Maryam's Questionnaire Kinetic

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Department of Political Science

and Defence Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social
Nigerian Defence Academy.
Dear Sir/Ma,
This questionnaire is designed to elicit information on “Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Approaches
to Banditry: A Case Study of Kaduna State (2010-2023)”. Kindly provide response to the
questionnaire. It is designed solely for academic purpose, and your responses will be treated
as confidential. Thanks.

INSTRUCTION: Circle where applicable; or fill responses in the provided spaces.

Section 1: Socio Demographic Information

1. Age of respondent in years: ………………

2. Sex: (a) Male ( ) (b) Female ( )
3. Educational status of respondent: (a) No formal education ( ) (b) Primary ( ) (c)
Secondary ( ) (d) Tertiary ( )
4. Employment status of respondent: (a) Employed ( ) (b) Unemployed ( )
5. Nature of employment: (a) Artisan ( ) (b) Trading ( ) (c) Professional ( ) (d) Others, ..
6. Religion of respondent: (a) Christianity ( ) (b) Islam ( ) (c) Others (specify) ……
7. Marital Status: (a) Single ( ) (b) Married ( ) (c) Divorced ( ) (d) Widowed ( )

Section 2: Conceptual Analysis of Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Approaches to Banditry

S/N Question SA A D SD
8. Kinetic approaches to banditry include the use of military force
and law enforcement.
9. Non-kinetic approaches involve community engagement and
dialogue with bandits.
10. Both kinetic and non-kinetic approaches are necessary to
effectively combat banditry.
11. Kinetic approaches alone are sufficient to address banditry in
Kajuru and Kachia.
12. Non-kinetic approaches can address the root causes of banditry
more effectively.
Section 3 Causes and Nature of Banditry in Kajuru and Kachia
S/N Question SA A D SD
13. Poverty is a major cause of banditry in Kajuru and Kachia.
14. Lack of education contributes to the rise of banditry in these
15. The nature of banditry in Kajuru and Kachia is primarily driven
by economic motives.
16. Ethnic and religious tensions contribute to banditry in these local
17. Government neglect has exacerbated the problem of banditry in
Kajuru and Kachia.

Section 4: Efforts in Applying Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Approaches

S/N Question SA A D SD
18. The government has deployed military forces to combat banditry
in Kajuru and Kachia.
19. Community policing initiatives have been implemented in these
20. There have been significant efforts to engage bandits in dialogue.
21. Non-governmental organizations are actively involved in
addressing banditry.
22. The combination of kinetic and non-kinetic efforts has reduced
banditry in these areas.

Section 5: Challenges in Applying Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Solutions

S/N Question SA A D SD
23. Limited resources hinder the effective application of kinetic
24. Lack of trust between the community and security forces is a
major challenge.
25. Corruption among officials impedes the implementation of non-
kinetic strategies.
26. Cultural barriers affect the success of non-kinetic approaches.
27. Political interference disrupts the application of both kinetic and
non-kinetic methods.

Section 6: Strategies for Making Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Approaches Work

S/N Question SA A D SD
28. Increasing funding for security operations will enhance kinetic
29. Building stronger community relationships can improve non-
kinetic strategies.
30. Implementing more educational programs can prevent youth
involvement in banditry.
31. Enhancing transparency and accountability will reduce corruption
in anti-banditry efforts.
32. Encouraging greater community participation will strengthen
both kinetic and non-kinetic approaches.

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