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In this video, you'll learn

about errors and exceptions, two very important aspects of learning Python
as a new developer. You'll cover the difference between errors and exceptions, and
explore what happens when something goes
wrong with your code. Errors are repulsive coding and they happen for many reasons.
Let's start by exploring
two types of errors. Syntax errors, which are
caused by human error, and exceptions which are known errors that
need to be handled. Syntax errors are usually
caused by the developer. It could be the result of a misspelling or a
typo in the code. Generally, these
types of errors have minimal impact
because most IDEs, like Visual Studio code, will warm the developer and give clues
how to fix them. A common error for
new developers learning in Python is not adding the colon at the end
of conditions or statements. If you're using a code
editor with syntax checking, errors like this may be highlighted at the
point of the error. For example, a missing colon will be highlighted in the code.
The output will indicate the filename and the line
where the error occurred with, a [inaudible] pointing
to the error. Running the code will result in an invalid syntax error in forming
that there
is a syntax problem. Other common mistakes include
indentation problems, which are also Syntax Errors. For example, if there is
an indentation problem, the error code will
be indentation error. The more you learn Python, the less you'll have to deal
with these types of errors because you'll become better at creating and
analyzing your code. Now let's move on to
Exception Errors. They happen during
code execution and they can easily go
unnoticed by the untrained eye, but exceptions needs to be
handled by the developer. They need to deal with any
potential issues and the CodeBase to keep the
application from failing. Let's explore an
exception being thrown. As an example, your code can
be syntactically correct, but if it attempts to
divide five by zero, it doesn't make
mathematical sense. Therefore, when you
run this program, ZeroDivisionError
exception is thrown. Luckily, by default, Python includes many
exception errors that you can use to pick up potential
issues in your code. In this video, you explored the basics of errors
and exceptions, which is a step in the
right direction to becoming a better
Python programmer.

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