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Diagnosis and

Management of Acute
S c a p h o i d F r a c t u res
M. Diya Sabbagh, MBBSa,b, Mohamed Morsy, MB, BChb,c,
Steven L. Moran, MDa,*

 Scaphoid  Scaphoid fracture  Dorsal approach  Compression screw  Wrist

 Scaphoid fractures are the most common carpal bone fracture, and 10% to 15% may present with
normal radiographs.
 Computed tomography (CT) or MRI remain the best means of ruling out a fracture, whereas CT re-
mains the best means of determining scaphoid displacement.
 Surgical management with a compression screw may be a more cost-effective means of treating
fractures, but is associated with higher complication rates for nondisplaced waist fractures.
 A percutaneous dorsal approach allows for a safe and reliable means of treating minimally dis-
placed fractures.

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INTRODUCTION its blood supply through its ligamentous attach-

ments. Studies by Gelberman and Menon1 have
The scaphoid is an obliquely oriented bone shown that in 75% of scaphoid specimens, 2 ar-
located on the radial side of the wrist. It is an teries branch off the radial artery to supply the
important carpal bone, bridging the proximal and scaphoid on the dorsal and proximal surfaces;
distal carpal rows. The scaphoid contributes these branches are the dorsal carpal branch and
significantly to the wrist stability and biomechan- the superficial palmar branch, respectively. In
ical function, because its motion has an impact 20% of scaphoids, most of the arterial foramina
on the motion of the lunate (through its attachment exist in the waist area. Because of this arterial
of the scapholunate interosseous ligament) and interosseous anatomy, the articular proximal pole
the motion of the distal carpal row. The scaphoid of the scaphoid receives its blood supply in a
is mainly intraarticular, and 80% of the bone is retrograde fashion, hence this may explain the
covered by cartilage forming an articular surface. high incidence of proximal pole avascular necrosis
Most of the proximal one-half of the scaphoid is and nonunion in untreated fractures involving this
covered with articular cartilage. This allows for region2,3 (Fig. 1).
only a small surface area for vascular inflow. The Among carpal bone injuries, scaphoid fractures
scaphoid’s arterial foramina span the nonarticulat- are considered the most common with an esti-
ing palmar and dorsal surface. The bone receives mated incidence ranging from 50% to 70% of all

Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic, 200 1st Street Southwest,
Rochester, MN 55902, USA; b Division of Plastic Surgery, Mayo 12, 200 First Street Southwest, Rochester, MN
55905, USA; c Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hand Clin 35 (2019) 259–269
0749-0712/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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260 Sabbagh et al

Fig. 1. (A) Scaphoid blood supply. Most

of the blood flow enters the scaphoid
distally at the level of the dorsal ridge
and through the proximal tubercle.
Hence, fractures of the proximal pole
may leave a segment of proximal
bone with poor intrinsic blood supply
and at risk of nonunion and avascular
necrosis. (B) A 3-dimensional micro-
computed tomography (micro-CT)
reconstruction of a CT showing the in-
terosseous blood supply entering the
scaphoid. (Used with permission of
Mayo Foundation for Medical Educa-
tion and Research, all rights reserved.)

carpal bone fractures and up to 11% of all hand

fractures. Scaphoid fractures occur more
commonly in younger men.4–7 Van Tassel and col-
leagues,7 using the National Electronic Injury Sur-
veillance System database, found the incidence
to be 1.47 per 100,000 person-years. This inci-
dence of fracture may be higher in athletes and
military personnel.8,9 In children, scaphoid frac-
tures are less common, accounting for only 3%
of all fractures of the pediatric hand and wrist.10–12
The thick peripheral cartilage that covers the
scaphoid and protects the ossification center
may explain the lower incidence of scaphoid frac-
tures in children.
Despite their frequency, acute scaphoid frac-
tures can go unrecognized or be misdiagnosed
as a wrist “sprain.” Presenting symptoms may be
minimal and initial radiographs can be negative
for fracture. Unfortunately, delays in treatment
can lead to malunion, nonunion, or avascular ne-
crosis.13–15 All 3 of these problems create
increasing complexity for surgical correction.
Neglected scaphoid fractures will progress to a
predictable pattern of wrist arthritis know as
scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse arthritis
Fig. 2. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph showing evi-
(Fig. 2). Thus, early diagnosis and proper manage- dence of a scaphoid nonunion, which has progressed
ment are crucial to ensure preservation of the wrist to scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC)
function and kinematics.16–20 This article reviews arthritis. Joint narrowing can be seen along the radial
the diagnosis and management of acute scaphoid styloid and the joint surface between the scaphoid
fractures. and capitate.

