Atividade Provisória 2

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Atividade 1: Preenchendo as lacunas

Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo entre parênteses no Simple Present.

1. She __________ (to go) to school every day.

2. John __________ (to play) football on weekends.
3. They __________ (to live) in New York.
4. The cat __________ (to sleep) on the sofa.
5. We __________ (to have) dinner at 7 PM.

### Atividade 2: Construindo frases

Crie frases no Simple Present usando as palavras fornecidas.

1. (She / to read / book / every night)

2. (They / to work / at the hospital)
3. (He / to like / pizza)
4. (We / to watch / TV / in the evening)
5. (The dog / to bark / at strangers)

### Atividade 3: Correção de erros

Leia as frases a seguir e corrija os erros de conjugação dos verbos.

1. She go to the gym every morning.

2. They lives in a big house.
3. The teacher write on the board.
4. He don’t like vegetables.
5. We watches movies on Fridays.

### Atividade 4: Questões de múltipla escolha

Escolha a opção correta para completar as frases.
1. My sister __________ (like/likes) chocolate.
a) like
b) likes

2. They __________ (go/goes) to the beach every summer.

a) go
b) goes

3. He __________ (study/studies) hard for his exams.

a) study
b) studies

4. We __________ (have/has) a meeting every Monday.

a) have
b) has

5. The dog __________ (bark/barks) at night.

a) bark
b) barks

### Atividade 5: Transformação de frases

Transforme as frases a seguir de afirmativas para negativas e interrogativas.

1. She works at a bank.

- Negativa: She does not work at a bank.
- Interrogativa: Does she work at a bank?

2. They play tennis on Saturdays.

- Negativa:
- Interrogativa:

3. He drinks coffee every morning.

- Negativa:
- Interrogativa:

4. We visit our grandparents every Sunday.

- Negativa:
- Interrogativa:

5. The sun rises in the east.

- Negativa:
- Interrogativa:

### Respostas sugeridas

#### Atividade 1:
1. goes
2. plays
3. live
4. sleeps
5. have

#### Atividade 2:
1. She reads a book every night.
2. They work at the hospital.
3. He likes pizza.
4. We watch TV in the evening.
5. The dog barks at strangers.

#### Atividade 3:
1. She goes to the gym every morning.
2. They live in a big house.
3. The teacher writes on the board.
4. He doesn’t like vegetables.
5. We watch movies on Fridays.

#### Atividade 4:
1. b) likes
2. a) go
3. b) studies
4. a) have
5. b) barks

#### Atividade 5:
2. They do not play tennis on Saturdays. / Do they play tennis on Saturdays?
3. He does not drink coffee every morning. / Does he drink coffee every morning?
4. We do not visit our grandparents every Sunday. / Do we visit our grandparents every
5. The sun does not rise in the east. / Does the sun rise in the east?

Espero que essas atividades ajudem na prática e compreensão do Simple Present!

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