10 3 2021 Ict em NP

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Provincial Department of Education

Northern Province
khfhzf; fy;t pj; jpizf;f sk;- tlf;F khfhzk;
Third Term Exam – 2021 - (2022)
Information Communication Technology I,II

Name / Index No :- …………………… Grade : 10 Time:- Three Hours

v Answer all questions.
v In each of the questions 1 to 40 pick one of the alternatives (1), (2), (3), (4) which you
consider is correct or most appropriate.
v Mark a cross (x ) on the number corresponding to your choice in the answer sheet

Part -I

1) ICT Marks of the Students are gathered by the class teacher to find the maximum. The words
that are in bold refer to ……………… respectively.
1. Data and Information 2. Information and Data 3. Both are Information 4. Both are Data

2) Which code is shown in the following figure?

1.QR Code 2. ISBN Code 3. Bar Code 4. MICR Code

3) The Director of Health Services daily informs the public regarding the number of Covid – 19
Infected patients reported in Sri Lanka.

Which quality of information is mainly reflected in the above statement?

1. Relevancy 2. Accuracy 3. Timeline ness 4. Completeness
4) The following are some of the features of a learning management system that are available in
different sectors of education.
A. Assignments can be uploaded at home
B. facility to update school information
C. facility to respond to issues through discussion of forums

The answer which gives the above facilities to the students, teachers and administrators
respectively is,
1. C,B,A 2. A,C,B 3. B,A,C 4. B,C,A

5) In which generation was the Keyboard used to input Data

1.First Generation 2.Second Generation 3.Third Generation 4.Fourth Generation

6) Consider the following devices,
A. Joy stick B. OMR C. Light Pen D. Printer
The Pointing device and the Scanning device are ……………respectively
1. A and B 2. A and C 3. A and D 4. C and B

7) Which of the following to only Secondary Memory

1. Hard Disk, CDROM, ROM, RAM 2. RAM, ROM, Cache Memory, CD
3. RAM, Hard Disk, SD Card, Pen Drive 4. Blu-ray Disk, Hard Disk, DVD, Pen Drive

8) A student inserted a picture to his word processing document through ……(A)….. or

……(B)…… Which of the following is more suitable to replace “A” and “B”?
1. MICR, Web Camera 2. Scanner, Digital Camera
3. OMR, Barcode Reader 4.Barcode Reader, Digital Camera

9) Which of the following includes non-impact printers?

A. Dot Matrix printer B. Thermal printer C. Laser printer D. Line Printer
1. A and B only 2. B and C only 3. C only 4. C and D only

10) Kavin needs a storage device to save some information and pictures of 590MB. Which of the
following has the minimum required capacity?
1. Hard Disk 2. Digital Versatile Disk 3. Compact Disc 4. Blu-ray Disc

11) Which of the following is the incorrect statement regarding Data Transmission
1. Satellite transmit data via micro waves
2. Infrared is used to control Wireless mouse
3. Radio Technology is a wireless media. It uses electromagnetic waves to transmit data.
4. Wi-Fi is a wired media for LAN. It transmits data to electronic devices

12) If a network is called as a Star topology

1. A computer is attached with multiple cables.
2. All computers are attached to a central device.
3. All computers are attached to a single cable.
4. Computers are arranged in a closed group.

13) A computer network has been setup in the computers of all the branches of the Bank X island
wide. Which of the following explains the above network accurately?

1. LAN 2. M AN 3. W AN 4. PAN

14) Which of the following is the guided media for transmitting data lowest speed?
1. Radio signals 2.Co-axial cable 3.Microwaves 4.Fibre optic
15) Which of the following decimal number is equivalent to the binary value of 11011 2?
1.26 2. 28 3.27 4. 32

16) Which of the following number is equivalent to decimal value of 12010
1. 1111000 2 2 1608 3. 7616 4. 101111 2

17) Which is the Least Significant Bit (LSB) and Most Significant Bit (MSB) of the binary
number 01.0010 respectively?
1. 0, 0 2. 0, 1 3. 1, 0 4. 1, 1

18) Which value is equivalent to 4GB capacity of the hard disk in the computer used by Aron?
1.4096 TB 2. 4096KB 3. 4096MB 4. 4096Byte

19) Which is the encoding system that represents the letters of many languages used in the world?

20) If the character ‘c’ is represented in the ASCII code system as 1100011 2, which of the following
represents character ‘f’?
1. 1110100 2. 1100110 3. 1101011 4. 1101011

21) A and B are the inputs and the X is the output of the given circuit. Which logic gate is suitable
for the output of the circuit?
1. OR 2. AND 3. NOR 4. NAND

22) Which logic gate is related to the truth table given below?