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Acute Scaphoid Fractures 261

Scaphoid fractures most commonly result from a
fall on an outstretched hand with the wrist in exten-
sion and radial deviation.13,21 The exact biome-
chanical mechanism of the fracture has been
debatable. Todd was the first to study the mecha-
nism of scaphoid fractures and he believed that
they occur due to excessive tension,22 whereas
Cobey and White argued that scaphoid fractures
result from excessive compression along the
scaphoid’s concave medial articulation surface
with the capitate.23 In a cadaveric study, Frykman
demonstrated that scaphoid fractures are more
likely to occur with hyperextension of the wrist
with radial deviation.24 Weber and Chao further
confirmed the aforementioned findings and were
able to create scaphoid fractures by having a
load applied to the radial portion of the palm with
the wrist in only 95 to 100 extension.20,25,26
Most of the fractures affect the middle third of
the scaphoid.27
Scaphoid fractures may also occur concomi-
tantly with other injuries and one should have a
high index of suspicion for distal radius fractures
and associated perilunate injury patterns in cases
of higher velocity trauma. Variations in the classic
ligamentous pattern of perilunate injury can occur,
resulting in associated fractures of carpal bones.
Areas of potential fracture include the distal radius,
scaphoid, trapezium, capitate, hamate, and tri-
quetrum, although the scaphoid is the most com-
mon. All fractures are aligned along a larger arc
encircling the lunate (Fig. 3). The term “greater
arc injury” refers to any perilunate injury pattern
involving bony fracture through this greater arc,
whereas the term “lesser arc injury” describes a
pattern of pure ligamentous disruption, which fol-
lows a smaller arc immediately around the
lunate.28 In the descriptive nomenclature, the pre-
fix “trans” is used to denote the fractured bone or
bones (ie, “transscaphoid dorsal perilunate dislo-
cation”) (see Fig. 3B). Fig. 3. (A) A potential greater arc injury pattern. Dur-
ing a perilunate injury, a pure ligamentous injury can
occur (lesser arc injury) or an injury that results in a
DIAGNOSIS fracture dislocation pattern may occur (greater arc
injury). (B) AP radiograph of a transscaphoid dorsal
A high degree of clinical suspicion is important to perilunate fracture dislocation with associated distal
avoid missing a minimally displaced fracture. A radius fracture in a skeletally immature patient. ([A]
scaphoid fracture should be suspected in any Used with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medi-
young patient with a fall on outstretched hand or cal Education and Research, all rights reserved.)
an injury with the wrist in dorsiflexion. Patients pre-
sent with wrist pain, but pain can be minimal. The anatomic snuff box suggests scaphoid fracture
classic clinical signs include tenderness with until proved otherwise.31 Four views of the wrist
palpation over the anatomic snuff box and are considered the standard to evaluate a possible
scaphoid tubercle, in addition to pain with scaphoid fracture; these include a posteroanterior
axial compression of the thumb (referred to as view with ulnar deviation of the wrist, lateral, semi-
the compression test).29,30 Tenderness over the pronated oblique, and semisupinated oblique.32

