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The Visible Human Dataset: The Anatomical

Platform for Human Simulation

One goal of a medical school education is to teach the anatomy of the living human. With the exception of some
surface anatomy, the morphology education that goes on during a surgical procedure, and patient observation, live
human anatomy is most often taught by simulation. Medical anatomy courses utilize cadavers to approximate the live
human. Case-based curricula simulate a patient and present symptoms, signs, and history to mimic reality for the
future practitioner. Radiology has provided images of the morphology, function, and metabolism of living humans but
with images foreign to most novice observers. With the Visible Human database, computer simulation of the live
human body will provide revolutionary transformations in anatomical education. Anat. Rec. (New Anat.) 253:49-57,
1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: Visible Human; anatomy; physiology; simulation; anatomical database

In the ideal, a laboratory for teaching gation of these subjects would not The Visible Human Dataset had its
human anatomy would include a nor- perturb their systems in any way. origin in 1986 when the National Li-
mal, living subject for surface inspec- This ideal could be approximated by brary of Medicine (NLM) in its long-
tion, radiological evaluation, and sur- making available to the student a com- range planning foresaw the need for
gical exploration. The subject would puter database that appears, feels, establishing libraries of digital images
be of either sex and of any desired age, smells, and sounds like a living per- that would complement its biographic
and its exact body composition would son. If the teachings of the physiology and factual services (NLM Long-Range
be known for the past, present, and laboratory were integrated with the Plan, 1986). It surmised there would
future. Such an ideal subject would be anatomy of the simulated subject, the be an increasing role for electronically
available to students for study before database could be ‘‘reactive’’ like a represented images in clinical medi-
and throughout their careers. Investi- living person. As we extend the con- cine and biomedical research. A plan-
cept, the database might be rendered ning panel convened by the NLM
dynamic in time as well as space, so Board of Regents to study the matter
the student could witness develop- in 1989 made the following recommen-
Dr. Spitzer is Director of the Center for
Human Simulation at University of Colo-
ment and aging. An anthropological dation: ‘‘NLM should undertake a first
rado School of Medicine, in Denver. He extension of the database could en- project building a digital image library
holds graduate degrees in Nuclear Engi- velop all known human variations and of volumetric data representing a com-
neering and Physical Chemistry and has
worked in the field of medical (radiologi- act as a repository for reporting new plete adult male and female. This Vis-
cal) imaging for over 20 years. He was ones. ible Human Project (VHP) will include
co-principal investigator on the Visible The first need for constructing a digitized photographic images from
Human Project and continues to work in
identifying new uses for that and similar simulator for the living human body, cryosectioning, digital images from
data. Dr. Whitlock is a professor emeri- its structural basis, is already available computerized tomography (CT) and
tus at the University of Colorado School
of Medicine in Denver and a member of in the Visible Human Dataset. For con- magnetic resonance (MR) of cadav-
the Center for Human Simulation. He is vincing simulations, visual images ers.’’1 The project was viewed as a
a past president of the Association of must be provided that closely approxi- cornerstone for future collections of
Anatomy Chairmen and has served on
the National Board of Medical Examin- mate real human anatomy. The Visible related image datasets and digital-
ers and the Radiological Society of Human Dataset is the first collection image libraries.
North America’s task force for cross-
sectional anatomy. With Dr. Spitzer, he
of three-dimensional (volume) data In August 1991, the NLM contracted
was co-principal investigator for phase that can provide such reality for the with the authors at the University of
one of the National Library of Medi- whole body. The data are photo- Colorado School of Medicine to carry
cine’s Visible Human Project. Dr. Whit-
lock is a member of the American Asso- graphic, and therefore their anatomi- out phase one of the VHP. This first
ciation of Anatomists and the Cajal Club. cal integrity (for that of a cadaver) is step included the acquisition of trans-
Grant sponsor: National Library of unquestioned. The final goal, however, verse CT and cryosection images
Medicine; Grant number: N01-LM-1–
3543. is to simulate living human anatomy, throughout the entire body of a repre-
not cadaver anatomy. sentative male and female cadaver.

