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Requirements for this paper/Benodighede vir hierdie vraestel: Resources/Hulpmiddels:

Answer Scripts/ Multi-choice cards (A4)/

Antwoordskrifte: X Multikeusekaarte (A4) This is an open-book exam.
Attendance Slips (Fill-in Paper)/ Graph Paper/ ONLY a CLEAN COPY of
Presensiestrokies (Invulvraestel): GrafiekPapier “STATUTES FOR EDUCATION
Scrap Paper/ Calculators/ LAW” compiled by JP Rossouw
Rofwerkpapier Sakrekenaars & IJ Oosthuizen (Any edition
Multi-choice cards (A5)/ Laptop (Power not provided)/ from 2017 to 2023) or
Multikeusekaarte (A5) Skootrekenaar (Krag word nie voorsien nie) “WETTEBUNDEL VIR
ONDERWYSREG” (Any edition
from 2017 to 2023) compiled by
Type of Assessment/ Duration/ 3 Hrs 00 Min MH Smit is allowed. Flags,
Tipe Assessering:
Exam Opportunity:1 Tydsduur: underlining, and highlighting are
allowed, but notes or writing in
Paper Number/ Maximum Marks/ 100 the book is not allowed. Only
Vraestel Nommer: Maksimum Punte:
original copies of the book are
Module Code/ Module Description/ allowed and not photocopies or
Modulekode: Module Beskrywing:

Examiner(s)/ Dr Annamagriet de Wet-PC; Date/


Tyd: 14:00
Dr Nicholus Mollo-PC;
Moderator(s): Qualification/
Kwalifikasie: B Ed
External Moderator(s)/
Eksterne Moderator(s):

Submission of answer scripts/Inhandiging van antwoordskrifte: ORDINARY



• This paper is open book in the sense that you are allowed to have a copy of ‘Statutes for
Education Law’ or ‘Wettebundel vir die Onderwysreg’ with you. No notes are allowed.
Underlining, flags, and highlighting are allowed. No other books are allowed.
• Questions 1, 2, and 3 are compulsory. Answer all of them. Questions 4 and 5 are choice
questions, choose only one of them to answer.
• Questions 4 and 5 are based on a scenario. You are required to apply your knowledge and
skills of interpretation of legislation to the scenarios. Remember to support your arguments
with law (e.g., common law, case law, and original as well as subordinate legislation).

1 Question 1

This question is compulsory. Define the following concepts

1.1 Legislation (2)

1.2 Audi alteram partem (2)

1.3 Geborgenheit (2)

1.4 Delictual liability (2)

1.5 Collective agreement (2)

Sub-total [10]

2 Question 2

This question is compulsory. Answer the following questions briefly

2.1 Explain fault in the form of negligence as an element of delictual liability. Provide a practical
example to illustrate your answer. (10)

Sub-total [10]

3 Question 3

This question is compulsory. Use ‘Statutes for Education Law’ to answer the following questions.
The questions will expect you to interpret legislation. To support each answer, include reference to
relevant sections and/or subsections in legislation.

3.1 Name three forms of teacher behaviour that will constitute misconduct. (7)

EDCC315: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds, EAO/UDL 1/6
3.2 Name three forms of ethical conduct expected of a teacher towards their colleagues (7)

3.3 A certain educator, Mr. Xhaba, decided after the December/January break that he would
extend his vacation since learner numbers, classes, books and stationery at his school is
usually never finalised before the first week of February. The school re-opened for the new
year on 13 January, but without asking permission, Mr. Xhaba stayed home and only
returned to school on 3 February. May he be discharged? (6)

3.4 With reference to relevant provisions in the Regulations for Safety Measures at Public
Schools, explain five requirements the schools and teachers must adhere to when taking a
group of learners to the nearby town for a sports day. (10)

Sub-total [30]

Question 4 and Question 5 are choice questions. You can choose to answer EITHER Question 4
OR Question 5. Do not answer both the choice questions. Each of the choice questions counts 50
marks towards your total. Thus, you should choose ONLY ONE to answer. The questions are based
on a scenario. Answer the questions with reference to and application to the facts in the scenario.
Support your answers with reference to relevant law.