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262 Sabbagh et al

Adequate initial radiographs detect fractures in

85% to 90% of the cases33,34; however, initial ra-
diographs may be negative. The incidence of
false-negative radiographs has been reported to
be as high as 25%.14,34,35 Thus, a patient who pre-
sents with the appropriate history and has a posi-
tive clinical examination with radiographs that
show no fracture is considered to have a clinical
scaphoid fracture (Fig. 4).
Clinical scaphoid fractures were historically
managed by immobilizing the wrist and repeating
plain radiographs in 3 weeks.36–42 The disadvan-
tage of this approach is that it leads to unneces-
sary immobilization, loss of productivity, and
income. This 3-week time delay can be removed
because present day imaging modalities are
more reliable than plain radiographs.14,43–45 These
modalities include computed tomography (CT),
MRI, bone scans, and ultrasound (US).
US screening and evaluation for scaphoid frac-
ture is an attractive alternative to CT and radio-
graphs, because US is prevalent in most medical
practices, avoid radiation, and can be performed
quickly within an emergency room or office setting.
Recently Jain and colleagues46 showed, in a pro-
spective study of 114 patients, that the accuracy
of detecting a scaphoid fracture with US was
98% in comparison to radiographs that were
only positive 20% of the time. Although these
values need to be corroborated with other studies,
this may provide an easy means of screening clin-
ical scaphoid fractures.
Despite the potential importance of US in diag-
nosing acute fractures, MRI remains the most use-
ful imaging modality to detect hidden fractures,
because edema within the bone can be detected
on MRI within hours of injury.47 Another advantage
is that MRI can detect other coexisting ligamen-
tous and wrist injuries. Several studies have
showed that MRI is an appropriate second-line
study in detecting acute scaphoid fractures
with a sensitivity and specificity approaching
100%.14,41,48–51 Both high-resolution CT scans
and bone scan seem to be a good alternative in
patients who cannot undergo MRI. Bone scan
has the highest sensitivity but it has a low speci-
ficity. CT scan has 72% sensitivity and 99% spec- Fig. 4. A 12-year-old boy with pain in the snuff box
ificity.45 It is important to keep in mind that following a fall onto wrist. (A) Initial radiographs
although bone scans are statistically the best diag- were read as normal. (B) The adolescent was splinted
nostic modality to establish a definitive diagnosis, and sent for MRI, which revealed a distal pole
they are more invasive and associated with more scaphoid fracture.
radiation exposure than other studies.45,52,53 At
the authors’ institution, patients who have positive MANAGEMENT
clinical findings that suggest scaphoid fractures
with equivocal plain radiographs undergo immedi- Optimal treatment and management of scaphoid
ate MRI or CT scans. Repeat radiographs are also fractures depends on the timing (early or late pre-
obtained at 2 to 3 weeks. sentation), appropriate diagnosis, and the type of

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Acute Scaphoid Fractures 263

the fracture. Delays in treatment increase the risk loss ligamentous stability on the distal frag-
of nonunion and the need for surgical manage- ment.61,62 The ability to distinguish unstable from
ment. Langhoff and Andersen demonstrated that stable fractures is essential, because it determines
when treatment is delayed by 4 weeks, the risk who needs surgical management.54,63
of nonunion can be as high as 40%, a significant
increased risk when compared with the 3% risk
Conservative, Nonsurgical Treatment
of nonunion when diagnosis and treatment
occurred within 4 weeks.54–56 Even problematic Immobilization remains an acceptable option for
proximal pole fractures have been reported to managing stable, nondisplaced fractures; these
have an acceptable rate of union if treated within include nondisplaced waist and distal pole
4 weeks of injury.57,58 fractures.64 Cooney and colleagues65 defined
In addition to time to treatment, several other displacement as a fracture gap of 1 mm or less
factors are thought to contribute to nonunion and on anteroposterior and oblique radiographs; a
complications; these factors include the degree lunate-capitate angle is less than 15 and the sca-
of fracture displacement, location of the fracture, pholunate angle is no more than 60 in the lateral
and fracture stability. Scaphoid fractures can be view. To accurately judge displacement, it is
classified according to their anatomic location recommended to obtain a CT on all fractures;
and stability. Herbert, in his classic description, furthermore, recent evidence suggests that
proposed an alpha-numeric classification system 3-dimensional CT scans may be the best means
that combines fracture anatomy, stability, and his- of determining fracture type and stability.61
tory (Fig. 5). The classification system provides a If the fracture is a mid-waist or distal pole frac-
grade with prognostic significance.59,60 Oka and ture, stable and nondisplaced casting is an appro-
Morimoto have shown that fractures occurring priate treatment; however, the extent of joint
distal to the apex of the dorsal scaphoid immobilization (thumb, wrist, and/or forearm) to
ridge (Herbert B2) are more likely to proceed to obtain successful union has been an issue of his-
collapse and humpback deformity due to the toric debate. Cadaveric studies have shown

