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Unit 3 iot questions

(IOT Protocols)

1. Illustrate different issues with standardization of loT Protocols.

2. Classify the different Topology of IEEE 802.15.4 and explain with suitable
3. Show the use of LoRa protocol in any suitable loT application development.
4. Differentiate between CoAP and MOTT.
5. Illustrate the various IoT applications developed using IP based protocols.
6. Show with suitable reasons why Zigbee is popular than Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in
7. Explain IOT application transport methods in brief
8. Write short note on: SCADA
9. Why 6LoWPAN plays important role in IOT. Explain in detail 6LoWPAN
10. Write short note on: Constrained Nodes and Constrained Networks
11. Write short note on: 802.11ah
Unit 4 iot questions
(IOT Application Development)

Q 1. Explain solution framework in brief?

Q 2. What are the four components of loT framework?
Q 3. Explain KAA JoT framework.
Q 4. Explain Cisco framework.
Q 5. Explain in brief ZETTA IoT framework
Q 6. Write short note on device integration.
Q 7. Explain Data Acquisition and Integration in loT.
Q 8. What is a data lake?
Q 9. Write note on loT Authorization and Authentication.
Q 10. What is Device Data Storage?
Q 11. Explain the Unstructured data storage on cloud/local server.
Q 12. Explain the work of Data Warehouse.
Unit 5 iot questions
(Data Analytics and supporting services)

Q 1. What is Data Analytics?

Q 2. Write a note on Structured data.
Q 3. Write a note on Unstructured data.
Q 4. Differentiate between data in motion and data at rest?
Q 5. What are the challenges faced in data analytics?
Q 6. How the data is organized in IoT/M2M?
Q 7. What are the security concerns for data in motion?
Q 8. What are the security concerns for data at rest?
Q 9. Write a short note on data acquisition for IoT and M2M devices.
Q 10. Write a short note on data storing function for loT and M2M devices.
Q 11. How we compute for IoT/M2M Applications/Services using cloud platform?
Q 12. Elaborate, Everything as a service' (XAAS)?
Unit 6 iot questions
(AI And The Internet of Things: Real World)

Q 1. What are real world design constraints in loT?

Q 2. Write a short note on asset management using loT.
Q 3. Explain Industrial automation IoT.
Q 4. What are the types of Industrial automation IoT.
Q 5. Write a note on smart grid.
Q 6. Explain the working of Commercial building automation using loT.
Q 7. Explain smart cities.
Q 8. What is participatory sensing?
Q 9. What is the work of data analytics in loT?
Q 10. What are the software & Management Tools for IoT Cloud Storage Models?
Explain in brief.
Q 11. List some of the loT cloud platforms.
Q 12. Explain in brief about Amazon Web Services for lot.

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