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Azmaine Mesbah

ID no ; 2414257630

As Amazon ventures into drone delivery, it is imperative to analyze the stakeholders involved
to achieve the success and sustainability of this innovative service. In this case study we are
identifying and considering key stakeholders is essential for effective decision-making and
strategy implementation. Amazon needs to focus on a some major groups who playa vital role in
this new venture


For Amazon it is vital to ensure that they are able to secure timely deliveries. With drone
deliveries ensuring customer satisfaction and keeping the stakeholders happy is paramount for
them.They also need to make sure it is completely safe before flying a drone. In recent times
people are also able to travel in a drone its more likely for more companies will opt for drone

Regulatory Authorities:

The government plays a huge role in this drone industry. Most countries have banned flying a
drone. You need to have a license to legally fly a drone and on top of that, you cannot fly above
400ft. Hence Amazon needs to collaborate closely with these stakeholders to navigate regulatory
necessities and obtain required permits only then they are allowed to fly a drone.


Amazon's workforce needs to be strengthened before starting this new venture. This includes
their drone operators engineers and managers. At first, the managers need to identify the buyers
and target customers of this drone delivery system. Amazon has to adequately train their
employees so that they are able to function the drones.

Suppliers and Partners:

Amazon has to keep its suppliers and partners content. They need to collaborate with drone
manufacturers partners and anyone related to this venture. If they can build a relationship with
these partners they can enjoy favorable negotiations and ensure reliabilty in the supply chain.

Communities and Environment:

Local communities and environmental stakeholders are impacted by drone operations in terms of
noise pollution, airspace usage, and ecological concerns. Amazon must engage with these
stakeholders transparently, address environmental impacts, and contribute positively to
community development.

In conclusion, Amazon's drone delivery venture involves a diverse range of stakeholders, each
with unique interests and expectations. According to this study government plays the biggest
influence over the drone industry. Without the help and support of the government, it is next to
impossible to fly a drone to deliver an item

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