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H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

Second Edition Intermediate B1

Contents of Teacher’s Book
tudent’s Book with Teacher’s otes
Contents of Student’s Book

odule ............................................................................................................................................................

odule ............................................................................................................................................................

odule .............................................................................................................................................................

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odule ............................................................................................................................................................

odule ............................................................................................................................................................
......... ...................................................................................................................................................

odule ............................................................................................................................................................
......... ...................................................................................................................................................

Speaking Section ........................................................................................................................................

Culture pages ................................................................................................................................................

rammar eference ...............................................................................................................................

rregular erbs .............................................................................................................................................

roject Skills ...................................................................................................................................................

Writing Section ...........................................................................................................................................

ideo activities .............................................................................................................................................

British and American English ......................................................................................................

Wordlist ..............................................................................................................................................................

istening Transcripts .........................................................................................................................................

orkbook ey ..........................................................................................................................................................

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Outline of the course is based on a general topic. The modules are well-
organised within a steady framework. Throughout the
b ectives module, students are presented with different aspects
This is an exciting and easy-to-use seven-level course in of the same topic. The modular approach promotes
English, which smoothly takes learners from Beginners progress in all dimensions, and, by the end of the course,
to Advanced level. The main concern of the writer of this students will have systematically covered the vocabulary
course has been to explicitly demonstrate how English is and grammatical structures outlined in the contents.
used in real-life situations, thus, enabling learners to use it Additionally, they will have been given the opportunity to
in meaningful contexts. The course has been meticulously develop all four skills, having been given ade uate practice
designed to build up the learners’ ability to communicate throughout the book. The precise time needed to complete
their ideas fluently, accurately and confidently. this course will vary according to factors such as school
organisation, class si e, learner ability and motivation.
The course follows the re uirements of the Common ey eatures
European Framework of eference for Languages (CEF ). Certain key features of the book add to the challenging

t aims at achieving the following goals: and motivating material of the course:
Communicative - to help students establish relations,
otivating and contemporary topics related to the

exchange information, express ideas, attitudes and
feelings. interests of teenagers and young adults.
ocio cultural - to help students grasp an understanding ively dialogues presenting real spoken English.
of everyday life patterns of their age group. This covers
topics such as home, leisure, etc. in the target language.
An integrated approach to all our skills
Emphasis on vocabulary building
earning how to learn - to help students plan their work rammar presented and practised in conte t
over a time span and set themselves realistic objectives. Systematic development of reading and listening skills

anguage and cultural awareness to help students and subskills

ac uire an understanding of the language and culture. A variety of communicative e am oriented tasks

ective preparation or all e ams (B First / B First A step by step approach to writing
for Schools (FCE - Cambridge Assessment English - radual familiarisation with e amination type tasks
niversity of Cambridge), ECCE ( ichigan Language Practical tips leading to the development of skills and
Assessment - niversity of ichigan), etc.). strategies.

ystematic development o st century competencies A round up section in each module providing regular
to promote intercultural awareness, critical thinking revision and consolidation.
A grammar re erence section.

skills, autonomous learning, communication,

cooperation, creativity, personal and social responsibility Cross curricular and cultural in ormation
and CT literacy. The language used. t is principally British English.
owever, the writer has taken into consideration the

yllabus fact that English is spoken as a first, second or foreign

The course follows the modular approach, which enables language throughout the world. Therefore, students
students to deal with topics in depth and over a longer are exposed to linguistic varieties as well as texts and
period of time. oreover, the course uses an integrated information about various English-speaking countries
approach to all four language skills (reading, listening, and cultures.
speaking and writing) in a carefully graded and well- Personalisation activities
organised, user-friendly syllabus combining functions, Opportunities for promoting learner autonomy with
structures, vocabulary, pronunciation and communication learning tips, self-assessment (Now I can) sections and
skills. A building-block strategy has been employed through learning objectives on the cover pages.
which every lexical and grammatical item is carefully Opportunities for promoting critical thinking skills by
presented and systematically revised enabling students to using an inductive approach to present grammar and
ac uire the language naturally and use it in meaningful vocabulary, relating new information to prior knowledge
contexts. Communicative language teaching is viewed as a with warm-up activities, asking open-ended uestions
practical activity rather than a theoretical notion. and providing students with problem-solving activities.
The use of T ( nformation Technology) (e.g. nternet
rganisation and length o the course use for projects, Student’s Digital aterial, nteractive
The book is organised in eight modules, each of which Whiteboard aterial).
ideos accompanied by activities.

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Course components a table o contents as it appears in the Student’s Book.
teacher’s notes interleaved with the pages of the Student’s
tudent’s Book Book. Each lesson includes tables of the functions,
The Student’s Book contains: structures and vocabulary introduced and useful notes
a table o contents presenting the topics, grammar, for teaching. These notes provide teachers with a step-
vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking and writing by-step guide to each stage of the lesson within a flexible
activities practised in each module. The st century framework that allows teachers to adapt the activities to
competencies developed within each module are clearly their own teaching style as well as to the students’ needs.
signposted. Answers to all activities and transcripts of the listening
eight modules each pages long, divided into two parts activities are also included.
a and b and including a round-up section. the aims for every activity in the Student’s Book along
eight video activities. with the symbols for the st century competencies being
four Culture pages with texts, activities and projects. developed.
a speaking section including pair-work activities. ideas for optional activities which help students get a
a grammar re erence section with useful tables, examples better understanding of the vocabulary and grammatical
and explanations of the structures dealt with in each structures or forms introduced and provide them with
module. an opportunity for further practice.
a list of irregular verbs additional activities or adaptations of already-existing
a section with roject Skills helping Ss to ac uire useful ones for mixed ability classes (higher-performing/lower-

skills in organising, planning and presenting projects. performing Ss).
a writing section containing information about the background notes on different topics which aim at

layout and set phrases students can use in the writing providing teachers with useful information about the
tasks texts appearing in the Student’s Book.
an appendix with di erences between British and anguage Plus bo es which give further linguistic
American nglish
A wordlist containing the active vocabulary of each
information about the new linguistic items presented in
each lesson.
lesson in alphabetical order. suggested answers to all activities where oral production
is re uired.

orkbook model answers for all the writing activities.

The Workbook is in full colour and is divided into a speaking section including pair-work activities, a

modules corresponding to the Student’s Book ( - section with Culture pages, a writing section, a grammar
pages per module). t provides further practice of all the reference section, a list of irregular verbs, a section with
linguistic items and skills dealt with in the Student’s Book project skills, an appendix of differences between British
and includes vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and and American English and a wordlist, as they appear in

writing tasks. Students are, thus, able to reinforce and the Student’s Book.
consolidate what they have learnt and also gain a sense the transcripts of the listening tasks included in the

of achievement. There are also exam-oriented tasks to Workbook, as well as the key to the Workbook activities.
provide students with further practice and familiarise The tracks ( 22 Track ) for all the recorded
them with the examinations. The reading texts and tasks material included in the Class Audio aterial.

appearing at the end of each module are thematically

linked to the topic of the module and offer further reading Class Audio aterial
comprehension practice. The writing tasks focus on The Class Audio aterial includes all the recorded
various aspects of writing such as style, register, content, material from the sections in the Student’s Book and the
organisation, etc. and provide students with further Workbook where the symbol appears.
practice. t is recommended that some of the activities in
the Workbook should be done in class, but most of them Teacher’s igital esources
should be assigned for homework. The Teacher’s Digital esources contain:
tudent’s igital aterial eight tests corresponding to the modules of the book.
The Student’s Digital aterial includes the texts in the a mid-term test.
Student’s Book. t also includes the reading texts in the a final test.
Workbook, interactive activities and a digital vocabulary keys and transcripts.
list, and it is meant to give students extra practice at home. The tests are available in DF format for printing and
in modifiable format so that teachers can add, omit or
change the order of the items and/or activities according
Interleaved Teacher’s Book
to the needs of their classes.
The Teacher’s Book contains:
an introduction including the module structure.

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Audio deal with in the module. The purpose of doing so is to
This section contains the recorded material for the tests as activate students’ background knowledge, motivate them
well as the audio for the videos. and create a sense of anticipation. The third section of the
cover page is a set of learning objectives. Students read
tra aterial
about what they will learn in the module, which motivates
This section provides teachers with supplementary
material for extra practice. t includes extra vocabulary, them and helps them become autonomous learners.
grammar, reading, speaking and writing activities for
each module. istening reading ialogues
The aims of the dialogues throughout the book are to
Port olio present vocabulary, structures and functions in context
The ortfolio enables students to record and present new and to expose students to natural spoken English through
information they have learnt and, thus, monitor their meaningful contexts. All the dialogues have been specially
progress. rojects are also included for this purpose. designed to familiarise students with spoken English in
a variety of different real-life situations, and they can
Interactive hiteboard aterial be dealt with as both reading and listening activities.
The nteractive Whiteboard aterial includes all the These dialogues rouse students’ interest through witty
textual, visual and audio material in the Student’s Book as exchanges in up-to-date, modern English, the objective
well as in the Workbook. t also includes suggested answers of which is to promote learning in a communicative
to all activities re uiring oral production, model answers way. The dialogues are accompanied by a wide range of

for all the writing activities, the videos accompanying the comprehension activities, such as open-ended uestions,
Student’s Book, along with the video activities, interactive True/False activities, ordering events, identifying speakers,

activities, tests, and a digital vocabulary list. gap filling, extracting specific information, etc.

The structure eading

There are two reading sections and a dialogue in each
of the modules module. Throughout the book, students are exposed
to the written language through a variety of reading
material: articles, brochures, advertisements, extracts

odules an overview
Each module is divided into two parts a and b. n from literature, etc. The texts cover a broad range
both parts, the target language (vocabulary, grammar, of motivating and contemporary topics and provide

functions) is presented and practised extensively, while students with interesting, multi-cultural, cross-curricular
at the same time the four basic skills (reading, listening, information about the real world. The texts have been
speaking, writing) and micro-skills are developed. After carefully selected not only for their language content but
parts a and b there is a video activities section. t includes also for their interest and appropriateness to the level and

a video clip as well as accompanying activities, which age of students this course is intended for. The texts aim
provide an opportunity for consolidation and expansion at the development of reading micro-skills with emphasis

on the topic of the module. Lastly, the round-up pages at on skimming or reading for gist, scanning for specific
the end of each module thoroughly revise the grammar information, understanding details and awareness of text
and vocabulary that have been taught in the module, cohesion. All reading texts have also been recorded, and

provide additional practice with examination-type tasks you may play the recording at the while-reading stage in
and offer a uni ue opportunity for self-evaluation. order to expose Ss to native English pronunciation and
intonation and to facilitate comprehension. The reading
The structure of each module is as follows: section is divided into five subsections:
Cover page
art a reading, vocabulary and grammar ( pages) A P A I
art a listening reading, vocabulary and grammar ( Before students are asked to deal with the reading
pages) material, they are engaged in warm-up activities, which
art a listening, speaking and writing ( pages) introduce the topic. These pre-reading uestions are
art b reading, vocabulary and grammar ( pages) usually of a general nature, which students can relate to
art b listening, speaking and writing ( pages) and express their opinion about or answer according to
ideo activities ( page) their personal experience.
ound-up ( pages)
Cover page This task re uires students to read the text uickly and
The cover page is the first page of the module. Students understand the main idea(s), the topic(s) discussed, the
are introduced to the topic of the module through a writer’s purpose, etc. t is advisable that students are given
discussion. They also learn about what topics they will sufficient but not excessive time to carry out the task and

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that teachers point out to students that unknown words attention has been paid to the selection of useful, high-
should not worry them at this stage. fre uency lexis appropriate for the students’ level, while
it is borne in mind that vocabulary is not just words but
C A I TAI also phrases or chunks of language, which have the same
Students are re uired to read the text again, this time function as single words. There are - subsections in each
in detail, and do various types of activities, such as vocabulary section covering different lexical areas such as
multiple matching, answering multiple-choice uestions phrasal verbs, collocations, words easily confused, word
or reconstructing a gapped text, all of which familiarise building, lexical sets, words with prepositions, prepositional
them with examination-type tasks. t is important that phrases, idioms, etc. t is worth mentioning that the text
teachers set a time limit and stick to it. nknown words in the reading section always serves as a springboard for
in the text, apart from a few key ones, should not be the vocabulary section. Students are asked to observe the
explained, but teachers should make sure that students lexical items as used in the text, infer their meaning or use
do not have any unknown words in the uestions and and come up with more examples of their use.
options as this could render the reading task impossible to
complete. Teachers should vary the approach adopted and This section also deals with essential grammar and
have students work individually at times and in groups at focuses on the main grammatical points and structures,
other times. Students should be encouraged to underline examples of which appear in the preceding reading texts.
the parts in the text which led them to their answer choice Their use and usage is illustrated in context through
and compare their answers in pairs or small groups before example sentences, and students are actively involved in

they discuss them in class. Teachers should always ask the understanding of grammar through various language
students to justify their answers and say why they have awareness activities. For example, they are re uired to

eliminated the other options. make inferences about the functions and formation of
grammatical structures and to complete tables and/or
Students are further helped to develop their reading skills sentences. n this way, students develop strategies which
with the inclusion of useful advice given throughout the
book in the form of tips.
help them identify language patterns, develop a greater
awareness of the language and become more independent
learners. A more detailed presentation of the grammar
I T A I focus in each unit is included in the rammar eference

at the back of the book, which students may refer to

This section re uires students to guess the meaning of whenever necessary.

certain unknown words appearing in the text by looking

for clues in the context. t is worth mentioning that some The activities in the practice section offer further practice
of the words appearing in this section may be beyond the of grammar, often in real-life contexts, which enable
level of B students. owever, the aim of the activity is to students to use the new material meaningfully and

have students guess the meaning of advanced lexis, which realistically. Practice is an important part of the grammar
they are likely to encounter in examinations as well as in section, and it consists of one or more activities which

real life when reading authentic texts. t is important to do allow students to use the structure they have learnt in
this activity in class, and it is strongly recommended that context, while teachers are able to check their students’
students work in pairs or small groups and compare their comprehension of the particular structure. These activities

answers. can be completed in class, either in pairs or individually.

Sometimes there is also a speaking activity which allows
P T A I students to use the grammatical structures through a freer
The reading section ends with one or two post-reading activity in the context of meaningful communication.
uestions, which give students the opportunity to expand At the end of the third vocabulary and grammar section,
on the topic of the reading text using topic-related there is a subsection entitled nglish in se which gives
vocabulary and develop critical thinking skills. t is students further practice in structural accuracy through
recommended that this activity is done systematically to tasks that simulate examination-type tasks (open clo e,
round up the reading section. sentence transformation, multiple-choice uestions, etc.).

ocabulary and grammar istening speaking

There are three vocabulary and grammar sections in each n each module there are two listening sections, the
module after the reading sections of the module. topic of which is always related to the general topic of the
module. A variety of spoken text types and task formats
The lexical material presented is relevant to the topic of have been employed, through which important listening
the module and is semantically grouped. ocabulary micro-skills are developed. n most cases, there is a pre-
is presented and practised in situational and linguistic listening activity which smoothly introduces the topic
context, which facilitates understanding. articular of the listening activity, activating students’ background

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knowledge and preparing them for the task at hand. uite Students are further helped to develop their speaking
often there is also a listening for gist activity re uiring skills with the inclusion of useful advice given throughout
students to listen to the text once and check their the book in the form of tips.
predictions or understand the main idea(s), the topic(s)
discussed, etc. The main listening task focuses on listening riting
for gist and/or specific information. There are different Writing is perhaps one of the most difficult skills
task types, including exam-type tasks (multiple-choice for students to master. The writer must take many
uestions, multiple matching, gap filling, etc.). things into consideration: purpose, audience, syntax,
paragraphing, punctuation, spelling and handwriting. For
t is always a good idea to have students read through this reason, the course has paid particular attention to
the uestions/sentences or go through the pictures which this skill. Students build up their writing skills through
they are re uired to use in order to complete the task the integration of skills as the writing activities are
first and make predictions about what they will hear. t thematically linked to the module. By the time students
is always important to stress that students do not need reach the writing section, which is the final section of each
to understand every word that they hear. After making part of the module, they will have dealt with the necessary
sure that students have understood the instructions and grammatical structures and vocabulary they need in
the language included in the activity, play the recording. order to complete the writing task. ost importantly,
Elicit answers from students and ask them to justify their before they are re uired to do the writing task, students
answers. Then, if necessary, play the recording again and are provided with a model essay/article/email, etc., so they

clarify any points that have not been understood. are exposed to a sample of what they have to produce
later. n addition, the course trains students to develop

Students are further helped to develop their listening skills vital writing skills based on the analysis of texts and the
with the inclusion of useful advice given throughout the systematic planning of their written work. There is a range
book in the form of tips. of activities, focusing on planning layout, brainstorming,

n the speaking section, various tasks provide students

style, register and text organisation, linking words/
phrases, and cohesion/coherence. Students are referred
with further practice of the vocabulary, structures and to the Writing Section, which includes instructions
functions presented in the preceding sections. Students concerning layout as well as set phrases and expressions

are engaged in meaningful communication and emphasis that students can use depending on the writing task they
is placed on communicating for a particular purpose. are re uired to complete.

Students usually work in pairs and perform a variety of

real-life tasks. They discuss or exchange information, The writing tasks are particularly suitable for homework
make suggestions, make decisions or express personal as they give students the opportunity to revise the
opinion in order to achieve a communicative goal. By language introduced in the unit and expand on the topic.

working in pairs, the amount of time students speak is nstructions should be explained carefully in class as it is
increased significantly and cooperation among students important to ensure that students have fully understood

is encouraged. n addition, pair work helps to lessen what they are expected to do. Students’ written work
students’ communicative stress. erbal and/or visual should always be corrected (not during class time) and
prompts are always provided to facilitate the students’ returned to students in due course. oreover, students

task. For most speaking activities, support is provided should be familiarised with a correction code, like the one
through boxes including words, phrases and expressions suggested below, which will help them identify and correct
related to the topic of the speaking activity in order to help their own mistakes.
students carry out the task successfully.

To achieve optimum results, it is advisable to set a time WW : wrong word A : article

limit for the activity and stick to it. During the activity, S: spelling WO : word order
the teacher should go round the classroom, listen to the : punctuation : something missing
discussions taking place and make sure that students T: tense
speak only in English. Whenever necessary, help and
support should be provided. As the aim of the activity Another way to deal with writing is as a cooperative
is to enhance students’ fluency, it is recommended that activity. Writing in pairs or groups can be highly
teachers should not interrupt them in order to correct motivating for students and incorporates research,
their errors. t is preferable for the teacher to keep a record discussion and peer evaluation.
of common or basic mistakes and to comment on them
at the end of the activity. There is ample opportunity to Students are further helped to develop their writing skills
focus on accuracy and correct errors while doing other with the inclusion of useful advice given throughout the
types of activities. book in the form of tips.

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ound up trategies Techni ues or i erentiated Instruction
The round-up section consists of three pages of activities To help teachers meet the needs of students with different
revising the vocabulary and grammar dealt with in the ability levels and needs, the following strategies have been
module. any of the tasks simulate examination-type incorporated either in the Student’s Book or in the
tasks (open clo e, sentence transformation, multiple- Teacher’s Book:
choice uestions, etc.), while at the end of the round-up A range of activities, depending on the level of students,
section there is a listening comprehension task providing to challenge higher-performing Ss and help lower-
students with additional practice. performing Ss.
Scaffolding instruction teachers support students in
There is also a self-evaluation chart at the end of each order to explore various topics through various ways (e.g.
round-up section, where students can check their notes in the Teacher’s Book provide a step-by-step guide
progress. This chart gives students the opportunity to take to each stage of the lesson within a flexible framework
responsibility for their learning and see what they can do that allows teachers to adapt the activities to their own
with the language they have learnt and evaluate their own teaching style as well as to the Ss’ needs, use of graphic
strengths and weaknesses. owever, in order to evaluate organisers, such as enn Diagrams and mind maps, etc.).
students’ performance, we must ask ourselves about the Flexible grouping students are given the opportunity
purpose of evaluation. What do we hope our students will to work individually, in pairs, in small groups or in large
learn Since our purpose is to improve students’ ability groups, according to their needs and interests (mainly in
and not simply to judge it, we must try and provide them the Speaking activities).

with feedback about their strengths and weaknesses. ere Ongoing or formative assessment it helps teachers to
are some practical ideas on how we can go about doing monitor students’ progress, pinpoint their strengths and

this: weaknesses, provide constructive feedback, and therefore
adapt the teaching and learning process to meet students’
onitor and describe students’ performance, on paper needs. There are various forms of formative assessment,
and verbally, so that they can overcome any difficulties.
Try to get them to articulate what they can do.
such as student self-assessment (Now can checklist).
Determine whether students have understood the task. POINTS TO REMEMBER
udge a task not only for the end result but also reflect Whether a task is carried out in class or assigned as

upon the stages and progress students went through. homework, make sure that students fully understand the
n the final stage, it is a good idea to help students rubric and are clear about what they need to do.

determine what has been achieved. For most activities, it could prove helpful to demonstrate
through examples what the task re uires students to do
Culture pages by doing the first item.
After every two modules, there is a Culture page related to Whenever a task re uires understanding gist, the teacher

the topics of the two modules. These pages can be found should not explain unknown words, thus, encouraging
in a special section at the back of the book and they lead students to focus on gist only. When necessary, however,

into project work. The texts further introduce students certain key words that block understanding could be
to the various cultures of the English-speaking world as explained.
more multi-cultural information is included within these egarding the grammar section, students will feel more

pages. confident if unknown words are explained before they

do the grammar activities.
i erentiated instruction n the listening tasks, make sure that students have no
Differentiated instruction is an approach that helps unknown words before they do the tasks.
teachers ensure that they address the needs of every n speaking activities, it is important to remind students
student. t is common knowledge that not all students that there are no right or wrong answers the aim is to
learn at the same speed or have the same learning style. get them talking about the topic and ideally use some
Therefore, in classrooms where students have different new vocabulary.
learning styles and needs, it is essential for teachers to When explaining new lexical items, a variety of
adjust instruction to tailor the material to the needs of techni ues could be employed such as example
individual Ss. This is a challenge for teachers because sentences, mimicry, definitions, antonyms, synonyms
differentiated instruction does not only mean changing and/or translation.
the way teachers teach. t also means changing the level Wherever elicitation procedures are re uired, it should
and the kind of instruction in order to respond to learning be ensured that each student has the opportunity to
diversity. For this reason, this course provides strategies speak before corrections are made by the teacher.
and additional activities or adaptations of already-existing n cases where students are asked to do guesswork, no
ones to ensure that all students will achieve the same goal answers should be revealed before students proceed to
but sometimes in a different way. the actual task and check their predictions.

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ICT literacy
Abbreviations used in Teacher’s Book Nowadays, it is vital for learners to use technology as a
adj.  adjective etc.  et cetera tool to research, organise, evaluate and communicate
adv.  adverb sb  somebody
prep.  preposition sth  something information. Since the value and the availability of
n.  noun Ss  students information are constantly changing, and this affects our
v.  verb SA  student A lives, we have to train our Ss to use technological aids to
p.  page SB  student B their advantage.
pp.  pages TB  Teacher’s Book
e.g.  for example
Personal and social responsibility
Educators play an important role in the development
of the community. Ss should understand that one of
21st century competencies their roles in society is being active members of their
community. That is why a sense of common good, as well
Intercultural awareness
as the need for active involvement in the community,
When learning a new language, it is important to
should be reinforced in the classroom.
learn about the cultures associated with it as well. Our
These competencies are developed throughout the series
focus in this series is not only on vocabulary, grammar
and are clearly indicated in the table of contents in the
and communication. The writers have taken into
Student’s Book and in the corresponding activities in the
consideration the need to provide learners with a deeper
Teacher’s Book with the following symbols:

understanding of the cultures of the target-language as
well as other cultures worldwide.
 Intercultural awareness

Critical thinking
Learners should be encouraged to think for themselves,  Critical thinking
solve problems, make decisions and express their
opinions. Throughout the book, there are activities which
help learners enhance their critical-thinking skills. (e.g.
at  Autonomous learning
 Communication
‘Discuss’ section, warm-up stage, reading for gist, post-  Cooperation
reading/listening stage, activities encouraging Ss to guess

 Creativity
the meaning of unknown words, etc.).
 ICT literacy

Autonomous learning
 Personal and social responsibility
Learners should be able to take responsibility for their
own learning in order to be successful inside and outside
the classroom. That is why the material is designed in

a way that allows learners to set their goals, check their

progress and look for opportunities to practise outside the



Communication in the classroom means expressing

oneself, exchanging ideas with others, as well as presenting
one’s work. When communication is effective, learners
benefit in various ways.

Cooperation creates opportunities for achievement
and promotes a positive self-concept. Learners working
in pairs or groups offer help to each other and this
facilitates the achievement of their goals. Further to
this, cooperation promotes polite behaviour and respect
towards others, which are important social skills.

Creativity is an important skill in real life. Learners
become more motivated if they can create something.
This series provides learners with activities that promote
creative thinking and make work in the classroom more

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Module structure
Student’s Book

Cover page

Planet Earth 4
Discuss: ntroduction to the topic
 Are you concerned about environmental
issues Why / Why not
 What do you consider to be the most
serious problems our planet faces
of the module through
Flick through the module and find...
brief discussion
 an article about life on an imaginary planet
 a conversation between two friends about global warming
 an article about endangered animal species
 two advertisements for holidays close to nature
 advertisements about different environmental projects

Critical thinking

Objectives of module In this module you will learn...

clearly presented  to talk about life on our planet and the environment

Autonomous learning
 how to refer to the future using appropriate tenses
 how to express hypotheses about what is likely or
unlikely to happen in the future
 common units of measurement
 how to write an email and an article
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams
at 53

Reading - Vocabulary & grammar

Communication rammar clearly
ersonal and social responsibility presented and practised


1a 4a
Reading Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words highlighted in
A. Discuss. the text with their meanings.
ave you ever done volunteer work for an organisation or charity
Do you think it is important to volunteer to help the environment 1. species GRAMMAR
Why / Why not 2. logging FUTURE TENSES
B. Read the advertisements A-D quickly and match them with the pictures 1-4. 3. ecosystem A. Read the dialogue and match the phrases in bold with their functions a-c.

4. images A: Next July, Phil and I are going to volunteer with the ARCAmazon and help scientists
Why not consider volunteering

save the Amazon rainforest. Would you like to come with us?
5. community
B: I’m not sure. I have no plans for July, but is it so important?

Warm-up There are

to save Planet Earth 6. floods

a. pictures
A: Of course! Scientists say that in in a hundred years rainforests will not exist.
B: In that case, I’ll come with you.

many opportunities available. a. a future prediction

b. large amounts of water
covering an area b. something that someone has just decided to do
ere are just a few. 1 c. a group of people living c. something that someone has already planned to do
in an area B. Look at the extracts from the text and answer the questions.

introducing The world is experiencing a time of change. We are moving

from a ‘grey’ economy, based on habits that are harmful
to the environment, to a ‘green’ economy, based on the
d. types of plants or
e. the action of cutting
down trees
1. However, by 2030, logging will have 2. During this fifteen-day adventure, you will be
reduced the size of the Amazon
rainforest by 40%.
helping families in Bhaleswa, near New Delhi...
What is emphasised

the topic and understanding that we need to protect our environment. ow When will that happen a. a point of time in the future
f. the plants and animals b. the duration of a future action
will future generations meet these challenges olunteers a. before
in an area
b. after
are needed for Earth Force. ou will help to train young and
interested high school students while they prepare themselves C. Decide which of the examples from activities A and B match the rules.

E. Discuss.
for the green jobs of the future. oin today and help shape the Which of the volunteer The Future will (will base form) is used for predictions.
minds of tomorrow A opportunities in the
advertisements seems the most
The Future will (will base form) is used for spontaneous decisions.
The Future be going to (am/is/are going to base form) is used for people’s

personal The Ama on asin covers about seven

kilometres and is home to more than
of animals. t is one of Earth’s finest
million s uare
. million species
treasures. owever,
appealing to you Why
intentions or plans that have already been made.
The Future rogressive (will be -ing form) is used to emphasise the
duration of a future action.
response by , logging will have reduced the si e of
rainforest by
the Ama on
. A CAma on is looking for volunteers
to help put an end to this before it is
too late. olunteers
Look at the group of words. How
many other words describing
The Future erfect Simple (will have past participle) is used for actions
that will be completed before a specific time or another action in the future.

• The Present Progressive is used when referring to people’s plans


will help scientists in their study of the

destruction of the geographical features do you and arrangements.
Ama on rainforest and its effects on know?
the ecosystem. ou will • When referring to the future, use will in the main clause, but
have the opportunity to travel with scientists use a Present tense in the time clause (i.e. after when, as soon
through the
jungle in an experience of a lifetime. as, until, till, before, after and by the time), e.g. You will help
Don’t miss out
to train young and interested high school students while they
B prepare themselves for the green jobs of the future.
With their
uni ue chain of islands
elp save the beaches of a
beaches that stretch for miles, C. Read the advertisements again and answer
warm waters and white sandy
’s dream of a tropical paradise. the questions 1-8. Write A, B, C or D in the PRACTICE
the Bahamas are everyone been boxes. Complete the dialogues with the Future will, the Future be going to, the
this island chain has not
ust off the coast of Florida, to put an Which advertisement mentions... pond ocean Present Simple, the Future Progressive or the Future Perfect of the verbs
until uite recently. elp
affected by development . in brackets.
of these islands is destroyed 1. an organisation that helps prepare young
end to this before the beauty will A: (1) (you / watch) the game tonight
Center (CEC), volunteers people for new careers
With the Coastal Ecology development on the 2. an organisation in which volunteers will
B: Of course. Do you think the Allstars (2) (win)
of growing coastal
examine the effects ou will help compare be helping people who have suffered
A: No way think it (3) (be) an exciting game, though.
animals which live nearby. B: e too. Listen, ack and (4) (watch) the game at
plants and because of weather conditions
round information.
satellite images to on-the-g C 3. an organisation which is asking for people
Sportcaf . t has a huge screen. Do you want to come
A: eah, it sounds like fun.
with specific ualities
olunteer with abitat for umanity and create new homes B: O . (5) (call) ack now and tell him you’re coming.
4. an organisation in which volunteers
for ndian families. elp a poor community live in safe will be using high technology to gather desert oasis A: have to wake up at . tomorrow because have an early meeting.
housing. During this fifteen-day adventure, you will be information B: Well, by the time you (6) (wake up),
helping families in Bhaleswa, near New Delhi, rebuild homes 5. an organisation in which volunteers will (7) (leave).
which were destroyed by floods during the rainy season. ou be exploring the area they want to save A: Where are you going
will be working with a team of local builders, community B: To erth. have a lot of meetings and (8) (work)
6. the length of time individuals will be
members and the families who will eventually live in the doing volunteer work all day. (9) (give) you a call as soon as
houses you will have helped build. We are looking for cheerful (10) (get) there.
7. that we are seeing a change for the better
and hardworking people who have experience in construction A: O . (11) (you / be) at home when (12)
work. f you fit this description, then please join us 8. an area which was unharmed by human
activity in the past (get) back in the evening

D canyon polar ice cap B: No, (13) (be) late ’m afraid.

Activities focusing on reading ocabulary presented through

for detail (bottom-up strategy) visual prompts

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Listening & reading - Vocabulary & grammar
Emphasis on vocabulary
• Communication building

4a 4a
Listening & reading Vocabulary & grammar
A. Discuss.
What do you know about global warming WORDS EASILY CONFUSED
What will happen if the Earth’s temperature continues to rise Circle the word that best CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (TYPES 1 & 2)
Do you think there are any advantages to global warming completes each sentence. A. Look at the extracts from the dialogue and answer the questions.

B. Listen to the dialogue. What advantages to

global warming does Josh mention?
C. Read the dialogue and answer the
1. eter stood and watched the smoke
raise / rise from the burning
1. If the temperature keeps rising, the polar ice caps will continue to melt.
Does the sentence refer to the past or the future
Does he think that this is likely to happen
Josh ou know, don’t see what the fuss is all about.
ersonally, hate cold weather. lobal warming means
can go swimming all year round, so, for all care, let it get
1. What does ichard mean when he tells osh
that he will be able to swim in his back garden
2. ow does ichard see things according to osh
2. The teacher asked her students to
raise / rise their hands before they
ask a uestion.
2. If you weren’t so negative, you would be able to see all the advantages of
global warming.
According to osh, is ichard negative Does he see the advantages of
global warming
warmer and warmer.
Richard Are you totally insane, osh aven’t you understood
a word of what scientists have been saying f the
3. ow would osh save money if the Earth’s
temperature rose
4. ow will people living in southern regions deal
3. ’ve told you before not to disturb /

interrupt me when ’m talking.
lease turn that music down.
Does the sentence refer to the present or past
B. Look at the extracts from the dialogue again and complete the rules.
practised in
temperature keeps rising, the polar ice caps will continue ou will disturb / interrupt your
to melt. As a result, sea levels will rise causing massive
flooding. And, yes, you will be able to go swimming all
year round in your back garden
with extreme heat according to osh
5. What does osh say could happen to the price
of petrol if global warming continues
brother he’s studying for an exam.
5. ra is one of the world’s leading
oil / petrol producers.
Conditional Sentences Type 1 express something which is likely to
happen in the present or future.
if  will, can, must, may, might or should base form

Josh Nonsense So what Some towns that are miles away from imperative
the sea will become beach resorts. sn’t that wonderful 6. emind me to stop at the first oil /
petrol station we find. Conditional Sentences Type 2 express something imaginary/unreal or
ou see, your problem is that you keep focusing on the
D. Look at the expressions highlighted in the unlikely to happen in the present or future.
disadvantages. f you weren’t so negative, you would be 7. The cat lay down on the floor and
able to see all the advantages of global warming. dialogue and decide when each of them is used. sunned itself in the hot / warm if ast Simple  , could base form
Richard What advantages 1. when something is not sunshine.
Josh Well, for starters, if the weather gets even warmer, we • The Zero Conditional (if or when + Present Simple  Present Simple)

important 8. The food was too hot / warm to eat
will save a lot of money on winter clothes. No more hats, so we left it to cool down. is used for general truths. e.g, If water freezes, it turns into ice.
2. when someone is not worried
boots and heavy coats. could wear my T-shirts every day • Unless is used instead of if... not. e.g. I won’t believe you unless I see
3. when there is no possibility 9. Don’t give up / give in on your
and show off my big muscles
dreams keep on trying until you it (if I don’t see it) myself.
Richard Don’t you understand that people who live in southern of changing someone • If I were you is often used to express an opinion or give advice.
regions would suffer from extreme heat 4. when someone mentions the
Josh don’t see what the big deal is. f it gets too hot for people 10. Finally, the teacher gave up / gave
first point in a list
living in the South, they will simply go to the North to in to the students’ re uest to go on
5. when someone can’t do an excursion.
cool off. mean, we’ve been going South for years to get Charlotte i, ichael. like your new car.
something and stops trying
Richard es, but... PRACTICE Michael Thanks Actually, just bought it a week ago and ’m
Josh Don’t interrupt me. Now, if the polar ice caps were Complete the dialogues with the correct really excited.
smaller in si e, it would be easier to dig for oil in the form of the verbs in brackets. Charlotte There’s something about it... t looks different from
Arctic, which would mean cheaper petrol for us. Think E. Discuss. other cars ’ve seen.
about how much more often we could use our cars We Whose opinion of global warming do you agree Paul i, ack. What are you up to Michael That’s because it’s an electric car. t uses electricity
could go for nice long drives in the countryside with Why Jack ’m just doing some research on the nternet about rather than petrol.
Richard give up osh, you are a hopeless case
climate change. Did you know that if the planet Charlotte Oh, ’ve heard about that. t sounds really
(1) (continue) to get interesting, and if the car (8)
warmer, the polar ice caps will disappear (not need) petrol, it (9) (be)
Paul guess that’s obvious. After all, if you definitely better for the environment.

(2) (heat) ice, it Michael Exactly There are some disadvantages, though. f
(3) (melt). the battery (10) (run) out,
Jack bet you don’t know what causes climate change. then the car (11) (stop).
Paul know that burning fossil fuels increases the Charlotte That’s a bit risky. magine what would happen if the
planet’s temperature. car suddenly (12) (stop) in
Jack That’s right, and if we (4) the middle of the road
(not use) alternative sources of energy more, Michael t doesn’t work like that. The car gives a warning
we (5) (destroy) the planet. signal. So, you have time to go and recharge the

Paul es, but they’re more expensive, aren’t they battery. They’re becoming really popular too. think

that if this keeps up, in a few years there
Jack Well, if (6) (can),
(13) (be) more electric cars
(7) (make) fossil fuels
than petrol cars on the roads.
more expensive so that people wouldn’t use them.
56 57

B. Tell them to read through the uestions and make sure they

ost-reading uestions
to help Ss elaborate on
at Aim: to help Ss understand the prompts and relate them

4a Systematic development of reading skills

to the required response
Tell Ss to read the email that anessa has written and
answer the uestion in the rubric.

through various types of activities

understand what each part of an informal email should

What greeting will you use
She asks you to say whether you intend to sign a petition Dear Vanessa,
Functions against the construction of a golf course and propose other O EN N A A A
SA: But what about the trip to adagascar This one is
Talking about advantages response
and disadvantages the topic
more relaxing ofasthe
for sure we’ll getreading
to spend a lot of time
on the beach. Although, it’s still an active holiday with
types of action that the residents can take. What set phrase will you use to begin your email
I was glad to receive your email / It was nice to hear from you...
Expressing preference and justifying Why are you writing to your friend
Expressing opinion, agreement and disagreement activity
all the swimming and snorkeling that’s on offer. And C.
we’ll get to see a adagascan Lemur Aims: to give Ss practice in brainstorming before to reply to her and respond to what she says in her email
aking suggestions SB: Now ’ve always wanted to see one of those they’re so AN A T
writing an email
sweet. What points do you have to respond to
Vocabulary SA: Well, maybe we should choose adagascar then. We’ll . Signing the petition or not
be staying in an environmentally-friendly hotel too, First have Ss think of the uestions individually. Ask them . Alternative ways of stopping the building of the golf course
argument attract aware located damage (v.) which will be a uni ue experience for both of us. to note down any ideas they can think of. n this way, you ow will you organise these points into paragraphs

demonstration diving editor educational SB: t does sound like fun, but think the trip to Costa ica

Listening & speaking - Writing

ensure that all Ss will come up with their own ideas. 1st para: say if you are signing or not
effective explore flash of lightning issue (n.) is probably better because it will give us the chance 2nd para: Alternative ways of stopping the building of the golf
leaflet plan (v.) protest (v.) public transport to do something to help protect the environment and Then divide Ss into pairs. ou can have lower-performing
really make a difference. What also like about this trip Ss work with higher-performing Ss so that the former feel course
resident sign (v.) skill snorkelling survey CLOS N A A A
threat town council traffic congestion is that we get to learn about endangered species and more confident. Encourage Ss to exchange opinions and
even explore parts of the rainforest. allow them some time to prepare their answers. s there anything you want to emphasise
Words related to environmental issues SA: es, that’s true. But on the trip to adagascar, we’ll be Set a time limit of maximum five minutes and have Ss do We have to protect the environment at all costs.
coastline conservation project crystal clear staying in a nature reserve, so we’ll learn about the local the activity. What set phrase will you use to end your email
wildlife there too. ave each pair share their ideas in class. Well, I hope that I’ve been of some use. Write soon to tell me
endangered environmentally friendly litter (n.)
nature reserve pollution recycling turtle
SB: t’s a difficult decision, but still think we should
go to Costa ica. t’s such a great opportunity to do
odel answers for all writing what happened with the golf course.
unspoilt wildlife something positive. And we’ll learn some new skills too, Suggested answers
activities are provided in the Teacher’s

What signature ending will you use

like how to do surveys of animals and things like that. Give opinion about plan
Phrases SA: ou’re right. So, Costa ica it is What are the advantages of building the golf course? All the best,
at all costs change one’s mind
make a difference take action
in favour of
A variety of listening tasks Book and on the WB WRIT ING TA SK
Local residents might improve their exercising habits.
What are the disadvantages?
t might increase litter and traffic congestion in the area, and E.
B. it’s likely to damage wildlife nearby. Aims: to give Ss practice in writing an email based on
Suggested 27 - 34 Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and

Do you think the disadvantages are greater than the advantages? prompts
expand on the topic of the speaking activity es, do. The safety and protection of the plants, animals
Aim:answers to and natural landscape are much more important to me than
to give Ss practice in listening for specific any financial benefits the golf course might bring. As for
information and answering multiple-choice Tell Ss that they should write an email to anessa including
4a Ask Ss the uestions and elicit answers. exercising, very few people play golf, whereas everyone can 4a the prompts, the notes from activity C and the outline from
Explain to Ss that they will hear people talking in four
Listening & speaking Writing
enjoy walks along the coastline, so that is not a good reason for
making a golf course.
activity D. Allow Ss to use extra ideas. This will challenge
Suggested answers An email Should the environment be protected at all costs? higher-performing Ss.
re uiring oral
different situations. LISTENING
The main advantage of ecotourism is that is doesn’t harm A. Discuss. es, think so. There has been so much destruction of natural Encourage them to refer to the Writing section for the layout

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. the environment. t’s also educational, and it teaches
You will hear people talking in four different situations. For questions 1-4, choose the best answer a, b or c. Do you face any of theseenvironments already
problems in the area where you livein the world it is time to stop. Wildlife and set phrases they can use when writing their email.
open-ended areuestions - on the board
ou may modify the activity from multiple-choice to
uestions. Write
people about the world around them.
1. ou overhear a conversation. What did the man forget
a. a can
do try to help protect the environment. have installed
b. a juice carton
energy-saving light bulbs at home, don’t leave the water
3. ou overhear a conversation. Why does the man
change his mind about fishing
a. e saw a flash of lightning.
air pollution should
water pollutionbe valued
lack of parks and open spaces
litter more
Say whether destruction
traffic and
you willofsign
protected at all costs.
Model answer
(without the options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their What do you think you Do youresidents
think people
are able toshould takeproblems
action to protect the environment ?
provided in
c. a bottle b. e saw dark clouds. and other do about these
books, listen and answer the uestions. This will challenge running when brush my teeth, and even shower to save
2. ou overhear a conversation. What will the man do
c. The sea was rough. B. You have received an emailes, from definitely. The beautiful
an English-speaking friend of yours coastline
informing youand theanwildlife
about there
From: rogervas ue
water. owever, probably could do more. problem and asking for your is precious andfriend’s
help. Read your it would terrible
What does youriffriend
it were harmed.
ask you to do? eople To: vanessabrooks
higher-performing Ss. Alternatively, eliminate one first
think people can help protect the environment by
4. ou hear a man and woman talking. What do they

option. form
This will help lower-performing Ss.
Check the answers with the class.
a. go for a swim
changing their habits. For example, they can try to use
b. take a photograph
less water. Another way people can help is by walking
c. go under the waterfall
have a different opinion about
a. using public transport
b. changing their lifestyles
should sign the petition and do whatever they can to protect
Vanessaenvironment in our area.
Subject: olf course petition
Subject: Will signing
Golf course problemthe petition help stop the town council from building Dear anessa,
in the
1. c 2. b
3. a 4. a
or riding a bicycle or using public transport instead of
driving. What is more, believe that everybody should
c. recycling

A. Talk in pairs. Look at the advertisements for two holidays and decide which you would prefer to go on and
I’m writing to tell youthe
course along our unspoilt
a problem
t depends
we have in our town. The town council is planning to build a huge golf
coastline. This number
caused of people
a lot of discussions who sign
and arguments in ourthe
because notand t was good to hear from you after so long Thanks for
start recycling. everyone is in favour of it. You see, building this golf course will damage the sand dunes on the coastline and this

Book, and in why. You can use some of the words and expressions in the boxes.
together a large group
on combined
could have a bad effect on the wildlife in the
of local that
think residents
area. As Isuch
feel very
feel the same
petition is way
as I do.thing.
a good
about enerally,I got
protecting the environment,
We have written a petition asking the
town council not to build the golf course and I was wondering if you would be interested in signing it. You can
informing me about the important issue of the golf course.
understand that building a golf course would enable local
Ecotourism holiday in Suggest
sign at We plan to do more things to make people aware of the threat this project poses to
A K ING and
the environment. If you have any ideas about what we could do, drop us a line.
Take care,
How effective would these be?
think that all of these suggestions would be effective. The
residents to improve their exercising habits as more people
would be likely to consider taking up the sport. owever,
of two optionsforms
Aims: to give Ss practice in discussing the pros and cons
and expressing preference
A. to C. Focus on each of the points
more local residents do, the more likely it is that the town
in your will change its mind
D. Complete and
the outline forpay attention
your email to residents’
by answering the questions.
will definitely sign the petition against it as think the
disadvantages are greater than the advantages. A golf course

to prepare Ss forMadagascar
friend’s email that you have to respond to,
objections to their plan.
on the WB Costa Rica
Aims: to activate Ss’ background knowledge
the writing task
and try to come up with ideas.
Can you think of some
give opinion about plana radio interview with
other action the residents can take?
What greeting will you use?
in your area would bring litter and traffic congestion to a
beautiful part of the coastline, and would also be harmful to
a spokesperson for the group of residents
Divide Ss into pairs. ave higher-performing Ss work What are the advantages articles
of building thein golf
local news websites about problems the golf course the wildlife.
with lower-performing Ss. course
Explain that Ss should look at the two advertisements and What are the disadvantages What set phrase will you use to begin your email? Another idea that could be effective would be to organise
ave Ss go through the environmental problems in the send are emails to all the residents of the area to inform them
discuss the pros and cons of each holiday and then say
Do you think the disadvantages greater than a demonstration and invite the local news websites to send
box and check understanding. the advantages about the problemWhy are you writing to your friend?
which they would prefer. reporters. They will be able to see how many people support
Ask the uestions and discuss. efrain from providing too Should the environment be protected at all costs
ave Ss read the advertisements, the vocabulary box and the issue and to hear your side of the story.
much input on measures taken by local residents as this is
Stay in an environmentally-friendly say whether you will sign MAIN PART
the useful expressions and check understanding. Ask them part of activity C on the same
located in a nature reserve What points do you have to respond to? The most important thing is to inform more and more people.
 Unique opportunity to explore the Do you think people should take action to
to make an effort to use them in the activity.  See amazing wildlife including the D.
A variety
eep up the good work and let me know what you decide to do
rainforests of Costa Rica protect the environment
o round the class helping Ss when necessary.  Take part in various conservation projects,
Madagascan Lemur
Aims: to provide How
Will signing the petition help stop the town Ss with a concise
will you organise planinto
these points for writing an next.
Suggested answers  Enjoy unspoilt
e.g. carry out surveys of endangered turtles
sandy beaches and
crystal clear aquamarine waters
council from building the golf course informal email
We have a lot of air pollution because there are factories
of writing
 Take a boat trip along the impressive suggest Bye for now,
 Learn new skills nearby. There is water pollutioncoastlinefrom the ships
and go diving in the port.
and snorkelling Is there anything you want to emphasise?
Suggested answer Litter
 Make a difference to the is not picked up as often as it should be. There is
environment ow effective would these be oger
ave Ss copy the outline in their notebooks.
set phrase will you use to end your email?
SA: think that both holidays look really interesting,
don’t you
no public transport in my area, so everybody gets around
by car, creating traffic congestion. The buildings where
an outdoor concert to attract
publicity to the issue
59 TB
SB: Definitely. The trip to Costa ica is probably the moreactive relaxing educational live are very close together
challenging and there is a lack of parks.
B. Discuss. a demonstration to protest against SIGNING OFF
the golf course What signature ending will you use?
educational of the two. ou can really learn a lot there Destruction of forests is a bigWhat problem in myofcountry.
are the advantages ecotourism
would prefer to go to... because... Do you think that you do enough to protect
by taking part in the different conservation projects.think... is better... because itThere is more logging every year.
will give us the opportunity to... the environment Why / Why not
sending emails to the editor of the
local news website
There are some things residents
don’t think we should go to... because... Whatcan do themselves,
can individuals for
do to protect the WRITING TASK
example join a volunteer group that looks out for forest
environment handing out leaflets to inform more E. Write an email to your friend based on the outline you have
people about the problem made and using some of the ideas from the brainstorming
fires or join beach clean-up efforts. owever, many of activity C. Your email should be between 100-150 words.
these problems need action by the local government. n Can you think of some other action the
For the layout of emails and set phrases you can use, go to the
residents can take
order for that to happen, residents must express their Writing Section. 59
opinions in various ways.
58 TB

• Communication A variety of communicative tasks Creativity

• Cooperation practising the language taught

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Reading - Vocabulary & grammar
ost-reading uestions to help Ss elaborate Systematic development
on the topic of the reading activity of vocabulary skills

1a 4b
Reading Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words/phrases highlighted 2. LEXICAL SET (UNITS OF MEASUREMENT)
in the text with their meanings.
Look at the tables and label the pictures. In some cases
A. Discuss. B. Read the text quickly and answer the
1. are aware a. which still exist there may be more than one correct answer.
Can you think of any animal species that are question.
2. die out b. appears LENGTH WEIGHT
What is the writer’s attitude about protecting c. have babies centimetre (cm) . inch gram (g) . ounce
Why do you think so many animal species have 3. prey
lesser-known animal species d. disappear
become endangered in recent years metre (m) . feet kilogram (kg) . pounds
a. e/She is in favour of it. 4. predators e. know
kilometre (km) . mile tonne kilograms

b. e/She is against it. 5. remaining f. animals which kill

uestions c. e/She does not express his/her opinion. and eat other animals inch (in) . centimetres ounce (o ) . grams
6. breed g. animals which foot (ft) . centimetres pound (lb) grams
7. features another animal eats yard (yd) . metre stone (st) . kilograms

activating Ss’ E. Discuss. mile (mi) . kilometres

Would you donate money to help save any of the
animals mentioned in the text Why / Why not CAPACITY
millilitre (ml) . pint

background According to the CN ed List, there are thousands of

litre (l)
pint (pt)
. pints
. litre

Look at the groups of words. How many words uart ( t) . litres

animal species on the endangered list. Some of the reasons
these animals are endangered include pollution, climate can you add to each group? gallon (gal) . litres
change and the destruction of their natural habitats. ost
of us are aware that gorillas and tigers are endangered, but MAMMALS BIRDS
there are some lesser-known creatures that are also likely to
die out soon or have already disappeared.


One example is the kakapo, a type of parrot which is found Portsmouth d
in New ealand. These birds can’t fly, and they build their taken the last remaining birds to protected islands that are
nests on the ground. They eat nuts, seeds and fruit, and predator-free. This has helped the animals to breed and
they sometimes climb trees in search of food. The kakapo therefore has increased the number of kakapo in recent

is the heaviest parrot in the world, weighing about three years.

kilograms. There were once hundreds of thousands of Another example of an unusual endangered creature is the
kakapo in existence, but today there are only about left. omodo dragon, which lives on the Lesser Sunda slands f
These birds are endangered because they are easy prey for in ndonesia. The omodo dragon is the largest li ard

cats and rats their weight and their inability to fly make it

on Earth, weighing around kilograms on average and
difficult for them to escape their predators. n order to save measuring up to three metres in length. llegal hunting
the kakapo, New ealand conservation authorities have is the main cause of this creature’s endangerment, and, at
present, there are only a few thousand omodo dragons


in existence. n order to protect the remaining omodo
dragons, national parks and reserves were created on
several islands including omod, inca, adar and Flores.
Finally, few people have heard of the onteverde golden
toad, another exotic creature that features on the extinct g
species list. The male toad was about five centimetres long REPTILES INSECTS
and its skin was orange and very shiny. undreds of golden
toads used to live in the tropical forests near the town of


onteverde in Costa ica, but the last time a golden toad
was seen was in . Nowadays, scientists believe that the h
golden toad disappeared as a result of climate change.


C. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write T, F or NM in the boxes.
1. There are several reasons why certain species are dying out.
2. t is more difficult to protect lesser-known creatures from extinction.
3. The kakapo is endangered because it is hunted by other animals. tortoise

4. The kakapo is disappearing faster than any other species. j
5. The omodo dragon’s greatest enemy is man.

6. The authorities have moved the omodo dragon to a safer environment. i


7. The onteverde golden toad may still be alive.

8. esearchers think climate change has played no role in the disappearance of the golden toad.

arious types of texts providing Ss

with factual information
ocabulary presented
through visual prompts

Vocabulary & grammar - Listening & speaking

Critical thinking

Cooperation arious types of listening activities

ersonal and social responsibility exposing Ss to spoken language
n inductive

approach to 4b
presenting 4b
Vocabulary & grammar Listening & speaking
4b Suggested answers
grammar Functions to all activities
SA: ou’re right. have never visited a landfill site myself,

A. Complete the texts with a, an, the, some or -.
Talking about the environment
Comparing situations
A. You will hear four people talking about B. Listen again and match the speakers 1-4 with
re uiring oral
but know there are many just outside of the city.
SB: So, we agree that both problems are common here.
different aspects of Expressing
life in the future. opinion and justifying
production are
SA: es.
ave you ever seen (1) Bengal tiger saw one up close when Listen the statements a-d.
A. Read the examples and circle the correct was in (2) ndia last year, and believe these tigers are and decide what each speaker is referring to.
words to complete the rules. (3) most magnificent animals in the world. They have two Vocabulary
One aspect is referred to by two speakers.
a. These developments will make our life
The sun is a star, not a planet.
SA: n my opinion, the problem of air pollution is the most
problem. The insmogwritten
habitats (4) Bengal tigers live near the Bay of Bengal and Speaker 1
This has helped the birds to breed and therefore
others live in (5) foothills of (6) imalayas. (7) a. an environmental problem dependent b. ore
conventional people will do it in the future.
dispose of exact
has increased the number of kakapo in recent Speaker 2
b. an alternative type of holiday c. Something like that hasn’t existed
serious produced by factories and
years. Bengal tiger is (8) endangered species because people hunt Speaker 3 forwards ha ard
c. environmentally friendly places inhabitant
limited order (n.) exhaust fumes from cars is a health ha ard.
it, and its habitat has been significantly reduced over (9) last

form inneedthe Teacher’s

Another example of an unusual endangered
creature is the Komodo dragon... years.
Speaker 4 overall practical retirement
d. We must startruin (v.) about
doing something shortage
it. SB: That’s true. We to find a solution for that now.
We use a(n) / the before a singular countable (10) mountain gorilla of (11) Africa lives in (12) SPEAKING source tell apart B. Look at the pictures showing different ways of owever, think that it isn’t as serious a problem as
A. Look at the pictures showing environmental

with our rubbish is going to bewritten

Book, and in
noun when we refer to it in a general sense or mountains of (13) Central Africa. These gorillas are one of producing energy. Compare them and discuss
when it is mentioned for the first time. (14) top most endangered species on (15) Earth.
problems. Compare them related
and discuss the to environmental issues
the questions. You can use the words/phrases
landfills. think the problem of landfills and what to do
We use a(n) / the before a noun which is questions. You can use
acidthe rain
words/phrases in
exhaust fumes in thelandfill
boxes. site rubbish even harder to solve.
(16) mountain gorillas are threatened by (17)

Notes something uni ue, is used in a specific sense

or has been mentioned before.
Before a noun which represents a species
destruction of their habitats, (18) hunting and diseases
brought by tourists who come to see them. Although hunting
the boxes.
ow common are these
Which of these problems
problems where
do you
you live
think is more
What are(n.)
each of them
the advantages conditions
and disadvantages of

Which of them do you consider to be a better

SA: suppose you may be right. We need to find new ways
dispose recorded forms
of waste. Lots of people are worried about

(19) gorillas is now illegal, there are still (20) people

we can use a, an, the or the plural form. who hunt them.
solution smog and air pollution, but fewer people seem to worry
The penguin can’t fly.
A penguin can’t fly. B. Read the dialogue and circle the correct answer. LIS T ENING CD2 37, 38 onlandfills.
about the WB
key language Penguins can’t fly.

B. Read the examples and match the words in

bold with their meanings a-c.
A: i, ohn Do you have any / many free time this weekend
B: don’t have much / many time because ’ve got lots of / a lot work
to do over the weekend. Why are you asking
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist
Follow the same procedure as in activity A. (B1: a conventional
points 1. Birds lay eggs.
2. Some birds cannot fly.
3. The authorities have taken the last
A: Any / Some of the students from my class are going to help replant
trees in the park that was damaged by the fire.
B: Oh That sounds like fun. When are they going lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
source of energy and B2: an alternative source of energy).
ave Ss take turns to say what the advantages and
remaining birds to protected islands. A: Sunday you can come any time between a.m. and p.m. enny
told me that a lot of / how many people are going to take part.
Check the answers with the class. disadvantages of each of the ways of producing energy are and
a. specific birds
b. birds in general B: might try to come for a few / a little hours if finish my work. A1 Β1 which they consider to be better.
c. a number of birds not specified A: reat
C. Read the examples and complete the rules
Speaker 1: c Speaker 3: b
with the words in the box. ENGLISH IN USE Speaker 2: a Speaker 4: c
1. There aren’t any bears left in the mountains, Suggested answers
Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct form
but in contrast, there are some wolves and a
lot of mountain cats still living there. of the words in capitals. B. SA: Let’s see. think the first picture shows conventional
2. A: How much time can you give to the
conservation project?
B: I can volunteer for a few hours every week.
3. If more people gave just a little money, we
The word tsunami comes from the apanese word for
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for specific
energy production. ou know, like burning fossil fuels.
SB: es, agree. And the second picture shows more
could save many endangered species. tidal wave. These huge waves are caused by underwater
environmentally-friendly energy sources like solar
4. There were lots of monkeys in the rainforest
earth uakes or volcanic (1) . ost ERUPT power and wind power. ’m not sure what the
but what I found strange was that there were lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
no birds. tsunamis occur in the acific Ocean. There is no doubt A2 Β2 advantages of burning fossil fuels are really.
that tsunamis cause great (2) when DESTROY Ask Ss to note down key words that helped them match the
(how) much (how) many a lot of SA: think that we use them because they’re cheaper. We
lots of (a) few (a) little the waves reach the shore. owever, most
landfill site speakers
dispose of waste with the statements.fossil
rubbish Thisfuelswillairchallenge
pollution higher-
acid rain
(3) that occur after a tsunami are DIE air pollution performing already have the technology to make burning fossil
se and
smog factories Ss.fumes
exhaust limited source (not) environmentally friendly
because of people’s lack of (4) . PREPARE health ha ard growing problem wind power conventional energy fuels work.
before uncountable nouns only. eople should escape to higher ground the minute they Check the answers with the class.on weather conditions noise pollution
se and are warned of a possible tsunami. n the past, it was ruins hori on not practical SB: es, but think that’s the only one. Burning fossil fuels
before plural countable nouns only.
(5) to inform people in time, but POSSIBLE isn’t environmentally friendly. t causes air pollution
se some, any, no, and
before either uncountable
today (6) have developed tsunami SCIENCE a. b. c. d. think that... is... because...
and acid rain and can cause serious harm to people’s
warning systems. arious instruments determine ... is much better/worse than... because...
or plural countable nouns.
the (7) of where an underwater LOCATE Do not describe the photographs in detail. Briefly compare don’t think that... is as serious a problem as... because... health. Also, think that in the future, the world will
them and make sure you answer the question asked. ... is definitely not the best solution because...
earth uake has occurred and the possibility of whether run out of gas and oil because there is only a limited
a tsunami will follow. SPE A K ING 63 source of fossil fuels.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in comparing photographs SA: Exactly. t’s a limited energy source. agree that
• to provide vocabulary and expressions relevant to burning fossil fuels has many more disadvantages.
the topic of the photos Alternative energy sources are far better for the
• environment.
A. SB: es, and sources like solar power will never run out
air-work activities helping Ss to develop their communication and seful vocabulary and expressions
Ask Ss to look at pictures A and A and speculate about
the place and the situation (A1: polluted atmosphere in a city
the sun will always be there, so we don’t have to worry
about running out.
SA: The cost is a major disadvantage though. Alternative
collaboration skills while practising the language presented to help Ss express themselves
centre-smog and A2: a landfill site).
ave Ss read the two uestions given. energy is expensive. Also, when there are a lot of wind
ave Ss go through the words and expressions in the boxes turbines, this ruins the hori on, in my opinion. Wind
and explain any new vocabulary. power can also cause noise pollution.
ave Ss think of answers to the uestions individually, first. SB: es. Also, don’t think that it’s always practical because
Then have Ss work in pairs and exchange opinions. Tell Ss alternative energy is dependent on weather conditions.
to take turns in order to compare the pictures and say how When there is no wind or it is cloudy, you can’t produce
common these problems are and which of these problems is power from these sources.
more serious.
ave each pair share their ideas in class. SB: think that using alternative energy production is the
best solution. t doesn’t harm the environment, and it is
Suggested answers something that won’t just run out.
Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Intro.indd 11 SA: The first picture shows a big city with a lot of air 13/1/2021
SA: es, but it’s not that practical. 11:00:52
At least not until the πµ
technology becomes available to make alternative energy
Systematic development of writing skills

4b 4b
Writing D. Read the statements and tick () the ones that apply
to the article. Find examples in the article.
G. When you are writing an
article referring to a topic D
An article C.

A. Discuss.
The writer:
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying paragraph
a. asks uestions to attract the reader’s attention.
content in an article
b. uses exclamations to make his/her article more vivid.
from a personal point of
view, follow this outline.
seful guidance
everyday life
Do you believe there is life on other planets f so, what do you think it is like
Do you think we will be able to travel to other planets in the near future
c. uses formal language.
d. uses short forms (haven’t, won’t, etc.).
e. uses linking words and phrases to make his/her writing flow.
Think of an interesting title.
houses solar-powered built with organic or recycled
tourism holidays on artificial islands powered by the
students to
B. You see this announcement on a website. Read it and underline the key words.
Explain to Ss that each phrase•corresponds tothea paragraph
Introduce the topic of
article in a way that will
WRITE AN ARTICLE! E. You see this announcement on in the article.
a website. What aspects of life attract the reader’s attention. waves- holidays in the North/South ole because of
in the future do they ask readers to write about? • Add a personal comment. global warming
ave Ss read the article again and do the activity.
We are looking for articles for Weird Science.
magine that you have discovered a planet in the furthest corners of the universe. Describe the planet, the
Check the answers with the class. Ask(1-2
MAIN PART paragraphs)
Ss to justify their
• Develop your ideas about
develop their
entertainment 3D television possibility to control the
outcome of the series-films we watch

different aspects of the topicSs and
answers. This will challenge higher-performing
life on
inhabitants and what life on this planet is like. Then say what your overall opinion of life on this planet is.
Send in your article entitled: LIFE ON PLANET ZUTOPIA help lower-performing Ss understand
correct answer.
in separate paragraphs.
why this
• Expand on, describe or giveis the
examples of each aspect
to develop the idea in the
writing skills
transport shuttle aeroplanes to the moon and ars
only bicycles, electric cars and public transport in the
C. Read the article one reader of Weird Science wrote and answer the questions.
Earth a.
from now
b. c. d.

historic centres of cities
work environment more facilities for employees work
Make a general statement
What will life on Earth be like one hundred years from now? to sum up your ideas and from home
Write an article telling us how you think the environment will say how you feel. technology nternet-run homes and companies
have changed and what aspects of everyday life will be different.
Weird Science
Then give us your overall opinion of life in the future. ‘intelligent’ appliances (e.g. fridges that automatically
LIFE ON PLANET ZUTOPIA We will publish the best article and the winner will receive £300.
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the stylistic
features of an article
order online whatever is missing from the fridge)

seful tips
F. Look at the announcement in activity E again. Think about what
When you are writing an article, you
aspects of life will be different, look at the word webs and complete G.
enabling Ss to
them with relevant vocabulary. Develop the webs by adding other want to catch the readers’ attention
aspects you can think of. and interest them. You should: Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing articles
ave Ss read the article, answer the uestions and  use a catchy title.
polluted  organise the article in paragraphs.
underline the relevant examples in the text.
Check the answers with the class.
 use lively colourful language
and a variety of words/phrases/
develop skills
ave Ss read through the outline and make sure they
understand what each paragraph should include when

a. 3 ( ave you ever wondered... what life is like
 comment and give your opinion.
ead out andstrategies
writing an article.
explain the T .
there ... ow about you )
nature b. 3 ( ’ve just returned... and all can say is we are not
alone ) WRIT ING TA SK
ave you ever wondered if there is intelligent life What makes this planet so different from Earth is that time
shortage of water
on other planets, and what life is like there ’ve just on utopia goes backwards rather than forwards. eople on
d. 3 ( ’ve just... ’m not uite sure,...)

H. Read the rubric in activity D
returned from an intergalactic voyage, and all can say utopia are born old and spend the first years of their life in
again and write your article. Aims: to give Ss practice in writing an article referring
e. 3 (and, also, in fact, then, though)
is we are not alone retirement homes getting younger and healthier. When they
are about years of age, they get jobs and work for about
solar-powered Your article should be between
120-150 words. Use the ideas
to a topic from a personal point of view
About light years away from Earth, there is a planet
years. Then, they go to university, high school and primary and vocabulary in the word
called utopia, which has the exact same atmospheric
school. Their last few years are the best years of their life. They houses webs to help you.
conditions as Earth. t has mountains, oceans, deserts
and forests just like Earth does. ts inhabitants are also
are children with no worries and spend all their time playing
games and having fun.
E. F
very similar in appearance to humans. n fact, if you
saw a utopian and an Earthling standing next to each really enjoyed my time on utopia and learnt lots of
everyday life
to give Ss practice in analysing the rubric in order
Video activities: Tell Ss to refer to the article, the outline and the T before
other, it would be hard to tell them apart. interesting things. ’m not uite sure, though, if like their to identify appropriate content
The forests of Borneo writing their article.
order of things. ow about you entertainment

In which paragraph does the writer:
a. describe what life on the planet is like c. give his opinion of life on the planet ave Ss read the rubric and answer the uestion. Model answer
b. introduce the topic of the article and d. describe the planet and its inhabitants Check Dthe
answers with the class. Next stop: 100 years from now
make a comment
64 65 ost of us won’t be around in years, so why think
The Ss should focus on two aspects of the future, about it Well, just got off a train that took me there
namely changes concerning the environment and and ’m not sure liked what saw.

Sample text functioning

as a model
aspects of everyday life.

odel answers for all

to help Ss brainstorm relevant ideas and
activities are
n Onehundredyearland there are whole parts of the
planet where people cannot live because there is too
much pollution or because it’s too hot. Another reason
didn’t like it is that many islands and coastal areas no
longer exist not above water at least.
eople in Onehundredyearland are very proud of the
vocabulary using word webs
aeroplanes they own. Not everyone can afford them,
though. ost people stay indoors, in houses that
provided in the Teacher’s
Explain to Ss that they should try to develop the word protect them from all kinds of extreme weather. The
entertainment industry is highly developed, and you can
of. and
ou can have on the WB
webs by adding as many relevant words as they can think
higher-performing Ss work with lower- have loads of fun with D television and games.

performing Ss. Does it sound like a place you’d like to live f not, guess
Set a time limit of maximum five minutes and have Ss do what There is a second train to Onehundredyearland.
the activity. did not get on that one because they were making
Check the answers with the class. big changes to the tracks. But the scientists who were
working on it told me they were sure things would be

very different at the other end.

Video activities Writing Section

Suggested answers
atmosphere polluted acid rain
rubbish disposal many landfills not many recycling
nature shortage of water destruction of rainforests Video activities:
climate global warming severe weather conditions
The forests of Borneo
Factual documentary-style videos along A Writing Section providing students
(floods, etc)
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
plant and animal life some species extinct many
with a Teacher’s guide and suggested with useful guidance concerningof the book.
species endangered

energy sources of fossil fuels limited alternative

sources not widely used
answers for all the speaking activities 65 TB
different types of writing tasks


Video activities 4 Writing Section

The forests of Borneo 3b A COVER LET TER
A cover letter is written to someone you don’t know personally and it is usually of a business nature.
Note the layout given:

A. Discuss the questions.

ave you ever visited a tropical island f not, would you like to
What kind of things can you find on a tropical island

B. Read the facts about Borneo and decide which of them are true.
Then watch the video and check your answers.
reeting: on the Dear Sir/Madam, / Dear Mr Jones,
1. Borneo is the largest island in the world.
left-hand side of
2. Borneo is a country in Asia. the page (leave a aragraphing:
3. Borneo has one of the oldest rainforests in the world. blank line before Write in blocked
and after the paragraphs
4. Borneo is a good place to discover new species. greeting). leaving a blank
5. Borneo is the only place in the world where orangutans live. line in between
the paragraphs.
Signing off: on
C. Watch again and choose a, b or c. Note that when
the left-hand
using blocked
1. ow many countries does Borneo consist of side of the letter,
followed by a
a. everything begins
b. on the left-hand
c. side of the page.
our full name Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely,
2. ow many new species were found on Borneo clearly written
from to underneath. Jill Thomas
a. , D. Watch the video again and match
b. the numbers with the facts.
1. , 4. ,
3. Where is the best place to find new species on
Borneo 2. 5.
n a formal email, when you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, begin with Dear Sir/Madam and

a. in the middle of the island 3. million 6.

end with Yours faithfully. When you know the name of the person you are writing to, begin with Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs/
b. on the coast Ms/Dr + surname and end with Yours sincerely. n American English, Yours truly and Yours sincerely are commonly
c. near the rainforests a. the number of species of flowering plants used in both cases.
4. What is ‘person of the forest’ another name for b. the area of Borneo in s uare miles
a. someone who lives on Borneo c. the age of the rainforest on Borneo
b. someone from alaysia
c. the orangutan d. the number of years scientists have been
visiting Borneo
5. What is the orangutan’s favourite food
e. the number of species of birds 7b A SEMI-FORMAL EMAIL 8a A POST ON AN ONLINE ADVICE COLUMN
a. honey
b. fruit f. the percentage of the island that Brunei takes
Expressions/phrases commonly used in a post giving advice:
c. leaves up A semi-formal email is written to a
person you know but he/she is not
6. What is not true about afflesia was sorry to hear that you’ve got problems.
a friend or relative of yours. Opening
a. t can be centimetres wide. E. Imagine you are visiting Borneo. Write an email n a semi-formal email, begin with hope the following advice will help you.
b. t smells very bad. to a friend telling him/her how your trip is Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr + surname ’ve thought about your problem uite a lot.
c. Flies can’t stand it. going, and what you think of Borneo. or with Dear + first name and end with think / aybe you should(n’t)...
7. ow much of Borneo was covered in forest in Yours sincerely, All the Best, f were in your position, / f were you, ’d...
Best wishes or Yours. Main Part One thing you can do is...
ow/What about...
a. ¼ Why don’t you...
b. ½
hope everything goes well. ood luck
c. ¾ Closing Let me know how everything turns out.
Everything will be just fine.

157 153

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Intro.indd 12 12/10/2021 12:19:13 µµ

Speaking Section Round-up

Speaking Section 44
1a Talk in pairs.
o down/up...
Student A: Look at the map and choose a place, but Walk towards... VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR
don’t tell your partner. ive him/her directions to this o straight/past...
place. se the prompts in the box. A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
Turn left/right at the... / into... street
Student B: Look at the map and follow Student A’s 1. The National arden is like a(n) in the middle of the city, where many people go to get away for a while.
Take the first/second/etc. turning on the right/left.
directions to find the place he/she is thinking of.
o straight on, and it’s on your right/left. a. pond b. oasis c. island chain d. ecosystem
Then, swap roles.
2. Every morning the soldiers the flag.
station hospital art
a. rise b. increase c. raise d. carry
bank fire gallery 3. Can speak to ita f she’s asleep, though, don’t her.
station a. interrupt b. affect c. disturb d. annoy

York Ro
4. This landfill site is a health .
Banbury Road

Windsor Road clothes a. shortage b. destruction c. threat d. ha ard

Chinese bowling 5. Tortoises are the only that ’m not afraid of.

restaurant alley a. species b. li ards c. reptiles d. types
6. The of this bottle is . litres.
shoe shop a. capacity b. weight c. length d. height
7. ow many of fuel does it take to fill up your car
Queen Str

office a. tonnes b. ounces c. grams d. gallons

White hall
oa town 8. artin was surprised by the he faced in his new position as shop manager.

L a ngl e a. challenges b. properties c. treasures d. features

chemist’s 9. The in Britain has changed a lot in the past fifty years.
toy shop a. energy b. climate c. pollution d. habitat
agent’s 10. Lions in the wild are natural .
pet Mexican
Duke Street

shop bookshop a. creatures b. prey c. predators d. animals

theatre garage
B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.
Little Road 1. This time tomorrow we against the Bolton hockey team.
youth a. will play b. are going to play c. play d. will be playing
club vet Italian
shopping restaurant 2. A: We need some milk.
Stone Street

bakery B: O , some on my way home from work.

cinem a. will buy b. will be buying c. buy d. am buying
Rose Str 3. ack paint the house this weekend.
a. will go b. is going to c. will have d. will be going

museum 4. hurry, we will miss the train.
sag a. nless we don’t b. nless we c. f we d. f we won’t
hote 5. f were you, an umbrella just in case it rains.
l a. would take b. took c. take d. will take

sp o 6. f my favourite team wins the match, you out to dinner.


cen rts a. will have taken b. take c. will take d. would take
je wel 7. A: Do we have sugar left
Bell Road hair B: There’s some in the cupboard.

s a. many b. lots of c. a few d. any

school 8. Can you answer , please ’m making dinner.

a. phone b. a phone c. the phone d. phones
9. eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but don’t eat meat.
a. many b. much c. more d. a lot
10. Only people turned up for the opening of the art gallery it was very disappointing.

a. a few b. any c. a little d. many

You are here

at 66
Speaking activities practising useful evision of the vocabulary, functions
language functions and grammar structures presented in the
module through various activities


evision of the vocabulary, functions Extra listening activities at A self-evaluation section


and grammar structures presented in the end of each module promoting learner
the module through various activities autonomy

4 44
C. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Round-up
1 n recent years, it has finally become clear that we need
to make the environment our priority if we 2 By next anuary, (6) (complete) my
degree in Film Studies at the niversity of Birmingham.
(1) (expect) our children to live in a These days, am working on a project about how the

safe place. The authorities have already taken important world’s shift towards a ‘greener’ mentality is reflected in
measures. For example, the new recycling scheme, the film industry. As a part of the project, tomorrow at LISTENING SELF-ASSESSMENT
which (2) (prove) to be a success if . , (7) (present) Al ore’s
people try to recycle as much as possible. n fact, the city documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power You will hear a conversation between a student Read the following and tick () the appropriate
council has announced that next year they ( ), which gives shocking facts about the environment. and his science teacher on the subject of global boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
(3) (install) more recycling bins During the next two months, (8) (do) warming. For sentences 1-6, decide whether the to the relevant sections in the module.
statements are True or False. Write T or F in the
in the city centre and main streets. Also, by the end of research on how film producers are helping to make
all stores in the (4) viewers more aware of environmental issues. According to Now I can...
(increase) the plastic bag fee from p to p in an information have gathered, by the end of this year, motion 1. r Allen agrees that weather conditions may

attempt to further reduce the amount of plastic used. picture companies (9) (release) more become worse.  distinguish the difference in meaning
Our environmental awareness has increased and the than environmental documentaries and adventure of words easily confused
government is optimistic, but scientists say that if people films dealing with issues such as global warming, 2. ames asked r Allen if the Earth’s
temperature was actually changing all the  use vocabulary relating to geographical
weren’t so unwilling to give up certain comforts like deforestation and recycling. roducers hope that these
features, units of measurement and
cars and air conditioning, the situation new productions (10) (lead) to a better time.
animal life accurately
(5) (be) much better. understanding of the global crisis the world is facing.
3. Everyone agrees that global warming is a real
problem.  use the Future will, the Future be going to,
D. Read the text and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap.
the Future rogressive and the Future
4. r Allen uses the example of a glass room to erfect Simple appropriately

explain why the Earth’s temperature is rising.  use the resent rogressive to refer
5. r Allen helps ames understand the to plans and arrangements
problem of global warming better.  use Conditional Sentences Types and
 use nouns, articles and determiners
6. According to r Allen, there is nothing we accurately
n the near future, we will see more and more countries turning to 1. a. convenient 5. a. active can do about global warming.
(1) sources of energy. n fact, Spain has already made significant b. alternative b. dependent

progress in this area in the southern desert of (2) country, the local c. endangered c. effective  skim a text to understand the gist
authorities have installed over , mirrors. These mirrors will produce 2. a. a 6. a. developed  scan a text to locate specific information
energy from sunlight and (3) power to up to , homes. The b. the  understand details in a text
b. shaped
technology is cheap, simple and more efficient than (4) other forms c. - c. caused
of alternative energy. owever, the system is only (5) in places

3. a. provide  understand specific information

that have lots of sunshine and clear blue skies. t is expected that other 7. a. runs
in different situations
b. gather b. turns
countries will also use this technology. nother kind of solar technology  listen to short monologues and understand
c. raise c. creates
has also been (6) , which uses salt. The energy from the sun during the main idea expressed by each speaker
the day melts the salt and (7) it into li uid form. During the night, 4. a. many 8. a. provided
this li uid salt produces electricity. n this way, electricity is (8) b. much b. providing

hours a day. c. a lot c. been provided  discuss options and make a decision
 compare and contrast pictures
E. Read the text and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. and discuss environmental issues

 write an email responding to a friend

 write an article
The world is shocked by this week’s latest news, and
(1) of environmentalists are protesting in
the streets of our city. Five white whales were killed on
Friday as a result of the government’s unwillingness to ‘(5) someone kills a human being, that
take action to help them. (2) five whales person is punished. Why doesn’t the same happen when
were trapped under thick ice on the surface of the water. animals are killed ’ says ill Norton, an animal rights
According (3) marine biologist, Tony arcia, activist. The government will (6) meeting
on onday to discuss the issue, while the rime inister
Culture page:
the outer tooth of this whale is worth a lot of money,
which might explain this killing. ‘We would be able to do refused to make (7) comment on it. By Giant’s Causeway
something to help in situations like this if the government onday, we will (8) learnt more about this
(4) not only interested in money,’ he added. tragedy.

67 68

Autonomous learning

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Intro.indd 13 13/1/2021 11:01:01 πµ

Culture page


Culture page 4
A. Look at the pictures. Where do you think this place is? Why are
these formations called Giant’s Causeway? Read and find out.

Giant’s Causeway a natural wonder

Texts giving cultural
information about
The iant’s Causeway, on the North Antrim Coast of
Northern reland, is an area of breathtaking scenery,
which has fascinated visitors for centuries. The Causeway
baby. When Benandonner saw the si e of the ‘baby’, he
thought the father would surely be enormous, so he went
back to Scotland destroying the Causeway in case Finn
lies at the foot of coastal cliffs, and it consists of columns
of rock which formed over million years ago as a result
of a volcanic eruption. There are approximately ,
followed him. There is a Finn acCumhail trail, which
visitors can follow to find various interesting geological
features related to the giant such as the ranny, the
countries and allowing
columns, and the tops of the columns form stepping
stones which lead from the cliff and continue out towards
iant’s Chimney, the iant’s boot, the Wishing Chair and
the iant’s ate. for comparison with Ss’
the sea, where they disappear. The coastal area next to the
causeway has hidden bays , and there are isolated ruins
and fields which show how the past generations of farmers
The iant’s Causeway is listed as a World eritage site,
and many consider it to be the eighth wonder of the world own culture
ntercultural awareness and fishermen used to live. Tourists can drive along the
coastal road to see incredible natural landscapes and visit
because of its uni ue features. nfortunately, however,
recent reports have suggested that rising sea levels and
coastal erosion are threatening the iant’s Causeway.
local towns and villages. The area is also home to various
Scientists have predicted that by many of the
rare plants and animals. stepping stones will be under water. This will also have a
There is a legend that the Causeway was built by a giant, negative effect on the plants and animals in the area.
called Finn acCumhail. e built it in order to cross
the sea to Scotland where he would fight the much larger bay a part of the coast where the land curves inwards in a ‘ ’
Scottish giant Benandonner. n one story, the giant Finn shape and the sea is surrounded by land on three sides
fell asleep before he reached Scotland, and Benandonner erosion when rocks and soil in an area are slowly destroyed by
rivers, the sea or the weather
came looking for him. Finn’s wife, Oonagh, covered her
husband with a blanket in order to disguise him as their

B. Read the text and answer the questions. Creativity
1. ow was the iant’s Causeway formed
2. ow many columns make up the iant’s Causeway PROJECT CT literacy

3. According to the legend, why did the giant Finn acCumhail build Make a poster
the causeway
Search on the Internet for
4. Why did Benandonner return to Scotland information about another World
5. Why is the iant’s Causeway considered to be the eighth wonder of Heritage site. Make a poster with
the world the facts and any pictures you
find, and present it to the class.
6. According to scientists, what is a threat to the iant’s Causeway

at 137
otivating project work

Extra vocabulary and grammar

practice for each lesson


Planet Earth
4a Student’s Book pp. 54-55 GRAMMAR
C. Read the dialogues and circle the correct options.
A. Choose the correct answer a
a,, b or cc..
1. A: Will our cousins be arriving / have arrived by seven o’clock

1. When was a child, used to love feeding the ducks in the local . B: don’t think so. At seven they will still be travelling /
a. oasis b. ocean c. pond
have travelled. expect they will / are going land at eight o’clock and be
2. umans are responsible for most of the to the environment. here at around nine.
a. description b. destruction c. generation A: Oh Let’s hope we will prepare / have prepared everything by that time.
3. oung people should be prepared to meet the of the st
century. B: Don’t worry. Lucy will be / is here any minute now to help.
a. treasures b. developments c. challenges A: That’s good.
4. The lack of sleep his performance.
a. created b. gathered c. affected
5. The forest for miles around the city.
a. covers b. fits c. stretches
2. A: Well, children, our school is organising / will have organised a reen Day
6. The whole is against the building of a factory in town.
at the end of next week.
a. community b. individual c. generation
B: What will it be / have been about, s oberts
7. roviding for the people who lost their homes in the earth uake is the government’s
A: We inform / are going to inform people about environmental problems
number one priority.
and suggest solutions.
a. building b. housing c. community
B: Are there going to be / to have been talks by experts
8. Several areas were destroyed by the tsunami.
A: Of course, but want to know which of you are volunteering /
a. coastal b. tropical c. harmful
will volunteer to help.
9. We stopped to rest at an oasis in the middle of the .
B: will help / am helping, s oberts.
a. rainforest b. canyon c. desert
10. Watching T for many hours a day can be to your eyes.
a. harmful b. cheerful c. uni ue D. Read the dialogues and write sentences using the prompts and a suitable future tense.
1. A: Tim, where’s the book you borrowed last week
B: ’m sorry.
B. Match the words with their definitions. Then use them to complete the sentences 1-5.
promise / return it / tomorrow
Make any necessary changes.
2. A: Where’s your mobile phone, ugh
1. train a. to make something smaller in si e or amount
B: lost it.
2. explore b. not to have the chance to do something
buy / a new one / this evening
3. miss out c. to offer to do something without getting paid 3. A: s dinner ready, Lynn
4. volunteer d. to cause somebody to learn skills as a result of practice B: Not yet, but don’t worry.
5. reduce e. to go round a place trying to find out as much as possible finish / by the time / um / get home
4. A: We won’t arrive in aris before eight o’clock.
1. Don’t on seeing the new ames Bond film. t’s absolutely ama ing
B: know.
2. Surprisingly enough, many people to help clean the local beach.
at eight o’clock / we / fly / over the Alps
3. The price of bus fares has been lately.
5. A: Are you going to the beach with ate on Sunday
4. They are very hard because they want to be well-prepared for next week’s match.
B: We are.
5. We didn’t have time to the whole island as we only stayed there for three days.
hope / it / not rain / this time
34 35

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Intro.indd 14 13/1/2021 11:01:08 πµ

Teacher’s Book

The aims of each activity Functions and structures presented

clearly stated along with a list of active vocabulary

Functions Ask Ss to underline key words in the uestions that will
help them answer them. ou can tell Ss which key words to
Talking about the future underline in some of the uestions. This will help lower-
aking predictions performing Ss.
Alternatively, ask Ss to read the first paragraph and then read
Structures all the uestions. Tell Ss to decide if the information included
Future Tenses in the paragraph answers any of the uestions. Then ask
them to do the same with the other three paragraphs. This
Vocabulary will help lower-performing Ss do the activity.
ave Ss do the activity.
affect amount (n.) beauty builder challenge (n.) As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work with
cheerful community cover (v.) create lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their answers.
description destruction development eventually Encourage them to provide justification by referring to
fit (v.) generation hardworking harmful specific parts in the texts. This will build lower-performing
housing individual (n.) length logging Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class.
miss out planet reduce screen stretch (v.) Check the answers with the class.
train (v.) treasure uni ue

Words related to the environment 1. A (‘... while they prepare themselves for the green
canyon chain of islands coast coastal desert jobs of the future.’)
ecosystem environment flood (n.) jungle 2. D (‘... rebuild homes which were destroyed by floods
oasis ocean paradise plant (n.) polar ice cap during the rainy season.’)
pond rainforest sandy species tropical 3. D (‘We are looking for cheerful and hardworking people
who have experience in construction work. f you fit this
volunteer (v.)
4. C (‘ ou will help compare satellite images to on-the-
ground information.’)
RE A DING CD2 24 5. B (‘ ou will have the opportunity to travel with scientists
A. (Pre-reading) through the jungle in an experience of a lifetime.’)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity 6. D (‘During this fifteen-day adventure, ...’)
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal 7. A (‘We are moving from a ‘grey’ economy, based on
experience habits that are harmful... to protect our environment.’)
• 8. C (‘... this island chain has not been affected by
development until uite recently.’)
Ask Ss the two uestions and discuss.
Ask a few comprehension uestions:
Suggested answers
es, once took part in a sea project helping sea turtles What exactly is changing in our attitude towards the
in reece. spent a few weeks on a reek island, environment? People are supporting an economy which
working on the protection of sea turtles and their promotes environmentally friendly practices and habits.
natural environment and also raising public awareness
on the matter. t was a wonderful experience. Why are scientists worried about the Amazon basin? because
think it is important to volunteer because if people by 2030 logging will have reduced the size of the Amazon
do not act on something that important, how can we rainforest by 40%
ever expect that governments and businesses will Why are the Bahamas considered to be a tropical paradise?
eople who feel strongly about certain environmental because they boast warm waters and white sandy beaches
problems must give their time and take action, or else What does volunteering for Habitat for Humanity involve?
nothing will ever be done about them. Volunteers will help build new homes for people whose

houses were destroyed by floods.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in reading for gist
• Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask them to describe from context
Ask Ss to read the texts uickly.
Then ask Ss to read the first text again and draw their Ask Ss to read through words - and meanings a-f.
attention to the phrase ... train young and interested high Explain to them that they should find these words in the
school students... and ask them which picture matches the text and guess their meaning from the context.
text. Elicit the answer picture 2. Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not
Ask Ss to follow the same procedure with the rest of the know the meaning of a word, the context can help them

texts. ou can have Ss work in groups. This will help infer it.
lower-performing Ss. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. Check the answers with the class.

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. c 6. b

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details

oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions and
then find the part of each text that answers each uestion.
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in the
texts in order to do the activity.
54 TB
Symbols representing the Further comprehension uestions
century competencies to enhance Ss’ understanding of
featured the text

Suggested answers to
Step-by-step guide activities where oral Strategies to support lower-performing Ss
to teaching production is re uired and challenge higher-performing Ss

E. (Post-reading) ave Ss do the activity.
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic ead out and explain the NOTE.
of the reading activity drawing on their own Encourage Ss to provide their own examples.
experience efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing Ss.
Explain to Ss that you are going to write some time words/
Ask Ss the uestion. phrases on the board and they have to write a sentence using
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. these words/phrases.

Tell them that the first pair to write the sentence should stand
Suggested answer up. They get a point as long as they have used the correct
olunteering with abitat for umanity is what would Future tense.
be the most appealing to me because it is a chance to Write the following on the board (one at a time): at 3 o’clock
do something with people and not just for them. Also, tomorrow, by 5 o’clock, I promise, Look!
am more interested in helping people and not just the The pair(s) with the most points is/are the winner(s).
environment, or animals. Since worked in construction
last summer, it’s perfect for me
The Future will (will base form) is used for
predictions: ‘Of course Scientists say that in a hundred
VOC A BUL A RY years rainforests will not exist.’
LE X IC A L SE T The Future will (will base form) is used for spontaneous
decisions: ‘ n that case ’ll come with you.’
(GEOGR A PHIC A L F E AT URE S ) The Future be going to (am/is/are going to base form)
Aims: to familiarise Ss with geographical features is used for people’s intentions or plans that have already
been made: ‘Next uly, hil and are going to volunteer
with A CAma on and help scientists save the Ama on
ave Ss look at the words and the pictures and encourage
them to brainstorm other geographical features they may The Future progressive (will be -ing form) is used to
know. emphasise the duration of a future action: ‘During this
fifteen-day adventure, you will be helping families in
Suggested answer Bhaleswa, near new Delhi...’
Other geographical features may include: cave, volcano, The Future erfect Simple (will have past participle)
waterfall, etc. is used for actions that will be completed before a specific
time or another action in the future: ‘ owever, by ,
logging will have reduced the si e of the Ama on rainforest
GR A MM A R by .’
Aims: to help Ss revise Future tenses and their uses
Aim: to give Ss practice in using Future tenses in context
Ask Ss to read the examples, and draw their attention to the Draw Ss’ attention to the first gap, and ask them to tell you
words in bold. which Future tense function it tests. ou can give them two
Ask Ss what they remember about Future will and Future be options to choose from (e.g. a. a future prediction b. sth that has
going to concerning formation and use. already been planned). This will help lower-performing Ss.
emind Ss that we can also use the resent rogressive when Ask Ss to follow the same procedure with the rest of the gaps.
we refer to future plans. ave Ss do the activity.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples. Check the answers with the class.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
ave Ss do the activity. 1. Are you going to watch
Check the answer with the class. 2. will win
3. will be
c, a, b 4. are going to watch
5. ’ll call
6. wake up
B. 7. will have left
Draw Ss’ attention to example sentence and tell Ss that this 8. will be working / am going to work
is the Future erfect Simple. ead the example aloud, and 9. ’ll give
draw Ss’ attention to the words in bold. 10. get
Explain to Ss that this tense indicates that an action will have 11. Will you be / Are you going to be
been completed before a specific point in the future (by 2030). 12. get
Draw Ss’ attention to example sentence , and tell Ss that 13. am going to be / will be
this is the Future rogressive.
Ask them to tell you what they notice about its formation
(will be + -ing form) and its use (it is used to talk about actions
that will be in progress at a specific time in the future). Write global warming on the board, and ask Ss to note it
Ask Ss to underline the time expression During this fifteen- down.
day adventure and come up with their own examples using Tell them that they are going to do some research at
the Future rogressive and this time expression. home and find out what it might refer to. Ask them to
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. take notes of the information they find and bring them
ave Ss do the activity. to the next lesson.
Check the answers with the class. This will stimulate Ss’ interest in the topic of the next
lesson and will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence,
When will that happen? a as they will have already been exposed to what is going
What is emphasised? b to be discussed.

55 TB

Optional activities to develop useful skills and promote

collaborative learning

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Intro.indd 15 13/1/2021 11:01:10 πµ

Modules Topics Grammar Vocabulary

• Culture • Present Simple – Present • Words easily confused
• Language Progressive • British and American English
page 5 • Customs • Stative verbs • Verbs + prepositions
• Lifestyles • Questions and Question words • Negative prefixes and suffixes
Window • Indirect questions
• Past Simple
on the world • used to – be/get used to

Video activities page 154

• History • Past Progressive • Phrasal verbs with on and off
• Superheroes • Past Simple vs Past Progressive • Collocations with say and tell
page 21 • Adventure • Relative clauses • Adjectives formed from nouns –
• Everyday heroes • Adjectives – Adverbs of manner Nouns formed from adjectives
Heroes • Comparisons • Similes
• Words related to natural disasters
Video activities page 155

• Free-time activities, • Present Perfect Simple – • Lexical set (sports)
hobbies Present Perfect Progressive • Strong adjectives

page 37 • Leisure facilities • must, have to, need (to) • Expressions with make and do
• Job applications and • had better, would rather • Words easily confused
Work interviews • Expressing possibility (may, might, • Nouns deriving from verbs
• Job qualifications could)
& Leisure

• Careers • Making deductions (must, can’t)

Video activities page 156

• Geography • Future tenses • Lexical set (geographical features)
• Environmental problems • Conditional sentences • Words easily confused
page 53 • Conservation projects (Types 1 & 2) • Lexical sets (animals, units of
• Ecotourism • Nouns – Articles – Determiners measurement)
Planet Earth

• Endangered species
• Sources of energy

Video activities page 157

• Mystery • Past Perfect Simple – Past Perfect • Reporting verbs
• Strange events Progressive • Phrasal verbs with up
page 69 • Places, buildings, • Reported Speech (statements) • Words related to crime

landmarks • Reported Speech (questions, • Expressions with the word time

That’s strange • Crimes and criminals commands and requests) • the verd be + prepositions

Video activities page 158

• Travelling • Passive Voice I • Words easily confused
• Means of transport • Clauses of reason • Compound nouns
page 85

• Travel arrangements • Clauses of concession • Nouns describing occupations

• Space travel • Clauses of purpose • Prepositional phrases with at and in
On the move • Holiday destinations • Passive Voice II • Adjective suffixes

Video activities page 159

• Modern life • Infinitives and -ing forms • Adjectives and prepositions
• Technology • Causative form • Lexical set (appearance and fashion)
page 101 • Fashion • Modal verbs + have + past • Collocations/Expressions with keep
• Education participle and hold
Up-to-date • Devices • Collocations with lose and miss
• Expressions with the word way

Video activities page 160

• People • Conditional sentences • Phrases/Expressions with most and
• Relationships (Type 3) least
page 117 • Health • Wishes and Unreal Past • Idioms
• Superstitions • all – both – neither – none • Lexical set (parts of the body)
Human nature • Telepathy • both... and... / neither... nor... / • Words easily confused
either... or... • Phrasal verbs
Video activities page 161

Speaking Section page 133 / Culture pages page 136 / Grammar Reference page 140 / Irregular Verbs page 150 / Project Skills page 151

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_SBContents.indd 16 11/11/2022 11:04:57 πµ

21st century
Reading Listening Speaking Writing
An online article about the art of a radio programme iving directions Developing a
Window of the World theme about English used as an Comparing pictures paragraph
park international language Discussing language learning An informal
An article about what eople talking in four Discussing different lifestyles email
colours mean different situations
eople talking in six
different situations

An extract from the novel A radio interview about Discussing different kinds A description of
Ivanhoe funny comic superheroes of everyday heroes and a person
One short online article A conversation between expressing opinion An informal
about everyday heroes two friends about an Speculating about the missing email including a
adventurous holiday parts of a comic strip and narrative
A radio interview narrating a story

Four short texts about young Five short conversations Speculating and making a An informal
people’s free-time activities A job interview decision (Discussing the email giving

An article giving advice eople talking in six advantages and disadvantages news
about job interviews different situations of activities offered by a youth A cover letter
centre and choosing the ones
most appealing to young

Speculating and making a
decision (Choosing the most

Four advertisements eople talking in four

suitable applicant for a job)
Speculating and making a An email
about volunteering for the different situations decision (Choosing an An article
environment eople talking about ecotourism holiday)
An article about endangered different aspects of life in Comparing pictures

species the future Discussing environmental

A conversation between problems and sources of energy
a student and his science

teacher about global


An extract from the book A tour guide giving Speculating and making a A description of a
The Phantom of the Opera information about rague decision (Choosing which place/building
An online article about an A radio programme about landmark to visit) A story

unusual burglar strange stories Talking about a strange event

A radio interview about the by expanding on input given
Bermuda Triangle

An article about a guided eople talking in six Comparing means of transport A paragraph
bicycle tour different situations and discussing advantages and expressing an

An article about ‘beaming’, Six short conversations disadvantages opinion

the transport of the future eople talking in six Comparing pictures An essay
different situations Discussing holiday expressing an
destinations and holiday types opinion

An article about learning A radio interview about a Discussing different aspects of A letter (to
English by using new project called One Laptop modern life the editor)
technology Per Child Speculating and making expressing an
An article about high-tech A conversation between two a decision (Choosing opinion
dining friends about a computer- which devices to take on a A semi-formal
animated film backpacking trip) email
A conversation between
two friends about fashion
Four short texts about A telephone conversation Discussing problems Asking A post on an
superstitions between a girl and her aunt for and giving advice online advice
An article about telepathy eople talking about the Speculating and making a column
between twins results from a personality decision (Choosing which A book review
ui books to read)
eople talking in six
different situations

Writing Section page 152 / Video activities page 154 / British and American English page 162 / Wordlist page 163

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_SBContents.indd 17 13/1/2021 11:49:13 πµ

1 Window on the

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture
and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section. Allow the use
of L , if necessary, to encourage lower-performing Ss to

express themselves.

Suggested answers

es, would love to travel around the world if could.
could learn so much about other countries and all the
different cultures lus, it would be a lot of fun and a
chance to make new friends.
English is an international language. t helps you
communicate directly and indirectly with millions of
people, not just those who are from English-speaking
countries. t has also become a very common language

on the nternet and in education. ou can look up

almost anything online in English nowadays.

ead out the points listed in the lick through the module
and find... section. Explain any unknown words.
Then ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

an article about what colours mean: p.

a short text about serving tea in apan: p.

an article about a theme park in China: p.

an email from ome: p.
a dialogue taking place in the street p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

5 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 18 13/1/2021 11:14:25 πµ

Window on the 1
 Would you like to travel around the
world Why / Why not
 ow can the English language help
you learn more about the world

Flick through the module and find...

 an article about what colours mean
 a short text about serving tea in apan

 an online article about a theme park in China
 an email from ome
 a dialogue taking place in the street


In this module you will learn...

 how to express enthusiasm, make
suggestions and give directions
 to talk about language learning and
different cultures and lifestyles
 to distinguish between permanent and
temporary situations
 how to refer to past habits and events
 how to ask uestions informally and
 to write a paragraph and an informal email
 skills and strategies that will help you in

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 19 13/1/2021 11:14:27 πµ

A. Discuss. C. Read the article again. Decide whether the following
Where are these landmarks located statements are true, false or not mentioned in the article.
What do you know about them Write T, F or NM in the boxes.
1. This article is the only one you can find on the
the Taj ahal website on the topic of theme parks of the world.
the Acropolis
the rand Canyon 2. All the exhibits on show are the same si e as the
the Eiffel Tower originals.
Niagara Falls 3. n this park, visitors learn something about different
the Egyptian yramids countries in the world.
4. ou can try out food from different parts of China in
Which of them would you like to visit
the park.
most Why
5. isitors can take part in sporting activities in the
B. Read the article quickly and park.
answer the question.
6. The visitors are enthusiastic about the park.
What is the purpose of the article

a. to educate the reader
b. to inform and entertain the reader
c. to encourage people to visit China

io at

This week, in our series on the world’s most famous

theme parks, we are visiting the Window of the holds festivals which focus on different countries and cultural
themes. isitors also have the opportunity to try out food

World theme park in Shenzhen, China.

from all over the world in one of the many restaurants.
This certainly is a theme park with a difference. The
Window of the World contains over replicas of ‘This week we are holding ndian Week,’ explained one of
the most famous natural and man-made sites in the the organisers. ‘ isitors can learn all about ndian culture,
world, all s uee ed onto about , s uare metres. customs and traditions. We are offering ndian food all week,
Some of the replicas are the actual si e of the sites, and there is also a special exhibition on famous ndians in
while others are smaller. n one afternoon, you can history.’
visit the Eiffel Tower, walk around the rand Canyon The Window of the World, however, is not only for those who
and marvel at the Egyptian yramids. The Acropolis want to see many famous sites and learn a lot about different
is here along with Niagara Falls. world cultures. t is also for people who like adventure trips.
n the Window of the World theme park, visitors see ‘We are waiting to go down the Colorado iver by boat, and
and experience places and cultures they may not be some friends of ours are skiing in the Alpine Ski esort,’ said
able to actually get to see in person. This is probably one visitor. ‘We actually come from Shen hen, and we think
why it is attractive to many visitors as not everyone this park is a great benefit for our region. We will probably
can visit every famous landmark in the world in one never be able to visit all of these places ourselves, so it is really
lifetime. interesting for us. Some friends of ours are visiting us next
The Window of the World theme park combines both week from the SA, and we are going to bring them to see the
fun and education. There are regular exhibitions park too ’
about famous people in history, and the park often n this theme park it really is a ‘small world’

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 20 13/1/2021 11:14:30 πµ

Discussing habitual actions and routines The rand Canyon: The most famous National ark in
Discussing current activities the S. t is a World eritage Site which covers ,
Distinguishing between temporary and permanent situations s uare km and is situated in northwestern Ari ona.
ts geographical significance is due to the fact that it
Structures provides a perfect record of three eras of geological
time, as well as an immense variety of geological
resent Simple resent rogressive
characteristics and rock types. et, it also impresses the
Stative verbs visitor by its sheer si e: river miles ( km) long,
Vocabulary up to miles ( km) wide, and a mile ( . km) deep.
Average number of visitors per year: million.
actual actually certainly contain encourage
Niagara Falls: uge waterfalls separating the state of
focus (on) (v.) habit hold in person increase
New ork, SA and the province of Ontario, Canada.
inform organiser original (n.) purpose They are made up of two main sections divided by oat
s uee ed (onto) stranger take part take place sland, the American Falls in the S and the orseshoe
try on try out Falls, in Canada. They are considered to be the mightiest
waterfalls in North America, since, on average, almost
Words related to places million cubic feet ( , m ) of water falls every
admire benefit (n.) combine cultural culture minute.
custom educate entertain enthusiastic The Acropolis: The Athenian Acropolis, dedicated to its
exhibit (n.) exhibition experience (v.) foreigner patron the goddess Athena, was built in the th century
landmark marvel (v.) region replica resort BCE and accurately reflects the wealth of the city during

site theme park tradition the golden age of ericles. On the Acropolis, one can see
various orders (Doric, onian and Corinthian) combined
in an ingenious way. The monument was completed
RE A DING CD1 2 under the supervision of the greatest architects, sculptors

A. (Pre-reading) and artists of the time.
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity The Eiffel Tower: an iron tower next to the Seine iver
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal

experience at
in aris, construction of which started in
completed in
and was
. The tower was designed by ustave
Eiffel as the entrance arch of the Exposition niverselle,
a tribute to the centennial celebration of the French
ave Ss read through the landmarks in the box. evolution. t is m( , ft) high and the tallest
Ask Ss the first two uestions and discuss. structure in aris. Average number of visitors per year:

rovide additional information concerning the landmarks million.

if necessary.
The Egyptian yramids: Despite the fact that there
Ask the third uestion and discuss.

are approximately pyramids in Egypt, the most

renowned are the ones located at i a, Cairo the reat
Suggested answers yramid of hufu, the yramid of hafre and the
The Taj ahal is in ndia. t’s a huge white building which yramid of enkaure, the first of which is the only one
was built by a rich oghul for his wife who had died. of the seven wonders of the world which still exists. The
pyramids were built around BCE, and, contrary

The Acropolis is in Athens and it was built for Athena.

The rand Canyon is in the SA. t is one of the most to popular belief, the pyramid builders were not slaves
impressive and famous National arks in the world. or foreigners but Egyptians overseen by the haraoh’s
supervisors. Trivia: Around , to , workers

The Eiffel Tower is in aris, France. t is a symbol of this

beautiful city’s original character built the yramids at i a over years.
Niagara Falls is on the border between New ork, SA and
Ontario, Canada. t is a uni ue example of the power of B.

nature. Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of

The Egyptian yramids are in Egypt. They were built the text
thousands of years ago. •
would like to visit the Taj ahal because it looks so lovely
in the pictures and the Eiffel Tower because imagine that ave Ss read the uestion and options and check
the view from the top must be ama ing understanding.
Then have them read the text uickly and answer the
oint out that they should not pay attention to any
unknown words they may have.
The Taj ahal: an slamic tomb mausoleum in Check Ss’ answers and ask higher-performing Ss
Agra, ndia, built by the Emperor Shah ahan and to provide justification. This will challenge higher-
dedicated to his wife, umta ahal. The construction performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss understand
which started in and was completed in why this answer is correct.
is considered to be the best example of ughal
architecture, a style combining ndian, Turkish, ersian, b
and slamic architectural elements. As of , The Taj
ahal is a nesco World eritage Site. Average number
of visitors per year: million. C.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying specific

ave Ss read the statements - and check understanding.
ave Ss do the activity.
6 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 21 13/1/2021 11:14:31 πµ

Check the answers with the class. VOC A BUL A RY
1. F (para , ‘This week, in our series on the world’s
most famous theme parks...’) WORDS E A SILY CONF USED
2. F (para , ‘Some of the replicas are the actual si e of Aims: • to give Ss practice in using topic vocabulary in
the sites, while others are smaller.’) context and distinguishing between words easily
3. T (para , ‘... visitors see and experience places and confused
cultures they may not be able to actually get to see •
in person.’) Ask Ss to read through the sentences - and check
4. N (para , ‘ isitors also have the opportunity to try understanding.
out food from all over the world...’) ave Ss do the activity.
5. T (para , ‘We are waiting to go down the Colorado Check the answers with the class.
iver by boat, and some friends of ours are skiing
in the Alpine Ski esort,’ said one visitor.)
6. T (para , ‘We will probably never be able to visit all of 1. try out 5. expect 9. habit
these places ourselves, so it is really interesting for 2. try on 6. wait 10. custom
us.’) 3. take place 7. Foreigners 11. story
4. take part 8. strangers 12. history
ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge
higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss
understand why these sentences are false. GR A MM A R
Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions. PRE SENT SIMPLE -
What can you see at the Window of the World theme park? Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of the Present Simple and

replicas of the most famous natural and man-made sites in the the Present Progressive

Why is the park so attractive to both Chinese and foreign visitors? A.
because not everyone can visit every famous landmark in the Ask Ss to tell you the differences between the resent

world in one lifetime
Simple and the resent rogressive.
What particular culture was the park festival focusing on Ask Ss to look at the article in the reading activity and
during the week the article was written? Indian culture
What else can visitors to the park do in addition to seeing
replicas of landmarks? They can do sports and go on
answer the uestions.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Check the answers with the class.
adventure trips.
Where were the visitors who were waiting to go down the 1. t combines both fun and education. resent Simple.
Colorado river from? They were from Shenzhen. t expresses a permanent situation.

2. They are waiting to go down the Colorado iver.

D. resent rogressive. t expresses an action happening
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning now.

from context 3. resent Simple

• 4. Want is a stative verb and is not usually used in
Ask Ss to read through words/phrases - and their progressive tenses.
options. B.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the ave higher-performing Ss read the examples of the

text and guess their meaning from the context. resent Simple and the resent rogressive and think of
Elicit answers and explain that even if they do not know one more example for each use. ou can give Ss prompts to
the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it. make examples (e.g. my father / work / bank). This will help

ou can ask Ss to cover activity D in their books and guess

the meaning of the highlighted words in the text from the lower-performing Ss.
context without looking at the options a and b. This will efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
challenge higher-performing Ss. Ss.

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class. Aim: to help Ss revise the use of stative verbs
Draw Ss’ attention to the rule of stative verbs in the
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. b grammar box and check understanding.
Ask Ss to find examples of stative verbs in eading activity B.
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.
E. (Post-reading) contains, see, have, want, like, think
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic of
the reading activity drawing on their own experience
Aim: to give Ss practice in using the Present Simple and
Ask Ss the uestions.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion on theme the Present Progressive in context
parks in general. Ask Ss to read through the dialogue and explain any
unknown words.
Suggested answers ave Ss do the activity. Ask Ss to underline the time
t sounds ama ing ow could you possibly visit all expressions/adverbs in the sentences (e.g. 3. next month,
those places in your life t would be fun to see them so . never, etc.). This will help lower-performing Ss do the
close to each other. t sounds like they have done a good activity.
job with the replicas, making them look real and not Check the answers with the class.
just the buildings, but the famous natural sites as well.
would like to go skiing and see the yramids. Doing
these two very different activities on the same day would 1. are you doing 5. love 9. don’t think
be a thrilling experience and something that would 2. need 6. never get 10. do you need
never be able to do in reality. 3. ’m travelling 7. aren’t going 11. hope
4. want 8. are applying
7 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 1.indd 22 12/10/2021 12:20:19 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Look at the words/phrases
highlighted in the article and PRESENT SIMPLE – PRESENT PROGRESSIVE
choose the correct meaning a A. Look at the online article in Reading activity B and answer
or b. the questions.
1. replicas 1. What does the Window of the World theme park combine Which
a. copies tense is used Why
b. pictures 2. What are some visitors doing now Which tense is used Why
2. s uee ed onto 3. Which tense is commonly used with adverbs of fre uency (e.g. often,
a. fitting into a small space sometimes)
b. covering 4. Why does the writer use the resent Simple when he or she says
3. marvel at ‘... is not only for those who want to see many famous sites...’? What is
a. wonder about special about the verb want
b. admire
4. experience B. Read about the uses of the Present Simple and the Present
a. to be in a particular situation Progressive and think of one more example for each use.
b. to remember a situation The Present Simple is used for:
5. combines

1. permanent states, e.g. r Chin lives in China.
a. joins together 2. repeated habitual actions, e.g. ... the park often holds festivals...
b. increases 3. general truths, e.g. The oon goes round the arth.
6. holds

a. controls The Present Progressive is used for:
b. organises 1. actions happening now, e.g. We are waiting to go down the
E. Discuss.
Would you like to visit the
Colorado River...
2. temporary situations, e.g. This week we are holding an Indian
Window of the World theme 3. future arrangements, e.g. Some friends of ours are visiting us
park Why / Why not next week...

