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Patch GALIC-01-0 Installation Procedure

Patch GALIC-01-0 is intended to update the current PR Server License, valid until 05-September-2012.
After patch installation the PR Server license is valid until 01-January-2038.

The PR Server License validity is checked during GenieAcq Application start-up, and unless valid the AUI
will fail to load.

The new PR Server license patch should be installed on all GenieAcq systems, and therefore is generic for
all the GenieAcq SW versions and configurations.

1. Patch GALIC-01-0 installation instructions

Following are the instructions for installing patch GALIC-01-0 from diskette:

Patch Installation from File

The following instructions will install the patch from file:

• Download the TAR file (GALIC-01-0.tar) to your laptop or Xeleris/Entegra

• Binary FTP the patch TAR file to the GenieAcq computer, to directory /usr/service/

• Login to the GenieAcq computer as service user.

• Open an Xterm window & type: ls <enter>. You should see that the patch is listed.

• Become root user by typing: su <enter> password: root.genie <enter>

• Type: cd /patches/ <enter>

• Type: cp /usr/service/GALIC-01-0.tar /patches/ <enter>

• Reboot the computer by typing: reboot –a <enter>

• When the “Command? <b s0b/lynx.os>” prompt appears, type: b – <enter>

• Type: cd /patches/ <enter>

• Type: tar -xvf GALIC-01-0.tar <enter>

• Type: /usr/adm/InstallPatch GALIC-01-0 <enter>

• Type: more /usr/genieacq/bin/date_stamp <enter>. Verify that the patch appears

• Reboot the computer by typing: reboot –a <enter>

Important Note:
If the GenieAcq SW version is below SW version 3.0, it is important to create a new backup file once the
patch is installed, and use this file for future Restore actions, if required.
As below this version the PR Server license file is part of the “Acquisition Computer Configuration Files”
backup data, and hence performing Restore with older Backup files will copy back the old license file into
the system.
In case this still occurs, uninstalling and re-installing the GALIC-01-0 patch will solve the issue.

2. Patch Removal Instructions (only if required)

Following are the instructions for removing the patch from the system:

1. Reboot the GenieAcq software.

2. When the “Command? <b s0b/lynx.os>” prompt appears, type: b – <enter>

3. Type: cd /patches/ <enter>

4. Type: /usr/adm/DeInstallPatch GALIC-01-0 <enter>

5. Type: more /usr/genieacq/bin/date_stamp <enter>. Verify that the patch doesn’t appear.

6. Reboot the computer by typing: reboot –a <enter>

7. Login to the system and while the AUI is being loaded, verify in the start-up script that the PR
Server license is valid until 05-September-2012.

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