scans, and MR images of each candi-

Processing of potential specimens
commenced immediately upon their
arrival at the University of Colorado
Health Sciences Center (UCHSC),
since it had been determined that opti-
mum CT and MR images could best be
obtained from unfrozen material. In
order to obtain a fixed position for the
unfrozen cadaver that could be main-
tained throughout the entire process,
each candidate was positioned, after
MRI, for CT imaging in a specially
constructed box that was fastened to
the CT patient table. The cadaver was
positioned in the box and cocooned in
a foam that rapidly hardened to stabi-
lize it. Survey CT images were cap-
tured to ascertain that it was correctly
situated. After the CT images were
captured, this entire mass, positioned
Figure 1. Coronal reconstructions of sections
from all the transverse slices (1,878 male and
cadaver and all, was frozen and stored
Figure 2. The anatomical specimen co-
5,189 female) of the Visible Human Dataset. (Fig. 2).
cooned in hardened foam to maintain the
The white lines indicate block interfaces and configuration of the specimen. Containment In order to cut the cadaver at inter-
the location of backsaw kerf losses. box is fixed to the CT table in the same orien- vals of 1 mm or less, we needed a
tation as the backsaw to follow. The laser special cryomacrotome. It had been
positioning light, shown in red, was used to determined that a motorized system
record the optimum block interface location,
Transverse images were to be aligned that did not require its blade to be
as determined from the CT survey image, on
one to another and registered with the the skin surface. repeatedly removed for sharpening
CT scans. Axial MR images of the head during the process would work best.
and neck and coronal images through The cutting blade consisted of a spe-
the rest of the body were obtained at cross-sections? Indeed, how could we cially constructed 14 inch diameter
approximately 4 mm intervals. section and capture images of cross- disk mounting teeth around its periph-
The digital dataset for the Visible sections through an entire adult hu- ery that could be spun at 300 rpm. A
Human male (VHM) was completed man cadaver from head to toes and large cryomacrotome was constructed
and delivered to the NLM in the spring maintain the same plane for all cut with a extended range of motion that
of 1994 and made available over the surfaces? allowed us to section a block as large as
Internet in November of that year. The The search for suitable cadavers 14 inches wide 3 20 inches long 3 22
dataset for the Visible Human female proved to be the most time-consuming inches deep.
(VHF) was finished in December 1995 part of phase one; it took approxi- To use this cryomacrotome, we seg-
and is also obtainable over the Inter- mately 2.5 years to identify the male mented the frozen cocooned cadaver
net from the NLM (Fig. 1). and female. Human bodies for pur- into blocks no larger in depth than 22
poses of medical research and teach- inches in which the plane for the cross-
ing are obtained in most states through sections from one block to another
donations by their citizens to the State could be maintained. For that pur-
DATASET Anatomical Board (SAB). These boards pose, a backsaw was constructed
Undertaking the Visible Human have been established to consummate mounting a very thin blade at high
Project was a daunting challenge. Un- arrangements for donations and to tension. The entire specimen mass was
like past research we had pursued, oversee the handling and appropriate frozen to the temperature of dry ice
there were no guidelines, protocols, or distribution of such material. The and segmented with the saw into four
equipment available, and there were search for cadavers as normal as pos- blocks of approximately equal size
many questions about how to proceed. sible was pursued by a consortium of (Fig. 3). The precise location for the
Where and how would we obtain in- SABs in Colorado, Texas, and Mary- three sawcuts was established by CT.
tact adult human cadavers, free of land, through whose combined re- After a block was isolated, the hard-
infectious or invasive disease, from sources approximately 3,000 gifts a ened foam surrounding it was par-
which the digital database could be year were received. The final choices tially removed, and the unit was pre-
constructed? How could we prepare for the VHP were made from sample pared for embedding in a 3% gelatin
serial CT images at 1 mm intervals sets of three cadavers of each sex after solution. An Aluminum-walled mold
throughout the specimen that would reviewing their medical records and of sufficient size to accommodate indi-
be congruent with the anatomical analyzing survey radiographs, CT vidual blocks was used as an embed-

