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From ancient to avant-garde: a review of traditional and modern

multimodal approaches to surgical anatomy education
Minhao Hu ,* David Wattchow† and Dayan de Fontgalland†
*School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia and
†Department of Surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Key words Abstract

anatomy, dissection, surgical education, teaching
modalities, technology. The landscape of surgical anatomy education is progressively changing. Traditional meth-
ods, such as cadaveric dissection and didacticism are being increasingly phased out in
Correspondence undergraduate courses for multimodal approaches incorporating problem-based learning,
Mr Minhao Hu, School of Medicine, Flinders radiology and computer-based simulations. Although effective at clinically contextualizing
University, Sturt Road, Bedford Park, Adelaide, SA
and integrating anatomical information, these approaches may be a poor substitute for fos-
5042, Australia. Email:
tering a grasp of foundational ‘pure’ anatomy. Dissection is ideal for this purpose and hence
M. Hu BClinSc; D. Wattchow FRACS, PhD; D. de remains the cornerstone of anatomical education. However, novel methods and technologi-
Fontgalland FRACS, PhD. cal advancements continually give way to adjuncts such as cadaveric surgery, three-
dimensional printing, virtual simulation and live surgical streaming, which have demon-
Accepted for publication 14 July 2017. strated significant efficacy alone or alongside dissection. Therefore, although divergent para-
digms of ‘new versus old’ approaches have engulfed and divided the community, educators
doi: 10.1111/ans.14189
should seek to integrate the ancient and avant-garde to comprehensively satisfy all of the
modern anatomy learner’s educational needs.

prosections and surgical observation. These techniques have

endured and evolved throughout the ages to the current day, setting
The practice and discipline of surgery is one that is complex and a foundational benchmark for the discipline.
multifaceted, incorporating many key elements such as tissue However, in a time of rapid technological development, more
manipulation, sound clinical judgement, ever-present conscientious- modalities are becoming available as practical avenues of surgical
ness and leadership. Among these, a fundamental element of profi- anatomy education. Learners are no longer limited only to archaic
ciency is the understanding of operative anatomy; it is the cognitive textbook diagrams and observing procedures from the corner of a
roadmap that guides every cut, tie and manoeuvre the operator per- crowded theatre. There now exists a wide variety of online elec-
forms on the table. It is as much a rite of passage as anything in a tronic resources, production devices and interactive three-
budding surgeon’s training to obtain a practical grasp of this dimensional (3D) visualization technologies, which provide
knowledge. diverse and flexible methods of knowledge acquisition. Newer
Despite this, widespread concern has continued to arise sur- ‘multimodal’ approaches, including problem-based learning
rounding the level of anatomical knowledge in junior doctors and (PBL), radiology and computer-based learning, are increasingly
surgeons, with an ever-diminishing trend of undergraduate ana- gaining dominance in many medical courses, often at the expense
tomical education being implicated in increasing medical of more conventional core teaching modalities such as dissec-
litigation,1 an issue attracting considerable attention in both media tion.2,3 Significant controversy has arisen amongst educators and
and evidence-based literature.2 Australian and New Zealand medi- clinicians as a result of this, with ‘traditionalist’ educators vehe-
cal schools are now reported to provide an average of 171 h of mently condemning the change while others actively wel-
anatomical teaching in total, significantly less in comparison to come it.3,4
historical data.2 In response to the discord, this review aims to explore and evalu-
The problem stems fundamentally not only from the gross ate the role and effectiveness of the various educational approaches
amount of education given but also its method of delivery. Tradi- in improving one’s understanding of the anatomical aspect of sur-
tionally, anatomical education has been delivered through modal- gery, with particular emphasis on comparing the new emerging
ities such as didactic teaching, cadaveric dissection, models/ methods with more traditional ones.

ANZ J Surg 88 (2018) 146–151 © 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Review of surgical anatomy teaching approaches 147

