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PRESSbyterian Release JULY 2024

Community Presbyterian Church PO Box 553, Terry, MT 59349
317 Logan Ave, Terry, MT 59349 (406) 635-5726

Minister’s Musings
We have celebrated Resurrection! We have celebrated the Power of the Holy Spirit filling the people of
God! We continue to write the pages of the Bible’s book called Acts as we, the Body of Christ – the Church,
continue to live into the reality of resurrection, this power, and the fact that Jesus changes
Friends, Jesus changes everything! This means that because of what God has done for us and in us, we
cannot remain the same. We are people of resurrection! We are people of life! We are people of power! The
Spirit of God does not leave us the same. Just read the Book of Acts. You will discover that anyone who
encountered the power of the Spirit of God was changed! Just like a fire rippling through a prairie or a
forest, the Spirit of God moves through us and removes the things in us that are unworthy of the holiness
of God Most High. Paul writes this:
For the love of Messiah compels us, since we have concluded that One died for all; as a
result all died. And He died for all so that those who live might no longer live for
themselves, but for the One who died for them and was raised. So from now on we
recognize no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Messiah according
to the flesh, yet now we no longer know Him this way. Therefore if anyone is in Messiah,
he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, all things have become
new. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 [Tree of Life Version © 2015 by The Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.]
If we are IN Messiah Jesus – we are grafted into the family of God, we are a new creation! We are called to
be different, to live differently, and to not stay the same.
During this season of summer, while things are growing all around us, I want to encourage you to do
something each day or at minimum each week to grow in the Lord. The opportunities and ways you can do
this are endless – perhaps our imaginations about how we can do this are not? Start with something simple.
Read a psalm. Ask questions about it. Consider what the psalm says about you, about God, about
relationship, about the people of God, name the emotions in it…Ask the Spirit of God to direct you to a word
from that psalm or other scripture. Pray and meditate on that word. What does it mean to you? For you?
How do you live it out in your life? Try reading through a book of the bible – from beginning to end. The
book of Esther is a great “story,” better than you can find on TV. Ask questions like what does this say about
God – who God is, how God acts, what God is trying to tell us? Or simply sit in stillness and try to quiet your
mind about all things except God and God’s love for you. Then DO something to show God how grateful you
are to be a new creation, a recipient of God’s love, a child of God because of what Jesus has done for you.
Great Growing God, you are the creator of all things! You have made each one of us new in Jesus! Help us
to live into the reality that Messiah Jesus changes everything! Help us to remain in Jesus – the True Vine and
by the power of your Spirit’s life force help us to bear the fruit of the Kingdom. Forgive us for neglecting the
relationship between Gardener and garden. Help us to turn towards you, with our whole ‘self’ –and to fill our
hearts with your Word. May your Spirit give us strength to prepare our hearts to receive YOU and to bear fruit
for your glory alone… in Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Blessings & Love in Christ,
Pastor Jamie

Pastor’s Office Hours
Pastor Jamie has enjoyed some recent drop-in visitors in the Terry
Church on days she is in town. She knows not everyone is available
on those days (usually Tuesdays & Wednesdays) – so, please
remember you can also reach her by phone or email and let her know
when a good time is for her to stop by your place. On the second
Sunday of each month, she preaches at the First Presbyterian Church
in Miles City at 9am and the Methodist Church in Miles City at 11am,
serving as “on-call” pastor for the Methodists.
Contact details: (406) 852 – 0339; and
506 S. Stacy Avenue, Miles City, MT 59301
She will be on vacation & study leave on these dates:
June 3 – 23, July 1 – 7, July 22 – August 11

Elders & Deacons

Roxy Carlson, Brian Morast, Nancy Pehl
Alroy Solle, Carol Varner, Brock Tibbetts
Lorin Larsen, Pam Lassle, Kirstin Mack
Lois Pfiefle, Vicky Reukauf, Joan Grammer

DAILY Eternal Light, shine into our hearts;

Eternal Goodness, deliver us from evil;
PRAYER Eternal Power, be our support;
Alcuin of Tours Eternal Wisdom, scatter the darkness of our ignorance;
(c. 735 – 804) Eternal Pity, have mercy upon us, that with all our heart and mind and strength
Book of Common
Worship: Daily
we may seek your face and be brought by your infinite mercy to your holy
Prayers presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We NEED to clean out the downstairs closets which currently are holding 25
HELP! black choir robes, 18 white choir robes, and 19 red choir robes. If you know of
someone who has a use for these, please contact Nancy Pehl. (406) 853-2666.