ding receptacle. Adjustable pedestals cadaver specimens. Film images were Dataset is now the most widely circu-
situated in the floor of the chamber taken with 35 mm and 70 mm Rollie- lated compilation of digital human
allowed the block to be mounted flex cameras that were successively anatomy in the world. The image data-
within the cavity so the block’s surface positioned by computer over the base for the two cadavers occupies 64
was parallel to the cryomacrotome’s masked block surface. Polarized gigabytes of pixel-based information,
cutting plane. After this alignment was Strobe lights were used to illuminate making it the largest collection of ana-
achieved, the mold was filled with the the block’s surface during the imaging tomical images ever assembled.
gelatin solution and frozen to 2707C. process. After the three-camera se- Many resources that incorporate the
Slicing of the frozen gelatin-embed- quence was completed, the block sur- data are now available.2 The first gen-
ded specimen commenced by fixing face received a 30–60 s contact expo- eration of products presented the im-
the mold’s base plate to the table of the sure to an aluminum tray containing ages with navigation interfaces (some
cryomacrotome. The aluminum side- dry ice to assure its frozen state prior examples include the Female Visible
walls of the mold were removed, and a to the next cycle. Human CD (1997) from Research Sys-
larger chamber of plywood and Styro- Acquisition of the 1,878 anatomical tems Inc.; Complete Visible Human
foam was constructed into which cross-sectional images at 1 mm inter- Male laserdisc and CDs (1995) from
pieces of dry ice could be placed vals for the Visible Human Male took 9 Gold Standard Media Inc.; Digital Hu-
around the specimen block to main- months. The dataset delivered to the mans (1996) from Multimedia Medi-
tain its frozen state during the cutting NLM included in addition CT, MR, cal Systems; Visible Human Explorer
process. The top surface of the block and radiographic images. Axial MR CD (1997) and Coronal Man: The Vis-
was planed by the desired interval (1 images of the head and neck and coro- ible Human Male Navigator (1995)
mm for the VHM, 0.33 mm for the nal sections through the rest of the from Anatomical Visualization Inc.).
VHF) and continued to an adjacent body were obtained at 4 mm intervals The next generation of educational
chamber for photography. After image and in matricies of 256 pixels by 256 resources incorporated labels: Atlas of
capture, the table and block were pixels. Each pixel has 12 bits of grey the Visible Human Male: Reverse Engi-
moved back to their initial position tone. CT data consisted of axial scans neering of the Human Body (1998)
and raised by the desired interval in through the entire body at 1 mm inter- from Jones and Bartlett, and Cross-
the z axis preparatory to the next cut. vals. CT images are 512 pixels by 512 Sectional Anatomy Tutor CD (1996)
This entire process was initiated and pixels, where each 12 bit pixel value is from Jones and Bartlett. The latest
remotely controlled by a cryomacro- related to electron density of the speci- generation includes fully segmented
tome operator. men at that point. The CT axial images and classified data (Segmented Visible
In the photographic chamber, each have been aligned with the anatomical Human (1997) and Virtual Human
freshly cut surface of the block was cross-sections. (1997) from Gold Standard Media
flushed with compressed air and exam- The Visible Human Female dataset Inc.). Future generations of the image
ined for defects. Uncut fragments of has the same characteristics as the database will include the logic, pro-
tendons, fascia, etc., were removed male with one exception: the axial gression, and supporting material to
and exposed cavities (e.g. sinuses, tra- anatomical images were obtained at give the images dynamic properties
chea, and colon) filled with latex and 0.33 mm intervals instead of 1 mm and convert the image dataset into a
uncut fragments of tendons, fascia, intervals. It took 12 months to obtain learner-centered course for living hu-
etc., were trimmed and removed. the 5,189 anatomical cross-sectional man anatomy.
When the surface was judged to be photographs that comprise the female Among the results achieved at the
suitable for photography, it was dataset. University of Colorado Center for Hu-
sprayed with absolute alcohol and sur- man Simulation (http://www.uch-
rounded with a black mask, slice num- APPLICATION FOR EDUCATION has been the segmenta-
ber, and a calibrated grey scale (Fig. 4). The Visible Human Dataset of over tion and classification of the entire
Digital and photographic images of 13,000 images (including both male VHM Dataset that was completed in
the prepared surfaces were captured and female) is available on the Inter- 1997. Each of the 1,878 images in the
under computer control. The sequence net from the NLM ( VHM Dataset was filtered to enhance
that was used first recorded a digital research/visible/visible_human.html). the contrast of selected tissue inter-
image of the surface with a Leaf cam- Recently three mirror sites have been faces. Edge-detection isolated the high-
era using Leaf software. This image established in Glasgow ( contrast edges of selected tissue inter-
was examined on the image acquisi- (FTP ATM connection; faces. The edge images were then
tion computer’s screen to make sure [FTP Ethernet connectioon]), Milan edited to eliminate computer-gener-
the surface was suitable for film cap- ( [FTP connection]) ated edges that were anatomically ir-
ture. If judged satisfactory, it was com- and Singapore ( Ac- relevent or missing for each tissue
pressed to a 24 bit image (eight each cess to the data requires a license from type. The result of this process was a
for red, green, and blue) and cropped the NLM (it is also available via the mask image, 16 bits deep, for each of
to anteroposterior dimensions of the Internet). To date, over 800 licenses the 1,878 slices. Eleven bits of the 16
anatomy (2,048 to 1,216 pixels). These have been granted to individuals, com- bit mask image were utilized to assign
digital images later were aligned with panies, and schools in over 30 coun- each of the over 1,200 anatomical ob-
the aid of vertically situated fiduciary tries for use or development of the jects a unique number. A master data-
rods that were embedded with the images. As a result, the Visible Human base of these unique mask numbers