A review of ‘traditional’ modalities Vesalius, the Renaissance and beyond,5,12 yet retains its benefits of
being an active, engaging, low-cost method of knowledge acquisi-
Cadaveric dissection
tion in the modern day. Being largely free of the resource demands
Perhaps the single most traditional anatomical education method, of cadavers and expensive technology, drawing is a simple and effi-
cadaveric dissection has been a mainstay for millennia, with an espe- cacious way of self-study, with the learner simply requiring only
cially rich history (including grave robbings, criminal punishment some free time, a set of pencils and a pad.
and public humiliation) dating as far back as 300 BC Greece.5 Many The use of drawing has also been consistent with the trend of
have long regarded cadaver dissection to be an essential developmen- implementing art in medical studies, conveying the associated psy-
tal milestone in every medical student’s path, with exuberant empha- chological benefits whilst honing the common skills of both disci-
sis placed upon it in medical education until recent decades. plines, including observation, pattern recognition and emotional
In a surgical context, dissection not only contributes to one’s interpretation.12 Careful pencil illustrations may likewise benefit
anatomical knowledge but also enriches a learner’s experience in aspects of surgical techniques by exerting similar skill demands,
tissue manipulation, manual dexterity, teamwork, professional com- including hand dexterity, attention to detail, knowledge of form and
munication and handling the emotional impact of death.6,7 It is pro- spatial awareness.13 The ‘drawbacks’, however, may include the
foundly advantaged in its presentation of truly 3D, interactive time requirement, different learning styles and potential dependence
visuo-tactile information in a way that no other teaching modality on pre-existing artistic ability. Furthermore, it is intrinsically a two-
can adequately replicate to synthesize meaning and comprehen- dimensional modality, lacking the 3D demonstration of structure
sion.4,7 Despite being an ancient practice, it is not without modern afforded by other modalities.
advancements, with recent trends towards ‘Thiel’ embalming, Apart from leisure or self-study, drawing can be used in the form
enhancing the ability of specimens to replicate the textures of real of ‘Observe–Reflect–Draw–Edit–Repeat’ (ORDER) classroom
patients in an operating theatre (OT) with impressive realism, much exercises or alongside dissection courses, both methods that have
to the satisfaction of clinical educators as well as the visceral dis- demonstrated significant efficacy.13,14 Interestingly, improvements
comfort of many a greenhorn medical student.8 in anatomical knowledge are suggested to be independent of base-
Dissectors are also exposed to a variety of anatomical variations, line artistic ability,13,14 implying that poor artistic skill does not
an aspect that is often scarcely explored in other modalities yet is preclude or diminish the educational benefits of illustration, possi-
so vital in practice. Arguably unique to cadaver dissection is the bly because any attempt to externally express anatomical informa-
presence of connective tissue, in contrast to anatomical pictures or tion on paper necessitates extensive internal 3D contemplation.
pre-dissected prosections, where these tissues are pre-removed or
poorly represented, giving the illusion of a ‘clear delineation’
between discrete structures, whereas in practice, they are often Theatre- and clinical-based learning
‘blended’ together non-discretely by layers of fascia, adipose and/or Performing effectively in an OT is the end goal of all surgical anat-
ligamentous fibres – a crucial concept to the prospective surgical omy learners. It, therefore, follows that it is a suitable environment
trainee. to acquire anatomical and other field-relevant skills. Despite this,
Despite all its strengths, dissection is inadequate as a sole method major barriers to anatomical learning exist here, being a time- and
of learning,6,9 largely deficient in demonstrating functional neuroa- resource-pressured, unpredictable environment where the emphasis
natomy, microsurgical neurovasculature, contracted musculature is not on teaching, with learning being observation-based, self-
and more,4 therefore necessitating the use of adjunctive modalities. driven and dependent on practical factors, including timing, case
It is being increasingly phased out likely due to significant upkeep availability and willingness/availability of clinicians to teach. Fur-
costs involved with the embalming and storage of the specimens, as thermore, learners are often merely exposed to ‘snapshots’ of struc-
well as the cost and need for the adequate employment of appropri- tures in the operative field, ineffectively cultivating an
ate teaching personnel.6,7 understanding of the ‘bigger picture’.15 In addition, the modern
Professional opinion on the place of dissection in the future of demand for impeccable patient outcomes makes the traditional
anatomy education is, however, quite polarized, with many regard- practice of ‘see one, do one, teach one’ increasingly outdated in the
ing it as an indispensable learning tool, strongly advocating for its first world16 as, understandably, tasks are geared towards experi-
preservation, while followers of the opposing view encourage its enced seniors rather than junior learners at the cost of educational
replacement by modern approaches.10 The surgical community is opportunities for the latter, lessening their ability to engage freely,
overwhelmingly aligned with the former view, with a survey on a in contrast to earlier times where a more laissez-faire approach to
surgeon cohort (n = 80) yielding a consensus amongst 65% of student participation in the theatre existed.
respondents (P < 0.001) that ‘cadaver/prosection demonstration’ Certain strategies can be adopted to maximize one’s learning
was the best method of teaching anatomy, advocating for a greater experience in the theatre, focused around managing social/profes-
role of cadaver teaching in current anatomical education.11 sional relations, learning objectives and reactions to the work envi-
ronment and emotional impact of surgery.17 If students can
successfully manage these factors, there is significant anatomical
Drawing educational value present in the theatre; the learner is able to appre-
The use of illustration in studying anatomy is another ancient prac- ciate live in vivo tissue, observe the therapeutic manipulation of
tice evolved through centuries, dating back to the times of Andreas anatomy and apply theoretical knowledge in a clinical context,