Fig. 5. Herbert classification scheme

for scaphoid fractures. (From Herbert
TJ. The fractured scaphoid. St Louis:
Quality Medical Publishing; 1990; with

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264 Sabbagh et al

evidence of displacement of the proximal and excellent results have been reported for open sur-
distal poles within simulated scaphoid fractures gical approaches using compression screws, with
as the arm moves between pronation and supina- both Dias and Trumble reporting union rates of
tion.66 Despite these cadaveric studies, current 100%.70,81
meta-analysis and systemic reviews have failed Open techniques can result in disruption of the
to show any significant benefit of immobilization scaphoid’s blood supply as well as capsular
of the forearm, elbow, or thumb.67 Thus, immobili- scaring, which may limit postoperative motion.
zation need only be performed distal to the elbow Because of the associated morbidity with open
with the wrist in the functional position. Clay and surgical approaches, most acute fractures can
colleagues68 found no benefit to immobilization now be reduced and treated through a percuta-
of the thumb or elbow almost 3 decades ago. In neous or arthroscopic assisted approach, even
a recent multicenter randomized controlled trial, when bone grafting is required.82,83 Despite the
Buijze and colleagues69 examined 62 patients success of percutaneous techniques, patients
and found that immobilization of the thumb is un- should be aware that in cases where percutaneous
necessary for cases of CT-confirmed nondis- fixation fails or fracture reduction is not adequate,
placed or minimally displaced fractures of the a conversion to an open surgery will be needed.81
waist of the scaphoid. Regardless of the type of approach used, it is
Studies have shown that nondisplaced fractures important to obtain a good entry point through
of the waist can heal in 8 weeks in 90% of the the proximal or distal fragment during screw
cases with appropriate immobilization.65,70–73 placement. Studies by Dodds and colleagues84
This success rate argues for nonoperative man- and McCallister and colleagues85 have demon-
agement in most of the nondisplaced stable waist strated that a centrally placed screw provides
fractures; however, the argument for early opera- 43% greater stiffness and 39% increased load to
tive intervention has been shown to decrease failure when compared with an eccentrically
overall cost and result in decrease immobilization placed screws. Central placement is found to be
times.51,74 A recent meta-analysis showed opera- achieved more consistently with cannulated
tive fixation to result in better motion, decreased screws.86,87 In addition, the screw should be posi-
rates of delayed union, and decreased time away tioned at a right angle to the fracture line if
from work.75 Davis and colleagues76 using a possible. Thus, the type and location of the frac-
decision-based model found that when compared ture dictates the preference for a volar or dorsal
with casting, open reduction and internal fixation approach. Most B1 and B2 fractures can be
offered a cost-saving. Despite these benefits, ran- managed through a dorsal approach, whereas
domized series as well as meta-analysis have correction of humpback deformity usually requires
shown that surgical treatment is associated with a volar approach. Volar approaches are
more risk and complications.20,77,78 Long-term at increased risk of scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal
risks and benefits of surgical intervention should arthritis, whereas the dorsal approach places the
be carefully weighed and considered when extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon at risk of
deciding on how to best manage a stable waist injury.88 A recent meta-analysis comparing the
fracture. dorsal to the volar approach was performed by
Kang and colleagues.89 The study found no differ-
ence between the incidence of nonunion, compli-
Surgical Management
cations, postoperative pain, functional outcome,
Surgical management is indicated for unstable or grip strength when comparing the volar with
fractures, proximal pole fractures, displaced waist dorsal screw placement. Although no benefit has
fractures, and fractures where the gap is more been clearly shown, surgeons should be familiar
than 1 mm.65 As mentioned earlier, the proximal with each approach.
pole has a limited blood supply, which explains
the high incidence of nonunion and the necessity Dorsal miniopen approach and percutaneous
of surgical management.57 Humpback deformity fixation
is also an indication for surgery. In cases of large The authors prefer to perform a percutaneous
fragments, headless compression screws are the fixation of the scaphoid via a mini-open
most common means of fixation. In cases where dorsal approach for Herbert B1 or B2 fractures
the proximal fragment is too small to accept a (Video 1). To begin the procedure, Lister’s tubercle
screw, Kirschner wires (K-wire) can be used to is marked along with the radial styloid. The sca-
reduce and stabilize the fracture.79,80 The benefits pholunate ligament usually lies just ulnar and distal
of newer scaphoid plates and double screw fixa- to the tubercle. It is important to keep in mind that
tion have yet to be determined. Historically, the waist of scaphoid lays at the intersection of the