can then be three-dimensionally ren-

dered, very quickly, on specialized
graphical engines. We have pushed the
envelope of utility for these polygons
by texture-mapping the color intensi-
ties from the most closely associated
voxels to these polygons. Utilizing this
technique preserves the visual reality
of the tissues in the original cut slices,
including the appearance of any struc-
tures that are deep to the surface (e.g.,
superficial veins). All this reality would
be lost with the typical mapping of a
fabricated clay-like texture to the sur-
faces or even the mapping of a realis-
tic texture taken from a different sub-
ject or specimen.
For some regions of the body (e.g.,
the posterior abdomen and the knee),
we have begun the process of assign-
Figure 3. The backsaw in the diagram was used to segment the cadaver into blocks. The ing mechanical properties to the iden-
blade of the saw was positioned to the surface mark previously identified by CT. The frozen
tified tissues. With each voxel (or poly-
state of the cocooned cadaver was maintained by dry ice.
gon) now having its mechanical
properties defined, we can not only
and associated anatomical objects also of the voxels to render in a three- visualize these three-dimensional enti-
associates each structure with a sys- dimensional representation of any de- ties but can also begin to interact with
tem and region of the body. For the sired body part, region, or system them. We have utilized a haptic feed-
classification scheme, anatomical (Fig. 5). back interface to feel the tissues (vox-
names generally conform to standard We have also utilized Lorensen’s els or polygons) of the Visible Hu-
texts such as Gray’s Anatomy.3 These marching cubes algorithms4 to reduce man.5,6 In the case of a scalpel, the
masks can now be utilized as identifi- the outermost voxels that define each feeling of cutting through the tissues
ers for each voxel, or 3D image ele- anatomical entity to polygon represen- of the Visible Human is provided by
ment, in the anatomical images; one tations of the surfaces of those struc- reactive forces applied to the scalpel
use for these identifiers is for selection tures. These polygon representations as it encounters different tissues (vox-

Figure 4. a: An air dusting of the newly exposed block surface is done just prior to alcohol and black mask application. b: The fifty-first surface of
the third block (3,051) is shown after surface preparation with the black mask and attached grey scale applied. Note the surrounding blue
gelatin matrix and the blue latex which was poured into exposed cavities.

