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EnhanceTHA: USDA Study of Nematode Treatment

In a three-year USDA study, the effects of EnhanceTHA technical humic acids were evaluated related to top growth and yield. Enhance is the first concentrated humic acid product to pass three consecutive years of testing under USDA guidelines. The results of USDA Study of Enhance on Nematodes Infected Soils (Yield Kg/ha) the study showed that when 1034 1022 1100 996 Enhance was applied with 1000 Fertilizer (E+F)* the yield was 900 greater than with Nematicide 800 with Fertilizer (N+F) and within 700 1% of the applications of the 514 600 mixture of Enhance, Fertilizer, 500 Nematicide and Micronutrients 400 (E+F+N+M)*. When Enhance is Control N+F E+F E+F+N+M used as part of the fertilizer regiment, microbial competition can minimize nematode outbreaks and the associated root damage. When nematicides are applied, most of the microbe population is adversely affected resulting in prolonged microbial population imbalances in the soil profile. In some cases outbreaks of nematodes may reoccur Example of treated and untreated because the competing organisms cannot recover as nematode problems in tomato plants rapidly as the nematodes. With the proper use of Enhance a symbiotic process is established between the organisms and the plants root surface. The competition established between a balanced soil microbe population helps to stabilize quality and sustain higher yields. Enhance provides the necessary materials for the organisms in the soil to remain active. Enhance may be added to a fertilizer mix or separately to fields where fertilizer is already in place. Once the overall microbial population becomes more active they begin to metabolize the raw materials into forms that are more easily absorbed by the plants. In addition the soil organisms are able to alter the nitrogen fertilizers to form protein which becomes available to the plants as they complete their life cycle. Necessary micronutrients are also chelated and complexed allowing the micronutrients to more efficiently transfer across the cell membrane. Dramatic increases in the uptake of necessary micronutrients are observed. The soil organisms eat at the first table, the plants at the second. This statement made in 1850 rings more true as the world attempt to produce greater quantities of foods while maintaining high quality from the same soil. Enhance can help.
* (Note that the symbol E is used to indicate Enhance in this note where in the USDA study N was used to indicate Enhance.)

THL 07

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