CC Unit - 01

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Notes of CC Unit - 01 : -

Q. 1) Explain Cloud Computing and their features / characteristics.

Ans. : -

Cloud computing is a virtualization-based technology that allows us to create,

configure, and customize applications via an internet connection.

The cloud technology includes a development platform, hard disk, software

application, and database.

The term cloud refers to a network or the internet. It is a technology that uses
remote servers on the internet to store, manage, and access data online rather than
local drives. The data can be anything such as files, images, documents, audio,
video, and more.

There are the following operations that we can do using cloud computing:

1) Developing new applications and services

2) Storage, back up, and recovery of data
3) Hosting blogs and websites
4) Delivery of software on demand
5) Analysis of data
6) Streaming videos and audios

Features / Characteristics of Cloud Computing : -

Cloud computing has many features that make it one of the fastest growing
industries at present. Here are the some features explained below : -

1) Resources Pooling : -

Resource pooling is one of the essential features of cloud computing. Resource

pooling means that a cloud service provider can share resources among multiple
clients, each providing a different set of services according to their needs. It is
a multi-client strategy that can be applied to data storage, processing and
bandwidth-delivered services.

2) On-Demand Self-Service : -

It is one of the important and essential features of cloud computing. This enables
the client to continuously monitor server uptime, capabilities and allocated
network storage. This is a fundamental feature of cloud computing, and a customer
can also control the computing capabilities according to their needs.

3) Easy Maintenance : -

This is one of the best cloud features. Servers are easily maintained, and downtime
is minimal or sometimes zero. Cloud computing powered resources often undergo
several updates to optimize their capabilities and potential.

4) Scalability And Rapid Elasticity : -

A key feature and advantage of cloud computing is its rapid scalability. This cloud
feature enables cost-effective handling of workloads that require a large number of
servers but only for a short period. Many customers have workloads that can be run
very cost-effectively due to the rapid scalability of cloud computing.

5) Measured And Reporting Service : -

It is a cloud features that make it the best choice for organizations. The
measurement and reporting service is helpful for both cloud providers and their
customers. This enables both the provider and the customer to monitor and report
which services have been used and for what purposes. It helps in monitoring,
billing and ensuring optimum utilization of resources.

6) Security : -

Data security is one of the best features of cloud computing. Cloud services make a
copy of the stored data to prevent any kind of data loss. If one server loses data
by any chance, the copied version is restored from the other server. This feature
is useful when multiple users are working on a particular file in real-time and one
file suddenly gets corrupted.

7) Automation : -

Automation is an essential feature of cloud computing. The ability of cloud

computing to automatically install, configure and maintain a cloud service is known
as automation in cloud computing. It is the process of making the most of the
technology and minimizing the manual effort.

8) Large Network Access : -

The client can access cloud data or transfer data to the cloud from any location
with a device and internet connection. These capabilities are available everywhere
in the organization and are achieved with the help of internet.

Q. 2) Explain Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in brief.

Ans. : -

A Service-Oriented Architecture or SOA is a design pattern which is designed to

build distributed systems that deliver services to other applications through the
protocol. It is only a concept and not limited to any programming language or

The figure given below illustrates the service-oriented architecture.

Figure : - Refer to mobile album

Service consumer sends a service request to the service provider, and the service
provider sends the service response to the service consumer. The service connection
is understandable to both the service consumer and service provider.

Service-Oriented Terminologies : -
Let's see some important service-oriented terminologies:

Figure : - Refer to mobile album

1) Services : - The services are the logical entities that represents a unit of
functionality. A service can exchange information from another service.

2) Service provider : - It is a software entity that implements a service

specification and a service provider provides services to the service consumers.
3) Service consumer : - It can be called as a requestor or client that calls a
service provider. A service consumer can be another service or an end-user

4) Service locator : - It is a service provider that acts as a registry. It is

responsible for examining service provider interfaces and service locations.

5) Service broker : - It is a service provider that pass service requests to one or

more additional service providers.

