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Coping at home in early labour

Labour is a marathon not a sprint. We know that the longer couples can stay at home in the early
stages of labour the more likely they will have a straightforward birth. It is not unusual for Ѓrst-time
When do I need urgent medical help during labour?
parents to come into the hospital too early only to be sent away again. Here are some tips on how to
1 A at
manage home till just
contraction thatthe rightgoes
never time:away. If your tummy goes hard and stays hard – that is not
normal. Call the hospital immediately
Running a warm bath or shower can really help soothe the intensity of the contractions
2 Any (make
bleeding from
sure thethe vagina
water – call
isn’t too hotthe hospital
and immediately
don’t use products in the bath if your waters
have broken)
3 Baby’s movements have reduced or stopped (it’s quite hard to concentrate on your
baby’s movements when you’re having contractions – but it’s an important and
reassuring sign,and
Massaging so try to focus
using warmon these). Callon
compresses theyour

4 Your waters are green, brown or blood stained; call the hospital and make your way in
Aromatherapy – Jasmine, Rose, Clary Sage and Lavender are all great choices in labour.
These can be used in a diffuser or massaged directly onto the skin with a carrier oil.
5 YouThey do need
just need to be usedCall
reassurance! with precaution
the hospital - Ѓnd out more here

Resting when you can (you may Ѓnd your contractions space out when you lay down –
this is Ѓne, just take time to rest!)

Keeping hydrated and eat aGood

light, energy dense diet
to know...
The labour ward at your hospital is staffed 24/7. There is always a midwife on hand
Take paracetamol (it answer anywork
does worries any time
on those earlyofcramps
day. and back pains!)

Homeopathy, reЄexology, acupuncture (if this is something you have found useful, you
may want to have a practitioner on call for a session at home)

Using a TENS machine (you need the ones made for labour – not general muscle pain)
These send little electrical pulses into your lower back when you get a contraction –
useful in early labour. They can be hired several weeks ahead

Hypnobirthing – fantastic preparation for birth. It requires a bit of practice – but you’ll get
great results! Use the techniques to keep calm, focused and in control during labour

Breathing exercises – crucial for slowing down your breathing during contractions and
remaining relaxed throughout your labour. You will use these exercises in early and
established labour and whether you have a natural birth or a surgical one, they will get
you through! Keep them simple and make sure your partner knows them too

Be upright and forward leaning when not resting (walking upstairs, gym balls, pregnancy
yoga and pilates positions are great for aligning your baby and helping you cope with

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