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Dairy Product Processing

Level III

Based on September, 2021, Version 3 Occupational

Standards (OS)

December, 2021
Adama, Ethiopia
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the short-
term labor market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark
and standard for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and
documented taking into account international benchmarking as occupational standards (OS).
In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate the learning process
in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills, knowledge and
attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational standards (OS).

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from different Regional TVET-
Authorities based on the occupational standard for Dairy Product Processing the curriculum
development process has been done by Ministry of labor and skill.

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TVET-Program Design

TVET-Program Title: Dairy Product Processing Level III

1.1. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
learners to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. Learners who successfully completed the Program will be
qualified to work as a Dairy Product Processing Technician with competencies elaborated
in the respective OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in
the Industry Development sector in the field of Dairy Product Processing.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Set up a Production and
Packaging Line , Maintain dairy processing equipment, Monitor Storage Facilities, Perform
Basic Milk Quality Tests, Perform Pasteurized Milk Production Operation, Perform Yoghurt
Production Operation, Carry out Cheese Making Operations, Implement HACCP Principle
, Carry out Sampling and Interpret Test Results for Milk and milk products, Apply Principles
of Food Packaging and labeling, Control Contaminants and Allergens in the Workplace
And Prevent and Eliminate MUDA in accordance with the performance criteria described in
the OS.

1.2. TVET-Program Learning Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competence: -

IND DPP3 01 0921 Set up a Production and Packaging Line

IND DPP3 02 0921 Maintain dairy processing Equipments
IND DPP3 03 0921 Monitor Storage Facilities
IND DPP3 04 0921 Perform Basic Milk Quality Tests
IND DPP3 05 0921 Perform Pasteurized Milk Production Operation
IND DPP3 06 0921 Perform Yoghurt Production Operation
IND DPP3 07 0921 Carry out Cheese Making Operations
IND DPP3 08 0921 Implement HACCP Principle
IND DPP3 09 0921 Carry out Sampling and Interpret Test Results for Milk and milk
IND DPP3 10 0921 Apply Principles of Food Packaging and labeling
IND DPP3 11 0921 Control Contaminants and Allergens in the Workplace
IND DPP3 12 0921 Prevent and Eliminate MUDA

1.3. Duration of the TVET-Program

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The Program will have duration of 855 hours including the on-the-job practice or cooperative
training time.

S.no Unit competency On school training Cooperative Total Remarks

Theory Practical training hours
Prevent and Eliminate
1. 10 35 10 55

Control Contaminants and

2. 10 20 16 46
Allergens in the Workplace
Implement HACCP
3. 20 30 20 70

4. Maintain dairy processing 20 40 24 84

Perform Basic Milk Quality 24
5. 16 24 60

Monitor Storage Facilities

6. 16 30 30 74
Perform Pasteurized Milk
7. 20 30 24 74
Production Operation
Perform Yoghurt Production
8. 24 26 24 74

Carry out Cheese Making

9. 28 30 24 82
Carry out Sampling and
10. 20 34 24 78
Interpret Test Results for
Milk and milk products
Set up a Production and
11. 30 34 24 88
Packaging Line
12. Apply Principles of Food 24 30 16 70
Packaging and labeling
Total calculated 238 363 260 855

1.4. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification

Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level III”.

The learner can exit after successfully completing the Modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. The learner can also
exit after completing any one learning module. However, only certificate of attainment or
attendance (this is institutional discretion) will be awarded.

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1.5. Target Groups

Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under section 1.7
and capable of participating in the learning activities is entitled to take part in the Program.
1.6. Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of labor and skill decided at each enrolment years for Level IV.

1.7. Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills.

The mode of delivery is College/institutional training and co-operative training. The TVET-
institution and identified companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to
implementation of this program. The time spent by the trainees in the industry will give them
enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation

and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the
industry environment.

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1.8. TVET-Program Structure
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Learning Outcomes
(In Hours)
1. Prepare for work 55
INDDPP312 0921 Prevent and INDDPP3 Preventing and 2. Identify MUDA and problem
Eliminate MUDA M011221 Eliminating MUDA 3. Analyze causes of a problem
4. Eliminate MUDA and Assess effectiveness of the
5. Prevent occurrence of wastes and sustain

IND DPP3 11 921 Control IND P3M02 Controlling 6. Assess risk of physical contamination 46
Contaminants and 1221 Contaminants and 7. Assess risk of chemical contamination
Allergens in the Allergens in the 8. Assess risk of microbiological contamination
Workplace Workplace 9. Assess risk of allergens in the workplace
10. Implement control measures to manage
contaminants and allergens

IND DPP3 81019 Implement IND DPP3 Implementing 11. Prepare to develop and review a food safety 70
HACCP Principle M03 1221 HACCP Principle program
12. Identify and review food safety hazards
13. Establish and review methods to monitor and
control food safety hazards

INDDPP3 02 0921 Maintain dairy INDDPP3 Maintaining dairy 14. Identify scope of operational check 84
processing M04 1221 processing 15. Plan operational checks
Equipment Equipment 16. Check unit through full operational range
17. Identify fault and/or formulate recommendations

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IND DPP3 040921 Perform Basic IND DPP3 Performing Basic 18. Interpret test requirements 60
Milk Quality M05 1221 Milk Quality Tests 19. Prepare sample
Tests 20. Check equipment before use
21. Perform tests on samples
22. Maintain a safe work environment
INDDPP3 03 0921 Monitor Storage INDDPP3 Monitoring Storage 23. Determine site functions and operations 74
Facilities M06 1221 Facilities 24. Monitor storage operations
25. Take appropriate action in response to changes to
storage requirements
INDDPP3 05 0921 Perform INDDPP3 Performing 26. Apply sanitation procedures 74
Pasteurized Milk M07 1221 Pasteurized Milk 27. Implement procedures to prepare raw milk for
Production Production pasteurization
Operation Operation 28. Assess the organoleptic properties of product and
relate to specifications
29. Identify own role and responsibility within team
INDDPP3 06 0921 Perform Yoghurt IND DPP3 Performing Yoghurt 30. Apply sanitation procedures 74
Production M08 1221 Production 31. Implement procedures to prepare milk for
Operation Operation yoghurt making
32. Carry out procedures to inoculate milk
33. Implement packaging procedures
34. Assess the organoleptic properties of yoghurt and
relate to specifications
35. Meet workplace requirements for food safety,
quality and environmental management
36. Communicate information about workplace
IND DPP307 0921 Carry out Cheese IND DPP3 Carrying out 37. Apply sanitation procedures 82
Making M09 1221 Cheese Making 38. Implement procedures to prepare milk for cheese

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Operations Operations making
39. Carry out procedures to make cheese process
40. Implement cheese curing and packaging
41. Assess the organoleptic properties of cheese and
relate to specifications
IND DPP309 0921 Carry out IND DPP3 Carrying out 42. Implement and monitor personal hygiene 78
Sampling and M10 1221 Sampling and standards
Interpret Test Interpret Test 43. Respond to issues of contamination or other
Results for Milk Results for Milk forms of non-conformance in the receival of fresh
and milk products and milk products milk
44. Implement sampling procedures in dairy products
45. Monitor chemistry in dairy products processing
46. Monitor microbiological changes through the
dairy products processing
47. Carry out testing and interpret results to make
adjustments to dairy products processing
INDDPP3 01 0921 Set up a IND DPP3 Setting up a 48. Prepare working area 88
Production and M11 1221 Production and 49. Prepare for line setup
Packaging Line Packaging Line 50. Set up the line for operation

INDDPP3 10 0921 Apply Principles IND DPP3 Applying Principles 51. Identify characteristics of packaging suitable for 70
of Food M12 1221 of Food Packaging use with food products
Packaging and and labeling 52. Apply packaging knowledge in a production
labeling environment
53. Packaging and labeling of food products
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning outcomes are
achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them, verifiable
and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of the learning
process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success or failure in
attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific learning errors that need to be corrected,
and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher, formative
evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term ‘competent
or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or written
test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are A Level and have satisfactory
practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Product Processing Level III

MODULE TITLE : Preventing and eliminating MUDA
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module describes knowledge, skills and attitude
required by a worker to prevent and eliminate MUDA/wastes in his/her workplace by
applying scientific problem-solving techniques and tools to enhance quality, productivity
and other kaizen elements on continual basis It covers responsibility for the day-to-day
operation of the work and ensures Kaizen Elements are continuously improved and

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for work
LO2. Identify MUDA and problem
LO3. Analyze causes of a problem.
LO4. Eliminate MUDA and Assess effectiveness of the solution.
LO5. Prevent occurrence of wastes and sustain operation.LO6. Sustain 5S.
LO1. Prepare for work
1.1. Using work instructions
1.2. Reading and interpreting job specifications
1.3. Observing OHS requirements throughout the work
1.4. Selecting materials
1.5. Identifying and checking safety equipment and tools
LO2. Identify MUDA and problem
2.1. Preparing plan and implementing
2.2. Discussing causes and effects
2.3. Listing all possible problems related to the process /Kaizen elements using
statistical tools and techniques.
2.4. Using Tools and techniques
2.5. Identifying and measuring Wastes/MUDA based on relevant procedures

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LO3. Analyze causes of a problem.
3.1. Listing all possible causes
3.2. analyzing causes using 4MIE
3.3. Identifying causes
3.4. Selecting the root cause
3.5. Listing all possible ways using creative idea generation
3.6. Testing and evaluating suggested solutions
3.7. Preparing detailed summaries
LO4: Eliminate MUDA and Assess effectiveness of the solution.
4.1. Preparing and implementing Plan by medium KPT members.
4.2. Adopting necessary attitude and the ten basic principles
4.3. Using tools and techniques
4.4. Reducing and eliminating Wastes/MUDA
4.5. Identifying tangible and intangible results
4.6. Comparing tangible results using various types of diagrams
4.7. Gaining improvement
LO5: Prevent occurrence of wastes and sustain operation
5.1. Preparing and implementing Plan of MUDA
5.2. Discussing and preparing standards
5.3. Preventing occurrences of wastes/MUDA by using visual and auditory
control methods.
5.4. Creating waste-free workplace using 5W and 1Hsheet.
5.5. Doing required operation
5.6. Facilitating standard procedures and practices
5.7. Ensuring and training capability of the work team on the new Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs).

