Rebels Outlaws and Enemies The Criminal

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VIOLENCE AND CRIME IN LATIN AMERICA REPRESENTATIONS AND POLITICS romeo y GEMA SANTAMARIA ‘wo DAVID CAREY JR. wera y coe emu {PLOGUE BY DANE EAS ‘University of Oklahoma Pes: Norman 2 Svs Han Lara, “nome nd Conte: Cal io and he nag of Bask Stein ate ight Cary Bra Slay and Aion Jura of Soe snd at Si Suen. 3 (003 Nal ure ih an Hero Lima st dol do i de ane, Halon Ping i 4 2 Ei Vit da Con, The Bion Enpire Myth an trie (Ohae U ery of Cag Pre itt Hello Paling Bayh 1 Sandra aan Grabrn "Making he rate Pi A Bein Festive? Journal of Wome’ ity 4.00300 48 26 AN Fu Paid Cn cies 1.8 5 AN Fund: Plead Cine ee a mL 2 29 hp 9Soan are curt cde, owen te pneramen dead seca sepa netted rng popu no pein ese ‘mechan 20. AN, GE ou; Mato a ta, Gare dt rats: Poo polit ide do ‘ide anode: Aru Neco 3 97,6084 A Vie inne ary 86nd one ah np {5 Regina Hora Deane, Notes cess pec de it em Mn (Gov od IK( Campin or daca, 999 cp 1. eran Ng he ile ge 3 arta i eros Vee Yr: Role, 200) 7362. 8 Rebels, Outlaws, and Enemies ‘The Criminalzation of Dsent in Colombia and Mico luis Herein ha Moving beyond conventional approaches, comparative and transna- tinal histories have offered new ways of understanding the history and legis of the Cold Wat in Latin American terms othe region’ polit ¢aland cultural milieu! In this burgeoning iteratre analyses of legal structures, discourses, and practcsin contexts of political conflict have received es attetion than has the phenomenology of polit violence linked t pope mobilization, revoation, and state represion, A com ‘mon approach sto portray lw legalty, andthe justice system as une diated tools of arbtrary power, or a5 forma justifications for stations inwhich elites agendas are furthered atthe expense of common citizens. Without dismissing this instrumental dimension, 1 examine how sctors and institutions equate certain socal phenomena with criminality snd thereby construct political dsidentsas punishable and often expend ‘ble “eneien” As Pablo Pieato (Chapter), Gema Santamaria (chapter 2) and Daniel Nir chapter 9) show with egardt ynchngs extra ical executions, and soa lesnsings, respectively the construction of “dangerous subjetivites and the irculation of ocally shared notions of legate punishment lar the distinction between legalty and ileal By emphasing the role of criminal aw in egitiing violent punish ment aginst enemies, I state the notion of the “plialeiminal” at ‘the intersection between the riminaiation of dissent and the pli ‘ation of rime, Inthe Cold War context I describe processes by which ‘he pital criminal was cast a8 a form of dangerous subjectivity that 9 160 CONSTRUCTING CRIME rendered the threat real or imagined of communis subversion as bath «riminaloffense and a challenge to the established onde. thus pay special tention othe relation betwen legality and repression and tothe types of subjects, audiences, and publics produced and targeted by dscouties shout legality criminality, and security. Using the concept of enemy criminal law I analyze two instances where politcal actors and institutions produced, shaped, and acted upon a punitive authoritarian legality that extended into politics by ‘treating certain subjects as righless enemies of both the state and society First, L addres the expansion of criminal aw a8 a istrement ‘of politcal and soil contol during the period known as La Violenia (G946-s8) in Colombia. examine how the passing of emergency crim ral legiltion under a stat of exception legitimized forms of legal and social punishment, from above and below agaist “communist bande” that authortes and other social actors perceived a8 enemies of order. [Nex analyze the characterization ofthe politica criminal san agent ‘of soil disoltion in 1960s Meaico tn order to punish and demonize subjects considered dangerous due to thelr dsiden activities