Treasurer’s Report April 30, 2024

Regular Checking Special Account Total: $30,217.88
Beginning Balance $ 1,708.80 Building Fund – $7,188.52
Total income $ 7911.64 Carpet Fund – $6,372.00
Library Fund – $2,044.64
CD $10,114.42, Maturity date:7-22-2024 Memorial Fund – $4,848.56
(Carpet Fund balance is $9,036.49 &
Savings – $4,959.48
General Fund balance is $1078.28)
TCPC Hope Fund– $1424.99
TCPC Scholarship Fund – $1658.19
Expenses $ 5898.35
Camp Scholarship Fund $1721.50
Ending balance $ 3722.09 ROOF FUND $0

For more information about the Treasurer’s Report, please speak with Treasurer, Jamie Larsen.
If you receive this newsletter in its printed form and are able to receive it in a digital form, please
send an email to to let Pastor Jamie know.
Worship Schedule ZOOM: 835 8517 6762 HYMNAL
Terry Church Greeter: Fallon Church Family:
Darlene & Travis Reyman Paula Rein
9:30AM Joint Worship &Communion
June at FALLON Deuteronomy 5:12-15 & Psalm 81:1-10
2 with Pastor Jamie 2 Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-3:6
Adult Bible Study to follow
1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15) & Psalm 138
9:30AM Joint Worship at TERRY
June OR
with Darlene Strobel
9 Genesis 3:8-15 & Psalm 130
Adult Bible Study to follow
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Mark 3:20-35
1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13 & Psalm 20
June 9:30AM Joint Worship at FALLON OR
16 Adult Bible Study to follow Ezekiel 17:22-24 & Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15
2 Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17; Mark 4:26-34
1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49 & Psalm 9:9-20
9:30AM Joint Worship at TERRY OR
June with Pastor Jamie 1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 18:10-16 & Psalm 133
23 Lector: Cody Tibbetts OR
Adult Bible Study to follow Job 38:1-11 & Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32
2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41
9:30AM Joint Worship at FALLON 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27 & Psalm 130
June with Pastor Jamie Wisdom of Solomon 1:13-15, 2:23-24, or Lamentations
30 Adult Bible Study to follow 3:22-33 & Psalm 30
JOINT PICNIC 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5:21-43

Worship Schedule ZOOM: 835 8517 6762 HYMNAL
Terry Church Greeter: Fallon Church Family:
Darlene & Travis Reyman Del Linda Frost, Connie & Doug Hjorth
2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 & Psalm 48
9:30AM Joint Worship at TERRY
July OR
Lector: Darlene Strobel
7 Ezekiel 2:1-5 & Psalm 123
Adult Bible Study to follow
2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Mark 6:1-13
2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 & Psalm 24
July 9:30AM Joint Worship at FALLON OR
14 Adult Bible Study to follow Amos 7:7-15 & Psalm 85:8-13
Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:14-29
9:30AM Joint Worship at TERRY 2 Samuel 7:1-14a & Psalm 89:20-37
July with Pastor Jamie OR
21 Lector: Roxy Carlson Jeremiah 23:1-6 & Psalm 23
Adult Bible Study to follow Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
2 Samuel 11:1-15 & Psalm 14
July 9:30AM Joint Worship at FALLON OR
28 Adult Bible Study to follow 2 Kings 4:42-44 & Psalm 145:10-18
Ephesians 3:14-21 John 6:1-21