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion seating arrangement to be room seating
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to be accessible to trainees arrangement to be
Audio/video & in Brail format conducive for eye to eye contact accessible for
 Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
 Organize the class room seating  Make sure the luminosity of the light of
arrangement to be accessible to class room is kept  Ensure the attention of the  Facilitate and support
trainees trainees the trainees who have
 Introduce new and relevant vocabularies
 Write short notes on the  Present the lecture invideo severe impairments on
black/white board using large text  Use short and clear sentences format their upper limbs to
take note
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Give emphasis on visual lecture and  Ensure the attention of the
ensure the attention of the trainees trainees  Provide Orientation on
light of class room is kept
the physical feature of
 Use normal tone of voice  Avoid movement during lecture time the work shop

 Encourage trainees to record the  Present the lecture in video format

lecture in audio format
 Summarize main points
 Provide Orientation on the
physical feature of the work shop
 Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of the equipments/ machines
trainees  Use gesture trainees  Assign peer trainees to

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 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if necessary)  Provide tutorial support assist
  Conduct close follow
 provide tutorial
support (ifnecessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration of  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of trainees with trainees with group with their peers
 Conduct close follow up group members members
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
group member  Introduce the trainees with other group  Introduce the trainees with
 Brief the thematic issues of the member other group member
work   Inform the group members
to speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
guidance and guidance
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if nominal hours if
necessary  provide special attention in the necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the process/practical training  provide special attention in
process  Introduce new and relevant vocabularies the process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing /orientation
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on the on the assignment
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare assignment  Provide visual recorded
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material material
large texts/Brail
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

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Interview   Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the proper as an option for the
communication was conducted with the  Using sign language trainees having speech
trainee through the service of the sign interpreter if necessary challenges
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning 
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Prepare the exam using  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail multiple choices, True or False, matching short sentences, multiple an option to give
 Use interview as an option if and short answers choices, True or False, answer for trainees
necessary  Avoid essay writing matching and short having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Tim extension answers if necessary. limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment

Demonstrati  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
on/Observati them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
on  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction  Conduct close follow
assessment method of the exam up
 Time extension  Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO2. Prepare for work
 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method, material and
 Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
 OHS requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and eye and ear personal
protection needs are observed throughout the work.
 Appropriate material is selected for work.
 Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective operation.
LO2. Identify MUDA and problem
 Plan of MUDA and problem identification is prepared and implemented.
 Causes and effects of MUDA are discussed.
 All possible problems related to the process /Kaizen elements are listed using statistical tools and
 All possible problems related to kaizen elements are identified and listed on Visual Management
Board/Kaizen Board.
 Tools and techniques are used to draw and analyze current situation of the work place.
 Wastes/MUDA are identified and measured based on relevant procedures.
 Identified and measured wastes are reported to relevant personnel
LO3. Analyze causes of a problem.
 All possible causes of a problem are listed.
 Cause relationships are analyzed using4M1E.
 Causes of the problems are identified.
 The root cause which is most directly related to the problem is selected.
 All possible ways are listed using creative idea generation to eliminate the most critical root cause.
 The suggested solutions are carefully tested and evaluated for potential complications.
 Detailed summaries of the action plan are prepared to implement the suggested solution
Lo4. Eliminate MUDA and Assess effectiveness of the solution.
 Plan of MUDA elimination is prepared and implemented by medium KPT members.
 Necessary attitude and the ten basic principles for improvement are adopted to eliminate

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 Tools and techniques are used to eliminate wastes/MUDA based on the procedures and OHS.
 Wastes/MUDA are reduced and eliminated in accordance with OHS and organizational
 Tangible and intangible results are identified.
 Tangible results are compared with targets using various types of diagrams.
 Improvements gained by elimination of waste/MUDA are reported to relevant bodies.
LO5. Prevent occurrence of wastes and sustain operation

 Plan of MUDA prevention is prepared and implemented.

 Standards required for machines, operations, defining normal and abnormal conditions, clerical
procedures and procurement are discussed and prepared.

 Occurrences of wastes/MUDA are prevented by using visual and auditory control methods.

 Waste-free workplace is created using 5W and 1Hsheet.

 The completion of required operation is done in accordance with standard procedures and practices.

 The updating of standard procedures and practices is facilitated.

 The capability of the work team that aligns with the requirements of the procedure is ensured and
trained on the new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

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Annex: Resource Requirements
IIND DPP3 M01 1221: Preventing and Eliminating MUDA
Item Recommen
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. ded Ratio
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related course 5 5:25
3. Reference Books Related course 5 5:25
Journals/Publication/ Related course
4. 5 5:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 6*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 12*10m 1 1:25
3. Workshops 6*5m 1 1:
1. Paper A4 1 1:1
2. Flip chart 23”32” 1 1:25
3 Parker Art 25 1:1
4 Broom durable 5 1:5
5 Cleaning plastic spade Durable 5 1:5
5 Basket Standard/comfortable 5 1:5
Thickness: 1.5-2mm,
6 Paints 5 1:5
Width: 100cm
7 Sticker Zinc Alloy, size 60mm 5 1:5
8 Chip wood Standard 1 1:25
9 Sponge Packing 50Pieces/carton, 25 1:1
D. Tools and Equipment
1. Hook Metal, Precision range: ±0.002m
2 Shadow board/Tools 1*2m 1 1:25

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board Durable and standard
3 Pencil HB
Shank diameter: 1.3mm-5.5mm
4 Nails
Concrete nail
5 Shelves Capacity:80 to 100kg/layer
E. Personal Protective Equipment
1 Overall 100% cotton 25 1:1
2 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
5 Respirator Full face piece with hard-coated 25 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits 1 1:25
8 Dust masks/goggles Standard /made for safety 25 1:1

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Product Processing Level III

MODULE TITE : Controlling contaminants and allergens in the workplace


MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module describes knowledge, skills and attitude required to
examine the risk of physical, chemical, microbiological contaminants, allergens in a food production
workplace and implement control measures designed to manage risks of allergens in the workplace.
At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Assess risk of physical contamination
LO2. Assess risk of chemical contamination
LO3. Assess risk of microbiological contamination
LO4. Assess risk of allergens in the workplace
LO5. Implement control measures to manage contaminants and allergens
LO1. Assess risk of physical contamination
1.1. Identifying types and sources
1.2. Identifying risks
1.3. Identifying control measures of physical contamination
1.4. Assessing workplace procedures and practices
1.5. Identifying physical contaminants
LO2. Assess risk of chemical contamination
2.1. Identifying types and sources of chemical contamination
2.2. Identifying risks
2.3. Identifying control measures to eliminate or reduce risks of chemical contamination
2.4. Assessing workplace procedures and practices to determine level of risk
2.5. Identifying control measure for chemical contaminants

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LO3. Assess risk of microbiological contamination
3.1. Identifying types and sources
3.2. Identifying risks of operation , product and consumers
3.3. Identifying control measures of microbiological contamination
3.4. Assessing workplace procedures and practices
3.5. Identifying microbiological contaminants and opportunities for improvement
LO4: Assess risk of allergens in the workplace
4.1. Identifying types and sources of allergens
4.2. Identifying risk of operations, product and consumer
4.3. Identifying control measures of allergens
4.4. Assessing workplace procedures and practices
4.5. Identifying risks of allergens contaminants and opportunities for improvements
LO5: Implement control measures to manage contaminants and allergens
5.1. Implementing control measures
5.2. Identifying emergency procedures and conditions
5.3. Identifying and undertaking reports and documentation
5.4. Conducting work

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
Lecture- Audio/video be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
discussion  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format on the physical
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the shop
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture attention of the machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if trainees  Assign peer trainees
necessary)  Provide tutorial to assist
support (if  Conduct close follow

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necessary) up
 Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up group members
Discussion another group member  Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

 Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response

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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December 2021
Interview  Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
 Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
Written Test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers multiple choices, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if  Avoid essay writing true or false, limb impairment
necessary)  Time extension matching and  Time extension for
 Time extension short answers if trainees having
necessary. severe upper limb
Demonstration/   Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-  Provide activity-
Observation  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment based assessment
exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the up
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice 
 Time extension

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LO1. Assess risk of physical contamination
 Types and sources of physical contamination in the workplace are identified.

 Risks are identified to operations, product and consumer.

 Control measures are identified to eliminate or reduce risks of physical


 Workplace procedures and practices are assessed to determine level of risk for
physical contaminants and opportunities for improvement identified.

LO2. Assess risk of chemical contamination

 Types and sources of chemical contamination in the workplace are identified.

 Risks are identified to operations, product and consumer.

 Control measures are identified to eliminate or reduce risks of chemical


 Workplace procedures and practices are assessed to determine level of risk Control
measures for chemical contaminants and opportunities for improvement identified.

LO3. Assess risk of microbiological contamination

 Types and sources of microbiological contamination in the workplace are identified.

 Risks are identified to operations, product and consumer.

 Control measures for microbiological contamination are identified to eliminate or

reduce risks of contamination

 Workplace procedures and practices are assessed to determine level of risk for
microbiological contaminants and opportunities for improvement identified.

LO4. Assess risk of allergens in the workplace

 Types and sources of allergens are identified

 Risks are identified to operations, product and consumer.

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skill Processing Level III December 2021
 Control measures are identified to eliminate or reduce risks of allergens.

 Workplace procedures and practices are assessed to determine level of risk for
allergens and opportunities for improvement identified.

LO5. Implement control measures to manage contaminants and allergens

 Control measures are implemented as part of work operations.

 Emergency procedures and conditions for implementation are identified.

 Reporting and documentation associated with controls is identified and undertaken

as required.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

IIND DP3 M2 1221: Controlling Contaminants and Allergens in the Workplace

Item Recommen
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. ded Ratio
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related courses 25 1:1

3. Reference Books Related courses 25 1:1

Journals/Publication/ Related courses 1:1
4. 25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 6*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 12*10m 1 1:25
3. Workshops 6*5m 1 1:
1. Paper A4 1 1:1
2. Flip chart 23”32” 1 1:25
3 Sponge Packing 50Pieces/carton, 25 1:1

4 Basket Durable 5 1:5

5 Cleaning plastic spade Durable 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment
All safety hazard lab Should be fulfill standard Set/packag
1. 1:25
equipments specification e
E. Personal Protective Equipment
1 Overall 100% cotton 25 1:1
2 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
5 Respirator Full face piece with hard-coated 25 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits Set/package 1 1:5
8 Dust masks/goggles Standard 25 1:1

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Products Processing level III

MODULE TITLE : Implementing HACCP Principle

MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module of competency covers the knowledge, skills and and
attitude required to develop and review a food safety program, food safety hazards and methods to
monitor and control food safety hazards.

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to develop and review a food safety program
LO2. Identify and review food safety hazards
LO3. Establish and review methods to monitor and control food safety hazards
LO1. Prepare to develop and review a food safety program
1.1 .Identifying roles and responsibilities for participating food safety program
1.2. Identifying the scope
1.3 Addressing management system
LO2. Identify and review food safety hazards
2.1. Identifying process in food safety program and describing processes in each steps
2.2. Identifying food safety hazards
2.3. Identifying handling methods and processing techniques
LO3. Establish and review methods to monitor and control food safety hazards
3.1. Establishing acceptable methods used to control hazards
3.2.Validating or verifying control methods
3.3. Establishing procedures for preventative action
3.4. Establishing appropriate methods for monitoring processes.
3.5. Establishing required corrective action
3.6. Conducting work

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
Lecture- Audio/video be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
discussion  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format on the physical
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the shop
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture attention of the machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if trainees  Assign peer trainees
necessary)  Provide tutorial to assist
Page 27 of 114 Ministry of labor and TVET program title- Dairy Product Version -1
skill Processing Level III December 2021
support (if  Conduct close follow
necessary) up
 Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up group members
Discussion another group member  Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy


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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December 2021
 Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
Interview  Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
 Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
Written Test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers multiple choices, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if  Avoid essay writing true or false, limb impairment
necessary)  Time extension matching and  Time extension for
 Time extension short answers if trainees having
necessary. severe upper limb
Demonstration/   Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-  Provide activity-
Observation  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment based assessment
exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the up
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice 
 Time extension

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LO1. Prepare to develop and review a food safety program
 .Roles and responsibilities for participating in developing or reviewing a food safety program
are identified.
 The scope of the food safety program is identified.
 Management system in food safety is addressed
LO2. Identify and review food safety hazards
 Processes to be covered by the food safety program are identified and steps within each process
are described.
 Food safety hazards that are reasonably expected to occur are identified for each process.
 Handling methods, processing techniques and existing support programs used in the workplace
are identified.
LO3. Establish and review methods to monitor and control food safety hazards
 Acceptable methods used to control hazards are established for each food safety hazard that is
reasonably expected to occur.
 Control methods are validated or Verified
 Procedures for taking preventative action are established.
 Appropriate methods for monitoring that processes remain within control are established.
 Required corrective action to respond to situations where hazards are not effectively controlled
is established.
 Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines.