What would you like to do there

VOCABULARY Read the rule and find examples of stative verbs in the online article

in Reading activity B.
These verbs express states not actions and are not commonly
Circle the option that best completes used in progressive tenses.
each sentence. see, hear, smell, taste, notice, seem, look ( seem)

1. When go to a restaurant, always like like, dislike, love, hate, want, need, prefer, mind
to try on / try out something different believe, know, remember, forget, think ( believe), understand, hope,
on the menu. mean, imagine

2. Susan asked the shop assistant if she be, have ( possess), belong, cost
could try on / try out the blue sandals.
3. The Spring Festival celebrations will
take part / take place in yde ark. PRACTICE

4. Would you ever take part / take place Complete the dialogue with the Present Simple or the Present
in a reality show Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
5. The organisers wait / expect that more Alice: i, ary. What a surprise to see you in the public library What
than , people will attend the (1) (you / do) here so early in the morning
concert. Gary: eah, well, they’ve got a great book about ndian history and
6. We’ve been here for minutes. can’t culture that (2) (need). ou see,
wait / expect any longer. (3) (travel) to ndia with my parents next
7. Foreigners / Strangers need a visa to month, and they (4) (want) me to learn a few
enter the country. things about the country.
8. t is common for mothers to tell their Alice: ndia ou are so lucky (5) (love) to travel,
children not to talk to foreigners /
strangers. but (6) (never get) the chance to go anywhere.
Gary: So, what brings you to the library
9. Ann has a bad habit / custom of not
turning off the T when she is not Alice: Oh, ’m here with elly. We (7) (not go)
watching. anywhere this summer, so we decided to look for a job. We
10. Organising special events for the New (8) (apply) for a part-time job here.
ear is a common habit / custom in Gary: (9) (not think) ’d like to work during the
many countries. summer, but good luck
11. Come on, ncle eorge, tell us a Alice: Thanks By the way, (10) (you / need) any help
history / story about your childhood. finding books about ndia ’d be glad to help.
12. always like to learn about the history Gary: No, ’ll be O .
/ story of the cities visit. Alice: Well, bye then. And (11) (hope) you enjoy your
trip to ndia

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 23 13/1/2021 11:14:32 πµ

Listening & reading
A. Discuss.
as anyone ever asked you for directions in English ow did you react Did you manage to help them
Do you find it hard to give directions Why / Why not
B. Look at the picture and guess. Then listen to the dialogue and check your answers.
Where are the women
What is the relationship between them
What are they talking about


Chelsea Excuse me, could you help me

Rosie Sure. ou’re not from around here, are you
Chelsea No, ’m from the States.
Rosie thought so, could tell by your accent. Are you enjoying

Chelsea es, it’s awesome. went to Buckingham alace yesterday.

Rosie eally ow did you find it

Chelsea Ermm... With a map.

Rosie No, sorry, mean how was it Did you enjoy it C. Read the dialogue again and answer the
Chelsea sure did.
1. What does Chelsea think of her trip to London so

Rosie So, what can do to help

Chelsea Could you tell me where Abbey oad is far
Rosie Ah, are you looking for the ebra crossing 2. Which two things caused a misunderstanding
Chelsea The ebra doing what between osie and Chelsea
Rosie mean the pedestrian crossing. 3. Where is Abbey oad on this map
Chelsea No, actually ’m looking for an old friend’s apartment.
She lives there.
Rosie Well, it’s only a five-minute walk from here. o down
here and turn right at the station. Then take the second
turning on your right. That’s Abbey oad.
Chelsea Thanks. ust one more thing. Can you tell me what this
means She said she lived at A.T. Abbey oad. What’s
Rosie A.T. Who wrote that
Chelsea did. y friend told me on the phone, but didn’t have STATION
time to ask...
Rosie Ah know. t’s eighty Abbey oad.
Chelsea don’t get it.
Rosie The number . 4. What confused Chelsea about her friend’s address
Chelsea Oh . We speak the same language, but sometimes it’s
hard to figure out what you’re saying.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 24 13/1/2021 11:14:35 πµ

Functions C.
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening/reading for specific
Asking for, understanding and giving directions information
Asking uestions politely

Structures oint out to Ss that first they read the uestion and then
find the part of the dialogue which best answers the
uestions and uestion words
ndirect uestions Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
accent cause (v.) confuse cover (n.) the dialogue in order to do the activity.
directions misunderstanding pedestrian Ask Ss to underline where they found the answer in the
relationship turning ebra crossing dialogues.
ave Ss do the activity.
British - American English As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
flat (BrE) - apartment (AmE) with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
fantastic (BrE) - awesome (AmE) answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
mobile phone (BrE) - cell phone (AmE) referring to specific parts in the dialogue. This will build
bill (BrE) - check (AmE) (n.) lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in
crisps (BrE) - chips (AmE)
Check the answers with the class.

lift (BrE) - elevator (AmE)
autumn (BrE) - fall (AmE) (n.)
understand (BrE) - figure out (AmE) 1. She likes it a lot. (‘ es, it’s awesome’)
rubbish (BrE) - garbage (AmE) 2. The fact that in British English we say ‘ ow did you

petrol (BrE) - gas (AmE) find it ’ and ‘ ebra crossing’ instead of ‘ ow was it ’
don’t understand. (BrE) - don’t get it. (AmE) and ‘pedestrian crossing’ (American English).
cinema (BrE) - movie theater (AmE)
trousers (BrE) - pants (AmE)
trainers (BrE) - sneakers (AmE)
3. (indicated on map)
football (BrE) - soccer (AmE) Ab
holiday (BrE) - vacation (AmE) be


A. (Pre-listening/reading)
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge STATION
• to prepare Ss for the listening/reading task

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

4. She mistook the number for A.T. (because of her

friend’s British pronunciation).
Suggested answers

was stopped in the street once by a couple. They were

looking for the central s uare and they were lost. At
first, fro e. was not sure knew all the right words
needed to give them clear directions. As soon as Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions, such as:

started, though, remembered every word. The people Where is Chelsea from? the SA
were very grateful and thanked me many times. Even How did Rosie know that Chelsea wasn’t from London?
though it was a simple thing for most people, felt because of her accent
proud and glad that was able to help.
find it hard to give directions sometimes, even though Where did Chelsea go yesterday? to Buckingham Palace
know how to get to a place myself. Who lives in Abbey Road? an old friend of Chelsea’s
How far is Abbey Road from where Rosie and Chelsea are?
B. only a five-minute walk
Aims: • to give Ss practice in listening for gist

ave Ss look at the picture and guess the answers to the
lay the recording.
Check the answers with the class.

The women are somewhere in central London.

They are complete strangers.
They are talking about how to get somewhere.

8 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 25 13/1/2021 11:14:38 πµ

D. Ask Ss why we use indirect uestions (to sound more polite).
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning from efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
context ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
• to raise Ss’ awareness of differences in meaning Ss and allocate roles.
between American and British English ave lower-performing Ss write uestions using uestion
• words such as Who, Which, Where, How much, etc. Then,
Ask Ss to read through words/phrases - . ask higher-performing Ss in each pair to rewrite these
Explain to them that they should find these words/phrases sentences using indirect uestions.
in the dialogue and guess their meaning from the context. Then have Ss swap roles.
ave Ss do the activity. ave each pair share their answers in class, and have the
Check the answers with the class rest of the students check if they have formed the uestions
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a
Ask Ss to make one or two sentences using the words/ Aim: to give Ss practice in forming questions using
phrases in the activity. This will challenge higher- question words
performing Ss. Alternatively, you can write incomplete
sentences on the board and ask Ss to complete them using ave Ss do the activity. Explain to Ss that the second
the words/phrases from the activity. This will give lower- uestion asks about the subject of the sentence, and,
performing Ss extra practice. therefore, the verb shouldn’t be in the uestion form. Also,
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if point out that the rest of the uestions ask about the object

necessary. of the sentence, so the verb should be in the uestion form.
This will help lower-performing Ss Ss.
VOC A BUL A RY Check the answers with the class.

Aims: • to help Ss differentiate between British and 1. What did you buy when you went shopping
American English 2. Who is going to the cinema with Fay

Explain to Ss that they should match the American English
3. ow many fish did you catch yesterday
4. Where do you usually go during the summer
5. When does Tom go jogging
words with their British e uivalents. 6. Which car do they like
ave Ss do the activity.

Aim: to give Ss practice in forming indirect questions

1. e 7. i
2. c 8. j
1.ave Ssmany
do theeggs

how we need for the cake

3. g 9. b Check the how
answers with
2. tell me much thatthe class.cost
4. d 10. k
3. where the bus stop is
5. h 11. l
4. tell me why Sally is crying
6. a 12. f
5. when aren’s birthday is

Aim: • to help Ss revise questions, question words and SPE A K ING

indirect questions Aims: • to give Ss practice in giving directions

• •
A. efer Ss to the Speaking section at the back of the book.

ave Ss match the uestions with the answers. Divide Ss into pairs and tell them to look at the map.
Check the answers with the class. ave Ss read through the phrases in the box and make
sure Ss understand them.
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c Tell them that SA should choose a place on the map
without telling SB and then tell SB how to get there. Allow
B. Ss to note down the route to the place they have chosen in
ave Ss go through the rules and circle the correct options their book. This will help lower-performing Ss.
to complete them. Explain to Ss that SB follows SA’s directions to reach the
efer Ss to the rammar reference at the back of the book. place.
ave Ss swap roles.
Rule 1: isn’t Rule 2: is
Suggested answer
SA: o up Stone Street until you reach ose Street.
INDIREC T QUE S T IONS Turn right into ose Street and then take the second
ave Ss read the examples and formulate the rule. turning on the left. That’s ueen Street. o straight
Ask Ss to tell you what they notice about the formation of on and it’s on your right, next to the cinema.
indirect uestions (Indirect questions begin with phrases SB: t’s the talian restaurant.
like an ould you tell me... o you now... etc. Also, if SA: That’s right
the direct question starts with a question word, we keep the
question word but follow the order of affirmative sentences.).
se the first example to illustrate this point: Could you tell WORKBOOK LISTENING CD1 4
me where Abbey Road is? (not: Could you tell me where is
Abbey Road?). o to the Listening transcript.

9 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 26 13/1/2021 11:14:40 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Look at these words from GRA MMA R
the dialogue and choose the QUESTIONS AND QUESTION WORDS
correct meaning a, b or c.
A. Match the questions 1-4 with the answers a-d.
1. awesome 1. Who lives at 0 Abbey Road? a. Chelsea’s friend does.
a. awful
b. fantastic 2. Who does Chelsea want to visit? b. the zebra
c. boring 3. Which animal looks like a horse c. pedestrian crossing
2. apartment and has black stripes? d. an old friend
a. office 4. What does zebra crossing mean?
b. flat B. Look at the questions 1-4 again and circle the correct options to
c. family complete the rules.
3. don’t get it. When we use the uestion words who, what, which, how much and
a. don’t agree. how many to ask about the subject of the verb, the verb is / isn’t in
b. can’t go there. the uestion form.
c. don’t understand. With other uestion words (when,
when, where, why,
why etc.), and when we
4. figure out use the uestion words who, what, which, how much and how many

a. understand to ask about the object of the verb, the verb is / isn’t in the uestion
b. hear form.
c. repeat

BRITISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH Read the examples. What’s the difference between the direct
The words in bold in sentences 1-12
are American English. Match them with
questions and the indirect questions (the ones in bold)?
Where is Abbey Road?  Could you tell me where Abbey oad is?
their British equivalents a-l in the box. What does this mean?  Can you tell me what this means?
Where did Tom go?  Do you know where Tom went?
a. lift g. cinema

b. autumn h. holiday
c. petrol i. mobile phone PRACTICE

d. bill j. crisps A. Write questions for the answers given. The words in bold are the answers.
e. rubbish k. football 1. A:
f. trousers l. trainers B: bought a skirt and a pair of shoes when went shopping.

2. A:
1. Can you take the garbage out B: Jane is going to the cinema with Fay.
t’s starting to smell.
3. A:

2. We need to get gas before we B: caught five fish yesterday.

start our journey.
4. A:
3. can’t believe there’s only one B: usually go to Cornwall during the summer.

movie theater in the whole town.

5. A:
4. Does anyone want coffee or B: Tom goes jogging in the morning.
should ask for the check
6. A:
5. Where did you go on vacation B: They like the blue car.
last summer
6. We have to take the stairs because B. Rewrite the sentences with the new beginning using indirect questions.
the elevator is broken. 1. ow many eggs do we need for the cake
7. y brother gets a new cell phone Do you know
nearly every six months. 2. ow much did that jacket cost
8. Do you want a bag of chips with Can you
your sandwich 3. Where is the bus stop
9. enny is going to start college in Do you know
the fall. 4. Why is Sally crying
10. The next soccer practice will be Can you
Thursday at . , O 5. When is aren’s birthday
11. need to buy some new sneakers Do you remember
before school starts.
12. Which pants should wear with SPEAKING
this shirt Go to the Speaking section.

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Listening & speaking
A. Read the statements and guess whether they are true or false. Write T for True or F for False in the boxes.
1. One out of every three people in the world speaks English.
2. There are just under one billion people learning English.
3. The English language is used at major sporting events around the world.
4. English is rarely used in companies outside English-speaking countries.
5. ore than of the content of the nternet is in English.
6. ery few non-native speakers of English write articles or blogs on the nternet in English.
7. n the future, andarin might be used more than English on the nternet.

B. Now listen to a radio interview with a professor of Linguistics and check your answers in activity A.

C. Discuss.

What purposes do you use English for

A. Discuss.
What are the most popular foreign languages that people learn in your country Why

What is the most common way to learn a foreign language


B. Look at the pictures and talk about the advantages and

disadvantages of each of the ways of learning a foreign
language. You can use the words/phrases in the box.

learning environment presence of teacher


lively discussion contact with other students When you are asked to discuss the advantages and
pair work / group work ask uestions disadvantages of something, express your opinion
and remember to give reasons. No answer is right

peaceful atmosphere work at one’s own speed

convenient immediate feedback or wrong, but all answers should be justified.
motivation interaction


C. Discuss.
ow do you learn best, with a teacher in a classroom or studying on your own
What would you change about the way you are learning English if you could


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Functions SPE A K ING
Talking about foreign language learning
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
Expressing opinion and preference • to prepare Ss for the speaking task
iving reasons

First have Ss think of the uestions individually. Ask them
abroad advantage blog common content (n.) to note down any ideas they can think of. n this way, you
convenient disadvantage e-pal immediate ensure that all Ss will come up with their own ideas.
lively major (adj.) peaceful presence rarely Then divide Ss into pairs. ou can have lower-performing
reason specific suggest Ss work with higher-performing Ss so that the former feel
Words related to learning a language more confident. Encourage Ss to exchange opinions and
at one’s own speed atmosphere contact (n.) allow them some time to prepare their answers.
feedback interaction learning environment ave pairs share their answers in class and initiate a short
mother tongue non-native speaker pronunciation discussion.
uestionnaire spelling vocabulary
Suggested answers
Words related to work/business would say the most popular language is English.
client company export (n.) import (n.) After that, it’s erman and French, probably followed
international personal assistant by Chinese and Spanish. think most people choose
their third language based on where they would like

to study, or in which field they are likely to find work.
LIS T ENING CD1 5 Sometimes, though, they may just fall in love with the
A. language, like my friend who is a real fan of talian.
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the listening activity ost people learn languages at school or at least in a

• to activate Ss’ background knowledge classroom setting with the presence of a teacher. This
allows them to take part in discussions and work in
• groups. ou need to have such opportunities in order
ave Ss read statements - and check understanding.
ave Ss guess whether the statements are true or false. Do
to learn how to communicate in the language you are
learning. ore and more people are turning to online
learning, especially if they have a full-time job and
not correct Ss at this stage.
need to work at their own speed. t may be convenient,
B. but it needs a lot of effort for it to have good results.

Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for specific n addition, it does not give you the opportunity to
information and answering T/F questions practise speaking the language.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in comparing and contrasting
Explain to Ss that they will listen to an interview about situations and discussing advantages and
English as a world language. Explain to Ss that they should disadvantages
check their answers in the previous activity. • to provide Ss with vocabulary relevant to the
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. Encourage situations

Ss to note down key words that helped them answer. •

As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their Divide Ss into pairs. ou can have higher-performing Ss

answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This work with lower-performing Ss.
will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their Ask Ss to look at the pictures and speculate about the place
answers in class. and the situations. Then have Ss go through the words and
phrases in the box and explain any new vocabulary.

Check the answers with the class.

Tell Ss to take turns in order to compare the pictures
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T and say what the advantages and disadvantages of each
of the ways of learning foreign languages are, using the
vocabulary in the box.
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and expand
on the topic of the listening activity Suggested answer
SA: O . Let’s see. The first picture shows a classroom.
• What do you think are the advantages of learning in
Discuss the uestion in class. this environment
SB: n my opinion, the biggest advantage is that there is
more opportunity for interaction in a classroom. ou
Suggested answer
can have lively discussions with your classmates and
mostly use English for entertainment and education
practise your oral skills. Also, think that having
purposes. often watch films, T series and music
contact with other students gets you more interested
videos in English. Whenever it is possible, avoid using
in learning.
subtitles. t is the language of the gaming world too, so if
SA: es, agree. also think that the presence of a teacher
you are into gaming, you get to practise a lot. Also, when
is a really important advantage of learning in a
need to look something up on the nternet for a project,
class. Sometimes you just need someone there to
like to do it in English because there is usually more
help you when you’re having trouble understanding
information available. ’m planning on taking an online
something. n class, students can ask uestions and
course in computer programming, and that is available in
get immediate feedback from the teacher.

10 TB

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SB: ou’re right. Actually, think that’s the biggest Suggested answers
disadvantage of working alone which is what we English is useful for people who like travelling because
can see happening here in picture B. Self-study it allows you to communicate with people almost
through computers doesn’t give you the chance to everywhere in the world.
ask uestions if you’re stuck. English is also spoken in the world of business so many
SA: That’s true, but there are other advantages to people need it for job purposes.
studying alone. eople with hobbies, such as motorcycling, find English
SB: Like what useful since they can find information in certain
SA: Well, you can work at your own speed for a start. websites which are in English. They can take part in
That’s ideal for someone who needs to learn fast. chat forums and exchange ideas and suggestions with
SB: That’s a good point. Also, you can organise things others from around the world who share the same
the way you want and study in a more peaceful interests.
atmosphere. any people want to take examinations to prove their
SA: That’s true. t is definitely more convenient. knowledge of the language.
English may be the only means of communication with
English is necessary for those who decide to study
C. abroad.
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and expand English is the main language used in the music and film
on the topic of the speaking activity nternet
industries and also on the nternet.
• Attending English lessons can be a good way to meet

people with whom you have common interests and
Discuss the uestions in class. make new friends.

Suggested answers
ersonally, learn best in a classroom. like the C.
interaction with other students because being able to Aim: to help Ss identify paragraph content and
talk about things is fun and helps me improve. When
study on my own, have trouble staying focused.
would like to do more pair-work and group-work
Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check
activities. think that would really help to improve my understanding.
oral skills. Also, would prefer it if there were fewer Tell them to read the paragraph and tick the sentences the
students in my class. That way, would be able to get content of which corresponds to the paragraph.

more help from my teacher when need it. Check the answers with the class.

The following should be ticked: , ,


Aim: to introduce the writing task

Ask Ss to fill in the uestionnaire. ou can have Ss work in Aims: • to give Ss practice in developing a paragraph

pairs. This will help lower-performing Ss.

Ss. •
rovide explanations if necessary.
ead out and explain the T .
B. Tell Ss to refer to their ideas in the brainstorming activity
(activity B) and the paragraph (activity C) in order to write

Aims: • to familiarise Ss with the process of

brainstorming a paragraph explaining why they want to learn English. To
challenge higher-performing Ss, encourage them to add
• their own ideas too.
nitiate a discussion and encourage Ss to use all the
prompts provided as a springboard to expand on reasons Model answer
why people want to learn English. Allow the use of am learning English for travel purposes. As study
L if necessary, to help lower-performing Ss express Art istory at university, my dream is to visit all the
themselves. important museums of the world and experience world
cultures. For example, want to visit apan, taly and
Egypt. believe it will be much better than reading about
them or seeing pictures online.

11 TB

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Developing a paragraph
A. You have decided to take a course in English. Before you C. Read the paragraph one student
start, you have to complete a questionnaire. Read and wrote and decide which of the
complete the questionnaire. Then discuss your answers. following the student does in his/her
paragraph. Tick the correct boxes.

1. n the first sentence he/she says what purpose he/she is
learning English for.
QUESTIONNAIRE 2. e/She suggests ways to
SECTION A improve his/her English.
ow long have you been learning English 3. e/She explains and gives
reasons why he/she needs
4. e/She gives a specific

ow old are you example.

What is your mother tongue
I am learning English for job purposes.
atI work as a personal assistant for a
ave you learnt any other languages before large import-export company. Since
Which one(s) ow long for English is an international language,

we use it to communicate with our


clients in other countries. For example,

I have to send emails to our clients

ave you ever been to an English speaking or speak to them on the telephone in

country Which one(s) English.


What do you find difficult in English


• reading • grammar D. Write a paragraph explaining

• listening • vocabulary why you want to learn English
to complete Section B in the
• speaking • spelling questionnaire in activity A.
• writing • pronunciation

Write a paragraph of approximately 50 words When you write a paragraph:
explaining why you are learning English.  begin with an introductory sentence.
 then develop the idea in the
introductory sentence. Explain it,
B. Think of as many reasons as possible why people want give reasons (using because, as, the
to learn English. Discuss, using the ideas in the box. reason why, etc.) and, if possible, give
an example (using for example, for
travel job/business hobby exams e-pals instance, such as, etc.) .
study abroad music/films/ nternet make friends


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A. Discuss.
Look at the colours and the words in the box. What do you think each colour expresses

happiness unhappiness success health death danger

B. Read the article quickly and choose the most appropriate title a, b or c.

e meaning
The Power of Colour: th
a of colours in different cu
When answering questions which refer to

Colours: choosing the ri
b ones for success ght the whole text, make sure you choose the
option that describes the text as a whole,
not only part of it.
The meaning of colours

c in the past
ou probably know that colour can influence your mood and
feelings, but did you know that colours mean different things in
different cultures Take the colour white, for example. n Western
culture, white represents goodness and purity, while in Asian

cultures, white is associated with funerals and mourning. n

apan, for example, a white chrysanthemum symbolises death,

and in parts of ndia, white is worn at funerals, and it is generally

associated with unhappiness.
n China, red is the colour of good luck. When the Chinese give gifts of money on
special occasions, they usually put the money in a red envelope. Chinese brides aren’t

dressed in white they wear bright red wedding dresses. On the other hand, in the
Western world, red represents danger, which is why warning signs and road signs are

often red.
n the past, the Cherokee ndians of North America used to associate colour with
the four directions that is, blue represented north, white represented south, red

represented east, and black represented west. These four colours had other meanings
too blue meant defeat, white meant happiness, red meant success, and black meant
death. The Cherokees also used coloured beads to achieve certain goals they thought,
for example, that red beads had the power to help people recover from illness or find
love. Black beads were used to help the Cherokees beat their enemies.
ellow is another colour that has various meanings in different cultures. n the West,
yellow is associated with weakness, while in apan, yellow means courage. n China, the
colour yellow represents royalty, but in yanmar, yellow is associated with mourning.
reen is one of the few colours that most cultures view as being a positive colour
in both the East and the West, green is the colour of health and life. For the ancient
Egyptians, green was the colour that symbolised hope and the joy of spring. n reland,
it is a lucky colour, and, all over the world, green is a symbol of ecological awareness.
Learning about what meanings colours have in different
cultures is interesting and satisfies our curiosity. t
can also be very useful for travellers and for those
in the world of business. nowing what colours
represent in other countries can help to increase our
understanding of other cultures and help us avoid

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eferring to past habits and situations
Discussing past events
ast Simple
sed to be/get used to
achieve argue associate awareness
beat (v.) bride cooperate curiosity
defeat (n.) ecological envelope
fight (v.) funeral goal influence (v.)
link (v.) mood occasion on the other hand
positive recover refer represent satisfy
stuff suffer symbolise various view (v.)
warning sign
Nouns related to the meanings of colours
courage death goodness joy power
unhappiness weakness


A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal

experience at
ave Ss read through the words in the box and explain
anything they may not know.

Ask Ss the uestion and discuss.

Suggested answer

ed expresses danger and also happiness it is the colour

you see around you on many holidays such as the Spring
Festival in China.
Blue is the colour of success business people and
professionals often dress in that colour. t can also

express unhappiness as in the expression I have the blues /

feeling blue.
ellow expresses happiness: it reminds me of light and

the sun.
reen expresses health, it makes you think of trees and
White is the colour of health nurses and doctors wear

white, and of happiness.

Black expresses unhappiness but also success.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of
the text

ave Ss do the activity. Ask Ss to justify their answers.
This will challenge higher-performing Ss and help lower-
performing Ss understand why this is the correct answer.

12 TB

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Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details Suggested answer
ead out and explain the T . n the SA, red is usually the colour of love and strong
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and the options given. feelings. ed roses are often given as a symbol of
Ask Ss to underline where they find the answer in the texts. love.
ave Ss do the activity. would say yellow is the colour of weakness, and a
ou may modify the activity from multiple-choice to open- coward would be called ‘yellow’. At the same time, it
ended uestions. Write uestions , and on the board also makes people think of spring.
(without the options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their reen is considered the colour of money all dollars are
books, read the text and answer the uestions. This will green, whether the bill is worth dollar or . The dollar
challenge higher-performing Ss. Then ask Ss to look at their is called the ‘greenback.’
books and answer uestions and . Alternatively, eliminate
Blue, rather than black, is the colour of sadness. f you are
one option. This will help lower-performing Ss.
Check the answers with the class. unhappy you may say you have ‘the blues.’
Black is the colour people wear at funerals, but they will
1. a (‘ n Western Culture, white represents goodness and usually bring along white flowers. t is also a colour many
purity, while in Asian cultures, white is associated with people like to wear when they want to dress smartly.
funerals and mourning.’)
2. c (‘When the Chinese give gifts of money on special
occasions, they usually put the money in a red envelope.’) VOC A BUL A RY
3. a (‘The Cherokees also used coloured beads to achieve 1. V ERBS A ND PREPOSIT IONS
certain goals they thought, for example, that red beads A.
had the power to help people recover from illness or...’) Aims: to present and give Ss practice in using verbs +

4. b (‘Take the colour white, for example. n Western culture, prepositions in a controlled environment
white represents goodness and purity, while in Asian
cultures, white is associated with funerals and mourning. Write on the board: ‘ e escaped prison’. Ask Ss to fill
n apan, for example, a white chrysanthemum symbolises from)
in the blank (key: from)

death, and in parts of ndia, white is worn at funerals ead out and explain the NOTE. Explain to Ss that they have
and it is generally associated with unhappiness, ‘ ellow to complete the table by placing each verb under the right
is another colour that has various meanings in different category and remind them that some verbs can be followed by
cultures. n the West, yellow is associated with weakness,
while in apan, yellow means courage. n China, the
colour yellow represents royalty, but in yanmar, yellow is
more than one preposition.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
associated with mourning.’)
5. b (‘ nowing what colours represent in other countries can
help to increase our understanding of other cultures and Verb + from Verb + with Verb + to

help us avoid misunderstandings.’)

suffer argue refer
Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

die cooperate listen

What does a white chrysanthemum symbolise in Japan? death escape agree link
What colour are Chinese bridal dresses? red choose associate belong
What does the colour red represent in the West? It represents
danger. recover fight speak

What did the colour blue mean for the Cherokee Indians?
It symbolised one of the four directions (north) and it also B.
meant defeat. Aims: to give Ss practice in using verbs and prepositions in

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning from ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.


Ask Ss to read through words - . 1. escape from 4. belong to
Explain to them that they should find these words in the text
2. suffer from 5. cooperate with
and guess their meaning from the context.
Elicit answers and explain that even if they do not know the 3. don’t agree with
meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it.
Ask Ss to read through definitions a-e and check 2 . NEG AT I V E PREF I X E S A ND SUF F I X E S
understanding. Aims: • to raise Ss awareness of negative prefixes and
Tell them to match definitions a-e with words - . suffixes
ave Ss do the activity. •
Check the answers with the class. A.
ave Ss read the example and decide if the prefixes un- and
mis- have a positive or a negative meaning.
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c
Explain any unknown words in the text if necessary.

E. (Post-reading) B.
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic of ave Ss read the sentence and decide which option
the reading activity, drawing on their own experience corresponds to the right meaning of the word careless.

Ask Ss the uestion. b
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion on the
significance of colours in the Ss’ country.
ead out and explain the NOTE.
13 TB

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Vocabulary & grammar
C. Read the article again and answer the
questions. Choose a, b or c.

Many verbs are followed by prepositions.
Sometimes more than one preposition can be
correct depending on the use of the verb.
 Read through the text before you look at the questions.
 Then read each question carefully to get an idea of A. Complete the table with the verbs in the box.
what you are looking for and underline the section in the Some of the verbs can be found in the text in
text where the answer is found. Reading activity B. Some may be followed by
more than one preposition.
 Make sure you have chosen the correct answer by
eliminating the wrong options. argue refer suffer die cooperate
 Avoid using options which: listen agree associate link escape
• sound logical but are not mentioned in the text. fight belong choose speak recover
• include a word/phrase from the text, but do not mean
the same thing.
• overgeneralise using words like always, all, every, etc. verb + from verb + with verb + to

1. Where does the colour white not mean something

a. in Western culture
b. in ndia
c. in apan
2. n China, a red envelope
a. brings good luck. B. Complete the sentences using verbs and
b. is given to brides. prepositions from activity A.

c. might contain some money. 1. The book is about how two men a
3. What colour did the Cherokees think could help with burning car.

health problems 2. any people allergies in the spring.

a. red
b. white 3. evin think we should go by
c. black train.

4. According to the text, which colours mean something 4. Who does this jacket
positive in some cultures and something negative in 5. When students work together on projects, they

learn how to each other.

a. red and green
c. black and blue A. Look at the extracts from the text in Reading

activity B. Do the prefixes un- and mis- add a

5. The writer says that if you know what colours mean in
positive or a negative meaning to the words
different cultures, happiness and understanding?
a. you always succeed in business.
... it is generally associated with unhappiness.
b. you understand the countries you visit and their
people better. ... and help us avoid misunderstandings.
c. you just satisfy your curiosity.
B. Look at the word in bold in this sentence. What
D. Look at the words highlighted in the article and does it mean? Choose a or b.
match them with their meanings a-e. Don’t lend Tony your car he is a very careless driver.
a. giving serious attention to something
1. influence
a. connect b. not careful
2. associate
b. succeed in doing something • The prefixes un-, in- and mis- are used

3. represent c. consider before adjectives, adverbs and nouns

4. achieve d. have an effect on to give them the opposite meaning
5. view e. mean (happiness–unhappiness, correct–incorrect,
E. Discuss. • The suffix -less is used after a noun to form
an adjective which means without that
What examples can you give of what different colours quality or characteristic (care–careless).
mean in your country

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Vocabulary & grammar
C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of PRACTICE
the words in capitals.
1. Don’t be afraid of the monkey. t is Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple of the
verbs in brackets. Use used to where possible.
completely . ARM
A: (1) (you / drive) to work this
2. ou use FORMAL
language when you write an email B: No, didn’t. (2) (drive) to work
to a friend. every morning, but now take the bus.
3. don’t wear these shoes very
often because they are very
A: (3) (go) to Stone’s art exhibition
last Saturday, and really (4)
4. Finally Tom got a job and is now (enjoy) it. e’s a great artist
of his DEPENDENT B: eah, he (5) (be) my favourite
parents. painter, but don’t like his new stuff so much.

5. The manager is ABLE
to see you at the moment because
A: (6) (you / know) that Donna
he is in a meeting.

(7) (jog) every morning before
she (8) (come) to work
G R AM M A R B: Of course. Don’t tell me that you (9)
Look at the extracts from the article in Reading
(not know) that. She (10)
jogging a month ago because of a knee problem.
activity B and answer the questions that follow.
... blue represented north,...

... did you now that colours mean different things

in different cultures? Read the text and complete the gaps. Use only one

... they thought, for example, that red beads had word in each gap.

the power to help people recover from illness...
or the ancient gyptians, green was the colour...
1. ow do we form the ast Simple of regular

verbs n a apanese tea ceremony, a hostess prepares tea and

2. Which verb do we use to form the negative serves it (1) guests. The habit of drinking tea
and uestion forms

first started in apan when (2) man called

3. What’s the ast Simple of the verb be
4. What kind of actions does the ast Simple Eichu made tea for the Emperor. Later, when a better kind
describe of tea was brought to apan (3) China, the

tea ceremony became very popular. The apanese believe

that each tea ceremony is a very special experience that
A. Look at the extract from the article in Reading
activity B. What does the phrase in bold mean? will never happen again in the same way. For this reason,
... the Cherokee Indians of North America used to (4) enjoy every part of the ceremony as
associate colour with the four directions... much as possible. n the past, the hostess and guests
B. Match the phrases in bold in the examples with (5) to wear a kimono during the ceremony,
their meanings.
1. I am used to going to bed after midnight. but today, they can wear either a kimono or formal
2. ou will soon get used to getting up clothes. When the guests arrive, they are led to a waiting
early in the morning. area, and they are offered hot water. While the guests
a. be in the habit of doing something (6) waiting, the hostess washes her hands
b. start ac uiring a habit and mouth with water. The guests are then led to a tea
room. The hostess cleans the cups and everything else she

used to + base form

uses in front of the guests, and, after (7) ,
be/get used to + -ing form
she makes and serves the tea. The apanese tea ceremony
is associated (8) harmony and celebrates the
simple beauty of life and nature.

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C. Ask Ss to tell you when we use the structure get used to, and
Aim: to give Ss practice in using negative prefixes and suffixes help them deduce that we use it to talk about the process of
in a word building activity something becoming a habit to us. Tell Ss that get used to
can be used with past, present and future tenses.
ave Ss do the activity. efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Check the answers with the class. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
1. harmless
2. informal 1. a 2. b
3. uncomfortable
4. independent
5. unable Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using used
to, be used to and get used to. To help lower-performing Ss,
Ask Ss to make sentences using the words in capitals or their write some sentences on the board (e.g. I can’t get used to
derivatives. This will challenge higher-performing Ss. use / using this app. It’s hard. / Kelly and Susan used / were
Write some of these sentences on the board in the used to text each other all the time, but they don’t any more.,
following way: Although they trained very hard, they were etc.) and ask them to choose the correct option.
to finish the race on time. ABL
Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the word in capitals
or with a derivative of theirs. This will give lower- PR AC T ICE
performing Ss extra practice. Aim: to give Ss practice in using the Past Simple and used

Ask Ss to read the short dialogues and tell you which
sentences express past habits, and, therefore, used to can be
GR A MM A R used. This will help lower-performing SsSs.
PA S T SIMPLE ave Ss do the activity.

Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of the Past Simple Check the answers with the class.

Ask Ss to read through the examples of the ast Simple in
the grammar box, and check their previous knowledge of
Did you drive
used to drive
6. Did you know
7. used to jog
8. came
the tense. 4. enjoyed 9. didn’t know
ave the Ss read the uestions and then answer them. 5. used to be 10. stopped
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

1. nfinitive + ed ENGLISH IN USE


2. did Aim: to consolidate and give Ss practice in using new

3. was/were vocabulary and grammar
4. completed actions in the past
ave Ss read through the text.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples to practise
Explain any unknown words if necessary.
using the tense.

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of used to be get used to

• 1. to
2. a
A. 3. from

Ask Ss to read through the example of used to in the 4. they/guests

grammar box, and check their previous knowledge of its 5. used
use. 6. are
ave Ss read the extract and answer the uestion. 7. that
8. with
t means that in the past, they associated colour with
the four directions, but that doesn’t happen any more.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Ask Ss to come up with their own sentences to practise
using the structure used to.

Ask Ss to read through the example sentences, and draw
their attention to the structures in bold and the NOTE.
Ask Ss to tell you the difference in the way the structures
used to and be/get used to are formed (The former is
followed by a base form while the latter are followed by an
-ing form.).
Explain to Ss that if you are used to doing something, it
means that you are familiar with it, and you don’t find it
Tell Ss that be used to can be used with past, present and
future tenses.
14 TB

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Functions Suggested answers
Discussing lifestyles SA: Well, the man in the first picture seems to be
Expressing enthusiasm working on a computer. can’t tell where he is, but it
aking suggestions doesn’t look like he’s at home. aybe he leads a busy
iving directions life and works a lot.
SB: aybe, but he seems to enjoy this lifestyle. think
Vocabulary that sometimes he might feel a bit lonely though, as
he probably hasn’t got enough free time to hang out
a couple of access apply block (n.) expenses with friends.
express facility feel like get together SC: What about picture B What could we say about his
hear from incredibly keep in touch lifestyle
keep up with lack (n.) lead nearby pick up SD: Well, he clearly works outside and is doing
president uite similar unfortunately something related to the environment. aybe he’s
walk past volunteering, or maybe he’s a gardener it’s hard to
Words related to lifestyles SA: suppose he must feel uite isolated. t looks like
alone crowded exhausting fabulous hectic he works alone, and that can be difficult. Although
independent isolated lonely monotonous it doesn’t look like a very hectic lifestyle. n fact, it
relaxing routine schedule socialise trendy looks uite relaxing.
Phrases related to directions SB: agree with that. think the family in picture C
on the corner on your left on your right shows a relaxed and happy lifestyle. Taking time
for family and sharing a meal together is very

important. The family in the picture seem to like
spending time together.
SA: es, agree.
LIS T ENING CD1 8 - 15

SC: And even if you have a hectic schedule, taking the
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific time to sit down and have a meal with your family is
information and answering multiple-choice a great way to get away from the routine of work or

Explain to Ss that they will hear people talking in four

different situations.
SD: What about the last picture think this picture
shows people having fun shopping in a shopping
ead out and explain the T . SB: es. think shopping centres and facilities like these
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and the options give people a chance to relax and socialise. The

given. ake sure they have no unknown words. people in the picture seem to be enjoying themselves.
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
ou may modify the activity from multiple-choice to SA: think the lifestyle shown in picture A is uite similar

open-ended uestions. Write uestions , and on the to my own.

board (without the options), ask Ss to cover the activity SC: And mine. spend a lot of time on my computer
in their books, listen and answer the uestions. This will working and studying and ’m always on my
challenge higher-performing Ss.. Then ask Ss to look at smartphone.
their books and answer uestion . Alternatively, eliminate SD: e too. Because work from home a lot, do feel a

one option. This will help lower-performing Ss.Ss. bit isolated. don’t socialise as much as would like
Check the answers with the class. to either.
SA: actually don’t feel isolated. think this lifestyle gives

me the chance to communicate with people even

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a when ’m far away or working.
SD: can understand that.
SB: Actually, think my lifestyle is a bit closer to the

SPE A K ING one shown in picture C. still live with my parents,

Aims: • to give students practice in comparing and and we make an effort to sit down and enjoy a meal
contrasting situations and speculating together as a family a few times a week. also go
• to provide vocabulary and expressions relevant to shopping with friends very often, so that’s a lifestyle
the situations similar to the one shown in picture D.
SC: try to avoid shopping, so it’s not really a part of my
• lifestyle. But sometimes go to the cinema or out for
Divide Ss into groups of four. ake sure there is a balance a meal with friends.
of higher-performing Ss and lower-performing Ss in each SC: live in a city, so ’d like to be able to have more
group. contact with nature. n my opinion, this is very
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and speculate about the place important because being around nature is just so
and the situation (A: a man with headphones around his good for you and makes you feel happy.
neck, working on his computer and holding his mobile SA: agree with you. would also like to be out in nature
phone B: a man working in a garden or park probably more often, but don’t have easy access to parks or
volunteering in an reforestation programme C: a family forests where live, so it’s not easy. wish my lifestyle
gathered during lunch D: a young couple shopping in a was a bit closer to picture C. live alone and just don’t
shopping centre). Then, have Ss go through the words and get to spend as much time with my family as would
phrases in the boxes and explain any new vocabulary. like.
Tell Ss to take turns in order to compare the pictures and SD: don’t think there is much would change about my
answer the uestions in the rubric. lifestyle. like the way live. just wish had more
free time.
SB: Well, suppose should probably stop shopping so
much. t’s fun but never save any money

15 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 38 13/1/2021 11:15:01 πµ

Listening & speaking
You will hear people talking in four Talk in groups of four. Look at the pictures and discuss the
different situations. For questions 1-4, questions. You can use some of the words and expressions in
choose the best answer a, b or c. the boxes.
What can you say about the people’s lifestyles
ow similar or different are they to your lifestyle
s there anything you would like to change in the way you live

 Read the questions and options

carefully before you hear each extract.
 Listen to the extracts carefully. Don’t
try to understand every single word or
phrase, but make sure you focus on

the whole message.
 Choose the option which best answers
the question. Don’t choose an option

just because words or phrases
included in the extract appear in it.
1. ou overhear two people talking.
What is true about the woman

a. She had a great time.


b. She is disappointed. opportunities

c. She had a terrible time. facilities
2. ou overhear a conversation. monotonous

Where does it take place exhausting

a. at an airport independent
C lonely

b. at a bus stop
c. on a train crowded

3. ou overhear a conversation.
lead a busy life
Who did onroe Street get its
relaxing lifestyle
name from hectic schedule
a. an actor suffer from stress
b. a president easy access to
escape from routine
c. an actress keep up with the times
D lack of communication
4. ou overhear two friends talking.
Why do the apanese clean their
houses before the New ear arrives believe/think/suppose...
a. because they want to start the New n my opinion...
ear with a clean house The person/people in the picture seem(s) to...
b. because they go round to each is/ er/Their lifestyle is uite similar to / different from mine as...
other’s houses ’d like to be able to...
c. because they have a big party


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 39 13/1/2021 11:15:04 πµ

Αn informal email
A. Discuss.
ow do you keep in touch with friends/family who live in other cities/countries
Do you use the nternet to communicate with them n what ways

B. Your friend, Clara, lives in London, and she is going to travel to several countries. Read the email she has sent to
her friend, Antonio. Why is Clara writing to him?


Hi Antonio,
I have some fabulous news that you might find hard to believe. I took part in a quiz show and won
first prize! I get to choose any five countries in the world that I want to visit, all expenses paid! I’m
not joking.

Anyway, I’ll be in your city for a few hours on 25th October, and I’d really like to see you. I’ll arrive at
the central train station at 3.00 p.m. Do you think it would be possible to meet up? Could you suggest
a nice place near the station where we could meet? Oh, and don’t forget to tell me how to get there!

I’m so excited about this trip, and I really hope we’ll be able to get together.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Take care,
C. Read Clara’s email again and

the points a-d. Tick () the

ones Antonio should include

in his reply to Clara.

a. give directions
b. suggest a place
c. respond appropriately to

Clara’s news
d. offer Clara a place to stay

D. Now read the email that Antonio wrote to Clara and underline the sentences that correspond to the points you
ticked in activity C.

To: Clara
From: Antonio
Subject: 25th October meeting
Hi Clara,
That’s wonderful news! You are so incredibly lucky! I’m really happy that you’re coming to Rome, and we’ll be able
to get together again.
Unfortunately, I’ll be at work until 3.30, but my office is very close to the station. You can walk there and pick me
up from work. There’s a nice café we can go to nearby. If you feel like having a meal, there are also a couple of
good restaurants in the area.
My office is really easy to reach from the station. When you leave the station, walk down Via Viminale on your left.
You will see the Opera House on your right. Walk past the Opera House and turn right into Via Quattro Fontane.
One block down, turn left into Via Nazionale. Walk along Via Nazionale until you get to Via Milano. My office is in
the building on the corner of Via Nazionale and Via Milano, opposite the Exhibition Hall. We’re on the second floor.
Can’t wait to see you!
Bye for now,


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 40 13/1/2021 11:15:0 πµ

WRIT ING CD1 16, 17
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task

Discuss the uestions in class.

Suggested answers
like to share photos on social media. But when it
comes to close friends who have moved away and
it’s not easy to call them, often drop them a line by
email. That way can give some thought to what
want to say and write a longer message sharing my
news, as well as exchanging ideas.
like to do video calls on the nternet because it
makes the person seem nearer when can see them.
Social media is great for sharing photos, but when
you have something a little more important and
personal to say, it’s better to send an email instead of

posting it online.


Aims: • to have Ss identify the purpose of an informal

Tell Ss to read Clara’s email and answer the uestion in the


She will be in Antonio’s city for a few hours and she

would like to meet him.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying functions

ave Ss do the activity.

The following should be ticked: a, b, c


Aims: • to provide Ss with a sample email

• to help Ss prepare for the writing activity

ave Ss do the activity. ou can have Ss work in pairs to do
the activity. This will help lower-performing Ss.

The following parts should be underlined:

a. ‘When you leave the station... opposite the
Exhibition all.’
b. ‘There’s a nice caf we can go to nearby.’
c. ‘That’s wonderful news... to get together again.’

16 TB

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Aims: • to familiarise Ss with expressions/phrases
expressing enthusiasm and making suggestions

ave Ss read the expressions/phrases and encourage them
to provide examples for each one of them.
Then ask Ss to go through situations - and check
understanding. Explain to them that they need to choose
an appropriate expression/phrase for situations - .
ave Ss do the activity and check the answers with the

1. was really happy to hear that you got the job

Well done
2. Why don’t we go to the theatre
3. Wow That’s great ou must be over the moon.
4. ow about taking up cricket
5. think it would be a good idea to have dinner with
all our friends. We’ll have a great time, ’m sure


Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing an informal email

ead out and explain the T .
Tell Ss that they should write an email to Clara.
efer Ss to the email in activity B and the T .

For set phrases and the layout of emails refer Ss to the

Writing Section at the back of the book.

Model answer
From: Nathan
To: Clara
Subject: visit

i Clara
That’s great news t will be wonderful to get together

after so long. And, by the way, ’m sure you didn’t just

win because of luck. ou were always so good when you
were at school and you love reading
nfortunately, ’ve got football practice with my team

until . p.m. on th October. The good thing is,

we practice at Thornton ark, which is uite near the
station. ou can walk there, and we can meet at the ark
Caf . Their hot chocolate is great
As you leave the station, walk straight along ill Street
until you reach Central S uare. o across the s uare to
the opposite side. ou will see the park in front of you.
Cross Tyne oad and continue walking along ark oad
with the park on your left-hand side. ery soon you will
see a path going into the park. Walk along it and then
take the first turning on your left. The caf ’s at the end of
this path. ou can’t miss it
See you soon

Video activities: Peru

The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
of the book.

17 TB

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E. Read the table with expressions/ WRITING TASK
phrases you can use to express
enthusiasm and make suggestions. F. Clara is also going to visit your city/town and has
Choose an appropriate expression/ sent you the same email. Write an email replying
phrase for the situations 1-5. Use a to Clara. Use the map and Antonio’s email as a
different expression/phrase for each model, but you must use your own ideas and other
situation. expressions/phrases. Your email should be between
100-150 words.
Expressing enthusiasm
Wow That’s great/wonderful
was really happy/glad to hear...
couldn’t believe it when read...

Making suggestions
Why don’t you/we...
ow about...

think it would be a good idea to...
There is a nice... where we/you can...

1. A friend of yours sent you an email telling
you that he got the job he had applied for.
What do you say when you write back at

2. A cousin of yours, who lives in another

Hill Street

town, is visiting you and wants to do

something fun on Saturday evening. What
do you suggest

3. our best friend sent you an email saying

that he/she is going to travel abroad to
take part in a physics competition. What

do you say in your answer

When you are writing an email to a friend:

4. ou and your friends want to take up a  remember to read the rubric and the email you are replying to
sport. Which sport would you suggest carefully and respond suitably.
 use standard grammar and spelling conventions. Avoid forms
such as wanna, cu l8r, etc.
 use appropriate expressions/phrases to express enthusiasm,
make suggestions and give directions.
5. our sister has won an art competition.
She wants to celebrate with her friends
and has asked you for ideas. What do you For the layout of emails and set phrases you can use,
go to the Writing Section.

Video activities:


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 43 13/1/2021 11:15:07 πµ

1 Round-up


A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. We brought a clown to the children at the party, but none of them laughed at his tricks.
a. entertain b. encourage c. educate d. influence
2. ictoria has a of playing with her hair when she gets nervous.
a. custom b. tradition c. habit d. culture
3. This holiday will give ackie the to get some rest.
a. mood b. moment c. purpose d. opportunity
4. This is an international firm, and most of our clients are .
a. strangers b. foreigners c. original d. native speakers
5. The location of their house is not very it is far from public transport, and there are no shops nearby.

a. convenient b. common c. major d. peaceful
6. o down Asher Street and take the second on your right.

a. crossing b. turning c. corner d. warning
7. The reason our team is so successful is because everyone with each other.
a. cooperates b. confuses
8. t took ames six months to recover
c. understands
his illness.
at d. combines
a. to b. with c. from d. by
9. These books belong onica ’ll give them to her when see her.

a. from b. with c. by d. to
10. She is willing to work very hard to

her goals.
a. represent b. achieve c. satisfy d. associate

B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.


1. Could you tell me to your office

a. how can get b. when do you get c. how do get d. when get

2. to the gym three times a week, and also like playing football on Sundays.
a. go b. use to go c. am going d. usually went
3. Can you tell me how much for those boots think ’d like to buy a pair for my daughter.

a. you pay b. did you pay c. you paid d. you did pay
4. ennifer me with my homework tonight.
a. is helping b. help c. helping d. helps
5. an that having kids is a great responsibility.
a. is believing b. believe c. believing d. believes
6. The Browns an extension to their house.
a. build b. building c. are building d. builds
7. y parents are singers, and when was young, they take me with them on their concert tours.
a. used to b. used c. didn’t use d. usually
8. William is used till late at night.
a. to work b. working c. to working d. in working
9. ‘Who this jumper ’
‘ t’s a present from my sister.’
a. did you give b. you gave c. gave you d. gives you
10. Could you please tell me what exactly at the moment
a. you do b. do you do c. are you doing d. you are doing


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 44 13/1/2021 11:15:07 πµ

Round-up 1
Aims: • to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 1 through
various activities



1. a
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. d
10. b


1. a

2. a
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. c

10. d

18 TB

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1 Round-up

1. exhibition
2. organisers
3. enthusiastic
4. assistant
5. misunderstanding
6. unhappiness
7. weakness
8. informal


1. Who lives in that house

2. Where are you going
3. ow much does it cost
4. Which dress do you prefer
5. Who did Alice phone this morning
6. ow many people were there at the concert


1. are we going, think, went, enjoyed, are travelling,


2. are you flying, ’m leaving, are you doing, went, had,

stayed, were, showed, Do you know, ’m staying,

19 TB

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C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1
1. t was an interesting that combined art and science. E IBIT
2. The of the carnival start their preparations at least one year in ORGANISE
3. We are about the plan to build a new park in our ENT USIASM
4. y new is terrible she has been late every day this week, and ASSIST
she is rude to the clients.
5. ’m sorry about the thought you asked for the vegetarian meal. UNDERSTANDING
6. Stress and anxiety can lead to . APPINESS
7. y greatest is my fear of failure. WEA
8. oan told me to wear something and comfortable on the trip. FORMAL

D. Write questions for the answers given. The words in bold are the answers.
My maths teacher, Mr Jones, lives in that house.

’m going to awaii.


t only costs 60. at
prefer the purple dress.


Alice phoned Gemma this morning.

There were about eighty thousand people at the concert.

E. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: So, where (we / go) for the school trip

B: (think) s Davis said Sorrento was the final decision.

A: That’s good. (go) there with my parents last year, and we really

(enjoy) it.
B: Sorrento is such a beautiful place
A: Also, since we (travel) there in une, it will be warm enough to swim.
B: es, and s Davis has arranged for us to go on a trip to one of the nearby islands.
A: That (sound) wonderful can’t wait to go

2. A: i, aul. When (you / fly) to Spain

B: (leave) next week.
A: So, (you / do) the three-week intensive Spanish course
B: es, at the school you (go) to last year... in Cadi .
A: Ah yes, (have) a great time there last summer (stay)
with a host family. They (be) really nice, and their son iguel
(show) me around the city. (you / know) anyone in
B: es, (stay) with a friend.
A: reat That (mean) you’ll get to try some home-cooked traditional Spanish food.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 47 13/1/2021 11:15:08 πµ

11 Round-up

You will hear people talking in six different Read the following and tick () the appropriate
situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back to
a, b or c. the relevant sections in the module.

1. ou overhear a conversation. What is true about

Now I can...
their visit to the museum
a. They found it very small.  distinguish the difference in

meaning of words easily confused
b. They only saw the ona Lisa.
 differentiate between British English
c. There were many things they weren’t able and American English words
to see.  use verbs prepositions

 form opposites by using negative
2. ou overhear a conversation. Where did the man prefixes and suffixes
go last year  use the resent Simple and the

a. Florence resent rogressive appropriately
 differentiate between stative and
b. ome
atnon-stative verbs

c. enice
 use uestion words and form direct
and indirect uestions
3. ou overhear a conversation. Why is the woman  use the ast Simple appropriately

pleased  use used to, be used to and get used to

a. because she’s moving to apan to refer to something that was true in

b. because she’s taking apanese lessons the past, or something one is or becomes
familiar with
c. because she found a job

 skim a text to understand the gist


4. ou overhear a conversation. What is true of the and identify its purpose

woman  understand details in a text

a. She wants to become a member of the


nternational Society.  understand specific information

in a radio interview

b. She is going to buy tickets for the Oxford trip.

 understand the necessary
c. She likes deep-fried ars bars. information in short spoken texts

5. ou overhear a conversation. Where will the girl


 talk about language learning

be doing conservation work
 talk about different lifestyles
a. Thailand
 give directions
b. Australia
c. ndia

 write an explanatory paragraph

6. ou overhear a conversation. Why did the man go  write an informal email responding
to a friend
to apua New uinea
a. for a holiday
b. to work
c. to study a tribe


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 1.indd 48 13/1/2021 11:15:08 πµ

Round-up 1
LIS T ENING CD1 18 - 29
ave Ss listen to the recording and do the activity.
ou may eliminate one option. This will help lower-
performing Ss.
Check the answers with the class.

1. c
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. c


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and ask Ss to read them.

Explain any unknown words.
Ask Ss to tick the points they feel confident about. For the
points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.


20 TB

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2 Heroes

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
What comes to mind are superheroes in comics and my
country’s heroes. also think about people whose actions
are kind and fearless while they do not expect anything
in return. Sometimes heroes can be everyday people.
prefer reading history books. t may not always be
as exciting as reading adventure stories, but it is real.
Those past events have affected today’s world and that is
why am curious to learn about them.

ead out the points listed in the lick through the module

and find... section. Explain any unknown words.

Then ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

an extract from a novel set in medieval England:

a radio interview about cartoon heroes: p.

an informal email: p.
three short texts about everyday heroes: p.
a dialogue taking place in a museum: p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

21 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 50 13/1/2021 11:31:37 πµ

Heroes 2
 When you hear the word ‘hero’, who
comes to your mind
 What do you prefer reading, history
books or adventure stories Why

Flick through the module and find...

 an extract from a novel set in medieval England

 a radio interview about cartoon heroes

 an informal email
 three short texts about everyday heroes
 a dialogue taking place in a museum

In this module you will learn...

 to talk about fictional heroes, historical figures, everyday heroes and their achievements
 how to use appropriate tenses to talk about past events and situations
 how to make comparisons
 how to define people, places, things and ideas and give additional information about them
 how to describe a person
 how to tell a story
 to write an informal email including a narrative
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams

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2a Reading
A. Discuss. B. Read the introduction and the extract from a novel.
Do you have a favourite hero What does the writer do in this extract?
Which words would you use to describe a a. e expresses his opinion.
true hero b. e describes the main character in detail.
brave confident honest c. e describes events and the characters’ feelings.
intelligent sensible strong

I vanhoe
by Sir Walter Scott
A large crowd was gathering at the jousting field when rince ohn

and Lady owena finally arrived. Some of the spectators clapped as the
When ing Richard I, the ing of
couple walked past them, but many of them looked away. rince ohn
England, is sent to prison in Austria,
was not a popular man, and most of the spectators were there to watch

his evil brother, Prince John, decides
the ‘unknown knight’ defeat the rince’s men.
to take his place. The brave knight,
At one o’clock, rince ohn’s knights rode onto the field. The men
Ivanhoe, who has been at war for
several years, returns to England only
were lining up to greet the rince when vanhoe appeared on his horse.
The crowd started clapping as he approached the field some spectators
to discover that the woman he loves, were hoping to see the knight’s face, but it was hidden by his helmet.
the beautiful Lady Rowena, is going to ‘Let the competition begin ’ shouted rince ohn.

marry Prince John. Because Ivanhoe One by one, the rince’s men galloped towards vanhoe with their
is a supporter of ing Richard, swords raised. vanhoe lifted his shield in the air to protect himself and

he spends his time in England in used his own sword to knock the knights off their horses. rince ohn
disguise. e decides to call himself was watching in shock while the crowd was cheering wildly.
‘the unknown knight’ and takes part ‘Who is this man ’ he whispered to owena.
‘ don’t know,’ answered owena.

in a jousting competition jousting

alf an hour later, rince ohn announced that the unknown
is similar to sword fighting, but the
knight was the winner of the competition. ‘Congratulations,’ said

participants are on horses in order

rince ohn, as he shook vanhoe’s hand. ‘Lady owena will give you
to defeat Prince John’s knights and
your medal.’
win back the woman he loves.

vanhoe nodded and knelt down before owena.

‘Congratulations, unknown knight,’ said owena. ‘ lease take your
helmet off, ’d like to see your face.’
A KNIGHT ‘So would ,’ said rince ohn.
vanhoe shook his head.
owena was preparing to give vanhoe his medal when rince ohn
helmet told his soldiers to remove the knight’s helmet. When she saw vanhoe’s
armour face, she couldn’t believe her eyes.
‘ ou ’ shouted rince ohn.
But vanhoe said nothing and fell to the ground in pain. When the
rince’s soldiers removed vanhoe’s armour, they saw that blood was
pouring from his side. The knight was wounded.


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Functions Then have Ss read through the text uickly and do the
Narrating past events Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to justify their
Se uencing past actions and events answers. This will challenge higher-performing Ss and
help lower-performing Ss understand why this answer is
Structures correct.
ast rogressive
ast Simple vs ast rogressive
c (a and b are wrong because they only refer to certain
Vocabulary parts of the text and not the text as a whole)
announce approach (v.) armour blood
brave cheer clap confident crowd defeat
(v.) evil gallop gather greet ground C.
Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details
guilty helmet hidden honest in order
to injury intelligent knight lift (v.) medal oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions
nod in pain participant pour protect and the options and then find the part of the text which
push raise refuse remove sensible shake best answers the uestion.
one’s head shield soldier spectator supporter Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
sword unknown upset victory whisper (v.) understanding.
wounded Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
Phrasal verbs with on and off the text in order to do the activity.

keep off keep on put off put on take off Ask Ss to underline where they found the answer in the text.
take on turn off turn on ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work

with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
referring to specific parts in the text. This will build lower-
A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal
performing Ss’Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class.
Check the answers with the class.
experience 1. b (‘... but many of them looked away. rince ohn
• was not a popular man...’)

2. c (‘... most of the spectators were there to watch the

ave Ss read through the words in the box and check unknown knight defeat the rince’s men.’)
understanding. 3. c (‘ rince ohn was watching in shock, while the crowd

Ask Ss the two uestions and discuss. was cheering wildly.’)

4. a (‘ lease take your helmet off... vanhoe shook his head.’)
5. b (‘When she saw vanhoe’s face, she couldn’t believe
Suggested answers her eyes.’)
es, do. y favourite hero is Odysseus from the 6. c (‘... fell to the ground in pain. When the rince’s

Odyssey.. e was very clever and used his mind to face soldiers removed vanhoe’s armour, they saw that blood
any problem that came his way. e was also very brave. was pouring from his side.’)
think all these words could be used to describe a true

hero in some way, so choosing a single one of them

wouldn’t be enough to describe a hero. ost people
would agree that a hero must be brave and confident. Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
But one can think of plenty of examples where being Why did Prince John take his brother’s place as king? because

physically strong is not necessary (for example in the his brother, King Richard, was sent to prison in Austria
case of a scientist like arie Curie or a person like
Why is Ivanhoe in disguise while he is in ngland? because he
ahatma andhi). aving a strong character and
supports King Richard
believing in your ideas is something different. The
words we would not usually associate with heroes are Why does he decide to take part in the jousting competition?
‘intelligent’ and ‘sensible’. We sometimes think of heroes because he wants to defeat Prince John’s men and win back the
as brave people who act without much thinking and heart of Rowena
without fear of danger. But if they were not intelligent What did the crowd do when Ivanhoe approached the jousting
and sensible as well as brave, they would probably field? They started applauding.
be dangerous to themselves and others. ust think of What happened when Ivanhoe fell to the ground? The soldiers
Obelix and Asterix Asterix is the smart one, and Obelix removed his armour and saw that he was injured.
is strong. n the end, they always have to act together
to win. The word ‘honest’ makes us think of the good
ualities of character we expect a hero to have.
Ask Ss to look at the picture depicting a knight, as well
as the related vocabulary. Ask them to locate the words
B. in the text. Then, as a game, ask them to write a ‘cra y’
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of sentence including all of the vocabulary. ead the most
the text ingenious ones in class. (Alternatively, ask them to write a
sentence using the vocabulary and ending with the words
• ‘mighty dragon’.)
Ask Ss to read through choices a-c and check

22 TB

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D. what these words introduce (while is used to introduce an
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning action of longer duration which was interrupted by another
from context action of shorter duration when is used to introduce an
• action of shorter duration that interrupts an action of longer
Ask Ss to read through words - and their meanings. efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the ave Ss do the activity, and check the answers with the
text and guess their meaning from the context. class.
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them
infer it. a. b. c.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
1. d 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c Write the following on the board, and have Ss complete the
tenses to check that they understand how the ast Simple
and ast rogressive are used in the same sentence:
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary. y brother (study), and
I (listen) to music when suddenly the fire
E. (Post-reading) alarm (go off).
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic of Elicit answers (was studying, was listening, went).
Ask Ss to read sentences a and b.

the reading activity
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
• ave Ss do the activity, and check the answers with the
Ask Ss the uestions. class.

Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
1. b 2. a
Suggested answers
liked it because it is an adventure set in the past, in
a very romantic time in history. ight away you hope
vanhoe will succeed and win back the woman he loves. PR AC T ICE
want to read on to find out what happens next / Aim: to give Ss practice in using the Past Simple and the
didn’t like it because prefer stories set in the present or Past Progressive in context

the future. t’s a bit boring because in this type of novel

you know in advance that the good knight will win in ave Ss do the activity and check answers.

the end.
think ing ohn wants to kill vanhoe, but he can’t
because many people like him and they saw him win 1. went 7. began
the competition. So, ing ohn keeps him locked 2. were walking 8. was trying
somewhere. Finally, he gets well, escapes and finds ing 3. jumped 9. wasn’t looking
ichard. Then they both return with a large group of 4. grabbed 10. was going

supporters and retake the kingdom. Of course, vanhoe 5. didn’t know 11. bumped
marries owena. 6. was running 12. fell

Aim: to give Ss practice in using phrasal verbs with on and

off in context

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

1. off 3. on 5. off 7. on
2. off 4. on 6. off 8. on

Aims: • to help Ss revise the uses of the Past Progressive
and the Past Simple

Draw Ss’ attention to the examples in the grammar box
and the verbs in bold.
Check Ss’ previous knowledge of the formation and the use
of the ast rogressive.
Ask Ss to read through sentences a-c.
ave Ss circle the words while and when. Ask Ss to tell you

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Vocabulary & grammar
C. Read the extract again and answer
the questions. Choose a, b or c. GRA M MA R
1. From the text we understand that most of the
b. didn’t like rince ohn.
c. wanted the rince’s knights to win. A. Match the rules about the uses of the Past
2. The spectators at the jousting competition Progressive with the examples.
a. didn’t expect the unknown knight to win. The Past Progressive is used:
b. knew who the unknown knight was. 1. to set the scene in a story
c. supported the unknown knight. 2. for an action in progress in the past which was
3. ow did rince ohn feel about vanhoe’s victory interrupted by another action
a. e was confused. 3. for actions which were happening at the same
b. e was happy. time in the past
c. e was unpleasantly surprised. a. Rowena was preparing to give Ivanhoe
4. Why did rince ohn tell his soldiers to remove his medal when Prince John told his

vanhoe’s helmet soldiers to remove the knight’s helmet.
a. because vanhoe refused to do so b. Prince John was watching in shock while
b. because he was afraid of vanhoe the crowd was cheering wildly.

c. because owena asked him to do it c. any people in ngland were hoping
5. ow did owena feel when she saw vanhoe’s face King Richard would return soon.
a. She felt sorry for him.
b. She was greatly surprised.
c. She felt guilty.
B. Look at the examples and answer the questions.
a. The men were lining up to greet the Prince when
6. Why did vanhoe fall to the ground Ivanhoe appeared on horseback.
a. e was upset that owena was with rince ohn. b. When the Prince’s soldiers removed Ivanhoe’s armour,

b. The soldiers pushed him. they saw that blood was pouring from his side.
c. e was suffering from an injury. 1. n which example did the two actions happen

D. Match the words highlighted in the extract with one after the other
their meanings. 2. n which example did one action happen while
1. approached a. made known another action was in progress
b. took off
2. galloped
c. injured

3. announced d. went near

4. nodded e. rode horses which were

running fast Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past
5. removed Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
f. moved his head to show
6. wounded agreement

An unlucky thief

E. Discuss.
Did you like the extract Why / Why not
What do you think will probably happen next in the story Last Saturday, my friend Emma and
(1) (go) for a walk in the park.
VOCABULARY As we (2) (walk) down a path,
PHRASAL VERBS WITH ON AND OFF a man (3) (jump) out from
Complete the sentences with on or off.
behind a tree and (4) (grab)
1. Don’t forget to turn the light when you leave
the room. Emma’s bag. We (5) (not
2. Charles couldn’t come, so we had to put the know) what to do. Fortunately, while the man
meeting. (6) (run) down the path, a
3. ’m sorry, but am so busy that can’t take man on his bike (7) (begin)
any more work.
chasing him. The thief (8)
4. ut your jacket, Steve it’s very cold outside.
5. Fasten your seatbelt, please the plane is about to take (try) to get away from the man, so he
. (9) (not look) where he
6. ack, keep the carpet your boots are dirty. (10) (go). As a result, he
7. Can turn the radio ’d like to listen to the (11) (bump) into another
person and (12) (fall) down.
8. f you want to succeed, you must keep trying.

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Listening & reading
A. Discuss.
What do you know about Alexander the reat

B. Look at the picture of The Meeting of Alexander the Great and Diogenes, which is in The Metropolitan Museum
of Art in New York City, and guess which of the statements a, b or c is true. Then listen to the dialogue and check
your answer.
a. Diogenes feared Alexander.
b. Diogenes believed that Alexander was an honest man.
c. Diogenes wanted Alexander to stop blocking the sun.

Some students are walking through the museum together with

a museum guide. They have just stopped in front of the painting
The eeting of Alexander the reat and Diogenes. The students are
very curious about it.
Andrew Excuse me, but what is so important about this

Guide Well, that’s an interesting uestion. ou
probably know Alexander the reat, but do you
know who Diogenes was

Andrew mm... Theresa s Diogenes asking Alexander for something,
Theresa know Wasn’t Diogenes the philosopher who maybe
considered himself a ‘cosmopolitan’
That’s right. And do you also know what that
word means
Guide at Almost. ou see, Alexander was a powerful
man who many people feared. e was also very
wealthy. Diogenes, who lived in a tub, was only
Theresa m, think it means ‘citi en of the world’. a poor philosopher. is only possession was a
Guide Exactly. Diogenes also believed that human lamp, which he carried around during the day

beings shouldn’t live their lives in luxury but he claimed he was looking for an honest man.
instead should live simple, natural lives. And he n this meeting, Alexander says to Diogenes,
actually set the example with his own lifestyle

‘Ask of me anything you like, and you will have

as he wasn’t fussy about where he slept and ate it ’ What do you think his response was
anything he was given. n addition, he thought Luke A new tub
that being able to tell your friends from your Guide No, but close. Diogenes was sunning himself at
enemies was an important uality. So, can any the time. e simply says to Alexander, who is

of you guess what is so important about this now blocking the sun, ‘Stand out of my sunlight ’

C. Read the dialogue and write A for Alexander, D for

Diogenes or N for neither of the two, if the information is
not mentioned in the dialogue.

1. am lying in the sun.

2. eople are afraid of me. When trying to guess the meaning of an unknown
3. am a ‘cosmopolitan’. word, always look for clues in the context (the words
before and after it, as well as the previous and following
4. am a philosopher.
sentences). Also look for clues in the word itself. See
5. have a lot of money and power. if it is similar to any other words that you know and try
6. am an honest man. to analyse it into its parts — root, ending, prefix, suffix.
Then try to determine:
D. Look at the words highlighted in the dialogue and choose  what part of speech it is (verb, noun, adjective, etc.).
the correct meaning a, b or c.  if it has a positive, negative or neutral meaning.
1. fussy  what general topic it is related to.
a. happy b. difficult to please c. noisy  what it means approximately.
2. feared
a. were afraid of b. hated c. liked
3. wealthy
a. rich b. not ill c. kind E. Discuss.
4. possession n your opinion, why doesn’t Diogenes want
a. problem b. pleasure c. belonging
anything from Alexander
5. response
a. uestion b. solution c. answer What do you think about Diogenes’ lifestyle


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Functions Check the answers with the class.

Defining people, things and places 1. D (‘Diogenes was sunning himself at the time’.)
iving additional information about people, things and 2. A (‘... Alexander was a powerful man who many people
places feared.’)
3. D (‘Wasn’t Diogenes the philosopher who considered
Structures himself a ‘cosmopolitan’ )
elative clauses 4. D (‘Wasn’t Diogenes the philosopher...’)
5. A (‘... Alexander was a powerful man... e was also very
Vocabulary wealthy.’)
6. N
block (v.) claim (v.) cosmopolitan curious
favour fear (v.) fussy guide (n.) human being
in addition lie (n.) luxury painting
possession powerful probably uality Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions:
response secret tell from trust (v.) wealthy What museum are the students at? at The etropolitan
useum of Art
What did Diogenes believe? He believed that human beings
LIS T ENING & RE A DING CD1 32 shouldn’t live their lives in luxury but, instead, should live
A. (Pre-listening/reading) simple, natural lives.
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge Where did Diogenes live? in a tub
• to prepare Ss for the listening/reading task
Why did Diogenes carry a lamp around during the day? He
Ask Ss the uestion and discuss. claimed he was looking for an honest man.

Suggested answer
Alexander the reat ( - BCE) was the leader of the D.
ancient reek kingdom of acedonia from a very young age. Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning from

e is known for creating a huge empire including lands in context
Asia and Africa. e was admired as a great leader. •
Ask Ss to read through words - and the options given.

Alexander the Great

Explain to them that they should find these words in the text
and guess their meaning from the context.
Elicit answers and remind Ss that even if they do not know
born BCE ella, acedonia, reece the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it.
died BCE Babylon ave Ss do the activity. To help lower-performing Ss, you can

Alexander the reat was born in the kingdom of acedonia eliminate one incorrect option in each uestion.
in northern reece. e was taught politics, war and critical Check the answers with the class.
thinking by Aristotle the philosopher until he reached the

age of , when he was appointed captain of the acedonian 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. c

army. e soon earned respect from the soldiers for his
courage and brilliant military strategies. When Alexander Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if
was twenty, his father was assassinated, and he became necessary.
ing of acedonia. Alexander went on to con uer the rest
of reece and the ersian Empire despite facing incredibly E. (Post-reading)

difficult odds. By the end of his thirteen year reign, his Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
empire stretched over three continents the empire was linked of the reading activity, drawing on their own
together by an international network of trade and commerce. experience

Alexander died at the age of thirty-three from a fever. •

Ask Ss the uestions.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. Allow the use of L
if necessary to help lower-performing Ss express themselves.

Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist

Suggested answers
ave Ss read statements a-c and look at the picture in order to Diogenes leads a simple life and needs very little. This does
guess which statement is true. not change because he suddenly has the opportunity to ask
lay the recording. Check the answers with the class. Alexander a wealthy and powerful man for anything he
wants. e is true to himself and his beliefs.
c Diogenes takes a simple idea to the extreme in order to make
a point. think that the idea of living a simple life with few
possessions and understanding your friends’ worth above all
C. is a very good one. owever, this does not necessarily mean
Aims: to give Ss practice in reading for specific information that one should not work, living on the charity of others, or
that one should avoid other people.
oint out to Ss that first they should read each of the
statements and then find the part of the text where they are VOC A BUL A RY
Ask Ss to read through statements - and check understanding. A.
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in the text Aims: to present collocations with say and tell
in order to do the activity.
Ask Ss to underline where they found the answer in the text.
ave Ss do the activity. ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work with
lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their answers. recognise the difference between friends and enemies
Encourage them to provide justification by referring to specific
parts in the dialogue. This will build lower-performing Ss’
confidence to share their answers in class. 24 TB

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B. Aims: to give Ss practice in distinguishing between
Aims: to give Ss practice in using collocations with say and defining and non-defining clauses
tell in context
Tell Ss to read the rules concerning defining and non-
ave Ss do the activity. defining clauses.
Check the answers with the class. ave Ss do the activity.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
1. say thank you 6. tell a secret
2. tell the time 7. say so Wasn’t Diogenes the philosopher who considered himself a
3. say hello 8. telling / to tell a story defining relative clause
4. tell the difference 9. telling a lie Diogenes, who lived in a tub, was only a poor philosopher.
5. tell the truth 10. saying sorry non-defining relative clause
Ask Ss to make sentences using who, which, where and whose.
GR A MM A R This will challenge higher-performing Ss. To help lower-
performing Ss, you can write incomplete sentences on the
REL AT I V E CL AUSE S board and ask Ss to complete them with who, which, where
A. and whose (e.g. y mum, is a teacher, gets up
Aims: to help Ss revise the use of the relative pronouns who, very early every day.).
which, that and whose
Write the relative pronouns who, which, that and whose and Aim: to give Ss practice in using who
who,, which, where and

the relative adverb where on the board, and check Ss’ previous whose in relative clauses
knowledge of what they are referring to. ave Ss do the activity.
Ask Ss to read the dialogue in listening and reading activity B Check the answers with the class.
and do the activity.

ead out and explain the NOTE. Encourage Ss to provide their
own examples. 1. Coffee is a drink which many people like to drink
oint out that who, which and that can be omitted when they in the morning.
2. Eli abeth Brown, who writes children’s books, is giving a
refer to the object of the verb, but not when they refer to the
subject of the verb. at
talk at our college. / Eli abeth Brown, who is giving a talk
at our college, writes children’s books.
3. y sister is moving to Australia, where she will work as a
se who or that to refer to people. nurse.
se which or that to refer to things or ideas. 4. rs Davis, whose son is a doctor, is my next door

5. anessa, who is captain of the girls’ football team, is a

B. friend of mine. / anessa, who is a friend of mine, is the
Aims: to help Ss differentiate between defining and non- captain of the girls’ football team.

defining relative clauses 6. aths is a school subject which many people find
difficult. / aths, which many people find difficult, is a
Write the following examples on the board: school subject.
The car which is in the garage is Tony’s.
Sophie, who is my cousin, went to Italy last summer. SPE A K ING

Ask Ss to tell you if they notice any difference between the Aims: • to give Ss practice in using relative pronouns and
sentences. Elicit answers (the relative clause in the second relative clauses through a speaking matching
example is between commas). activity

Explain to Ss that these are two types of relative clauses, •

defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses.
Ask them to omit the relative clause in the first example on the efer Ss to the Speaking section at the back of the book.
board and read out the sentence (The car is Tony’s). Divide Ss into pairs. ou can have higher-performing Ss
Ask Ss the following uestions: work with lower-performing Ss.

Do we know which car we are referring to? no ave them read the speech bubble, look at the pictures and
Is the relative clause necessary for the meaning of the whole read the prompts in the boxes.
sentence? yes ake sure they understand the prompts.
Ask them to do the same for the second example on the board, Tell them they have to match the prompts with the pictures in
and ask them the following uestions: order to make true sentences using who, which, whose or where.
Do we need to know that Sophie is the speaker’s cousin? no Tell them to ask and answer uestions.
Is the relative clause necessary for the meaning of the whole
sentence? no Suggested answer
Explain to Ss that in defining relative clauses we do not use SA: Do you know who Louis the was
commas because the relative clause provides information SB: e was the ing of France, whose wife was arie
Antoinette. Do you know who ane Austen was
which is essential to the meaning of the main clause. SA: es. She was a writer who wrote books about life in th-
Explain to Ss that in non-defining relative clauses we give century England. What about Amelia Earhart
additional information, which is put in commas in order to SB: She was a pilot and she was the first woman to fly
separate it from the main clause. solo across the Atlantic. What do you know about the
oint out to Ss that in non-defining relative clauses we cannot Colosseum
replace who and which with that. SA: The Colosseum is a place in ancient ome where
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. gladiators once fought each other. What about the Statue
ave Ss do the activity and check the answers with the class. of Liberty
SB: The Statue of Liberty is a statue which the French gave to
the Americans as a symbol of their friendship. What do
1. the first sentence you know about the Tower of London
2. in the second sentence SA: t is the place where the Crown ewels are kept, of course.
3. in the second sentence the two clauses are separated
by commas.
o to the listening transcript.
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Vocabulary & grammar
A. Look at the statement. What does the phrase in bold mean?
... being able to tell your friends from your enemies was an important quality.
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box.
say so tell the time tell a lie tell the truth tell a story say hello
tell the difference say thank you tell a secret say sorry
1. When someone does you a favour it is only polite to 6. ou can trust artha she would never
. that she promised to keep.
2. s Ben is teaching her kindergarten class how to 7. f you don’t eat meat, just and
. ’ll make you something else to eat.
3. We were in the neighbourhood and just decided to pop 8. Tom had just started about a
in and . mysterious man when we heard a knock at the door.
4. ost people find it really hard to 9. knew that Carla was because
between the twins. she didn’t look me in the eyes.

5. To , think that erry was lying 10. ‘ apologise’ is a formal way of .
to us.

A. Read the dialogue in listening & reading activity B,
underline all the examples of who, which and that and
B. Look at the examples, note the relative clauses in bold
and answer the questions.
complete the rules. Wasn’t Diogenes the philosopher who considered himself
a cosmopolitan’

se or to refer to people. Diogenes, who lived in a tub, was only a poor philosopher.
se or to refer to things or ideas.
1. Which of the two sentences is incomplete without the

relative clause

• The relative pronouns who, which and that can be 2. n which of the two sentences does the relative clause
omitted when they refer to the object of the verb give additional information
in the relative clause.
3. What is the difference in punctuation in the two
e.g. Alexander was a man. Many people feared

Alexander.  Alexander was a man (who/that)

many people feared. C. Read the rules and decide which of the relative clauses
• Use where to refer to places, e.g. The Metropolitan in activity B is defining and which is non-defining.

Museum of Art is the place where the students

saw the painting of Alexander and Diogenes. Defining relative clauses:
• Use whose to refer to possession, e.g. The give necessary information without which the
students met a guide. The guide’s father used meaning of the sentence is incomplete.

to be a history professor.  The students met a are not separated from the rest of the sentence
guide whose father used to be a history professor. by commas.
n defining relative clauses we can use that
instead of who or which.
Non-defining relative clauses:
Join the sentences using who, which, where or whose. give additional information about someone or
1. Coffee is a drink. any people like to drink it in the morning. something.
are separated from the rest of the sentence by
2. Eli abeth Brown is giving a talk at our college. She writes commas.
children’s books. n non-defining relative clauses we can’t use that
instead of who or which.
3. y sister is moving to Australia. She will work as a nurse there.

4. rs Davis is my next-door neighbour. er son is a doctor.

5. anessa is a friend of mine. She is captain of the girls’ football Go to the Speaking section.

6. aths is a school subject. any people find it difficult.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 59 13/1/2021 11:31:43 πµ

Listening & speaking

A. Discuss.
Do you like reading comics Can you name any
comic superheroes
What do you know or can you guess about the
superheroes shown in the pictures
B. You are going to hear a radio interview about
funny superheroes. Listen and compare
the information given with your answers in
activity A.
C. Listen again and complete the sentences.
1. ohn axwell enjoys reading .

2. Asterix’s village was never con uered by the

3. Asterix and Obelix come into contact with different
when they travel around the world.
4. olly umper is Lucky Luke’s
5. n Charleroi, Belgium, there is a
of Lucky Luke.
6. opeye’s biggest enemy is another .


Talk in groups. Look at the pictures


and discuss. You can use some of

the words/phrases in the box.
Do you consider these people to be
heroes Why / Why not

n your opinion, are they rewarded

for what they do
ow do you think they feel

Would you like to be in their shoes

Why / Why not
Can you think of any other

everyday heroes

courageous risk pressure

danger responsible career
rescue deal with unselfish
rewarding patient stress




Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 60 13/1/2021 11:31:48 πµ

Describing a person Popeye is an American comic series created by E. C. Segar.
Expressing opinion and feelings The main character is opeye, a sailor who always seems to
be ready for a fight. opeye is famous for his s uinty right
Vocabulary eye and his huge forearms. e is not very smart, and he
always ends up in difficult situations which he somehow
as for award be in one’s shoes burst manages to overcome. e loves spinach and whenever he
comment (n.) destroy enemy explosion wants to become stronger, he eats some. Other characters
flame loud main nearly trapped in the series are Olive Oyl, a very thin woman that opeye
Words /Phrases related to describing people always tries to impress, and his eternal rival, Bluto.
appreciate career consider courageous
Marvel Comics
danger deal with effect enthusiasm
arvel Comics is an American publishing company. Some
extraordinary motivate patient pressure of arvel Comics’ most famous characters are Spider-
rescue responsible reward (v.) rewarding an, the - en, the Fantastic Four, ron an, Thor and
risk sense of humour stress strict unselfish the ulk. The legendary creator Stan Lee is considered
responsible for the company’s huge success.

LIS T ENING CD1 41, 42 DC Comics

A. DC Comics is one of the oldest and largest American comic
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge book companies. Some of the company’s most iconic

• to prepare Ss for the listening task characters are Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

Ask Ss the first uestion and discuss. B.

ave Ss look at the pictures and answer the second Aim: to give Ss practice in listening to check predictions
lay the recording.
Suggested answers
es, do. Some of the most famous comic superheroes
ave Ss check their guesses in activity A.
are Superman, Batman, Spider- an and Asterix.
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific
Popeye is a very funny superhero. e is a poor, information and doing a sentence-completion

uneducated person who is able to face any difficulty activity

that may come his way and gets very strong by lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
eating spinach. As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work

Lucky Luke is a skinny, lonely cowboy who can with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
shoot his gun really fast and is helped by his answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This
intelligent horse. will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their
Asterix is a famous French comic character who answers in class.
fights the omans along with the other people of Check the answers with the class.

his village. e always travels with his good friend,

Obelix. 1. comics 4. horse
2. omans 5. statue

3. cultures 6. sailor

Asterix SPE A K ING


Asterix is the superhero of the French comic series The Talk in groups
Adventures of Asterix created by en oscinny and Albert Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to practise speaking
der o. The series is set in around BCE in a village in about the topic of the module (heroes)
ancient aul. The village is one of the only remaining places
that has not yet been con uered by the omans. This is •
because all the villagers take a magical potion created by the Divide the Ss into groups of - . ake sure there is
druid anoramix which gives them superhuman strength at a balance of both higher-performing Ss and lower-
critical moments. Asterix is the most fearless and cunning performing Ss in each group. Tell Ss to go through
of all the villagers, and he is given the most important the uestions and the vocabulary box and check
missions. e is accompanied by his sidekick, Obelix, on understanding. Explain to them that they should discuss
various adventures which often take the two friends around
the world. the uestions using some of the vocabulary in the box.
o round the class helping Ss when necessary.
Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke is a Belgian comic series created by the famous For the suggested answer, go to the end of the Round-up
cartoonist orris. t is set in the American Old West and section.
it stars Lucky Luke, a lonesome cowboy that is famous for
being able to ‘shoot faster than his own shadow’. Lucky
travels around different parts of America and, along with
his loyal horse, olly umper, fights any villain that comes
his way. is most famous enemies are the notorious Dalton
Brothers and Billy the id. As soon as his adventures come
to an end, Lucky leaves in search of a new one saying: ‘ ’m a
poor, lonesome cowboy and a long way from home...’

26 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 61 14/1/2021 11:30:18 πµ

Aims: • to present Ss with a basic correction code for self-
A DE SCRIP T ION OF A PER SON correction and help them practise self-editing
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge •
• to prepare Ss for the writing task • Go through the correction code along with Ss, providing
• examples if necessary. Then have the Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.
• Discuss the questions in class.
Sp: quiet Pr: into
Suggested answers WW: last Sp: heavy
• I admire people who are unselfish, who help others T: heard T: destroyed
without asking for anything in return. The world A: a
would be a better place if there were more of them.
• I admire Mahatma Gandhi because of his courage.
He encouraged millions of people to act together G.
non-violently. Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing a
description of a person
• Have Ss read through the outline and make sure they
B. understand what each paragraph should include when
Aims: • to give Ss practice in analysing the rubric and writing a description. Encourage Ss to make notes.
relating it to the model description

The following key words should be underlined: Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing a description of a

Your teacher has asked you to write a description of the person
person you admire most. Say why you admire him/her •
and how he/she has influenced you.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in relating the rubric to the
• Ask Ss to refer to the description and the outline in order
to write a description of a person they admire. To help
lower-performing Ss Ss, allow them to use the notes from
model description the previous activity.


Model answer
The person I admire most is my aunt, Nora Taylor. She
Yes, he/she does (description: 2 para, reasons for
became the first member of our family to go to university.

admiring her: 2nd para, influence: 3rd para). As a doctor, she regularly volunteers to help people in need
D. When my aunt finished secondary school, she was very keen
Aims: • to help Ss understand the organisation and to go to university, but her family could not afford it. When
content of a description of a person she passed the medical school entrance exams, however, she

• decided to go anyway and to get a job to pay her expenses. It

took her longer than most, but her determination helped her
• Have Ss read through a-d and check understanding. succeed, and she graduated with top marks.

• Explain to Ss that each of them corresponds to one of the My aunt always made time for me when I was a child, even
paragraphs. though she worked long hours. She motivated me to become
• Have Ss do the activity. interested in science, as well as in helping other people.
• Check the answers with the class. Now that I am at university, studying Biology, I appreciate

her even more. I realise how very lucky I was to have her help
a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 1 early in life.

Aim: to raise Ss’ awareness of descriptive vocabulary
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.

a. strict d. confident
b. enthusiasm e. fulfil
c. motivate f. appreciate

• Ask Ss to make sentences using the words they found in

the text. This will challenge higher-performing Ss.
• Write some of these sentences on the board without
writing the words from the text.
• Ask Ss to complete the sentences. This will give lower-
performing Ss extra practice.

27 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 2.indd 62 11/11/2022 11:08:08 πµ

A description of a person
A. Discuss. F. This paragraph CORRECTION CODE
• What kind of people do you admire? has several
mistakes, which WW: wrong word
• Who is the person that you admire most? Why do you
have been
admire him/her? underlined and Pr: preposition
B. Read the rubric and underline the key words. marked using the T: tense
correction code
Your teacher has asked you to write a description of the person
given. Read it A: article
you admire most. Say why you admire him/her, and how he/she
has influenced you.
and correct the Sp: spelling
WO: word order
C. Now read the description. Does the writer refer to all the
points that you underlined in the rubric? P: punctuation

The person I admire most is my secondary school Sp

English teacher, Mrs Carlton. She taught me in my Martin Emmerson is a serious and quite man
final years, and before her, I had no interest in

who likes reading and listening to classical music.
English. However, when I finished school, it was my
favourite subject. You would never expect him to do anything
Mrs Carlton was serious and quite strict, but she WW

extraordinary. However, past month Martin got
also had a wonderful sense of humour. The thing I
really remember about her is her enthusiasm for the a special award for bravery and courage. You are
subject. This rubbed off on nearly all her students
because she motivated them to become interested too.
As for myself, Mrs Carlton had a lasting effect
probably wondering what he did to get this award.
Well, one morning while he was walking to work, he
on me. She was the main reason I chose to continue was hearing a loud explosion, and a house near him
my studies in English. She helped me choose the best A

suddenly burst into flames. He heard the woman

university for what I wanted to study. She also made
me believe in myself, and now I’m confident that one shouting for help from inside the house. Without

day I’ll fulfil my dream of becoming a writer. Pr

thinking about his own safety, he ran at the house
I’ll never forget Mrs Carlton. I’m glad that she still Sp
teaches at my old school, and I hope that the students where he found the woman trapped under a haevy
she teaches now appreciate her as much as I did. bookcase. He managed to lift the bookcase and help

her out of the house just in time, because minutes

D. Each of the following phrases corresponds to one of the T

paragraphs in the description. Write the numbers 1-4 in later another explosion destroy the house completely.
the boxes.
In this paragraph the writer: G. When you are writing a description of a person

a. explains how the person has influenced him/her. you admire, follow this outline.
b. makes a comment and says how he/she feels.
c. describes the person’s character. INTRODUCTION the
• Give some general information about
d. says who he/she admires and gives some general person.
MAIN PART (2 paragraphs)
E. Find words in the text which mean: • Describe the person’s character.
a. not allowing many things • Say what influence the person has had
(par. 2) on you / other people.
b. eagerness to do something you CONCLUSION
enjoy (par. 2) • Make a general comment about
c. make someone want to do the person and say how you
something (par. 2) feel about him/her.
d. sure that something will happen
e. do what you hope to do (par. 3) H. Write a description of the person you admire
f. like something or somebody most. Say why you admire this person and how
because you recognise their he/she has influenced you. Your description
good qualities (par. 4) should be between 100-150 words.

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 2.indd 63 11/11/2022 11:08:35 πµ

2b Reading A. Discuss.
ave you or has anyone you know ever done a heroic act
What is the most heroic act you have ever heard of
B. Read the paragraphs a, b and c and the online article. Which of the three paragraphs is most suitable as an

introductory paragraph to the article?

a eroes are people who have done something so

When most people think of ‘heroes’, they
imagine super beings with amazing powers.
brave or good that it has made many people admire The truth is real heroes are just normal people
them for it. Who do you think of when you hear the who live ordinary lives, but they have to face
word ‘hero’ Do you think of mythical heroes like extraordinary situations. What follows are a few
ercules or heroic people in history examples of such everyday heroes.

c If you had to describe a hero you admire, who would you choose What kind of people are
heroes, and what makes people admire them Great courage, unusual strength, impressive
intelligence are just a few characteristics that can be used to describe heroic people.


n one incredible story, Amy Clemens saved her four-year-old
child after he got stuck under the fridge. ‘When the earth uake
began,’ s Clemens told reporters, ‘the fridge started shaking.
The tremors uickly increased, and the fridge shook more and
more violently. Suddenly, it fell over, and Tommy got stuck under

it. could see that he couldn’t breathe The fridge was so heavy
don’t know how did it. wasn’t thinking. just lifted it with

all my strength, and he crawled out.’ Did this mother have super
powers of strength t seems that her love for her child was her



‘Like a cat with nine lives’ is what people say about arold Adams

who survived a terrible train crash and walked away the only
survivor. What’s more surprising than that is the fact that he got
off the train completely unharmed. ‘ never bruised very easily,’ he
said when he was asked about how he survived. ‘At first, the train

wasn’t moving very fast, but then it started going faster. When
it reached top speed, it was the fastest train have ever been on.
The crash came without warning.’ is wife was as astonished as
everyone else. ‘ arold is like a cat with nine lives,’ she said with a
smile. ‘ e has eight more lives left to live ’ Was arold Adams a
super hero n this case, he was just very lucky.


n a recent report, one climber rescued his friend after the worst avalanche
in history. ‘At first we were climbing, and then suddenly we were buried
under three metres of thick snow,’ said climber arvin Bailey. ‘ t was as
dark as night. y legs were so numb from the cold that couldn’t feel them.
But kept calm, and began to dig myself out of the snow. When finally
reached the top, searched for and found ohn. e was unconscious when
pulled him out. e was as white as a sheet, but, fortunately, he was still alive.
That was the most frightening moment of my entire life.’ Was it his courage
and determination that made arvin Bailey a hero erhaps it was just his
desire to live and to help a friend which freed him from the snow.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 64 13/1/2021 11:31:5 πµ

aking comparisons
Talking about heroes and heroic actions
Adjectives Adverbs of manner
act astonished bee breathe bruise (v.) bury
characteristic climber crash (n.) crawl desire
determination dig dragon entire feather
free (v.) heroic mythical numb ordinary
pull reach scale search (v.) sheet wolf
Words related to natural disasters
avalanche blow (v.) collapse earth uake
erupt frightening hurricane impressive
incredible keep calm lava lightning shake
situation storm strength survive survivor
thick unconscious unharmed violently



A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal

experience at
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

Suggested answers
One of my friends, who is years old, saved his

brother from a burning house.

y grandmother did something very heroic. When she
was in high school, she took part in the lunch-counter
‘sit downs’ that helped to get rid of racial segregation in
the SA. realised that sometimes a heroic act can be
a very simple one, like sitting down where a sign that

reads ‘white’ or ‘coloured’ says you can’t. oung people

like my grandmother risked their lives doing it and
made change happen.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in reading for gist

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to justify their
answers. This will challenge higher-performing Ss and
help lower-performing Ss understand why this answer is

aragraph a is wrong because it refers to the typical hero
of old ages, whereas the text refers to everyday people
who act as heroes under certain circumstances.
aragraph b is the right introduction because it exploits
the idea of the ‘everyday hero’, the everyday person who
performs a heroic act.
aragraph c is too general and doesn’t lead into the
specific examples of everyday heroes that the text deals

28 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 65 13/1/2021 11:31:57 πµ

Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying specific 1. WORD BUILDING
information A.
Aims: to give Ss practice in forming nouns and
adjectives in a controlled environment
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions
and then find the answers in the text. ave Ss read the NOTE and provide extra examples if
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check understanding. necessary.
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in ave Ss do the activity.
the text in order to do the activity. Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss to underline where they found the answer in the text.
ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work NOUN ADJECTIVE
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their luck lucky
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by strength strong
referring to specific parts in the text. This will build lower-
performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class. calmness calm
Check the answers with the class. power powerful
courage courageous
1. (text : ‘... rescued his friend after the worst intelligence intelligent
avalanche in history.’) hero heroic
2. (text : ‘Was arold Adams a super hero n this myth mythical

case, he was just very lucky.’)
3. A (text : ‘The fridge was so heavy don’t know how
did it.’) B.
4. (text : ‘ That was the most frightening moment of Aim: to give Ss practice in using previously taught nouns

my entire life.’) and adjectives in context
5. (text : ‘... who survived a terrible train crash and
ave Ss do the activity.
walked away the only survivor.’)
6. (text : ‘ e was unconscious when pulled him out.’)
Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions, such as:
Check the answers with the class.
1. mythical 4. strength
How did Amy’s son get stuck under the fridge? The fridge 2. intelligent 5. courageous

started shaking because of a terrible earthquake, and then it 3. powerful

fell, and Amy’s son got trapped under it.
Was Harold badly injured because of the train accident? Not

at all, he got off the train without the slightest injury. 2 . SIMILE S
What was the result of the climbers’ being caught in an A.
avalanche? They were buried under three metres of thick Aims: to familiarise Ss with the use of similes

D. ave Ss read the NOTE and ask them to locate similes in

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning the online article in reading activity B.
from context

Ask Ss to read through words - and definitions a-e. ‘like a cat with nine lives’ ( nd text)
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not ‘as dark as night’ ( rd text)

know the meaning of a word, the context can help them ‘as white as a sheet’ ( rd text)
infer it.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. B.
Aims: • to familiarise Ss with common similes
• to give Ss practice in using similes in context
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a

Explain any unknown words in the text if necessary.
ave Ss read the two halves and check understanding.
E. (Post-reading) Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then check
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic the answers with the whole class.
of the reading activity, drawing on their own Then, tell them to complete sentences - with an
experience appropriate simile.
Check the answers with the class.

Ask Ss the uestion.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. 1. f 2. c 3. g 4. e 5. d 6. a 7. h 8. b
1. as free as a bird 4. as light as a feather
Suggested answer 2. as hungry as a wolf 5. as good as gold
think the third incident is the most heroic. The hero 3. as busy as a bee
kept calm and did what had to be done, even though
he was nearly free ing. e saved himself as well as his
friend. t took a lot of strength and a huge effort.

29 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 66 13/1/2021 11:31:58 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
C. Read the article again and answer the questions. D. Match the words highlighted in the article with
Write A for Amy, H for Harold or M for Marvin in the their meanings.
1. crawled a. whole
Which person...
2. unharmed b. moved on hands and knees
1. survived a natural disaster c. not hurt
3. bruised
2. actually did nothing heroic d. got marks on the skin as a
4. numb result of injury
3. can’t explain how they managed to do what e. not feeling anything
they did 5. entire
4. had never been so frightened in their life
E. Discuss.
5. was in an accident in which no one else
survived Which of the three incidents in the article do you
find the most heroic Why
6. pulled someone to safety
VOCABULARY A. Read the article in Reading activity B and find
1. WORD BUILDING similes including the words as and like.

A. Complete the table. All the missing words

appear in the text in Reading activity B. Similes are phrases which include the words
as or like and are used to make comparisons.

luck B. Match the two halves of the similes. Then

strong at omplete the sentences 1-5 with some of the
1. as light a. as a wolf
powerful 2. as uiet b. as a bee

courageous 3. as good c. as a mouse

4. as free d. as a sheet

5. as white e. as a bird
hero 6. as hungry f. as a feather
myth 7. as uick g. as gold
8. as busy h. as lightning

Many adjectives are formed by adding a


suffix (e.g. -ful, -y, -ous, -ic, -ical) to a noun. 1. After passing his exams, and with the whole summer
Many nouns are formed by adding the suffix ahead of him, Brian felt .

-ness to an adjective. 2. What’s for dinner ’m .

3. Emily has been
B. Complete the sentences using the correct form

of the words in capitals. getting everything ready for dinner tonight.

1. The story was about dragons and 4. The box is not heavy at all it’s
other MYT .
creatures. 5. Tom often fights with the other children at school,
2. Catherine is a hard-working but today he has been .
3. China is a big and What are the words in each column related to? Choose
the appropriate headings from the words in the box.
country. POWER
4. This is an exercise that will build A ALANC E EART UA E URRICANE OLCANO

up the STRONG
of your muscles.
5. Danny Brown is a
COURAGE shake erupt blow snow
ten-year-old boy who saved his best ichter scale explosion wind rock
friend from a burning building. collapse lava storm ice


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 67 13/1/2021 11:31:58 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
G R AM MA R Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs
ADJECTIVES – ADVERBS OF in brackets. Add the and as where necessary.
Look at the examples. Which of
the words in bold is an adjective
and describes a noun and which of
a young HERO
ike Shaw cycles along the river path every morning on his way to school.
them is an adverb of manner and
describes how something happens? On the morning of the th anuary, he never imagined that his journey
It was a violent earthquake. to school would be (1) (exciting) than usual. On
The fridge shook violently. that day, fifteen-year-old ike became (2) (young)
hero in his town. As ike was cycling along the river path, he heard a
COMPARISONS cry coming from the river. e realised that there was a car in the river
Look at the examples and answer with a woman and two children inside. The cry was growing weaker and

the questions. (3) (weak). ike jumped into the river and swam
A. towards the car. e knew he had to spend (4) (little)
At first, the train wasn’t moving time as possible in the icy cold water. When he reached the car, the woman

very fast, but then it started going gave him her children, and ike swam to the shore. Then he went back for
faster. When it reached top speed, the woman. Swimming back again was (5) (difficult)
it was the fastest train I have ever
been on.
What’s more surprising than that
than he had expected. t was (6) (hard) than before for
ike to reach the woman because the river was working against him and
was taking the woman (7)
is the fact that he got off the train (far) and farther away. ike
completely unharmed. realised he had to get to her (8) ( uickly) as he could if

That was the most frightening he was going to save her. Finally, ike reached the woman and took her to
moment of my entire life. the river bank where her children were waiting.

ow are the comparatives and

superlatives of one-syllable ENGLISH IN USE
adjectives and adverbs formed Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
ow are the comparatives and
1. When the erupted, a 5. During the earth uake, the
superlatives of multi-syllable
nearby village was buried in lava. people in the cinema panicked

adjectives and adverbs formed

Which form is used to compare a. earth uake and ran towards the exit.
two people, things or actions b. volcano a. as uickly

Which form is used to compare c. avalanche b. uickly

one person, thing or action with d. hurricane c. uick
several of the same kind 2. The students a test when d. uicker

they heard the explosion. 6. Those were years of

a. took his life.
His wife was as astonished as
everyone else. b. are taking a. the most difficult
c. were taking b. as difficult
The tremors quickly increased, and
the fridge shook more and more d. were taken c. the more difficult
violently. 3. The firefighters three d. more difficult
What does as... as mean people from the burning building. 7. Ellen’s new camera is her
a. more than a. survived most valuable .
b. less than b. searched a. response
c. the same as c. rescued b. possession
d. shook c. luxury
What does more and more d. power
4. Fiona is in her room, and she’s
violently indicate
been as uiet as a all 8. We worked to finish
a. a continual change
evening. don’t know what she’s our project on time.
b. a comparison between two
doing. a. hardly
a. mouse b. as hard
c. the result of an action
b. bee c. hard
c. feather d. hardest
d. sheet


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 68 13/1/2021 11:31:58 πµ

Draw Ss’ attention to the first example, and ask them what
DISA S T ER S they know about the formation of (not) and when it
Aims: • to introduce vocabulary related to natural is used. oint out to Ss that the adjective between is
disasters always in the positive form.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
ave Ss read out the words in the vocabulary box and the Draw Ss’ attention to the second example, and ask them
table and check understanding. what they know about the use of more and more + adverb.
ave Ss do the activity. oint out to Ss that it is used to indicate a continual
Check the answers with the class. change.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
ave Ss do the activity.
EARTHQUAKE VOLCANO HURRICANE AVALANCHE Check the answers with the class.
shake erupt blow snow efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
ichter scale explosion wind rock
collapse lava storm ice The following should be circled: c, a

Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using

Encourage students to form sentences using some of the comparisons. This will challenge them. To help lower-
words in the table. performing Ss,, give them prompts to make sentences (e.g.
my knee / hurt / little / it did yesterday).

A DJEC T I V E S – A DV ERBS OF M A NNER Aim: to give Ss practice in using the comparative and
Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of adjectives and adverbs superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs in

of manner context
ave Ss do the activity. Tell Ss to underline key words (e.g.
Ask Ss to read the two examples.
Draw Ss’ attention to the words in bold, and ask them the
uestion in the rubric.
than)) where possible. This will help lower performing Ss
do the activity.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. Check the answers with the class.

violent: adjective 1. more exciting

violently: adverb of manner 2. the youngest
3. weaker

efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. 4. as little

5. more difficult
COMPA RISONS 6. harder
Aims: • to help Ss revise the comparative and the 7. farther
superlative form of adjectives and adverbs 8. as uickly

• to help Ss revise the structures: as ad ective as

and comparative form and comparative form

A. Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

Ask Ss to read the examples. What was ike doing when he heard a cry? He was cycling
Draw Ss’ attention to the words in bold, and ask them to along the river in order to go to school.

tell you what they remember about the formation of the What did he see when he approached the river bank? a car,
comparative and superlative. which had fallen into the river, with a woman and two
Encourage Ss to come up with their own examples in order children inside
to explain when the comparative and superlative are used.
ave Ss do the activity. What did ike do to save them? He jumped into the river,
Check the answers with the class. approached the car and pulled the children to safety.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. What was the major difficulty he faced while trying to save
the woman? The river was working against him and was
taking the woman farther away.
by adding the -er and -est (respectively) to one-syllable
adjectives and adverbs that end in consonants
Comparative: by adding the word more in front of the
adjective and/or adverb in uestion
Aim: to give Ss practice in using previously taught
Superlative: by adding the words the most in front of the
vocabulary in context
adjective and/or adverb in uestion
the comparative form followed by the word than ave Ss do the activity.
the superlative, preceded by the definite article the and Check the answers with the class.
followed by of/in (the class, the world, etc.)
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. c

n comparative and superlative forms, adjectives and

adverbs ending in -y drop the -y and take -i before the
endings -er and -est respectively, while words ending in
-e add only -r and -st respectively.
30 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 69 13/1/2021 11:31:58 πµ

Functions SPE A K ING
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
Telling a story of accidents and heroes by narrating a series of
Transferring from visual to verbal information events
Se uencing past actions and events

Divide Ss into pairs. ave higher-performing Ss work
after a while against as soon as at first
with lower-performing Ss. Explain to Ss that each pair
backwards brake (n.) crash into cycle (v.) should try to imagine what happened in the pictures with
elderly faithful go on head (v.) innocent the uestion marks. Tell them that there are no right or
panic (v.) railway rise (v.) slip (v.) slow down wrong speculations.
speed (n.) to one’s horror track valuable Then using the words/phrases in the vocabulary box, they
wheel should try and narrate the story starting with: ‘ t was a
nice sunny day, so enny went for a ride on her horse,
olf.’ emind Ss that they should be using the ast Simple
LIS T ENING CD1 45, 46 and ast rogressive along with linking words.
1. Pre-listening o round the class helping students if necessary.
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the listening activity Choose a few pairs to share their version of the story with
• to activate Ss’ background knowledge the class.

Discuss the uestions with the class.

Suggested answer
t was a nice sunny day, so enny went for a ride on her
horse, olf. She decided to ride by the railway track.
Suggested answers While they were going down a hill, olf suddenly slipped
Spending a month travelling in a country would be

because the ground was very wet. enny fell off her horse
my dream. ou could really get to know a place and its and as she fell, she broke the protective bar next to the
culture and maybe even make some friends. t would train tracks. She fell onto the train tracks and hit her
be a very different experience from just visiting the
main sites very uickly and leaving. ou would be a real
traveller instead of a tourist
head. When her faithful horse saw that enny was lying
unconscious on the tracks, he knew he had to get help.
Two boys were playing nearby and olf ran towards
ou could get lost, the car could break down or you them to get their attention. The boys came to see what
could run out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. ou was wrong. Suddenly, they heard a train coming in the
could also face weather problems such as fog, snow, ice,

distance, so one of them tried to get the train to stop by

heavy rain that you are not used to. waving his arms in the air. The other boy helped olf to
pull enny off the track and rescue her at the last minute.

2. Listening
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist

ead out and explain the T .

Ask Ss to go through options a-c and check understanding.
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.

Check the answer with the class.


Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific

Ask Ss to read through statements - and make sure they

have no unknown words.
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. ave higher-
performing Ss work with lower-performing Ss and
correct the false sentences. This will challenge higher-
performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss understand
why these sentences are false.

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F

31 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 2.indd 70 12/10/2021 12:21:22 µµ

Listening & speaking
A. Discuss.
Would you like to spend a month travelling in a foreign country Why / Why not
What kind of problems can occur during long journeys by car

B. Listen to the dialogue between two friends in a café C. Listen again and write T for True or F for False.
and answer the question. Choose a, b or c.
1. ane went to South America with three of
ane tells elly about her friends.
a. how terrible her holiday was. 2. They started their trip up the mountain
b. a frightening experience with a happy ending. when the sun rose.
c. how she and her friend were rescued. 3. t got harder and harder to drive as they
went up the mountain.

