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1. Abdominal aortic branches

caesarean → celiac artery -

L .

gastric , splenic ,
common hepatic
section → superior mesenteric artery
in → Interior mesenteric artery
some →
suprarenal artery ( adrenal)
Races → Renal artery ( Kidneys)
Induces → Internal spermatic / ovarian arteries ( Gonadal)
Irregular → Interior phrenic artery ( diaphragm)
Late → Lumbar artery ( abdominal wall / spinal cord)

menstrual → middle sacral artery

cycles → common iliac arteries ( RIL)

2. DVT
deep vein thrombosis ,
blood clot forms in veins located deep inside body ,

usually lower legs / thighs but can develop in other areas of body
→ veins of legs : •

superficial →
great saphenous / small saphenous
deep → femoral tibial , popliteal peroneal

, ,

→ Dx : Doppler US

→ Tx :
anticoagulants -
low -
molecular weight heparin , Rivaroxaban ,


3. Varicose veins due to dilatation of veins

= twisted , enlarged veins located under surface of skin ( usually on

Identity -

lumpy , bulging ,
dark blue / purple
→ Tx -

Efnvtssy ( great saphenous vein / short saphenous vein)


↳ endovascular ablation
↳ endo venous laser OR ablation vein

Types :
primary / congenital ,
secondary / other causes eg . DVT)
4. Lymphedema / builds up in soft tissues
build-up of fluid due to lynxes becoming blockedtdarnagedn

Types : o

primary ( congenital)
↳ swollen , tender
↳ leads to reduction in

Secondary ( obstruction / lymphatic transport

→ Dx : hx / physical exam , can do doppler US / lymph angiography

→ Tx : exercise, manual lymph drainage , compression garments

5 .

Surgery for aortic aneurysm

open abdominal surgery / chest repair
→ endovascular repair / surgery → stents

Imagingstudies only tissues

) if you
MRA difference is → see bones = CTA

DSI / A digital subtraction imaging / angiography

→ SAY what see

eg .
Aortic arch etc .
7 . Aortic branches

R side head / side head / neck


\ → L .

R side upper limb ←


→ L .
side upper limb

splits into two :

R common carotid

R .


A → Aortic arch

B → Brachia cephalic artery

c → common carotid artery
s → subclavian artery

stages of lymphedema 14 stages)

stage 1 → abnormal flow in

lymphatic system ( no signs / sx)

stage 2 → Fluid accumulation / swelling ( pressing may leave dent)


stage 3 → Permanent swelling / scarring / thickening )

stage 4 Elephantiasis large deformed limb wart like growth

→ = -

9. Types of aneurysms :

True → fusiform type ,
dilation of vessel w/o rupture
( blood collection)

False → pseudo aneurysms
→ leaks in wall of aorta

to . Renal stenosis t features

narrowing of renal arteries due to atherosclerosis / build up of fats ,

cholesterol , plaque on artery wall) ,

restricts blood flow , can also be

caused by renal artery aneurysm

sx : HTN , fluid retention oedema , ,
abnormal kidney function , haematuna

tx : .

endarterectomy = removal of plaque buildup

angioplasty / stenting

11 . 6 P 's



Paresthesia ( pins / needles)

Pallor ( pale)
Paresis / loss of sensation)

Puts ehess ness

12 .
What is
angioplasty used for ?

→ procedure to open blocked arteries caused by CAD and to improve

blood flow

→ AKA balloon angioplasty

13 . Aortic dissection + causes

tearing of the innermost lining of arterial wall of aorta → allows blood

to enter between intima / media → creates false lumen

→ causes :
age , atherosclerosis HTN trauma pregnancy
, , , surgery , ,

connective tissue disorders - Mar fans , Ehlers-Danlos


14 .

Upper extremity veins

Superficial : cephalic ,
basilio ,
median cubital

Deep ulnar , radial axillary brachial

: ,

15 . Lower extremity veins

Superficial :
great saphenous vein small saphenous vein

Deep :
popliteal femoral
, ,
tibial , peroneal

16 .
Atherosclerosis stages :
1 endothelial
stage →

stage 2 → formation of lipid layer

stage 3 →
migration of lymphocytes/macrophages in smooth musk cells in artery wall

4 →

stage Foam cell formation


stage of extracellular matrix

17 .

Types of atherosclerosis



Monckeberg medial calcific sclerosis

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