainless steels combine resistance varies from excellent to fair; but in general
good corrosion resistance with high strength at tem- the higher-strength alloys must be anodized for at-
peratures up to 1100-1300°F. However, most of the mospheric- and galvanic-corrosion protection.
PH stainless steels are martensitic, and as such are Anodizing forms an electrically insulating layer that
susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking, hydrogen- could preclude electrical grounding.
environment embrittlement, and loss of toughness at
cryogenic temperatures. An exception, A286, Copper Alloys
austenitic steel, possesses all of the attributes of the
austenitic stainless steels coupled with high strength Copper of course has high electrical and thermal
(up to 200-ksi ultimate tensile strength in the cold- conductivity, excellent corrosion resistance, and ease
worked condition). A286 has proven to be excep- of fabrication, plus immunity to hydrogen-environ-
tionally suitable for fasteners, and has been used for ment embrittlement. Alloying elements improve its
nozzle tubing. Poor weldability limits wider applica- strength, but generally at the expense of electrical
tion of A286. JBK 75, a modification of A286, is not and thermal conductivity. For example, 2% beryl-
susceptible to weld cracking and therefore has appli- lium can increase ultimate tensile strength of copper
cability for rocket-engine hardware. from 30 to 200 ksi; but the electrical conductivity of
beryllium copper is only 20% of pure copper.
Iron-Base SuperaIIoys The more widely used copper alloys--brass
(copper and zinc), phosphor bronze (copper and
The iron-base low-expansion superalloys have exten- tin), and beryllium copper (copper and b e r y l l i u m ) -
sive application in liquid-propellant rocket engines have strength increasing in the order listed.
because they provide high strength, low coefficient of The major application of copper alloys in rocket
thermal expansion, and resistance to hydrogen-envi- engines is for high-heat-flux applications, such as
ronment embrittlement (HEE). These iron-nickel- combustion chambers. Their high thermal conduc-
cobalt alloys retain excellent properties from-423 to tivities minimize thermal gradients and resulting
1200°F, are resistant to stress-corrosion cracking, and thermal stresses. Narloy A is a copper-silver alloy
are readily weldable. However, lack of resistance to with thermal conductivity equivalent to pure copper,
corrosion limits the use of them. but with moderately high strength to 800°F. Narloy-Z,
Incoloy 903 was the first of these alloys to find with a zirconium addition, improves ductility and fa-
widespread application to structural components op- tigue life, and extends the operating range to 1000°F.
erating in gaseous hydrogen or hydrogen-rich steam. These alloys are available in the cast as well as
It also can be used as an overlay to provide HEE pro- wrought form. Copper alloys also serve as electrical
tection to welds of non-HEE-resistant alloys. Incoloy conductors, conductive springs, and bearings and
903 can be thermomechanically processed (TMP) for bushings.
improved high-temperature stress-rupture properties.
Incoloy 907 offers~ better stress-rupture properties Nickel-Base Alloys
without requiring the TMP procedure. Incoloy 909
offers better low-cycle fatigue life and a simplified Nickel-base alloys comprise some 65% of the weight
heat-treat cycle, which is compatible with that for of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. These alloys de-
Inconel 718. The weldability of Incoloy 907 has been rive their widespread usage in rocket engines from
rated higher than that of Incoloy 903, and Incoloy superior corrosion resistance, high-temperature oxi-
909 has been shown to be the most weldable of the dation resistance, retention of useful properties over
group. a wide temperature range, and, in many cases, very
unique physical properties. The nickel-base alloys
Aluminum Alloys can be divided into three groups, based on applica-
Aluminum alloys are low in cost, easily fabricated, The first group---nickel-base alloys used mainly
and readily available, but are limited in rocket-engine for superior corrosion resistance--include Nickel 200,
usage by maximum operating temperature. The high- the monel alloys, Inconel 600, Inconel 625, and elec-
strength wrought alloys (i.e., 2024, 7075) are limited to tro-deposited (ED) nickel. Inherently corrosion-re-
200-300°F while the cast alloys such as Tens-50 and sistant, nickel does not depend upon a metastable
356 can be used in the 300-400°F range. The devel- passive film for protection; and, being strongly elec-
opment of aluminum-base-metal matrix composites tronegative, it is not susceptible to galvanic corrosion
has extended the operational limits of wrought alu- when in contact with most other metals. Monels, al-
minum alloys to the 800-900°F range. However, lim- loys of nickel and copper, besides having good cor-
ited availability, high cost, and difficulties in fabrica- rosion resistance, have useful magnetic properties at
tion have been deterrents to the use of these com- cryogenic temperature and high resistance to igni-
posites in rocket engines. All of the aluminum alloys tion in oxygen. The Inconel alloys, composed of
are light in weight, resistant to hydrogen embrittle- nickel-chromium-iron, resist oxidation at tempera-
ment, and (most) have excellent cryogenic proper- tures up to 1800°F.
ties. Caution should be exercised with aluminum ap- The second group, the nickel-base superalloys, re-
plications in oxygen systems because of low ignition tain high strength at elevated temperatures. Alloy
temperature. 718, the workhorse of this group, has high strength up
The casting alloys, low-strength wrought alloys, to 1300°F, good cryogenic ductility, and good weld-
and moderate-strength 6061 are weldable. Corrosion ability. Fine-grained material should be specified for

parts to be electron-beam-welded. Higher-tempera- nium alloys are most commonly used at cryogenic
ture applications exploit Rene' 41, Waspaloy, and temperatures: Ti-5AI-2.5Sn ELI and Ti-6A1-4V ELI. In
MAR-M-246. the ELI (extra-low interstitial) grade of these alloys,
The third group, the special-application alloys, good cryogenic toughness is achieved by controlling
includes Nichrome (for electrical-resistance heating the interstitial elements oxygen, nitrogen, carbon,
elements), chromel and alumel (for thermocouples), and hydrogen, and the substitutional element iron, to
and Incoloys and Invar (for low-thermal-expansion much lower than normal levels. Typically, Ti-6AI-4V
applications). ELI is used to -320°F while the higher-toughness Ti-
All of the nickel-base alloys resist corrosion and 5AI-2.5Sn ELI is used as low as -423°F. However, Ti-
stress corrosion and are oxygen-compatible, but are 6AI-4V ELI can be employed at -423°F if the compo-
susceptible to hydrogen-environment embrittlement nent design compensates for its lower ductility and
(HEE) at temperatures above -200°F. HEE in nickel- toughness.
base alloys can be prevented by avoiding plastic Titanium and titanium alloys are classified into
strains or, this being impractical, by providing a pro- three major categories according to the predominant
tective barrier, such as electroplating with copper or phases present in their microstructure: alpha, alpha-
gold or overlaying by weld deposition with a nonsus- beta, and beta alloys. Although non-heat-treatable,
ceptible alloy. alpha alloys offer high toughness, are more oxida-
tion-resistant than alpha-beta or beta alloys, are us-
Cobalt Alloys able up to about 1000°F, and are relatively difficult to
form. Ti-5AI-2.5Sn is an example of an alpha alloy.
Cobalt-base alloys, like nickel alloys, offer excellent Alpha-beta alloys, such as Ti-6AI-4V, are heat-treat-
high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. able to higher-strength levels, are usable to 800°F and
Unlike the nickel alloys, cobalt alloys are immune to in some instances to 1000°F, and are somewhat more
HEE. formable than alpha alloys. However, alpha-beta al-
Alloy 188, a corrosion- and heat-resistant alloy, loys ordinarily would not be used in the fully-heat-
exhibits outstanding oxidation and creep resistance treated condition because its heat-treat response is
up to 2100°F. Although not hardenable by heat limited to relatively thin sections (--1.0 in.) and its
treatment, 188 has moderate room-temperature fracture toughness decreases significantly with in-
strength and good cryogenic properties. It also has creasing strength level. Beta alloys are generally
good resistance to corrosion and stress-corrosion quite formable at room temperature, are usable up to
cracking and can be readily welded, including by approximately 600"F, and are heat-treatable to rela-
electron-beam welding. tively high strength (e.g., -190 ksi) in thick sections
Elgiloy, a cobalt-base alloy, has found widespread while still retaining good toughness. The disadvan-
usage for springs. The alloy has high strength and tages of beta alloys are a higher density, lower oxida-
good corrosion resistance, and is nonmagnetic. tion resistance and lower toughness at cryogenic
Elgiloy derives its strength from a combination of temperatures. Examples of beta alloys include Ti-
heat treatment and cold work. It has a maximum use 10V-2Fe-3AI, Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr, and Ti-15V-3AI-
temperature of approximately 700°F. 3Cr-3Sn.
Most titanium alloys can be welded, although
Titanium Alloys welding requires the hardware to be thoroughly clean
and the operation to be performed in a high-purity
Titanium alloys possess high strength-to-weight ratios inert gas (Ar, He) or vacuum. Titanium and titanium
and good toughness, as well as excellent corrosion alloys are available as sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings,
resistance and resistance to stress corrosion cracking. extrusions, tubing, and castings.
However, titanium alloys are susceptible to hydrogen
embrittlement at temperatures above -ll0°F, and are Thermoplastic Materials
not compatible with gaseous or liquid oxygen or with
red fuming nitric acid, at any temperature. Titanium Thermoplastics, polymeric materials that can be
alloys also are incompatible with the products of formed or reformed by melting or softening with
combustion from many propellants; these factors heat, serve well as electrical insulation and seals.
limit their usefulness in liquid-propellant rocket en- They include fluorocarbons, nylon, polycarbonate,
gine systems. They can be applied, however, in fuel and amide-imide materials. Of these, the fluorocar-
systems involving propellants such as liquid hydro- bon polymers find the greatest number of applica-
gen, monomethyl hydrazine (MMH), and kerosene tions in liquid-propellant rocket engine design.
(RP-1). They also are compatible, under certain cir- Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), fluorinated ethylene
cumstances, with nitrogen tetroxide (NTO). Titanium propylene (FEP), and polychlorotrifluoroethylene
alloys have found use in liquid-propellant rocket en- (Kef-F) with or without fillers or reinforcing fibers
gine systems for pump impellers and inducers, valve find extensive use in rocket engines for seals and
bodies, pump housings, high-pressure fuel ducts, hy- coatings for seals due to the compatibility of these
draulic tubing, pressure bottles, struts, gimbal blocks, materials with oxygen and their properties in both
propellant-storage bottles, and nozzles. liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.
The most demanding applications have been for
use at cryogenic temperatures, where titanium alloys Elastomers
offer some of the highest strength-to-weight ratios of Elastomersna multitude of polymers that have high
presently available engineering materials. Two tita- elongation within the elastic rangeninclude all of the

A thermoplas"c requires
heat (thermo) to make d ABS (acryionite-butadiene-styr erie)
formable (plastic) and alter Acetal (homopolymers and copolymers) Acetal Dekin (e)
- 1 coolincj can be reheated Acrylic (modilMedand unmodified)
and reformed into new Cellulosics Celluloid
shapes a number of times Fluoroplastics (TFE, CTFE. FEP.PVFz) Polylelralluoroethylene Teflon (e)
withoul sicjnificant chancje Ionomer
,in properlies. MeIWI pentenes
Nylons (polyamides) Polyamide Type 6/6 Nylon Zytet (e)
I Polymeis builtup from simpler Phenoxy
chemicals called,monomers. I Polyallomer
Polyethylene Hicjl~:lenslty Polyet~lene Marlex (m)
Polylmlde Polyimide Vespel (e)
Phenylene oxide
Polypropyiene Unmodified Polypropylene Moplen (s)
HOMOPOLYMERS Po~myls Polyvr~/I Fluoride Tedlar (e)
Homopolymers are composed Chlorinated Polyelher Chlorinated Polyether Hypalon (a)
of single, repeatin0monomer Polyvmylidenes PolyvinylKlene Chloride Saran (I)
urns which make up the mole- im


combinatmn I
of monomers I A ther~al - A~yd
is used to I (thermo)to make its shape Amf)os (urea and melamine)
manufacture ~ permanent (set). Atler a Allyls (dtallyl phlhatate -DAP)
~::ofd~f:me~ --" lhermoset is formed ,nto
A hi~ molecular weicjt'rtcom- permanem shape, usually Furanresins
pound, natural or synthetic, of plaslics, wilh heat and pressure, it Phenobc
[ MONOMER l whose structure can usually canno( be remeRedand re- Polyester Polyesler Mylar (e)
I A}etatively ~ . be representedby a repeated formed. .... Polyurethane
simple corn small unit.the met: e.g., poly- Sdicone
pound who eOlylene, rubber, cellulose ._~ CRYSTALLINEPOLYMERS
can reacl t(
form a po~y by addition or conOensation Natural Rubber Crude Rubber
mer. polymerization of monomers. Isobutylene Isoprene Rubber (IIR) Butyl or GR--1 H/car (a)
Some polymers are elas- ] ELASTOMERS
Nftrile ButadmneRubber (NBR) Buna--N Polysar (c)
tomers, some plastics, and A materialwhich, Choioroprene Rubber (CR) Neoprene or GR-N Neoprene (e)
some are fibers (chain-like at room tempera- Silicone Rubber Silicone Rubber
molecules). lure, slrelches _ PolysuffideRubber (f'9[)iokol (h)
under low stress

_ PolyurethaneElastomer C~migum (I)

lo at least lwice
fls length and
Chlorosultonated Polyethylene
V~/lidene fluoride Hexafluoropropylene
Hypalon (e)
Viton (e)
snaps back to its Fluorosdicone Silastic (t)
Copolymers are composed of ortginal length Polytrffluorochloroerhytene (CTFE) KeI-F (k)
~o or more different chemical upon release of Styrene Buladlene Rubber (SBR) Buna-S or GR-S Philprene (m)
monomer Lineswhich are re- stress. Polybuta(kene (BR) Diene (o)
acted to form l~ polymer Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) Dutral (p)
chain. Polyacrylate (Polyacrylic) Trliacnl (h)

MANUFACTURERS(Products not listed 1or all)

COPOLYMERSYSTEMS (ai B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co. '.... (i) GoodyearTile and P,ul~er Co. '(s) ChemoreCorp.
Random Copolymer (b) EnlayChemical Co. (k) MinnesotaMmmcjand Mlg. Co. (u(0) HerculesPowder Co., Inc.
AIternatincjCopolymer (c) PolymerCorp., Lid (I) Dow CornmcjCorp. Allied Chemical Corp.
Block Copolymer (cl) FirestoneTwe and Rubber Co. (m) Phd~s PetroleumCo. (v) UnitedStales Stoneware Co.
Graft Copoiymer (e) E.I. duPont deNemours (n) NancjatuckC~mical (w) Monsanto CheBcal Co.
(f) GeneralElectric (o) firestone Synthetic Rubber Corp. (x) PennsaltChemicals Corp.
(g) UnionCarbon & Carbide (p) NontecantiniSoc. Gen (y) CelanesePolymer Co.
(h) ThiokolChemical Corp. (q) AvisunCorp.
(0 MobayChemicaICo (r) KoppersCo.

Fig. C-1 Polymeric materials--terminologies and relationships.

rubber materials noted in Fig. C-1 that find extensive seals of gas-turbine drives of turbopumps, and coat-
use in O-ring seals, gasket-type seals, electrical insula- ings to protect metals from high-temperature gases.
tion, vibration dampers, etc. These materials are also
used for adhesives, sealants, formed-in-place seals, Composites
and potting of electrical components.
A composite has a matrix materal reinforced in ran-
Nitrile rubbers find considerable use because re-
dom or oriented form with a special fiber, tape, fab-
sistant to oxidation and hydraulic fluids. They do
ric, etc. Examples would be glass-fiber-filled polyte-
not take a permanent set for long periods of time.
trafluoroethylene (PTFE), tape-wrapped ablative plas-
Consequently, these rubbers find much use in O-ring
tics, fabric-reinforced epoxy sheets, filament-wound
seals of hydraulic and pneumatic components.
thrust-chamber shells, etc. Composites find a wide
Silicone rubber, an extensively used sealant and
range of uses in liquid-propellant rocket engine de-
potting compound, has been exploited primarily due
sign, such as in seals, thrust-chamber structure, elec-
to its ease of application and wide usable-tempera-
trical printed wiring-boards, and ball-bearing separa-
ture range of-165-500°F. Fluorocarbon rubber is used
tors. The matrix may be carbon, metallic, polymeric,
w h e n the application requires compatibility with
or ceramic. Three types of composites might be dis-
oxygen or when the use temperature is in the range
tringuished: structural plastics, ablatives, and carbon-
of 300-375°F.
carbon composites.
Special designs may call for other elastomers,
S t r u c t u r a l p l a s t i c s . Choice of thermosetting
with unique properties. For example, resin-cured
resin such as an epoxy, phenolic, or polyimide for
butyl has been found to provide excellent seals in
fabricating a laminate will depend upon the thermal
NTO and/or hydrazine for short periods (i.e., under
and adhesive properties required. Epoxy resins offer
one hour).
high adhesive strength, but are more severely limited
in maximum use-temperatures. Other resins such as
Carbons and Ceramics
the phenolics or polyimides have very good high-
Pressed-carbon materials and various ceramics find temperature characteristics, but at the expense of
use in throat inserts for ablative engines, dynamic lowered adhesion and greater fabrication difficulties.

