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S p e c i a l A r t i c l e • P i c t o r i a l E s s ay

Esses et al.
Applications of 3D Models Derived From MDCT Data

Special Article
Pictorial Essay
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Clinical Applications of Physical 3D

Models Derived From MDCT Data
and Created by Rapid Prototyping
Steven J. Esses1,2 OBJECTIVE. In this article, we describe the production of physical models from CT
Phillip Berman1 data using rapid prototyping and present their clinical application. MDCT data acquisition of
Allan I. Bloom1 isotropic voxels and modern postprocessing techniques provide exquisite detail for clinicians
Jacob Sosna1,3 and radiologists.
CONCLUSION. In recent years, rapid prototyping technologies have provided new
Esses SJ, Berman P, Bloom AI, Sosna J possibilities to visualize complex anatomic structures through the generation of physical
models that can be used to assist with diagnosis, surgical planning, prosthesis design, and
patient communication.

Background ramic particles into a 3D object. In fused depo-

Rapid prototyping involves creating a sition modeling, a plastic is melted and extrud-
physical 3D model from a computer model. ed through a nozzle that can move horizontal-
The technology has been used by industry to ly and vertically to lay down plastic according
create forerunners of intended final products, to CT slice information. In the multijet model
including automobiles, toys, and computers. process, layers of powder are selectively bond-
Models can be analyzed and modified before ed by a water-based ink that is released in the
production is planned [1]. shape corresponding to the CT slice informa-
In medicine, rapid prototyping has been used tion. In 3D printing, a photopolymer-based res-
by physicians to improve diagnostic accuracy, in is jetted via high-resolution inkjet and cured
plan complex interventions, and aid in medi- using ultraviolet light [2].
cal student and resident understanding of dis-
ease. It has been particularly helpful with re- Clinical Applications
gard to complex anatomic structures and disor- Maxillofacial Surgery and Otolaryngology
Keywords: 3D model, prosthesis design, rapid
ders that are not easily captured or understood Three-dimensional models are particularly
prototyping, surgical planning
in two dimensions. Some CT workstations can useful for planning maxillofacial surgeries, be-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.10.5681 now quickly export DICOM-based CT data into cause the anatomy and procedures in this re-
the standard triangular language (STL) format gion are especially complex (Figs. 2 and 3). An
Received August 29, 2010; accepted after revision used in rapid prototyping. This has greatly facil- early prospective trial assessed the efficacy of
September 30, 2010.
itated the printing of 3D models derived from ra- 3D biomodels in craniofacial and maxillofa-
Department of Radiology, Hadassah Hebrew University diologic images (Fig. 1). In the printing process, cial surgeries. Three-dimensional models con-
Medical Center, PO Box 12000, Jerusalem 91120, Israel. CT slices are created as 2D layers, and a meth- tributed positively to diagnosis, operative plan-
Address correspondence to J. Sosna od of assembling these layers into a solid mass ning, and informed consent. In addition, sur-
is applied. As CT slice thickness is reduced, 3D geons estimated that the use of models reduced
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. model resolution will continue to improve [1]. operating time by a mean of 17.63% [3].
Rapid prototyping plays an important role
Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Methods of Rapid Prototyping in prosthesis engineering for craniofacial and
Medical Center, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
There are five major types of rapid prototyp- maxillofacial surgery and otolaryn­gologic re-
WEB ing: STL, selective laser sintering, fused de- constructive surgery (Fig. 4). In one study, rap-
This is a Web exclusive article. position modeling, multijet modeling, and 3D id prototyping technology was used to create
printing. In STL, a laser emitting ultraviolet auricular prostheses according to CT scans of
AJR 2011; 196:W683–W688 light causes local polymerization of a pool of patients’ contralateral ears. The most common
photosensitive resin in shapes corresponding to indications for reconstructive surgery were ear
each CT slice. In selective laser sintering, a la- loss due to tumor, congenital malformation,
© American Roentgen Ray Society ser is used to fuse small plastic, metal, or ce- and traumatic ear injury. A 3D image of the pa-

AJR:196, June 2011 W683

Esses et al.

