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• FAFFA Food Share Company, for over 50 years, has been and continues to be a pioneer
of the food processing industry in Ethiopia. The company aims to reduce the risk of
malnutrition among children by producing low cost high protein food for children who are
being weaned from breast milk.
• Faffa is one of the top suppliers of baby foods for Ethiopian children, including fortified
foods and breakfast cereals. It is the only choice for many Ethiopian families.
• Name: Halogen rapid moisture (humidity) tester
• Type: Electrical transducer type.
• Voltage and frequency : 220 V / 50 HZ
• weighing range: 120g-0.01g
• repeatability:0.1%
• Boot Warm-up:20-30min
• Display: LCD screen display
• Operating temperature requirements: room temperature
• heating temperature range:40-200 degrees
• Stop mode: automatic stop, manual stop, timing stop
• heat up time:1-99 minutes, 1 minute interval
• The EMI calibration certeficate has measured the correction factor and put the value , but
we also calculated the standard deviation and standard error from the sample data and
we gained the following values:

• Standard devation : 0.125

• Standard error or uncertanity value : 0.05
• percentage uncertainity: 0.32
Q. How often is the instrument calibrated ?
• Calibration on the instrument is taken every year in
EMI (Ethiopian Metrology Institute) the certeficate
is attached in the figure.

Q. The procedure of calibration?

• There is a truth value for floor and biscuit floor in the agency and
they will measure it and report the correction factor as attached on the
• And leveler is also found in the instrument.
Q. How long is the response time of the instrument?
• Depends on - humidity and
- the amount of mass
• In our experiment for 2 grams of cerifam floor it took
3 minute and 24 second with percentage of moisture
13.39 percent.
• we calculated te sensitivity of the instrument from the
measurement data they took. the data is attached in the
• for pressure CCP 11 bar
Temprature 151 152
Moisture 1.59 1.56
the sensitivity is - 0.03 pecentage of moisture per degree celcieus.
• For pressure CCP 12 bar
Temprature 158 159
Moisture 1.37 1.36

the sensitivity is -0.01 pecentage of moisture per degree celcieus.

then the sensitivity drift coefficient is 0.02 pecentage of moisture per
degree celcieus per bar.
• we plote the temprature vs humidity graph based on the collected data we get.
• the measured graph is approximately the same as the ideal one that means our instrument has
good linearity.

Temprature vs humidity Measured curve Temprature vs humidity ideal curve

1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2

1 1

0.8 0.8
0 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160
144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160
Q. How does the instrument respond to small change in mass?
• The instrument has high sensitivity and responds to little change in mass which is
0.01 gram.

Q. Does it cover the relevant moisture levels for your product?

• Yes. for example the cerifam desired humidity is from 2.23 % - 5.53 % but this value may

Q. what is the range of moisture content the instrument can measure.

• From 0 percent dry to 100 percent humidity
Q. How are sample prepared before analysis?
• Samples are taken before and after processing of the raw material
- first the moisture of the raw material (Corn) is measured after grinding
and powdering processes.
- then the moisture after processing or the product moisture is also measured.
- the sample is taken randomly.
Q. Is sample homoginity ensured?
• Yes.
Q. how is historical data recorded for analysis?
• the data`s are recorded manually and historical data`s are filed in hard copy, no
softwares are used.

Q. What is the expected lifespan of the instrument under normal operating conditions?
• The lifespan is unknown
• There is no maintainance center in Ethiopia

Q. How does the instrument handle variations in temperature and humidity during
• the instrument is naturally sealed that reduces or elliminate external enviromental effects.
• by maintaining working room at room temprature.

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