4. The girls had to leave their car because the
engine would not start.

5. ane couldn’t walk, so Emily helped her
 When answering questions that refer to gist, don’t focus down the mountain.
on details.
 Try to understand the general meaning of what is being
at 6. ane injured her leg badly and had to
return home from her holiday early.


Work in pairs. Make up a story using the pictures and the words/phrases in the box and your imagination. Then
tell your story to the rest of the class. Start like this: It was a nice sunny day, so Penny went for a ride on her
horse, Rolf.


railway slip track unconscious faithful nearby get help in the distance rescue
? last minute


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 71 13/1/2021 11:32:02 πµ

An informal email including a narrative
A. Discuss.
Do you ever write emails to your friends or relatives
What reasons do you write to them for

B. Read the email that Tom wrote to his friend, Jack, and
answer the question. Choose a, b or c.

Why is Tom writing to ack

a. to give him information about an event
b. to describe an accident
c. to tell him about something that happened to him

From: tomworth@

To: jacklawr@

Dear Jack,

I hope you’re fine and that everything is O K at work. N ot much is happening here, but you’ll never guess what
happened to me yesterday! at
While I was walking home from work, I heard some people shouting, ‘ Get out of the way! ’ I looked behind me
to see what was going on, and I noticed that an old car which was parked on top of a hill was rolling backwards.
The car was heading straight towards a group of schoolchildren. I knew I had to do something to save all those
innocent lives.

As the car approached me, I jumped into the driver’s seat, stepped on the brakes and even pulled the hand brake.
B ut, to my horror, nothing happened, and the car just kept rolling down the hill and picking up speed all the time.

Then I realised that the only thing I could do was steer the car away from the children. I turned the wheels left
and just missed hitting an elderly couple. After a while, the car slowed down, and, finally, it came to a stop when I
crashed it into a big tree. Fortunately, no one was injured, and everyone now considers me a hero!
Well, that’s my story. I’ve got to go now and give an interview to a local TV channel. H ope to hear from you soon.

Take care,

C. Read the statements and find examples of them in the email in activity B.

The writer uses:

a. informal language

b. short forms

c. past tenses to narrate events

d. time linkers to indicate the se uence of events


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 72 13/1/2021 11:32:05 πµ

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

Suggested answers
usually just call or send text messages or photos if
it’s just to say hello or to arrange a meeting. f need
to say more, or if there is something important to say
and how say it makes a difference, then write an
once wrote an email to a friend apologising for
something ’d said. also send emails to my aunt who
lives abroad. don’t write to her regularly, so when
do, ’ve got lots to say, like giving her all my news and

letting her know how everyone is.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the purpose of an

ave Ss read the email and do the activity.

Check the answer with the class.


Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

What happened as Tom was walking back from school? He

heard some people shouting and then saw a car rolling

What was the problem? The car was moving towards a

group of schoolchildren.
What did Tom do to prevent the accident? Did it work? He
jumped in the car and tried to stop it, but the brakes were

out of order.
What did Tom decide to do? He decided to steer the car
away from the young students.

Aims: to raise Ss awareness of the stylistic features of an
informal email including a narrative

ave Ss read the email and do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

a. ‘... everything is O at work.’

‘ Not much is happening...’ ‘... you’ll never guess...’
‘Well, that’s my story.’ ‘ ope to hear from you soon.’
b. ‘... you’re fine...’ ‘... you’ll never guess...’
‘... that’s my story’
c. ‘... was walking...’ ‘... heard...’ ‘... noticed...’ ‘... was
heading...’ etc.
d. while, as, then, after a while, finally

32 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 73 13/1/2021 11:32:05 πµ

Aims: to introduce the use of time linkers
Model answer
Dear udy,
ave Ss do the activity. hope you are well ou’ll never guess what happened
ead out and explain the NOTE. after wrote to you about how bored was on our beach
Encourage Ss to provide examples of their own, using the holiday
time linkers.
Check the answers with the class. esterday, im and decided to hire a boat and go to
Sunrise sland on our own. We were heading towards
the island when suddenly the engine stopped. Luckily,
se while and as with the ast rogressive to
found the oars and we tried to get back to the port, just
indicate the longer of the two actions which happened
as the waves were getting bigger.
in the past.
se at first, then and finally to indicate the se uence t was then that we heard kids’ voices coming from the
of events that happened one after the other. direction of the island. There were four of them in a
small boat, shouting for help. We immediately turned
se after a while to refer to an event that happened
around to get to the children. As soon as we reached
after some time had passed.
them, we lifted them onto our boat and started back to
the port. Luckily, we all got back safely.
E. really can’t say how we both found the strength to do

Aim: to give Ss practice in using time linkers in context what we did. Anyway, ’ve got to go now because the
kids’ parents have invited im and me to dinner
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. All the best,

1. While was driving to work, had an accident. /
had an accident while was driving to work.
2. At first, David thought something was wrong with the
road, then he realised he had a flat tyre.
3. Shelly was watching T , but, after a while, she got Video activities: Thomas Edison
bored. The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
4. When opened the door and saw what a mess the

house was in, was shocked. / was shocked when of the book.
opened the door and saw what a mess the house was

5. The telephone was ringing for a long time and, finally,

somebody answered it.
6. As soon as the head teacher entered the classroom, the
students stopped talking.

Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing

informal emails including a narrative

ave Ss read through the outline and make sure they

understand what each paragraph should include when

writing an informal email including a narrative.

ead out and explain the T .

Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing informal emails
including a narrative

Tell Ss to refer to the email in activity B, the outline and

the Writing section for the layout of informal emails.

33 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 74 13/1/2021 11:32:05 πµ

D. Read the extracts from the email and complete the F. When you are writing an
rules with the words/phrases in bold. informal email narrating
something, follow this
While I was walking home from work, I heard some people outline:
shouting, et out of the way!’
Then I realised that the only thing I could do was steer the
car away from the children. GREETING
After a while, the car slowed down and, finally, it came to a Use an appropriate greeting (Dear...,
stop when I crashed it into a big tree. Hello...,).

se and as with the ast rogressive to OPENING PAR AGR APH il and
indicate the longer of two actions which happened in Use set phrases to begin your ema are
say why you’re writ ing (I hope you
the past. fine., It was nice to hear from you.,
se at first, and to
indicate the se uence of events that happened one after MAIN PART (1-2 paragraphs) ed.
the other. • Set the scene and say what happenpened
• Give mor e details about what hap
se to refer to an event that happened and when.
after some time had passed.
Use when and as soon as with the Past Simple • State anything you want to emp il (We

to end your ema ( ll,

• Use set phrases

to indicate two past actions that happened one all for now., Waiting for your
that ’s
after the other. email., etc.).
e.g. As soon as I got home, I made myself a cup

When Tina saw the dress, she knew she wanted Use a signature ending ((Yours,
to buy it. Love, etc.) and write your first

E. Use the linking words/phrases in brackets to link the

at name below that.
1. was driving to work. had an accident. (while)

When you are writing an informal email

2. David thought something was wrong with the road. e narrating something:
realised he had a flat tyre. (at first, then)  use informal language.
 use short forms (I’m, I’ve, etc.).

 use expressions (well, of course,

anyway, you see, by the way, etc.).
 use time linkers to indicate the sequence

3. Shelley was watching T . She got bored. of events.

(but, after a while)

4. opened the door and saw what a mess the house was G. Think of an incident in which you or
in. was shocked. (when) someone you know did something
that was particularly kind, brave or
courageous. Write an email to a friend
who lives in another town telling him/
her about it. Your email should be
5. The telephone was ringing for a long time. Somebody between 100-150 words.
answered it. (and, finally)
For the layout of informal emails and
set phrases you can use, go to the
Writing Section.

6. The head teacher entered the classroom. The students

stopped talking. (as soon as)
Video activities:
Thomas Edison


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 75 13/1/2021 11:32:05 πµ

2 Round-up
A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. The cheered when the boxers entered the ring.
a. participants b. guides c. spectators d. climbers
2. As we the waterfall, we could hear a loud noise.
a. approached b. arrived c. headed d. moved
3. Edward is the most person have ever met. e would never tell a lie.
a. patient b. courageous c. honest d. wealthy
4. Eli abeth has great for her teaching job, and that’s why her students appreciate her so much.
a. enthusiasm b. victory c. strength d. intelligence

5. argaret has a strong to visit amaica because her parents were born there.
a. possession b. desire c. favour d. pressure
6. ’m as hungry as a What have you made for dinner

a. bee b. mouse c. wolf d. bird
7. The children were as as gold this afternoon they didn’t give me any trouble at all.
a. good b. light
8. The tourists were at the bottom of the
c. free at
when it erupted.
d. uiet
a. earth uake b. avalanche c. hurricane d. volcano

9. haven’t heard Alice since she left the company.

a. to b. with c. for d. from

10. ou must on these safety glasses before you start the experiment.
a. take b. turn c. keep d. put

B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.


1. Last year to France to work in a summer camp for kids.


a. was b. was going c. have gone d. went

2. ack me that he would clean his room, but he still hasn’t done it.
a. promises b. was promising c. promised d. was promised

3. After doing my homework last night, a really good documentary about sea animals.
a. watch b. was watching c. was watched d. watched
4. While up the mountain path, saw a bear.
a. was walking b. walked c. am walking d. walking
5. David a horror story when he heard a strange noise coming from the basement.
a. read b. has read c. was reading d. is reading
6. ulie is the girl bought my old car.
a. which b. who c. where d. when
7. Florence is am planning to go for my next holiday.
a. where b. which c. when d. who
8. Cubism, is an artistic techni ue, was invented by both icasso and eorges Bra ue.
a. that b. which c. who d. whose
9. ack is going to lead the team because he’s experienced climber than artin.
a. the most b. a more c. more and more d. the more
10. Amanda often feels self-conscious because she is person in her class.
a. taller b. tallest c. the tallest d. the taller

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 76 13/1/2021 11:32:0 πµ

Round-up 2
Aims: • to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 2 through
various activities


1. c
2. a
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. d
9. d
10. d


1. d
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. c
6. b

7. a
8. b

9. b
10. c

34 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 77 13/1/2021 11:32:0 πµ

2 Round-up
1. possessions
2. unselfish
3. unconscious
4. courageous
5. intelligent
6. powerful
7. strength
8. rewarding


1. were playing
2. went off
3. was working
4. went out
5. broke
6. was running

7. were falling
8. saw
9. flew off
10. moved

11. ran
12. helped
13. pulled
14. carried
15. destroyed

1. whose

2. most
3. when
4. While
5. more
6. who

7. on
8. the

35 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 78 13/1/2021 11:32:07 πµ

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 2
1. arold lost his home and all of his in the hurricane. POSSESS
2. As a person, eter is he thinks of others more than himself. SELFIS
3. When the ambulance arrived, the motorcyclist was , but still alive. CONSCIOUS
4. The young boy saved his sister from drowning in the lake. COURAGE
5. Becky is very she received excellent results in her exams. INTELLIGENCE
6. eople are leaving the city because a tornado is moving towards it. POWER
7. This sport re uires athletes to have incredible and endurance. STRONG
8. decided to become a teacher as working with children is very . REWARD

D. Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

On the morning of th October, , nine children (1) (play) at their local nursery school when,
suddenly, tornado sirens (2) (go off). ane Brown, who was the head teacher of the school,
(3) (work) in her office at the time. She didn’t panic as tornado warnings were common at that time of
year. Then the lights (4) (go out), and the

wind (5) (break) her office window. While
ane (6) (run) to the children’s classroom,

pieces of broken windows and glass (7) (fall)
all around her. A witness, Alex oss, (8)
(see) the tornado hit the nursery school the roof
(9) (fly off), and only the walls remained
standing. Finally, the tornado (10) (move)
on and, afterwards, there was a terrifying silence. Alex

(11) (run) into the school to help. ane

and the other teachers (12) (help) the

children get out of the building. owever, two children were

trapped under parts of the roof. Alex (13)
(pull) them out and (14) (carry) them
outside. Later, Alex said, ‘ can’t believe it The tornado totally

(15) (destroy) the nursery school, but,

fortunately, no one was seriously injured.’
E. Read the text and complete the gaps. Use only one word in each gap.

Fighting for       

Nelson andela ( - ) was the South African politician (1) great

struggle helped put an end to a political system in South Africa called apartheid
this system kept white and black people separated. e received the Nobel eace
ri e in and was one of the (2) respected politicians in the
world. andela was studying for his law degree (3) he joined the
ANC (African National Congress). e later graduated as a lawyer and opened a
law practice with his business partner Oliver Tambo. (4) they were
working as lawyers, the two men fought against the political system in South
Africa. During the s, their war against apartheid was becoming more and
(5) intense. The South African government then arrested many
people (6) were members of the ANC, including andela. e spent
the next years in prison. owever, andela kept (7) giving hope
to his people who continued to fight for freedom. andela was finally set free
in this was the beginning of the end of apartheid in South Africa. Nelson
andela was one of (8) world’s greatest freedom fighters, and he
will always be remembered as the hero of South Africa.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 79 13/1/2021 11:32:08 πµ

2 Round-up

You will hear a radio interview with Sheila Rogers Read the following and tick () the appropriate
who is a doctor. For questions 1-5, choose the best boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back to
answer a, b or c. the relevant sections in the module.
1. The people who Sheila helps
a. are her friends. Now I can...
b. live in isolated areas.
 use phrasal verbs with on and off

c. want to live in a different part of the country.
 use collocations with say and tell
2. When Sheila first joined the organisation as a  form nouns and adjectives by using
volunteer, she appropriate suffixes
a. was still at university.  use similes with as

b. wasn’t a medical student.  use words related to natural disasters
c. had finished university.  use the ast Simple and the ast
GRAMMAR rogressive appropriately

3. What does Sheila say about the people in the remote
 use defining and non-defining relative
villages she visited
a. They don’t have any means of transport.
b. Sometimes bad weather doesn’t allow them to travel.
 use different forms of comparison
c. They did not trust the volunteers.  skim a text to understand the gist and

identify its purpose


4. Sheila now visits isolated places in her country  understand details in a text
a. regularly.  scan a text to locate specific information

b. whenever possible.

c. every week.  understand gist and specific information

in a radio interview
5. What does Sheila try to give all of the people she sees  understand gist and specific information
a. antibiotics

in an informal conversation
b. a full medical exam
c. a vaccine

 talk about heroes and heroic acts

 tell a story using pictures as prompts


 write a description of a person

 write an informal email including
a narrative

Culture page:
Inspiring heroes


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 2.indd 80 13/1/2021 11:32:09 πµ

Round-up 2
LIS T ENING CD1 48, 49
ave Ss do the activity. ou may eliminate one incorrect
option in each uestion. This will help lower-performing Culture page:
Ss. Inpiring heroes
Check the answers with the class.
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
of the book.
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and ask Ss to read them.

Explain any unknown words.
Ask Ss to tick the points they feel confident about. For the
points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.

Suggested answer

Suggested answers
SA: That’s true. don’t think teachers or firefighters
make that much money. And most teachers are
SA: n my opinion, the woman in the first picture
is a real hero. think it’s very difficult to be a not even recognised as heroes.
mum and deal with young children all day, and SC: agree. think teachers and mothers are

there is a lot of responsibility involved. t must probably recognised and rewarded the least.
sometimes be very stressful. ou really need to
be patient and loving. SB: think that they all feel proud of what they do and

SB: ou are so right. t takes a lot of hard work and know how important their work is.
organisational skills. SC: Well, hope that’s the case. think teachers
SC: What about firefighters think that everyone probably feel tired a lot because teaching all day
agrees that they are heroes. can be so exhausting.
SB: Of course. ou have to be very courageous to SB: es, and so can being a firefighter. Also, know

do a job like that rescuing people and putting that firefighters are brave and well-trained, but
yourself in danger. imagine they must get frightened sometimes.
SA: Definitely. They risk their lives when they go SA: agree. think doctors might be afraid as well

to work. think that teachers, like the one in sometimes because they know that if they make a
picture D, are also heroes. mistake, someone could die.
SB: ou’re right. They have a very stressful job, and SC: ou’re right. What about mothers
they can really change a child’s life. SA: think the mum in this picture feels great joy in

SC: have to agree with you there. Teachers have what she’s doing.
to deal with students, each with their own SB: agree.
character. ’m sure it must be a rewarding job, but
SB: ’d like to have children someday. But ’m not
it can also be very tiring.
interested in following a career as a firefighter, in
SA: We haven’t talked about the doctors in picture B
teaching or in medicine.
SC: hope to become a doctor when finish my
SC: Well, think we can all agree that doctors are
studies. So yes, ’d very much like to be in their
great examples of everyday heroes. They always
have to stay calm when faced with difficulties.
SA: ’d like to be a teacher. think that it’s a very
SB: es, they save lives every day and work under a lot
interesting job, even though it must be stressful.
of pressure. onestly, think that all the people
in these pictures are heroes in their own way. SA: think that police officers are everyday heroes
SA: don’t believe that the woman in picture A is
SC: agree. They keep us safe. And so do pilots, who
rewarded enough for what she does.
are responsible for other people’s safety every
SB: That’s for sure. When you’re a mother you never
time they go to work.
get a day off. ou have to be totally unselfish to
SB: That’s true. What’s more, know that picture B
be a full-time mother.
shows doctors, but we shouldn’t forget about
SC: ou are so right, but think that the mother-
all the other heroes who work in hospitals, like
child relationship is so rewarding that it doesn’t
nurses, hospital cleaners and cooks.
really matter.
SA: Absolutely. They are just as important.
SB: aybe you’re right. What about doctors think
they are rewarded for what they do because, at
least, they are paid well.
36 TB

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3 Work & Leisure

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the pictures

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
think it is important to do something that you really
enjoy or something that will help you find work easily.
Another thing to consider is which job will give you
the chance to make a lot of money. ’d also like to be
able to travel for work and to have opportunities to be
productive. Finally, a job would be more rewarding if
could help others through it.

don’t have enough leisure time. By the time finish

with my university assignments or projects, there is not
really enough time to see my friends and do the sports


ead out the points listed in the lick through the module
and find... section. Explain any unknown words.
Then ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and

find where these points are discussed.


a dialogue among friends discussing how to spend

a day in the city: p.
a cover letter for a job: p.
texts about how four young people spend their free

time: p.
an article about how to do well in a job interview: p.
an informal email to a friend giving news: p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

37 TB

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Work & Leisure 3
 n your opinion, what is important
when choosing a career
 Are you happy with the amount of
leisure time you have Why / Why not

Flick through the module and find...

 a dialogue among friends discussing how to spend a day


in the city
 a cover letter for a job
 texts about how four young people spend their free time
 an article about how to do well in a job interview
 an informal email to a friend giving news

In this module you will learn...

 to talk about jobs, job interviews and ualifications
 to talk about free-time activities and leisure facilities
 how to use appropriate tenses to link the past with the present
 how to write an informal email giving news and a formal cover letter
 how to express obligation, prohibition and absence of necessity
 how to express preference and make suggestions
 how to express possibility and make deductions
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams

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Reading James (17 years old)
y idea of fun is anything that’s related to
sports. ’ve always been sporty and athletic, and
’m willing to try whatever will get my adrenalin
A. Discuss. going. nlike many people my age, don’t enjoy
ow much free time do you have going out to caf s. love doing things that keep
What do you like doing in your me outdoors in the natural environment.
free time became a member of a rock climbing club about
B. Read the texts A-D quickly. What three years ago, and must admit that ’ve had
topic do the four texts have in a lot of fun. ’ve met lots of interesting people,
common? and ’ve also been to a lot of wonderful places.
Besides this, also find water sports great. ’ve
Elizabeth (18 years old) been windsurfing for ages, and ’ve also recently
started taking scuba diving lessons.

’m really into playing strategy

Bruce (16 years old) games on my computer. ’ve been
playing computer games ever since
my father got me my first computer

when was six. When ’m not
playing computer games, tend
to be out and about. y friends

and spend a lot of time at the
local football pitch so, although
at ’m not so athletic, do get some
exercise. ’m also into hanging out
at the local shopping centre where
’m what you call a bookworm. my friends and either go to the
find nothing more entertaining than cinema or to a caf .

staying at home and reading a

good book. read anything from
Jenny (19 years old)


adventure to science fiction. f ’m very sociable and hang out at all

start reading a book, don’t put it the ‘in’ places. have lots of friends and
down until finish it. y parents love meeting people. At the weekends,
are constantly complaining that usually go somewhere to dance. When
don’t get out much, but ’ve no was five, my mother took me to the

intention of changing. ’ve recently Contemporary School of Dance, and,

started writing, and hope to write since then, have never stopped dancing.
a best seller in the future. also

also love music and go to concerts very

spend a lot of time chatting online. often. On top of that, ’m a member of
Last week, came across a site for a local theatre group, and we put on
people interested in writing, and
performances every once in a while. We

became a member. Since then

’ve had the opportunity to talk to have a lot of fun choosing the plays and
people with similar interests, and rehearsing. Since joined the group, ’ve
it’s nice to know that ’m not so taken part in three different plays. t’s not
out of the ordinary. only fun but also very rewarding.

C. Read the texts again and answer the questions.

Write A, B, C or D in the boxes.
Which teenager(s) mention(s)
 When matching questions with short
1. not being interested in activities done by people their age
texts, scan each text and look for the
2. being interested only in outdoor activities specific information mentioned in each
3. doing only activities that keep them indoors question.
 Find the part of the text which correctly
4. doing an activity their parents helped them begin
answers the question.
5. doing an activity their parents are not happy about  Be careful! Don’t choose a text just
6. doing an activity that made it possible for them to go to because the vocabulary or phrasing in
different places the text is similar to that of the question.
7. starting an activity at a very young age that they still do

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Functions Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
Talking about the present and the past Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
Linking present and past time the texts in order to do the activity.
Talking about free time, hobbies and sports Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the
Structures ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
resent erfect Simple - resent erfect rogressive with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
Vocabulary referring to specific parts in the texts. This will build
admit although besides come across lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in
complain constantly every once in a while class.
for ages intention on top of that recently Check the answers with the class.
related ring tend to unlike
Words related to free-time activities 1. B (‘ nlike many people my age, don’t enjoy going
athletic be into be willing board (n.) out to caf s.’)
bookworm chat online costume court 2. B (‘ love doing things that keep me outdoors in the
design (v.) entertaining football pitch gloves natural environment.’)
3. A (‘ find nothing more entertaining than staying
goggles hang out join member net
at home and reading a good book’ / ‘ y parents are

outdoors performance play (n.) racket constantly complaining that don’t get out much...’ / ‘
rehearsal rehearse relaxed scuba diving also spend a lot of time chatting online.’)
shin pads slope snowboarding sociable 4. C (‘ ’ve been playing computer games ever since my
sporty swimwear vest water polo father got me my first computer when was six.’)

D (‘When was five, my mother took me to the
Contemporary School of Dance, and, since then, have
RE A DING CD2 2 never stopped dancing.’)
A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal
5. A (‘ y parents are constantly complaining that don’t
get out much...’)
6. B (‘... ’ve also been to a lot of wonderful places.’)
experience 7. C (‘ ’ve been playing computer games ever since my
• father got me my first computer when was six.’)

D (‘When was five, my mother took me to the

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. Contemporary School of Dance, and, since then, have
never stopped dancing.’)

Suggested answers
have an hour or two every evening, and am free most
weekends. Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
like hanging out with my friends: going for walks,

shopping or watching a film with them. When

don’t hang out with friends, enjoy going to the gym, What types of books does lizabeth like reading? She reads
listening to music, reading a good book or playing anything ranging from adventure to science fiction.
What does she like about the new site she found on the

computer games.
Internet? She has the chance to talk with people who share
the same love for reading and she feels happy that there are
B. more people like her.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main ideas of

How did being a member of a rock climbing club influence

the text James? He met a lot of people and travelled to a lot of
• wonderful places.
Apart from rock climbing does James do other sports as well?
Ask Ss to read through the text uickly to try to find what He windsurfs and has recently taken up scuba diving.
the four passages have in common. oint out that they
What does Bruce do apart from playing computer games?
should not pay attention to any unknown words they
He hangs out with his friends at the local shopping centre,
might have.
goes to the cinema or a caf there, and sometimes plays
Check the answer with the class.
How does Jenny describe herself? as being a very sociable
All four passages have as a common theme the way person who goes out a lot and has a lot of friends
teenagers spend their free time. Does she have any other hobbies apart from dancing? She
goes to concerts very often and is a member of a local theatre
group and takes part in their plays.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying specific

ead out and explain the T . oint out to Ss that first,

they should read the uestion and then find the part of the
texts which best answers the uestion.

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D. identify the tenses of these verbs.
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning ave Ss do the activity.
from context Check the answers with the class.

Ask Ss to read through words - and definitions a-g. 1. No, he doesn’t.

Explain to them that they should locate the highlighted resent erfect Simple
words in the text and guess their meaning from the context. 2. es, she is.
Tell them to match definitions a-g with words - . resent erfect Simple
ave Ss do the activity. 3. No, he hasn’t.
Check the answers with the class. resent erfect rogressive

1. f 2. g 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. e B.
Ask Ss to read examples and again and tell you the
difference between the resent erfect Simple and the
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary. resent erfect rogressive (the Present Perfect Simple
emphasises the result and the Present Perfect Progressive
E. (Post-reading) emphasises the action / the duration of an action).
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic ave Ss do the activity.
of the reading text Check the answers with the class.

The resent erfect Simple emphasises the result of
Ask Ss the uestion. an action, whereas the resent erfect rogressive
Encourage Ss to use the newly-taught vocabulary. emphasises its duration.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.

Suggested answer C.
’d like to get to know enny. She is both artistic and ave Ss do the activity and read out and explain the NOTE
sociable. We could go to concerts or to the theatre
together. book.
and refer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the

Check the answers with the class.

VOC A BUL A RY se the Present Perfect Simple for an action which

happened in the past, but the exact time is not

Aims: to familiarise Ss with vocabulary related to mentioned.
specific sports se the Present Perfect Simple for an action or state

which started in the past and continues up to the

present (emphasis on the action).
ave Ss read the words in the vocabulary box and the se the Present Perfect Progressive for an action or
table. Ask them to complete the table by inferring the state which started in the past and continues up to the
meaning of unknown words. ave Ss do the activity and present (emphasis on the duration).
explain new vocabulary.

se for + period of time and since + a specific point in

sport place

Ask Ss to make sentences using the resent erfect Simple

tennis court ball, racket, net, and resent perfect rogressive. This will challenge
shorts, trainers, T-shirt higher-performing Ss. Alternatively, give Ss prompts to
boxing ring boots, gloves, shorts make sentences (e.g. watch / documentary / twice). This will

help lower-performing Ss.

water polo pool ball, goggles,
snowboarding slope boots, board, goggles, Aim: to give Ss practice in using the Present Perfect
Simple, the Present Perfect Progressive and the
basketball court ball, net, shorts, Past Simple in context
trainers, vest
windsurfing sea/lake swimwear, board, sail Draw Ss’ attention to the activity. Ask them to underline
any time expressions before they do the activity. This will
ball, boots, shorts, help lower-performing Ss.
football pitch
shin pads Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss to justify their answers. This will challenge higher-
performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss understand
GR A MM A R why these answers are correct.
PRE SENT PERFEC T PROGRE SSI V E 1. have always wanted 5. have been rehearsing
Aims: to help Ss revise the uses of the Present Perfect 2. gave 6. has been studying
Simple and the Present Perfect Progressive 3. ’ve been 7. has designed
4. have enjoyed 8. went
Ask Ss to read the examples in the grammar box.
Draw Ss’ attention to the words in bold, and ask them to

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Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the highlighted words/phrases in the VOCABULARY
text with their meanings.
1. bookworm 5. willing
Complete the table with the name of
2. constantly 6. tend to the sport.
3. intention 7. every once
in a while basketball water polo windsurfing
4. came across snowboarding boxing tennis football

a. found by chance sport place equipment

b. a plan about what you will do ball, racket, net,
c. ready court shorts, trainers,
d. do something usually or often T-shirt
e. sometimes, but not very often boots, gloves,
f. someone who likes reading shorts
g. all the time pool ball, goggles,

E. Discuss. boots, board,
f you could get to know one of these teenagers, goggles, gloves
who would it be and why court ball, net, shorts,

trainers, vest
GRAMMAR sea/lake
board, sail
at pitch
ball, boots,
shorts, shin pads
A. Look at the extracts from the texts and answer the

questions. Read the text and complete the gaps with

1. I’ve met lots of interesting people... (Text B) the Present Perfect Simple, the Present
Does ames say exactly when he met those people Perfect Progressive, or the Past Simple of

Which tense is used the verbs in brackets.

2. Since I joined the group, I’ve ta en part in three different
plays. (Text D)
s enny still taking part in plays

Which tense is used

3. I’ve been windsurfing for ages... (Text B)

as ames stopped windsurfing

Which tense is used

B. Look at the extracts 2 and 3 again. Which of the two (1) (always / want) to do
tenses emphasises the result of the action, and which something interesting in my free time, but work
emphasises the duration?

uite long hours, and ’m often very tired when

C. Complete the rules about the uses of the Present Perfect get home from work. Some time ago, a friend of
Simple and Present Perfect Progressive by circling the
correct options. mine (2) (give) me the idea
of joining the Thespians, a drama club which
se the Present Perfect Simple / Past Simple for an action meets just once a week. (3)
which happened in the past, but the exact time is not
(be) a member for the last six months, and
(4) (enjoy) every moment
se the Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect
Progressive for an action or state which started in the of it. The people in the club are very friendly,
past and continues up to the present (emphasis on the and the atmosphere is fun and relaxed. For the
action). past few weeks, we (5)
se the Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect (rehearse) for a play that we’re going to put on
Progressive for an action or state which started in the for the local community centre. am really
past and continues up to the present (emphasis on the looking forward to it. The daughter of one of the
duration). members (6) (study) fashion
se for / since a period of time and for / since a design at university for the last two years and
specific point in time.
(7) (design) our costumes.
esterday, (8) (go) to the

We use the Past Simple for actions that happened club for our last rehearsal before the play. The
in the past and the exact time is mentioned. first performance will be on Friday night, and
hope everything will go well.

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Listening & reading
A. Discuss.
What sort of fun activities can you do in a city
f you were spending just one day in London, what would you do

B. Listen to the dialogue. What do the three girls decide to do on their trip to the city?
Dora O , where are we off to first Dora Or maybe we can grab a bite. ’m a bit peckish,
Wendy Shopping actually.
Chloe Not yet. Wendy ’ve got it We can get sandwiches and drinks and
Wendy What’s up with you Why else did we come all go to yde ark and chill out a bit. Then we can
this way on the train go shopping in Oxford Street.
Chloe want to do other things too. Dora Sounds like a good plan.
Dora Chloe’s right. We’d better go shopping last Chloe But ’m not that hungry.
because we don’t want to walk around all day Wendy ou needn’t get a huge sandwich. ou could even
with loads of shopping bags. get a salad, or something.

Wendy What else is there to do here, then Chloe O , guess.
Chloe There’s a fascinating exhibition of th-century Dora old on though. Chloe, do you still want to see a
clothes at the ictoria and Albert useum. show later

Dora ’d rather buy new clothes than look at old ones. Chloe eah. The Phantom of the Opera is on at er
Chloe What about going to a gallery think there’s a ajesty’s Theatre, and ’d really like to see it.
oya exhibition at one of the big galleries.
Wendy Oh, please. don’t know about you, but came
atWhat do you two think Would you rather go
back home after shopping
to London to have some fun, not get bored out of Wendy No, we don’t have to. t will be fun. Dora
my mind. Dora in. ’ve heard it’s a fantastic show. We’d better
’m in
Chloe O , it’s a beautiful day. We should do something

get our tickets before lunch, though.

outdoors. There are plenty of parks we can go to. Chloe That’s true.
Wendy ight then, let’s go have some fun

C. Complete the sentences with the correct name Chloe, Dora or Wendy.
1. and don’t like art exhibitions.
2. thinks that shopping is the main reason they have come to London.
3. has looked up what’s on in the city.
4. is not interested in shopping only.
5. suggests eating something.
6. doesn’t want to carry things all day.


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Functions lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in
Talking about necessity, obligation and lack of obligation Check the answers with the class.
iving advice
Expressing preference 1. Dora (‘ ’d rather buy new clothes than look at old
Expressing emotions ones.’), Wendy (Chloe ‘What about going to a gallery
think there’s a oya exhibition at one of the big galleries.’,
Structures Wendy ‘Oh, please. don’t know about you, but came
must / have to / need to London to have some fun, not get bored out of my
had better / would rather mind.’)
2. Wendy (‘Why else did we come all this way on the train )
Vocabulary 3. Chloe (‘There is a fascinating exhibition... think there’s
a oya exhibition... The Phantom of the Opera is on at
ama ed delicious delighted exhausted
er ajesty’s Theatre...’)
fascinating furious huge loads of peckish 4. Chloe (‘ want to do other things too’)
terrified though trail 5. Dora (‘Or maybe we can grab a bite.’)
Phrases / Phrasal verbs 6. Dora (‘We’d better go shopping last because we don’t
be off to be on chill out want to walk around all day with loads of shopping
get bored out of my mind grab a bite hold on bags.’)
’m in. What’s up with you

Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions:


What kind of exhibition is there at the Victoria and Albert
A. useum? an exhibition of 1 thth--century
century clothes
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the listening/reading task What will the girls do before they go shopping? buy their
theatre tickets, get something to eat and go to Hyde Park

• Where will the girls go shopping? in Oxford Street
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. Where is The Phantom of the Opera’ playing? at Her

Suggested answers
atajesty’s Theatre
ou can visit museums and galleries, go to restaurants
and walk around and feel the atmosphere of the city. D.
ou can also go to cinemas and theatres or go to Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning

concerts. from context

would like to see Buckingham alace and then visit
the British useum just to see the main attractions. f

Ask Ss to read through words/phrases - and definitions a-g.

there was time, would head to the Tower of London, Explain to them that they should locate the highlighted
or, depending on who am with, to Oxford Street for words in the text and guess their meaning from the context.
shopping. Towards the evening, would try to catch a Tell them to match definitions a-g with words - .
show at the West End or, if it was summer, ’d go to the ave Ss do the activity.
lobe theatre. Check the answers with the class.

B. 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. g 6. c 7. e

Aim: to give Ss practice in listening/reading for gist

ave Ss listen to the dialogue and answer the uestion. Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if
lay the recording. necessary.
Check the answer with the class.

E. (Post-reading)
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
The girls decide to go to yde ark to relax and grab of the reading text
a bite, then go shopping in Oxford Street and then watch
The Phantom of the Opera at er ajesty’s Theatre.
Ask Ss the uestions.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in listening/reading for specific Suggested answers
information ow often do you get the chance to see th-century
• clothing in one of the world’s most famous museums
think that would be a great opportunity.
oint out to Ss that first they should read the sentences and would get on well with Chloe because she is interested
then find which person they refer to. in cultural places and activities.
Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in VOC A BUL A RY
the dialogue in order to do the activity. S T RONG A DJEC T I V E S
Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the A.
dialogue. Aims: to familiarise Ss with gradable and non-gradable
ave Ss do the activity. adjectives
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by ave Ss do the activity and check the answers with the class.
referring to specific parts in the dialogue. This will build
40 TB

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Ask Ss to make sentences using must, have to and need.
This will challenge higher-performing Ss. To help lower-
performing Ss, you can write incomplete sentences on the
fascinating: very interesting
board and ask Ss to complete them with the correct form
huge: very big
of must, have to or need (e.g. ou drive so
fast. It’s dangerous.).
Aims: to give Ss practice in replacing non-gradable H A D BE T T ER – WOULD R AT HER
adjectives with their gradable equivalent Aim: to introduce the expressions had better and would
Ask Ss to read the first example and tell you what the
Tell Ss to read through the vocabulary box and check words in bold express ( had better’ expresses advisability
understanding. and means should’. It is used to indicate that it would be
ave Ss do the activity. good for something to happen).
Check the answers with the class. Explain to Ss that had better is followed by a bare
infinitive, and, in its negative form, we use had better + not
1. very pleased 4. very tired + bare infinitive. n informal situations, short forms are
2. very scared 5. very tasty commonly used (I’d better, ou’d better).
3. very surprised 6. very angry Ask Ss to read the second example and ask them if it refers
to a specific or a general preference (specific preference).
ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing Write the following sentence on the board, and ask Ss if it
Ss and write the following situations on the board: refers to a specific or a general preference: I like travelling
- take up a new sport abroad. (general preference).

- watch a horror film oint out to Ss that would rather expresses specific
- meet a famous person preference in the present and future, and when the
- fail an exam subject is the same in both clauses, it is followed by a bare
- study all day infinitive.

Ask Ss to choose one of these situations or think of one Also, point out that would rather is followed by than
on their own. SA will describe how he/she feels about the when saying that you prefer to do one activity rather than
something else.
situation using a normal adjective and SB will describe the
same feeling using a strong adjective (e.g. study all day
SA: I’m very tired. / SB: I’m exhausted.)
Explain to Ss that in its negative form, we use would rather
+ not + bare ininitive. n informal situations, short forms
are commonly used (I’d rather, ou’d rather, etc.).
Allow Ss some time to prepare their answers and share
them with the class. ave Ss do the activity.
ead out and explain the NOTE and refer Ss to the

rammar eference at the back of the book.

MUS T – H AV E TO – NEED ( TO) We’d better go shopping last... should

Aims: to help Ss revise the meaning and uses of must

have to need to I’d rather buy new clothes than look at old ones... would
We’d better and I’d rather are followed by the base form
A. (infinitive without ‘to’).
Ask Ss to read through the two examples, and check their

background knowledge by asking what needn’t and don’t

have to express (lack of necessity/obligation in the present/ PR AC T ICE
future). Aim: to give Ss practice in using the newly-taught

ave Ss do the activity. grammatical structures in context

Check the answer with the class.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

b 1. have to
2. ’d rather
3. must
B. 4. need to
Ask Ss to read through the first example and tell you what 5. have to
they think mustn’t expresses (prohibition). 6. would rather
Ask Ss to read through the second example, and check 7. mustn’t
their background knowledge by asking what have to and 8. had to
must express (obligation in the present/future). Explain that 9. had better
need (to) expresses necessity. 10. don’t need to
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answer with the class.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. ave Ss look at the activity again and answer the following
mustn’t: c 1. Why isn’t need’ the correct answer in the first item?
have to / need to / must: a Because it has to be need to’.
2. Can you think of a modal verb that can replace the correct
answer in the fourth item (need to)? have to
This will challenge higher-performing Ss and help lower-
Need expresses a necessity emanating from oneself, performing Ss understand why these answers are correct.
whereas have to expresses a necessity imposed by
external factors. WORKBOOK LISTENING CD2 4
o to the listening transcript.
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Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words/phrases highlighted GRA M MA R
in the dialogue with their meanings.
1. Where are we off to
A. Look at the extracts from the dialogue in Listening &
2. What’s up with you Reading. What do the verbs in bold mean? Choose a, b or c.
3. grab a bite a. t’s necessary. b. t’s not necessary. c. t’s wrong to do it.
4. peckish ou needn’t get a huge sandwich.
5. chill out No, we don’t have to. It will be fun.
6. hold on B. Look at a different version of the extracts. What do the verbs
7. ’m in in bold mean? Choose a, b or c.
a. t’s necessary. b. t’s not necessary. c. t’s wrong to do it.
a. a little hungry e. agree ou mustn’t get a huge sandwich.
b. eat something f. What’s wrong es, we have to need to must. We have an evening class.
c. wait g. relax
d. Where are we

Read the extracts from the dialogue. Which of the verbs in bold
E. Discuss. means would prefer and which means should? Which verb form
is used after the two verbs?

Which of the activities that the girls
mention do you find the most interesting We’d better go shopping last...
Which of the three girls do you think you I’d rather buy new clothes than look at old ones.
would get on well with Why at

I’d better is the short form of I had better and I’d

rather is the short form of I would rather. Their
negative forms are I’d better not and I’d rather not.

A. Look at the extracts from the

dialogue in the listening &
reading activity B and match

the adjectives in bold with their

meanings. Read the dialogue and circle the correct options.
very big very interesting atie i, aul Are you doing anything tomorrow
Paul (1) need / have to babysit my younger sister, Sandra. Why

There’s a fascinating exhibition of atie Oh, was just wondering if you would like to come hiking with me.
1 th-century clothes... Paul (2) ’d rather / ’d better go hiking with you than babysit. But
ou needn’t get a huge sandwich.

promised my parents to look after Sandra while they go out for a

B. Replace the ‘strong’ adjectives few hours. really (3) needn’t / must keep my promise. ow about
in sentences 1-6 with very and Sunday
the adjectives in the box.

atie That’s fine with me. Do you have your hiking boots
angry scared pleased Paul Oh, no. (4) don’t have to / need to buy a new pair because my old
tasty surprised tired ones aren’t any good. ’ve been thinking about going shopping, but
just haven’t had the time.
1. Fiona was delighted to win the
Teacher of the ear Award. atie Do you think you’ll be able to get a pair tomorrow
Paul es, but ’ll (5) have to / must go to the shops early in the morning
2. ack is terrified of spiders
whenever he sees one, he calls before my parents go out.
for help. atie Now, about the trip. We could drive down to either ount Black or
3. was amazed when saw the Lake lacid. Which do you prefer
Eiffel Tower for the first time. Paul (6) would rather / have to go to Lake lacid as it’s closer.
4. After working for nearly atie We (7) had better / mustn’t forget to bring a S or a map with a
hours, ohn was exhausted walking trail. emember what happened last time we went there
when he returned home. We got lost
5. Betty made a delicious Paul ow could forget We (8) had to / should call my Dad to come and
strawberry cheesecake for find us. We (9) would rather / had better be more careful this time.
dessert. atie ou’re right. One last thing. ou (10) don’t need to / mustn’t worry
6. ike was furious with Susan about lunch because ’m going to pack a picnic for us.
because she damaged his new Paul That’s great, atie. ’m really looking forward to it.

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Listening & speaking
LISTENING Imagine that your local council is building a new
youth centre in your area. A committee is deciding
You will hear five short conversations. For questions what activities and facilities the centre should
1-5, choose the picture which answers the question offer. The pictures show the suggestions that are
correctly. being considered. First, discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each activity. Then decide which
two activities would appeal most to young people.
Use the vocabulary and suggested expressions given.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each activity
Which two would appeal most to young people
 Before you start listening, look at the three pictures carefully
to get a general idea of what you are going to hear.
 Listen carefully to the dialogue and focus on the question.
All three pictures may be referred to in the dialogue.

However, only one of them correctly answers the question.

1. What have they got plenty of computer room

climbing wall

a. b. c.
2. What time did the man want to wake up

art class table tennis


a. b. c.

3. What is the man’s favourite dessert


keep fit
outdoor chess fun
a. b. c. socialising
4. What is the man’s hobby strength
chat online
do research
a. b. c. table football
5. What activity do both people like n my opinion / think... would be a good idea... because...
Some young people may find this difficult because...
This would be useful for...
... would provide young people with an opportunity to...
don’t think many young people would be interested in...
a. b. c.


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Suggested answers
Discussing advantages and disadvantages SA: Well, what do you think about the art class think
Expressing opinion and preference it could be creative and fun.
SB: suppose that is an advantage, but who will pay for
paint, brushes and other things people need in an
active challenging competitive correct (v.) art class They can be expensive.
creative essay helpful provide research (n.) SA: That’s true. What about the climbing wall n my
settle into socialising staff stimulating opinion, it’s a good way to keep active and fit, and
it really builds up your strength. owever, it’s a bit
Words related to a youth centre challenging. ’m not sure many people will want to
art class climbing wall keep fit outdoor chess try it.
table football table tennis SB: es, agree. Also, people get injured climbing all
the time, and lots of people are afraid of heights.
What about table tennis think this is a really
LIS T ENING CD2 5 good idea. t’s fun and entertaining and can help
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for specific keep you fit.
information and choosing the picture which best SA: True, and ’m sure that people don’t get injured
answers the question playing table tennis. owever, it can be very
competitive. What is more, if we only have outdoor
tables, people won’t be able to play when the
weather isn’t good.

Explain to Ss that they will hear five short conversations, SB: Well, we could put a few tables indoors too.
each of which is followed by a uestion. Tell them that they SA: O then. What about outdoor chess
have to choose the picture which best answers the uestion SB: Well, this one really does depend on the weather.
they hear.

But it has the advantage of being an exercise for
Ask Ss to read uestions - and look through the options both the mind and the body.
given for each uestion. ake sure they understand what SA: That’s true. And people can watch which makes it
each picture shows.
ead out and explain the T .
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
at good for socialising.
SB: What about table football t’s great fun and very
Ask Ss to note down key words that helped them answer SA: onestly, think it can be uite boring if you’re not
the uestions. This will challenge higher-performing Ss. into football. And it’s uite competitive too.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work SB: mm... What do you think are the advantages

with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their and disadvantages of having a computer room
answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This ersonally, think that this is a great idea. t will
will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their

give people of all ages the opportunity to learn how

answers in class. to use different computer programs, do research
Check the answers with the class. and even chat online.
SA: suppose you’re right. We’d need to be careful
1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. a though. Computers need to have programs that
don’t let young people have access to dangerous

SPE A K ING SB: n my opinion, not many young people would be

Aims: to give Ss practice in speculating and reaching a interested in outdoor chess. That’s something my
decision grandfather’s always trying to get me to play.
SA: ou’re right. Also, think we can leave out the
football table. think that boys would be interested

Divide Ss into pairs. in it. don’t think that it would appeal to girls as
Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and the words/phrases much.
in the boxes and check understanding. SB: think you’re right. What about the climbing wall
Explain that Ss have to discuss the advantages and or table tennis
disadvantages of six different activities/facilities and then SA: think that table tennis is a fun activity that lots of
make a decision about which two are the most suitable for people can enjoy. The climbing wall is a bit more
young people. dangerous. don’t know if it would appeal to that
ou can write some ideas on the board to encourage lower- many people.
performing Ss to express themselves. SB: Agreed. What about the computer room really
Encourage higher-performing Ss to add their own ideas. think it will be very popular with young people. t
This will challenge them. will give them the chance to work online, use social
o round the class helping Ss when necessary. media and even do research for school projects.
SA: They’ll also be able to play video games.
SB: So, which ones should we choose think the
computer room should definitely be on the list.
SA: Absolutely Let’s choose the computer room and
the table tennis. That way there is an activity which
is physical as well, and it’s something that can be
done outdoors in nice weather.
SB: erfect

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Model answer
A N INFOR M A L EM A IL GI V ING NE WS From: jenniferrose
A. To: suestevers
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge Subject: news
• to prepare Ss for the writing task
• Dear Susan,

Discuss the uestion in class. t was great to hear from you Everyone here is fine, and
’ve got some exciting news

Suggested answer emember that interview had at the travel agency

When you move to another city, you move away from Well, got the job was really surprised when they
your old friends and your family. ou will be staying in called me to let me know. The salary is not that great, but
a new flat or house and you will probably have a new it’s O if you consider have no work experience. ’m off
job or school as well. The new city itself will take some to adrid tomorrow for two weeks of training.
getting used to. am also continuing the art classes began last year. ’ve
now reached the level where can be creative. One of my
paintings was chosen to be in the exhibition in une
Aims: • to familiarise Ss with the question of ‘purpose’ in almost forgot y older brother is getting married on
writing st
August. t would be great if you could attend t would

• also be a chance to hang out with our friends from
school and chat. Let me know
ave Ss read the email and answer the uestion. Ask Well, ’d better finish off here. y flight is early in the
Ss to justify their answers. This will challenge higher- morning and haven’t packed anything yet. Write soon

performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss understand
why this is the correct answer. Love,


Aims: • to help Ss identify the content and paragraph

organisation of an informal email giving news

Ask Ss to read the uestions and check understanding.

ave Ss do the activity.
Ask Ss to provide examples from the email in activity B.
This will challenge higher-performing Ss.

Check the answers with the class.


a. b. c. d. e. f. g.


Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing

informal emails giving news

ave Ss read through the outline.

ake sure they understand what each paragraph should
include when writing an informal email giving news.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing informal emails
giving news

ead out and explain the T .

Tell Ss to refer to the email, the outline and the Writing
section for the layout of informal emails.

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An informal email giving news
C. Read the email again and answer the questions.
A. Discuss.
What kind of changes to someone’s life does n which paragraph does Alice:
moving to another city involve a. give information about the school she works at
B. Alice has recently moved to Bristol and has b. give a reason to end her email
sent an email to her friend Mandy. Read the c. describe what her colleagues are like
email and answer the question. Choose a, b
or c. d. tell andy about where she lives
Why is Alice writing to andy e. make an invitation
a. to give andy information about f. apologise for something and express a wish
Bristol g. refer to entertainment
b. to tell andy about her life in Bristol
D. When writing an informal email giving news, follow

c. to explain what the job of teaching
involves this outline.


Use an appropriate greeting ((Dear..., Hello...,).
From: alice_ t@
at why
To: mandyb@ Use set phrases to begin your email and say to hear
you’re writing ((I hope you are fine, It was nice
Dear andy, you, etc).
from you,

Sorry for not getting in touch sooner, but ’ve MAIN PART (1( or 2 paragraphs)

• Give your main news.

been really busy settling into my flat and getting • Continue with more news.

used to my new job. hope all of you back in

anchester are O . • Give a reason for ending your email. s all
Bristol is a beautiful city, and ’ve got a really nice • Use set phrases to end your email (Well, that’
for now, Waiting for your email, etc.).
flat with a lovely balcony. t’s uite near my job

too. ou should come and visit me soon there Use a signature ending (Yours, Love, etc.)
are lots of things to do here, and ’m sure we’ll and write your first name below that.

have lots of fun. Why don’t you try to come next


like my new job a lot. The school teach at is in E. A friend of yours has recently moved away to another
a nice, modern building, and the rest of the staff city. Write an email to him/her with all your news.
Your email should be between 100-150 words.
are very friendly and helpful. owever, teaching
is hard work, believe me ’ve been correcting
essays all weekend, and still haven’t finished
them all.
When you are writing an informal email, use:
Well, that’s all for now. really must get back to
 informal language.
my essays. Say hello to everyone for me and keep  short forms (e.g. I’m, didn’t ).
in touch, O  exclamations (e.g. It was great! ).
 direct questions (e.g. What are you up to? ).
 expressions (e.g. well, of course, anyway, actually, you know,
Alice you see ).

For the layout of informal emails and set phrases you can use,
go to the Writing Section.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 95 13/1/2021 11:48:1 πµ

A. Discuss. B. Read the text quickly without paying any attention
ave you ever been interviewed for a job or to the missing sentences and choose the most
for anything else f yes, how did you feel appropriate title a, b or c.

n your opinion, which of these are most
important in a job interview Tips for a successful interview
C knowledge
body language
b How to dress for success
c What to say at a job inte

£ She must be interested

in the money only.

She can’t possibly care
about the job itself.


It is normal to feel nervous before an interview,

especially if you are entering the world of work for the
first time. owever, you can save yourself a lot of stress
and anxiety by doing a few simple things. ere is some

advice you could take into consideration the next time

you have to go for a job interview.
The key to a successful job interview is preparation. remember not to ask any uestions about salary on your
1 t is very important to make sure your C is first interview. f you do, the interviewer may think that
up-to-date and free of mistakes. Also, you should you only care about the benefits and that your interest in
make use of the nternet in order to gather information the company isn’t genuine.
about the company or organisation you are applying to. Final preparations include choosing what to wear. t
Furthermore, you must know some things about the is important to select something appropriate. A business
specific job position, including general responsibilities suit is always acceptable. f your clothing is clean and well
and daily duties. pressed, the interviewer will think that you are a neat and
Next, it is helpful to prepare for the interview itself organised person. Also, you must know the location of
by answering typical interview uestions. 2 ou your interview. 4 ou should arrive at the interview
can try answering these specific uestions in front of a ten minutes in advance. ou must also remember to
friend or family member. ecording yourself might help bring extra copies of your C with you. Bringing a small
you as well. 3 emember, there is always room for notebook for notes is also a good idea. emember to stay
improvement the more you practise, the more confident calm and project an image of self-confidence.
you will be that you won’t mess things up during the 5 n it, you should emphasise your interest
interview. ou should also prepare uestions to ask and restate your specific ualifications for the position.
during the interview. These uestions should reflect emember, the more you prepare, the more successful
your research on the company and position. owever, your interview will be.


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Expressing possibility
aking deductions
Expressing possibility (may - might - could)
aking deductions (must - can’t)
advertise advertisement allow arrangement
care about clear (adj.) discuss discussion
especially furthermore genuine improvement
in advance include location make sure
organised possibly record (v.) select spill (v.)
take into consideration tip (n.)
Words related to job interviews
anxiety appearance appropriate behaviour
body language calm C (curriculum vitae)
duty eye contact facial expression gesture
image income interview (n.) nervous

organisation position practise preparation
ualifications responsibility salary
self-confidence typical up-to-date

A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal


ave Ss read through the vocabulary in the box and check


Ask the uestions and discuss.

Suggested answers
’ve had an interview for a summer job. At first, was
really nervous because had no previous work experience.

After the first few minutes, though, realised this was a

job had the ualifications for and got my confidence

think your behaviour is the most important part of an
interview. The employer wants to see what kind of person
you are in order to decide whether you are suitable for the

job. also think you need to be able to show that you have
knowledge of the company you’re applying to work for, as
this shows that you really are interested in working for this

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of
the text

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.
To challenge higher-performing Ss, you may ask them to
justify why the other two options are incorrect. This will
challenge them and help lower-performing Ss understand
why this answer is correct.

a (b and c are wrong because they refer only to certain

topics touched upon in the text but not the text as a

44 TB

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Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
Aims: to give Ss practice in reconstructing a gapped text Suggested answer
The tip find most helpful is the one about doing
Explain to Ss what they have to do in this activity. research on the company you are applying to. had not
Tell Ss to pay attention to the sentences before and after the thought about that before. First of all, it is important
missing sentences. because you have to be sure this is the kind of company
Encourage Ss to read the whole text as soon as they finish you want to work for and that you have the right
in order to figure out if it makes sense. ualifications for the job before you apply. This tip
ave Ss do the activity. agrees with the idea of preparing a uestion for the
Check the answers with the class. interviewer, in which you show that you have ‘done your
Encourage Ss to underline key words/phrases that helped homework’ and you take the interview seriously.
them find the correct answers.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work VOC A BUL A RY
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This 1. E X PRE SSIONS WIT H M AKE A ND DO
will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their A.
answers in class. Aim: to introduce the meaning of expressions with ma e
Check the answers with the class. and do
ave Ss do the activity.
1. B (This sentence introduces the idea of the C and is Check the answers with the class.
elaborated on in the next sentence ‘ t is very important
to make sure your C is up-to-date and free of do well / business / my best / a favour /

mistakes.’) shopping / homework
2. A (This sentence specifies the fre uently asked uestions money / noise / a decision / an excuse /
in interviews, something referred to in the next sentence make
mistakes / plans
‘... try answering these specific uestions...’)

3. D (This sentence elaborates on the previous sentence and
explains exactly how recording one’s self can contribute B.
to a successful interview.) Aims: • to give Ss practice in using expressions with ma e
4. C (This sentence further expands on the idea of knowing
the location of the interview by suggesting a practical
measure ‘A practice drive...’)
and do in context

ave Ss do the activity.

5. F (This sentence mentions the necessity of sending Check the answers with the class.
a thank-you note, an idea which is analysed in the

following sentence ‘ n it, you should...’) 1. makes mistakes 5. did... best

2. did well 6. make... noise
Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
3. make a decision 7. made an excuse

How does the article suggest that a candidate should gather 4. do... a favour
information about the post advertised? by making use of the
Internet for information concerning the specific company 2 . WORDS E A SILY CONF USED
Why can recording one’s self be helpful? by seeing one’s Aims: to give Ss practice in using topic related
performance (answers and body language) he/she can improve

vocabulary in context and distinguishing

him/herself by practising between words easily confused
What should a successful candidate never ask about?

the salary that is offered ave Ss do the activity.

What kind of clothing should one choose? a clean and well Check the answers with the class.
pressed business suit
What do you include in a thank-you note? ou emphasise your 1. salary 4. gesture 7. nervous

interest and restate your specific qualifications which make yo 2. income 5. clean 8. upset
the ideal candidate for the position. 3. expression 6. clear
D. Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning words from activity . This will challenge them. To help
from context lower-performing Ss, you can write incomplete sentences
on the board and ask Ss to complete them with one of the
Ask Ss to read through words - and meanings a-f. two options that you will give them, as in the example (e.g.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the He didn’t accept the job offer because the wasn’t
text and guess their meaning from the context. very good. income - salary). This will give lower-performing
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not know Ss extra practice.
the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it.
ave Ss do the activity. 3. NOUNS DERI V ING F ROM V ERBS
Check the answers with the class. A.
Aims: to raise Ss’ awareness of relationships between
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. c 6. b words

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
E. (Post-reading)
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic of preparation prepare
the reading activity drawing on their own experience improvement improve
location locate
Ask Ss the uestion. ead out and explain the NOTE.
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Vocabulary & grammar
C. Five sentences have been removed from VOCABULARY
the text. Choose from the sentences A-F
the one which best fits each gap (1-5). 1. EXPRESSIONS WITH MAKE AND DO
There is one extra sentence, which you A. Look at the extract from the text in reading activity B
do not need to use. and note the phrase in bold. Then decide which of the
verbs make or do is used with the words in the box.
It is very important to ma e sure your CV is up-to-date...

well / business / my best / a favour / shopping / homework

When you are presented with a text from which
sentences have been removed: money / noise / a decision / an excuse / mistakes / plans
 first read the whole text in order to get an
overall idea. B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make
 read the sentences before and after the gap or do and some of the words from activity A.
and the sentences that have been removed 1. Everyone the important thing is to
from the text, looking for clues in both the text learn from them.
and the sentences. The correct option must

logically complete the writer’s meaning and 2. ulie was pleased because she in her
grammatically fit the gap. maths test.
 pay attention to sentence linkers (moreover, 3. hilip asked Fred to about where he

on the other hand, as a result, after, etc.) as wanted to go on holiday.
well as reference items (he, it, this, there, etc.) 4. Would you me and buy me a
and identify what they refer to. This will help
you understand the text.
5. an
chocolate bar on your way home
his but he couldn’t win the
. nterviewers will usually ask you about 6. can’t sleep at night because my neighbours

what interests you in the company and the too much .

position you are applying for. 7. Alex and left the book presentation

Β. This means that you should begin by early.

focusing on your C and doing some pre-
interview research. 2. WORDS EASILY CONFUSED
Circle the word that best completes each sentence.
C. A practice drive will ensure you know how
to get to the interview and will allow you to 1. The company offered me a good salary / income, a car

arrive there in time. and other benefits.

D. Seeing your facial expressions, gestures and 2. A company loses money when its salary / income is less
than its expenses.

body language can help you decide how to

improve your answers and how you express 3. Lucy had a worried expression / gesture on her face when
yourself. she heard the news.
E. During the interview, remember to 4. She made a(n) expression / gesture towards the desk, and

maintain eye contact and avoid slouching. went to take a look.

F. After the interview, it is suggested you send 5. ohn spilt pasta sauce all over his shirt, so he had to
a thank-you note. change into a clean / clear one.
6. asked him many times, but he didn’t give me a clean /
D. Look at the highlighted words in the text clear answer.
and match them with their meanings. 7. ost students feel nervous / upset before an important
1. anxiety a. including the latest 8. Charlotte is nervous / upset because she lost her favourite
2. up-to-date information necklace.
b. exact place
3. gather
c. choose
4. genuine d. a feeling of worry 3. NOUNS DERIVING FROM VERBS
5. select e. collect A. Which verbs do these nouns come from?
f. real
6. location preparation improvement location

E. Discuss. A lot of nouns are formed by adding a suffix, such as

Which of the tips mentioned in the text do you -ion, -ation and -ment to a verb.
find most helpful


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 99 13/1/2021 11:48:19 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words PRACTICE
in capitals. Read the text and circle the correct options.
1. onica put an online AD ERTISE Choosing the right career (1) can’t be / must be the
to sell her house. biggest problem have on my mind these days. n
2. The recent in medical DE ELOP fact, it just (2) may be / can be the most important
research have given many people a lot of hope. decision will ever make. A few days ago, went to
3. The manager and his assistant had a see a careers counsellor because thought it
about the project. DISCUSS (3) must help / might help me get a better idea
4. ’m taking art classes at my local adult about what kind of job suits me. n addition to the
centre. EDUCATE information the counsellor gave me, she advised
me that another thing (4) could do / mustn’t do
5. arious environmental ORGANISE
is to talk to people who do jobs am interested in.
are working together to solve the problem.
She said they (5) can’t be / might be able to give
6. ulie has made all the ARRANGE
me helpful advice and tips. t (6) must not be /

for her holiday. may not be very difficult to find a teacher or a
7. was very pleased to receive an doctor to talk to, but what if someone wants to
to Claire’s wedding. IN ITE become an astronaut or a chocolate taster ’m sure

8. We stopped and asked a man for it (7) may be / can’t be so easy in those cases.
to the museum. DIRECT Anyway, since have always liked to cook, think

at (8) can’t try / could try talking to chefs at the
restaurants in my neighbourhood.

(MAY – MIGHT – COULD) – Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
MAKING DEDUCTIONS (MUST – CAN’T) meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.

Do not change the word given. You must use between

A. Look at the extracts from the text in reading
two and five words, including the word given.
activity B and decide what all three verbs in
bold express. Choose a, b or c. 1. Charlie started working for this company five
Here is some advice you could take into consideration years ago. been

the next time you have to go for a job interview. Charlie this
Recording yourself might help you as well. company for five years.

If you do, the interviewer may think that you only care
2. am sure Sally is in her office right now. be
about the benefits...
a. something that will certainly happen Sally her office
right now.

b. something that will possibly happen

c. something that is allowed to happen 3. The last time saw Tom was six weeks ago. for
B. Look back at the text and the picture in reading six weeks.
activity B. What do the sentences in the bubble
mean? 4. erhaps r Lee will do business with us in the
She must be interested in the money only. future. may
a. She has to be interested in the money only. r Lee in the future.
b. believe she is interested in the money only.
5. would prefer not to go out tonight. rather
She can’t possibly care about the job itself.
out tonight.
a. ’m sure she doesn’t care about the job itself.
b. She isn’t able to care about the job itself. 6. When did Sean become a chef has
C. Complete the table with may/might/could, can’t ow long chef
and must. 7. ou should ask s rinceton before you use her
+ base form computer. had
something will possibly happen
ou s rinceton
+ base form before you use her computer.
we are almost sure that something is true
8. They advertised the job on the nternet. put
+ base form They for the job
we believe that something is impossible on the nternet.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 100 13/1/2021 11:48:19 πµ

Aim: to give Ss practice in word building in a meaningful
may/might/could base form:
Tell Ss to read through sentences - and check something will possibly happen
understanding. must base form:
ave Ss do the activity. we are almost sure that something is true
Check the answers with the class. can’t base form:
we believe that something is impossible
1. advertisement
2. developments
3. discussion Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using may/
4. education might/could, must and can’t. This will challenge them.
5. organisations To help lower-performing Ss, you can write incomplete
6. arrangements sentences on the board and ask Ss to complete them with
7. invitation may/might/could, must or can’t. (e.g. Jane said she
8. directions go to the park, but she wasn’t sure).

E X PRE SSING POSSIBILIT Y Aim: to give Ss practice in using modals in context
(M AY – MIGHT – COULD) – ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.
Aims: to introduce modals expressing possibility (may/
might /could) 1. must be

2. may be
3. might help
Ask Ss to read through the examples and tell you what 4. could do
may/might/could express in these sentences (possibility).
emind Ss that may and might do not have a short form in
the negative and can only be written in their full form, e.g.
5. might be
6. may not be
7. can’t be
may not and might not. 8. could try
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book
to provide them with further explanations.

ave Ss do the activity. ENGLISH IN USE

Encourage Ss to provide their own examples. Aim: to give Ss practice in using the previously taught

grammatical phenomena through a transformation

b activity

ead through the first sentence aloud and check Ss’

B. understanding. Then read through the second sentence

Aim: to introduce modals making deductions (must / and the word that they have to use in order to say the same
can’t) thing in a different way.
ou can have Ss underline in the first sentence the words/
Draw Ss’ attention to the first example, and read it aloud.

phrases that have already been used in the second sentence

Tell Ss that must has a different function here, and so that it is easier for them to focus on what needs to
encourage them to tell you what it expresses (it expresses be changed. This will help lower-performing Ss do the
deduction we are sure that something is true). activity.
Follow the same procedure for the second example, and

ave Ss do the activity.

elicit the answer negative deduction we are sure that Check the answers with the class.
something is impossible.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
ave Ss do the activity. 1. has been working for
Check the answers with the class. 2. must be in
Encourage Ss to provide their own examples. 3. haven’t seen Tom for
4. may do business with us
5. ’d rather not go
She must be interested in the money only. b 6. has Sean been a
She can’t possibly care about the job itself. a 7. had better ask
8. put an advertisement
Aim: to help Ss revise the formation and uses of the
previously taught modals

ave Ss do the activity.

efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

46 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 101 19/1/2021 12:08:58 µµ

Functions Check the answers with the class.

Talking about job interviews

Discussing advantages and disadvantages 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b
Comparing ualifications
Expressing opinion
Vocabulary Aims: to give Ss practice in speculating and making a
at one’s convenience attach complete (v.) decision using prompts
currently customer essential foreign exchange
look forward to minimum previous report (n.)
task travel agency uniform with regard to Divide Ss into pairs.
Tell them to read the advertisement and the profiles of the
Words/Phrases used when applying for a job three candidates and check understanding.
ability ade uate ambitious applicant Explain to Ss that they have to decide which person would
available be familiar with certification clerk be more suitable for the job than the others and why.
computer-literate experience (n.) experienced To help lower-performing Ss, ask them to read through
fluent full-time hire interest (n.) manner the profiles of the three people again and tick the
marital status part-time personality pleasant information that corresponds to the re uirements in the
polite punctual ualified reliable re uire job advertisement.
suitable training working conditions ave them read the vocabulary and the useful expressions.

o round the class helping Ss if necessary.

LIS T ENING CD2 8, 9 Suggested answer

A. SA: Well, let’s see. think we should first look at the
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge ualifications the applicants must have before we
• to prepare Ss for the listening task

SB: That’s a good idea. We need to find someone who
speaks at least one foreign language.
SA: All three people speak at least one foreign language,
Ask Ss the uestion and discuss. and enny speaks two. What about ualifications
All three say they have computer skills, but Fiona is

Suggested answer probably the one with the most as she has icrosoft
would expect uestions about a person’s job experience Office Software Specialist Certification. David and
and about their training. ’d also expect uestions that Fiona both have university degrees, while enny

would give the interviewer a picture of the applicant’s does not.

personality as well those might be about what they did in SB: Well, the advertisement doesn’t refer to a university
their previous job and what they liked or didn’t like about it. degree.
Another common uestion asked in an interview is why the SA: That’s true but it would be an advantage. What
applicant left their previous job, and why they are interested about work experience

in working in the company they have applied to. SB: Both Fiona and enny have experience working in a
tourist office, but David doesn’t.
SA: es, and think that’s a problem. Working in a

summer camp just isn’t the same thing. Even

Teachers may ask Ss to write down three uestions they though he has a degree in Tourist anagement,
think a person might be asked at a job interview. don’t think he would be suitable because he’s less
experienced than the other two.

SB: agree. Both women have more experience working

B. in an office than David.
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist SA: Between Fiona and enny, think that Fiona is the
most suitable for the job. She is computer-literate
with a certificate to prove it, and she has experience
as a receptionist in a tourist office. n addition,
Explain to Ss that they will hear a job interview. she has a degree in French and Business Studies,
lay the recording and have Ss compare their ideas in whereas enny has only completed secondary
activity A with the uestions asked in the job interview. school. Also, think that it will be easier for her to
travel since she doesn’t have children.
C. SB: es, you’re right. n my opinion, Fiona’s degree is a
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific major advantage, it means she can give a lot to the
information and answering multiple choice company. think that she’s the ideal candidate.

Ask Ss to read through uestions - and the options

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
Alternatively, to challenge higher-performing Ss, you may
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the
options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, listen
and answer the uestions. To help lower-performing Ss,
you may eliminate one incorrect option for each uestion.
47 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 102 13/1/2021 11:48:22 πµ

Listening & speaking
A. Discuss. Talk in pairs. Imagine that you are responsible for hiring a clerk
What kind of uestions do you at a travel agency. Read the job advertisement and the profiles
think a person is asked at a job of the three people who have applied for the job. Discuss and
interview decide which person would be the most suitable and why the
others are not suitable. Use the words and expressions given.

B. Listen to a job interview and

compare the questions the
interviewer asked with your
ideas in activity A. C A T
C. Listen again and for questions
1-5, choose the correct answer Applicants must:
a, b or c.  speak one or more foreign languages

1. Where is the job going to be  have good computer skills
 be used to working in a busy office environment
 have previous work experience in the tourism industry
a. London

 be interested in travel
b. aris
Ability to travel is an advantage
c. New ork City
2. What is the woman interested
in at the moment
a. finishing her degree
Name: David White

b. working full time and Name: Fiona Shaw Age:

receiving some training Age: Marital status:

c. becoming a marketing Marital status: single

director married ualifications:
3. ow did the woman manage ualifications: Degree in Tourism anagement
Degree in French and Business as computer skills
her time while she was at

university Fluent in Spanish

icrosoft Office Software Experience: Worked as supervisor
a. by creating weekly task Specialist Certification in summer camp for kids in Spain

lists Experience: Worked as a Interests: Football, swimming,

b. by studying for exams at receptionist in tourist office for travelling
work three years
Interests: Travel, reading and

c. by always doing her

socialising with friends
coursework first
4. What does the woman say is better ualified
Name: enny Simpson
a strength Age: more/less experienced
a. the fact that she is very computer-literate
Marital status:
ade uate/good knowledge of
ambitious married children
b. the fact that she works best ualifications:
Completed secondary school think... would be most suitable
when she is alone
as computer skills for the job because...
c. her teamwork skills
Speaks French and erman believe... is the best candidate
5. What did the woman do in Experience: Five years working as because...
the team she worked in as a foreign exchange clerk in a busy travel don’t think... would be suitable
marketing assistant agency because...
a. She made sure the project Interests: ember of amateur drama n my opinion... is more suitable
finished on time. club, enjoys travelling and learning than... because...
foreign languages
b. She did research and wrote agree, however, think... is...
up reports.
c. She prioritised their tasks.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 103 13/1/2021 11:48:24 πµ

A cover letter
A. Discuss.
ave you ever had a job before f yes, how did you get it
ow do people apply for jobs they see advertised online

B. Read the advertisement and the cover letter. Do you think that David is suitable for the job?
Why / Why not?

Dear Sir/ adam,

am writing to apply for the position of receptionist as

advertised in the ‘Evening News’ on the th of April.

am a twenty-year-old student in my second year of
university and am studying hotel management. believe

am suitable for this position because have previous
experience of working in a busy hotel. Last summer,
worked as a receptionist at the alms otel, and before that,
worked part-time as a concierge.
n addition, am fluent in French, and have a good
knowledge of erman. consider myself to be a reliable

Applicants must: We offer:

person. am always punctual, and realise the importance
have experience working pleasant
of being friendly and polite to customers. As finish term
in a hotel working

in ay, and will not start university again until the

have knowledge of either conditions
beginning of October, am available for the months you
French, Spanish or a competitive
re uire.
erman salary
be available from une till a uniform
have attached a copy of my curriculum vitae for

end of August training

your review. hope my application will be taken into
have a friendly personality
consideration. look forward to hearing from you.

ours faithfully,
Send your C and cover letter to:
themanager.plum David Ainsley

C. Read the sentences. Tick ( ) the D. Read the letter again and find the formal words/
sentences that apply to the cover letter expressions that correspond to the more informal
in activity B. meanings a-h.
The writer: a. job (par )
a. begins his letter with a set phrase. b. the right person (par )
b. uses informal language. c. think am (par )
c. explains why he is suitable for the job.
d. on time (par )
d. gives examples of what he does at the
e. free (par )
e. describes his ualifications and experience. f. have included (par )
f. states his age. g. for you to look at (par )
g. explains what his drawbacks are. h. will be thought about (par )
h. uses set phrases to end his letter.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 104 13/1/2021 11:48:2 πµ

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task

Discuss the uestions with the class.

Suggested answers
haven’t had a job before but ’m going to start one
soon. A couple of months before graduating from
college, sent my C , along with cover letters, to lots
of companies. Two of them responded and arranged
interviews with me. Now that ’ve graduated, will start
working in one of those companies.
They follow the instructions on the given website. ost
companies want you to send a C as well as a cover
letter by email. A few may still re uire you to print
the C and mail it along with a cover letter. There is
a growing number of companies that re uire you to

complete an application on their website and may also
ask you to share your C on their website as well.

Aims: • to help Ss relate the rubric, including the input, to
the content of a cover letter

ave Ss read the advertisement and the cover letter and do
the activity.
Check the answer with the class and have Ss justify their


es, he is because he meets the job re uirements.

Aims: • to help Ss identify the content and stylistic

features of a cover letter


ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

The following should be ticked: a, c, e, f, h

Aims: • to familiarise Ss with formal words/expressions
used in a cover letter

Ask Ss to read through a-h and try to locate the formal

expressions which correspond to the informal meanings
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

a. position
b. suitable
c. consider myself
d. punctual
e. available
f. have attached
g. for your review
h. will be taken into consideration

48 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 105 13/1/2021 11:48:27 πµ

Aims: • to present Ss with phrases and expressions used in
a cover letter Model answer
Dear Sir/ adam,
am writing to apply for the position of sales assistant
ave Ss read the expressions and encourage them to use as advertised on ‘City news’ on the th of April.
each phrase in a sentence of their own.
Then ask Ss to go through sentences - and check am eighteen years old and have just finished school
understanding. with top marks. believe am ualified for this position
Explain to them that they need to choose an appropriate because of my experience working as a sales assistant at
expression/phrase to rewrite sentences - . Lucy’s Fashion Brands. was employed there for the past
ave Ss do the activity. two summers.
Check the answers with the class. n addition, am fluent in erman, have a good
knowledge of Spanish and am taking an online course
1. am writing with regard to your advertisement in designing clothes. consider myself to be both
published on the uardian website in ay. friendly and reliable. understand that providing good
2. am currently working for r Baker, a local bakery. customer service depends on communication skills
3. n addition, am fluent in erman. and am always enthusiastic when assisting customers,
4. hope my application will be taken into which encourages sales.
consideration. have attached my curriculum vitae as well as two
5. look forward to hearing from you. letters of reference. thank you in advance for your

6. am available for an interview at your convenience. consideration and look forward to hearing from you.
ours faithfully,
F. anessa edding

Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing cover

ave Ss read through the outline and make sure they

understand what each paragraph should include when
writing a cover letter.
ead out and explain the T .


Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing formal cover letters

• Video activities: Boardsports
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
Tell Ss that they should write a cover letter responding to of the book.
the advertisement.

ave Ss read the advertisement and check understanding.

Tell Ss to refer to the letter in activity B, the set phrases
and expressions in activity E and the outline and T in

activity F, as well as the Writing section for the layout of

cover letters.

49 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 106 13/1/2021 11:48:28 πµ

E. Look at the set phrases and expressions F. When you are writing a cover letter, 3b
you can use in a cover letter. follow this outline.

am writing with regard

to your advertisement in... Use a formal greeting, not first names (Dear Sir/Madam,
(where). Dear Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss + surname).
Set phrases am writing to apply for
for opening the position of... (job) as OPENING PARAGRAPH
paragraph advertised in... (where) on... Use set phrases to:
(date). • state the position you are applying for.
• say where/when you saw the job advertised.
am interested in applying
for the job of... MAIN PART (2-3 PARAGRAPHS)
• State your age.
am currently working for/ • Describe your qualifications and experience.
at... • State your present/previous job.
am familiar with / • List any interests/hobbies you have that are relevant
Expressions experienced in / fluent in... to the job advertised.
for main part • Explain why you think you are suitable for the job
At present am... advertised.
believe am suitable for the
position of... CLOSING PARAGRAPH
Use set phrases to:
look forward to hearing • say whether you have attached a CV or a reference.

from you. • say that you hope your application will be taken into
hope my application will be consideration.
taken into consideration. SIGNING OFF

Set phrases am available for Use a formal signature ending ((Yours faithfully – when
for closing an interview at your you don’t know the name of the person you are writing
paragraph convenience.
have attached a copy of my
curriculum vitae describing
to. Yours sincerely – when you know the name
of the person you are writing to.) Write your
full name.
my ualifications and

Now rewrite the sentences in a more


formal manner using set phrases and

expressions from the box. When you are writing a cover letter:
1. ’m writing to you because want to ask  begin and end your letter with appropriate expressions.
 use formal language and write in a confident manner.
about the ad saw on the website.

 do not use short forms or abbreviations.

 identify the qualities required for the job (as stated in the
advertisement) and explain why you consider yourself suitable

for the job.

2. ight now ’ve got a job at the local baker’s.  don’t refer to your weaknesses.

3. can speak erman really well too. G. You have seen this advertisement and have decided to
apply for the job. Write your cover letter. Your letter
should be between 100-150 words.

4. hope you will think about hiring me. PART-TIME SALES ASSISTANT
Applicants must have previous f you meet these
sales experience re uirements, then please
5. Write back soon.
inimum age apply in writing to:
ood customer service skills manager.happyshoes
Enthusiastic and friendly manner
6. f you want to talk to me, can come and
see you any time you like. For the layout of formal emails go to the Writing section.

Video activities:

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 107 13/1/2021 11:48:28 πµ

3 Round-up
A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. ack picked up his racket and walked onto the to face his opponent.
a. court b. ring c. slope d. pitch
2. ockey players wear to protect their legs from injury.
a. vests b. gloves c. shin pads d. helmets
3. was so after running the marathon race that could hardly walk.
a. furious b. relaxed c. ama ed d. exhausted
4. want to do something in my free time, so ’ve decided to take an art class.
a. creative b. competitive c. active d. reliable
5. The woman in the tourist office was very to us.

a. nervous b. helpful c. delighted d. punctual
6. eter can never admit it when he has made a(n) .

a. decision b. favour c. mistake d. excuse
7. am doing my now could you stop making so much noise
a. well
8. The annual
b. best
of our family is about
c. plans
, euros.
at d. homework
a. salary b. income c. foreign exchange d. pay

9. Some people use facial rather than words to express how they feel.
a. gestures b. positions c. expressions d. appearance

10. The teacher asked to speak to Tim’s parents because of his bad in class.
a. research b. behaviour c. study d. intention

B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.


1. aul his homework he can go out now.

a. has finished b. has been finishing c. was finishing d. finishes

2. She has been living in ome two years.

a. since b. for c. already d. before

3. eter the house for weeks, but he doesn’t seem any closer to finishing it.
a. has painted b. was painting c. has been painting d. paints
4. ara an interest in tennis since she was a young girl.
a. has had b. has been having c. was having d. had
5. We go windsurfing than play tennis.
a. would rather b. should c. had better d. might
6. sushi before.
a. have never eaten b. have never been eating c. never eat d. was never eating
7. our leg looks much worse you go and see a doctor.
a. would rather b. need c. had better d. needn’t
8. ’d love to go out tonight, but can’t because prepare a presentation on climate change for tomorrow.
a. need b. have to c. mustn’t d. can
9. hilip in his office now just saw him leaving the building.
a. must be b. mustn’t be c. can’t be d. could be
10. ack not be able to make it to the art class tonight.
a. may b. can c. must d. could


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 108 13/1/2021 11:48:28 πµ

Round-up 3
Aims: • to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 3 through
various activities


1. a
2. c
3. d
4. a
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. b

1. a
2. b
3. c

4. a
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. a

50 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 109 13/1/2021 11:48:28 πµ

3 Round-up

1. c
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. a
8. a

1. since (last) saw
2. came across
3. has been taking drawing lessons
4. been to eru since
5. don’t have to
6. can’t be

7. might rain later

1. has been making
2. discovered
3. belonged
4. loved
5. found
6. has become
7. has been doing

8. has been hanging


51 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 110 13/1/2021 11:48:30 πµ

C. Read the text and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap. 3

Learning a Language 1. a. was increasing

b. increases
5. a. Although
b. Besides
c. has increased c. Next
The number of people spending their free time learning a foreign language
(1) in the last decade. This (2) be because, as the world has 2. a. could 6. a. improvement
developed and air travel has become cheaper, more and more people b. mustn’t b. advantage
are able to visit different countries. Also, more companies work on an c. had better c. convenience
international level and, therefore, if you know a foreign language, you 3. a. may 7. a. stimulating
(3) find that you have better job opportunities. t shows employers b. need b. ade uate
that you have the ability to work with people from different countries and c. have to c. appropriate
that you will be flexible about where you work. Learning a foreign language 4. a. atmosphere 8. a. willing
can be fun, and the friendly (4) of a language class will also provide b. court b. confident
you with the opportunity to meet new people with common interests. c. location c. enthusiastic
(5) this, knowledge of the language of a country you visit will make
you feel more confident as you will be able to communicate at a basic level with the local people. Another (6) of
learning a language is that it will help you understand the culture of the country you are visiting. So, if you’re looking for

something (7) to do in your free time, and you’re (8) to study, then why not try a language course

D. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.

Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. haven’t seen a film at the cinema for ages. since

t’s been ages at
found an old photo album while cleaning out some cupboards.
a film at the cinema.
an old photo album while cleaning out some

3. aria started taking drawing lessons a year ago. taking


aria for a year.

4. The last time eter was in eru was in . since
eter hasn’t .
5. t isn’t necessary for you to bring any money. have

ou bring any money.

6. am sure r Brown is not a gardener. be

r Brown a gardener.
7. The weather forecaster said there was a chance of rain later today. might
The weather forecaster said it today.

E. Complete the text with the Present Perfect Simple, the Present Perfect Progressive or the Past Simple of the
verbs in brackets.
Grandma s quilt to her grandmother who (4) (love)
knitting jumpers for her grandchildren and making patchwork
uilts. n that box, Ellie (5) (find) a
piece of unfinished uilt. That was it. er grandmother was
no longer there to help her, and it took Ellie a lot of practice,
reading and patience, but, in the end, she finished the uilt.
Since then, she (6) (become) an expert
in uilting and now owns a shop where people can look around
to find the perfect uilt. Business (7)
(do) so well for the past three years that she is thinking of
Ellie ingsley (1) (make) fabulous creating a website so people can order her uilts online. The
patchwork uilts for ages. But how did it all start any only thing in her shop that is not for sale is her grandmother’s
years ago, Ellie (2) (discover) an uilt, which (8) (hang) on a wall for
old box in her attic. t (3) (belong) all these years.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 111 13/1/2021 11:48:31 πµ

3 Round-up

You will hear people talking in six different Read the following and tick ( ) the appropriate
situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
answer a, b or c. to the relevant sections in the module.

1. ou overhear a conversation.
What time will the interview take place Now I can...
a. .  use words related to sports appropriately

b. .  use ‘strong’ adjectives to describe nouns
c. .  use expressions with do and make
 distinguish the difference in meaning

2. ou overhear a conversation. of words easily confused
What do the couple agree to do  form derivatives using suffixes

a. take diving lessons  use the resent erfect Simple and the
b. play a game of tennis resent erfect rogressive appropriately
c. sunbathe on the beach at
 use must,
must, have to and need to express

obligation, prohibition and absence

of necessity
3. ou overhear a conversation.  use would rather to express preference and

When is the marathon had better to give advice

a. in months  use may, might, could, must and can’t

b. in weeks to express possibility and make deductions

c. in weeks  skim a text to understand the gist


 scan a text to locate specific information


4. ou overhear a conversation.  understand text organisation and

What does the woman say about teaching reconstruct a gapped text

a. t is a hard job.  understand specific information in a short


b. She enjoys it. conversation and identify the picture that

corresponds to the information
c. The first lesson is the most enjoyable.

 understand specific information at a job

interview and answer uestions
5. ou overhear a conversation.

Where does the woman work  talk about leisure facilities and compare
a. in an office different ones
b. at a riding school  speculate on a topic and make a decision
c. on a farm

6. ou overhear a conversation.  write an informal email giving news

What time are they going to see the film  write a cover letter for a job

a. .
b. .
c. .


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 112 13/1/2021 11:48:31 πµ

Round-up 3
LIS T ENING CD2 11 - 22

ave Ss do the activity.

Alternatively, to challenge higher-performing Ss, you may
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the
options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, listen
and answer the uestions. To help lower-performing Ss,
you may eliminate one incorrect option in each situation.
Check the answers with the class.

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and ask Ss to read them.

Explain any unknown words.

Ask Ss to tick the points they feel confident about. For the
points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.


52 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 3.indd 113 13/1/2021 11:48:31 πµ

4 Planet Earth

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
am concerned because the media have constantly
been talking about these issues, and ’m now more
aware than before.
think war and hunger are the most serious problems
our planet faces. As far as environmental issues go,
consider global warming to be the most serious

ead out the points listed in the lick through the module
and find... section. Explain any unknown words.
Then ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

an article about life on an imaginary planet: p.

a conversation between two friends about global
warming: p.

an article about endangered animal species: p.

two advertisements for holidays close to nature: p.
advertisements about different environmental projects:

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

53 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 114 13/1/2021 12:05:10 µµ

Planet Earth 4
 Are you concerned about environmental
issues Why / Why not
 What do you consider to be the most
serious problems our planet faces

Flick through the module and find...

 an article about life on an imaginary planet
 a conversation between two friends about global warming
 an article about endangered animal species
 two advertisements for holidays close to nature
 advertisements about different environmental projects


In this module you will learn...

 to talk about life on our planet and the environment
 how to refer to the future using appropriate tenses
 how to express hypotheses about what is likely or
unlikely to happen in the future
 common units of measurement
 how to write an email and an article
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 115 13/1/2021 12:05:11 µµ

A. Discuss.
ave you ever done volunteer work for an organisation or charity
Do you think it is important to volunteer to help the environment
Why / Why not
B. Read the advertisements A-D quickly and match them with the pictures 1-4.

Why not consider volunteering
to save Planet Earth
There are
many opportunities available.
Here are just a few. 1

The world is experiencing a time of change. We are moving

from a ‘grey’ economy, based on habits that are harmful
to the environment, to a ‘green’ economy, based on the

understanding that we need to protect our environment. ow
will future generations meet these challenges olunteers
are needed for Earth Force. ou will help to train young and

interested high school students while they prepare themselves
for the green jobs of the future. oin today and help shape the
minds of tomorrow A at
The Ama on asin covers about seve
n million s uare
kilometres and is home to more than
. million species

of animals. t is one of Earth’s finest

treasures. owever,
by , logging will have reduced the si e of
the Ama on 3
rainforest by

. A CAma on is looking for voluntee

to help put an end to this before it is rs
too late. olunteers
will help scientists in their study of the
destruction of the
Ama on rainforest and its effects on
the ecosystem.m. ou will
have the opportunity to travel with scie
ntists through the

jungle in an experience of a lifetime.

Don’t miss out

With their
uni ue chain of islands
elp save the beaches of a etc h for miles, C. Read the advertisements again and answer
dy beaches that str
warm waters and white san

al pa rad ise. the questions 1-8. Write A, B, C or D in the

s dream of a tropic
the Bahamas are everyone’ ha s no t bee n boxes.
a, this island chain
ust off the coast of Florid elp to pu t an Which advertisement mentions...
until uite recently.
affected by development s is des tro yed . 1. an organisation that helps prepare young
uty of these island
end to this before the bea will
Center (CEC), volunteers people for new careers
With the Coastal Ecology pm ent on the
wing coastal develo 2. an organisation in which volunteers will
examine the effects of gro ll hel p com pare be helping people who have suffered
live nearby. ou wi
plants and animals which on . because of weather conditions
round informati
satellite images to on-the-g C 3. an organisation which is asking for people
with specific ualities
olunteer with abitat for umanity and create new homes 4. an organisation in which volunteers
for ndian families. elp a poor community live in safe will be using high technology to gather
housing. During this fifteen-day adventure, you will be information
helping families in Bhaleswa, near New Delhi, rebuild homes 5. an organisation in which volunteers will
which were destroyed by floods during the rainy season. ou be exploring the area they want to save
will be working with a team of local builders, community
6. the length of time individuals will be
members and the families who will eventually live in the doing volunteer work
houses you will have helped build. We are looking for cheerful
7. that we are seeing a change for the better
and hardworking people who have experience in construction
work. f you fit this description, then please join us 8. an area which was unharmed by human
activity in the past

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 116 13/1/2021 12:05:15 µµ

Functions Ask Ss to underline key words in the uestions that will
help them answer them. ou can tell Ss which key words to
Talking about the future underline in some of the uestions. This will help lower-
aking predictions performing Ss.
Alternatively, ask Ss to read the first paragraph and then read
Structures all the uestions. Tell Ss to decide if the information included
Future Tenses in the paragraph answers any of the uestions. Then ask
them to do the same with the other three paragraphs. This
Vocabulary will help lower-performing Ss do the activity.
ave Ss do the activity.
affect amount (n.) beauty builder challenge (n.) As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work with
cheerful community cover (v.) create lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their answers.
description destruction development eventually Encourage them to provide justification by referring to
fit (v.) generation hardworking harmful specific parts in the texts. This will build lower-performing
housing individual (n.) length logging Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class.
miss out planet reduce screen stretch (v.) Check the answers with the class.
train (v.) treasure uni ue

Words related to the environment 1. A (‘... while they prepare themselves for the green
canyon chain of islands coast coastal desert jobs of the future.’)
ecosystem environment flood (n.) jungle 2. D (‘... rebuild homes which were destroyed by floods
oasis ocean paradise plant (n.) polar ice cap during the rainy season.’)
pond rainforest sandy species tropical 3. D (‘We are looking for cheerful and hardworking people

who have experience in construction work. f you fit this
volunteer (v.)
4. C (‘ ou will help compare satellite images to on-the-
ground information.’)

5. B (‘ ou will have the opportunity to travel with scientists
A. (Pre-reading) through the jungle in an experience of a lifetime.’)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity 6. D (‘During this fifteen-day adventure, ...’)
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal

7. A (‘We are moving from a ‘grey’ economy, based on
habits that are harmful... to protect our environment.’)
8. C (‘... this island chain has not been affected by
development until uite recently.’)
Ask Ss the two uestions and discuss.

Ask a few comprehension uestions:

Suggested answers
es, once took part in a sea project helping sea turtles What exactly is changing in our attitude towards the

in reece. spent a few weeks on a reek island, environment? People are supporting an economy which
working on the protection of sea turtles and their promotes environmentally friendly practices and habits.
natural environment and also raising public awareness
on the matter. t was a wonderful experience. Why are scientists worried about the Amazon basin? because
think it is important to volunteer because if people by 2030 logging will have reduced the size of the Amazon
do not act on something that important, how can we rainforest by 40%

ever expect that governments and businesses will Why are the Bahamas considered to be a tropical paradise?
eople who feel strongly about certain environmental because they boast warm waters and white sandy beaches

problems must give their time and take action, or else What does volunteering for Habitat for Humanity involve?
nothing will ever be done about them. Volunteers will help build new homes for people whose
houses were destroyed by floods.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in reading for gist

• Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask them to describe from context
Ask Ss to read the texts uickly.
Then ask Ss to read the first text again and draw their Ask Ss to read through words - and meanings a-f.
attention to the phrase ... train young and interested high Explain to them that they should find these words in the
school students... and ask them which picture matches the text and guess their meaning from the context.
text. Elicit the answer picture 2. Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not
Ask Ss to follow the same procedure with the rest of the know the meaning of a word, the context can help them
texts. ou can have Ss work in groups. This will help infer it.
lower-performing Ss. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. Check the answers with the class.

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 1. d 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. c 6. b

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions and
then find the part of each text that answers each uestion.
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in the
texts in order to do the activity.
54 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 117 13/1/2021 12:05:17 µµ

E. (Post-reading) • Have Ss do the activity.
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic • Read out and explain the NOTE.
of the reading activity drawing on their own • Encourage Ss to provide their own examples.
experience • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book.
• Have higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing Ss.
• • Explain to Ss that you are going to write some time words/
• Ask Ss the question. phrases on the board and they have to write a sentence using
• Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. these words/phrases.
• Tell them that the first pair to write the sentence should stand
Suggested answer up. They get a point as long as they have used the correct
Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity is what would Future tense.
be the most appealing to me because it is a chance to • Write the following on the board (one at a time): at 3 o’clock
do something with people and not just for them. Also, tomorrow, by 5 o’clock, I promise, Look!
I am more interested in helping people and not just the • The pair(s) with the most points is/are the winner(s).
environment, or animals. Since I worked in construction
last summer, it’s perfect for me!
The Future will (will + base form) is used for
predictions: ‘Of course! Scientists say that in a hundred
VOC A BUL A RY years rainforests will not exist.’
The Future will (will + base form) is used for spontaneous
LE X IC A L SE T decisions: ‘In that case I’ll come with you.’
(GEOGR A PHIC A L F E AT URE S ) The Future be going to (am/is/are + going to + base form)
Aims: • to familiarise Ss with geographical features is used for people’s intentions or plans that have already

• been made: ‘Next July, Phil and I are going to volunteer
with ARCAmazon and help scientists save the Amazon
• Have Ss look at the words and the pictures and encourage rainforest.’
them to brainstorm other geographical features they may The Future progressive (will + be + -ing form) is used to

know. emphasise the duration of a future action: ‘During this
fifteen-day adventure, you will be helping families in
Suggested answer Bhaleswa, near New Delhi...’
Other geographical features may include: cave, volcano,
waterfall, etc.
The Future Perfect Simple (will + have + past participle)
is used for actions that will be completed before a specific
time or another action in the future: ‘However, by 2030,
logging will have reduced the size of the Amazon rainforest
GR A MM A R by 40%.’

Aims: • to help Ss revise Future tenses and their uses PR AC T ICE

• Aim: to give Ss practice in using Future tenses in context

A. • Draw Ss’ attention to the first gap, and ask them to tell you
• Ask Ss to read the examples, and draw their attention to the which Future tense function it tests. You can give them two
words in bold. options to choose from (e.g. a. a future prediction b. sth that has
• Ask Ss what they remember about Future will and Future be already been planned). This will help lower-performing Ss.
going to concerning formation and use.

• Ask Ss to follow the same procedure with the rest of the gaps.
• Remind Ss that we can also use the Present Progressive when • Have Ss do the activity.
we refer to future plans. • Check the answers with the class.
• Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.

• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book.

• Have Ss do the activity. 1. Are you going to watch
• Check the answer with the class. 2. will win
3. will be

c, a, b 4. are going to watch

5. ’ll call
6. wake up
B. 7. will have left
• Draw Ss’ attention to example sentence 1 and tell Ss that this 8. will be working / am going to work
9. ’ll give
is the Future Perfect Simple. Read the example aloud, and 10. get
draw Ss’ attention to the words in bold. 11. Will you be / Are you going to be
• Explain to Ss that this tense indicates that an action will have 12. get
been completed before a specific point in the future (by 2030). 13. am going to be / will be
• Draw Ss’ attention to example sentence 2, and tell Ss that
this is the Future Progressive.
• Ask them to tell you what they notice about its formation
(will be + -ing form) and its use (it is used to talk about actions
that will be in progress at a specific time in the future). • Write global warming on the board, and ask Ss to note it
• Ask Ss to underline the time expression During this fifteen- down.
day adventure and come up with their own examples using • Tell them that they are going to do some research at
the Future Progressive and this time expression. home and find out what it might refer to. Ask them to
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book. take notes of the information they find and bring them
• Have Ss do the activity. to the next lesson.
• Check the answers with the class. • This will stimulate Ss’ interest in the topic of the next
lesson and will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence,
as they will have already been exposed to what is going
When will that happen? a to be discussed.
What is emphasised? b
55 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 4.indd 118 11/11/2022 11:13:25 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words highlighted in
the text with their meanings.
1. species GRAMMAR
2. logging FUTURE TENSES
3. ecosystem A. Read the dialogue and match the phrases in bold with their functions a-c.
4. images A: Next July, Phil and I are going to volunteer with the ARCAmazon and help scientists
save the Amazon rainforest. Would you like to come with us?
5. community
B: I’m not sure. I have no plans for July, but is it so important?
6. floods A: Of course! Scientists say that in in a hundred years rainforests will not exist.
B: In that case, I’ll come with you.
a. pictures
b. large amounts of water a. a future prediction
covering an area b. something that someone has just decided to do
c. a group of people living c. something that someone has already planned to do
in an area B. Look at the extracts from the text and answer the questions.
d. types of plants or 1. However, by 2030, logging will have 2. During this fifteen-day adventure, you will be
animals reduced the size of the Amazon helping families in Bhaleswa, near New Delhi...
e. the action of cutting rainforest by 40%. What is emphasised

down trees a. a point of time in the future
When will that happen
f. the plants and animals b. the duration of a future action
a. before
in an area
b. after

E. Discuss. C. Decide which of the examples from activities A and B match the rules.
Which of the volunteer The Future will (will base form) is used for predictions.
opportunities in the
advertisements seems the most
The Future will (will base form) is used for spontaneous decisions.
The Future be going to (am/is/are going to base form) is used for people’s
appealing to you Why intentions or plans that have already been made.
The Future rogressive (will be -ing form) is used to emphasise the

duration of a future action.

LEXICAL SET The Future erfect Simple (will have past participle) is used for actions
(GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES) that will be completed before a specific time or another action in the future.

Look at the group of words. How

many other words describing • The Present Progressive is used when referring to people’s plans

geographical features do you and arrangements.

know? • When referring to the future, use will in the main clause, but
use a Present tense in the time clause (i.e. after when, as soon

as, until, till, before, after and by the time), e.g. You will help
to train young and interested high school students while they

prepare themselves for the green jobs of the future.


Complete the dialogues with the Future will, the Future be going to, the
pond ocean Present Simple, the Future Progressive or the Future Perfect of the verbs
in brackets.
A: (1) (you / watch) the game tonight
B: Of course. Do you think the Allstars (2) (win)
A: No way think it (3) (be) an exciting game, though.
B: e too. Listen, ack and (4) (watch) the game at
Sportcaf . t has a huge screen. Do you want to come
A: eah, it sounds like fun.
B: O . (5) (call) ack now and tell him you’re coming.
desert oasis A: have to wake up at . tomorrow because have an early meeting.
B: Well, by the time you (6) (wake up),
(7) (leave).
A: Where are you going
B: To erth. have a lot of meetings and (8) (work)
all day. (9) (give) you a call as soon as
(10) (get) there.
A: O . (11) (you / be) at home when (12)
(get) back in the evening
canyon polar ice cap B: No, (13) (be) late ’m afraid.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 119 13/1/2021 12:05:32 µµ

Listening & reading
A. Discuss.
What do you know about global warming
What will happen if the Earth’s temperature continues to rise
Do you think there are any advantages to global warming

B. Listen to the dialogue. What advantages to C. Read the dialogue and answer the
global warming does Josh mention? questions.
Josh ou know, don’t see what the fuss is all about. 1. What does ichard mean when he tells osh
ersonally, hate cold weather. lobal warming means that he will be able to swim in his back garden
can go swimming all year round, so, for all care, let it get 2. ow does ichard see things according to osh
warmer and warmer. 3. ow would osh save money if the Earth’s
Richard Are you totally insane, osh aven’t you understood
temperature rose
a word of what scientists have been saying f the
temperature keeps rising, the polar ice caps will continue 4. ow will people living in southern regions deal
to melt. As a result, sea levels will rise causing massive with extreme heat according to osh
flooding. And, yes, you will be able to go swimming all 5. What does osh say could happen to the price

year round in your back garden of petrol if global warming continues
Josh Nonsense So what Some towns that are miles away from
the sea will become beach resorts. sn’t that wonderful

ou see, your problem is that you keep focusing on the
disadvantages. f you weren’t so negative, you would be D. Look at the expressions highlighted in the
dialogue and decide when each of them is used.
able to see all the advantages of global warming.
What advantages
Well, for starters, if the weather gets even warmer, we
at1. when something is not
will save a lot of money on winter clothes. No more hats,
2. when someone is not worried
boots and heavy coats. could wear my T-shirts every day

and show off my big muscles 3. when there is no possibility

Richard Don’t you understand that people who live in southern of changing someone
regions would suffer from extreme heat

4. when someone mentions the

Josh don’t see what the big deal is. f it gets too hot for people first point in a list
living in the South, they will simply go to the North to
5. when someone can’t do
cool off. mean, we’ve been going South for years to get
something and stops trying

Richard es, but...

Josh Don’t interrupt me. Now, if the polar ice caps were
smaller in si e, it would be easier to dig for oil in the

Arctic, which would mean cheaper petrol for us. Think E. Discuss.
about how much more often we could use our cars We Whose opinion of global warming do you agree
could go for nice long drives in the countryside with Why

Richard give up osh, you are a hopeless case


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 120 13/1/2021 12:05:34 µµ

Functions ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
eferring to conditions and their results with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
Talking about imaginary situations answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
Expressing opinion referring to specific parts in the dialogue. This will build
lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in
Structures class.
Conditional Sentences (Types ) Check the answers with the class.

1. that a lot of cities will also flood along with the one
alternative (adj.) countryside disturb extreme they both live in
fuss give in give up interrupt level muscle 2. osh thinks that ichard is a negative person and he
obvious raise (v.) show off simply only sees disadvantages to everything.
3. e wouldn’t have to buy heavy winter clothing.
Words related to global warming 4. They will have to move to the North.
climate cool off energy flooding fossil fuel 5. The price of petrol would go down.
global warming heat melt oil petrol
after all according to big deal for all care Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions:
for starters hopeless case So what
Who hates cold weather? Josh

According to scientists, why will sea levels rise? because ice
LIS T ENING & RE A DING CD2 26 at the polar ice caps will melt if temperatures keep going up
A. Why does Josh like the idea of wearing T-shirts? He wants to
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge show off his muscles.

• to prepare Ss for the listening/reading task
• D.
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. at
Aims: to help Ss identify the meaning and register of
colloquial expressions
Suggested answers
lobal warming refers to the increase in the average ave Ss read the highlighted expressions and ask them to
guess their meanings.

temperature of the planet. t happens when pollution holds

heat from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere. t is caused Elicit answers and then tell Ss to match them with the
mainly by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. situations - .

t will become impossible to live on some islands and Check the answers with the class.
coastal areas. There will be an increase in extreme Ask Ss to make sentences using the highlighted expressions.
weather and natural disasters, as well as an increase in This will challenge higher-performing Ss.
illnesses. Also, there will not be enough water either to Write some of these sentences on the board without writing
drink or use for farming purposes in some areas. the expressions.
t will make it possible to grow food in new parts of Ask Ss to complete the sentences. This will give lower-

the world, like reenland. eople will enjoy longer and performing Ss extra practice.
warmer summers in some parts of the world.

1. So what
B. 2. for all care
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific 3. hopeless case
information 4. for starters

ave Ss read the uestion in the rubric. 5. give up

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if
Advantages of global warming ( osh’s version):
eople can swim throughout the whole year. E. (Post-reading)
Some cities away from the beach will become summer Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
resorts. of the reading activity drawing on their own
eople will save a lot of money on clothes, since they experience
will never have to purchase heavy items of clothing.
f the polar ice caps melt, then it will be easier to dig
for oil, so transport will become cheaper. Ask Ss the uestion.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.

C. Suggested answer
Aims: to give Ss practice in reading for specific agree with ichard. t may be true that there will be
information advantages for some areas, but most people in the world
• will suffer a lot. Also, most scientists agree with him. f
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions you think about it, global warming is actually caused by
and then find the part of the text where they are answered. the type of lifestyle osh likes so much. e only thinks of
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check himself

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ave Ss do the activity. Tell Ss that the first extract is an
VOC A BUL A RY example of Conditional Sentence Type and the second
WORDS E A SILY CONF USED extract is an example of Conditional Sentence Type . This
Aims: • to give Ss practice in using topic related will help lower-performing Ss.
vocabulary in context and distinguishing ead out and explain the NOTE.
between words easily confused

will, can must, may, might or
ave Ss do the activity. Ô should base form
f resent Simple Ô
Check the answers with the class.

1. rise 6. petrol f ast Simple Ô would, could base form

2. raise 7. warm
3. interrupt 8. hot
4. disturb 9. give up efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
5. oil 10. gave in
Aim: to give Ss practice in using Conditional Sentences
GR A MM A R Types 1 and 2 in context
( T Y PE S 1 & 2) Draw Ss’ attention to the sentence containing the first gap

Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of Conditional Sentences and ask them to underline the polar ice caps will disappear.
types 1 and 2 Ask Ss to tell you which tense is used in this sentence and
• elicit the answer the uture will’.
Then refer Ss to the rammar activity B and ask them

A. which tense they should use to complete the first gap. Elicit
Ask Ss to read through example sentence and tell the answer the Present Simple.
you what they notice about the formation and use of
Conditional Sentences Type .
Write the following sentence on the board: If you don’t
Tell Ss to follow the same procedure with the rest of the
gaps. This will help lower-performing Ss.
ave Ss do the activity.
practise, you won’t win the tennis match. Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss which of the following sentences with unless has the
same meaning as the one on the board:

nless you practise, you won’t win the tennis match. (3) 1. continues
nless you practise, you will win the tennis match. ( ) 2. heat
Explain to Ss that unless means the same as if not and is 3. melts

followed by a verb in affirmative form to express if not. 4. don’t use

efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. 5. ’ll destroy
Ask them to come up with their own examples using 6. could
Conditional Sentences Type . 7. would make
Ask Ss to read through example sentence and tell you 8. doesn’t need

when Conditional Sentences Type are used (we use them 9. is

to refer to the present or future and express something that 10. runs
is unlikely to happen or to refer to unreal or imaginary 11. stops / will stop

situations). 12. stopped

Write the following on the board for Ss to complete: 13. will be
If + .., would / / might + (If + ast
Simple, would / could / might + base form)form

Explain to Ss that although we are referring to present or WORKBOOK LISTENING CD2 27

future situations, we use the ast Simple. The ast Simple
here is an unreal past used to refer to unreal conditions o to the listening transcript.
in the present. oint out to Ss that the ast Simple in
Conditional Sentences Type doesn’t indicate past time. t
is used to show that something is unlikely to happen.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
ave Ss answer the uestions.
Check the answers with the class.

the future
es, he does.
es, osh thinks ichard is negative and that he can’t see
the advantages of global warming.
the present

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Vocabulary & grammar
Circle the word that best CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (TYPES 1 & 2)
completes each sentence. A. Look at the extracts from the dialogue and answer the questions.
1. eter stood and watched the smoke 1. If the temperature keeps rising, the polar ice caps will continue to melt.
raise / rise from the burning Does the sentence refer to the past or the future
building. Does he think that this is likely to happen
2. The teacher asked her students to 2. If you weren’t so negative, you would be able to see all the advantages of
raise / rise their hands before they global warming.
ask a uestion. According to osh, is ichard negative Does he see the advantages of
3. ’ve told you before not to disturb / global warming
interrupt me when ’m talking. Does the sentence refer to the present or past
4. lease turn that music down. B. Look at the extracts from the dialogue again and complete the rules.
ou will disturb / interrupt your
brother he’s studying for an exam. Conditional Sentences Type 1 express something which is likely to
happen in the present or future.

5. ra is one of the world’s leading will, can, must, may, might or should base form
oil / petrol producers. if 

6. emind me to stop at the first oil /
Conditional Sentences Type 2 express something imaginary/unreal or

petrol station we find.
unlikely to happen in the present or future.
7. The cat lay down on the floor and
sunned itself in the hot / warm
if ast Simple 
at , could base form

• The Zero Conditional ((if or when + Present Simple  Present Simple)


8. The food was too hot / warm to eat

so we left it to cool down. is used for general truths. e.g, If water freezes, it turns into ice.
9. Don’t give up / give in on your • Unless is used instead of if... not. e.g. I won’t believe you unless I see

dreams keep on trying until you it (if I don’t see it) myself.
succeed. • If I were you is often used to express an opinion or give advice.

10. Finally, the teacher gave up / gave

in to the students’ re uest to go on
an excursion.
Charlotte i, ichael. like your new car.
PRACTICE Michael Thanks Actually, just bought it a week ago and ’m

Complete the dialogues with the correct really excited.

form of the verbs in brackets. Charlotte There’s something about it... t looks different from

other cars ’ve seen.

