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The Pakistan Flo Quick Questions

In 2010, the country of Pakistan was hit by devastating floods 1. When did the 2010 monsoon rain begin falling? Tick one.
that affected over 20 million people in the country, including
Malala and her family in the Swat Valley. late January late July

In late July of that year, the monsoon rains began falling in the late April late October
north-west and the downpour continued for weeks. The country
2. In 2010, the country of Pakistan was hit by devastating
had not experienced rainfall like this for centuries; flood defences
were overwhelmed and large areas of land were covered in water.
Give another word that means the same as ‘devastating’.
It wasn’t until October that most of the flood water had subsided.

What Is a Monsoon?

A monsoon is a wind system 3. Why were the 2010 monsoon rains different from all other
that usually brings with it wet monsoon rains that Pakistan has experienced before?
summers. It is caused by the cool
air from the sea meeting the hot
air from the land. This dramatic
period of rainfall is expected and
planned for in many parts of the 4. In what way does the illustration help us to understand the
136 world, like Asia. text?

Text copyright © Hiba Noor Khan, 2019. Illustrations copyright © Rita Petruccioli, 2019

Twinkl Quality Standard Approved.

The Pakistan Flo Answers
In 2010, the country of Pakistan was hit by devastating floods 1. When did the 2010 monsoon rain begin falling? Tick one.
that affected over 20 million people in the country, including
Malala and her family in the Swat Valley. late January late July

In late July of that year, the monsoon rains began falling in the late April late October
north-west and the downpour continued for weeks. The country 2. In 2010, the country of Pakistan was hit by devastating
had not experienced rainfall like this for centuries; flood defences floods…
were overwhelmed and large areas of land were covered in water.
Give another word that means the same as ‘devastating’.
It wasn’t until October that most of the flood water had subsided.
Accept any correct answer, such as: catastrophic; destructive;
What Is a Monsoon? or disastrous.
A monsoon is a wind system
3. Why were the 2010 monsoon rains different from all other
that usually brings with it wet
monsoon rains that Pakistan has experienced before?
summers. It is caused by the cool
air from the sea meeting the hot Pupils’ own responses, such as: The rains of 2010 were different
air from the land. This dramatic because they were heavier and caused more devastation than
period of rainfall is expected and had been experienced for centuries.
planned for in many parts of the
4. In what way does the illustration help us to understand the
136 world, like Asia.
Pupils’ own responses, such as: The illustration shows the
reader what the flooding would have looked like and the
damage it caused to towns and buildings in the affected areas.
Text copyright © Hiba Noor Khan, 2019. Illustrations copyright © Rita Petruccioli, 2019

Twinkl Quality Standard Approved.

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