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Digital hygiene means doing things to stay safe when you use

phones, tablets, and computers. Here are some important things to


Passwords: Use strong passwords.

Security Software: Install and update antivirus programs to keep your

devices safe from bad programs.

Digital Footprint: Be careful about what you share online. Once something
is online, it can stay there a long time and can affect your reputation.

Screen Time: Try not to use screens too much. Take breaks to rest your
eyes and do other fun things.

Domestic hygiene means keeping your home clean and safe from
germs. Here are some easy rules to help you do that:

Keep Surfaces Clean: Wipe tables, counters, and doorknobs with a

cleaning spray.

Keep the Kitchen Clean: Wash dishes and wipe counters to keep the
kitchen tidy.

Throw Away Trash: Use a trash bin with a lid and empty it regularly.

Clean the Bathroom: Scrub the toilet, sink, and bathtub with bathroom

Wash Your Clothes: Use laundry detergent and hot water to wash your
clothes, sheets, and towels.

Ventilation: Open windows to let fresh air into your home.

Keep Pests Away: Seal any holes where pests could enter and keep your
home clean to prevent pests.

Take Care of Pets: Keep your pets clean and tidy up their living areas.
Personal hygiene means taking care of your body to stay clean and
healthy. Here are some simple rules to follow:

Wash Your Hands: Wash your hands with soap and water after using the
bathroom, before eating, and after playing outside.

Bathe Regularly: Take a bath or shower regularly to keep your body clean.

Brush Your Teeth: Brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning and before
bed, to keep them healthy and clean.

Wear Clean Clothes: Wear clean clothes every day, and change your
underwear and socks regularly.

Trim Your Nails: Keep your nails short and clean to prevent dirt and germs
from building up.

Change your beddings regularly to keep them clean and fresh.

Cover Your Mouth: When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your
elbow or a tissue to prevent the spread of germs.

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