Scenario for Questions 4 and 5

The cartoon paints a negative picture of the state of learner discipline in the teacher’s classroom.
Study the cartoon closely before answering either Question 4 or Question 5.
Source :

EDCC315: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds, EAO/UDL 2/6
4 Question 4

This is a choice question. Refer to the instructions in the grey block above.

4.1 Discuss the right to freedom and security of the person as well as human dignity with
reference to the scenario. Support your answers with references from the Constitution and
other relevant law. Also, refer to the notion of geborgenheit and how it is related to the
realisation of these rights in education practice. (20)

4.2 Evaluate the conduct of the teacher depicted in the scenario with reference to the duty of
care. (10)

4.3 Write a letter to the school governing body in which you, as an educator who has just
acquired education law knowledge, provide some guidelines as to how the school can be
made a safer place where effective learning can take place. Focus your guidelines
specifically on dealing with problematic learner behaviour such as bullying and fighting.

Sub-total [50]

5 Question 5

This is a choice question. Refer to the instructions in the grey block above.

5.1 Indicate and discuss which rights of the learners and/or teacher are infringed due to the
situation as depicted in the scenario. You should also indicate which person/persons has a
duty to respect and fulfil each of the rights you discuss. (20)

5.2 The teacher depicted in the scenario learned that you have completed a module on
education law and approached you for advice. Advise the teacher on steps that the teacher
can take to address or deal with the behaviour of the learners as depicted in the scenario.

5.3 Write a section or sections which the governing body can include in the code of conduct for
learners. In the section(s), differentiate between suspension and expulsion of learners, and
include the steps the governing body of the school must take when a learner is accused of
serious misconduct. (15)

Sub-total [50]

TOTAL: 100



EDCC315: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds, EAO/UDL 3/6


• Hierdie vraestel is oop-boek in die sin dat jy toegelaat word om ‘n kopie van die
‘Wettebunde vir Onderwysreg’ of ‘Statutes for Education Law’ by jou te hê. Geen notas of
aantekeninge word toegelaat nie. Onderstreping, vlaggies en uitligging word toegelaat.
Geen ander boeke word toegelaat nie.
• Vraag 1, 2 en 3 is verpligtend. Beantwoord hulle almal. Vraag 4 en 5 is keusevrae, kies
slegs een daarvan om te beantwoord.
• Vraag 4 en 5 is gebaseer op ʼn scenario. Daar word van jou verwag om jou kennis en
vaardighede van uitleg van wette op die scenario toe te pas. Onthou om al jou argumente
te ondersteun met reg (bv. gemenereg, regspraak en oorspronklike sowel as ondergeskikte

1 Vraag 1

Hierdie vraag is verpligtend. Definieer die volgende begrippe

1.1 Wetgewing (2)

1.2 Audi alteram partem (2)

1.3 Geborgenheit (2)

1.4 Deliktuele aanspreeklikheid (2)

1.5 Kollektiewe ooreenkoms (2)

Sub-totaal [10]

2 Vraag 2

Hierdie vraag is verpligtend. Beantwoord die volgende vrae kortliks.

2.1 Verduidelik skuld in die vorm van nalatigheid as ʼn element van deliktuele aanspreeklikheid.
Gee ʼn praktiese voorbeeld om u antwoord te illustreer. (10)

Sub-totaal [10]

3 Question 3 / Vraag 3

Hierdie vraag is verpligtend. Gebruik ‘Wettebundel vir die Onderwysreg’ om die volgende vrae te
beantwoord. Die vrae sal van u verwag om wetgewing te interpreteer. Om elke andwoord te
rugsteun, sluit verwysings in na toepaslike artikel en/of subartikels in wetgewing.