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skill Processing Level III December 2021
Annex: Resource Requirements

Module Title: Implementing HACCP Principle

Module Code: IND DPP3 M03 1221
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials (May include but not limited to)
1. TTLM Prepared by trainers 25 1:1
2. Reference Books HACCP Principles 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Contextual area /Lecture room 7*8m 01 1:25
2. Library 7*8m 01 1:25
4 Practical/Assessment area 7*8m 02 1:13
White board Standard 01 1:25
C Consumable Materials
1. Test cup Glass 25 1:1
2 Bottle Graduated glass 5 1:5
3. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment’s
1 Digital thermometer Digital standard 5 1:5

2 5 1:5
PH Meter Digital standard for food.

3 Refracto meter 5 1:5

Digital standard

4 Conductivity meter 5 1:5

Digital standard

5 Lactometer Temp. and density 5 1:5


6 Lactoscan 1 1:25
Digital standard
7 Micrometer In-out depth 5 1:5
8 Binary microscope Portable digital 5 1:5
Personal protective equipment
1. Over all standard 25 1:25
2. Glove (leather) standard 25 1:25

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3. Eye Google standard 25 1:25
4. Mask standard 25 1:25
5. Helmets standard 25 1:25
6. Ear protector standard 25 1:25
7. First Aid Full parameters 1 1:25

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Products Processing level III
MODULE TITLE: Maintaining dairy processing Equipment
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to application of planning, technical knowledge and skills to check and isolate routine
and non-routine equipment faults used in production, report on the status and maintain the
At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Identify scope of operational check
LO2. Plan operational checks
LO3. Check unit through full operational range
LO4. Identify fault and/or formulate recommendations

LO1. Identify scope of operational check

1.1. Identifying and classifying equipment components and operating systems

1.2. Matching appropriate tests and procedures.
1.3. Identifying special test procedures and parameters
1.4. Explaining operating principles of hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical and
electrical/electronic systems.
1.5. Implementing Measures and identifying hazards
1.6. Rotating and moving machinery
1.7. Temporary connections or by-passes
1.8. Observing and undertaking physical condition of equipment.
1.9. Recording preliminary observations.
1.10. Discussing test procedures and obtaining necessary permission

LO2: Plan operational checks

2.1.Checking specifications and notes

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2.2.Clarifying and identifying preliminary observations
2.3.Planning testing sequence/s noting and recording results observations.
2.4.Identifying safe area
2.5.Making arrangements
LO3: Check unit through full operational range
3.1. Undertaking testing, observing relevant safety and operational requirements.
3.2. Confirming results and findings.
3.3. Identifying and using tools and equipment for maintenance
LO4: Identify fault and/or formulate recommendations
4.1. Identifying impact of fault on work schedules
4.2. Recording proposals for equipment repair
4.3. Undertaking repairs

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
Lecture-  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to be room seating room seating
discussion Audio/video conducive for eye-to-eye contact arrangement to be arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Make sure the luminosity of the light of accessible to trainees accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to class room is kept  Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
trainees  Introduce new and relevant vocabularies  Ensure the attention of  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Use short and clear sentences the trainees the trainees who have
black/white board using large text  Give emphasis on visual lecture and  Present the lecture in severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the ensure the attention of the trainees video format on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Avoid movement during lecture time  Ensure the attention of to take note
 Use normal tone of voice  Present the lecture in video format the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the  Summarize main points on the physical
lecture in audio format feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the shop
physical feature of the work shop
 Summarize main points

Page 35 of 114 Federal TVET Agency TVET program title- Biomedical Version -1
Author/Copyright equipment Servicing Level -1 October 2020
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture the trainees machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if necessary)  Provide tutorial support  Assign peer trainees
(if necessary) to assist
 Conduct close follow
 Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
Group discussion  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of trainees with integration of trainees with their peers
 Conduct close follow up group members with group members
 Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow
group member  Introduce the trainees with another up
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member  Introduce the trainees
work with another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance  Provide tutorial support if necessary up and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial support nominal hours if
necessary process/practical training if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  Introduce new and relevant vocabularies  provide special
process attention in the process/
practical training

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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December 2021

prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
texts/Brail material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language as an option for the
communication was conducted with interpreter if necessary trainees having speech
the trainee through the service of the challenges
sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using  Use oral response as
texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True or short sentences, multiple an option to give
 Use interview as an option if False, matching and short answers choices, True or False, answer for trainees
necessary  Avoid essay writing matching and short having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension answers if necessary. limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-based  Provide activity-based
Observation them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
 Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction  Conduct close follow
assessment method of the exam up
 Time extension  Use loud voice  Time extension

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LO1: Identify scope of operational check

 Equipment components and operating systems are identified and classified.

 Appropriate tests and procedures are matched to the equipment operating systems.
 Special test procedures and parameters are identified in manufacturer's specifications and
 The operating principles of hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical and electrical/electronic systems are
explained as related to workplace equipment.
 Measures are implemented to control identified hazards in line with procedures and duty of care.
 Checks on the physical condition of equipment are observed and undertaken as per procedures.
 Preliminary observations are recorded.
 Test procedures are discussed with appropriate personnel and necessary permission obtained
where required.
LO2: Plan operational checks
 Specifications and notes are checked from preliminary observations areas to be clarified and

 Testing sequence/s noting areas is planned where results and observations should be recorded.

 Safe area for testing is identified.

 Arrangements are made for any additional resources.

LO3: Check unit through full operational range

 Testing, observing relevant safety and operational requirements are undertaken.

 Results and findings are confirmed.

 Tools and equipment are identified and used for maintenance.

LO4: Identify fault and/or formulate recommendations

 Impact of fault on work schedule is identified.

 Proposals for equipment repair are recorded based on faults found, cost/time implications and
workplace approval systems.

 Report is explained to relevant workplace personnel including any options and recommendations.

 Repairs are undertaken where appropriate in accordance with procedures.

Page 38 of 114 Federal TVET Agency TVET program title- Biomedical Version -2
Author/Copyright equipment Servicing Level -III September 2021
Annex: Resource Requirements

IND DPP2 M04 1221: : Maintaining dairy processing equipment

Item Description/ Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Quantity
No. Specifications (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related to topics 25 1:1

3. Reference Books Related to topics 25 1:1

4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to topics 25 1:1

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 6*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 12*10m 1 1:25
3. Fermentation room 3*4m 1 1:25
4 Storage room 3*4m 1 1:25
5 Utility room 3*4m 1 1:25
6 Cooled room 3*4 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1 1:1
2. Flip chart 23”32” 1 1:25
3 Marker Art line 25 1:1
4 Broom Durable 5 1:5
5 Cleaning plastic spade Durable 5 1:5
D. Personal Protective Equipment
1 Overall 100% cotton 25 1:1
2 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
Respirator Full face piece with 25 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits Full parameters 1 1:1

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Product Processing Level III
MODULE TITLE: Performing Basic Milk Quality Tests

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This Module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to
Interpret test requirements, prepare sample and check equipment before use, perform tests on samples and
Maintain a safe work environment using standard methods
At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Interpret test requirements
LO2. Prepare sample
LO3. Check equipment before use
LO4. Perform tests on samples
LO5. Maintain a safe work environment

LO1. Interpret test requirements.
1.1 . Reviewing test request and retesting method with equipment

1.2 . Identifying hazard controls

LO2. Prepare sample

2.1 Recording, comparing Sample and reporting
2.2 Preparing sample
LO3. Check equipment before use
3.1. Set upping equipment
3.2. Performing pre-use and safety checks with enterprise procedures and instructions
3.3. Identifying and reporting unsafe equipment
3.4. Checking calibration status and reporting out of calibration.
LO4. Perform tests on samples
4.1 Identifying, preparing, measuring sample and standards.
4.2 . Conducting test.
4.3 . Recording data
4.4 . Performing Calculations

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4.5 . Identifying and reporting out of specification
4.6 . Calibration and maintenance
4.7 . Shutting down equipment
LO5. Maintain a safe work environment
5.1. Applying safe work practices and personal protective equipment
5.2. Minimizing generation of wastes and environmental impacts
5.3. Ensuring safe disposal of laboratory and hazardous wastes
5.4. Cleaning caring and storing equipment and reagents

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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December 2021
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
Lecture- Audio/video be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
discussion  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format on the physical
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the shop
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture attention of the machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if trainees  Assign peer trainees
to assist
Page 42 of 114 Federal TVET Agency TVET program title- Biomedical Version -2
Author/Copyright equipment Servicing Level -III September 2021
necessary)  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow
support (if up
necessary)  Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up group members
Discussion another group member  Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy


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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December 2021
 Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
Interview  Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
 Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
Written Test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers multiple choices, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if  Avoid essay writing true or false, limb impairment
necessary)  Time extension matching and  Time extension for
 Time extension short answers if trainees having
necessary. severe upper limb
Demonstration/   Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-  Provide activity-
Observation  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment based assessment
exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the up
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice 
 Time extension

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LO1: Interpret test requirements.
 Test request is reviewed to identify samples to be tested and method and equipment involved retested.
 Hazards and enterprise controls associated with the sample, preparation methods, reagents and equipment
are identified.
LO2: Prepare sample
 Sample description is recorded and compared with specification, and discrepancies are recorded and
 Sample is prepared in accordance with appropriate standard methods.

LO3: Check equipment before use

 Test equipment is set up in accordance with test method.
 Pre-use and safety checks are performed in accordance with enterprise procedures and manufacturer's
 Faulty or unsafe equipment is identified and reported to appropriate personnel.
 Calibration status of equipment is checked and any out of calibration items are reported to appropriate
LO4: Perform tests on samples
 Sample and standards to be tested are identified, prepared and weighed or measured.
 Tests are conducted in accordance with enterprise procedures.
 Data is recorded in accordance with enterprise procedures
 Calculations on data are performed as required.
 Out of specification are identified and reported promptly to appropriate person
 Equipment is shut down in accordance with operating procedures
LO5: Maintain a safe work environment
 Established safe work practices and personal protective equipment are used to ensure personal safety and
that of other laboratory personnel.
 The generation of wastes and environmental impacts is minimized.
 Safe disposal of laboratory and hazardous wastes is ensured.
 Equipment and reagents are cleaned, cared for and stored as required

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Annex: Resource Requirement

IND DPP3 M05 1221 Performing Basic Milk Quality Tests

Recommen Remark
Item Quantit ded Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications
No. y (Item:
1. TTLM To be prepared by a trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related courses 5 5:25
Reference Related books
3. 5 5:25
Journals/Publi Related publications
4. cation/Magazin 10 10:25
B. Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 7*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 7*8m 1 1:25
Physic chemical room 4*5m 1 1:25 Other
Laboratory Washing room 3*4m 1 1:25 rooms
rooms Microbiological room 4*5m 1 1:25 may be
Chemical storage room3*4m 1 1:25 requested
Consumable if it is
C. necessary
1. Sanitizer Made for safety, 2liter 1 1:25 Others
2. Hand Soap Fluid-1liter 5 1:25 necessary
Standard and for lab 20lite
3 Distilled water 1:25 will
Amyl alcohol, denatured alcohols 70-75%, based on
4 Alcohols 5liter 5:25
ethanol 90-100% purpose
6 Sulphuric acid 93-96% concentration 1liter 1:25
Buffering Powder, standard( @4 or 7 (for PH meter) 500g
7 1:25
agents m
Tools and