or eas [also examine some of the debates surrounding the use of legal and ‘extralega instruments to repress such individuals For both cases, analyze how enemy criminal law reflected, of indeed created, categories of criminality and social danger informed by contextual meanings of crime, subversion, and antisocial Behavior, "These two cases highlight how the production snd circlation of enemy constructs amongst various publics informed the leg and extalegal pression of alleged poltaleiminal, and both reflected and shaped broader social perceptions abou the ners between criminality and dis sent. Building on this volume’ explicit crtigque of crime as an objective and legal-ational notion, suggest that these Cld War cases shed light fon the legal and socal prodction of dehamanized subjects, thereby challenging the punitive turnin contemporary discourses and polices that conceive security 36a war against criminal enemies (Colombia: Bandits, Rebels, and Criminals in La Violencia For historians and historical sociologists, banditry appears asa social byproduet or symptom of unfinished processes of sate formation characteried bythe chronic absence or weaknes of the sae vi-bvis the residues of ii wae or rural resistance? For the Colombian case, the groundbesking work by Gonzalo Sinchex and Donny Meertens ‘countered the narrative that bandity waka “depolitcized” residue ofthe riod af "las bipartisan violence during La Violen, Their analy ‘ese te importance af Bandaerismo bath as a concept ad a social phenomenon that sed light on the connections between factional, tetelism, agratlan confit, criminality, insurrection, and rural dis placement throughout and ter this period. Asthese various forms of lence intersected, bundolersmo assumed multiple meanings inthe sates torts to delegtimz, prosecute and overcome it internal enemies* ‘Stes onthe role of enemy criminal hw in Colombia's longstanding ‘conflict have shown that the conceptual overlap of bandit with insu ‘gency and ltr with errors snot simply the prodset of government Fetorie but rests from three interrelated and recurring histrieal processes? The fis isthe use of executive power to imps a form of| punitive authoritarian legality; the second isthe substitution of there fla fora derecho de guerra in a cones of ireegular armed cont ‘nd the third i the legtimation of violence against those deemed ene ries ofthe state and society, ‘The logic of politicized criminalization that informs the Colom ban state's strategy against subversion has deep historical oot inthe seciahinstttional legacy of La Violencia® In both collective mem- fory and the historiography ofthe period, the event that inaugurates Colombia's manifold violenciasis the i948 assassination of forge Eliéer Galt, a popular Liberal Party leader who postioned his movement s| 1m alterative tothe polit ofolgachial negotiation behind closed doors? Known as El 9 de abril or El bogoazo, the reaction t Gait’ assassination was composed ofa series of destructive riots in Bogotd, ‘mutiny led by police ofcers, and a number offalled insurrections in ‘other cities? Fearing « major revl, Conservative President Mariano (Ospina declared a state of seg (stado de sic), imposed full ensorship ofthe press, authorized the army to fll lw enforcement functions, shutdown all egisltive bodies, and suspended the righ of assembly? Under the state of seg, gaitanista and Liberal Pasty sympathizers formed rural self-defense groups to repel represion by security forces and bands of armed civilans loyal to Conservatism, asthe government alleged the assassination was plot orchestrated by lca Soviet agntsto foment revolution in the country. 