IELTS Speaking Exam Preparation 2021 Part 1

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IELTS Speaking Exam Preparation

2021 年 1-4 ⽉雅思⼝语

Part 1 题库

International Department
WuHan No.6 High School

2021 年 1 - 4 月雅思口语 Part 1 题库

If you Work
1 What work do you do?
2 Do you like your job?
3 Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
4 Do you miss being a student?

If you Study
1 Why did you choose to study that subject/ Why did you choose to study those
2 What subjects are you studying?
3 Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
4 Are you looking forward to working?
5 Do you like your subject?

1 What kinds of housing/accommodation do you live in? / Do you live in a house or a
2 Who do you live with?
3 What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in
the past?
4 Can you describe the place where you live?
5 How long have you lived there?
6 What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
7 How about the facilities near to your home?
8 What part of your home do you like the most?

1 Where are you from
2 Is that a big city or a small place?
3 How long have you been living there?
4 Do you like your hometown? / Do you like living there?
5 Is there anything you dislike about it?
6 What do you like (most) about your hometown?
7 Please describe your hometown a little.
8 Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

1-4 月新题(17 个)

1. What kind of decoration do you have in your home?
2. What kinds of decoration do you prefer to have?
3. Do people in your country like redecorating their home?
4. What kind of color do you like as decoration?

TV Programs
1. What kind of TV programs do you like?
2. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone?
3. Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?
4. Do you like to talk about TV programs you watch with your friends?

1. Do you like trees?
2. Have you ever planted trees?
3. What kind of trees do people usually plant in your country? How about your
4. Are there many trees in the place where you live?

1. Is math difficult for you?
2. Do you like solving math problems?
3. When do you usually use math skills in real life?
4. Do people in your country consider math important?

Happiness/Being Happy
1. What kind of things make you feel happy?
2. Would you be happy if you didn’t need to work or study?
3. Do you think it’s important to be happy all the time?
4. When was the last time you made people happy?

Taking a Break/Rest
1. What do you usually do when you take a break?
2. Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?
3. Do you often take short breaks when you’re working or studying?
4. How do you feel after taking a break?

1. Do you enjoy singing?
2. How often do you sing?
3. Do you like watching singing contests on TV?
4. Do people in your country enjoy singing?

1. Do you like to go to museums? Have you been to any museums?
2. What kinds of museums do you like?
3. Do you want to work in a museum?
4. Do you think there should be more museums near where you live?

New Year Celebration

1. How do you celebrate New year?
2. Do you still remember how you celebrated new year last year?
3. Is new year celebration important to you?
4. Who do you usually celebrate new year with?

1. Have you ever visited a farm?
2. What can people do on a farm?
3. Do you think farming is important?
4. Are there any farms near where you live?

New Activities
1. Do you like to try new activities?
2. What activities would you like to try?
3. What activities did you do when you were a child?
4. Do you like to try new activities alone or with your friends?

Window View
1. What can you see from the window in your home?
2. Do you like to watch sceneries from your window?
3. Do you want to live in a house with beautiful views?
4. How do you feel when you can’t see any beautiful view from your window?

Reading Places
1. Where do you like to read?
2. Do you prefer to read alone or with people around you?
3. Have you ever been in a place where it was difficult for you to read?
4. What makes somewhere a good place for reading?

People’s Name
1. Do you find it easy to remember people’s name?
2. Have you ever felt bad because you couldn’t remember a person’s name?
3. How do you feel when people forgot your name?
4. Is there anything you do to help you remember a person’s name?

1. Do people in your country bargain often?
2. How do people bargain in your country?
3. What kind of shop allows bargaining with the store owner?
4. What do you feel about bargaining with others?

Mornings /Getting up early

1. Do you like to get up early in the morning?
2. Is there anything you try to do every morning?
3. What’s your favorite morning of the week?
4. Have you ever had to get up very early in the morning?

1. Do you plan to live in your country in the future?
2. Do you know about history in your country?
3. Is there anything about your country that you are very proud of?
4. Where do you think is the best place to live in your country?

1-4 月旧题(14 个)

Stage of life
1. Do you enjoy your current stage of life?
2. In which stage of your life were you the happiest?
3. Which stage of your life do you think is the most important?
4. What’s your plan for your next stage of life?

1. What wild animal do you like the most?
2. Have you ever seen any wild animals before?
3. Do you like to go to the zoo?
4. Have you ever kept pets?

1. What do you usually do on weekends?
2. Did you do anything special last weekend?
3. What will you do next weekend?
4. What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

1. Do you recycle now? Why?
2. Did you recycle when you were a kid?
3. Will you recycle in the future?
4. What kind of things do you recycle?

1. Do you make a list when you shop?
2. Do you make a list for your work? Does it work?
3. Why don’t some people like making lists?
4. Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?

1. What do you plan to change next year?
2. Do you like changes? Why?
3. Are there any changes in your hometown?
4. Have you changed a lot since your childhood?

1. What’s your favorite color of clothes?
2. What kind of clothes do you never wear?
3. What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
4. Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?

1. Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?
2. Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?
3. What kind of furniture would you like to buy?
4. Which furniture do you like the best in your home?

1. Did you go on a picnic when you were a child?
2. How often do you go on a picnic now?
3. Where do you go for a picnic?
4. What’s the difference between a picnic and cooking at home?

1. What sport did you do when you were a kid?
2. What’s your favorite sport? Why?
3. Do you watch sports matches? Why?
4. Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why?

Text message
1. Do you like texting?
2. Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
3. Have you ever received a confusing text message?
4. On what occasions is making a phone call better than sending a text message?

1. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
2. What do you do to help you concentrate?
3. What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?
4. When do you need to be focused?

In a hurry
1. What do you always do in a hurry? Why?
2. What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?
3. Do you usually go out in a hurry?
4. Do you like to be in a hurry?

1. Do you often write with a pen?
2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?
3. What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?
4. Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?

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