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Protective White Gown 1/pers
1 1:1
cloth on
Boots/safety Plastic/ leather/cloth/ or others 1/pers
shoes/ use and on
2 1:1
throw foot
Water proof 1/pers
3 hand Glove 1:1
head hat Made of Cloth/ use and throw net 1/pers
4 on 1:1
nose and Use andthrow/reusable/ Made of Cloth 1/pers
5 1:1
mouth mask on
Features: Accurate reading, light weight, Others
and temperature reading accessory
Lactometer things are
6 0-40oC. Measuring specific gravity, range 0 - 3 3:25 considere
40, calibrate 27 C ,made of d in
borosilicate/neutral glass package
Exterior -304 stainless steel, accurate
measuring capacities 20.30, 60.90ml. over
7 dipper 3 3:25
flow hole accurate measure Convenient
hooked handle
Pair of tongs SS 304
8 2 2:25
Material:- nylon bristles on iron wire, Brush

Test tube material resistant to acids, aromatic

9 12 12:25
brush andaliphatic hydrocarbons, ketones and hot
Variable volume micropipettes feature built-
in tip ejector and autoclave tip cones, should
Graduated work on click -stop , high chemical and UV
10 10 10:25
pipette resistance, pyrex class A glass, 1ml with 0.1
ml subdivisions

Temperature proof , heat resistance glass,

11 Test tubes 100mm tall*13mm width and 11mm inside 10 10:25
diameter ,borosilicate glass, 10ml
Variable volume micropipettes feature built-
12 pipettes in tip ejector and autoclavable tip cones, 15 15:25
should work on click -stop , high chemical

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and UV resistance, Pyrex class A glass, 10ml
with 0.1ml subdivisions
Borosilicate with glass stopper with
13 Conical flask subdivision 5ml, the maximum thermal 2 2:25
resistance is 500oC, 25ml.
Borosilicate glass, graduation interval 25ml,
accuracy + 5%, autoclavable, upper extreme
14 Beaker 2 2:25
temperature 490oC, working temperature
230oC, 5 liters.
15 Spatula spoon SUS304, 2gm, 5gm, 10gm 3 3:25
Free from discoloration and weld marks,
consistence dimensions without rough edges,
minimum vent height , rigidity to resist
Microbial excessive deformation when handled , must
16 25 1:25
Petri dish not distort at 60oC , Must resist fracture up to
19.61N stability incline stack 12degrees, free
from loose particles greater than 100μm in
diameter disposable. 15*100mm.
Media bottles made from borosilicate tubing,
17 bottles white markings threaded colour plastic cups, 2 2:25
250ml, 500ml, 1000ml
Alcohol meter Gey, lussac, at 15°c, 0-100%
18 Dispenser Made of plastic, 250ml 5 5:25
Embedded Windows tablet, Ultrasonic
stirrer, Barcode reader, Embedded printer,
Integrated weight scales , Peristaltic pump –
automatic cleaning, Adjustable to the input
pipe pH probe holder, Possibility of using
different sample holders, Integrated pH and
conductivity measuring. Environmental
Conditions: Ambient air temperature 10°C
– 40°C (option 43 °C), Milk temperature 1°C
19 Lacto scan – 40°C, Relative humidity 30% – 80%. 1 1:25
Electrical Parameters: AC Power Supply
voltage 220V/110VDC, Power Supply
voltage – 12V to 14,2V, Power Consumption
– 30W max Mechanical Parameters:
Dimensions (W x D x H) 290x300x330 mm
Weight < 5 kg. Measuring components:
fat, SNF, density, protein, lactose, added
water, milk sample temperature, freezing
point, mineral, PH, conductivity, total solid.

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20 Alcohol gun 304 Stainless steel, 2 2:25
neutral glass white color with measurable
21 Milk jug 3 3:25
500ml, 1000ml, 2liter
Capacity 100 liter, temperature range 1
ambient +50c to 700c without fan ambient
+8oc to 70oc if fan fitted. Fluctuation +
0.250c @370c, easy clean powder coated
Microbiologic body, aluminum coated mild steel chamber,
22 al Incubator 1:25
microprocessor digital controller, safety over
heat thermostat. Pulse incubator with forced
convection, glass inner door, SS, inner
chamber, maximum temperature 105 degree
Celsius, including 3 chrome shelves
Refrigerator: 383L, energy efficiency class- 1
A+, cooling system-dynamic, climatic class-
Features Stamped Metal Body, Chrome
Trim, 2 Half.Width Clear Crisper Drawers,
Gallon Door
23 Refrigerator Storage, Temperature Management System. 1:25
Fixed Full-Width Freezer Shelf, 3 Easy-
Spill-Proof Glass Shelves, Energy Star
Optional Ice Maker, Available Left Hand
Power supply :- single phase 220V 50Hz
General Requirement: The microwave oven 1
shall be simple in operation and with turn
able, over temperature protection, electrical
24 Hot air Oven 1:25
leakage breaker. Microwave Power : 700W -
850W, Volume = 400liter Microwave
Frequency : 2450 MHz. Temperature Range:

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40°C to 300°C. Performance Data Temp
Fluctuation; ± 1.50 C. Number of shelves 4.
Number of shelf positions 6. Intervalbetween
shelves 65mm Max load per shelf – 25kg
Max load per chamber 50kg Power supply :
single phase 220V,50Hz, 3.5KW. SS304
removable tree digitaltemperature controller,
double walled zero skilled temperature,
Heating element air type heater.
Range 0.00 up to 14.00, resolution 0.01,
accuracy + 0.02.
Temperature Range 0 up to 100 oC with
25 pH Meter accuracy +0.2. 1 1:25

Electrical potential:- mV range -1999 up to

+1999 ,resolution 0.1,accuracy +
Stuart US152, plate material: aluminum-
Hot plate with silicon plate, maximum plate temperature:
26 magnetic 1 1:25
stirrer 325oC, rotation: 100-2000rpm
power supply:-3phase, 380V, 50Hz
Self-contained microprocessor, Vertical
Rectangular High Pressure High Vacuum
steam Sterilizer. Should be operated on 380
V, 3 phases with neutral, AC power supply.
Steam generator volume shall be minimum
of 40 litres and should be fitted with suitable
27 Autoclave
electrical heater load of 10KW, to produce
steam to sterilizer. The sterilizer shall have
single door (Hinge type) with radial locking
using shooting bolts having high pressure
locking safety facility and made of good
quality stainless steel 304 qualities. Should

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provide heat resistant SILICON door gasket
withstands up to 140 0C. The sterilizer shall
have to draw the water, automatically, when
needed in the inbuilt boiler. All connecting
pipes shall be made of good quality stainless
steel. The unit shall be fitted with suitable
water ring Vacuum pump, motor capacity: 3
Microprocessor-controlled temperature
regulation ensures fast heating up to the set
temperature and excellent temperature
constancy: ±0.1 °C, temporal.Optimum
temperature distribution throughout the
whole bath interior,Temperature display and
setting digitally via LED display, in 0.1 0C
increments Fast and exact setting, exact
reproducibility of the preset temperature.
Electronic monitoring of the temperature
Shaking water
28 controller. In case of a fault, the cause is 1 1:25
displayed on the LED. Over-temperature cut-
out: electronic, 4 0C above set temperature,
and electro-mechanical > 130 °C. Constant
shaking frequency, independent of load, even
when in continuous operation
Bath interior and shaking rack made of
stainless steel
No dripping back of condensate into the
vessels due to double-walled insulating lid
with interior camber
Electronic Readability: 0.005mg-/0.1mg , Power
29 analytical 1 1:25
supply:- Single phase, 220V,50Hz
Colony Lighting, white LED array, 3 digital LED,
30 1 1:25

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Power supply: 220 V, 0.2 A, 50Hz. Counter:
Four digits of 9 mm of height, up to 9999.
Magnifier: Glass, biconvex, 100 or 120 mm
diameter, 4 diopters DIN 2.
Inputs: Pressure marker, normally open.
Contact pointer. Dimensions: (large x deep x
high),Without magnifier: 200 x 300 x 120
mm. With magnifier: 200 x 300 x 400 mm.
31 Bunsen burner Nickel-plated , rotatable air regulator 2 2:25
Adjustable lock, 50-60cm ,iron or others
32 Burette stand 1 1:25
Capacity: 5 L/hr, Automated control, Power
Water distiller supply :- single phase , 220 V ; 2.5 kW
33 1 1:25
Should be able to perform bright field, dark
field and phase contrast applications. LED
illumination - high intensity, uniform
(uniform illumination throughout the field
even at low magnifications).Universal
condenser. Binocular tube with light path
selector Nosepiece - Quintuple or above to
accommodate 5 or more objectives at a time.
Binocular Eyepieces - 10X with Field of view greater
34 1 1:25
than 22mm with diopter adjustments.
Objectives – Plan Achromatic or equivalent,
4x/5x; 10x; 20x, 40x and 100x (Oil
Immersion). Objectives 10X, 20X, 40X &
100X should be phase contrast. All
objectives including oil-immersion objective
should be compatible for use with cover slip
(0.17mm). Right Hand Stage holder with

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specimen holder with refocusing stage
mechanism, the microscope to be upgradable
to Fluorescence Attachment ,other essential
accessories like, centering telescope, stage
micrometer, immersion oil & Required filters

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Product Processing Level III

MODULE TITLE: Monitoring storage facilities
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describe the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
monitor storage facilities in accordance with workplace requirements including determining site
functions and operations; monitoring storage operations in accordance with workplace procedures; and
taking appropriate action in response to identified discrepancies, changes to storage requirements, or
breaches in operational procedures.
At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Determine site functions and operations
LO2. Monitor storage operations
LO3. Take appropriate action in response to changes to storage requirements
LO1: Determine site functions and operations
1.1. Identifying layout of storage facilities
1.2. Identifying types of storage facilities ,purpose and risk
1.3. Assessing inventory list
1.4. Identifying storage separation and co- storage application
LO2: Monitor storage operations
2.1. Confirming inventory data
2.2. Supervising storage area
2.3. Checking storage facilities
2.4. Monitoring integrity of goods/materials
LO3: Take appropriate action in response to changes to storage requirements
3.1. Noting and undertaking action changes with work place
3.2. Initiating appropriate actions in response to breaches
3.3. Documenting operational action and investigating out come

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
Lecture- Audio/video be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
discussion  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format on the physical
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the shop
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture attention of the machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if trainees  Assign peer trainees
necessary)  Provide tutorial to assist
support (if  Conduct close follow
necessary) up

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 Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up group members
Discussion another group member  Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

 Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
Interview  Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges

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the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
 Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
Written Test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers multiple choices, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if  Avoid essay writing true or false, limb impairment
necessary)  Time extension matching and  Time extension for
 Time extension short answers if trainees having
necessary. severe upper limb
Demonstration/   Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-  Provide activity-
Observation  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment based assessment
exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the up
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice 
 Time extension

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LO1: Determine site functions and operations
 Layout of storage facilities, work flow and activities undertaken in each zone are
 Type of storage facilities, their purpose and (any) associated risk factors are identified.
 Inventory lists are accessed through record management system.
 Storage separations and co-storage applications are identified
LO2. Monitor storage operations
 Inventory data is confirmed to match goods/freight and applicable storage requirements for
 Storage areas are supervised to ensure movement of personnel and goods/freight is in
accordance with workplace procedures.
 Storage facilities are checked to ensure appropriate operational capacity.
 Integrity of goods materials are monitored to ensure appropriate quality is maintained
LO3: Take appropriate action in response to changes to storage requirements
 Discrepancies/changes to storage requirements and/or inventory lists are noted and action
undertaken in accordance with workplace procedures.
 Appropriate action(s) are initiated in response to breaches of operational procedures
 Operational actions and investigative outcomes are documented in accordance with
workplace procedures