Reinforcements used in t h e laminated structure have been coated with some form of silicon carbide
may take the form of layers of fabric, random place- (with or without glass formers) to prevent oxidation.
ment of short fibers, or very precise placement of
continuous filaments through the use of filament Adhesives
winding or lay-up of collimated tapes. The exact type
Polymeric and ceramic materials are also used in
and form of reinforcement will d e p e n d u p o n the
adhesive applications on rocket engines. In general,
mechanical properties that are to be derived from it.
silicones are used for sealants and bonding applica-
For example, a cover requiring low mechanical
tions requiring good peel-strength at temperatures in
strength and rigidity might be made of r a n d o m
the range o f - 1 6 5 - 500°F; epoxies for high bond
fibers of glass sprayed onto a form with the resin
shear-strength from -65°F to as high as 350°F; epoxy-
added simultaneously, while a structural shell for a
phenolics for good bond shear-strength from liquid-
small thrust chamber might well be produced by fil-
helium temperature to 500°F; and polyurethanes
ament-winding a resin-preimpregnated graphite so as
when bonding must be done with contact pressure
to produce a structure with high strength and rigidity.
without elevated-temperature cure and the material
A b l a t i v e s . Rocket ablatives~materials that can
must exhibit good peel and shear strength at a cryo-
"sacrificially" cool a thrust chamber or n o z z l e ~ u s u -
genic temperature. Pressure-sensitive-adhesives hav-
ally are fabric-reinforced phenolic or rubber-modi-
ing a natural rubber base find use on tapes where the
fied-phenolic laminated materials. The reinforcing
adhesive must be completely removed with the tape.
fabric is placed in the formed structure at some pre-
determined angle to the expected flow of the hot gas.
The matrix material and the reinforcing material are
each selected for performance with the propellants Although s o m e hydrocarbon lubricants used for
to be used and the duty cycle of the thrust chamber rocket engines typify those for automotive purposes
or nozzle. (i.e., gear cases), most will have to be selected on the
The phenolic or rubber-modified-phenolic resins basis of propellant compatibility. As a result, few
have found the greatest use. They offer a high-tem- greases or oils are used. If needed, a grease will usu-
perature-resistant matrix with predictable properties ally be based on a fluorocarbon oil. Because most
w h e n exposed to the hot gas of the rocket engine. oils and greases become brittle at cryogenic temper-
They form a structural char and provide a cooling atures, dry-film lubrication is most often used, the lu-
gas at the hot surface as they pyrolize. The use of bricant usually being pure m o l y b d e n u m disulfide
rubber modification yields a somewhat lower abla- powder sprayed onto the component surfaces with
tion rate, but keeps the structure from delaminating. some binding agent (usually a resin if a fuel envi-
Reinforcements for ablative c o m p o n e n t s will ronment or a phosphate material if oxidizer).
usually be selected on the basis of the oxidizer.
Oxygen-based oxidizers demand the use of a fiber re- Platings, Surface Finishes, Coatings
inforcement that will not oxidize and that has a high Components are sometimes given a surface finish to
melting point plus high viscosity when melted, such assure corrosion resistance. It can be applied either
as silica glass and quartz, which tend to protect the by electroplating or by an electrolysis process, a
char from oxidizing rapidly even though there is a chemical film, or a paint. Coatings are also used to
high percentage of water vapor in the combustion give a soft chemical-resistant sealing surface to pres-
gases of the thrust chamber. A fluorine-based oxi- sure-assisted seals.
dizer develops the combustion products that rapidly Chromium and nickel are examples of plating
attack quartz and other glass, forming fibrous materi- materials commonly used. An anodized surface is an
als. This propellant demands reinforcements of car- example of a chemical-conversion coating. Zinc or
bon or graphite. strontium chromate-containing paints are commonly
Carbon-carbon c o m p o s i t e s . Carbon-carbon used to protect a variety of metals against corrosion.
c o m p o s i t e s ~ m a t e r i a l s with some type of amor- Many alloys protect against corrosion with an ox-
phous-carbon matrix reinforced by fibrous carbon or ide film. To assure the formation of this film, the
g r a p h i t e ~ f i n d use as thermal shields and nozzle component will often be given a chemical treatment
extensions. In all of the uses associated with liquid- ("passivated") to assure formation of the protective
propellant rocket engine design, these composites oxide.
Appendix A

Weight Considerations

The importance of rocket vehicle propulsion system Because of the importance of weight control,
weight to the achievement of the required velocity rocket-engine manufacturers employ "engineers
increment with a given payload wieght is presented specifically in charge of this area. Table A-1 shows a
in this appendix. typical weight progress form, as used by the
As was seen with residual propellants, excessive Rocketdyne Division of Rockwell International. It is
dead weight at burnout imposes penalties. Whenever revised and reissued periodically. Thus it becomes a
rocket engines can be made lighter without compro- useful tool to raise early warnings of a trend to
mising reliability and structural integrity, the payoff overweight. The arbitrary example shows a slight
in range and payload will therefore be sizable. underweight. However, the table also shows the data
Engine and vehicle builders usually distinguish sev- to be based almost entirely on estimated and cal-
eral types of engine weight: culated figures, rather than on actual weighing results.
Dry weight. The net weight of the engine as it This is characteristic for the earlier phases of design
leaves the factory. and development of a rocket engine. More often
Burnout weight. Engine dry weight plus residual, than not, the weight advantage will disappear
measurable propellants remaining in the engine at gradually as the design firms up; then the squeeze will
cutoff. In a typical engine design, burnout weight be on. For convenient display of the weight tenden-
may be 4% higher than dry weight. Burnout weight cies over time, a graph like Fig. A-1 will be useful.
plays importantly in vehicle mass ratio (Eq. 1-30). The weight changes of the various components as
Wet weight. The engine dry weight plus all pro- well as of the entire engine affect centers of gravity
pellant within it, during main stage. In a typical and moments of inertia. Through issue of a data
design, engine wet weight may be 6% higher than dry sheet like Fig. A-2, all parties concerned can be kept
weight. Wet weight significantly affects vehicle in- informed on changes as they occur.
flight center of gravity and moments of inertia. Note that the data presented in Table A-1 and
Wet gimballed weight. This portion of wet Fig. A-1 and A-2 concern the 150,000-1b A-2 Stage
weight represents engine mass gimballed for steering engine system, a part of an assumed multistage space
purposes. In earlier designs this meant essentially vehicle configuration.
the thrust-chamber and injector wet-weight. In later Consider the influence of structural weight on the
designs it often refers to the entire engine less a rel- performance and gross takeoff weight of a rocket
atively small amount of stationary parts. This weight vehicle, and how its magnitude varies with the design
affects gimbal actuator loads and response char- parameters of different vehicle systems. The quan-
acteristics of the guidance control loop. titative relationships will be evaluated individually for
Ideally, dry weight and burnout weight should be each case.
equal; that is, no propellants should be trapped in Equation (1-30) can be rewritten for the stage-
the engine at shutdown. In practice, this will not al- burnout velocity of a single-stage vehicle or the stage
ways be possible. However, the engine designer can velocity increment of any individual stage of a
do much to bring it about through proper design, multistage vehicle system, as follows:
sizing and routing of lines, avoidance of traps, and
location of valves.

/'Stage usable Stage Stage

propellant payload inert
[ weight + weight +weight
2.00 ) l , ''"' , !i Vbo = Cvc "g" (Is)o~&
/ " Stage p a y l o a d Stage inert
L weight + weight
230C •' -. -
i ' ; ~ i : i ! LA
! : , ! : : /' :, t (A-l)
2,~o ~ : !. ' . . . . . ~ _ _ - - 1 ,~ i ! 1 !

= ,ooo '--- -:-- ~- - ' - [


>= ,eso , i ' ~ : L -- . 2 _ _ Stage i n e r t _ Stage residual propellant

IA / ~
" ', ~ ~ I I ' I-I--T2 weight weight at burnout
,,o0 , . ~ - - - y , - ~ -- .? - - ,-- ~- _
ENG,.E L/I I ! i , ~ ' i
+ Stage engine
ACCESS T i [ ~ OmG,NAL t { : ! ; ! ! I :
BURNOUT ~ , - - ~ - - SpEC . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . "- - .~ ' ! I , I
'=°l i ~ o&,& i ! : , " I . : : :
~ ........ 4-,- - - - - - -
SI~£C .' . . . . . .
.- - ;. . . . .
system weight
u~- m400 ~
t 2
I !
,I7 ,

Stage structure,
guidance and other
Fig. A-1 Weight history on A-2 Stage rocket weights, which are
engine and accessories. not payload

Table A-1 Weight r e p o r t o n A-2 Stage engine.

Model: A-2 stage Changes

Contract: Con- last to Basis for Current I)=ta
Issue: 1 Spec. tractor Current., ,
Date: Weight Changes Last Status Notes
Enclosure: per (Rev. Status (Col. 4 % %
Page: 1 Original fOe¢. Current (Report minus Estk Cslcu- %
Report No.: 12. . . .
Design Weight) Status No. 11) ,, c~. s) mated luted Actual
1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rocket engine and accessories (1580) (2380) (2292) (2112) (+180)
(at burnout) (A+D+E)

Rocket engine and accessories (1485) (2280) (2181) (2011) (+170) (30) (52) (18)
(dry) (B+D)

A. Rocketengine (at burnout) (1365) (2(X)O) (1923) (1763) (+160)

B. Rocketengine (dry) (1300) (1930) (1850) (1700) (+150) (24) (59) (17)
Thrust chamber 500 750 730 640 +90 7 62 31
Gimbal bearing 40 55 52 - - 6 94 0
Turbopump, fuel 200 260 250 217 +33 1 97 2
Mount, fuel pump 25 30 27 - - 1 87 12
Turbopurnp, oxidizer 190 230 224 202 +22 0 33 67
Mount, oxidizer pump 25 30 28 26 +2 3 82 15
Fuel feed system 70 100 95 96 +1 72 28 0
Oxidizer feed system 60 90 87 87 0 75 25 0
Controls (ignit. elect, pneu.) 100 130 114 114 0 65 33 2
Exhaust system 70 100 96 96 0 60 39 1
Propellant utilization system 10 15 12 10 +2
Start system 0 140 135 135 0 100 0
C. Fluidat burnout (rocketengine) (65) (70) (73) (63) (+10)

D. Accessories (185) (350) (331) (311) (+20) (57) (41) (2)

Inlet line, fuel pump 50 85 79 74 +5 33 65 2
Inlet line, oxidizer pump 50 85 81 75 +6 30 64 6
Helium bottle 0 24 21 21 0 100 0 0
Heat exchanger, oxygen 30 34 31 27 +4 12 82 6
Flowmeters 5 6 5 5 0 100 0 0
Instrumentation 50 80 78 73 +5 100 0 0
Vehide conneclJonprovision 0 36 36 36 0 100 0 0

E. Fluidat burnout (accessories) (30) (30) (38) (38) (0)

. . . A-2 . Stage Rocket Engine

..., . .Center oi' Gravi v and Moment of Inertia Data
Issue 12 Enclosure
Date _EP,J 2 . r I , I ~ Page 1 of 1


( ) , d ~ LOX Pump

+x 1
u"3 . . / - ~ - ~ ' - ~ ' ` ' ~ .... +Y

CE Gimbal ( Y O )
i ii
Center of Gravity - Inches 'Moment of Inertia - Slug ft2
Weight ...
Description (Ib) Y - Arm X - Arm Z - Arm Y-Y X-X Z-Z
('() Rocket Engine + Acc. - Dry 2181 + 23.3 + 1.5 -0.7 176 391 362
(2} Rocket Engine + Acc. - Wet 2317 + 22.5 + 1.5 -0.1 185 411 379
(3) Rocket Engine + A c c . - Burnout 2292 + 22.7 + 1.6 -0.2 184 408 375
(4) Gimballed Mass - Dry 2061 + 25.2 + 1.5 -0.2 168 672 649
(5) Gimballed Mass - Wet 2086 + 24.6 + 15 -0.2 177 688 662
Note: Items (1) through (3) represent the moment of inertia about specified C.G.'s.
Items (4) and (5) represent the moment of inertia about the referenced gimbal axis.

Fig. A-2 Typical data s h e e t for c e n t e r of gravity a n d m o m e n t of inertia.


For a given burnout velocity these equations weight increase of a component in an existing system
show an even weight tradeoff between stage engine- may only require the addition of a corresponding
system weight and stage payload weight. The weight small amount of propellant, but not require enlarge-
of all other items being kept constant, a pound ment of the tanks, valves, etc.; then the growth factor
decrease in the stage engine-system weight will will be small. In another case, the weight increase
increase the stage payload capacity by one pound. may be "the straw that breaks the camel's back," re-
For a fixed payload, and assuming other items quiring the use of the next-larger valve, duct, or the
except engine weight to be constant, the relation be- like; the growth factor will then be large.
tween the stage velocity increment Vbo and stage en- In general, growth factor gives the designer a
gine-system weight for a given system can be written useful tool during the early steps to an engine system,
as follows: because it attaches a tangible value to the importance
of the engine-system weight. A systems-weight in-
crease may be considered "uninvited payload." For
k(~22 + Stage engine system weight'~
single-stage vehicles, and relatively small weight
Vbo = klln + Stage engine system ~ )
changes, the value of the growth factor then can be
(A-3) expressed with sufficient accuracy as follows:

where-- Total vehicle system

Growth factor = weight at takeoff
kl = Cvcg(Is)oa = constant Payload weight (A-5)
k2 = Stage payload weight + Stage residual-pro-
For any stage of a multistage vehicle, the approx-
pellant weight at burnout + Stage structure,
imate value of the growth factors against total ve-
guidance and other weight = constant
hicle-system weight at takeoff can be expressed as
k3 = Stage usable-propellant weight + k2 = con-
Total vehicle system
Since k2 < k 3, the denominator will decrease more weight at takeoff
Growth factor =
rapidly than the numerator, with decreasing engine Stage payload weight (A-6)
weight. Thus fixed payloads increase burnout ve-
locity, which will pay off in longer range or higher The growth factors of any stage against the vehicle-
orbit. system weight at ignition of the same or lower stage
For a given burnout velocity and for a fixed can be expressed as follows:
payload, the required Stage average overall specific
impulse (Is)oa in terms of Stage engine-system weight Vehicle system weight
can be established as follows: at same or lower
stage ignition
Growth factor = (A-7)
Stage payload weight
(k 3 + System engine system weight'~
(Is)oa = k4/ln ~ k2 + St-~ge ~ sys---~-emem~ )

(A-4) Sample Calculation

where--- A three-stage rocket has the following weight data:
Vbo total vehicle-system weight at takeoff, 40,000 lb.;
k4 - Cvcg - constant vehicle-system weight at second-stage ignition, 7500
lb; vehicle system at third-stage ignition, 2200 lb;
Equation (A-4) shows that the overall-specific-im- payload weight, 700 lb.
pulse requirements decrease with decreasing engine-
system weight. Problem
The "growth factor" of a rocket vehicle also il-
lustrates the importance of weight. If the weight of a For each pound increase of engine-system weight of
component increases, for instance, the designer can first, second, and third stages, respectively, determine
adjust for this by increasing the propellant load and (at a constant vehicle performance) (a) increases of
thus possibly that of other components, such as a total vehicle-system weight at takeoff, and ( b )
pump, to maintain the same required vehicle per- increases of vehicle-system weight at second- and
formance--i.e., payload and vehicle trajectory. If third-stage ignition.
one part of the vehicle system exceeds its weight
allotment by one pound, the total vehicle system Solution:
weight at takeoff will see a certain number of ad-
ditional pounds. Growth factor is defined as the total (a) Payload weight of first stage = vehicle-system
vehicle-system (including payload) weight increase at weight at second-stage ignition = 7500 lb; pay-
takeoff divided by the causal increment of added load weight of second stage = vehicle-system
inert and/or payload weight. Growth factor for a weight at third-stage ignition = 2200 lb; payload
given vehicle system will not be a precise value, but weight of third stage = actual system payload-
rather vary within a band. For instance, a small weight -- 700 lb.

From Eq. (A-6): will be required for the third stage. From Eq.
1) Growth factor of first stage against vehicle-
system takeoff weight: 1) Growth factor of second stage against
vehicle-system weight at second-stage
Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000 ignition:
7,500 - 5.86

First-stage payload weight

Vehicle system weight
2) Growth factor of second stage against vehicle- at second-stage ignition 7,500
- ~ = 3.41
system takeoff weight: Second-stage payload weight 2,200

Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000 2) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle-
Second-stage payload weight - 2,200 - 20
system weight at second-stage ignition:

3) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle- Vehicle system weight

system takeoff weight: at second-stage ignition 7,500
700 - 10.72

Third-stage payload weight

Vehicle system takeoff weight 44,000
Third-stage payload weight - 700 - 62.9 3) Growth factor of third stage against vehicle-
system weight at third-stage ignition:
Vehicle system weight
1) For each pound increase of first-stage engine- at third-stage ignition 2,200
- 3.14
system weight, the increase on vehicle-system takeoff Third-stage payload weight 700
weight will be 5.86 lb.
2) For each pound increase of second-stage en- 1) For each pound increase of second-stage en-
gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system
takeoff weight will be 20 lb. weight at second-stage ignition will be 3.41 lb.

3) For each pound increase of third-stage en- 2), 3) For each pound increase of third-stage
gine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system engine-system weight, the increase on vehicle-system
takeoff weight will be 62.9 lb. weight at second-stage ignition will be 10.72 lb and
the increase on vehicle-system weight at third-stage
ignition will be 3.14 lb.
Co) Note that the weight growth of lower stages will
not affect the upper-stage weight growth. For The correctness of results can be checked by
an increase of first-stage vehicle-system weight, recombining the individual stage growth factors to
there will be no weight changes on second and obtain the growth factor for the entire vehicle system:
third stages; and for an increase on second-
stage vehicle system weight, no weight change 3.14 x 3.41 x 5.86 = 62.9
Appendix B
Reliability Considerations
The effort to increase reliability in rocket engines weighed against the reduction in probability of the
should span the entire program spectrum from con- failure mode of concern. Man-rated systems typi-
ceptual design through production. The reliability ef- cally have the additional requirement to isolate phys-
fort can basically be split into three parts: preven- ically the redundant element from its sister element
tion of failures, process assessment and control, and to assure protection from common causes of failure
monitoring of performance. Reliability through pre- (e.g., contamination, heat, vibration, explosion, etc.).
vention involves early involvement of reliability en- Additionally, the operational status of each element
gineers in "concurrent engineering" design and de- of the redundancy may have to be monitored to as-
velopment loops to identify high-risk devices and de- sure its existence before flight.
signs and catastrophic failure modes. Both before For instance, to avoid a troublesome sealed con-
and during fabrication and fielding of hardware, po- nection it may be decided to omit flanges and seals
tential process faults and their effects should be eval- and to weld it. However, if one of the lines thus con-
uated and controlled to assure expected reliability nected were inadvertently pinched in the field, it
performance through a "Continuous Process Im- would be necessary to remove the entire engine from
p r o v e m e n t (CPI)" approach. The continuous the vehicle under preparation for launchmmagnify-
monitoring of performance needs to be organized in ing a simple replacement into a major operation. To
a formal way (e.g., Reliability Growth or Reliability be sure, welding or preferably brazing may indeed be
Demonstration Test Monitoring) to assure identifica- the best solution for many problem connections.
tion and correction of possible faults. The point is, this will not be true for all connections.
The design team must carefully analyze all aspects of
Reliability in Design the system including handling and, in particular, mis-
handling by the user.
The reliability contribution to a concurrent engineer- As another example, tests may have shown that
ing effort should be through assessment of past per- an engine could readily be set up and calibrated to
formance of similar-type hardware to identify high- specifications by means of orifices, eliminating pre-
failure-risk components or approaches in the pro- viously used regulators. Engines get delivered ac-
p o s e d designs, conducting reliability-optimization cordingly. With rocket engines, it is entirely normal
trade studies, and correlating past "lessons learned" that many months,' if not several years, may elapse
in rocket-engine-specific systems. Potential process between delivery and final use. Much can happen
inadequacies should be addressed, with considera- during this period. Changes in mission plans, for in-
tion for control of a process or designing in "fault stance, may have made another thrust level more de-
tolerance." For example, process-induced contam- sirable. Then, suddenly, an adjustment by means of
ination may be a problem largely solvable by en- orifices, in particular its verification, becomes a ma-
largement of flow passages in the engine systems. jor operation. Omission of a strategic regulator was
Another aspect of reliability in design, so-called indeed an engine simplification, but for the vehicle
"simplicity," usually will contribute significantly to system it turned out to be a complication. The point,
higher reliability. Parts which do not fulfill a truly again: careful evaluation of a planned omission must
useful purpose should be omitted; this may include consider all aspects, including changes of plans.
many so-called safety features and interlocking de-
vices, which often cause more trouble than they pre- Reliability Assurance
vent. Early designs of liquid-propellant rocket en-
gines indeed often suffered from an overdose of so- The emphasis on reliability must not become an
phistication and safety devices. Many of the more empty slogan. Fortunately, the rocket-engine de-
recent designs have been substantially improved in signer has certain means to achieve the highest de-
this area. Simplifications, like all other design fea- gree of reliability. One of these is an effective
tures, must be carefully planned and evaluated. "failure reporting and corrective action system
Simplification by elimination of a useful component (FRACAS)" during the monitoring of hardware test
must not become an excuse for failure to improve activities. Testing of all hardware should be moni-
that component if its absence could severely penalize tored in an organized and regimented fashion to as-
other subsystems or maintenance and servicing pro- sure identification and resolution of hardware design
cedures. and processing failures. The design~ should, at the
The counterpoint to simplicity will be redun- very least, implement a fundamental FRACAS loop.
dancy. Occasionally, the reliability of certain types This may be supplemented with a "reliability growth"
of parts are inherently too low or the consequences assessment program to appraise regularly the pro-
of the failure effect are too great to accept. Then a gress of the engine system toward the expected
redundant functional architecture may be consid- reliability performance. In many cases, a "reliability
er_ed, in which complexity, in terms of more parts, demonstration" test program may be p r o p o s e d to
will be increased to achieve a higher reliability. The determine, with "confidence," the final reliability per-
additional cost, weight, and failure modes must be formance of the engine system.