162 coxsrucrine cx “The alegaton that communist-Liberal Paty conspiracy ws behing the disturbances reinforced the ant-Liberal animosity ofthe action ke by Laureano Gomer, a ferce Conserative opponent ofthe soc-demy cratic reforms implemented by the Liberals during the gos. With ig characteristically sharp rhetoric, Gomez denounced the Liberal Paty asa roxy for communistnftration and tested the monstrous nature othe ‘riminalvelence waged by the gaitanista mulktude during el bogotazn In Colombia, we sll speak ofa Liberal Party to refer tan amar. phous and contradictory mass... that can only be understood through the ancient image ofthe basilisk... Our basilisk walks with feet of confusion and ingenuity, with legs of violence and abuse, and an immense oligarchcal stomach: with a chest of fury, Masonic arms and tiny litle communist head—but ahead nevertheless. Tiss the result of a mental elaboration, product ‘of careful observation ofthe latest events in our nation. Thus we Deer extra eo mglamentarir eyes expe pl Ra ‘Bet, ender dla a del Contac Nason ata Boge: npr Nana) 9-68 “Discus pom pore dv Laurin Geen le Pass de Bara Metin aero de pa cn 99 Tes ls pce | bio ttn el cine bende eli: Opa hs 1 "US de Spt Card ar sada Nip Cals See ret rane Aer” Otabernp Gein Acne Latin Amer apts Ne York Pb Libary be ir 1a, Dvr 0-6 ‘5 Edad Umeha Lia, fend Fl Sods ad Gorn Gain Campo, a oleae Cla Exide a praes selBopt Tee Mun, 6) et enka Bona Fe Hendeno, When Cli 4 Camplin de dpoionesserformas espns, einai del ‘rae yobs pol mtr exe rl cat naonal on che ‘ks 97 Oa ngrenaDepraesal 99)9-9 15 "Oto wo. 48h Nowe 3s Aci Gener eb Nac, Caos (eter AGN: COL Fodo Prec Secs General Cabrio Ca. ependencin ig, ca 273, crpea 14 Darr entrar deta relent de ee expo pr g- ms nacional del deal de core de ges pes Nal, Saas. loci del Exelon Sor Datr Raters nla Arle Bop Die de normacsn Propepands dePresenca. ts >. 1 Darter earner decor mplametr de eerie bur tonal dell de inde deg ago nents Nason 950) 19 "fan desc cans dls Uno Orne’ Deeb ‘AGN-CO1, Fonds Presiden Secreara Genera Ministers Ger Tran ‘au capt 36 ies 2. Dever etna ere epametarodeleerespedeporlgbieme alma del dee eo dana d gs (ope Ipremts Nec 3), Gate Sera Ocho, L ura dels no Oral Maia, Colombia Ingres Departament) Albert Rae Nov Eseanas delcapu de Cons pate Cooma opt Asta 1. Dectorenmondnarony deta lament lessee prego acta del de nr a 9 dent eCopt penta Nao 23 Aldo Aponte Caona, Gude pea demi paps. a 2 Tara eel nk on the salty ote PRE eine a yh repre ye ‘sort Teil Rar Rese ata of apt Te REBELS, OUTLAWS, AND ENEMIES 175 nla Movement and th Myth th Px Pit, 4-396 (Duh NC Dake “neraty ress 0 ol ing andBnamin Smiths Diabla ‘ies Won an Cale Meso, 8 (Duan, NC: Dake Unters 2 Chip poe ol dusty arr aes en mar de ur comin. | prada pen en ator defuerfeel eeo HY Fare0 6 Tan Mei Eee mans ie rac pica de Miguel Aes (Mere Cis Edens Ee 90-35 le Medina, Delcantntmo of ablconachioa Hilo de ec me em Meio Cy Coleg de Mes 8 76 1. Caos Sich Crd Dslcn sil rad maa (Mex sy nena 79) 19 Tope wah the Disc Geer de nego Pat Scale oh Sartre de teu, te DPS bce of plc otal by Shon Anton W Near, Pol len nthe Craton of Maden Mee ‘se Une ak Pensa Univ rs 20 so hime MPa, eel Mere: Set Uns and Arian Pit Cu ‘ae daring he Log Ste Stl CX: Sao User Pre 28 Oly de Bryan one Ren afoot ea eb alice ek Ci Cole de Mx. 98 2054 2." dela pen” Ex ovembe 9.98 1 Abd Rodegu-Deperte hobs de mpocs de Mako” et Pop ‘lar Anema de Mex, eit rom Ul Gre fe "9 Archi Genera lasso Mei hrfer AGN MEN). 988, cp 2 ange Pit Lane. 14: Stan" ap Extra Me” furl of Interac ‘Sts and Word Af 70 75 Opin de Har Ramis Car we lal 4 7 si el Cio Peal Dia Octaber4 96 « 146 “Lsccuntancl gue cera cls ham peal: Roms Lyi Sp enter a6 eh sy Und coment, AGN.MEX PS, 468 35 fo 3-40 3 Uni cman AGN-MEX, IPS 8.9867 $9 “Loses saber gue i Stare ance sto sangre dea Dench HDi September 6h 40d tee brat ptt gue et procesdo por consi” fl Dia December 968 {4 "Magnaimid dl etd decree Po, December, 968 ‘Pome denen” ia, Dee 3 ‘Generate ct” BH de to, Dcembe 6 {4 SisherCreras, Dole sal he {InoomesprodnciesLi ehveria Ares (eins Char e Dito, oth

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