els or polygons) in its path.7,8 Users of the VHM. The primary feedback that duplicates the living human sub-
feel the drag of the scalpel just as in this situation is from an initial ject, a review of methods of teaching
though they were cutting through real inspection and possible palpation of human anatomy and the ways technol-
tissue. Of course, the tissue of the the surface anatomy followed by the ogy is changing them is valuable to
Visible Human must now react as feel of the needle as it penetrates the consider, since one long-term goal is
though it were cut by the scalpel, so joint space. Unlike the clinical world for these simulators to meet or exceed
there are new surfaces where the scal- with real first-time patients, the in- the advantages of these current meth-
pel cut was made. These techniques ternal anatomy of the joint space ods.
are the beginnings of the generalized can be revealed as an aid for the
surgical simulator to be available in student having problems with the Surface Anatomy
the anatomy teaching laboratory of injection.
the future.9 Anatomical instruction utilizing sur-
At the Center for Human Simula- face anatomy, stagnant for many years,
tion (CHS), we have built prototype has tremendous potential for change
Users feel the drag of the based on recent advances in remote
simulators for medical procedures that
utilize this type of serial section data scalpel just as though sensing and computer graphics. Study
of external body surface is possibly the
for dynamic, user-controllable, 3D pre- they were cutting oldest method of human anatomy edu-
sentation and also allow the user to
feel the anatomy through the instru- through real tissue. cation. Many misconceptions about
ments utilized in clinical practice. the human body were based on obser-
Each of these procedures was chosen ● Radial keratotomy. The student is vations of external anatomy. Recent
because of its dependence on a thor- looking through binocular optics, technological innovations in remote
ough understanding of complex 3D closely matching the ophthalmologi- sensing (miniature videocameras and
anatomy or because feeling is a major cal microscope, at a three-dimen- fiber optics), however, provide new
source of feedback to the expert doing sional cornea. During this realistic frontiers for the visualization of body
the procedure. Our prototype simula- display of the anatomy of the eye surfaces, many of them deep within
tors are based on realtime visualiza- (this time not from the Visible Hu- the body of live humans. Topographi-
tion and haptic feedback and to date man), the student utilizes the scal- cally, new surfaces of the body that
include the following. pel to cut along predetermined ra- now can be visualized include those of
dial lines inked on the cornea to the vascular, gastrointestinal, gastro-
● Surgical cutting. The student, hold- urinary, and respiratory systems. With
ing a scalpel handle, can feel each produce the desired visual correc-
tion. The procedure allows the stu- bronchoscopes, laryngoscopes, colono-
tissue interface as a cut is made scopes, and sigmoidoscopes, we are
through the thigh of the Visible Hu- dent to practice the hand-eye coordi-
nation required for this procedure now able to remotely view external
man male (Fig. 6). body surfaces such as the stomach
● Anesthetic block. The student, per- with all the visual and haptic cues
provided in the clinical setting. lining, the carina, or the cardiac
forming a celiac plexus block and sphincter in the living patient. With
holding the injection needle, can These simulators of living human minimal invasion, endoscopes and ar-
feel each tissue interface the needle anatomy will be coupled with others throscopes open up another expanse
encounters in its path from the skin to provide a complete operating room of internal surface anatomy. Interpret-
surface of the T12-L1 area all the environment for team-teaching all the ing and archiving the views of these
way to the neighborhood of the ab- players involved in a given OR proce- surfaces inside the body can provide
dominal aorta. As a simulator, the dure. The future of these theaters will insight for the anatomy student and
goal of the procedure is well de- closely mimic the reality of the cockpit challenges to the ‘‘-oscopist.’’
fined, but the simulator does not used for flight instruction in modern
restrict the user from directing the flight-training schools.
needle into a position far from the Cadaver Dissection
desired target. In the event of a The educational contribution of infor-
misdirect, the student can be mation gained through cadaver dissec-
brought back to the proper path or HUMAN SIMULATION tion, where technology seems to play a
allowed to error along a path that, The use of the Visible Human Dataset nominal role, may be determined by
for example, might be more appro- to create a simulator for the human how well a human simulator can dupli-
priate for a renal biopsy. This simu- body requires that each voxel be iden- cate, compete with, or enhance its
lator also incorporates clinically tified and assigned the properties that considerable advantages. Teaching by
available cues such as fluoroscopy characterize that particular tissue. This cadaver dissection has changed very
to confirm the position or misposi- massive task has been started with the little during this century. In general,
tion of the needle (Fig. 7). identification of every voxel in the student teams still participate in dis-
● Arthrocentesis. The student prepar- male database; in some regions, me- section or observe prosected cadavers.
ing for a knee arthrocentesis would chanical properties have also been de- Access to cadaver dissection has be-
choose a syringe and appropriate fined. For one to appreciate the com- come more restricted due to compet-
needle and then be required to cor- plexity of creating a simulator from ing curriculum demands and increased
rectly navigate the knee joint space the segmented and classified database environmental protection costs, even

