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Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

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Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Characterisation under Laboratory and In-

use Operation☆☆
Giuseppe Di Pierro, Evangelos Bitsanis, Alessandro Tansini, Christian Bonato, Giorgio Martini,
Georgios Fontaras *
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy


Keywords: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) are one of the main options considered as possible future alternatives to
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle efficiency conventional vehicles. The paper evaluates a light-duty FCEV under both laboratory and on-road conditions.
Hydrogen consumption Hydrogen consumption and vehicle efficiency were measured over various driving and temperature conditions.
Consumption factors
Results show hydrogen consumption between 0.975 kg/100 km and 1.5 kg/100 km, close to the officially
In-use operation
declared value. A new extended formulation of vehicle efficiency is proposed to consider different energy streams
in the vehicle. Vehicle indicative efficiency remained between 50% and 60% on the majority of cases. The paper
also investigates the feasibility of applying a fuel cell system of similar characteristics for commercial urban and
rural applications, the Vehicle Energy Consumption Calculation TOol (VECTO), as a possible alternative solution
to a battery electric equivalent vehicle.

1. Introduction one-third of energy consumption and approximately one-fourth of

greenhouse gas emissions (A European Strategy for Low-Emission
The Paris Agreement targets call for drastic reductions of greenhouse Mobility — European Environment Agency, 2023). Freight trans­
gas (GhG) emissions by 2030 and to reach net zero by 2050 (Amanatidis, portation of goods and people with the use of heavy-duty vehicles
2020). The European Union (EU) Climate Law (EU, 2022) sets a legally (HDVs) accounts for 27% of the total road transport emissions (Carbon
binding target of net zero GhG emissions by 2050, and an intermediate dioxide emissions from Europe’s heavy-duty vehicles — European
target of 55% reduction by 2035, with efforts made by all sectors (Heaps Environment Agency,.). It is essential to promote the use of alternative
et al., ). To this end, the Union aims for a decarbonised energy (Parra energy sources (Han et al., 2020) and accelerate the introduction of
et al., 2019) and transport system (COMMUNICATION FROM THE zero- and low-emission vehicle (ZLEV) technologies (EU, 2023).
COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 2023). Reducing the Hydrogen (H2) is a potential alternative to fossil fuels, with a substan­
CO2 emissions, the predominant GhG, from transportation sector is tially lower or even carbon neutral footprint, that can be used in various
essential in achieving an effective and sustainable development model applications, from transportation to electricity generation (Sinigaglia
(Abanades et al., 2017). Passenger vehicles in Europe are responsible for et al., 2017). Significant challenges need to be addressed for widespread

Abbreviations: 4WD, 4-Wheel Drive; BEV, Battery Electric Vehicle; BHDC, Bi-Directional AC/DC Converter; BoP, Balance of Plant; CAN, Controller Area Network;
EEA, European Environmental Agency; EM, Electric Motor; EMEP, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme; EU, European Union; FC, Fuel Cell; FCEV, Fuel
Cell Electric Vehicle; GHG, Green House Gas; HDV, High Duty Vehicle; HEV, Hybrid Electric Vehicle; HV, High Voltage; I/O, Input/output; ICE, Internal Combustion
Engine; IFPEN, IFP Energies Nouvelles; JEC, JRC,EUCAR and Concawe; JRC, Joint Research Centre; LCA, Life Cycle Assessment; LDC, Low Power DC/DC Converter;
LHV, Lower Heating Value; NREL, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; OBD, On-Board Diagnostic; OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer; PID, Parameter ID;
PM, Permanent Magnet; RD, Regional Delivery; RDC, Real Driving Cycle; REESS, Rechargeable Energy Storage System; SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers; SFTP,
Supplemental Federal Test Procedure; SOC, State of Charge; SOF, State of Filling; TA, Type Approval; TEN-T, Trans-European Transport Network; TPMLM, Tech­
nically Permissible Maximum Laden Mass; TTW, Tank to Wheel; UD, Urban Delivery; VECTO, Vehicle Energy Consumption Calculation TOol; VELA, Vehicle Emission
LAboratory; WLTC, Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Cycle; WLTP, Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure; ZLEV, Zero- and Low-Emission

The views expressed in the paper are purely those of the authors and should not be interpreted as an official position of the European Commission.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Fontaras).
Received 29 August 2023; Received in revised form 13 November 2023; Accepted 4 December 2023
Available online 18 December 2023
2352-4847/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