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Annex: Resource Requirements

IND DPP3 M06 1221 Monitoring Storage Facilities

Item Recommended Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide/UC Name/ 25 1:1
2. Text Books Related to topics/UC/ 5 1:5
3. Reference Books Related books

Handbook of Milk Processing June, 3 2011 by EIRI

Dairy Products and Packaging (Author) 5 1:5
3. Modern Technology of Milk July, 4 2001 (4th Edition) by
NIIR Board (Author)
5 1:5
2 Processing & Dairy Products
Production Processing and May, 6 2005 by Dr Rajendra
Marketing of Milk and Milk Kumar Pandey 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 6*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 12*10m 1 1:25
3. Workshops
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1 1:1
2. Flip chart 23”32” 1 1:25
3 Parker Art line 25 1:1
4 Broom Plastic made 5 1:5
5 Cleaning plastic spade Plastic made 5 1:5
5 Basket Plastic made 5 1:5
Tools and Equipments

All equipments required for Should be fulfill standard

1. storage depend on system specification and product type set 1:25
E. Personal Protective Equipment
1 Overall 100% cotton 25 1:1
2 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
5 Respirator Full face piece with hard-coated 25 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits Fulfill all parameters 1 1:1

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Product Processing Level III

MODULE TITLE : Performing Pasteurized Milk Production Operation
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module describes the skills and knowledge required to apply
sanitation procedures, implement procedures to prepare raw milk for pasteurization, assess the
organoleptic properties of product and relate to specifications and Meet workplace requirements for
food safety, quality and environmental management.
At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Apply sanitation procedures
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare raw milk for pasteurization
LO3. Assess the organoleptic properties of product and relate to specifications
LO4. Identify own role and responsibility within team

LO1. Apply sanitation procedures
1.1 Keeping clean bulk milk storage area and other inputs
1.2 Keeping clean and sanitizing all surfaces
1.3 Applying stringent personal hygiene procedures.
1.4 Maintaining raw milk area separate from pasteurized milk
1.5 Applying multi-phase cleaning systems.
1.6 Recording food safety related information
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare raw milk for pasteurization
2.1 Carrying out clarification procedures
2.2 Implementing standardization procedures for pasteurized milk sample
2.3 Carrying out pasteurization procedures.
2.4 Applying homogenization of equipment
LO3. Assess the organoleptic properties of product and relate to specifications

3.1 Identifying desirable and undesirable flavors

3.2 Recognizing different organoleptic qualities.
3.3 Assessing product for evenness of color and finish
3.4 Identifying possible causal factors and making changes to procedures
LO4. Identify own role and responsibility within team

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4.1 Identifying individual role and responsibilities
4.2 Identifying and recognizing roles and responsibility of others
4.3 Identifying relationships within teams and externals

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
Lecture- Audio/video be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
discussion  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format on the physical
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the shop
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture attention of the machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if trainees  Assign peer trainees
necessary)  Provide tutorial to assist
support (if  Conduct close follow
necessary) up

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Author/Copyright Processing level- III December,
 Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up group members
Discussion another group member  Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

 Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
Interview  Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges

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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December 2021
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
 Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
Written Test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers multiple choices, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if  Avoid essay writing true or false, limb impairment
necessary)  Time extension matching and  Time extension for
 Time extension short answers if trainees having
necessary. severe upper limb
Demonstration/   Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-  Provide activity-
Observation  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment based assessment
exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the up
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice 
 Time extension

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LO1: Apply sanitation procedures
 The storage area bulk milk and other inputs are kept clean to reduce the risk of
 All surfaces are kept clean and sanitized.
 Stringent personal hygiene procedures are applied.
 Raw milk area is maintained separate from pasteurized milk operations.
 Multi-phase cleaning systems are applied to ensure sanitized surfaces and

 Food safety related information is recorded, as required, including raw milk counts
pasteurized milk counts.
LO2: Implement procedures to prepare raw milk for pasteurization
 Clarification procedures for raw milk are carried out, if required.
 Standardization procedures for pasteurization by testing pasteurized milk sample are
 Pasteurization procedures are carried out.
 Homogenization equipment are used on the work enterprise

LO3: Assess the organoleptic properties of product and relate to specifications

 Desirable and undesirable flavors in the product are identified.
 Different organoleptic qualities are recognized.
 The product is assessed for evenness of color and finish.

 Possible causal factors are identified and changes made to procedures to address
product quality issues
LO4: Identify own role and responsibility within team
 Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified
 Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized
 Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified

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Annex: Resource Requirements

IND DPP3 M07 1221: Performing Pasteurized Milk Production Operation

Reco Remark
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
A Learning
. Materials
1. TTLM To be prepared by a trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related to course - -
3. Reference Books Related to course - -
Journals/Publicati Related to course
4. - -
B. Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 7*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 7*8m 1 1:25
20*25m(l*w) with all others division rooms and All standard
should be keep the good manufacturing practice issues
3 Processing room 1 1:25 should be
requirements concerning the construction
material and environment
Indicated under Tests. See the
4 Laboratory rooms 1 1:25 referred
C Consumable
. Materials
Sodium According to manufacturer instruction
1. 3kg 3:25
Soda ash( sodium According to manufacturer instruction
2 3kg 3:25
3 Water Volume: 3x(amount of milk) .. 1:25
4 Hand Soap Fluid-500ml bottled 5 1:5
Solid 5 1:5
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Packaging Polyethylene plastic, carton,glass
D Tools and
. Equipment
1 Protective cloth White Gown 1/person 1:1
Boots/ use and Plastic/cloth/ or others 1/person
2 1:1
throw foot mask
3 hand Glove Water proof 1/person 1:1
4 head hat /cape, Made of Cloth/ use and throw net 1/person 1:1
nose and mouth Use and throw/reusable/ Made of Cloth
5 1/person 1:1
Equipments Others accessories are considered in package supply
Capacity: 500 LT /h, Continuous working
principle, SUS304 stainless steel, inlet
temperature 4℃-50℃,pasteurization
temperature 70℃-95℃,holding time Optional: It
can be vat
HTST Plate 15sec,outlet temperature 4-45℃,300S
temperature holding connection reserved. system with
1 pasteurizer 1 1:25 its own
Heat regeneration efficiency minimum 90%,
(PLC) specificatio
PID temperature auto control, balance bucket,
milk pump, plate heat exchanger, pipes, valves,
entire frame, electrical control box. Power
supply :- 3phase ,380V,50Hz A.C,
Capacity: …… L / H, Dimension: ……., Net Optional:
Volume (lt): 12 , Solid empty volume (lt): 3, it can be
Max. Drum Speed (rpm): 7700
and manual
Engine Power (kW): 7.5Kw Features: CIP for non
cleaning controlled on the PLC, Fully automatic continues
Automatic Cream operation
2 separator control box, auto discharge dregs, with friction 1 1:25
when starting, pressure at outlet ≤2 bar, large
sediment chamber and centralised oil bath
lubrication, effortless and smooth start up
through dynamic clutch system, close type inlet,
Material SUS 316. Operations and auxiliaries:

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Working principle:- Continuous system.
Bowl: is solid walled, disc type, suitable for
manual cleaning and dynamically balanced.
Power supply :- 3phase ,380V,50Hz A.C
Brand and Origin: ………
Capacity: … lt / h, Dimension: …… , Only usable
Power supply: 380 V, 50 Hz Power (W): 7.5KW in continues
to 13.7KW
system and
Material: Made of stainless steel suitable for capacity of
food pasteurizer,
3 Homogenizer 1 1:25 cream
Max. Particle size: up to 500 microns, Pressure:
150-200bar and
Number of pistons: 5, Required water supply: homogenize
r should be
Min. 2 bar
Required air supply: Min 5 bar
Capacity: …… Lt Depends on
Dimension (Interior): D …. x …. mm Vertical capacity of
Material: Internal wall 3.00 mm, insulated sheet
1.50 mm AISI 304 (Inner layer + Dimple jacket
Filling tank
4 + Insulation) 1 1:25
Mixer: 1 HP, 45rpm Reducer-mixer,
Features: D 400 mm Manhole cover, CIP
washing head, DN 50 Butterfly valve, and
platform made of stainless steel, sampling valve,
cooling/chilling, sterile respiratory, adjustable
leg. Thermometer. Level controller.
Capacity: …… Lt/h , Open fan type
Material: Made entirely of AISI 304 Stainless
Food grade
5 Centrifugal Pump material 1 1:25
Features: Open fan pump canopy Mechanical
seal, air cooled type.

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Sizes Available; DN50
Power: Single Phase, 2HP, 220V, 2800rpm
Brand and Origin: ………
Capacity: ……pcs/h, Power supply, max 2.3
kw, 220 /380v, 50 HZ compressed air pressure 6
bar. Air consumption: ~ 0.30 m3/hour Water
consumption: Optional. Packaging material
1/2/3-layered polyethylene film with black
internal layer; thickness – 60-90 microns, width
– 320 or ; outer diameter of roll – up to 320 mm
Filling Range (Milliliter): 200 to 500 ml Pouch
PE bag Packing length: 150-250mm
Machine Filling accuracy ± 0.5% [depending upon bulk
density of product, constant product availability
in the product tank (for liquids), and proper
maintenance. Overall dimensions, (w x l х h):
…. x ….. x ….. Mm Features: Automatics
Programmable Log Controller (PLC), Touch
Screen Panel, Photo Eye Sensors,
Electro-Pneumatic Cylinders, Power Block,
Servomotors, Thermal Printer.

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Products Processing Level III

MODULE TITLE : Performing Yoghurt Production Operation
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module of competency covers the skills and knowledge required
to apply sanitation procedures, implement procedures to prepare milk for yoghurt making and carry
out procedures to inoculate milk and packaging procedures

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Apply sanitation procedures
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare milk for yoghurt making
LO3. Carry out procedures to inoculate milk
LO4. Implement packaging procedures
LO5. Assess the organoleptic properties of yoghurt and relate to specifications
LO6. Meet workplace requirements for food safety, quality and environmental management
LO7. Communicate information about workplace processes

LO1. Apply sanitation procedures
1.1. Keeping clean the storage area for starter culture
1.2. Keeping clean and sanitizing all surfaces
1.3 .Applying personal hygiene procedures
1.4 .Maintaining raw milk area separate from pasteurized
1.5 .Applying multi-phase cleaning systems and pasteurization equipment.
1.6. Recording food safety related information and yoghurt bacterial
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare milk for yoghurt making
2.1. Caring out clarification procedures for raw milk

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2.2. Implementing standardization
2.3. Caring out pasteurization
2.4 Caring out homogenization equipment
LO3. Carry out procedures to inoculate milk
3.1. Adding inoculants and adjuncts
3.2. Maintaining incubation temperature
3.3. Taking samples at appropriate stage and caring out tests
LO4. Implement packaging procedures
4.1. Appling requirements (duration, temperature, Acidity) for range of products
4.2.Identifying and applying packing methods
4.3.Adding necessary additives and agents
4.4. Applying pre packing preparations
4.5. Caring out packaging and labeling procedures
LO5. Assess the organoleptic properties of yoghurt and relate to specifications
5.1. Identifying desirable and undesirable flavors
5.2. Recognizing different chemical and physical properties
5.3. Assessing yoghurt for evenness of appearance, smoothness, mouth fill, texture, taste
5.4. Identifying possible causal factors and changes
LO6. Meet workplace requirements for food safety, quality and environmental management
6.1.Keeping records of yoghurt manufacture
6.2.Implementing health and safety environmental protection procedures
6.3. Disposing waste
LO7. Communicate information about workplace processes
7.1.Selecting appropriate communication method
7.2. Communicating multiple operations
7.3. Raising questions to gain extra information
7.4.Identifying correct sources of information
7.5.Selecting and organizing information
7.6. Undertaking verbal and written reporting
7.7. Maintaining communication skills

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating room seating
Lecture- Audio/video be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
discussion  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format on the physical
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the shop
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format trainees
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  Use sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material & short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training recorded material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the equipment’s/
trainees  Use gesture attention of the machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support (if trainees  Assign peer trainees
necessary)  Provide tutorial to assist
support (if  Conduct close follow

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necessary) up
 Provide tutorial
support (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up group members
Discussion another group member  Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with
another group
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
Assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

 Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
Interview  Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having

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conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
 Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
Written Test  Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short sentences, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers multiple choices, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if  Avoid essay writing true or false, limb impairment
necessary)  Time extension matching and  Time extension for
 Time extension short answers if trainees having
necessary. severe upper limb
Demonstration/   Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity-  Provide activity-
Observation  Brief on the instruction of the based assessment based assessment
exam  Brief on the  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical instruction of the up
assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice 
 Time extension

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LO1. Apply sanitation procedures

 The storage area for starter cultures is kept clean to reduce the risk of infection.