Figure 5. Simulation of a surgical incision in the reconstructed thigh of the Visible Human Male
displays. in real time, the internal anatomy as it is exposed. The virtual scalpel in the image is
haptically interfaced to a real scalpel handle to provide the user with the feel of the cut. Figure 7. In this simulation of a celiac plexus
block, the physician ‘‘feels’’ each tissue as he
inserts the needle toward the target area.
Fluoroscopic localization of the needle can
be seen on the monitor. On successful pen-
etration, he will also feel the pulsation of the

of human anatomy is dramatized by

the fact that in February 1896, just 3
months after Konrad Roentgen an-
nounced the discovery of X-rays, the
first American clinical X-ray image
was produced in a physics laboratory
at Hanover, New Hampshire.10 This
rapid clinical application of his discov-
ery for the visualization of internal
human anatomy by a noninvasive
Figure 6. This ray-traced rendering of the segmented and classified structures of the Visible method foreshadowed the massive
Human Male knee isolates skeletal, muscular, and vascular elements. amount of information on internal
structures that was to come. With the
appearance of the CT in the early
though better and less toxic embalm- nities for developing a human simula- 1970s and MRI in the 1980s, anatomi-
ing methods have been introduced. tor that may transform anatomical cal structures in any part of the body
Cadaver dissection often is an intense education as dramatically as flight were being revealed in astonishing
and very humanizing experience for simulation has transformed pilot train- detail. The latter instrument also could
students; however, cadaver anatomy ing. display cross-sectional anatomy in any
has little resemblance in either color plane through the body. The massive
or feel to the living body. The use of a accumulation of information on hu-
human simulator with haptic feed- Clinical Radiology man morphology that has resulted
back may overcome these deficiencies Clinical radiology, which rapidly fol- from the use of these powerful clinical
and greatly enhance the experience lows and sometimes pioneers techno- imaging modalities has led to the pos-
obtained from dissection. Computer logical change, records the anatomy of sibility of rendering the entire human
simulation, made possible by the intro- the living human. Its utility is dimin- body in three dimensions.
duction of virtual reality computer ished only by its use of potentially Changes occurring in some clinical
technology coupled with a computer- harmful energies and their interac- radiology subspecialties often used in
ized anatomical database such as that tions with tissues. The role of radiologi- teaching human anatomy include the
of the Visible Human, affords opportu- cal applications for the understanding following.