2. 0 0 1

0 1 0

3. 1 0 0

1 1 0

23) The correct Boolean expression for the F in the following logic circuit is


24) A student has opened a document for editing which has stored in a flash drive. Which is the
Computer Memory that opened document has been stored?
1. Hard disk 2.Flash drive 3.RAM 4.ROM

25) Followings are some processes executed during the booting process of a computer.
A. Reading MBR B. Accessing BIOS C. POST
Select the correct order of these processes.
1.A,B,C 2. B,A,C 3. C,B,A 4. B,C,A
26) What is meant by booting of a computer?
1. Providing User interface
2. Protecting the computer from virus infection
3. Managing hardware and software connected to the computer
4. Accessing operating system of the computer by the Random Access memory.

27 ) Controlling the associated devices and bearing the responsibility of protection of the computer
indicate …………..respectively .
1. Device management and Network management
2. Device management and Security management
3. Process management and Network management
4. Process management and Security management

28) A feature that cannot be seen in page setup of a word processing software is,
1.Orientation 2. Size 3. Tab 4. Margins

29) Word processing software can be used to change a word mentioned in different places even in a
long document. This facility is called,
1.Cut and paste 2.Copy and paste 3. Find and Replace 4.Spellings and Grammar

30) Which tool of word processing software is used to Bullets

1. 2. 3. 4.

31) The content of an active cell is displayed in,

1. Name box 2. Formula bar 3. Title bar 4. Status bar

32) What would be the number displayed , if formula =(2^3)*6/4-3*2 is entered in a cell of

1. 38 2. 42 3. 18 4. 6

33) The cell C3 contains the formula = sum($B1:B3). Which of the following will appear in the cell
D3 if the formula is copied into the cell D3?

1.27 2. 19
3. 16 4. 21

34) Which is indicated by the symbol in a presentation software?

1. Normal view 2. Slide Sorter view 3. Reading view 4. Slide show

35) The visual effects that occur when moving from one slide to another in an electronic
presentation software are called ............................... .
1).Slide Animation 2.Slide Show 3. Slide Transition 4. Slide Sorter

36) What is the part of a table in a database that contains a specific type of data?
1. Form 2. Field 3. Record 4. Report
37) Consider the following Statements.
A. A query is used to insert data to tables
B. A printed document taken from a database is called a report
C. Query is a table created from selected fields of tables.
Which can be considered as true from the above expressions?
1. A Only 2. B Only 3. A and B only 4. B and C only

v Use the table below to answer questions 38 and 39

Item_No Item_Name Quantity Unit_Price

P001 Mouse 5 500.00

P002 DVD Drive 5 2500.00

38) What is the term used to a computer device details in the above table?
1. Query 2. Report 3.Field 4. Record

39) How many fields are there in the above table?

1. 4 2. 5 3. 6 4. 7
40) Consider the following statements regarding primary key in a table.
A- Primary key uniquely identifies each record.
B- Primary key values cannot be duplicated
C- Auto number can be used as a primary key.
Which of the above is / are true?
1. A only 2. A and B only 3. A and C only 4. All A, B, C

Part II

v Answer first question and, four other questions only

1) i) ENIAC was the first commercially released computer. Which electronic component is
used in this?

ii) State whether the following each statement is True or False.

A – Barcode reader is used to input prices and other data.
B – Track ball and light pen are pointing devices.
C – OMR is used to read multiple choice questions answer.
D – Processor is considered as the “brain” of the computer
iii) What is the octal number equivalent of Hexadecimal F50?
iv) Write down the truth table of the following Boolean expression?

v) The diagram shown below is a directory tree structure with blank spaces

basket Subject

…………………….. basket1 basket2

…………………….. Health

Copy this diagram to your answer book and fill in the blank boxes with correct labels by
considering the following.
i) ‘basket3’ is a sub directory of the parent directory ‘Basket Subject’
ii) The Parent directory of ‘ICT’ is ‘basket3
vi) Classify the following software is operating system or Application software.
Linux, Mac, Ubuntu, GIMP, Photoshop, VLC Player
vii) Write two utilities service programs provided by the operating system?

viii) Which key is used to move the cursor beginning of the line in word processing software?

ix) Consider the following charts in spreadsheet.


What are names of the above charts respectively?

x) The table shows a list of storage media. Tick one box in each row to show whether
or not data can be changed

Data can be Data cannot be

Device changed changed
(✓) (✓)
Hard disk


Pen drive



02. a) Pat and John have created a home network to connect their PCs and printer. The diagram
shows the network (Network map of Wireless Network Connection)

i) One device in the diagram is labeled ‘A ’. Identify the type of device labeled ‘A ’.

ii) Give three benefits to Pat and John of using their home network?

iii) Home networks can use both wired and wireless connection. Identify two
advantages of using a wired rather than a wireless connection?

b) Fill in the blanks using appropriate terms from the list.

