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BUC report analysis

Grade 3.3

Prerequisites Please indicate a "Pass" or a "Fail" for each prerequisite. It is mandatory to motivate the given assessment (not a copy of the rubrics' text)

Fail Pass Notes by the assessor (mandatory)*

1. General Criteria Report contains more than 3500 words (introduction up to and Report contains maximum 3500 words (introduction up to and including the report contains more than 3500 words
including the recommendations). recommendations).

2. Structure Report sections missing, incomplete, out of order or fail to serve Required report sections are present, complete and in order, and they serve there is no recommendation section in the
their function. Text is not well-organized, incorporating few their function. Text is well-organised and coherent, using a limited range of report. The references fail to serve their
cohesive devices and reading as choppy. Paragraphs are not cohesive devices and structured in clear, logical paragraphs. function.
structured logically or linked to each other. Required sections (and details) in this order:
Title page/Cover page
Executive summary
Table of Contents
Findings and analysis
Reference List

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3. Layout Poor design leading to a sloppy impression and/or readability issues. Pleasing consistent design, with good use of color and spacing. Graphics are nice layout with consistant use of the blue
Graphics too small. Poor use of color. Inconsistent. appropriately sized and labeled in accordance with APA. colour for headings and findings is well

4. Language Use of appropriate formal English is somewhat limited. Register is Appropriately uses formal business English. Vocabulary is formal and tentative language used in some areas is informal,
occasionally informal, tentative, wordy, broad. Informal phrasal (hedging), not wordy or broad, phrasal verbs are avoided, wordiness is for example BC was used for British
verbs are used, there is occasional wordiness, contractions and avoided, no contractions are used and no personal pronouns are used. No Columbia. On top of this the transitions
personal pronouns are used. Vocabulary errors occur frequently. It significant vocabulary errors. Consistently maintains a high degree of between paragraphs are not on a quality
lacks in grammatical accuracy and there is no use of passive voice grammatical accuracy with use of passive voice where appropriate; errors are level.
where appropriate. Paragraphing is not applied correctly, and is rare and difficult to spot. Paragraphing is applied correctly with transitions
choppy due to lack of transitions inside and between paragraphs inside and between paragraphs and chapters. Standard punctuation,
and chapters. Standard punctuation, capitalization, and spelling capitalization, and spelling with virtually no errors.
5. Referencing containsare
Sources errors.
not acknowledged (missing citations). APA is not used or APA is used with minor occasional inconsistencies. Source material is APA is not used
poorly applied, making it difficult to find the sources. Source incorporated effectively, although there might be some obvious shifts in tone
material is not incorporated effectively into own text. and awkwardness.

* in the Notes by assessor for each section, provide details and concrete examples of what is missing, incomplete and/or incorrect

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Report Assessment Please indicate whether the report is below standard, standard or above standard, and fill in a sub-grade per category.
It is mandatory to motivate the given assessment (not a a copy of the rubrics’ text).

Explanation by the assessor (mandatory), including

Below Standard (<5,5) Standard (5,5-7,9) Above Standard (>7,9) examples*.
1. Introduction: Background information missing or Background information included, but Background information included and The background information talks about wine however
does not lead to the problem missing or does not lead to the problem very clear and leads to the problem doesn’t talk about the background of the company itsef I
25% (statement)/reason for writing the (statement)/reason for writing the (statement)/reason for writing the not there, infact the first time we hear of the company is
report. The Problem (statement) not report. The Problem (statement) is report. The Problem (statement) is clear in paragraph 3. the purpose statement is present abd
included or does not lead to purpose included but is unclear or ambiguous. and leads to the purpose statement. marks are awarded for that. The problem statement
statement. Purpose statement not Purpose statement is included but is Purpose statement is very clear; the however is not present, we understand that they want
included. Preview of the report missing. unclear or ambiguous. Preview of the reader knows exactly what to expect. to move to canada, but what is the problem stopping
report is incomplete or unclear. Preview of the report is complete and them from doing so, is it lack of knowledge of
clear the ,market, we need to know. the preview of the report
is present however could be better written and less