Definitions be initiated. Typical example: shutting off an engine

in a four-engine airplane and reaching destination
The definitions used in rocket-engine reliability pro- safely, although with a delay. Analogous provisions
grams vary widely with individual program require- are anticipated for manned rockets.
ments, with the object under design and develop- Man-rating. Design and operational provisions
ment, and with the missions contemplated. The def- to assure crew survival even in case of mission failure.
initions given below typify usage in actual rocket en- Thus, man-rated crew reliability typically exceeds
gine programs, and can be readily adapted to others. mission reliability. For instance, overall vehicle reli-
For the sake of clarity, irrelevant jargon and detail ability to achieve mission success may be 95%. By
have been omitted. the addition of an escape mechanism, man-rated re-
Reliability. The probability that a part or sys- liability may be increased to 99.5%. Caution is ad-
tem will function properly and, if necessary, repeat- vised not to become entirely "wrapped up" in man-
edly under rated operating conditions, within the rating at the expense of mission reliability. A single
specified load and time limits. launch of a man-carrying space vehicle costs several
Mission success. Completion of the rocket-en- h u n d r e d million dollars, all told. Investment in
gine mission objectives within specified tolerances. means to save the mission as well as the man, there-
All subsystems contribute to the success. It is an in- fore, appears to be prudent. Table B-1 illustrates this
herent characteristic of mission-success analysis and clearly. Pressing optimum reliability for spacecraft
assurance that they anticipate the probability of cer- and launch vehicle, including the engines, therefore
tain part and subsystem malfunctions, offsetting them minimizes the need for a crew-escape system.
with appropriate countermeasures (such as redun- Engine out. Design and operational provisions
dancies, emergency power sources, power and pro- in a multi-engine system to permit limited or com-
pellant reserves, etc.). plete mission continuance in case one engine fails to
Mission failure. Failure of the rocket engine to fire or malfunctions and gets shut down. This option
produce the required thrust for the specified time to can notably improve system reliability since one of
complete the mission objectives. Mission failures the engines is a redundant element.
can be classified as catastrophic, premature shut- Failure mode. The specific manner in which a
down, and "deferred." part or system malfunctions. This may be a "short"
C a t a s t r o p h i c f a i l u r e (Criticality I ) . An or "open" circuit, an incorrectly "closed" or "open"
"uncontained" failure in which the effects propagate valve, an engine out, or similar malfunction.
beyond the physical envelope of the engine system, Order o f failure. The number of components
with sufficient energy potential likely to propagate in a system that would have to fail, regardless of their
failure to adjacent systems. It is important to assess failure mode, to cause a system or mission failure.
and discriminate this type of failure from a prema- First-order failures derive from malfunction of a sin-
ture shutdown for crew safety in manned vehicles and gle component or part (i.e., "single-point" failure).
for mission success in multi-engine unmanned vehi- Second- and higher-order failures are defined in a
cles (if engine out is a viable mode of operation). like manner. Typical example: a stuck pressurizing
Premature shutdown (Criticality 11). A fail- valve causing overpressure in a vessel would rupture
ure in which the effects are contained and degrade it only if the safety valve failed to open; this would be
performance enough to trigger an engine shutdown. second-order failure. However, continuous venting of
In multi-engined vehicles with "engine-out" capa- a properly opening vent valve may prematurely de-
bility, the discrimination between catastrophic failure plete the gas supply. A thorough failure-effect analy-
and premature shutdown figures importantly in the sis will reveal all ramifications. In the example, de-
criteria for vehicle mission success. pletion would not occur instantaneously; this would
D e f e r r e d f a i l u r e (Criticality III). A failure be "deferred" failure. The designer can do some-
causing generally slow-acting and minor perfor- thing about it in advance, such as by giving the pilot
mance degradation in which continued operation of an overriding closing valve that remains completely
the engine is a consideration. Action to cope with inactive when not needed (although--not a complete
the failure will be deferred to allow analysis by the pi- blessingmthis adds weight).
lot or an automatic logic, to decide whether correc- Failure modes and effects analysis. An or-
tive action can be taken or an abort sequence should derly, hardware-based analysis listing all credible
modes in which components or parts of a system can
fail, the effects of the failures on the engine's or vehi-
cle's ability to complete the mission, and the order
Table B-1 R e l a t i o n s h i p o f v e h i c l e reliability to
flight safety. of the failures. Such an analysis should distinguish
between the prelaunch, launch, and cutoff phases. All
identified failure modes should be classified as catas-
Reliability Right Safety
trophic, premature shutdown, or "deferred." This
Spacecraft Probability hardware-to-effect approach assures that all notable
and Launch Escape of Crew pieces of hardware will be addressed and assessed.
Vehicle System Survival Fault-tree analysis. An event-based analysis
that targets specific failure-effect scenarios and then
, ,

0.50 0.998 lists all the hardware malfunctions in a graphical, hi-

0.90 0.99 0.999
erarchical "tree" (a reverse of the hardware-to-effect
0.999 0.00
, , ~
approach of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis).

Emergency detection system (EDS). T h e Functional failures. Something other than

EDS comprises the electromechanical devices, in- structural failure can cause malfunction of parts or
cluding sensors and discriminators, to detect an im- components. For instance, an "0" ring may fail to
minent malfunction. Depending on the type of fail- seal due to improper groove depth specified in the
ure ( c a t a s t r o p h i c , premature shutdown, or design; or a plunger may freeze in the bore of a guid-
"deferred"), it may initiate immediate action, or defer ing bushing, because of improper surface finish
but store a n d / o r display it in a suitable manner and/or noncompatibility of materials. The following
(timer, visual gage, or light). Inputs to the EDS must precautions will minimize possible function failures
be analyzed, selected, and provided by the designer in the design of engine components:
(in particular, the engine designer) at the outset. • Choose proven designs with an established
Noncomplex redundancy. The simultaneous service record.
function of identical equipment. Application de- • Use standard mechanical elements (bolts, nuts,
pends upon the particular failure mode to be elimi- threads, gears, pins, rivets, springs, seals, tube fittings,
nated. For a typical example, see Fig. B-1 and B-2. pistons, keys, shafts, bearings) wherever possible.
Other examples include dual (series) seals and paral- • Select simple designs, but without impairing
lel valves. flexibility. In particular, minimize the number of
Complex redundancy. The original function moving parts and sealing surfaces.
carried out by one component. Failure sensors, logic • Allow adequate functional margins in the de-
circuits, and switching devices energize an identical sign of components (spring forces, actuating powers,
standby component, when needed. The advantages supply of lubricants, supply of coolants).
obtained can be completely offset by the additional • Subject newly designed parts to extensive func-
complexity of sensing and switching circuitry. The tional testing, under simulated working and environ-
potential problem area may be merely shifted from mental conditions, before "freezing" the final config-
the equipment to the failure-detection components. uration.
However, this standby redundancy may be advanta- • Provide redundancy, a "buddy plan": where
geous for long mission times (e.g., days or weeks) one component would be sufficient, provide two of
where it may be undesirable also to subject the the same type. If one fails, the other takes over. This
backup equipment to prolonged operation. A typical can be achieved in two ways: by noncomplex and by
example: electric-power emergency battery with volt- complex redundancy. Intelligently applied, redun-
age sensor and switchover circuitry. dancy can significantly increase reliability.
• Pursue a rigorous program of continuous
Failure Modes of Engine Components product improvement.
Fatigue failures. Fatigue failures are fractures
Failure of a rocket-engine c o m p o n e n t may be at- caused by repeated loading at stresses considerably
tributed to basically three causes: functional, struc- lower than those causing failure by a single load.
tural, and process faults. They have the following They are the most common type of mechanical fail-
principal modes: functional failures, fatigue failures, ure. The ability of a part to resist fatigue failure can-
overstress and overstrain, failures pertaining to com- not be checked without destroying the part. Checking
bustion devices, failures pertaining to electrical is possible, however, through destructive endurance
devices, manufacturing and material defects, unex- tests with representative samples selected at random.
plained failures, human error, and manufacturing of Most fatigue failures start with a crack at or near
field-processing faults. an outside surface because stresses are apt to be
greatest there. The actual failure will result from
] ,[ ' gradual propagation of these cracks.
The starting point for a crack will depend upon

the geometry of the part and on surface conditions.
Any notch or other stress-raiser, being a point of
high stress concentration, may start fatigue cracks.
PRESSURE Fillet radii too small, threads, oil holes, keyways and
SWITCH :I¢ 2 similar surface irregularities all present p o t e n t i a l
sources of fatigue failure. Although a part may be de-
Fig. B-1 Noncomplex parallel redundancy. This signed to be free of geometric irregularities, having
type of redundancy guards against failure to no shoulders, grooves or the like, it may still contain
close w h e n commanded. a great number of minute stress-raisersmtool marks,
scratches, identification stamp marks, or various in-
herent discontinuities in the material itself, such as
SOLENOID inclusions of foreign matter and quenching cracks.
POWER VALVE The design engineer should make every effort to
[ PREssuRE ] [ PRESSURE 1 avoid stress concentrations in a highly stressed part
SWITCH~ I SWITCH~2 J subject to repeated loads. In the design, rigid speci-
fications should be called out for surface finishes. To
Fig. B-2 Noncomplex series redundancy. This carry repeated loads, forgings are usually preferable
type of redundancy guards against inadvertent to castings, and ductile materials to material prone to
closing; i.e., closing when not called upon to become brittle. Welded joints see almost every type
close. of stress concentration and fatigue failure. Wherever

possible, welded joints should be minimized in the exceeding values assumed during design or a combi-
design of parts subject to repeated loads. Rigid pro- nation of excessive temperatures and pressures.
cedures for welding and inspection must be called Under certain transient or unstable conditions,
out in the design. such as engine start or stop, combustion instability or
O v e r s t r e s s a n d o v e r s t r a i n . Stress analysis in abrupt pressure surges may cause a failure; see
mechanical design to prevent overstress and over- Chapter 4, "Design of Thrust Chambers and Other
strain was discussed in section 2.5.3. The interrela- Combustion Devices."
tionship of stress and reliability of mechanical parts
(as illustrated simplistically in Fig. B-3) can be evalu- E l e c t r i c a l f a i l u r e s . Although p r e d o m i n a n t l y
ated probabilistically. an assembly of mechanical parts, a modern rocket
Two stress levels exist for every part in a given engine employs a number of electrical devices with-
engine component: the working stress and the dam- out which it cannot function reliably. Electrical
aging stress at which failure occurs. The failure may components used most widely include power sources
be either a fracture or a deformation beyond allow- (batteries), converters (dc to ac), microprocessors,
able tolerances. Either will be a mean value of a dis- tranducers, wires and harnesses, connectors, switches,
tribution about a mean. The difference between the relays (electromechanical and solid-state), timers,
working and the damaging stress mean values indi- pressure switches, diodes, solenoid valves, servomo-
cates the stress reliability margin of the part. tors, and position indicators.
Deviations from the mean working stress mainly All of these devices represent, to some degree, a
reflect variations in the dimensions of the part and potential source of failure, the consequences of which
operational and environmental conditions. The dis- can be just as detrimental as failure of mechanical
tribution about the mean damaging stress results parts. By proper design and assembly instructions,
from variations in material properties, fabrication by careful selection of the elements, and by
processes, quality control, and maintenance prac- Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), the designer
tices. The area Pf, where the two distributions over- can forestall electrical failures and thus assure overall
lap, represents the probability of failure (unre- system reliability. Common points of electrical fail-
liability). ure include the following:
Close control of functional and environmental • Cold-solder spots in connectors, wirings, and
loads may decrease the variation of the working electrical elements. They often cause sporadic dis-
stress about the mean. Likewise, better materials and continuities, particularly under vibration.
strict quality control should increase the damaging- • Short circuits in wirings, connectors, and other
stress mean value and decrease the variation about electrical devices. This may be due to poor design,
the mean. Thus, the area of overlap may be substan- leaving insufficient separation between connector
tially r e d u c e d or eliminated, and reliability in- pins, lugs, and the like; or to excessive solder; or
creased. damaged insulation due to poor harness installation,
Failure o f c o m b u s t i o n d e v i c e s . Under steady- chafing under vibration, and poor handling; or over-
state operating conditions, combustion devices in load a n d / o r overheating in solenoids, moisture in
liquid-propellant rocket engines must withstand hot connectors, etc.
g a s e s - - t e m p e r a t u r e s ranging from 1000 to 6000°F. • Fused relay contacts, due to overload and/or
The walls of these devices either are made from high- incorrect current rating of the elements.
temperature-resisting (refractory) materials or are • Relay and switch contact-loss under vibration.
cooled by heat-absorbtion, ablation, and propellant- This is really an electromechanical malfunction. It
film and/or regenerative effects. Structural failure can be prevented by proper relay selection, shock-
may occur because of erosion from wall temperatures mounting, orientation of installation, or replacement
by solid-state circuitry.
• Power failure resulting from one or more of
z z the causes listed above. Preventions include emer-
(/) ~, ,., gency batteries and overload switches, c o m b i n e d
I"" =E ]I
with subcircuit isolation through diodes.
rr" ~

A liquid-propellant rocket engine usually includes

0.. a: <
o •¢g additional electrical elements as required for instru-
b. • o
mentation and t e l e m e t r y - - i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n p o w e r
supplies, end organs (sensors, pickups, thermocou-
WO.~,NG---~ / -.~G,~ [ /--0..~G,.G pies, accelerometers, position indicators), signal
conditioners (analog-to-digital), wiring, and the like.
Although, as a rule, instrumentation does not directly
g effect proper functioning of the engine system, its
failure may indirectly cause engine malfunction, by
interfering with its operation. For instance, a pres-
sure pickup may rupture and cause premature deple-
---i,- STRESS tion of a gas supply; the same event in the fuel system
may cause an engine-compartment fire; improper in-
Fig. B-3 Interrelationship o f stress and reliabil- stallation of a thermocouple may block a vital lubri-
ity as related to m e c h a n i c a l parts. cant or other line.