Thank everyone who supported and prayed for our young people this year!
If you missed out one helping, please contact Nancy Pehl to express your
interest for next year. We will not tell you no!
Our Youth Group sessions ended with three special and specific conversations
about resurrection. We talked about how resurrection is a reality – the pivotal
moment in the life of a person of faith because of what God has done for us! One
of Pastor Jamie’s favorite moments was sharing through Scripture about this:
that Jesus’s death and resurrection make us at-one with God. At-one-ment,
commonly referred to as atonement in theology, is the very act of making the
broken relationship between God and humans
one again. How Cool is that!!! God’s love for us
is so BIG, God gave the Son to reconnect our
broken relationship. God did it ALL!
Now all this theology in the dining room was
preceded by a myriad of games…like “get the
bacon” and relay races and scavenger hunts
and magic carpet games! You will have to join
us to discover what all the fuss is about!
The last youth group gathering of the school year was
on May 24. Eight students joined Nancy, Zack, and
Pastor Jamie to distribute over 65 plants (a record to
last year’s 45!!), to knock down some pins on the bowling lanes in Glendive, and
to have our tastebuds wiggle and tummies giggle with dinner at Pizza Hut. From
there, we scattered! Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!!
Our summer mission event is scheduled for June 20 & 21! Nancy and some other
fearless leaders will again endeavor to take any youth group members who wish
to Billings! This was the destination of choice by our young people! So, you can
expect a jump-around at Get Air! Trampoline Park, All-you-can-eat buffet at Pizza
Ranch, a place to lay your head for the night at First Presbyterian Church (13 th
Street), and a service project at the Montana Rescue Mission before your return
home! Please, please, please…If you are interested in helping or attending, let
Nancy Pehl know!!!
Lastly, summer isn’t really summer without a camping experience! You are invited
to speak with Nancy about a scholarship to attend the Yellowstone Presbytery’s
Summer Camp: Westminster Spires – located near Red Lodge. For more details or
to register, please visit: If you have elementary aged
siblings, Pastor Jamie will be leading the Elementary
Camp this year (July 14-18).
Finally, we have enjoyed spending time
with all of you. Please plan to be with us
again next school year!
Tucker, you are the only one who gets
a PASS! Congratulations & Blessings for
what God has next on your journey!
Jesus says, “You are the light of the
world”… So SHINE!

Pastor Jamie Schmeling moderated our Session meeting held in the church basement with Elders Roxy
Carlson, Carol Varner, Nancy Pehl, and Brian Morast. Clerk Andy Pehl and Neva Rathbun as Laison were
present also. Paul, Kelsey, Walt and Lucy Eayrs were also present. Elder Alroy Solle was absent. At 6pm we
opened with prayer by Pastor Jamie. Devotions were from Luke 9 and 10 on the disciple’s missions sent
by Jesus – first the Twelve and later the Seventy-Two.
Roxy moved to extend membership to Paul and Kelsey and to baptize Kelsey, Walt and Lucy. Motion was
seconded by Carol and it was approved unanimously. The Treasurer’s report shared by Pastor Jamie for
April, showing income of $7912 exceeding the expenses of $5898. Brian moved to approved the Treasurer’s
report, it was seconded and vote was 4-0. Nancy reported details concerning the estate of Ruth and Charlie
Franks extending gifts to Prairie County entities, including the church. The gift received has been placed in
a CD with Stockman Bank. Elders have been asked to prayerfully consider this gift and how it might be used
for the work of the kingdom. We all signed a card to send to the family expressing our gratitude. Sally and
Floyd Furman now joined the meeting and affirmed their wish to join our church. Having been faithful
members of the Opheim Lutheran Church for many years, Roxy moved and Carol seconded the request of
transfer of membership by statement of faith on May 26 th (date per their request). Vote was 4-0.
The minutes for the April 16th meeting were approved as written; motion by Carol, a second and a 4-0 vote.
Pastors report included two funerals, leading prayer at Jaxon’s benefit supper, worships, participating in
the ON MY OWN program by extension service at the school, visitations, and lots of family time during her
brief vacation. Pastor Jamie shared information & expressed interest in being one of many pastors offering
voluntary care as chaplain for police, dispatch, and other first responders. Nancy moved, it was seconded
by Carol and approved 4-0. Elder Brock Tibbetts was now present at 7:30. Clerks report was Neva
Rathbun officiating on May 5th and 23 communion partakers that Sunday.
Property committee reported a new pump and motor were installed in the church’s well. The quilters have
request permission to use the church for a retreat July 16-18. Brock moved, it was seconded and approved
5-0. Christian Education announced VBS dates of July 8-11 from 1:30 to 4:30 each afternoon, theme is
Hometown Nazareth. CLEW-M reported by Nancy they were still in search of a mission worker to support.
The purchase of round tables for the church was discussed. Long tables are still needed for funerals and
storage of both round and long was discussed. Nancy moved; Brian seconded the motion to approve the
committee reports. Vote was 5-0.
Brian hosted the treat break at 8:05. Brian reported concerning Shared Ministry, offered the summer
worship schedule for review. The results of the survey were also shared. Of the 80 questionnaires sent
between both churches, only 37 surveys were returned with feedback. Other Business: Mandatory
Boundary Training was announced by the Presbytery for August 3 rd and November 9th via three-hour
sessions on Zoom. A scholarship application was received for the Gubb Clark Scholarship from Tucker
Todd. Carol motioned, Nancy second; 4-0 vote, Brock abstaining.
Our next meeting will be June 26 at 6pm. The host will be Pastor Jamie. Brock moved to adjourn with
prayer, it was seconded and passed unanimously. The meeting was closed by Pastor Jamie’s prayer -- the
time being 9:35.
Respectfully submitted,
Andy Pehl, Clerk of Session