Q. 3) Explain Web Services in detail.

Ans. : -

Web services are the types of internet software that uses standardized messaging
protocol over the distributed environment.

Web services play a crucial role in cloud computing and acts as the backbone for
communication and integration between different systems and applications over the

It integrates the web-based application using the REST, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI over
the network. For example, Java web service can communicate with .Net application.

Web services are designed for application to application interaction.

Key Components of Web Services : -

1) XML (eXtensible Markup Language) : -

A standard markup language that encodes the messages in a format that is both
human-readable and machine-readable.

2) SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) : -

A protocol for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web

services. It relies on XML to format messages and usually relies on other
application layer protocols, most notably HTTP and SMTP, for message negotiation
and transmission.

3) WSDL (Web Services Description Language) : -

An XML-based language for describing the functionalities offered by a web service.

It specifies the location of the service and the operations (or methods) the
service exposes.

4) UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) : -

A directory for storing information about web services, making them easier to
discover and integrate.

Q. 4) Explain Web Services Architecture in brief.

Ans. : -

The Web Services Architecture in cloud computing is a structured approach to

designing and deploying services that are accessible over the internet.

The Web Services architecture describes how to instantiate the elements and
implement the operations in an interoperable manner.

This architecture facilitates interoperability, scalability, and reusability of

services, which can be integrated into various applications regarding platforms and

The architecture of web service interacts among three roles: service provider,
service requester, and service registry. The interaction involves the three
operations: publish, find, and bind.

Figure : - Take a look into the phone album

1) Service Provider : -

The service provider creates and maintains the web service. It publishes the
service description to a service registry where it can be discovered by potential

2) Service Consumer (Client) : -

The service consumer uses the web service. It can find the service in the service
registry and bind to it to start using the functionality provided by the service.

3) Service Registry : -

This acts as a centralized directory of services where service descriptions are

published and can be discovered by service consumers.

Working : - The service provider hosts a network-associable module (web service).

It defines a service description for the web service and publishes it to a service
requestor or service registry. These service requestor uses a find operation to
retrieve the service description locally or from the service registry. It uses the
service description to bind with the service provider and invoke with the web
service implementation.

Q. 5) Explain SOAP in detail.

Ans. : -

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It defines the standard XML format.

It also defines the way of building web services. We use Web Service Definition
Language (WSDL) to define the format of request XML and the response XML.

SOAP provides a standardized way to allow different applications and services to

communicate with each other over the internet.

SOAP can be used over various protocols, such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP, and more.
However, HTTP is the most commonly used protocol because of its widespread adoption
and compatibility with firewalls.

SOAP is platform- and language-neutral, which means it can be used to connect

applications built on different technologies and running on different operating
For example, we have requested to access the Todo application from the Facebook
application. The Facebook application sends an XML request to the Todo application.
Todo application processes the request and generates the XML response and sends
back to the Facebook application.

Figure : - In the phone album

Figure : - structure of SOAP, in the phone album

In the above figure, the SOAP-Envelope contains a SOAP-Header and SOAP-Body. It

contains metadata needed to identify the request, for example, authentication,
authorization, signature, etc. SOAP-Header is optional. The SOAP-Body contains the
real XML content of request or response. In case of an error, the response server
responds back with SOAP-Fault.

Q. 6) Explain WSDL in detail.

Ans. : -

WSDL acronym for Web Service Description Language. WSDL is an XML based interface
description language. It is used for describing the functionality offered by a web

WSDL is a key component that defines how web services can be integrated and
interacted and provides a standard way for service providers to describe their
services and for service consumers to understand how to use them.

It provides the machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what
parameter it expects, and what data structure it returns.

Sometimes it is also known as the WSDL file. The extension of the WSDL file
is .wsdl.

There are 6 key components of WSDL, which are Types, Message, PortType, Port,
Binding and Services.

WSDL documents are published to service registries (e.g., UDDI), allowing service
consumers to discover available web services and understand their capabilities.

