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You've reached the

end of this module on basic programming

with Python. During this module,
you've received an introduction to
Python functions and data structures and explored how Python
deals with errors, exceptions, and file handling. Now it's time to recap the
key points of this module. As with most
programming languages, functions are the basis for
creating actions in Python. By completing the first
lesson in this module, you should now be able to, declare a function in Python,
pass data into a function, return data from a function, and explain scoping
at a basic level. In order to use functions
efficiently across a project, it's important to determine their accessibility
different levels of code. In this lesson, you
also learned how to identify the four scopes, describe how functions controls scope
at different levels, explain data structures, and describe the concept
of lists in Python. Python has several built-in
data structures to help you to organize and store
your data for easy access, and you've learned about
the most common ones. On successfully completing
the second lesson, you should now be able to, identify list methods, explain what
types can
be stored in a list, describe how to
iterate over a list, and explain the main
uses of tuples, sets, dictionaries, and kwargs. Python file handling
an exception with topics in the final
lesson in this module. Having completed this lesson, you should be able to,
identify how to create and manipulate files with
the open function, describe how to read
files in Python, and demonstrate how to
output different formats and store file contents
in data structures. This module gave you
the opportunity to get started with basic
Python programming. Well done. That's one more step towards becoming a
Python developer.

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