uptake of H2 solutions such as storing and transporting hydrogen safely reported (Gao et al., 2021) based solely on cell optimisation. Still, it is
and efficiently, as well as the necessary economies of scale that will essential to understand the energy consumption of FCEVs and optimise
increase cost-effectiveness of hydrogen production and infrastructure the energy usage on board (Liu et al., 2020; Rout et al., 2022; Fernández
development (Rivard et al., 2019). Despite these challenges, a growing and Pérez-Dávila, 2022), and of various auxiliary systems (Mohammed
body of research and development focused on hydrogen and its potential et al., 2023). For example, it is reported that the compressor and the
applications (Kluschke et al., 2019; Stančin et al., 2020; Soone, 2021; 12-V accessories, the most energy-consuming devices among the Bal­
Viesi et al., 2017; Gómez Vilchez et al., 2022), highlighting hydrogen’s ance of Plant (BoP) components, account for approximately 2–3% of the
potential for zero GhG emissions and that the fuel can be produced from total fuel-cell-generated electric energy (Sery and Leduc, 2022). In a
various sources, including renewables such as wind and solar power more general context, BoP consists of all the supporting components and
(Wee, 2010) and concluding that it may constitute a pivotal solution to auxiliary systems of a power plant needed to deliver the energy, other
reduce GhG emissions (EU hydrogen policy and Briefing, 2021; Fragia­ than the generating unit itself.
como et al., 2022a; Singh et al., 2021). The use of FCEVs is expected to grow significantly in the European
In the mobility sector H2 has been highlighted for years (Agnolucci, transport sector; according to (European Parliament, 2023) a rapid
2007) as a possible energy carrier and an enabler of new zero-emission introduction of the technology could result in a fleet of approximately
propulsion technologies, such as Fuel Cells (FC). Also in this case various 3.7 million FC passenger vehicles and 500,000 FC light commercial
blockers have restricted its widespread diffusion (lower energy density vehicles on the road. Additionally, there is projected to be around 45,
relative to liquid hydrocarbon fuels, relatively high costs of transport, 000 FC trucks and buses in operation. FC technology is also expected to
storage and dispensing in compressed or liquefied form and the lack of make its way into the railway sector, with the potential to replace diesel
infrastructure) (Greene et al., 2020). The main hydrogen-based tech­ trains (Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking, 2019). Hence, it is
nology of relevance to transport are Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs). necessary to obtain a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the
Commercial FCEV car models have been introduced in the global market true potential of the technology under realistic operating conditions. So
since 2002 but with very limited uptake due to a series of challenges far the certification tests only cover a fraction of the possible operating
such as optimising the design and operation of FCEVs and developing conditions encountered in real-life, while for mature technologies such
reliable fault detection systems, integrating FCEVs with existing trans­ as internal combustion engine vehicles the discrepancy between official
portation systems while ensuring compatibility and efficient operation and actual energy consumption is thoroughly researched (Fontaras
(Fragiacomo et al., 2022b; Iranzo et al., 2020) durability and lifetime of et al., 2017). The available literature on FCEVs operation either under
the fuel cell stack, which a critical component of FCEVs (İnci et al., chassis dynamometer testing or in real-world conditions, is relatively
2021). Despite the fact that technology has overcome several of these limited: a study by the Argonne U.S. DOE laboratory on a Toyota Mirai is
issues and achieved interesting characteristics in the meantime, with notable (Lohse-Busch et al., 2020, 2018), while NREL and Green NCAP
claimed volume-power density of 3 kW/L and weight-power density of conducted on-road evaluations, but the results were anonymised and
2 kW/kg (Tanaka et al., 2020) still only a handful of models are normalised (Jennifer Kurtz (PI) et al.; Green NCAP assessment of the
commercially available with marginal sales numbers worldwide. Recent Hyundai NEXO hydrogen 4×4 automatic, 2021). An interesting study
research shows that consumers are also ready to accept the transition to has been recently published by IFPEN (Sery and Leduc, 2022) which
alternative technologies such as FCEV but policy steps need to be taken shows relevant information. Still the research question remains on how
regarding setting up price and making it at par with conventional ICE transport modellers, researchers and policy makers ought to approach
vehicles (Harichandan and Kar, 2023). The main obstacle for more and evaluate this technology, particularly in view of future scenarios
extensive uptake of FCEV technologies is arguably the lack of available focusing on broad market penetration of FCEVs or their in-use perfor­
infrastructure, with the global availability of hydrogen stations esti­ mance for life-cycle analysis applications.
mated in 2021 at a marginal 385 active and 167 stations in deployment The depicted scenario encompasses several sub-problems; first of all,
phase (Greene et al., 2020). To address this issue, the EU is currently the assessment of real-world FCEV performance trying to assess how
revising its alternative fuels infrastructure regulation, with new targets. FCEVs perform under a wide range of operating conditions, and how
To that end European Member States are required by the end of 2030 to their energy consumption and efficiency vary under these conditions.
ensure that publicly accessible H2 refuelling stations equipped with at Secondly, novel metrics and methodologies are thus needed to evaluate
least a 700 bar dispenser are deployed with a maximum distance of 200 FCEVs comprehensively, especially considering various energy sources
km between them along the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) (fuel, electrical, mechanical); moreover, it is crucial to understand in
(Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND what scenarios FCEVs can offer advantages over other vehicle technol­
OF THE COUNCIL, 2023; Alternative fuel infrastructure, 2023). ogies, particularly BEVs, in terms of performance, energy consumption,
In the meantime research on FC based vehicle powertrains has been and environmental impact. Additionally, researchers need to focus on
ongoing (Li and Taghizadeh-Hesary, 2022; Ajanovic and Haas, 2021; how to optimize FCEV performance for different driving mission pro­
Duan et al., 2022; Fan et al., 2021) highlighting the improvements files, loading levels, and range requirements. Finally, the foreseen sig­
achieved in overcoming various challenges, increasing reliability nificant growth of FCEVs requires recommendations and policy
(Becherif et al., 2018) and the efficiency of FCEVs. At the same time implications for encouraging the adoption and efficient use of FCEVs. By
many countries globally work on standardization and homologation addressing these sub-problems, researchers can contribute to a more
processes (Lan et al., 2022). Although FCEVs offer a higher range and comprehensive understanding of FCEV technology and help inform
quicker refuelling, they remain less energy-efficient than Battery Elec­ future policies and strategies related to sustainable transportation.
tric Vehicles (BEVs), the main antagonist technology for transport In this framework, the present study aims to give further contribu­
decarbonisation. Compared to the rapidly increasing BEV recharging tions to research on FCEVs building upon a previous activity from the
infrastructure, higher production prices and undeveloped fueling net­ same research group at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) (Di Pierro et al.,
works put FC technology at a disadvantage but high production volumes 2022). The present research tested market-available FCEV on different
could significantly contribute to its future uptake (Usai et al., 2021), driving mission profiles on a chassis dynamometer and on the road. In
particularly in niche applications like the one investigated in this study. addition to the hydrogen consumption results over different driving
Lately research on FCEV focuses on novel elements that combine fuel paths, the measurements made it possible to yield the vehicle’s overall
cell technologies with established vehicle electrification solutions, such efficiency according to a newly derived formulation that accounts for
as extensive hybridisation (Peng et al., 2021) and powertrain manage­ different energy sources (fuel, electrical, mechanical). The study focused
ment strategies (Lin et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2019) in an effort to further on producing novel energy and hydrogen consumption factors under
improve their efficiency. Gains in fuel consumption of 1.45–13.14% are various operating conditions that would enable further modelling and