The engine designer's task includes engine in- As recent nuclear powerplant catastrophes attest,
strumentation. It is obvious that this peripheral sys- even a fully trained, possible very alert individual can
tem, too, will require his full attention. be subject to error. He may commit an error at a
Manufacturing and material defects. The desk while using a computer, or while connecting a
producibility of parts directly affects the reliability of number of hydraulic lines, or under stress while push-
components. Manufacturing and material defects ing buttons. The history of rocketry~is full of glaring
can be prevented only by strict process and quality examples. Whenever it happens, the most eloquent
control. The areas of quality control may be subdi- regrets are probably voiced by the designers of the
vided as follows: system involved: If someone had not done some-
• Materials inspection. The extent of inspec- thing to their perfect creation, it would have worked
tion and testing of raw materials depends upon the faultlessly. The reaction is understandable, but
nature of the part for which they will be used. wrong.
Inspection of materials includes testing for composi- For whatever reason a system failed, it obviously
tion, uniformity, mechanical properties, fabrication was not perfect. Its designer did not consider human
and heat-treating characteristics, and possibly other nature, non-ideal operating conditions, or emergency
properties, as the application may demand. situations. Clear and complete drawings, specifica-
• Traceability. By the time a materials defect is tions, and other written instructions are important,
detected, many more parts may have been made but they will not prevent, by themselves, human er-
from the same lot or batch of raw material. If accu- rors, because they can be misplaced, misread, or not
rate records have been kept on parts for which num- read at all.
bered material lots have been used, it will be possi- It is not surprising that the elimination of human
ble, without a "panic," to withdraw and replace all error, or more positively, the perfection of the inte-
parts made from the faulty lot. The importance of gration of man with the machine, is becoming an in-
accurate and complete records is obvious. dependent branch of engineering. It would be be-
• Process inspection. This refers to all shop in- yond the scope of this book to go into the details of
spections made of parts as they are being processed. "Human Engineering" or "Human Factors Analysis."
It in effect checks the performance of the operators Simply by applying mostly k n o w n methods and
and tools or equipment, and sorts out faulty parts as common sense, the rocket-engine designer can do
soon as errors are detected. much to prevent human error by the design of his
• Salvage. Someone decides whether defective parts and by mandatory actions during their build-
materials or parts can be corrected or must be ing, checking, and handling. The following are only
scrapped. typical examples of a probably infinite number of
• Final inspection. This inspection covers the ways to prevent human error by design:
completed c o m p o n e n t parts to ensure they come • Clear marking of bolts, lines, connectors, wires.
within the limits required by the design. • Use of dissimilar connectors, dissimilar
• Checking o f a c t u a l service performance. This threads, a variety of keyways, etc. to make incorrect
includes investigation of complaints and studies of electrical and mechanical connections impossible.
actual service performance of the part in the engine • Safety wiring, electrical and mechanical inter-
system (see "Failure-Reporting System"). locks.
Reliability demonstration. This is a strict, re- • Painting bright red and/or attaching bright
liability test series in which the "matured" engine sys- red streamers to auxiliary devices that must be re-
tem configuration is repeatedly tested in the same moved before operation.
configuration and mission cycle. The primary objec- • Storing of components and systems that have
tive is to statistically determine the reliability per- successfully passed all inspections and checkouts in
formance level and confidence limits for the engine locked, controlled-storage rooms.
configuration. • Simulated, mock o p e r a t i o n s ~ w i t h intentional
Reliability-growth monitoring. This is typi- attempts at improper handling, assembly, checkout,
cally a monitoring and assessment task over engi- and operation of components and s y s t e m s ~ t o assist
neering development test programs to continually "foolproofing" during development.
assess the development (i.e., "growth") in the reliabil- None of these and numerous similar steps will
ity performance of an engine system. Early successes eliminate human errors. However, they will substan-
and failures are plotted to continually check for the tially reduce the likelihood of them and thus con-
expected improvements through corrective actions tribute to overall reliability.
and process improvements.
H u m a n error. Experience with early manned Design Reviews for Reliability
rocket flights showed that certain functions could be
performed better by trained men than by automatic The reliability of a rocket engine and its components
devices. It appears certain that future spaceflight will depends on many factors. A concurrent engineering
employ combinations of automatic and manual sys- approach topped with periodic design reviews can
tems, the ratio of the two depending on mission re- bulwark reliability. In practice, a design review, the
quirements. Even u n m a n n e d missions, ostensibly progressive evaluation of a design, starts with the pre-
fully automatic, have people directly involved during liminary schematics, layouts, and specifications and
launch preparations and through postlaunch com- extends through the release of all final drawings.
mands for trajectory-correction maneuvers, informa- Those conducting reliability design reviews should
tion playback, and similar actions. include reliability specialists, design engineers, de-

velopment, test, and service engineers, and various Design reviews are valuable and cost-saving tools
specialists for structures, materials, manufacturing, for improving reliability. A group well organized and
and quality control. A minimum of three design re- staffed will assure a meaningful review and instigate
views should be made for each design: effective recommendations and actions. Complete
1) Preliminary design review. This is a prelim- documentation of all review details will provide valu-
inary review of work statements, basic concepts, able data for future reference.
schematics, layouts, and analyses. It determines de- Failures occur, from time to time, that cannot
velopment needs and results in decisions for the next readily be isolated as having originated in a given
design phases. This review should uncover misappli- c o m p o n e n t or p a r t - - b e c a u s e several causes were
cations, critical areas and marginal designs at an present simultaneously and could not tge separated,
early stage, when changes can be effected without dif- because instrumentation was inadequate, recording
ficulty. only the ultimate effects but not the cause, or because
2) Critical design review. This is the most im- an incomplete investigation was conducted, perhaps
portant review for decisions and approvals. It in- in the hope it would not happen again.
cludes formal review of all reliability aspects of lay- Classification of a failure as "unexplained" should
outs, analyses, planned development tests, and pro- never be done as a matter of convenience, but rather
curement specifications. only as a last resort if the most thorough investiga-
3) Final design review. This is the final review tion did not establish a clear cause. Complete and
of overall design layouts, detail and assembly draw- accurate records must be kept of the details associ-
ings, analyses, process specifications, and R&D test ated with the failure. Through special statistical
results, before production release. methods it may be possible to isolate the cause or
causes at a later date. Also, special instrumentation
The reviews should emphasize the following may immediately be added in the areas of suspected
points: structural integrity, function and performance, but unproven causes. But the most sophisticated ex-
customer (vehicle) connections and envelope, mate- planation of a failure cannot transform it into a suc-
rials compatibility and c o m p o n e n t interfaces, pro- cess.
ducibility and cost, reliability and repeatability, mal- Under "Man-rating" the cost of a single launch
function effects, environment and servicing, and was mentioned. Press releases give the cost of a ma-
"special" requirements. It is highly r e c o m m e n d e d jor space program as about 3.5 billion dollars a
that the agreed-to layout bear the approval signatures y e a r m l 0 million a day! To save a mission, or just a
of the groups involved. single day of preparation, by improved reliability will
A reliability checklist tailored to the individual quite clearly be worth the effort!
designs may be used as a guide during the various Likewise, the loss of a launch, or a day in the pro-
design-review phases. The "Design Check-Off Sheet" gram, is very costly indeed. The rocket-engine de-
shown in section 2.5 may serve this purpose. signer must do everything he can to prevent either.
Appendix C

Rocket Engine Materials

Liquid propellant rocket engines utilize a wide range They are susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking and
of materials; from steel alloys to thermoplastics and hydrogen embrittlement and become quite brittle at
composites. This appendix presents a brief dis- cryogenic temperatures. With the exception of 440C,
cussion of a range of material types and their general martensitic stainless steels have limited usefulness on
application in the design of liquid propellant rocket liquid propellant rocket engines. Being a high-car-
engines, bon alloy, 440C attains the highest hardness of the
stainless steels. It is widely used for bearings and
Plain-Carbon/Low-Alloy Steels other compressively loaded hardware requiring wear
Plain-carbon steels alloy iron and carbon. The low- A u s t e n i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s (300 series). The
carbon grades (0.1-0.2%) have excellent ductility and austenitic stainless steels all contain nickel in addi-
toughness and are easily formed. The medium-car- tion to the chromium. Nickel stabilizes austenite,
bon grades (0.3-0.5%) respond well to heat treatment, normally a high-temperature phase, at room temper-
and thus provide a good combination of strength ature and below. Austenite differs from martensite in
and toughness. The high-carbon grades (1.0-1.2%) many respects. The nonmagnetic austenitic stainless
are hard and wear-resistant, but have poor toughness steels are not heat-treatable, and cannot achieve the
and ductility. high strength of martensitic alloys. However, they
Low-alloy steels contain up to 2.0% alloying ele- possess good cryogenic toughness, good fabricability
ment in addition to the iron and carbon. Adding al- and weldability, excellent corrosion resistance and
loying elements to steel increases hardenability (i.e., resistance to stress-corrosion cracking, and are com-
ability to harden through thick sections). Other im- patible with oxygen and hydrogen. Relatively low
provements derived from alloy addition include im- cost, high availability, and good fabricability make
proved elevated-temperature properties, tough-hess, austenitic stainless steels an excellent choice for
and corrosion resistance. rocket-engine components where strength-to-weight
Plain-carbon and low-alloy steels are n o t good ratio is not a primary consideration.
candidates for rocket-engine hardware. Although in- Most austenitic stainless steels will be limited in
expensive, readily available, easy to fabricate, and usefulness by their low (30-ksi) room-temperature
typically high in strength, steels poorly resist atmo- yield strength. Alloy 21-6-9, a nitrogen-strengthened
spheric corrosion and will rust in ambient environ- modification, has about twice the yield strength at
ments unless protected. Also, they have a limited room temperature and three times the yield strength
range of useful operating temperatures. Most steels at -400°F of 300-series stainless steel. It does not re-
become brittle below 0°F and, on the high-tempera- quire heat treatment and possesses all of the other at-
ture side, are limited by tempering temperature, tributes of austenitic stainless steels.
which is usually below 1000°F. Plain-carbon and al- The corrosion resistance of all stainless steels
loy steels are susceptible to hydrogen-environment can be severely diminished by denying access to a
embrittlement, and are not resistant to stress-corro- plentiful supply of oxygen. For this reason, any ap-
sion cracking in some heat-treat conditions. plication which results in close laying surfaces or
crevices should be avoided. Multiply assemblies,
such as bellows, are therefore not ideal applications
Stainless Steels for stainless steels.
Moreover, a carbide precipitation characterizes
In stainless steels--iron-carbon alloys with the addi- many austenitic stainless steels when heated in the
tion of at least 12% chromium--the chromium pro- temperature range of 800-1600°F. This ,1 sensitization ,1
vides a "passive" oxide film that protects the body reduces corrosion resistance. Not only is this a limi-
from most corrosive environments. This film must tation of application temperature, but also of pro-
be maintained to ensure corrosion protection, cesses which involve heating above 800°F. The prob-
Oxygen shielding could cause deterioration of this lems of sensitization can be mitigated by utilizing
passive film, rendering the steel "active"--having low-arbon grades (304L, 316L) or stabilized grades
corrosion resistance and galvanic activity similar to (321,347) of austenitic stainless steels.
those of low-alloy steels. There are four distinct
classes of stainless steels~martensitic, austenitic, fer- F e r r i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l (405, 430, 446). Ferritic
ritic, and precipitation hardening, stainless steels see use in rocket engines for magnetic
M a r t e n s i t i c s t a i n l e s s s t e e l s (400 series ex- effects, as in solenoids. These steels have good cor-
cept 405, 430, 446). Martensitic stainless steels resem- rosion resistance, are resistant to stress-corrosion
ble low-alloy steels except they have sufficient cracking, and are compatible with liquid fuels. They
chromium to become passive. They can be heat- are low in strength, but have good ductility.
treated to high strengths, but have the poorest atmo- Precipitati°n'hardening (PH) stainless
spheric corrosion resistance of the stainless steels, s t e e l s (17-4PH, 17-7PH, PH15-7MO, A286, etc.). The


precipitation-hardening stainless steels combine resistance varies from excellent to fair; but in general
good corrosion resistance with high strength at tem- the higher-strength alloys must be anodized for at-
peratures up to 1100-1300°F. However, most of the mospheric- and galvanic-corrosion protection.
PH stainless steels are martensitic, and as such are Anodizing forms an electrically insulating layer that
susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking, hydrogen- could preclude electrical grounding.
environment embrittlement, and loss of toughness at
cryogenic temperatures. An exception, A286, Copper Alloys
austenitic steel, possesses all of the attributes of the
austenitic stainless steels coupled with high strength Copper of course has high electrical and thermal
(up to 200-ksi ultimate tensile strength in the cold- conductivity, excellent corrosion resistance, and ease
worked condition). A286 has proven to be excep- of fabrication, plus immunity to hydrogen-environ-
tionally suitable for fasteners, and has been used for ment embrittlement. Alloying elements improve its
nozzle tubing. Poor weldability limits wider applica- strength, but generally at the expense of electrical
tion of A286. JBK 75, a modification of A286, is not and thermal conductivity. For example, 2% beryl-
susceptible to weld cracking and therefore has appli- lium can increase ultimate tensile strength of copper
cability for rocket-engine hardware. from 30 to 200 ksi; but the electrical conductivity of
beryllium copper is only 20% of pure copper.
Iron-Base SuperaIIoys The more widely used copper alloys--brass
(copper and zinc), phosphor bronze (copper and
The iron-base low-expansion superalloys have exten- tin), and beryllium copper (copper and b e r y l l i u m ) -
sive application in liquid-propellant rocket engines have strength increasing in the order listed.
because they provide high strength, low coefficient of The major application of copper alloys in rocket
thermal expansion, and resistance to hydrogen-envi- engines is for high-heat-flux applications, such as
ronment embrittlement (HEE). These iron-nickel- combustion chambers. Their high thermal conduc-
cobalt alloys retain excellent properties from-423 to tivities minimize thermal gradients and resulting
1200°F, are resistant to stress-corrosion cracking, and thermal stresses. Narloy A is a copper-silver alloy
are readily weldable. However, lack of resistance to with thermal conductivity equivalent to pure copper,
corrosion limits the use of them. but with moderately high strength to 800°F. Narloy-Z,
Incoloy 903 was the first of these alloys to find with a zirconium addition, improves ductility and fa-
widespread application to structural components op- tigue life, and extends the operating range to 1000°F.
erating in gaseous hydrogen or hydrogen-rich steam. These alloys are available in the cast as well as
It also can be used as an overlay to provide HEE pro- wrought form. Copper alloys also serve as electrical
tection to welds of non-HEE-resistant alloys. Incoloy conductors, conductive springs, and bearings and
903 can be thermomechanically processed (TMP) for bushings.
improved high-temperature stress-rupture properties.
Incoloy 907 offers~ better stress-rupture properties Nickel-Base Alloys
without requiring the TMP procedure. Incoloy 909
offers better low-cycle fatigue life and a simplified Nickel-base alloys comprise some 65% of the weight
heat-treat cycle, which is compatible with that for of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. These alloys de-
Inconel 718. The weldability of Incoloy 907 has been rive their widespread usage in rocket engines from
rated higher than that of Incoloy 903, and Incoloy superior corrosion resistance, high-temperature oxi-
909 has been shown to be the most weldable of the dation resistance, retention of useful properties over
group. a wide temperature range, and, in many cases, very
unique physical properties. The nickel-base alloys
Aluminum Alloys can be divided into three groups, based on applica-
Aluminum alloys are low in cost, easily fabricated, The first group---nickel-base alloys used mainly
and readily available, but are limited in rocket-engine for superior corrosion resistance--include Nickel 200,
usage by maximum operating temperature. The high- the monel alloys, Inconel 600, Inconel 625, and elec-
strength wrought alloys (i.e., 2024, 7075) are limited to tro-deposited (ED) nickel. Inherently corrosion-re-
200-300°F while the cast alloys such as Tens-50 and sistant, nickel does not depend upon a metastable
356 can be used in the 300-400°F range. The devel- passive film for protection; and, being strongly elec-
opment of aluminum-base-metal matrix composites tronegative, it is not susceptible to galvanic corrosion
has extended the operational limits of wrought alu- when in contact with most other metals. Monels, al-
minum alloys to the 800-900°F range. However, lim- loys of nickel and copper, besides having good cor-
ited availability, high cost, and difficulties in fabrica- rosion resistance, have useful magnetic properties at
tion have been deterrents to the use of these com- cryogenic temperature and high resistance to igni-
posites in rocket engines. All of the aluminum alloys tion in oxygen. The Inconel alloys, composed of
are light in weight, resistant to hydrogen embrittle- nickel-chromium-iron, resist oxidation at tempera-
ment, and (most) have excellent cryogenic proper- tures up to 1800°F.
ties. Caution should be exercised with aluminum ap- The second group, the nickel-base superalloys, re-
plications in oxygen systems because of low ignition tain high strength at elevated temperatures. Alloy
temperature. 718, the workhorse of this group, has high strength up
The casting alloys, low-strength wrought alloys, to 1300°F, good cryogenic ductility, and good weld-
and moderate-strength 6061 are weldable. Corrosion ability. Fine-grained material should be specified for

parts to be electron-beam-welded. Higher-tempera- nium alloys are most commonly used at cryogenic
ture applications exploit Rene' 41, Waspaloy, and temperatures: Ti-5AI-2.5Sn ELI and Ti-6A1-4V ELI. In
MAR-M-246. the ELI (extra-low interstitial) grade of these alloys,
The third group, the special-application alloys, good cryogenic toughness is achieved by controlling
includes Nichrome (for electrical-resistance heating the interstitial elements oxygen, nitrogen, carbon,
elements), chromel and alumel (for thermocouples), and hydrogen, and the substitutional element iron, to
and Incoloys and Invar (for low-thermal-expansion much lower than normal levels. Typically, Ti-6AI-4V
applications). ELI is used to -320°F while the higher-toughness Ti-
All of the nickel-base alloys resist corrosion and 5AI-2.5Sn ELI is used as low as -423°F. However, Ti-
stress corrosion and are oxygen-compatible, but are 6AI-4V ELI can be employed at -423°F if the compo-
susceptible to hydrogen-environment embrittlement nent design compensates for its lower ductility and
(HEE) at temperatures above -200°F. HEE in nickel- toughness.
base alloys can be prevented by avoiding plastic Titanium and titanium alloys are classified into
strains or, this being impractical, by providing a pro- three major categories according to the predominant
tective barrier, such as electroplating with copper or phases present in their microstructure: alpha, alpha-
gold or overlaying by weld deposition with a nonsus- beta, and beta alloys. Although non-heat-treatable,
ceptible alloy. alpha alloys offer high toughness, are more oxida-
tion-resistant than alpha-beta or beta alloys, are us-
Cobalt Alloys able up to about 1000°F, and are relatively difficult to
form. Ti-5AI-2.5Sn is an example of an alpha alloy.
Cobalt-base alloys, like nickel alloys, offer excellent Alpha-beta alloys, such as Ti-6AI-4V, are heat-treat-
high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance. able to higher-strength levels, are usable to 800°F and
Unlike the nickel alloys, cobalt alloys are immune to in some instances to 1000°F, and are somewhat more
HEE. formable than alpha alloys. However, alpha-beta al-
Alloy 188, a corrosion- and heat-resistant alloy, loys ordinarily would not be used in the fully-heat-
exhibits outstanding oxidation and creep resistance treated condition because its heat-treat response is
up to 2100°F. Although not hardenable by heat limited to relatively thin sections (--1.0 in.) and its
treatment, 188 has moderate room-temperature fracture toughness decreases significantly with in-
strength and good cryogenic properties. It also has creasing strength level. Beta alloys are generally
good resistance to corrosion and stress-corrosion quite formable at room temperature, are usable up to
cracking and can be readily welded, including by approximately 600"F, and are heat-treatable to rela-
electron-beam welding. tively high strength (e.g., -190 ksi) in thick sections
Elgiloy, a cobalt-base alloy, has found widespread while still retaining good toughness. The disadvan-
usage for springs. The alloy has high strength and tages of beta alloys are a higher density, lower oxida-
good corrosion resistance, and is nonmagnetic. tion resistance and lower toughness at cryogenic
Elgiloy derives its strength from a combination of temperatures. Examples of beta alloys include Ti-
heat treatment and cold work. It has a maximum use 10V-2Fe-3AI, Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr, and Ti-15V-3AI-
temperature of approximately 700°F. 3Cr-3Sn.
Most titanium alloys can be welded, although
Titanium Alloys welding requires the hardware to be thoroughly clean
and the operation to be performed in a high-purity
Titanium alloys possess high strength-to-weight ratios inert gas (Ar, He) or vacuum. Titanium and titanium
and good toughness, as well as excellent corrosion alloys are available as sheet, strip, plate, bar, forgings,
resistance and resistance to stress corrosion cracking. extrusions, tubing, and castings.
However, titanium alloys are susceptible to hydrogen
embrittlement at temperatures above -ll0°F, and are Thermoplastic Materials
not compatible with gaseous or liquid oxygen or with
red fuming nitric acid, at any temperature. Titanium Thermoplastics, polymeric materials that can be
alloys also are incompatible with the products of formed or reformed by melting or softening with
combustion from many propellants; these factors heat, serve well as electrical insulation and seals.
limit their usefulness in liquid-propellant rocket en- They include fluorocarbons, nylon, polycarbonate,
gine systems. They can be applied, however, in fuel and amide-imide materials. Of these, the fluorocar-
systems involving propellants such as liquid hydro- bon polymers find the greatest number of applica-
gen, monomethyl hydrazine (MMH), and kerosene tions in liquid-propellant rocket engine design.
(RP-1). They also are compatible, under certain cir- Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), fluorinated ethylene
cumstances, with nitrogen tetroxide (NTO). Titanium propylene (FEP), and polychlorotrifluoroethylene
alloys have found use in liquid-propellant rocket en- (Kef-F) with or without fillers or reinforcing fibers
gine systems for pump impellers and inducers, valve find extensive use in rocket engines for seals and
bodies, pump housings, high-pressure fuel ducts, hy- coatings for seals due to the compatibility of these
draulic tubing, pressure bottles, struts, gimbal blocks, materials with oxygen and their properties in both
propellant-storage bottles, and nozzles. liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.
The most demanding applications have been for
use at cryogenic temperatures, where titanium alloys Elastomers
offer some of the highest strength-to-weight ratios of Elastomersna multitude of polymers that have high
presently available engineering materials. Two tita- elongation within the elastic rangeninclude all of the