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2. Methodology The methodology section does not The methodology section sufficiently The methodology section excellently a specific procedure is mentioned however it’s a
outline specific procedures for outlines specific procedures for outlines specific procedures for procedure of how the group functioned as to how they
25% collecting and analysing data. It does collecting and analysing data. It contains collecting and analysing data. It gathered the information needed. Research questions
not contain the research question and the research question and description contains the research question and where not mentioned throughtout the methodology
description and justification of the and justification of the method of data description and justification of the section on top of this there was no justification of the
method of data collection plus data collection plus data analysis. It method of data collection plus data method of data collection plus data analysis. A full
analysis. It does not address the full sufficiently addresses the full research analysis. It excellently addresses the full research research method was not stated and no
research method, and why the chosen method, and why the chosen method is research method, and why the chosen justification of the chosen method.for
method is the most appropriate. the most appropriate. Furthermore, a method is the most appropriate.
Furthermore, a method of data analysis method of data analysis is provided. Furthermore, a method of data analysis
is not provided. is provided in a structural and
excellenty phrased manner.

3. Findings Findigings are not well-structured, no Findigings are sufficiently structured Findigings are excellently structured For the structure of the findings the heading "Findings"
clear headings. Poor paragraphing. with clear headings. Sufficient with clear headings. Excellent is missing. The transitions are present from one
25% Transitions inside and between paragraphing. Transitions inside and paragraphing. Transitions inside and paragraph to another. Visual material is provided and
paragraphs is poor. Visual material between paragraphs is sufficient. Visual between paragraphs is very well done. referrenced and explained. There is a logical sequecne
(tables and figures) not included, material (tables and figures) are Visual material (tables and figures) are that is easy to follow. Sufficient information is provided
irrelevant, not explained, and/or poorly included, relevant, explained, and/or expertly included, relevant, explained, to form a conclusion, however some irrelevant
referenced. No logical sequence moving referenced. Logical sequence moving and/or referenced. Logical sequence informantion is also included. It is not great however it
from descriptive to analytical. Does not from descriptive to analytical. Contains moving from descriptive to analytical. did tick some boxes hence a 5.5 grade.
contain sufficient information to justify sufficient information to justify the Contains all the information to justify
the upcoming conclusions and upcoming conclusions and the upcoming conclusions and
recommendations. Irrelevant recommendations. No irrelevant recommendations. No irrelevant
information included information included information included.

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4. Conclusion and The conclusion section fails to start with The conclusion section sufficiently starts The conclusion section starts with a the purpoe statement is there we see how they want to
recommendations a paraphrased purpose statement. The with a paraphrased purpose statement. very clear paraphrased purpose be provide Canadian provinces with wine. However the
conlclusion does not follow logically The conlclusion follows somewhat statement. The conlclusion follows very conclusion doesn’t follow a logical sequence to the
25% from the findings in the report. There is logically from the findings in the report. logically from the findings in the report. findings. They talk about Andrew Peller before
no summary and interpretation of the There is a sufficient summary and There is an excellent summary and mentionng anything in the PESTEL analysis. Some key
key points. New information (not interpretation of the key points. No new interpretation of the key points. No points were mentioned. There were no
discussed in the findings) is included. information (not discussed in the new information (not discussed in the recommendations what so ever.
findings) is included. findings) is included.
The recommendations are not
S.M.A.R.T., shallow, lack depth and The recommendations are partly The recommendations are all S.M.A.R.T.
specificity. Recommendations do not S.M.A.R.T., but occasionally lack depth Recommendations follow very logically
follow logically from the findings and and specificity. Recommendations from the findings and the conclusions
the conclusions section. follow somewhat logically from the section.
findings and the conclusions section.

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