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University of Gujrat

virtual system

Assignment no 1 Submitted

Rukhma Noor

Roll no:

Course title:

Virtual system

Submitted to:

Mr. Saqib Ali shah


Session (2022-2024)
Question #01:

➢ Intel x86 architecture with full explanation:

The Intel x86 architecture is a fundamental aspect of modern computing, particularly
in personal computers. Stemming from the early 8086 processors, it has evolved through
subsequent generations like the 80286, 80386, and so forth. The architecture offers backward
compatibility, allowing newer processors to execute software designed for older ones seamlessly.

At the heart of the x86 architecture are its general-purpose registers, such as EAX, EBX, ECX,
and EDX, which play a crucial role in arithmetic, logical operations, and data storage. Memory
addressing modes, including direct, indirect, indexed, and base offset addressing, provide
versatility in memory manipulation.

The instruction set of the x86 architecture is extensive, comprising operations for arithmetic,
logical, and data movement, as well as control flow instructions. Over time, Intel has introduced
various extensions to enhance performance and introduce new capabilities, such as SSE
(Streaming SIMD Extensions) and AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) for multimedia and
parallel processing tasks.

x86 processors support different operating modes, including real mode and protected mode.
Protected mode offers features like memory protection, multitasking, and virtual memory
management, making it suitable for modern operating systems like Windows and Linux.

Integral to the architecture is the Floating-Point Unit (FPU), dedicated to handling floating-point
arithmetic operations. Initially separate, modern x86 processors integrate the FPU on the same
die, adhering to standards like IEEE 754 for floating-point arithmetic.

A sophisticated cache hierarchy, including L1, L2, and sometimes L3 caches, minimizes memory
access latency and enhances performance. Pipeline architecture allows for the simultaneous
execution of instructions in multiple stages, boosting throughput.

Multicore support enables parallel processing, with multiple cores on a single die enhancing
performance for multithreaded applications.

In the early 2000s, Intel introduced 64-bit extensions (x86-64 or AMD64) to the architecture,
expanding the address space and enabling larger memory addressing.

One of the x86 architecture's significant strengths is its backward compatibility, allowing
software designed for older processors to run on newer ones without modification, ensuring
smooth transitions for users and developers alike.

In a virtual system, the Intel x86 architecture would be a core component of the curriculum,
integrated into various aspects of computer architecture and operating systems. Students would
explore the intricacies of the x86 architecture, including its instruction set, memory management,
interrupt handling, and support for virtualization. Practical exercises and projects would likely
involve programming in x86 assembly language, developing device drivers, and experimenting
with operating system concepts on x86-based virtual machines. Overall, understanding the Intel
x86 architecture is essential for students aiming to work in fields such as operating systems
development, system programming, and performance optimization within the context of
virtualized environments.

1. Introduction to Computer Architecture:

The course would likely start with an overview of computer architecture principles,
including the basic components of a computer system such as the CPU, memory, and I/O

2. x86 Architecture Overview:

The course would then delve into the specifics of the Intel x86 architecture,
covering topics such as registers, memory addressing modes, instruction set architecture
(ISA), and the role of the FPU.

3. Memory Management:
Understanding memory management is crucial in operating systems. The course
would discuss how the x86 architecture handles memory management, including
segmentation, paging, and virtual memory.

4. Interrupts and Exceptions:

x86 processors use interrupts and exceptions to handle events such as hardware
interrupts, system calls, and errors. The course would cover how these mechanisms work
within the context of the x86 architecture.

5. Operating System Support:

The x86 architecture provides features like protected mode, which is essential for
modern operating systems to provide memory protection and multitasking. The course
would explore how operating systems utilize these features to provide a stable and secure

6. Virtualization:
Given the prevalence of virtualization technologies in modern computing, the
course might also cover how virtualization is implemented on the x86 architecture. This
could include discussions on hardware-assisted virtualization features like Intel VT-x and

7. Performance Optimization:
Understanding the intricacies of the x86 architecture is crucial for optimizing
software performance. The course might cover techniques for optimizing code for x86
processors, such as instruction scheduling, cache optimization, and SIMD (Single
Instruction, Multiple Data) parallelism.

8. Practical Labs and Projects:

To reinforce theoretical concepts, the course would likely include practical labs and
projects where students work with x86 assembly language, write device drivers, or
develop simple operating system components.

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