A thermoplas"c requires
heat (thermo) to make d ABS (acryionite-butadiene-styr erie)
formable (plastic) and alter Acetal (homopolymers and copolymers) Acetal Dekin (e)
- 1 coolincj can be reheated Acrylic (modilMedand unmodified)
and reformed into new Cellulosics Celluloid
shapes a number of times Fluoroplastics (TFE, CTFE. FEP.PVFz) Polylelralluoroethylene Teflon (e)
withoul sicjnificant chancje Ionomer
,in properlies. MeIWI pentenes
Nylons (polyamides) Polyamide Type 6/6 Nylon Zytet (e)
I Polymeis builtup from simpler Phenoxy
chemicals called,monomers. I Polyallomer
Polyethylene Hicjl~:lenslty Polyet~lene Marlex (m)
Polylmlde Polyimide Vespel (e)
Phenylene oxide
Polypropyiene Unmodified Polypropylene Moplen (s)
HOMOPOLYMERS Po~myls Polyvr~/I Fluoride Tedlar (e)
Homopolymers are composed Chlorinated Polyelher Chlorinated Polyether Hypalon (a)
of single, repeatin0monomer Polyvmylidenes PolyvinylKlene Chloride Saran (I)
urns which make up the mole- im


combinatmn I
of monomers I A ther~al - A~yd
is used to I (thermo)to make its shape Amf)os (urea and melamine)
manufacture ~ permanent (set). Atler a Allyls (dtallyl phlhatate -DAP)
~::ofd~f:me~ --" lhermoset is formed ,nto
A hi~ molecular weicjt'rtcom- permanem shape, usually Furanresins
pound, natural or synthetic, of plaslics, wilh heat and pressure, it Phenobc
[ MONOMER l whose structure can usually canno( be remeRedand re- Polyester Polyesler Mylar (e)
I A}etatively ~ . be representedby a repeated formed. .... Polyurethane
simple corn small unit.the met: e.g., poly- Sdicone
pound who eOlylene, rubber, cellulose ._~ CRYSTALLINEPOLYMERS
can reacl t(
form a po~y by addition or conOensation Natural Rubber Crude Rubber
mer. polymerization of monomers. Isobutylene Isoprene Rubber (IIR) Butyl or GR--1 H/car (a)
Some polymers are elas- ] ELASTOMERS
Nftrile ButadmneRubber (NBR) Buna--N Polysar (c)
tomers, some plastics, and A materialwhich, Choioroprene Rubber (CR) Neoprene or GR-N Neoprene (e)
some are fibers (chain-like at room tempera- Silicone Rubber Silicone Rubber
molecules). lure, slrelches _ PolysuffideRubber (f'9[)iokol (h)
under low stress

_ PolyurethaneElastomer C~migum (I)

lo at least lwice
fls length and
Chlorosultonated Polyethylene
V~/lidene fluoride Hexafluoropropylene
Hypalon (e)
Viton (e)
snaps back to its Fluorosdicone Silastic (t)
Copolymers are composed of ortginal length Polytrffluorochloroerhytene (CTFE) KeI-F (k)
~o or more different chemical upon release of Styrene Buladlene Rubber (SBR) Buna-S or GR-S Philprene (m)
monomer Lineswhich are re- stress. Polybuta(kene (BR) Diene (o)
acted to form l~ polymer Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) Dutral (p)
chain. Polyacrylate (Polyacrylic) Trliacnl (h)

MANUFACTURERS(Products not listed 1or all)

COPOLYMERSYSTEMS (ai B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co. '.... (i) GoodyearTile and P,ul~er Co. '(s) ChemoreCorp.
Random Copolymer (b) EnlayChemical Co. (k) MinnesotaMmmcjand Mlg. Co. (u(0) HerculesPowder Co., Inc.
AIternatincjCopolymer (c) PolymerCorp., Lid (I) Dow CornmcjCorp. Allied Chemical Corp.
Block Copolymer (cl) FirestoneTwe and Rubber Co. (m) Phd~s PetroleumCo. (v) UnitedStales Stoneware Co.
Graft Copoiymer (e) E.I. duPont deNemours (n) NancjatuckC~mical (w) Monsanto CheBcal Co.
(f) GeneralElectric (o) firestone Synthetic Rubber Corp. (x) PennsaltChemicals Corp.
(g) UnionCarbon & Carbide (p) NontecantiniSoc. Gen (y) CelanesePolymer Co.
(h) ThiokolChemical Corp. (q) AvisunCorp.
(0 MobayChemicaICo (r) KoppersCo.

Fig. C-1 Polymeric materials--terminologies and relationships.

rubber materials noted in Fig. C-1 that find extensive seals of gas-turbine drives of turbopumps, and coat-
use in O-ring seals, gasket-type seals, electrical insula- ings to protect metals from high-temperature gases.
tion, vibration dampers, etc. These materials are also
used for adhesives, sealants, formed-in-place seals, Composites
and potting of electrical components.
A composite has a matrix materal reinforced in ran-
Nitrile rubbers find considerable use because re-
dom or oriented form with a special fiber, tape, fab-
sistant to oxidation and hydraulic fluids. They do
ric, etc. Examples would be glass-fiber-filled polyte-
not take a permanent set for long periods of time.
trafluoroethylene (PTFE), tape-wrapped ablative plas-
Consequently, these rubbers find much use in O-ring
tics, fabric-reinforced epoxy sheets, filament-wound
seals of hydraulic and pneumatic components.
thrust-chamber shells, etc. Composites find a wide
Silicone rubber, an extensively used sealant and
range of uses in liquid-propellant rocket engine de-
potting compound, has been exploited primarily due
sign, such as in seals, thrust-chamber structure, elec-
to its ease of application and wide usable-tempera-
trical printed wiring-boards, and ball-bearing separa-
ture range of-165-500°F. Fluorocarbon rubber is used
tors. The matrix may be carbon, metallic, polymeric,
w h e n the application requires compatibility with
or ceramic. Three types of composites might be dis-
oxygen or when the use temperature is in the range
tringuished: structural plastics, ablatives, and carbon-
of 300-375°F.
carbon composites.
Special designs may call for other elastomers,
S t r u c t u r a l p l a s t i c s . Choice of thermosetting
with unique properties. For example, resin-cured
resin such as an epoxy, phenolic, or polyimide for
butyl has been found to provide excellent seals in
fabricating a laminate will depend upon the thermal
NTO and/or hydrazine for short periods (i.e., under
and adhesive properties required. Epoxy resins offer
one hour).
high adhesive strength, but are more severely limited
in maximum use-temperatures. Other resins such as
Carbons and Ceramics
the phenolics or polyimides have very good high-
Pressed-carbon materials and various ceramics find temperature characteristics, but at the expense of
use in throat inserts for ablative engines, dynamic lowered adhesion and greater fabrication difficulties.

Reinforcements used in t h e laminated structure have been coated with some form of silicon carbide
may take the form of layers of fabric, random place- (with or without glass formers) to prevent oxidation.
ment of short fibers, or very precise placement of
continuous filaments through the use of filament Adhesives
winding or lay-up of collimated tapes. The exact type
Polymeric and ceramic materials are also used in
and form of reinforcement will d e p e n d u p o n the
adhesive applications on rocket engines. In general,
mechanical properties that are to be derived from it.
silicones are used for sealants and bonding applica-
For example, a cover requiring low mechanical
tions requiring good peel-strength at temperatures in
strength and rigidity might be made of r a n d o m
the range o f - 1 6 5 - 500°F; epoxies for high bond
fibers of glass sprayed onto a form with the resin
shear-strength from -65°F to as high as 350°F; epoxy-
added simultaneously, while a structural shell for a
phenolics for good bond shear-strength from liquid-
small thrust chamber might well be produced by fil-
helium temperature to 500°F; and polyurethanes
ament-winding a resin-preimpregnated graphite so as
when bonding must be done with contact pressure
to produce a structure with high strength and rigidity.
without elevated-temperature cure and the material
A b l a t i v e s . Rocket ablatives~materials that can
must exhibit good peel and shear strength at a cryo-
"sacrificially" cool a thrust chamber or n o z z l e ~ u s u -
genic temperature. Pressure-sensitive-adhesives hav-
ally are fabric-reinforced phenolic or rubber-modi-
ing a natural rubber base find use on tapes where the
fied-phenolic laminated materials. The reinforcing
adhesive must be completely removed with the tape.
fabric is placed in the formed structure at some pre-
determined angle to the expected flow of the hot gas.
The matrix material and the reinforcing material are
each selected for performance with the propellants Although s o m e hydrocarbon lubricants used for
to be used and the duty cycle of the thrust chamber rocket engines typify those for automotive purposes
or nozzle. (i.e., gear cases), most will have to be selected on the
The phenolic or rubber-modified-phenolic resins basis of propellant compatibility. As a result, few
have found the greatest use. They offer a high-tem- greases or oils are used. If needed, a grease will usu-
perature-resistant matrix with predictable properties ally be based on a fluorocarbon oil. Because most
w h e n exposed to the hot gas of the rocket engine. oils and greases become brittle at cryogenic temper-
They form a structural char and provide a cooling atures, dry-film lubrication is most often used, the lu-
gas at the hot surface as they pyrolize. The use of bricant usually being pure m o l y b d e n u m disulfide
rubber modification yields a somewhat lower abla- powder sprayed onto the component surfaces with
tion rate, but keeps the structure from delaminating. some binding agent (usually a resin if a fuel envi-
Reinforcements for ablative c o m p o n e n t s will ronment or a phosphate material if oxidizer).
usually be selected on the basis of the oxidizer.
Oxygen-based oxidizers demand the use of a fiber re- Platings, Surface Finishes, Coatings
inforcement that will not oxidize and that has a high Components are sometimes given a surface finish to
melting point plus high viscosity when melted, such assure corrosion resistance. It can be applied either
as silica glass and quartz, which tend to protect the by electroplating or by an electrolysis process, a
char from oxidizing rapidly even though there is a chemical film, or a paint. Coatings are also used to
high percentage of water vapor in the combustion give a soft chemical-resistant sealing surface to pres-
gases of the thrust chamber. A fluorine-based oxi- sure-assisted seals.
dizer develops the combustion products that rapidly Chromium and nickel are examples of plating
attack quartz and other glass, forming fibrous materi- materials commonly used. An anodized surface is an
als. This propellant demands reinforcements of car- example of a chemical-conversion coating. Zinc or
bon or graphite. strontium chromate-containing paints are commonly
Carbon-carbon c o m p o s i t e s . Carbon-carbon used to protect a variety of metals against corrosion.
c o m p o s i t e s ~ m a t e r i a l s with some type of amor- Many alloys protect against corrosion with an ox-
phous-carbon matrix reinforced by fibrous carbon or ide film. To assure the formation of this film, the
g r a p h i t e ~ f i n d use as thermal shields and nozzle component will often be given a chemical treatment
extensions. In all of the uses associated with liquid- ("passivated") to assure formation of the protective
propellant rocket engine design, these composites oxide.
List o f Illustrations

1-1 Evolution of Modern Cryogenic-Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines at Rocketdyne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1-2 Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-3 Titan III First-Stage Booster Engines--Aerojet's LR87-AJ-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-4 Centaur's Main Propulsion Engines--Pratt and Whitney Aircraft RL-10-3-3-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-5 Engine Schematic for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft RL-10-3-3-A, Depicting Major Subsystems . . . . . . . 3
1-6 Typical T u r b o p u m p Fed Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1-7 Pressure Balance on the Chamber and Nozzle Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1-8 Altitude Performances of the H-1 Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1-9 Gas Flow Within Liquid-Propellant-Rocket Thrust Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1-10 Loss of Total Pressure for Two Typical Values as a Function of the
Nozzle Contraction Area Ratio c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1-11 Thrust and Pressure Distribution in an O v e r e x p a n d e d De Laval Nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1-12 Variations of Isentropic Pressure Ratio and Mach N u m b e r with Area Ratio in
Converging and Diverging Sections of De Laval Nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1-13 Straight Cylindrical Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1-14 Cylindrical Thrust C h a m b e r With Convergent Nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1-15 Redesign of Thrust Chamber With Divergent Nozzle Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1-16 Effect of e on Engine Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1-17 Altitude Thrust Coefficient as Function of Area Ratio and Specific Heat Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2-1 Flowchart for Rocket-Engine Preliminary Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2-2 Typical Rocket-Engine Performance vs. Altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2-3 Typical Thrust-Decay Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2-4 Theoretical Thrust Chamber Performance vs. Mixture Ratio for N 2 0 4 / N 2 H 4 at pc =
1,000 psia Shifting Equilibrium and Optimum Sea-Level Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2-5 Early Progress in Ratio of Thrust to Engine Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2-6 Propulsion Systems for Saturn V-Apollo Lunar Landing Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2-7 Apollo 10 Lunar Mission Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2-8 Typical Single-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicle, Mission Profile, and Trade Study Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2-9 Basic Cycles for Pump-Fed Liquid-Propellant Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2-10 Pump-Fed Liquid Power Cycles of Propellant Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2-11 Candidate Thrust-Chamber Nozzle Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2-12 Gas Generated (GG) Cycle Performance Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2-13 Staged-Combustion-Cycle Performance Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2-14 Thrust-Chamber Weight Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2-15 T u r b o p u m p Weight Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2-16 System (Ducting, Pressurization, etc.) Weight Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2-17 Miscellaneous (Valves, Controls, GGs, PBs, Manifolds) Weight Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2-18 Engine Weight Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2-19 Thrust-to-Weight Ratios for GG Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2-20 Typical Engine-System Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2-21 Typical Engine-System S e q u e n c e Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3-1 A-1 Engine Performance Diagram ....................................................... 56

3-2 Preliminary Layout of A-1 First-Stage Engine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3-3 A-2 Stage Engine-System Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3-4 Preliminary Layout of A-2 Stage Engine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3-5 A-2 Stage Engine-System Sequence Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3-6 A-3 Stage Engine-System Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3-7 Preliminary Layout of A-3 Stage Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3-8 A-3 Stage Engine and Propulsion System Operational Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3-9 A-4 Stage Engine and Propulsion System Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3-10 Preliminary Layout of A-4 Stage Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3-11 A-4 Stage Engine Operational Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


List o f Illustrations (Continued)

4-1 T h r u s t - C h a m b e r Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4-2 T h r u s t - C h a m b e r Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4-3 Theoretical O2/RP-2 Combustion Data. Frozen composition; (Pc)ns = 1,000 psia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4-4 Theoretical O 2 / H 2 Combustion Data. Frozen composition; (Pc)ns = 800 psia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4-5 Theoretical F2/H2 Combustion Data. Frozen composition; (Pc)ns = 100 psia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4-6 Theoretical N 2 0 3 / N 2 H 4 Combustion Data. Frozen composition; (Pc)ns = 100 psia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4-7 Effect of L* on c* Value of Experimental Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4-8 Frequently Used Geometrical Shapes for Combustion Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4-9 Contraction Ratio Relationships Used in Scaling Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4-10 C h a m b e r Length Relationships Used in Scaling Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4-11 Elements of Basic Cylindrical C o m b u s t i o n C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4-12 Conical Nozzle Contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4-13 Bell Nozzle Contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4-14 Thrust Efficiency vs Bell Nozzle Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4-15 Parabolic Approximation of Bell Nozzle Contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4-16 On and 0e as Function of Expansion Area Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4-17 Comparison of Nozzle Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4-18 E-D Nozzle at Low Altitude Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4-19 E-D Nozzle at High Altitude Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4-20 Aerodynamic Spike Flow Field Illustrated Under Altitude Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4-21 Nozzle P e r f o r m a n c e C o m p a r i s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4-22 Cluster Nozzle Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4-23 Linear Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4-24 A-1 Stage Engine Thrust Chamber, Internal Configuration Layout: E = 14,
80% Bell, L* = 45 in., ec = 1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4-25 A-2 Stage Engine Thrust Chamber, Internal Configuration Layout: e = 40,
75% Bell, L* = 26 in., ec = 1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4-26 A-3 Stage Engine Thrust Chamber, Internal Configuration Layout: e = 35,
70% Bell, L* = 28 in., ec = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4-27 A-4 Stage Engine Thrust Chamber, Internal Configuration Layout: e = 35,
70% Bell, L* = 32 in., •c = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4-28 Values of Correction Factor ~ for Property Variation Across Boundary Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4-29 Thermal Resistance of Carbon Deposit o n C h a m b e r Walls LO2/RP-1,
Mixture Ratio = 2.35, (Pc)ns = 1,000 psia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4-30 Heat Transfer Schematic for Regenerative Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4-31 Heat Flux vs Coolant Side Wall T e m p e r a t u r e of Typical Propellant in
Various Heat Transfer Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4-32 Coaxial Shell Thrust C h a m b e r Cutaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4-33 SSME Main C o m b u s t i o n C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4-34 Circular Tube Wall of Regeneratively Cooled Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4-35 Elongated Tube Wall of Regeneratively Cooled Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4-36 Typical Regeneratively Cooled Tube Wall Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4-37 Detail of Injector Manifolding and Return Manifold of Typical Regeneratively Cooled
Tube Wall Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4-38 Typical Channel Wall Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4-39 Flightweight XLR-132 Thrust Chamber Showing 1-1/2-Pass, Longitudinal,
Coolant Channel in Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4-40 Hot-Gas Heat Transfer Coefficient Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4-41 Sample O u t p u t of the REGEN C o m p u t e r Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4-42 Curvature E n h a n c e m e n t Factor Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4-43 Typical D u m p - C o o l e d C h a m b e r Fabrication Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4-44 Film-Cooling Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4-45 Experimental Hydrogen/Oxygen, Film-Cooled Thrust Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4-46 Effect of Outer Zone Mixture Ratio Bias on Combustion C h a m b e r Heat Flux
(LOX/RP-1 at 2,000 psi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4-47 Transpiration Cooling Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
LIST O F I L L U S T R A T I O N S 407