1. Roentgenographs or classical X-ray 3. CT images are easier to interpret

images are difficult for the novice (than radiographs) but require a
to interpret but have been utilized knowledge of cross-sectional
in gross anatomy teaching for many anatomy. They reveal the same tis-
years. A major technological ad- sue properties and utilize the same
vance in this area that may benefit radiation as radiographs. There-
anatomy teaching is the introduc- fore, reconstructions derived from
tion of the digital radiograph. All multiple CT slices can provide views
clinical procedures in radiology can in different planes. Three-dimen-
now be collected in a digital for- sional renderings from multiple CT
mat. Therefore, digital picture ar- serial sections provide views more
chive and communication systems familiar to the 3D viewing public.
(PACS) are being developed for the Recent technological advances in
management, reading, and distribu- CT such as fast scanning and auto-
tion of clinical radiological images. segmentation provide highly de-
The advantage this holds for ana- tailed demonstrations of living
tomical teaching is that, as systems human anatomy (skeletal in par-
become more sophisticated and ca- ticular) that can be utilized in ana-
pable of handling confidentiality is- tomical education. The Visible Hu-
sues, then all radiological images man Dataset includes CT images at
should become accessible for medi- 1 mm intervals through both speci-
cal education. Much of the power mens.
of such a resource lies in the possi- 4. MRI is the most rapidly changing
bility, for example, of coupling modality in radiology. Advances in
medical and surgical follow-up re- detection and localization of small
ports into a teaching program. The radio wave frequency shifts which
anatomical education community constitute the image are tied to
needs only image management ca- antennae design, pulse sequence op-
pability, a sort of national registry timization, and computer recon-
of interesting anatomy, to utilize structions. The modality provides
such a vast resource for case-based excellent soft tissue definition and
teaching. now provides true volumetric data
2. Ultrasound generates cross-sec- acquisition, as opposed to the serial
tional images that are also difficult sections of CT that each contribute
to interpret and are based on a to a volume. Images are relatively
tissue property (acoustic imped- easy for the novice versed in cross-
ance) most students are unfamiliar sectional anatomy to interpret but
with. Images are generated from are still based on physical prin-
nonionizing radiation and there- ciples unfamiliar to the general
fore can be used in vulnerable popu- medical public. With segmentation Figure 8. A coronal plane is through a 24
lations such as pregnant women, and graphical rendering, these data week gestation fetus. This image is one of 600
fetuses, and children. The modality can take on familiar 3D surface sections from the volumetric set of 250 micron
is enjoying increased use in remote- representations of anatomical enti- sequential serial sections.

sensing applications much the same ties. MRI presents a phenomenal

as the video-oscopies mentioned in resource for learning and teaching mechanism for imaging metaboli-
surface imaging. In these applica- anatomy and constantly places new cally important chemistry. Techno-
tions, the ultrasound transducer is anatomical knowledge demands on logical advances in radiochemistry
threaded into vessels and cavities in radiologists who are seeing struc- make the major contributions to
order to place it closer to the area of tures invisible in previous genera- the modality for imaging human
interest. Unlike the standard cross- tions of the technology. T1-, T2-, and metabolism and function.
sections (transverse, coronal, and proton density-weighted MR im-
sagittal) produced by MRI and CT, ages, which are not congruent with
cross-sectional views from ultra- the anatomical cross-sections, com- The Human Simulator
sound are normally without a stan- prise a part of the Visible Human All of these anatomical teaching or
dard reference axis, so specialized Dataset. imaging methods will be incorporated
anatomical visualization expertise 5. Positron emission tomography into a human simulator. We should
is required. Because the Visible Hu- (PET) provides resolution similar someday be able to view the surface
man Dataset comprises a volume, it to scintigraphic images, but, be- anatomy of a selected human, image
can be reformatted in any plane to cause it employs nuclei of low the selected virtual subject with any of
display anatomical cross-sections atomic number, e.g., oxygen, nitro- the radiological modalities, and dis-
to correlate to such images. gen and carbon it does provide a sect any part of the body either as a