Paul i, ack. What are you up to Michael That’s because it’s an electric car. t uses electricity
Jack ’m just doing some research on the nternet about rather than petrol.

climate change. Did you know that if the planet Charlotte Oh, ’ve heard about that. t sounds really
(1) (continue) to get interesting, and if the car (8)
warmer, the polar ice caps will disappear (not need) petrol, it (9) (be)
Paul guess that’s obvious. After all, if you definitely better for the environment.
(2) (heat) ice, it Michael Exactly There are some disadvantages, though. f
(3) (melt). the battery (10) (run) out,
Jack bet you don’t know what causes climate change. then the car (11) (stop).
Paul know that burning fossil fuels increases the Charlotte That’s a bit risky. magine what would happen if the
planet’s temperature. car suddenly (12) (stop) in
Jack That’s right, and if we (4) the middle of the road
(not use) alternative sources of energy more, Michael t doesn’t work like that. The car gives a warning
we (5) (destroy) the planet. signal. So, you have time to go and recharge the
Paul es, but they’re more expensive, aren’t they battery. They’re becoming really popular too. think
that if this keeps up, in a few years there
Jack Well, if (6) (can),
(13) (be) more electric cars
(7) (make) fossil fuels
than petrol cars on the roads.
more expensive so that people wouldn’t use them.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 123 13/1/2021 12:05:35 µµ

Listening & speaking
You will hear people talking in four different situations. For questions 1-4, choose the best answer a, b or c.
1. ou overhear a conversation. What did the man forget 3. ou overhear a conversation. Why does the man
a. a can change his mind about fishing
b. a juice carton a. e saw a flash of lightning.
c. a bottle b. e saw dark clouds.
c. The sea was rough.
2. ou overhear a conversation. What will the man do
first 4. ou hear a man and woman talking. What do they
a. go for a swim have a different opinion about
b. take a photograph a. using public transport
c. go under the waterfall b. changing their lifestyles
c. recycling
A. Talk in pairs. Look at the advertisements for two holidays and decide which you would prefer to go on and

why. You can use some of the words and expressions in the boxes.

Ecotourism holiday in

expedition to
Costa Rica Madagascar

 Stay in an environmentally-friendly
hotel located in a nature reserve

 Unique opportunity to explore the

rainforests of Costa Rica  See amazing wildlife including the
Madagascan Lemur
 Take part in various conservation projects,  Enjoy unspoilt sandy beaches and
e.g. carry out surveys of endangered turtles crystal clear aquamarine waters
on the beach
 Take a boat trip along the impressive
 Learn new skills coastline and go diving and snorkelling
 Make a difference to the environment

active relaxing educational challenging

B. Discuss.
What are the advantages of ecotourism
would prefer to go to... because... Do you think that you do enough to protect
think... is better... because it will give us the opportunity to... the environment Why / Why not
don’t think we should go to... because... What can individuals do to protect the


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Talking about advantages and disadvantages SA: But what about the trip to adagascar This one is
Expressing preference and justifying more relaxing for sure as we’ll get to spend a lot of time
Expressing opinion, agreement and disagreement on the beach. Although, it’s still an active holiday with
aking suggestions all the swimming and snorkeling that’s on offer. And
we’ll get to see a adagascan Lemur
Vocabulary SB: Now ’ve always wanted to see one of those they’re so
argument attract aware located damage (v.) SA: Well, maybe we should choose adagascar then. We’ll
be staying in an environmentally-friendly hotel too,
demonstration diving editor educational which will be a uni ue experience for both of us.
effective explore flash of lightning issue (n.) SB: t does sound like fun, but think the trip to Costa ica
leaflet plan (v.) protest (v.) public transport is probably better because it will give us the chance
resident sign (v.) skill snorkelling survey to do something to help protect the environment and
threat town council traffic congestion really make a difference. What also like about this trip
is that we get to learn about endangered species and
Words related to environmental issues even explore parts of the rainforest.
coastline conservation project crystal clear SA: es, that’s true. But on the trip to adagascar, we’ll be
staying in a nature reserve, so we’ll learn about the local
endangered environmentally friendly litter (n.) wildlife there too.
nature reserve pollution recycling turtle SB: t’s a difficult decision, but still think we should
unspoilt wildlife go to Costa ica. t’s such a great opportunity to do
something positive. And we’ll learn some new skills too,
Phrases like how to do surveys of animals and things like that.
at all costs change one’s mind in favour of SA: ou’re right. So, Costa ica it is

make a difference take action
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and

expand on the topic of the speaking activity
LIS T ENING CD2 28 - 35
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific
information and answering multiple-choice
Explain to Ss that they will hear people talking in four
Ask Ss the uestions and elicit answers.
Suggested answers
different situations. The main advantage of ecotourism is that is doesn’t harm
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. the environment. t’s also educational, and it teaches

ou may modify the activity from multiple-choice to people about the world around them.
open-ended uestions. Write uestions - on the board do try to help protect the environment. have installed
(without the options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their energy-saving light bulbs at home, don’t leave the water

running when brush my teeth, and even shower to save

books, listen and answer the uestions. This will challenge water. owever, probably could do more.
higher-performing Ss.. Alternatively, eliminate one think people can help protect the environment by
option. This will help lower-performing Ss.Ss. changing their habits. For example, they can try to use
Check the answers with the class. less water. Another way people can help is by walking
or riding a bicycle or using public transport instead of

driving. What is more, believe that everybody should

1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a start recycling.


Aims: to give Ss practice in discussing the pros and cons A.

of two options and expressing preference Aims: to activate Ss’ background knowledge
to prepare Ss for the writing task
Divide Ss into pairs. ave higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss. ave Ss go through the environmental problems in the
Explain that Ss should look at the two advertisements and box and check understanding.
discuss the pros and cons of each holiday and then say Ask the uestions and discuss. efrain from providing too
which they would prefer. much input on measures taken by local residents as this is
ave Ss read the advertisements, the vocabulary box and part of activity C on the same page.
the useful expressions and check understanding. Ask them
to make an effort to use them in the activity.
o round the class helping Ss when necessary. Suggested answers
We have a lot of air pollution because there are factories
nearby. There is water pollution from the ships in the port.
Suggested answer Litter is not picked up as often as it should be. There is
SA: think that both holidays look really interesting, no public transport in my area, so everybody gets around
by car, creating traffic congestion. The buildings where
don’t you live are very close together and there is a lack of parks.
SB: Definitely. The trip to Costa ica is probably the more Destruction of forests is a big problem in my country.
educational of the two. ou can really learn a lot there There is more logging every year.
by taking part in the different conservation projects. There are some things residents can do themselves, for
example join a volunteer group that looks out for forest
fires or join beach clean-up efforts. owever, many of
these problems need action by the local government. n
order for that to happen, residents must express their
opinions in various ways.
58 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 125 19/1/2021 12:14:56 µµ

B. Tell them to read through the uestions and make sure they
Aim: to help Ss understand the prompts and relate them understand what each part of an informal email should
to the required response include.
Tell Ss to read the email that anessa has written and
answer the uestion in the rubric. SUGGESTED OUTLINE
What greeting will you use
She asks you to say whether you intend to sign a petition Dear Vanessa,
against the construction of a golf course and propose other O EN N A A A
types of action that the residents can take. What set phrase will you use to begin your email
I was glad to receive your email / It was nice to hear from you...
C. Why are you writing to your friend
Aims: to give Ss practice in brainstorming before to reply to her and respond to what she says in her email
writing an email AN A T
What points do you have to respond to
. Signing the petition or not
First have Ss think of the uestions individually. Ask them . Alternative ways of stopping the building of the golf course
to note down any ideas they can think of. n this way, you ow will you organise these points into paragraphs
ensure that all Ss will come up with their own ideas. 1st para: say if you are signing or not
Then divide Ss into pairs. ou can have lower-performing 2nd para: Alternative ways of stopping the building of the golf
Ss work with higher-performing Ss so that the former feel course
more confident. Encourage Ss to exchange opinions and CLOS N A A A

allow them some time to prepare their answers. s there anything you want to emphasise
Set a time limit of maximum five minutes and have Ss do We have to protect the environment at all costs.
the activity. What set phrase will you use to end your email
ave each pair share their ideas in class. Well, I hope that I’ve been of some use. Write soon to tell me

what happened with the golf course.
Suggested answers What signature ending will you use
Give opinion about plan
What are the advantages of building the golf course?
Local residents might improve their exercising habits.
All the best,

What are the disadvantages?
t might increase litter and traffic congestion in the area, and E.
it’s likely to damage wildlife nearby. Aims: to give Ss practice in writing an email based on

Do you think the disadvantages are greater than the advantages? prompts
es, do. The safety and protection of the plants, animals
and natural landscape are much more important to me than

any financial benefits the golf course might bring. As for Tell Ss that they should write an email to anessa including
exercising, very few people play golf, whereas everyone can the prompts, the notes from activity C and the outline from
enjoy walks along the coastline, so that is not a good reason for activity D. Allow Ss to use extra ideas. This will challenge
making a golf course.
Should the environment be protected at all costs? higher-performing Ss.
es, think so. There has been so much destruction of natural Encourage them to refer to the Writing section for the layout

environments already in the world it is time to stop. Wildlife and set phrases they can use when writing their email.
should be valued more and protected at all costs.
Say whether you will sign
Model answer

Do you think people should take action to protect the environment ?

es, definitely. The beautiful coastline and the wildlife there From: rogervas ue
is precious and it would be terrible if it were harmed. eople To: vanessabrooks
should sign the petition and do whatever they can to protect Subject: olf course petition
the environment in our area.

Will signing the petition help stop the town council from building Dear anessa,
the golf course?
t depends on the number of people who sign the petition and t was good to hear from you after so long Thanks for
on combined actions such as media coverage. enerally, informing me about the important issue of the golf course.
think that the petition is a good thing.
Suggest understand that building a golf course would enable local
How effective would these be? residents to improve their exercising habits as more people
think that all of these suggestions would be effective. The would be likely to consider taking up the sport. owever,
more local residents do, the more likely it is that the town will definitely sign the petition against it as think the
council will change its mind and pay attention to residents’ disadvantages are greater than the advantages. A golf course
objections to their plan. in your area would bring litter and traffic congestion to a
Can you think of some other action the residents can take? beautiful part of the coastline, and would also be harmful to
a radio interview with a spokesperson for the group of residents
articles in local news websites about problems the golf course the wildlife.
will create Another idea that could be effective would be to organise
send emails to all the residents of the area to inform them a demonstration and invite the local news websites to send
about the problem
reporters. They will be able to see how many people support
the issue and to hear your side of the story.
The most important thing is to inform more and more people.
D. eep up the good work and let me know what you decide to do
Aims: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing an next.
informal email
Bye for now,
ave Ss copy the outline in their notebooks.
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An email
A. Discuss.
Do you face any of these problems in the area where you live
air pollution water pollution litter traffic congestion
lack of parks and open spaces destruction of forests

What do you think you and other residents are able to do about these problems
B. You have received an email from an English-speaking friend of yours informing you about an environmental
problem and asking for your help. Read your friend’s email. What does your friend ask you to do?

From: Vanessa
Subject: Golf course problem
I’m writing to tell you about a problem we have in our town. The town council is planning to build a huge golf
course along our unspoilt coastline. This has caused a lot of discussions and arguments in our town because not
everyone is in favour of it. You see, building this golf course will damage the sand dunes on the coastline and this

could have a bad effect on the wildlife in the area. As I feel very strongly about protecting the environment, I got
together a large group of local residents who feel the same way as I do. We have written a petition asking the
town council not to build the golf course and I was wondering if you would be interested in signing it. You can

sign at We plan to do more things to make people aware of the threat this project poses to
the environment. If you have any ideas about what we could do, drop us a line.
Take care,
Vanessa at
C. Focus on each of the points in your D. Complete the outline for your email by answering the questions.
friend’s email that you have to respond to,

and try to come up with ideas.

give opinion about plan What greeting will you use?

What are the advantages of building the golf

What are the disadvantages What set phrase will you use to begin your emai

Do you think the disadvantages are greater than

the advantages Why are you writing to your friend?

Should the environment be protected at all costs

say whether you will sign MAIN PART

What points do you have to respond to?

Do you think people should take action to

protect the environment
Will signing the petition help stop the town How will you organise these points into parag
council from building the golf course


Is there anything you want to emphasise?
ow effective would these be
an outdoor concert to attract What set phrase will you use to end your emai
publicity to the issue
a demonstration to protest against SIGNING OFF
the golf course What signature ending will you use?
sending emails to the editor of the
local news website
handing out leaflets to inform more E. Write an email to your friend based on the outline you have
people about the problem made and using some of the ideas from the brainstorming
activity C. Your email should be between 100-150 words.
Can you think of some other action the
residents can take For the layout of emails and set phrases you can use, go to the
Writing Section. 59

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 127 13/1/2021 12:05:45 µµ

A. Discuss. B. Read the text quickly and answer the
Can you think of any animal species that are question.
What is the writer’s attitude about protecting
Why do you think so many animal species have
lesser-known animal species
become endangered in recent years
a. e/She is in favour of it.

b. e/She is against it.
c. e/She does not express his/her opinion.


According to the CN ed List, there are thousands of
animal species on the endangered list. Some of the reasons

these animals are endangered include pollution, climate
change and the destruction of their natural habitats. ost
of us are aware that gorillas and tigers are endangered, but
there are some lesser-known creatures that are also likely to
die out soon or have already disappeared.
One example is the kakapo, a type of parrot which is found
in New ealand. These birds can’t fly, and they build their taken the last remaining birds to protected islands that are

nests on the ground. They eat nuts, seeds and fruit, and predator-free. This has helped the animals to breed and
they sometimes climb trees in search of food. The kakapo therefore has increased the number of kakapo in recent
is the heaviest parrot in the world, weighing about three years.

kilograms. There were once hundreds of thousands of Another example of an unusual endangered creature is the
kakapo in existence, but today there are only about left. omodo dragon, which lives on the Lesser Sunda slands
These birds are endangered because they are easy prey for in ndonesia. The omodo dragon is the largest li ard
cats and rats their weight and their inability to fly make it on Earth, weighing around kilograms on average and

difficult for them to escape their predators

predators.. n order to save measuring up to three metres in length. llegal hunting
the kakapo, New ealand conservation authorities have is the main cause of this creature’s endangerment, and, at

present, there are only a few thousand omodo dragons

in existence. n order to protect the remaining omodo
dragons, national parks and reserves were created on
several islands including omod, inca, adar and Flores.

Finally, few people have heard of the onteverde golden

toad, another exotic creature that features on the extinct
species list. The male toad was about five centimetres long
and its skin was orange and very shiny. undreds of golden
toads used to live in the tropical forests near the town of
onteverde in Costa ica, but the last time a golden toad
was seen was in . Nowadays, scientists believe that the
golden toad disappeared as a result of climate change.

C. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write T, F or NM in the boxes.
1. There are several reasons why certain species are dying out.
2. t is more difficult to protect lesser-known creatures from extinction.
3. The kakapo is endangered because it is hunted by other animals.
4. The kakapo is disappearing faster than any other species.
5. The omodo dragon’s greatest enemy is man.
6. The authorities have moved the omodo dragon to a safer environment.
7. The onteverde golden toad may still be alive.
8. esearchers think climate change has played no role in the disappearance of the golden toad.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 128 13/1/2021 12:05:46 µµ

Functions C.
Aims: to give Ss practice in reading for details
Talking about animal wildlife
Talking about si e and uantity
oint out to Ss that first they should read the statements
Structures and then find the corresponding parts of the text.
Nouns -Articles - Determiners Ask Ss to read through statements - and check
Vocabulary Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
the texts in order to do the activity.
at present authorities be aware capacity Ask Ss to underline where they found the answer in the
cause (n.) die out existence feature (v.) text.
in search of inability likely measure (v.) nut ave Ss do the activity.
predator remaining researcher shiny skin Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to correct the
turn into up to weigh weight false sentences. This will challenge higher-performing Ss.
Words related to animals
ant bird breed (v.) butterfly cobra creature 1. T (‘Some of the reasons these animals are
crocodile deer eagle exotic fly (n.) goose endangered include pollution, climate change and
habitat hunt (v.) hunting illegal insect the destruction of their natural habitats.’)
kangaroo li ard mammal monkey nest 2. N
parrot peacock pigeon prey rat reptile 3. T (‘These birds are endangered because they are easy

seed tortoise prey for cats and rats ...’)
4. N
Units of measurement 5. T (‘ llegal hunting is the main cause of this
centimetre foot gallon gram inch

creature’s endangerment, ...’)
kilogram kilometre litre metre mile 6. F (‘ n order to protect the remaining omodo
millilitre ounce pint pound uart stone dragons, national parks and reserves were created on
tonne yard
at several islands...’)
7. F (... the last time a golden toad was seen was in
8. F (‘Nowadays, scientists believe that the golden toad
disappeared as a result of climate change.’)

A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal

Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge

experience higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss
• understand why these sentences are false.
Ask a few comprehension uestions:
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

What are the main reasons for which certain species are
Suggested answers endangered? destruction of their natural habitats, pollution
Some examples of endangered species are tigers, sea and climate change

turtles, gorillas and elephants. What do kakapos feed on? nuts, seeds and fruit
think that many animal species have become endangered
because their natural environment has been reduced. Also, What did the New ealand authorities do to save them?
water pollution and overfishing may be possible reasons They took the last remaining kakapos to protected islands

for this. away from their predators.

What makes the Komodo dragon unique? It’s the largest
lizard in the world, weighing around 0 kilograms and
B. measuring up to 3 metres.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in reading for gist What did the local authorities do to protect the Komodo
• dragon from extinction? They created national parks and
reserves on several islands including Komod, Rinca, Padar
Ask Ss to read the uestion and options a-c and check and lores.
understanding. What did the onteverde toad look like? It was five
ave Ss read through the text uickly and do the activity. centimetres long and it had shiny, orange skin.
Ask Ss to justify their answer. This will challenge higher- Where did it use to live? in the tropical forests near the town
performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss understand of onteverde in Costa Rica
why this is the correct answer.
When was the onteverde toad seen for the last time and why?
It was last seen in 1 , and it disappeared as a result of
c climate change, according to scientists.

60 TB

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Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning a. ml
from context b. l / t
c. km / mi
d. cm / in
Ask Ss to read through words - and their meanings a-g. e. m / yd
Explain to them that they should find these words in the f. o
text and guess their meaning from the context. g. g
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not h. kg / lb
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them i. tonnes
infer it. j. ft
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. e 2. d 3. g 4. f 5. a 6. c 7. b

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

E. (Post-reading)
Aims: to help Ss expand on the topic of the reading

activity drawing on their own experience

Ask Ss the uestions.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.

Suggested answer
would donate, even if it would help to save a single
endangered species. t doesn’t have to be one of the well-
known ones


1. LE X IC A L SE T ( A NIM A L S )
Aims: to familiarise Ss with types of animals

ave Ss look at the words and the pictures and encourage


them to brainstorm other animals they may know of that

belong in the same groups.

Suggested answers
Mammals: tiger, lion, puma, ape, giraffe, etc.
Birds: hawk, duck, parrot, etc.

Reptiles: iguana, alligator, turtle, python, boa, etc.

Insects: cockroach, grasshopper, beetle, termite,
ladybird, etc.

Aims: to familiarise Ss with units of measurement

Explain to Ss that there are different systems of

measurement used in different parts of the world and
that they should be able to do the basic conversions when
travelling or buying products from abroad.
o through the tables with the Ss and provide basic
examples (e.g. metres vs feet).
ave Ss do the activity and remind them that in some
cases there may be more than one answer.
ou can give Ss two options to choose from to answer item
a (e.g. s it g or ml ) and item b (e.g. s it l or kg ). This will
help lower-performing Ss.
Check the answers with the class.

61 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 130 14/1/2021 11:40:45 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words/phrases highlighted 2. LEXICAL SET (UNITS OF MEASUREMENT)
in the text with their meanings.
Look at the tables and label the pictures. In some cases
1. are aware a. which still exist there may be more than one correct answer.
2. die out b. appears LENGTH WEIGHT
c. have babies centimetre (cm) . inch gram (g) . ounce
3. prey d. disappear
metre (m) . feet kilogram (kg) . pounds
4. predators e. know
f. animals which kill kilometre (km) . mile tonne kilograms
5. remaining
and eat other animals inch (in) . centimetres ounce (o ) . grams
6. breed g. animals which foot (ft) . centimetres pound (lb) grams
7. features another animal eats yard (yd) . metre stone (st) . kilograms
E. Discuss. mile (mi) . kilometres
Would you donate money to help save any of the
animals mentioned in the text Why / Why not CAPACITY
millilitre (ml) . pint
VOCABULARY litre (l) . pints

1. LEXICAL SET (ANIMALS) pint (pt) . litre
Look at the groups of words. How many words uart ( t) . litres b

can you add to each group? gallon (gal) . litres



Portsmouth d

Pu goose












Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 131 13/1/2021 12:05:57 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar

NOUNS – ARTICLES – DETERMINERS A. Complete the texts with a, an, the, some or -.
ave you ever seen (1) Bengal tiger saw one up close when
A. Read the examples and circle the correct was in (2) ndia last year, and believe these tigers are
words to complete the rules. (3) most magnificent animals in the world. They have two
The sun is a star, not a planet. habitats (4) Bengal tigers live near the Bay of Bengal and
This has helped the birds to breed and therefore
has increased the number of kakapo in recent others live in (5) foothills of (6) imalayas. (7)
years. Bengal tiger is (8) endangered species because people hunt
Another example of an unusual endangered it, and its habitat has been significantly reduced over (9) last
creature is the Komodo dragon... years.
We use a(n) / the before a singular countable (10) mountain gorilla of (11) Africa lives in (12)
noun when we refer to it in a general sense or mountains of (13) Central Africa. These gorillas are one of
when it is mentioned for the first time.

(14) top most endangered species on (15) Earth.
We use a(n) / the before a noun which is (16) mountain gorillas are threatened by (17)
something uni ue, is used in a specific sense
destruction of their habitats, (18) hunting and diseases
or has been mentioned before.

brought by tourists who come to see them. Although hunting
Before a noun which represents a species

(19) gorillas is now illegal, there are still (20) people

we can use a, an, the or the plural form.
The penguin can’t fly.
A penguin can’t fly.
who hunt them.

B. Read the dialogue and circle the correct answer.

Penguins can’t fly. A: i, ohn Do you have any / many free time this weekend
B. Read the examples and match the words in B: don’t have much / many time because ’ve got lots of / a lot work

bold with their meanings a-c. to do over the weekend. Why are you asking
A: Any / Some of the students from my class are going to help replant

1. Birds lay eggs.

2. Some birds cannot fly. trees in the park that was damaged by the fire.
3. The authorities have taken the last B: Oh That sounds like fun. When are they going
remaining birds to protected islands. A: Sunday you can come any time between a.m. and p.m. enny
a. specific birds told me that a lot of / how many people are going to take part.

b. birds in general B: might try to come for a few / a little hours if finish my work.
c. a number of birds not specified A: reat

C. Read the examples and complete the rules

with the words in the box. ENGLISH IN USE
1. There aren’t any bears left in the mountains,
but in contrast, there are some wolves and a Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct form

lot of mountain cats still living there. of the words in capitals.

2. A: How much time can you give to the
conservation project?
B: I can volunteer for a few hours every week.
3. If more people gave just a little money, we
The word tsunami comes from the apanese word for
could save many endangered species. tidal wave. These huge waves are caused by underwater
4. There were lots of monkeys in the rainforest
but what I found strange was that there were earth uakes or volcanic (1) . ost ERUPT
no birds. tsunamis occur in the acific Ocean. There is no doubt
(how) much (how) many a lot of that tsunamis cause great (2) when DESTROY
lots of (a) few (a) little the waves reach the shore. owever, most
(3) that occur after a tsunami are DIE
se and because of people’s lack of (4) . PREPARE
before uncountable nouns only. eople should escape to higher ground the minute they
se and are warned of a possible tsunami. n the past, it was
before plural countable nouns only.
(5) to inform people in time, but POSSIBLE
se some, any, no, and
today (6) have developed tsunami SCIENCE
before either uncountable
or plural countable nouns. warning systems. arious instruments determine
the (7) of where an underwater LOCATE
earth uake has occurred and the possibility of whether
a tsunami will follow.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 132 13/1/2021 12:05:57 µµ

NOUNS – A R T ICLE S – DE T ER MINER S A few and a little show a small number/amount (positive
A. meaning) and can be used with only.
Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of articles Few and little show a very small number/amount
• (negative meaning) and can be used with very, so and
• Draw Ss’ attention to the examples and the NOTE, and too.
provide Ss with all necessary explanations of the use of
a(n) and the. PR AC T ICE
• Have Ss do the activity. Aim: to give Ss practice in using articles, determiners
• Check the answers with the class. and quantifiers in context

• We use a(n) before a singular countable noun • Have Ss do the activity.
when we refer to it in a general sense or when it is • Check the answers with the class.
mentioned for the first time.
• We use the before a noun which is something unique,
is used in a specific sense or has been mentioned 1. a 11. -
before. 2. - 12. the
3. the 13. -
4. some 14. the
B. 5. the 15. -

Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of the definite article and 6. the 16.
16. - / Some
some with plural countable nouns 7. The 17. the
• 8. an 18. -
9. the 19. -

• Have Ss do the activity. 10. The 20. - / some
• Check the answers with the class.

1. b 2. c 3. a
• Have Ss do the activity.
• Check the answers with the class.

C. any, much, lots of, Some, a lot of, a few

Aims: • to help Ss revise the use of determiners and
quantifiers before nouns (singular, plural,

countable and uncountable) ENGLISH IN USE

• Aim: to give Ss the opportunity to practise vocabulary
and grammar through a word building activity
• Ask Ss to read through example sentence 1 and tell you
what they remember about any and some. some. • Have Ss scan the text. Then ask them what part of speech

• Point out to Ss that we can use some and any as pronouns, they think the missing words are. This will help lower-
without a noun (A: Is there any orange juice? B: Yes, there is performing Ss.
some. / No, there isn’t any.). • Have Ss do the activity.

• Ask Ss to read through example sentences 2 & 3 with much • Check the answers with the class.
/ many / a few and a little, and ask them to tell you which
are used before uncountable nouns ((a) little / much) and
which are used before plural countable nouns ((a) few / 1. eruptions

many). 2. destruction
• Ask Ss to read through example sentence 4, and ask Ss to 3. deaths
tell you when we use no (instead of not any to emphasise 4. preparation
a negative meaning). Write the following examples on 5. impossible
the board to make sure that Ss have understood what the 6. scientists
difference between any and no is: 7. location
There is no bread in the cupboard. There isn’t any bread in
the cupboard.
• Explain to Ss that a lot of / lots of can be used before either
uncountable or plural countable nouns to show adequate
quantity of something.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book.
• Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
• Have Ss do the activity. Check the answers with the class.

• Use (how) much and (a) little before uncountable

nouns only.
• Use (how) many and (a) few before plural countable
nouns only.
• Use some, any, no, a lot of, and lots of before either
uncountable or plural countable nouns.

62 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 4.indd 133 11/11/2022 11:15:12 πµ

SA: ou’re right. have never visited a landfill site myself,
Talking about the environment but know there are many just outside of the city.
Comparing situations SB: So, we agree that both problems are common here.
Expressing opinion and justifying SA: es.
SA: n my opinion, the problem of air pollution is the most
conventional dependent dispose of exact serious problem. The smog produced by factories and
forwards ha ard inhabitant limited order (n.) exhaust fumes from cars is a health ha ard.
overall practical retirement ruin (v.) shortage SB: That’s true. We need to find a solution for that now.
source tell apart owever, think that it isn’t as serious a problem as
Words related to environmental issues landfills. think the problem of landfills and what to do
acid rain exhaust fumes landfill site rubbish with our rubbish is going to be even harder to solve.
smog solar-powered waste (n.) weather conditions SA: suppose you may be right. We need to find new ways
wind power to dispose of waste. Lots of people are worried about
smog and air pollution, but fewer people seem to worry
about landfills.
LIS T ENING CD2 38, 39
A. B.
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist Follow the same procedure as in activity A. (B1: a conventional
source of energy and B2: an alternative source of energy).
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. ave Ss take turns to say what the advantages and

Check the answers with the class. disadvantages of each of the ways of producing energy are and
which they consider to be better.
Speaker 1: c Speaker 3: b

Speaker 2: a Speaker 4: c
Suggested answers
B. SA: Let’s see. think the first picture shows conventional
energy production. ou know, like burning fossil fuels.
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for specific
information at
SB: es, agree. And the second picture shows more
environmentally-friendly energy sources like solar
power and wind power. ’m not sure what the
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
advantages of burning fossil fuels are really.
Ask Ss to note down key words that helped them match the
SA: think that we use them because they’re cheaper. We
speakers with the statements. This will challenge higher-

already have the technology to make burning fossil

performing Ss.
fuels work.
Check the answers with the class.
SB: es, but think that’s the only one. Burning fossil fuels

isn’t environmentally friendly. t causes air pollution

a. b. c. d. and acid rain and can cause serious harm to people’s
health. Also, think that in the future, the world will
run out of gas and oil because there is only a limited
SPE A K ING source of fossil fuels.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in comparing photographs SA: Exactly. t’s a limited energy source. agree that
• to provide vocabulary and expressions relevant to burning fossil fuels has many more disadvantages.
the topic of the photos Alternative energy sources are far better for the

• environment.
A. SB: es, and sources like solar power will never run out
Ask Ss to look at pictures A and A and speculate about the sun will always be there, so we don’t have to worry
the place and the situation (A1: polluted atmosphere in a city about running out.

centre-smog and A2: a landfill site). SA: The cost is a major disadvantage though. Alternative
ave Ss read the two uestions given. energy is expensive. Also, when there are a lot of wind
ave Ss go through the words and expressions in the boxes turbines, this ruins the hori on, in my opinion. Wind
and explain any new vocabulary. power can also cause noise pollution.
ave Ss think of answers to the uestions individually, first. SB: es. Also, don’t think that it’s always practical because
Then have Ss work in pairs and exchange opinions. Tell Ss alternative energy is dependent on weather conditions.
to take turns in order to compare the pictures and say how When there is no wind or it is cloudy, you can’t produce
common these problems are and which of these problems is power from these sources.
more serious.
ave each pair share their ideas in class. SB: think that using alternative energy production is the
best solution. t doesn’t harm the environment, and it is
Suggested answers something that won’t just run out.
SA: The first picture shows a big city with a lot of air SA: es, but it’s not that practical. At least not until the
pollution and smog. The second picture shows a technology becomes available to make alternative energy
landfill site. Both air pollution and landfills are serious less expensive.
environmental issues. SB: understand what you’re saying, but still think it’s
SB: agree. And think that where we live there is a lot of much better than using conventional energy. And
smog, especially when it is very hot. t can be hard to hopefully the technology will be developed soon so it
breathe from all the pollution sometimes. won’t be so expensive.
SA: ou’re right. This is a growing problem for people, SA: agree.
especially people with health problems.
SB: The problem of landfills is something that you don’t see
every day in our country, but it’s still here. We produce
a lot of rubbish, and it has to go somewhere.
63 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 134 13/1/2021 12:06:02 µµ

Listening & speaking
A. You will hear four people talking about B. Listen again and match the speakers 1-4 with
different aspects of life in the future. Listen the statements a-d.
and decide what each speaker is referring to.
a. These developments will make our life
One aspect is referred to by two speakers.
Speaker 1
a. an environmental problem b. ore people will do it in the future.
Speaker 2
b. an alternative type of holiday c. Something like that hasn’t existed
Speaker 3 c. environmentally friendly places before.
Speaker 4
d. We must start doing something about it.
SPEAKING B. Look at the pictures showing different ways of
A. Look at the pictures showing environmental producing energy. Compare them and discuss
problems. Compare them and discuss the the questions. You can use the words/phrases

questions. You can use the words/phrases in in the boxes.
the boxes.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
ow common are these problems where you live

each of them
Which of these problems do you think is more Which of them do you consider to be a better
serious solution

A1 Β1

A2 Β2

landfill site dispose of waste rubbish fossil fuels air pollution acid rain
smog air pollution factories exhaust fumes limited source (not) environmentally friendly
health ha ard growing problem wind power conventional energy
dependent on weather conditions noise pollution
ruins hori on not practical

think that... is... because...

... is much better/worse than... because...
Do not describe the photographs in detail. Briefly compare don’t think that... is as serious a problem as... because...
them and make sure you answer the question asked. ... is definitely not the best solution because...


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 135 13/1/2021 12:06:08 µµ

An article
A. Discuss.
Do you believe there is life on other planets f so, what do you think it is like
Do you think we will be able to travel to other planets in the near future

B. You see this announcement on a website. Read it and underline the key words.

We are looking for articles for Weird Science.
magine that you have discovered a planet in the furthest corners of the universe. Describe the planet, the
inhabitants and what life on this planet is like. Then say what your overall opinion of life on this planet is.
Send in your article entitled: LIFE ON PLANET ZUTOPIA

C. Read the article one reader of Weird Science wrote and answer the questions.

at Weird Science



ave you ever wondered if there is intelligent life What makes this planet so different from Earth is that time
on other planets, and what life is like there ’ve just on utopia goes backwards rather than forwards. eople on
returned from an intergalactic voyage, and all can say utopia are born old and spend the first years of their life in
is we are not alone retirement homes getting younger and healthier. When they
are about years of age, they get jobs and work for about
About light years away from Earth, there is a planet
years. Then, they go to university, high school and primary
called utopia, which has the exact same atmospheric
school. Their last few years are the best years of their life. They
conditions as Earth. t has mountains, oceans, deserts
are children with no worries and spend all their time playing
and forests just like Earth does. ts inhabitants are also
games and having fun.
very similar in appearance to humans. n fact, if you
saw a utopian and an Earthling standing next to each really enjoyed my time on utopia and learnt lots of
other, it would be hard to tell them apart. interesting things. ’m not uite sure, though, if like their
order of things. ow about you

In which paragraph does the writer:

a. describe what life on the planet is like c. give his opinion of life on the planet
b. introduce the topic of the article and d. describe the planet and its inhabitants
make a comment

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 136 13/1/2021 12:06:10 µµ

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task

Discuss the uestions with the class.

Suggested answers
believe that the universe is so huge and there are so
many planets that it is hard to imagine that there is
only life here on Earth. Life on other planets may be
very different from how it is on Earth. Some forms of
life may be very small, and perhaps similar to what
existed millions of years ago on our planet. Others
might even be made of gas
think it will be possible to travel to ars in the near
future. A lot of research has been done on this. n order
to get to planets which are farther away we will have to

find new forms of energy. That doesn’t seem likely to
happen any time soon.

Aims: • to help Ss identify the appropriate style and
content of an article by analysing the rubric

ave Ss do the activity.

Students should underline the following:

Write an article!
We are looking for articles for Weird Science.

Imagine that you have discovered a planet in the furthest

corners of the universe. Describe the planet,, the inhabitants
and what life on this planet is like. Then say what your
overall opinion of life on this planet is.
Send in your article entitled: LI ON PLAN T


64 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 137 13/1/2021 12:06:11 µµ

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying paragraph
content in an article everyday life
houses – solar-powered – built with organic or recycled
• materials
• Explain to Ss that each phrase corresponds to a paragraph tourism – holidays on artificial islands powered by the
in the article. waves – holidays in the North/South Pole because of
• Have Ss read the article again and do the activity. global warming
• Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to justify their entertainment – 3D television –possibility to control the
answers. This will challenge higher-performing Ss and outcome of the series-films we watch
help lower-performing Ss understand why this is the transport – shuttle aeroplanes to the moon and Mars –
correct answer. only bicycles, electric cars and public transport in the
historic centres of cities
work environment – more facilities for employees – work
a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2
from home
technology – Internet-run homes and companies –
‘intelligent’ appliances (e.g. fridges that automatically
D. order online whatever is missing from the fridge)
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the stylistic
features of an article
• G.
Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing articles
• Have Ss read the article, answer the questions and

underline the relevant examples in the text. • Have Ss read through the outline and make sure they
• Check the answers with the class. understand what each paragraph should include when
writing an article.

a. 3 (Have you ever wondered... what life is like • Read out and explain the TIP.
there? ... How about you?)
b. 3 (I’ve just returned... and all I can say is we are not
c. –
d. 3 (I’ve just... I’m not quite sure,...)
Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing an article referring
e. 3 (and, also, in fact, then, though) to a topic from a personal point of view


Aims: • to give Ss practice in analysing the rubric in order • Tell Ss to refer to the article, the outline and the TIP before
to identify appropriate content writing their article.

• Have Ss read the rubric and answer the question. Model answer
• Check the answers with the class. Next stop: 100 years from now
Most of us won’t be around in 100 years, so why think

The Ss should focus on two aspects of the future, about it? Well, I just got off a train that took me there
namely changes concerning the environment and and I’m not sure I liked what I saw.
aspects of everyday life. In Onehundredyearland there are whole parts of the

planet where people cannot live because there is too

much pollution or because it’s too hot. Another reason
F. I didn’t like it is that many islands and coastal areas no
Aims: • to help Ss brainstorm relevant ideas and longer exist – not above water at least.

vocabulary using word webs People in Onehundredyearland are very proud of the
aeroplanes they own. Not everyone can afford them,
• though. Most people stay indoors, in houses that
• Explain to Ss that they should try to develop the word protect them from all kinds of extreme weather. The
webs by adding as many relevant words as they can think entertainment industry is highly developed, and you can
of. You can have higher-performing Ss work with lower- have loads of fun with 3D television and games.
performing Ss. Does it sound like a place you’d like to live? If not, guess
• Set a time limit of maximum five minutes and have Ss do what? There is a second train to Onehundredyearland.
the activity. I did not get on that one because they were making
• Check the answers with the class. big changes to the tracks. But the scientists who were
working on it told me they were sure things would be
very different at the other end.
Suggested answers
atmosphere – polluted – acid rain
rubbish disposal – many landfills – not many recycling
nature – shortage of water – destruction of rainforests Video activities:
climate – global warming – severe weather conditions The forests of Borneo
(floods, etc)
plant and animal life – some species extinct – many The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
species endangered of the book.
energy – sources of fossil fuels limited – alternative
sources not widely used

65 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 4.indd 138 11/11/2022 11:17:04 πµ

D. Read the statements and tick () the ones that apply G. When you are writing an
to the article. Find examples in the article. article referring to a topic
The writer: from a personal point of
a. asks uestions to attract the reader’s attention. view, follow this outline.
b. uses exclamations to make his/her article more vivid.
c. uses formal language. TITLE
Think of an interesting title.
d. uses short forms (haven’t, won’t, etc.).
e. uses linking words and phrases to make his/her writing flow. INTRODUCTION
• Introduce the topic of the
article in a way that will
E. You see this announcement on a website. What aspects of life attract the reader’s attention.
in the future do they ask readers to write about? • Add a personal comment.
MAIN PART (1-2 paragraphs)
• Develop your ideas about

different aspects of the topic

life on
in separate paragraphs.

years • Expand on, describe or give

examples of each aspect
to develop the idea in the

Earth from now paragraph.

Make a general statement
What will life on Earth be like one hundred years from now? to sum up your ideas and

Write an article telling us how you think the environment will say how you feel.
have changed and what aspects of everyday life will be different.
Then give us your overall opinion of life in the future. at
We will publish the best article and the winner will receive £300.

F. Look at the announcement in activity E again. Think about what

aspects of life will be different, look at the word webs and complete When you are writing an article, you
want to catch the readers’ attention

them with relevant vocabulary. Develop the webs by adding other

aspects you can think of. and interest them. You should:
 use a catchy title.
polluted  organise the article in paragraphs.
 use lively colourful language

and a variety of words/phrases/

atmosphere expressions/questions.

 comment and give your opinion.



shortage of water
H. Read the rubric in activity D
again and write your article.
solar-powered Your article should be between
120-150 words. Use the ideas
and vocabulary in the word
houses webs to help you.

everyday life Video activities:

The forests of Borneo

D television


Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 4.indd 139 12/10/2021 11:47:59 πµ

A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. The National arden is like a(n) in the middle of the city, where many people go to get away for a while.
a. pond b. oasis c. island chain d. ecosystem
2. Every morning the soldiers the flag.
a. rise b. increase c. raise d. carry
3. Can speak to ita f she’s asleep, though, don’t her.
a. interrupt b. affect c. disturb d. annoy
4. This landfill site is a health .
a. shortage b. destruction c. threat d. ha ard
5. Tortoises are the only that ’m not afraid of.

a. species b. li ards c. reptiles d. types
6. The of this bottle is . litres.

a. capacity b. weight c. length d. height
7. ow many of fuel does it take to fill up your car

a. tonnes
artin was surprised by the
b. ounces c. grams at
he faced in his new position as shop manager.
d. gallons
a. challenges b. properties c. treasures d. features
9. The in Britain has changed a lot in the past fifty years.

a. energy b. climate c. pollution d. habitat


10. Lions in the wild are natural .

a. creatures b. prey c. predators d. animals
B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.
1. This time tomorrow we against the Bolton hockey team.

a. will play b. are going to play c. play d. will be playing

2. A: We need some milk.

B: O , some on my way home from work.

a. will buy b. will be buying c. buy d. am buying

3. ack paint the house this weekend.

a. will go b. is going to c. will have d. will be going
4. hurry, we will miss the train.
a. nless we don’t b. nless we c. f we d. f we won’t
5. f were you, an umbrella just in case it rains.
a. would take b. took c. take d. will take
6. f my favourite team wins the match, you out to dinner.
a. will have taken b. take c. will take d. would take
7. A: Do we have sugar left
B: There’s some in the cupboard.
a. many b. lots of c. a few d. any
8. Can you answer , please ’m making dinner.
a. phone b. a phone c. the phone d. phones
9. eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, but don’t eat meat.
a. many b. much c. more d. a lot
10. Only people turned up for the opening of the art gallery it was very disappointing.
a. a few b. any c. a little d. many

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 140 13/1/2021 12:06:11 µµ

Round-up 4
Aims: to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 4 through
various activities


1. b
2. c
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. a
9. b
10. c


1. d
2. a
3. b

4. b
5. a
6. c
7. d
8. c
9. b
10. a

66 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 141 13/1/2021 12:06:12 µµ

4 Round-up
1. expect
2. will prove
3. will install / are going to install
4. will have increased
5. would be
6. will have completed
7. will be presenting / am going to present
8. will be doing
9. will have released
10. will lead

1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a

1. lots

2. The
3. to
4. were/was

5. When/ f
6. be
7. any
8. have at

67 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 142 13/1/2021 12:06:12 µµ

C. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 n recent years, it has finally become clear that we need

to make the environment our priority if we 2 degree
By next anuary, (6)
in Film Studies at the
(complete) my
niversity of Birmingham.
(1) (expect) our children to live in a These days, am working on a project about how the
safe place. The authorities have already taken important world’s shift towards a ‘greener’ mentality is reflected in
measures. For example, the new recycling scheme, the film industry. As a part of the project, tomorrow at
which (2) (prove) to be a success if . , (7) (present) Al ore’s
people try to recycle as much as possible. n fact, the city documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
council has announced that next year they ( ), which gives shocking facts about the environment.
(3) (install) more recycling bins During the next two months, (8) (do)
in the city centre and main streets. Also, by the end of research on how film producers are helping to make
all stores in the (4) viewers more aware of environmental issues. According to
(increase) the plastic bag fee from p to p in an information have gathered, by the end of this year, motion
attempt to further reduce the amount of plastic used. picture companies (9) (release) more
Our environmental awareness has increased and the than environmental documentaries and adventure
government is optimistic, but scientists say that if people films dealing with issues such as global warming,
weren’t so unwilling to give up certain comforts like deforestation and recycling. roducers hope that these
cars and air conditioning, the situation new productions (10) (lead) to a better
(5) (be) much better. understanding of the global crisis the world is facing.

D. Read the text and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap.

n the near future, we will see more and more countries turning to 1. a. convenient 5. a. active

(1) sources of energy. n fact, Spain has already made significant b. alternative b. dependent
progress in this area in the southern desert of (2) country, the local c. endangered c. effective

authorities have installed over , mirrors. These mirrors will produce 2. a. a 6. a. developed
energy from sunlight and (3) power to up to , homes. The b. the b. shaped
technology is cheap, simple and more efficient than (4) other forms c. - c. caused
of alternative energy. owever, the system is only (5) in places
3. a. provide

that have lots of sunshine and clear blue skies. t is expected that other 7. a. runs
b. gather b. turns
countries will also use this technology. nother kind of solar technology
c. raise c. creates

has also been (6) , which uses salt. The energy from the sun during
the day melts the salt and (7) it into li uid form. During the night, 4. a. many 8. a. provided
this li uid salt produces electricity. n this way, electricity is (8) b. much b. providing
hours a day. c. a lot

c. been provided

E. Read the text and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

The world is shocked by this week’s latest news, and

(1) of environmentalists are protesting in
the streets of our city. Five white whales were killed on
Friday as a result of the government’s unwillingness to ‘(5) someone kills a human being, that
take action to help them. (2) five whales person is punished. Why doesn’t the same happen when
were trapped under thick ice on the surface of the water. animals are killed ’ says ill Norton, an animal rights
According (3) marine biologist, Tony arcia, activist. The government will (6) meeting
the outer tooth of this whale is worth a lot of money, on onday to discuss the issue, while the rime inister
which might explain this killing. ‘We would be able to do refused to make (7) comment on it. By
something to help in situations like this if the government onday, we will (8) learnt more about this
(4) not only interested in money,’ he added. tragedy.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 143 13/1/2021 12:06:12 µµ


You will hear a conversation between a student Read the following and tick () the appropriate
and his science teacher on the subject of global boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
warming. For sentences 1-6, decide whether the to the relevant sections in the module.
statements are True or False. Write T or F in the
Now I can...
1. r Allen agrees that weather conditions may

become worse.  distinguish the difference in meaning
of words easily confused
2. ames asked r Allen if the Earth’s
temperature was actually changing all the  use vocabulary relating to geographical
features, units of measurement and
animal life accurately

3. Everyone agrees that global warming is a real
problem.  use the Future will
will,, the Future be going to,
the Future rogressive and the Future

4. r Allen uses the example of a glass room to erfect Simple appropriately

explain why the Earth’s temperature is rising.  use the resent rogressive to refer
5. r Allen helps ames understand the
problem of global warming better.
atto plans and arrangements
 use Conditional Sentences Types and
 use nouns, articles and determiners
6. According to r Allen, there is nothing we accurately
can do about global warming.

 skim a text to understand the gist


 scan a text to locate specific information

 understand details in a text

 understand specific information


in different situations
 listen to short monologues and understand

the main idea expressed by each speaker


 discuss options and make a decision

 compare and contrast pictures
and discuss environmental issues

 write an email responding to a friend

 write an article

Culture page:
Giant’s Causeway


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 4.indd 144 13/1/2021 12:06:14 µµ

Round-up 4

ave Ss listen to the recording and do the activity.

ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge
higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss
understand why these sentences are false.
Check the answers with the class.

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and have Ss read them.

Explain any unknown words.
ave Ss tick the points they feel confident about. For the

points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.

Culture page:
Giant’s Causeway
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
of the book.

68 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 4.indd 145 12/10/2021 12:23:26 µµ

5 That’s strange

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
es, do. enjoy good mystery stories because think
they’re exciting. like to try to figure out the ending
before finish the book.
es, do. think science can explain a lot and
everything has a logical explanation. Sometimes we
may not know why something happens, but that’s
because we do not understand the science yet.

ead out the points listed in the lick through the module

and find... section. Explain any unknown words.

Then, ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

a short text about some mythical creatures: p.


a description of a legendary castle: p.

an article about an unusual criminal: p.
an extract from a novel set in the aris Opera ouse:

an unbelievable story: p.
a dialogue between two friends: p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

69 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 146 13/1/2021 12:16:58 µµ

That’s strange 5
 Do you like reading about mysteries and
unexplained events Why / Why not
 Do you believe that there is always a logical
explanation for mysterious and strange events

Flick through the module and find...
 a short text about some mythical creatures
 a description of a legendary castle
 an article about an unusual criminal

 an extract from a novel set in the aris Opera ouse

 an unbelievable story
 a dialogue between two friends

In this module you will learn...


 to talk about mysterious and strange events

 to talk about interesting buildings and landmarks
 how to se uence past actions and events
 how to report statements, uestions, commands and re uests
 to write a description of a place and a story
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 147 13/1/2021 12:16:59 µµ

A. Discuss.
Do you believe in ghosts Why / Why not
ave you heard of The Phantom of the Opera f yes, what do you know about it
f not, what do you think it is about
B. Read the text quickly and choose the most appropriate title a, b or c for the extract from the book.

a Music, sweet music! b Wherever you go I will fol
c A mysterious disappearance

The beautiful singer Christine Daa becomes an

overnight success at the famous Paris Opera ouse.
owever, behind her success lies a mystery she has been
receiving singing lessons from the Opera ouse ghost,
Erik, who calls himself the ‘Angel of Music’. Raoul, who
is Christine’s childhood friend, is in love with her, and

he is worried that someone is trying to harm Christine.

In this scene, Christine and Raoul meet at the Opera House.

Because she is afraid that someone is following them, they enter
a room and she locks the door.

The hantom of the Opera

Christine sighed, then took aoul’s hand in hers. ‘ asked
you to come here tonight because wanted to say goodbye.

am leaving, aoul. ou will never see me again.’

aoul was shocked. ‘What Where are you going
Why don’t you tell me what’s going on, Christine Explain

yourself, beg you ’ C. Read the text again and answer the questions.
‘ erhaps some day,’ Christine murmured.. ‘ must go Choose a, b, c or d.
now, aoul. Do not follow me.’ 1. Why did Christine ask aoul to meet her at the
Christine unlocked the door, and aoul watched her Opera ouse
leave. A few minutes later he was back in the foyer, but

a. to tell him to stop following her

Christine had disappeared. b. to tell him that she was leaving
aoul went to Christine’s dressing room to look for her,
found it empty. e searched the room, hoping to c. to tell him who was following her

but he
find a clue as to who the man Christine had been talking d. to tell him why she was going away
about the other day was. Then he heard footsteps in the 2. Why did aoul go to Christine’s dressing room
passageway. e uickly hid behind the curtain and watched a. to hide

as Christine came in and sat down at her dressing table. b. to find Erik
‘ oor Erik,’ she said softly. ust then, a sound filled the
c. to find her
little dressing room. t was the sound of a man singing. The
voice was beautiful and clear and Christine seemed to be d. to listen to Erik sing
hypnotised by it. aoul watched as Christine stood up in 3. What happened in Christine’s dressing room
front of the enormous mirror that covered one wall of the a. The music hypnotised aoul.
room. b. aoul got up and stood in front of the mirror.
‘ ere am, Erik. am ready,’ she said.
c. A da ling light made Christine look away.
Suddenly, the mirror swung open and the room was
filled with a da ling light. The light was so bright aoul d. Christine disappeared mysteriously.
had to look away. When he looked back again, the mirror 4. What did aoul do when Christine disappeared
had closed and Christine had vanished. a. e wondered where she went.
aoul couldn’t believe what he had seen. e rushed b. e tried to follow her.
forward and tried to push the mirror open, but it wouldn’t
c. e rushed to adame alerius’ apartment.
move. Confused and frustrated, aoul sat down on the
chair and buried his face in his hands. ‘Who is this Erik ’ he d. e didn’t move.
wondered aloud. 5. Why was aoul surprised when he went to adame
The next day, aoul returned to adame alerius’ alerius’ apartment
apartment. To his great astonishment, he found Christine a. because Christine was not alone
sitting at her bedside. t seemed that the two women had b. because Christine was sick in bed
been talking to each other for uite some time. Christine
looked fresh and radiant, and aoul was so stunned to see c. because he did not expect to see Christine there
her he could hardly speak. d. because Christine did not speak to him

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 148 13/1/2021 12:17:01 µµ

Functions C.
Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details
Talking about past time
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions and
Structures then find the part of each text that answers the uestion.
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and the options.
ast erfect Simple - ast erfect rogressive Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the
Vocabulary ave Ss do the activity.
aloud astonishment clue confused da ling ou may eliminate one incorrect option in each uestion.
This will help lower-performing Ss.
enormous fill footstep frustrated ghost
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
hardly harm (v.) hypnotised lock (v.) with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
look away order (v.) radiant rush (v.) sigh (v.) answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
softly stunned swing (v.) the other day referring to specific parts in the text. This will build lower-
unlock vanish performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class.
Reporting verbs Check the answers with the class.
apologise beg deny murmur promise remind
1. b (‘ asked you to come here tonight because
wanted to say goodbye.’)
2. c (‘ aoul went to Christine’s dressing room to look for
The Phantom of the Opera is the title of a French novel her,...’)
written by aston Leroux in and set in the arisian 3. d (‘... the mirror swung open... , ... the mirror had

Opera ouse towards the end of the th century. The closed and Christine had vanished.’)
novel tells the story of the ‘Opera host’ Erik, a horribly 4. b (‘ e rushed forward and tried to push the mirror
deformed musical genius, who has taken the aspiring opera open, but it wouldn’t move.’)
singer, Christine Daa , under his protection and guidance. 5. c (‘To his great astonishment, he found Christine

Christine’s singing skills improve and she even manages sitting at her bedside.’)
to replace the regular singer in a Faust production.
owever, Erik becomes envious of her relationship with her
childhood friend, aoul, and decides to abduct Christine
and take her to his underground world. n the end, Erik
recognises his defeat and gives his blessings for aoul and
Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
Since when have Christine and Raoul been friends? since
Christine’s marriage. The novel is widely known because of they were children
its adaptation by Andrew Lloyd Webber, who managed to
Who lies behind the secret of Christine’s sudden success? the

create one of the most successful musicals of all time.

Opera House ghost, rik, who has been giving her singing

Why is Raoul worried about Christine? He is afraid that

someone is trying to harm her.
A. (Pre-reading)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity Why did Christine lock the door of the room when she met
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal experience Raoul at the Opera House? because she was afraid someone
was following them

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning

Suggested answers from context
don’t know what happens after you die, but what’s for
sure, don’t believe in ghosts. think that when people

see something they can’t explain, they just assume or Ask Ss to read through sentences - and match the
think it is a ghost. underlined words with the highlighted words in the text.
es, it’s a famous musical. ’ve never seen it but think ave Ss do the activity.
that it’s a story about a ghost who loves a singer. Encourage Ss to pay attention to the part of speech of the
underlined words so that they can eliminate some of the
options. This will help lower-performing Ss.
B. Check the answers with the class.
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of
the text 1. vanished 5. stunned
2. frustrated 6. da ling
3. clue 7. radiant
Ask Ss to read through the text uickly to choose the
4. murmured 8. astonishment
most appropriate title. oint out that they should not pay
attention to any unknown words that they may have. Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answer with the class.
To challenge higher-performing Ss, you may ask them to
justify why the other two options are incorrect. This will
challenge them and help lower-performing Ss
understand why this answer is correct.

c (The others are wrong because they only refer to

certain aspects of the text.)

70 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 149 19/1/2021 12:24:49 µµ

E. (Post-reading) had been + the main verb with -ing.
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic Ask Ss to read the second example again and tell you when
of the reading activity drawing on their own the ast erfect rogressive is used (Past Perfect Progressive
experience focuses on what had been in progress up to a moment in the
past or before another past event).
emind Ss that some verbs are not used in rogressive
Ask Ss the uestions. tenses, such as the verbs know, believe, etc.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples using these
Suggested answers Draw Ss’ attention to the activity. Allow them some time to
think that at the end of the story either Erik or aoul answer the uestions.
dies. Check the answers with the class.
Sure, why not like mysteries and like interesting
stories and think this musical offers both.
1. Which action happened first and which happened
First the mirror closed, and then he looked back again.
VOCABULARY Which tenses are used?
REPORTING VERBS ast Simple and ast erfect Simple
Aims: to familiarise Ss with reporting verbs and their 2. How long had the women been talking?
meanings for uite some time

Which tense is used?
the ast erfect rogressive
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. B.

ave Ss do the activity.
a, b Check the answers with the class.

Examples of ast erfect Simple: ‘had disappeared’
(para ), ‘had closed, had vanished’ (para )
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of Examples of ast erfect rogressive: ‘had been talking’
reporting verbs through context (para and para )

efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

Ask Ss to read through sentences - and meanings a-f and Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the ast
match the verbs to the meanings. erfect Simple and the ast erfect rogressive. This will

Check the answers with the class. challenge them. To help lower-performing Ss, you can give
them prompts to make sentences (e.g. when / arrive / station
/ train / already / leave).
1. f 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b

ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing Aim: to give Ss practice in using the Past Perfect Simple
Ss. and the Past Perfect Progressive in context
Write the following sentences on the board, and ask Ss to
ave Ss do the activity.

rewrite them using reporting verbs. Tell them that they

should use a reporting verb from the ones in activity B. Check the answers with the class.
. I don’t want to tidy my room,’ he said. (He refused to tidy
his room.) 1. had been thinking 8. had gone

. Don’t forget to take the camera with you,’ Alice said to 2. had been searching 9. had been sleeping
Sophie. (Alice reminded Sophie to take the camera with her.) 3. came 10. woke
4. moved 11. had parked
GRAMMAR 5. had been looking 12. didn’t understand
6. organised / 13. had had
PAST PERFECT SIMPLE – had organised 14. had been
PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE 7. answered 15. told
Aims: to help Ss revise the Past Perfect tenses and their
uses ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
Ss in pairs, and allocate roles.
. The lower-performing S in each pair has to think of
Ask Ss to read through the first example, and draw their something that happened to him/her yesterday / last week /
attention to the verb had closed. Explain to Ss that this is last month, etc., write it on a piece of paper and show it to the
the ast erfect Simple, and remind Ss of its formation (had higher-performing S (e.g. I slept late last night.). Then he/she
followed by the past participle). should give some clues to the higher-performing S as to why
Explain to Ss that the ast erfect Simple is used for an this had happened, mainly through miming (e.g. miming
action which was completed before a specific point in the studying).
past, or for an action which happened before another one in The higher-performing S has to guess the reason why this
the past. might have happened based on the clues his/her partner
Ask Ss to read through the second example, and draw their gives him/her (e.g. Did you sleep late last night because you
attention to the verb had been talking. had been studying all night?).
Explain to Ss that this is the ast erfect rogressive. The lower-performing S has to say whether his/her
Ask Ss: partner’s guess is correct.
How is the Past Perfect Progressive formed? It is formed with ou can ask Ss to swap roles.
71 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 150 19/1/2021 12:25:13 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the underlined words in the sentences 1-8
with the words highlighted in the text. GRA M MA R
1. The aeroplane disappeared
in the Bermuda Triangle. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE –
2. was so disappointed when PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE
got my exam results had A. Look at the extracts from the text and answer the
studied really hard. questions.
3. The police are looking for 1. When he loo ed back again, the mirror had closed...
some sort of sign that will Which action happened first and which happened
lead them to the thief. next
4. Diana turned around and Which tenses are used
whispered something to 2. It seemed that the two women had been tal ing to each
her classmate. other for quite some time.
5. was shocked when ow long had the two women been talking
heard my neighbour was Which tense is used
in a serious accident.
B. Read about the uses of the Past Perfect Simple and

6. The bright light made the Past Perfect Progressive and find more examples
everyone shut their eyes. in the text.
7. The athlete looked happy The Past Perfect Simple (had + past participle)

as he accepted his award. is used for an action which was completed before a
8. The doctors thought eter specific time or another action in the past.
would die but, to their
ama ement, he lived.
E. Discuss.
The Past Perfect Progressive (had + been + -ing form)
is used for an action which had been going on for some
time before a specific time or another action in the past.
What do you think happens at the end of the story
Would you be interested in reading or watching

The Phantom of the Opera Why / Why not PRACTICE

Complete the text with the Past Simple, the Past Perfect

VOCABULARY Simple or the Past Perfect Progressive of the verbs in

A. Look at the extracts from the text. What do y wife and (1) (think) of buying a new house
you think the verbs in bold mean? for uite some time. We (2) (search) for months

xplain yourself, I beg you! when we finally (3) (come) across one at an
a. ask eagerly b. promise c. order incredibly low price. When we asked the estate agent why the price

Who is this rik?’ he wondered aloud. was so low, he said he was as surprised as we were.
a. answered b. thought c. cried Anyway, we didn’t hesitate in buying the house and
B. Read the sentences and match the verbs (4) (move) in immediately. We (5)

in bold with their meanings a-f. (look) forward to meeting our new neighbours ever since our
1. Sally refused to help me with the arrival at Cherry Lane. So, as soon as we (6)
washing-up. (organise) the house the way we wanted, we rang their doorbell.
2. an apologised for all the trouble he owever, nobody (7) (answer) so, as we didn’t
had given us. see anyone enter or leave the house for the rest of the week, we
3. admit that broke the window and guessed that they (8) (go) away on holiday.
’m terribly sorry about it. Then, one night, we (9) (sleep) for about two
4. erhaps should remind you that your hours when something (10) (wake) us both up.
term test is next onday.
When looked out of the window, saw that a huge lorry
5. The captain ordered the soldiers to
(11) (park) next door. Through the walls, we
blow up the building.
heard lots of strange sounds and then someone began singing in a
6. e denied stealing the money but the
police didn’t believe him. language we (12) (not understand).
The next day, we finally met our mysterious neighbours after we
a. agree that something is true (13) (have) our breakfast. They explained
b. say that something is not true that they were members of a ussian ja band and
c. tell someone to do something
(14) (be) away on tour. They also
d. say that you are sorry
e. make someone remember (15) (tell) us that they preferred to practise
f. not accept after midnight and hoped we wouldn’t mind.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 151 13/1/2021 12:17:02 µµ

Listening & reading
A. Discuss. B. Listen to the dialogue and answer the question. Choose a, b or c.
What’s the strangest story What happened in amie’s dream
you’ve ever heard
as anything unexplained a. e had an operation on his knee.
ever happened to you or b. e met somebody from his past.
someone you know c. e was dressed in an animal costume.

atie ey, amie ow are you feeling after your knee atie ow odd
operation Jamie That’s exactly what thought. Then, called my
Jamie ’m O . Still in some pain though. And don’t grandfather again to see what was taking him so
know why, but, ever since the operation, ’ve been long. e said that he had arrived just minutes after
having all these really strange... Well, ... won’t tell had called him the first time, but he couldn’t see me.
you. ou’re only going to think ’m cra y. atie Did you wander off
atie No, come on. ’m your friend, remember ou can Jamie never left that spot
spot.. Turns out, he had gone to the

tell me anything. train station instead. That’s where he thought was
Jamie O , well, it was a Saturday, and suddenly decided waiting.
to visit my grandparents. They live in Wales in a atie Oh no

remote village. Anyway, arrived at the bus stop Jamie didn’t think my day could get any stranger,
closest to their house and called up my grandfather, but then my grandfather suddenly appeared on
and he said he would pick me up in five minutes. a motorbike, and he was also wearing a parrot
Suddenly, turned around and, you’ll never guess
who was standing next to me
atie ou’re kidding
atie don’t know, someone famous Jamie No, ’m not was just about to ask what was going
Jamie Billy Brown. ou remember him from school, on when woke up t was all a dream. The doctor

right did say that might feel pain for a short while after
atie Of course, we were all classmates. What a my operation, but he never said anything about
coincidence to meet him What was he doing there having such strange dreams

Jamie Well, asked him the same uestion, and he told

me he was on his way to an exhibition. But he
was dressed in this really funny-looking parrot

C. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions.

1. Why didn’t amie want to say much to atie about how he’d been feeling
2. Why did amie call his grandfather the first time
3. Who did amie see while he was waiting for his grandfather
4. What did amie find strange about the person he saw
5. Why did amie call his grandfather the second time
6. What was the misunderstanding between amie and his grandfather
7. What did the doctor say to amie about his operation


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1. in case she thought he was cra y / because he was
eporting statements afraid she might think he was cra y
Talking about strange events 2. because he wanted his grandfather to pick him up
3. e saw an old classmate, Billy Brown.
4. that Billy was dressed in a really funny-looking parrot
eported speech (statements) costume
5. because his grandfather was late picking him up
Vocabulary 6. amie’s grandfather had gone to pick him up from the
train station while amie was waiting for him at the
coincidence gradually odd operation remote bus stop.
spot (n.) turn out unexplained wander (off) 7. e said that amie might feel pain for a short while
Phrasal verbs with up after his operation.
bring up call up go up grow up hold up
make up put up take up turn up
Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions:
LIS T ENING & RE A DING CD3 3 Where do Jamie’s grandparents live? in a remote village in
A. (Pre-listening/reading) Wales
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge Where do Jamie, Katie and Billy know each other from?
• to prepare Ss for the listening/reading task They were all classmates.

• Did Jamie’s doctor warn Jamie about the possibility of
having strange dreams after the operation? No, he didn’t.
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

Suggested answers
The strangest story ’ve ever heard is one my
grandmother likes to tell. She says that when she was
a young girl everyone in her village caught a strange
laughing illness and people couldn’t stop laughing for
over a week. She said people only stopped laughing
after a huge storm. think she invented the story

The strangest thing that has ever happened to me was
the time found my shoes on the roof of our house.

’m pretty sure my brother put them there, but as he

was only little at the time, really don’t know how he
managed it.

Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for gist

ave Ss read the uestion in the rubric and the options

lay the recording and have Ss answer the uestion.
Check the answer with the class and ask higher-

performing Ss to provide justification. This will challenge

them and help lower-performing Ss understand why this
answer is correct.

Aim: to give practice in reading for specific information
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions
and then find the parts of the text where they are
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
referring to specific parts in the dialogue. This will build
lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in
Check the answers with the class.

72 TB

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her answer to the rest of the class (e.g. our classmate said
D. (that) he/she had played basketball.).
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning Ask Ss if they remember this structure, and elicit answers.
from context Draw their attention to the examples in the grammar
box, read through them, and discuss what they remember
ave Ss locate words - in the text and ask them to guess about how eported Speech is formed and when it is used.
their meanings. ou can ask Ss the following uestion to help them answer:
Elicit answers and then tell them to choose the correct meaning Which words changed in the Reported Speech?
from the options provided. To help lower-performing Ss, you Elicit answers, and refer Ss to the rammar eference at
may eliminate one incorrect option in each item. the back of the book for further explanations.
Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to find an example of eported Speech in the text
(... he told me he was on his way to an exhibition.).
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a ave Ss work in pairs and rewrite the sentence using
Direct Speech.
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if Elicit answers ( I’m on my way to an exhibition,’ he said.)
necessary. and discuss the changes.
ave Ss do the activity.
E. (Post-reading) Check the answers with the class.
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
of the reading activity drawing on their own
experience will pick you up in five minutes.
am on my way to an exhibition.
Ask Ss the uestion. ou might feel pain for a short while after your operation.

Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
Suggested answer Aims: to help Ss revise introductory verbs and the

aybe he took some kind of medicine to make the pain changes in tenses when using Reported Speech
from his operation go away. erhaps that made him have (statements)
funny dreams.

Draw Ss’ attention to the rules and the verbs say and tell.
ave Ss look at the examples again, and ask them the
following uestion:
A. What’s the difference between say and tell?
Aim: to introduce phrasal verbs with up Elicit answers (the reporting verb say’ is used when there

ave Ss do the activity. is no person/pronoun as an object and is followed by that’

(optional), while the verb tell’ is followed by a person/
pronoun as an object).

call up try to communicate with sb by telephone

pick sb up give sb a lift from/to a place
B. tell, say
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of
phrasal verbs through context efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

Ask higher-performing Ss to write sentences in

Ask Ss to read sentences - and guess the meaning of the affirmative and turn them into eported Speech. This will
phrasal verbs in context. challenge them. To help lower-performing Ss, write some

Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not know sentences in affirmative on the board and ask them to turn
the meaning of the phrasal verbs, the context can help them them into eported Speech (e.g. Direct Speech: Jim said:
infer it. ary has been talking on the phone for hours.’ Reported
ave Ss match the phrasal verbs with meanings a-h. Speech: Jim said that ary had been talking on the phone for

Check the answers with the class. hours.)

1. d 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. h 7. c 8. g Aim: to give Ss practice in using Reported Speech in context
ave Ss do the activity. Tell lower-performing Ss to refer
Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the phrasal
to the rammar eference at the back of the book in order
verbs from activities A and B. This will challenge them.
to make sure they make the necessary changes. This will
To give lower-performing Ss extra practice, write several
build their confidence to do the activity.
incomplete sentences on the board and ask Ss to complete
Encourage higher-performing Ss to justify the changes
them with the correct phrasal verbs from activities A and B,
they make (e.g. 1. am thinking’ becomes was thinking’ in
e.g. was born in ermany but when was years old we
Reported Speech). This will challenge them.
moved to Austria and there. (grew up)
Check the answers with the class.
know should a hobby that will help
me relax after work. (take up)
ames minutes late at the company 1. Tom that she was thinking of taking a foreign language
meeting, and his boss was furious with him. (turned up) course
2. he didn’t know what time ack would arrive at the airport
GR A MM A R 3. me that he was going to buy a holiday home in Spain
REPOR T ED SPEECH (S TAT EMENTS ) 4. that it might rain at the weekend
A. 5. me that he had bought a new car for the race
Aims: to help Ss revise the use of Reported Speech
Ask one student what he/she did yesterday, and report his/ o to the listening transcript.
73 TB

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Vocabulary & grammar
D. Look at the words/
phrases highlighted in the
dialogue and choose the
correct meaning a, b or c.
a. near
A. Read the extracts from the dialogue and complete the speech bubbles
b. distant with the speakers’ exact words.
c. unusual ... he said he would pick ... he told me he was on his way to an
2. odd me up in five minutes. exhibition.
a. strange
b. friendly pick to an exhibition.
c. happy up in five minutes.
3. wander off
a. feel strange The doctor did say that I might feel pain for a short
b. leave the place while after my operation.
c. remain in one place pain for a short
4. spot while after operation.

a. place
b. village
B. Study the examples and circle the correct words to
c. spaceship
complete the rules.

E. Discuss.
ow can you explain what happened to amie We use eported Speech when we report what someone said
without using their exact words. We usually use the verbs say
and tell to introduce reported statements. We use say / tell
when there is an indirect object (e.g. me, him, etc.) but we use
PHRASAL VERBS WITH UP say / tell when there is no indirect object.
A. Look at the extracts from the When we change from Direct to eported Speech:

dialogue. What do the phrases in pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the
bold mean? meaning of the sentence.
tenses and modal verbs change as follows:

... I called up my grandfather and he said

he would pic me up in five minutes. resent Simple  ast Simple
resent rogressive  ast rogressive
B. Match the phrasal verbs in bold with ast Simple  ast erfect Simple
their meanings a-h. resent erfect Simple  ast erfect Simple
1. ’m thinking of taking up painting

resent erfect rogressive  ast erfect rogressive

’ve heard it’s very relaxing. can  could
2. Would you be able to put me up for will  would

the night have nowhere to stay. may  might

3. can’t believe Trevor turned up
at the meeting with his hair dyed

The Past Perfect Simple, the Past Perfect Progressive


and the modal verbs should, could and might do not
4. The robbers held up the bank and change.
escaped with , .
5. any people believe that he made
up the story, but he claims it is the
6. Edward was brought up by his Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.
grandmother. 1. ‘ am thinking of taking a foreign language course,’ Becky said to
7. The government announced that the Tom.
price of electricity will go up by Becky told .
next year.
2. ‘ don’t know what time ack will arrive at the airport,’ Alex told me.
8. The story is about a young girl
Alex told me that .
growing up in South Africa in the
s. 3. ‘ ’m going to buy a holiday home in Spain,’ hilip said to me.
hilip told .
a. rob e. offer accommodation
4. ‘ t may rain at the weekend,’ aul said.
b. invent f. appear
aul said .
c. increase g. gradually become an adult
d. start h. raise a child 5. ‘ have bought a new car for the race,’ eter said to me.
eter told .

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 155 13/1/2021 12:17:06 µµ

Listening & speaking
LISTENING Talk in pairs. Imagine that you and your partner
are in New York City and have enough time to visit
A. Discuss. only one of the two landmarks, the Empire State
ave you ever been on a guided city tour f yes, Building or The Statue of Liberty. Decide which
did you like it f not, would you like to go on one one to visit using the information you have and
B. You will hear a tour guide taking tourists on a tour of some of the words and expressions given.
Prague. Listen and tick () the buildings/landmarks
that she mentions.

a b

at O

c d Statue of Liberty


e f E I
C. Listen to the tour guide again and decide if the I I
statements are True or False. Write T or F in the boxes.
1. A prince ordered his people to build the city of
rague in the th century.
2. Wenceslas S uare was used for a different purpose
in the past. huge spectacular/magnificent/breathtaking views
3. isitors can go to the top of the Old Town all exciting impressive attractive historic
and enjoy the view. long ueues crowded get seasick
4. isitors can go from one side of the city to the other
by walking across Charles bridge. think we should go to... because...
5. rague Castle is bigger than any other medieval disagree. think we would enjoy going to... more...
castle in Europe. because...
6. The castle has not changed since . f we go to... we can see/enjoy...

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 156 13/1/2021 12:17:09 µµ

Functions SPE A K ING
Aims: • to give Ss practice in speculating on a topic and
Talking about landmarks
reaching a decision
Discussing pros and cons • to provide vocabulary and phrases/expressions
Expressing preference relevant to the topic
Vocabulary •
character commonly cruelty definitely
Divide Ss into pairs. ou can have higher-performing Ss
destination get seasick glimpse (n.) harbour work with lower-performing Ss.
link (n.) originally reputation state Explain to Ss that they should discuss the pros and cons of
Words related to landmarks each place and then decide which one to visit.
army breathtaking fortress guided tour ave them read the advertisements, the vocabulary
legend legendary peasant prince ueue box and the useful phrases/expressions and check
spectacular spooky tower traditional understanding. Ask them to make an effort to use them in
unbelievable the activity.
o round the class helping students if necessary.


A. Suggested answer
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge SA:: think we should go to the Empire State Building.
• to prepare Ss for the listening task t’s got an impressive floors, so we’ll get to enjoy

• breathtaking views of New ork City and even of
neighbouring states from the observatory.
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. SB: es, but the Statue of Liberty is also very tall and the
views of the city and the harbour will be magnificent

from its observation deck.
Suggested answer SA: But if we go to the Empire State Building, we’ll
es, have. went on a guided city tour of Barcelona
with my family when we went there. thought it was
great. We visited all the best sights and learnt a lot
about the city, especially the architecture.
at learn all about how it was built back in the
everyone says it’s a really interesting story.
SB: know, but in my opinion the Statue of Liberty is
even more interesting. t was a gift of friendship
from France to the SA, you know. Also, if we
B. go there, we’ll be able to visit the Ellis sland

Aims: • to give Ss practice in transferring from verbal to mmigration useum. ’d love to do that
visual information SA: But it might be really crowded inside the museum.
And another reason don’t think we should go to the

• Statue of Liberty is that we might get seasick while

Ask Ss to look at pictures a-f and guess what type of getting there.
landmarks they are (e.g. a castle, a bridge, a park etc.). SB: Don’t worry, ’m sure the boat trip will be fine
Allow lower-performing Ss to write down the type of because it isn’t far out to sea. The Statue of Liberty is
landmarks they see in the pictures. This will help them do huge, and it’s very impressive. t’s so uni ue there’s

the activity. nothing else like it anywhere

Explain to them that they are going to listen to a tour SA: still think we should visit the Empire State
guide talking about landmarks in rague and they have to Building. Come on t will be so exciting We can’t

tick the buildings/landmarks she mentions. come all the way to New ork City and not visit it
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. SB: disagree. t costs to go up to the top, while the
Check the answers with the class. Statue of Liberty is much cheaper it’s only .
each. That also includes visiting Ellis sland. Let’s go

a, d, e, f SA: eally Then maybe you’re right. suppose we can
visit the Empire State Building next time we’re here.

Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for details
ave Ss read statements - and check understanding.
Explain to them that they should decide if the statements
are true or false.
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. F 2. T 3. T 4. 5. T 6. F

ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing

Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge
higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss
understand why these sentences are false.

74 TB

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A. b. fortress
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge c. peasant
• to prepare Ss for the writing task
d. associated with
• e. spooky
Discuss the uestions with the class. f. destination

Suggested answers
The most popular attraction in my country is the Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
Acropolis thousands of people visit it each year. t is
popular because of the arthenon. Where is Bran Castle? in the Carpathian mountains,
f could visit any landmark in the world, would go to Transylvania, Romania
achu icchu in eru. ’ve seen pictures, and think it What is Bran Castle now? a museum
would be ama ing to climb up to the historic site there. Why is the castle known as Dracula’s Castle? because one
of the people associated with the castle was Prince Vlad the
third, who is believed to have inspired the character of
B. Count Dracula
Aims: to help Ss understand the main points of a
description and give a personal response Why is Bran Castle an attractive tourist destination? It

offers visitors an exciting glimpse into Romanian history,
and it is also linked to the legend of Count Dracula.
ave Ss answer the uestions in the rubric. E.

Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing a
Suggested answer description of a place/building
would definitely like to visit Bran Castle Walking
around this mysterious castle seems like a great way
to learn about omanian culture and history. What
ave Ss read through the outline and make sure they
understand what each paragraph should include when
writing descriptions of a place/building.
is more, the fact that it is located in the Carpathian
ountains means that you get to see the natural beauty
of the country along the way. Also, the connection with WRIT ING TA SK

Count Dracula is what makes the castle fascinating F.

Aims: to give Ss practice in writing a description of a

Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying sequence and
paragraph content in a description of a place/ ead out and explain the T .
building Tell Ss to refer to the article and the outline when writing
their description.

Explain to Ss that each phrase corresponds to a paragraph


in the description. Model answer

ave Ss read the description again and do the activity. f you ever travel to reece and are lucky enough to
Check the answers with the class, and ask higher- visit the reek islands, a trip to the island of Delos is a
performing Ss to provide justification for their answers. must. t may be a very small island, but Delos has a huge

This will challenge them and help lower-performing Ss history.

understand why these answers are correct. Over , years ago, the island of Delos was home
to more than , people. This was one of the most
important places in the world for ancient reeks. ere, it
a. b. c. d. is believed that Apollo and his sister Artemis were born.
Now the island is a large historical site where visitors can
come to learn about the fascinating history of ancient
D. reece. On the island visitors can take a guided tour,
Aims: to raise Ss’ awareness of descriptive vocabulary visit the museum and ancient theatre or just wander
around through the ruins.
With its rich history, the impressive island of Delos is
a great chance for visitors to get a glimpse of reece’s
Explain to Ss that in order to attract the readers’ attention, historic past.
the writer has chosen descriptive vocabulary.
ave Ss locate these words in the text using the definitions
given as an aid.
Check the answers with the class.

75 TB

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A description of a place/building
A. Discuss. D. Find words/phrases in the text which mean:
What places or landmarks attract visitors in your a. having many stories told
country What is special about them about it (par )
f you had the opportunity to visit a famous
b. a well-protected place
landmark, which would you choose Why
that is difficult for
B. Read the description of Bran Castle. Is it a place you enemies to enter (par )
would like to visit? Why / Why not? c. a poor person who earns
a living from the land

DRACULA’S (par )
d. connected to (par )

CASTLE e. known for its frightening

atmosphere (par )

f you travel deep f. a place where someone
into the Carpathian is going to (par )
mountains to the heart

of omania, you will
find the legendary E. When you are writing a description of a place or
Transylvania. n this
mysterious place, you
atbuilding, follow this outline.
will see an ancient OPENING PAR AGRAPH about the
castle on top of a hill Give some general information
this is Bran Castle. place/building.

With its four impressive towers, the castle was originally MAIN PART (2 paragraphs) g, the atmosphere
used as a fortress to protect the inhabitants from enemy • Describe the place/buildin

armies. t is now a museum where visitors can see art and and its special features. do there.
furniture collected by the ueen of omania, arie, who • Say what there is to see and
lived there for many years. At the bottom of the hill, in an
open-air museum park, there are examples of traditional • Summarise your points.

peasant homes. • Make a general comment orce.
how you feel about the pla
One of the people associated with the castle was rince

lad , who was famous for his unbelievable cruelty.

any people believe that the character of Count Dracula
is based on him, and that is why the castle is commonly WRITING TASK

known as Dracula’s Castle. This has given the castle a

F. Write a description of a famous landmark or
spooky reputation. building in your country using the outline in
Bran Castle offers visitors an exciting glimpse into activity E. Your description should be between
omanian history. n addition, its link with the legend of 100-150 words.
Dracula makes it an attractive tourist destination. A trip
to this impressive castle is definitely worth the time.

C. Each of these phrases corresponds to one of the When you are writing a description of a place/building:
paragraphs in the description. Write the numbers 1-4  write about a place you are familiar with, for example,
in the boxes.
one you have been to.
n this paragraph the writer:  use the Present Simple to describe the place and the
a. says why the place is worth visiting and makes Past Simple to talk about its history.
a general comment about it.  write about the most important and interesting features
b. says what makes the place special and of the place.
describes the atmosphere.  don’t include unimportant details in your description.
c. mentions the important features of the place  use a variety of adjectives to make your description
and what you can see and do there. more vivid.
d. says where the place is and gives general
information about it.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 159 13/1/2021 12:17:12 µµ

A. Discuss.
ave you ever read or heard
about any strange crimes
What would you do if you
realised there was a burglar
in your house
B. Read the text quickly and answer
the question.
Where does the text probably
come from
a. a book with short stories
b. a news website
c. a police report

Last night, the police finally caught the well-known
‘hungry’ burglar in action, in the house of Barbara
Fit patrick, a ontville, New ersey native. The burglar
eople like Tim and iranda ones were not so lucky.
They returned home once to find one of their front
windows broken and their kitchen a mess. They said that
was known in the area for breaking into houses when the it looked like a hurricane had passed through their house.
owners were either gone or asleep and simply eating or There were scraps of food everywhere and pots and pans

taking whatever food he could find. any victims simply scattered on the floor. ‘ t was very bi arre,’ says iranda.
woke up or returned home to find their cupboards and ‘The police asked us if anything else was missing. We

fridges completely empty. checked to see if our money and jewellery were gone, but
That was not the case for Barbara, however. She was they were intact. t was just the food he was after. We
asleep when she heard strange noises coming from the asked our neighbours if they had heard or seen anything
kitchen. She uietly went downstairs and saw a chubby but nobody had. had never encountered anything like

man, of about , eating her chicken leftovers. She this. We simply didn’t know how to react.’
immediately called the police and asked them to come to The police confirmed the identification of the man by
her house as uickly as possible. The police told her not to matching his fingerprints with some that had been left

time. They
panic and said that they would be there in no time on food containers from his previous burglaries. After
also told her to stay in her room for safety reasons. the burglar confessed, the police asked him why he had
‘ had heard stories of the hungry thief from friends committed those crimes. e said that he was a homeless

and some neighbours who had been victims of his food man who was simply hungry and preferred eating home-
raiding, so was prepared,’ Barbara says. ‘‘Thankfully, the cooked meals to stealing from supermarkets. e also
police arrived before the thief had time to finish my roast said that he never stole anything apart from food. e was
chicken. They also found about ten bags of food he was charged with burglary and can face up to two years in
ready to take with him before he left.’ prison.

C. Read the text again and decide if the statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text.
Write T, F or NM in the boxes.
1. The burglar is a New ersey native.
2. Barbara Fit patrick caught the thief herself and held him in her house until the police came.
3. The burglar was preparing to take food from Barbara’s house.
4. The burglar’s favourite food was chicken.
5. The burglar entered Tim and iranda’s house by breaking their front window.
6. No jewellery or money was taken from the ones’ house.
7. The police arrived at Tim and iranda’s house in no time.
8. The police matched the burglar’s fingerprints with those left on food containers.
9. The burglar never admitted his crimes.
10. The burglar will go to prison for at least two years.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 160 13/1/2021 12:17:13 µµ

Functions C.
Aims: to give practice in reading for details
Talking about crimes and criminals
eporting uestions, commands and re uests oint out to Ss that first they should read the statements and
Structures then find the corresponding parts of the text.
Ask Ss to read through statements - and check
eported uestions, commands and re uests understanding.
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
Vocabulary the texts in order to do the activity.
apart from bi arre chubby complete (adj.) Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the
confirm container encounter (v.) face (v.) text.
fair homeless in action intact leftovers ave Ss do the activity.
match (v.) owner pan pot protection As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
safety scatter scraps security guard with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
referring to specific parts in the text. This will build lower-
Words related to crime performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class.
break into burglar burglary charge with Check the answers with the class.
commit confess crime fingerprint
identification kidnap kidnapper kidnapping 1. N
murder (n./v.) murderer punish punishment 2. F (‘The police told her not to panic and said that they
release rob robber robbery theft thief would be there in no time. They also told her to stay

victim in her room for safety reasons.’)
Expressions with the word time 3. T (‘They also found about ten bags of food he was
ready to take with him before he left.’)
by the time for the time being from time to time
4. N

in no time in time on time once upon a time 5. T (‘They returned home once to find one of their
Words: be + prepositions front windows broken and their kitchen a mess.’)
be about to be after be against be for be over 6. T (‘We checked to see if our money and jewellery were
be up be up to at gone, but they were intact...’)
7. N
8. T (‘The police confirmed the identification of the
RE A DING CD3 9 man... containers from his previous burglaries.’)
A. 9. F (‘After the burglar confessed...’)

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity 10. F (‘ e was charged with burglary and can face up to
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal two years in prison.’)

• Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.
How was the burglar caught during his last burglary? The
Suggested answers owner of the house, who was asleep, woke up and called the
’ve read about people stealing the strangest things. police, who came before the burglar left the crime scene.

Once read about a man who stole a lamp post. e What kind of food was he eating when he was arrested? roast
didn’t need it for anything. e just thought it would chicken leftovers
look nice in his garden.

Why did the burglar break into houses? because he was

f thought there was a burglar in my house, would homeless and he preferred home-cooked meals to stealing
call the police. ’d then try to get outside the house as food from the supermarket
uietly as possible and wait for the police to arrive.

Aims: • to raise Ss’ awareness of style, register and genre

Ask Ss to read the uestion and the options given and
check understanding.
ave Ss read through the text uickly and do the activity.
To challenge higher-performing Ss, you may ask them to
justify why the other options are incorrect.

b ( t does not follow the norms of a short story, it

includes too much information that is more appropriate
for a news report, and a police report would exclude all
uotations and be more formal in style.)

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Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
from context 1. robbery
2. broke into, stole
3. burglar/thief
Ask Ss to read through words - and their meanings a-h. 4. kidnapper(s)
Explain to them that they should find these words in the
text and guess their meaning from the context.
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them 2 . E X PRE SSIONS WIT H T HE WORD
infer it.
ave Ss do the activity. TIME
Encourage Ss to pay attention to the part of speech of the Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of
words - so that they can eliminate some of the options expressions with the word time
(a-h). This will help lower-performing Ss.
Check the answers with the class. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
1. d 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. g 6. b 7. h 8. c
1. b 2. f 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. e
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

E. (Post-reading)

Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
of the reading activity drawing on their own To challenge higher-performing Ss Ss, ask them to find
experience more expressions with the word time and present the
expressions and their meanings to the class.

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. To help lower-performing Ss Ss, you can give them some
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. extra expressions with the word time (e.g. as time goes

Suggested answers
by)) and ask them to look up their meaning.
e’s different because he doesn’t take money. nstead,
he was just trying to find food for himself. 3. T HE V ERB B E + PREPOSIT IONS
No, don’t think he should be punished. think he A.

should be given a home and a job. Aims: to introduce the meaning and use of expressions
with be + prepositions

VOC A BUL A RY ave Ss answer the uestion.

Aims: to raise Ss’ awareness of verbs and nouns (both c
abstract and as an agent) related to crime

Explain to Ss that the verb expresses an action, the noun


in the second column the crime and the noun in the third
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of
column the agent.
expressions with be + prepositions in context
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

ave Ss do the activity.

A. Check the answers with the class.

ACTION (VERB) CRIME CRIMINAL 1. f 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. h 7. c 8. g

steal theft thief
Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using be
rob robbery robber prepositions. This will challenge them.
murder murder murderer Write some of these sentences on the board without
break in/into burglary burglar writing the prepositions.
Ask lower-performing Ss to complete the sentences with
kidnap kidnapping kidnapper the correct prepositions. This will give them extra practice.

Aims: to give Ss practice in using crime related words in

Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check

ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

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Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words/phrases highlighted
in the text with their meanings a-h.
2. thankfully Read the sentences 1-6 and match the expressions
in bold with their meanings a-f.
3. scattered
4. bi arre 1. They told us that the show would start on time.

5. intact 2. ake sure you arrive at the port in time to catch

the last ferry back to the city.
6. encountered
3. From time to time, go to a spa and have a facial
7. confessed treatment.
8. apart from 4. The children are uiet, for the time being.
a. very strange 5. Once upon a time, there was a brave man called
b. experienced ercules.
c. except for
6. By the time can afford to buy that house, the
d. very uickly
price will have gone up.
e. thrown and spread around

f. luckily
a. occasionally
g. complete and not damaged
b. at the correct time
h. admitted doing something wrong

c. just for now
E. Discuss. d. a very long time ago
e. before
What makes the hungry thief
different from other criminals who
break into houses
f. not late
Do you think this thief should be 3. THE VERB BE + PREPOSITIONS
punished Why / Why not f yes, A. Look at the extract from the text. What does the

what do you think would be a fair phrase in bold mean?

punishment It was just the food he was after.

VOCABULARY a. ate b. cooked c. tried to get

B. Read the sentences 1-8 and match the phrases
A. Complete the table with the missing words.
in bold with their meanings a-h.

ACTION (VERB) CRIME CRIMINAL 1. A romantic comedy is on at The ex tonight.

steal theft 2. elissa is usually up at seven o’clock in the

robbery morning.
3. was about to leave home when heard a strange
murder murderer

break in/into burglar 4. Are you for the government’s decision to

kidnapping kidnapper spend five million pounds on the protection of
endangered species
B. Complete the sentences with words
from the table in activity 1A. You may 5. We must be off now. We have to catch the .
need to change the form of the words. train.
1. There was a at the 6. am definitely against the mayor’s plan to build
a oo in our town.
bank yesterday.
7. hope this boring lecture will be over soon.
2. Someone the 8. What is that boy up to s he trying to steal
museum last night and something
an ancient vase.
a. to leave
3. The fingerprints on the kitchen window led b. to support
police to the , who had c. to end
d. to be ready to
the missing items in his home.
e. to be awake and out of bed
4. The asked for f. to be showing
one million pounds in cash to release g. to do (usually something wrong)
h. to not support
the woman.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 163 13/1/2021 12:17:13 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.
1. ‘Are you going to the beach on Sunday ,’ Andrew asked aria.
Andrew wanted to know .
A. Read the extracts from the text in Reading 2. ‘ lease could you bring me some ketchup ,’ enny said to the
activity B and complete the speech
bubbles with the speakers’ exact words. waiter.
enny asked the waiter .
She as ed them to come to her house as
quickly as possible. 3. ‘Will the weather be nice this weekend ,’ Becky thought.
Becky wondered .
lease, house as
uickly as possible. 4. ‘Why are you taking part in that competition ,’ my father asked me.
y father wanted .
The police told her not to panic. 5. ‘ ut your bag in the container’, the airport security guard said to

, madam The airport security guard told me .
6. ‘Where did leave my credit card ,’ Celia asked herself.

We asked our neighbours if they had heard or Celia wondered .
seen anything.
7. ‘ lease, don’t make noise ,’ ulie said to the man.

see anything
hear or ulie asked at .
The police asked him why he had

committed those crimes.

commit Read the text and decide which answer

these crimes a, b or c best fits each gap.

B. Study the examples and complete the

rules by circling the correct options.

reland, which is believed by many to be the

Reported commands and requests
Commands are usually introduced with land of magic, is commonly associated
the verb tell and re uests with the verb ask.
ask (1) leprechauns. Legend has it that

The imperative changes to: leprechauns are tiny, red-haired (2) , usually dressed in green
to base form clothes and pointy shoes. They live in (3) areas of reland and
and the negative imperative changes to: although they are not bad, they have a reputation for behaving badly

don’t / not to base form.

form and sometimes causing trouble to the people they (4) .
Reported questions ere is one of the many stories known to rish people about
They are usually introduced with the leprechauns. A man was walking in the woods when suddenly he
verbs ask / tell, wonder and want to know.
noticed a(n) (5) light in the distance. e went closer, and to
f a direct uestion begins with a uestion his (6) , he saw a leprechaun sitting next to a pot of gold. The
word (e.g. who, what, why), the reported
uestion begins with the same uestion leprechaun was (7) with joy, but as soon as he realised he
word. wasn’t alone, he murmured something angrily and (8) The
f a direct uestion does not begin with a man, who was stunned by the incident, rushed back home to tell his
uestion word, the reported uestion wife. Strange, isn’t it
begins with if / that or whether.
1. a. in b. with c. by
The verb in a reported uestion is in the
question / affirmative form. 2. a. thieves b. clues c. creatures
3. a. unexplained b. enormous c. remote
When we change uestions from Direct
to eported Speech, pronouns, tenses, etc. 4. a. encounter b. scatter c. confess
change in the same way as when we report 5. a. intact b. da ling c. clear
statements. 6. a. fear b. miracle c. astonishment
7. a. frustrated b. radiant c. committed
8. a. wondered b. kidnapped c. vanished


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 164 13/1/2021 12:17:14 µµ

GR A MM A R uestion someone might have asked him/her (e.g. a teacher,
a friend, his/her parents, etc.) and report it to the lower-
A ND REQUE S TS The lower-performing S has to guess who might have
A. asked the higher-performing S this uestion.
Aims: to give Ss practice in using reported questions, Choose a student to demonstrate what they have to do (e.g.
commands and requests igher performing S: He asked me whether/if I would like
something to drink. / ower performing S: A waiter asked
you whether/if you would like something to drink.).
Ask Ss to read through the first two examples of reported ave Ss do the activity. Then ask them to swap roles.
commands and re uests in the grammar box and discuss ave them present their answers in class, and ask the
what they remember about how they are formed and when rest of the Ss to determine whether they have formed the
they are used. indirect uestions correctly.
Ask Ss the following uestions:
How do we report an affirmative command? We use a PR AC T ICE
reporting verb such as tell, order, etc. followed by to + base Aim: to give Ss practice in using reported questions,
form. commands and requests in context
How do we report a negative command? We use a reporting
verb followed by not to + base form. ave Ss do the activity.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. Check the answers with the class.
Explain to Ss that a re uest is not always in the mperative,

and that it can also be in the form of a uestion ( Will you 1. if/whether aria was going to the beach on Sunday
help me, Lisa?’ ary asked.). When this is the case, it can 2. to bring (whether/if he could bring) her some ketchup
be dealt with in two ways: either as a uestion ( ary asked 3. if/whether the weather would be nice that weekend
Lisa if/whether she would help her.) or as a re uest base 4. to know why was taking part in that competition

form ( ary asked Lisa to help her.). 5. to put my bag in the container
ive Ss some commands and re uests and have them 6. where she had left her credit card
report them all together. 7. the man not to make noise
Draw Ss’ attention to the uestions in Direct and eported
Speech in the grammar box.
ead them aloud, and ask Ss to tell you what they
remember about how uestions in eported Speech are
Aim: to give Ss practice in using newly taught vocabulary
formed and when they are used.
in context

Ask Ss the following uestions:

When we want to report a es/No question, which word(s) do
ave Ss do the activity.
we use after the reporting verb asked’? (if or whether)
Check the answers with the class.

When we want to report a question that begins with a

question word, what do we do? (We use the same question
word after the reporting verb asked’.) 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. c
In reported questions, do we use question forms after the
reporting verbs? (No)
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book

for further explanations.

Write a few examples of uestions in Direct Speech on the

board, and ask Ss for their e uivalents in eported Speech.

Ask Ss to complete the speech bubbles with the speakers’
exact words.
Check the answers with the class.

lease, come to my house as uickly as possible.

Don’t panic, madam
Did you hear or see anything
Why did you commit these crimes

Aims: to help Ss revise the rules concerning reported
commands, requests and questions

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

not, ask, if, affirmative

ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing

Ss in pairs and allocate roles.
The higher-performing S in each pair has to think of a

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Functions SPE A K ING
Aims: • to give Ss practice in asking and providing
Talking about strange events
information about past events
Asking about events • to give Ss practice in recounting events
roviding information

Divide Ss in pairs. ou can have higher-performing Ss
alarm system ambulance citi en elegant work with lower-performing Ss.
fade away go out immediately incident Ask them to go through the newspaper report, the
light up make out shape (n.) so far stage vocabulary box and the uestions box and check
suburb suddenly thankful throughout understanding. Ask them to make an effort to use them in
trip (v.) urgent the activity.
Allow Ss some time to think of answers to the uestions
and note down key words. Encourage higher-performing
Ss to help lower-performing Ss with unknown words they
might want to use.
LIS T ENING CD3 10, 11 o round the class helping students if necessary.
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for gist
Suggested answer
lay the recording and have Ss answer the uestion. SA: Did you see those cra y lights last night

Check the answer with the class. SB: eah saw them from my house. was stunned.
What about you Where exactly were you when you
saw them
Amy’s kitten, ilo SA: was in the park. was walking home from an

evening class at university.
SB: What did you think when you first saw the lights
SA: Well, at first, thought that it might be an aeroplane
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific
information and doing a sentence completion
or something like that.
SB: e too. But then when the shapes started to change,
thought it must be a light show.
activity SA: eah. e too t was spectacular at first but, to be
honest, was frightened. Especially by that sound...
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.

ow did you feel

As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work SB: was frightened too. What kind of sounds did you
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their hear

answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This SA: Well, something like a fire alarm. ’m really curious
will build lower-performing Ss’’ confidence to share their to know what was going on.
answers in class. SB: have no idea. know scientists have said they have
Check the answers with the class. no explanation, but think there must be one.

1. burglary
2. locked
3. parents

4. door
5. in the house
6. information

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Listening & speaking
A. You will hear part of a radio programme called Unbelievable but True, which features strange short
stories in a dramatised form. Listen and answer the question.
Who was responsible for the mess in Amy’s house
B. Listen again and complete the sentences.
1. When Amy saw her house, the first thing she thought was
that there had been a .
2. When Amy came home, the door was .
3. Only Amy’s have a key to her house.
4. Amy’s is on the same alarm system
as the windows.

5. The detective thought that the thief was still .
6. Amy forgot to give the detective some very important

Talk in pairs. Imagine that you both witnessed the strange event described in the news report. Ask each other
questions to find out more information and answer using your imagination and some of the vocabulary given.



in the Sky

The citi ens of Springfield were treated to a very

bi arre light show on Sunday night. Witnesses say that,
at around nine o’clock last night, a red light suddenly
appeared in the sky forming different shapes and
lighting up the entire night sky. t was then uickly
followed by an orange, a yellow and a green light, and
all this happened several times. Some witnesses said
that they also heard strange sounds. So far, scientists
have no explanation as to what those lights could have

spectacular impressive frightened stunned curious weird

Where exactly / you / be / what / you / do What kind / sounds / you / hear
ow / you / describe / sight ow / you / feel
What / you / think / when / first see / lights Where / you / think / lights / come from
What kind / shapes / lights / form

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A story
A. Discuss.
ave you ever had a dream that was so real that you thought it had actually happened f yes, tell the others about it.

B. Read the rubric and the story. Has the writer ended the story appropriately? How do you explain what
happened that night?
A teen website has organised a short story competition and you have decided to enter. The competition rules say that the
story must end with the following words:
That’s when Peter knew he had been dreaming.

Late last Friday night, eter was watching T when

the phone rang. t was his cousin evin, and he
asked eter to meet him at the old theatre. Before

eter had time to say anything, evin said, ‘Don’t
ask me why. ust get here uickly. t’s urgent ’

eter grabbed his jacket and ran to the old theatre.
Someone had left the door open, so eter walked in.
t was dark in the theatre, and while eter was trying
to find his cousin, he tripped and tore his jeans at
the knee. Suddenly, a bright light appeared on the
stage. eter approached and saw evin standing

there, dressed in a theatre costume. There were

some other people standing on the stage too, but he

couldn’t make out who they were.

evin knelt down and spoke to eter in a deep
voice. e said, ‘Come with us.’ Then,, the lights went
out, and eter felt a cold wind blowing through the

theatre. e could hear evin’s voice fading away,

telling him to follow them. The next thing he knew,

he was back home in front of the T again.

eter was confused. t had seemed so real. e looked
at his jeans and saw that they weren’t torn. Then he

saw that the window was open, and the cold night
air was blowing in. That’s when eter knew he had
been dreaming.

C. Read the story again and answer the questions.

1. What tenses does the writer use to set the scene of the story in the first paragraph
2. What tenses does the writer use throughout the story
3. Look at the words/phrases highlighted in the story.
a. Which two link two past actions and indicate that one action ‘interrupted’ the other
b. Which two link past actions that happened one after the other
c. Which one indicates the specific time something happened


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 168 13/1/2021 12:17:20 µµ

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task

Discuss the uestion in class.

Suggested answer
once dreamt that had a big maths test at school, but
hadn’t studied for it. n the dream, couldn’t answer
any of the uestions. When woke up, was so sure it
had really happened that even told my mum that had
failed my maths test.

Aims: to familiarise Ss with rubric specifications and
the purpose of a story

ave Ss read the text uickly and answer the uestion in
the rubric.

es, because it ends with the words specified in the
competition rules (That’s when Peter knew he had been
eter dreamt about a frightening experience at an old

Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying narrative tenses
and time words/phrases

Tell Ss to read the story again and answer uestions - .

ou can have higher-performing Ss work with lower-
performing Ss.. Encourage them to provide examples from

the text to justify their answers.

Check the answers in class.

1. ast rogressive, ast Simple, resent Simple

2. ast rogressive, ast Simple, resent Simple, ast
erfect Simple, ast erfect rogressive

3. a. While, when
b. before, then
c. last Friday night

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D. Model answer
Aims: • to present Ss with a comprehensive list of time t was a day Anna would never forget. t was a chilly
words/phrases and their uses spring morning, and she decided it was the perfect day
• to give Ss practice in using time words and phrases for a run.
She had just entered the forest when she tripped over
Ask Ss to go through the table with time words/phrases something in the middle of the path. She looked around
and check understanding. angrily to see what had caused her to fall down. There,
Encourage Ss to provide their own examples. in the middle of the path, was what looked like a very
ave Ss read the story that follows and choose the right old wooden box
time words/phrases. Should she open it She nervously reached her hand out
ave the students do the activity. to lift the old lock. She couldn’t believe her eyes The
Check the answers with the class. box was filled with large gold coins. ‘What should do
now ’, she thought to herself.
The first story on the news that night was about two
1. While robbers who had broken into the museum and had run
2. By the time away through the forest before vanishing. olice said
3. When they found the robbers and the stolen objects with the
4. until help of a local citi en. Anna was proud and she knew
5. after she had done the right thing.
6. As soon as
7. When

Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the Video activities: Alcatraz
time words/phrases. This will challenge them. The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back

Write some of these sentences on the board without of the book.
writing the time words/phrases.
Ask lower-performing Ss to complete the sentences with
the correct time word/phrase. This will give them extra

Aims: • to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing
stories ending or beginning with a specific

• to give Ss practice in writing stories ending or
beginning with a specific sentence/phrase


ave Ss read through the uestions in the outline and

make sure they understand what each part of the story
should include.

ave Ss complete the outline for their story.

ead out and explain the T .
Tell Ss to write their story, using the outline they have
made. Tell them to refer to the story in activity B and the

T when writing their story.

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D. Look at the table. Then read the story and circle WRITING TASK
the correct options. E. Read the rubric and complete the outline for the
Time words/phrases A teen website has organised a short story competition and you
linking two past actions one of which happened have decided to enter. The competition rules say that the story
earlier than the other must begin with the following words:
It was a day Anna would never forget.
after, when, before, until, as soon as, by the time
linking two past actions that were happening at INTRODUCTION
the same time or linking two past actions one of • How must you begin your story?
which ‘interrupted’ the other
• Where was Anna?
while, when, as
her like?
• What time was it? / What was the weat
indicating when something happened
• Was anyone with Anna? Who?
yesterday, then, after that, ago, next, last week, etc.
• What was Anna’s relationship to the othe


t was a cold winter night, and Chloe had just • What happened on that day?
finished doing some shopping in the city centre. lved ) do?
• What did Anna (and the other people invo

(1) While / As soon as she was walking towards
her car, she saw a tall, elegant woman who • How did Anna (and the others) feel?
reminded her a lot of her mother. (2) Until /
By the time Chloe turned round to look at her
• What were they expecting to happen?
again, the woman had left. (3) Then / When
Chloe decided to move to the suburbs three • What happened in the end?

months ago, she knew that her mother would be

left alone, so Chloe visited her every weekend. • How did Anna feel after wards?

She also talked to her on the phone every day • Did the experience change her life in any
(4) until / after she could see her again. Chloe
forgot about the incident, but (5) before / after

half an hour, she started feeling that something Write your story. Your story should be between 100-150
was wrong. (6) As soon as / As she got home, she

tried to call her mum, but there was no answer,

so she decided to drive to her house. (7) As /
When she arrived, she found her mother on the When you are writing a story:

floor she had fallen down the stairs and broken  do not change the prompt sentence given to begin or end your story.
her leg. mmediately, Chloe called an ambulance  use Past tenses (Past Simple, Past Progressive, Past Perfect).
 use Direct Speech to make a situation seem real.
which took them to the hospital. Although
 use questions or exclamations to make the story more exciting.
Chloe didn’t know who that woman was, she  use linking words/phrases to indicate the sequence of events,
was thankful she had seen her. chronological order, etc.
 use expressions/phrases like:
It was too good to be true!
I couldn’t believe my eyes!
I was in / out of luck...
All of a sudden / Suddenly...
It was a real shock.
To my surprise...
The next thing I knew...

Video activities:

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5 Round-up
A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.

1. Emma her good news into ane’s ear while they were in class.
a. confirmed b. promised c. admitted d. whispered
2. Lisa up at the meeting later than anyone else.
a. turned b. took c. put d. went
3. The little boy to having broken the window.
a. ordered b. confessed c. encountered d. charged
4. , dinosaurs inhabited the Earth.
a. From time to time b. For the time being c. On time d. Once upon a time
5. A performance of Swan Lake is at the National Theatre tonight.

a. about b. on c. off d. over
6. A: What are you two to ou look very suspicious.

B: Oh, nothing, sir.
a. about b. for c. on d. up
7. , like to go for long walks in the countryside.
a. For the time being b. By the time c. On time
at d. From time to time
8. eith was by the spectacular view from the top of the volcano.
a. radiant b. overheated c. stunned d. curious

9. The man handed me the envelope, and then he into the fog.
a. vanished b. murmured c. scattered d. encountered

10. When the realised he was surrounded by the police, he agreed to give the child back to his parents.
a. kidnapper b. murderer c. burglar d. thief
B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.

1. By the time got there, they dinner.

a. had already finished b. had already been finishing c. was finishing already d. already finished

2. After in my exam paper, realised that had forgotten to put my name on it.
a. had been giving b. given c. had given d. was giving
3. onica was upset when because she had been waiting for me for over an hour.

a. had arrived b. had been arriving c. arrived d. was arriving

4. Tom was tired because he on the project for twelve hours non-stop.
a. worked b. working c. had been working d. works
5. hilip that he would cook dinner the next day.
a. told b. said c. asked d. wondered
6. The police officer follow him.
a. said b. told me c. said to me d. asked me to
7. anessa wanted to know the book belonged to me.
a. had b. did c. if d. was
8. asked my mum .
a. where my T-shirt was b. where was my T-shirt c. whether was my T-shirt d. where is my T-shirt
9. The teacher that a guest speaker would be coming to our class on onday.
a. told us b. asked us c. said us d. told
10. told my friend during the film.
a. to not talk b. not talking c. not to talk d. to not talking


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 172 13/1/2021 12:17:24 µµ

Round-up 5
Aims: • to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 5 through
various activities


1. d
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. a


1. a
2. c
3. c
4. c

5. b
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. a
10. c

82 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 173 13/1/2021 12:17:25 µµ

5 Round-up
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. b

1. unbelievable
2. advertisement
3. curiosity
4. interviewer
5. coincidence
6. criminal
7. frustrated

8. apologised/apologising

1. wondered whether/if had
2. not to leave the
3. had sent the invitations
4. (that) she had never seen
5. wondered where aren had bought
6. had been walking for
7. apologised for taking / having taken

8. denied taking (any) money from


83 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 174 13/1/2021 12:17:25 µµ

C. Read the text and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap.
esterday, something very interesting as well as (1) happened 1. a. da ling 5. a. native
in our town. To everyone’s (2) , r and rs Bob Sharp b. remote b. victim
found some huge footprints outside their cabin in the woods c. bi arre c. creature
and contacted the police. They told the police that they (3) 2. a. coincidence 6. a. so far
such big footprints before and that they were (4) because b. astonishment b. apart from
they believed that the footprints belonged to Bigfoot. c. identification c. perhaps
t is believed that Bigfoot is an enormous (5) that looks like 3. a. had never seen 7. a. encountered
an ape and lives in the forests of northwestern SA and Canada. b. never saw b. confessed
owever, (6) the reports of local inhabitants, the authorities c. have never seen c. searched
say that there isn’t enough evidence to confirm that he is real. any 4. a. terrified 8. a. wondering
people claim that they have (7) Bigfoot, but nobody can b. scattered b. wandering
really prove it. n any case, the police assured everybody that c. committed c. rushing
the footprints belong to a big bear that was (8) in the area.

D. Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals.

In the wrong place at the wrong time

ichael is an ordinary man, and nothing (1) has ever happened to him. But BELIE E
one day, as he was reading an article online, he saw a job (2)
interesting. e already had a job, but, just out of (3)
at that looked
, ichael called and
arranged an interview. To his surprise, the taxi left him outside an enormous building he had

never seen before. An elegant woman took his coat and then vanished. e thought she might be
the (4) , and while he was waiting for her to return, a man walked in wearing INTER IEW

a mask and told everyone present to give him their money. oor ichael was in the wrong place
at the wrong time. owever, by pure (5) , ichael was able to recognise the COINCIDE
man from his voice. t was Steve Sanders, from school. e wasn’t a(n) (6) , CRIME
but he was very (7) because, after he had lost his job, he was left homeless. As FRUSTRATE

soon as he realised who ichael was, he started crying and (8) to everyone APOLOGY
for the incident.

E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. ‘Do you have any plans for the summer holidays ,’ Alicia asked me. wondered

Alicia any plans for the summer holidays.

2. ‘Don’t leave the building,’ the police officer told us. not
The police officer told us building.
3. They sent the invitations and then they cancelled the exhibition. had
After they , they cancelled the exhibition.
4. ‘ have never seen a koala before,’ said ichelle. had
ichelle said a koala before.
5. ‘Where did aren buy that lovely dress ,’ Tricia asked. wondered
Tricia that lovely dress.
6. We walked for five hours and finally we decided to stop for a while. been
We five hours when we finally decided to stop for a while.
7. ‘ am sorry took your dress without asking,’ said Linda. for
Linda my dress without asking.
8. ‘ did not take any money from your wallet,’ said Sam. taking
Sam my wallet.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 175 13/1/2021 12:17:27 µµ

5 Round-up
You will hear a radio interview about the Bermuda Read the following and tick ( ) the appropriate
Triangle. For questions 1-6, choose the correct boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
answer a, b or c. to the relevant sections in the module.
1. Where is the Bermuda Triangle
a. near the Devil’s Triangle Now I can...
b. in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean

c. between iami, Bermuda and uerto ico  use a variety of reporting verbs
2. What strange incident did Christopher Columbus  use lexical sets related to the topic of crime
witness in the Bermuda Triangle  use phrasal verbs with up
a. e saw a ship disappearing.  use expressions with the word time

b. e saw natives setting fire to an island.  use the verb be prepositions
c. e saw lights on the hori on.
3. ow many planes vanished in the famous navy GRAMMAR  use the ast erfect Simple and the ast

erfect rogressive appropriately
training incident
 report statements, uestions, commands
atand re uests
 understand details in a text
4. What final explanation did the S navy give for the
 skim a text to understand the gist and

disappearance of Flight identify its origin

a. pilot error

b. reasons unknown  understand specific information


c. extra-terrestrials from a guided tour

5. Why would it be difficult to find a sunken ship in the  understand specific information in a radio
programme and complete gapped
Bermuda Triangle

a. Because the region has hurricanes.

b. Because there are deep trenches in the area.


 speculate about which landmark to visit

c. Because it causes strange compass readings. and make a decision
6. What does Dr Brown say the ulf Stream is similar to  talk about mysterious and strange events

a. a high wave
b. a storm

c. a river
 write a description of a place/building
 write a story


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 176 13/1/2021 12:17:28 µµ

Round-up 5
ave Ss do the activity.
Alternatively, to challenge higher-performing Ss, you may
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the
options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, listen
and answer the uestions. To help lower-performing Ss,
you may eliminate one incorrect option in each uestion.
Check the answers with the class.

1. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. c


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and have Ss read them.

Explain any unknown words.
ave Ss tick the points they feel confident about. For the
points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.


84 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 5.indd 177 13/1/2021 12:17:29 µµ

6 On the move

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
es, do really enjoy travelling because like to see new
things and meet new people.
really like travelling by car because you can go
wherever you want and stop whenever you like.
ead out the points listed in the lick through the module

and find... section. Explain any unknown words.

Then, ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

three short dialogues between a man and a hotel

receptionist: p.
a text about an imaginary way of travelling: p.

an essay discussing the options a large city offers to

young people: p.
a short text about an unusual taxi: p.

an article about a bicycle tour: p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

85 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 178 13/1/2021 12:35:20 µµ

On the move 6
 Do you like travelling Why / Why not
 What’s your favourite means of transport Why


Flick through the module and find...


 three short dialogues between a man and a hotel

 a text about an imaginary way of travelling

 an essay discussing the options a large city offers to

young people
 a short text about an unusual taxi
 an article about a bicycle tour

In this module you will learn...

 how to check into and out of a hotel, how to change a hotel
and flight reservation, and how to talk about air travel
 to talk about means of transport, types of holidays and
holiday destinations
 how to emphasise an action using the assive oice
 how to express reason, concession and purpose using
appropriate clauses
 to write a paragraph and an essay expressing your opinion
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 179 13/1/2021 12:35:21 µµ

A. Discuss. B. Read the text quickly without paying any attention to the missing sentences
Do you like cycling Why / and answer the question.
Why not What is the writer’s purpose
Do you think you would enjoy a. to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle tour
a long-distance cycling tour
n your opinion, what are the b. to give some information about the bicycle tour and persuade the readers to go on it
pros and cons of it c. to give information about the most important sights in the Netherlands and Belgium

Does the idea of combining exploration with the challenge of

physical exercise appeal to you f yes, then the guided bicycle tour
from Amsterdam to Brussels is the perfect choice for you. The
route is cycled, under the supervision of a guide, over the span of
eight days. 1 iders cycle about km per day on average and

they also travel by train, barge and ferry.

2 Then, cyclists are taken by train to the city of Breukelen,
where the route continues for about km to the next city. Along
the way, cyclists pass by many well-known sites, such as the

impressive Castle de aar. This castle was originally constructed
in the th century but, because it was attacked repeatedly, it had to

be restored several times. ajor work was done to the castle from
Cyclists continue, after resting, to the old town of
Amsterdam ’s- ertogenbosch. ere, a must-see is the Noordbrabants useum,

THE NETHERLANDS which is the only place in the region of Brabant that has original
paintings by an ogh. 3 Next, there are a few more ferry
trips and a lot more cycling until the Belgian border is finally

crossed. Cyclists get the chance to explore the Flemish port town
of Antwerp as well as the beautiful Flemish countryside. Next, the
cyclists board a train which finally takes them to Brussels. 4
A final dinner of typical Belgian specialities such as mussels, chips

and waffles is offered to the cyclists.

The cost of the guided cycling tour, including meals,

BELGIUM accommodation, train and ferry fares, starts from around

euros. 5 The bike tour is only available from the months of
ay to September, when the weather is guaranteed to provide a

safe and enjoyable journey.

C. Five sentences have been removed from the text. D. Match the words highlighted in the text with their
Choose from the sentences A-F the one which best meanings. There are two extra meanings which you
fits each gap 1-5. There is one extra sentence which do not need to use.
you do not need to use.
a. brought back to a good
. Apart from admiring the famous painter’s works of 1. route condition
art, visitors can learn about his life, as well. 2. span b. local foods
B. owever, the route is easy, and there are fre uent 3. constructed c. souvenirs
stops at local attractions. d. a way between places
4. restored
C. The route begins in Amsterdam, where cyclists have e. money paid for tickets
5. specialities f. discovered
the opportunity to explore the city by riding around
its famous canals. 6. fares g. a period of time
h. built
D. Only experienced cyclists can appreciate it.
E. Cheap flights to Amsterdam can be found if you E. Discuss.
book in advance. Do you think you need to be a skilled cyclist to go
F. ere, cyclists have an entire day to explore the city on this bike tour
with their guide. Would this particular bicycle tour interest you Why
/ Why not

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 180 13/1/2021 12:35:23 µµ

Talking about travelling
Emphasising actions rather than agents 1. B ( t refers to the route which is mentioned in the
previous sentence.)
Structures 2. C (This sentence describes the beginning of the route
assive voice and is followed up by the next sentence ‘Then,...’)
3. A (This sentence is the only sentence which refers to the
Vocabulary famous painter, an ogh, mentioned in the previous
afford appeal (v.) attack (v.) choice construct
4. F (This sentence further explains what the cyclists do
cross (v.) enjoyable fre uent (adj.) guarantee (v.) in Brussels once they get there and is connected to the
original (adj.) persuade physical pros and cons previous sentence by ‘here’, a direct reference to ‘Brussels’.
repeatedly rest (v.) restore span (n.) 5. E (The sentence gives additional information about
speciality supervision how much the tour will cost participants (began in
Words related to travelling the previous sentence) by referring to travel costs to
accommodation area arrive attraction Amsterdam.)
barge (n.) board (v.) border canal
exploration fare journey must-see rider
Ask a few comprehension uestions:
route sight ticket tour (n.) trip
How much time do you need to complete the tour? eight days
RE A DING CD3 15 How far do the cyclists need to cycle per day? 3 kilometres

A. (Pre-reading) on average
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity Where is Castle de Haar? It is situated along the route
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal between Breukelen and the next city.

What is the place one should not miss in the old town of
• ’s-Hertogenbosch? the Noordbrabants useum, which has
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. original paintings by Van ogh

Suggested answers
es, really like cycling. like it because it is a great
What can the cyclists do in Brussels? They can explore the
city and taste the local specialities, such as mussels, chips and
way to keep fit and spend time outside. t is also an When can you take part in the cycle tour? from ay till
environmentally-friendly way to travel. September, due to weather restrictions

would really enjoy a long-distance cycling tour. One of

the advantages would be that you get the chance to travel
and exercise at the same time. ou would get to see a lot of D.

places too. think one of the cons would be that it’s tiring. Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
Also, it might not be a lot of fun if the weather is bad. from context

B. Ask Ss to read through words - and definitions a-h.

Aims: to raise Ss’ awareness of the purpose of the text Explain that there are two extra meanings that they will

not need to use. To help lower-performing Ss, you may

ave Ss read the text uickly and answer the uestion. eliminate the two extra meanings.
Check the answers with the class and ask higher- Explain to Ss that they should locate the highlighted words

performing Ss to justify why the other two options are in the text and guess their meaning from the context. Tell
incorrect. This will challenge them and help lower- them to match words - with their definitions.
performing Ss understand why this answer is correct. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. d 2. g 3. h 4. a 5. b 6. e

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.
Aims: to give Ss practice in reconstructing a gapped text
E. (Post-reading)
Explain to Ss what they have to do in this activity. Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
Tell Ss to pay attention to the sentences before and after the of the reading activity drawing on their own
missing sentences. experience
Encourage Ss to read the whole text as soon as they finish
in order to figure out if it makes sense. Ask Ss the uestions.
ave Ss do the activity. Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
Ask Ss to underline key words/phrases that helped them
find the correct answers.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work Suggested answers
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their es, do. know it says that the route is easy, but still
answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This think almost kilometres a day is a lot. couldn’t do it.
will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their don’t think would be interested in this particular tour
answers in class. because think it would be too difficult for me. would
Check the answers with the class. like to visit the places on the tour, like Amsterdam and
Brussels, but ’d prefer to take the train.

86 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 181 19/1/2021 12:32:40 µµ

WORDS E A SILY CONF USED Examples of the Passive oice
Aims: to give Ss practice in using topic related the route is cycled, cyclists are taken, the castle was
vocabulary in context and distinguishing originally constructed, it had to be restored, major work
between words easily confused was done, the Belgian border is finally crossed, a final
dinner of... is offered, cheap flights... can be found, the
weather is guaranteed to provide
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences in Active
1. tour oice and turn them into assive oice. This will challenge
2. journey them. To help lower-performing Ss, you can give them
3. trips sentences in Active oice to turn into assive oice (e.g.
4. fare y sister painted her room yellow.).
5. ticket
6. area
7. location PR AC T ICE
8. site Aim: to give Ss practice in using the Passive oice in
9. arrive context
10. get
ave Ss do the activity.

11. reach
12. took Check the answers with the class.
13. bring
14. carry 1. are considered

2. have been used
3. are called
Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the
easily confused words. This will challenge them. To
give lower-performing Ss extra practice, write several
incomplete sentences on the board, giving them two
4. can be seen
5. will find
6. carry
7. see
options to choose from in order to complete the sentences. 8. include
(e.g. John at work later than usual because

of traffic. / John to work later than usual

because of traffic.)

Aims: to present the basic uses of the Passive oice

Ask Ss to read the examples of the assive oice, and


discuss what they remember.

Draw Ss’ attention to the NOTE and ask them why we
sometimes use an agent, and in other cases we don’t.
Elicit the answer that we don’t include an agent when the

agent is unknown, unimportant or easy to figure out.

Ask Ss to read through the uestions and do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. b 2. a

Aims: • to present Ss with a concise but comprehensive
table of verb changes from the Active into the
Passive oice
• to help Ss locate examples of the Passive oice in

ave Ss read through the table and ask them to do the


87 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 182 13/1/2021 12:35:23 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
Complete the sentences using the correct
form of the words in the boxes. PASSIVE VOICE I
tour trip journey A. Look at the sentences and answer the questions.
The route is cycled under the supervision of a guide...
1. The package holiday included flight Then, cyclists are ta en by train to the city of Breukelen...
tickets, accommodation and
1. Why has the writer used the assive oice
a of the island. a. to emphasise the person who does the action
2. After a fifteen-hour , the men b. to emphasise the action itself
were exhausted. 2. ow is the assive oice formed
3. Tim works for a multinational company a. subject verb be past participle
and he is sent on business b. subject is or are ast Simple
fare ticket B. Read the table and find more examples of the Passive
Voice in the text in reading activity B.

4. We have to wait for the bus, because we
can’t afford the taxi . Active Voice Passive Voice
5. ow much did you pay for Present Simple

your to Barcelona They take pictures of the ictures of the castle are taken.
site area location castle.

6. A lot of robberies have recently taken

place in the where we live.
They took pictures of the
Past Simple
ictures of the castle were taken.
7. The exact of the president’s Present Perfect Simple
house is kept secret for safety reasons. They have taken pictures of ictures of the castle have been

8. This archaeological is visited the castle. taken.

by hundreds of visitors every day. Past Perfect Simple

arrive get reach They had taken pictures of ictures of the castle had been
the castle. taken.
9. When are your guests expected Future will
to at the train station They will take pictures of the ictures of the castle will be

10. Call me the moment you castle. taken.

to the airport. Modal verbs

11. As soon as you the border, They may take pictures of the ictures of the castle may be
the police will ask you for identification. castle. taken.
take bring carry When we want to mention who or what is responsible for

12. rs Simons the children to the action, we use the agent (by + noun or pronoun).
the oo last Saturday. e.g. Pictures of the castle are taken by many tourists.
We do not use the agent when we don’t know or when it is
13. y assistant will you a cup
easy to understand who the agent is.
of coffee in a minute.
14. Can someone help me this
bookcase downstairs

Read the text and circle the correct verb form. When in avana, Cuba, a fun way to get around is by Coco taxi.
Coco taxis (1) are considered / consider a trademark of Cuba and
(2) have been used / have used for years. They (3) call / are called

COCO TAXI ‘coco’ (Spanish for coconut) because of their shape. They are bright
yellow and (4) can see / can be seen all around the city. As the locals
will tell you, you (5) will find / will be found no faster or more
enjoyable means of transport in the world Because they are three-
wheeled and can only (6) carry / be carried up to three passengers,
they can go very fast, plus you can breathe some fresh Cuban
air. ou’ll also get the chance to (7) see / be seen all the sights of
avana, which (8) include / are included El Capitolio and the very
impressive alacio de los Capitanes enerales.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 183 13/1/2021 12:35:24 µµ

Listening & reading
A. Discuss.
ave you ever stayed in a hotel What was it like
n your opinion, which of these hotel facilities and services are the most important
swimming pool beauty salon room service spa sauna conference rooms
business centre Wi-Fi connection mini-bar satellite T air conditioning

B. Listen to three dialogues and decide which order they took place in.

Receptionist Welcome to the Belvedere otel. ow Chris ood morning. ’d like to check out, please.
may help you Receptionist What is your room number, sir
Chris would like to check in, please. y Chris .
name is Connors. Chris Connors. Receptionist ust a minute, please... O ... so you ordered
Receptionist O . Can have your D or your room service and you also had a soda.
passport, please Chris es, that’s right. And had a massage as well.

Chris Sure. ere you are. Receptionist es. ere is your receipt. lease sign at the
Receptionist Let’s see... Connors... Ah yes, have bottom.
you down for two nights. s that right Chris ’d like two copies, please, so that can give

Chris es, it is. one to my accountant and keep one for my
Receptionist Can have your credit card, please own records too.
Chris Although have a credit card, ’d
prefer to pay in cash. s that a problem
Receptionist Of course. ere you are and thank you for
staying with us.
Receptionist No problem at all. But if you choose to
pay in cash, you will also have to leave
a deposit as a guarantee against

any damage.
Chris n that case, charge the room to my

credit card.
Receptionist O . ere is your key. lease enjoy your
stay with us.

Receptionist Belvedere otel, how can help you

Chris y name is Chris Connors and ’d like

to change my reservation at your hotel.

Receptionist When was your original reservation for
Chris t was supposed to be for this weekend,

but because of a small problem that

has come up, ’d like to make it for the
following weekend, the th and st.
Receptionist mm, ’m sorry, r Connors but there
are no rooms available for that weekend.
Chris Oh no ow terrible But didn’t you
recently expand the hotel in order to
accommodate more guests
Receptionist Well, despite adding an extra wing
with fifty more rooms, we have none
available. ou see, it’s a long weekend C. Read the dialogues and answer the questions.
next weekend and many people have
1. What is the hotel offering guests staying for the
decided to take advantage of our
weekend of the th and st
special discount offer. Oh... hold on a
minute, r Connors. This is your lucky 2. When did Chris originally plan to stay at the hotel
day There’s a double room available as 3. What will Chris have to do if he decides to pay in cash
a reservation has just been cancelled. 4. ow does Chris finally pay for his room
Chris That’s wonderful lease book the room
for me. 5. What extras is Chris charged for
Receptionist O , r Connors. We look forward to 6. What does Chris ask for at the checkout counter when
seeing you. he pays his bill

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 184 13/1/2021 12:35:25 µµ

Carrying out hotel transactions Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions, such as:
Expressing reason, concession and purpose
Talking about hotel accommodation Why are there no rooms at the Belvedere Hotel for the
weekend of the 30th and 31st? It’s a long weekend and many
Structures people are taking advantage of a special discount the hotel
is offering.
Clauses of reason
How would Chris rather pay for his room? in cash
Clauses of concession
Clauses of purpose What does the receptionist ask Chris to do when she gives
him his receipt? She asks him to sign at the bottom.
accountant be supposed to bottom check in D.
check out come up copy (n.) counter damage (n.) Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning from
deposit (n.) despite discount (n.) expand context
extra (n.) following guarantee (n.) in cash
in that case none order (v.) original passport Ask Ss to read through meanings - and try to locate the words
prove receipt record (n.) reduction in the text.
take advantage of wing Explain to them that they should find words in the text that
Compound nouns correspond to the meanings.
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not know
air conditioning beauty salon business centre the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it.
conference room credit card double room ave Ss do the activity.

holiday destination package tour peak season Check the answers with the class.
return ticket room service weather forecast
Wi-Fi connection
1. deposit

Words related to hotel accommodation 2. charge
accommodate book (v.) cancel charge (v.) 3. receipt
massage (n.) reservation satellite sauna spa 4. expand
5. accommodate
6. discount
A. (Pre-listening/reading) Explain any unknown words in the dialogues if necessary.
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge

• to prepare Ss for the listening and reading task E. (Post-reading)

• Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic of

the reading activity drawing on their own experience

Ask Ss the first uestion and elicit answers. • to give Ss the opportunity to act out situations using
o through the vocabulary box, check understanding, ask the vocabulary and expressions learnt in the dialogues
second uestion and initiate a brief discussion.

Suggested answers Divide Ss into pairs, and explain to them that SA is a guest

es, of course. ’ve stayed in hotels on holidays with my whereas SB is the receptionist.
family many times. t’s usually a lot of fun. oint out that they should be using the vocabulary and
think the most important thing for a hotel to have is free expressions from the dialogue in activity B.
ave Ss do the activity.

Wi-Fi connection. That way, you can get online whenever

you want. Air conditioning is also really important,
especially if it is summer and the weather is very hot. Suggested answers
SB: ood afternoon, Belvedere otel, how may help you

SA: es, hello. ’d like to change my reservation.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of the
SB: Of course. When was your original reservation for
texts and the time sequence of the texts
SA: From the th to the th of une. y name is eorge
• Simpson.
ave Ss do the activity. SB: ust let me check. es, see we have a single room
booked for those dates. What change would you like to
dialogue , dialogue , dialogue make
S : Well, ’ll need to arrive one day earlier. On the th, and
C. stay one day later.
Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details SB: So you’ll be arriving on the th and checking out on the
. s that correct
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions and
SA: es.
then find the parts of each text that answer the uestions.
SB: O , r Simpson. Let me see what we have available for
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
those dates. mm. t seems don’t have a single room
available on the th.
Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the texts.
SA: Oh ow terrible sn’t there anything you can do
ave Ss do the activity.
SB: Let me see. f you won’t mind changing rooms, we can
Check the answers with the class.
put you in a double room on the night of the th. We’d
be happy to do so at no extra cost.
1. a special discount offer SA: That sounds perfect. Thank you so much.
2. the weekend before that of the th and st SB: t’s no problem at all. O then, have your new
3. e will have to leave a deposit as a guarantee against reservation confirmed from the th to the th of une.
any damage. We look forward to seeing you.
4. by credit card SA: Thank you. oodbye.
5. room service, a soda and a massage
6. two copies of the receipt
88 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 185 13/1/2021 12:35:26 µµ

SB: Welcome to the Belvedere otel. ow may help They are used to explain why something happens.
SA: ood afternoon. have a reservation. y name is eorge
SB: Let me just take a look. Ah, yes. ere we are. A single Aims: to present clauses of concession
room for five nights. s that correct
SA: es, that’s right.
SB: Can see some D please And ’ll need a credit card. Write the following on the board:
SA: Of course. ere you are. Although
SB: Well, you’re all set r Simpson. ere’s your key. our It was a warm day.
room is on the th floor. The lifts are across the hall on They didn’t go swimming.
your left. Ask Ss to try to make one sentence by combining what is
SA: Thank you. written on the board (Although it was a warm day, they didn’t go
SB: ave a pleasant stay. swimming.).
Ask Ss if they know any other words/phrases that could replace
SB: ood morning, sir. ow can help you Although in this sentence ( ven though).
SA: ’d like to check out. ere’s my room key. Draw Ss’ attention to the examples and read them aloud. Ask Ss
SB: Of course, sir. Let me just take a look. Well, r Simpson, what the difference between in spite of and despite is (despite is
it looks like your room has already been charged to your never followed by of).
credit card. Did you order anything from room service Ask Ss what they notice about the difference between although /
last night even though and despite / in spite of.
SA: No, nothing. Elicit the answer that although / even though are followed by a
SB: Then hope you’ve had a pleasant stay with us. clause and in spite of / despite are followed by the -ing form or a

SA: es, everything was lovely. Could you arrange a taxi for
me to the airport oint out to Ss that if a clause of concession comes before the
SB: Of course. r Collins here will get you a taxi, and will main clause, they are separated by a comma.
arrange for someone to help you with your bags. ave a efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.

pleasant trip.
SA: Thank you. oodbye ave Ss answer the uestion.
Check the answer with the class.

They express an idea in contrast with the rest of the sentence.
Aims: to familiarise Ss with compound nouns Aims: to present clauses of purpose

ave Ss look at the example. Ask Ss to read through the examples and explain to them that

ead out and explain the NOTE. in order to is followed by a base form, whereas so that is followed
ave Ss answer the uestion. by subject can/could/will/would/may/might base form.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
the number of the room, efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
service for guests in their room ave Ss answer the uestion.
Check the answer with the class.

Aims: to give Ss practice in forming compound nouns and
using them in context The following should be underlined: so that and in order to.

ave Ss do the activity. efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Check the answers with the class. Write the following sentences on the board, and ask lower-

performing Ss to finish the sentences so that they are true

1. e 1. hotel guests for them:
2. f 2. weather forecast Although it was raining,...
3. a 3. peak season I went to the shopping centre in order to...
4. c 4. package tour espite the snow,...
5. b 5. holiday destinations To challenge higher-performing Ss, ask them to change the
6. d words in bold and to try to say these sentences in another way
(e.g. to replace Although with Despite in the first sentence, in
order to with so that in the second one, etc.).
Aims: to present clauses of reason Aim: to give Ss practice in using clauses of reason,
concession and purpose in context
ave Ss do the activity.
Draw Ss’ attention to the examples and read them aloud. Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss to tell you what difference they notice between because
of and as.
Elicit the answer that because of is followed by a noun or an 1. Although 4. due to 7. as
-ing form, whereas as is followed by a subject verb. 2. because 5. in order to 8. despite
oint out to Ss that due to can be used the same way as because 3. Even though 6. n order to 9. Even though
of, while because can be used the same way as as.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. WORKBOOK LISTENING CD3 17
ave Ss answer the uestion.
o to the listening transcript.
Check the answer with the class.

89 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 186 13/1/2021 12:35:27 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Find words in the dialogues
which mean the following.
1. a sum of money which you pay and GRA MMA R
may be returned to you (dialogue ) CLAUSES OF REASON
2. ask for payment from (dialogue )
Look at the extracts from the dialogues and answer the question.
3. a piece of paper that proves you have
paid money (dialogue ) ... because of a small problem that has come up, I’d like to make it for the
following weekend...
4. make bigger (dialogue )
There’s a double room available as a reservation has ust been cancelled.
5. have enough room for (dialogue ) Are the phrases in bold used to explain why something happens or to
6. a reduction in the usual price express result
(dialogue )
Use because, as, since, because of and due to to express the
E. Talk in pairs. Read the situations reason why something happens.
and act out the conversations. because / as subject verb
ROLE PLAY because of / due to noun or -ing form
Student A: magine that you would like
to change a reservation at / check into /
check out of the Belvedere otel.

Student B: magine you are a Look at the extracts from the dialogues and answer the question.
receptionist working in the hotel. card, I’d prefer to pay in cash.
Although I have a credit card,
rooms, we have none available.
espite adding an extra wing with fifty more rooms

VOCABULARY Do the phrases in bold express an idea which is in agreement or in
contrast with the rest of the sentence
A. Look at the extracts from dialogue 2.
What do the phrases in bold mean?
Use although at
although,, even though
though, in spite of and despite to express an idea
which is in contrast with the idea expressed in the main clause.
What is your room number, sir? although / even though subject verb
... so you ordered room service... in spite of / despite noun or -ing form

A compound noun is a combination


of two nouns that function as one


word. The first noun defines the

second one, e.g. room number is Look at the extracts from the dialogues and underline the phrases
the number of a room. which are used to express purpose.
B. Match the nouns 1-6 with the nouns I’d like two copies, please, so that I can give one to my accountant and keep
a-f to form compound nouns. Then one for my own records too.

complete the sentences with some of But didn’t you recently expand the hotel in order to accommodate more guests?
them in the correct form. To express purpose, use:

1. package a. guest to / in order (not) to / so as (not) to base form

so that subject can/could/will/would/may/might base form
2. holiday b. ticket
3. hotel c. season

4. peak d. forecast
5. return e. tour PRACTICE
6. weather f. destination Read the text and circle the correct options.
(1) Although / As have travelled to many different places, the place that
1. All
made the strongest impression on me is Siwa in Egypt. This is (2) because /
can use the gym, sauna and
relaxation room for free. despite it is a beautiful oasis which makes you feel relaxed and full of
energy. (3) Despite / Even though there is a road which connects Siwa to
2. According to the
, the outside world, it is a difficult place to reach by car it can take up to
it will be sunny and dry next ten hours and by bus it can take even longer. As you drive, you will feel a
weekend. little sleepy (4) due to / in spite of the endless kilometres of straight road
3. August is , that you have to cover (5) in order to / so that get there. When you arrive,
that’s why all the hotels are so you will see the isolated town of Siwa, which is surrounded by the desert.
expensive. The town is beside Lake Siwa, which is an enormous salt lake. (6) In order
4. We are going on a to / Due to fully appreciate the beauty of this place, it is necessary to take a
to trip into the desert (7) although / as this will reveal the magic of the Sahara
taly. Would you like to come along to you. emember to pack some warm clothes (8) despite / although the
5. This airline has cheap flights to all intense heat, once the sun goes down, the desert becomes incredibly cold.
the popular (9) Because / Even though the journey to Siwa is a tiring one, the reward at
in Europe. the end of your trip makes up for it.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 187 13/1/2021 12:35:28 µµ

Listening & speaking
B. You will hear people talking in six different situations.
LISTENING For questions 1-6, choose the best answer a, b or c.
A. Discuss. 1. ou will hear part of a telephone conversation. Why
f you were going to travel somewhere by plane, would won’t the man be able to earn triple points on his
you rather have a window seat or an aisle seat Why fre uent flyer card
a. he offer is not valid any longer.
What are these places at an airport b. he offer is valid in some hotels only.
c. e is travelling after th November.
2. ou overhear a conversation. What does the woman
re uest for herself
a. a wheelchair
b. an aisle seat
c. a vegetarian meal

3. ou overhear a conversation at an airport. What does
check-in desk terminal gate
the man need to do to get to his plane
Which of these documents might you need if you want a. get his boarding pass
to travel by plane to another country

b. take a train to terminal A
visa driving licence passport D card c. go to gate
f you want to change a flight
reservation, which of these do
you think you need
4. at
ou will hear a telephone conversation. Why is the
woman calling the embassy
a. to make an appointment
b. to ask about American universities
passport number
c. to find out about visa re uirements

flight reservation number

seat number flight number 5. ou hear a conversation at an airport. What did the
man have a problem with

What information does a a. his luggage

boarding pass include b. his documents
What do you think a c. his destination
fre uent flyer programme is

6. ou will hear a telephone conversation. What must the

What kind of person would man do in order to change his flight reservation
have a fre uent flyer card a. contact the airline on the nternet

b. pay a fee
SPEAKING c. go to the airline’s offices

Talk in groups. Look at the pictures of the different means of transport and discuss the questions.
You can use some of the words/phrases in the boxes.
What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of each of these means of transport
Which means of transport, the car or the bicycle, would you prefer to use for short distances in a city
Which means of transport, the car or the aeroplane, would you prefer to use for travelling long distances between cities/countries
s there any other means of transport you would prefer to the ones in the pictures Why

convenient safe comfortable tiring expensive fuel parking problem exhaust fumes
keep fit exposed to heat/rain/snow traffic jams air/noise pollution environmentally friendly

An advantage/disadvantage
of... is...
Another advantage/disadvantage
One of the best/worst things
about travelling by... is that...
n my opinion, ... is much better/
worse than...
would much rather travel by...
definitely prefer... to... A B C

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 188 13/1/2021 12:35:30 µµ

1. b 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. b
Talking about air travel
Discussing means of transport
Discussing advantages and disadvantages
Expressing preference SPE A K ING
Aims: • to give Ss practice in discussing advantages and
Vocabulary disadvantages of different means of transport
• to provide vocabulary and expressions relevant to
be exposed to campfire document (n.) do without
the topic
driving licence embassy fuel means of transport
re uest (v.) re uirement traffic jam vegetarian •
visa wheelchair Divide Ss into groups of four.
Words related to travelling by plane Ask them to look at the pictures and identify the different
aisle seat boarding pass check-in desk means of transport (bicycle, car, aeroplane).
flight number flight reservation number o through the vocabulary box and the expressions box
fre uent flyer card fre uent flyer programme gate and check understanding.
Explain to Ss that they should take turns to ask and answer
luggage seat number terminal timetable
the uestions.
window seat
o round the class helping Ss if necessary.
What’s more,...

Suggested answers
SA: The main advantages of bikes are that they are
LIS T ENING CD3 18 - 29 environmentally friendly and they are the cheapest form
A. of transport because they don’t need fuel.

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge SB: That’s true. They are perfect for short distances, especially
• to prepare Ss for the listening task in the city centre, and they can be used in combination
• to provide topic related vocabulary with other means of transport, such as a tram or train.

ave Ss go through the vocabulary boxes, ask the
SC: That makes them very convenient for getting exactly
where you want to go. They’re also ideal for avoiding
traffic jams and are easy to park anywhere. hey help you
uestions and discuss them. keep fit too.
SD: es, but it can be tiring for those who are not used to
Suggested answers

exercising. Another disadvantage is that it might not be

’d rather have an aisle seat because it offers me extra convenient to ride a bike to work if you work in an office
leg room making my flight much more comfortable. and need to dress smartly.
The check-in desk is the place where you go to leave

SA: Oh, yes, forgot about that. One of the worst things about
your luggage and get your boarding pass. The terminal cycling in the centre is that you breathe polluted air and
is an area within an airport where passengers go after fumes from all the traffic around you. This could lead to
their flight or spend time before flying. The gate is the breathing problems and seriously damage your health.
place in the terminal where passengers leave the airport SB: And, of course, you are exposed to all weather
to board the plane. conditions. The car, on the other hand, is ideal because

Depending on the country you want to visit, you might you are protected from the weather and can control the
need a visa and either your passport or D card. temperature inside.
the flight number and the flight reservation number SC: think the main advantage of the car is that you can

t includes the passenger’s name, the flight number, drive anywhere you want without depending on public
the seat number (not always on low budget flights transport, or somebody to give you a lift.
the service is ‘first come - first board’), the date, SD: ou’re right. Also, a car is convenient if you want to
the scheduled time of departure and the points of carry heavy things such as small pieces of furniture or

departure and arrival. supermarket shopping bags.

A fre uent flyer programme is a reward programme SA: A car has many disadvantages, however. Exhaust fumes
through which people who fre uently fly, using one from cars are harmful to the environment, and using the
or a combination of air companies, get points that car instead of public transport creates traffic problems in
correspond to air miles covered that can be exchanged the city centre.
for products or even for free tickets. This is mostly used SB: es, and another disadvantage is that cars are expensive to
by business people who fly often due to the nature of buy and also to keep in good condition because you have
their work. to pay for special local council fares and rented parking
spots, and we mustn’t forget the price of petrol which is
B. constantly rising.
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific information SC: Another problem with using the car is that it is often
and answering multiple-choice questions difficult to find somewhere to park in the city centre.
Explain to Ss that they are going to hear people talking in six SD: One more disadvantage is that using the car all the time
different situations. leads to a lack of exercise, which is not good for your
Ask them to go through the uestions and the choices
SA: The main advantage of aeroplanes is that they are the
provided before the listening activity. fastest way to travel long distances.
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. SB: Travelling by aeroplane is the most comfortable and
Alternatively, to challenge higher-performing Ss, you may relaxing means of transport because you don’t have to
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended drive or cycle and sometimes food and entertainment are
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the available onboard. ou can also book your flights using
options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, listen and the nternet without leaving your house or office, which
answer the uestions. To help lower-performing Ss, you may is very convenient.
eliminate one incorrect option in each situation.
Check the answers with the class.
90 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 189 13/1/2021 12:35:31 µµ

SC: t’s true that aeroplanes are faster and more comfortable Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to consider their
for long distances, but they are very bad for the opinion on a topic
environment. think that is the main disadvantage.
SD: agree and tickets can be very expensive. owever, ’ve
heard that it’s actually safer to travel by plane than by car. ave Ss answer the uestion in the rubric.
SA: With low budget airlines, it’s possible to find cheap
tickets. Another disadvantage, though, is the high level of Suggested answer
noise pollution in areas near airports.
agree with the second writer. While camping is a great
SA: like using the bicycle for short distances because get to way to be close to nature, it is definitely not relaxing. t
exercise, and don’t have to worry about parking. actually involves a lot of work. oreover, personally
SB: prefer using the car because it’s much more comfortable. prefer to be comfortable while on holiday, enjoying
SC: agree, especially when go shopping because it’s not easy modern conveniences and facilities.
to carry all the things buy.
SD: know should go by bicycle because it’s better for the C.
environment, but prefer the car too. Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying paragraph
content and organisation
SA: For travelling long distances, ’d prefer to travel by
aeroplane because it is much faster, and get bored in the
car if ’m in it for hours. ave Ss do the activity.
SB: agree. don’t like travelling long distances in a car either. Check the answers with the class.
SC: think the plane is the best way to travel long distances
too. 1. at the beginning of the paragraph
SD: ost of the time agree, but sometimes it’s nice to go by hrases used: in my opinion, in my experience

car because you get to see many more things.
2. ara : firstly, next, finally
SA: would prefer to take the bus because don’t have to ara : in the first place, what’s more, last but not least
worry about parking and ’m not exposed to the weather.

SB: don’t really like taking the bus. They are usually very
crowded. really like going places by ship, but obviously Aims: to give Ss practice in brainstorming
that’s not always possible
SC: agree if the trip isn’t too long. would also prefer to take
the underground because it is faster than using the buses,
although trains can get crowded too.
SD: es, think the underground is the best way to go to the
ave Ss do the activity.
Discuss Ss’ answers with the class.
city centre. t’s the uickest way to travel, and you don’t
have to worry about traffic. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES

ou can drive anywhere ery expensive to buy and

you want without to keep in good condition
depending on public (rented parking spots)

Time permitting, initiate a brief discussion on means of transport and we mustn’t forget the
transport using feedback from all groups. ndependence you do price of petrol which is
not depend on other constantly rising
people for a lift or on Exhaust fumes
public transport to get are harmful to the

where you want environment

OPINION Convenient if you want sing a car instead of
A. to carry heavy stuff, public transport causes

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge small pieces of furniture, traffic jams in the city
• to prepare Ss for the writing task etc. centre
deal for transport in arking is very difficult in
• extreme cold or heat the city centre
Ask Ss the uestions. you are not affected by sing a car all the time

For the second uestion, draw the following on the board, weather conditions leads to lack of exercise
and encourage Ss to think of advantages and disadvantages
before sharing their answers in class:

advantages disadvantages WRIT ING TA SK

Aims: to give Ss practice in writing a paragraph
This will help both higher-performing Ss and lower- expressing their opinion
performing Ss organise their thoughts and ideas before
answering the uestion.
f Ss do not know the exact word they want to use in English,
encourage them to paraphrase. Write the word for what they ead out and explain the T .
are describing on the board. Alternatively, allow limited use Tell Ss to refer to the two sample paragraphs in activity B
of L . This will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence. when writing their paragraph.

Suggested answers Model answer

es, have been on a camping holiday before. y family and any people feel that owning a car is a necessity. Actually,
went last summer. t was great We slept in tents and went it really isn’t as necessary as it used to be. Today there is
hiking in the forest. loved it. much better public transport than there was in the past.
Well, one big advantage of a camping holiday, is that you’re n most places, you can get around by bus or underground
out in nature. Another advantage is that it’s cheaper than very easily. Also, nowadays a lot of people work from
staying in a hotel although camping is much less comfortable. home using the nternet, so they don’t need to drive to and
guess another disadvantage is that if the weather isn’t nice, from work every day. Finally, you can order most of the
it can ruin your holiday. t’s no fun camping in the rain. ou
also have to deal with a lot of insects. things you want to buy online and get them delivered to
your house.
91 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 190 13/1/2021 12:35:32 µµ

A paragraph expressing an opinion
A. Discuss. C. Read the two paragraphs again and answer the
ave you ever been on a camping holiday f yes, questions.
did you enjoy it f not, would you like to go on 1. n what part of the paragraph do the writers
one Why / Why not clearly state their opinion of camping What
n your opinion, what are some of the advantages phrases do they use
and disadvantages of camping
2. Which words/phrases do the writers use to list/
add points nderline them.
B. Read the rubric and two different opinions
expressed in the paragraphs. Which opinion do you D. Think about the advantages and
agree with? disadvantages of owning a car and list them
in the table. You can use ideas from the
Camping is the best way to enjoy yourself and relax while Speaking activity and add more. Do you think
on holiday. Do you agree? the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Camping is a fun and relaxing way to spend a ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
holiday. In my opinion, the experience of being
so close to nature is unbeatable. Firstly, being

out in the open helps you to relax and forget
your anxieties. Whether you choose to camp in
the mountains or on a beach by the sea, waking
up to the sounds of the forest or the sea is the
perfect way to start the day. Next, you are able
to have fun doing all sorts of activities. If you
are the energetic type, you can go swimming,

hiking, cycling or even climbing. Those of you who

want to relax can sunbathe or lie in a hammock

and read a book. Finally, at night, there is no

better way to end the day than sitting around
the campfire with your friends or family telling
stories and jokes or simply lying on the beach

looking up at the stars.


Many people claim that camping holidays can be a


lot of fun and especially relaxing. However, in my WRITING TASK

experience, this is not the case. In the first place, having E. Read the rubric and write a paragraph
expressing your opinion. Your paragraph
to sleep in a tent exposed to the heat, cold or rain and should be between 70-100 words.
sleep on the ground in an uncomfortable sleeping bag Owning a car is no longer a luxury but a necessity.
is not, in any way, enjoyable. Pitching a tent and Do you agree?
cooking over a fire is exhausting work and certainly not
relaxing. What’s more, if you are not the outdoor type,
there is absolutely nothing for you to do for the rest of
the day so, instead of having fun, you feel bored and
When you are writing a paragraph expressing your opinion:
restless. Last but not least, when you go camping, you  begin with a sentence introducing the topic.
either have to do without a bathroom or share one with  express your opinion clearly and give reasons.
other campers, which is awkward and inconvenient.  use linking words/phrases to list/add points.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 191 13/1/2021 12:35:32 µµ

Beam me up...
A. Discuss.
ead the title of the text. Do you know where the
phrase comes from What do you think it means Scotty
ave you ever seen the Star Trek television series or films Star Trek is generally considered to be the most popular
What do you like/dislike about science fiction and successful science-fiction series of all time. The
B. Read the text quickly and match the headings first television series was created in the s and was
1-6 with the paragraphs A-F of the text. based on the books of the American science-fiction
writer ene oddenberry. ts popularity grew and
1. Ahead of its time
grew, and the result was six television series with a total
2. t really happened of episodes, more than ten different films, books
3. What does the future hold and much, much more.

4. Not yet possible All science fiction is based on the mix of science and
5. An all-time classic fantasy, and no other series has really done it better

6. A uni ue way of travelling than Star Trek.. Long before the technology became
commonplace,, mobile and hand-held phones were
C. Read the text again and answer the questions. being used in Star Trek.
Trek. Small portable computers,
rather like our laptops today, were being carried

1. The Star Trek T series was
around by the characters and speech recognition
a. the longest-running science-fiction series. technology was being used. n many respects, the
b. the oldest science-fiction series.
c. based on ene oddenberry’s books.
technology of Star Trek was ‘prophetic’, and many
things which were thought to be impossible then are
d. more popular than any other series. now objects we use every day.

2. According to the text, science fiction is a combination Some of the technology, however, has still not become

of science and reality. Spaceships are still not being sent into space
a. every day objects. at warp speed (a fictional speed enabling spaceships

b. commonplace technology. to travel at around the speed of light). t is argued by

c. fictional characters. some scientists that this will never be possible as it goes
d. great imagination. against the laws of physics.

3. Which of these was not used in the Star Trek series erhaps the most famous technological idea put

a. mobile phones forward in Star Trek was that of ‘beaming’ people

b. portable computers to different places. ‘Beaming’ was done in the
‘transporter’, a fictional machine which could

c. speech recognition technology

d. televisions transport people and things to wherever they wanted
to go immediately. n the case of Star Trek, people were
4. According to the text, what do some scientists believe usually being beamed to a strange planet or back to the

a. One day we will be able to travel at the speed of light. spaceship and out of danger. n fact, the ‘beaming’ of
b. Some technology in Star Trek will not become a people to different places has become one of the most
reality. famous aspects of the Star Trek technology, and the
c. Spaceships will never be able to go faster than they phrase ‘Beam me up, Scotty’ became a catch-phrase for
do now. a whole generation of Star Trek fans.

d. Warp speed can’t be explained by physics. Whether we will ever really be able to ‘beam’ people
5. What did the ‘transporter’ in the Star Trek series do from one place to another is now a uestion for
a. t transported the image of a person anywhere. discussion. A television news station has actually
b. t transported a person from one place to another. successfully ‘beamed’ the image of one of its reporters
c. t transported spaceships to strange planets. into the studio via computer and interviewed her as
though she were actually present. She was, in reality,
d. t transported spaceships out of danger.
thousands of miles away.
6. The writer suggests that

Of course, this was slightly different from the Star
a. ‘beaming’ will never be used in the future.
Trek version of ‘beaming’. t could, however, still have
b. ‘beaming’ will not re uire us to work.
conse uences for transportation in the future. t may
c. ‘beaming’ could replace the need for transportation. mean we will no longer be present at work or in the
d. ‘beaming’ in the future will not be different from classroom but our hologram image will be beamed to
the Star Trek version. wherever we want or have to be. Could ‘beaming’ solve
our transportation problems in the future

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 192 13/1/2021 12:35:32 µµ

Functions and then find the parts of the text that answers the
Discussing science fiction Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
Emphasising actions rather than agents the text in order to do the activity.
Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the
Structures text.
assive oice ave Ss do the activity.
ou may eliminate one incorrect option in each uestion.
Vocabulary This will help lower-performing Ss.
argue aspect beam (v.) catch-phrase As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
commonplace conse uence enable episode with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
fantasy hand-held phone mix (n.) object (n.) answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
referring to specific parts in the text. This will build lower-
physics popularity portable put forward
performing Ss’ confidence to share their answers in class.
reality slightly space spaceship transport (v.) Check the answers with the class.
transportation version via wherever
Prepositional phrases with at and in 1. c (‘... based on the books of the American science-
at last at least at once at the age of fiction writer ene oddenberry.’)
at the latest at the moment in a good/bad mood 2. d (‘... is based on the mix of science and fantasy...’)
in a hurry in a mess in detail in general 3. d (all other technological gadgets are mentioned in the
in other words in particular second paragraph)
4. b (‘ t is argued... that this (warp speed) will never be
Words related to occupations possible as it goes against the laws of physics.’)

artist chemist designer electrician engineer 5. b (‘..., a fictional machine which could transport
mathematician musician physicist politician people and things to wherever they wanted to go
receptionist reporter scientist stylist immediately.’)
6.. c (‘ t could, however, still have conse uences for

Adjectives with the suffixes ent, al, ly
additional costly daily existent fictional transportation in the future.’)
logical monthly national natural personal
yearly at
Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
RE A DING CD3 31 How many episodes of Star Trek’ were there? There were
A. 2 episodes.

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity What kind of technological gadgets did the Star Trek crew
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal use in order to communicate? mobile phones, portable
experience computers and speech recognition equipment

• What is warp speed? a fictional speed which allowed

spaceships to travel at approximately the speed of light
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. In Star Trek’ how was the transporter usually used? It was
mostly used to beam people to strange planets or back to their
Suggested answers spaceship and to help them escape from dangerous situations.

aybe it comes from a film or a T series. t’s hard to How is the technology used by the TV news station similar
guess what it means. to beaming’ on Star Trek? They beamed ’ the image of
No, don’t think ’ve ever seen a Star Trek film or the T

a reporter into the studio using computer technology and

series. interviewed her as if she were in the TV studio.
like science-fiction books and films because they are
creative, and you can visit new worlds in your mind.
also like the special effects in science-fiction films. They

can be really spectacular, especially when you see these

films at the cinema.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying paragraph gist
• to give Ss practice in selecting the correct
paragraph heading

ave Ss read the text uickly and do the activity.

Explain to them that they should not worry about
unknown words at this stage.

1. B 2. E 3. F 4. C 5. A 6. D

Aim: to give Ss practice in reading for details/specific
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions

92 TB

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D. B.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning Aims: • to give Ss practice in forming nouns describing
from context occupations
• •

Ask Ss to read through words - and their meanings. ave Ss do the activity.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the text Check the answers with the class.
and guess their meaning from the context.
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not know
the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it.
ave Ss do the activity. -er -ist -ian
Check the answers with the class. reporter scientist musician
engineer stylist electrician
1. f 2. a 3. g 4. e 5. b 6. c 7. d designer receptionist politician
manager physicist mathematician
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

E. (Post-reading)
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic C.
of the reading activity drawing on their own Aims: • to give Ss practice in using nouns describing

experience occupations
• •

Ask Ss the uestions, and encourage them to express their ave Ss do the activity.
opinions. emind them that there are no right or wrong Check the answers with the class.
answers. This will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence
to express themselves.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
1. musician
2. scientists
3. receptionist
4. stylist/designer
5. electrician
6. reporter
Suggested answer
Flying cars, living on other planets, cheap space travel, time

travel, computers controlling the world

SA: Well, think that in years, will be able to travel A.

to space and live on another planet. Aim: to present prepositional phrases with at and in
SB: eah ’ve got that on my list too.
SC: e too. And also think that time travel will be made ave Ss do the activity.
possible. think people will be able to travel back in
time and see things back in history. prepositional phrases with at and in in the text:

SB: eally ’m not so sure about that one. in the s, in many respects, at warp speed, at the
SA: mm. suppose it’s possible. think that in years, speed of light, in the case of Star Trek, in fact, in reality,
you will be able to travel from one place to another at work, in the classroom, in the future

immediately. Like in the Star Trek text we read.

SC: es, agree. think ‘beaming’ will be a reality in other common prepositional phrases with at and in:
years. at risk, at a discount, at first, at hand, at fault, at noon, in a
SA: And if we have beaming, we won’t need cars or trains hurry, in brief, in fact, in the past, in danger, in demand

or anything.
SC: That’s true. What about computers think that B.
computers will do everything in the future, and Aims: • to give Ss practice in using prepositional phrases
people will programme them from home. with at and in in context
SB: So people won’t have to go to work
SC: eah, why not •
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
1. NOUNS DE SCRIBING OCCUPAT IONS 1. At first 5. n other words
A. 2. in a bad mood 6. in a mess
Aims: • to present nouns describing occupations 3. At the age of 7. in detail
• 4. at the latest 8. at least

ave Ss answer the uestion.

Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the
prepositional phrases with at and in. This will challenge
write, science them. To help lower-performing Ss, you can write
incomplete sentences on the board and ask Ss to complete
them with the correct prepositional phrase. (e.g.
ave Ss read the NOTE. the kids didn’t want to go to the zoo, but
they loved it.)(At first, in the end).

93 TB

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Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words/phrases highlighted in the text
with their meanings.

1. commonplace a. something that

can be easily carried
2. portable or moved
3. fictional b. through
4. aspects c. a little
d. effects
5. via e. features
6. slightly f. usual, ordinary
7. conse uences g. imaginary

E. Discuss.
magine you are living years from now. As
uickly as possible, make a list of things which you

think you would be able to do then, which are not
possible now. Then, compare lists with other people
in your class. ave any others had the same or

VOCABULARY similar ideas Which are the most popular ideas
A. The nouns writer and scientist appear in the text in
reading activity B. Which words do they come from?
A. Find prepositional phrases with at and in

Many nouns used to describe occupations in the text in reading activity B. Can you
end in suffixes such as -ist, -er and -ian. think of any other common ones?

B. Complete the sentences 1-8 with prepositional

B. What are the occupations corresponding to the phrases from the box.

ds in the box? Write them in the correct

column in the table. at first at last at least at once
at the age of at the latest at the moment
science report music style electricity in a hurry in a good/bad mood
engine reception design manage politics in a mess in detail in general

physics mathematics in other words in particular

-er -ist -ian 1. , ark and Stacy

reporter scientist musician didn’t get along, but later, they became best friends.
2. wouldn’t ask her for a favour if were you. She is

3. eight, o art
C. Use some of the words from the table in activity B composed his first symphony.
to complete the sentences.
4. would like you to write a report and have it ready
1. Eleanor, who is a brilliant , by onday . There
has won many piano competitions and is now
is no time to waste.
teaching at the anhattan School of usic.
2. Some believe that there is life 5. Angela was asked to leave the office and never come
on other planets. back. , she was
3. The at the artin otel gave fired.
us a lot of information about the city. 6. Can’t you do something about your office t’s
4. arcia had always been interested in the fashion always
industry and grew up to be a famous
. 7. Before ary decided to change careers, he discussed
it with his wife .
5. We couldn’t figure out why the lights didn’t work,
so we called the . 8. f you can’t go to arisa’s house this afternoon,
6. Our , ames eese, will give us call her to let her
the latest news on this issue. know.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 195 13/1/2021 12:35:33 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
A. The adjectives different and fictional appear in
Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice
the text in reading activity B. Which words do
starting with the words given.
they derive from? What suffixes are used?
1. The reporter is interviewing the politician at the moment.

Many adjectives are formed by adding the The politician .

suffixes -ent, -al and -ly to a noun or verb.
2. They say that Tim’s last film is a huge success.
B. Look at the adjectives in the table. Decide which Tim’s last film .
words they come from and what they mean. 3. The students were using two laptops for this project.
-ent confident, dependent, existent Two laptops .
educational, additional, natural, national, 4. eople believe that Niles is a millionaire.
-al logical, personal, traditional Niles .
-ly costly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly 5. am sending the emails as we speak.

The emails .

G R AM M A R 6. Everyone thinks that Tina is an excellent singer.

Tina .

A. Look at the extracts from the text in reading activity B ENGLISH IN USE
and answer the questions.
Long before the technology became commonplace, mobile and
Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in capitals.
hand-held phones were being used in Star Trek.
Spaceships are still not being sent into space at warp speed...

1. ow would these extracts be written in the Active oice


Long before the technology became commonplace, people

were in Star Trek. lobe Trekker, one of the most
We are into space at warp speed... (1) T shows of recent SUCCESS
2. ow do we form the resent rogressive and ast years, is a T series featuring

rogressive in the assive oice (2) documentaries about E CITE

travelling around the world. A team of T
In many respects, the technology of Star Trek was prophetic’

and many things which were thought to be impossible then hosts called (3) ‘ ’ go to TRA EL
are now objects we use every day. exotic places and provide viewers with a taste
of life in those parts of the world. The hosts
3. What does the phrase in bold mean

a. eople were thinking about many impossible things then. interact with locals and take
b. eople thought that many things were impossible then. part in their (4) lives, DAY
visit the sights, find out about the history and
B. Read the table and give one more example for each
culture of the place and taste
(5) cuisine. TRADITION
Active Voice Passive Voice The show is addressed to tourists of all
Present Progressive budgets. owever, an Wright, one of the most
They are taking ictures of the castle are being popular hosts, says that you don’t have to stay
pictures of the castle. taken. in (6) hotels to enjoy a COST
Past Progressive trip to a foreign country.
Staying with local families is a great way to get
They were taking ictures of the castle were
pictures of the castle. being taken. (7) information about ADDITION
the country you are visiting and is much
Verbs say, think, know, etc.
cheaper than staying in a hotel. lobe Trekker
They say he is very It is said that he is very rich. has enjoyed (8) for more POPULAR
rich. e is said to be very rich. than fifteen years, and its hosts are likely to
continue trekking the globe for many years.


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A. 1. Long before the technology became commonplace,
Aims: to present adjective suffixes people were using mobiles and hand-held phones in
Star Trek.
We are still not sending spaceships into space at warp
ave Ss answer the uestion. speed...
2. We form the resent rogressive and ast rogressive
in the assive oice by adding the past participle of the
The word ‘different’ derives from ‘differ’. The suffix verb to the resent rogressive and ast rogressive of
used is -ent. the verb ‘to be’.
The word ‘fictional’ derives from ‘fiction’. The suffix Subject is/are being past participle ( agent)
used is -al. Subject was/were being past participle ( agent)
3. b
ead out and explain the NOTE.
Ask Ss to go through the table and provide their own
Aims: to raise Ss’ awareness of adjectives with the
suffixes ent al, ly
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

ave Ss do the activity.

Suggested answers
Check the answers with the class.

They are decorating Ô The house is being
the house. d ecorated.
They were decorating Ô The house was being
confide, depend, exist

-ent the house. decorated.
education, addition, nature, nation, logic, They say she is Ô t is said that she is extremely
-al person, tradition extremely talented. talented. / She is said to be

-ly cost, day, week, month, year

at extremely talented.
Ask Ss to write sentences in Active oice and turn them
into assive oice. oint out to Ss that they should use
the structures that have been presented in the grammar

GR A MM A R section. This will challenge higher-performing Ss.

PA SSI V E VOICE II Alternatively, give Ss sentences in Active oice and ask
them to turn them into assive oice (e.g. um is serving

Aim: to present Ss with certain uses of the Passive oice

(with the verbs say, thin , now, etc) dinner.). This will help lower-performing Ss.
Ask Ss to read through the examples of the rogressive PR AC T ICE
Tenses in the assive oice, and ask them to tell you how Aim: to give Ss practice in using the newly taught Passive
the resent and ast rogressive are formed in the assive oice structures in context

oice (am/is/are and was/were + being + the past participle Draw Ss’ attention to the activity.
of the main verb). Tell Ss to pay attention to the second, fourth and sixth
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. sentences. Ask them to underline They say in the second

Ask Ss to read through the third example of the assive sentence, People believe in the fourth sentence and
oice in the table. veryone thinks in the sixth sentence.
Explain to Ss that the verb think has both an impersonal Tell them that they have to pay attention to the personal
and a personal construction in the assive oice. and impersonal structures in the assive oice. This will

oint out to Ss that the impersonal construction is help lower-performing Ss.

followed by a that-clause (It was thought that many things As soon as they finish, have them check their answers with
were impossible then.) and the personal construction their partners. Encourage them to justify their answers.
is followed by a full infinitive (many things which were Check the answers with the class.
thought to be impossible then). Also, point out to Ss that the
subject in the impersonal construction in the assive oice 1. is being interviewed at the moment
is it and not the object of the verb in the Active oice. 2. is said to be a huge success
Tell Ss that verbs such as believe, consider, expect, say, 3. were being used for this project
report, think, understand, etc. have both an impersonal and 4. is believed to be a millionaire
a personal construction in the assive oice. 5. are being sent as we speak
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book. 6. is thought to be an excellent singer
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
ave Ss answer the uestions.
Check the answers with the class. ENGLISH IN USE
Aim: to give Ss practice in word building
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. successful 5. traditional
2. exciting 6. costly
3. travellers 7. additional
4. daily 8. popularity

94 TB

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Suggested answers
Discussing holiday destinations and types of holidays SA: Well, in the first picture there is a beautiful sandy beach.
Transferring from spoken to visual information n the second picture, we can see a mountain covered in
Expressing preference snow.
Expressing opinion SB: es. There are a lot of people skiing down the mountain.
SA: Exactly. think that the main advantage of going to
Vocabulary the beach is that it’s a relaxing place to be because you
can lie about in the sun all day. Also, if you want to do
backpacking holiday broaden car rental course something more exciting, you can go swimming and do
employment giant (adj.) insurance option all kinds of different water sports.
relatively sit back stressful tour operator SB: agree. Swimming in the sea on a hot day is very
variety venue refreshing. owever, sometimes the beach can get very
crowded in the summer. ou’d spend lots of time out in
Linking words/phrases the fresh air in both places, wouldn’t you
firstly for instance from my point of view SA: es, that’s true. think that going to a ski resort is also
in the first place moreover such as to begin with very exciting, but if you ask me, not as relaxing as the
without a doubt beach because you’re often out on the mountain all day
long, and that’s tiring.
Adjectives used to describe holidays SB: ou have to consider though, that skiing is great exercise
appealing beneficial economical energising and a very rewarding activity. The main drawback of
ideal refreshing going to a ski resort is that it is usually uite expensive.
SA: That’s true.

SA: Even though like both holiday destinations, think ski
LIS T ENING CD3 32 resorts are better than the beach because skiing is just so
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for specific much more energising than anything you can do at the

information and choosing the picture which best beach.
answers the question SB: That’s for sure. There’s nothing better than skiing down
the side of a mountain. love challenges, which is why

Explain to Ss that they will hear six short conversations,

going to a ski resort is the perfect holiday destination for
SA: couldn’t agree more.
each of which is followed by a uestion. Tell them that they
have to choose the picture which best answers the uestion.

Ask Ss to look through the uestions and the options

given. ake sure they understand what each picture Ask Ss to look at the pictures and speculate about the
shows. kinds of holidays the people are on (B : package tour

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. : backpacking holiday.) Then, have Ss go through the
f necessary, play the recording again. This will help lower- words and expressions in the boxes and explain any new
performing Ss. vocabulary.
Check the answers with the class. Draw Ss’ attention to the uestions.
ave Ss think of answers to the uestions individually first.
Divide Ss into pairs and tell them to take turns in order to

1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. b compare the pictures and talk about the differences and

express their preference.
o round the class helping students if necessary.

SPE A K ING ave each pair share their ideas in class.

Aims: • to give students practice in comparing and
contrasting pictures and expressing preference Suggested answers

• to provide vocabulary and expressions relevant to SA: So, the first picture shows some tourists and a tour
the situations guide at a tourist site.
• SB: The tour guide is showing them a sign that probably has
A. certain information about the site they are currently
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and speculate about the place visiting. The tour guide is also explaining what they are
about to experience there. n the second picture, there is
and the situation (A : exotic resort with sandy beaches A : a person with a backpack admiring an ama ing view.
winter resort skiing destination.) SA: think the biggest difference between these two types
Then, have Ss go through the words and expressions in the of holidays, is that on a package tour, everything is
boxes and explain any new vocabulary. usually organised for you, so you don’t have to think or
Draw Ss’ attention to the uestions. worry about anything.
ave Ss think of answers to the uestions individually first. SB: Exactly On a backpacking holiday, you have to make
Divide Ss into pairs and tell them to take turns in order all the arrangements. Although, believe that this
to compare the pictures and talk about the benefits and is a good thing, as you have the freedom to choose
drawbacks of going to each place and ask them to express the places you visit as well as how long you spend
their preference. somewhere.
o round the class helping students if necessary. SA: see what you mean if you like a place, you can stay
ave each pair share their ideas in class. a little longer. That’s not something you can do on a
package tour, as you have to follow a group.

SA: For me, a package tour is more appealing than a

backpacking holiday. That’s because much prefer to
travel as part of a group and make new friends.
SB: e too. like to be able to share a travel experience with
others and also think package tours are a safer option.
95 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 198 13/1/2021 12:35:37 µµ

Listening & speaking
You will hear six short conversations. For questions 1-6 choose the picture which answers the question correctly.
1. Which train are they going to take 4. Where did the man last see his passport

a. b. c. a. b. c.
2. Where are they going to go this summer 5. What did the man not do

a. b. c. a. b. c.

3. ow is the woman going to travel 6. Where was the man sitting

a. b. c.
at a. b. c.

A. Look at the pictures showing holiday destinations. B. Look at the pictures showing types of holidays.
Compare them and discuss the questions. You can Compare them and discuss the questions. You

use the words/phrases in the boxes. can use the words/phrases in the boxes.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of going to What are the differences between a package tour
either place and a backpacking holiday
Which holiday destination would you prefer Which type of holiday is more appealing to you

relaxing challenging exciting organised free time group alone

rewarding fresh air winter/water sports guide lost freedom safe expensive

refreshing energising save money shared experience


A1 B1

A2 B2

think that... is... because... think/don’t think... is practical because...

... is better/worse than... because... ... would be more/less fun for tourists because...

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 199 13/1/2021 12:35:39 µµ

An essay expressing an opinion
A. Discuss.
Are you happy where you live Why / Why not
For what reasons would you consider moving to another place

B. Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the question.
our teacher has asked you to write an essay on the following
any young people prefer to leave small towns and move to
larger cities because they feel there are more options available.
What is your opinion?
What are you asked to do
a. describe life in a big city
b. present your ideas and arguments and give your opinion

c. express your opinion and give advice

C. Now read the essay and answer the questions.

t is a fact that many young people today would like to live in a
large city. The obvious reason for this is that a big city has more
things to offer a young person who is starting out in life and
wants to be independent.
Firstly,, there are better study and employment opportunities

in cities compared to small towns. The universities and other

educational institutions in cities offer courses that might not

be available to students in smaller towns. Students also have

the chance to meet lots of different kinds of people during their 1. What is the function of the sentences underlined
studies. n addition,, cities support a large number of businesses in the essay
and organisations which are all a source of employment. a. to summarise what the writer has said in the

previous paragraph
Another reason why cities are so attractive is because they b. to introduce the main idea of the paragraph
offer a wide range of entertainment. For instance
instance, you can find

cinemas, theatres and concert venues. There are also different 2. What does the writer do in paragraph
kinds of restaurants and caf s where young people can meet a. give examples of many universities and job
and socialise. Furthermore
Furthermore,, with the giant shopping centres opportunities

and big department stores, shopping is also more exciting. b. explain what he/she means in the first sentence.

n my opinion, living in a city can be a beneficial experience 3. What does the writer do in paragraph
for a young person. A city offers a wealth of opportunities and a. give examples of what he/she mentions in the
entertainment choices and also broadens your mind by giving first sentence
you the chance to come into contact with a variety of other b. explain the reasons why people like
people and cultures. entertainment

D. Look at the words highlighted in the essay and use them to complete the table.

You can use these linking words/phrases to:

list points , to begin with, in the first place, finally

add points , , , , moreover, what is more

give examples , such as, for example, especially

give your opinion , believe, from my point of view


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 200 13/1/2021 12:35:40 µµ

Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying linking words
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task
• ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
Discuss the uestions in class.
You can use these linking words/phrases to:
Suggested answers
es, ’m very happy where live. ’ve lived in this list points
neighbourhood all my life, and most of my family and
close friends live nearby. Everyone is very friendly. Also, firstly, to begin with, in the first place, finally
like knowing where everything is if need something. add points
aybe would consider moving for work, or if got
married and my husband’s job was somewhere else. Also, also, in addition, another reason is, furthermore,
would have to move if wanted to study in a different moreover, what is more
city or country. give examples
for instance,, such as, for example, especially

Aims: to help Ss identify the purpose of an essay and give your opinion
appropriate content by analysing the rubric in my opinion,
opinion, believe, from my point of view

ave Ss do the activity.

The following should be underlined:

our teacher has asked you to write an essay on the
following topic:
any young people prefer to leave small towns and move
to larger cities because they feel there are more options

available. What is your opinion

What are you asked to do b

Aims: • to familiarise Ss with the function of topic sentences
• to raise Ss awareness of techniques used to develop



Ask Ss to go through the uestions and check

ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. b 2. b 3. a

96 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 201 13/1/2021 12:35:40 µµ

Aims: to give Ss practice in choosing appropriate topic Model answer
sentences and linking words/phrases Without a doubt, the best summer holiday is spent on a
sunny beach. There are a number of things which make this
type of holiday great.
ead out and explain the NOTE. First of all, the beach is a place where you can relax and take
ave Ss do the activity. a break from work or school. On the beach you can listen to
Check the answers with the class and ask higher- the waves and forget about all your stress.
performing Ss to provide justification for their answers.
This will challenge them and help lower-performing Ss Another reason that a holiday by the sea somewhere warm
understand why these answers are correct. is ideal is that it is healthy. ou can get exercise swimming
in the sea or running on the sand. ou also get to spend
time in the sun. This is very good for you if you use
1. d sunscreen.
2. a (For instance, such as, What’s more)
3. c (For example) n my opinion, a holiday on the beach can be very
4. b ( n my opinion) beneficial. After a holiday like this, you are ready to go back
to work or school and have more energy.

Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing an essay
expressing an opinion

ave Ss read through the outline, and make sure they Video activities: Hot-air balloons
understand what each paragraph should include when The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back

writing an essay expressing an opinion. of the book.
Aims: to give Ss practice in preparing an outline for an
Explain to Ss that they should follow the outline in activity
F and use ideas from the Speaking activity. This will help

lower-performing Ss. To challenge higher-performing Ss, Ss,

encourage them to add their own ideas.

Explain to them that the outline is a guiding tool and,

therefore, is meant to be short. Tell them that they should
not write whole sentences, just phrases codifying the
content of each paragraph.
Set a maximum of five to seven minutes for the completion
of the task.

Suggested outline

Agree with the idea that the ideal summer holiday is on a
summer beach.
Main Part

ara : relax on the beach, sunbathe, enjoy the crystal

clear waters
ara : away from the hectic city lifestyle, no noise and
traffic, perfect for recharging your batteries
Taking everything into consideration, there is no doubt

Aims: to give Ss practice in writing an essay expressing
an opinion

ead out and explain the T .

Tell Ss to refer to the sample essay, the outline they have
prepared in activity and the T when writing their

97 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 202 13/1/2021 12:35:41 µµ

Topic sentences introduce the central idea of the G. Read the rubric. Then, make an outline
NOTE paragraph. The other sentences in the paragraph for the essay following the guidelines
develop the idea expressed in the topic sentence by in activity F and using ideas from the
expanding on it, giving examples or explaining it. Speaking activity.
our teacher has asked you to write an essay on the
following topic:
E. Read the essay and choose the best topic sentence
a-d for each paragraph. Then, circle the correct The ideal summer holiday is relaxing on a sunny beach.
linking words/phrases. Do you agree?
a. Without a doubt, booking a holiday can be a very
stressful task.
b. For all these reasons, going on a package holiday can
be more enjoyable than being an independent traveller.
c. Furthermore, a tour operator will have a better
knowledge of the country you want to visit.
d. ackage holidays are a far better way for people to visit
a country than travelling independently.

1 There are a number of reasons why this type
of holiday is the most convenient way to travel.

2 For instance / I believe
believe, if you travel
independently, you have to book flights and
accommodation plus organise other things such as /
also car rental and travel insurance. What’s more /
Finally, you have to spend time searching for the most
economical options. With a package holiday, all of

these things are taken care of, so you can sit back and
look forward to your holiday.

3 For example / Such asas,, tour operators know

where the safest and best places to stay and eat are.
owever, if you are an independent traveller you may
not know all these things. WRITING TASK

H. Write your essay. Your essay should be

4 In my opinion / Especially
Especially,, package holidays between 100-150 words.

offer tourists a relatively stress-free way to see a foreign

country and are the best way to travel.

When you are writing an essay expressing an opinion:

F. When you are writing an essay giving your opinion,  select a few ideas/points/arguments (the ones you
follow this outline.
have the most to say about). Don’t try to deal with too
many points.
INTRODUCTION  use topic sentences to express the central idea of
topic you are going
• Briefly introduce the each paragraph.
to discuss.  develop the paragraphs by expanding on the idea
t it.
• Say how you feel abou in the topic sentence. Justify your ideas and, when
hs) possible, use examples to illustrate them.
MAIN PART (2 paragrap
aspe cts of the issue  use a variety of linking words/phrases to list points,
• Choose two main
h on each. add more points, give examples and express your
and write one paragrap
ints and give opinion.
• Explain your ideas/po
examples if possible.

Sum up by stating your
opinion. Video activities:
Hot-air balloons


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 203 13/1/2021 12:35:42 µµ

6 Round-up
A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. The old castle is the town’s main tourist .
a. site b. location c. attraction d. area
2. The climbers wanted to the top of the mountain before it got dark.
a. get b. reach c. arrive d. come
3. The teacher wants us to hand in our assignments by Friday . She will not accept anything after that.
a. at least b. at last c. at once d. at the latest
4. Do his paintings to you
a. impress b. appreciate c. appeal d. admire
5. ohn tried to get the door to open but was unsuccessful every time.

a. repeatedly b. originally c. especially d. closely
6. ike is bored with his job and wants to find something more .
a. relaxing b. stressful c. challenging d. refreshing

7. Tony wants to move out of his parents’ house and into his own flat to feel more .

a. isolated b. independent
e’s a very imaginative writer, who likes to create
c. confident
at d. re uested
worlds for his characters to inhabit.
a. traditional b. portable c. fictional d. additional
9. The city council has decided to the old Town all rather than tear it down.

a. restore b. transport c. construct d. broaden

10. ark has lots of experience so he’s the person for the job.

a. logical b. ideal c. enthusiastic d. beneficial

B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.
1. The general admitted that mistakes by his soldiers.

a. had been made b. had made c. were making d. made

2. e the richest man in the world.

a. is said to be b. is said that c. is said that he is d. is said

3. ‘Why did you wake up so early today ’
‘ catch the first train into town.’

a. Because b. n order to c. So that d. So as

4. he is rich and good-looking, he’s still single.
a. Despite b. Even c. Because d. Although
5. ane ran home because she thought she by a strange man.
a. was following b. followed c. was being followed d. had followed
6. the bad weather, Steven went sailing.
a. Although b. Due to c. Despite d. Because
7. ‘Why are you drinking coffee so late at night ’
‘ can stay awake and watch the film.’
a. Despite b. Though c. So that d. n order
8. t is believed somewhere in Australia.
a. that Sandra lives b. Sandra to live c. to live Sandra d. Sandra that she lives
9. The climbers felt exhausted the heat.
a. because b. as c. due to d. despite
10. Nothing this big before.
a. has ever built b. has ever been built c. has ever been building d. has ever had built


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 204 13/1/2021 12:35:43 µµ

Round-up 6
Aims: to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 6 through
various activities


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b


1. a
2. a
3. b

4. d
5. c
6. c
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. b

98 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 205 13/1/2021 12:35:43 µµ

6 Round-up

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. c

1. be
2. order
3. been
4. of
5. being
6. make
7. t

8. who

1. because of (the)
2. so that ary would not
3. in spite of training very
4. is believed (that) ike was
5. are being provided with
6. was caught by the police
7. in order to lose

8. even though she was feeling


99 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 206 13/1/2021 12:35:43 µµ

C. Read the text and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap.
A Backpacker ’s Story
Last year spent six months backpacking around ndia with my best friend.
We started out in umbai. Travelling with a heavy backpack is not easy, but 1. a. carrying 5. a. tickets
tried to think how fit would be at the end of the trip from (1) all that b. bringing b. seasons
weight on my back. umbai is a fascinating city the food, the people, the c. taking c. destinations
weather, it was all so overwhelming. Next, we took a train to oa after the hectic 2. a. energising 6. a. must-see
atmosphere of umbai, the slower pace of oa was more (2) . We saw b. relaxing b. speciality
impressive towers, forts and old colonial-style houses. There were beautiful sandy c. fre uent c. trademark
beaches and scenic (3) to explore. From oa, we travelled on to erala and 3. a. countryside 7. a. is thinking
then to Bangalore. This section was the toughest for me because came down b. country b. is thought
with a stomach flu when we got to Bangalore. When finally recovered, was c. borders c. thought
ready to continue on our (4) so we travelled north to the olden Triangle, 4. a. journey 8. a. Because of
the three most popular holiday (5) in ndia: Delhi, Agra and aipur. b. location b. Due to
A (6) is the Taj ahal in Agra it (7) to be one of the most c. fare c. n spite of
spectacular sights in ndia. (8) being exhausting and, at times, very

demanding, the trip was an ama ing experience for me.

D. Read the text and think of the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

What to see in Coventry at

The old city of Coventry can (1) found a few the answer. Located in the city centre, it is enormous and,
kilometres away from Birmingham. n (2) to of course, easily accessible. Also, keep in mind that a new
get the most of your visit there, don’t miss the following entertainment centre is (5) built at the moment

attractions. ight in the heart of the town, the Coventry in the area. Before leaving Coventry, (6) sure
Transport useum is perhaps the most visited attraction you pass by the central s uare to admire the odiva clock,

in the area. A lot of things have (3) written where you can see the figure of Lady odiva riding a white
about it, especially because (4) the fact that horse.
it houses the world’s largest collection of British-made (7) is said that she was the beautiful wife
cars. Drive a few kilometres and visit Warwick Castle of an earl in the th century (8) persuaded

with its th century towers and old furniture. For those her husband to reduce the heavy taxes on the people of
who love shopping, the modern West Orchards Centre is Coventry.

E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. The football game was cancelled because it was raining. of

The football game was cancelled rain.
2. hid my diary because didn’t want ary to read it. would
hid my diary read it.
3. Although he trained very hard, atthew did not win the race. of
atthew did not win the race hard.
4. eople believe that someone forced ike to uit his job. was
t forced to uit his job.
5. The government is providing earth uake victims with food and water. provided
Earth uake victims food and water by the government.
6. The police caught the burglar while he was still in the house. by
The burglar while he was still in the house.
7. obert gave up eating chocolate because he wanted to lose weight. order
obert gave up eating chocolate weight.
8. Despite feeling very ill, artha went to the theatre. even
artha went to the theatre very ill.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 207 13/1/2021 12:35:43 µµ

6 Round-up

You will hear people talking in six different Read the following and tick () the appropriate
situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
answer a, b or c. to the relevant sections in the module.
1. ou overhear two people talking.
Where was the Frida ahlo exhibition Now I can...
a. in exico  distinguish the difference in meaning
b. in Leamington of words easily confused

c. in London  use compound nouns
 use words and phrases related to air travel
2. ou will hear part of a telephone conversation.  form nouns describing occupations

When is the man checking out  use prepositional phrases with at and in
a. th  form adjectives by using suffixes
b. th

c. th
 use the assive oice appropriately

3. ou hear a conversation between a tour guide

and a man on a tour.
 use clauses of reason, concession
and purpose
What is the group going to do now  skim a text to understand the gist and

identify its purpose


a. go shopping
b. visit the medieval castle  understand details in a text

c. go to the National ardens  understand text organisation and

reconstruct a gapped text

4. ou overhear two friends talking.  understand the necessary information


What is the weather going to be like in Barcelona in different situations


a. warm and sunny  understand specific information in

a short conversation and identify the
b. cold and rainy

picture that corresponds to the

c. we don’t know information

 talk about means of transport, types of


5. ou hear two people discussing holiday plans.

holidays and holiday destinations
Why doesn’t the woman want to go to Costa ica
 compare pictures and express opinion
a. She doesn’t like flying to faraway places. and preference
b. She would rather go to a tropical island.
c. She thinks it might be too expensive.

 write a paragraph expressing my opinion

6. ou overhear two people talking about  write an essay expressing my opinion
their plans for the weekend.
Why is the woman going to go to Dover
a. to go shopping
b. to escape from the rainy weather
c. to do something different
Culture page:
The Oregon Vortex


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 208 13/1/2021 12:35:43 µµ

Round-up 6
LIS T ENING CD3 34 - 45
ave Ss do the activity.
To challenge higher-performing Ss, you may modify the
activity from multiple-choice to open-ended uestions.
Write uestions - on the board (without the options),
ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, listen and
answer the uestions. To help lower-performing Ss, you
may eliminate one incorrect option in each situation.

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and have Ss read them.

Explain any unknown words.
ave Ss tick the points they feel confident about. For the

points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.

Culture page:
The Oregon Vortex
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
of the book.

100 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 6.indd 209 13/1/2021 12:35:43 µµ

7 Up-to-date

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
ersonally, ’m a gadget freak. really like to get all the
latest gadgets as soon as they are available. even get a new
smartphone every year.
Technology has made our lives much easier, and things
happen a lot faster now than they did years ago.
years ago we didn’t have computers or mobile phones
or the nternet. t was much harder to get information,

and people still wrote letters when they wanted to

think in years from now we will be able to travel the

world very uickly as technology will have made great

improvements, and aeroplanes will be much faster and
more powerful. also think that in years, you will be
able to learn everything you need to know immediately,
by downloading information from a computer into your


ead out the points listed in the lick through the module
and find... section. Explain any unknown words.
Then, ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

a dialogue between two young women: p.

a text about using new technology in language learning:
an announcement about a course in modern art: p.
an article about restaurants using new technology:
a short text about a trendy way to keep fit: p.
a letter to the editor of a news website: p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

101 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 210 13/1/2021 12:54:49 µµ

Up-to-date 7
 Would you describe yourself as traditional, trendy,
a fashion victim, a computer addict or a gadget freak
 ow has technology changed our life compared to
years ago
 What kind of machines and gadgets do you think
will exist years from now

Flick through the module and find...

 a dialogue between two young women
 a text about using new technology in language learning

 an announcement about a course in modern art
 an article about restaurants using new technology
 a short text about a trendy way to keep fit
 a letter to the editor of a news website

In this module you will learn...

 how to express criticism, possibility and certainty in the past
 to talk about various aspects of modern life including
technology, fashion and devices
 how to express your opinion and justify it
 how to write a letter to the editor expressing your opinion
and a semi-formal email asking for information
 skills and strategies that will help you in exams

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 211 13/1/2021 12:54:53 µµ

A. Discuss.
Do you ever use the nternet to help you with your language learning f so, what do you use it for
B. Read the text quickly and choose which title a, b or c is the most appropriate for the text.

a English is all around us! b books No need for pencils,

and teachers in schools!
c Learning English with new technology!

oday, many computer experts claim that traditional Another contemporary method of language learning is
language learning methods used in classrooms tandem language exchange apps. Tandem learning means
will eventually be replaced by more contemporary learning with a partner who is a native speaker of the

methods. Some of these modern methods include language you are learning, but who is also learning your
e-learning, attending virtual classrooms, tandem language native language. With tandem language learning apps, you

exchange apps and using interactive materials. and your partner exchange emails or messages written
E-learning is short for electronic learning, and, as the half in the one language and half in the other. n this way,
name suggests, it means any kind of learning environment both you and your partner are reading and writing in
which is electronic. On the nternet, there are countless the ‘foreign’ language. Tandem language exchange apps

sites dedicated to language learning. These include provide a very fast, immediate way of communicating. t
worksheets you can download, interactive games, pu les, is ‘real’ communication with a partner who is about the
ui es and so on. same age and may have the same interests.

Also, with the use of online learning websites and Finally, there are interactive language learning resources
platforms, many students no longer have to go to class. which offer a range of benefits. Learners can work at
nstead, they sit in front of the computer, log on from their own speed and can repeat vocabulary and phrases

home and ‘meet’ their teacher and other learners in as often as they wish. They are exposed to conversations
a virtual classroom. Although this type of learning spoken by native speakers, which help with pronunciation.
environment is uite similar to the traditional classroom, Learners can use a range of media, such as short film clips
it makes the learner far more independent and flexible. of typical scenes and situations, music, interactive ui es
The teacher, or moderator, encourages the language and much more.
learner to analyse what and how he or she wants to learn So, are the days of the traditional classroom numbered
and then helps him or her to achieve those ends. irtual Will the teacher be unnecessary t is unlikely. owever,
classrooms can use all the online resources available the new media will play an increasingly important part
and usually use a type of chat room to practise oral in all learning and will complement traditional English
communication. teaching rather than replace it entirely.

C. Read the text again and decide if the statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write T, F or
NM in the boxes.
1. At the moment, there are not many sites on the nternet for language learning.
2. A teacher will still be needed in virtual classrooms.
3. n the virtual classroom, the students decide which areas of language learning they want to focus on.
4. With tandem language exchange apps, all students are learning the same language.
5. Of all the methods mentioned in the text, interactive materials are the most effective way of learning.
6. The writer believes that teachers will not be necessary in the future.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 212 13/1/2021 12:54:55 µµ

Functions Check the answers with the class.
Talking about language learning
Talking about language teaching methods 1. F (‘On the nternet, there are countless sites
dedicated to language learning.’)
Structures 2. T (‘... they sit in front of the computer, log on from
home, and ‘meet’ their teacher and other learners in
nfinitives and -ing forms a virtual classroom.’)
Vocabulary 3. T (‘The teacher, or moderator, encourages the
language learner to analyse what and how he or she
analyse attend complement contemporary wants to learn and then helps him or her to achieve
conversation countless dedicated entirely those ends.’)
exchange (v.) expert flexible increasingly 4. F (‘Tandem learning means learning with a partner
individual (adj.) instead it’s no use it’s worth who is a native speaker of the language you are
jealous method no longer oral partner learning, but who is also learning your native
range (n.) rather (than) relevant replace language.’)
resource scene unlikely 5. N
6. F (‘Will the teacher be unnecessary t is unlikely.’)
Words related to learning through the Internet
app download (v.) e-learning film clip
interactive log on media site virtual
ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge

lower-performing Ss
higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing
RE A DING CD4 2 understand why these sentences are false.
A. (Pre-reading) Ask a few comprehension uestions:
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity

• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal What do language learning sites offer users? worksheets,
experience interactive games, puzzles, quizzes etc.

Ask Ss the uestion and discuss.

How do learners practise oral communication in a virtual
classroom? They chat online in a chat room.
How do students learn through tandem language exchange
apps? They exchange emails or messages with a native
Suggested answer speaker of the language they wish to learn the email/message

es, all the time. ’m always looking words up in various is written half in their language and half in their partner’s
different online dictionaries. Also, watch English films language.
online, which helps me to become more familiar with the

different British accents. What are the advantages of using interactive language
learning resources when learning a foreign language?
Students can set their own learning pace and can repeat items
B. they wish to learn as many times as they want.
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of What kind of materials are used as interactive language

the text resources? film clips of typical scenes and situations, music,
interactive quizzes, etc.

ave Ss read through titles a-c and the text uickly in

order to choose the most appropriate title for the text. D.
Check the answers with the class and ask higher- Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
performing Ss to justify why the other two options are from context

incorrect. This will challenge them and help lower-

performing Ss understand why this answer is correct. Ask Ss to read through words - and meanings a-f.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the text
and guess their meaning from the context.
c (‘a’ is too general whereas ‘b’ is wrong because it Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not know
refers only to one aspect of the new teaching methods, the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it.
some of which still re uire the presence of the teacher). ave Ss do the activity and check the answers with the class.

1. d 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. b
Aims: to give Ss practice in reading for details
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

oint out to Ss that first they read the statements and then E. (Post-reading)
find the corresponding parts of the text that answer the Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
uestions. of the reading activity drawing on their own
Ask Ss to read through statements - and check experience
Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in Ask Ss the uestions.
the text in order to do the activity. Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the
ave Ss do the activity.
102 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 7.indd 213 12/10/2021 12:26:19 µµ

Suggested answers INF INIT I V E S A ND – ING FOR MS
think the tandem learning apps are probably the most A.
effective. ’ve never tried one, but think they sound like a Aims: to present the basic uses of the full infinitive
great way to learn how to communicate with someone in
another language.
E-learning sites and virtual classrooms give students the Draw Ss’ attention to the examples and discuss when the
advantage of working from home. ’ve done this before full infinitive is used.
and found it effective. One disadvantage is that you don’t Draw Ss’ attention to the NOTE and have them tell you the
have the chance to talk to your classmates and exchange difference between the full and bare infinitive.
ideas. One advantage of tandem learning apps is that Elicit answers (full infinitive: to + the base form of the verb,
you are in contact with people your own age. But one bare infinitive: the base form of the verb without to).
disadvantage is that you spend a lot of time speaking your ave Ss come up with their own examples.
own language instead of the language you want to learn. efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
think interactive language learning resources have a lot of ave Ss do the activity.
advantages too. ou can choose exactly the type of activity Check the answers with the class.
you want to do. ou can also practise different skills, like
grammar and listening. The disadvantage of course, is that 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. c
there is no teacher to explain things you don’t understand.


Aims: to present basic uses of the ing form
Aims: to raise Ss’ awareness of adjectives followed by Ask Ss to read through the examples, and discuss what

they remember about the use of the -ing form.
ave Ss come up with their own examples.
ave Ss do the activity. efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Check the answers with the class. at
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
to about 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
similar curious

harmful serious C.
relevant nervous Aims: to present the differences in meaning of

remember and forget when followed by the full

for of infinitive and the ing form
famous aware
suitable full
Write the following sentences on the board, and ask Ss to

responsible jealous tell you the difference in meaning:

Please remember / don’t forget to turn off the printer before
you leave the office.

I will always remember / never forget going to Rome for the

first time.
Aims: to give Ss practice in using adjectives followed by
Explain to Ss how the meaning of sentences with
prepositions in context
remember/forget changes depending on whether it is a full

infinitive or an -ing form that follows.

ave Ss do the activity. ave Ss come up with their own examples.
Check the answers with the class. ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
1. nervous about 4. similar to
2. relevant to 5. aware of 1. b 2. a
3. responsible for
Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using the efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
adjectives from activity A. This will challenge them. Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using
Write some of these sentences on the board without infinitives and -ing forms. This will challenge them. To
writing the adjectives and their prepositions. help lower-performing Ss, you can give them prompts to
Ask lower-performing Ss to complete the sentences with make sentences (e.g. would like / visit Australia).
the correct adjectives and prepositions. This will give them
extra practice. PR AC T ICE
Aim: to give Ss practice in using infinitives and ing
forms in context
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

1. to see 3. to do 5. not have 7. to buy

2. affect 4. walking 6. to get 8. paying

103 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 214 13/1/2021 12:54:57 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words highlighted in the text with
their meanings. There is one extra meaning
which you do not need to use.
a. add something to
1. countless something else so as to A. Look at the examples and match them with the uses
2. flexible improve it of the full infinitive.
b. use instead of 1. The teacher, or moderator, encourages the language learner
3. range something else to analyse what and how he or she wants to learn.
4. complement c. able to change easily 2. Virtual classrooms usually use a type of chat room to
d. a lot of practise oral communication.
5. replace e. device
f. variety 3. It is interesting to learn a language through tandem
E. Discuss. language exchange apps.
Which of the language learning methods 4. I don’t know how to download a worksheet.
mentioned in the text do you find the 5. Have you got enough money to buy this laptop?
most interesting and effective The full infinitive (to + base form) is used:
What do you think the advantages and a. to express purpose
disadvantages of each of them are b. after certain verbs (want,
want, would like, hope, decide, learn, etc.)

c. after too and enough
VOCABULARY d. after it be adjective
ADJECTIVES + PREPOSITIONS e. after uestion words (who,
(who, what, how, etc.)

A. Complete the table with the

Use the bare infinitive (base form without to) after most modal
adjectives in the box. verbs (can,
can, could, must, may, should, etc.), would rather and had
full similar
better. Also, after the verbs let and make in the Active Voice.
B. Look at the examples and match them with the uses of the -ing
relevant nervous form.
1. What about installing a multimedia program?

to about 2. Tandem language exchange apps provide a very fast, immediate way
of communicating.
3. earning is generally more individual and self-directed.

4. Phil is considering attending a virtual classroom.

The -ing form is used:
a. as a subject
for of b. after certain verbs (enjoy, finish, avoid, imagine, etc.)

c. after certain expressions (how about, it’s no use, it’s worth, etc.)
d. after prepositions (for, of, in, etc.)

C. Look at the sentences and decide what each of them means.

Choose a or b.
1. ou must remember / not forget to turn off the computer before

you leave.
B. Complete the sentences using
adjectives + prepositions from 2. will always remember / never forget flying over the jungle.
activity A. a. remember / not forget something that has already happened
1. Even though studied b. remember / not forget something that you are supposed to do
a lot last night, ’m
my history test today. PRACTICE
Complete the text with the full infinitive, the bare
2. don’t understand infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
how your uestion is t’s ama ing (1) (see) how easily a smartphone can
our class discussion. (2) (affect) our everyday lives. icture this. A woman
goes to the city centre (3) (do) some shopping. She
3. eople should always be held enjoys (4) (walk) round looking at window displays. She
their own realises she might (5) (not have) enough money to buy
mistakes and not blame others. everything she wants, so she uses her mobile phone
(6) (get) online and transfer money from her account
4. This sauce is very to her prepaid credit card. Suddenly, she sees the perfect pair of high heels
a sauce had in China. in a fabulous blue colour and a matching bag. She wants (7)
5. don’t think people are (buy) them but needs a second opinion. So, she sends a picture to her best
friend with a photo of the shoes and a uestion: ‘ s it worth (8)
the extent
(pay) for them ’ Don’t you just love technology
of the damage that has been done. 103

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 215 13/1/2021 12:54:57 µµ

Listening & reading
A. Discuss.
What do you think a person can do to look and feel more confident
Do you like to keep up with the latest fashion trends or do you have your own individual style

B. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. Who has changed a lot
2. Who has started to get fitter
3. Who looks much younger now

Louise ello, Sally. What are you up to

Sally Louise s that you What happened
ou... you look so different What have
you done
Louise Actually, took your advice.

Sally eally
Louise emember how you were always telling
me needed to reduce my stress and start

taking better care of myself Well did it
Sally ou look absolutely gorgeous
Louise Thanks. t all started about three months
ago. had been feeling really tired so
finally decided to go to the doctor.
e did some tests and told me was
overworked and that needed to start

eating right and exercising. So, joined

a gym and was given a diet and fitness

programme to help get me in shape.

Sally ood for you But it’s not just that you
look a lot fitter. ou’ve done something
to your hair too, and don’t think ’ve

ever seen you in a skirt before.

Louise Well, once started to get into shape,
decided to change my whole look. had

my hair dyed and my make-up done.

even had a fashion stylist pick out some
new and trendy clothes for me as well as

some cool accessories like this new bag

and this jewellery.
Sally do love that necklace it’s so pretty and
matches your blouse perfectly.
Louise And the best thing about it all is that
feel so much more confident now.
even got my mum into it, you know. She
also had her hair cut and styled. Then
she had a facial done to improve her
skin. A dietician looked at her diet and
recommended certain healthy foods. She
had some elegant clothes chosen for her C. Decide whether these words/phrases refer to Louise,
too. Speaking of um here she comes. Mrs Myers or both. Write L, M or B in the boxes.
Mrs Myers ello, girls.
Sally rs yers hardly recognised you. ou 1. new clothes 5. haircut
look fantastic eally, you look about ten 2. make-up 6. hair colour
years younger 3. accessories 7. fitness programme
Mrs Myers Oh, thank you feel wonderful 4. a facial 8. new diet


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 216 13/1/2021 12:54:58 µµ

Talking about fashion 1. B
Expressing interest and surprise 2. L
3. L
Structures 4.
Causative form 6. L
Vocabulary 7. L
8. B
absolutely dietician dye (v.) facial (n.)
gorgeous pick out recommend
Words related to appearance and fashion
anklet anorak blouse bracelet chain coat Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions:
dreadlocks earring fitness programme haircut Why is Sally surprised when she first sees Louise? because
hairstyle high heels highlights in shape Louise looks so different
jewellery jumper make-up match (v.) necklace According to Louise’s doctor, what was wrong with Louise?
ponytail sandal slipper spiky sweatshirt She was overworked and she needed to start eating right
wedding dress wellington boots and exercising.
What has Sally never seen Louise wearing before? a skirt

A. (Pre-listening/reading)
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the listening and reading task


Ask Ss the two uestions and discuss.

Suggested answers
think if you stay in shape, you feel more confident, so
going to the gym or following an exercise programme is a

good idea.
have my own individual style. enjoy looking at the
latest fashion trends, but wear what works for me.

Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for gist

Ask Ss to go through the uestions.

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.

1. Louise and rs yers

2. Louise
3. rs yers

Aim: to give Ss practice in scanning for specific

Ask Ss to read through words/phrases - and check

Ask Ss to underline where they found the answers in the
ave Ss do the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This
will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their
answers in class.
Check the answers with the class.

104 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 217 13/1/2021 12:54:59 µµ

Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
from context C AUSAT I V E FOR M
Aims: to introduce the formation and use of the
causative form
Ask Ss to read through words/phrases - and the options
Explain to them that they should find these words/phrases ave Ss do the activity.
in the text and guess their meaning from the context.
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not 1. She did it herself.
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them
infer it. 2. No, she didn’t We don’t know who did those for her,
ave Ss do the activity. but we can guess that a hairdresser dyed her hair and a
To help lower-performing Ss, you may eliminate one make-up artist did her make-up.
incorrect option in each item. 3. the verb have (followed by an object and the past
Check the answers with the class. participle of the main verb)

1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c B.
Aim: to present Ss with the rules of formation and use of
the causative form

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if Draw Ss’ attention to the rule and the examples.
necessary. Write the following on the board to help Ss remember the
causative form: have/get something done.
E. (Post-reading) oint out to Ss that get can be used instead of have, but get

Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic is more informal.
of the listening/reading text drawing on their Tell Ss that if we want to emphasise who is doing the
own experience action, we use by + agent ((e.g. by Dr Richards).
ave Ss do the activity.
Examples from the dialogue:
Ask Ss the uestions. I had my hair dyed and my make-up done.
Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. She also had her hair cut and styled... ... she had a facial

She had some elegant clothes chosen...

Suggested answers ead out and explain the NOTE and refer Ss to the
es, if it gives them more confidence and makes them feel rammar eference at the back of the book.

better about themselves, then their life has certainly been ead the following pairs of sentences aloud, and ask Ss to
improved. tell you which sentence in each pair follows the correct
definitely think that beauty is all about personality. form of the causative form:
t doesn’t matter what a person looks like the most . Lisa had her room painted. ( )
important thing is to be beautiful on the inside. Lisa had painted her room. ( )

. ake will have his computer repaired. ( )

ake will repair his computer. ( )
VOC A BUL A RY This will challenge higher-performing Ss and help lower-

LE X IC A L SE T performing Ss understand the formation and use of the

( A PPE A R A NCE A ND FA SHION ) causative form better.
Aims: to familiarise Ss with vocabulary related to PR AC T ICE

appearance and fashion Aim: to give Ss practice in using the causative form in
ave Ss look at the words and the pictures and encourage Ask Ss to read through sentences - .
them to brainstorm other items they may know belonging Draw Ss’ attention to the first sentence, and remind them
in the same groups. of have/get something done.
Ask Ss to write the first sentence using the causative
Suggested answers form and check the answers with the class. rovide any
clothes: skirt, trousers, blouse, shirt, jacket, dress, necessary explanations.
socks, etc. ave Ss do the activity.
footwear: trainers, boots, etc. Check the answers with the class.
jewellery: ring, necklace, etc.
hairstyles: pigtails, braid, etc. 1. will have/get a wedding dress made (by a famous
2. is having/getting her hair dyed
3. had/got all the food prepared (by a catering company)
4. have/get your car serviced yesterday
5. had/got all the emails sent
6. am going to have/get the house cleaned before the


o to the listening transcript.
105 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 218 13/1/2021 12:55:07 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Look at the words/phrases highlighted in the dialogue
and choose the correct meaning a, b or c. GRA MMA R
1. gorgeous
a. beautiful b. young c. happy CAUSATIVE FORM
2. in shape A. Look at the extracts from the dialogue and
a. busy b. fit c. in fashion answer the questions.
3. pick out I joined a gym...
a. make b. choose c. lend I had my hair dyed and my make-up done.
4. matches 1. Did Louise join a gym herself or did someone
a. goes with b. is different from c. is cheaper than else do it for her
2. Did Louise dye her hair and do her make-up
5. facial
herself f not, who did it for her
a. operation b. exercise c. beauty treatment 3. Which verb in one of the two examples is used
E. Discuss. to indicate that someone else does something
Do you think a person’s life can be improved by changing for you
their appearance Why / Why not
What do you think matters most Appearance or B. Study the rule. Then, find more examples of
the causative form in the dialogue.
personality Why

We use the causative form
VOCABULARY (subject + have/get + object + past participle)
LEXICAL SET (APPEARANCE AND FASHION) when we do not do something ourselves, but we

Look at the groups of words. How many words can you arrange for someone else to do it for us.
add to each group? e.g. I usually have my hair cut once a month.
at Look! Sam has had her hair dyed purple!

The question and negative forms of the


Present Simple and the Past Simple of the


causative form are formed with do/does and

did respectively.

anorak coat jumper sweatshirt

Read the situations and complete the

sentences using the causative form.


1. ulie will not buy a wedding dress. She will ask a


famous designer to make it.


2. rs orrison is at the hairdresser’s. They are

sandals slippers high heels wellington dyeing her hair.
boots rs orrison
3. Linda asked a catering company to prepare all the

4. Didn’t the mechanic service your car yesterday
Didn’t you
earrings bracelet chain anklet
5. r Wilson told his secretary to send all the

r Wilson
6. Before our guests arrive, am going to ask the
cleaning lady to clean the house.

highlights spiky hair ponytail dreadlocks

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 219 13/1/2021 12:55:14 µµ

Listening & speaking
A. Discuss.
ow dependent on computers are you in your everyday life
Do you think that being computer-literate is necessary today
B. You are going to hear a radio interview with an IT specialist about a project called One Laptop Per Child.
Listen and answer the question.
What is the aim of this project
a. to make sure that students in all schools receive computer training
b. to provide computers for children in developing countries
c. to produce cheap laptops for the world market
C. Listen to the interview again and complete the sentences.
1. Nicholas Negroponte is as well as a computer scientist.
2. n countries like Somalia and wanda, international aid mainly aims at providing for people

and helping them cope with a war situation.
3. The OL C project will create opportunities for children in developing countries.

4. The final price of the laptop was .
5. The laptop also has a(n) which is environmentally friendly.
6. Dr Truman said that, at first, developing countries expressed
D. Discuss.
at about the OL C.
What is your opinion of the One Laptop Per Child project


Talk in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. You can use some of the words/phrases
in the boxes.

Each of these pictures shows a different

aspect of modern life. What aspect is
shown in each picture

ow popular are they with people of

your age
ow do you feel about them

What are the positive and negative

aspects of each of them

junk food
health problems
computer/online games
addicted to A B
combine shopping and entertainment
choice of shops
instant messaging
keep in touch

... is very / isn’t so popular with...

Among people of my age... is a favourite
pastime because...
ersonally, feel...
think/believe that...
The way see it...
One of the greatest advantages/
disadvantages of... is... C D
Another drawback is...

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 220 13/1/2021 12:55:16 µµ

Functions D.
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to give personal
Talking about aspects of modern life response to the topic of the listening
Expressing feelings and opinion comprehension activity (the One Laptop Per
Child Project)
addicted to aid (n.) catch on come up with Ask Ss the uestion.
compete concerned consist of developing country Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
drawback hunger in conclusion
instant messaging pastime poverty radical Suggested answer
stock (v.) to make matters worse trend
vending machine webcam think that it’s a great idea. f everybody has access to a
computer and the nternet, then everybody can learn.
Words related to food think it will really help children who live in poor countries
canteen chicken nugget junk food nutritious and will promote e uality in education.

LIS T ENING CD4 5, 6 Aims: • to give Ss practice in commenting on pictures
A. depicting aspects of modern life
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge • to provide vocabulary and expressions/phrases
• to prepare Ss for the listening task relevant to the pictures


Ask Ss the two uestions and discuss. Divide Ss into pairs. ave higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss Ss.
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and speculate about the place

Suggested answers and the situation (A: a fast-food restaurant, B: a man playing
’m very dependent on computers. use my computer for computer games, C: a shopping mall, D: a young woman
university to do various projects or complete assignments, sending an instant message to someone).
and, of course, to communicate with my friends. even
like to shop online.
es, it’s very important to be computer-literate nowadays.
Then, have Ss go through the words and expressions/
phrases in the boxes and explain any new vocabulary.
Tell Ss to take turns in order to talk about the pictures and
A lot of things are done online, so if you don’t know how answer the uestions.
to use a computer, you get left behind. What is more, you

may have fewer opportunities for work.

Suggested answers
SA: n the first photo, there is a fast-food restaurant.

B. Fast-food restaurants are very much a part of modern life

Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist because people today are very busy, so they need a place
where they can get something to eat uickly.
SB: That’s true, they are very convenient. Shopping
lay the recording and have the Ss do the activity. centres, like the one in the picture, are also convenient
because they combine shopping with different forms of

Check the answer with the class.

SA: agree, it makes things easier. Computer games and

b instant messaging, that are also shown in the pictures,

prove that technology plays an important role in our lives
SB: Definitely. oung people especially use technology

for just about everything to communicate, for

Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific entertainment and even for schoolwork.
SA: think all of these are very popular with people my age.
Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check ost of my friends play computer games and chat online
understanding. with their friends every day. Shopping centres and fast-
lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. ou can food restaurants are often crowded with young people,
pause the recording after each answer. This will help especially at the weekend.
lower-performing Ss. SB: agree. Among people my age, hanging out at a shopping
Check the answers with the class. centre is a favourite pastime because you can shop, go to
the cinema or grab a bite to eat there. Of course, we also
1. an architect play computer games and chat online every day too.
2. food
3. educational SA: ersonally, love shopping, so going to the shopping
4. centre is one of my favourite things to do. also like
5. battery meeting my friends at a fast-food restaurant. also love
6. doubt(s) talking to my friends online, but don’t play many
computer games. ’m not a big fan.
SB: love computer games and usually play after have
finished my homework. like meeting my friends at a
fast-food restaurant too. The food is great and we always
have a good time. don’t really like shopping, so don’t
go to the shopping centre very often, unless want to see
a film at the cinema there.

106 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 221 13/1/2021 12:55:18 µµ

S : There are many positive aspects of fast-food restaurants. it to the public’s attention is a first step. At the very least,
First of all, eating there is very convenient because you schools must offer healthier options, so that students have a
don’t have to wait long for your food. Also, they are choice.
inexpensive and young people like the food there because
it’s tasty.
SB: That’s true. Also, fast-food restaurants are places where C.
young people can meet. often meet my friends at one. Aims: • to help Ss identify the stylistic features of a letter
The only negative thing is that they serve mostly junk to the editor expressing an opinion
food which is bad for your health. •
SA: Computer games are very popular, especially with young ave Ss read the letter and do the activity.
people. They’re a lot of fun and some of them can be Check the answers with the class.
educational too.
SB: es, but you have to be careful not to play too much, a, b, d, f, g, h
because they can cause health problems. For example,
they can be very hard on your eyes. Another drawback is
that playing video games for many hours can make you D.
neglect other more important things, like doing your Aims: • to familiarise Ss with formal language used in a
homework or going out with friends. letter to the editor
SA: ou’re right, playing too much is not good. eople love •
going to shopping centres to shop or just hang out with Ask Ss to read through words/phrases a-f and try to
friends. Also, there is usually a cinema or some other locate the formal language corresponding to the informal
form of entertainment there, so you have lots of things to

meanings a-f.
do. ave Ss do the activity.
SB: t’s very convenient to have so many shops in one place. Check the answers with the class.
But the problem is that some young people can become

addicted to shopping, and they often prefer it to doing a. concerned c. provide e. recommend
sports or a hobby. b. obesity d. nutritious f. take action
SA: That can be a serious problem. Now, chatting online is on this issue
a very easy way for friends to keep in touch today. Even
if you have a busy schedule or live far away, you can still
keep in touch with your friends. E.
SB: t is uite easy today, but it can become a problem when Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing an email
you would rather talk online than meet your friends in to the editor expressing an opinion
person or arrange some kind of activity to do together. ave Ss read through the outline and make sure they

SA: ou’re right. n addition, it can be dangerous if you understand what each paragraph should include when
arrange to meet with a stranger you met in a chat room. writing a letter to the editor expressing an opinion.

SB: That is something you should never do.

Aims: to give Ss practice in writing a letter to the editor
expressing an opinion

E X PRE SSING A N OPINION ead out and explain the T .

Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge Tell Ss to read the rubric carefully.

• to prepare Ss for the writing task ake sure they understand the task.
• Tell them to look back at the listening activity in order to
remember what the OL C project was about.
Discuss the uestions in class. Tell Ss to refer to the sample letter, the outline, and the T

before writing their letter to the editor.

Suggested answers
think people write letters to the editors of news websites Model answer
and online maga ines because they have something to say Dear Sir/ adam,
about what they have read or about what’s going on in the am writing to you because am concerned about people,
world. No, ’ve never read any of those kinds of letters. especially children, in developing countries. think it is
Sure, why not f had something important that wanted important that international aid to these children focuses
to say and if thought my opinion would make a difference, on getting them food and ending poverty.
think would.
There are a lot of aid programmes for people in developing
B. countries. Some of these programmes focus on giving
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the purpose and children computers so they can have nternet and learn
appropriate content of a letter to the editor through it. This is a nice idea but do not think it is the
• best way to help.
ave Ss read through the letter uickly and tell Ss to Children need food and a safe place to live. think
answer the uestions in the rubric. international aid should focus on these things first. A
hungry child cannot develop an interest in computers. A
Suggested answers child who does not have a safe home cannot possibly learn
She discusses the issue of unhealthy dinners offered to things online.
agree with Louise Furnival that having junk-food n conclusion, hope international aid will focus first on
making sure every child has enough to eat and a safe place
meals and vending machines full of drinks with a lot to live.
of sugar at schools puts children’s health at risk. rgent
action should be taken to change this, so drawing ours faithfully,
ary limpton
107 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 222 13/1/2021 12:55:18 µµ

A letter (to the editor) expressing an opinion
A. Discuss. D. Find examples of formal language in the letter that
correspond to the more informal words/phrases a-f.
Why do you think people write letters to the
editors of news websites and online maga ines a. worried (par )
ave you ever read any of these letters b. fatness (par )
Would you consider writing a letter to the editor c. serve (par )
of a news website Why / Why not
d. healthy (par )
e. suggest (par )
B. Read the letter to the editor of a news website.
What issue does Louise Furnival discuss f. do something about
in her email? Do you agree with her or not? this problem (par )

E. When you are writing a letter (to the editor of

a news website, etc.) expressing your opinion,
follow this outline.

