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Notes of CC Unit - 05 : -

Q. 1) Explain Issues in cloud computing.

Ans. : -

Here are some common issues in cloud computing : -

1. Security Concerns : -

Security is often the top concern when it comes to cloud computing. Storing
sensitive data in the cloud can make it a target for cyber-attacks. Ensuring robust
encryption, access controls, and security protocols is essential.

2. Data Privacy : -

Laws like GDPR, HIPAA, and others impose strict requirements on data privacy.
Users may have concerns about who can access their data and how it is used by the
cloud provider.

3. Downtime and Reliability : -

Major cloud providers can experience downtime due to hardware failures, software
bugs, or DDoS attacks, affecting the availability of services.

4. Performance and Latency : -

Shared cloud resources can lead to inconsistent performance due to varying

workloads and network blockage. The physical distance between users and cloud data
centers can impact the speed of data transmission and application responsiveness.

5. Cost Management : -

The pay-as-you-go model can lead to unexpected expenses if resource usage is not
carefully monitored and managed.

6. Lack of Control : -

Organizations are reliant on the cloud provider for updates, maintenance, and
service continuity, which can be a risk if the provider faces issues.

7. Compliance Challenges : -

Different industries have unique compliance requirements for data storage,

processing, and transmission. Ensuring that cloud services meet these requirements
can be complex.

Q. 2) Explain implementing real time applications of cloud computing.

Ans. : -

Here's a detailed explanation of the steps and considerations involved in

implementing real-time cloud applications : -

1. Choosing the Right Cloud Services : -

Compute Services (Select appropriate compute services like Amazon EC2, Google
Compute Engine, or Azure Virtual Machines to handle the application’s processing
needs), Storage Services (Utilize cloud storage services that support real-time
data access and updates, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob
Storage) and Database Services (Use real-time databases like Amazon DynamoDB,
Google Fire store, or Azure Cosmos DB that offer low-latency data access and
support for real-time data synchronization).

2. Network and Connectivity : -

Low Latency Network (Ensure low-latency network connections using Content Delivery
Networks (CDNs) like Amazon CloudFront, Azure CDN, or Google Cloud CDN to reduce
latency by serving content closer to the users) and WebSocket Protocols (Implement
WebSocket or similar protocols to enable real-time, bidirectional communication
between the server and clients).

3. Data Processing and Streaming : -

Real-time Data Processing (Use services like AWS Kinesis, Google Cloud Dataflow, or
Azure Stream Analytics to process data streams in real time).

4. Monitoring and Management : -

Performance Monitoring (Utilize monitoring tools like AWS CloudWatch, Azure

Monitor, or Google Cloud Monitoring to track the performance and health of your
real-time applications).

5. Data Security : -

Data Encryption (Ensure data is encrypted both in transit and at rest to protect
against unauthorized access), and Access control (Implement strict access control
policies using Identity and Access Management (IAM) services to ensure that only
authorized users and services can access the application).

6. Development and Deployment : -

Microservices Architecture (Consider a microservices architecture to break down the

application into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and
scaled independently) and CI/CD Pipelines (Implement Continuous Integration and
Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the deployment process and
ensure quick and reliable updates).

Q. 3) Explain QOS (Quality of Services) issues in cloud computing.

Ans. : -

Quality of Service (QoS) in cloud computing refers to the performance, reliability,

and availability guarantees provided by a cloud service provider.

Here some issues involves in cloud such as : -

1. Performance
2. Reliability
3. Availability
4. Security
5. Service Level Agreement (SLAs) : - SLAs define the QoS metrics, such as uptime,
response time, and support responsiveness, that a cloud provider guarantees.
6. Resource Management
7. Monitoring and Management
8. Cost Efficiency

Q. 4) Explain Cloud Middleware in cloud computing.

Ans. : -

Cloud middleware in cloud computing refers to software that acts as an intermediary

layer between the operating system and applications, providing various services and
enabling interoperability, communication, and management of distributed systems.

It simplifies the development of cloud applications by offering a range of

functionalities, thereby allowing developers to focus on the core logic of their
applications without dealing with the complexities of the underlying

Here are key aspects and components of cloud middleware : -

1. API Management : - Middleware provides APIs to facilitate communication between

different software components and services. This ensures that applications can
interact to the underlying technologies.