WSDL facilitates the integration of diverse applications and services in a cloud

environment. It ensures that different services can communicate and work together

Q. 7) Explain UDDI in detail.

Ans. : -

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is a platform-independent

framework for describing, discovering, and integrating web services.

In the context of cloud computing, UDDI plays a vital role in facilitating the
seamless interaction of diverse web services across different platforms and

UDDI promotes standardization in how services are described, discovered, and

integrated and ensures the compatibility across different platforms and
UDDI registries can be public or private. Public UDDI registries are accessible
over the internet, allowing any service provider to publish their services and any
consumer to discover them. Private UDDI registries are used within organizations or
specific industries for internal service discovery and integration.

The idea behind UDDI is to discover organizations and the services that
organizations offer, much like using a telephone directory. It allows the business
to list themselves by name, product, location, or the web service they offer.

A UDDI works in the following manner:

1) A service provider registers its business with the UDDI registry.

2) A service provider registers each service separately with the UDDI registry.
3) The consumer looks up the business and service in the UDDI registry.
4) The consumer binds the service with the service provider and uses the service.

Q. 8) Explain RESTful Services in brief.

Ans. : -

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. It is developed by Roy Thomas

Fielding in 2000 who also developed HTTP.

RESTful services, or RESTful APIs, are web services based on Representational State
Transfer (REST) architecture.

REST is an architectural style that uses a set of principles for designing

networked applications.

The main goal of RESTful web services is to make web services more effective.
RESTful web services try to define services using the different concepts of HTTP.
REST is an architectural approach, not a protocol.

REST uses various representation to represent a resource like text, JSON, XML. JSON
is the most popular one.

Features / Characteristics of RESTful web services : -

1) Stateless : - Each client request contains all the information needed to process
the request.

2) Client-Server Architecture : - The client is responsible for the user interface

and user experience, while the server handles data storage and business logic.

3) Uniform Interface : - RESTful services follow a consistent and uniform set of

rules for interaction. This typically involves using standard HTTP methods (GET,
POST, PUT, DELETE) and standard status codes.

4) Layered System : - A client may interact with the server through multiple
intermediaries (e.g., proxies, gateways) without affecting its interaction with the

Components of RESTful Web Services : -

1) Resources : - Fundamental components identified by URIs (Uniform Resource

Identifiers). Each resource can be manipulated through its URI.
2) Representation : - The data format in which a resource is returned (e.g., JSON,
XML). Clients interact with resources via these representations.

3) Messages : - Consist of HTTP requests and responses. Requests contain HTTP

methods, URIs, headers, and optional body data, while responses contain status
codes, headers, and optional body data.

4) HTTP Methods : - The operations performed on resources :

1) GET: Retrieve a resource.

2) POST: Create a resource.
3) PUT: Update a resource.
4) DELETE: Remove a resource.

5) Status Codes : - Standardized codes indicating the result of the HTTP request
(e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error).

Types of RESTful Web Services in Cloud Computing : -

1) Public APIs: Available to any developer or user. Examples include Google Maps
API, Twitter API.

2) Private APIs: Used within an organization. They expose business functions to

internal applications and are not available publicly.

3) Partner APIs: Exposed to specific business partners. These are often used for
business-to-business transactions and collaborations.

4) Composite APIs: Combine multiple service and data sources into a single API,
which is particularly useful in microservices architectures where services are
modular and need to be arranged.

Q. 9) Explain SaaS (Software as a Service) in brief.

Ans. : -

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model where software applications

are delivered over the internet as a service.

In the SaaS model, software providers host applications on their own servers,
which customers access via web browsers.

This model eliminates the need for customers to install, maintain, and manage
software on their local devices, as all technical tasks are handled by the service

These services are available to end-users over the internet, so the end-users do
not need to install any software on their devices to access these services.

Examples : - Salesforce, Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace, Zoom, Jira,

Shopify etc.

Features / Characteristics of SaaS : -

1) Web-based Delivery : -

SaaS apps can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection because they
are supplied over the internet, often through a web browser. Users no longer need
to install and maintain software programs on their local machines as a result.