 All surfaces are kept clean and sanitized.

 Stringent personal hygiene procedures are applied.

 Raw milk area is maintained separate from pasteurized milk operations.

 Multi-phase cleaning systems are applied to ensure sanitized surfaces and Pasteurization

 Food safety related information is recorded, as required, including milk counts and yoghurt
bacterial, yeast and mold counts
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare milk for yoghurt making

 Clarification procedures for raw milk are carried out, if required.

 Standardization procedures for milk are implemented to be processed into yoghurt.

 Pasteurization procedures are carried out for milk.

 Homogenization equipment procedures are carried out for milk, where required
LO3. Carry out procedures to inoculate milk
 Inoculants and adjuncts are added to milk and it is allowed inoculating to specification.

 Incubation temperature is maintained at specified level evenly throughout the vat/tank.

 Samples are taken at appropriate stages and tests carried out for acidity (either pH or titratable
acidity) as require
LO4. Implement packaging procedures

 Requirements (duration, temperature, Acidity, where applicable) for a range of product are

 Packing methods are identified and applied

 Necessary additives and necessary agents are added, as required.

 All other pre packing preparations are done according to that specific product SOP.
 Packaging and labeling procedures are carried out, as required.

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LO5. Assess the organoleptic properties of yoghurt and relate to specifications
 Desirable and undesirable flavors in products are identified.

 Different chemical and physical properties are recognized.

 Yoghurt is assessed for evenness of appearance, smoothness, mouth fill, texture, taste.

 Possible causal factors are identified and changes made to procedures to address product quality
LO6.Meet workplace requirements for food safety, quality and environmental management

 Records of yoghurt manufacture are kept, including required measurements for timing of
operations, temperature, milk and acidity, quantity.

 Health and safety and environmental protection procedures are implemented for the yoghurt
making working environment.

 Waste is disposed of and contribution made to the review of environmental impacts of the
yoghurt making operation.
LO7. Communicate information about workplace processes
 Appropriate communication method is selected.
 Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated accordingly.
 Questions are used to gain extra information.
 Correct sources of information are identified.
 Information is selected and organized correctly.
 Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required.
 Communication skills are maintained in all situations.

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Annex: Resource Requirement

MODULE TITLE : Performing Yoghurt Production Operation

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
To be prepared by
1. TTLM 25 1:1
a trainer
2. Textbooks Related books 5 5:25
3. Reference Books Related books 5 5:25
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related books 5 5:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 7*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 7*8m 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1desta 1:25
2. White board STD 1 1:25
3. White board marker Max-fill 1packet 1:25
4 Whole milk Quality milk
5 Starter culture Pack 5 1:5
6 Cup Standard 5 1:5
7 Test kit Standard 5 1;5
D. Tools and Equipment
1 Lactometer Digital 5 1:5
2 Lacto scan (eco milk) Standard 1 1:25
3 Yoghurt milk vat past. Standard 25 1:1
4 Fermentation tank(if required) Standard 1 1:25
5 Incubator Standard 1 1:25
6 yoghurt filler and sealer Standard 1 1:25
Personal protective equipment
1 Over all 25 1:25
2 Glove Water proof 25 1:25
3 Mask Standard 25 1:25
4 Goggle Standard 25 1 :25
5 Ear protector Standard 25 1:25
6 Safety shoes Standard 25 1:25

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7 First Aid Full parameter 1 1:25
8 Fire extinguisher Standard 1 1:25


TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Products Processing Level III

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MODULE TITLE: Carrying out Cheese Making Operations

MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers to provide the trainees with the, knowledge, skills
and attitudes required to apply sanitation procedures, implement procedures to prepare milk for cheese
making, carry out procedures to inoculate milk, fermentation, produce and cut curd, separate the
whey, wash the curd, drain and implement cheese curing and packaging procedures

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Apply sanitation procedures
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare milk for cheese making
LO3. Carry out procedures to make cheese process
LO4. Implement cheese curing and packaging procedures
LO5. Assess the organoleptic properties of cheese and relate to specifications

LO1. Apply sanitation procedures
1.1. Keeping clean the storage area for starter cultures
1.2. Cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces
1.3. Applying stringent personal hygiene procedures
1.4. Maintaining raw milk area from pasteurized milk
1.5. Applying multi-phase cleaning systems
1.6. Recording food safety related information
LO2 Implement procedures to prepare milk for cheese making
2.1. Carrying out clarification procedures
2.2. Implementing standardization procedures
2.3. Carrying out pasteurization procedures
2.4. Carrying out homogenization procedures

LO3. Carry out procedures to make cheese process

3.1. Adding cheese inoculants and adjuncts
3.2. Maintaining temperature

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3.3. Measuring rennet and diluting before adding to milk
3.4. Carrying out curd cutting
3.5. Taking curd samples and carrying out tests for acidity and temperature
3.6. Assessing whey fat levels for curd cutting efficiency
3.7. Carrying out curd separation and washing activities
3.8. Continuing acidification of curd
3.9. Adding dry salt to milled curd before pressing
3.10. Transferring the cut curd to molds and holding at a constant temperature
3.11. Following cooking schedule and stirring curd
3.12. Stirring curd to optimal syneresis
3.13.Carrying out draining and optional washing procedures
LO4. Implement cheese curing and packaging procedures
4.1 .Applying curing requirements for a range of cheeses
4.2 . Monitoring the curing environment
4.3 .Adding ripening agents
4.4 .Carrying out packaging and labeling procedures
LO5. Assess the organoleptic properties of cheese and relate to specifications
5.1 .Identifying desirable and undesirable flavors in cheese

5.2 .Recognizing different textures of cheeses

5.3 .Assessing cheese for evenness of color

5.4 .Identifying possible causal factors and making changes to cheese quality

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Author/Copyright Processing Level III December2021
For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to be seating arrangement to room seating
& in Brail format conducive for eye to eye contact be accessible to trainees arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Make sure the luminosity of the light  Speak loudly accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to of class room is kept  Ensure the attention of wheelchairs users.
trainees  Introduce new and relevant the trainees  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the black/white vocabularies  Present the lecture in support the trainees
board using large text  Use short and clear sentences video format who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Give emphasis on visual lecture and  Ensure the attention of impairments on their
light of class room is kept ensure the attention of the trainees the trainees upper limbs to take
 Use normal tone of voice  Avoid movement during lecture time note
 Encourage trainees to record the  Present the lecture in video format  Provide Orientation
lecture in audio format  Summarize main points on the physical
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature of the work
feature of the work shop shop
 Summarize main points
Demonstrat  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support
ion  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
process of guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of operate equipments/
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture the trainees machines
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary)  Provide tutorial support  Assign peer trainees
(if necessary) to assist
 Conduct close
follow up
 provide tutorial
support (ifnecessary

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Author/Copyright Processing level II December 2021
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of trainees of trainees with group trainees with their
 Conduct close follow up with group members members peers
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow
group member  Introduce the trainees with other group up
 Brief the thematic issues of the work member  Introduce the trainees
with other group
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
guidance and guidance
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  provide special attention in the  Provide tutorial support nominal hours if
if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the process/practical training
relevant  provide
process special
 Introduce new and
attention in the process/
practical training
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
texts/Brail material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language response as an
communication was conducted with the interpreter if necessary option for the
trainee through the service of the sign trainees having
language interpreter speech
 Use short and clear questioning challenges
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Prepare the exam using  Use oral
test texts/Brail multiple choices, True or False, matching short sentences, multiple response as an
 Use interview as an option if and short answers choices, True or False, option to give
necessary  Avoid essay writing matching and short answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Tim extension answers if necessary. trainees having
 Assign human reader severe upper
(if necessary) limb impairment
 Time extension
Demonstr  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity
ation/Obse them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment based assessment
rvation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction  Conduct close
assessment method of the exam follow up
 Time extension  Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Apply sanitation procedures

 The storage area for starter cultures is kept clean to reduce the risk of infection.
 All surfaces are kept clean and sanitized, except for curing boards.
 Stringent personal hygiene procedures are applied.
 Raw milk area is maintained separate from pasteurized milk operations.
 Multi-phase cleaning systems are applied to ensure sanitized surfaces and equipment.
 Food safety related information is recorded, as required, including milk bacterial counts
and cheese bacterial counts
LO2. Implement procedures to prepare milk for cheese making

 Clarification procedures for raw milk are carried out, if required.

 Standardization procedures for milk are implemented to be processed into cheese types.
 Pasteurization procedures are carried out for milk.
 Homogenization procedures are carried out for milk, where required
LO3. Carry out procedures to make cheese process

 Cheese Inoculants and adjuncts are added to milk and it is allow ripening to specification.
 Temperature is maintained at specified level evenly throughout the vat
 Rennet is measured accurately and diluted before adding to milk.
 Curd cutting is carried out using the correct technique and equipment to minimize loss of
protein and fat as fines.
 Curd samples are taken and tests carried out for acidity (either pH or titratable acidity)
and temperature.
 Whey fat levels are assessed to monitor curd cutting efficiency.
 Curd separation and washing activities are carried out as per operating procedures
 Acidification of curd is continued after draining, then if necessary dry salt is added to
milled curd before pressing
 The cut curd is transferred to moulds to form the shape of cheeses for brine salted
cheeses and then held at a constant temperature for completion of fermentation.
 The cooking schedule is followed and curd is stirred to ensure optimal syneresis.
 Draining and optional washing procedures are carried out to ensure
LO4. Implement cheese curing and packaging procedures

 Curing requirements (duration, temperature and humidity, where applicable) for a range
of cheeses are applied.
 The curing environment is monitored.