cadaver or as a living patient (a user fabrication is close enough to the clini- With the maturation of computer
option). Furthermore, all of the tech- cal situation that the student can prac- technologies, including 3D visualiza-
niques we used or images we saw or tice and learn effectively with such a tion and haptic, audio, and olfactory
tissues we felt could be recorded and simulator. interfaces, combined with volumetri-
analyzed for constructive criticism or Our steps for the creation of a hu- cally defined anatomy such as the Vis-
examination. The important point here man simulator involve the following. ible Humans, we are now able to learn
is that the instructor can see or experi- in immersive environments simulat-
1. Record visible light reflection of
ence exactly what the student saw or ing the reality of the living human
human cadaver tissues from serial
experienced in his or her self-directed body. Computer simulations will sup-
sections like the Visible Human
laboratory. port dynamic systems and are rapidly
Dataset to enable visualization of
Computer simulation when based growing in sophistication and abili-
the anatomy of a human cadaver by
on visible light photographic images ties. The photographic cadaver im-
any means (cross-sections, 3D ren- ages, such as those comprising the
such as those of the Visible Human
derings, physical model reconstruc- Visible Human anatomical volume,
couple, can duplicate not only surface
tion, etc.) will become more sophisticated and
anatomy but also internal anatomy
2. Modify visible light reflections re- more lifelike as the image data is
revealed only by radiology or dissec-
corded in step 1 to simulate the personified with characteristics and
tion in the real world. Most impor-
appearance of live (but inanimate) properties that will bring it ‘‘to life’’ in
tantly, it does not inconvenience or
tissue to enable visualization of the a virtual reality laboratory. This vir-
compromise patient care. Many ad-
anatomy of a live human. tual lab will afford the student an
vances required for these simulators
3. Add mechanical properties to each opportunity to study and interact with
are anticipated to come from other
tissue visualized in step 1 to enable what seems to be the living tissues of a
fields. For example, computer technol-
haptic interaction with the data. human being—all without the hin-
ogy utilized in Hollywood for special
The student can now ‘‘feel’’ any drance of inconveniencing or jeopar-
effects (morphing, 3D rendering, ani-
tissues visualized in step 1 of the dizing living patients or volunteers.
mation, movie colorization) and dy-
human cadaver.
namic feature isolation (rotoscoping)
4. Add physiological properties to each
all contribute to the many tools re-
tissue visualized in step 1 to enable CONCLUSIONS
quired for simulating the scientifically
visualization and haptic interac-
correct human body. The mathemat- The Visible Human Dataset has served
tion with the data as tissues from a
ics and computational speed required as a demonstration that a whole body
selected live human (i.e., enable
for morphing a man into a car may can be prepared in such a way that it
visualization of the beating heart,
someday provide the ability to atrophy can be volumetrically reconstructed
musculoskeletal motion, GI motil-
a muscle or inflame a pancreas. Ren- by computer. The data are being uti-
ity, and respiration either in isola-
dering tools provide the ability for the lized all over the world as a resource
tion or as the student (or teacher)
student to visualize objects in three for human anatomy applications in
perturbs the system).
dimensions from their own perspec- education, modeling, simulation, train-
5. Relate visible light reflection, me-
tive. Animation tools may provide ing, morphometrics, and entertain-
chanical, and physiological proper-
physiological and kinematic exten- ment. Some of these applications dem-
ties of each tissue to age, race,
sions of this database, and coloriza- onstrate the use of the dataset in the
development, disease, and environ-
tion and technology has already con- construction of human simulators. At
ment to enable visualization and
tributed to the process of feature the CU Center for Human Simulation,
haptic interaction with any simu-
extraction from photographic ana- segmentation and classification of the
lated living human, enabling the Virtual Human Male has been com-
tomical images. Theme park entertain-
student to investigate, appreciate, pleted, and prototype simulators for
ment and video arcades will most likely
and understand human diversity. clinical procedures have been con-
drive the haptic interface industry to
make devices that give realistic feeling The first step in this list has begun structed. The implications of com-
at a substantially reduced cost. Of with the Visible Human Project: an puter simulation of the human body
course, the aircraft industry can con- adult human male and a female speci- and technological advances impacting
tribute the maturity of a well-devel- men have been imaged. The extension the teaching of human anatomy are
oped, well-studied, and well-received of the concept to other bodies, includ- anticipated.
utilization of computer simulations ing young female, fetal, and pediatric
for the training of highly skilled profes- specimens, is ongoing at the CU Cen-
sionals. ter for Human Simulation (Fig. 8). We ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Some major demonstrations of the are now able to ‘‘feel’’ these tissues The authors thank Dr. Donald A.B.
concepts already available for com- through the instruments normally used Lindberg, Director of the NLM, and
puter simulation of medical proce- to interact with such tissues—scalpels, Dr. Michael J. Ackerman, Visible Hu-
dures have convinced us that the hu- needles, and probes. These procedure man Project Officer, for their support.
man body can be duplicated well simulators have provided responses We also thank our team of young
enough to capture the student imagina- judged realistic by experts in their investigators that made this project
tion in situations that simulate human fields of use. Formal evaluation of successful. We especially acknowledge
anatomy and limited physiology. The these simulators is in progress. those citizens who donate their re-

mains to medical research and teach- tute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Reality.’’ Wahington, DC: IOS Press, pp
ing. Laboratory, Technical Report 1696. 224–231.
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