List:(Hub, Switch, Firewall, Server, Modem, Router, Client)

i) The device used to convert an analogue telephone signal into a digital signal is

ii) A local area network (LAN) is connected to the internet using a cable. The network
manager wants to prevent unauthorized access from the internet.
………………………. would provide the best protection for the LAN.

iii) The one who requests data or information via internet or from an area network is
called a ……….. and the one who provides data and information is called the

3) a) Different units are used to store data in the computer.
i. What is the smallest unit used in the computer to store data?
ii. Arrange the following storage devices based on their capacity in ascending order?

Read Only Memory, Cache memory, Magnetic Tape, Flash Memory

b) Various coding systems are used to represent the data in the computer system.
i. What is the largest number presented in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)?
ii. How many bits are used in BCD?

c) Kanya presents a toy for her friend's birthday. There are buttons of the toy. The toy
sings when the any one of the button is pressed.
Button Press Case - 1 Button does not Press Case - 0
Toy Singing Opportunity - 1 Toy is not Singing Opportunity - 0

i. Write down the truth table for the above situation?

ii. Draw the suitable logic gate for the above situation?

4) a) Fill in the blanks using appropriate terms from the list.

List:(shift, extension, file, file name, ctrl, folder, location)
i. A ………….. is an object that contains multiple files.
ii. Data stored in a computer in the form of …………...
iii. File name is divided into two parts ………… and ……………..
iv. To select a group of files that are not next to each other you make use of the
………………. key.

b) Match the column A and column B regarding electronic presentation .

column A column B
P F5 1 The presentation view that displays only text (title
and bullets)
Q Ctrl+O 2 Slide show
R Animation 3 stop a slide show
S Outline view 4 To open the existing presentation
T Press Esc key 5 Effects to different objects of a slide

5) Study the following document and answer the question below..

The document was then formatted by using some common tools available in word processing
software. Labels 1 to 18 in figure 2 denote the formatting tools provided by typical word processing

figure 2

Using Labels 1 to 18, write down the tool/tools required to complete the following tasks.
(i) Center the alignment of the document shown by label A
(ii) Increase the font size of the document title to 24
(iii) Make the document shown by label A.
(iv) Insert a picture labeled B
(v) Make the paragraph labeled C
(vi) Make the text labeled D
(vii) Insert a table labeled F
(viii) Make the hyperlink text labeled G
(ix) Correct the spellcheck in the document
(x) Change the Calibri font all text in the document

6) The following table shows average monthly household expenditure, food expenditure and
non-food expenditure by district in 2019. (Source: - http://www.statistics.gov.lk)

i) Write down the function in cell B3 to calculate the Total expenditure of Colombo district?
(it’s formula pasted in another district)
ii) Write down the function in cell B28 to calculate the overall total expenditure of all
iii) Write down the function in cell B29 to calculate the overall average expenditure of all
iv) Write down the formula in cell E3 to calculate the percentage of total expenditure in
Colombo district? (its formula pasted in another district , % = (Total expenditure / over all Total
expenditure )* 100)

v) When copied the formula in cell E3 and pasted in cell E12, What is the function displayed
in cell E12?
vi) Write down the suitable chart type to display the data about total expenditure of all
7) Consider the following database tables and answer the question below

Table – Worker
1 Monika 100000 2014-02-20 D1
2 Niharika 80000 2014-06-11 D2
3 Vishal 300000 2014-02-20 D1
4 Amitabh 500000 2014-02-20 D2
5 Vivek 500000 2014-06-11 D2
6 Vipul 200000 2014-06-11 D3
7 Satish 75000 2014-01-20 D3
8 Geetika 90000 2014-04-11 D2

Table – Bonus

1 2016-02-20 5000
2 2016-06-11 3000
3 2016-02-20 4000
1 2016-02-20 4500
2 2016-06-11 3500

D2 Admin
D3 Account

a) List two primary keys and their table name?

b) WORKER_ID “5” gets BONUS_AMOUNT 2500 on BONUS_DATE “2016-06-11 ”
i) What table(s) need(s) to be updated?
ii) Show the update row(s) of the table(s)?

c) Mathana was appointed in the Finance new department on 2021.9.12 with 45000 salary.
i) What table(s) need(s) to be updated?
ii) Show the update row(s) of the table(s)?

d) A query is written to display the Name, and salary of worker who get above 3000
BONUS_AMOUNT. What is the output of the above query?


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