2) Multiple-Tenancy : -

Multiple Users or "tenants" can access SaaS applications from a single instance of
the program. As a result, the provider can serve several clients with the same
application without conducting unique program instances for every client.

3) Automatic Updates : -

SaaS providers are in charge of keeping the software up to date and making sure
that everyone has access to the newest features and security patches.

4) Pricing on a Subscription Basis : -

SaaS programs are frequently sold using a subscription-based pricing model, in

which customers pay a monthly or yearly price to access the program.

5) Data Security : -

Data Security includes data encryption, access restrictions, and backups, is the
responsibility of SaaS providers. Users no longer need to handle their own data
security because of this.

Q. 10) Explain PaaS (Platform as a Service) in brief.

Ans. : -

Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides a runtime environment. It allows programmers

to easily create, test, run, and deploy web applications.

You can purchase these applications from a cloud service provider on a pay-as-per-
use basis and access them using an Internet connection.

In PaaS, back-end scalability is managed by the cloud service provider, so end-

users do not need to worry about managing the infrastructure.

PaaS includes infrastructure (servers, storage, and networking) and platform

(middleware, development tools, database management systems, business intelligence,
and more) to support the web application life cycle.

Example : - Google App Engine, Heroku, Microsoft Azure App, AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Features / Characteristics of PaaS : -

1) Development Tools and Frameworks : -

PaaS provides a set of tools and frameworks for application development, such as
integrated development environments (IDEs), version control systems, and build

2) Middleware : -

PaaS includes middleware services, such as databases, message queues, and caching
systems, which facilitate application development and integration.
3) Managed Infrastructure : -

The underlying infrastructure, including servers, storage, and networking, is

managed by the PaaS provider, allowing developers to focus solely on application

4) Automated Deployment : -

PaaS supports automated deployment processes, including continuous integration and

continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, to streamline the delivery of

5) Support for Multiple Programming Languages : -

PaaS platforms often support a variety of programming languages and frameworks,

providing flexibility for developers to use their preferred tools.

6) Application Development and Deployment : -

PaaS provides an efficient environment for developing, testing, and deploying

applications, reducing the time and complexity involved in managing infrastructure.

Q. 11) Explain Hypervisor in brief.

Ans. : -

A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor or VMM. The hypervisor is a

piece of software that allows us to build and run virtual machines.

A hypervisor is a software that you can use to run multiple virtual machines on a
single physical machine.

A hypervisor allows a single host computer to support multiple virtual machines

(VMs) by sharing resources including memory and processing.

The hypervisor loads the virtual machine images to create multiple virtual
operating systems. The physical machine is known as a host, and the virtual
operating systems are guests.

Types of Hypervisors : -

There are 2 types of hypervisors in cloud computing :

1) Type 1 Hypervisor : -

The type 1 hypervisor is also known as a bare-metal hypervisor. The type 1

hypervisor sits on top of the metal server and has direct access to the hardware

The type 1 hypervisor runs directly on the physical hardware of the host machine.
It doesn't require a host operating system because it interacts directly with the

The type 1 hypervisor is generally more secure and stable because it does not run
on top of another operating system.

Examples : - VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix XenServer.

Use Cases : - The type 1 hypervisor used in enterprise environments, data centers,
and cloud providers where performance and resource efficiency are critical.

2) Type 2 Hypervisor : -

The type 2 hypervisor is also known as a hosted or embedded hypervisor. The type 2
hypervisor is a hypervisor program which is installed on a host operating system.

The type 2 hypervisor runs on a host operating system that provides virtualization
services. The hypervisor sits on top of the OS and depends on device support and

Type 2 hypervisors are easier to install, configure, and use than bare-metal
hypervisors. It is similar to installing and using other desktop applications.

Examples : - VMware Workstation, Oracle VirtualBox, Parallels Desktop.

Use Cases : -The type 2 hypervisor used in the development and testing
environments, desktop virtualization where ease of use and flexibility are

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