© 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

148 Hu et al.

allowing for reconsolidation and deepening of one’s overall under- Further studies are needed to evaluate efficacy and practical
standing. Observing different surgical approaches to the same struc- resource efficiency, the latter being crucial given the decline of
tures also strongly facilitates efficacious learning,18 that is, open cadaveric dissection in the face of time/capital costs. Therefore, an
versus laparoscopic abdominal approaches and various joint, skele- even more resource-intensive method, such as cadaveric surgery, is
tal and intraoral approaches – the list goes on. Visualization from unlikely to achieve widespread adoption in undergraduate courses,
various exposures allows for deep contextualization of 3D struc- reserving it for specialized contexts, that is, possibly in postgradu-
tural arrangements. ate courses.
Apart from an anatomical perspective, benefits of OT learning
include observation of team member interactions, developing com-
Didactic lectures
munication skills, practicing sterile techniques, observing/practicing
(peri)operative skills and surgical reasoning.15 The theatre can be As perhaps the most familiar and accessible modality, didactic lec-
seen as a setting to apply, solidify and deepen one’s pre-existing tures remain a backbone of most anatomical courses.3 However,
anatomical knowledge in a clinical context, rather than a place to recent trends have seen a movement away from standalone lectur-
synthesize new anatomical knowledge; its utility in this fashion is ing to more clinically oriented, technology-integrated, team-based
limited. As such, medical students and junior doctors should approaches.3,6 The former has been criticized for its focus on pas-
develop a working knowledge of relevant operative anatomy before sive learning and limitations in 3D depiction;21 however, this
attending. modality retains value in teaching basic principles (e.g. anatomical
However, although this base knowledge should be accounted for terminology and directions) and foundational ‘pure anatomy’, par-
by students’ preclinical anatomy teaching, the transition to clinical ticularly in early undergraduate education.3
learning is often poorly addressed; there is often minimal vertical
integration in many institutions, with anatomy education being The application of new technologies
almost non-existent in clinical years despite the long gap since stu- and methodologies in modern surgical
dents’ preclinical teaching – a dilemma attributed partially to diffi- anatomy
culties in interdepartmental administrative collaboration.6,9
The electronic era of anatomy education is a far cry from the days
of old, with each year bringing new technologies that introduce
innovative ways of conveying anatomical concepts. As a trend, ana-
Cadaveric surgery tomical courses are becoming increasingly blended with
Dissection and OT participation act in unison to impart surgical electronic-/computer-based platforms, mixing physical lectures sup-
anatomy knowledge. The former emphasizes pure anatomy but plemented with online recordings, quizzes, animations etc, allowing
often neglects clinical aspects, while the latter provides abundant for independent self-paced study while alleviating staff resource
clinical application in an educationally non-ideal environment. demands without completely removing physical teaching.22
Given this, a ‘mid-way point’ between the two may be an effica-
cious means of ‘bridging the gap’, that is, cadaveric surgery.18 Akin
PBL, case-based learning and team-based
to crash-testing motor vehicles before road use, cadaveric surgery learning
and demonstration has been regarded as the ‘gold standard’ for
Revolting against traditional didacticism, problem-based
developing operative skills in a controlled, ahaemorrhagic setting;18
approaches utilizing student-centred team-based problem solving
however, its anatomical utility should also be considered.
have gained widespread adoption by undergraduate courses in
Several institutions have built dedicated cadaver-armed surgical
recent decades in general medical and anatomical education.3
theatre simulation facilities, where small pilot studies (n = 2,
Although this has been at the expense of other methods, PBL pro-
50, 50) have been conducted. Programmes have involved a combi-
motes verbalization, communication, teamwork, active learning,
nation of surgeon-led teaching/demonstration, with students under-
clinical and conceptualization over fact memorization.3,21 It is,
taking supervised performance of surgical procedures on
however, less effective at delivering pure anatomical and other
cadavers.17–19 Studies yielded varying results, from significant
basic science knowledge, especially in comparison with traditional
improvements in 64% of participants19 to nil improvements against
dissection methods.3
dissection group controls in assessment outcomes.17 Several studies
did, however, lack controls.18,19 Despite this, unanimously positive
subjective assessments praised the engagement of active thought Radiology and live surgical streaming
and directed goals as opposed to typical ‘exploratory’ dissection, These modalities are discussed in Appendix S1.
with students finding that they took ‘more care’ while handling tis-
sues and were not distracted in their anatomy learning by tool-
intensive parts of procedures.18,19 The exercises were overall Anatomage and other 3D simulation
appreciated by participants as ‘a relaxed introduction to surgery’, technologies
particularly the use of surgeon instructors in providing a clinical The recent development of various anatomical simulation software
perspective,18 who are generally underutilized yet so vital in surgi- apps has stimulated interest in their use as potential resource-light
cal education.20 ‘virtual’ alternatives to cadaver dissection. Users can interact with