Dear Sir/ adam,
am a concerned parent writing to complain about the
unhealthy dinners which are offered to our children at GREETING

school. feel that there is too much junk food and not Use a formal greeting.
enough fruit and vegetables on the menu. think school OPENING PAR AGR APH
staff, parents and the government should do something
at• Say why you are writing the letter.
le, refer to
about this situation. • If you are writing in response to an artic
the topic/title of it.
A recent survey of school dinners has shown that the
menus consist of burgers, chips and chicken nuggets. To MAIN PART
make matters worse, vending machines in school canteens • Focus on one or two aspects of the issu
ion and/or

• Give your opinion and prov ide justificat

are stocked with soft drinks, crisps, chocolates and sweets.
examples .
This kind of food leads to health problems such as heart

disease, high cholesterol and obesity. n fact, it has been CLOSING PAR AGR APH
r politely.
found that the number of overweight children in the Summarise your points and end your lette
country has increased dramatically in the last few years. SIGNING OFF
Although a trend in healthy eating has recently swept • Use an appropriate signature ending.
• Write your full name underneath.

through the country, it does not seem to have caught

on in our schools. adical changes must be made to the

existing junk food culture. We can do this by showing

schools how to provide fresh nutritious meals that F. The aim of international aid to developing countries
children will like. is often to prevent hunger and poverty. However,
many people believe that providing education and

n conclusion, recommend that school staff, parents and access to modern technology would be a better
the government should take action on this issue. We all way to help developing countries. An example of
need to work together to come up with a solution before it this is the OLPC project mentioned in the listening
is too late for our children. activity, which aims to offer cheap laptops to
children in these countries. In your opinion, what is
ours faithfully, more important, food or laptops? Write a letter to
Louise Furnival the editor of a news website expressing your views
on this issue. Your email should be between 100-
150 words.
C. Read the statements and tick () the ones that
apply to the email in activity B.
The writer:
a. uses a formal greeting and signature ending.
b. explains why she is writing in the first paragraph. When you are writing an email expressing your opinion:
 write in an appropriate style.
c. complains in a rude manner.  group related ideas together in paragraphs.
d. uses a variety of phrases to express her opinion.  list ideas in order of importance.
e. uses short forms.  state your opinion clearly.
f. justifies her opinion.  do not be aggressive or use offensive language.
 use linking words and phrases.
g. makes suggestions.
h. uses the passive voice.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 223 13/1/2021 12:55:18 µµ

A. Discuss.
ave you ever heard of high-tech dining What do you think it is
n what ways do you think technology could change the way we dine out in the future
B. Read the text quickly, without paying any attention to the missing sentences, and answer the question.
What is the purpose of this article
a. to encourage readers to visit some of London’s famous sights
b. to inform readers about various high-tech restaurants in London
c. to inform readers about the uality of the food served in high-tech restaurants
d. to discourage readers from visiting high-tech restaurants

by Sabrina Chase

On a recent trip to London, decided to visit some exciting new restaurants
that are using technology to change the way people dine out. y first stop
was at an talian restaurant in the city centre. 1 The manager must
have noticed my confusion because he came up to me and explained that
could swipe my card at any of the food and drink stations in the restaurant,
and that the card would record my order. No waiters necessary made
my selection and then handed my card to the cashier. 2 y pasta was

absolutely delicious, but, must admit, didn’t enjoy having to carry my

food up two flights of stairs

3 When we arrived, was surprised to discover that there were no

paper menus instead, the menus were beamed on to the touchscreen surface
of the table with projectors. All we had to do was tap on our choices with our
fingers and wait for the waiters to bring us our meal. 4 We had so much

fun playing games that we hardly touched our food when it arrived we
really should have told the waiter to give us takeaways instead

Another restaurant that visited in London was an ndian restaurant. This

restaurant also had touchscreen tabletops, as well as another very interesting
feature: a webcam which allowed me to see the cooks preparing the food in

the kitchen 5 really enjoyed the evening, but shouldn’t have ordered
the extra-spicy curry it was a little too hot for me
On my last day in London, decided to get some tapas from a Spanish takeaway near my hotel. had heard that the owners
had installed a webcam at the restaurant to allow their customers to view the long lunchtime ueue online. 6 While
packed my baggage, kept an eye on the ueue and then raced to the restaurant when the lunchtime rush was over. Without
that wonderful webcam, could have missed my plane
really can’t wait for my next trip to London high-tech dining is such fun

C. Six sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which best fits
each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A. The touchscreen tabletop also allowed us to change virtual tablecloths and even play games
B. Once ’d paid for my meal, collected it and made my way to the dining area on the second floor.
C. On the next night, a friend of mine suggested that we visit her favourite high-tech restaurant.
D. When walked into the restaurant, was given a tray and a chip card, but had no idea what to do next
E. was already used to high-tech dining so was not impressed.
F. After my meal, used the touchscreen to order a taxi online to take me back to my hotel.
G. This came in very handy for me.

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Functions C.
Aims: • to raise Ss’ awareness of text cohesion and
Talking about high-tech restaurants coherence by having them complete a text with
Expressing regret, certainty and possibility with missing sentences
reference to past events •
Structures Explain to Ss what they have to do in this activity.
odal verbs have past participle ave Ss read sentences A- and check understanding.
Tell Ss to pay attention to the sentences before and after the
Vocabulary missing sentences.
Encourage Ss to read the whole text as soon as they finish
baggage cashier come up to confusion cook (n.) in order to figure out if it makes sense.
discourage extra-spicy feature (n.) ave Ss do the activity.
flight of stairs hand (v.) handy high-tech Encourage Ss to underline key words/phrases that helped
install projector race (v.) rush (n.) them find the correct answers.
second-hand selection surface tablecloth As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
tabletop takeaway tap on technician with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
touchscreen tray view (v.) answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This
will build lower-performing Ss Ss’ confidence to share their
Expressions with eep and hold
answers in class.
hold a party hold hands hold one’s breath Check the answers with the class.
hold the line keep a secret keep an eye on

keep in mind keep one’s promise keep sb company
Expressions with lose and miss 1. D (this sentence leads into the following one where
the manager notices the writer’s confusion)
lose contact lose one’s temper miss a turn

2. B (This sentence describes what the writer did after
Expressions with the word way she gave her card to the cashier and also mentions that
by the way in the way make one’s way to the dining area is on the second floor, which she didn’t
on the way to one’s way
the hard way
out of the way
there’s no way
at really like as she mentions in the next sentence: ‘ didn’t
enjoy having to carry my food up two flights of stairs.’)
3. C (This is the only sentence that can serve as a topic
sentence of a new paragraph describing another high-
tech restaurant.)
RE A DING CD4 8 4. A (This sentence mentions that the touchscreen

A. (Pre-reading) tabletop allowed the customers to play games, which

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity they really liked and that’s why they had so much fun,
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal

as explained in the next sentence: ‘We had so much fun

experience playing games that...’)
• 5. F (This sentence mentions using the touchscreen
tabletops, which were referred to in the previous
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. sentence, to order a taxi. n addition, no other sentence
makes sense in this gap.)

Suggested answers 6. (This sentence refers to the convenience of being able

No, ’ve never heard of high-tech dining. don’t know what to view the long lunchtime ueue online, because it
allowed her to pack her luggage and visit the restaurant

it is, but if had to guess, would say that maybe it refers to

restaurants where the food has not been made by people. when the lunchtime rush was over, as mentioned in the
aybe technology will make it easier for restaurants to next sentence.)
prepare food for customers, or because of technology, cooks

and chefs may no longer be needed in the future.

Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of How do the customers use the electronic card in the Italian
the text restaurant? They swipe the card at any food and drink
station and the card records the order.

What didn’t the writer like in the Italian restaurant? the fact
Tell Ss to read the uestion and the options and then read that the dining area was on the second floor which meant
through the text uickly in order to answer the uestion. that she had to walk up two flights of stairs to get there
ave Ss do the activity. How did the writer select her meal in the second high-tech
To help lower-performing Ss, you may eliminate one restaurant? Instead of paper menus, there were touchscreen
incorrect option. tabletops and she tapped on what she wanted to order.
Check the answers with the class. Besides the touchscreen tabletops, what was an interesting
novelty in the Indian restaurant? Through a webcam,
you could actually see the cooks preparing the meal in the
b kitchen.
How can customers avoid waiting in the Spanish Tapas
takeaway? They can use the webcam to check to see if there is
a long queue of people waiting.

108 TB

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Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning
from context 1. held 5. keep
2. keep 6. holding
3. hold 7. keep
4. keeps 8. hold
Ask Ss to read through words - and their meanings a-g.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the
text and guess their meaning from the context. 2. COLLOC ATIONS WITH LOSE AND
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not MISS
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them A.
infer it. Aims: to introduce the meaning of collocations with lose
Encourage Ss to pay attention to the part of speech of and miss in context
words - so that they can eliminate some of the options.
This will help lower-performing Ss.
ave Ss do the activity and check the answers with the ave Ss read the sentence and ask them to guess the
class. meaning of the expression based on context.

1. d 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. g 7. f Collocations with miss: miss the bus, miss my family,

Collocations with lose: lose my wallet, lose a game, etc.
Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

E. (Post-reading) Aim: to give Ss practice in using collocations with lose
Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic and miss in context

of the reading activity drawing on their own Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check
experience understanding.
ave Ss do the activity.
Ask Ss the uestions.
First have Ss think of the uestions individually. Ask them
to note down any ideas they can think of. n this way, you
Check the answers with the class.
1. missed
ensure that all Ss will come up with their own ideas. 2. missed
Then divide Ss into pairs. ou can have lower-performing 3. lost

Ss work with higher-performing Ss so that the former feel 4. lost

more confident. Encourage Ss to exchange opinions and 5. missed / have missed
allow them some time to prepare their answers. 6. lose

ave pairs share their answers in class and initiate a short 7. miss
discussion. 8. loses
9. missed
Suggested answers 10. lost
would like to go to the restaurant with the touchscreen

tabletop. t would be nice to play games while wait.

think technology can make one’s overall dining experience Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using
better. t’s more fun for people and it’s nice to see what’s collocations from activities A, B, A and B. This will

happening in the kitchen. challenge them. To help lower-performing Ss, you can
write incomplete sentences on the board and ask Ss to
complete them with the correct collocation.


A. Aims: to introduce the meaning of expressions with the
Aims: to introduce the meaning of collocations/ word way in context
expressions with eep and hold in context
ave Ss read the sentence and ask them to guess the
ave Ss read the sentence and ask them to guess the meaning of the expression based on context.
meaning of the expression based on the context.
make my way to move towards
keep an eye on watch sth carefully
B. Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of
Aim: to give Ss practice in using expressions/ expressions with the word way in context
collocations with eep and hold in context

Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check ave Ss do the activity.

understanding. Check the answers with the class.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. 1. d 2. g 3. f 4. b 5. a 6. e 7. c

109 TB

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Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words highlighted in the B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of lose or
text with their meanings. miss.
1. selection 1. yan rushed to catch the bus but he it.
2. handed a. strike lightly 2. the last few classes, and now ’m finding it
b. line of people
3. tap difficult to understand what’s going on.
c. gave
4. view d. choice 3. contact with Florence when she moved to
5. ueue e. watch South America.
f. went uickly
6. baggage 4. was disappointed that my team the match.
g. bags and suitcases
7. raced 5. ou your turn. lease, take another ticket
and wait for your number to be called.
E. Discuss.
Which of the high-tech restaurants mentioned 6. really need to weight can’t fit into my
in the text would you like to go to jeans anymore.
n your opinion, does high-tech dining spoil 7. my mum a lot since moved away from
or improve one’s dining experience

VOCABULARY 8. Alison her temper very easily she is a very

WITH KEEP AND HOLD 9. ack hesitated and his chance to score a goal.
A. Look at this extract from the text. What
10. Louise her patience with the children
does the phrase in bold mean?
While I packed my baggage, I ept an eye on
the queue and then raced to the restaurant
because they kept on talking when she told them to be uiet.
when the lunchtime rush was over. 3. EXPRESSIONS WITH THE WORD WAY
A. Look at sentence B in the reading activity C. What does

B. Complete the sentences with the the phrase in bold mean?

correct form of keep or hold.
1. The old married couple Once I’d paid for my meal, I collected it and made my way

to the dining area on the second floor.

hands as they went for a walk along
the beach. B. Match the phrases in bold in sentences 1-7 with their
2. ohn, can’t you a meanings a-g.
secret told you not to tell anyone. 1. The man was standing in the way of the robber,

3. A: Can speak to r Smith and he managed to stop him.

B: es of course, the 2. The police officer asked the man to move his

line please. car out of the way so the ambulance could get
4. Beth is a reliable person she always
her promises. 3. met an old ac uaintance on the way to work

5. ’m going to her in
4. By the way, eter said he wouldn’t be able to make
mind for the new position she gave
it to the meeting.
an excellent interview, and she scored
5. There’s no way that we’ll finish this project by
the highest in the test.
6. ’m a party for
6. She won’t listen to our advice so she’s going to have
ane on Saturday she is moving to to learn the hard way.
7. A: Are you going our way
7. ’ll stay and you B: ’m going to the city centre.
company if you like don’t want you A: et in the car. We’ll give you a lift.
to be alone on your birthday.
8. ow long can you a. something will definitely not happen
your breath for b. said when you want to add something to what you
c. the direction we are travelling in
A. Look at this extract from the text.
Do you know any other words that d. preventing somebody from moving or seeing
collocate with the verb miss? What e. make mistakes or face difficulties before you improve
words collocate with the verb lose? f. while someone was going somewhere
Without that wonderful webcam, I could g. so that its presence would not make it difficult for
have missed my plane! something to happen


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Vocabulary & grammar
Read the dialogues and circle the correct answer.
MODAL VERBS + HAVE + Mike i, aul. What’s wrong
PAST PARTICIPLE Paul y smartphone isn’t working. lent it to my sister.
She (1) must have broken / should have broken it.
A. Look at the extracts from the reading text Mike Let me have a look. Why is it wet Oh, no She
and decide what they mean. Choose a or b.
(2) must have used / should have used it in the
1. The manager must have noticed my
confusion... swimming pool.
a. The manager had to notice my She (3) shouldn’t have done / can’t have done that.
confusion. Paul am so annoyed. That’s the last time ’ll lend her
b. ’m sure the manager noticed my anything. t’s a state-of-the-art smartphone. t cost
confusion. me . She’s going to have to buy me a new one.
2. ... we really should have told the waiter to Mike Wait a minute. Look, it’s working. We just needed to
give us takeaways instead! dry off the battery. f you want my opinion, you

a. We didn’t tell the waiter to give us (4) couldn’t have lent / shouldn’t have lent it to her in
takeaways. the first place. This always happens when she borrows
b. We had to tell the waiter to give us
your things. emember what happened to your laptop

Paul eah, remember had to call a technician. She
3. I shouldn’t have ordered the extra-spicy
(5) should have destroyed / could have destroyed it
curry it was a little too hot for me!
a. was not allowed to order the extra-
spicy curry.
completely, you know.
elly love your new jeans. Are they designer ones ou
b. ordered the extra-spicy curry and that
(6) could have paid / must have paid loads for them.
was a mistake.

Lisa Actually, bought them in a second-hand clothes shop

4. Without that wonderful webcam, I could
for .
have missed my plane!

a. was able to miss my plane. elly eally might go and get a pair.
b. There was a possibility would miss my Lisa nfortunately, this was the last pair. ou
plane but didn’t. (7) should have gone / might have gone yesterday.
B. Do the extracts in activity A refer to the
present or the past? Which verb form is ENGLISH IN USE

used after the modal verbs? Read the text and think of the word that best fits each gap.
C. Look at the extracts again and complete Use only one word in each gap.

the rules with the missing modal verbs

must, could and should.
Use + have + past participle

to criticise or express regret about something n this day and age, everyone wants to stay (1) shape.
that didn’t happen in the past. ost people lead very busy lives and don’t have time to go to the
gym every day. One of the uickest and most fun ways
Use shouldn’t + have + past participle (2) work out at home is right in front of your T with
to criticise or express regret about something the Wii it Plus video game. Wii it Plus (3) played
that happened in the past. on the Nintendo Switch game console, and the controller is a balance
board, specially made for the game. The Wii Balance Board is
Use + have + past participle
shaped just like a scale, and it has similar sensors in it to measure
to express certainty that something happened in your weight as you work (4) . ou enter your height,
the past.
and the game (5) your ‘fitness age’ calculated while
Use can’t/couldn’t + have + past participle you are playing. The sensors also check your balance, and there are
many games (6) specifically test your balance skills.
to express certainty that something didn’t
happen in the past. There are around forty exercises that are programmed into the game
including jogging, playing football, and even hula-hooping lus,
Use may/might/ + have there are several yoga activities (7) all ages and levels.
+ past participle Wii it Plus must be played with the Wii gaming system, and it’s
to express possibility in the past. really popular for families to play together. n fact, it’s
(8) popular that the games have been flying off the
shelves for years.

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MODA L V ERBS + H AV E + 1. must have broken
PA S T PA R T ICIPLE 2. must have used
Aims: to present modal verbs + have + past participle - 3. shouldn’t have done
formation and uses 4. shouldn’t have lent
5. could have destroyed
6. must have paid
A. 7. should have gone
Ask Ss to look at the first example in the grammar box.
Ask Ss to tell you when they think this form is used. We
use must + have + past participle’ when we are almost sure ENGLISH IN USE
that sth happened in the past (a positive deduction about the Aims: to give Ss the opportunity to practise vocabulary
past). and grammar through an open-cloze activity
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
Ask Ss to look at the second example in the grammar box
and help them deduce when we use should + have + past
participle (to criticise or express regret about sth that didn’t ave Ss do the activity.
happen in the past). Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
efer Ss to the third example and help them deduce when 1. in
we use shouldn’t + have + past participle (to criticise or 2. to

express regret about sth that happened in the past and was 3. is
wrong). 4. out
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples. 5. has
Draw Ss’ attention to the fourth example and help them 6. which/that

understand that could + have + past participle is used when 7. for
sth was likely to happen, but it didn’t. 8. so
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b


ave Ss do the activity.

They refer to the past. After the modal verb we use

have past participle.

ave Ss do the activity.

efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

se should have past participle


se must have past participle

se may/might/could have past participle

Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using modal

verbs have past participle. This will challenge them. To
help lower-performing Ss, you can give them situations
to help them make sentences (e.g. ou criticise your
friend because he/she forgot to tell you when the school’s art
competition would take place.).

Aim: to give Ss practice in using modal verbs + have +
past participle in context

ave Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

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Functions ead out and explain the T .
Then have Ss work in pairs. Ask Ss to imagine that they are
Comparing and making a decision going backpacking. They have to discuss how useful each
esponding to an announcement and asking for item is and which two they would choose to take along on
information their holiday.
ave each pair share their ideas in class.
amusement animated film announcement Suggested answers
collage computer-animated contribute SA: A tablet is a very handy and practical gadget that can
entertainment event in black and white keep you perfect company on long, tiring bus or train
relaxation special effects whereabouts journeys. t’s very small in si e and doesn’t weigh a lot, so
it would be easy to carry in your bag.
SB: es, you can use it just like a normal computer, and you
LIS T ENING CD4 9 can take photos with it too. But today’s smartphones
A. can do all that plus, unlike tablets, they are also ideal for
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge communicating with friends wherever they are in the
• to prepare Ss for the listening task world.
• SA: agree, and it’s also a good idea to have one in case of an
emergency or danger. n Europe, you just need to call
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. if you need help. ou can’t do that with a tablet.
SB: No, you can’t. Smartwatches are great gadgets. Besides

telling the time, a smartwatch can help you find your
Suggested answers mobile if you have lost it and it keeps a record of your
don’t really like animated films very much, but love fitness goals.
science-fiction films. really enjoy good special effects. SA: That’s true and it gives you the opportunity to check your

es. saw the Angry Birds D film, which was computer- social media or answer your calls and texts instantly.
animated. t was really cool because it gave you the owever, smartwatches can be very expensive, so you
impression that the birds were flying right at you.
have to be very careful not to get it stolen.
SB: Today most people use the cameras on their phones, so
don’t know if a digital camera is necessary.
B. SA: agree. With digital cameras you can upload the images
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific onto special websites, so you don’t have to worry about
information losing your photos if you lose it or it gets stolen, but that’s

also possible with mobiles, of course.

Ask Ss to read through sentences - and check SB: True. owever, it takes better photos than the other

gadgets. don’t think you need a laptop, unless you’re

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. travelling for business. t is bulky and can easily be
Check the answers with the class. broken, especially if it’s in your backpack.
SA: Also, just about anywhere you go, you can connect to the
nternet with your smartphone if you want to keep in
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T touch with friends and family or check your emails.

SB: think would take a smartphone. ou can call friends

ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing and family, connect to the nternet and take photos, so

Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge it’s very convenient.
higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss SA: definitely agree that we should take our mobiles as
understand why these sentences are false. they’re very handy. Also, having a tablet is a good idea
because it can be used for entertainment and amusement

SPE A K ING in times of relaxation.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in speculating about a situation SB: see what you mean, but think a smartwatch is a better
and making a decision idea. When you travel, it’s not always easy to exercise, but
• to provide vocabulary and expressions/phrases if you have your smartwatch, you’ll be more likely to try
relevant to the topic to keep to your goals.
• SA: ou’re probably right, plus you’ll be able to find your
mobile if you lose it. So, guess ’d take a smartphone
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and make sure they can and a smartwatch.
identify each object. SB: agree. think they’re the most useful.
Then, have Ss go through the words and expressions/
phrases in the boxes and explain any new vocabulary.
ave Ss think of answers to the uestions individually

111 TB

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Listening & speaking
A. Discuss.
Do you enjoy animated films and science-fiction films with special effects
ave you seen any computer-animated films f yes, which ones What is special about them

B. Listen to a conversation between two friends about a computer-animated film and answer the
questions. Write T for True or F for False.
1. William knew from the beginning that he would enjoy the film.
2. elly believes the humour of the film is for adults only.
3. William believes animated films have improved greatly since they were first made.
4. elly says that viewers can’t tell the difference between reality and animation.
5. William sees certain disadvantages to ‘complete human realism’.
6. elly admits it would be strange if real actors stopped existing.

Imagine that you are going backpacking for a couple of weeks with some friends, and you can only take two

of the devices shown. First talk to each other about how useful each of these devices would be to you. Then
decide which two you would take with you on your backpacking trip and why.
ow useful would each of the devices be to you
Which two would you take with you on a backpacking trip

digital camera


tablet smartwatch laptop

handy practical convenient

 There are no right or wrong answers but you must entertainment keep in touch
make sure to justify your answer. remember the moments
 This is not a monologue, so take turns to speak. amusement relaxation
 Listen to your partner’s opinion and respond by either
agreeing or disagreeing with it. think that if take a(n)... with me can...
 Focus on the written prompts above the visuals to would definitely take a(n)... with me because...
keep the task in mind.
don’t think ’d need a(n)...
 Don’t forget that there are two parts to the task. One
part is expressed in the instructions as ‘First talk…’ can’t live without a(n)...
and the second part as ‘Then decide…’. So towards A(n).... would be useful because...
the end of the task, you must reach a decision that
you have negotiated with your partner.


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A semi-formal email

A. Discuss.
Do you know what an online maga ine is Do you think they have many readers
Would you be interested in contributing articles to a maga ine like that Why / Why not
B. Read the announcement posted on a university website about an online magazine. What would you want to
know more about?

whereabouts, our new online magaz ine,
is looking for writers

Are you interested in what’s going on in our city?
Do you like ex pressing your ideas in black and white?

C an you hold the readers’ attention?
H ave you got some free time?

Then you are perfect for the job!

For more information contact E mma B ennett: englishclub@

C. Now read the email a student wrote in response to the announcement and underline the parts of the email

in which she is asking for information.

Dear Ms B ennett,

I was very ex cited to see the announcement about the online magaz ine on the university website. I think the
E nglish club needs a magaz ine where students can ex press themselves and find out about what’s going on.
As you may remember, I have always been fond of writing, and I would be delighted to take part in this online

H owever, I would like to have some more information regarding the magaz ine. For ex ample, you say that
writers should have free time. I have some free time, but it is limited. So I would like to know how often the

online magaz ine will be posted.

Another q uestion I have is about the subject matter. The announcement mentions what’s going on in the city.
Does that include other things besides academic events and entertainment? P lease let me know.
L ooking forward to your reply.
B est wishes,
Samantha B ing

D. Look at the email in activity C and answer the questions.

1. ow does the writer address the person she is writing to
2. What kind of uestions does the writer use to ask for information Are they direct, indirect or a combination of both
3. What style does the writer write in
a. uite formal b. friendly and informal c. neither entirely formal nor informal
4. ow does the writer sign off


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Aims: to help Ss identify the style and register of a semi-
A SEMI - FOR M A L EM A IL formal email
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task
• ave Ss read the email again and answer the uestions.
Check answers in class.
Discuss the uestions in class.
1. in a formal way: Dear s Bennett
Suggested answers 2. They are a combination of both direct and indirect
An online maga ine is a maga ine which you can only uestions. (So, I would like to know..., Does that
read online. think a lot of maga ines are online these include...?)
days and they have a lot of readers. 3. c
Of course. think these are the maga ines of the future. 4. She signs off semi-formally: Best wishes
f wrote an article for an online maga ine, a lot of
people would be able to access it.

Aim: to help Ss identify the purpose of the email

Ask Ss to read the announcement and answer the uestion
in the rubric.

Suggested answer
would want to find out what topics the new writers
have to write about. ’d also want to know how often the
online maga ine will go online. at
Aims: to help Ss relate the notes to the required response

Tell Ss to read the email and underline the parts that she is
asking for information.
Check answers in class.

Dear s Bennett,

was very excited to see the announcement about the

online maga ine on the university website. think
the English club needs a maga ine where students can

express themselves and find out about what’s going

on. As you may remember, have always been fond of
writing, and would be delighted to take part in this
online project

owever, would like to have some more information

regarding the maga ine. For example, you say that writers
should have free time. have some free time, but it is
limited. So, would like to know how often the online
maga ine will be posted.
Another uestion have is about the subject matter. The
announcement mentions what’s going on in the city.
Does that include other things besides academic events
and entertainment lease let me know.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
Samantha Bing

112 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 233 13/1/2021 12:55:28 µµ

Aim: to give Ss practice in transforming direct into .
indirect questions Aims: to give Ss practice in writing a semi-formal email
ave Ss read uestions - and check understanding.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. ead out and explain the T .
Tell Ss that they should write an email to r oss
including all the uestions from activity F.
1. what time the museum opens Tell Ss to use their outline and refer Ss to the sample email
2. how much work the project will involve and the T before writing their email, as well as to the
3. how much the course costs Writing Section for the layout of semi-formal emails.
4. how can get to Wimpole Street
5. when registration starts
6. if/whether the university offers accommodation Model answer
Dear r oss,
F. was very excited to see you will be offering a modern art
Aims: to give Ss practice in identifying email content by course. am not sure if you remember, but have always been
analysing the rubric and the input very interested in modern art and think this may be the
right course for me.
owever, could really use some additional information

Ask Ss to read through the rubric and the announcement. about the course, and was hoping you could help me. Can
Tell them to underline the key words in the rubric and you tell me what days the course will take place on and how
answer the uestion. long it will last need to make sure it won’t be at the same

time as my university classes.
ou have seen the following announcement about a Also, would really like to know how much the course costs
odern Art course offered by aston oss, an old friend
of your family. ou are interested in taking part, but you
need more information before you decide. ou want to
and if there will be any extra costs. really appreciate all your
look forward to hearing from you.
about the cost Best wishes,
on what days lessons will be held artha Steward

how long the course will last.

Write an email to r oss giving any necessary
information about yourself and asking for the

information you want.

Ss have to express their interest in art, they need to ask Video activities:
about the cost of the course, its duration and the days on
which the course is going to be held. Hubble Space Telescope
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back

of the book.
Aims: to help Ss plan their email and organise their

ideas in paragraphs

ave Ss do the activity.


To help lower-performing Ss, Ss, you can write some ideas on

the board for Ss to use for their outline (e.g. cost, duration,
Encourage higher-performing Ss to think of more ideas.
This will challenge them.
Check Ss’ outlines and comment on them if necessary.

Suggested outline
Greeting: Dear r oss
Opening paragraph: state your interest in art
Main Part
ara : ask about how long the course will last and on
which days it will be held
ara : ask about the cost
Closing paragraph: looking forward to your reply
Signing off: Best wishes

113 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 234 13/1/2021 12:55:29 µµ

E. Look at the examples of indirect and direct questions in the email in activity C and rewrite
the questions using the words/phrases given.
1. Could you tell me what time the museum opens 4. ow can get to Wimpole Street
was wondering Could you tell me
2. ow much work will the project involve 5. When does registration start
would like to know would like to know
. .
3. ow much does the course cost 6. Does the university offer accommodation
would be grateful if you could tell me ’m interested in finding out
. .

F. Read the rubric and the announcement. G. Copy and complete this outline for your email.
Underline the key words in the rubric. What do
you have to include in your email?
ou have seen the following announcement about a Greeting:
odern Art course offered by aston Ross, an old friend
Opening paragraph:

of your family. ou are interested in taking part, but you
need more information before you decide. ou want to ask: paragraph 1:
about the cost
Main Part
on what days lessons will be held paragraph 2:

how long the course will last.
Write an email to r Ross giving any necessary Closing paragraph:
information about yourself and asking for the information
you want.
at Signing of f:
modern art

H. Write your email based on the outline you

have made in activity G. Your email should be


between 100-150 words.

Do you like painting or drawing, collage or


papier-m ch
Would you like to express your feelings through When you are writing a semi-formal email asking for
art but don’t know how information:

Do you want to meet local artists  write in an appropriate style.

and see their work  include all the points referred to in the rubric.
 organise the information in paragraphs.

 use a combination of direct and indirect questions.

Join our new course at the  use a variety of phrases to ask indirect questions, e.g.
art department now and I would like to know...
explore your creative side! Could you tell me...?
I would be grateful if you could tell me...
I was wondering...
I’m interested in finding out...
 use standard grammar and spelling conventions.
 use appropriate phrases to express enthusiasm.
I am very interested in...
I have always been keen on...
I was excited to see/hear, etc....
I would be delighted...

Go to the Writing Section.

For details, contact Mr Gaston Ross at gastonr

Video activities:
Hubble Space Telescope

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 235 13/1/2021 12:55:30 µµ

7 Round-up


A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. oan Adler said she wouldn’t be able to the seminar because she was very busy.
a. install b. attend c. encourage d. achieve
2. The lums and Noodles shop offers a wide of Asian products and utensils.
a. range b. method c. trend d. feature
3. Sheila was to work when the accident happened.
a. in the way b. out of the way c. on the way d. by the way
4. Lucy is not really a fan of music. She mostly enjoys listening to music from the s and s.
a. flexible b. interactive c. radical d. contemporary
5. After Susan got blond in her hair, she looked a lot younger.

a. ponytails b. dreadlocks c. highlights d. dyes
6. n the beginning, sushi restaurants weren’t at all successful, but they eventually .

a. picked out b. caught on c. logged on d. tapped on
7. Are you aware the conse uences of your actions, r Bannister
a. for b. about
8. Nothing of what the president said was
c. of at d. to
to the situation it seemed he wanted to change the subject.
a. harmful b. similar c. relevant d. suitable
9. The doctor drinking a lot of water and avoiding junk food.

a. analysed b. recommended c. complemented d. recorded

10. Whatever Stephen tells you, try to stay calm and not your temper.

a. lose b. hold c. miss d. keep

B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.

1. failed my maths test probably have studied harder.

a. must b. should c. may d. might

2. aria have seen the robbery she was at school when it took place.

a. mustn’t b. can’t c. should d. must

3. eter have laughed at ane he hurt her feelings.

a. mustn’t b. couldn’t c. shouldn’t d. can’t

4. lease be more careful ou have been injured.
a. should b. can’t c. could d. can
5. can’t afford too much money on a holiday this year, so think ’ll go camping.
a. to spend b. spend c. spending d. spend
6. Lisa has decided Engineering at university.
a. to study b. studying c. studied d. in studying
7. Did you remember your mother on her birthday or did you forget about it
a. calling b. call c. called d. to call
8. Can you imagine in iami for a year
a. live b. living c. to live d. to living
9. my plants unwatered for a week now it’s too late.
a. should leave b. should have left c. shouldn’t leave d. shouldn’t have left
10. Sally had a dress for the graduation ball.
a. made b. make c. making d. to make


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 236 13/1/2021 12:55:30 µµ

Round-up 7
Aims: to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 7 through
various activities


1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. a

1. b
2. b
3. c

4. c
5. a
6. a
7. d
8. b
9. d
10. a

114 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 237 13/1/2021 12:55:30 µµ

7 Round-up
1. to hang out
2. to spend / spending
3. to meet / meeting
4. displaying
5. to be
6. to go
7. to chat
8. have
9. see
10. listen
11. checking out
12. to take part
13. to note
14. to design

1. interactive

2. unlikely
3. countless
4. stylists
5. suggestions

6. harmful
7. increasingly
8. dependent
1. had my car repaired

2. will have my flat painted

3. (has) stopped going to

4. not tall enough to

5. (definitely) worth visiting
6. must have had a
7. may/might have left
8. shouldn’t have bought

115 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 238 13/1/2021 12:55:31 µµ

C. Complete the text with the full infinitive, the bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.

What’s the best place for modern teenagers (1)
(hang out) Teenagers used to gather in large shopping centres, parks or even

on street corners. But now, new research has shown that teenagers prefer
(2) (spend) their time in or around modern
buildings. For example, in London, teens like (3)
(meet) at the skate park below the ueen Eli abeth all or the caf in the
Oxford Circus Topshop this has a large space for (4)
(display) trendy new fashions and there are screens showing fashion shows and music videos. n anchester, the place
(5) (be) is the space outside rbis, which is a trendy modern gallery devoted to cities and their street
life. Teenagers want (6) (go) to places that are cool and entertaining and, most importantly, where
there are no adults or young kids. The modern teenager is constantly using some form of communication
(7) (chat) with friends such as a smartphone or the nternet. Therefore, an ideal space would
(8) (have) an area where they can (9) (see) films and (10)
(listen) to music, and have access to free Wi-Fi. A British gallery has already designed a space specifically for teens. The
Wolverhampton Art allery has an area decorated with brightly coloured pop art prints, while films are projected onto the
white walls. ublic libraries in America have also designed some very cool teen spaces. For example, it’s worth
(11) (check out) the teen section of the acksonville library in Florida where there are various social
activities available for teens (12) (take part) in. The space is designed with bright modern furniture,

and there are collages on the walls. t is interesting (13) (note) that London’s Tate odern is also
planning (14) (design) a teen space within its gallery.

D. Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals.

Online Life Coaching at

One of the reasons the nternet has enjoyed so much popularity since it was
invented is because it is (1) , which means it allows users to INTERACT

be creative, make choices and take part. There are so many websites that it is
highly (2) that a person can visit all of them. Nowadays, LI ELY
there are (3) websites that contain suggestions on how to COUNT

make your life better. Whether it is advice by (4) on how STYLE

to wear your hair or how to decorate your house, there is something on the
nternet for everyone. opular websites also include tips for a healthier life,
online aerobics, dietary (5) for overweight people who need SUGGEST

to lose those extra pounds, or forums helping housewives avoid

(6) household products. As the world is becoming ARM

(7) computer-literate, more and more people feel INCREASE

(8) on the nternet. DEPEND

E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. The mechanic repaired my car last week. had
last week.
2. They will paint my flat next week. have
next week.
3. ohn doesn’t go to the gym any more. stopped
ohn the gym.
4. Little Timmy is too short to reach the light switch. enough
Little Timmy is reach the light switch.
5. The etropolitan useum of Art is definitely worth a visit. visiting
t’s The etropolitan useum of Art.
6. ’m sure Louise had a wonderful holiday. have
Louise wonderful holiday.
7. t’s possible left my wallet at home. have
my wallet at home.
8. don’t think it was a good idea for me to buy a motorbike. bought
a motorbike.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 239 13/1/2021 12:55:33 µµ

77 Round-up

You will hear a conversation between two friends. Read the following and tick () the appropriate
For questions 1-5, choose the best answer a, b or c. boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
to the relevant sections in the module.
1. What is the correct title of Tom’s course
a. Fashion Design
b. Fashion Technology Now I can...
c. Design Technology
 use adjectives prepositions

2. What is becoming popular among designers  use words related to appearance and
a. using laser technology fashion
b. making simple designs  use collocations and expressions with
c. using high-tech fabrics keep, hold, lose and miss

 use expressions with the word way
3. Tom mentions the fashion show in New ork City
because  use infinitives and -ing forms
GRAMMAR appropriately

a. it was held at rand Central Station.
 use the causative form
b. there were only hologram images of the models.
 use the appropriate modal verbs have
c. he wants to see a similar one in London.

4. What has one company developed

at past participle to express criticism,
possibility and certainty in the past
a. clothes that can change si e  skim a text to understand the gist

b. a material that produces electricity and identify its purpose


c. clothes that change the wearer’s si e  understand details in a text


5. What does Tom like the best  understand text organisation and
reconstruct a gapped text
a. the dresses that change si e
b. the solar swimsuit

 understand the gist and specific

c. the top that glows in the dark information in a radio interview

 understand specific information in a

conversation between friends


 discuss various aspects of modern life


 speculate and make a decision about what

devices can’t do without

 write a letter (to the editor) expressing my

 write an email asking for information


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 240 13/1/2021 12:55:35 µµ

Round-up 7

ave Ss do the activity.

To help lower-performing Ss, you may eliminate one
incorrect option in each uestion.
Check the answers with the class.

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and have Ss read them.

Explain any unknown words.
ave Ss tick the points they feel confident about. For the
points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.


116 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 7.indd 241 13/1/2021 12:55:36 µµ

8 Human nature

Aims: • to introduce the topic of the module and activate

Ss’ background knowledge
• to present the learning objectives of the module

Ask Ss to look at the title of the module and the picture

and tell you what the module is about.
Ask Ss the uestions in the Discuss section.

Suggested answers
think these uotations say that people do things they
want to do, even if they know it’s not good for them or not
the right thing to do, like eating an extra piece of cake. ou
want it, so you eat it even when you know it’s bad for you.
oung people today face a lot of problems. t can be
really hard to make and keep friends, and you never
know what other people are going to say about you on

social media. think young people can cope with their

problems by talking to their close friends and family,
asking for advice when they need it.

ead out the points listed in the lick through the module
and find... section. Explain any unknown words.
Then, ask Ss to flick through the pages of the module and
find where these points are discussed.

posts on an online advice column: p.


texts about various superstitions people have: p.

blurbs from several novels: p.
a conversation between two friends: p.
a book review: p.

an article about telepathy between twins: p.

ead out the objectives listed in the In this module you will
learn... section. Explain any unknown words.

117 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 242 13/1/2021 1:11:51 µµ

Human nature 8
 Subdue your appetites, my dears, and you’ve conquered
human nature.’ Charles Dickens
It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly.’
Anatole France
What do these uotations say about human nature
Do you agree
 What kind of problems do young people face today
ow do they cope with them

Flick through the module and find...
 posts on an online advice column

 texts about various superstitions people have
 blurbs from several novels
 a conversation between two friends
 a book review
 an article about telepathy between twins

In this module you will learn...

 how to refer to hypothetical situations in the past
 how to express wishes and regret about something in the past
 to talk about various aspects of human nature including superstitions, personal problems, telepathy
 how to ask for and give advice
 how to write a post giving advice and a book review
 how to ac uire skills and strategies that will help you in exams


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 243 13/1/2021 1:11:51 µµ

A. Discuss.
What common superstitions do you know of
Are you superstitious Why / Why not f yes, what are you superstitious about
B. Read the texts A-D and choose the best heading for each one.


y dad was on a ladder the other day Now, ’m not superstitious, but there’s
cleaning the windows when my little brother one thing that just always do out of
started talking about how some people say habit, and that’s knocking on wood.

it’s unlucky to walk under a ladder. mean, ou know, when you say something
how ridiculous decided to show him there’s like, ‘ ’ve never broken a bone before,’
nothing to worry about. ran under the and then you knock on wood to make

ladder, but somehow slipped. The next thing sure it doesn’t happen. Well, always
knew, Dad had fallen off the ladder too do that, except a few days ago, that
Forget superstitions, walking under a ladder
is just dangerous found out something
at is. was talking to a friend about car
accidents and mentioned that had
about myself that day though. might not be never had one before. Well, wouldn’t
superstitious, but have no common sense you know it, this morning, crashed
into a tree f had knocked on wood,

T would have avoided having an

accident really don’t think it would

love reading about all these old superstitions have made a difference.
and where they come from, it’s fascinating.
thought ’d heard them all, until did something
really terrible yesterday: broke a mirror in the

bathroom. ‘According to the superstition, that’s

seven years of bad luck,’ said my sister. ust out
of curiosity, went on the nternet to see how

you can break the ‘curse’.’. Let me tell you, came

across some pretty cra y suggestions. Some
people swear by burying the pieces of the mirror

in the ground or even burning them with a match couldn’t be

bothered to do any of these things, of course. wonder if anyone
actually believes this stuff, let alone has tried any of it C. Read the texts again and answer the questions
1-8. Write A, B, C or D in the boxes.
C S Who
didn’t do something they normally do 1
When we were children, my brother and
used to make wishes on the turkey wasn’t familiar with this superstition 2
wishbone every year at Christmas. We tried to prove that a superstition isn’t
would pull the wishbone apart, and true 3
whoever got the largest part, got to
says that they couldn’t have prevented
make a wish. t’s really uite exciting for
something from happening 4
children. ust imagine, my brother and
are both adults now, but we still can’t did some research about a superstition 5
help doing it whenever we have a family talks about a superstition that was a
dinner. As kids, we used to believe our family tradition 6
dreams really would come true, but now
realised something about themselves 7
that we’re all grown up, we just do it
because it’s good fun talks about how they used to believe in
a superstition 8

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 244 13/1/2021 1:11:57 µµ

Functions C.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in locating and understanding
Talking about superstitions specific information
Talking about unreal situations in the past

Expressing regret about something that happened or
didn’t happen in the past oint out to Ss that first they should read each uestion
and then find the part of the text which best answers the
Structures uestion.
Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
Conditional Sentences Type
Vocabulary Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
the texts in order to do the activity.
bright common sense curse (n.) except let alone Ask Ss to underline where they found the answer in the
match (n.) piece prevent pull apart silence texts.
solution suggestion superstition superstitious ave Ss do the activity.
swear (by) turkey unpleasant wish (n.) As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
Phrases/Expressions with most and least
answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
at most in the least last but not least least of all referring to specific parts in the texts. This will build lower-
make the most of most of all to say the least performing Ss’’ confidence to share their answers in class.
Phrases Check the answers with the class.
can’t be bothered can’t help it’s a shame

knock on wood make an effort the next thing knew 1. D (‘Well, always do that, except a few days ago, that
What are the chances is.’)
2. B (‘ thought ’d heard them all, until did something

really terrible yesterday...’)
RE A DING CD4 13 3. A (‘ decided to show him there’s nothing to worry
A. (Pre-reading) about.’)
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal
4. D (‘ f had knocked on wood, would have avoided
having an accident really don’t think it would have
made a difference.’)
5. B ( ust out of curiosity, went on the nternet to see
• how you can break the ‘curse.’ )
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. 6. C (‘When we were children, my brother and used

to make wishes on the turkey wishbone every year at

Suggested answers Christmas.’)

Well, in my country some people believe in superstitions 7. A (‘ found out something about myself that day
about the number . n some hotels, there is no though.’)
thirteenth floor because nobody wants to stay there. 8. C (‘We would pull the wishbone apart, and whoever got
don’t know why, but guess it is considered to bring bad the largest part, got to make a wish.’)
luck. eople also say it’s bad luck to walk under a ladder. Ask a few comprehension uestions:

No, ’m not superstitious at all. think a superstition

is just something people believe in because they don’t What happened when Pauline ran under the ladder? She
understand why a bad thing happened. / es, suppose slipped.

do have some superstitions. ’m always extra careful when What does Ted say about the suggestions he found on the
it’s Friday the th and never walk under a ladder. Internet? He says some of them were very crazy and gives a
few examples.
What does Shirley say that she and her brother used to do

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of every year? They would make wishes on the turkey wishbone.
some texts What is the one thing that Nick often does out of habit?
• knocking on wood
Ask Ss to read headings - and check understanding.
Then, have Ss read through the texts uickly in order to
choose the right heading for each of them. oint out that
they should not pay attention to any unknown words they
might have.
Check Ss’ answers and ask them to provide justification.

1. C (‘... we still can’t help doing it whenever we have a

family dinner.’)
2. A (‘ might not be superstitious, but have no
common sense ’)
3. D (‘ f had knocked on wood, would have avoided
having an accident really don’t think it would have
made a difference.’)
4. B (‘ came across some pretty cra y suggestions.’)

118 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 245 13/1/2021 1:12:00 µµ

to tell you how we form Conditional Sentences Type 1 and 2:
D. If you don’t wake up early, you will be late for work.
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning If I had more free time, I would take up learning Mandarin.
from context • Elicit answers.
• • Ask Ss to read the example in the grammar box, and ask
• Ask Ss to read through words 1-6 and meanings a-h. Tell them what they notice about the formation of Conditional
them that there are two extra meanings that they do not Sentences Type 3.
need to use. • Elicit the answer that we use the Past Perfect Simple in the
• Explain to them that they should find these words in the if-clause and would + perfect infinitive in the main clause.
text and guess their meaning from the context. • Ask Ss:
• Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not Did Nick knock on wood? No, he didn’t.
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them • Help Ss understand that we use Conditional Sentences Type
infer it. 3 to refer to unreal or imaginary situations in the past, or
• Have Ss do the activity and check the answers with the class. when we imagine a different result in the past. They often
express criticism or regret about something that happened
or didn’t happen in the past.
1. c 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. g 6. b • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference to provide any necessary
• Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary. • Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
• Have Ss do the activity, and check the answers with the class.
E. (Post-reading)
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic
of the reading activity drawing on their own 1. No, he didn’t.
2. No, he didn’t.

• 3. He thinks that it wouldn’t have made a difference.
• Ask Ss the questions.
• Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.

Aims: • to present Ss with rules concerning the use and
Suggested answers formation of Conditional Sentences Type 3
• In my country people are not superstitious about
the wishbone. A lot of people are superstitious about
breaking mirrors though, and everybody knows the one

• Have Ss do the activity.
about knocking on wood.
• I think all of these superstitions are silly. Your luck isn’t have
going to get better or worse if you knock on a piece of

wood; that’s crazy. I think it’s a waste of time worrying

about such things. • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book.

A ND LE A ST • Divide Ss into small groups. Make sure there is a
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of balance of both higher-performing Ss and lower-

phrases/expressions with most and least in context performing Ss.

• • Write the following Conditional Sentences Type 3 on
the board: If Sophia hadn’t woken up late, she wouldn’t

• Ask Ss to read through sentences 1-8 and their meanings

a-h. have missed the bus. If she hadn’t missed the bus,...
• Explain to them that the context will help them infer the • Tell Ss that they have to take turns to tell the story.
meaning of the phrases/expressions. • Ask Ss to do the activity, and go round the class helping

• Have Ss do the activity. them when necessary.

• Check the answers with the class. • Encourage Ss in the same group to help each other in
forming the Conditional Sentences, if necessary. This
1. a 2. d 3. f 4. c 5. g 6. h 7. e 8. b will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence.

• Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using some

phrases/expressions with most and least. This will challenge PR AC T ICE
them. Aim: to give Ss practice in using Conditional Sentences
• Write some of these sentences on the board without writing Type 3 in context
the phrases/expressions. • Have Ss do the activity.
• Ask lower-performing Ss to complete the sentences with • Check the answers with the class.
the correct phrase/expression with most and least. This will
give them extra practice. 1. had been, would/could have got
2. had met, would have loved
GR A MM A R 3. had seen, would have believed
CONDIT ION A L SENT ENCE S T Y PE 3 4. would have arrived, had walked
A. 5. had known, would have bought
Aims: • to present Conditional Sentences Type 3 and their

• Ask Ss to give examples of Conditional Sentences Type 1 and
2. Alternatively, write the following on the board and ask Ss
119 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 8.indd 246 11/11/2022 11:20:3 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the highlighted words/phrases in the
text with their meanings a-h. There are two GRA MMA R
extra meanings which you do not need to use.
2. curse A. Look at the extract from the text and answer the
3. swear by questions.
4. couldn’t be bothered If I had knocked on wood, would I have avoided having
an accident? I really don’t think it would have made a
5. pull apart difference.
6. can’t help 1. Did the writer knock on wood
2. Did he avoid having an accident
a. to not want to make an effort 3. What does he think
b. to be unable to control your behaviour
c. the ability to be sensible and make good decisions B. Read and complete the rule.
d. silence
Conditional Sentences Type 3
e. to believe in

They are used for unreal situations in the past or to
f. something that causes unpleasant things to
express regret about something that happened or
happen to someone didn’t happen.
g. to separate something or tear it into two pieces

h. to be impossible f ast erfect Simple  would/could/might
past participle
E. Discuss.
Are the superstitions the texts refer to common
in your country
ow do you feel about these superstitions
Complete the dialogues using the correct form of

VOCABULARY the verbs in brackets.

1. A: ow did Tony do in the interview

B: Not too well. f his C (be)

more professional, he (get)
Read the sentences and match the phrases/
expressions in bold with their meanings a-h. the job.
A: aybe next time.
1. thought the film would be scary but

wasn’t in the least frightened. 2. A: t’s a shame our grandmother wasn’t here. f she
2. Children should drink at least two glasses of (meet) ark, she

milk per day. (love) him.

3. want to thank my friends eter, Nate, elly B: es, you’re right.
and, last but not least,
least, Carrie for all their

support. 3. A: What do you mean he disappeared into thin air

B: know that it sounds incredible, but if you
4. Nobody believed her story, least of all the
(see) it, you
(believe) it.
5. t’s an awful restaurant the food is tasteless
to say the least. 4. A: t was a bad idea to wait for the bus.
6. plan to make the most of my holiday and B: es, know. We (arrive)
spend my time relaxing. earlier if we (walk) home.
7. We will stay in London for ten days at most.
5. A: So how did your shopping trip go
8. The thing liked most of all about the film
B: Well, remember that computer game told you
was the music.
about that wanted to buy last time went back
a. at all to the shop, and they had none left was so
b. more than anything else disappointed. f (know)
c. especially not they were so popular,
d. not less than (buy) it when first saw it.
e. not more than
f. as important as the rest
g. not to say everything that you could say
h. get the maximum advantage from

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 247 13/1/2021 1:12:01 µµ

Listening & reading
A. Discuss. B. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
s being overweight a serious problem Why / Why not 1. What is ary’s problem
Do you think there are both healthy and unhealthy ways 2. What is she going to do about it
of losing weight Can you give a few examples of each

Lisa ey, ary. What’s wrong ou look a bit down in week. hate exercising wish could lose
the dumps. weight without doing anything.
Mary That’s because am. went to the doctor yesterday, Lisa Well, working out will help speed up your
and he weighed me as part of my routine check-up. metabolism. ou’ll be able to lose those extra
’ve gained fifteen pounds since my last visit six pounds in just a few weeks. And then you can
months ago stop exercising.
Lisa ’m sorry to hear that. But it doesn’t show, if that Mary Actually, my doctor strongly advises against
makes you feel any better. giving up exercising when lose the weight.
Mary Thanks. f only had been more careful with my e says that have to keep exercising if

eating habits Anyway, there’s no point in sitting want to stay healthy. lus, if completely stop
around and moping. have to focus on shedding exercising, will gain back all the weight lost.
these extra pounds. f only losing weight was as uick and easy as

Lisa Don’t worry it will be a piece of cake. Once, when you say, but it looks like it’s a process that needs
wanted to lose ten pounds, started eating smaller to be done right.
meals and exercised a lot. lost ten pounds in less
than a month. ust make sure you eat enough. ou
shouldn’t starve yourself.
Lisa eah, guess you’re right. To tell you the truth,
the ten pounds lost did not stay off long after
stopped exercising and started eating normally
Mary es, know. y doctor told me should eat four again. guess should try losing weight the
small meals a day and avoid sugar. nfortunately, healthy way too.

he also told me to exercise three or four days a Mary reat We can do it together

C. Read the dialogue and decide whether the

statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write
T, F or NM in the boxes.
1. ary wasn’t very careful about what she ate.
2. Lisa thinks that ary will lose weight easily.
3. ary doesn’t mind exercising.
4. ary’s doctor says that she should stop
exercising when she loses the extra pounds.
5. ary realises that there is no uick and easy
way to lose weight.
6. ary will probably gain back all the weight
she will lose.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 248 13/1/2021 1:12:02 µµ

1. T (‘ f only had been more careful with my eating
Talking about weight problems and losing weight habits ’)
aking wishes 2. T (‘Don’t worry it will be a piece of cake.’)
Expressing regret about something that happened or 3. F (‘ hate exercising ’)
didn’t happen in the past 4. F (‘... my doctor strongly advises against giving up
exercising when lose the weight.)
Structures 5. T (‘ f only losing weight was as uick and easy as you
Wishes and unreal past say, but it looks like it’s a process that needs to be done
Vocabulary 6.
advise check-up examination gain miserable
mope lus,... process (n.) shed (weight)
speed up starve ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge
Idioms higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss
a piece of cake be in sb’s shoes understand why these sentences are false.
be on cloud nine beat about the bush
down in the dumps have a sweet tooth
learn by heart spill the beans Ask Ss a few extra comprehension uestions:
Why is ary down in the dumps? because she has gained

fifteen pounds since the last time she was checked by the
LIS T ENING & RE A DING CD4 14 doctor
A. (Pre-listening / reading)
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge Does Lisa think she looks like she has gained weight? No,
she doesn’t.

• to prepare Ss for the listening/reading task
What did Lisa do when she wanted to lose weight? She ate

smaller meals and exercised a lot.
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. at
What happened when Lisa stopped exercising and started
eating normally again? She gained the ten pounds again.
Suggested answers
es, think being overweight is a very serious problem.
There are a lot of health issues that doctors say come from

being overweight, like heart problems or problems with

your back.
es, there are both healthy and unhealthy ways of losing

weight. When you want to lose weight, it is unhealthy to

do it too uickly through cra y diets where you just drink
juice for a week. A healthy way to lose weight is by doing it
slowly. ou should eat a variety of different healthy foods
and exercise three or four times a week.


Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for gist

Ask Ss to go through the uestions.

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

1. She has put on fifteen pounds in the last six months.

2. She is going to eat four small meals a day, avoid sugar
and start exercising.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in scanning for specific

Ask Ss to read through statements - and check
ave Ss do the activity and tell them to underline where
they found the answers in the text.
Check the answers with the class.

120 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 8.indd 249 12/10/2021 12:28:14 µµ

Have you done anything in the past that you wish you hadn’t?
D. • Tell Ss to answer these questions by following the tenses
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning used in these sentences (e.g. I wish I had more talent for
from context writing stories., I wish I hadn’t been so lazy at school., etc.).
• In order to help Ss, you can answer these questions first,
• Ask Ss to read through words 1-6 and meanings a-h. Tell and then encourage Ss to do the same.
them that there are two extra meanings that they do not • Ask Ss to read the first two examples.
need to use. • Point out to Ss that although the verb is in the past, it
• Explain to them that they should find these words in the doesn’t mean that the action actually happened in the
text and guess their meaning from the context. past. In some cases, the Past Simple refers to the present or
• Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not know future and expresses unreal situations. This use of the Past
the meaning of a word, the context can help them infer it. Simple is called Unreal Past.
• Have Ss do the activity and check the answers in class. • Ask Ss when wish / if only + Past Simple is used (to make
a wish about a present situation which we would like to be
1. e 2. d 3. h 4. g 5. b 6. a different). Point out to Ss that if only is stronger than wish.
• Ask Ss to read the second example and tell you when wish
/ if only + Past Perfect Simple is used (to express regret about
• Explain any unknown vocabulary in the dialogue if sth that happened in the past and we wish it could have been
necessary. different).
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book.
E. (Post-reading) • Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic • Have Ss do the activity and check the answers with the class.
of the listening/reading text drawing on their
own experience I wish I could lose weight without doing anything.

If only losing weight was as quick and easy as you say...
• Ask Ss the questions. 1. No, she can’t
• Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion.
2. No, it isn’t.
Suggested answers 3. They refer to the present.

• My mother went on a diet after she had my baby brother. 4. Yes, she would.
She ate small meals and did lots of exercise. It worked, If only I had been more careful with my eating habits!
and she lost all the weight she had gained through those
nine months.
• I think people’s eating habits are getting better because
1. No, she wasn’t.
2. It refers to the past.
they are more educated nowadays about what they should
and shouldn’t eat and how food affects their health. B.
Aim: • to present the rules of formation for wishes in the
present and past


IDIOMS • Have Ss do the activity.

Aims: • to introduce idioms in context

• I wish I could lose weight without doing anything.
• Have Ss read the sentences and ask them to guess the (wish + Past Simple)
meaning of the idioms based on the context. If only losing weight was as quick and easy as you say...
(if only + Past Simple)

If only I had been more careful with my eating habits... (if

down in the dumps = sad/depressed only + Past Perfect Simple)
a piece of cake = easy

• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference at the back of the book.

B. • Write the following on the board:
Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of Our teacher says: I wish / If only...
idioms through context Students say: We wish / If only...

• My mum says: I wish / If only...

• Ask Ss to read through sentences 1-6 and their meanings a-f. • Have higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
• Explain to them that the context will help them infer the Ss in pairs, and explain that they have to complete what
meaning of the idioms. these people might wish. Tell them that they can talk about
• Have Ss do the activity. the present, future, past, or make a complaint.
• Check the answers with the class. • Have Ss share their answers in class.

1. f 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. e PR AC T ICE
Aim: to give Ss practice in using wishes (present and past)
in context through a transformation activity
• Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using some • Have Ss do the activity.
of the idioms in activities A and B. This will challenge • Check the answers with the class.
• To give lower-performing Ss extra practice, write several
incomplete sentences on the board, and ask Ss to complete 1. you didn’t speak so loudly / as loudly as you do /
the sentences with the correct idioms. you wouldn’t speak so loudly
2. I hadn’t lied to my sister
GR A MM A R 3. we had visited Aunt Peggy when she was in hospital
WISHE S A ND UNRE A L PA S T 4. she slept well at night / could sleep well at night
A. 5. he hadn’t eaten a huge chocolate ice cream
Aims: • to present the use of wishes in the present and the 6. I could go to the gym three times a week
past 7. I hadn’t fallen asleep / had seen the end of the film

• Ask Ss the following questions: WORKBOOK LISTENING CD4 15 - 26
Do you wish you had more talent for something? • Go to the listening transcript.
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Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 8.indd 250 11/11/2022 11:22:40 πµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words/phrases highlighted in the
dialogue with their meanings a-h. There are
two extra meanings which you do not need
1. check-up a. a series of actions
b. make something go/ A. Look at the extracts from the dialogue and answer
the questions.
2. moping happen faster
c. eating too much I wish I could lose weight without doing anything.
3. shedding d. feeling miserable If only losing weight was as quick and easy as you say...
e. a medical 1. Can ary lose weight without doing anything
4. starve examination to see 2. s losing weight as uick and easy as Lisa says
if everything is all 3. Do the sentences refer to the present or the past
5. speed up right
4. Would ary like these situations to be different
f. exercise
6. process g. eat very little If only I had been more careful with my eating habits!
h. losing
1. Was ary careful with her eating habits

E. Discuss. 2. Does the sentence refer to the present or the past
ave you or has anyone you know tried
losing weight in any of the ways mentioned

B. Read the rules and match the extracts in activity A
in the text with the uses of wish / if only.
Do you think people’s eating habits are
getting better or worse Why at
We use wish / if only + Past Simple:
to make a wish about a present or future situation
which we would like to be different.
VOCABULARY We use wish / if only + Past Perfect Simple:

to express regret about something that happened or

IDIOMS didn’t happen in the past.
A. Look at the extracts from the dialogue.

What do you think the phrases in bold

ou look a bit down in the dumps.
Don’t worry it will be a piece of ca e.

B. Read the sentences and match the idioms

in bold with their meanings a-f. Read the situations and write sentences starting with

the words given.

1. know chocolate is bad for me but
can’t stop eating it. guess have a 1. ou speak very loudly, and don’t like that.
sweet tooth.
tooth. wish .

2. The teacher told the students to learn 2. lied to my sister, and that was a mistake.
the poem by heart
f only .
3. When found out that had passed all
my exams, was on cloud nine. 3. We should have visited Aunt eggy when she was in hospital.
4. f were in your shoes, would inform wish .
the police.
5. A: ‘ ow did you find out about the 4. Sheila doesn’t sleep well at night, and she’s worried about it.
event ’ Sheila wishes .
B: ‘ ohn spilled the beans.’
5. Terry feels bad because he ate a huge chocolate ice cream.
6. Stop beating about the bush and tell
Terry wishes .
me what you want.
6. would like to go to the gym three times a week but just can’t.
a. to tell a secret f only .
b. to be very happy
c. to be in someone’s place 7. fell asleep and didn’t see the end of the film.
d. to memorise f only .
e. to not speak directly about something
f. to like food with a lot of sugar in it


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 251 13/1/2021 1:12:04 µµ

Listening & speaking
A. Discuss.
What do you usually argue about with your family or friends
ow do you solve problems which arise

B. You will hear a telephone conversation between a teenage girl, Charlotte, and her aunt,
Monica. What is Charlotte’s main problem?
a. She doesn’t like London and wants to move to iami.
b. She can’t find a club to join.
c. She is having difficulty adapting to a new situation.
d. er parents don’t let her go out.

C. Listen to the conversation again and decide if the statements are True or False.
Write T or F in the boxes.

1. onica invites Charlotte to visit her in iami.
2. Charlotte argues with her friends at school.
3. onica suggests that Charlotte should join a jogging club.

4. Charlotte would like to join a book club.

5. Charlotte and her parents disagree about how late she should stay out.
6. onica advises Charlotte to show her parents that she respects their opinion.

Talk in pairs and take turns to be Student A and Student B.


Ask for and give advice using the words/phrases in the boxes.

Student A
Look at the pictures and imagine you have one of the problems

shown. Explain the problem to Student B and ask for advice.

Student B
Listen to Student A’s problem and give him/her advice.

household chores share responsibility

take turns duty alone lonely

isolated make friends

’ve got a problem with... and ’d like your advice.
need your advice because...
don’t know what to do about...
What do you think of the problem/situation
What can/should do about...

think you should / had better...

f were you, would...
Why don’t you...
t would be a good idea to...
f were in your shoes, would... B


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 252 13/1/2021 1:12:05 µµ

Functions SPE A K ING
Discussing problems Aims: • to give Ss practice in talking about a problem and
giving advice
Asking for and giving advice
• to provide vocabulary and phrases/expressions
Vocabulary relevant to the topic
adapt arise assure betrayed boost (v.)
come round concentrate concerning confidence
depressed doorbell grateful household chores ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing
no matter peace and uiet reject respect (v.) Ss in pairs, and allocate roles.
First have the lower-performing S in each pair be SA and
support (v.) take turns
the higher-performing S be SB.
Ask SA to look at the pictures and choose one. Draw his/
her attention to the words/phrases in the box in order to
LIS T ENING CD4 27, 28 describe the problem to his/her partner and ask for advice.
A. Explain to SB that he/she should offer some useful advice
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge to SA using the words/phrases in the boxes.
• to prepare Ss for the listening task ake sure they understand everything.
• Allow Ss to tick the phrases they would like to use to ask
for and give advice. This will help lower-performing Ss.
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. Ask Ss to do the activity, and go round the class helping
them when necessary.

Suggested answers Then ask Ss to swap roles.
With my family we usually argue about what do in my free Choose several pairs to act out their dialogue in front of
time my mother thinks watch too much T and spend the class.

too much time online. With my friends we sometimes argue
about football or what film we should go to see. Suggested answers
When we have arguments it’s important to talk about Picture A
them later. That’s how we tend to fix things in my family. at
SA: ’ve got a problem and need your advice. feel
that my flatmate doesn’t do his share of the household
chores. ’ve told him that we should share responsibility
B. for the chores and take turns to do the washing-up and
Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for gist other things, but he refuses to listen and never does
anything around the flat. What do you think should

Ask Ss to read the uestion and the options provided. SB: think you should discuss the problem with your

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. flatmate again, and calmly explain that it’s unfair for
Check the answer with the class. you to do all the chores. t would be a good idea to come
up with a chores schedule where each one notes down
the chores he prefers to do and agree to take turns doing
c housework you both hate.
Picture B

SA: need your advice because have recently moved

C. to a new town. As you realise, left all my friends back
Aim: to give Ss practice in listening for specific in the town used to live in, and now feel lonely and

information isolated. haven’t made any friends at my new school

or in my new neighbourhood. Changing schools and
Ask Ss to read through statements - and check neighbourhoods has been very difficult for me, and

can’t seem to make new friends. Seriously, am very

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity. worried, and don’t know what to do about it.
Check the answers with the class. SB: f were you, would join a club or take part in
some kind of activity after school. f you play any sport,
you should definitely see if there is a school team and
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T join it because this is the best way to make friends.
ost neighbourhoods have leisure centres e uipped
with libraries, computers, table tennis, etc. Why don’t
ave higher-performing Ss work with lower-performing you visit one and see if there is any activity you are
Ss and correct the false sentences. This will challenge interested in am sure that in no time you will be able
higher-performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss to make new friends
understand why these sentences are false.

122 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 8.indd 253 12/10/2021 11:51:48 πµ

COLUMN Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing a post giving advice
A. •
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge
• to prepare Ss for the writing task • Read out and explain the TIP.
• • Tell Ss to refer to the posts, the outline and the TIP before
writing their post giving advice.
• Discuss the question in class. • Refer them to the Writing section for set phrases they can
use in a post giving advice.

Suggested answer
Actually, I do think it’s a good idea. You can get advice Model answer
about your problem from an expert. Also, it’s good to get Dear Victor,
advice from someone who doesn’t know you. That way, you
can be really honest and tell them anything. / Personally, I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems with your
I don’t think writing to an online advice column is useful. flatmate. Unfortunately, this is a problem I hear about from
The person giving advice might have good intentions, but a lot of my readers.
they simply don’t know enough about you or your problem The first thing you need to do is make a list of the problems
to give you the advice that is best for you. you are having with your flatmate and exactly how you
want him to change. Be realistic. You can’t expect him

never to have friends over or play music. You should think
B. of rules for when you should both be allowed to do things.
Aims: • to help Ss identify the purpose and content of the Then you have to talk to him. Let him know how his

behaviour is affecting you and tell him you want to work
• to help Ss speculate about possible solutions to a together to find a solution. Then make suggestions for rules
problem you should both follow. A schedule of what times should be

• Have Ss read the post and discuss possible solutions.

‘quiet times’ is a good idea.
I hope this helps.
• To help lower-performing Ss write some of the possible Good luck,
solutions on the board. Terry

Suggested answers
I would advise her to talk to her friend and try to make

her understand that it was not her fault that her friend
was not accepted on the course. Also, I would tell her
to try to make her friend believe in herself and help her
apply to other universities.

Aims: • to help Ss identify the purpose and content of a

post on an online advice column giving advice

• Have Ss read the reply and do the activity.


• Have Ss explain whether they agree or not.

• Explain any unknown vocabulary.

Suggested answer
I think the advice given is helpful. Stephanie seems to
understand the problem and the advice she gives may
make it possible for the girls to get over the problem.

Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing a post
giving advice

• Have Ss read through the outline and make sure they

understand what each paragraph should include when
writing a post giving advice.

123 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Mod 8.indd 254 11/11/2022 11:2 :0 πµ

A post on an online advice column
A. Discuss. D. When you are writing to someone giving
Do you think it’s a good idea to write to an online advice advice, follow this outline.
column when you have a problem Why / Why not
B. Read a girl’s post on an online advice column. What GREETING
advice would you give her? Use the person’s first name or pse
you are writing.
Refer to the problem and say why
MAIN PART (1-2 paragraphs)
Give your advice and make sugges

write to Stephanie CLOSING PAR AGR APH

Make a final comment.
Use a signature ending and your
Dear Stephanie,
first name below that.

am feeling really upset because had a fight with my
best friend. We have been friends since primary school,
and we are rarely apart. would say we are more like WRITING TASK

sisters. We both want to do the same course at university, E. Read Victor’s post on an online advice column
and write back to him giving advice. Your post
and, because we want to stay together, we applied to the
should be between 100-150 words.
same university in London. owever, was accepted for
the course there, and she has been rejected. really want
to do the course, but feel really guilty about it. Ever
since she received her rejection letter, she has been really
depressed. She is constantly picking fights with me over

little things, and now she says she feels betrayed because Dear Terry,
’ve accepted the offer. lease, can you help me have a problem and want your advice. ’m having

trouble with my new flatmate. e keeps playing loud

uilty in uilford music and inviting loads of his friends over to the flat.
’ve been trying to study for my exams, and it’s almost
C. Now read the advice given to the girl and compare impossible for me to concentrate. ’ve been going to the
it to the advice you would give her. Do you think

library to get some peace and uiet. But when get back,
Stephanie’s advice is helpful? Why / Why not? he has the music on and his friends are still there.
Last week, one of the neighbours came round to complain.

Dear uilty in uilford, had to open the door because my flatmate couldn’t hear
the doorbell ringing, of course. The neighbour was very
’m sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble annoyed and said that if the noise continued, she would
with your friend. t sounds like she’s very disappointed

call the police. When told my flatmate, he turned off the

and has lost confidence in herself because she was rejected music that night, but he put it back on again the next day.
by the university. think it is also possible that she feels What do you think should do ’d be really grateful for
jealous of your success. your advice.
First of all, decisions concerning your future career Best wishes,
can’t be based on your friends this is one of the most ictor
important decisions of your life. ou have to do what is
best for you. f you want to do the course in London, then
that is your right and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.
Since your friend probably feels a bit jealous of you, you
will have to talk to her about it if you want to save your
friendship. ou must explain to her how you feel. Next, When you are writing to someone giving advice:
you need to support her and try to boost her confidence  address the person you are writing to in a friendly way
by telling her there are other universities she can apply to. and use informal language.
ou should assure her that you will always be friends no  make various suggestions to help solve the problem.
matter how far away from each other you are.  use appropriate expressions to give advice and make
hope ’ve been able to give you some ideas on how to suggestions.
solve this problem.
ood luck
Stephanie Go to the Writing Section.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 255 13/1/2021 1:12:08 µµ


A. Discuss.
What is telepathy
ave you heard or read about people who can
communicate with someone else by using their mind

B. Read the text quickly and answer the question.

Twin Minds
Who did the writer write the text for
a. professionals in the field of psychology
b. twin brothers and sisters

think c. the general public

d. people with telepathic abilities

Telepathy is the ability to communicate with someone

else by using your mind. The communication could
include anything from transferring thoughts, feelings
or other kinds of information. There are three groups
that are thought to have telepathic abilities: pets and
their owners, a mother and her newborn baby and

identical twins. Of these groups, twins are believed
to have the strongest telepathic connection. Some
scientists say that this is true because identical twins
share the same brain waves, which allows both of

them to experience and feel things at the same time,
even when they are not in the same place.
any studies have been done regarding the
phenomenon of the twin psychic connection, but
a study that took place in London put to rest many
doubts people had of the existence of twin telepathy.
C. Read the text again and answer the questions. Choose

Eight-year-old Fred and ike Smith sat in separate a, b,, c or d.

a, b
soundproof rooms. ike was told to roll up his sleeve
1. According to the writer, telepathy

and put his arm into a bucket of ice water. e gasped

from the shock of the cold. eanwhile, Fred, who was a. is the ability to use your mind.
in his room and unaware of what was happening to b. has to do with how people feel in stressful situations.
his brother, also gasped at the same time. Fred was c. is a form of communication of thoughts and feelings.
attached to a polygraph machine, which monitored d. is the strongest psychic connection between twins.

his breathing, stomach muscles, pulse and the amount 2. Why do scientists believe that twins have the strongest
of sweat on the palms of his hands. A professional
telepathic connection

polygrapher was recording the results and analysing

a. because they have the same experiences
them. Neither Fred nor the polygrapher knew what
was going on in the other room at any time during b. because they’re usually in the same places
c. because their brains control their feelings

the experiment. n the next experiment, ike was

asked to open a cardboard box placed in front of him. d. because their brains work in a similar way
nstead of something pleasant like chocolate in the 3. What happened when ike opened the cardboard box
box, a plastic snake jumped out at him, frightening a. e was pleased.
him. At the exact moment, Fred also showed signs of b. e was disappointed.
distress through his heart rate and pulse line.
c. e was scared.
There are many other stories of instances like this d. e remained calm.
between twins. Two young girls, one at a friend’s
4. Fred and ike
house and one at home, are a good example. The
a. had similar reactions.
young girl that was at home burnt her hand. At the
same moment, the other girl who was at her friend’s b. knew what each other was doing.
house developed the same kind of blister in the c. were attached to polygraph machines.
exact same spot on her hand as her sister. Another d. did not believe they were telepathic.
example is a man who collapsed in a chair, clutching 5. Why does the writer mention the twin sisters and the twin
his arm in pain at the exact moment his twin brother brothers in the last paragraph
injured his arm in a car accident more than miles a. to prove that all identical twins have telepathic powers
away. There may never be definitive proof that all
b. to show that twins can feel each other’s pain
identical twins have telepathic powers, but there is
c. to show that both male and female twins are telepathic
enough evidence to suggest that this kind of psychic
connection is possible. d. to scientifically explain telepathy between twins


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Functions C.
Aims: to give Ss practice in reading for details
Discussing telepathy
oint out to Ss that first they should read the uestions
All - Both - Neither - None and then find the corresponding parts of the text that
Both... and... / Neither... nor... / Either... or... answer the uestions.
Vocabulary Ask Ss to read through uestions - and check
attached be worn out blister bring round Tell Ss that they do not need to understand everything in
bruise (n.) bucket cardboard choke clutch the text in order to do the activity.
come down with come round communicate ave Ss do the activity.
conscious definitive distress di y evidence To help lower-performing Ss, you may eliminate one
experiment (n.) faint field frighten gasp (v.) incorrect option in each uestion.
get over heart rate hurt (v.) identical twins injure As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
lie (v.) miracle monitor (v.) phenomenon proof with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
psychology public (n.) pulse rash reaction answers. Encourage them to provide justification by
referring to specific parts in the text. This will build
regarding remain roll up scratch separate
lower-performing Ss’’ confidence to share their answers in
sign (n.) sleeve telepathy thought (n.) tightly class.
transfer (v.) twin unaware Check the answers with the class.

Words related to parts of the body
ankle bone brain cheek chest knee lip
1. c (‘Telepathy is the ability to communicate with
neck nerve thumb toe wrist
someone else by using your mind.’)

2. d (‘Some scientists say that this is true because
identical twins share the same brain waves...’)
3. c (‘ nstead of something pleasant... frightening him.’)
4. a (‘Fred... also gasped at the same time.’ and ‘At the
A. (Pre-reading) exact moment, Fred also showed signs of distress,
Aims: • to introduce the topic of the reading activity through his heart rate and pulse line.’)
• to generate discussion based on Ss’ personal 5. b (‘There are many other stories of instances like this...’
experience Not ‘a’: ‘There may never be definitive proof that all
• identical twins have telepathic powers,...’ Not ‘c’: no

evidence. Not ‘d’: no scientific explanation given)

Ask Ss the uestions and discuss.

Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

Suggested answers
Telepathy is when you can talk to somebody else without
speaking. ou do it just by using the power of your mind. Which groups are most likely to possess telepathic abilities?
have read articles about people who say they can pets and their owners, a mother and her newborn baby and
identical twins

communicate through telepathy. But honestly don’t

believe it’s real. Which two feelings did scientists test in the case of red and
ike Smith? the feelings of cold and fear

B. What did the polygraph machine measure? breathing,

Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the target stomach muscles, pulse and the amount of sweat on the
audience of the text palms of the hands
What happened to the young girl that was at her friend’s

house when her sister got burnt at home? She developed a
blister in the exact same spot on her hand as her sister.
ave Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class and ask higher- How did the man feel at the moment his twin injured his
performing Ss to justify why the other three options arm more than 30 miles away? He clutched his arm in pain.
are incorrect. This will challenge them and help lower-
performing Ss understand why this answer is correct.

c (‘a’ is wrong since the text is not scientific, there is no

indication of ‘b’ or ‘d’ either)

124 TB

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Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying word meaning Aims: • to give Ss practice in using topic vocabulary in
from context context and distinguishing between words easily
• confused

Ask Ss to read through words - and meanings a-h. Tell
them that there are two extra meanings that they do not ave Ss do the activity.
need to use. Check the answers with the class.
Explain to them that they should find these words in the
text and guess their meaning from the context.
Elicit answers and explain to Ss that even if they do not 1. hurt
know the meaning of a word, the context can help them 2. injured
infer it. 3. harm
ave Ss do the activity. 4. pain
To help lower-performing Ss, you may remove the extra 5. injury
meanings. 6. bruise
Check the answers with the class. 7. blister
8. rash
9. scratches
1. d 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. g 6. h 10. gasped
11. fainted
12. choked

Explain any unknown vocabulary in the text if necessary.

E. (Post-reading) 3. PHR A SA L V ERBS

Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the topic Aims: • to give Ss practice in identifying the meaning of
of the reading activity drawing on their own phrasal verbs in context

Ask Ss the uestions.


Ask Ss to read through sentences - and meanings a-f.

Elicit answers and initiate a brief discussion. Explain to them that the context will help them infer the
meaning of the phrasal verbs.
ave Ss do the activity.

Suggested answers Check the answers with the class.

es, ’d love to have telepathic abilities. magine how
much fun it would be if you could read a person’s mind

and know what they are thinking / don’t think would 1. f 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c 6. a

want to have telepathic abilities. nowing what people
are thinking might make me feel uncomfortable in many
situations. Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using some
es, definitely. The human brain is able to do a lot more of the phrasal verbs in activity . This will challenge them.

than we know about. owever, scientists in recent years Write some of these sentences on the board without
have explored space probably more than the human writing the phrasal verbs.
mind, so there is so much more to discover and learn. Ask lower-performing Ss to complete the sentences with

the correct form of the phrasal verbs. This will give them
extra practice.

Aims: • to familiarise Ss with vocabulary related to parts

of the body

ave Ss look at the words and the pictures and encourage

them to brainstorm other items they may know that
belong in the same groups.

Suggested answers
eyes, ears, nose, mouth
head, arm, hand, leg, foot

125 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 258 13/1/2021 1:12:11 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
D. Match the words highlighted in the text 2. WORDS EASILY CONFUSED
with their meanings a-h. There are two extra Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to
meanings which you do not need to use. complete the sentences.
1. regarding a. checked harm hurt injure
b. connected
2. unaware 1. ’m sorry, didn’t mean to your feelings.
c. worried
3. attached d. concerning 2. Fortunately, no one was seriously in the
4. monitored e. including accident.
5. clutching f. not informed
3. Scientists believe that chemical fertilisers can
g. holding tightly
6. definitive our health.
h. final
E. Discuss. injury bruise pain
Would you like to have telepathic abilities
4. y mother was in terrible after her operation.
Why / Why not
Do you think that the human mind has 5. The football player was not able to play in the World Cup

powers that are not fully used because he had a serious knee .
6. The day after the rugby match, had a big on
VOCABULARY my left cheek.

1. LEXICAL SET (PARTS OF THE BODY) rash scratch blister
Look at the words. What other words do you
know describing parts of the body? 7. at
have a on my foot could you get me a plaster
8. When eat strawberries, get a all over my
lips body ’m allergic to them.
9. t was a miracle that Lucy escaped from the burning building

neck with only a few .


faint choke gasp

10. When finally reached the surface of the water,

for air.

11. olly suddenly felt di y and then she .

chest 12. Brian nearly on a piece of meat.


thumb wrist Match the phrasal verbs in bold in the sentences

with their meanings.

palm fingers 1. t took me nearly two weeks to get over the flu.
2. The singer was not able to perform because she
came down with a cold.
3. When came round, was lying in a hospital bed.
toes 4. When the doctor brought me round, didn’t
know what had happened to me.
5. The medication started to wear off after about an
brain hour, and my leg started hurting me.
6. The doctor told ulie she was worn out from
looking after her five children and that she
nerves needed to get some rest.
a. exhausted
bones b. make someone conscious again
c. slowly have no effect
d. catch an illness
muscles e. recover consciousness
f. recover from

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 259 13/1/2021 1:12:14 µµ

Vocabulary & grammar
Read the examples and complete the rules. EITHER... OR...
Both twins experienced the same feeling although neither Read the examples and match them with their
of them knew what was happening to his brother. meanings.
All the students attended the psychology lecture, but none of ou can have both coffee and orange juice they’re free
them understood it because it was very difficult. anyway.
both and ou can have either coffee or orange juice choose
which you prefer.
are used for two people, things, ideas, etc.
ou can have neither coffee nor orange juice they
and none aren’t good for your stomach.

are used for more than two people, things, ideas, etc. a. ou can’t have a drink.
b. ou can have one of the two drinks.
and neither c. ou can have two drinks.

are used in affirmative sentences and give them a
negative meaning.

Complete the dialogues with all, both, and, Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

neither, nor, none or either. meaning to the first sentence, using the words given.
1. A: Does Felicity speak talian Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words, including the word given.

B: Actually, she is fluent in talian

and Spanish. 1. atie regrets not flying to aris to see her family. wishes
2. A: Would you like some coffee or tea
to aris to see her family.
B: Actually, drink coffee nor tea.
2. Susan and Alex hate rock music, so don’t think they will go

Do you have any orange juice

to the concert. nor
3. A: Where do you feel like going for dinner tonight Neither rock

B: We can go to the exican music, so don’t think they will go to the concert.
restaurant or to the Thai one. 3. Derek woke up very late so he missed the interview. woken
4. A: Does your family live here f Derek

B: No, my relatives live in Barcelona he wouldn’t have missed the interview.

and of them have ever travelled 4. can’t buy that car because it is very expensive. only
abroad. f so
5. A: ave you met any of ark’s brothers expensive.
B: es, ’ve met Steve 5. invited my colleagues to dinner but nobody was able to
ason. of them looks like ark come. none
though. invited my colleagues to dinner
6. A: Should we take the bus or the train to enry’s
house able to come.
B: think the bus the 6. Bill didn’t receive an invitation, so he didn’t go to the
train will get us there fast. Let’s get a taxi. wedding. have
7. A: don’t think the guests liked the food.
the wedding if he had received an invitation.
B: What do you mean my friends
like my cooking. 7. live in the suburbs but prefer the city centre. lived
f city
8. A: We asked every single one of the neighbours. centre instead of the suburbs.
B: Did they tell you anything about Tom
8. Sarah sold her flat and now she regrets it. had
A: No, of them have seen him since Sarah
last week. her flat.

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 260 13/1/2021 1:12:15 µµ

GR A MM A R Check the answers with the class.
Aims: to introduce all both neither none and their 1. both
use 2. neither
3. either
4. all, none
Ask Ss to read through the examples, and ask them what 5. both, and, Neither
they remember about their use. 6. neither, nor
Ask Ss the following uestion: If we replace neither’ with 7. All
none’ in the first example, is the sentence correct? (No, 8. none
because none’ refers to more than two people).
efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.
Ask Ss to come up with their own examples. Ask Ss to look at the fifth sentence again, and ask them
ave Ss do the activity. the following uestion: If we replace Neither with None, is
Check the answers with the class. the sentence correct? (No, because the sentence refers to two
people, and None is used for more than two people, things,
Both and neither are used for two people, things, etc.).
ideas, etc. Ask Ss to look at the eighth sentence, and ask them the
All and none are used for more than two people, things, following uestion: If we replace none with neither, is the
ideas, etc. sentence correct? (No, because the sentence refers to more
than two people, and neither is used for two people, things,
None and neither are used in affirmative sentences and

give them a negative meaning. This will challenge higher-performing Ss and help lower-
performing Ss understand better the grammatical items
that have been presented.
BOT H ... A ND... / NEIT HER ... NOR ... /

Aims: to introduce both... and... neither... nor...
either... or... and their use at
Aims: to give Ss practice in using previously taught
grammatical items through a transformation
Ask Ss to read the first example and point out to them that
we use both... and to state that something is true for two
people or things, and the verb of the sentence is always in

ave Ss do the activity.

the plural form. Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss to read through the example of either or and tell

you which two things either... or links (coffee, orange juice).

oint out to Ss that we use either... or to state that 1. wishes she had flown
something is true for any of two people or things, and the 2. Susan nor Alex like
verb of the sentence is either in the singular or the plural 3. had woken up early/earlier,
form. 4. only that car weren’t/wasn’t
Ask Ss to read the example of neither... nor and tell you 5. but none of them were

which two things neither... nor links (coffee, orange juice). 6. would have gone to
oint out to Ss that we use neither... nor to state that 7. only lived in the
something is not true for two people or things, and the 8. wishes she had not sold

verb of the sentences is either in the singular or the plural

oint out to Ss that none and neither cannot be used in
negative sentences.

efer Ss to the rammar eference at the back of the book.

Ask Ss to come up with their own examples.
ave Ss do the activity and check the answers with the

c, b, a

Ask higher-performing Ss to make sentences using both...

and, neither... nor, either... or. This will challenge them. To
help lower-performing Ss, you can give them prompts to
make sentences (e.g. Philip / James / speak rench).

Aim: to give Ss practice in using the grammatical items
presented in context

ave Ss do the activity.

Ask them to look for clues in the sentences that will help
them find the correct answers (e.g. 1. and, 2. nor, etc.). This
will help lower-performing Ss.

126 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 261 13/1/2021 1:12:15 µµ

Functions SPE A K ING
Talking about personality ui es Aims: • to give Ss practice in discussing novels and
expressing preference
Discussing novels and expressing preference
• to provide vocabulary and phrases/expressions
aking a decision and justifying it related to the topic
Vocabulary •
be stranded break out civil war complicated ave Ss read the blurbs, the vocabulary box and the useful
democratic dull eager elect go about phrases/expressions box and check understanding.
hearing heroine leader lighthearted ave them think of answers to the uestions individually
publish set about stubborn timeless first.
uninhabited Then have Ss work in pairs and discuss the novels
presented beneath the rubric. Explain to Ss that they have
Words used when talking about books to explain their preferences and give reasons justifying
author autobiography bestselling blurb them.
descriptive gripping informative mystery ave each pair or group share their ideas in class.
page turner plot review (n.) thriller vivid

Suggested answers
SA: ’m sure that reading about owgli’s adventures in
The Jungle book would be exciting.

SB: don’t know. think it would be dull. A young boy
A. growing up by himself doesn’t seem realistic to me.
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge The ysterious Island by ules erne sounds much
• to prepare Ss for the listening task more interesting and more believable.

• SA: That’s true. t sounds like a gripping story, and ’m
sure it would be a page-turner. would like to read
Ask Ss the uestions and discuss. A Brief History of Time because have always been

Suggested answers
fascinated by physics and how the world was created.
SB: es, might enjoy it too. t would be very interesting,
especially since he explains everything very simply.
es, have. t was fun and can say the results were correct.
According to the results, ’m an unselfish person, which is SA: don’t think ’d like The Shadow of the Wind as ’m
true because can’t think of anything enjoy more than not really into mysteries.

sharing and helping others. SB: Well, would definitely read it ust by reading the
think that most people like doing personality ui es blurb, the plot sounds really original, and think it
because they are curious to see if their results are as would be fascinating to read

expected. Also, some people might do ui es because SA: The Story of y Life by elen eller would be worth
they want to discover new things about themselves. reading. She was a great person and achieved so
many things.
SB: know she was an impressive person, but don’t
B. really fancy reading biographies of famous or

Aims: to give Ss practice in listening for details and courageous people. prefer fiction to non-fiction.
completing a multiple-matching activity
SA: The two books would definitely be interested in

reading are The Story of y Life and A Brief History

of Time. They’re very different kinds of books, but
Explain to Ss that they are going to hear five people
’m sure ’d enjoy them both.
reading the results they got from a personality ui .
SB: ’d choose The Shadow of the Wind because it sounds
ead out and explain the T .

very interesting and ’d also read The ysterious

lay the recording and have Ss do the activity.
Island because ’m a fan of ules erne.
Encourage Ss to note down key words that helped them do
the activity.
As soon as they finish, have higher-performing Ss work
with lower-performing Ss in pairs and compare their
answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This
will build lower-performing Ss’ confidence to share their
answers in class.
Check the answers with the class.

Speaker 1: b
Speaker 2: e
Speaker 3: f
Speaker 4: c
Speaker 5: d

127 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 262 13/1/2021 1:12:17 µµ

Listening & speaking
A. Discuss.
ave you ever done a personality ui Did you agree with the results
Why do you think that people like doing personality ui es
B. You will hear five different people reading the results they got
from a personality quiz. Choose from the list a-f what each
speaker might say based on the results. There is one extra
letter that you do not need to use.
When doing a multiple-matching listening task,
Speaker 1 a. don’t work well in groups. remember to:
b. like spending time alone.  read through the questions carefully to get
Speaker 2
c. combine opposite characteristics. a clear idea of what you are listening for.
Speaker 3  wait to hear the recording a second time
d. Sometimes ’m stubborn.
Speaker 4 e. like dangerous jobs. before you make your final decision.
Speaker 5 f. ’m not always as confident as seem.


Talk in pairs. Read the blurbs from five different novels and talk about what you would and wouldn’t like
about each of them. Then decide which two books you would definitely be interested in reading and why.
What would/wouldn’t you like about each of these books
Which two books would you definitely be interested in reading

n this book, the author takes us on a (Mystery/Thriller)

journey through a collection of stories. Set in Barcelona, this is the story of a

The reader follows owgli, the hero, young boy called Daniel Sempere, who
who was raised in the jungle, through is taken to the Cemetery of Forgotten
his adventures. As the book progresses, Books and allowed to choose a book to
owgli grows up and learns how to keep. Daniel starts a search to find out

survive in the world. more about the mysterious writer of the

novel he has chosen and why his books were destroyed over

T I the years. As Daniel grows older, his interest in the author

A leads to him gaining enemies, and he soon realises that in
A four-year adventure begins when five trying to save the author’s work, Daniel is saving himself.
men escape the American Civil War

in a balloon. They find themselves on T S

an unmapped island somewhere in the (Autobiography)
acific Ocean and start a new life there. The book tells the story of a little girl
Numerous dangers are at hand: the wild who lost both her hearing and sight at
nature of the island, extreme weather conditions, and even a very young age. With the help of her
pirates and an active volcano Will the men survive this teacher, Anne Sullivan, she learnt to
challenge Can anyone help them get home again ead communicate with the outside world.
this classic story of courage, companionship and hope and
join the heroes on their adventures.

A T S fascinating exciting page-turner

(Science) (un)original gripping dull
f you’ve always wanted to understand how
the universe started but were afraid you’d would prefer to read... because...
get lost in a very technical explanation, don’t think ’d like... as ’m not really into...
then read awking’s book. The author has think... would be fascinating to read because...
the ability to explain very complicated ideas would definitely read... because...
in simple, everyday English.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 263 13/1/2021 1:12:18 µµ

A book review
A. Discuss.
ow do you choose books to read or give as gifts
Do you ever read book reviews Why / Why not

B. Read the review of the novel Lord of the Flies. Is this a book you would be interested in reading? Why / Why not?

William olding’s timeless novel, Lord of the lies, was first

published in . t shows what happens when the basic
principles of civilisation collapse, and a fight for power
breaks out.

The story takes place during WW and begins when a
small aeroplane carrying young British schoolboys is shot
down over an uninhabited island in the acific Ocean.

any of the boys survive the crash and are stranded on
the island. owever, none of the adults on the aeroplane
survive. The boys set about electing a leader, organising a
hunt for food and learning how to survive on their own.
Lord of the lies is a book well-known for its use of
symbolism. Each boy in the story symbolises some aspect

of human nature: politeness and order, cruelty, scientif ic

intelligence and moral goodness. any objects in the story

symbolise a greater idea or concept too. A conch shell, for

instance, becomes the symbol of order and democratic
power. When the shell is destroyed, order and civilisation
are lost on the island, and savager y breaks out.

olding’s powerful tale of the internal battles between

right and wrong gives readers an understanding of the

dark side of society. There is no uestion why this is one of

the most popular books in English literature classes today.

C. Read the review again and answer the questions. D. Read the review again and find words/phrases
which mean the following:
n which paragraph does the writer:
1. not affected by the passing of
a. tell us where the story takes place
time (par )
b. give his/her overall impression of the novel 2. a place where no people live
c. tell us who the author of the novel is (par )
3. to be in a place that you can’t
d. comment on the significance of symbolism in
leave (par )
the novel
4. a general idea about something
e. present the plot of the story (par )
f. refer to certain ualities of the characters 5. cruel and violent behaviour
g. comment on what makes the novel so popular (par )
6. existing or happening inside a
person, object or place (par )

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Aims: • to help Ss identify word meaning through
A BOOK RE V IE W context
A. • to familiarise Ss with descriptive language used
Aims: • to activate Ss’ background knowledge in book reviews
• to prepare Ss for the writing task
• •

Discuss the uestions in class. Ask Ss to go through meanings - and check

Explain to them that they should locate the words in the
Suggested answers text by using the context.
love to read, so choose books based on whatever ave Ss do the activity.
looks interesting. When give a book as a gift, try to Check the answers with the class.
think about the person ’m choosing it for and what
they might like. like to give books that have read
and enjoyed as gifts. That way, know for sure they are
good. 1. timeless
es, do. n fact, read a lot of book reviews. t’s a great 2. uninhabited
way to get information about new books, and it helps 3. stranded
me decide what to buy. 4. concept
5. savagery
6. internal

Aims: to familiarise Ss with the purpose and content of
a book review

ave Ss read through the review uickly and elicit a
personal response from Ss. at
Suggested answers
es. am interested in books which have a deep meaning

and that keep you thinking long after you’ve finished

reading them. This novel is obviously not just about young
boys having an adventure. t deals with human nature

and social issues. The whole idea of turning the fight

between civilisation and savagery into a story excites my
imagination. / No. would read it for school if had to, of
course, but don’t think it’s a book would enjoy. prefer
lighter reading, especially mysteries or crime novels.

Aims: to help Ss identify the paragraph content and

organisation in a book review


ave Ss read the book review again and do the activity.

Check the answers with the class.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

128 TB

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Aims: • to present useful phrases/expressions for writing Model answers
a book review The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a novel by Stephen
• to give Ss practice in using topic related Chbosky, which was published in and has become a
vocabulary in context huge success. The book focuses on a -year-old, named
• Charlie, and the experiences he has both with his friends
and his family.
ave Ss go through the table with the phrases/expressions The novel follows the story of Charlie as he tries to deal
and check understanding. rovide examples if necessary. with the problems a lot of young people face growing
Then, ask Ss to go through the vocabulary box and the up. e gets help from a teacher who notices how much
book review of No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency and explain he likes to read. e also meets some other kids who are
any unknown words. different and appreciate him for who he truly is.
ave Ss do the activity and check the answers in class. The great thing about this book is that young people can
understand how Charlie feels. t is written in a clear style
and really takes you into the story. n fact, it became so
1. bestselling popular it was made into a film.
2. written by highly recommend The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
3. published think it is a book young readers will want to read again
4. adventures and again.
5. heroine
6. novel
7. detective story

8. well-written / informative
9. informative / well-written Video activities: Common cold
10. descriptions The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
11. characters of the book.

12. appeals to all ages
13. hard to put down

Aim: to provide Ss with a concise plan for writing a book
ave Ss read through the outline and make sure they

understand what each paragraph should include when

writing a book review.

Aims: • to give Ss practice in writing a book review


ead out and explain the T .

Tell Ss to refer to the book review, the useful phrases/
expressions, the outline, and the T before writing their

book review.

129 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 266 13/1/2021 1:12:19 µµ

E. Read the table with phrases/expressions you can use in a book review and then complete
the book review on The No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency with words from the box.
This book is a best seller / timeless novel.
The book is written by...
The book is set / takes place...
t is a novel / a classic / an adventure story / a mystery, etc.
Introduction/Plot t came out in...
t was published in/by...
The book tells the story of...
The main character is...
This book is badly/well-written.
The opening chapters are so appealing that you want to keep on reading.
Comments The book contains detailed/vivid descriptions of the characters.
The book is very descriptive and informative.
The book is well-known for...
ou will find it hard to put down.
t is (not) worth reading.
Conclusion f you haven’t read it, make sure you get a copy.
There is no uestion why...

F. When you are writing a book review follow this
adventures descriptions characters outline.
bestselling hard to put down published
novel detective story informative

appeals to all ages written by heroine INTRODUCTION
ut the book
well-written Give some general information abo
e of book it is, what it is
at (title, author, what typ
MAIN PART ((2-3 paragraphs)

No 1
Ladies’ • Give a brief summar y of the plot
The Detective • Comment on significant aspects
of the book

(style of writing, symbolism, etc)

The No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency is the • State your opinion.
(1) book (2) the • Make a recommendation.
author Alexander cCall Smith. The book was first

(3) in and it still remains hugely

popular with readers around the world. G. Your English teacher has asked you to write a
review of a book you have read recently for the

English Club online magazine. Write the review

t tells of the (4) of recious
describing the book and saying whether you
amotswe, Botswana’s only female detective. would recommend it or not. Your review should

amotswe is the (5) of the be between 100-150 words.

(6) who goes about solving all kinds
of problems. With the help of her eager secretary and
her loyal friend r .L.B. atekoni, owner of the
When you are writing a book review:
Speedy otors garage, she helps bring justice to those
 mention the main events in the book in one paragraph;
that do wrong to others. give a general idea of the plot and don’t include too
many details about it.
The No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency is not a conventional  do not give away the ending of the story.
(7) it is a lighthearted glimpse into  include comments on other aspects of the book in
life in Botswana. The book is (8) and another paragraph.
(9) as well. t is full of vivid  justify your opinion by referring to specific aspects of
the book.
(10) of both the (11)  pay attention to tenses. Use the Present Simple to
in the book and the country of Botswana. describe the plot.

This is a book that (12) and is so

enjoyable that you will find it (13) .
Video activities:
Common cold

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 267 13/1/2021 1:12:19 µµ

8 Round-up


A. Choose the word or phrase that most appropriately completes each sentence.
1. f you aren’t going to the wedding, call them to let them know. They are expecting you.
a. in the least b. least of all c. at least d. to say the least
2. ow did you find out Did ohn again
a. learn it by heart b. sit on cloud nine c. have a sweet tooth d. spill the beans
3. Stella couldn’t wear her high heels because she had sprained her .
a. wrist b. knee c. ankle d. thumb
4. ow did this develop Did you eat or drink anything you might be allergic to
a. scratch b. bruise c. rash d. blister
5. ou don’t look very well. Are you coming with something

a. down b. round c. over d. up
6. After two days of no food and little water, the young girl outside the post office.

a. gasped b. choked c. fainted d. boosted
7. ou might not like being in a foreign country, ane, but, while you are there, you should the most of it.
a. do b. make
8. f you stick to this exercise plan, you will
c. haveat
some extra weight.
d. be
a. mope b. swear c. shed d. starve
9. All employees are by rs Anderson, the supervisor.

a. monitored b. clutched c. attached d. stranded


10. Sally decided to wear a shirt with long sleeves to hide the on her arm.
a. hurt b. pain c. bruise d. harm
B. Choose the word or phrase that produces a grammatically correct sentence.
1. erard wouldn’t have bought you flowers if he you were allergic to them.

a. knew b. had known c. has known d. knows


2. f only my parents me from becoming a ballerina so many years ago.

a. would stop b. didn’t stop c. hadn’t stopped d. could stop
3. suggest you should go to the new shopping centre or the department store.

a. or b. nor c. either d. neither

4. f Tom hadn’t seen that car coming towards us, we killed
a. were b. might have been c. should have been d. might be
5. Dr Amos sometimes wishes he medicine.
a. will not study b. didn’t study c. hadn’t studied d. studies
6. esterday went to the supermarket to do some shopping with my two sisters, but, when we reached the checkout,
we realised that of us had enough money to pay for the shopping.
a. either b. neither c. none d. nor
7. hate this rainy weather f on a tropical island right now.
a. wish were b. only were c. only had been d. wish had been
8. have neither seen heard from Todd in days. Do you think he is O
a. either b. or c. nor d. and
9. Tracy had seen that dress, she would have loved it.
a. Could b. f c. Would d. Only
10. Tim and aula were at the concert yesterday.
a. None b. All c. Both d. Either


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 268 13/1/2021 1:12:19 µµ

Round-up 8
Aims: to help Ss revise the structures, functions and
vocabulary presented in Module 8 through
various activities


1. c
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. c

1. b
2. c

3. c
4. b
5. c
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. c

130 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 269 13/1/2021 1:12:20 µµ

8 Round-up
1. b
2. a
3. a
4. c
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. a

1. to
2. much
3. had
4. least
5. from
6. up
7. both
8. only

1. none of the shoes
2. neither candidate was suitable
3. all the houses were destroyed
4. would have got
5. you had had
6. wishes she had taken
7. only you had called

8. came round

131 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 270 13/1/2021 1:12:21 µµ

C. Read the text and decide which answer a, b or c best fits each gap.

Everything seemed perfect before the wedding, but was still feeling
1. a. supporting 5. a. were on cloud nine
nervous as the time was approaching. y friends had taken care of every b. regarding b. had a sweet tooth
single detail (1) the wedding, and they didn’t let me do anything at c. adapting c. were in your shoes
all. owever, couldn’t (2) feeling that something would go wrong 2. a. help 6. a. bush
The big day had come at last, but there was a slight problem. y friends b. monitor b. dumps
had forgotten to order the wedding cake (3) of my friends had c. mope c. process
thought of it ‘ f only we (4) do something to change the situation ’ 3. a. None 7. a. brought round
b. Neither b. rolled up
said my sister. Luckily, my cousin, who is a baker, offered to make the cake.
c. Nor c. worn out
‘ f (5) , wouldn’t be so unhappy will make you the best
4. a. would 8. a. All
cake you’ve ever seen ’ my cousin said. was no longer down in the b. should b. Both
(6) . At the wedding, my cousin was (7) , but the c. could c. Either
cake was indeed perfect (8) the wedding guests were pleased
with everything and above all the cake

D. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

find a hobby
When was young, used (1) enjoy painting

and drawing. owever, as grew older and took on more
responsibilities, found that had very little time left for the
hobby that gave me so (2)
think that if (3)
joy as a child. sometimes
made more time for my hobby
over the years, maybe would have enjoyed life more. Scientists
and psychologists believe that a hobby is an excellent way to

combat stress and live a happier life. Everyone should have at

(4) one hobby and there are many to choose
(5) , ranging from acting to cycling f you want to do

physical exercise, you could take (6) swimming or

tennis. They both provide you with a good workout. f it’s the
outdoors that you like, why not try horse riding This is a great
way to have fun while improving your fitness. f you want to

exercise your mind, (7) reading and learning to play

a musical instrument are activities that stimulate your brain. f
you don’t have a hobby yet, instead of blaming it on your lack of

time and wishing ‘if (8) had more time’, just make
the time and do it

E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. was really disappointed that all the shoes tried on were uncomfortable. none
was really disappointed that tried on were comfortable.
2. r ones thought that both candidates were unsuitable for the job. neither
r ones thought that for the job.
3. The journalist reported that every single house was destroyed by the hurricane. all
The journalist reported that by the hurricane.
4. didn’t know it was your birthday, that’s why didn’t get you a present. would
f had known it was your birthday, you a present.
5. ou didn’t get the job because you didn’t have the necessary ualifications. had
f the necessary ualifications, you would have got the job.
6. Emma didn’t take her camera with her on the trip and now she regrets it. wishes
Emma her camera with her on the trip.
7. t would have been better if you had called a plumber when you saw that the sink was leaking. only
f a plumber when you saw the sink was leaking.
8. When Tom regained consciousness, the doctor told him that he had fainted. came
When Tom the doctor told him that he had fainted.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 271 13/1/2021 1:12:22 µµ

8 Round-up

You will hear people talking in six different Read the following and tick () the appropriate
situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best boxes. For the points you are unsure of, refer back
answer a, b, or c. to the relevant sections in the module.
1. Why was the man late to work
a. There was traffic.
Now I can...
b. is car didn’t work.  use phrases and expressions with most
and least

c. There were animals in the way.
 use certain idioms appropriately
 identify parts of the body
2. ou overhear a woman talking about a film she saw.
 distinguish the difference in meaning
What was the biggest problem with the film of words easily confused

a. the actors  use phrasal verbs related to the topic
b. the director of health and illness

c. the script  use Conditional Sentences Type
 use the unreal past to express wishes

3. ou overhear a man talking about losing weight.

What does he suggest people should do
atand regret
 use all
all, both, neither and none
a. go on a strict diet
 use both... and..., neither... nor...

b. avoid certain foods and be more active

and either... or... appropriately
c. talk to health experts
 skim a text to understand the gist

and identify its purpose

4. ou overhear two people talking. Why is the woman’s  scan a text to locate specific information
sister worried  understand details in a text

a. t will take long for the economy to improve.

 understand gist and specific information

b. She may find herself without a job. in a telephone conversation


c. She has no university degree.  listen to short monologues and

understand the main idea expressed by
5. Why doesn’t the man want to go bowling each speaker

a. e went last weekend.


b. e thinks it will be crowded.  discuss problems, ask for and give advice
c. is home town team are playing.  discuss novels and express my opinion

6. Where are the man and woman going to eat


a. at a restaurant  write a post on an online advice column

b. at their house  write a book review
c. at a relative’s house

Culture page:
Aboriginal Australians


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 272 13/1/2021 1:12:23 µµ

Round-up 8
LIS T ENING CD4 33 - 44
ave Ss do the activity.
Alternatively, to challenge higher-performing Ss, you may
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the
options), ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, listen
and answer the uestions. To help lower-performing Ss,
you may eliminate one incorrect option in each situation.
Check the answers with the class.

1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c


Aims: • to give Ss the opportunity to check their progress
• to encourage learner autonomy

Draw Ss’ attention to the points and have Ss read them.

Explain any unknown words.
ave Ss tick the points they feel confident about. For the
points they are unsure of, they should refer back to the
relevant sections in the module.

Culture page:
Aboriginal Australians
The Teacher’s Notes can be found at the back
of the book.

132 TB

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Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Mod 8.indd 274 13/1/2021 1:12:23 µµ

Speaking Section
1a Talk in pairs.
o down/up...
Student A: Look at the map and choose a place, but Walk towards...
don’t tell your partner. ive him/her directions to this o straight/past...
place. se the prompts in the box.
Turn left/right at the... / into... street
Student B: Look at the map and follow Student A’s
Take the first/second/etc. turning on the right/left.
directions to find the place he/she is thinking of.
Then, swap roles. o straight on, and it’s on your right/left.

station hospital ar t
bank fire g a llery

York R
Banbury Road

Windsor Road clothes


Chinese bowling

restaurant alley
g ym

shoe shop

Queen S
office ad
e Ro h a ll
oa Whit town

L a ngl e
t re c a fé

toy shop

pet Mexican
Duke Street

shop bookshop restaurant

theatre garage

Little Road

club vet Italian

shopping restaurant
Stone Street

b ak er
centre y
Rose St

re et
museum new
s age
nt ’s
e l

sp o

cen rts
t re
je we
Bell Road hair
s er’s



You are here


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Speaking.indd 275 13/1/2021 1:12:54 µµ

Speaking Section

Work in pairs, look at the prompts and discuss using who, which, whose or where, as in the example.

