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Unit 9 | Session 6

Vacation time
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about a place you want to visit on vacation
Unit 9 | Session 6
Vacation time
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about a place you want to visit on vacation

Lesson overview

1 GET STARTED: Time to relax

2 PREPARE: My favorite vacation place
3 SPEAKING: Planning a vacation
4 PREPARE: Travel Tips
5 SPEAKING: Travel Tips
Time to relax
Look at the photos. Answer the questions

1. Which of these places do you want to

visit on vacation? Why?
2. What do you want to do there? a beach a city
3. What do you need to go there?

the countryside an island

My favorite vacation place
Imagine you are planning a vacation.
Answer the questions.

1 What is your favorite vacation place?

2 Where is it located?
3 What’s a good way for you to travel there? Why?
4 What do you like to do there?
5 What things do you need to take?
6 Are there any famous landmarks or attractions?
7 What's special about your favorite vacation place?
Planning a vacation
You and your partner(s) want to go on vacation together. Plan your vacation.
Then, present your plan to the class.


• a place you like

• the reasons to go there
• a way to travel (by bus/ by plane/ by car)
• a place to stay (hotel/ hostel/ B & B)
• activities you want to do
• tourist attractions you can visit
• things you need to take with you
We really like Paris in France because …
Travel Tips
What advice can you give to tourists who want to visit your country?
Use the Useful Language box to help you.

• Visit …
• Take…
• Stay…
• Eat…
• Go…
• Don’t …
Travel Tips
Role-play a conversation.
Student A: You want to visit student B´s country for the first time. Ask for some
travel tips to have a good experience.

Student B: Your friend wants to visit your country for the first time. Give him/her
some advice.

❑ What things do I need to take?

❑ When is a good time to go?
❑ How long do I need to stay?
❑ How can I get there?
❑ What do I have to do to enjoy the trip?
❑ What can I do and see there?
❑ Where can I eat there?

Now I can …

❑ talk about a place you want to visit on vacation.

Unit 9 | Session 6
Vacation time
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about a place you want to visit on vacation

Thank you!

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