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Unit 6 Number Patterns

Dear Parent or Guardian

In this unit, your child will be learning about important number patterns which will support
them in developing their mental calculation skills. In particular, they will learn how to
quickly double and halve numbers and be taught about even and odd numbers.
This will help them to count in 2s, which is the start of understanding how multiplication
facts can be remembered. Understanding doubling and halving also helps children begin to
learn about fractions.
They will also be taught about near doubles, another important skill for mental calculation.
An example of a near double is:
5 + 6 = 11
The answer is near to double 5 and to double 6.
We will be looking at lots of different number patterns with your child and asking them to
spot doubles and even and odd numbers. You could make yourself a set of 0–20 number
cards at home and play a game with your child.

Simply pick a card at random and ask your child to tell you anything they can about that
• Is it even?
• Is it odd?
• What is its double?
• What is half the number?

© Oxford University Press 2018

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