© 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Review of surgical anatomy teaching approaches 149

virtual models, rotating, moving, zooming and slicing it to their The drawbacks include reliance on high-quality source images
desire, as well as selecting or removing individual structures and and cost/availability, with prices ranging from US$200 000 to
highlighting whole systems. A wide range of functionalities, includ- US$400 000, simple plastic printers on the low end and multi-
ing integration with clinical images, pathological correlates and an material printers on the high end.26 Yet, when these costs are com-
‘undo’ button (much in contrast to physical cadavers), are available pared with plastination facilities, quoting upwards of US$600 000,
in these virtual simulators, which are available across a range of 3D printing may well be the more economical option, particularly
platforms, from handheld downloadables (e.g. visible body) to life- when considering that technological advances will continue to opti-
sized tables. mize cost efficiency and accessibility.26 The ability to depict ana-
The Anatomage table (Anatomage, San Jose, CA, USA) presents tomical variations can also be a double-edged sword, particularly
a virtual to-scale cadaver on a table-sized iPad-type display. The when abnormalities are mistaken to be normal; caution must there-
table has been implemented by several institutions and investigated fore be taken to expose materials to the correct populations, that is,
for effectiveness, a survey (n = 326) showing that 79.5% and those who have a pre-existing grasp of ‘typical’ anatomy.
56.7% of students found Anatomage useful in demonstrating rela- One randomized control trial on three groups of undergraduate
tive organ sizes and relationships, respectively, with main difficul- students (n = 52) studying cardiac anatomy showed significantly
ties lying in software errors, loss of interest after initial novelty and higher post-test scores in the 3D printing group compared with con-
poor image quality.23 Another 8-week study on four groups of jun- trol groups (P = 0.012), although authors noted variable pre-
ior doctors (n = 27) involved the undertaking of a peer-led existing knowledge levels as possible confounders.26
Anatomage-based programme, supervised by surgical seniors. A The promising preliminary evidence and increasing adoption of
significant improvement in all exam results were observed at the 3D printing technologies in surgical fields may well present viable
conclusion of the study, increasing by a mean of 12% (95% CI: way of producing high-quality anatomy-learning resources in com-
5–19, P = 0.003), with participants citing the tutelage of the senior ing times, particularly with prospects such as multi-material and
surgeons to be the decisive factor in the programme’s success.24 biological printing on the horizon.26
These ‘virtual dissection’ simulations may be a feasible option
for sites where physical dissection is not practicable or as adjuncts
Traditional teaching versus the
where they are practicable; however, they are unlikely to fully
multimodal approach in surgical
replace the former due to their lack of physical feedback, demands
anatomy education
on technological affinity and anatomical detail.25 Their benefits can
be manifested through the facilitation of group learning, especially The landscape of anatomical education is changing,3,4,7 with partic-
when providing a medium of communication between seniors and ular relevance to the surgically inclined candidate. New multimodal
peers through shared interest and novelty, as in the case of Anatom- approaches are increasingly crowding out traditional approaches in
age, while smaller hand-held apps represent the option of a porta- the face of the changing demands of modern undergraduate educa-
ble, interactive reference. tion, with dissection shifting progressively towards a solely post-
graduate practice.2,27 These multimodal approaches often combine
PBL, radiology, computer-assisted learning and multimedia simula-
3D printing tion, likely due to economic reasons as they generally require less
Another innovative technology that has gained biomedical promi- contact hours, staff and resources to maintain.
nence in recent years is 3D printing, showing applications in preop- The evidence base for modern teaching tools is expanding: a sys-
erative planning, simulation and implant production across several tematic review on 29 articles concluded that computer-assisted
surgical specialties.26 Originating from the engineering field, the learning and instruction showed better results than traditional teach-
technique can utilize computer-aided design (CAD) data exported ing interventions, being a valuable adjunct to dissection.10 Another
from computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans meta-analysis of 36 studies (n = 2226) demonstrated that 3D visu-
in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) for- alization technologies yielded significantly higher test scores, spa-
mat to print by a precise, individualized layering process.26 tial contextualization and user satisfaction compared with all other
Its value in education lies in its production of models that are methods.25
inherently more than its conventional plastic counterparts (which This is certainly not to suggest that they are superior alternatives
are idealized ‘cartoons’ in comparison), demonstrating even small to cadaveric dissection, with equally significant evidence to the
nerves, vessels and other negative spaces (e.g. paranasal sinuses, contrary,28 although institutions have already been reported to act
cochlea, etc) and tissue planes with high resolution and accuracy, on this by phasing out dissection.2
being manifestations of real clinical image data.6,26 Individualized It is important to emphasize that the use of each approach is by
models can be printed in a variety of views and layers, allowing for no means mutually exclusive – adjunctive modalities can and
the generation of multiple cross sections and prints from one image should be used together, each individual modality having its own
file, as well as an effective depiction of pathoanatomy and atypical role and suitable complements. In fact, studies have largely shown
variations where present. These characteristics, along with the superior learning results when dissection was combined with other
repeatability of production, allow for a potentially powerful, versa- modalities than in isolation.9,14,29
tile and economic way of generating teaching materials in the Overall, the heterogeneous results are difficult to generalize, but
absence of cadaveric options. several key findings can be concluded:

© 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

150 Hu et al.

• For surgical learners, cadaveric methods are still recom- societies and accessory/postgraduate courses, etc.32,33 Anatomically
mended as the central cornerstone of anatomical learning, with focused surgical pre-entry examinations (i.e. generic surgical
important adjunctive modes including theatre observation, sciences examination and Membership of the Royal College of Sur-
drawing, models, radiology, computer-assisted learning and geons of Great Britain (MRCS) examinations) are effective in
others. assuring candidate benchmark knowledge,1 but do little to facilitate
• Didactic methods are preferred for conferring basic pure the process, leaving the onus solely on the candidates.
knowledge, while peer-based methods are suited towards It appears that we have arrived at a setting where two divergent,
active learning and idea conceptualization. opposing ‘paradigms’ of new versus old anatomical education have
• Increasingly utilized developing technologies, such as 3D formed, this distinction being more obstructive than productive.
printing, surgical streaming and virtual simulation, pose signif- Although emotive calls by traditionalists channelling memories of
icant potential benefits for future use, warranting further ‘the glory days’ resonate strongly with many reverent anatomy ‘dis-
exploration. ciples’, a disproportionate fixation on the past unnecessarily obfus-
• 3D multimedia simulations cannot yet replace dissection but cates future innovation. Likewise, phasing out all traditional
may be a beneficial ‘compromise’ when the latter is cadaveric learning in preference of futuristic virtual simulations is
unavailable. equally inadequate and actively detrimental to the contemporary
• Surgeon educators and vertical integration of anatomical surgical apprentice. No matter how great technology is, it will never
teaching are both commonly underutilized but efficacious and be a substitute for poor teaching, and the only ones capable of com-
desired. prehensively teaching surgical anatomy are, at the end of the day,
• The use of multiple harmonious modalities brings about a surgeons. To this end, the future of anatomy education lies not in
more complete understanding of anatomical structures, their conforming to the dogma of the past or in indulging excessive
spatial relations and a superior learning outcome. novel modernity but in utilizing and integrating both the ancient
Limitations to the studies examined include the lack of small and avant-garde together to comprehensively satisfy all of the mod-
cohort sizes, lack of randomization and high risk of bias. Future ern anatomy learner’s educational needs in a practical and efficient
studies should focus on using rigorous research designs, validated manner.
measurement tools and adequate analysis of the outcomes of
knowledge improvement in cadaveric dissection against or in con-
junction with newer multimodal modalities. Acknowledgements
We acknowledge Dr Nicola Dean for inspiring and prompting this
Conclusion study through her innovative surgical anatomy programme and Pro-
Anatomy is the fundamental principle of surgery – its mastery gives fessor Rainer Haberberger with the Flinders University Anatomy
way to success, efficiency and satisfying patient outcomes, whereas Department for providing a high-quality learning environment.
its failure results in the opposite.1 Learning anatomy for surgery is
unique in that it demands minutely detailed knowledge of special-
ized regional anatomy and relations, whereas most other specialties Conflicts of interest
require a more system-based, functional understanding. Surgical
anatomy education, therefore, specifically requires a mix of modal- None declared.
ities that cement ‘pure’ anatomical foundational knowledge as well
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© 2017 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

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