How much do you know

I think the Tower of London is the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.
No, I think the Tower of London is the place where...

arie Antoinette was his wife the Crown ewels are kept

the French gave it to the Americans as a symbol of their friendship at

wrote books about life in th
-century England

gladiators fought each other in ancient ome


flew solo across the Atlantic


Jane Austen

Amelia Earheart


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Speaking.indd 276 13/1/2021 1:12:55 µµ

Speaking Section

The Colosseum

The Statue of Liberty

King Louis XVI (King of France)

The Tower of Lond



Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Speaking.indd 277 13/1/2021 1:12:57 µµ


2 Culture page

Inspiring heroes
A. Look at the pictures. Who are these people and why are
they considered ‘inspiring heroes’? Read and find out.

Wayne Gretzky at
Caroline Hamilton
‘The Great One’
any people consider Wayne ret ky to be the aroline amilton is the record-breaking British polar

greatest player in the history of ice hockey he is explorer who led the first all-women team to the poles.
the Canadian sports hero who won the hearts Caroline started dreaming of exploring the poles

of ice hockey fans all over the world. From a young when she was a young girl. She led the first all-women
age it was clear that ret ky had a lot of talent on the team to the North ole in and then the first British
ice. is family encouraged him to play ice hockey,
all-women team to the South ole in . Caroline faced
and it was during his teenage years that he first wore
her most difficult challenge in when she led an all-
the number jersey. This number would remain

with ret ky for the rest of his career. When he women team to the North ole. She set off on her journey
retired, the National ockey League decided that no to the North ole with her teammates, Ann Daniels and

other player would ever again wear the number . om Oliver. The team faced temperatures of - degrees
ret ky joined the Edmonton Oilers in at the Celsius and terrible storms, and, at one point, the women
age of . When ret ky played for the Oilers, his became trapped on the open ice. They also suffered from
fans recognised that he was not just a good player

severe frostbite, and om had to be airlifted out with

but a great one. Throughout the eighties and nineties severe frostbite in her toes. Caroline and Ann carried
ret ky continued to break records and astonish his on, and, despite falling through ice and having to swim
fans with his extraordinary skills on the ice. By the end through free ing temperatures, they reached the North
of his professional ice hockey career, he had become an ole in une, . resently, Caroline motivates others to
international sports legend.
achieve their goals by giving speeches.

B. Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

1. ret ky’s talent was not obvious from the beginning.

2. n the National ockey League, the number jersey

is no longer worn.
ret ky does not play ice hockey professionally any more.
Write a fact sheet!
4. Caroline’s first trip to the North ole was not as difficult
as the trip in . Search on the Internet for information
about a famous person that inspires
5. Caroline had to stop the journey because of frostbite. you. Use the information you find to
6. Caroline amilton, om Oliver and Ann Daniels reached write a fact sheet about him/her, and
the North ole in . present it to the class.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_CulturePages.indd 278 13/1/2021 1:14:56 µµ


Culture page
CD1 51 Explain any unknown words in the texts.
Aims: to introduce Ss to various aspects of the different Ask Ss the following uestions and initiate a brief
cultures of the English-speaking world discussion on the topic of inspiring heroes.
Do you admire sports heroes like Wayne retzky? Why / Why
Do you think that sports heroes inspire young people to take
A. up sports? How?
Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the two texts and the What do you admire most about Caroline Hamilton?
pictures accompanying the texts. Would you ever volunteer to join a team that was going to
Ask Ss to tell you what the pictures show. explore the Poles? Why / Why not?
Elicit answers (two people, a man and a woman)
Ask Ss the uestions in the rubric.
Elicit answers but do not correct Ss at this stage. PROJECT
Ask Ss to read through the texts and compare their • Draw Ss’ attention to the project.
answers. • Explain to Ss that they have to write a fact sheet about
a famous person that inspires them.
Wayne ret ky is a world-famous ice hockey player • Refer Ss to the Project Skills section at the back of the
who is considered to be the greatest player ever. book and explain to them the steps they have to follow
Caroline amilton is a record-breaking polar explorer to prepare for their presentation.
who faced many challenges while leading the first all- • Ask Ss to search on the Internet for information about

women team to the poles. the person they wish to write about.
• Allow Ss some time to do the activity in class, or
assign it as homework.
• Have Ss take turns to present their fact sheet in class.

ave Ss read the uestions - and check understanding.
ave Ss read through the texts again and answer the
uestions, underlining the parts of the texts that answer
the uestions.
Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to correct the
false sentences. This will challenge higher-performing Ss.

1. F (From a young age it was clear that ret ky had

a lot of talent on the ice.)
2. T (When he retired, the National ockey League

decided that no other player would ever again wear the

number .)
3. T (By the end of his professional ice hockey career, he
had become an international sports legend.)
4. T (She led the first all-women team to the North ole in

... / Caroline faced her most difficult challenge in

5. F (They also suffered from severe frostbite, and om

had to be airlifted out with severe frostbite in her toes.

Caroline and Ann carried on...)
6. F (... om had to be airlifted out with severe frostbite in
her toes. / Caroline and Ann carried on... they reached

the North ole in une, .)

Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

Did Wayne retzky’s family want him to play ice hockey?

es, they encouraged him to play.
When did retzky first wear the number jersey? When he
was a teenager.
How long did he keep that number for? He kept it for the rest
of his career.
When did Caroline start wanting to explore the poles? When
she was a young girl.
What problems did Caroline’s team face during their journey
to the North Pole in 2002? temperatures of -50 degrees
Celsius, terrible storms being trapped on the open ice
What does Caroline do now? She gives speeches in order to
motivate people to achieve their goals.

136 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_CulturePages.indd 279 13/1/2021 1:14:57 µµ


Culture page
CD2 43 • Explain any unknown words in the text.
Aims: • to introduce Ss to various aspects of the different • Ask Ss the following questions and initiate a brief
cultures of the English-speaking world discussion on the topic of natural wonders.
Is the Giant’s Causeway a place you would like to visit? Why /
• Why not?
A. Are there any geographical features (mountains, rivers,
• Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the text and the pictures canyons, etc.) that are related to legends or myths in your
accompanying the text. country?
• Ask Ss to tell you what the pictures show. Do you know of any other places that are considered natural
• Elicit answers (rock formations along a coast). wonders?
• Explain to Ss that a causeway is a road or path that crosses
• Ask Ss the questions in the rubric. Ss may be familiar with the following natural wonders:
• Elicit answers but do not correct Ss at this stage. Grand Canyon – a gorge which was carved by the
• Ask Ss to read through the text and compare their answers. Colorado River in the state of Arizona in the USA.
• Point out that the meanings of some words they may not Great Barrier Reef – the largest coral reef in the world
know are provided in the box below the text. which is located in the Coral Sea off the coast of
Queensland in northeast Australia.
The Giant’s Causeway is on the North Antrim Coast Mount Everest – the highest mountain on Earth; part of
the Himalayas.

of Northern Ireland.
The rock formations are called the ‘Giant’s Causeway’ Victoria Falls - considered by some to be the largest
because, according to a legend, the causeway was built by waterfalls in the world; situated in southern Africa on
the giant Finn MacCumhail in order to cross the sea to the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and

Scotland. Zimbabwe.
Paricutin – a volcano in the state of Michoac
Michoacán in
Β. Mexico; part of the Michoac
Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic
• Have Ss read the questions 1-6 and check understanding.
• Have Ss read through the text again and answer the
questions, underlining the parts of the text that answer the
Field in west central Mexico.
• Check the answers with the class and ask Ss to provide
justification for their answers. This will challenge higher- PROJECT

performing Ss and help lower-performing Ss understand • Draw Ss’ attention to the project.
why this answer is correct. • Explain to Ss that they are going to make a poster
which has information about a World Heritage

1. It was formed by a volcanic eruption over 50 • Refer Ss to the Project Skills section at the back of
million years ago. (para 1, lines 5-6)
2. There are approximately 40,000 columns. (para 1, the book and explain the steps they have to follow to
lines 6-7) make their poster.
3. He wanted to cross the sea to Scotland in order to fight • Ask Ss to search on the Internet for information

the Scottish giant Benandonner. (para 2, lines 2-4) about a World Heritage site they wish to write about.
4. Finn fell asleep before he crossed the causeway to Encourage them to also find photos to include on
Scotland, and Benandonner came to find him. Finn’s their poster.

wife covered him with a blanket so that Benandonner • Allow Ss some time to do the activity in class, or
would think he was their baby. When Benandonner saw assign it as homework.
how big the baby was, he thought that Finn would be • Have Ss take turns to present their poster in
much bigger so he decided to go back to Scotland. (para class.

2, lines 4-11)
5. because these columns of rock are unique (para 3, lines
6. Rising levels of water and coastal erosion threaten the
Giant’s Causeway. (para 3, lines 3-5)
• Ask Ss a few comprehension questions:
How would you describe the Giant’s Causeway? The
causeway consists of columns of rocks like stepping stones
that start from the coastal cliffs and lead out into the sea.
What other attractions can tourists see in the area? There
are ruins that show how past generations of farmers and
fishermen lived. Tourists can visit local towns and villages
and see the landscape and rare plants and animals too. They
can also follow the Finn MacCumhail trail.
What are The Granny, the Giant’s Chimney, the Giant’s
Boot, the Wishing Chair and the Giant’s Gate? They
are interesting geological features related to the Finn
MacCumhail legend.
What is a possible result of the rising water levels on the
North Antrim Coast? By 2080 many of the causeway
stepping stones may be under water and this will also affect
plant and animal life in the area.

137 TB

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Culture page 4
A. Look at the pictures. Where do you think this place is? Why are
these formations called Giant’s Causeway? Read and find out.

Giant’s Causeway a natural wonder

The iant’s Causeway, on the North Antrim Coast of baby. When Benandonner saw the si e of the ‘baby’, he
Northern reland, is an area of breathtaking scenery, thought the father would surely be enormous, so he went
which has fascinated visitors for centuries. The Causeway back to Scotland destroying the Causeway in case Finn
lies at the foot of coastal cliffs, and it consists of columns followed him. There is a Finn acCumhail trail, which
of rock which formed over million years ago as a result visitors can follow to find various interesting geological
of a volcanic eruption. There are approximately , features related to the giant such as the ranny, the

columns, and the tops of the columns form stepping iant’s Chimney, the iant’s boot, the Wishing Chair and
stones which lead from the cliff and continue out towards the iant’s ate.
the sea, where they disappear. The coastal area next to the
The iant’s Causeway is listed as a World eritage site,

causeway has hidden bays , and there are isolated ruins
and many consider it to be the eighth wonder of the world
and fields which show how the past generations of farmers because of its uni ue features. nfortunately, however,
and fishermen used to live. Tourists can drive along the
coastal road to see incredible natural landscapes and visit
local towns and villages. The area is also home to various
recent reports have suggested that rising sea levels and
coastal erosion are threatening the iant’s Causeway.
Scientists have predicted that by many of the
rare plants and animals. stepping stones will be under water. This will also have a
There is a legend that the Causeway was built by a giant, negative effect on the plants and animals in the area.

called Finn acCumhail. e built it in order to cross

the sea to Scotland where he would fight the much larger bay a part of the coast where the land curves inwards in a ‘ ’

Scottish giant Benandonner. n one story, the giant Finn shape and the sea is surrounded by land on three sides
fell asleep before he reached Scotland, and Benandonner erosion when rocks and soil in an area are slowly destroyed by
rivers, the sea or the weather
came looking for him. Finn’s wife, Oonagh, covered her
husband with a blanket in order to disguise him as their

B. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. ow was the iant’s Causeway formed
2. ow many columns make up the iant’s Causeway PROJECT
3. According to the legend, why did the giant Finn acCumhail build Make a poster
the causeway
Search on the Internet for
4. Why did Benandonner return to Scotland information about another World
5. Why is the iant’s Causeway considered to be the eighth wonder of Heritage site. Make a poster with
the world the facts and any pictures you
find, and present it to the class.
6. According to scientists, what is a threat to the iant’s Causeway


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6 Culture page

A. Look at the picture. Where do you think this place is? What is mysterious about it? Read and find out.

the oregon vortex

a mysterious place

The Oregon ortex is an area of land in old ill, Oregon, SA. The incredible phenomena which happen at this
site have surprised thousands of visitors since it opened in at
. nusual phenomena happen in the vortex for
example, people standing in some parts of it look taller or shorter. n addition, objects such as bottles or balls can
move up a hill, instead of moving down the hill. Compasses do not work as they should. Some people even say that
they cannot stand up straight, and many have reported feeling di y.

isitors will find the ouse of ystery there too. The ouse of ystery is actually an old office that a company used
when they came to the area looking for gold. eople who went into the office to see the weight of their gold often

complained that the numbers were completely wrong. Eventually, people stopped going there, and the company
closed the office. The office mysteriously moved down the hill, where it now stands at a strange angle.
Legend has it that the Native Americans who lived in the area called the Oregon ortex the ‘Forbidden round’
because their horses would not go there. Even today, people say there are no animals or birds in the area, while others

say they have seen the ghost of a scientist named ohn Litster in the vortex. ohn Litster visited the area in the s
and became so interested in the phenomena there that he spent the rest of his life trying to discover its secrets. any
people believe that the strange phenomena in the vortex are nothing more than optical illusions . Whatever they may

be, a trip to the Oregon ortex is an ama ing experience. Why not go and see it for yourself
vortex a mass of wind or water that spins and pulls you into its centre
optical illusion when you think you see something different from what is really there

B. Read the text and complete sentences 1-6 with up to three words.

1. The public started visiting the Oregon ortex in

2. happen inside the vortex.
3. eople standing inside the vortex look either

they actually are.

or than PROJECT
4. The ouse of ystery moved down the hill after the company
Give a presentation!
its office. Search on the Internet for
5. eople say that you can’t find any or information about a mysterious
in the vortex. place in your country. Find
pictures and interesting facts
6. ohn Litster was a scientist who wanted to about this place, and give a
of the vortex. presentation on it in class.


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Culture page
CD3 47 Ask Ss the following uestions and initiate a brief
Aims: to introduce Ss to various aspects of the different discussion on the topic of the Oregon ortex.
cultures of the English-speaking world Would you like to experience the strange phenomena in the
Oregon Vortex? Why / Why not?
Do you think the phenomena in the vortex have a logical
explanation or not? Why?
A. Do you think that any of the phenomena reported might just
Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the text and the picture be exaggerations or somebody’s imagination? Which one(s)?
accompanying the text.
Ask Ss to tell you what the picture shows.
Elicit answers (a large hilly, rocky area of natural beauty, PROJECT
largely covered in trees with mountains in the background). • Draw Ss’ attention to the project.
Tell Ss to look at the definition of vortex given below the • Explain to Ss that they have to give a presentation on
text. f necessary, explain in L what a vortex is. a mysterious place in their country.
Ask Ss the uestions in the rubric. • Refer Ss to the Project Skills section at the back of
Elicit answers but do not correct Ss at this stage. the book and explain to them the steps they have to
Ask Ss to read through the text and compare their answers. follow to prepare for their presentation.
oint out that the meanings of some words they may not • Ask Ss to search on the Internet for information about
know are provided in the box below the text. the place they wish to write about.
• Allow Ss some time to do the activity in class, or
assign it as homework.

t is in old ill, Oregon, SA. • Have Ss take turns to present their work in class.
nusual things happen in this area which are hard or
even impossible to explain.

ave Ss read the sentences - and check understanding.
ave Ss read through the text again and complete the
ou can tell Ss in which paragraph they will find the
words/phrases they need to complete each sentence. This

will help lower-performing Ss.

Ask Ss to underline the parts of the text where they found
the answers.

Check the answers with the class.

1. (... since it opened in .)

2. nusual phenomena ( nusual phenomena happen in
the vortex...)

3. taller, shorter (... people standing in some parts of it

look taller or shorter)
4. closed (Eventually, people stopped going there, and

the company closed the office. The office mysteriously

moved down the hill,...)
5. animals, birds (Even today, people say there are no
animals or birds in the area...)

6. discover the secrets ( ohn Litster visited the area...

trying to discover its secrets.)

Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:

What are a few more strange phenomena that happen in

the vortex? Bottles and balls can move up a hill, compasses
do not work as they should some people cannot stand up
straight or feel dizzy inside the vortex.
What happened when miners weighed their gold in the office
called the House of ystery? The weight of the gold was not
measured correctly.
Why did the Native Americans who lived near the vortex call
it The orbidden round’? because their horses wouldn’t go
How do some people explain the phenomena that happen
in the Oregon Vortex? They believe that they are just optical

Explain any unknown words in the text.

138 TB

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Culture page
CD4 47 in remote areas and follow the traditional way of life?
Aims: to introduce Ss to various aspects of the different What did you learn about the Aboriginal Australians that
cultures of the English-speaking world you didn’t know before you read the text?
Which aspect of Aboriginal Australian culture would you like
to learn more about? Why?

Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the text and the pictures
• Draw Ss’ attention to the project.
accompanying the text.
• Explain to them that they have to write a description
Ask Ss to tell you what the pictures show.
of an indigenous tribe.
Elicit answers (boys with painted bodies a man holding a
• Refer Ss to the Project Skills section at the back of the
long pipe-shaped object to his mouth, art on a rock wall).
book and explain the steps they have to follow to write
Explain to Ss that the adjective ‘aboriginal’ refers to people
their description.
that have lived in a place from the earliest known times or
• Ask Ss to search on the Internet for information about
before people from other countries arrived in that place.
the tribe they wish to write about. Encourage them to
Ask Ss the uestion in the rubric.
also find photos to use in their presentation.
Elicit answers but do not correct Ss at this stage.
• Allow Ss some time to do the activity in class, or
Ask Ss to read through the text and compare their answers.
assign it as homework.
oint out that the meanings of some words they may not
• Have Ss take turns to present what they have written
know are provided in the box below the text.
in class.

t’s about the first people who inhabited Australia,
how they lived in the past their culture, traditions and

ave Ss read the uestions - and check understanding.
ou may eliminate one option. This will help lower-
performing Ss.
ave Ss read through the text again and answer the
uestions, underlining the parts of the text that answer the

Check the answers with the class.

1. b (para , lines - not a -para , lines -

not c - para , lines - )
2. c (para , lines - )
3. a (para , lines - )

4. c (para , lines - )
5. a (para , lines - not b para , lines - not
c - para , lines - )

Ask Ss a few comprehension uestions:


Where did the first inhabitants of Australia probably migrate

from? from Asia
What were the traditional roles of Aboriginal men and
women? The men hunted animals and birds the women
collected fruit, herbs and vegetables.
What does the word land’ mean to Aboriginal Australians?
They believe the land’ includes the environment, the seasons,
the people and their stories.
What is another word for Aboriginal ceremonies? corroborees
Which ceremonies are secret? coming of age ceremonies that
are attended only by young men and introduce them to their
adult life

Explain any unknown words in the text.

Ask Ss the following uestions and initiate a brief
discussion on the topic of Aboriginal Australians.

Why do you think many Aboriginal Australians choose to live

139 TB

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Culture page 8
A. Look at the pictures. What do you think the text is about? Read and check your answers.

Aboriginal Australians
The first people who inhabited Australia were the Ceremonies, or corroborees, also play an important
Aboriginal people and the Torres Straight Islanders. role in the cultural life of the Aboriginal Australians.
They are believed to have migrated* there over They are impressive events which are performed by
40,000 years ago from Asia. Today, there are many members of the tribe and they combine dance, drama,
different groups of Aboriginal people with different music and art. Some ceremonies are performed in
local languages. However, all these groups are linked the camp in front of an audience of men, women and
by common beliefs which tie them to the land. The children; a group of adult men gather around the camp
Aboriginal people were traditionally hunters and fire and chant* ancient songs, while others have their

gatherers; the women collected fruit, herbs and bodies brightly painted and dance. There are also secret
vegetables, whereas the men hunted animals and birds. ceremonies that are attended only by young men; they
A part of the population still follow this way of life and are coming of age ceremonies that aim to introduce the
live in remote areas of the country. young men to their adult life.

Aboriginal Australians have a deep respect for the land.
They believe that their land includes the environment,
the seasons, the people and their stories. The tradition
of storytelling is an important part of their life. The
at *migrate = to move to another place to live
*chant = sing
Stories of the Dreamtime are stories about the history
and culture of the people since the Dreamtime, which

is the beginning of time. These stories are handed

down from one generation to another, and, through

them, younger generations learn about the world

around them and how they should behave.

B. Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.


1. What do the different groups of Aboriginal people have

in common?
a. their language

b. their beliefs about the land

c. their lifestyle

2. What is true of the Aboriginal people today?

a. Men and women have different roles.
b. They don’t live in remote areas.
c. Many of them follow the traditional way of life.
3. What is the Dreamtime?
a. a period of time in the past
b. the time when stories are told
c. a time when history and culture are taught
4. Why is storytelling important in Aboriginal Australian
culture? PROJECT
a. to educate younger generations
b. to remember their history and culture
Write a description!
c. for both of the above reasons Search on the Internet for information
5. Aboriginal ceremonies about an indigenous tribe from
another part of the world. Write a
a. include many forms of art. paragraph describing their history,
b. are always secret. culture and everyday life, and present
c. are performed only in front of men. it to the class.


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Grammar Reference
Module 1

Certain stative verbs can be used in progressive tenses
 Present Simple when they express actions rather than states but with a
difference in meaning:
work. e sleeps. • think (= consider)
I’m thinking of buying a car.
Do you work Does she sleep • have (= drink, eat, taste)
Glenn is having lunch at the cafeteria at the moment.
They don’t work. t doesn’t sleep.
The Present Simple is used:  Questions and Question words
to describe permanent situations.
Tina lives in London. Subject uestions - Object uestions
to describe repeated/habitual actions. Subject uestions: When we use the uestion words who,
He wakes up at .30 every morning. which and what to ask about the subject of the verb, we
form the uestion without auxiliary verbs (who / which /
to talk about general truths.
what verb in the affirmative formform).
Water boils at 100 C.
Who saw the accident? Tom (saw the accident).
What happened outside? An accident (happened).

Time expressions
Object uestions:: When we use the uestion words who,
always, often, usually, once / twice / three times, which and what to ask about the object of the verb, we
never, etc. etc. a week/day, etc. form the uestion with auxiliary verbs ((who / which / what

every day/week, etc. on ondays / onday verb in the question form
in the morning/spring, etc. morning, etc. Who did you see at the restaurant? (I saw) Tom and June.
at the weekend What are you eating? (I’m eating) Chinese food.

 Present Progressive
Who - Which - What...
’m working. e’s sleeping. Question word We ask about Examples
Who is your best

Are you working s she sleeping

people (subject or friend?
They aren’t working. t isn’t sleeping. object) Who are you

talking to?
The Present Progressive is used: Which students will
- to describe actions happening now. participate in the
Robert is talking to his boss right now. people or things survey?
- to describe temporary situations. (limited choice) Which of these

I’m staying with my aunt at the moment. sweaters do you like

- to describe situations which are changing or developing best?

around the present time.

What did you buy?
Air pollution is increasing in our city. things (unlimited
What happened?
- to talk about future arrangements. choice)
What is your
I’m visiting some friends at the weekend. What actions and activities
brother like?

general descriptions
What sort of cars do
Time expressions specific information
you like driving?
now, at present, at the this week/year, etc.
moment, today, these next week/year, etc. erbs with two objects
days tonight, tomorrow, etc. Certain verbs (give, offer, send, show, buy, etc.) take two
objects. The direct object usually indicates a thing, and the
 Stative verbs indirect object usually indicates a person (who we do the
The following verbs are not normally used in progressive action to or for).
tenses: indirect object direct object
- erbs of the senses: see, feel, hear, smell, taste, notice,
seem, look ( seem), etc. Adam sent Laura an email.
- erbs of emotions: love, hate, dislike, want, need, prefer, Tina bought Jake a watch.
mind, etc.
- erbs of perception and opinion: know, agree, think OR
( believe), believe, understand, remember, forget, hope, direct object indirect object
mean, imagine, etc.
- Other verbs: be, have ( possess), own, belong, cost, etc. Adam sent an email to Laura.
Tina bought a watch for Jake.
The verbs see, hear, smell, taste and feel are commonly

used with can to indicate an action happening now.

I can hear a strange noise coming from the kitchen.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_GrammarRef.indd 286 19/1/2021 11:58:58 πµ

When asking about the indirect object, we put to or for at
the end of the uestion.
Module 2
Who did Adam send an email to?  Past Progressive
Who did Tina buy a watch for?
was working. e was sleeping.
 Indirect questions Were you working Was she sleeping
ndirect uestions are introduced by phrases like Can/Could
you tell me... , Do you know... , I’d like to know..., etc. They weren’t working. t wasn’t sleeping.
n indirect uestions the verb is in the affirmative form. The Past Progressive is used:
Where is the post office? (Direct uestion) to describe an action in progress at a certain time in the past.
Do you know where the post office is? (Indirect uestion) What were you doing at ten o’clock last night?
I was having a shower.
 Past Simple
to describe two or more actions that were happening at the
worked. e slept. same time in the past (usually with while or as).
While John was cooking, Lynn was sleeping.
Did you work Did she sleep to set the scene in a story.
They didn’t work. t didn’t sleep. There were a lot of people at the station. Some were talking
on their mobiles, others were eating, and a few were
The Past Simple is used: walking up and down the platform.
- to describe a completed action in the past (the time is to describe temporary past states or actions.
usually mentioned or implied). y grandfather was writing a play in those days.
I bought a new coat yesterday.

- to describe completed actions that happened one after the  Past Simple - Past Progressive
other in the past. We use the Past Progressive and the Past Simple in the
I walked up to the till, paid and then left the shop. same sentence when one action interrupted another in the

- to describe past habits or repeated actions in the past past. We use the Past Progressive for the longer action
(often used with adverbs of fre uency). and the Past Simple for the shorter action. n this case we
When I was younger, I often went jogging in the park.

Time expressions
usually use while
while, when or as.
As/While/When they were walking in the forest, they saw
a bear.
I was having a bath when the lights went out.
a week/month/year, etc. ago in
yesterday last week/month/night, etc. We commonly use as soon as with the Past Simple.

As soon as we arrived on the island, we ran to the

NOTE Look at the list of irregular verbs. beach.

 used to + base form  Relative Clauses

elative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns (who,
used to work. e used to sleep. which, that, whose) and relative adverbs (where, when).

Did you use to work Did she use to sleep Pronouns

They didn’t use to work. t didn’t use to sleep. PEOPLE who/that

used to base form is used: THINGS/ANIMALS/ which/that

- to describe permanent past states. IDEAS
I used to be overweight when I was younger.

- to describe past habits.

y father used to drive to work, but now he walks. Adverbs
- to describe repeated actions in the past. PLACE where
We used to go out every day, but we don’t any more.
TIME when
 be/get used to + -ing form
Defining relative clauses give information which is needed
am used to working. e s used to sleeping. to understand the meaning of the sentence. They are not
separated from the main clause by commas.
Are you used to working s she used to sleeping She’s the girl who/that lives next door.
The book (which/that) you bought is on the desk.
They aren t used to working. t isn t used to sleeping.
• Who, which and that can be omitted when they refer

be used to ing form be accustomed to doing something

I’m not used to staying up late on weekdays. to the object of the verb in the relative clause. Whose
and where cannot be omitted.
get used to ing form become accustomed to doing
• In formal language prepositions appear at the
something beginning of the relative clause. In informal language
I can’t get used to getting up early in the morning. they appear at the end of the relative clause.
The chair on which I am sitting isn’t very
comfortable. (formal)
The chair (which/that) I’m sitting on isn’t very
comfortable. (informal)


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Non-defining relative clauses give extra information about Irregular forms
the person, thing or idea they refer to. They are always
separated from the main clause by commas. POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE
r Brown, who is our geography teacher, is quite old.
good/well better the best
Our car, which cost us a lot, keeps breaking down.
bad/badly worse the worst
• Relative pronouns/adverbs cannot be omitted in much/many more the most

non-defining relative clauses; nor can we use that in little less the least
their place. far farther/further the farthest/furthest
• Prepositions usually appear at the beginning of
non-defining relative clauses. • Some two-syllable adjectives form comparative and

This cupboard, in which I keep my old toys, hasn’t superlative forms in both ways.
been cleaned for ages. clever - cleverer / more clever -
• Which may also refer to a whole sentence. the cleverest / the most clever
He offered to give me a lift, which was very kind of him. common - commoner / more common -
the commonest / the most common
 Adjectives / Adverbs of manner narrow - narrower / more narrow -
the narrowest / the most narrow
Adjectives describe nouns. simple - simpler / more simple -
Adverbs of manner describe how something happens. the simplest / the most simple
We form most adverbs of manner by quiet  quietly • Comparatives can be graded by using the words far,
much, a lot, a little, a bit, slightly, etc.
adding -ly to the adjective. careful  carefully
This car is much more expensive than the one I

Adjectives ending in a consonant bought.
easy  easily The house we live in now is slightly bigger than the
-y, drop the -y and take -ily.
one we lived in before.
Adjectives ending in -le, drop the -e

terrible  terribly
and take -y.  Other forms of comparison
as adjective/adverb
adjective adverb as (to show similarity)

not so/
She’s as tall as her sister.
so as adjective
/as adjective/adverb as (to show difference)
It isn’t so/as far as we thought.
hard  hard
less/ least (to show inferiority)
late  late
The film I saw yesterday was less interesting than the one I

early  early
saw last week.
 Comparisons comparative and comparative (to indicate continual

increase or decrease)
The comparative form The car was going faster and faster.
of one-syllable adjectives and adverbs and of two-syllable
adjectives ending in -y is formed by adding -er -er.. (Adjectives
ending in -y change the -y to -i,, while those ending in -e take Module 3

only -r.)
tall-taller, near-nearer, happy-happier, late-later  Present Perfect Simple
of most adjectives and adverbs with two or more syllables is

formed with more. have worked. e has slept.

beautiful - more beautiful, slowly - more slowly ave you worked as she slept
of adjectives or adverbs is followed by than when we
They haven’t worked. t hasn’t slept.

compare two people, animals, things, ideas or situations.

Peter is taller than James.
Living with your family can be easier than living on your own. The Present Perfect Simple is used:
- to talk about an action which happened in the past, but
The superlative form the exact time is not mentioned.
of one-syllable adjectives and adverbs and of two-syllable I’ve already done that.
adjectives ending in -y is formed by adding -est. (Adjectives - to talk about a state which started in the past and
ending in -y change the -y to -i, while those ending in -e take continues up to the present.
only -st.) ary has lived in this house since September.
tall-the tallest near-the nearest
- to talk about an action that happened in the past and
happy-the happiest late-the latest
finished, but the results are obvious in the present.
of most adjectives and adverbs with two or more syllables is I’ve finished my project and I have more free time now.
formed with the most. Tim has washed his car. (Now it’s clean.)
beautiful - the most beautiful
slowly - the most slowly Time expressions
of adjectives or adverbs is used with the...(of/in) when we
just, yet, already, ever, never, before, always, how long, for,
compare one person, animal, thing, idea or situation with
since, recently, lately, once, twice, so far, etc.
several of the same kind.
That’s the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard.
Peter is the tallest boy in his class. NOTE Look at the list of irregular verbs.


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• We use the Past Simple for actions that were needed to base form expresses necessity in the past.

completed in the past and the exact time is mentioned. We needed to buy some more soft drinks, so we went to the
Present Perfect Simple: I have tasted Mexican food. supermarket.
Past Simple: I tasted Mexican food last night. didn’t have to / didn’t need to base form express absence
• We use for and since for actions that started in the of necessity in the past (something wasn’t necessary and
past and continue up to the present. may or may not have been done).
for + a period of time I didn’t have to / didn’t need to pick up the kids from school.
I’ve had this car for 5 years.
since + a specific point in time Need can be a main or a modal verb. When it is a main

I’ve had this car since 2004. verb, it is followed by to + base form. As a modal verb, it
Present Perfect Simple + since + Past Simple is commonly used in the interrogative and negative form.
Julia has changed jobs three times since she came I need to go out.
to Luton. Do you need to go out? Need you go out?
• have been to = have visited and come back She doesn’t need to go out. She needn’t go out.
have gone to = have not returned yet I needed to go out.
I’ve been to the cinema twice this week. Did you need to go out? Need you have gone out?
John isn’t here; he’s gone to the cinema. You didn’t need to go out. You needn’t have gone out.

 Present Perfect Progressive

 had better
have been working. e has been sleeping. ad better base form is used to give strong advice. t often
warning, and it’s stronger than should /
expresses threat or warning,
ave you been working as she been sleeping ought to.. t refers to the present or future, not the past. ts

not. n spoken English the short
negative form is had better not.
They haven’t been working. t hasn’t been sleeping.
form is commonly used ( ’d better, you’d better, etc.).
The Present Perfect Progressive is used: ou’d better ask a doctor about it.

to emphasise the duration of a state or action which started
in the past and continues up to the present.  would rather
I’ve been learning nglish for six years. Would rather base form is used to express preference
to talk about an action which happened over a period of
time in the past and may have finished, but the results are
about the present or future. t is usually followed by than.
ts negative form is would rather not. n spoken English, the
short form is commonly used ( ’d rather, you’d rather, etc.).
obvious in the present.
We’ve been walking around all day. That’s why we’re so tired. I’d rather go out with my friends than watch TV.

Time expressions  Expressing possibility (may - might - could)

could/may/might base form express possibility in the
for, since, how long, all day/week/year, etc. present or future.

He could/may/might be at home now.

• We use the Present Perfect Simple to emphasise

may not / might not base form express the possibility

the result of an action. We use the Present Perfect that something will not happen in the present or future.
Progressive to emphasise the duration of an action. We may not / might not travel abroad this summer.
I’ve called him three times this morning.

I’ve been calling him since nine o’clock.

 Making Deductions (must - can’t)
must base form expresses certainty that something is true.
 must - have to - need (to)

y parents must be at work now.

Expressing obligation and prohibition can’t base form expresses belief that something is
must base form expresses personal obligation in the impossible.
present or future.

ou can’t be serious.
I must finish this by tonight. ( I say so.)
have to base form expresses external obligation in the
present or future. Module 4
ou have to drive on the left when you’re in ngland.
( It’s the law.)  Future will
mustn’t base form expresses prohibition in the present or ’ll work. e’ll sleep.
ou mustn’t park here. ( ou aren’t allowed to.) Will you work Will she sleep
had to base form expresses obligation in the past. They won’t work. t won’t sleep.
When I was at school, I had to wake up at seven o’clock
every morning. The Future will is used:
- to make predictions about the future, usually with
Expressing necessity and absence of necessity perhaps and probably or after the verbs believe, think,
need to base form expresses necessity in the present or hope, expect, be sure, etc.
future. She’ll probably be here tomorrow.
I need to know how many people you have invited to - to make spontaneous decisions.
dinner this evening. We’ve run out of milk I’ll go and buy some.
don’t have to / don’t need to / needn’t base form express - for promises.
absence of necessity in the present or future. I’ll be on time, don’t worry!
ou don’t have to call us again. ( It isn’t necessary.)
She doesn’t need to send her CV again.
ou needn’t worry. verything is under control.

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- for offers and re uests.  Conditional Sentences Type 1
I’ll do the washing-up after dinner. We use Conditional Sentences Type 1 for something which is
Will you help me tidy my room? likely to happen in the present or future.
- for threats and warnings.
I won’t speak to you again! if-clause Main Clause
Future will
 Future be going to
odal erbs (can, may, might, must,
if resent Simple
’m going to work. e’s going to sleep. should) base form

Are you going to work s she going to sleep mperative

They aren’t going to work. t isn’t going to sleep. If I see James, I’ll give him his book back.
If you want a dog, you must promise to take care of it.
The Future be going to is used: If you go to the supermarket, buy some milk.
- to talk about future plans.
y brother is going to study Biology.  Conditional Sentences Type 2
- to make predictions based on evidence. We use Conditional Sentences Type 2 for unreal or
Look out! ou’re going to trip over that chair. imaginary situations which are unlikely to happen in the
present or future.
Time expressions
if-clause Main clause
tomorrow, tonight, next month/year/week/Tuesday, etc.
f ast Simple would/could base form

this month/year/week/Tuesday, etc.
in an hour/year, etc. If I won the lottery, I would buy a farm in the country.
soon ou could lose some weight if you went on a diet.

• We use the Present Progressive for planned future • In Conditional Sentences Type 2 were is often used

actions related to personal arrangements. instead of was in the if-clause.

I’m travelling to London tomorrow. If I were rich, I would live in a luxurious house.

 Future Progressive
• We use If I were you to express an opinion or to give
If I were you, I wouldn’t buy it
’ll be working. e’ll be sleeping. • Unless can be used instead of if… not...
in conditional sentences.

Will you be working Will she be sleeping I won’t buy this car unless you agree (= if you don’t
They won’t be working. t won’t be sleeping. agree).

The Future Progressive is used:  Nouns

- to talk about actions that will be in progress at a specific Countable nouns
time in the future. Countable nouns can be counted and have singular and
At nine o’clock tomorrow, she’ll be flying to gypt. plural forms. We can use a/an, one in the singular and some,

- to emphasise the duration of an action. any, (a) few, etc. in the plural.
I’ll be lying on the beach all day tomorrow.
Uncountable nouns

 Future Perfect Simple ncountable nouns are only used with a singular form verb
and we can’t use a/an or numbers with them. To express
’ll have worked. e’ll have slept. uantity we use some, any, much, little, a lot of, etc.

food meat, sugar, cheese, butter, chicken,

Will you have worked Will she have slept
chocolate, etc.
They won’t have worked. t won’t have slept. liquids milk, water, coffee, etc.
The Future Perfect Simple is used: materials wool, gold, paper, glass, iron, leather, etc.
- to talk about actions that will be completed before a specific abstract nouns love, help, freedom, time, information,
time or another action in the future. The verb describing news, advice, health, communication,
the second action is in the Present Simple. work, experience, traffic, business, etc.
She’ll have returned by the time you leave.
natural phenomena weather, light, rain, snow, etc.
Time expressions some concrete baggage, furniture, money, luggage, etc.
by a point in time (e.g. Sunday), by the time, by then,
before, etc.
 Articles (a/an/the)
 Zero Conditional The indefinite article a is used before singular nouns when
we mention them for the first time or when we don’t refer
if-clause Main clause to a specific item. We use a when the next word begins with
a consonant sound and an when the next word begins with
f/When resent Simple resent Simple
a vowel sound.
The Zero Conditional is used to talk about general truths. There is a lamp in the room. There isn’t an armchair in
If/When you press the button, the machine starts. the room.


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The definite article the is used before countable and  some/any/no
uncountable nouns. some uncountable / plural countable nouns is used
the is used: in affirmative sentences and in uestions when we offer
- before something specific or already mentioned. something or ask for something politely.
I have to go to the dentist. There is some orange juice in the fridge.
I bought two T-shirts and a dress. The dress is white. Would you like some chips?
- for things that are uni ue. Could I have some coffee?
The Sun heats the arth. any uncountable / plural countable nouns is used in
- for things that are defined. uestions and negative sentences.
The house which is next to ours is 300 years old. Is there any orange juice in the fridge?
There aren’t any chips on the table.
- with the superlative of adjectives/adverbs.
Joan is the best dancer of all. no ( not any) uncountable / plural countable nouns is
used in affirmative sentences to give a negative meaning.
- before names of seas, oceans, rivers, deserts, groups of
There is no cheese in the fridge. There isn’t any cheese in
islands, mountain ranges and countries in the plural.
the fridge.
the Black Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Thames, the
Kalahari Desert, the Azores, the Alps, the SA a lot / lots / plenty are always used with of when they are
followed by a noun.They are used with:
- before nationalities when we refer to the whole nation.
- plural nouns and a plural verb.
The Chinese invented paper thousands of years ago.
There were a lot of people at the event.
- before people’s surnames when we refer to the whole
- uncountable nouns and a singular verb.
Have some more food. There’s lots left.
The Simpsons came to see us last night.

Is there enough coffee for everyone? es, there’s plenty.
- with hotels, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, museums.
the Hilton, the Pasta House, the National Theatre, the • Many and much are used in affirmative sentences

Odeon Cinema, the British useum with too
too,, so
so,, how and as.

- with newspapers, services and organisations. There’s too much sugar in my coffee.
the uardian, the police, the nited Nations • Much is used with very as an adverb (or on its own in
negative sentences).
- with adjectives referring to classes of people.
the old, the blind, the poor
- before musical instruments.
at I miss my family very much
She didn’t like the food (very) much.
• A lot (of)/Lots (of)/Plenty (of) are quite informal, so
y son plays the drums.
in formal writing it is better to use many or a number
the is not used: of with countable nouns and much or a great deal of

- before countable and uncountable nouns which refer to with uncountable nouns.
something general or not mentioned before. Many / A number of people believe that recent
He loves chocolate. technological developments have improved our

Whales are mammals. lives.

- before names of people, streets, cities, countries, Much / A great deal of stress is often experienced by
continents, islands and mountains. people who work in offices.
aggie Smith, Oxford Street, Rome, Italy, urope, • A lot (of)/Lots (of)/Plenty (of) are not used with
measurements of time or distance.

Corsica, ount verest

I was ill for many weeks.
- before the days of the week and months.
on onday, in June

- before names of s uares, parks and lakes.

 a few / a little / few / little
Trafalgar Square, Central Park, Lake Winnipeg a few ( a small number, some) is used with plural nouns
and a plural verb.
- before the names of maga ines, sports, games, colours,
I need a few more things from the supermarket.

school subjects and languages (when they are not followed

There are a few coins on the table.
by the word language).
Newsweek, tennis, chess, white, maths, Spanish a little ( a small amount, some) is used with uncountable
nouns and a singular verb.
- with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
There’s still a little cake left in the fridge.
What did you have for breakfast?
But: When we talk about a specific meal, we use the: few ( not many) is used with plural nouns and a plural
I didn’t enjoy the dinner on the plane. verb.
Very few people disagreed with him.
- before the words bed, court, home, hospital, prison, school,
university, work when they are used for the purpose for little ( not much) is used with uncountable nouns and a
which they exist. singular verb.
Thomas went to university to study engineering. There was little evidence to support his claim.
But: Peter went to the university to visit his professor.
• For emphasis we can use:

- before names of airlines or companies.

- very, so, too + little / few
Air rance, B W There’s very little milk in my coffee.
- only + a little / a few
He’s got only a few friends.
• Some, any, much, many, a little, a few, a lot, lots,
plenty can also be used without nouns, as pronouns.
Have you got any money? No, I haven’t got any.
We didn’t buy any bread. We’ve got plenty.


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Module 5 When a sentence changes from Direct to eported Speech,
tenses, modals and time expressions change as follows:
 Past Perfect Simple
- Present Simple  Past Simple
had worked. e had slept. Karen said, I want to buy a new car.’
Karen said (that) she wanted to buy a new car.
ad you worked ad she slept - Present Progressive  Past Progressive
Alan said, I’m having a shower.’
They hadn’t worked. t hadn’t slept.
Alan said he was having a shower.
The Past Perfect Simple is used: - Past Simple  Past Perfect Simple
to describe an action which was completed before a specific Lars said, I saw a bear behind the tree.’
point in time in the past. Lars said he had seen a bear behind the tree.
y mum had done the washing-up by midnight. - Present Perfect Simple  Past Perfect Simple
to describe an action that was completed before another Tim said, I’ve seen the Loch Ness monster.’
action in the past. The second action is in the Past Simple. Tim said he had seen the Loch Ness monster.
The film had already started when we got to the cinema. - Present Perfect Progressive  Past Perfect Progressive
Andy said, I’ve been waiting for an hour.’
Time expressions Andy said he had been waiting for an hour.
already, ever, never, just, when, by the time, after, by, before, - will  would
etc. Dan said, I’ll call you later.’
Dan said he would call me later.
NOTE Look at the list of irregular verbs. - can  could

ina said, I can show you the way.’
 Past Perfect Progressive ina said she could show me the way.
- Conditional Sentences Type 1  Conditional Sentences

had been working. e had been sleeping. Type 2
Diane said, If we take a taxi, we’ll get there more
ad you been working ad she been sleeping quickly.’
They hadn’t been working. t hadn’t been sleeping. at
Diane said if they took a taxi, they would get there more
The Past Perfect Progressive is used: - may  might
to emphasise the duration of an action that took place Paula said, I may go to Brazil.’
before another action in the past. Paula said she might go to Brazil.

He had been living in London for 15 years when he moved - must  had to
to lasgow. Jim said, ou must work hard.’

to refer to an action the duration of which caused visible Jim said I had to work hard.
results at a later point in time in the past. - now  then
They were tired because they had been tidying the house andy said, I’ll talk to him now!’
all day. andy said she would talk to him then.
- today, tonight  that day, that night

Time expressions
Tom said, We’re meeting Tim today.’
already, by the time, for, since, after, before, when, how long, Tom said they were meeting Tim that day.

etc. - yesterday  the previous day / the day before

Danny said, I visited my lawyer yesterday.’
 Reported Speech (Statements) Danny said he had visited his lawyer the previous day.
n Direct Speech,, we give the exact words that someone - this morning/year, etc.  that morning/year, etc.

said. The words of the speaker are put in uotation marks. ark said, I haven’t eaten anything since this morning.’
Irina said, Tina is on the phone.’ ark said he hadn’t eaten anything since that morning.
n Reported Speech, we give the meaning of what someone - here  there
said but with some changes and without uotation marks. ric said, I saw it here.’
We use a reporting verb, usually say or tell, followed by that ric said he had seen it there.
(which can be omitted) and the reported statement. - tomorrow  the next day / the following day
Irina said that Tina was on the phone. Sally said, I’m flying to Paris tomorrow.’
Sally said she was flying to Paris the following day.
• We use say when there is no indirect object.

‘I can’t fix the car,’ he said.

- ago  before
He said that he couldn’t fix the car. Ben said, I bought this car two days ago.’
• We use tell when an indirect object follows. Ben said he had bought that car two days before.
‘I’ll be late, Tom,’ she said. - last week/month, etc.  the previous week/month, etc.
She told Tom she would be late. the week/month, etc. before
Dave said, I called andy last week.’
When we change a sentence from Direct to eported Dave said that he had called andy the previous week.
Speech, pronouns and possessive adjectives change - next week/month, etc.  the following week/month, etc.
according to the meaning of the sentence. ary said, I’ll return the book next week.’
I like your new bike,’ said Ian. ary said he would return the book the following week.
Ian said that he liked my new bike.


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• These changes cannot be made when the sentence Module 6
expresses a general truth or the reporting verb is in  Passive Voice I
the Present, Future or Present Perfect Simple.
‘I enjoy cooking,’ Simon said. Use
Simon said (that) he enjoys cooking. We use the assive oice to emphasise an action rather than
‘I will move to Dublin next year,’ Eric says. who or what is responsible for it.
Eric says he will move to Dublin next year. Formation
• The Past Perfect and the verbs could, might, should, The assive oice is formed with the verb be the past
would and used to do not change in Reported participle of the main verb.
• The Past Progressive usually doesn’t change, but The person who causes or carries out the action is

when it does, it changes to Past Perfect Progressive. called an agent and is preceded by the preposition by.
• Conditional Sentences Types 2 and 3 do not change
We usually omit the agent:
in Reported Speech.
• when the action interests us more than the agent.
• when we don’t know the agent.
 Special Introductory Verbs • when it is easy to figure out who the agent is.
The bank was robbed! (by someone who we do not know)
There are a number of special introductory verbs used in English is spoken in Australia. (by people)
eported Speech.
- verb full infinitive (agree, claim, demand, offer,
promise, refuse, threaten, etc.) Present Simple Past Simple
I’ll babysit for you,’ said Patty. am called. was called.
Patty offered to babysit for me. Are you called Were you called

- verb object full infinitive (advise, allow, ask, beg, They aren’t called. They
T hey weren’t called.
encourage, forbid, invite, order, permit, remind, warn,
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
ou should take better care of yourself, Amy,’ said regg.

regg advised Amy to take better care of herself. ’ve been called. ’d been called.
ave you been called ad you been called
- verb -ing form (accuse sb of, apologise for, admit (to),
complain to sb about, deny, insist on, suggest, etc.)
eorge lied to me,’ said Cynthia.
Cynthia accused eorge of lying to her.
atou haven’t been called.

Future will
They hadn’t been called.

Modal Verbs
- verb that clause (admit, agree, claim, complain, ’ll be called. can be called.
exclaim, explain, inform sb, promise, suggest, etc.) Will you be called Should you be called

ou never listen to me,’ he said. They won’t be called. They mustn’t be called.
He complained that I never listened to him.

NOTE Look at the list of irregular verbs.

 Reported Speech (Questions)
We usually introduce reported uestions with the reporting  Passive Voice II
verbs ask, wonder and the expression want to know.
The verbs in reported uestions are in the affirmative form. We form the Progressive tenses in the assive oice with the
appropriate form of the verb be being the past participle

Why did you go to the doctor?’ he asked.

He asked me why I had gone to the doctor. of the main verb.
f the direct uestion begins with a uestion word, the Present Progressive Past Progressive

reported uestion also begins with the same uestion word. am being called. was being called.
Where are you going?’ she asked. Are you being called Were you being called
She asked me where I was going. They aren’t being called. They weren’t being called.

f the direct uestion does not begin with a uestion word,

the reported uestion begins with if or whether. erbs such as know, believe, say, think, etc. are often
Did you enjoy the concert?’ he asked. followed by a that clause in the Active oice and can be
He asked me if/whether I had enjoyed the concert. used to make general statements.
People believe that he is very rich.
When we change uestions from Direct to eported
Speech, pronouns, tenses, adverbs, etc. change in the same The assive oice can be formed in two ways:
way as in reported statements. - It passive form of verb that-clause
It is believed that he is very rich.
 Reported Speech (Commands and Requests) - subject passive form of verb to base form
We commonly use tell, command or order when we report He is believed to be very rich.
commands and ask or beg when we report re uests. When a verb (give, offer, send, etc.) takes two objects in
The mperative changes to: to base form and the negative the Active oice, there are two ways of forming the assive
imperative to: not to base form. oice.
Sit down, Rex,’ said Dan.  Dan told Rex to sit down. Active oice: They gave William a present.
Don’t tell anyone, please,’ Laura said.  Laura asked me
not to tell anyone. assive oice: William was given a present.
A present was given to William.
• When the request is in question form, in Reported

Speech it changes to to + base form.

 Clauses of Reason
‘Will you open the door, please?’ Vicky said. Clauses of reason express the reason for something.
Vicky asked me to open the door. They are introduced with because, as and since.
I tiptoed into the living room as I didn’t want to disturb
my grandfather.


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To express reason we can also use because of / after certain verbs (avoid, enjoy, finish, like, love, hate,
NOTE due to + -ing form or noun or the fact + that clause imagine, keep, risk, spend (time), suggest, consider, etc.).
artin suggested going to the theatre on riday.
Due to the fact that sales have been falling this year,
we won’t be able to take on any more staff. after certain expressions (be interested in, can’t stand, don’t
mind, how about, it’s no use, it’s no good, it’s worth, there’s
no point (in), be used to, etc.).
 Clauses of Concession It’s no use trying to do everything yourself. Ask than for
We use Clauses of Concession to express contrast or help.
opposition to the main clause. after prepositions (for, about, without, etc.).
although / even though subject verb I’m so excited about going to university next year.
Although / ven though he was starving, he didn’t take
any of the food they offered him.  Verbs followed by full infinitive and -ing form
in spite of / despite noun / ing form Some verbs such as start, begin, continue, intend, etc. can be
Despite the heavy rain, it was very hot. followed by either the full infinitive or the -ing form with no
In spite of feeling afraid, Jim went on the roller coaster. difference in meaning.
It started to rain / raining a minute ago.
 Clauses of Purpose Some verbs can be followed by either the full infinitive or
Clauses of purpose are introduced with: the -ing form, but with a difference in meaning.
so that modal verb (can/may/will/could/might/would) - remember ing form remember something that has
(not) base form already happened
We will call him so that he will be informed about this as I remember visiting Paris in 2004.

- remember full infinitive remember something before
so as (not) to / in order (not) to base form doing it
The burglar wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints. Did you remember to lock the door before you left?
- forget -ing ing form forget something that has already

Module 7 happened
I’ll never forget visiting the White House.
 Infinitives
The full infinitive is used:
- forget full infinitive forget something you are
supposed to do
Chris forgot to tell you that he was going away for the
to express purpose.
I went to the post office to post some letters. weekend.
after it + be + adjective (it’s nice, it was stupid, etc.)

 Causative Form
It was great to see you after such a long time.
The causative form is used when we do not do something
after certain adjectives: afraid, surprised, free, happy, ready,

ourselves, but we arrange for somebody else to do it for us.

At last he was free to do what he wanted. We painted the house last month. (We did it ourselves.)
We had/got the house painted last month. (A painter did it.)
after too and enough.
Laura is too tired to go jogging today. The causative form is formed as follows:
It isn’t warm enough to go to the sea yet. subject have/get object past participle

after certain verbs (afford, agree, appear, decide, forget, Present Simple have my car fixed.
hope, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, promise, refuse,

seem, tend, want, would like, etc.). Present Progressive ’m having my car fixed.
I hope to see you again soon.
after the objects of certain verbs (advise, allow, encourage,
Past Simple had my car fixed.
invite, order, persuade, teach, tell, etc.) Past Progressive

was having my car fixed.

It was len who persuaded me to apply for this job.
after question words (how,
how, what, when, where, etc.) Future will ’ll have my car fixed.
I don’t know what to do. Present Perfect Simple ’ve had my car fixed.
The bare infinitive is used:
Past Perfect Simple had had my car fixed.
after modal verbs (can, may, must, should, etc.).
ou should start thinking about your future. Modal Verbs must have my car fixed.
after the verbs let and ma e in the Active oice.
y parents let me stay up later at weekends. • The question and negative forms of the Present

Our teacher made us retake the test. Simple and the Past Simple of the causative form
are formed with the auxiliaries do/does and did.
after would rather and had better. How often do you have your hair cut?
I’d rather go to the cinema tonight. Sue didn’t have her hair cut yesterday.
ou’d better tell me everything you know about this. • In informal language we can use get instead of
 -ing forms I must get the TV set repaired.
The ing form is used: • If we want to mention who performs the action, we
as the subject of a verb. can add by + agent at the end of the sentence.
xercising is a good way of keeping fit. She always has her hair dyed by a hairdresser.
after the verb go, indicating physical activities.
We often go fishing in the summer.


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 Modal Verbs + have + Past Participle  all/both/neither/none
could have past participle express All is used for more than two people or things. t is used in
possibility in the past. affirmative sentences and takes a plural verb.
I may/might/could have seen the film, but I’m not sure. Anna, ary and Chris are going to a concert. They are all
could have past participle also express very excited. / All of them are very excited.
possibility in the past which was not fulfilled. Both is used for two people, things, etc. t is used in
ou were lucky. ou might/could have been hurt. affirmative sentences and takes a plural verb.
must have past participle expresses certainty that Bill and Ted are cousins. Both of them are in a team. /
something happened in the past. They are both in a team.
I must have left my wallet at home. Neither is used for two people, things, etc. t is used in
can’t/couldn’t have past participle express certainty affirmative sentences and gives them a negative meaning. t
that something didn’t happen. takes a singular or plural verb.
ou can’t/couldn’t have met their parents. They live in the Patty and onica want to get a cat. Neither of them have/
S. has had a pet before.
should have past participle expresses regret about None is used for more than two people, things, etc. t is
something that didn’t happen in the past. used in affirmative sentences and gives them a negative
We should have come home earlier. meaning. t takes a singular or plural verb.
All my friends love pop music. None of them likes/like jazz.
t’s also used to criticise somebody’s behaviour.
ou should have called me and let me know you weren’t  both... and... / either... or... / neither... nor...
Double conjunctions ((both...
both... and...,
and... either... or and
shouldn’t have past participle expresses regret about

neither... nor...)) link two words or phrases in the same
something that happened in the past. sentence. They are used only in affirmative sentences.
I shouldn’t have shouted at Jennifer today.
- Both... and... is used when something is true for two
t’s also used to criticise something somebody has done. people, things, etc.

Danny shouldn’t have told you that. It was supposed to be Both my sister and my brother go to secondary school.
a secret.
- Either... or... is used when something is true for one of two

Module 8 atpeople, things, etc.

ither she was too busy or she didn’t want to come.
- Neither... nor... is used when something is not true for two
 Conditional Sentences Type 3 people, things, etc.
Neither ary nor Jim like tennis.
if-clause Main clause

f ast erfect
would/could/might have past participle


Conditional Sentences Type 3 are used:

to talk about unreal or imaginary situations in the past.
If I had won the lottery, I would have left my job.

to express regret.
If I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night, I would have
woken up on time this morning.

to criticise somebody/something.
If you had completed your degree, you might have found a
better job.

 Wishes and Unreal Past

Sometimes we use the ast Simple when referring to the
present or future. This is called Unreal Past.
We use wish / if only Past Simple to make a wish about
a present or future situation which we would like to be
I wish you didn’t have to go tomorrow. ( But you have to.)
I wish I had a bigger house. ( But I don’t.)

• In the Unreal Past we usually use were instead

of was.

We use wish / if only + could + bare infinitive to express

regret about something we cannot do at present.
I wish I could speak Italian.
I wish I could come with you on riday.
We use wish / if only + Past Perfect Simple to express regret
about something that happened or didn’t happen in the past.
I wish I had taken a torch with me. I can’t see a thing.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_GrammarRef.indd 295 19/1/2021 11:59:00 πµ

Irregular Verbs
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
be was/were been lie lay lain
bear bore born(e) light lit lit
beat beat beaten lose lost lost
become became become make made made
begin began begun mean meant meant
bend bent bent meet met met
bind bound bound pay paid paid
bite bit bitten put put put
blow blew blown read read read
break broke broken ride rode ridden
bring brought brought ring rang rung
build built built rise rose risen
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned run ran run
buy bought bought say said said
burst burst burst see saw seen

catch caught caught seek sought sought
choose chose chosen sell sold sold
come came come send sent sent
cost cost cost set set set

creep crept crept sew sewed sewn/sewed
cut cut cut shake shook shaken
at shone
draw drew drawn shut shut shut
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed sing sang sung

drink drank drunk sink sank sunk

drive drove driven sit sat sat

eat ate eaten sleep slept slept

fall fell fallen smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled
feed fed fed speak spoke spoken
feel felt felt speed sped sped
fight fought fought spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled

find found found spend spent spent

fly flew flown spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
forget forgot forgotten split split split

forgive forgave forgiven spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled

free e fro e fro en spread spread spread
get got got stand stood stood

give gave given steal stole stolen

go went gone stick stuck stuck
grow grew grown sting stung stung
hang hung hung strike struck struck
have had had sweep swept swept
hear heard heard swear swore sworn
hide hid hidden swim swam swum
hit hit hit take took taken
hold held held teach taught taught
hurt hurt hurt tear tore torn
keep kept kept tell told told
kneel knelt knelt think thought thought
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted throw threw thrown
know knew known understand understood understood
lay laid laid wake woke woken
lead led led wear wore worn
lean leant/leaned leant/leaned weave wove woven
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned weep wept wept
leave left left win won won
lend lent lent withdraw withdrew withdrawn
let let let write wrote written


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Irregular.indd 296 13/1/2021 1:16:12 µµ

Project Skills

w Think of the topic carefully PLAN
and create a mind map
TOPIC w Decide which of the ideas
to help you come up with
in Step 1 you would like
ideas or words related to
to include in your project
the topic.
and make a plan to use
as a general guide.

w Do research on the topic. Read books,
use the Internet, watch videos or CREATE

documentaries or even visit a museum. w When you have collected all the
w Note down key words and important information, start working on your
information you have found. Remember:
you mustn’t copy the information. Use
your own words to summarise the ideas.
at project.
w Make your project interesting.
Think of a title and find pictures or
draw your own.
STEP 5 w You can also write captions

underneath the pictures to

PROOFREAD describe them.

w After you finish, proofread your work.

w Make sure you have included all the
information and ideas you chose in your

w Check your spelling, grammar,

vocabulary, etc.


PRESENT Use the following checklist with the

things you need to do. Tick (4) the
A presentation consists of 3 stages: boxes when you do them.
Stage 1: Before the presentation
w Practise presenting your work in front of a mirror
or to a friend. This will help you feel more confident. Project checklist
Stage 2: During the presentation
w mind map
w First, introduce the topic. (I would like to talk w plan
about… / I am going to talk about…)
w research
w Use short and simple sentences. w key words
w Speak clearly and confidently. w paragraph/text
w Smile at the people in the audience (your w title
classmates) and make eye contact. w pictures and captions
Stage 3: After the presentation w checking
w Ask the audience if they have any questions w presentation practice
and try to answer their questions. (Any questions?)
w Don’t forget to thank the audience.
(Thank you for your attention.)


Traveller_Brit_2nd_SRB_Interm B1_TB_ProjectSkills.indd 297 29/4/2022 2:05:21 µµ

Writing Section
An informal email is usually sent to a friend, a relative or an acquaintance. Note the
layout given:

Subject: a brief phrase that Το eileen_ j@

indicates what the content
of the email is. From caren_ m@

Subject Dinner at my new house

reeting: on the left-hand
side of the page. ut a Dear E ileen,
comma after the name.

aragraphing: write

in blocked paragraphs
leaving a blank line in
between the paragraphs. at

Signing off: on the left- H ope to see you.

hand side of the page. se

C aren
your first name.

Greetings Set phrases for opening paragraph Set phrases for closing paragraph Signature endings
Dear Tom, ow are you (doing) Well, that’s all for now. ours,
Dear um, t was nice to hear from you. Well, ’d better finish off here. Love,
Dear Aunt Sue, Thank you / Thanks for your email. must go now. All the best,
i aren t’s taken me ages to reply, but... See you soon. Take care,
ello Bill ’ve been meaning to get back to you, but... eep in touch. Bye for now,
NOT: ust thought ’d drop you a line.
Dear brother
Dear friend
Dear cousin


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Writing.indd 298 13/1/2021 1:17:00 µµ

Writing Section
A cover letter is written to someone you don’t know personally and it is usually of a business nature.
Note the layout given:

reeting: on the Dear Sir/Madam, / Dear Mr Jones,

left-hand side of
the page (leave a aragraphing:
blank line before Write in blocked
and after the paragraphs
greeting). leaving a blank
line in between

the paragraphs.
Signing off: on
Note that when
the left-hand
using blocked

side of the letter,
followed by a
everything begins

our full name Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely,

at on the left-hand
side of the page.
clearly written
underneath. Jill Thomas

n a formal email, when you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, begin with Dear Sir/Madam and

end with Yours faithfully.. When you know the name of the person you are writing to, begin with Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs/
Ms/Dr + surname and end with Yours sincerely
sincerely. n American English, Yours truly and Yours sincerely are commonly

used in both cases.



Expressions/phrases commonly used in a post giving advice:

A semi-formal email is written to a
person you know but he/she is not
a friend or relative of yours. was sorry to hear that you’ve got problems.
Opening hope the following advice will help you.
n a semi-formal email, begin with paragraph
Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr + surname ’ve thought about your problem uite a lot.
or with Dear + first name and end with think / aybe you should(n’t)...
Yours sincerely, All the Best, f were in your position, / f were you, ’d...
Best wishes or Yours. Main Part One thing you can do is...
ow/What about...
Why don’t you...
hope everything goes well. ood luck
Closing Let me know how everything turns out.
Everything will be just fine.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Writing.indd 299 13/1/2021 1:17:01 µµ


1 Video activities
A. Look at the pictures and discuss. What do B. You are going to watch a video about
you know about Peru? Peru. Which of these topics do you
think will be mentioned in the video?
Watch and check your answers.



C. Watch the video again and
match the numbers with the facts.
1. million a. the number of different
types of potatoes in

2. , b. the population of eru

c. the number of corn

3. varieties in eru
d. the height of uascarán
4. , in metres

e. the number of years

since the first potatoes
5. ,

were grown in eru

D. Watch again and answer the questions.


1. ow many people live in Lima

2. What is special about ismi
3. What does ‘selva’ mean
4. ow much of the country is taken up by the
Ama on rainforest
5. What was the Norte Chico
6. What was the name of the main city of the
nca Empire
7. What did iram Bingham do in
8. What do proud eruvians say

E. Discuss the questions.

Would you like to visit eru Why / Why not
What kind of things make you want to visit a


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 300 13/1/2021 1:18:05 µµ


Video activities
a uarter of the population ( . million)
ancient civilisation empire llama uarter t is the source of the Ama on iver.
ruin (n.) jungle
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the an ancient civilisation that existed in eru ,
language and topics of the module years ago
• Cusco
A e rediscovered achu icchu.
Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask them to describe ‘ ’m more eruvian than a potato.’
what they see.
Allow the use of L , if necessary, to help lower per orming
s express themselves. First, have Ss think of the uestions individually. Ask them
to note down any ideas they can think of. n this way, you
ensure that all Ss will come up with their own ideas.
Picture high mountains, ancient ruins, blue sky, Then divide Ss into pairs. ou can have lower per orming
clouds s work with higher per orming s so that the former feel
Picture the eruvian flag more confident. Encourage Ss to exchange opinions and

Picture two eruvian women and a girl wearing allow them some time to discuss the uestions.
colourful traditional clothes and carrying ave Ss share their answers in class and initiate a short
large bags, three llamas discussion.

Ask Ss the uestion and elicit answers.
uggested answers
es. ’d love to visit eru because there is so much to
uggested answers
eru is on the north-west coast of South America and
has borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and
Bra il. A part of the Andes mountain range is found in
atsee and do there. t is very different from where live
and would like to discover more about its culture.
would be interested in visiting achu icchu and
seeing the Ama on rainforest. / No. t is too far away
eru. The capital city is Lima, and the main language and don’t like long plane journeys. Also, don’t speak
spoken is Spanish. The ancient site of achu icchu is in Spanish, so would feel nervous about going to eru.

the mountains of eru. The things that make me want to visit a country are its
history and culture. also enjoy going to places where
there are ama ing landscapes and natural beauty.

Ask Ss to read the topics and say which ones they think / am attracted to places where can do outdoor
will be mentioned in the video. activities like skiing.
Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video and
check which topics are mentioned. TRANSCRIPTS

lay the video and have Ss do the activity. Part 1

Check the answers with the class. ancient civilisation empire llama uarter ruin

Part 2
Ancient civilisation eru is the third largest country in South America and has
otatoes a population of over million. The capital city is Lima and
The Ama on iver about a uarter of the country’s population lives there. eru
The Andes has three official languages: Spanish, spoken by of the

population, uechua and Aymara. owever, in the Ama on

jungle regions, there are many other different dialects.
C The Andes mountain range divides eru from north to south.
Ask Ss to look at numbers - and make sure they are able The highest mountain in eru is uascarn at , metres.
to read the numbers correctly. Another important mountain in eru is ismi, at ,
Ask Ss to read through the options a-e and make sure they metres, which is the source of the Ama on iver. To the west
understand everything. of the Andes is the costa, or coast. t is a very dry area with
Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video again many seasonal rivers all along the coast. To the east is the
and match numbers - with options a-e. selva, or jungle. This area is covered by the Ama on rainforest
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity. and makes up of the country.
Check the answers with the class. Over five thousand years ago, the land where eru is today
was home to the Norte Chico civilisation. There were about
thirty population centres, and it was one of the oldest
b d c e a civilisations in the world. eru was also home to the nca
mpire in the th century. The empire was centred around
the city of Cusco, which is in southern eru. The most famous
nca city is achu icchu, high up in the Andes. owever,
ave Ss read through the uestions and make sure they most people did not know it was there until academic and
haven’t got any unknown words. explorer iram Bingham rediscovered it in .
lay the video again and have Ss do the activity. To help One of eruvian people’s favourite foods is corn. They have
lower per orming s, you can pause the video after each around different corn varieties, and they come in all
answer. different colours. eru was one of the first countries to grow
Check the answers with the class. potatoes, over , years ago. Today you can find about
, different types of potatoes and it is common to hear
proud eruvians saying ‘ am more eruvian than a potato.’

154 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 301 13/1/2021 1:18:06 µµ


Video activities
Thomas Edison
Vocabulary s work with higher per orming s so that the former feel
more confident. Encourage Ss to exchange opinions and
light bulb phonograph telegraph operator allow them some time to discuss the uestions.
ave Ss share their answers in class and initiate a short
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the discussion.
language and topics of the module
• uggested answers
A n my opinion, what Edison achieved is extremely
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the important in modern-day life. f we didn’t have light bulbs,
uestions. for example, our lives would be very different today.
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. Without electricity, we wouldn’t have all the many useful
electrical appliances we use daily. This means that life
would be harder and less interesting. For example, we
uggested answers would have to wash clothes by hand and wouldn’t have
know of three famous inventors. Alessandro olta electric lighting or heating. f we didn’t have the nternet,
invented the first battery. Louis Braille invented the we wouldn’t be able to get information so easily or keep in
Braille alphabet for the blind. Alexander Bell invented touch so easily with our friends.
the telephone.

think the most useful invention of the last years is TRANSCRIPTS
the aeroplane, by the Wright brothers.
Part 1
light bulb phonograph telegraph operator

Part 2
Ask Ss to read through the statements - and make sure Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and
they understand everything. businessman who designed devices that greatly changed
ave Ss guess whether they are true or false. Do not
correct them at this stage.
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity.
everyday life. e was born in and his formal education
was very short. e only spent three months at school before
his mother took him out because she didn’t like the way they
Check the answers with the class. treated him. She taught him at home, and Edison often said
that if his mother hadn’t taught him, he wouldn’t have been so
successful in later life. When Edison was , he saved a young

F T F F T child from a runaway train. The child’s father was so grateful

he taught Edison how to use a telegraph machine.
Eventually, Edison got a job as a telegraph operator at Western

ave higher per orming s work with lower per orming

s and correct the false sentences. This will challenge nion. e preferred to work the night shift as he liked to work
on his experiments in his home-made laboratory during the
higher per orming s and help lower per orming s day. e loved to take things apart, and soon he began to create
understand why these sentences are false. things himself.
is first invention was the electric vote recorder, but it was
C a failure. After that, he moved to New ork and improved

ave Ss read through uestions - and the multiple- the stock ticker, and success started coming his way. A lot of
choice options and make sure they haven’t got any Edison’s success was due to the fact that he was not only able
unknown words. to invent new things, but was able to take old inventions and

To help lower per orming s, s, you may eliminate one make them more practical. A good example of this is the light
incorrect option in uestions , and . bulb. any people believe that the light bulb was invented by
Edison, but actually, all Edison did was make previous designs
lay the video and have Ss do the activity. work better. ore importantly, he designed a whole system of
Check the answers with the class.

power and wiring that could be used in people’s homes. This

kind of thinking made Edison a very successful businessman.
b b a c c b n , Edison moved to New ersey, where he built his
famous lab, enlo ark. ere, he invented many more
devices, including the phonograph in . Other inventors
had produced machines that could record sound, but Edison’s
device was the first to be able to reproduce sound as well.
ave Ss read through sentences - and make sure they owever, what many people don’t know is that Edison was
haven’t got any unknown words. almost completely deaf. n order to hear the phonograph, he
Ask Ss to guess the correct answers. would bite into the wooden part of the machine and ‘hear’ the
lay the video again and have Ss do the activity. sound waves vibrating through his teeth.
n , Edison expanded again and built a laboratory in West
Check the answers with the class. Orange, which was ten times as large as enlo ark. This
has been called the first industrial research lab and attracted
months phonograph scientists and engineers from all over the world to work with
Edison. They helped him earn over half of his , patents
at night / by day while working at West Orange. Among other inventions, he
enlo ark also worked on -rays, storage batteries and film making.
any people have called Edison a genius, but he knew more
than anyone that having good ideas was not enough. For
dreams to become reality, it also takes a lot of hard work.
ave Ss read the uestions and make sure they haven’t got
any unknown words.
First, have Ss think of the uestions individually. Ask them
to note down any ideas they can think of. n this way, you
ensure that all Ss will come up with their own ideas.
Then divide Ss into pairs. ou can have lower per orming
155 TB

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_Video Activties.indd 302 12/10/2021 11:53:35 πµ


Video activities 2
Thomas Edison
A. Discuss the questions.
• How many famous inventors do you
know of? What did they invent?
• What do you think is the most useful
invention of the last 100 years?

B. Read the statements about Thomas Edison and

guess whether they are true or false. Write T for
True or F for False in the boxes. Then watch and
check your answers.
1. Edison was born in 1947.

2. Edison used to work as a telegraph operator.
3. Edison’s first invention was the light bulb.
4. By the end of his life, Edison was

almost completely blind.
5. Edison produced over 1,000 inventions
in his lifetime.
C. Watch again and answer the questions. Choose a
a,, b or cc..

1. ow did Edison feel about his mother 4. What made Edison’s light bulb a success

a. e wished she hadn’t taken him out of school. a. t was a truly original idea.
b. er actions were the reason for his later success. b. t was made of better materials.
c. e was unsure she was able to teach him properly. c. e invented a practical way for it to be used in
2. What happened as a result of Edison saving many places.

a young child 5. What could Edison’s phonograph do

a. e was given a job. a. record sound

b. e was taught a new skill. b. reproduce sound

c. e was given access to a laboratory. c. record and reproduce sound
3. What is true about Edison’s first invention 6. What is true about Edison’s West Orange laboratory

a. t was not very successful. a. Edison usually worked there alone.

b. t helped start his successful career. b. t was much bigger than his previous
c. t was an old invention that he improved. laboratory.
c. Edison invented over , inventions there.
D. Watch again and circle the correct options.
1. Edison’s formal schooling only lasted three months / years.
2. Edison worked as a telegraph operator by day / at night and worked
on his experiments by day / at night.
3. Edison invented the phonograph at Menlo Park / West Orange.
4. Edison used to bite on a battery / phonograph to see if it worked properly.
5. Edison moved into his West Orange laboratory in 1877 / 1887.

E. Discuss the questions.

ow influential do you think Edison was to modern-day life
What do you think life would be like without electricity or the nternet

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 303 13/1/2021 1:18:08 µµ


3 Video activities
A. Discuss the questions.
ave you ever tried surfing or skateboarding f not,
would you like to
ow many other sports can you think of that use a
B. Try to match the events with the dates.
Then watch and check your answers.

1. a. Newman Darby began selling sailboards.

2. b. ames ing wrote about surfing.

c. The first skateboard was invented.
3. s

d. Snowboarding became an Olympic sport.
e. eorge Freeth helped make surfing a

5. popular sport in California.
6. f. Windsurfing became an Olympic sport.

C. Watch again and complete the sentences.

1. ames ing first wrote about surfing while travelling to


2. any people call eorge Freeth the ‘

of modern surfing.’
3. Newman Darby made his first sailboard when he was

4. Skateboarding was invented by .


5. Another name for skateboarding was .

6. About of snow sports participants

are snowboarders.
7. Skysurfing boards are similar to .

D. Watch again and answer the questions.

1. n which part of the world did people first start surfing
2. Who was the captain of the ship that ames ing travelled on
3. What alternative sport did windsurfers invent
4. What did early skateboarders wear on their feet
5. What kind of skateboard is used for downhill racing
6. Where were the winter Olympics held
7. What is the difference between skysurfing boards and surfboards

E. Discuss the questions.

Which one of these sports most appeals to you
Can you think of other sports that are similar but which are played in a different place

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 304 13/1/2021 1:18:09 µµ


Video activities
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the
boardsports downhill kitesurfing sailboard uestions.
skysurfing Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion.
Alternatively, ask Ss to share their partners’ answers with
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the the class.
language and topics of the module

uggested answers
A Snowboarding appeals to me the most. can ski, and
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the because enjoy that, ’m sure ’d love snowboarding. t
uestions. would be exciting to learn tricks to do on a snowboard
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. like the ones you can see in the Winter Olympics.
’ve heard of sandboarding, which you do in the desert.
uggested answers Wakeboarding is another sport with a board. t is similar
have tried skateboarding but not surfing. would like to to waterskiing, but both feet are on just one board. ou
try surfing because ’m sure it would be great fun. can do it on lakes or the sea.
Other sports that can think of that use a board are
snowboarding and windsurfing.

Ask Ss to read the dates - and the events a-f and make Part 1

sure they haven’t got any unknown words. boardsports downhill kitesurfing sailboard skysurfing
Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video and
Part 2
match dates - with events a-f.
Ask Ss to guess the answers. Do not correct Ss at this stage.
lay the video and have Ss do the activity.
There is a wide variety of sports involving boards, and
they all originate from ancient olynesian culture. For
centuries, riding waves on a board was a popular pastime
Check the answers with the class. for the people of olynesia. The first European to write
about people surfing was ames ing, a crew member of the
b e c a f d S Endeavour in . e witnessed the pastime while

travelling to awaii under the command of Captain ames

Cook. Later, in , a man from onolulu called eorge
Freeth moved to California and helped to make surfing

a popular sport. e is commonly known as the ‘father of
Ask Ss to read sentences - and make sure they haven’t got
modern surfing’.
any unknown words. The first person to consider adding a sail to a board was
nvite Ss to guess the missing words for each sentence. Do a -year-old from ennsylvania called Newman Darby.
not correct Ss at this stage. Darby made many different versions up until the s, and
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity.

in he began selling his sailboards. Windsurfing became

To help lower per orming s,, you can pause the video after very popular, and by it was an Olympic sport. Some
each answer. windsurfers replaced the sail with a power kite, and a new

Check the answers with the class. sport was invented, kitesurfing. t became clear that many
different kinds of sports could be invented using a board,
awaii sidewalk surfing and not only on water.
father n the early s, surfers in California wanted something

snowboards to do when the waves weren’t suitable. The answer was to

surfers put some wheels on a board, and skateboarding was born.
n the beginning, it was known as ‘sidewalk surfing’ and
As soon as they finish, have higher per orming s work skaters copied the moves of surfers and skated barefoot.
with lower per orming s in pairs and compare their Skateboarding uickly took off, and a huge number of tricks
answers. Encourage them to provide justification. This were invented. Today, there are lots of different boards like
will build lower per orming s’ confidence to share their the longboard, which is used for sliding tricks and downhill
answers in class. racing.
Check the answers with the class. nspired by surfing and skateboarding, skiers decided to
try using a board on snow, and yet another sport was born,
snowboarding. Over the years snowboarding has become
Draw Ss’ attention to the uestions - and make sure they very popular, and today snowboarders make up about
understand everything. of all snow sports participants. t became an Olympic sport
Explain that they are going to watch the video again and for the first time at the Winter Olympics in Nagano,
answer the uestions. apan.
After water, land and snow, the only natural place for
ou can ask Ss to try to answer as many uestions as they boardsports to go was the sky. The boards used for
can based on what they remember. skysurfing are smaller than surfboards and look more like
lay the video again and have Ss do the activity. snowboards. Skysurfing is more difficult than it looks, and
Check the answers with the class. keeping your balance during even simple moves needs a
lot of skill. But with a little practice, there is no end to the
olynesia longboard amount of tricks you can learn. The sky is the limit.
ames Cook Nagano, apan
kitesurfing Skysurfing boards are
nothing smaller than surfboards.

156 TB

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 305 13/1/2021 1:18:10 µµ


Video activities
The forests of Borneo
Vocabulary Alternatively, to help lower per orming s, you can write the
following on the board, and ask them to use this information
deforestation orangutan percentage s uare mile tool in their email:
wide Orangutans eat tropical fruit called durians / use leaves for
umbrellas when it rains / Raflessia largest flower in the world /
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the language smelly
and topics of the module ave Ss do the task in class or assign it for homework.

A odel answer
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the i evin,
uestions. ow are you doing ’m having an ama ing holiday here in
Elicit answers and discuss with the class. Borneo. ’ve been here for a week so far and have seen and
Alternatively, ask one or two pairs of Ss to report their done so much. t’s the most incredible, exotic place ’ve ever
answers to the class. visited.
As you know, ’m fascinated by wildlife, so it’s really exciting
uggested answers to go hiking through the rainforest. On the first day, saw
No, haven’t. ’d like to visit a tropical island very much. a family of orangutans up in the trees. They were eating
ou can find beautiful beaches, tropical rainforests full tropical fruits called durians and playing together. t was

of exotic plants and animals, unusual tropical fruits, really funny when it suddenly started to rain because the older
waterfalls and mountains. orangutans broke some huge leaves from a tree and used them
as umbrellas to keep themselves dry
B esterday, as was walking with an organised group to see a

Ask Ss to read through the sentences - and make sure they waterfall, we smelt something strange. Our guide helped us
understand everything. find where the horrible smell was coming from, and was
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity. ama ed to see a huge pink flower. t seems that it’s extremely
Check the answers with the class.

and are true.

rare and is the biggest flower in the world
Tomorrow, ’m going to spend the day at the beach and go
windsurfing. can’t wait
See you when get back.
ave higher per orming s work with lower per orming s

All the best,

and correct the false sentences. This will challenge higher Trevor
per orming s and help lower per orming s understand why
these sentences are false. TRANSCRIPTS

ave Ss read through uestions - and the multiple-choice Part 1
options and make sure they haven’t got any unknown words. deforestation orangutan percentage s uare mile tool
Alternatively, to challenge higher per orming s, s, you may wide
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended Part 2

uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the Borneo is the third largest island in the world, after New
options), then ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, uinea and reenland, with an area of , s uare miles.
watch the video, and answer the uestions ( uestion cannot t is situated in the southeast of Asia and is divided between

function as an open-ended uestion). As soon as higher three countries: ndonesia, alaysia and the tiny country of
per orming s finish the activity, ask them to answer uestion Brunei, which only takes up of the island. Borneo has a
in their books. tropical climate and is rich in wildlife. t has one of the oldest
To help lower per orming s, s, you may eliminate one incorrect rainforests in the world at million years old. t is home to
option in uestions , and . , species of flowering plants, , species of trees,

lay the video and have Ss do the activity. species of land animals and species of birds. For over
Check the answers with the class. years Borneo has attracted scientists, who have made many
important discoveries. Between and , over new
species were discovered that is three species every month.
b b a c b c b Even today, scientists continue to discover new species, and
research suggests they will continue to do so for decades to
come. Scientists believe the best place to find species is in the
heart of the island, which has large areas of unexplored forest.
Ask Ss to look at numbers - and make sure they are able to robably the most famous resident of Borneo is the orangutan.
read the numbers correctly. Orangutans only live on Borneo and the neighbouring island
Ask Ss to read through the options a-f and make sure they of Sumatra. Orangutan is a alay word that means ‘person
understand everything. of the forest’ and, not surprisingly, these animals spend most
Ask Ss to guess the answers. Do not correct them at this stage. of their lives in the trees. They are highly intelligent creatures
Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video again and and even use tools. They use large leaves for umbrellas when it
match numbers - with options a-f. rains and sticks to get honey from beehives. They eat mainly
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity. fruit, and their favourite is a spiky fruit called durian, which
Check the answers with the class. tastes nice but has a very strong smell.
Another resident of Borneo famous for its smell is a flower
called afflesia. t is the largest flower in the world and can
b f c a e d grow to over centimetres across. owever, its smell is not
pleasant at all and is described as being like rotting meat. t
attracts lots of flies, though, which is the purpose of the smell.
alf of the world’s tropical timber wood comes from Borneo.
Ask Ss to read the writing task and make sure they understand n , about of the island was covered in forest. n
everything. , that had dropped to because of deforestation. The
Tell Ss to use the information from activities B, C and D. ou future of Borneo is uncertain, but luckily environmental
can also show Ss the transcript, and ask them to take notes of organisations are working hard to protect the island and its
the most important things about Borneo. ama ing forests.
157 TB

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Video activities 4
The forests of Borneo
A. Discuss the questions.
ave you ever visited a tropical island f not, would you like to
What kind of things can you find on a tropical island

B. Read the facts about Borneo and decide which of them are true.
Then watch the video and check your answers.

1. Borneo is the largest island in the world.

2. Borneo is a country in Asia.
3. Borneo has one of the oldest rainforests in the world.
4. Borneo is a good place to discover new species.
5. Borneo is the only place in the world where orangutans live.

C. Watch again and choose a, b or c.

1. ow many countries does Borneo consist of
2. ow many new species were found on Borneo
from to

a. , D. Watch the video again and match

b. the numbers with the facts.

1. , 4. ,
3. Where is the best place to find new species on
Borneo 2. 5.
a. in the middle of the island 3. million 6.

b. on the coast
c. near the rainforests a. the number of species of flowering plants

4. What is ‘person of the forest’ another name for b. the area of Borneo in s uare miles
a. someone who lives on Borneo c. the age of the rainforest on Borneo

b. someone from alaysia

c. the orangutan d. the number of years scientists have been
visiting Borneo
5. What is the orangutan’s favourite food
a. honey e. the number of species of birds
b. fruit f. the percentage of the island that Brunei takes
c. leaves up
6. What is not true about afflesia
a. t can be centimetres wide. E. Imagine you are visiting Borneo. Write an email
b. t smells very bad. to a friend telling him/her how your trip is
c. Flies can’t stand it. going, and what you think of Borneo.
7. ow much of Borneo was covered in forest in

a. ¼
b. ½
c. ¾


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 307 13/1/2021 1:18:13 µµ


5 Video activities
A. Discuss the questions. D. Watch again and answer the questions. Choose
What do you know about Alcatra a, b, c or d.
ave you ever read stories or seen any films 1. Where did Alcatra get its name from
about Alcatra a. its location
b. the people who lived there
c. the wildlife that lived there
d. the kind of rock that the island is made of
2. What is true about Alcatra
a. The prison isn’t the main reason people visit
Alcatra .
b. The prison was in operation for less than

c. Alcatra ’s reputation wasn’t as bad as people
d. About , convicts were sent there every

3. When were inmates locked behind bars
B. Read the statements. Which ones do you think are
true? Write T for True or F for False in the boxes.
a. while in their cells
b. while taking a shower
Watch the video and check your answers. c. while in the prison hospital
1. Alcatra derives from an old Spanish word for d. all of the above

pelican. 4. What was ‘the black hole’

a. a nickname for Alcatra prison

2. Alcatra is a small island near San Francisco.

b. another name for the prison factory
3. There are still a few inmates in the Alcatra prison.
c. a special cell where very aggressive inmates
4. The government avoided sending aggressive were sent
convicts to Alcatra . d. a room where inmates used to meet

5. Nobody ever escaped from Alcatra . 5. What happened in

a. Three men robbed a bank.

C. Complete the paragraph. Then watch again and

b. Three inmates were caught trying to escape.
check your answers. c. The prison closed.

The inmates were all imprisoned on their d. Three inmates escaped from the prison.
own in a bare cell, , metres by , metres. There E. Watch again and answer the questions.
was a total of (1) cells in
1. What nicknames have been given to Alcatra
huge blocks. nmates were constantly observed,
2. Why do you think Alcatra was known as ‘a
and they were locked behind bars
prison of the mind’
even when in the prison (2)
or while taking showers twice a week. nmates were 3. What does the video suggest happened during
rarely allowed out of their cells. yard breaks
(3) was provided once 4. ow did inmates feel about the prison factory
every two weeks, and for (4) 5. What reasons does the video give for the closure
a week they were allowed out into a yard of the prison
surrounded by (5) -metre-
high walls. The aim of the yard break was to F. Discuss the questions.
reduce trouble, although, in fact, it gave inmates Would you like to visit Alcatra
a chance to plan an escape or cause disturbance. What do you think it must have
been like to be a prisoner in Alcatra

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 308 13/1/2021 1:18:14 µµ


Video activities
Draw Ss’ attention to the uestions - and make sure they
aggressive cell convict (n.) escape (v.) inmate understand everything.
pelican prisoner Explain that they are going to watch the video again and
answer the uestions.
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the lay the video and have Ss do the activity.
language and topics of the module Check the answers with the class.

‘The ock’, ‘a prison of the mind’
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the because the severe conditions made it difficult for
uestions. inmates to stay sane
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. nmates caused disturbance or met and planned escapes.
Alternatively, ask Ss to share their partners’ answers with Some inmates liked it and others hated it.
the class. There wasn’t enough money for the repairs that the
prison needed and the prison officials were embarrassed
about the successful escape in .
uggested answers
know that Alcatra is a rocky island near San Francisco
Divide the class into pairs.

where criminals used to be kept.
’ve seen a film called scape from Alcatraz which was Ask them to answer the uestions and discuss their
based on a true story. ’ve heard that only a few people reasons.
ever tried to get away from there, and most of them

failed because of the very high security. uggested answers
es, ’d like to visit Alcatra . t would be very interesting
B to see it for myself and imagine what it must have been
Ask Ss to read through the sentences - and make sure like for inmates to be held there for so many years.
they understand everything.
Ask Ss to guess whether they are true or false. Do not
correct them at this stage.
at t must have been a terrible experience for prisoners who
had to stay in Alcatra . They must have felt extremely
lonely. ’m sure they missed their friends and family. They
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity. must have felt stressed and upset knowing there was no
hope of ever getting out and leading a normal life.
Check the answers with the class.


Part 1
ave higher per orming s work with lower per orming aggressive cell convict escape inmate pelican prisoner
s and correct the false sentences. This will challenge Part 2
higher per orming s and help lower per orming s Alcatra takes its name from the many pelicans which cover the
understand why these sentences are false. island, identified in the th century as ‘La sla de los Alcatraces’
or ‘The sland of the elicans’, from archaic Spanish. t’s a small,

C rocky isolated island, one and a half miles out in the middle of
Ask Ss to read through the paragraph with the missing San Francisco Bay and is often referred to simply as ‘The ock’.
words and make sure they haven’t got any unknown Today, more than a million visitors a year go to see the

words. abandoned Alcatra Federal enitentiary a maximum security,

minimum privilege prison, in which around , convicts
Ask Ss to guess the missing words. Do not correct Ss at this were kept between and . Alcatra had a reputation as
stage. America’s toughest prison. t was described by a former inmate
ave Ss watch the video again and do the activity. as ‘a prison of the mind’. Nobody was sentenced to go there

Check the answers with the class. directly. t was a place where aggressive convicts who caused
trouble in other federal prisons and escapees were sent.
hospital A film one hour The inmates were all imprisoned on their own in a bare cell,
. metres by . metres. There was a total of cells in huge
blocks. nmates were constantly observed, and they were locked
behind bars even when in the prison hospital or while taking
ave Ss read through uestions - and the multiple- showers twice a week. nmates were rarely allowed out of their
choice options and make sure they haven’t got any cells. A film was provided once every two weeks, and for one
unknown words. hour a week, they were allowed out into a yard surrounded by
Alternatively, to challenge higher per orming s, you may -metre-high walls. The aim of the yard break was to reduce
trouble, although, in fact, it gave inmates a chance to plan an
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended escape or cause disturbance.
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the For those who did cause trouble there was a ‘special treatment
options), then ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, unit’ an isolated cell block which convicts called ‘the hole’. f
watch the video and answer the uestions ( uestion an inmate was extremely aggressive, they would be sent to a cell
cannot function as an open-ended uestion). As soon without light ‘the black hole’. Work in the prison glove and
as higher per orming s finish the activity, ask them to brush factory was welcomed by some prisoners and hated by
answer uestion in their books. others. t was a place of routine, with repetitive, monotonous
To help lower per orming s, you may eliminate one tasks.
incorrect option. Of the inmates who attempted to escape, were caught,
killed and listed as drowned. Finally in , three inmates, all
lay the video and have Ss do the activity. convicted bank robbers, successfully escaped from the prison
Check the answers with the class. using spoons and a raft. They had left dummy heads made of
soap, toilet paper and real hair in their beds. The three escapees
c b d c d were never found, and their fate is still unknown. Officials were
embarrassed by the failed security and with the prison lacking
funds for much needed repairs, Alcatra finally closed in une
158 TB

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Video activities
Hot-air balloons
ave Ss read the uestions and make sure they haven’t got
basket globe hot-air balloon lantern any unknown words.
Divide the class into pairs and have them discuss the
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion.
language and topics of the module Alternatively, ask Ss to share their partners’ answers with
• the class.
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the uggested answers
uestions. ’ve never been on a sailing boat and would really like to go
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. on a long journey on one. Another means of transport ’ve
never tried is a train. think it would be exciting to travel
on one and look at the beautiful landscapes through the
uggested answers
es. ’d love to go for a ride in a hot-air balloon.
think people get a thrill out of flying because it is
think it would be incredible to fly through the air and
something they can’t naturally do by themselves. eople feel
see everything below. t would be a very adventurous
excited and scared at the same time because of the danger of

being high above the ground. t is a way to experience what
consider it to be a form of entertainment and something
it must be like to be a bird and see the world from up above.
tourists might do when visiting somewhere new. think it
would be too slow to serve as a means of transport.

Part 1
B basket globe hot-air balloon lantern
ave Ss read through uestions - and the multiple-
choice options and make sure they haven’t got any
unknown words.
Part 2
The hot-air balloon is the oldest means of transport used
to successfully fly while carrying humans. The earliest
Alternatively, to challenge higher per orming s, you may unmanned hot-air balloons were used in China about ,
modify the activity from multiple-choice to open-ended years ago. ongming lanterns were originally used for
uestions. Write uestions - on the board (without the sending signals, but today you can see them in traditional

options), then ask Ss to cover the activity in their books, festivals. They use the same basic technology as modern hot-
watch the video and answer the uestions. air balloons: a light container which rises from the ground as
it is filled with heated air.
lay the video and have Ss do the activity.

The first true hot-air balloon was created by oseph-

Check the answers with the class. ichel and ac ues- tienne ontgolfier. The two brothers
demonstrated their invention to the public in aris, on th
b a a b c une, . The flight lasted ten minutes but there were no
passengers. The first flight carrying animals was on th
September. A month later the first human flight took place

and history was made.

C The modern hot-air balloon commonly seen nowadays was
Ask Ss to look at numbers - and make sure they are able developed in the s. A typical hot-air balloon consists of a

to read the numbers correctly. large balloon made of nylon with a hole at the bottom. nder
ave Ss read through options a-f and make sure they the balloon there is a basket which can carry up to sixteen
people depending on the si e of the balloon, but the most
understand everything. common can carry three to five people. Above the basket is
Ask Ss to guess the answers but do not correct them at this an onboard source of heat, usually a burner containing li uid

stage. propane gas.

Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video again ot-air balloons can fly to incredible heights. The current
and match numbers - with options a-f. record for a hot-air balloon flight is , metres set by a
lay the video and have Ss do the activity. -year-old man from ndia called ijaypat Singhania. The
Check the answers with the class. first non-stop trip around the world in a hot-air balloon took
place in . The team of Bertrand iccard and Brian ones
left Swit erland on st arch, circled the globe and landed in
e f a c b d the Egyptian desert miles south of Cairo, days and
hours later. They also set the record for the longest flight in a
hot-air balloon.
For a safe flight, a pilot must know the weather forecast very
well. This includes upper wind forecasts. t is most common
Ask Ss to read through the statements - and make sure to see hot-air balloons early in the morning or in the evening.
they don’t have any unknown words. This is because the winds at this time are usually at their
Ask Ss to guess whether they are true or false. Do not calmest. The only control pilots have over the balloon is to
correct them at this stage. go up or down. For this reason, they need to have a very good
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity. knowledge of which way the wind is travelling at different
Check the answers with the class. heights. ilots pay close attention to clues such as flags or
rising smoke.
F F T F T T F There are many balloon festivals around the world, but
the largest takes place every October in Albu uer ue, New
exico. The event lasts nine days and over balloons of all
ave higher per orming s work with lower per orming shapes and si es take part. isitors can see balloon animals,
s and correct the false sentences. This will challenge buildings and many other different kinds of interesting
higher per orming s and help lower per orming s characters.
understand why these sentences are false.

159 TB

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Video activities 6
Hot-air balloons
A. Discuss the questions.
Would you like to go for a ride in a hot-air balloon
Do you consider it to be a means of transport or a form of entertainment
B. Answer the questions. Then watch the video and check your
1. Which country was the first to use unmanned hot-air balloons
a. SA b. China c. ussia
2. Where did the first manned flight in a hot-air
balloon take place
a. aris b. London c. New ork
3. When was the modern hot-air balloon developed
a. s b. s c. s

4. ow long did the first hot-air balloon flight around
the world take

a. days hrs b. days hrs c. days hrs
5. When is the best time of day to go hot-air ballooning
a. morning b. evening c. morning and evening
C. Watch the video again and match the numbers with the following facts.

1. , a. the maximum number of people that can be carried in a hot-air balloon

2. b. the number of hot-air balloons that take part in the Albu uer ue balloon festival

3. c. the year of the first continuous hot-air balloon flight around the world
4. d. the height in metres of the highest ever hot-air balloon flight
5. e. the number of years since the technology to fly hot-air balloons was invented

6. , f. the year that the first hot-air balloon flew carrying a person

D. Watch again and write T for True or F for False.

1. Traditional festivals were where ongming lanterns were first used.

2. The ontgolfier brothers’ first hot-air balloon flight

demonstration was with animals.
3. The number of passengers a typical hot-air balloon can hold
is between three and five.
4. ijaypat Singhania was the first person to fly around the world in
a hot-air balloon.
5. The longest flight in a hot-air balloon ended in Egypt.
6. A hot-air balloon’s side-to-side movement can’t be controlled
by hot-air balloon pilots.
7. The largest hot-air balloon festival takes place in New exico
during a weekend in October.

E. Discuss the questions.

Are there any means of transport that you haven’t tried but
would like to
Why do you think people get a thrill out of flying


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 311 13/1/2021 1:18:16 µµ


7 Video activities
Hubble Space Telescope

A. Discuss the questions.

Do you enjoy looking at the sky
at night

ow many constellations can
you name
ave you ever looked through

a telescope at the stars

B. Look at the picture of the Hubble

Space Telescope and answer the
questions. Then watch the video
and check your answers.

What do you think it’s used for

ow long do you think it’s been

in space
ow big do you think it is

C. Watch again and write T for True, D. Watch the video again and match the numbers
F for False or NM for Not Mentioned. with the facts.

1. The ubble Space Telescope was 1. 3. 5. ,


sent into space in . 2. . 4. 6. ,

2. Edwin ubble was involved in
the design of the ubble Space Telescope. a. the number of watts that the ubble Space

3. The mirror of the ubble Space Telescope uses

Telescope is . metres wide. b. the speed in mph that the ubble Space
Telescope travels at
4. The original design of the ubble
c. the planned width of the ubble Space
Space Telescope was changed due
Telescope mirror in metres
to the cost.
d. the si e, in metres, of the mirror which will be
5. The ubble Space Telescope uses on the ames Webb Space Telescope
more power than a coffee maker. e. the weight of the ubble Space Telescope in
6. The first picture the ubble Space tonnes
Telescope took was of the sun. f. the year Lyman Spit er wrote a paper on
7. The ubble Space Telescope telescopes in space
has recently taken a picture of
a spectacular nebula. E. Discuss the questions.
8. The ubble Space Telescope has What do you think the benefits of learning about
already started to fall apart. outer space and our universe are
Do you think too much money is being spent on
learning about and exploring space

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Video Activties.indd 312 13/1/2021 1:18:17 µµ


Video activities
Hubble Space Telescope
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the
astronomer atmosphere constellation fall apart uestions.
galaxy telescope universe watt Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion.
Alternatively, ask Ss to share their partners’ answers with
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the the class.
language and topics of the module
• uggested answers
A Because of space research, we now have satellite T and
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the mobile phone communication. nowing more about our
uestions. universe might help us discover new forms of energy.
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. agree that too much money is spent on learning about and
Alternatively, ask one or two pairs of Ss to report their exploring space. t would be better to spend it on feeding
answers to the class. people who are hungry and finding ways to improve life on
Earth. Also, think that some of this money should be spent
uggested answers on medical research, such as finding medicine for illnesses
es, enjoy looking at the sky at night, especially when and ways to help people not to get ill. t should also be spent
there aren’t any clouds. on finding ways to improve farming so that everyone has

can only name a few constellations. These are Orion, enough healthy food.
the lough, ydra and Andromeda.
once looked through a telescope in reenwich. t was TRANSCRIPTS
ama ing to see the stars through the telescope as it

Part 1
made it possible to see them much more clearly, and an
astronomer atmosphere constellation fall apart galaxy
astronomer showed several constellations to us.
telescope universe watt
nvite Ss to look at the picture of the ubble Space
Part 2
The first telescopes were invented in the th century, and,
Ask Ss to read the uestions and answer them. Do not as they improved, astronomers were able to learn more
and more about the stars at night. n , the astronomer
correct Ss at this stage. Lyman Spit er wrote a paper discussing the main advantages

Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video to a telescope based in space would have over a telescope
check their answers. on the ground, and he spent much of his career trying to
lay the video and have Ss check their answers. make it happen. n the s NASA began planning a space

Check the answers with the class. telescope, and it was carried into orbit in . They named
the telescope after Edwin ubble, one of the most important
t is used to take pictures of stars and galaxies that are astronomers of the th century.
billions of light years away. The larger the telescope, the further away you can see. A
t’s been in space since . / t’s been in space for telescope uses a mirror to collect light, and it is the si e of

about years. this mirror which decides how far you can see. NASA’s space
t’s the si e of two buses. telescope was originally designed to have a -metre wide
mirror, but that was reduced to . metres to save money. The

ubble Space Telescope is the si e of two buses and weighs

Ask Ss to read through the statements - and make sure tonnes. t gets all its power from two solar panels, but it
they understand everything. actually doesn’t need a lot of power to run. t uses about ,
ave Ss guess whether the statements are true, false or not watts, which is only about double the amount used by a coffee

mentioned. Do not correct them at this stage. maker.

ave Ss watch the video again and do the activity. The ubble Space Telescope is in orbit around the Earth,
Check the answers with the class. travelling at a speed of , miles per hour. The telescope
uses electronic detectors, so basically it works just like a
T T T N huge digital camera. t can take pictures of stars and galaxies
N T F F several billion light years away. A light year is the distance
light travels in one year. The sun is the closest star to the
telescope, but it can’t take pictures of it, because the sensors
ave higher per orming s work with lower per orming
would break.
s and correct the false sentences. This will challenge The ubble Space Telescope has made some very important
higher per orming s and help lower per orming s discoveries over the years and has contributed a lot to science.
understand why these sentences are false. owever, it is probably most famous for taking pictures of
nebulae. A nebula is a cloud of dust, hydrogen and helium
Ask Ss to look at numbers - and make sure they are able in space, and an image of one is often spectacular. Sadly, the
to read the numbers correctly. ubble Space Telescope won’t be able to stay in orbit forever.
Ask Ss to read through the options a-f and make sure they ts parts will soon wear out, and, in the future, it will fall from
understand everything. orbit and break up when entering the Earth’s atmosphere.
Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video again owever, NASA is already designing its next space telescope,
and match numbers - with options a-f. called the ames Webb Space Telescope, which will have a .
ave Ss watch the video and do the activity. metre mirror and will be able to see some of the most distant
Check the answers with the class. galaxies in our universe.

f d c e a b

160 TB

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Video activities
Common cold
Divide the class into pairs and have them discuss the uestions.
infection nausea relieve remedy virus inc Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion.
Alternatively, ask Ss to share their partners’ answers with the
Aims • to give Ss the opportunity to expand on the language class.
and topics of the module
• uggested answers
A es, found the information in the video useful and
Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the interesting. used to think that cough medicines could
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. help you if you had a cough, but now that know they don’t
Alternatively, ask Ss to share their partners’ answers with the make any difference, won’t take them again. also didn’t
class. know that could help myself avoid catching a cold simply
by washing my hands more often, so that was useful advice.
Also, it was interesting to learn that drinking a lot of fluids
uggested answers helps us relieve the symptoms, as that was something didn’t
usually get a cold once or twice a year. know before either.
To relieve the symptoms, drink fresh lemon juice with
hot water and a little sugar. also sleep and rest a lot think it’s extremely important that we should do research
because always feel tired when have a cold. to help us understand more about diseases. eople suffer

a lot when harmful viruses attack their bodies, and some
B can lead to death. esearch should be done to find out how
Ask Ss to read the three statements and make sure they haven’t diseases spread and how to prevent this from happening. We
got any unknown words. also need to find medicines to help people who suffer from

Ask Ss to guess which statement will best summarise the video diseases.
about the common cold. Do not correct Ss at this stage.
lay the video and have Ss do the activity.
Check the answers with the class.

Part 1
infection nausea relieve remedy virus inc
To challenge higher per orming s, ask them to justify why Part 2
the other two options are incorrect. This will challenge them We all know that feeling. our nose is running like a tap, your

and help lower per orming s understand why this answer is throat is rough like you’ve swallowed sandpaper, and you’re
correct. coughing so loud you wake the neighbours up. ou’ve got a
C cold.

Ask Ss to read the paragraph with the incomplete sentences and There are over viruses that are known to cause the
make sure they understand everything. common cold, the most common being rhinoviruses which
nvite Ss to guess the missing words. Do not correct Ss at this stage. attack the nose. A cold usually lasts between - days, but
ave Ss watch the video again and do the activity.
Check the answers with the class. some symptoms can last for three weeks. A sore throat is
present in of colds, and a cough in . aving a fever is

rare in adults, but it is uite common in children. The cause of

three weeks a fever the common cold has only been known since the s, but the
nose disease has been with humans since ancient times. Symptoms

and treatments were described in the Ebers apyrus, the oldest

known medical text, written over , years ago. The name
Ask Ss to read through the sentences - and make sure they ‘cold’ was first used in the th century as it was believed that
understand everything.
Ask Ss to guess whether they are true or false. Do not correct the cause was low temperatures something that people still

them at this stage. believe today.

ave Ss watch the video again and do the activity. The fact is that the common cold is a viral infectious disease.
Check the answers with the class. t is the most fre uent infectious disease in humans with the
Ask Ss if they guessed any of the answers correctly. average adult having between and colds a year, and children
between and . There is no cure for the common cold.
T T F F T Over the years, people have come up with a whole range of
interesting remedies from wearing wet socks to bed to eating
raw onions. There are no medications or treatments that can
ave higher per orming s work with lower per orming s shorten the duration of the infection.
and correct the false sentences. This will challenge higher owever, there are many treatments to relieve the symptoms,
per orming s and help lower per orming s understand why such as getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of fluids. There
these sentences are false. are many cough medicines available but recent research
Ask Ss to read uestions - and make sure they don’t have any suggests that they aren’t any more effective than taking a
unknown words. painkiller. itamin C is commonly believed to cure a cold
Explain to Ss that they are going to watch the video again and but there is no scientific evidence to support this. There is
answer the uestions. a possibility that vitamin C could have an effect on people
lay the video and have Ss do the activity. exposed to intense physical activity such as marathon runners,
Check the answers with the class. but not the general population. There is some evidence to
suggest that taking inc can reduce the duration of a cold, but
the oldest known medical text it is not recommended, as long-term use of inc can cause side
in the th century because people believed that the effects such as nausea. The only real preventative measure that
cause was low temperatures works is hand washing. Washing your hands regularly greatly
wearing wet socks to bed and eating raw onions reduces your chances of exposure to the virus. Along with this,
people exposed to intense physical activity it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle including regular
washing hands exercise. ou are probably going to catch a cold sometime
anyway, so it’s best to be prepared to deal with it.

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Video activities 8
Common cold
A. Discuss the questions.
ow often do you get a cold
What do you usually do to relieve your symptoms

B. Watch the video and choose the statement that best summarises the video.
a. t s time people became aware of the effects of the common cold.
b. There are a lot of things people don t know about the common cold and there is little we can do to avoid
catching one.
c. The treatments for the common cold haven t changed much throughout history.

C. Complete the paragraph. Then watch again and check your answers.

There are over (1) viruses that are known to cause the common cold, the most

common being rhinoviruses which attack the (2) . A cold usually lasts between
- days, but some symptoms can last for (3) . A sore throat is present in
(4) of colds, and a cough in . aving (5) is rare

in adults, but it is uite common in children.

D. Watch again and write T for True or F for False.

1. eople have been catching colds for thousands of

2. Before the s, people had a false belief about the


cause of colds.
3. t is easier for adults to catch a cold than children.
4. t is a myth that drinking lots of li uids relieves

the symptoms of a cold.

5. t is not advisable to take inc when you have a cold.