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 Ripening agents are added to cheese, if required
 Packaging and labeling procedures are carried out, either before or after curing, as
LO5. Assess the organoleptic properties of cheese and relate to specifications
 Desirable and undesirable flavors in cheese are identified.
 Different textures of cheeses are recognized.
 Cheese is assessed for evenness of color and finish.
 Possible causal factors are identified and changes made to procedures to address cheese
quality issues

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Annex: Requirements of Resource

IND DPP3 M09 1221 Carrying out Cheese Making Operations

Item Recommen
No. ded Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
Learning Materials
A. TTLM To be prepared by a trainer 25 1:1
1. Textbooks Related books 5 1:25
2. Reference Books Related books 5 1:25
3 Journals/Publication/ Related publications
5 1:25
3.1 Learning Facilities &
1 Lecture Room 7*8m 1 1:25
2 Library 7*8m 1 1:25
3 Capacity: …. Lt/Batch , horizontal,
Heating mode (selection): The electric
heating rod is inserted into the jacket, and
the heating is uniform without cold zone.
Heat conducting oil or water is injected
into the jacket as heating medium, or
steam is selected as heat source to
generate heat energy to heat the material
in the tank. Material heating temperature:
(depending on process requirement);
Material heating time: 30 to 90 minutes
(depending on process requirement).
Cheese vat Temperature control: The temperature 1 1:25
is measured and controlled by connecting
the thermocouple with the thermostat,
and the material temperature can be
Material: SUS304 stainless steel, With
dimple pad jacket and PU insulation and
insisting device, Two agitators, and one
is for mixing, the other is for cutting
cheese into small pieces. Agitators are
able to move from one side to the other,
Temperature automatic control panel,
and automatic discharge whey outlet.
5 Suitable for the production of pasta filata
Curd Stretcher and 1 1:25
cheese by using as raw material curd. It
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Molding Machine is a compact, all-in-one
stretching/molding machine which is
ideal for small level production (from 5 –
20 kg/batch). The machine is equipped
with an incorporated electrical steam
generator that can produce the necessary
quantity of steam during the stretching
phase. AISI 304 stainless steel, and fitted
with an electrical panel with PLC and
“touch screen” operator panel from
which it is possible to control the various
stretching – molding process phases.
All the parts in contact with the product
are entirely Teflon-coated in order to be
non-stick. The stretcher consists of: -
Two bi-directional augers controlled by a
variable speed INVERTER. - Steam
heated jacket. - Product stretching is
performed either by steam injection,
direct into the product or in the double
jacket. - Thermo-regulator to control the
product temperature. The molding unit
consists of: - TWO augers and a molding
roller. - Jacket that keeps the product at
the ideal molding temperature. - The
molding roller and the augers have
variable speeds and are powered by two
variable speed drive motors controlled by
a variable speed INVERTER. The
molding units also consist of other
accessories for mozzarella and
6 Cheese mould Capacity: 0.5kg, 1 kg, 2kg
Material: Made of food grade PE 10 10:25
7 4 Head Vertical A-Frame Cheese Press
Cheese Pressor Pneumatic driven controls with press
heads to fit specified cheese mold, built 1 1:25
with 304 stainless steel on heavy duty
8 Dimensions: 740 x h1625 x1900mm,
Cheese resting trolley Material: Body 40x40x1.20 mm AISI
304 Quality stainless Profile, Shelves
2.00 mm AISI 304 Quality stainless steel,

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Features: Stainless steel shelf, stainless
steel .It will be 5 shelves. Stainless
chassis 150 mm diameter Polyamide,
Stainless chassis 150 mm diameter
Polyamide wheel, 5 shelves
B Consumable
1. Additives All legal and permeable and purposely 3 3:25
2 Coagulants Enzymes and acid source pack Pack:25
3 Sodium hydroxide According to manufacturer instruction 3kg 3:25
34 Soda ash( sodium According to manufacturer instruction
3kg 3:25
C. Water Volume: 3x(amount of milk) .. 1:25
1. Hand Soap Fluid-500ml bottled 5 1:5
2. Solid 5 1:5
3 Table salt Sodium chloride
4 Packaging materials Polyethylene plastic, carton, glass
5 Tools and
D. Protective cloth White Gown 1/person 1:1
1. Boots/ use and throw Plastic/cloth/ or others 1/person
foot mask
2 hand Glove Water proof 1/person 1:1
3 head hat /cape, Made of Cloth/ use and throw net 1/person 1:1
4 nose and mouth Use and throw/reusable/ Made of Cloth
1/person 1:1

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy products Processing Level III

MODULE TITLE: Carrying out sampling and Interpret Tests results for milk and milk products
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes knowledge required to carry out sampling and basic
testing, and to interpret the results, for milk products production.

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Implement and monitor personal hygiene standards
LO2. Respond to issues of contamination or other forms of non-conformance in the receival of fresh milk
LO3. Implement sampling procedures in dairy products processing
LO4. Monitor chemistry in dairy products processing
LO5. Monitor microbiological changes through the dairy products
LO6. Carry out testing and interpret results to make adjustments to dairy products processing
LO1. Implement and monitor personal hygiene standards
1.1. Meet personal hygiene
1.2. Identifying and reporting risk
1.3. Wearing clothing and footwear
1.4. Comply movement around the milk processing plant
LO2. Respond to issues of contamination or other forms of non-conformance in the receival of fresh milk
2.1. Identifying procedures
2.2. Implementing corrective and preventive measures
2.3. Devising or revising procedures
2.4. Identifying process or conditions
2.5. Introducing and controlling process change
LO3. Implement sampling procedures in dairy products processing
3.1. Identifying and documenting sampling points

3.2. Determining sample size

3.3. Selecting and sterilizing sampling tools and equipment

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3.4. Documenting and implementing sample
3.5. Implementing legislation and policies
LO4. Monitor chemistry in dairy products processing
4.1 . Recording acidity
4.2 . Carrying out test
4.3 . Analyzing whey content
4.4 . Establishing safe work procedure
LO5. Monitor microbiological changes through the dairy products
5.1 . Sampling
5.2 . Carrying out serial dilution
5.3 . Comparing stained specimen
5.4 . Performing test
5.5 . Making and recording observation
5.6 . Carrying out sampling and testing
5.7 . Sampling and interpreting whey
LO6. Carry out testing and interpret results to make adjustments to dairy products processing
6.1.Using raw milk quality test, tactile and visual sense
6.2.Evaluating organoleptic properties
6.3.Recording and interpreting test result
6.4.Documenting properties
6.5.Evaluating yield efficiency
6.4.Referencing specification
6.5.Implementing cheese making process

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to room seating seating arrangement to be
Audio/video be conducive for eye-to-eye arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
 Organize the class room seating contact accessible to trainees users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support the
trainees light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention trainees who have severe
 Write short notes on the Introduce new and relevant of the trainees impairments on their
black/white board using large text vocabularies  Present the lecture in upper limbs to take note
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences video format  Provide Orientation on
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention the physical feature of the
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the of the trainees work shop
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture
 Provide Orientation on the time
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points
Demonstratio  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Conduct close follow up  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Use verbal description  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment
 Provide special attention in the  Provide structured training material to operate equipment’s/
process of guidance  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention machines
 facilitate the support of peer  Use gesture of the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
trainees  provide tutorial support  provide tutorial assist
 Prepare & use simulation  (if necessary) support  Conduct close follow up
 (if necessary)  provide tutorial support
 (if necessary)

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 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts/Brail recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

Interview 
Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written

Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language response as an
communication was conducted with interpreter if option for the
the trainee through the service of the necessary trainees having
sign language interpreter speech challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
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 Time extension

Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts/Brail  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True or using short sentences, an option to give
necessary False, matching and short answers multiple choices, answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing True or False, having severe upper
 Assign human reader (if necessary)  Time extension matching and short limb impairment
 Time extension answers if necessary.  Time extension for
trainees having
severe upper limb
Demonstratio  Brief the instruction or provide them  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
n/ in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based assessment
Observation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close
assessment method instruction of the follow up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice Time

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LO1. Implement and monitor personal hygiene standards
 Personal hygiene meets the requirements of the food safety program for milk receival
and handling
 Risks to food safety are identified and reported
 Clothing and footwear worn is appropriate for testing and handling milk and meets the
requirements of the food safety program
 Movement around the milk processing plant complies with the food safety program
LO2. Respond to issues of contamination or other forms of non-conformance in the
receival of fresh milk
 Procedures for taking corrective action are identified
 Corrective and preventative measures are implemented to prevent recurrence
 Procedures are devised or revised to support control measures
 Processes or conditions which could result in a breach of procedures are identified and
corrective action is taken
 Process changes are introduced and controlled so that quality assurance requirements
are accomplished
LO3. Implement sampling procedures in dairy products processing
 Sampling points for physical, chemical and microbial properties are identified and
 An appropriate sampling size is determined.
 Sampling tools and equipment is selected and sterilized.
 The sampling plan or sampling requirement is documented and implemented.
 Safety hazards and control methods, legislations and policies and procedures are
LO4. Monitor chemistry in dairy products processing
 An acidity (either pH or titratable acidity) profile is recorded for each stage in the
production process.
 Tests are carried out at stages for indicators, including salt levels, moisture levels and
fat levels.
 Whey content is analysed for fat to gauge efficiency of curd cutting and yield
 Safe work procedures for processes requiring handling of chemicals and/or involving

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chemical reactions in dairy products processing are reviewed and/or established
LO5. Monitor microbiological changes through the dairy products
 Samples are prepared for testing.
 Serial dilutions are accurately and aseptically carried out.
 Stained specimens are compared to reference samples to identify bacterial
 Tests are performed on cultures to ensure they have adequate activity before
inoculating the vat,
 Observations are made and data recorded for yeasts and moulds, total coli forms and
 Sampling and testing are carried out for inhibitory substances in milk.
 Whey is sampled for bacteriophage levels and the results interpreted.
LO6. Carry out testing and interpret results to make adjustments to dairy products
 Carry out testing and interpret results to make adjustments to dairy products
 Raw milk quality tests, tactile and visual senses are used to detect physical and
chemical changes during cheese making.
 Organoleptic properties of final dairy products processing are evaluated using sensory
 Test results for different dairy products reporting formats for information on
composition, properties and reactions are recorded and interpreted.
 Recommended specifications for physical, chemical and microbial properties are
 Yield efficiency is evaluated by comparing to established process control parameters.
 Specifications are referenced against test data.
 Changes to cheese making process are implemented based on test results.

Annex: Resource Requirements

IIND DP3 M10 1221: Carrying out sampling and Interpret Tests results for milk and milk
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommen

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Author/Copyright Processing level II December 2021
No. ded Ratio


A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related books 5 1:1

3. Reference Books Related books 5 1:1

Journals/Publication/ Related publications 1:1
4. 5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 6*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 12*10m 1 1:25
3. Workshops 6*5m 1 1:
1. Paper A4 1 1:1
2. Flip chart 23”32” 1 1:25
3 Sponge Packing 50Pieces/carton, 25 1:1

4 Basket Durable plastic 1 1:5

D. Tools and Equipment
All physiochemical
and microbiological Standard
1. set 1:25
equipments required
for the test
E. Personal Protective tools
1 Overall 100% cotton 25 1:1
2 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
5 Respirator Full face piece with hard-coated 25 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits Full parameters 1 1:25
8 Dust masks/goggles Standard 25 1:1

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy Product Processing Level III
MODULE TITLE : Setting up a Production and Packaging Line
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module describes the knowledge and skills required to set up
multiple production or packaging processes

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Prepare working area
LO2. Prepare for line setup
LO3. Set up the line for operation

LO1. Prepare working area
1.1. Identifying and using personal protective equipment
1.2. Applying OHS procedures
1.3. Making available cleaning agents, tools and services.
1.4. Identifying and confirming cleaning status and maintenance requirements
1.5. LO2. Prepare for line setup
2.1. Confirming materials
2.2. Confirming equipment and related accessories
2.3. Making available tools and equipment for line set up
2.4. Identifying Processing parameters and settings
LO3. Set up the line for operation
3.1. Inspecting equipment.
3.2. Selecting or adjusting machine settings
3.3. Implementing processing or packaging parameters

3.4. Checking and adjusting equipment adjustment and performance

3.5. Carrying out pre-start checks
3.6. Completing line setup

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3.7. Reporting workplace information.
3.8. Conducting work.
3.9. Notifying relevant personnel