2. Communication : - Middleware often includes message queuing services that allow

asynchronous communication between different parts of an application or different
applications altogether.

3. Security : - Middleware handles security protocols to ensure that only

authorized users and applications can access certain services and data. It provides
data encryption services to protect data in transit and at rest.

4. Data Management : - Middleware can facilitate interactions with databases,

providing services like connection pooling, transaction management, and query

5. Performance Monitoring : - Middleware includes tools for monitoring the

performance of applications and services, helping to detect and address issues

6. Resource Management : - Middleware can manage resources dynamically, allocating

and deallocating resources as needed to handle varying workloads.

Q. 5) Explain Mobile cloud computing.

Ans. : -

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) within the context of cloud computing refers to the
integration of cloud resources with mobile devices to enhance their functionality,
performance, and capabilities.

It leverages cloud infrastructure, platforms, and services to overcome the

limitations inherent in mobile devices, such as limited processing power, storage,
and battery life.
MCC is used in several fields including as Mobile Health, Mobile Gaming, Google
Workspace, Microsoft 365, and Social Media etc.

Key Concepts of Mobile Cloud Computing : -

Mobile Computing : -

Mobile Devices : - Refers to smartphones, tablets, and other handheld devices that
are portable and connected to the internet.

Applications : - Apps that run on these devices, which can be strong in terms of
processing power, storage, and battery life.

Cloud Computing : -

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides virtualized computing resources over

the internet.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers a platform allowing customers to develop, run,

and manage applications without dealing with the underlying infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers software applications over the internet, on

a subscription basis.

Q. 6) Explain Monitoring in cloud computing.

Ans. : -

Monitoring in cloud computing involves the continuous observation, measurement, and

management of cloud resources, applications, and services to ensure optimal
performance, availability, and security.

Effective cloud monitoring is crucial for identifying and resolving issues,

optimizing resource utilization, and maintaining service level agreements (SLAs).

Cloud computing provides methods and built in tools to monitor real time management
in cloud computing including AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor and Google Cloud
Monitoring etc.

Key Aspects of Cloud Monitoring : -

1. Performance Monitoring : -

Tracking the usage of CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network bandwidth to ensure
resources are not over or underutilized. Monitoring application metrics such as
response time, throughput, and error rates to ensure they are performing as

2. Availability Monitoring : -

Ensuring that cloud services are available and accessible to users as per the
agreed SLAs. Performing regular health checks on services and components to detect
and address issues proactively.

3. Security Monitoring : -
Monitoring for signs of unauthorized access or suspicious activity. Ensuring that
cloud resources observation with security policies and regulatory requirements.

4. Cost Monitoring : -

Billing and Usage Reports: Tracking usage patterns and costs to identify areas
where savings can be made. Budget Alerts: Setting up alerts for when spending
approaches predefined budget thresholds.

5. Log Monitoring : -

Collecting and analyzing logs from various services to identify errors, warnings,
and other significant events.

Q. 7) Explain Installing cloud platforms and performance evaluation in cloud


Ans. : -

Here's an overview of the installation process for various cloud platforms : -

1. AWS (Amazon Web Services) : -

Sign Up : - Create an AWS account at the AWS website.

Setup IAM Users and Roles : - Configure Identity and Access Management (IAM) to
manage access and permissions.
Select Services : - Choose and configure the necessary services such as EC2 for
compute, S3 for storage, RDS for databases, etc.
Configure Networking : - Set up Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets, security
groups, and other networking components.
Deploy Resources : - Launch EC2 instances or other resources needed for your

2. Microsoft Azure : -

Sign Up : - Create an Azure account at the Azure portal.

Create Resource Groups : - Organize resources using resource groups.
Select Services : - Choose services like Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Blob
Storage, Azure SQL Database, etc.
Configure Network : - Configure Virtual Networks, subnets, network security groups,
and other network settings.
Deploy Resources : - Deploy VMs and other services through the Azure portal, CLI,
or ARM templates.

3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) : -

Sign Up : - Create a Google Cloud account at the GCP console.