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

research in the area. For doing so, the study extends the existing SAE Table 1
vehicle efficiency method for vehicle in-use operation. Finally, as an Test vehicle characteristics.
additional novelty element, hydrogen consumption has been bench­ Fuel Cell Stack (FCS)
marked against the main vehicle technologies available in the EU market
Cell Type Proton exchange membrane (PEM)
for investigating plausible scenarios where FCEV technology could Output Voltage 250 – 450 V
already offer benefits compared to battery electric propulsion. A com­ Max Output 95 kW
parison between the performance of an FCEV commercial vehicle was Hydrogen Tank 156.6 liters / 6.33 kg @ 700bars
evaluated against a battery electric (BEV) equivalent van of various with Power Electronics (PE)
Inverter 250 – 450 V
various levels of range using simulation under different driving profiles BHDC 160 – 275.2 V Input
and loading levels. 250 – 450 V Output
LDC 250 – 450 V Input
2. Methodology 12.8 – 13.9 Output
Electric Motor (EM)
Type PM Synchronous motor
2.1. Case study Max Power / Max Torque 120 kW / 395 Nm
High Voltage Battery
The test vehicle is an FCEV available in the European market, Type Lithium-ion Polymer
equipped with a 95 kW fuel cell stack and a 1.56kWh Li-ion battery. Rated Voltage 240 V
Capacity 1.56kWh / 6.5Ah
FCEVs are classified, together with battery-electric ones, as fully elec­ Weight 51.2 kg
trified vehicles. However, seen from a powertrain perspective, the test Performance parameters
vehicle features a series-hybrid architecture, similar to that of internal H2 consumption WLTP 0.95 kg/100 km
combustion hybrid-electric vehicles where fuel is consumed within a Range 666 km
conversion unit with the goal of producing electric energy that is later
used by the electric machines for propulsion. In this case, the fuel cell
stack replaces the internal combustion engine while the relatively small
High Voltage (HV) battery mainly assists during transient and low load
• 12 V battery voltage
operation and enables regenerative braking. The powertrain architec­
• Output voltage at BHDC
ture is illustrated in Fig. 1, while Table 1 summarises of relevant vehicle
• Input voltage and current at BHDC
characteristics. The test vehicle integrates a Bi-Directional DC/DC con­
• vehicle speed
verter (BHDC) to convert voltage level between the HV battery, FC stack
• air compressor speed
and inverter.
• H2 tank State of Filling (SOF)
The focus of physical measurements was to capture the power flows
• H2 fuel rate
between the major powertrain components; in this regard, various types
• HV Battery State of Charge (SOC)
of measurements can be arranged. The test campaign collected data
from standard and extended Parameter IDs (PIDs) On-Board Diagnostics
Regarding the actual measurements, electrical currents and voltages
(OBD) logging, Controller Area Network (CAN) data logging, and power
of the following components have been measured in the electric
analysers for electrical measurements. These three methods facilitated
the acquisition of instantaneous data for characterising powertrain op­
erations, reconstructing energy flow, and assessing fuel and energy
• HV battery DC input/output (I/O)
• High Voltage FC Stack output
An ad-hoc OBD device connected to the OBD-II plug/SAE J1979
• DC/DC Low Voltage output
(Council of the European Union, 2008) was used to communicate with
• Electric motor (EM) current
the vehicle’s control units through the CAN bus and collect data. Rele­
• 12 V battery output
vant data can be found in the extended PIDs, while some information
needs to be taken directly from the control modules available in the
Voltage probes and current clamps readings are collected and pro­
vehicle (Corrigan,.). Using a database-can (DBC) file and a CAN interface
cessed by adopting a power analyser that can elaborate the sampled
makes it possible to read from the CAN network. In this case study, the
current and voltage to calculate the instantaneous power (active,
most relevant signals gathered from the OBD/CAN communication bus

Fig. 1. Powertrain architecture (Di Pierro et al., 2022).

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

reactive, apparent), integrals (cumulative energy, cumulative charge)

and other relevant quantities. In this activity, the Dewesoft Sirius was
used. To simplify post-processing work the data obtained from CAN/
OBD and the power analyser were combined, synchronised, and
adjusted to a 4 Hz time resolution.

2.2. Test protocol

The tests were conducted at the JRC’s Vehicle Emission Laboratory

(VELA), in Ispra, Italy. The laboratory houses a four-wheel-drive (4WD)
chassis dynamometer in a climatic chamber that allows for controlled
humidity testing of any passenger car between − 30 ◦ C to + 50 ◦ C. The
laboratory features scientific instrumentation for testing vehicles pow­
ered by different fuels, including the necessary technical and safety
provisions for H2 (Tansini, 2020).
Fig. 2. Correlation between delta SOF [%] and total H2 consumed [g] derived
The activity included both chassis-dyno and on-road tests (Table 2). from laboratory experiments and used to characterise the on-road trips.
For tests on the chassis dyno, provisions from the Worldwide Harmo­
nized Light-duty Test Procedure (WLTP) were used (United Nations,
Value (LHV). In this study, the efficiency calculations reflect the fuel cell
2014; UNECE, 2013), (Table A supplementary material). To expand the
stack performance; due to limitations of instrumentation, the total
powertrain operating range and enhance the component characterisa­
fuel-cell efficiency, comprising different BoP components, was not
tion process, the US06 Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP)
investigated. Eq. 1 defines the FC stack efficiency η, calculated over a
cycle was employed, which features a more intense, high-speed, and
driving cycle:
high-acceleration driving behaviour (Han et al., 2020). The Real Driving
∫ tf
Cycle (RDC) is a chassis dynamometer test that was obtained by trim­
VFC (t) • IFC (t) dt
ming a real-world speed profile in a way to obtain a duration of 30 min
with a mix of urban, rural and motorway conditions. Each cycle repe­ ηFC = ∫t0 tf (1)
tition includes a cold and a warm start. The former requires that the ṁH2 (t) • LHV dt
powertrain is thermally balanced with test cell temperature at the start
of the test. The latter is carried out right after having warmed up the Where VFC V is the FC voltage, IFC I is FC current, ṁH2 is the hydrogen fuel
components and the whole powertrain through the cold-start cycle, rate and LHV is the fuel low heating value for which the authors assumed
which could potentially improve the overall powertrain efficiency a value of 119.96 MJ/kg (Hydrogen Tools Portal,.).
(DiPierro et al., 2019). Finally, four different on-road tests were carried
out in the JRC area to characterise the vehicle performance in real-world 2.3.3. Hydrogen consumption correction with battery SOC
conditions: Esperia, Labiena, Casale and Milano, as described in (Bonnel When evaluating the hydrogen fuel consumption, particularly under
et al., 2022). reference laboratory conditions (European Commission, 2017), the fuel
consumption must be corrected taking into account the HV battery en­
2.3. Data processing ergy content variation during the test. The fuel consumption acquired by
CAN (H2raw ) is later corrected using the following equation according to
2.3.1. Hydrogen consumption EU Regulation 2017/1151:
The instantaneous H2 consumption rate in mg/s, recorded from CAN,
H2corr = H2raw + Kfuel,FCHV • ECDC,CS (2)
was used to characterise the tests carried out in the laboratory, using
time integration to return the total mass of H2 consumed (grams). On the Where H2corr [kg/100 km] is the corrected hydrogen consumption,
other hand, the instantaneous H2 consumption rate was unavailable for Kfuel,FCHV [kg/Wh] is the correction factor, ECDC,CS [Wh/km] is the
the on-road tests because of technical limitations. The total H2
electrical energy consumption per km calculated as the ratio between
consumed over the on-road trips was calculated from SOF variation
HV battery energy (integral of voltage multiplied by current) and the
using a linear relationship as presented in Fig. 2. The formula was
cycle distance. Kfuel,FCHV is taken from a study available in the literature
derived from laboratory data correlating the SOF variation of each trip
for the same vehicle (Sery and Leduc, 2022).
(difference between final and initial value) to the H2 consumed obtained
from the integration of the instantaneous CAN signal.
2.3.4. Vehicle efficiency
In the standard way to determine a vehicle’s efficiency, the fuel
2.3.2. Fuel cell stack efficiency
energy is divided by the positive energy required to drive the entire
Fuel cell stack efficiency is calculated by dividing the given elec­
cycle, as shown in Eq. (3) according to SAE J2951 (J2951_201401 SAE
tricity output by the hydrogen energy input (fuel) (Harrison et al., ),
standard). This standard provides guidelines for generating the positive
being the hydrogen energy content derived from the Lower Heating
cycle energy parameter and other relevant testing parameters, and it
was initially designed for conventional vehicles.
Table 2
∫ tf
Test campaign summary.
Pwheel positive
Conditions Driving cycle Start Speed Temperature ηSAE = ∫ ti
Vehicle tf
LABORATORY WLTC Cold/Warm 46 km/h 23 ◦ C ṁfuel (t) • LHV dt
US06 Cold/Warm 77.9 km/h 23 ◦ C ti
RDC Cold 56 km/h 23 ◦ C/35 ◦ C
WLTC Cold/Warm 46 km/h 35 ◦ C Aux On/Off Where Pwheel positive is the positive power requested at the wheels, ṁfuel is
ON ROAD Esperia Cold 54 km/h 14–24 ◦ C the fuel flow rate.
Labiena Cold 56 km/h
Casale Cold 91 km/h
In this study the SAE vehicle efficiency was extended to additionally
Milano Cold 67 km/h account for electric energy balance and the difference in potential and