List o f Illustrations (Continued)

4-48 Ablatively Cooled Thrust C h a m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4-49 Ablatively Cooled Thrust C h a m b e r with Throat Insert for High C h a m b e r
Pressure Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4-50 Schematic of Radiation Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4-51 Baffled Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4-52 Velocity Effects in Injector Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4-53 Concentric Ring Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4-54 Integral Face Plate Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4-55 Bipropellant Gas Generator Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4-56 Types of Injector Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4-57 Typical Injector Element Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4-58 Resultant Angle of Impinging Streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4-59 Pintle Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4-60 Lance Sustainer Pintle Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4-61 LOX Post Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4-62 Disposable Solid Propellant Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4-63 Schematic of Monopropellant Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4-64 Liquid Bipropellant Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4-65 Cross Section of SSME P o w e r h e a d Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4-66 Schematic Diagram of Thrust Chamber Gas Tapoff System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4-67 Radially Outward Firing Pyrotechnic Igniter for Center of Injector Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4-68 Gas Generator Igniter With Built-In Fusible Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4-69 Hypergol Slug Cartridge and Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4-70 Spark Igniter Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4-71 Integral Ignition Exciter and Spark Plug Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4-72 Augmented Spark Igniter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
4-73 Combustion Wave Ignition System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
4-74 Resonance Igniter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
4-75 Schematic of a Rocketdyne AR-1 Superperformance Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4-76 Three Modes of Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
4-77 Injection-Coupled Acoustic Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4-78 Typical Chug Instability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
4-79 Combustion Chamber Divergent Wall Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
4-80 Radial and Axial Acoustic Cavities in Combustion Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
4-81 Combustion C h a m b e r Perturbation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
4-82 Bomb-Induced Instabili W Data, Coaxial Injector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

5-1 Helium Pressurization System Without Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

5-2 Helium Pressurization System Using Thrust-Chamber Heat Exchangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5-3 Helium Cascade System ....................................................... 139
5-4 Helium Pressurization System Using Heaters in Storage Vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
5-5 Estimated Pressure Drops for A-4 Stage Oxidizer Tank Pressurization System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
5-6 Thrust-Chamber Heat Exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5-7 Typical Heat-Exchanger Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5-8 A-2 Stage Propellant-Tank Pressurization System (Schematic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5-9 Typical Solid-Propellant Gas Generator Pressurization System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5-10 Solid-Propellant Gas Generator Without Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5-11 Solid-Propellant Gas Generator With Solid Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5-12 Solid-Propellant Gas Generator With Azide Cooling Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-13 Helium System With Heating by Solid-Propellant Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-14 Single Liquid-Propellant-Gas-Generator With Injection Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
5-15 Single Liquid-Propellant-Gas-Generator Helium System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5-16 Dual Bipropellant Gas-Generator System With Injection Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5-17 Main-Propellant-Tank Dual Direct Injection System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5-18 Main-Propellant-Tank Series Direct Injection System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

List o f Illustrations (Continued)

6-1 Range of Operation for Typical Propellant Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

6-2 Rocket Engine Turbine Design Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 155
6-3 Pump Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6-4 Elements of a Centrifugal-Flow Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6-5 SSME HPFTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6-6 Elements of an Axial-Flow Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6-7 SSME LPOTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6-8 Two-Blade-Row Inducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6-9 Turbine Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6-10 Single-Stage, Single-Rotor Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6-11 Single-Stage, Two-Rotor, Velocity-Compounded Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6-12 Two-Stage, Pressure-Compounded Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6-13 Reaction Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6-14 Typical Turbine Power Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6-15 Principal T u r b o p u m p Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
6-16 Major Elements of a Geared T u r b o p u m p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6-17 Typical T u r b o p u m p Gears and Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6-18 SSME HPOTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6-19 Engine System Resistance and Pump Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
6-20 Relationship Between the Pump Specific Speeds and Pump Impeller Geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6-21 Typical Cavitation Characteristics of a Pump Operated at Rated Design Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
6-22 Effects of N, (NPSH) c and Nss on Turbopump Selection for a Typical LO2/RP-1
Booster-Stage Rocket Engine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
6-23 Variation of Pump Efficiency with Specific Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
6-24 H-Q, Efficiency, and Required Power Characteristic Curves of a Typical Centrifugal Pump . . . . . . . . 172
6-25 Effect of Turbine-Inlet Temperature on Working-Fluid Available Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6-26 Effect of Turbine Pressure Ratio on Working-Fluid Available Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6-27 Typical Efficiency Curves of Impulse-Type Turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6-28 Trimming Effects of a Typical Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6-29 Typical Off-Design Characteristics of Various Types of Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6-3O Propellant-Flow and Chamber-Pressure Transient Characteristics During Engine-System Start . . . . . 175
6-31 Velocity Diagrams for a Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6-32 Pump Speed and Diameter as a Function of Supplied Inlet Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6-33 Suction-Specific-Speed Capability With No T h e r m o d y n a m i c Suppression Head Benefit . . . . . . . . . . 176
6-34 Suction Specific Speed Achieved in Cryogenics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6-35 Typical Shrouded Centrifugal Impeller With Backward Curved Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6-36 Flow-Velocity Diagrams for the Impeller Shown in Figure 6-35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6-37 Impeller Head Coefficient as a Function of Discharge Flow Coefficient, Blade Number,
and Blade Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
6-38 Impeller Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
6'39 Plain-Volute and Vaned-Diffuser-Volute Centrifugal Pump Casings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
6-40 Plain Volute Casing of a Centrifugal Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
6-41 Potential Volute Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6-42 Typical Double-Tongue and Double-Discharge Volute Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6-43 Typical Layout of the Diffuser for a Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6-44 Balancing Axial Thrusts of a Centrifugal Pump by the Balance-Chamber Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
6-45 Balance-Piston Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
6-46 Effect of Vane Height on the Performance of an Axial-Flow Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
6-47 H-Q, 1"1-Q Data for Axial Pump With Stall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
6-48 Inducer, Inducer Stator, Impeller Rotor, and Impeller Stator of an Axial-Flow Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
6-49 Vane Elements and Flow-Velocity Diagrams of Axial-Flow Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6-5O Axial-Flow Pump Volute Casing and Balance-Piston Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6-51 Typical Single-Stage, Two-Rotor, Velocity-Compounded Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
6-52 Two-Stage Reaction Turbine for SSME HPFTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
6-53 Typical Steps in the Turbine Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
6-54 Example of a Forced-Vortex-Design Rotor Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
LIST O F I L L U S T R A T I O N S 409

List o f Illustrations (Continued)

6-55 Nozzles, Rotor Blades, and Velocity Diagrams of a Typical Single-Stage Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . 198
6-56 Effect of Number of Active Arcs on Partial Admission Turbine Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
6-57 Typical Rotor-Blade Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
6-58 Velocity Diagrams of a Typical Single-Stage, Two-Rotor, Velocity-Compounded
Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. 203
6-59 Velocity Diagrams of a Typical Two-Stage, Two-Rotor, Pressure-Compounded
Impulse Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
6-60 SSME HPFTP Turbine Velocity Diagram at Full Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
6-61 Dynamic Response of a Simple System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
6-62 Effect of Rotor Supports on Critical Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
6-63 D a m p e d Critical Speed Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
6-64 Stability of a Simple Rotor System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
6-65 Graphical Representation of Rotor Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
6-66 Typical Ball-Bearing Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
6-67 Typical Roller-Bearing Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
6-68 Typical Duplex-Pair Arrangements of Ball Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
6-69 Typical Hydrostatic-Bearing Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6-7O Face Contact Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
6-71 Segmented Shaft-Riding Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
6-72 Floating-Ring Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
6-73 Convergent Tapered-Face Hydrostatic Face Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
6-74 Rayleigh-Step Hydrodynamic Face Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
6-75 Spiral-Groove Hydrodynamic Face Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
6-76 Labyrinth-Seal Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 214
6-77 Effect of Labyrinth Design on Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
6-78 Typical Seal System for Separating High-Pressure Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
6-79 Assembly Design Layout of the Hypothetical A-1 Stage Engine Turbopump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

7-1 Propellant-Mixture-Ratio Control Loop for the A-4 Stage Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7-2 Propellant-Utilization-Control System for the A-4 Stage Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
7-3 Typical Schematic of a Thrust-Vector-Control System Using Hydraulic or
Pneumatic Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
7-4 Typical Schematic for a Thrust-Vector-Control System Using
Electromechanical Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
7-5 Engine Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
7-6 Secondary Injection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
7-7 CCM System D e v e l o p m e n t Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
7-8 CCM System D e v e l o p m e n t Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
7-9 Orbital Transfer Vehicle Engine Control SystemmTop-Level-Function Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
7-10 SSME Block 11 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
7-11 Block Diagram of an Open-Loop Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
7-12 Block Diagram of a Closed-Loop Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
7-13 CCM Design of an Expert/Adaptive Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
7-14 Time-Response Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
7-15 Multiloop System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
7-16 Multivariable Feedback Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
7-17 Control System for Multiple Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
7-18 Multiloop Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7-19 Compressible Orifice Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7-20 Bipropellant-Valve Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. 240
7-21 Pilot and Main-Valve Displacement vs. Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7-22 Main-Valve Pressure vs. Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7-23 Dynamic Shaft and Piston Seals for Fluid-Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7-24 Seating Closures Used in Fluid-Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
7-25 Design of Typical Butterfly-Type Propellant Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

List of Illustrations (Continued)

7-26 Four-Inch Butterfly-Type Main Liquid Oxygen Valve Used on Rocketdyne Atlas
ICBM Booster Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7-27 Mechanical Linkage B e t w e e n the Main Oxidizer Valve and the Igniter Fuel Sequence
Valve of the A-1 Stage Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7-28 Typical Required O p e n i n g and Closing Torques vs. Gate Angular Position for a
Butterfly Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7-29 Space Shuttle Main Engine Main Oxidizer Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7-30 Design of Saturn First-Stage F-1 for Poppet-Type Propellant Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
7-31 Typical Venturi-Type Propellant Valve Designed and Manufactured by
Fox Valve D e v e l o p m e n t Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
7-32 Typical Gate-Type Propellant Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7-33 Normally Closed Solenoid-Operated Three-Way Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7-34 Four-Way Solenoid Valve Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7-35 Two-Stage Nozzle/Flapper Electrohydraulic Flow Control Servovalve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7-36 Servovalve Cross Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
7-37 Single-Stage "Jet Pipe" Electrohydraulic Servovalve With Mechanical Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
7-38 Direct-Drive Servovalve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7-39 Schematic of a Typical Gas-Pressure-Regulator Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7-40 Schematics of Typical Single-Bleed, Poppet-Type, Pneumatic Servovalves
Used in Gas Pressure Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7-41 Schematics of Various Gas-Pressure-Regulator Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7-42 Dynamic Response Characteristics of a Typical Pneumatic Pressure Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7-43 Schematic of a Typical Dome-Loaded, Negative-Gain-Type Gas Regulator
With an Alternate Mode of Operation as a Shutoff Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7-44 Typical Dome-Loaded, Zero-Gain Type Gas-Pressure Regulator Loaded
by a Bleed Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7-45 Integrating-Type Gas Pressure Regulator With Spool-Type, Four-Way Servovalve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
7-46 Schematic of a Typical Closed-Loop, Fluid-Flow Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 257
7-47 Schematic of a Typical Sliding-Piston-Type Liquid-Flow Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
7-48 Typical Liquid-Pressure Regulator Design for Liquid O x y g e n Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
7-49 Low-Capacity, Direct-Operated Gas-Pressure-Relief Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
7-50 Coned-Disk-Spring, Force-Deflection Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7-51 Schematic of a Typical High-CapaciW, Pilot-Operated Tank-Gas-Pressure Relief Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7-52 Typical Poppet-Type Check Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7-53 Typical Swing-Gate-Type Check Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7-54 Augmented-Force Check Valve Used in the SSME Purge System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7-55 Typical Burst-Diaphragm Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
7-56 Typical Explosive-Actuated Pilot Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
7-57 Temperature vs. EMF Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7-58 Response Times of Sheathed, G r o u n d e d T h e r m o c o u p l e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7-59 Conventional Thermal Junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7-6O Cryogenic T e m p e r a t u r e Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7-61 SSME Pressure Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7-62 SSME Flight Accelerometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7-63 Turbine-Type Flowmeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7-64 HPFTP Speed Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
7-65 Acoustic Equivalents of Pressure-Transducer Mounting Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7-66 Typical Block Diagram, Engine-to-Vehicle Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
7-67 Wire List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
7-68 Physical-Routing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
7-69 Typical Solder Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
7-70 SSME Harness Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
7-71 Functional Diagram of an Engine Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
7-72 Functional Diagram of Input Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
7-73 Output-Electronics R e d u n d a n c y Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
7-74 Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
7-75 Program Design Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
LIST OF I L L U S T R A T I O N S 41 1

List o f Illustrations (Continued)

8-1 Propellant-Tank Design Configuration of a Typical Prepackaged Storable-Liquid-

Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
8-2 Propellant-Tank Design Configuration of a Typical Booster-Stage Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
8-3 Propellant-Tank Design Configuration of a Typical Upper-Stage Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
8°4 Various Propellant-Tank Arrangements of a Typical Vehicle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
8-5 Typical Welded Propellant-Tank Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8-6 Nomenclature of Principal Tank Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
8-7 Ellipse Ratio k vs. Knuckle Factor K, Compression Stress -K, and Parameter E' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
8-8 Design Detail of a Typical Full-Penetration, Single-Welded Butt Joint for Propellant Tanks . . . . . . . . 297
8-9 Design of a Typical Storable Propellant Tank With a Forged One-Piece Common
Bulkhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
8-10 Rate of Change of Saturation Vapor Pressure to Temperature for Liquid Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
8-11 Rate of Change of Saturation Vapor Pressure to Temperature for Liquid Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
8-12 Construction Elements of a Typical Liquid Hydrogen Tank Insulation Design
(External Type) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
8-13 Design of a Typical Insulated Common Bulkhead Separating LH2 and LO2 Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
8-14 A Typical Filament-Wound Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
8-15 Typical Designs of Propellant-Tank Pressurant Diffusers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
8-16 Progression of an Apex-Initiated Diaphragm During Expulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
8-17 Movable Piston Used in a Cylindrical Propellant Tank for Positive Expulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
8-18 Surface Tension Propellant Storage Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
8-19 Propellant Acquisition Device Screens and Bulkhead Communication Screen Operation . . . . . . . . . 304

9-1 Various Interconnecting Components and Mounts in a Typical LH2/LO2

Pump-Fed Engine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
9-2 Tightly Formed Bellows Subassembly Used to Absorb Torsional Deflection of
Primary Bellows in Inlet Line of Pump on J-2 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
9-3 Compression-Type Flexible Line Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
9-4 Propellant Feeding Arrangement on the LEM Descent Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
9-5 Plan View of Articulating Duct Arrangement in Gimbal Plane of
Space Shuttle Main Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
9-6 Typical Pump-Discharge, High-Pressure Propellant Duct with Restraining Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
9°7 Typical Pump Seal Drain Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
9-8 Flow Guide Vanes in Sharp Elbows of Pump Inlet Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
9-9 Pressure-Loss Coefficient for 90-deg Bends in Convoluted Metal Hose, Annular or Helical . . . . . . . . 310
9-10 Flow-Distribution Device Incorporating an "Egg-Crate" Type of Flow Straightener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
9-11 Flow Splitter in Propellant-Feed System of LEM Descent Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
9-12 Flare Types of Threaded Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
9-13 Dynamic-Beam Fluid Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
9-14 Typical Installations of Fittings into MS33649 Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
9-15 Basic Types of Flanged Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
9-16 Comparison of Flanged-Coupling Designs Used on SSME and Saturn Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
9-17 Two Kinds of Flange Deflection Resulting From Lack of Rigidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
9-18 Provisions for Monitoring Leakage at a Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
9-19 Structural Design Configuration of a Typical Flange Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
%20 Preliminary Flange Sizing-Criteria for SSME Type of Flange Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
9-21 Elastomer O-Ring Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
9-22 O-Ring Extrusion Related to Diametral Clearance, Fluid Pressure, and O-Ring Hardness . . . . . . . . . . 321
9-23 Flange Seal Groove Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 322
9-24 Metal O-Ring Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
9-25 Pressure-Assisted Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
9-26 Types of Welded Joints Used in Fluid Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
9-27 Four Examples of Bellows Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
9-28 Bellows Restraint Linkage Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
9-29 Major Bellows Convolutions and Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
9-30 Typical Omega Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

List of mustrations (Continued)

9-31 Deflection-Limiting Root Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

9-32 Three Primary Modes of Bellows Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
9-33 Chain-Link Restraint Joint With Internal Tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
9-34 Internally-Tied Tripod Flex Joint Used on Discharge Duct of SSME Low-Pressure Pump . . . . . . . . . . 336
9-35 Externally-Tied Gimbal-Ring Flex Joint Used on SSME High-Pressure Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
9-36 Thrust-Compensating Linkage Employing Thrust-Compensating Bellows (PVC Joint) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
9-37 Internal Pressure on Thrust-Compensating Linkage of F-1 Pump Inlet Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
9-38 External Pressure of Thrust-Compensating Linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
9-39 Installation of Compression Bellows to Minimize Loading on Support Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
9-40 Design Change to Preclude Fatigue Failure of Bellows-to-Duct Attachments
on H-1 Turbine Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
9-41 Fitup Problem With Resistance Seam Welding of Thin-Wall Ducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
9-42 Typical Flow-Liner Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
9-43 Gimbal-Plane Wraparound Hose Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
9-44 Three Stages of Operation of a Typical Manually Operated Disconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
9-45 Typical Ring-Type Gimbal Mount Designed for Low-Thrust, Upper Stage Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
9-46 Typical Cross-Type Gimbal Mount Designed for Medium-Thrust Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
9-47 Spherical Type Gimbal Bearing Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

10-1 F-1 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

10-2 Computer-Model Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
10-3 Schematic Description of the Combustion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
10-4 Pump and Turbine Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
10-5 Combustion-Gas Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
10-6 Start-Transient Model for Typical Turbopump-Feed Engine System Utilizing a
Gas Generator for Turbine Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
10-7 Cutoff-Transient Model of the Typical Engine of Figure 10-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
10-8 Feed Combustion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
10-9 Nyquist Stability at Throttled Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
10-10 Propellant-Flow Design Characteristics of a Typical Pressure Fed Engine System
(Oxidizer or Fuel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
10-11 Propellant-Flow Design Characteristics of the A-1 Stage Turbopump Fed Engine System . . . . . . . . . . 351
10-12 Chamber Pressure vs. Engine Thrust at Sea Level for the A-1 Stage Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
10-13 C* Correction vs. Change in Engine Mixture Ratio Curve for the A-1 Stage Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
10-14 Typical Pneumatic Control Package Design Used in Liquid-Propellant
Rocket Engine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
10-15 Major Component and Subsystem Packages of Turbopump-Fed Liquid-Propellant
Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
10-16 System Packaging Design Detail of the Engine Shown in Figure 10-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
10-17 Various Protective Closure Covers for the Engine Shown in Figure 10-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
10-18 Dual-Engine Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
10-19 Three-Engine Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
10-20 Space Shuttle Orbiter Three Main Engine Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
10-21 Space Shuttle Orbiter Aft Fuselage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
10-22 Stage-Payload Weight vs. Number of Engines in Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10-23 Typical Cluster Reliability Prediction vs. Number of Engines in Cluster and of
Development Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10-24 Typical Engine-Cluster Arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
10-25 Typical Five-Engine Cluster Configuration (Center Engine Fixed,
Four Outer Engines Gimballed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
10-26 Typical Line Connections on an Experimental Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
10-27 Typical Pump-Inlet Pressure Variation of a Vehicle Affected by Longitudinal Oscillations . . . . . . . . 365
10-28 Closed-Loop Coupling of Propulsion System and Vehicle (POGO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
10-29 Standpipe With Bubble for POGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
10-30 Spring-Loaded Accumulator for POGO Suppression, Titan II Fuel Pump Inlet Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
10-31 Schematic of POGO-Suppression System in LOX Feed System on SSME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