Set Up Projects : - Create projects to organize resources.
Enable APIs : - Enable the necessary APIs for the services you plan to use.
Select Services : - Choose and configure Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL,
Configure Network: Set up Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks, firewall rules, and
other networking components.
Deploy Resources: Launch instances and configure services through the GCP console
or CLI.
Performance Evaluation in Cloud Computing : -

Performance evaluation in cloud computing involves assessing the efficiency, speed,

and reliability of cloud services and resources. This is crucial for ensuring that
applications meet performance expectations and SLAs.

Key Performance of Cloud : -

1. Response Time: Measure the time taken for a system to respond to a request.

2. Throughput: Evaluate the number of transactions or operations processed in a

given time period.

3. Latency: Assess the delay between a request and the response.

4. Resource Utilization: Monitor the usage of CPU, memory, storage, and network

5. Scalability: Determine the system's ability to handle increased load by adding


6. Availability: Measure the uptime and reliability of cloud services.

7. Error Rates: Track the frequency and types of errors occurring within the system

Q. 8) Explain Features and functions of cloud computing platforms.

Ans. : -

Key Features of Cloud Computing Platforms : -

1. Scalability : -

Automatically adjusts computing resources based on demand, ensuring optimal

performance and cost-efficiency.

2. Network Access : -

Access from Anywhere: Cloud services can be accessed over the internet from any
device, anywhere in the world. Multi-Device Support: Services are accessible via
various devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

3. Multi-Tenancy : -

Multiple customers share the same physical resources while maintaining data
isolation and privacy.

4. Measure Service : -

Pay-as-You-Go: Users pay only for the resources they consume, based on metered
usage. Usage Monitoring: Detailed reporting and billing based on resource

5. Reliability : -

High Availability: Built-in redundancy and failover mechanisms ensure service

continuity. Disaster Recovery: Provides backup and recovery solutions to protect
against data loss and service outages.

6. Security:

Data Encryption: Encrypts data in transit and at rest to protect against

unauthorized access. Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manages user access and
permissions to ensure security and compliance.

7. APIs and Integration:

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): Allows seamless integration with other

applications and services. SDKs and Tools: Provide development kits and tools to
facilitate building and managing cloud applications.

Functions of Cloud Computing Platforms : -

1. Computing Services : -

Virtual Machines (VMs): Provision and manage VMs to run applications and services.
Containers: Deploy and manage containerized applications for improved portability
and efficiency. Serverless Computing: Run code without managing servers, scaling
automatically with demand (e.g., AWS Lambda, Azure Functions).

2. Storage Services : -

Object Storage: Store and retrieve large amounts of unstructured data (e.g., Amazon
S3, Google Cloud Storage). Block Storage: Attach strong storage volumes to VMs
(e.g., AWS EBS, Azure Disk Storage).
File Storage: Network-attached storage for shared file systems (e.g., Amazon EFS,
Azure Files).

3. Database Services : -

Relational Databases: Managed SQL databases (e.g., Amazon RDS, Azure SQL Database).
NoSQL Databases: Managed non-relational databases for high-performance and scalable
applications (e.g., Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Bigtable). Data Warehousing:
Scalable data warehouses for analytics (e.g., Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery).

4. Networking Services : -

Virtual Networks: Isolated network environments to securely connect resources

(e.g., AWS VPC, Azure VNet). Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Distribute content
globally with low latency (e.g., Amazon CloudFront, Azure CDN). Load Balancers:
Distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers to ensure availability and

5. Development and Deployment Tools : -

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Automate the build, test, and

deployment processes (e.g., AWS CodePipeline, Azure DevOps). Development
Environments: Integrated development environments and tools for building
applications (e.g., AWS Cloud9, Azure Visual Studio Online).

6. Analytics and Machine Learning : -

Data Analytics: Tools for processing and analyzing large datasets (e.g., AWS Glue,
Google Cloud Dataflow). Machine Learning Services: Pre-trained models and
infrastructure for building and deploying ML models (e.g., Amazon SageMaker, Azure
Machine Learning).

7. Management and Monitoring : -

Monitoring Tools: Track the performance and health of resources (e.g., AWS
CloudWatch, Azure Monitor). Resource Management: Tools for managing and optimizing
cloud resource usage (e.g., AWS Trusted Advisor, Azure Cost Management).

8. Security and Identity : -

Identity Management: Services for managing user identities and access (e.g., AWS
IAM, Azure Active Directory). Security Tools: Tools for threat detection,
compliance, and data protection (e.g., AWS Shield, Azure Security Center).

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