tient’s unaffected ear was created on the basis diovascular disease. The technology can be References
of CT data and was inverted, creating a mirror particularly helpful with respect to surgical 1. Webb P. A review of rapid prototyping (RP)
image. A cast of the inverted image was creat- and catheter-based interventions. These pro- techniques in the medical and biomedical sector.
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models to determine the 3D spatial relation- Carroll JD. Rapid prototyping: a new tool in
Downloaded from www.ajronline.org by on 10/11/20 from IP address Copyright ARRS. For personal use only; all rights reserved

Neurosurgery ships of cardiac structures. understanding and treating structural heart

Rapid prototyping has also been used for Many reports in the literature describe the disease. Circulation 2008; 117:2388–2394
neurosurgical procedures, including repair of use of models in the treatment of valve dis- 3. D’Urso PS, Barker TM, Earwaker WJ, et al.
skull defects and intravascular interventions. ease. Schievano et al. [10] determined pa- Stereolithographic biomodelling in cranio-
Several groups have created 3D models of cra- tients’ suitability for percutaneous pulmonary maxillofacial surgery: a prospective trial. J
nial defects from CT scans to personalize the valve implantation by assessing 3D MRI- Craniomaxillofac Surg 1999; 27:30–37
cranial implant used for repairs [6, 7] (Fig. 5). based models of the right ventricular outflow 4. Karayazgan-Saracoglu B, Gunay Y, Atay A.
Benefits derived from the plates included re- tract and pulmonary trunk. Cardiologists cor- Fabrication of an auricular prosthesis using
duced hospital admissions, improved fit, and rectly determined whether valve implantation computed tomography and rapid prototyping
improved cosmetic outcomes. Other groups would be successful in two of eight patients technique. J Craniofac Surg 2009; 20:1169–1172
have used the models to plan constructive and using MRI alone and in five of eight patients 5. Turgut G, Sacak B, Kiran K, Bas L. Use of rapid
reconstructive cranioplasty and to plan surgi- using the rapid prototyped models. prototyping in prosthetic auricular restoration. J
cal approaches to uncommonly complex skull- Rapid prototyping has also been used for Craniofac Surg 2009; 20:321–325
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time and errors were reduced [8]. pathologic abnormalities involving the aorta, A, Bilalis N, Papaharilaou Y. Reverse engineering
including cases of complex abdominal aor- techniques for cranioplasty: a case study. J Med
Orthopedics tic aneurysms (Fig. 7). The models can help Eng Technol 2008 32:115–121
Several groups have begun to use rapid orient clinicians in catheter-based interven- 7. Winder J, Cooke RS, Gray J, Fannin T, Fegan T.
prototyping technology for orthopedic diag- tions, such as coronary artery stent proce- Medical rapid prototyping and 3D CT in the
nosis and surgical planning. The technolo- dures (Fig. 8). manufacture of custom made cranial titanium
gy has been applied to treat disorders of the plates. J Med Eng Technol 1999; 23:26–28
spine, hip, pelvis, and shoulder (Fig. 6). One Conclusion 8. Müller A, Krishnan KG, Uhl E, Mast G. The
group used 3D polystyrene models based on Rapid prototyping can assist with diagno- application of rapid prototyping techniques in
CT scans in the treatment of complex and se- sis, surgical and catheter-based intervention cranial reconstruction and preoperative
vere spinal deformity. The models allowed the planning, patient communication, and pros- planning in neurosurgery. J Craniofac Surg
surgeons to measure deformities directly, per- thesis design in fields as diverse as maxillo- 2003; 14:899–914
form preoperative morphologic assessments, facial surgery and cardiology. In the past 2 9. Mao K, Wang Y, Xiao S, et al. Clinical application
and communicate more effectively with fami- years, vendors have begun to equip worksta- of computer-designed polystyrene models in
lies. The models also allowed the surgeons to tions with the ability to convert DICOM files complex severe spinal deformities: a pilot study.
preoperatively determine the proper location from CT scans to STL files, thereby drasti- Eur Spine J 2010; 19:797–802
for placement of pedicle screws [9]. cally reducing the complexity and time to 10. Schievano S, Migliavacca F, Coats L, et al.
create physical models. Rapid prototyping Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation
Cardiovascular technology may become another tool for ra- based on rapid prototyping of right ventricular
Three-dimensional models can play a ma- diologists to improve visualization of com- outflow tract and pulmonary trunk from MR data.
jor role in the diagnosis and treatment of car- plex anatomy. Radiology 2007; 242:490–497

Fig. 1—Photograph of rapid prototyping device.

