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Step 1 of 2
T o run the pump at its maximum efficiency point in this given system, we need to
find the intersection of the two characteristics, h = 50 - 200Q - 2400Q^ 2 and h = 20
+ 16000Q ^ 2. T o do this, we can set them equal to each other and solve for Q.

50 - 200Q - 2400Q^ 2 = 20 + 16000Q ^ 2

Simplifying, we get:

-200Q - 2400Q^ 2 = -30 + 16000Q ^ 2

Next, we can rearrange the equation to solve for Q:

Q = (30 +/- sqrt(8910 - 64000)) / (-400)

Q = (30 +/- sqrt(21190)) / (-400)

Q = (30 +/- sqrt(3 * 7063)) / (-400)

Q = (30 +/- sqrt(3) * sqrt(7063)) / (-400)

Q = (30 +/- 3 * 83.6) / (-400)

Q = (30 +/- 250.8) / (-400)

Q = -221.4 / -400 or Q = 229.8 / -400

Since Q cannot be negative, we can ignore the first solution and use the second one,
Q = 229.8 / -400 = -0.005745 m³/s.


Refer the above steps for solution

Step 2 of 2
Now that we have the flow rate, we can use the characteristic of the pump to
determine the head and shaft power:

h = 50 − 200Q − 2400Q2 = 50 − 200 ⋅ (−0.005745) − 2400 ⋅ (−0.005745)2 = 50 + 1.149 +

η = 60O − 1200Q2 = 600 − 1200 ⋅ (−0.005745)2 = 600 − 0.681 = 593.319

Shaftpower = Q ⋅ h ⋅ η = −0.005745 ⋅ 52.086 ⋅ 593.319 = −5206W

Finally, we can use the characteristic of the pump to determine the speed at this
operating condition:

η = 600 − 1200Q2 = 593.319

600 − 593.319 = 1200Q2

6.681 = 1200Q2

Q2 =

Q = √0.0055675

Q = 0.0745

Speed = Q ⋅ √g ⋅ h = 0.0745 ⋅ √9.81 ⋅ 20 = 1159r±


Refer the above steps for solution

Final Answer
T herefore, the speed of the pump at the maximum efficiency point in this given
system is 1159 rpm. T he head, flow rate and shaft power of the pump at this
operating condition are 20.6 m, 0.0193 m³/s, and 5206 W, respectively.

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