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

kinetic energy, which are relevant aspects when addressing real-world annual mileage of 58,000 km. Assuming 215 working days results to
driving cycles. Thus, the useful vehicle energy at the denominator can about 270 km daily. These daily kilometres are driven combining the
be expressed as follows: four missions mentioned above in balanced shares accounting for 2.7
repetitions of the average cycle result (100 km cycle distance).
ΔEVehicle = ΔEfuel + ΔEREESS + ΔEpotential + ΔEkinetic =
∫ ∫ tf The analysis covers the performance of group 53 BEVs for various
( )
levels of installed battery capacity and their comparison with an FC-
tf ( ) 1
ṁfuel (t) • LHV dt + Pel dt − m • g • hf − hi − • m • v2f − v2i
ti ti 2 adapted equivalent vehicle. The BEV reference vehicles featured a
(4) generic electric motor model as well as a resized battery pack that can be
found in the generic vehicles of VECTO. As presented in Table 3, the
That can be rearranged as in the following formula:
vehicle aerodynamic drag surface (CdxA) was set to 2.5 m2, the standard

∫ tf
Pwheel positive
=∫ tf ∫ tf
( ) (5)
( ) 1
ṁfuel (t) • LHV dt + Pel dt − m • g • hf − hi − • m • v2f − v2i
ti ti 2