Patient undergoes CT, and 3D rendering is derived
from DICOM-based CT data on 3D workstation.
Images are exported in standard triangular language
format, which can be read by the rapid prototyping
device, and a physical model is created. (Photograph
of 3D printer courtesy of Objet Geometries, Ltd.)

W684 AJR:196, June 2011

Applications of 3D Models Derived From MDCT Data
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Fig. 2—29-year-old man with ameloblastoma of left mandible.
A, Image shows 3D rendering of mandible.
B and C, 3D rapid prototyped model allowed preoperative planning of bony incisions (B) and preoperative
contouring of titanium bone plate used in mandible reconstruction (C). Preoperative contouring allowed more-
precise plate to be constructed.
D, Photo shows plate in use during surgery. Operating time was substantially reduced.
E and F, Before subsequent operation, another 3D model (E) was constructed by rapid prototyping to aid
in planning dimensions of bone graft that would be harvested from patient’s hip during surgery. 3D model
illustrating bone graft placement (F). Bone graft was implanted in operating room, thereby completing jaw
G, Image shows graft after implantation.

AJR:196, June 2011 W685

Esses et al.

Fig. 3—16-year-old girl who presented with limited

ability to open her mouth because of overgrowth of
coronoid process of mandible.
A, CT-derived 3D reconstruction illustrates extent to
which patient was able to open her mouth.
B, 3D reconstruction illustrates coronoid process
C and D, 3D rapid prototype models were used to
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determine optimal point for resection. Surgery

enabled patient to open her mouth more widely.



Fig. 4—18-year-old man whose right zygomatic bone was fractured in fight.
A and B, Axial CT image (A) and 3D reconstruction (B) illustrate fracture; 3D image was exported in standard triangle language format.
C, Physical model was created by rapid prototyping.
(Fig. 4 continues on next page)

W686 AJR:196, June 2011

Applications of 3D Models Derived From MDCT Data

Fig. 4 (continued)—18-year-old man whose right

zygomatic bone was fractured in fight.
D and E, 3D model was used as template to create
F, Photograph shows patient before surgery. Note
that area of fracture underneath right eye has sunken
G, Photograph shows patient after surgery.
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Fig. 5—3D model of a skull after

A, To personalize cranial
implants in skull repairs, a 3D
model of the negative defect is
B, Model of implant is shown
fitted to skull defect. Implant
is then produced from
biocompatible acrylic media.
(Photographs courtesy of Objet
Geometries, Ltd.)

AJR:196, June 2011 W687

Fig. 6—25-year-old man who presented with
Esses et al. fractured scapula secondary to trauma.
A and B, Radiograph (A) and CT scan (B) illustrate
fracture (arrows, A and B).
C, 3D model was used to plan scapula reconstruction
and to pinpoint optimal location for plate placement.
D, Postoperative radiograph.
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Fig. 7—79-year-old man with abdominal aortic

A, Image shows 3D rendering of aneurysm derived
from DICOM-based CT data.
B, Photograph of rapid prototyped model.
C, Model was brought into operating room to help
orient surgeon performing stent procedure.

Fig. 8—71-year-old man with coronary artery disease who was

referred for coronary artery stent placement.
A, Femoral approach was precluded by tortuous thoracic aorta, as
seen in this 3D rendering.
B, Photograph shows posterior view of CT-derived rapid prototype
model of left subclavian artery. Left-subclavian approach was also
difficult because of artery’s route. Model was brought into catheter
laboratory to aid with orientation and facilitated catheterization.

W688 AJR:196, June 2011

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