Leadership CB Gupta

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of Leadership ership VsManagement is one of the most investigated areas of management. This iS because of two reasons: occupies a central position in the field of management. Secondly the illusve character thas fascinated researchers. Several theories and models. oetenhiphavebeen dean - Nevertheless, the concept and nature of leadership are far from being precise, INCEPT OF LEADERSHIP leadership is the process of influencing the behaviour of others towards the lishment of goals ina given situation. According to Louis Allen, “A leader. one who gu other people. He gives the efforts ois followers direction and puposeyinfluencing (24.1) os ia Business Organi Theo Heimann defines leaershipas, "the proces by which an ‘According to Koontz and O'Donnel, “leadership isthe ability to ex ‘means of communication towards the achievement ofa gol.” _ “Autocratie Sle [Leader sole decision- maker Strict supervision and Ego needs (positive incentives) Interchange of ideas and recognition of ‘human values Delegation, authority People-oriented style Complete ‘delegation of authority. People-oriented style Self-actualisation needs Full scope for goes 2442 ‘aayonsuo22%yet 0} oun shea pu suowdo paw seopi i shenty sousdns 041 gam got amp anoge stun ssnostp 01 224 fjoiqd09 to9y seveupioqns sroneut re wy san pu -yuo> areduio, 249 THE MANAGI Robert Blake and J ‘250 anon 2yet oF sun fen pu suoqado pe spr 198 Ares souads s1xn us gor Susy ssnosip 0) Sera1d xy sone joa} SeIEUpIOGNS suo}st32p, {Jo jonuo> d2oy 01 Sousta. Tins sna pur aou9pyu0o yduoo you Inq pepueasgns rode ofalteaiv production and -waqgosd got Su;ajos Ur -soqpuyprogns Jo Jpue seapy a8 sounewos sousdns sq si got 2ip moge sau ssnasip 01 9845 AAA [22h 04 op saqeumps0gns soy Jaseur se yons ssn pute souepst09 ‘uipusosopu0> se saoqiedns oan tna gof amp nog Sap ssnostp 0} 29451 1 [29j 10U op soveurpuoans, ‘sareupuogns Ut 29uapyyuoo pur 3sn21 ou SEH ‘sauy siouedas ‘0u0p, ots. uOBE “1 @aeuomny Geanmuomny, (onensoueg) wsi4 (oapennsuos) ¢ woVsss, G@ansuomny juatonaurg) @ waIs%s aannenotdas) 1 winsks @anenomny aiquuiea Twuonezt4e819 dyqss9pe971 Jo waIsss s,u9qrT sive ‘mondo puoteg sourauafiog peo diciay sowery pig {puowuosarnos Uh TeueseUeY| Le Het i sajAis snoumea au ssnosiq, a -@feuonenis st diyssopeay wey mata ayy rope | ]EUOTIPALZOYsUEN v puE ;eUONORSUEA e Lad\sI0q YsiNZUNsIC] -ypvoudde “soureuoduur su ssnosiq_ diystopeay s1 ty, { SUONIPUOS UPIpUT 10} puaLUIOIaI NOK pjnom. a] [euoMeULoysue pue diysiapeay jeuoHoesuIEN LaaMag YstNSUNSIC] “suone}twut] pur sasn sit urejdxg g umnunuod diyssapea] si yey, uaumwuoD ,,;drysraBeureut jo aouassa aup st dinjs:opeo",, 4 um pur ares0ape nox op gaaiiie nos es hoon stasepes Jo sa]Xisquaxaysip aup auiuuexa Ayjean1 HyEMIIS WOAIS up YALA |]944 SOO Yaya UO st diysiopRa] aANIaYS., “alopronyg ,uonaeysiies fe spaaui stoup ‘staMoljo} SIY spurisiapUN OYA AUD st JOpRa| Poo y “cstamno £q auop sBuiyy 308 yorty 9940) SutAp up st diyssopeo” uompsjun3ig ssouisng SMO}IeA auf ssnosip pure plig feyoReueyy jo Surucaw ay wields 131 sey Ay {stow SH are yA ediysiapedy jeuoneMsst ey“ “diyssapeay jo A1oayp jeuonenis s,sa|par, asAfeue Ajjeonui>) & pid eueBeuew ain sopum diysiapPa|josojdissnoues ured -urejdxg ¢,diysiapee’] fevoneuuoysuedy,, siiey A ° “ol st ae

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