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Diego Aguilar Osorio


 Did you like it or not? Why?

I really liked the video, I like how it shows that the meaning of beauty is subjective by
demonstrating many different faces, and being able to see that each one has unique features that
define them.

 Come up with a definition of beauty.

What someone or something radiates outward to the world and the people in it.

 Name something that is beautiful.

A sunset on the beach

 Explain how the concept of beauty has changed in your culture in the past years (decades)
Looking 20 years back, the concept of beauty had a more formal voice, with more a more elegant
style and now at days you can see that beauty is more diverse and I think this change is good
because it feels more real when you see ads related to beauty.

 Come up with a saying about beauty.

Because comes in the moment that you start being your true self.

 Explain why beauty is usually related to women.

I believe that beauty is related to women because they have been portrayed as muses and models by
Painters, sculptors, and photographers. They have created works of art that celebrate feminine
beauty. This has contributed to the general perception that beauty is closely related to women.

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