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1. Discuss the concept and process of Social Action with suitable examples.


Discuss in detail the social action models given by Jack Rothman.

2. Discuss various theories and perspectives on social movements with suitable



Critically reflect on the process, renewal, and sustainability issues of social


3. Discuss in detail the Governance Movements in India.


Discuss Inclusion movements with suitable examples.

4. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following:

a) Strategies of Social Movements

b) Ecological Movements

c) Peace Movement
1. Critically reflect on the concept of "Social Action" by referring to various definitions of
Social Action, supporting your answer with examples from the field.


Discuss in brief the Principles of Social Action with suitable examples.

2. Explain important theories of genesis of Social Movements with appropriate examples.


Citing a social movement in India, discuss the various phases of social movement.

3. Discuss women's movement in India and critically highlight the success and failures
of the same.


Discuss the basic elements of a social movement organization? Support your answer
with suitable examples.

4. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following:

a) Approaches to Social Action

b) Perspectives of Social Movements

c) Governance Movements
1. Define the term 'Social Action' from social work perspective and discuss its process.


Discuss various approaches to social action with suitable examples.

2. Critically evaluate the importance of theories of social movement and discuss them
with suitable examples.


Discuss ONE social Movement with details on its genesis, phases, and achievements.

3. Discuss the historical context of Women's movement in India by highlighting its

features of ideology and leadership.


What do you understand by the term — LGBTQ? Explain all its components briefly.

4. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following:

a) Ecological movements

b) Land Rights movements

c) Strategies of Social Action

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