List o f Illustrations ( C o n t i n u e d )

10-32 Typical Base-Heating Protection Concepts (Center Engine Fixed, Outer Engines Gimballed) . . . . . . 367
10-33 Center-Engine Flame-Impingement Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
10-34 Typical Interstage Temperature Environment for an Upper-Space Vehicle Stage
Using Cryogenic Propellents--565 SCFM (-100"F), Nitrogen Purge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
10-35 Typical Interstage Environment for an Upper Space Vehicle Stage
Using Cryogenic Propellants--4170 SCFM (250"F), Nitrogen Purge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
10-36 Multistage-Vehicle Interstage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
10-37 Typical Stage-Separation Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
10-38 Typical Engine Thrust-Decay Deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370

11-1 Space Shuttle Orbiter OMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

11-2 Space Shuttle Orbiter RCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
11-3 Typical Liquid-Propellant-Rocket-Engine Thrust-Time Histories for
Various Spacecraft Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
11-4 Schematic of the Transtage Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
11-5 RS-44 Pump-Fed Cryogenic-Propellant Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
11-6 XLR-132 Pump-Fed Storable-Propellant Rocket Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
11-7 XLR-132 Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
11-8 Regeneratively Cooled Storable-Propellant OMS Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
11-9 Typical Mechanically-Linked, Poppet-Type, Dual-Propellant On-Off or
Throttling Valve for Spacecraft Main Propulsion Systems Using Hypergolic
Earth-Storable Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
11-10 Basic Schematic of a Typical Reaction Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
11-11 Reaction Control System Installation for the Space Shuttle Orbiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
11-12 Combustion Chamber Char Depth vs. Cumulative Firing Time of a
Typical Ablative-Cooled Reaction Control Thrust Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
11-13 Radiation-Cooled RCS Thruster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
List o f Tables
1-1 Terms Used in Calculating Gas Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1-2 Useful Values of Functions of the Specific Heat Ratio ~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1-3 Actual Ranges of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1-4 Theoretical Performance of Rocket Preopellant Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1-5 General Data of Some Storable Liquid Rocket Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1-6 General Data of Some Cryogenic Liquid Rocket Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

2-1 Candidate Advanced Engine System Cycles, Configuration Concepts, and Components . . . . . . . . . . 35
2-2 Engine Cycle Concepts and Relative Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2-3 Candidate Advanced Nozzle Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2-4 Candidate Advanced Thrust Chamber Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2-5 Candidate Advanced Engine-Turbomachinery Concepts and Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2-6 Engine-Design Check-Off Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2-7 Engine-Design Change Check-Off Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2-8 Failure Modes and Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2-9 Examples of Materials Usage in Rocket Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3-1 Four-Stage Alpha Space Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3-2 A-1 Stage Engine Operating Parameters for Sea-Level Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3-3 A-2 Stage Engine Operating Parameters for Vacuum Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3-4 A-3 Stage Engine Operating Parameters for Vacuum Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3-5 A-4 Stage Engine Operating Parameters for Vacuum Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4-1 Typical Combustion C h a m b e r Characteristic Length (L*) for

Various Propellant Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4-2 Comparison of Sample Combustion Chamber Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4-3 Operating Characteristics of a Typical Liquid Bipropellant Gas Generator System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

5-1 Comparisons of Various Tank Pressurization Systems for the A-4 Stage
Propulsion System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

6-1 Operating Characteristics and Construction Materials for the T u r b o p u m p

Shown in Figure 6-16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6-2 Operating Parameters for Turbopumps on the SSME at Rated Power Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6-3 Fluid Properties of Commonly Used Liquid Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
6-4 Properties of Typical Fuel-Rich Combustion Product Gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
6-5 Allowable Impeller Tip Speeds for Different Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
6-6 Comparison of T u r b o p u m p Rolling Element Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
6-7 Relative Leakage of Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
6-8 Face-Contact-Seal Speed and PV Limits for Typical Propellants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 213
6-9 Seal Pressure and Temperature Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

7-1 Effect of Mixture Ratio on Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

7-2 Nomenclature for Flow Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7-3 Gas-Leakage Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7-4 Liquid-Leakage Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7-5 Principal Design Parameters of a Typical Dome-Loaded, Negative-Gain-Type
Gas-Pressure Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7-6 Temperature Sensors and Response Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7-7 Temperature Limits for Thermocouple Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

9-1 Corrosion Resistant Steel (18-8) Annealed (MIL-T-8504 ASG) Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9-2 Aluminum Alloy, 5052 Round, Seamless Drawn WW-T-78a Temper H34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9-3 Minimum Bend Radii for Stainless-Steel and Aluminum-Alloy Tubing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9-4 R e c o m m e n d e d Support-Bracket Spacing for Tubing Assemblies in Engine Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9-5 Recommended Elastomer O-Ring Flange-Joint Design Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
9-6 Metal O-Ring Design Installation Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323


List o f Tables (Continued)

9-7 Typical Metal O-Ring Flange-Joint Design Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323

9-8 Typical Design Data of Naflex Pressure-Assisted Seals and Flange Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
9-9 Bellows Restraint-Linkage Selection Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
9-10 Typical Applications for Bellows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
9-11 Bellows Design Reference Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
9-12 Effect of Parameter Adjustment on Bellows Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

10-1 Influence Coefficient for the A-1 Stage Engine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356

11-1 Liquid-Propellant Combinations for Space-Engine Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

List of A c r o n y m s

A-D analog to digital HAS hydraulic actuation system

ACS attitude control system HEE hydrogen environment embrittlement
ASI augmented spark igniter HOL high-order language
ASIC application specific integrated circuits HPFTP high pressure fuel turbopump
BIT built-in test HPOTP high pressure oxygen turbopump
CAE computer-aided engineering I/O input/output
CASE computer-aided software engineering IAE integral of the absolute magnitude of
CCM control and condition monitoring error
CFD computational fluid dynamics IC integrated circuit
CIE computer interface electronics ICD interface control document
CP&T coarse pointing and tracking ID inside diameter
CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with IE input electronics
collision detection IEEE The Institute of Electrical and
CYL cylinder Electronic Engineers, Inc.
D-A digital to analog ISE integral square error
DCU digital computer unit inertia
DETA Diethylene Triamine ITAE integral time--absolute error
DMA direct memory access ITSE2 integral time--square error
ED electro-deposited IV&V independent validation and verification
EDS emergency detection system JANNAF Joint Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force
EFSS engine failure sensing and shutoff Kel-F polychlorotrifluoroethylene
systems KKV kinetic kill vehicle
ELI extra low interstitial LAN local area network
EMC electromagnetic compatibility LEM lunar excursion module
EMF electromotive force LN local area network
EMI electromagnetic interference LOX liquid oxygen
EO engine out LPOTP low pressure oxygen turbopump
ESEOD equivalent sharp-edged orifice diameter LVDT linear variable differential transformer
FEP fluorinated ethylene propylene MCT major cycle time
FMEA failure mode and effects analysis MIMO multi-input multi-output
FP&T fine pointing and tracking MIPS mega instructions per second
GFE government-furnished equipment MMH monomethyl hydrazine
GLOW vehicle gross liftoff weight Mp peak overshoot
GNC station guidance, navigation, and MSLD mass spectrometer leak detector
control NC normally closed
GOX gaseous oxygen NDT nondestructive testing


NO normally open RTD resistance temperature detector

NPSH net positive suction head RVDT rotary variable differential transformer
NTO nitrogen tetroxide S-N alternating stress vs number of cycles
OD outside diameter SISO single input-single output
OE output electronics SC solar dynamic
OME orbit maneuvering engine SCC stress corrosion cracking
OMS orbital maneuvering system SCFM standard cubic feet per minute
OTVE orbital transfer vehicle engine SD solar dynamic
P&T pointing and tracking SISO single input-single output
PDL program design language SSME Space Shuttle Main Engine
PFRT preliminary flight rating tests SSME-HAS Space Shuttle Main Engine Hydraulic
PI proportional integral Actuation System
PID proportional-integral-differential SSMEC Space Shuttle Main Engine Controller
PL power level SSTO single stage to orbit
PRC pulse rate converter TC thermocouple
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene TC thrust compensating
PU propellant utilization td delay time
PVC pressure volume compensator TMP thermomechanically processed
PWB printed wiring board tp peak time
RCS reaction control system tr rise time
REF DES reference designations settling time
RFI radio frequency interference UDMH Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine
RISC reduced instruction set computer VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
RM redundancy management VIE vehicle interface electronics
rms root mean squared WDT watchdog timer
rss root sum squared

Ablators, thrust 381,403 PTFE 210 Blockage 191

Accelerometers 134, 264, 269, 274 Silicon nitride 210 Code 203
Acoustic cavities 106, 132 Steels 210 Program 97
Adhesives 403 Teflon TM 210 Breaclbowed engines 53
ADORE bearing-design code 210 Bearings Bubble point 304
Aerodynamic spike nozzle 77 B- 1 life rating 211 Built-in test (BIT) 277
Aerojet Tech Systems 1,379, 382 Ball design 209 Burst diaphragms 260
Air Force Astronautics Laboratory 296 Conrad-type 209 Buzz 128
Alpha vehicle 53 Design 207
Aluminum alloy 399 DN limit 209
1100-0 260 Hybrid systems 209 Calibration
5052 312 Hydrostatic 41, 211 Design requirements 350
6061-0 260 Magnetic 41 Principles 402
Tubing minimum bend 312 Radial hydrostatic 211 Carter's rule 191
Apollo Roller designs 210 Cavitation 169, 170, 175, 183
Apollo 10 staging 29 Roller-element 208 CCM 216, 219, 225-230
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) Bellows 242, 302, 306 Char front 386, 387
Descent engine 306, 307, 310 311 Basic types 330 Characteristic length L* 71
Throttling 112, 378 Characteristics 330 Characteristic velocity C* 13, 348
Mission profile 31 Deposited 332 Checkoff sheet 44
Service module 306 Fatigue life 332 CG data sheet 390
Armalon TM 210 Flow loss 310 Chugging 129, 130
Artificial Intelligence (AI) 219 Formed 331 Circuit analysis 278
Altitude thrust coefficient 16 J-2 engine 327 Classical control 229
AR airplane 126 Joints 326 Clock signals 279
Asbestos 321 Liners 310 Closed-loop control 219, 226, 229
Attitude control 32, 384 Parameter adjustment 334 Clustered-engine propulsion 24
Augmented spark ignition (ASI) 123, Pressure capability 332 Coatings 403
124, 378 Restraints Colburn 85
Avionics Ball joints 330 Cold alignment 223
Connect panels 364 Braided-wire 330 Collier's magazine (1952) 360
Electrical failures 296 Chain link 329 Combustion
Environment 296 Compression system 337 Accelerometers in tests 134
Failure detection 277 Gimbal joint 329 CPIA Publication 247 128, 133
Function allocation 276 Hinge joint 328 Device failure 396
Grounding 279 Linkage 335-337 Frozen conditions 69, 70
Hardware design 278 Machined 332 Fuel-rich gases 172
Interconnects 279 Mechanical linkage 335 Gas properties 348
Interface 276 Thrust-compensating 336 Instability 127
Power distribution 279 Slide-joint 330 Combustion-chamber 132
Requirements Rigidized tubing 332 Feed-system 132
Data processing 274 Root rings 331 Injection-coupled 130
Sensor-input 274 Selection 327 Instrumentation 133
Self-test 275 Stresses 232 Intrinsic acoustic 129
Typical applications 330 Low-frequency 130, 349
Vibration 333 Spontaneous 133
Back pressure 77 Welded disk 331 Types 128
Backwash 368 Bipropellants 18 NASA specifications 113, 128
Baffle rule 132 Bladders 301 Prerequisite 128
Bang-bang reaction control 384 Blades Process 347
Barrier-zone elements 105 Design 199 Rate-limiting factors 71
Bartz 86 Losses 173 Rating charges 133
Base-heating protection 367 Typical construction 201 Rating pulse tests 133
Bearing design codes Blisks 202 Rayleigh criterion 129
ADERE (Gupta) 210 Bode plots 230 Ringing 115
Jones, A. B. 210 Boeing Aerospace Company 32, 33 Stability 105, 106, 114, 132
SHABERTH (SKF) 210 Bolt loads 320 Staged optimization 42
Bearing materials Bosses 314 Combustion chamber (see also
FEP 210 Boundary layer "Thrust")


Channel-wall (SSME) 98 Crosstalk 224, 270 Electromagnetic interference (EMI) 269,

Characteristic length L* 71 Cryogenics 18 274, 279
Characteristic velocity C* 13, 348 Cyclone separator 149 Emergency Detection System (EDS)
Disturbances 132 366, 395
Effective reaction 73 Encoding (BCH) 276
Gas-flow-terms 7, 8 Data processing 274 End-burning charge 120
Isentropic flow 8 Dead-end connectors 254 Endurance limit 48
Refrasil-filled 102 De Laval nozzle 9, 10 Engine (see also "Space engines" and
Sizing 72 Delta-V (ideal) 12 "Liquid-propellant engines")
SSME 98 Design Actual parametric ranges 16
Throat 72 CASE computer software 281 Assembly 357
Composites 402 Change control 45 Basic elements 2, 45
Compromising in design 372 Changes 45 Calibration 352
Computer graphics 196, 199 Checkoff sheets 44, 45 Checkout 44, 220
Conax Corporation 260 Exact specifications 45 Clustering 360
Concurrent engineering 393 Layout 45 Cutoff 46, 55, 349
Conductors 270 Limit loads 47, 48 Cycles 35, 37
Connectors 271 Preliminary 23, 398 Designer's guidelines 44, 282, 363
Conservation of energy 7 Program language (PDL) 281 Instrumentation 261
Conversation of matter 8 Quality 44 Accelerometers 266
Construction 8 Reviews 397 Electrical connections 268
Continuous-oscillation generators 132 Von Karman 24 Engine-failure sensing 366
Continuous process improvement Designer's guidelines 44 Flowmeters 264
(CPI) 393 Density impulse 19 Harnesses 267
Contraction ratio 72 DH (pump-developed head) 167 Influence coefficients 355
Control Diaphragms 301,302 Installation 223, 265
Architecture 277 Digital control computer 277 Linear 73
Basic systems 219 Disk friction 170, 173 Position sensor 265
Classical examples 231 Doghouse power entry 279 Pressure sensor 263
Component design 281 Downcomers 107 Speed sensor 264
Component dynamics 240 Drawings 44 Strain gages 267
Fluid pressure 239 Dribbling flow 106 Temperature sensors 261
Linear 230 Ducts (see also "Bellows") Thermocouples 262
Methods (open, closed, etc.) 225 Articulating 307 Materials 50
Mixture-ratio 220 Bellows for flexible 335 Performance parameters 12, 15, 16,
Modern 233 Compression-type 306 24, 354
Multiple-output 233 Design responsibility 311 Nonlinear 356
Multivariable-feedback 232 Egg-crate straighteners 310 Off-nominal 355
Nonlinear 230 Flow distribution 310 Values 354
Self-test 275 Flow resistance 311 Preliminary design 41
SSME 228 Guide vanes in 309 Flow chart 23
State space 233 Induction braging 338, 339 Tasks 23
Thrust-level 220 Lines 308 Preliminary layout 46
Thrust-vector (TVC) 222 Pressure-drop Prestart conditioning 368
Typical pneumatic package 358 Bellows loss 309 Propellant flow 351
Cooling 32 Elbow loss 309 Safety controls 219
Ablative 84, 101,381,386, 387 Pressure volume compensating 337 Sequence 46
Channel shape 91, 96 Propellant-supply 305 Shutdown 219
Complete analysis 85 Pump-discharge 307 Automatic 60
Curvature enhancement factor 96 Sizing Transient 174, 348
Dump 84, 98 Flow area 309 Specific impulse Is 12, 222
Film 40, 60, 84, 98, 99 Wall thickness 309 Stability 128
Heat-sink 104 Thrust-compensating 337 Start
Liners 40 Turbine 308, 309 Automatic 60
Mixture-ratio bias 100 Typical propellant 306 Transient 174, 175, 219, 348, 349
Radiative 60, 84, 103, 387 Welded bellows 338 System configuration 34
REGEN analysis 97 Wraparound 306 System elements 4
Regenerative 84, 88 Dwell time 72 System schematic 45
Transpiration 39, 84, 100 Dynamic-stability rating 132 Vehicle interaction 349
"Core" engines 29 Vibration environment 370
Cost 28 Engine-out (EO) 24, 361
Coupling Effective area Ae 236 Envelope size 27
Boss 314 Effective exhaust velocity c 13 Environmental effects 47
Flanged 315 EFSS 366 Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
Flared 312, 313 Electrical connections 268 396
CRES 325, 339 Electromagnetic comparability (EMC) Error signal 252
Critical pressure ratio 8 278 ESEOD 236
Crossover passages 41 Expander cycle 34, 42

