Irregular Verb List para Completar

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Irregular verb list

Past Simple

Infinitive Past Infinitive Past

be Was/were leave left
become Became let …………
begin Began lose ………..
bring Bit make …………
build Built mean ………..
buy Bought meet met
catch Caught pay ……….
choose Chose read Read
come Came ring Rang
cost Cost run Ran
cut Cut say ……….
do Did steal ……….
draw Drew see ……….
drink Drank sell ……….
drive Drove send ………
eat Ate show …….
fall Fell shut ………
feed Fed sit ………
feel Felt sleep …….
fight Fought speak ……
find …….. spend ……….
fly …….. swim …….
forget forgot take toke
get Got teach ………
give ………. tell ……..
go Went think Thougt
have Had understand understand
hear ………. wake up ……….

keep ……… wear Wore

know ……… win Won
learn …………. write Wrote

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