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1. Gills for Breathing: Fishes use gills to extract oxygen from water. The gills
filter out oxygen as water passes over them and expel carbon dioxide.
2. Swim Bladder: Many fish have a swim bladder, a gas-filled organ that helps
them maintain buoyancy in the water.
3. Diverse Species: There are over 32,000 known species of fish, making them
the most diverse group of vertebrates.
4. Cold-Blooded: Fish are ectothermic (cold-blooded), meaning their body
temperature is regulated by the surrounding water temperature.


1. Gills for Breathing: Fishes use gills to extract oxygen from water. The gills
filter out oxygen as water passes over them and expel carbon dioxide.
2. Swim Bladder: Many fish have a swim bladder, a gas-filled organ that helps
them maintain buoyancy in the water.
3. Diverse Species: There are over 32,000 known species of fish, making them
the most diverse group of vertebrates.
4. Cold-Blooded: Fish are ectothermic (cold-blooded), meaning their body
temperature is regulated by the surrounding water temperature.


1. Life Cycle: Frogs have a complex life cycle that includes an aquatic larval stage
(tadpole) and a terrestrial adult stage. This process is called metamorphosis.
2. Skin Respiration: Frogs can breathe through their skin as well as their lungs.
Their moist skin allows for the exchange of gases directly with the
3. Vocal Sacs: Male frogs have vocal sacs that amplify their croaking sounds to
attract females during the breeding season.
4. Adaptable Limbs: Frogs have powerful hind legs adapted for jumping and
swimming, while tree frogs have specialized toe pads for climbing.


1. Feathers: Birds are the only animals with feathers, which provide insulation,
enable flight, and often play a role in mating displays.
2. Hollow Bones: Many birds have hollow bones that make their skeletons
lighter and aid in flight.
3. Unique Respiratory System: Birds have a highly efficient respiratory system
with air sacs that provide a continuous flow of air through the lungs, even
when they are exhaling.
4. Migratory Patterns: Many bird species undertake long migrations between
breeding and wintering grounds, sometimes traveling thousands of miles.


1. No Eyelids or Ears: Snakes do not have eyelids and their eyes are covered
with a clear scale. They also lack external ears and hear through vibrations in
the ground.
2. Flexible Jaw: Snakes have highly flexible jaws that allow them to swallow prey
much larger than their heads by dislocating their lower jaw.
3. Venomous Species: Many snakes produce venom used to immobilize or kill
prey, as well as for self-defense. Venom is delivered through specialized fangs.
4. Ecdysis (Shedding): Snakes periodically shed their skin in a process called
ecdysis. This allows them to grow and remove parasites.

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