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11. To make a cup of tea, you need to boil about 0.

50 kg of tap water which has a temperature of 12

°C. If the heat capacity of the water is 4 200 J/kg·°C, how much heat energy is needed to bring
the water to a boil?

12. You have been handed a 0.45 kg sample of metal by your teacher and given the task of
determining the heat capacity of the sample. You heat the sample to a temperature of 80 °C
then quickly transfer it into a beaker that contains 0.70 kg of water at 15 °C; the specific heat
capacity of water is 4 200 J/kg·°C. The highest temperature of the sample plus the water is 21 °C.
What is the heat capacity of the sample of metal?




4. & 5.





11.Given: Solution:

m = 0.50 kg Equation:
ΔT = 100 °C – 12 °C = 88 °C
c = 4 200 J/kg·°C Q = (0.50 kg)(4 200 J/kg·°C)(88 °C)
Q = 1.85 x 105 J
Required: It will require 1.85 x 105 J of energy to boil the
water for a cup of tea.
12. Given: Solution:

mmetal = 0.45 kg Find the heat energy gained by the water.

ΔTmetal = T2 – T1 = 21 °C – 80 °C = -59 °C
cwater = 4 200 J/kg·°C
mwater = 0.70 kg Q = (0.70 kg)(4 200 J/kg·°C)(6 °C)
ΔTwater = T2 – T1 = 21 °C – 15 °C = 6 °C Q = 17 640 J
The heat energy gained by the water will equal the heat
energy lost by the metal.
Qmetal = -Qwater
Qmetal = -17 640 J
Qwater = ? (to get Qmetal)
Qmetal = ? (to get cmetal)
cmetal = ?
cmetal = 664 J/kg·°C
The specific heat capacity of the metal is 664 J/kg·°C.



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