ROUND OF PRAYER - 2024 Community Presbyterian Church
Please pray for these members of our family of faith on the date that corresponds to the calendar. If there are
no other days remaining, simply pray for those on the dates at the end of the month on the last day of the
month. For example, April has 30 days. So, on the 30th day, include in your prayers those listed in both lines #
30 and # 31. Please send any amendments, additions, or inclusions to Pastor Jamie.

Roxanne Carlson, Ruth Lekse, Alroy, Tasha & Devin Solle

1 Virginia S ckel, & Nina Hintz
17 Becca & Jim Ramsdale
Joan Grammer, Jan Warner,
2 Ron Johnson & Richard Foss
18 Cody & Abbie, Mary & Graham Tibbe s
Brock & Raimee Tibbe s, Tucker, Grace,
3 Jamie & Lorin Larsen & family 19 Lincoln & Oliver

4 Darlene Strobel & Neva Rathbun 20 Marv & Carol Varner & Family
Chay & Ashley, Savannah, Kennedi,
5 McKenna & Tommy Larsen
21 Jan & Kim Keltner, Tim & Karen Hess

6 Pam, Dan, & Nathan Lassle 22 Sandy Sperline, Jo Lawson

Jordan, Faye, & Presley Lassle Vicky & Bill Tusler & family
7 Jill, Ken, & Cammie Stenerson
23 Kathy & Marge Shipe
Noell, Aaron, & Abby Mar nson Jesse, Caitlin, Olivia, Ryland, Harper &
8 Kory & Michele Mar nson
24 Quincy Haidle

9 Kirs n & AJ Mack & Family 25 Steve & Sue Tibbe s

Sally & Floyd Fuhrman
10 Brian & Sheryl Morast & Family 26 Allison (Fuhrman) Barnard, Tristan Barnard
Jeff & Cheryl Morrison
11 Andy & Nancy Pehl & Family 27 Bruce & Carla Hoffman
Gary & Lois Pfiefle & Michael
12 Linda Kohler 28 Paul & Kelsey Eayrs, Walt & Lucy

13 Travis & Darlene Reyman 29 Pastor Jamie, Euan, Serena & Mikayla
Lon & Vicki Reukauf The People of Hope American Lutheran
14 Rob & Judy Reukauf 30 Church & its Council; Shared Ministry

LaVonne & Herb Sackman

15 Community Youth Group Kids 31 Yellowstone Presbytery:
And all leaders (elders, deacons, etc.)
The Witness of The Word in the World
Brothers & Sisters in Christ;
16 Bob, Sharla, Ma y, & Hayden Sackman
The Members of our Armed Forces

Burritos and the Bible – A Men’s Gathering
An opportunity is coming your way for a Men’s Bible Study Breakfast time! All Men
are welcome to join Bruce Hoffman on Wednesday mornings at 7am at the Church.
For more details, details contact Bruce Hoffman at (406) 601 – 9644.

created to create – Life in A Sketchbook

Calling all doodlers, hobbyists, students, calligraphers, cartoonists, mixed media
artists, fine artists, abstract artists, seekers….join experienced fine artist and teacher,
Joni Herzog Bonogofsky in a safe, quite place to create in the company of other artists
each Thursday evening from 7pm-9pm at the First Presbyterian Church (basement
via elevator) 1401 Main Street, Miles City. As a Bonus, there will be short sessions on
art mediums, techniques, inspiration and more!
For more details, contact Joni at (530) 262 – 5946.