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Acute Scaphoid Fractures 265

EPL and the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) in 45 of palmar and radial abduction. The K-wire
tendons. A 1 to 1.5 cm incision is made lateral to is directed through the scaphoid toward the thumb
the Lister’s tubercle to allow for safe placement tip. This K-wire will be used for guidance before
of a KirsK-wire and identification and protection drilling. If difficulty is encountered in finding the
of the EPL tendon. Meticulous dissection should central axis of the scaphoid during guidewire
be done until the EPL and ECRB are identified. placement, intraoperative fluoroscopy may be
The K-wire may now be pushed manually through used to facilitate placement.
the dorsal wrist capsule to abut the proximal dor- Although the authors prefer the technique
sal scaphoid surface. The wrist is now flexed described earlier for obtaining the central axis for
approximately 45o and thumb is then distracted K-wire positioning, the technique described by

Fig. 6. A case of a scaphoid waist fracture treated with a dorsal percutaneous approach in a 16-year-old football
player. (A) Ulnar deviated scaphoid view showing minimally displaced left scaphoid fracture. (B) Central place-
ment of the K-wire is critical for central screw placement. (C) A second K-wire is placed as an antirotational
wire, before reaming the scaphoid. (D) Reaming is performed with the aid of the fluoroscanner to prevent
over drilling. (E) A compression screw has been placed across the fracture site. An oblique view is helpful to pre-
vent screw placement into the scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint. (F) Appearance of the hand at completion of the
case. The mini-open approach allows for protection of the EPL and ECRB tendons during screw placement. (G, H)
AP and lateral radiographs showing healed fracture and good carpal alignment. (I) Final CT showing complete
healing and a well-positioned screw at 8 weeks.

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266 Sabbagh et al

Slade may also be used.82,90 The central axis of usually to wait for evidence of union in 50% of the
the scaphoid is identified by flexing and pronating fracture and evidence of a firmly seated screw.
the wrist, at which point the scaphoid, through the The risk of refracture is high, and patients are
fluoroscanner, will appear as a cylinder. By align- generally advised to refrain from participating in
ing the K-wire directly with the proximal pole of contact sports for 2 to 3 months following healing;
the scaphoid, the center portion of the cylinder is this can be especially challenging in competitive
targeted and the K-wires then driven out through athletes. Playing casts, which are generally softer
the base of the trapezium. At this point the wire and lighter, can be used during games to protect
can be withdrawn through the palm until it clears both the patient and other players from injury.
the radial carpal joint; the wrist can then be Soft casts were not found to influence the outcome
extended and the position of the wire examined or delay healing.97 Competitive athletes and sports
before placing a self-compression screw. players whose careers are at stake should be
Once the K-wire location is confirmed using a encouraged to return to play as soon as it is safely
fluoroscopic C-arm in the long axis of the possible. Other patients who are recreational ath-
scaphoid, an antirotational wire is placed before letes should be treated more cautiously. All of the
reaming over the guidewire. The screw should be aforementioned should be discussed thoroughly
introduced near the scapholunate ligament and with the patient to ensure that they are aware of
not through the dorsal portion of the bone to the management plan, risk or reinjury, and reason-
ensure central axial placement within the able expectations on recovery.98
scaphoid. It is important not to over-ream the
scaphoid. The depth of the drill is continuously
checked using the fluroscanner and once the SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
desired length has been reached, a cannulated
Supplementary data related to this article can be
obturator is used to hold the guide K-wire in place
found online at
as the drill bit is removed. The authors prefer to
imbed the guidewire within the trapezium before
reaming to prevent guidewire displacement during
drill removal. REFERENCES
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