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Information Sciences
. LETTER . February 2019, Vol. 62 029307:1–029307:3

Energy-efficient task offloading, load balancing, and

resource allocation in mobile edge computing enabled
IoT networks

Shulei LI1* , Daosen ZHAI2 , Pengfei DU3 & Ting HAN4

1Tianyuan Ruixin Communication Technology Co. Ltd., Xi’an 710071, China;
2Schoolof Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710071, China;
3The 10th Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), Chengdu 610036, China;
4The 504th Institute of China Space Technology, Xi’an 710199, China

Received 20 December 2017/Revised 10 March 2018/Accepted 3 May 2018/Published online 30 November 2018

Citation Li S L, Zhai D S, Du P F, et al. Energy-efficient task offloading, load balancing, and resource allocation
in mobile edge computing enabled IoT networks. Sci China Inf Sci, 2019, 62(2): 029307,

Dear editor, We then decouple the joint optimization into two

The constraints on energy supply for smart mo- subproblems and devise a low complexity algo-
bile devices (SMDs) have obstructed the develop- rithm called joint offloading, load balancing, and
ment of IoT. Mobile edge computing (MEC) [1] power allocation algorithm (OLP) to solve it. In
is a promising way to overcome the abovemen- OLP, first offloading decisions are obtained using
tioned challenge, whereby MEC servers (MECSs) a channel gain and threshold-based heuristic al-
can provide computing capabilities to SMDs with gorithm. Then using fractional programming, we
superior computing capabilities and thus reduce transform the transmit power control subproblem
the energy consumption (EC) for SMDs [1]. into a convex programming problem whereby the
Computation offloading and resource allocation closed-form solution is obtained.
are two key points in MEC research. The authors System model. We investigate an MEC sys-
in [2] investigated a delay minimizing computation tem comprising N SMDs and M MECSs. Let
offloading problem for a single-SMD-based MEC N = {1, . . . , N } and M = {1, 2, . . . , M } repre-
system. An adaptive task offloading framework sent the set of SMDs and MECSs, respectively.
with an SMD and multiple MECSs was proposed The MECSs are of different types and there is
in [3], and by offloading tasks to different MECSs, no coupling between them. Each SMD has only
the weighted average cost of processing delay and one inseparable energy-intensive task to be pro-
EC was minimized. The authors in [4] further con- cessed locally or offloaded to one of the MECSs.
sidered a system comprising multiple SMDs, mul- The task of SMD n, n ∈ N can be expressed in
tiple long term evolution eNB-based access point, Ψn = {Dn , Cn }, where Dn represents the size of
and a cloud server. By transmit power optimiza- input data (in bits) and Cn denotes the calculation
tion, the total EC is minimized. amount (in CPU cycles). It is assumed that Dn
We investigate the computation offloading and and Cn are known in advance, and the program
transmit power control in a multiple-SMDs- of the task Ψn with size Cn is backed up in each
multiple-MECS environment to decrease the sys- MECS.
tem EC and thus prolong the battery life of SMDs. When SMD n adopts local processing, the EC is
* Corresponding author (email:

c Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018
Li S L, et al. Sci China Inf Sci February 2019 Vol. 62 029307:2