E. Watch again and answer the questions.

1. What is the Ebers apyrus

2. When and why was the name ‘cold’ given to

this disease
3. What unusual remedies does the video
4. What sort of people might benefit from
vitamin C when dealing with colds
5. What does the video suggest is the best
prevention for a cold

F. Discuss the questions.

Did you find any of the information in the
video useful
ow important do you think it is to do
research into diseases


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British and American English
Spelling Words and phrases
British English American English British English American English
aeroplane airplane anorak parka
centimetre centimeter autumn fall
bill (at a restaurant) check
centre center bookshop bookstore
che ue (n.) check (n.) brackets parentheses
colour color car park parking lot
dialogue dialog cashpoint AT
chemist’s pharmacy
favour favor chips (French) fries
favourite favorite cinema (the building) movie theater
grey gray city centre downtown
humour humor cooker stove/oven
crisps potato chips
kilometre kilometer curriculum vitae (C ) resum
jewellery jewelry driving licence driver’s license
litre liter do the washing-up do/wash the dishes

fancy dress costume
metre meter film movie (also film)
neighbour neighbor flat apartment
organise organi e flatmate roommate

practise (v.) practice (v.) football soccer
footballer soccer player
programme program
go to the cinema
go to the movies
travelling traveling ground floor first floor
handbag purse
tyre tire head teacher principal

holiday vacation
ill sick
Grammar and usage jumper sweater

leisure centre sports / recreation center

British English American English lift (n.) elevator
lorry truck
February February mark grade
February February th
match game

maths math
at the weekend on the weekend inistry of Education Department of Education
mobile phone cell phone
in exams on exams

motorway highway
mum/mummy mom/mommy
uarter past two a uarter after two opposite across from
pavement sidewalk

petrol gas
petrol station gas station
learnt learned phone (v.) call (v.)
smelt smelled plaster Band-Aid
public telephone pay phone
ueue line
be in hospital be in the hospital railway station train station
go to hospital go to the hospital rubbish garbage / trash
secondary school high school
shop store
book a room/table make a reservation shop assistant salesperson
lay the table set the table shopping centre shopping mall
sit for an exam take an exam speciality specialty
have a shower take a shower surname last name
sweets candy
go to university go to college table tennis ping pong
takeaway takeout
tick ( ) check ( )
train (v.) practice (v.)
trainers sneakers
trousers pants
T / radio programme T / radio show
underground (railway) subway


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1a  pp. 6-7 petrol (BrE) - gas (AmE)

don t understand. (BrE) -
influence (v.)
link (v.)
1 video activities
actual don t get it. (AmE) mood ancient
actually cinema (BrE) - movie theater occasion civilisation
certainly (AmE) on the other hand empire
contain trousers (BrE) - pants (AmE) positive llama
encourage trainers (BrE) - sneakers recover uarter
focus (on) (v.) (AmE) refer ruin (n.)
habit football (BrE) - soccer (AmE) represent
hold holiday (BrE) - vacation satisfy 2a  pp. 22-23
in person (AmE) stuff announce
increase suffer approach (v.)
inform 1a  pp. 10-11 symbolise armour
organiser various blood
original (n.) view (v.) brave
purpose warning sign cheer
s uee ed (onto) clap
common Nouns related to the
stranger confident
content (n.) meanings of colours
take part

convenient courage crowd
take place defeat
d efeat (v.)
disadvantage death
try on evil
e-pal goodness
try out gallop
immediate joy

Words related to places lively power gather
admire major (adj.) unhappiness greet
benefit (n.) peaceful weakness ground
1b  pp. 15-17
a couple of
custom specific honest
educate suggest in order to

entertain injury
Words related to learning a block (n.)
enthusiastic intelligent
language expenses
exhibit (n.) knight
at one s own speed express

exhibition lift (v.)

atmosphere facility
experience (v.) medal
contact (n.) feel like
foreigner nod
feedback get together
landmark in pain
interaction hear from
marvel (v.) participant
learning environment incredibly

region pour
mother tongue keep in touch
replica protect
non-native speaker keep up with
resort push
pronunciation lack (n.)

site raise
uestionnaire lead
theme park refuse
spelling nearby
tradition remove
vocabulary pick up
1a  pp. 8-9 president

Words related to work/ shake one s head

business uite
accent shield
client similar
cause (v.) soldier
company unfortunately
confuse spectator
export (n.) walk past
cover (n.) supporter
import (n.) Words related to lifestyles sword
international alone unknown
personal assistant crowded upset
exhausting victory
1b  pp. 12-14 fabulous whisper (v.)
achieve hectic wounded
ebra crossing
argue independent
British - American English Phrasal verbs with on and off
associate isolated
flat (BrE) - apartment (AmE) keep off
awareness lonely
fantastic (BrE) - awesome keep on
beat (v.) monotonous
(AmE) put off
bride relaxing
mobile phone (BrE) - cell put on
cooperate routine
phone (AmE) take off
curiosity schedule
bill (BrE) - check (AmE) (n.) take on
defeat (n.) socialise
crisps (BrE) - chips (AmE) turn off
ecological trendy
lift (BrE) - elevator (AmE) turn on
envelope Phrases related to directions
autumn (BrE) - fall (AmE) (n.)
understand (BrE) - figure out
fight (v.) on the corner 2a  pp. 24-25
funeral on your left
(AmE) block (v.)
goal on your right
rubbish (BrE) - garbage (AmE) claim (v.)

Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_Wordlist.indd 317 13/1/2021 1:19:17 µµ

cosmopolitan determination grab a bite
curious dig 3a  pp. 38-39 hold on
favour dragon admit m in.
fear (v.) entire although What s up with you
fussy feather besides
guide (n.) free (v.) come across 3a  pp. 42-43
human being heroic complain active
in addition mythical constantly challenging
lie (n.) numb every once in a while competitive
luxury ordinary for ages correct (v.)
painting pull intention creative
possession reach on top of that essay
powerful scale recently helpful
probably search (v.) related provide
uality sheet ring research (n.)
response wolf tend to settle into
secret Words related to natural unlike socialising
tell from disasters staff
trust (v.) Words related to free-time
avalanche activities stimulating
wealthy blow (v.) athletic Words related to a youth
2a  pp. 26-27 be into centre

earth uake be willing art class
as for erupt board (n.) climbing wall
award frightening bookworm keep fit
be in one s shoes hurricane

chat online outdoor chess
burst impressive costume table football
comment (n.) incredible court table tennis
keep calm
design (v.)
football pitch
3b  pp. 44-46
flame shake gloves
loud situation advertisement
goggles allow
main storm hang out

nearly strength arrangement

join care about
trapped survive member
survivor clear (adj.)

Words/Phrases related to net discuss

describing people thick outdoors
unconscious discussion
appreciate performance especially
career unharmed play (n.)
violently furthermore
consider racket genuine
courageous volcano rehearsal

danger rehearse
deal with 2b  pp. 31-33 relaxed
in advance
effect after a while scuba diving

enthusiasm against shin pads make sure
extraordinary as soon as slope organised
motivate at first snowboarding possibly
patient backwards sociable

record (v.)
pressure brake (n.) sporty select
rescue crash into swimwear spill (v.)
responsible cycle (v.) vest take into consideration
reward (v.) elderly water polo tip (n.)
rewarding faithful
risk go on 3a  pp. 40-41 Words related to job
sense of humour head (v.) ama ed
stress innocent anxiety
delicious appearance
strict panic (v.) delighted
unselfish railway appropriate
exhausted behaviour
rise (v.) fascinating
2b  pp. 28-30 slip (v.) furious
body language
act slow down huge
speed (n.) C (curriculum vitae)
astonished loads of duty
bee to one s horror peckish
track eye contact
breathe terrified facial expression
bruise (v.) valuable though
wheel gesture
bury trail image
characteristic Phrases / Phrasal verbs income
climber 2 video activities be off to interview (n.)
crash (n.) light bulb be on nervous
crawl phonograph chill out organisation
desire telegraph operator get bored out of my mind position


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practise cheerful melt inability
preparation community oil likely
ualifications cover (v.) petrol measure (v.)
responsibility create temperature nut
salary description Phrases predator
self-confidence destruction after all remaining
typical development according to researcher
up-to-date eventually big deal shiny
fit (v.) for all care skin
3b  pp. 47-49 generation for starters turn into
at one s convenience hardworking hopeless case up to
attach harmful So what weigh
complete (v.) housing weight
currently individual (n.) 4a  pp. 58-59 Words related to animals
customer length ant
logging argument
essential attract bird
foreign exchange miss out breed (v.)
planet aware
knowledge located butterfly
look forward to reduce cobra
screen damage (v.)
minimum demonstration creature
previous stretch (v.) crocodile

report (n.) train (v.) deer
treasure editor
task educational eagle
travel agency uni ue exotic
uniform Words related to the fly (n.)

with regard to environment flash of lightning goose
Words/Phrases used when canyon issue (n.) habitat
applying for a job
ade uate
chain of islands
plan (v.)
protest (v.)
hunt (v.)
ambitious desert public transport insect
applicant ecosystem resident kangaroo
available environment sign (v.) li ard

be familiar with flood (n.) skill mammal

certification jungle snorkelling monkey
oasis nest

clerk survey
computer-literate ocean threat parrot
experience (n.) paradise town council peacock
experienced plant (n.) traffic congestion pigeon
fluent polar ice cap prey
pond Words related to rat
full time

rainforest environmental issues reptile

hire coastline
interest (n.) sandy seed
species conservation project tortoise

tropical crystal clear

marital status endangered Units of measurement
part-time volunteer (v.) centimetre
environmentally friendly
personality foot
pleasant 4a  pp. 56-57 litter (n.)

nature reserve
polite alternative (adj.) pollution gram
punctual countryside recycling inch
ualified disturb turtle kilogram
reliable extreme unspoilt kilometre
re uire fuss wildlife litre
suitable give in metre
training give up Phrases mile
working conditions interrupt at all costs millilitre
level change one s mind ounce
3 video activities muscle in favour of
make a difference
boardsports obvious pound
raise (v.) take action uart
kitesurfing show off
simply 4b  pp. 60-62 stone
skysurfing Words related to global at present yard
warming authorities
4a  pp. 54-55 climate be aware 4b  pp. 63-65
cool off capacity conventional
affect energy cause (n.) dependent
amount (n.) flooding die out dispose of
beauty fossil fuel existence exact
builder global warming feature (v.) forwards
challenge (n.) heat in search of ha ard


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spot (n.)
turn out
6a  pp. 86-87
order (n.) unexplained charge with afford
overall wander (off) commit appeal (v.)
practical confess attack (v.)
Phrasal verbs with up
retirement crime choice
bring up
ruin (v.) fingerprint construct
call up
shortage identification cross (v.)
go up
source kidnap enjoyable
grow up
tell apart kidnapper fre uent (adj.)
hold up
kidnapping guarantee (v.)
Words related to make up
murder (n./v.) original (adj.)
environmental issues put up
murderer persuade
acid rain take up
punish physical
exhaust fumes turn up
punishment pros and cons
landfill site
rubbish 5a  pp. 74-75 release repeatedly
rest (v.)
smog rob
character robber restore
solar-powered commonly robbery span (n.)
waste (n.) cruelty theft speciality
weather conditions definitely thief supervision
wind power destination

victim Words related to travelling
get seasick
4 video activities glimpse (n.) Expressions with the word accommodation
time area
deforestation harbour
by the time arrive

orangutan link (n.)
for the time being attraction
percentage originally
from time to time barge (n.)
s uare mile reputation
board (v.)
Words related to landmarks
in time
on time
in no time
5a  pp. 70-71 exploration
once upon a time
breathtaking fare
aloud fortress Words: be + prepositions
be about to

astonishment guided tour must-see

clue legend be after
confused legendary be against

da ling peasant be for

enormous prince be over
fill ueue be up
tour (n.)
footstep spectacular be up to
frustrated spooky
5b  pp. 79-81 6a

ghost tower  pp. 88-89

hardly traditional alarm system
harm (v.) unbelievable ambulance
be supposed to

hypnotised citi en
lock (v.) 5b  pp. 76-78 elegant
check in
look away apart from fade away
check out
order (v.) bi arre go out
come up

radiant chubby immediately

copy (n.)
rush (v.) complete (adj.) incident
sigh (v.) confirm light up
damage (n.)
softly container make out
deposit (n.)
stunned encounter (v.) shape (n.)
swing (v.) face (v.) so far
discount (n.)
the other day fair stage
unlock homeless suburb
extra (n.)
vanish in action suddenly
Reporting verbs intact thankful
guarantee (n.)
apologise leftovers throughout
in cash
beg match (v.) trip (v.)
in that case
deny owner urgent
murmur pan
promise pot 5 video activities order (v.)
remind protection aggressive passport
safety cell prove
5a  pp. 72-73 scatter convict (n.) receipt
coincidence scraps escape (v.) record (n.)
gradually security guard inmate reduction
odd thankfully pelican take advantage of
operation Words related to crime prisoner wing
remote break into


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Compound nouns mix (n.) tour operator dietician
air conditioning object (n.) variety dye (v.)
beauty salon physics venue facial (n.)
business centre popularity Linking words/phrases gorgeous
conference room portable firstly pick out
credit card put forward for instance recommend
double room reality from my point of view Words related to appearance
holiday destination slightly in the first place and fashion
package tour space moreover anklet
peak season spaceship such as anorak
return ticket transport (v.) to begin with blouse
room service transporation without a doubt bracelet
weather forecast version chain
Wi-Fi connection via Adjectives used to describe
holidays coat
Words related to hotel wherever dreadlocks
accommodation Prepositional phrases with at beneficial earring
accommodate and in economical fitness programme
book (v.) at last energising haircut
cancel at least ideal hairstyle
charge (v.) at once refreshing high heels
massage (n.) at the age of highlights

reservation at the latest 6 video activities iin
n shape
satellite at the moment jewellery
sauna in a good/bad mood basket jumper
spa in a hurry globe make-up

in a mess hot-air balloon match (v.)
6a  pp. 90-91 in detail lantern necklace
be exposed to
document (n.)
in general
in other words
in particular
7a  pp. 102-103
do without Words related to occupations spiky
driving licence artist complement sweatshirt
embassy chemist contemporary wedding dress

fuel designer conversation wellington boots

means of transport electrician countless
dedicated 7a  pp. 106-107

re uest (v.) engineer

re uirement mathematician entirely addicted to
traffic jam musician exchange (v.) aid (n.)
vegetarian physicist expert catch on
visa politician flexible come up with
wheelchair receptionist increasingly compete

reporter individual (adj.) concerned

Words related to travelling instead
by plane scientist consist of
stylist it s no use developing country

aisle seat it s worth

boarding pass Adjectives with the suffixes drawback
jealous hunger
check-in desk ent al ly method
flight number additional in conclusion
no longer instant messaging

flight reservation number costly oral

fre uent flyer card daily pastime
partner poverty
fre uent flyer programme existent range (n.)
gate fictional radical
rather (than) stock (v.)
luggage logical relevant
seat number monthly to make matters worse
replace trend
terminal national resource
timetable natural vending machine
scene webcam
window seat personal unlikely
Phrase yearly Words related to food
Words related to learning canteen
What s more,...
6b  pp. 95-97 through the Internet
chicken nugget
6b  pp. 92-94 backpacking holiday download (v.)
junk food
broaden nutritious
argue e-learning overweight
aspect car rental film clip
beam (v.)
catch-phrase employment
log on
7b  pp. 108-110
commonplace giant (adj.) media baggage
conse uence insurance site cashier
enable option virtual come up to
episode relatively confusion
fantasy sit back 7a  pp. 104-105 cook (n.)
hand-held phone stressful discourage


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extra-spicy universe concentrate cheek
feature (n.) watt concerning chest
flight of stairs confidence knee
hand (v.) 8a  pp. 118-119 depressed lip
handy bright doorbell neck
high-tech common sense grateful nerve
install curse (n.) household chores thumb
projector except no matter toe
race (v.) let alone peace and uiet wrist
rush (n.) match (n.) reject
second-hand piece respect (v.) 8b  pp. 127-129
selection prevent support (v.) be stranded
surface pull apart take turns break out
tablecloth silence civil war
tabletop solution 8b  pp. 124-126 complicated
takeaway suggestion attached democratic
tap on superstition be worn out dull
technician superstitious blister eager
touchscreen swear (by) bring round elect
tray turkey bruise (n.) go about

view (v.) unpleasant bucket hearing
Expressions with eep and wish (n.) cardboard heroine
hold Phrases/Expressions with choke leader
hold a party most and least clutch lighthearted

hold hands at most come down with publish
hold one s breath in the least come round set about
hold the line communicate stubborn
keep a secret
keep an eye on
keep in mind
last but not least
least of all
make the most of
most of all Words used when talking
keep one s promise to say the least di y about books
keep sb company evidence author

Expressions with lose and experiment (n.) autobiography

can t be bothered faint
miss can t help bestselling
lose contact field blurb

it s a shame frighten
lose one s temper knock on wood descriptive
miss a turn gasp (v.) gripping
make an effort get over
Expressions with the word the next thing knew informative
heart rate mystery
way What are the chances hurt (v.)
by the way page turner

in the way 8a  pp. 120-121 identical twins

make one s way to review (n.)
advise lie (v.) thriller
on the way to

check-up miracle vivid

one s way examination monitor (v.)
out of the way
the hard way
phenomenon 8 video activities
there s no way infection

mope psychology
lus, nausea
7b  pp. 111-113 process (n.)
public (n.)
pulse relieve
amusement shed (weight) rash remedy
animated film speed up reaction virus
announcement starve regarding inc
collage Idioms remain
computer-animated a piece of cake roll up
contribute be in sb s shoes scratch
entertainment be on cloud nine separate
event beat about the bush sign (n.)
in black and white down in the dumps sleeve
relaxation have a sweet tooth telepathy
special effects learn by heart thought (n.)
whereabouts spill the beans tightly
transfer (v.)
7 video activities 8a  pp. 122-123 twin
astronomer adapt unaware
atmosphere arise Words related to parts of the
constellation assure body
fall apart betrayed ankle
galaxy boost (v.) bone
telescope come round brain


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Listening Transcripts

Module 1 Module 1

Tracy So ohn, what did you do for New ear Presenter ood afternoon. Today have with me Donald
John Traditionally, as you know, my family and usually Turpin from East Durham niversity, and we are
gather at home and celebrate New ear’s Eve together. going to talk about English, the language which
Tracy ight. is fast becoming the world language. Welcome,
John Well, this year my brother obert decided that it would Donald.
be a clever idea for us all to go to Times S uare in New Donald t’s a pleasure to be here.
ork City. ou know, to watch the big crystal ball fall Presenter So, how many people across the globe speak
and everything else. English
Tracy es, of course. Sounds exciting Donald The current figure is estimated to be about .
John t was exciting, at least in the beginning. We all agreed, billion people.
and since everyone knows that New ork gets uite Presenter eally
crowded during this time, we decided to leave in the Donald es, and if you consider the population of the world,
morning to find a good spot. nfortunately, the traffic which is . billion, that means approximately one
was horrible. really regret that we didn’t take the train. in four people on the planet can speak English.

At any rate, we arrived in Times S uare at about p.m., Presenter That’s interesting. And expect these numbers are
and it was cra y growing.
Tracy What do you mean Donald es, English is the most taught language in the

John n the first place, the crowd was enormous. Second, world, with over one billion people learning it.
there were fences blocking off the s uare, with police Presenter Well, often hear world leaders and politicians
officers standing guard, and thousands of people trying from different countries speaking in English. And

to get in.
Tracy Wow
es, intense. Anyway, if it were up to me, we would have
major events like the Olympics are conducted in
es, if there is a world language, think we can
left right at that moment, but obert insisted that we safely say it’s English. Take the business world,
get in and get a spot. So we stood in line for about two for example. There are many companies in non-
hours, and finally, luckily, we were able to get into the English-speaking countries where employees often

s uare. An hour later they actually closed the s uare communicate in English on a daily basis.
because it was already filled to maximum capacity. By Presenter And expect it’s just as widely used on the nternet.

that time, it was about p.m. Donald Definitely, over of nternet content is in
Tracy So you all stood there for another six hours O , but English and over / of the . billion web users are
that was probably fun. English language users.
John Sure it was. We had brought sandwiches and drinks with Presenter And these users are not necessarily native English
us for the celebration, and so, at first, we had a great speakers, understand.
time eating and drinking. t soon got dark, however, and Donald Not at all. any non-natives choose to write

then it became very cold about minus C. articles or blogs in English so their work has a wider
Tracy Oh my, you must have fro en audience.
John Believe me, we did. Fortunately, the large crowds helped Presenter That makes sense.

to keep things a bit warm. owever, a second problem Donald owever, research shows that the increasing
soon arose. number of Chinese web users means that, in the
Tracy What’s that future, most of the web could well be in andarin.
John After eating and drinking a bit, we all soon developed a Presenter An interesting thought. O , let’s talk more about

very great need to go to the bathroom the effect that English...

Tracy But you couldn’t leave
John recisely. We were stuck among some one million
people, and if we tried to leave or find a toilet, then we Module 1
would have lost our spot and certainly never been able to
get back. 1b CD1 8 - 15
Tracy So what did you do
John We waited, of course, painfully. t was about p.m. by 1.
that time, and so, for another two hours, we all stood Man ey, ulie. Did you have a good time during your
around shaking and jumping up and down like rabbits. holiday
By . p.m. we were all counting down the seconds, Woman t wasn’t what expected.
not because we were excited about the New ear, but Man Oh, remember you had a great time in taly last
because we wanted the crystal ball to drop so that we summer.
could get out of there as fast as possible. When it finally Woman eah, did, but this time it wasn’t as good as last year.
did fall, can tell you for certain that we ran faster than ou see, the weather was terrible.
we ever had.
Tracy Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself 2.
John eah right can’t wait to do it again next year. Man ay see your boarding pass, please
Woman es, of course. ust a minute...
Man urry up please. There’s a long ueue behind you
waiting to board. (politely)
Woman Oh, here it is.


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3. to get you one
Presenter So, r Dawson, we were talking about how Man es, that would be great. Thanks.
ollywood streets got their names.
Mr Dawson Well, there are a number of streets named after 5.
important local figures, famous golfers, authors, Man When are you leaving
actors, explorers and so on. Woman Next month.
Presenter What about onroe Street t’s named after the Man What are you planning to do while you’re visiting all
famous actress arilyn onroe, right those countries
Mr Dawson Well, there is a street named onroe. t wasn’t Woman Well, don’t plan to do anything while ’m in
named after the actress though, but the fifth Thailand apart from sunbathe on the gorgeous
president, ames onroe. beaches and go swimming in the sea. But when get
to Australia, ’m going to do conservation work. After
4. that, will spend some time in ndia and do volunteer
Girl New ear’s Eve is very important for us, and we have work at a girl’s orphanage in olkata.
various customs which we follow to prepare for it. For Man Wow That’s really good. Now wish were taking a
example, in apan, we clean our houses very well before gap year instead of going straight to university.
the New ear because we wish to get rid of the dirt of the
passing year. 6.
Boy We do that in reece too. ou see our family, relatives Woman So, what were you doing in apua New uinea Were
and friends all gather at one house, and we have a big New you on holiday

ear’s Eve party together. Man Not exactly, was there studying one of the tribes
Girl We spend a lot of time with our family too. Especially for my research project at university. t was really
during the first three days of the new year. We visit fascinating. This tribe lives in a remote village in the
each other’s houses and have various traditional meals jungle. They are called ‘tree people’ because they build

together. their houses up in the trees. Some of their houses were
about twelve metres above the ground.
Woman What were these people like
Module 1
1 round-up CD1 18 - 29
Man at
t was difficult at first as they don’t trust outsiders.
We were helped a lot by a British researcher who has
been working there for a number of years. As soon
as they realised we weren’t a threat, they were very
1. friendly.
Woman What did you think of the museum

Man t was ama ing, all those beautiful paintings didn’t

realise the ona Lisa was so small in real life.
Module 2

Woman es, know.

Man The only problem was the museum was so big that we 2a WORKBOOK LISTENING CD1 33 - 40
didn’t have enough time to see everything.
2. At first couldn’t believe my eyes. was so shocked that
Woman ’m thinking of going to taly for my summer holiday. couldn’t move. just sat there watching the place burning.

Man eally That sounds interesting. Where about Suddenly, caught a glimpse of what thought was a woman.
Woman Well, ’ve been to Florence and enice already... ’ve t must have been my imagination, though, because when
never been to ome, so maybe ’ll go there. looked again, all saw was a curtain that was on fire. All the

Man Of those three cities, like enice the best, that’s while could hear a cat crying, but could not pinpoint its
where was last summer. But you’ll like ome there’s whereabouts, so wasn’t going to risk my life trying to find it.
so much to see and do there. And the food is simply Then saw him. There were huge flames coming out of the
delicious windows of the first floor, and he was on the second floor. just

rushed in without thinking about the conse uences. ou see,

3. too have a son his age just had to get him out.
Woman have some good news got the promotion
wanted, and now it’s my job to set up our new offices 2.
in apan. was sitting on the bank of the river, reading a book when it
Man Congratulations ’m so happy for you. know you happened. There was a little row boat with three people in it. A
really wanted to go to apan. child with his grandparents. don’t know how or why but
Woman All those apanese lessons will finally be put to the the boat suddenly capsi ed, and they all fell into the water. At
test. first, my instinct told me to head for the boy but one look and
Man So when are you leaving realised that he was a strong enough swimmer to get
Woman Next month. himself out. The old woman seemed to be in trouble as she was
shouting and waving her hands, but, as approached, realised
4. that she was actually trying to tell me that her husband did not
Woman The nternational Society are planning a trip to know how to swim. Thankfully, he was uite close so managed
Oxford next week. Would you like to go to get to him in time.
Man That sounds interesting. es, think will. went
with them to Edinburgh a few months ago. t was very 3.
interesting. Edinburgh is such a great city. even had a was walking home from school one day. wanted to get home
deep-fried ars bar ave you ever tried one of those uickly so that could get my football kit ready for practice.
They’re a Scottish speciality. n my rush to get home, tripped and fell over a rock that was
Woman No A fried ars bar doesn’t appeal to me. Anyway, sticking out of the ground. As looked up, saw a wallet. was
the tickets for the Oxford trip cost ’m going by shocked to find that it had a lot of money in it. didn’t know
the office later to pick up mine. Would you like me what to do There were no clues as to who the owner was, so


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suppose should have given it to the police. t crossed my mind say that despite being funny these characters always
that should keep it, but ended up giving it to a woman often manage to save the day, and perhaps it is exactly their
saw begging for money in my neighbourhood. humorous side that makes them all the more appealing
to us...
t’s not that feel guilty that am more fortunate than these
people. And can’t say that feel pity for them either. just feel Module 2
as if it’s my calling in life. ou see ’ve never had to worry about
how to earn a living or pay my bills. y dad’s multimillion 2b CD1 45, 46
dollar company has given me plenty of free time. reckon that
there’s a reason for this. t’s because ’m supposed to use this Jane i there, elly Sorry ’m late.
time and money to do good So ’m going to make sure that do elly Oh, hi ane No problem ’ve only just got here myself.
as much as can for people in need. ’ve ordered cappuccinos. s that O
Jane es, great.
elly So, come on then am dying to hear all about your
Module 2 Jane
holiday with Emily. ow was South America
t was fantastic. The month just flew by.
2a CD1 41, 42 elly What was it like Was it difficult to travel around Did
you have any problems
ost Welcome to the show. Today we are going to talk about Jane No, not really... apart from nearly getting killed in the
funny superheroes and why they appeal to audiences. mountains, that is (laughs)

With me here in the studio is ohn axwell, a comics elly What What happened
enthusiast. Jane t happened during our third week there, near the end of
John ood evening. the trip. Emily and had this plan to go high up in the
ost So ohn, tell us, who are your favourite funny mountains. Everyone said it’s a great place to watch the

superheroes sunrise. So, we hired a eep and got up at four o’clock in
John That’s a hard one Well, let me see, would say my top the morning to drive up the mountain.
three heroes with a humorous side are Asterix, Lucky elly Sounds exciting
Luke and opeye.
ost And can you tell us a bit about these characters Let’s
start with Asterix, the French hero.
Jane t was Emily was driving, and was sitting beside her.
The trip started off O , but the higher up the mountain
we got, the more snow and ice there was. t was still dark,
John O , he’s the hero who lives in a village in aul. This and the road was getting narrower and narrower. We
village is the only place the omans haven’t con uered could hardly see where we were driving

yet. The oman army can’t con uer it because Asterix elly Oh no ow scary
and his fellow villagers have taken a magic potion which Jane es, it was. But that isn’t even the worst bit
gives them superhuman strength. Asterix is normally elly Oooh Do go on

given the most important missions because he is cleverer Jane Well, we went around this one really sharp bend in
than the other villagers. Asterix and his friend, Obelix, the road and we hit some ice. The eep skidded and we
have various humorous adventures in and around their couldn’t stop it We started screaming and holding on,
village. They also travel around the world to different and really thought we were going to fall off the side of
countries where they experience different cultures, and the mountain. Luckily for us, there was a huge pile of

this often leads to funny situations. snow at the edge of the road and that stopped us.
ost Asterix is undoubtedly very successful all around the elly Wow What happened then
world. Now let’s move on to our character from the Wild Jane Well, the eep wouldn’t start again. So, we decided to

West, Lucky Luke. walk back down the mountain the way we came up.
John es, Lucky Luke the fastest shooter in the Wild West. elly t just gets worse and worse
e travels on his horse, olly umper, the cleverest horse Jane es it does, actually, because when jumped out of the
in the world. Together they have various wildly funny eep, sprained my ankle really badly, and couldn’t

adventures his most famous ones involve him chasing walk

the Dalton Brothers, a group of four brothers who have elly Oh no So, how did you get down, then
escaped from prison. At the end of every adventure he Jane Thanks to Emily. She helped me down the mountain
rides off singing about being a lonely cowboy. elly What The whole way
ost believe there is a statue of him on his horse in ueen Jane es, the whole way. t took ages though. t took us over
Astrid ark in Charleroi, Belgium. five hours to get back down. tell you have never been
John That’s correct. That’s where orris, the artist who so happy to see houses t was so cold
created him, was from. elly Was your foot badly hurt
ost O then, now let’s talk about opeye, the famous Jane es, it was. had to rest it for a few days, but then it was
American cartoon character. O .
John Ahh yes, opeye e’s a sailor, who was created by the
comic artist E. C. Segar for a newspaper. e became
so popular in the S that they made comics and T Module 2
cartoons about him for over years.
ost So, tell us something about the opeye comics 2 round-up CD1 48, 49
John Well, opeye finds himself in difficult situations, but he
always manages to get out of them somehow. e becomes Ronald (host): ello, and welcome to our show. Today we have
very strong when he eats spinach, and he doesn’t seem a very special guest, Sheila ogers. Sheila is a
to be very smart, but he always finds clever ways to solve doctor who gives free medical services to people
difficult problems. opeye’s biggest enemy is another living in hard-to-reach parts of the country.
sailor named Bluto. Sheila, tell us about what you do.
ost Well, we’ve had a look at three very different superhero Sheila: i, onald. Thanks for having me. Well, it all
characters from around the world. think we can started when was in my last year of medical
school. ou see, some friends from university


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and became volunteers in an organisation train journey through Europe. ’ll get to see a lot more
that offers medical services to people who do places on the train. ’m really looking forward to going
not have easy access to medical care, and we to countries that ’ve never been to before, like ussia.
travelled to many villages that are far from the What about you What are you doing
nearest town, and a trip to the medical centre Male ’m taking my caravan to France.
takes hours. Female ’d love to travel by caravan some time in the future.
Ronald: ’m sure the people there were very excited to Where are you planning on going
have medical professionals in their village. Male We are going to rovence. We’ve been there a couple of
Sheila: es, they were wonderfully friendly and happy times, and the whole family loved it.
every time they saw us. ou see, many people
in these villages don’t have a car, so it’s hard 4. What did they play last week
for them to reach the nearest medical centre. Female ey, ark. ow about a game of table tennis
And extreme weather conditions often make it Male Oh, no, not again.
impossible. started thinking that wanted to Female What do you mean We haven’t played for weeks. ’ve
spend my life helping people who live in places had enough of playing darts.
like that. When finished medical school, Male We played a game of table tennis last week.
decided to work for the organisation had been Female That was table football.
volunteering with. Male Oh, all right then (whining)
Ronald: So how does it work ave you moved away
from the city to be able to offer people your 5. In which country did the man like the sea
services Female What’s the most ama ing place you’ve ever been

Sheila: Oh, no work here in the city, but visit isolated Male That’s hard, ’ve been to uite a few. ndia was
places two weekends a month and take two beautiful, and the Taj ahal is ama ing. On my trip to
longer trips of about three weeks, one in the Egypt saw the yramids. ’ll never forget that. really
summer and one in the winter. enjoyed my trip to Thailand as well, the beaches were

Ronald: So, what kind of treatment do people usually fantastic. don’t think ’ve ever seen such crystal clear
need water. A place haven’t been to yet that ’d really like
Sheila: Well, make sure all the people in the villages
visit get at least one full medical exam a year,
more for the children of course. bring basic
at to go to is Australia. ’d like to visit Ayers ock.

6. What job did the man apply for

medicine like antibiotics and vaccines with Male uess what got that job applied for
me. But sometimes there are serious medical Female Congratulations
problems and the treatment can offer is not Male ’m so glad ’ve decided to change careers. was so

enough, and have to make people understand bored with working in a bank. Now can make a living
that they need to make the long journey to from photography. ou are so lucky that you’ve always
hospital. done something you love for a living.

Ronald: Well, these people are certainly very lucky to Female Well, if you decide to change jobs again, you can join
have you Now tell me, how do me and become an optician.

Module 3 Module 3



1. What does this week’s speaker do 1.

Female Who is rs Davis bringing in to talk to us about Man think we should order some office supplies. We
careers definitely need some paper.
Male think it’s a firefighter this week. Woman es, you’re right and we also need some folders.

Female No, that was last week, you weren’t there, remember Man Do we need any pens
Let me have a look at the schedule... Oh yes. t’s a Woman No, we’ve got two boxes full of those.
doctor this week.
Male might not bother coming then. ’m not interested 2.
in becoming a doctor. ou know my dream is to be a Woman What happened to you this morning ou were
pilot. supposed to be here at nine.
Man know... know... thought set my alarm for a.m.
2. ow does the man’s brother get to work but when woke up it was
Female ave you seen the new trend in the city eople are Woman But how come it took you so long to get to work
skating to work Man There was an accident on the road. was stuck in
Male t’s not such a bad idea, my brother is a keen traffic for nearly two hours.
skateboarder, so he skateboards to work. e says it’s
uick and more fun than taking the bus. 3.
Female What will they think of next Woman think ’m going to have a selection of desserts for the
Male Well, heard in one country some of the people dinner party. A cake...
skydive to work. Man A cake is fine, but make sure you have some ice cream
Female Are you serious too because you know that’s what like best.
Male No ’m joking. Woman Don’t worry ’m making ice cream sundaes.
Man What else are you making
3. ow is the woman going to travel through Europe Woman Well, thought ’d include something light like fruit.
Male So, are you going on that editerranean cruise in the Man ood idea.
Female That was the original plan, but ’ve decided to go on a


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4. Woman ’m very reliable. ’m used to working hard to
Woman Wow That’s a beautiful painting. Did you paint that finish things. do this by being organised and
yourself prioritising my tasks.
Man No, my sister did. ’m more into photography. Interviewer O . Well, that’s all want to ask for now. Do you
especially like taking pictures of gardens and flowers. have any uestions you would like to ask
Woman Can you tell me what the job will involve
5. Interviewer ou will be working... (fade out)
Woman think we should do something active this weekend.
Man What do you suggest
Woman Well, have a few ideas we could go hiking in the Module 3
Man mm, sounds interesting. Or we could go fishing at 3 round-up CD2 11 - 22
the lake.
Woman ’m not that keen on fishing. have another idea. Do 1.
you remember that riding school we saw when we Man ood morning have an interview with r Carr at
were driving back from the park yesterday Why don’t o’clock.
we go have a riding lesson Woman ood morning let me just check that for you. What is
Man think hiking in the mountains sounds better. your name
Man David ackson.
Woman Oh... but have you down for a . a.m. interview.
Module 3 Man But in the email received the time given was . .

ere, have it on my phone take a look. t says arrive
3b CD2 8, 9 at . for the test then the interview will take place at
. .
Interviewer ood morning, s ones. lease have a seat. Woman Oh, ’m terribly sorry, must have made a mistake.

Woman Thank you. But don’t worry fortunately, r Carr is available.
Interviewer Would you like a glass of water before we begin
Woman No, thank you. 2.
Interviewer O . ’ll start by telling you a bit about the
company. We are a large organisation with
offices in aris, New ork City and Los Angeles.
Man Shall we try the diving course that’s offered at the
Woman don’t know really just want to relax while ’m here.
Our main office is in London, which is where Learning how to dive sounds a bit difficult. Can’t we
the position of marketing assistant is based. just lie on the beach and go for a swim in the sea

Now, would like to move on and ask you a few Man Ah..., that’s so boring want to do something active.
uestions. Can you tell me about yourself ow about a game of tennis
Woman es, of course, ’ve recently got my degree in Woman Oh, all right then, but only if you promise you’ll go

arketing. have been working part-time swimming with me afterwards.

as a marketing assistant for a arketing and Man t’s a deal
romotions company for the past two years. Now
that ’ve finished my degree, want to move on to 3.
a full-time job with training opportunities. Man So, are you going to take part in the marathon

Interviewer So, you were working as a marketing assistant Woman es, ’m running for a local children’s charity.
while you were at university. t must have been Man That’s really good. t’s in about eight weeks isn’t it
difficult to work and study at the same time. Tell Woman Actually, it’s in six weeks exactly.

me, how did you manage your time Man So are you feeling confident
Woman Well, am a very organised person wrote Woman ’ve been training three times a week for the past five
down all the tasks needed to do each week. As months. do feel fit enough, but we’ll have to see what
completed them, would tick them off. also happens on the day.

divided my study and work so that would always Man Sounds like you’ve been working hard. ood luck
have enough time to do my coursework or study with it.
for exams.
Interviewer ery good. Can you tell me what your strengths 4.
are Man ow long have you been a teacher
Woman Well, have experience which is useful for this Woman Let’s see... ’ve been teaching for fifteen years.
position. have excellent computer skills, ’m Man And do you like it
organised and work well in a team, although Woman love teaching it’s one of the most rewarding
can be left alone to get on with my work as well. professions you can do.
Interviewer ood... and a weakness Man ’m starting my new teaching job next month. ’m
Woman Ah Well... would say am very ambitious. feeling a bit nervous.
Interviewer ou’ve mentioned teamwork skills. Can you give Woman Don’t worry. ou’ll be fine. The first lesson is always
me an example of when you worked in a team the hardest. After that, you’ll start enjoying yourself.
Woman Of course. n my job as a marketing assistant,
worked in a team of four on various projects. y 5.
role in the team was to do research and write up Man ow long have you been horse riding
reports. We each gave ideas and made suggestions Woman About two years. t’s great to be out in the
to help the team and to make sure that we countryside. t’s a wonderful break from being stuck
completed our projects on time. Working in a in the office all day.
team also gave me the opportunity to learn from Man What made you start horse riding
other people. Woman remember was driving down one of those narrow
Interviewer n this company we often have to work hard to country lanes, and saw a couple of riders on their
finish jobs uickly. ow reliable are you horses. As overtook the horses, thought to myself


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‘ want to try that’. So, the next day found a riding apanese waters since . apanese scientists did
school near where live and started lessons. A year ago research to find out what was causing the increase
bought my own horse, Silver he’s fantastic. keep in jellyfish. They collected jellyfish eggs and
him at a farm that rents stables out. exposed them to different water temperatures. The
scientists discovered that when water suddenly
6. became warmer, the jellyfish grew more uickly.
Man So, what time is the film starting Interviewer That is very interesting. So, could it actually be
Woman There are shows on at . , . and . . changes in the environment that are causing this
Man ow about going to the . showing and getting increase in jellyfish
something to eat afterwards Alex t’s possible. There is a warm current of water
Woman ood idea. But let’s do it the other way round and eat which passes through the sea near China, apan
first. and orea. This water current has become
Man O , don’t mind. There’s a good Chinese restaurant stronger in recent years. Some scientists believe
near the cinema. We can eat there and go to the . warm water is the clue to why we’ve seen an
show. explosion in jellyfish populations. owever, it is
Woman That’s fine with me, just as long as we make it to the not just jellyfish that are affected by warm water
show. don’t want to go at . because have to there are other creatures and plants living in the
wake up early tomorrow. sea which will be affected. As well as eating some
fish, jellyfish eat small plants. Therefore, if the
number of plants in the sea increases, so will the
Module 4

Interviewer So should we be worried about these changes
4a WORKBOOK LISTENING CD2 27 Alex Well, jellyfish are important creatures in the sea.
They are a source of food for turtles and other fish.

Interviewer Welcome to Environment Watch adio We They are also eaten by humans. think we need
have a special guest today, but before introduce to find out exactly what is causing the changes in
him, let me remind our listeners about the jellyfish populations because it could tell us more
competition. ou can win a trip on an incredible
eco-tourism holiday to eru if you answer the
following uestion correctly. The melting of the
at about the health of the Earth’s oceans.
arctic glaciers is threatening the home of which
of the following animals s it A the tiger, B the
Module 4
penguin or C the polar bear f you know the 4a
4a CD2 28 - 35

correct answer, call or text message us

at with your mobile phone, and you could 1.

be a winner The pri e includes tickets for two Woman ey, don’t leave your bottle on the beach.
to eru you’ll get to stay at a beautiful nature Man Ooh, yeah, forgot to pick it up.
reserve where you will have the chance to observe Woman t really upsets me when see litter on the beach. Look
ama ing wildlife and explore scenic landscapes. at that, someone’s left a can over there, and an empty
Now, for the past two weeks we have been running juice carton.
the Focus on Nature series. want to welcome our

special guest today, Alexander itchell, a marine 2.

biologist who is here to talk to us about jellyfish. Woman Look at that waterfall. sn’t it beautiful
Alex Thank you. Man es, it’s unbelievable. This place is ama ing. The

Interviewer Now Alex, all know about jellyfish is that rainforest is full of wildlife. think ’ll take a photo of
they can give me a nasty sting. n fact, was the waterfall.
stung once by a jellyfish while on holiday in the Woman After you’ve done that, shall we go for a swim
editerranean. Man reat idea. We can even go under the waterfall.

Alex That’s unfortunate. ou’re right, a jellyfish sting

can give you a bad rash or can actually make you 3.
very sick. ou have to be careful with jellyfish. Woman The sea looks very rough today. aybe it’s not a good
always wear protective gloves when study them. day for fishing.
They use their stinging cells to stun their food or Man don’t think it’s that bad.
protect themselves from predators. Woman But look how dark and heavy those clouds are.
Interviewer believe there has been an alarming increase in Man So it might rain a little. t’s no big deal.
the number of jellyfish found in certain places. Woman Did you see that
Alex es, that is correct huge numbers of jellyfish Man es, that streak of lightning across the sky.
have been turning up in unexpected places. They Woman So, do you still want to head out there
clog water pipes and they also cause problems for Man aybe you’re right. We can leave the fishing until the
fishermen because the jellyfish get caught up in storm clears.
their nets. A particularly troublesome jellyfish
is the giant jellyfish. t is usually found in waters 4.
near apan and China. t can be up to two metres Woman f we want to save our planet, we need to change our
in length, and it can weigh as much as a bear. lifestyles.
ecently, there have been clusters or ‘blooms’ Man agree that’s why never throw away anything that
of these jellyfish found in certain places. When can be recycled.
this happens with any creature, it usually means Woman That’s good And hardly ever use my car anymore.
that some kind of change has happened to the use public transport or cycle.
environment. Man am ashamed to say this, but can’t live without my
Interviewer ow long has this phenomenon been going on for car.
Alex Well, there have been blooms in jellyfish in


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Module 4 many people who still deny this problem, but it is,
unfortunately, very real. The fact is, global warming
4b CD2 38, 39
has a human origin. For example, what’s the biggest
difference between present-day society and society
Speaker 1
years ago
n the future believe we will see more eco-cities. These are cities
James mm, ’d say technology. Factories, cars, aeroplanes,
which are built to be environmentally friendly. China has already
that kind of thing.
created plans for an eco-city which will be the first of its kind in
Mr Allen recisely. So, think of it this way. magine a sunny,
the world. t will generate electricity from alternative sources of
summer day and a small glass room. f the sun’s
energy such as solar and wind energy. believe if the Chinese city
energy or heat passes through the glass and is then
is successful, other countries will follow in their footsteps and try
not able to escape again, what will happen to the
to create cities that will work with the environment rather than
against it. n fact, there is already a plan to make London more
James t will probably get very hot
environmentally friendly.
Mr Allen ight. That’s what global warming is all about. We
call this the greenhouse effect. The small glass room
Speaker 2
is like a greenhouse, and our planet is very similar
believe one of the greatest threats facing our planet in the
to this. The carbon dioxide that the hundreds of
future is lack of water. Scientists have predicted that, in the next
thousands of cars and factories produce traps the
few years, serious water shortages will occur around the world.
Sun’s heat on Earth. So, in fact, like the glass room,
The amount of fresh water available to the world’s population is
our planet is now getting hotter and hotter.
decreasing due to both climate change and our increasing needs.
James Wow, never thought of it that way. So, if this

Scientists have said that we have to manage how we use water in a
continues, then the temperature will also continue
better way if we want to save the planet. eople and governments
to rise. What will happen after that
have to start taking action now if we want to stop this disaster
Mr Allen Actually, we are already seeing the results of climate
from happening.
change, such as severe hurricanes, giant forest fires

and more. But we can’t just sit back and watch it
Speaker 3
happen. We need to change our behaviour to avoid
think that eco-tourism is something that will become more
popular in the future. Eco-tourism allows tourists to visit
natural areas without causing harm to the environment. t also
aims to improve the lives of the local people. As more and more
at things getting worse.

Module 5
people become aware of the environmental problems facing the
planet, it is predicted that they will choose to go on eco-tourism a WORKBOOK LISTENING CD3
5 4, 5

holidays. n addition, as our modern lifestyles become busier,

people will want to escape from the cities and head for natural Radio host oining me in the studio today is oanne Curtis,
environments, where they may be able to give something back who is here to tell us all about a very unusual

to the Earth. believe that in the future this type of responsible experience she recently had. oanne...
travel will play a large role in the tourism industry. Joanne Well, during the summer, went to my
grandparents’ village by the sea. Even though my
Speaker 4 grandparents had left their cottage to me, this was
think life will be better for us in the future. believe the home my first visit since my grandfather had passed

of the future will be very different from the way it is now. As away, which was almost two years ago now. y
technology becomes more advanced, so will our homes. eople grandmother, unfortunately, died about five or six
are already building environmentally-friendly homes that do years earlier.

not cause any damage or pollution to the natural environment Radio host And you were there with your teenage son, right
and use energy efficiently. This type of home will become more Joanne That’s right.
common in the future. n addition, think computers will also Radio ost So you arrive, and then what happens
play an important role in future homes possibly computers Joanne We’d brought our mountain bikes along as it’s a

or robots will do many tasks in the modern household such as fabulous location for bike riding. So, the first thing
housework and shopping. This will give people more time to do Leo wanted to do when we got there, of course,
other recreational activities and enjoy their free time. was go cycling. But, as it was getting late, we went
straight to the supermarket instead to do a bit of
shopping. When we got back to the cottage, we were
Module 4 both exhausted, so we uickly ate and went straight
to bed.
4 round-up CD2 41
Radio ost What next
Joanne That night had a very odd dream. had left the
James ood afternoon, r Allen. Do you have a moment
cottage to go for a walk. think was on my way to
Mr Allen Certainly, ames. ow can help you
a park somewhere when walked past a bookshop.
James have a uestion about global warming.
went inside and that’s where bumped into my
Mr Allen es Tell me.
grandfather e told me that when get back to
James read in a maga ine that the Earth’s temperature is
the cottage should go down to the basement
now one degree hotter than it was about years
and search for a small jewellery box that had once
ago. t also said that if this continues, then weather
belonged to my grandmother. was familiar with
conditions worldwide will become worse.
the box. t was the one my grandmother’s sister
Mr Allen That’s correct. What was your uestion
had given to her as an engagement present. y
James was talking to a friend today, and he said that
grandfather went on to say there was something
the Earth’s temperature changes all the time. For
important inside for me. Then woke up
example, volcanoes and variations in the sun’s
Radio ost ow mysterious. So what did you do next
temperature can often lead to similar climate effects.
Joanne went straight to the basement, of course got
So my uestion is: s global warming a real problem
down there, but nothing was very tidy. t was
Mr Allen Well, ames, that’s a very good uestion. There are


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in a huge mess, with books and clothes all over castle in Europe. We will take a tour of the castle, but first
the place. was looking for ages through all the would like to tell you a bit about what there is to see there. The
different boxes. was just about to give up when castle is huge and has four towers. n the past, prisoners were
spotted it sitting on a shelf. kept in them. There are several gardens and even exhibitions on
Radio ost ou must have been feeling pretty excited at this art and culture to enjoy at the castle. nfortunately, when a fire
point started in , parts of the castle were destroyed, which meant
Joanne Leo certainly was. To be honest, was more worried that in the years that followed they had to be built again.
than anything else, really didn’t know what was
going to discover, if anything.
Radio ost And was there anything inside Module 5
Joanne es, but not what had expected. thought it
was going to be full of gold or precious gems, but 5b CD3 10, 11
all found was a letter addressed to me that my
grandparents had written years earlier. n it, they Narrator When Amy Tredway entered her house one
explained that when was born, they had opened evening, she encountered an awful scene
a bank account for me and that they had been broken lamps, papers all over the floor, torn
collecting money over the years. The instructions sofas, and the kitchen cupboards open with
were that was to make good use of it. was so cans and bags of food thrown on the floor.
touched that almost cried. The first thought that came to her mind was
Radio ost So let me guess, you spent the money travelling the - burglary She ran uickly to the phone and

world, right called the police.
Joanne Well, haven’t spent any of it just yet. ’ll definitely Detective Allen eys was soon at the scene of
use some of it to take Leo on a nice holiday the crime. e was wearing a large tan trench
somewhere, but almost all of it will be spent on his coat with a missing button and old, worn out

university expenses. e wants to study medicine brown shoes. Despite his appearance, he had
when he finishes school next year, so this money sharp eyes which moved across the room,
really couldn’t have come along at a better time. taking in everything in a single look.
Radio ost t’s lovely to hear that dreams really do come true at
Detective eys So, s Tredway, you say that the door was
locked when you came home. Did the key turn
Module 5 easily in the door Was there any difficulty in
opening it
5a CD3 6, 7

Amy Well, r eys, didn’t notice anything at first.

The door opened as it has in the past three
Welcome to the city tour of rague y name is aria, and ’m years since moved here.

your tour guide today. Let me introduce you to the magical city Detective eys And the outside windows seem to be intact,
of rague by first telling you how our city originated. n the th unbroken, you say Do you keep your windows
century, a beautiful Slavic princess with the ability to foresee the open or unlocked when you leave home
future ruled over the C ech lands with her husband, the prince. Amy No, never. n fact, the windows are set on an
A legend says that one day the princess had a vision of a great alarm system. f they’re broken or opened, the
city. She told her people to go and build a castle at the spot she

alarm will be set off.

had seen in her vision. owever, when the builders arrived, they Detective eys ave you ever given your house key to anyone,
found a man building the doorway of his house. The castle went a friend, your parents, brothers or sisters
ahead, and in a show of respect to the man, the city was called

Amy Well, my parents do have a key, but then again,

‘prah’ which means doorway in C ech. Now, on to the tour we they live in London. Other than that, haven’t
begin here at Wenceslas S uare. As you can see, the s uare is given my key to anyone. nless someone
a lively area with plenty of hotels, restaurants, cafes and shops. stole the key from my parents, made a copy,
But it would have been a very different scene here in the past.

and then returned here to Newcastle, can’t

ad you been standing in this very spot a few hundred years imagine how anyone could have got the key
ago, you would have been standing in the middle of a horse Detective eys Nor , s Tredway. So, it would seem then,
market. Today, Wenceslas S uare is one of the two main s uares that we either have an incredible thief who is
in rague, and it is very popular with visitors from all over the able to pick a lock without leaving a mark, or
world. f you look over there, right at the top of the s uare, that s Tredway, we’re facing something much
incredible-looking building is the National useum, which is more evil.
full of wonderful exhibits. ou simply can’t come to rague and Amy Like what
not pay it a visit. Detective eys The door is it on the same alarm system as
Next, we are going to pass through the Old Town. When the windows
you enter the Old Town S uare, you will feel like you have Amy Well, yes, of course it is.
been transported years back in time. The architecture Detective eys And you haven’t left this house since you
is absolutely spectacular. Let’s take a look at the Old Town returned home.
all, which is an impressive th-century building. What’s so Amy ’ve been here the entire time.
special about it is that it’s actually made up of several different Detective eys Then if the windows are intact and the door
buildings instead of being just one single construction. For hasn’t been opened, this could mean only one
many, the best part, of course, is its tower. ou can climb to the thing (pauses) the thief is still in the house
top of it to enjoy a breathtaking view over the Old Town S uare. Amy Oh, my goodness
t’s almost metres tall, and when it was built back in the Narrator A sound is suddenly heard in the next room a
s, it would have been the tallest building in this city. strange scratching. Allen eys places his hand
Now we will walk across Charles Bridge. This is a th-century on his gun and slowly makes his way to the
pedestrian bridge linking the two sides of rague. As you can door. e puts his finger to his lips as if to say,
see, there are beautiful views of rague from the bridge. Now, ‘Be very uiet ’, and in a flash, he opens the
we will move on to rague Castle which is the largest medieval door with a shout:


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Listening Transcripts
Detective Keys Gotcha! weather patterns. This could even lead to high
Narrator And indeed, the clever Detective had caught waves. Also, some of the unpredictable storms in
the culprit. In the next room two small kitten the area can produce spouts of water that could
eyes looked up at the Detective fearfully. destroy planes and ships.
Amy Milo! I’m so sorry Detective, but when Interviewer Well, thank you Dr Brown. I expect everyone will
I saw the disaster here in my house, I agree that was fascinating...
completely forgot the most important piece of
information! I just got Milo yesterday, and he
must have got out of his room and caused this Module 6
little mess around the house.
Detective Keys (irritated) Indeed, this little mess! That would 6a WORKBOOK LISTENING CD3 17
explain everything, wouldn’t it?
Female Hi, Jack, you look very refreshed after your holiday!
Did you go to San Francisco in the end?
Module 5 Male I was keen on going to San Francisco, but we decided
on Quebec because my wife has some relatives there
5 round-up CD3 13 that she wanted to see. I don’t regret it. Quebec is
absolutely fantastic. If you ever get the chance, you
Interviewer Good evening and welcome to our World should definitely go.
Mysteries series. Here with me today is Dr Robert Female Really, tell me more about it.
Brown, from the University of Birmingham. He Male Well, to start with, Quebec is one of the most beautiful

is going to talk to us about one of the world’s cities I’ve ever been to, and that’s saying a lot because
greatest mysteries – The Bermuda Triangle. Hello, I’ve been to a lot of cities around the world.
Dr Brown and welcome to the show. Female It must have been very cold there at this time of year.
Dr Brown Good evening. Male We didn’t mind the cold that much, we just made sure

Interviewer Let me start by asking where the Bermuda to wrap up warm. When we arrived, there was a fresh
Triangle is. carpet of snow on the ground, the sky was brilliant
Dr Brown The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s blue and the sun was shining. It was spectacular!
Triangle, is in a region of the northwestern
Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Miami and
Puerto Rico.
Female So what can you do there?
Male Where shall I start! On our first day, we went on a
walk around the city. There was so much to see! I was
Interviewer We’ve all heard the stories about disappearing really impressed by the Chateau Frontenac, which is
ships and aircraft, but has this region of the world an enormous gothic building. We also took a funicular

always been mysterious? railway to the Lower Town, which has lovely old
Dr Brown Well, the first recorded strange incident was streets, full of charming shops and bistros.
made by Christopher Columbus in 1492. He saw Female What about skiing? Did you go skiing?

‘strange lights on the horizon’ and abnormal Male No, but we did something better. We went tubing.
compass readings. Today, we believe the strange Female What’s that?
lights he saw were the cooking fires of natives on a Male Well, someone at our hotel recommended we go to
nearby island and the compass readings were due Village Vacances Valcartier. It is about 30 minutes
to human error. away from the city. The place consists of several small

Interviewer Now, let’s talk about what happened around 75 snow covered hills; you can’t ski there but you can go
years ago. tubing. We got into these enormous inflated tubes and
Dr Brown Ah yes, the most famous incident connected with launched ourselves down the hill. It was fantastic fun!

the Triangle; the disappearance of Flight 19. It was The kids really enjoyed it.
a navy training mission known as Flight 19, and Female Sounds fun.
five planes vanished without a trace. There were Male Now let me tell you about the food. For our lunch
fourteen men on board the planes. During the we had poutine, which is the Quebecois form of fast

flight it is thought the pilots experienced compass food; it consists of chips, gravy and cheese curds. I
problems and got lost out at sea. Many years later, know it doesn’t sound very healthy but it is delicious.
a wreckage of a plane thought to be one of the I also tried foie gras and cassoulet, which is a delicious
Flight 19 planes was found off the coast of Florida. casserole.
However, to this day there is still no scientific Female Oh, that sounds tasty.
explanation as to what happened. Some people Male One day there was a blizzard, so we spent the day
believe enormous sea monsters, giant squid or indoors at a huge shopping mall. The kids loved
even extra-terrestrials could be responsible. A it; there was an ice-skating rink, a roller coaster, a
navy report recorded the cause as ‘pilot error’, but minigolf course, a cinema and loads of shops.
after protests from family members the verdict Female What was your hotel like?
was changed to ‘reasons unknown’. Male It was a nice hotel, centrally located, and the staff were
Interviewer Interesting. So, what do you think is special about friendly and helpful.
the area of ocean in the Bermuda Triangle? Female Well, I think I’ll definitely consider Quebec for my
Dr Brown Well, it does have some unusual features which next holiday destination.
can lead to bizarre compass readings. It has the
deepest underwater trench in the world; this
means a wreckage could sink deep below the
surface of the ocean floor. The weather in that
region is also odd, hurricanes are common.
Another interesting fact is that the Gulf Stream
travels through that area. The Gulf Stream is a
powerful current, like a river within the ocean;
the warmer water within it can create strange


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Module 6 Woman No, I’m sorry we can’t accept that.
Man What do you mean! Wait, here I have my National
6a CD3 18 - 29
Identity Card. You’re not going to tell me I can’t use
that, are you?
Woman That is acceptable. Now sir, do you have any luggage to
Woman Hello, Wings Airlines, how can I help you?
check in today?
Man Hello, I have a question about the frequent flyer
Woman What would you like to know?
Clerk Fly Away Airlines. What can I do for you?
Man I have a frequent flyer card and I saw on your website
Client Hello, my name’s Jim Veder, and I’m calling to change
that if I stay in the Hilton Hotel, I will earn triple
my flight reservation. Though I made my reservation
points. I just wanted to check how long that offer is
over the Internet, I don’t understand why I can’t change
valid for.
it via the Internet.
Woman The offer ends on 30th November.
Clerk Yes, changes can only be made by contacting the airline.
Man That’s fine. I’m flying to Florence next week.
Client I see. Well, I was supposed to fly to Chicago on Thursday,
Woman Ooh, I’m sorry; that Hilton offer is only valid if you
but unfortunately something has come up and I can’t
stay in the Hilton Milan or Rome.
leave before Friday.
Clerk Can I have your flight reservation number?
Client Sure it’s FAA4557655.
Woman Hello, I am flying to Paris next week with my mother,
Clerk OK, Mr Veder. There’s a flight leaving on Saturday
but she has sprained her ankle. Would it be possible to

morning. However, there is a £25 fee which we’ll have to
have a wheelchair for her?
charge you for the change.
Man Of course, madam. Can you give me your flight
Client That’s no problem. Thank you very much.
reservation numbers?
Clerk Enjoy your flight.
Woman My mother’s flight reservation number is

CRA3730765. Mine is CLA3730764.
Man I will arrange for a wheelchair to pick your mother up
Module 6
from the check-in desk.
Woman Thank you very much. Also, can she have an aisle seat?
Man I’ll just check for you... no problem. That’s done.
6b CD3at 32
Woman Another thing I forgot; could I have a vegetarian meal 1.
on board? Man Well, I’ve just checked the train schedule and there are
Man That’s done for you. Is there anything else? departures at 6.15, 7.00 and 8.30.

Woman No, I think that’s all for now. Woman Remember, though, we have to pick up Charlie from
work at 7.15 and then go to the station.

Man I guess we only have one option then.

Man Excuse me. Can you help me, please? Do you know
where Terminal C is? 2.
Woman Yes, you have to take the train there. Man I think this year for our summer holiday we should
Man Where do I get the train? go to a nice village up in the mountains instead of a
Woman Here, let me show you on the map. We are in Terminal beach resort again.

A now. Take the escalator down, turn right and you Woman I don’t know. You see, I really like going swimming in
will see the stop for the train. It will take you to the summer.
Terminal C. It’s the second stop. What gate do you Man Of course! We can go swimming in lakes and rivers.

have to go to? Woman Then no problem.

Man Let me have a look at my boarding pass... Gate 22.
Woman OK once you get to Terminal C, just keep walking 3.
straight on and follow the signs, they will direct you. Man Are you going away for the weekend?

Man Thank you. Woman Yeah, I’m going to go visit my parents in Brighton.
Man Really? I’m going to Brighton myself! How are you
4. getting there?
Woman Hello, is that the American Embassy? Woman I was hoping to go by car but it broke down, and now I
Man Yes, how can I help you, madam? have to go by bus or train.
Woman I am planning to study at a university in New York, Man Well, there’s plenty of room in my car!
and I want to know if I need a visa. Woman Thank you very much.
Man You may need a student visa. First you have to come
into the office for an appointment and someone will 4.
discuss it with you. Actually, if you want, you can Woman Where could you possibly have lost your passport?
make an appointment now. Man I don’t know. I had it when I got off the plane because
Woman Thank you. I think I’ll call back later. I went to the car rental agency and showed it to them
to get a car. And then when I went to the hotel to
5. check in, I couldn’t find it!
Woman Can I see your passport, please?
Man I have it right here... where is it? Ooh no! I’ve forgotten 5.
my passport! Woman So, how was Egypt?
Woman I’m afraid you can’t fly with us if you don’t have your Man It was great! I saw the Sphinx and the pyramids, and I
passport. did lots of shopping.
Man What! But I have to be in Madrid tomorrow; my Woman Did you go on a camel ride?
daughter is getting married. Man Extreme adventures are not for me.
Woman Do you have any other form of ID on you? Woman Riding a camel is not extreme.
Man Well, let me see. Here, I have my driving licence. Man Still, it’s not for me.


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6. Woman True. But the same goes for the Bahamas, uerto
Woman Did you manage to get any sleep on the plane ico and Tahiti and all tropical islands. ou need two
Man ow could The man sitting next to me wouldn’t months’ salaries to fly to such faraway places.
stop talking to me. And there was a baby behind me Man Oh, is that what’s bothering you Don’t worry about
crying all the time. it. y friend Carl is a travel agent. e’ll get us the
Woman ow awful cheapest prices available.
Woman Let’s go see him and we’ll talk about it.

Module 6 6.
Man ave you got plans for the weekend
6 round-up CD3 34 - 45 Woman Well, was thinking of going shopping. What about
1. Man was thinking of visiting my uncle in Dover. Do you
Man So, how was your trip to exico feel like joining me
Woman nfortunately, we didn’t make it after all. Woman would love to need a break from this rainy weather.
Man Oh no Don’t tell me it was Bill’s fault again. Man hate to disappoint you, but the weather isn’t much
Woman Well, yes. But he can’t help it if he’s afraid of flying. better there either.
Man see. So, did you stay in Leamington, then Woman Still, it’s a nice change, and a trip will do me good.
Woman Actually, we took a train to London and went to the
Tate allery. They had an exhibition of Frida ahlo,
the exican painter. t almost felt like we were in
Module 7


Woman Four Seasons otel, how may help you Speaker 1
Man es, hello. would like to make a reservation for the love fashion, but think fashion should be ethical, and that
of December. is why set up this company. wanted to help reduce the
Woman Of course, sir. ow many nights are you planning on

ust three.
unnecessary waste that is produced by the fashion industry,
but, at the same time, needed to produce fabulous clothes to
keep my customers happy. started out by going through the
Woman So, you are leaving on the th, then rubbish from factories that produce clothes for designers. found
Man No, the th. damaged clothes and fabrics which would not be used again.
Woman So, that’s two nights then, the th and the th collected these and created my own styles from them.

Man es, that’s right. Are there any ocean-view suites

available on those dates Speaker 2

Woman Let me check. Erm... es, there is one. Would you like Our company makes gorgeous accessories for stylish women
me to book it who want to wear products that have been created in an ethical
Man es, please. The name is ones. Todd ones. way. The accessories are designed by our designers, then they
are created by workers in disadvantaged communities in Africa.
3. We train the local people in jewellery making and provide them
Woman Now look to the west, and keep your eyes open for the with fair wages for their work. We also buy the materials for

medieval castle. our accessories in Africa, which has a wealth of beautiful raw
Man s it on the right or the left materials to choose from, as well as traditional fabrics which
Woman On your left, sir. we use to make our colourful handbags. n this way, we provide

Man don’t see it. Can you point it out again business opportunities for the local people.
Woman t’s right there.
Man thought you said it was on the left. Speaker 3
Woman t is on the left said... oh, never mind. Now, in a Everyone loves jeans they are the most essential item in your

few minutes we’ll be passing in front of the National wardrobe. They can be dressed up with a smart top and flashy
ardens where we will spend the next hour. jewellery, or you can just hang out in your jeans with a casual
Man Are we going to do any shopping today look. n spite of all their advantages, jeans are made from cotton,
Woman Well, sir, this is the end of the tour. We have been on and, sadly, the production of cotton is responsible for nearly
the road for five hours. of pesticide and of insecticide use. We know that these
chemicals are bad for the environment. So, if you want to be an
4. ethical shopper, why not buy organic jeans made out of organic
Man So, did you pack everything for your trip to Barcelona cotton Organic cotton is grown without the use of dangerous
Woman No, not really. Actually, haven’t even decided what chemicals so it is good for the environment.
clothes to take with me.
Man Well, it’s probably going to be warm and sunny over Speaker 4
there. The hot new trend at the moment in ethical fashion is vegan.
Woman uite the opposite, actually. read it online. There is a wide assortment of vegan clothes, footwear and
Man Well, at least you’re going somewhere. handbags to be found in shops. egans are people who choose
Woman Why don’t you join me ’m sure we can get another a lifestyle that does not include animal ingredients which are
ticket. found in food, clothes and other materials. Even people who are
Man Do you mean it would love to not vegans are buying vegan fashion accessories. found one
shop on the nternet that specialises in vegan shoes and bags.
5. Shoppers can find an exciting range of designer non-leather
Man What do you think about Costa ica for this summer shoes including boots, formal shoes and summer sandals. think
Woman think it’s an earthly paradise. But forget it. this is an excellent way for people who love fashion to contribute
Man Why thought you always wanted to go to Costa to protecting the environment.


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Module 7 Module 7
7a CD4 5, 6 7b CD4 9

Martin Good morning, listeners. Today we have a special Woman Hi, William! How are you?
guest, Dr Kevin Truman, an IT specialist and research Man I’m fine, Kelly. I just got back from the cinema. I
scientist at Bells & Collins Inc. He’ll be telling us about took my kids to see that new computer-animated
the philanthropic project called ‘laptop for a child’. film you had recommended to me.
Kevin Hi, Martin, it’s actually called the OLPC or ‘One Woman And what did you think?
Laptop Per Child’. This was a project initially thought Man My kids were thrilled by it. I had my doubts at
up by Nicholas Negroponte, an architect and computer first, but I have to admit I was very pleasantly
scientist, who also helped develop the media lab at the surprised.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Woman You see, I told you you would enjoy it. The great
Martin Please, excuse the mistake Kevin, I’m still on my first thing about this film is that children can have
cup of coffee. a really good time watching it, and, at the same
Kevin (laughs) No problem at all. time, adults can get a good laugh too because it’s
Martin So, what’s this OLPC all about? so cleverly written.
Kevin Well, the basic idea is that many developing countries Man That’s right! The writers really took the time to
within the Americas, Asia, and of course Africa, face think about the story and develop the characters.
a number of problems in becoming economically It’s good to know that someone still cares about
and technologically independent. The response of the producing high quality films for the whole

OLPC project is then similar to the old saying about family.
fish… Woman And what did you think about the graphics?
Martin You mean, ‘Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Weren’t they simply amazing?
Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.’?

Man They absolutely were. The entire film was a
Kevin Precisely. In countries such as Somalia, Rwanda, feast for the eyes. Animated films have come a
Ethiopia, Malawi, and others, the main problem is that long way since their beginning in the early 20th
international aid focuses primarily on giving food and
helping these countries deal with crises such as war. As
a consequence, larger long-term needs and goals are
at century.
And animators are not stopping here. You see,
currently most computer-animated films show
often not given enough attention. animal characters or fantasy characters or
Martin By that you mean such things as education and cartoon-like humans. But the ultimate goal for
technology? animators is to create a computer-animated film

Kevin Exactly. To get straight to the point, the OLPC is a which will show realistic-looking humans. And
project aimed at creating educational opportunities they want to do this in a way that viewers would
for the world’s poorest children. The initial goal of

no longer be able to tell if a particular film is

the project was to build an affordable laptop which, at computer-generated or created using real actors
the same time, was technologically equivalent to the in front of movie cameras.
standard personal computers found in richer countries Man Hmm, I’m not so sure that complete human
such as the United States and Great Britain. realism is such a great thing. Can you imagine
Martin And were these goals achieved? what it will mean for actors and the film industry

Kevin Yes and no. The OLPC project initially aimed at in general? Lots of actors would find themselves
producing laptops which could be sold at no more than unemployed.
$100 each. Unfortunately, the motherboard itself costs Woman Well, they have nothing to worry about for the

around $75, so, in the end, the price had to be raised to moment. Complete human realism is still a long
about $200. As far as technology is concerned, I think way off but I guess it would be strange, though.
the project pretty much achieved its goals. The laptop Can you imagine a premiere without the stars?
has a relatively powerful processor and memory, a Who will they be rolling out a red carpet for?

flash disc storage drive, a camera, a built-in wireless, And what about the award for best actor? Who
and a special screen for reading under direct sunlight. will be walking out on stage to receive it?
Oh, and it also comes with a special environmentally- Man And don’t forget the poor paparazzi who will
friendly battery which can be manually charged using have no one to chase after for a picture.
a rotating lever. Woman Maybe they’ll be chasing after the computer
Martin Impressive! And what do the developing countries geeks now.
think about the OLPC? Man Yeah maybe!
Kevin At first, there was a bit of doubt regarding the project. Man/Woman Ha ha ha...
What’s more important, food or laptops? In my
opinion, both are equally important. Many developing
countries are now beginning to see that unless they
start focusing on building up basic facilities in terms Module 7
of education and technology, they will never be able to 7 round-up CD4 11
face the challenges of the coming age.
Martin Well, that’s about all the time we have. The OLPC Sally Hi, Tom. How is your Fashion Design course going?
project and laptop – changing the world, one step at a Tom It’s really exciting. It’s Fashion Technology, actually.
time. Thanks for your time, Kevin. Sally That sounds technical. So, what kinds of things are you
Kevin Thank you, Martin. learning?
Tom At the moment, we are learning how new technology is
being used to make clothes better. I have to write a report
on it.
Sally That sounds interesting. What kind of new technology
are we talking about?


Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_ListeningTranscripts.indd 334 11/11/2022 11:43:00 πµ

Listening Transcripts
Tom All kinds of things ranging from new high-tech fabrics to 4.
the way the clothes are sewn together. For example, more know that you enjoy playing basketball Timmy, but we really
and more designers are using special lasers to cut the have a problem here. f you don’t pass your maths class, you
fabrics and make more elaborate and precise designs. won’t graduate, and then you won’t be able to get into college.
Sally That’s ama ing. ’d love to go to a fashion show. t seems to me that the only way to solve this problem is that
Tom They are even changing how fashion shows are done. you either start studying now and get your grades up or that
n fact, a virtual fashion show has already taken place you uit the team. The choice is really up to you. So what’s it
in New ork City. t was held in rand Central Station, going to be
and they did it using holographic technology. So it’s like
you are watching a real fashion show, but the models are 5.
actually holograms. t’s really uite exhausting. Every day wake up at a.m., and,
Sally ’d love to see that. after having a light breakfast, go to the pool and swim for
Tom There’s also loads of other cool stuff that has been about two hours. Later on in the afternoon, go to the gym
developed like dresses that can change si e to fit the and lift weights for about one hour, and, at p.m., return
wearer. to the pool and swim for another hour. t’s a hard schedule,
Sally ow does that work admit, and sometimes feel terribly tired. What helps me to
Tom ’m not sure exactly. read that a company has come up push on, however, is the goal. f you keep that in mind, then
with a way to change the si e and shape of clothing so that you can accomplish anything.
it fits.
Sally Wow 6.

Tom know, it sounds ama ing. One of my favourite hobbies was hiking through the
Sally Well, ’m sure, that idea will be really successful. can mountains. Sometimes ’d just pack my bags and head out
never get anything to fit me well, it’s always either a bit with the sunrise, taking any direction felt like. loved
too tight or a bit too big. everything about it the fresh air, the cool wind blowing

Tom There’s another one you might like since you love across my cheeks, the beautiful ravines, and the wonderful
sunbathing so much. t’s a solar swimsuit. When you lie animals would encounter. Those are memories that ’ll never
out in the sun, it charges your mobile. forget. ndeed, a man’s hair might change colour, but the
Sally Cool
Tom The coolest thing ’ve seen is a top that glows in the dark.
So, when you go out at night, everyone can see you.
mountains, they’ll always be the same.
Sally ’m not sure ’d like that unless was a cyclist so cars Module 8
could see me in the dark. ow does that work
8a CD4 27, 28

Tom t’s made of a fabric that has luminous threads in it. Look,
here’s a picture.
Sally Ooh, see. That does look good, especially if you’re at a Monica i, Charlotte. ow are you ow is it going in

party or something. London

Tom eah, you could be the centre of attention Charlotte ello, Auntie onica. Well, O suppose. ow are
things in iami
Monica ’m enjoying it a lot. And love my new job. Why
Module 8 don’t you come and spend the holiday with me

Charlotte ’d love to it would do me a lot of good, actually.

8a WORKBOOK LISTENING CD3 15 - 26 Things aren’t going very well for me here, you know.
Monica What do you mean

Charlotte Well, ’m in a new school, have no friends and ’m

just hate the very idea of exercise mean, what really is the constantly having arguments with my parents. We
point of all this unnecessary movement Watching people on just can’t seem to get along. feel so lonely here.
a treadmill at a gym is like looking at a hamster running on a Monica Oh, Charlotte, ’m so sorry. didn’t realise you
wheel in a cage. t seems to me that it is much better to just go

were so unhappy. Listen, of course it was going to

outside and take a nice walk in the park, or better yet, a day be difficult moving to a new city. t’s like you are
trip in the country. At least then you’re enjoying the activity starting over again. That’s how it was for me when
while at the same time keeping yourself healthy. first came to iami. didn’t know anyone here,
was all by myself. t took some time but through
2. my work and joining a jogging club, ’ve made some
’m not uite sure why we lost the match. We certainly really good friends. ou just need to give it some
practised a lot. really thought we would win without any time.
problem. We’ve even beaten this team before But perhaps Charlotte ow much time ’ve been here three months.
that’s just it, isn’t it aybe we thought things would be Monica That’s nothing. t took me a year to settle into life in
very easy for us. That’s definitely a lesson learnt. Don’t get iami. Now, what efforts are you making to meet
too comfortable when you’re on top, and never think your new people
opponent is no good because you might just get careless and Charlotte Well, none actually.
end up tripping and falling. Monica ou were on the netball team at your old school.
There must be a team in your school, why don’t you
3. join it
The problem with most healthy but overweight people, at least Charlotte guess could.
in my experience, is that they just don’t know where to draw Monica That’s how you’ll meet people with similar interests
the line. They know which foods are good for them, and they to you. There must be lots of after-school activities
often make the right choices about what to eat. nfortunately, and societies that you can join. ou like reading why
though, most people simply overdo it. y advice for such not join a book club
people is to stop yourself before filling up on that second Charlotte That sounds interesting.
bowl. Take a few minutes and ask yourself, ‘Do really need Monica bet there will be loads of book clubs in London go
another ’ to your local library and ask.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_ListeningTranscripts.indd 335 13/1/2021 1:21:20 µµ

Listening Transcripts
Charlotte O , ’ll do that. But what about my parents What Module 8
am going to do about them
Monica Well, what do you argue about
8 round-up CD4 33 - 44
Charlotte Everything What we want to watch on telly, what
time should get back and when go out, how much
Woman Why are you late to work Did your car break down
study, my clothes...
Monica Listen, your parents care about you. They are just
Man Believe it or not, this time my car was working just
trying to do what they think is best. Try to stay calm
when you talk to them. And try to explain your
Woman What was the problem then, traffic
opinion to them clearly. ou should also suggest a
Man ou could say that. As was driving by the park, a
compromise sometimes. This will show them that
bunch of baby ducks started crossing the road with
you are thinking things through better and taking
their mother, and they took a long time to cross over.
their feelings into consideration.
All the cars had to stop and wait
Charlotte Oh, thank you, Auntie onica. don’t know what
’d do without you. feel much better after talking to
Well, wouldn’t recommend the film to any of my friends. And
it makes me wonder how any director could agree to work on
such a project. Sure all the actors are unknowns, but even if the
Module 8 film contained the biggest names and most talented actors of our
8b CD4 31 days, it would still not make a difference. mean in how many

ways can you keep saying the same lines over and over in a film
Speaker 1 and still make it interesting to an audience
ou love being at home, close to your family. ou are sensitive

and can get very emotional at times. ou always remember
events in your life, so if a friend hurts you, you will forgive, but Well, when decided to lose some weight, was afraid ’d have to
not forget ou are often shy, and you need time for yourself, so starve myself and spend hours in a gym. But after speaking with
you don’t enjoy socialising all the time. ou might not always be
self-confident however, you hide unusual strengths, and you’re
always understanding and sympathetic to your close friends and
a health expert, realised that all had to do was cut out fatty
foods from my diet and get some exercise in my day-to-day life.
So, for example, now walk to work instead of driving, and take
family. the stairs instead of using the lift. And just look at me look and
feel great
Speaker 2

ou are open and like adventure. ou might be attracted to 4.

professions or hobbies that involve taking risks. ou are very Man What’s wrong with your sister today Did she have
another fight with her husband

sociable and love being around people, and you have a pleasant
personality, so other people like spending time with you too. ou Woman No, not this time. She got some bad news at work.
are also very honest. owever, because you don’t always think The company isn’t doing so well, and management is
twice before saying something, you tend to get in trouble, so be thinking of letting some people go until things pick up
careful again.
Man mm... t could be a while before the economy

Speaker 3 improves.
ou are a calm, strong individual, and you are always in control Woman Still, my sister shouldn’t have any trouble finding
of your feelings. owever, more often than not, you end up another job. She may not have a university degree but

hiding your emotions because you want people to think that she has years of experience in her field.
you always feel confident, even when you don’t. Because you are
powerful, independent and determined, you make a good group 5.
leader, and you’re not afraid to take charge when you have to. Woman Shall we go out tonight

Man don’t know. The game’s coming on soon.

Speaker 4 Woman Oh come on, we watched a game last weekend. Let’s go
Some people say that you seem to have two completely different bowling.
sides, almost like being two different individuals in one. our Man No way. emember when we went to the bowling
personality can change according to the situation you find alley t was packed Besides, anchester nited are
yourself in. For example, you can either love or hate something playing, and you’re from anchester. ou should be
on different occasions. ou are intelligent, curious and sociable, cheering for them
and you’re always the centre of attention wherever you go. Woman Oh, all right then.

Speaker 5 6.
ou are very independent and thirsty for life. ou’re a born Man don’t see why we have to be there so early. Are we
leader and enjoy having an audience. ou don’t like being alone, cooking the food too
and you’re a kind and faithful friend. our generous and lively Woman Shh, not another word. y mum just likes to spend
personality makes it hard for people not to like you. owever, time with us all. And no, she’ll be doing all the
you might sometimes have problems in your work environment cooking.
because you don’t change your mind easily. Man Oh no, can’t eat those terrible mashed potatoes of
Woman Who says you have to ust be nice
Man All right, but next year, we’re doing Thanksgiving at
O house.


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_ListeningTranscripts.indd 336 13/1/2021 1:21:20 µµ

Workbook Key
MODULE 1 4. pedestrian
5. accent
1. were you 2. didn’t see
3. As she was driving home,
her car broke down.
1a 6. directions 3. was 4. graduated 4. Elisabeth was ironing
Student’s Book pp. 6-7 7. cover 5. Did you have 6. made while Alex was checking
A. 8. misunderstanding 7. decorated 8. brought his emails.
1. encouraged 9. talked 10. was 5. Bob was having a bath
2. entertain D.
1. Which jumper suits me 11. loved when he fell asleep.
3. focus 6. The boys were playing
4. combines better C.
2. What would you like with 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b in the garden when it
5. holds suddenly started raining.
6. experienced your sandwich D.
7. educated/encouraged 3. What did you buy 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a D.
8. increased yesterday 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 1. happened
9. admire 4. When are you starting 2. was returning
Student’s Book pp. 15-17
10. informed university 3. found
5. Who lives next door to 4. did you do
B. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d
Claire 5. took
1. customs 2. strangers 6. Where did they go for their B. 6. gave
3. resort 4. exhibits summer holidays 1. get together 7. didn’t sleep
5. purpose 6. take place 7. Why are you buying a new 2. feel like 8. Did you have
7. trying out 8. replica mobile phone 3. pick... up 9. was sleeping

9. actually 10. marvel 4. within walking distance 10. woke... up
C. 5. applied for 11. opened
1. ... when Olivia called
1. are you planning 2. ... tell me where the theme C. 12. saw
2. don’t know 13. was wearing

park is 1. alone 2. routine
3. hang out 3. ... why he left so early for 3. life 4. relaxing 14. was pouring
4. is holding school 5. access 6. monotonous Student’s Book pp. 24-25
5. believe
6. are you packing
7. Are you going
4. ... who took out the
rubbish last night
5. ... tell me how you operate
7. crowded

Suggested answer
8. independent A.
1. wealthy
3. powerful
2. curious
4. trust
8. am visiting this machine on the corner of th Avenue 5. fears 6. claims
9. work 6. ... how many people and Bree Street. Once you get 7. blocked 8. favour

10. see attended the ceremony off the bus, turn right into 9. possessions 10. response
11. hope Bree Street and go straight 11. luxury
D. until you get to the end of the

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T B.
1. does this bag belong 5. F 6. F 7. F block. There you must turn 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c
2. are visiting left into th Avenue. y house
3. are going, sounds udent’s Book pp. 10-11
Student’s C.
is on your right. ust look for
4. combines, agree A. 1. Alex, who is a friend of
number .
5. look, know 1. d 2. f 3. a, g 4. g, a, f mine, speaks Spanish

5. b 6. h, a 7. c 8. e fluently. / Alex, who

Student’s Book pp. 8-9
1 Round-up speaks Spanish fluently, is
A. Student’s Book pp. 18-20 a friend of mine.
1. uestionnaire

American British A. 2. t is an expensive restaurant

2. advantages
English English 1. which 2. by 3. part where lots of celebrities eat.
3. content
4. to 5. are 6. your 3. Susan, whose mother is a
fall autumn 4. immediate
7. with maths teacher, is our new
5. imports

elevator lift B. classmate.

pants trousers 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 4. ou shouldn’t miss the
Suggested answer
5. b 6. b 7. a Chinese Acrobatic Theatre
soccer football ’m working at a caf situated
which is travelling around
on a beach in Corfu. t’s very
vacation holiday
popular with young people so MODULE 2 the world.
5. The girl who you met at my
cell phone mobile phone it’s great fun working there. t’s 2a house is a talented painter.
gas petrol also a great way to meet people Student’s Book pp. 22-23 6. The holiday resort where
check bill and make lots of friends. A. they stayed last summer
earn good money so ’m saving 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b
garbage rubbish was really luxurious. /
to buy a new computer. When 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. c They stayed at a holiday
sneakers trainers ’m not working, go out and B. resort last summer which
movie theater cinema have fun with the new friends 1. keep off 2. take on was really luxurious.
’ve made here. ’ve also done 3. keep on 4. turned off
chips crisps a lot of sightseeing, and ’ve D.
5. take off 6. Turn on 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c
B. visited many interesting places. 7. put off 8. ut on
1. d 2. g 3. a 4. e Student’s Book pp. 26-27
5. h 6. b 7. f 8. c 1b 1. While aula was driving,
C. Student’s Book pp. 12-14 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c
her daughter was looking 1. were in your shoes
1. caused A. out of the window.
2. figured out 1. awareness 2. mood 2. As for
2. They were having a meeting 3. deal with
3. awesome 3. curiosity 4. warning when her mobile rang.
5. joy 6. power 4. burst into flames


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_WBKey.indd 337 13/1/2021 1:21:46 µµ

Workbook Key
5. sense of humour B. 2. am off to 3b
B. 1. As soon as 3. old on Student’s Book pp. 44-46
1. risk 2. pressure 2. At first 4. What’s up with A.
3. appreciate 4. loud 3. to my horror 5. chill out 1. income 2. expression
5. trapped 4. crashed into 6. is... on 3. nervous 4. clear
C. 5. after a while C. 5. responsibility 6. image
love my grandmother more C. 1. ... mustn’t park your car B.
than anyone in the world. 1. recently 2. At first here 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b
She’s not the tipe (Sp type) of 3. when 4. After a while 2. ... you don’t have to come
5. Then 6. When / don’t need to come / C.
person that would catch your
needn’t come if you feel ill Suggested answers
eye. But when you meet her,
1. emind Charlie about the
you’ll imagine (WW know/ 2 Round-up 3. ... has to / needs to / must
meeting, otherwise he may
see/understand) why feel Student’s Book pp. 34-36 look after his little sister
while his parents are away forget about it.
the way do. nlike other A.
4. ... must / need to / have 2. e must be very tired.
people her age, she was (T is) 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b
to finish their projects by 3. She can’t be her mother.
very open-minded. 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. c
Friday 4. ou could have a serious
ou would think that she’s
B. accident.
the (A a) young person 5. ... mustn’t panic during an
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. t might rain later on in
trapped in an old person’s earth uake
5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C the day.
body. find it very easy to 6. ... don’t have to / needn’t

talk to her about almost buy more fruit D.
anything. She’s always got MODULE 3 D. 1. have 2. of
a good piece of advice to 3a 1. had better 2. would rather 3. make 4. in
( r for) me. She’s incredibly 5. as 6. into

Student’s Book pp. 38-39 3. ’d better 4. had better
socaible (Sp sociable) and A. 5. ’d rather 7. up 8. could
loves meeting new people. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b Student’s Book pp. 47-49
She’s also very active for
someone her age. She is
spending (T spends) lots of
6. b 7. a 8. c 9. c 10. b
1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c
1. had better water those
plants or they will die
1. status
3. task
2. clerk
4. training
2. would rather watch a film
time working out in a gym 1. on top of that 5. applicants 6. report
at home than go out
the same one go to. 2. out of the ordinary B.
3. had better not eat so many

3. for ages sweets 1. e 2. a 3. f 4. c 5. b 6. d

2b 4. out and about 4. had better start studying C.
Student’s Book pp. 28-30 5. is... into

more or they will fail the 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. b 6. d

A. C. final exam
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b D.
1. have been waiting, for 5. would rather have a salad 1. pleasant 2. polite
5. c 6. c 7. a 2. never, before and a fruit juice 3. reliable 4. punctual
B. 3. been, yet F. 5. essential 6. available
1. as noisy as 2. the silliest

4. called 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. c
3. colder than 4. as well as E.
5. has been learning, for
Student’s Book pp. 42-43 1. ambitious 2. literate
5. less than 6. the most 6. done, so far
A. 3. interest 4. fluent

ama ing D. 1. research 2. essay 5. experienced 6. suitable

C. 1. has been 3. Socialising 4. staff 7. ability/abilities 8. previous
1. as hardworking as Stella 2. learnt 5. keep fit 6. settled into
2. most interesting story we F.
3. has read 7. provided 8. correcting

have ever read Suggested answer

4. was 9. creative 10. competitive
3. earlier we wake up, the am a twenty-four-year old
5. started 11. challenging 12. active
sooner we’ll be there university graduate. have
6. has been writing
B. completed a BA onours
4. eat as many vegetables as 7. didn’t know
Suggested answer degree in Advertising
aren 8. has written
y new neighbourhood is and arketing. am also
5. better and better 9. has already sent
actually very nice. t’s located proficient in ussian and
6. more interested in sports 10. have been working
in the suburbs, so it’s much talian, which feel makes
than girls at my school 11. haven’t finished
greener and uieter than my me suitable for the position
7. the worst player in the 12. came across
old neighbourhood. We are advertised.
team 13. haven’t been
now living in a bigger house, As far as work experience
D. 14. called
so ’ve finally got my own is concerned, have been
1. while she was walking 15. hasn’t arrived
room. y mother let me do working full-time for over
2. which watched yesterday Student’s Book pp. 40-41
what wanted with it, so a year at a small advertising
3. where used to work A.
painted it pink and put up company. Although am
4. whose mother is an 1. furious 2. delighted
lots of posters on the walls. satisfied with my job, feel
5. put off the meeting / put 3. delicious 4. peckish
n the beginning, was very that would much rather work
the meeting off 5. ama ed 6. terrified
lonely because didn’t have for a company such as yours,
7. huge 8. exhausted
Student’s Book pp. 31-33 any friends. Things are better which provides employees
9. fascinating
A. now that school has started with better future prospects.
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. c B. because ’ve met lots of kids Concerning my personal
5. d 6. g 7. f 1. d 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. f my age. interests, am an active
1. grab a bite member of various


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_WBKey.indd 338 13/1/2021 1:21:46 µµ

Workbook Key
environmental groups.
Apart from this, I am
5. global warming, According
Regarding the first planting
event, I’d love to take part.
also a member of a health 6. cool off you,
I’ll not only be seeing you 5a
and fitness club. I enjoy but I will also be helping you Student’s Book pp. 70-71
B. A.
participating in various 1. disturbed, interrupt with this worthy cause. I’m
sports activities and keeping really looking forward to it. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a
2. gave up, gave in 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. a
fit as well as meeting people. 3. raise, rises Lots of love,
4. petrol, oil Emily B.
3 Round-up 5. hot, warm 1. d 2. d 3. a 4. c
5. b 6. c 7. a
Student’s Book pp. 50-52 C. 4b
A. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. c Student’s Book pp. 60-62 C.
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a A. 1. was
D. 2. travelled
B. 1. If it was/were sunny, we 1. researchers 2. creature
1. have not cooked spaghetti 3. inability 4. shiny 3. was sitting
could/would go swimming. 4. noticed
for 2. If she takes part, she will 5. existence 6. illegal
2. long has it been since 5. was looking
win first prize. B. 6. stood up
3. has been playing tennis 3. If I had a car, I wouldn’t use 1. deer
4. can’t be Martin’s mother 7. approached
public transport every day. 2. lizard 8. told
5. would rather stay in tonight 4. Unless he apologises, I 3. butterfly
6. had better see a doctor 9. disappeared

won’t speak to him again. 4. pint 10.
10. didn’t pay
7. must be tired 5. If I could do it on my own, 5. inch
8. don’t have to come 11. was crossing
I wouldn’t ask for your 6. ounce 12. hit
C. help. C. 13. remembered

1. F 2. A 3. E 4. C 6. If I were you, I wouldn’t 1. Many 2. few 14. had told
5. G 6. B eat fast food. 3. Some 4. much 15. felt

1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. a
Student’s Book pp. 58-59
7. no
5. very little 6. a lot of Student’s Book pp. 72-73
1. grew up 2. make up
Student’s Book pp. 54-55 A. 1. a 2. the 3. – 4. the 3. pick... up 4. taken up
A. 1. educational 5. A 6. an 7. – 8. – 5. put... up 6. brought up

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. c 2. clear 9. – 10. the 11. – 12. the 7. gone up 8. help up

6. a 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. a 3. endangered 13. – 14. A 15. – 16. a 9. turned up
B. 4. effective 17. – B.

1. d 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. a 5. unspoilt E. 1. spot 2. remote

1. miss out 6. signed 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 3. unexplained 4. odd
2. volunteered/ 7. attracted
tracted 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 5. wander 6. coincidence
have volunteered 8. planning
anning Student’s Book pp. 63-65
3. reduced 4. training 9. pr
otesting A. 1. coincidence 2. odd

5. explore 10. th
reat 1. limited 2. dispose 3. spot 4.unexplained
11. demonstration
demonstration 3. dependent 4. order 5. remote 6. wandering
C. 12. skills
sk ills 5. practical 6. hazard

1. have arrived, be travelling, 13. su

rvey C.
will, have prepared, will be 14. co
astline B. 1. told, needed
2. is organising, be, are going 1. d 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. e 6. c 2. said, was feeling
to inform, to be, will B. 1. overall 3. would tell, saw

volunteer, will help Su

Suggested answer 2. tell... apart 4. had booked, the previous
D. Dear Jessica, 3. retirement day
1. I promise I will return it It was great to hear from you. 4. inhabitants 5. had already seen, didn’t
tomorrow. I’m sorry that I haven’t written 5. solar-powered want
2. I am going to buy / am for so long but I’ve found a C. 6. was sure, was lying
buying a new one this part-time job which has been A. 4 B. 3 C. 1 D. 5 E. 2 D.
evening. keeping me very busy. 1. that she didn’t like that
3. I will have finished by the I was happy to hear that you 4 Round-up novel because it was really
time Mum gets home. have decided to do something Student’s Book pp. 66-68 boring
4. At eight o’clock we will be about the forest that burnt A. 2. that we should visit the
flying over the Alps. last summer. Some things 1. destruction dentist regularly
5. I hope it won’t rain / won’t are definitely worth spending 2. hopeless 3. that they were going on
be raining / doesn’t rain time and effort on. ou asked 3. harmful holiday to Spain that year
this time. me about what kind of fund- 4. awareness 4. that the Martins had
Student’s Book pp. 56-57 raising event you could host 5. recycling bought a beautiful house
A. to raise money for the project. 6. alternative in the countryside
1. c 2. g 3. e 4. f Maybe you could get local 7. difference 5. that I could go out when I
5. a 6. b 7. d artists interested in organising finished my homework
a live concert! That way B.
1. hopeless case 1. T 2. F 3. NM 4. F 6. that she would do the
2. For starters people can enjoy themselves grocery shopping for me
while helping to raise funds 5. T 6. F
3. big deal on her way home after
4. So what for this cause. work


Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_WBKey.indd 339 11/11/2022 12:02:28 µµ

Workbook Key
7. that she had gone to the let him go to the cinema looking at him. The old man 9. was delivered
new shopping centre the that night. was missing a couple of teeth 10. were placed
previous day 3. My sister suggested that and was wearing clothes that 11. enjoyed
E. we (should) have pizza for were very dirty and torn. 12. was served
1. two dinner / having pizza for The old man asked Jeremy 13. teach/taught
2. cottage/house dinner. for a lift into town. Jeremy 14. were performed
3. (grocery) shopping 4. The customer complained felt obliged to say yes even D.
4. grandfather (to the manager) that he/ though he didn’t trust the old 1. This secret must not be
5. engagement she wasn’t at all satisfied man, as there was something revealed to anyone.
6. basement with the service at that strange about him. They 2. Fresh fruit and vegetables
7. letter restaurant. travelled in uncomfortable are brought to our
8. education / university 5. Eve reminded her husband silence. Jeremy would glance restaurant every day.
expenses to buy some bread when at the old man every once 3. A new sports centre will be
he returned. in a while to make sure built in my city.
Student’s Book pp. 74-75
E. that everything was OK. 4. The rooms had been
1. ‘Where have I left my car Just as dawn was breaking, cleaned by 10.30.
1. fortress 2. originally
keys?’ something strange happened. 5. The exercise has been
3. protect 4. towers
2. ‘Is there a discount?’ There was a strange sound, so explained twice.
5. order 6. legendary
3. ‘Don’t make noise,’ Jeremy looked round only to 6. Marian was taken to the
7. reputation
4. ‘What time does your plane find out that the old man had theatre.

B. disappeared.. It was then that
leave tomorrow morning?’ Student’s Book pp. 88-89
1. modern 2. good he woke up and realised he
5. ‘Who directed this film?’ A.
3. pretty 4. traditional had been dreaming.
6. ‘What happened last night?’ 1. h 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. i
5. isolated 6. friendly

7. delicious 8. hectic F. 6. d 7. f 8. b 9. g
Paragraph division 1. robbery 2. robbers 5 Round-up 1. holiday destination
3. thankfully 4. owner Student’s
udent’s Book pp. 82-84 2. beauty salon
1st: My husband’s...
2nd: Visiting...
3rd: As for the food...
5. criminals 6. theft
7. fingerprints 8. kidnapping
1. in
4. out
at2. As
5. where
3. to
6. no
3. return ticket
4. business centre
5. satellite TV
4th: So, if you need...
7. in 8. from
Student’s Book pp. 76-78 5b 6. peak season
Student’s Book pp. 79-81 B. 7. conference rooms

A. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. d 8. weather forecast
1. confirm 2. victims 9. room service
3. pan 4. action 1. treat 2. urgent

5. charged 6. leftovers 3. quickly 4. went

nt out
1. c 2. b 3. b 4. c
7. intact 8. released 5. make out 6. tripped
ipped 6a 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b
7. appeared 8. alarm arm Student’s Book pp. 86-87
B. C.
system A.
1. on time 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. b
2. Once upon a time B. 1. ticket 2. journey

3. in time ggested answer

Suggested 3. tour 4. site D.
4. from time to time It was a cold winter’s night. 5. reached 6. bring 1. George wasn’t feeling well,
5. By the time Jeremy had been out of town 7. take 8. get he went to school

6. For the time being on a business trip. Because B. 2. as not to wake up the baby
7. are against he was feeling very tired 1. constructed / that we won’t wake up
8. be up and his eyelids were getting 2. appeal the baby / that we don’t
9. is over very heavy, he decided to 3. guarantee wake up the baby

10. be off stop somewhere to take a 4. persuade 3. of studying hard, Angela

11. is for nap. He had heard of many 5. resting didn’t pass the test
12. are up to stories about people who 6. restored 4. to the bad weather
13. were after had had terrible accidents 7. afford conditions, the match has
14. is on while driving long distances. 8. speciality been cancelled
15. was about The route he had chosen 9. supervision 5. they can get a good night’s
was not the one he usually 10. attraction sleep
C. 6. I like to eat healthily, I’m
took as some colleagues had 11. canal
1. if Mary was going to the going to eat all that fruit
told him that it was much 12. route
concert the following
shorter and that it could get 13. accommodation E.
him home nearly two hours 14. border 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F
2. if she had locked the door
earlier. As soon as he found a 15. enjoyable 5. T 6. T 7. T
before leaving her house
clearing, he pulled over and 16. pros and cons
3. if he knew how to ski Student’s Book pp. 90-91
made himself comfortable.
4. to stand behind the line C. A.
Although it was dark and
5. if he could pass him the salt 1. used 1. traffic jam
isolated, Jeremy was too tired
/ to pass him the salt 2. is thought 2. frequent flyer card
to even think about feeling
D. 3. have ever been built 3. driving licence
scared. He had only been
1. The little boy denied 4. are provided 4. boarding card
sleeping for about thirty
breaking / that he had 5. chose 5. window seat
minutes when somebody
broken the window the 6. were taken 6. flight number
knocked on the driver’s
previous day. 7. is designed 7. check-in desk
window. He was startled
2. Alex begged his father to 8. stayed
when he saw an old man

Traveller_Brit_2nd_Interm B1_TB_WBKey.indd 340 11/11/2022 11:4 :50 πµ

Workbook Key
1. c 2. a 3. b
11. in a mess
12. in general
MODULE 7 4. canteen
5. hunger
C. 13. in other words 7a 6. addicted
Student’s Book pp. 102-103
1. exposed to B. A. B.
2. re uested 1. popularity 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 1. drawbacks 2. pastime
3. re uirements 2. reality 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b 3. nutritious 4. overweight
4. wheelchair 3. episode 5. concerned 6. radical
5. gate 4. commonplace B.
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. e C.
6. aisle seat 5. conse uence 1. e 2. d 3. b 4. g
7. luggage 1. unlikely 2. rather than
C. 3. methods 4. media 5. c 6. f 7. a
D. 1. educational 2. monthly 5. conversation D.
Suggested answer 3. dependent 4. additional Suggested answers
There are many advantages 5. daily 6. national C.
1. Lending 1. would like to give you my
to using a bicycle as a 7. confident 8. traditional opinion on this matter.
primary means of transport. 9. costly 2. to come
3. prevent, cheating 2. agree we should help
Firstly, a major advantage D. senior citi ens everyone
is the fact that a bicycle is 4. meeting
1. d 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. b 5. to hear can benefit from this.
environmentally friendly as it 3. any elderly people are
E. 6. to become
does not emit carbon dioxide. unwanted.
1. were asked to go to bed 7. speaking
iding a bicycle keeps you fit

early tonight 4. think the government
as it is good exercise for your D. should play a role in this.
2. of photos were being taken 1. watching
heart and lungs. n addition, 5. believe that if we work
during the race 2. to reveal
it is much easier to park together, we can look after
3. is expected to win an

than a car and it has a lower 3. to send the elderly.
award this year 4. to be
maintenance cost. Overall, a
4. is going to be watched by 5. stealing, having
bicycle is more economical
as you don’t have to pay for
millions of viewers
6. to see, to come 7b
5. living room is being 7. eating Student’s Book pp. 108-110
fuel. Also, you can avoid being
stuck in those annoying traffic
painted at the moment E. A.
6. is said that r ones is the 1. have 2. staying up 1. the hard way
jams all you have to do is
manoeuvre yourself through
man who helped the police 3. to study 4. be 2. in the way
solve the mystery 3. made his way to

traffic. Finally, cycling is a fun 5. to organise 6. going

activity which can be done F. 7. to have 8. to return 4. out of the way
with your friends and family 1. in order to return 9. get 10. have 5. On the way

in the suburbs or country. 2. due to the heavy 11. to enjoy 6. There’s no way
3. even though was 7. By the way
or Student’s Book pp. 104-105
4. so that he could A. B.
Although many people believe
5. will be prepared by 1. chain 2. dreadlocks 1. hold 2. lost 3. hold
that riding a bicycle is an
6. had been painted 3. jumpers 4. slipper 4. kept 5. loses 6. eep
ideal way to get around in a

7. exercise must be done 7. holding 8. miss/lose

city, believe that cycling has B.
8. in spite of studying / C.
several disadvantages. t can 1. dietician
having studied 1. selection 2. takeaway

be dangerous to cycle on busy 2. wedding dress

ads with other vehicles. t Student’s Book pp. 95-97 3. necklace 4. jewellery 3. cook 4. discouraged
is unhealthy to breathe in A. 5. facial 6. hairstyle 5. view 6. feature
the exhaust
haust fumes from cars 1. d 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. a 7. make-up 7. confusion

and buses. n addition, a bike B. D.

is very easy
sy to steal even if 1. backpacking holiday 1. ask 2. have missed
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b
tied with a chain and lock. 2. relatively 3. have paid 4. could
The weather can affect riding 3. refreshing D. 5. can’t 6. might have
conditions and, last but not 4. appealing 1. whitened
2. ’m having my car repaired E.
least, you can only carry a 5. giant 1. shouldn’t have taken your
limited number of things 6. economical at the moment
3. had my flat painted last sister’s car without asking
with you. 7. tour operators her first
C. 4. will have my car washed 2. must have gone to the
6b 1. D this weekend library
Student’s Book pp. 92-94 2. A, oreover 3. must have been a scary
5. had my blood pressure
A. 3. B, For example, n addition experience for you
1. at the age of 4. C 4. might have seen this film
6. ’ve had my hair cut and
2. at once Firstly, n my opinion before
3. At last 5. can’t have finished his
4. at the moment E.
6 Round-up 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D
assignment before me
5. at the latest Student’s Book pp. 98-100 6. might not have known
6. at least A. Student’s Book pp. 106-107 about the event
7. in a bad mood 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b A. 7. could have broken your leg
8. in detail 5. a 6. a 7. b 1. chicken nuggets when you fell down
9. in a hurry 2. poverty
10. in particular B. 3. aid
1. A 2. E 3. 4. D 5. F 6. C


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_WBKey.indd 341 13/1/2021 1:21:47 µµ

Workbook Key
F. 1. can’t... be bothered D. D.
1. and 2. knock on wood 1. c 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. d 6. b 1. both 2. either
2. have/hold/give/throw 3. let alone E. 3. none 4. all
3. lost 4. pulled... apart 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b 5. neither... nor 6. Both...
4. about 5. making... effort and
Student’s Book pp. 122-123
5. of 6. couldn’t help E.
6. On C. 1. None 2. Both 3. All
1. concentrate 2. arise
7. way 1. superstitious 2. unpleasant 4. Either 5. None 6. Neither
3. depressed 4. boost
8. also 3. common 4. prevent 7. Both
5. support 6. adapting
9. no 5. silence 6. shame 7. came round 8. grateful F.
10. one
D. 9. assured 10. rejected 1. had taken an umbrella
Student’s Book pp. 111-113 1. had not seen 11. betrayed 2. only could live
A. 2. would never have 3. wouldn’t have got himself
1. contribute discussed 4. all the snacks have
Lorraine , Stephanie ,
2. announcement 3. hadn’t taken part 5. wishes he had come
3. regarding Suggested answers
4. wouldn’t have won 6. both computers are
4. collage Dear Lorraine,
5. hadn’t taken 7. have come down with the
5. animated ’m very sorry to hear that
6. wouldn’t have had 8. neither atthew nor
6. special effects you are having trouble
7. hadn’t worn aren passed
with your friend, and can
B. 8. would/could have been

understand why you would be Student’s Book pp. 127-129
Suggested answers 9. had been A.
upset. owever, it sounds like
1. Firstly, would like to 10. would/could have avoided 1. eager
ea 2. dull
you are not really giving her a
know when this course is E. 3. gripping 4. stranded
chance to explain her actions

taking place. 1. hadn’t eaten too much last 5. leader 6. complicated
or to apologise. s it possible
2. Could you tell me if this night, she wouldn’t have that she didn’t realise you B.
will be all right felt ill
3. was wondering what level
this is for.
4. would be grateful if you
2. had woken up early this
morning, he wouldn’t have
wanted your test results kept
a secret Since you have been
friends for a long time, think
1. descriptive 2. informative
3. heroine
5. leader
4. hearing
6. uninhabited
arrived late at work you should hear what she has
could let me know how C.
3. wouldn’t have had to pay to say before you decide your
much the course costs. 1. g 2. f 3. d 4. a
a fine if he hadn’t parked friendship is over.

5. n addition, could you let 5. c 6. e 7. b

illegally the other day
me know where we will be 1. elected 2. timeless
4. had trained enough last Dear Stephanie,
staying 3. review 4. bestselling

week, the coach would have ’m sorry to hear that you 5. set about 6. plot
let him play in the match are having trouble restoring 7. author
7 Round-up 5. wouldn’t have failed the your relationship with your
Student’s Book pp. 114-116 test if we had studied for it Student’s Book pp. 127-129
friend. owever, it seems
A. 6. would have called her if D.
that you have not truly
1. no use getting had remembered that it thoughts

understood what you did to

2. about going fishing was her birthday fascinating, vivid, published
hurt her. ntil you do, it is
3. would rather work 7. would have bought the put down
unlikely that she will be able
tells, experiences, characters

4. is having her house dress she wanted if she had to forgive you. f you really
decorated had enough money with her want to be friends again, you
5. had their wedding Student’s Book pp. 120-121 need to accept responsibility 8 Round-up
ceremony planned A. and try to win back her trust. Student’s Book pp. 130-132

6. should have told his parents 1. was a piece of cake ive her some time, and then A.
7. must have seen this film 2. have a sweet tooth try talking to her again. 1. childhood 2. annoying
8. almost had an accident 3. been on cloud nine 3. betrayed 4. confidence
5. miserable 6. rarely
B. 4. spilled the beans 8b 7. rejected 8. depressed
1. F 2. T 3. N 4. F 5. were/was in your shoes Student’s Book pp. 124-126
5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F 6. look down in the dumps A. B.
7. beating about the bush 1. harm 2. hurting 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D
MODULE 8 B. 3. injuries 4. bruises 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B
1. g 2. h 3. e 4. a 5. scratches 6. rash C.
8a 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. f 7. fainted 8. gasping 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a
Student’s Book pp. 118-119
1. advised 2. starving B.
3. moping 4. speed up 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b
1. in the least
5. process 6. gained 5. c 6. b 7. c
2. make the most of
7. lus 8. miserable
3. to say the least C.
4. most of all C. 1. were worn out
5. least of all 1. had 2. wearing off
6. at most 2. could 3. come round
7. Last but not least 3. had gone 4. coming down with
8. at least 4. had stayed 5. bring... round
5. spoke / could speak 6. got over
6. had studied
1. c 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. b 6. d


Traveller_Rev_Interm_TB_WBKey.indd 342 19/1/2021 12:54:19 µµ



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