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‫الَّلُهَّم َص ِّل َع َلٰى َس ِّيِد َنا ُمَحَّم ٍد َص اَل ًة ُتْنِج يَنا ِبَها ِم ْن‬

‫َجِم يِع اَأْلْهَو اِل َو اآْل َفاِت ❁ َو َتْقِض ى َلَنا ِبَها َجِم يَع‬
❁‫اْلَح اَج اِت ❁ َو ُتَطِّهُر َنا ِبَها ِم ْن َجِم يِع الَّس ِّيَئاِت‬
‫َو َتْر َفُع َنا ِبَها ِع ْنَدَك َأْع َلى الَّد َرَج اِت ❁ َوُتَبِّلُغ َنا ِبَها‬
‫َأْقَص ى اْلَغ اَياِت ❁ ِم ْن َجِم يِع اْلَخ ْيَر اِت ❁ ِفي‬
ِ ‫اْلَحَياِة َو َبْع َد اْلَمَم‬
Allahumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin ṣalātan tunjīnā bihā
min jamīʿi l-ahwāli wa l-āfāt(i), wa taqḍī lanā bihā jamīʿi l-ḥājāt(i),
wa tuṭahhirunā bihā min jamīʿi s-sayyi’āt(i), wa tarfaʿunā bihā
ʿindaka aʿlā d-darajāt(i), wa tuballighunā bihā aqṣā l-ghāyāt(i), min
jamīʿi l-khayrāt(i), fi l-ḥayāti wa baʿda l-mamāt(i).
O Allah, send upon our master Muhammad a prayer through which You deliver
us from all terrors and tribulations; and through which You fulfil for us every
need; and through which You purify us from every sin; and through which You
raise us to the loftiest of degrees in Your Presence; and through which You
cause us to reach the furthest limit, in all forms of goodness, in this life and after

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