Vacation Bible School!!!

July 8-11
1:30pm – 4:30pm
Kids from age 4 through age 12 are invited to
attend Vacation Bible School (VBS) July 8-11,
2024 at the Community Presbyterian Church!
Welcome to Hometown Nazareth — where
Jesus was a kid! We’ll take your kids back to
Hometown Nazareth where they’ll stand up for their faith among people who doubt
that the carpenter’s son is really God’s son.
 Students will be divided into groups and rotate through interactive Bible
Story, Music, Game, and Craft stations.
 Students will meet from 1:30-4:30 p.m. each day and snacks will be provided.
Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.
 There will be a program open to the public on Thursday, July 11 at 4:30 p.m.
 Please register by July 1 if your child would like to attend.
For more information, to register, or to volunteer your help, contact:
Sharla Sackman 406-951-4400
JUNE 2024 Indicates Pastor Jamie is planning to be in residence.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SUMMER SCHEDULE Pastor Jamie is on Work Day at the Fallon
BEGINS! vacation June 3 – 11AM Text Study Church
10AM Joint Worship @ June 23
Pastor Jamie 7PM – 9PM Created to
Adult Bible Study Create – First Pres in
Miles City

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
10AM Joint Worship @
TERRY Pastor Jamie is on 11AM Text Study
Darlene Strobel vacation June 3 –
Adult Bible Study June 23
7PM – 9PM Created to
Create – First Pres in
Miles City

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
10AM Joint Worship @ Pastor Jamie is on
FALLON vacation June 3 – 11AM Text Study
June 23
Adult Bible Study
7PM – 9PM Created to
Create – First Pres in
Miles City

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
10AM Joint Pastor Jamie is Pastor Jamie is
Worship @ TERRY back to work today! 11AM Text Study officiating a wedding
Pastor Jamie today.
FELLOWSHIP 7PM Council Meeting, 6PM Session Meeting, 7PM – 9PM Created to Pastor Jamie is
Adult Bible Study FALLON TERRY Create – First Pres in officiating a wedding
Miles City rehearsal.
10AM Joint
Worship @ FALLON Pastor Jamie on 11AM Text Study HAPPY 4TH
Pastor Jamie Study Leave OF JULY!
Adult Bible Study July 1-7

JULY 2024 Indicates Pastor Jamie is planning to be in residence.


JUNE 30 1 2 3 4 5 6
10AM Joint
Worship @ FALLON Pastor Jamie on 11AM Text Study HAPPY 4TH
Pastor Jamie Study Leave OF JULY!
Adult Bible Study July 1-7

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10AM Joint Worship @ 9:30AM
TERRY 1:30 – 4:30 VBS @ Leadership Cabinet 1:30 – 4:30 VBS @ 1:30 – 4:30 VBS @
1:30 – 4:30 VBS @ 4:30PM VBS Program

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(Pastor @ FPC @9, UMC @ 11) Quilt Retreat @ Terry Quilt Retreat @ Terry Quilt Retreat @ Terry
10AM Joint Worship @ 11AM Text Study
FALLON Pastor Jamie @ Pastor Jamie @ Camp Pastor Jamie @ Camp Pastor Jamie @ Camp
Adult Bible Study Camp

Pastor Jamie is headed to

Westminster Spires Camp

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
10AM Joint Worship
@ TERRY Pastor Jamie on 11AM Text Study TERRY YIPEE DAYS
Pastor Jamie Study leave
Adult Bible Study 22 July – 11 Aug 5:30PM Shared
Ministry Meeting

28 29 30 31 AUG 1 AUG 2 AUG 3

10AM Joint Worship @ 11AM Text Study
Adult Bible Study Study leave
22 July – 11 Aug



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