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Unit 9 Measurements

Dear Parent or Guardian

During this unit, your child will be learning how to estimate and measure using standard units
such as metres, litres and kilograms.
In particular, they will learn to measure and compare lengths, weights and capacities. They
will learn that we use metres and centimetres to measure length, kilograms and grams to
measure mass, and litres and millilitres to measure capacity.
We will be using rulers, a range of scales and measuring containers. We will also be solving
problems involving money in the context of cooking.
You can help by asking your child to help you whenever you are measuring as a part of your
everyday activity. You may need to measure lengths when you are making something or
weigh ingredients when you are cooking, for example. You may use measuring jugs when
cooking too. All of these activities involve reading scales, which is an important skill to learn.
It is also helpful to look at food and drink containers as these often contain information about
weights or capacities.

© Oxford University Press 2018

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