value for the group, and the total weight to 3000 kg. The battery pack is
Where Pel is the combined electric power flowing in or out of all added to the latter in order to account for the extra weight. The added
Rechargeable Energy Storage System (REESS), m is the vehicle mass, g is mass associated to the installed battery capacity was calculated through
the gravitational acceleration, hf and hi the final and initial geodetic the generic assumption of 6.7 kg/kWh for the battery system as assumed
altitude, vf and vi the final and initial vehicle speed, respectively. The by VECTO. Six vehicles cases with 1–6 battery packs of 30kWh each
extended SAE vehicle efficiency allows us to consider all energy sources were constructed.
and cover more vehicle technologies (full hybrids, plug-in hybrids, A 95 kW FC stack is assumed for the FCEV equivalent, with a 6.33 kg
electrics, fuel cell electrics) both in the laboratory and on the road, tank capacity, as for the tested vehicle. The battery size is increased at
where trips might include significant altitude loss or gain. 10kWh compared to the test vehicle because of the higher total mass
causing higher instantaneous power values for both propulsion and
2.4. VECTO model for a commercial delivery vehicle recuperation. Another reason for using a bigger battery is to sustain the
short-term fluctuations in power request and stabilise the behaviour of
Based on the experimental data collected, the study team assessed the FC, which will be able to work in more stable conditions and increase
the benefits of the technology in commercial applications using VECTO, longevity of the system. This seems to be the preferred solution from the
the official simulation software introduced by EU regulation for certi­ first vehicles that are presented to enter the market. The weight of the
fying HDVs’ energy consumption and CO2 emissions (Fontaras et al., vehicle is set equal to the 60kWh BEV equivalent assuming 335 kg for
2016; Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation TOol, 2023). VECTO is the FC system and storage.
an open-source backward-looking forward propagation simulation The simulation results of the equivalent in terms of mass BEV were
model tailored to calculate the energy consumption and CO2 emissions used as a reference basis. The battery terminal power simulated for that
of HDVs equipped with various powertrains, conventional internal 60kWh BEV was filtered with an exponential rolling average filter with a
combustion, hybrid-electric, battery electric, and fuels. At every simu­ decay value of α = 0.0015 (Figure A supplementary material) and the
lation step, VECTO calculates the power demand of the vehicle taking result was used as an input power request to the fuel cell system. This
into account aerodynamic losses, inclination, rolling resistance and ac­ filtering approach ensures a smooth power request to the fuel cell system
celeration profile. The resulting power demand is propagated through which is still reactive to load transitions. A comparison between the raw
the component models of the powertrain and each one is adding its own power at the battery terminals and the fictive filtered power request to
losses to it. The total mechanical power is then reaching to the electric the FC (Figure B supplementary material). The positive portion of this
motor, which through an efficiency map is requesting the respective was then used to calculate the H2 consumption through an efficiency
electrical power to the battery terminals additionally to any modelled map as presented in (Sery and Leduc, 2022). The amount of energy from
electric auxiliaries. VECTO has been validated against real world mea­ the FC calculated ex-post was then corrected to achieve a neutral electric
surements and various studies demonstrate its capacity to reproduce
real-world vehicle performance within a ± 5% (Bitsanis et al., 2023;
Table 3
Broekaert et al., 2020; Zacharof et al., 2023). A functional version of
Simulated reference vehicle characteristics.
VECTO covering FCEV is at the time of writing under development.
Vehicle Characteristics Battery electric vehicle FCEV
Hence, the study team utilised a prototype adapted to capture the
operation of a heavy-duty commercial vehicle. CdxA 2.5 [m2] 2.5 [m2]
An adapted version of the vehicle system tested is envisioned for Vehicle mass (wo. 3000 [kg] 3000 [kg]
small HDVs (N class). Vehicle group 53 according to (EU) 2017/2400 Electric motor 125 [kW]/ 485 [Nm]/ 95 kW
(EU, 2017) refers to vans with a Technically Permissible Maximum 2460 [rpm]
Laden Mass (TPMLM) of 5–7.4 tonnes; their CO2 emissions and energy Fuel Tank N/A 156.6 litres / 6.33 kg
demand are certified with VECTO. The vehicle is simulated in the @ 700bars
Final drive ratio 11 [-] 11 [-]
Regional Delivery (RD) and the Urban Delivery (UD) cycles in two
Battery capacity 30/60/90/120/ 10 [kWh]
different payload levels, low load (L) and reference load (R), for a total 150/180 [kWh]
of four simulated missions. Group 53-vans are delivery vehicles carrying Total vehicle mass (w. 3201/3402/3603/3804/ 3402 [kg]
heavy goods for a big portion of the day, making their full electrification battery) 4006/4207 [kg]
challenging unless enough battery storage capacity is installed. Ac­ Payload (Low/ 240/1210 [kg] 240/1210 [kg]
cording to (Regulation (EU) 2019/1242) group 53 vehicles have an

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

energy balance between the start and the end of each mission profile. JRC measured value is used as reference subsequently.
The correction factor was also applied to the H2 consumption. This is a Considering the dependency between driving conditions and H2
simulation method which cannot return the same result as a full simu­ consumption described in the previous section, the estimation the
lation environment with a dedicated controller for this technology, but it discrepancy between real-world operation and the laboratory test value,
should give a very good indication as the FC efficiency is relatively stable requires a careful selection of the tests to compare against which the
from medium loads and above, i.e. the operating conditions evaluated in comparison will be made. The on-road test in the campaign that
our analysis would largely overlap with the ones resulting from a exhibited the most comparable characteristics (average speed and level
dedicated ad-hoc operational strategy. of dynamicity) to the cold-start WLTC is the Labiena driven with the
normal level of dynamicity. The corrected H2 consumption value for this
3. Results test is 1.070 kg/100 km which is 5.4% higher than the cold-start WLTC
and 8.1% higher than the warm-start WLTC. Under these circumstances,
This section discusses the results from the test campaign both from more favourable H2 consumption values might be expected because of
laboratory and road. Tests aggregated results were obtained from the the powertrain operating for a large of the test in warmed-up conditions
time series to highlight the FCEV performance over different drives and (longer duration than a WLTC, 99 km, 106 min), therefore positively
their sub phases to extract the performance variations according to the contributing to an increased the vehicle efficiency as it will be presented
driving conditions. The test results are provided in Table 4. later. On the other hand, on-road trips are typically associated with
higher energy consumption because active auxiliaries are not used in
3.1. FCEV consumption and overall performance laboratory testing counterbalancing the positive contribution
mentioned before.
The average fuel consumption under different driving conditions is Similar real-world discrepancies are reported by private drivers on
hereafter analysed. As already investigated in (Di Pierro et al., 2022), Spritmonitor database (Spritverbrauch berechnen und Autokosten ver­
the FCEV is expected to be more efficient in those cycles where low walten -, 2023), a platform where users can freely insert
average power at the wheels is requested. Therefore, as illustrated in their driven distance and refuelling events to obtain fuel consumption
Fig. 3 (left), in these experiments the vehicle consumed 0.99 kg/100 km statistics. In May 2023 data from three different vehicles were available,
on average in the warm type-approval (TA) WLTP cycle. As expected, matching the same model, with reported average real-world consump­
the vehicle consumes more fuel over highly dynamic cycles like the tion between 1.00 and 1.06 kg/100 km. The average of
US06 and the RDC on dyno, resulting in a 34.4% and 5.5% increase in 1.027 kg/100 km is 8.0% higher than the value declared by the OEM
cold conditions at 23 ◦ C, respectively. Overall, the effect of the cold start and of the same order (1.5% higher) as the measurement. Given the
on fuel consumption is below 5%, as detected over the WLTP and US06. limited deviation which are well below the discrepancy range identified
Interestingly, the average fuel consumption is very much affected when for conventional (Pavlovic et al., 2020) and plug-in hybrid vehicles
the vehicle is tested at 35 ◦ C and the air conditioning is turned off ("Aux" (Tansini et al., 2022; Ktistakis et al., 2022), the indications suggest that
vs “noAux”): this results in a drop of 11.4% and 12.1% in cold and warm no excessive real-world energy consumption increase, as the declared
start conditions, respectively. Otherwise, high external temperature of WLTP value was 0.95 kg/100 km, the JRC reproduced WLTP value was
35 ◦ C has a negligible impact if the cabin cooling is intentionally turned 1.015 kg/100 km (+6.8%), whereas the JRC tested real-world average
off. value was 1.070 kg/100 km (+12.6%) fully comparable with the1.027
Fig. 3 (right) shows the average fuel consumption measured over on- (+8.1%) value retrieved from Spritmonitor.
road tests. In the Esperia, the study team tested the impact of setting the It is essential that future campaigns identify the most common
maximum level of regenerative braking available, which resulted in a operating conditions and validate the representativeness of the certifi­
3.9% decrease in fuel consumption. In the Labiena, it was tested the cation process.
impact of a more dynamic driving (VA95 as described in EU Regulation
2017/1151 increased from 12.0 to 21.1 m2/s3), resulting in a 31.2% 3.3. Efficiency benchmarking and consumption factors definition
increase in consumption. Finally, the last comparison aimed at charac­
terising the fuel consumption over a balanced condition that includes 3.3.1. Efficiency under different conditions and driving patterns
urban driving (Milano) and another condition prevailing of motorway In Fig. 5 vehicle efficiency calculated according to the extended SAE
driving (Casale), for which an increase of 18.2% was obtained. approach described in Eq. 5, is displayed and it ranges from 50.2% to
Lastly, Fig. 4 gives an overview of the cycles performed and the 61.1% depending on cycle type and auxiliaries power demand values
dependency between average speed and hydrogen consumption. A comparable to those reported in recent literature (Fan et al., 2021). The
correlation can be identified, with the fuel consumption increasing with minimum value is obtained in the 35 ◦ C cold-start WLTP with active
higher average speed. The cycles characterised by active auxiliaries auxiliaries (the most unfavourable conditions), since more electric en­
(Aux, ’x’ used as a marker in the plot) appear to lay outside of the overall ergy is required to cool down the cabin. In the on-road tests vehicle
trend identified by the other tests, and this can be associated to the efficiency is never below 51.2%, reaching its lowest value in highway
testing conditions demanding extra energy for the cabin conditioning. driving (Casale) as it could be expected: higher FC power output is
The same discussion applies to the Labiena, which is driven in a very associated to lower FC efficiency (Di Pierro et al., 2022) and little
dynamic way making this test significantly different from others. In contribution comes from braking energy regeneration due to the
motorway conditions (Casale), the FCEV achieves 1.506 kg/100 km of motorway drive. Interestingly, there is almost no difference in vehicle
fuel consumption (+58.5% compared to the WLTP TA value). efficiency between the Esperia standard and with high regeneration since
the effect of recovery energy is included in the denominator of the
3.2. Laboratory versus real-world operation formula.