Enlocal = plocal
n fn
local , where fn and plocal
n indicate sion in offloading, thus MEC mode may be a wise
the local computing capability (in CPU cycles/s) choice. Inspired by this, we proposed a low com-
and power consumption (in watt) of SMD n, re- plexity channel gain and threshold based heuristic
spectively. algorithm to obtain the offloading policy S, while
In mobile edge computing fashion, suppose ensuring load balancing between multiple MECSs.
SMD n offload its task Ψn to MECS m. Let The main idea of the heuristic algorithm in-
the transmit power and radio bandwidth of SMD cludes the following. (i) Each SMD n obtains its
n be pn,m and Bn,m , and the wireless channel offloading strategy according to the wireless chan-
gain between SMD n and MECS m be gn,m . nel gain gn,m , m ∈ M, where the MECS m∗
Then the wireless transmit rate of SMD n is with the highest channel gain is selected and set
rn,m = Bn,m log2 (1 + pn,m gn,m ). Let pidle n rep- to sn,m∗ = 1. (ii) To maintain the load among
resent the idle power of SMD n and denote the multiple MECSs, we set a capacity constraint ζm
computation capability allocated to SMD n as for each MECS. If the number of accepted tasks
fn,m . Then the EC of SMD n in MEC mode is exceeds ζm∗ , MECS m∗ will be infeasible for SMD
En,m = pn,m rD n
+ pidle Cn
n fn,m . In this study, the
n; then, the MECS with the highest channel gain
among the remaining MECSs is selected as m∗ ,
computation capability Fm of each MECS m is al-
located evenly among all its serving SMDs. and set sn,m∗ = 1. The procedure is repeated until
(1) no MECS is selected, in which case, the task
S sn,m = {0, 1}, n ∈ N , m ∈ Mex =
will be processed locally or (2) an MECS m∗ is
M {M + 1} denote the offloading strategy of
SMD n, where sn,M+1 = 1 indicates that task Ψn found, in which case, the task will be offloaded to
is processed locally, and sn,m = 1, m ∈ M repre- MECS m∗ . (iii) We set a threshold Thren , n ∈ N
sents that the task Ψn is executed by MECS m. for each SMD n to ensure a good wireless chan-
Then, the offloading strategy matrix of all SMDs nel condition in offloading. Only when the high-
is denoted by S = {sn,m }N ∗(M+1) , and the EC of est channel gain is higher than Thren , the above
SMD n is En = Enlocal sn,M+1 + m∈M En,m
P mec
sn,m . point (ii) will be performed and an m∗ may be se-
We intend to minimize the total EC of all SMDs lected, for which we set sn,m∗ = 1; otherwise, we
by jointly optimizing the transmit power and of- let sn,M+1 = 1.
floading strategy, with load balancing assured. Transmit power control. After we have obtained
The problem can be modeled by the offloading strategy, (P1 ) degenerates to the
transmit power optimization for the SMDs choos-
ing the MEC mode as follows:
(P1 ) : min En
(P2 ) : min En,m .
s.t. (C1) : sn,m = {0, 1}, ∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ Mex , P ∈(C4)
n∈N m∈M
(C2) : sn,m = 1, ∀n ∈ N , Since there’s no coupling, each MECS works in-
m∈Mex dependently. Denote the set and number of SMDs
(C3) : sn,m 6 ζm , ∀m ∈ M, served by MECS m as Nm and Nm = |Nm | and
n∈Nm denote the transmit power of SMDs in Nm as
(C4) : 0 6 pn,m 6 pmax
n , ∀n ∈ N , ∀m ∈ M,
pm = {p1,m , . . . , pNm ,m }, (P2 ) can be decoupled
to the optimization among each Nm as follows:
where pmax
n is the maximum transmit power of X Cn Dn
SMD n; (C1) and (C2) confines each task to be (P3 ) : min pidle
n +pn,m ,
pm ∈(C4) fn,m rn,m
processed in one place; (C3) ensures that the num- n∈Nm n∈Nm
ber of served SMDs do not exceed the capacity
of each MECS; (C4) is the transmit power con- where pidle
n fn,m is a constant that is neglected in
straint. Problem (P1 ) is a mixed integer and non- the following. Then (P3 ) can be simplified as
linear programming problem, which is generally X Dn
NP-hard [5]. To reduce complexity, we propose a (P4 ) : min pn,m .
pm ∈(C4) Bn,m log2 (1 + pn,m gn,m )
joint algorithm referred to as OLP, which divides n∈Nm n∈Nm
(P1 ) into two subproblems to solve.
Adaptive offloading strategy making. When of- As the power control policy of each SMD is in-
floading, the input data of each task should first dependent from that of the others, the transmit
be transmitted to an MECS via a wireless chan- power of SMD n served by MECS m can be ob-
nel and then the task will be processed by the tained by solving
MECS. Intuitively, when the wireless channel is Dn pn,m
good, less EC can be enough for data transmis- (P5 ) : min .
pm,n ∈(C4) n,m log 2 (1 + pn,m gn,m )
Li S L, et al. Sci China Inf Sci February 2019 Vol. 62 029307:3

1.0 2000
(a) ξ1,2 (l) (b) OLP
0.8 ξ2,1 (l) Local-processing

Total EC of all
ξ4,1 (l) Resource-optimization

SMDs (J)
0.6 Offloading-optimization
ξn,m (l) ξ5,1 (l) 1000
0.2 500

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of iterations (l) Number of SMDs

Figure 1 (Color online) (a) Convergence of the iterative transmit power control algorithm; (b) total EC of all SMDs vs. N .

As the objective is a fractional function, (P5 ) indexed n = 1, 2, 4, 5, n ∈ N2 as examples, where

is generally non-convex. However, we can resort ζ1,2 , ζ2,1 , ζ4,1 , ζ5,1 indicate that SMD 1 offloads
to nonlinear fractional programming theory [6] to task to MECS 2, and SMDs 2, 4, 5 offload their
reformulate it. Denote the optimal solution and tasks to MECS 1. As shown, ζn,m , n ∈ N2 con-
optimal value of (P5 ) as {p∗n,m } and ξn,m∗
, we verge at the 3rd iteration, which is considerably
∗ pn,m Dn
have ξn,m = minpm,n ∈(C4) Bn,m log (1+pn,m gn,m ) = fast.
n,m Dn
Figure 1(b) shows the performance of OLP by
Bn,m log2 (1+p∗ . comparing it with other algorithms, namely (i) lo-
n,m gn,m )

Theorem 1. The optimal transmit power p∗n,m cal processing; (ii) resource-optimization, where
is achieved if and only if transmit power control is optimized, and offload-
 ing strategy is made randomly; and (iii) offloading-
min pn,m Dn −ξn,m Bn,m log2 (1 + pn,m gn,m ) optimization, where offloading strategy is opti-
pm,n ∈(C4)
mized and transmit power is allocated randomly.
= p∗n,m Dn ∗
− ξn,m Bn,m log2 (1 + p∗n,m gn,m ) = 0.
As shown, with the growth of N , the total EC also
Using Theorem 1, (P5 ) can be reformulated as increases. However, as a joint optimization, OLP
always performs the best.
(P6 ) : min pn,m Dn Conclusion. We investigated an energy-efficient
pm,n ∈(C4)

joint computation offloading, load balancing, and
− ξn,m Bn,m log2 (1+pn,mgn,m ), transmit power control problem in a multiple-
SMD-multiple-MECS system, and then proposed
which is a convex programming problem about
∗ a heuristic algorithm to obtain offloading strate-
pn,m . However, the newly introduced ξn,m is un-
gies while guaranteeing load balancing between the
known, making (P6 ) still hard to solve. To solve
∗ multiple MECSs. Using fractional programming,
the problem, we replace ξn,m with an update pa-
pn,m Dn the optimum transmit power of each SMD was ob-
rameter ξn,m (l) = Bn,m log (1+pn,m gn,m ) , and (P6 ) tained. Simulation results demonstrate the perfor-
is transformed into mance of OLP in EC reduction.
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