Failure Preburner 118 Reactive-oxidizer 122

Combustion device 396 Performance 42 Storable 61
Electrical 396 Separation 9
Fatigue 395 Solid-propellant (SPGG) 116, 125
FMEA 278 Turbine'-drive cycle 34 Igniters 120
Functional 395 Weight-flow 9 Augmented-spark 123
Modes 48, 49, 395 Gaskets 321 Capacitor-discharge 123
Mode analysis 278 Gas-leakage equations 237 Catalytic 125
Unexplained 397 Gears for turbopumps 214 Combustion-wave 124
Fault tolerance 393 Extreme pressure additive (EPA) 216 Direct-spark 122
Filament winding 300 Gearbox 216 Flame-spreading 120
Flange-joint Geometry 216 German A-4 (V-2) 122
Configurations 315 Lubrication 216 Hypergolic 121
Deflection 315 Materials 217 Pyrotechnic 120
Leakage 316 Tooth properties 216 Reliability 121
Restraint 316 Vehicles using 216 Requirements 120
Rigidity 315 Gimbal mount Resonance 125
Rotation 316 Cross-type 341 Spark plugs 122
Sample calculation 318 Design of 341 Spark-torch 123, 124
Seal groove 322 Ring-type 341 Ignition detection 126
Sizing criteria 319 Spherical-Wpe 341 Ignition-OK signal 126, 127
SSME 9-2 calculation 320 SSME design 342 Inco-718 201
Static seals GLOW 32 Influence coefficients 355
Elastomer 321,322 Government-furnished equipment 371 Injector 3, 68
Metal O-ring 321,322 Graphite-pencil use 267 Analytical models 115
Structural design 317, 319 Greenwalt, Crawford H. 345 Design impact 104, 131
Temperature differential 316 Ground-support equipment (GSE) 220, Elements 109-112
Flexible hose 320 Experimental evaluation 114
Disconnects 340 Growth factor 391 Heat transfer 97
Flow losses 340 Gupta, Pradeep 210 Hypergolic slug 122
J-2 interface 339 Issue 105
Pressure losses 340 Manifolds 106, 107
Routing 339 Hamesses Orifice sizing 113
Flight safety 393 Armored 272 Platelet 382
Fluid fitting Coax 272 Secondary 224
Boss 314 Connector mating 273 SSME 109
Dynamic beam 313 Construction 272 Tapered "ramp" 112
Fluid flow Identification 272 Without baffles 40
Area change 310 Lightning 272 Inlet pressure 3
Component design 234 Mockup 273 Instrumentation 133
Computer model 240 Routing 270 Insulation 311
Distribution in ducts 310 Shielding 270 Interconnect tubing 306
Dynamic seals 241 SSME 273 Interface control document 364
Dynamics in components 240 Types 272 Interfaces 222, 275
Elbow losses 309 Helium pressurant 59 Interstage conditions 368, 369
Guide vanes 309 Helium pressurization system 138-140, Isoclines 230
Leakage 237 150 IV&V 282
Liners (sleeves) 338 Helmholtz resonators 132
Nomenclature 235 Hilsch tube 300
Permeation 238 Hold period 368 JANNAF 16
Sealing closures 242, 243 Hooke's Joint effect 307 J-Box (junction box) 268
Sizing valves 235 Hose Jet pump 41
Splitter 311 Inner core 340 Joints
FMEA 278, 394 Routing 339 Bellows 326
Fox Valve Development Company 247 Sizing 340 Crevices in 326
FRACAS loop 393 Wraparound 339 Flex 326
Frozen composition 70 Hot-fire tests 114
Fuel-rich gases 172 Omega 331
HPFTP 157, 187, 194, 205, 218, 264 SSME 336
Function flight loop 281 H-Q (head-flow characteristic) 167, 179, Welded 326
Fusible-link 121 188, 192 Jones, A. B. 210
HTOTP 165, 366
Human error 397
Gain scheduling 230 Hydrogen-environment embrittlement K-factor 224
Gas generators 116, 148, 151 (HEE) 51 KeI-F 64, 184, 214, 241
Effective L* 71 Hypergolic slug 213 Kernel flow field 75
Ideal 9 Hypergols (see also "Propellants") 55, Kick pump 164
Liquid-bipropellant 118, 160 57, 58, 121 Knudsen number 238
Liquid-monopropellant 117, 160 Organometallic slug 122

Nonmetals 399 Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) 373,

Polymeric 402 374
Launch vehicles Selection 49 Orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) 225, 227
Alpha (calculation) 53 Messerschmitt Me163 125 Orbiter reaction controls 386
Atlas 1, 53, 286, 306, 310, 339 MIMO systems 231 Orbiter (Space Shuttle) 362, 373, 386
Delta 1,216 Mission environment 377 Orifice coefficient C 235
German A-4 (V-2) 122, 126, 139, 359 Mixture ratio 26 Orifice flow 237
Jupiter 359 Bias 100, 221 O-ring
Lance 112 Feedback 221 Extrusion force 321
Navaho 1 Molecular flow 238 Flange-joint data 322
Orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) 225 Moment-of-inertia data sheet 289 Installation 320
Peacekeeper (M-X) 303 Monergols 125 Metal 321,323
Redstone 1, 26, 53, 126, 359 Monopropellants (see also "Propellants) OTV control system 227
Saturn 29, 30, 305, 315, 361,366 18 Output electronics (OE) 279
Space Shuttle 29, 100, 361 Multiloop output control 231 Oxalic acid 149
Thor 53, 310, 359 Multiloop regulator 234
Titan II 365 Multiple starts 376, 384
Titan III C and E 1, 2 Multivariable feedback control 232 Packaging design 357
Layout drawings 46 Mylar 241 Bank 358
Leakage Cartridge 358
Flow 237, 238 Closure covers 360
Monitoring 316 Naflex seals 325 Mechanical protection 360
Limit load 47 NARIoy-Z 89, 91, 97, 381 Multiple-component 358
Line assemblies 305 NASA SP 194--dynamic stability 132 Pneumatic-control 358
Lines Natural rubber 238 Pump-fed system 359
Insulation 311 Navier-Stokes solution 179, 181, 191 Subplate 358
Types 308 Nichols charts 230 Passivation 297
Vibration 311 Nozzles Performance
Liquid propellant (see "Propellant") Advanced concepts 38 Actual ranges 16
Liquid-propellant engines (see also Aerodynamic spike 78 Flow curves 352
"Engine" for performance and Area ratio 34 Typical vs. altitude 24
"Space Engines") Boundary layer 9 Computer codes 19
AJ10-1 381 Clustered 79 Correction factors 16
Evolution 1 Contraction area ratio 8 Engine-parameter influences 15
F-1 29, 113, 247, 306, 314, 326, 345, Convergent-divergent 3 Permeation flow 238
366 De Laval 8, 9, 201 PFRT 25
H-1 306, 338 Deposited solids 86 Phase portrait 230
J-2 314, 326 Exit velocity 9 PID control 231
LR 79-NA-11 360 Expansion area ratio 9, 74 Pins 271
LR 87-AJ-11 1, 2 Expansion-deflection (E-D) 77 Platelet construction 112
LR 91-AJ-11 2 Flow Mach number 8 PMR (programmed mixture ratio) 222
MA-5 1 Flow process POGO 311,346, 365, 367
RL-10 2 Equilibrium 22 Polymeric materials 402
RL-10-3-3-A 2, 3 "Frozen" 22 Postflight data analysis 279
Rocketdyne family 1 Gas terms 7, 8 Power distribution 279
RS-2 71 Horizontal-flow (H-F) 77 Pratt & Whitney 2, 3
RS-44 44, 276, 278 Isentropic pressure ratio 10 Preburner 105
SSME (Space Shuttle Main Engine) 1, Kernel flow field 75 Preliminary design 23, 41
2, 29, 91, 98, 104, 118, 119, 160, Operational variation 10 Pressurant-use factor 138, 140
174, 187, 194, 205, 218, 225, 306, Parabolic approximation 76 Pressure
311,314, 319, 336, 342, 361,386 Reverse-flow (R-F) 77 Loss 8
XLR-13 232, 379, 380 Sample calculation 81 Recovery 9
Lockup 254 Shapes 75-78 Pressure sensor
Log-decrement parameter 207 Specifying bell 73 Piezoelectric 263
Logistics 371 Spike 77 Piezoresistive 263
LOX dome 107, 174, 246 Static pressure ratio 8 Prestage-OK signal 126
LPOTP 158 Throat inserts 381 Proof-testing load 47, 48
LVDT 252, 265, 274 Throat stagnation pressure 13 Propellants 166
NPSH 136, 156, 165, 169, 298 Ammonia 150
Nucleat boiling 90 Ammonium nitrate 149
Maintenance 371 Nyquist diagrams 230 Chlorine triflouride 57, 122
Man rating 27, 394, 397 Nyquist stability 350 Cryogenic 18, 22
Manifolding 106 Flourine 59
Margin of safety 47 Flourine/hydrogen 56
Marquardt 388 Omega joints 331 Fluid properties 166
Martin Marietta 2 One-percent rule 107 Hydrogen 57
Materials for engines 50 Open-loop control 225, 228 Hydrogen peroxide 117, 122, 125
Metals 399 Optimization 32

Hydrazine 32, 61, 88, 117, 118, 122, Propellant weight fraction 27 Fault tolerance 393
149, 385 Prototyping 281 FRACAS tolerance 393
Liquid oxygen (LOX)/liquid Pumps (see also "Turbines") Growth monitoring 397
hydrogen (LH2) 56, 378 Affinity laws 168 Human error 397
LO2/GCH4 130,131 Axial-flow 157, 158, 187, 188 Materials defects 397
Monomethyl hydrazine (MMH) 100, Balancing 194 Retardation factor (pump) 193
377 Stators 191, 192 Reynolds number 235, 239, 309
Nitrogen tetroxide (NTO) 32, 61, 159, Vane elements 190 Rocket (see also "Launch vehicles")
378 Balancing thrust 186, 187, 194 Equations 5
Performance 19, 20 Casings 184, 193 Settling 301
Properties 166 Developed head (D-H) 167 Root rings 331
RP-1 126, 130, 131, 149 Ducts 307 Rotor
Selection 19 Efficiency 165, 170, 172, 173 Damped critical speed 206
Storable 18, 21 Flow-coefficient f 168, 176, 181,348 Destabilizing forces 207
Triethylaluminum 55, 122 Head coefficient 187 Log-decrement parameter 207
Triethylboron 122 Heads and flow rates 111, 182 Mode shapes 206
Unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine Hydraulic 159 Supports 206
(UDMH) 150 Impeller Synchronous-motor 205
Propellant acquisition device (PAD) 303 Design elements 181 Routing of hose 339
Propellant feed systems Operating principles 180 RTD 261,262, 276
Direct injection 152 Rotor 189, 191 RVDT 274
Inert-gas evaporation 147 Tip speed 43, 182
Liquid-propellant gas generator 149 Inducer 157
Management 301 Kick 164 Safety margin 372
Pressurant requirements 136 Off-design operation 174, 175 Scheduling 29
Pump-fed 146 Relative-velocity concepts 175 Screens 304
Settling 301 Retardation factor 193 Seals
Solid-propellant gas generator 148 Specific speed NS 168 Bellows-loaded ball 244
Stored-gas 139, 143 Stall point 174 Bonded-elastomeric 242
Tanks 143 Suction specific speed Nss 170, 176, Cutter-seat 243
Propellant flow characteristics 351 177 Dynamic 212
Propellant fluid properties 169 Thoma parameter 170 Dynamic-beam 314
Propellant fraction 27 Trimming effects 174 Elastomeric 321
Propellant grain 148 Purging 60 Face-contact 212-214
Propellant tanks PWB (printed wiring board) 278, 279 Flexible-disk 244
Arrangements 288 Floating 243
Boiloff 297 Floating-ring 213
Booster 285 Rannie equation (cooling) 101 Groove dimensions 319
Cryogenic 297 Rao, G.V.R. 76 Labyrinth 214, 215
Diaphragms 301 Rayleigh criterion 129 Leakage 212, 215, 216
Discontinuity stresses 293 Rayleigh step pads 214 Limits 213, 215
Filament-wound 300 Reaction control 373 Lip 244
Liners 300 Engine schematic 385 Monitoring 216
Materials 300 Engine selection 384 Pressure-assisted 323-325
Hypergolic pressurization 152 OMS 373, 374, 382 SSME 315
Insulation 298 Operational requirements 375 Segmented shaft-riding 213
Loads on 289, 295 Packaging 386 Static 321
Major elements 291 Redundancy 385 Teflon-coated 325
Material 143, 290 Selecting propellants 375 Trapped O-ring 242
Metallurgical analyses 296 Thrust chambers 386 Types 212-215, 241
MIL-STDs 289 Redundancy 395 Sealants
Prepackaged for storables 285 REGEN computer program 97 KeI-F 64
Construction 296 Regenerative cooling 67 Teflon 64
Surfacing 297 Regulators Secondary injection 224
Pressurant requirements 136 Dome-loaded 254 Sensor evaluation 261
Pressurization systems 132, 153, 351 Gas-pressure 252, 253 Servovalve
Probable loads 289 Integrating 256 Direct-drive 252
Positive-expulsion 301 Liquid-flow 256 Jet-pipe 251
Safety 289 Liquid-pressure 257 Performance 251
Screens 304 Sizing 295 Settling rockets 301
Shape and size 289 Reliability 360, 393 SHABERTH (SKF Technology Services)
Ellipsoidal 291 Assurance 393 bearing code 210
Spherical 291 Cluster prediction 362 Shielding 270
Stored-gas 143 CPI approach 393 Sieder-Tate equation 90
Upper-stage 286 Definitions 394 Silicon carbide 386
Wall temperature 136 Demonstration test 393 Single-pulse device 132
Water-hammer effect 295 Design reviews 397 Single stage to orbit (SSTO) 32-34
Propellant utilization (PU) 221 Environmental screening 396 SlSO approach 229

SITVC 224 Spin 160 Parameters 68

"Smart-bullet" engine 105 Tank-head 160 Regenerative cooling 88
Soakback 387 State space 233 Sample calculation 17
Sockets 271 Stay time 26, 72 Shape 72
Software Stellite 242 Specific impulse (Is) 24
CASE 281 Storable propellant 18, 32, 285 Total pressure ratio 8
Embedded 280 Stored gas Volume 71
IV&V 282 Requirements 140 Wall design 91, 96
PDL 281 Tanks 143 Weight trends 42
Real-time executive 280 Stress analysis 47, 49 Thrust-time histories 376
Redlines 280 Stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) 51 Thrust-vector-control (TVC) system 2,
Requirements 280 Structural plastics 402 222, 362, 363
Tradeoffs 282 Suction specific speed 197 Titanium (see also "Materials") 144
Solar shield 298 Surface finishes 267 TSH 176
Solder terminals 270 Surface-tension devices 303 Tubing
Space engines Sutton, George P. 4 Minimum bend radii 312
Agena 373 Switching control 277 Rigidized 332
Environment 377 System state 233 Satisfactory bend 312
Lunar Excursion Model (LEM) 378 Systems analysis 45 Separable fitting 312
OMS vernier engine 388 Support 312
Operational requirements 375 Support-bracket spacing 312
Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) Tank-head start 160, 162 Working pressure 311
171,382 Tanks (see "Propellant tanks") Turbines (see also "Pumps") 2, 3, 157,
Propellant options 376 Tapole gases 58, 160 203
Propellant storage 383 Teflon (see also "Materials") 64 Assembly layout 217
Radiation-cooled 388 Textron HR 252 Bearing design 207
RL-10 382 TFE Teflon 242 Blades
RL-10A-3-3A 382 Thermistor 263 Ceramic 41
RS-44 378, 380 Thermocouple characteristics 262 Cooling 41
Selecting propellant 375 Thermodynamic suppression head Efficiency 200
"Smart-bullet" 105 (TSH) 176 Losses 173
System design 377 Thoma parameter 170 CFD analyses 196
Throttling 383 Throat Common cycles 34-37
Thrust-chamber cooling 381 Inserts 102 Cooling 39
Transtage 373, 378, 379 Size 72 Damped critical speed 20
Valves 383 Throttling 65, 112, 378 Design envelopes 155
XLR-132 100, 113, 377, 379, 380 Thrust 32 Parameters 165, 203
Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Buildup 25 Steps 195
(see also "Liquid-propellant engines") Coefficient Cf 13 Developed systems 162
Articulating duct 307 Complete chamber expression 15 Drives 161, 162
Controller 278, 279 Cutoff 25 Efficiency 165, 171, 173, 199
Coupling design 315 Cutoff impulse 25, 106 Elements 159
Injectors 105 Decay 25, 371 Flowmeter 264
LOX post 113 Duration 25 Gears and bearings 162, 215
Machined channels 97 Efficiency factor g 75 Impulse 157, 158, 198
Naflex-type 325 Equations 5 Inlet pressure 3
Run duration 25 Level 24 Layout 217
Subscale chamber (40K) 97 Principal 4 Nozzles 197
Space Transporation System (STS) 361 Sample calculation 5 Off-design characteristics 174
Specific-heat-ratio values 10 Shutdown 25 Partial admission 41
Specific impulse (Is) 12, 25, 350, 375 Terms 4, 7 Power sources 160
Estimating 12 Thrust chamber 4, 14, 34, 39, 381 Reaction 158, 195
Unit defined 12 Ablative 381 Rotor
SPICE circuit analysis 278 Characteristic length L* 71 Blades 199
Spin start 160 Characteristic velocity C* 13, 14, 69, Dynamics 205
Spinning waves 124 104, 356 Stability 207, 208
Spring rate 233 Channel wall 97 Selection of type 195
Squib 121, 148 Coaxial shell 93 Spinner 57
SSMEC 279 Effective exhaust velocity 13 SSME operating parameters 166
Stage separation 370 Elements 67 Tapoff 120, 160
Staged combustion cycle 34, 42 Gas-flow terms 7 Velocity ratio U/Co 195
Stagnation temperature 140 Heat exchangers 185 Turbomachinery
Stainless steel (see also "Materials") Heat transfer 85, 89 Advanced concepts 40
17-4 256 Injector 68 Geared 162, 163
18-8 311,312 JANNAF characterization 16 Layout 217
430, 440C 248 Main design 68 Pancake 162
Stanton number 97 Performance SSME 166
Start Calculation 69 Turbopump drives 161

Ullage 135, 361 Servo performance 251 Growth factor 391

Ultimate load 48 Servovalves 250, 252, 253 Progress form 389
Setting 192 Propellant fraction 27
Sizing 235 Propellants 221
Valves Solenoid (actuated) 249 Report form 390
Ball 247 SSME 246, 250, 259 Structural 27
Bipropellant 240 Venturi-type 247 Trends 43
Butterfly 244 Vane Welding
Check 258, 259 Curvature 192 Butt 338
Curvature 192 Effect of height 187 Ducts and bellows 338
Design 244 Elements 190 Resistance ream 338
Explosive actuated 260 Retardation 193 Wire list 268, 269
Gate 248 "Vena contracta" effect 107 Working loads 47
Helium leakage Venting 147
Lockup 254 Von Braun, Wernher 360
Nozzle/flapper 250 Von Karman, T. 24 X-750 alloy (see also "Materials") 94, 95
Performance 241 XLR-132 engine 100, 377, 379, 380
Pilot 248
Poppet 247 Waspalloy (see also "Materials") 202
Pressure-relief 258 Water-hammer effect 295 Yield load 48
Regulator 252 Weight
Requirements 244 Control 389
Seals 241 Gross-liftoff (GLOW) 32 Zero swirl 205

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