3.1 Noem drie vorme van opvoedergedrag wat as wangedrag bestempel kan word. (7)

EDCC315: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds, EAO/UDL 4/6
3.2 Noem drie vorme van etiese gedrag wat van ‘n opvoeder teenoor hulle kollegas verwag
word. (7)

3.3 ʼn Sekere opvoer, Mnr. Xhaba, besluit na die Desember/Januarie vakansie dat hy sy
vakansie sal verleng aangesien leerder getalle, klasse, boeke en skryfbehoeftes by sy skool
gewoonlik nooit voor die eerste week in Februarie gefinaliseer is nie. Die skool het vir die
nuwe jaar heropen op 13 Januarie, maar Mnr. Xhaba het tuis gebly en eers op 3 Februarie
teruggekeer skool toe. Mag hy ontslaan word? (6)

3.4 Met verwysing na toepaslike bepalings in die Regulasies vir Veiligheidsmaatreëls by

Openbare Skole, verduidelik vyf vereistes waaraan die skool en onderwysers moet voldoen
wanneer ʼn groep leerders na ʼn nabygeleë dorp geneem word vir ʼn sport-dag. (10)

Sub-totaal [30]

Vraag 4 en Vraag 5 is keusevrae. U kan kies om OF Vraag 4 OF Vraag 5 te antwoord. Moet nie
beide die keusevrae antwoord nie. Elkeen van die keusevrae tel 50 punte. Dus moet u SLEGS EEN
kies om te antwoord. Die vrae is op ʼn scenario gebaseer. Beantwoord die vrae met verwysing na en
toepassing op die feite in die scenario. Ondersteun jou antwoorde met verwysing na toepaslike reg.

Scenario vir Vraag 4 en 5

Die spotprent skets ʼn negatiewe prentjie van die toestand van leerderdissipline in die opvoeder se
klaskamer. Bestudeer die spotprent noukeurig voordat u of Vraag 4 of Vraag 5 antwoord.


EDCC315: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds, EAO/UDL 5/6
4 Vraag 4

Hierdie is ʼn keusevraag. Verwys na die instruksies in die grys blok hierbo.

4.1 Bespreek die reg op vryheid en sekerheid van die persoon sowel as menswaardigheid met
verwysing na die scenario. Ondersteun jou antwoorde met verwysings uit die Grondwet en
ander relevante wetgewing. Verwys ook na die begrip geborgenheit en hoe dit verband hou
met die verwesenliking van hierdie regte in die onderwyspraktyk. (20)

4.2 Evalueer die optrede van die onderwyser wat in die scenario uitgebeeld word aan die hand
van die sorgsaamheidsplig. (10)

4.3 Skryf ʼn brief aan die skool beheerliggaam waarin jy, as ʼn opvoeder wat pas onderwysreg
kennis opgedoen het, ʼn paar riglyne verskaf oor hoe om die skool ʼn veiliger plek te maak
waar effektiewe onderrig-leer kan plaasvind. Fokus in jou riglyne spesifiek op die hantering
van problematiese leerder gedrag soos afknouery en bakleiery. (20)

Sub-totaal [50]

5 Vraag 5

Hierdie is ʼn keusevraag. Verwys na die instruksies in die grys blok hierbo.

5.1 Dui aan en bespreek watter regte van leerders en/or onderwyser geskend word as gevolg
van die situasie soos uitgebeeld in die scenario. U moet ook aandui watter persoon/persone
‘n verpligting het om elk van die regte wat u besrpeek te respekteer en beskerm. (20)

5.2 Dieonderwyser in die scenario het verneem dat jy ʼn module in onderwysreg voltooi het en
nader jou vir raad. Adviseer die opvoeder rakende stappe wat die onderwyser kan neem om
die gedrag van leerders in die scenario uitgebeeld te hanteer of aan te spreek. (15)

5.3 Skryf ʼn gedeelte of gedeeltes wat by die gedragskode vir leerders ingesluit kan word. In die
afdeling(s), onderskei tussen skorsing en uitsetting van ʼn leerder en sluit die stappe in wat
die beheerliggaam van die skool moet neem wanneer ʼn leerder van ernstige wangedrag
aangekla word. (15)

Sub-totaal [50]


EDCC315: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds, EAO/UDL 6/6

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