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating to seating arrangement to be seating arrangement to be
Audio/video be conducive for eye-to-eye accessible to trainees accessible for wheelchairs
 Organize the class room seating contact  Speak loudly users.
arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the  Ensure the attention of  Facilitate and support the
trainees light of class room is kept the trainees trainees who have severe
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in impairments on their
black/white board using large vocabularies video format upper limbs to take note
text  Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the attention of  Provide Orientation on
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Give emphasis on visual lecture the trainees the physical feature of the
light of class room is kept and ensure the attention of the work shop
 Use normal tone of voice trainees
 Encourage trainees to record  Avoid movement during lecture
the lecture in audio format time
 Provide Orientation on the  Present the lecture in video
physical feature of the work format
shop  Summarize main points
 Summarize main points
Demonstrati  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support the
on  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment
process of guidance  Provide structured training material to operate equipment’s/
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of machines
trainees  Use gesture the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  provide tutorial support (if  provide tutorial support assist
(if necessary)  Conduct close follow up
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Author/Copyright Processing level II December 2021
necessary)  provide tutorial support
(if necessary)
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the trainees
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group with their peers
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
other group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Introduce the trainees
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member with other group member
work  Inform the group
members to speak loudly
 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual questions in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
assignment in large texts/Brail material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language an option for the trainees
proper communication was interpreter if necessary having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Written test  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using  Use oral response as an
texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True short sentences, multiple option to give answer for
 Use interview as an option or False, matching and short choices, True or False, trainees having severe
if necessary answers matching and short upper limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio  Avoid essay writing answers if necessary.  Time extension for
format  Time extension trainees having severe
 Assign human reader (if upper limb impairment
 Time extension
Demonstration /  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity-based
Observation provide them in large  Brief on the instruction of the assessment assessment
text/Brail exam  Brief on the instruction  Conduct close follow up
 Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical of the exam  Time extension
assessment method  Use loud voice Time
 Time extension extension

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LO1. Prepare working area

 Personal protective equipment are identified and used

 OHS procedures are applied on the work enterprise

 Cleaning agents, tools and services are available and ready for use.
 Cleaning requirements and status and maintenance requirements and status are identified
and confirmed.
LO2. Prepare for line setup
 Materials are confirmed and available to meet production requirements.
 Equipment and related accessories are confirmed, available and fit use to meet
production requirements.
 Tools and equipment required for line setup are made available, operational and fit for
use as per manufacturer’s manual.
 Processing parameters and settings are identified to meet production or packaging
LO3. Set up the line for operation
 Equipment is inspected to confirm condition.
 Machine settings are selected or adjusted as required to meet safety and production
 Processing or packaging parameters are entered as required meet production
 Equipment adjustment and performance is checked and adjusted as required.
 Pre-start checks are carried out as required by workplace requirements.
 Line setup is completed to match production or packaging schedule and operating
 The line is ready and safe to operate and any maintenance requirements are reported
according to workplace reporting requirements and workplace information.
 Work is conducted in accordance with workplace environmental guidelines.
 Relevant personnel are notified of setup completion

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Annex: Resource Requirements
IND DPP3 M11 1221: Set upping a Production and Packaging Line
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by a trainer 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related to topics 5 5:25
3. Reference Books Related to topics 5 5:25
4. Journals/Publication/Magazines Related to topics 5 5:25
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 7*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 7*8m 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 1desta 1:25
2 Flip chart 23*32 1 1:25
3 Sticker Self-adhesive label sticker 5 5:25
4 Broom Broom with dustpan set 5 5:25
5 Cleaning plastic spade Durable 1 1:25
6 Sponge Comfort 25 1:1
7. White board STD 1 1:25
8. White board marker Max-fill 1packet 1:25
9 Sanitizer 250ml bottled 5 1:5
Fluid-500ml bottled 5 1:5
Soap Solid 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment
All equipments and machineries All specifications should 1:25
1 required in packaging depends be standard set
on product
E Personal protective tools
1 Overall 100% cotton overall 25 1:1
2 gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
Respirator Full face piece with hard- 25
5 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits Full parameters 1 1:25

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TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Dairy products Processing Level III

MODULE TITLE: Applying Principles of Food Packaging and labeling
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes knowledge and skills required to identify characteristics
of packaging suitable for use with food products packaging and labeling on food products.

At the end of the module the trainees will be able to:
LO1. Identify characteristics of packaging suitable for use with food products
LO2. Apply packaging knowledge in a production environment
LO3. Packaging and labeling of food products
LO1. Identify characteristics of packaging suitable for use with food products
1.1. Identifying packaging materials
1.2. Identifying packaging interactions
1.3. Identifying environmental impact and features of packaging
1.4. Identifying customer and legal requirements
1.5. Understanding of packaging material characteristics
LO2. Apply packaging knowledge in a production environment

2.1 Identifying properties of packaging materials with packaging process and technologies
2.2 Identifying costs of packaging materials
2.3 Establishing policies and procedures
2.4 Analysing out-of-specification packaging outcomes
2.5 Identifying and investigating opportunities for improvements
2.6 Developing and implementing proposal
LO3. Packaging and labeling of food products
3.1 . Identifying and preparing process for operation packing and labeling equipment
3.2 . Confirming components /consumables, and items
3.3 . Identifying and confirming cleaning and maintenance requirements
3.4 . Confirming services

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3.5 . Fitting and adjusting machine components and related attachments

3.6 . Understanding operating parameters

3.7 .Loading or positioning materials, product and packaging components/consumables

3.8 .Checking and adjusting equipment performance

3.9 .Carrying out pre-start checks

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion seating arrangement to room seating
 Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to be be accessible to trainees arrangement to be
& in Brail format conducive for eye to eye contact accessible for
 Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
 Organize the class room seating  Make sure the luminosity of the light
arrangement to be accessible to of class room is kept  Ensure the attention of  Facilitate and
trainees the trainees support the trainees
 Introduce new and relevant
 Write short notes on the black/white  Present the lecture in who have severe
board using large text video format impairments on their
 Use short and clear sentences upper limbs to take
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Ensure the attention of note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture and the trainees
ensure the attention of the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Use normal tone of voice on the physical
 Avoid movement during lecture time feature of the work
 Encourage trainees to record the shop
lecture in audio format  Present the lecture in video format

 Provide Orientation on the physical  Summarize main points

feature of the work shop
 Summarize main points

Demonstrat  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support
ion short method the trainees having
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material severe upper limbs
 Use Video recorded impairment to
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 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees material operate equipments/
process of guidance machines
 Provide structured training  Ensure the attention of
 facilitate the support of peer trainees the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Show clear and short method to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support
 Use gesture  Conduct close
(if necessary) follow up
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary)
 provide tutorial
support (ifnecessary

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the
discussion with group members of trainees with group trainees with their
 Facilitate the integration of trainees members peers
 Conduct close follow up with group members
 Conduct close follow
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up up
group member
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Introduce the trainees
 Brief the thematic issues of the work member with other group

 Inform the group

members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
guidance and guidance
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  provide special  Provide tutorial support nominal hours if
attention in the
if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the process/practical training
relevant  provide
process special
 Introduce new and
attention in the process/

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vocabularies practical training

 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text/Brail /orientation on the
assignment  Provide briefing /orientation on the assignment
 Encourage the trainees to prepare assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded
texts/Brail  Provide visual recorded material material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard


Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written

response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language option for the
communication was conducted with the interpreter if necessary trainees having
trainee through the service of the sign speech
language interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short sentences,  Prepare the exam using  Use oral
test texts/Brail multiple choices, True or False, matching short sentences, multiple response as an
and short answers choices, True or False, option to give
 Use interview as an option if matching and short answer for
necessary  Avoid essay writing answers if necessary. trainees having
severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Tim extension
limb impairment
 Assign human reader
(if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstr  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity
ation/Obse them in large text/Brail assessment based assessment
rvation  Brief on the instruction of the exam
 Time extension  Brief on the instruction  Conduct close
 Provide activity-based/ practical of the exam follow up
assessment method
 Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Identify characteristics of packaging suitable for use with food products
 Packaging materials suitable for food application are identified
 Packaging interactions with food products are identified
 Environmental impact and handling features of packaging materials are identified
 Customer and legal requirements of packaging are identified
 Packaging material characteristics meet the needs of the food to be packaged
LO2. Apply packaging knowledge in a production environment
 Properties of packaging materials used in a packaging process and technologies are identified
 Costs of packaging materials are identified
 Policies and procedures for safe operation of the packaging process are established and/or
 Out-of-specification packaging outcomes are analyzed to identify probable cause
 Opportunities are identified and investigated for improvement to materials, processes or
environmental impacts within level of technical responsibility
 Proposals are developed and implemented for improvement within level of authority and
according to company procedures
LO3. Packaging and labeling of food products
 Process for operation packing and labeling equipment are identified and prepared
 Components/consumables, and items to be packaged are confirmed and available to meet
operating requirements
 Cleaning and maintenance requirements and status are identified and confirmed
 Services are confirmed as available and ready for operation
 Machine components and related attachments are fitted and adjusted to meet operating
 Operating parameters are entered as required to meet safety and production requirements
 Materials, product and packaging components/consumables are loaded or positioned as required to
meet packaging requirements
 Equipment performance is checked and adjusted as required
 Pre-start checks are carried out as required by workplace requirements

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Annex: Resource Requirements
IIND DP3 M12 1221: Applying Principles of Food Packaging and labeling
Item Recommen
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. ded Ratio
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Learning guide 25 1:1
2. Textbooks Related books 5 5:25
3. Reference Books Related books 5 5:25
Journals/Publication/ Related publications
4. 5 5:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 6*8m 1 1:25
2. Library 12*10m 1 1:25
3. Workshops 6*5m 1 1:
1. Paper A4 1 1:1
2. Flip chart 23”32” 1 1:25

3 Sponge Packing 50Pieces/carton, 25 1:1

4 Basket 5 1:5
5 Cleaning plastic spade 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipment
E. Personal Protective tools
1 Overall 100% cotton 25 1:1
2 Gloves Leather 25 1:1
3 Safety shoes Upper: Rubber 25 1:1
4 Goggles Frame: flexible frame 25 1:1
5 Respirator Full face piece with hard-coated 25 1:1
6 Hats Wool felt 25 1:1
7 First AID Kits Full parameters 1 1:25
8 Dust masks/goggles 25 1:1

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of TVET instructors
and respective industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the development of
this curriculum.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the TVET instructors and respective
industry experts of Regional TVET Bureau, TVET College/ Institutes and ministry of labor
and skill experts who made contributions for the development of this curriculum with
required standards and quality possible.

This curriculum was developed on December, 2021 at Adama, Dembel View Hotel.

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The trainers and Experts who are participated on the development of the curriculum
No Name Organizatio Educational Profession Mobile Email address
n background & /Job title
1. Genet Shumi Holeta PTC, Dairy Processing Instructor 0933664089 genet.shumi@yahoo. com
2. Yidersal Hailu Akaki PTC Animal production Instructor 0914672332 yidexhailu@gmail.com
3. Tegene Solomon EMDIDI, Educational Training 0910246687 tegesol2009@gmail.com
Planning and team leader
4. Abreham Legesse Yeka Dairy Processing Instructor 0910287381 abrehamagro@gmail.com
5. Kayo Garamu EMDIDI Animal Science Industry 0931057504 kayogaramu@gmail.com

No Name Organization Educational background phone Email address
1 Workeneh Asmamaw FTA MSc. in food security and 0955205855 wokasmamaw@gmail.com
development studies
2 Girma Tilahun AATVET 0937460296 girmawdesta@gmail.com

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