The WLTP H2 certified consumption of the vehicle is 0.95 kg/100 km 3.3.2. H2 and energy consumption factors
as reported in Table 1. The corrected H2 consumption was measured at To demonstrate the influence of the driving conditions on energy
1.015 kg/km over the cold-start WLTP according to the CAN signal, a consumption, the different trips were split into sub phases and the H2
value that is 6.8% higher than the official one. This variation albeit consumption from each segment was calculated together with other
relatively high, is not unrealistic considering factors such as vehicle relevant parameters. The results are plotted in Fig. 6 versus the average
condition and age compared to the one used for certification, test velocity (left subplot), an approach typically adopted in many macro­
reproducibility and possible differences in the experimental set up. The scopic emissions and consumption calculation models and inventories;

G. Di Pierro et al.
Table 4
Aggregated data from test campaign on the FCEV.
Test name Type Temperature Ground Cycle Average Speed Distance FC Stack FC Energy H2 Motive Positive traction VA95 Vehicle SAE ext.
[◦ C] [km/h] [km] Eff [-] [kWh] consumption power [kW] Energy [kWh] [m2/s3] efficiency [-]
[kg/100 km]

CASALE_RDE Cold - road CAS 90.7 187.86 0.532 50.64 1.506 48.42 16.74 0.512
ESPERIA_R1_RDE Cold - road ESP 53.4 90.21 0.601 21.35 1.170 19.09 13.11 0.539
ESPERIA_R3_RDE Cold - road ESP 54 96.41 0.588 21.75 1.125 19.58 11.81 0.536
LABIENA_RDE Cold - road LAB 55.3 99.20 0.568 20.19 1.070 21.70 12.02 0.611
LABIENA_RDE_DYN Cold - road LAB 57.7 99.29 0.562 26.36 1.404 24.51 21.08 0.523
MILANO_RDE Cold - road MIL 66.9 129.61 0.550 30.52 1.274 31.20 12.87 0.565
RDC_35deg Cold 35 lab RDC 55.1 27.80 0.592 6.17 1.121 5.43 9.55 0.522

RDC_23deg Cold 23 lab RDC 55.1 27.90 0.590 5.81 1.071 5.41 9.58 0.545
US_06_Cold Cold 23 lab US06 76.9 12.80 0.585 3.75 1.364 3.22 20.39 0.534
US_06_Hot Warm 23 lab US06 76.6 12.60 0.589 3.32 1.309 3.20 19.38 0.576
WLTP_Cold Cold 23 lab WLTC 46.3 22.90 0.590 4.62 1.015 4.47 8.98 0.575
WLTP_Cold_Aux Cold 35 lab WLTC 46.3 22.90 0.598 5.39 1.164 4.48 9.02 0.502
WLTP_Cold_noAux Cold 35 lab WLTC 46.3 22.80 0.601 4.78 1.031 4.47 8.90 0.568
WLTP_Hot Warm 23 lab WLTC 46.55 22.95 0.602 4.56 0.990 4.49 9.02 0.593
WLTP_Hot_Aux Warm 35 lab WLTC 46.2 22.80 0.596 5.03 1.109 4.45 9.04 0.527
WLTP_Hot_noAux Warm 35 lab WLTC 46.3 22.80 0.603 4.48 0.975 4.48 8.59 0.605

Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

Fig. 3. Comparison of H2 consumption over different driving and test conditions in the laboratory (left) and on the road (right).

Fig. 4. Hydrogen consumption versus average speed in the test (blue=cold-start tests, orange=warm-start tests).

Fig. 5. Comparison of SAE extended efficiency over different driving and test conditions in the laboratory (left) and on the road (right).

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

Fig. 6. H2 consumption factors as a function of average speed (left) and specific positive traction energy (right).

Fig. 7. Comparison of light-duty vehicles energy consumption factors from different powertrain technologies.

in this analysis it is also compared the H2 consumption with the specific

Table 5
positive energy request at wheels (right subplot). A second degree
FCEV energy consumption Wh/km fitting parameters ac­
polynomial function was fitted to the data and the fitting parameters
cording to the EMEP/EEA methodology.
derived are presented within the respective subplots.
The energy-based function from the right subplot better correlates to Fitting parameters Speed-based

the experimental data (higher R2 value). The different colours for Alpha 2.317E-02
markers are used to differentiate the type of trip, showing standard in Beta -2.179E-01
Gamma 2.728E+ 02
lab (blue), extended in lab (orange) and the real driving cycles (RDCs)
Delta 0
(green). The plot highlights, as expected, a positive correlation between Epsilon 0
the overall fuel consumption and the average vehicle speed or specific Zeta 0
positive traction energy at the wheels. The results are in line with the Eta 1
findings from other studies that highlighted the different trend of elec­ RF 0

trified vehicles compared to the U-shape of conventional vehicles (Fiori

et al., 2019; Mamikoglu et al., 2017). Data for Diesel vehicles and petrol Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) come
To this extent, Fig. 7 gives a comparison of the required energy in from the EMEP/EEA methodology emissions guidebook 2019 - 1.A.3.b.i-
Wh/km between the case study FCEV (blue), an average for conven­ iv Road Transport Appendix 4 (European Environment Agency, 2023)
tional Diesel vehicles (brown), a HEV (orange) and a PHEV used only in by selecting from the database a similar vehicle type (SUV/Executive)
charge depleting conditions, presenting the absolute values (left sub­ complying with the most recent emissions standard (Euro 6 d). The
plot) and the relative values compared to the FCEV case (right subplot). FCEV curve was obtained by converting the hydrogen consumption from

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

our tests and their sub-phases to specific energy consumption in Wh/km

by multiplying with LHV. The parameters for the fitting using the for­
mula from the EMEP/EEA methodology (Tansini et al., 2022) are pro­
vided in Table 5. The PHEV curve was obtained by combining the
charge-depleting electric energy consumption in Wh/km and the charge
depleting fuel energy in Wh/km from Tansini et al (Tansini et al., 2022).
The overall PHEVs energy consumption cannot be generalised at this
stage because of a knowledge gap on the real-world utility factor to
properly weigh the charge depleting and charge sustaining phases. The
FCEV characteristic energy consumption is always below the Diesel and
the HEV ones. The PHEV curve intersects with the FCEV one for inter­
mediate speed values, behaviour that can be explained by the PHEV
acting more as an energy-efficient BEV for low speeds and more as a
gasoline HEV for high speeds, where the energy associated to fuel being
consumed adds up to the electric energy from the battery. Overall, the
FCEV technology seems to represent a valid opportunity to limit the
energy consumption in vehicles regardless of the usage conditions.

4. Discussion

The debate on the adoption and diffusion of H2 technology, partic­ Fig. 8. Calculated range for battery electric vehicles with different battery
ularly FC-propelled vehicles, revolves around two main aspects: the high capacity and applied charging.
cost and the lack of infrastructure that would make their use seamless
and efficient. High costs limit the accessibility to the technology to very section. For urban delivery operation (UD) the density diagram
high-income consumers or companies that aim for specific niche appli­ (Figure B supplementary material) is concentrated in a quite favourable
cations and case-specific investment opportunities. On the other hand, area of the system efficiency map, whereas in the regional delivery (RD)
the lack of fuelling infrastructure is a major stumbling block to the up­ case, the operation goes across a much bigger range of the system. The
take of the technology, inhibiting further large-scale investments in it. efficiency mean value and standard deviation are presented in Table 6.
This section outlines a possible use case that could harness the benefits The resulting ranges for a storage capacity of 6.33 kg (and ac­
of the technology while remaining viable under the current conditions, counting for a 6 kg usable capacity of hydrogen fuel) for each cycle and
particularly when compared to the battery-electric alternative. For this for the average mission profile were 300 km for RDL, 290 km for RDR,
purpose, it is supposed that any investment in FCEVs, to be viable and 470 for UDL, 435 for UDR and about 370 km on average, well above the
maintain a relevant volume of vehicles, would need to come from 270 km assumption, even in the most unfavourable case, giving opera­
commercial fleet operators that, under a certain partnership or invest­ tors room for flexibility. As a second step, BEVs with different battery
ment scheme, can combine a small FCEV captive fleet with the devel­ capacities and weights were simulated. The red dashed line on Fig. 8
opment of dedicated fuelling infrastructure. The latter assumption shows the average range of the FCEV (376 km) for direct comparison
inevitably points to two major characteristics of the use case: a) com­ with the calculated ranges of the BEV. The black dashed line shows the
mercial application and b) urban-regional operation profile. The com­ required installed vehicle range for a day’s mission (270 km) without
mercial nature of the use-case stems not only from the investment any charging events. In the case of a BEV a battery capacity of about
viability needs, for example, the higher number of vehicles, reduced 130kWh would be necessary to fulfil the requirement (intersection point
capital expenditure, combination with corporate decarbonisation stra­ of red line with black dashed line). A battery capacity of more than
tegies, to name a few, but also the need to ensure a high use rate and 180kWh would be required to reach the FCEV range.
annual mileage, as it will be presented onwards, that eventually maxi­ The average mission profile duration spans between 9695 and 9710 s
mise cost benefits from fuel and energy savings. The likely urban-rural for 100 km, the assumption of 270 km of total distance returns a total
application originates from the requirement of self-developed and driving time, including stops, of about 7.3 h, a reasonable average daily
operated refuelling infrastructure, which essentially, in the case of a operation time with the required breaks for loading and unloading or
captive commercial fleet, limits the range of operation and implies a sort changing driver(s), and 30 min charging. The required installed range is
of depot or a small network of fixed refuelling spots, where eventually all lower in the cases of charging events than when assuming no charging.
vehicles begin from and finish. One should always assess the benefits In the case of low-power charging (22 kW) one would need a battery of
and limitations of any approach with respect to the most prominent about 110kWh, and in case of higher-power charging (65 kW), a battery
alternative, which in this case would be BEVs, at least when viewed from of about 80kWh. It is evident that even in the last case, on days with a
a decarbonisation and energy-saving perspective. high degree of RD driving, even the 90kWh battery system would not be
Considering the above as a test case, an FCEV application on a small enough. Given these figures, operating electric vans in these kinds of
heavy duty vehicle (HDV) is assumed, as described in the methodology conditions requires very precise handling of shifts, breaks, loads and
routes and possibly a higher number of vehicles. It is important to note
Table 6 that the analysis has been conducted with the assumptions made within
Mean value and standard deviation of fuel cell system efficiency over the the certification regulation framework. VECTO offers the possibility to
simulated mission profile. operate in the so-called “engineering mode” with which analysts can set
Mission Regional Regional Urban Urban delivery their own driving and loading assumptions called mission profiles that
profile delivery low delivery delivery low reference load can represent better their own use-case to evaluate what is the best
load (RDL) reference load load (UDL) (UDR) solution.
To create a fair comparison, it is assumed that the equivalent BEV to
Efficiency 0.61 0.61 0.66 0.66 the FCEV is the one with 180kWh installed battery. The energy demand
of the two vehicles in Wh/km over different mission profile is shown in
Efficiency 0.026 0.028 0.013 0.015
Fig. 9a. The difference between the two vehicles is well correlated with

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

vehicles or HDVs the powertrain under consideration is likely under­

sized, but it can be assumed that the efficiency will increase when
scaling-up the entire system to freight transport application. Thus, the
results obtained via the simulation tool represent a conservative esti­
mation of the real capabilities of this technology. Moreover, the test
campaign shows a good coverage of trip driving conditions (speed,
dynamicity) but it can be definitely improved as for the thermal testing
conditions during future activities. To this regard, similar activities are
under consideration on the other vehicle available on the market in
order to enhance the internal knowledge and database.

5. Conclusions

This study focused on testing an FCEV passenger car under different

driving conditions on a chassis dynamometer and the road. Overall,
FCEV technology appears to be a promising solution for reducing energy
consumption in vehicles compared to internal combustion engines or
hybrid vehicles, and the study findings confirmed observations from
other researchers also at non-standard operating conditions with wide
temperature variations and auxiliaries use. H2 consumption varies from
0.975 to 1.506 kg/100 km; in the cold-start WLTP, consumption is
1.015 kg/100 km, 6.8% higher than the declared value. The on-road test
conducted recorded consumption of 1.070 kg/100 km, showing a 5.4%
increase compared to the cold-start WLTC and an 8.1% increase
compared to the warm-start WLTC. Existing databases indicate that the
real-world average consumption is 1.027 kg/100 km, which is only
8.0% higher than the official value and 1.5% higher than JRC laboratory
measurements. The latter is an important finding suggesting that the
current certification framework adequately reflects the operation of
FCEV vehicles and in the short term no particular dedicated monitoring
would be needed. However, given the small sample of vehicles available
in the EU the conclusion needs to be confirmed with follow up studies.
The calculated extended vehicle efficiency ranges from 50.2% to
61.1% depending on auxiliary systems’ cycle type and power demand.
Fig. 9. a) FCEV and BEV specific energy consumption comparison over Additionally, a positive correlation between hydrogen consumption and
different mission profiles, b) Equivalent CO2 emissions for the BEV and the average vehicle speed was found and the emission factor formula
FCEV under different carbon intensity scenarios). derived to serve as a tool for modelling FCEV fuel and energy con­
sumption can be representative for operation in the EU. The application
the FC system efficiency, but less prominent especially in the low of the extended vehicle efficiency calculation has proven a useful tool for
loading cases as a result of the difference of total vehicle weight due to characterising and comparing different operating conditions hence it
the battery. In summary the ratio between the energy consumption of could be used for future vehicle benchmarking and cross technology
the BEV and the FCEV was 0.63 over RDL, 0.61 over RDR, 0.71 over UDL comparison in real world operation. Further research is necessary to
and 0.7 over UDR. fully capture FCEV technology’s real world performance, particularly
To compare the equivalent CO2 of the two vehicles per kilometre we under extreme ambient conditions.
need to look at different carbon intensities of producing H2 and elec­ The comparative evaluation between the performance of an FCEV
tricity used for charging (Fig. 9b). From the JEC v5 report (Prussi et al., van and BEV van with different battery capacities showed that operating
2020), two scenarios for the production of H2 are used, one assuming BEV vans in prescribed conditions requires precise shifts, breaks, loads,
hydrogen from electrolysis on retail site with use of medium voltage EU and routes management. The FCEV van proves suitable for lower-end
average electricity with 175.2 gCO2eq./kWh (FCEV high case) and one HDV categories when adapted properly. FCEV technology can benefit
with central electrolysis, hydrogen pipeline transport and energy com­ the lower ends of the HDVs categories with the correct adaptations,
ing from wind with 9.5 gCO2eq./kWh (FCEV low case). With regards to which can have high potential in the future for scaling up the technology
the electricity use for the BEV equivalent we are assuming three levels of provided that the operator has access to low carbon intensity H2. It offers
carbon intensity from Scarlat et al (Scarlat et al., 2022)., a country with advantages such as higher flexibility in scheduling due to extended
1100 gCO2eq./kWh (BEV high case), the average of EU27 with 334 range and increased loading capacity resulting from a lower vehicle
gCO2eq./kWh (BEV mid case) and a country with 31 gCO2eq./kWh (BEV mass. Access to fully renewable hydrogen further enhances its benefits.
low case). For the BEV case we apply a charging efficiency of 92.5% As a next step, on the experimental side, the study group plans to
which is a bit better than what is normally measured currently (Tren­ investigate tailored manoeuvres, encompassing steady-state driving,
tadue et al., 2018), in order to account for improvements. It is important accelerations, and elasticity tests. These will allow a thorough explora­
to mention that no CO2 for battery or fuel cell production was accounted tion of the powertrain’s operational scope and replicate component
for in this analysis. As seen from the result, the highest case regarded for testing. Furthermore, the testing campaign will potentially involve the
H2 production to make sense gives lower specific equivalent CO2 emis­ measurement of electrical consumption from various components
sions than the case of electricity from high carbon intensity mixes. within the FC system BoP, with a specific focus on the electric
Currently, only two different models of FCEV are available on the compressor in the air intake, as it significantly affects power consump­
market, hence the selected test case represents the state of the art and it tion. This data will enable the accurate computation of the overall FC
can be considered a valuable basis for experimental benchmarking and system efficiency. Forthcoming activities will also encompass a
model calibration and validation. Anyways, for light commercial comprehensive examination of thermal management at the vehicle

G. Di Pierro et al. Energy Reports 11 (2024) 611–623

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