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Track 1 Track5H. Listenandcompletethedescriptionswith

Yes we can! 4, Delta Learning Copyright, 2022 the information in the box.

Track 2 A. Matchthepictures1-9 tothewordsinthe Great discovery 1: Penicillin

box. Listen and check your answers. It wasaccidentally discovered in 1928by Alexander
Fleming, a Scottish scientist. It has been used to
1. considerate treat infections since its discovery.
2. honest
3. selfish Great discovery 2: Insulin
4. supportive Paul Langerhans was a German medical student
5. understanding who discovered the cells that produce this
6. responsible hormone. This hormone helps the human body
7. proud regulate the glucose.
8. patient
9. kind Great discovery 3: MMRVaccine
The measles, mumps and rubella vaccine was
Track 3 H. Listen to the conversation and complete developed by Maurice Hilleman. It is administered
the missing information. Then practice and create via injection. It protects the child fromgetting any
your own conversation with a classmate. of the three diseases.

A: Are you coming to my birthday party? Track 6 A. Matchthepictures1-8tothewordsinthe

B: I don’t think so. My parents won’t let me go. box. Listen and check your answers.
A: Why? Are they strict?
B: Yes, they are. If I don’t get good grades, they 1. flood
don´t let me do anything. 2. tornado
A: Really? My parents don’t care much about 3. tsunami
grades. They are always supportive and 4. drought
understanding. 5. forest fire
B: My parents are cool. They are kind and 6. hurricane
considerate, but they are also strict. If I 7. volcanic eruption
don’t follow the rules, there are always 8. earthquake
Track 7 I. Listen to a nature blogger talk about a
volcano. As you listen, mark (√) the information
Track 4 A. Matchthepictures1-8tothewordsinthe Scott mentions.
box. Listen and check your answers.
My name is Scott Lions, I ama blogger. In my blog I
1. Physics always write about the most amazing places I’ve
2. Chemistry been to. This time, I’m going to tell you about The
3. Biology Xinantécatl or Nevado de Toluca which is an
4. Astronomy inactive volcano located near the city of Toluca in
5. Geology the State of Mexico. In the crater we can find two
6. Geography
bodiesof water, the Sun and the Moon lakes. Thisis
7. Mathematics
definitely a very cold place.
8. Genetics
You have to wear very warm clothes; otherwise, 6. AIDS
you will freeze. You have to be prepared, the 7. acne
pressure is very high. If your physical condition is 8. obesity
not good, you will have lots of troubles toreach the 9. insomnia
There are two ways to reach the top. The longest Track 10 G. Listen tothe conversation between Lore
way isthebest optionif youreally want toenjoy the and Gilbert. Practice the conversation with a
beautiful landscapes. It is a physically challenging classmate.
activity, but it’s worth trying it.
Lorena: Have you watched the news recently?
Gilbert: No, I haven’t. Why?
Track 8 J. Listen and complete the conversation Lorena: Did you know that there’s this new
between Gary and Billy using theexpressionsinthe virus spreading across the country?
box. Practice the conversation with a classmate. Gilbert: Really? Is it that bad?
Lorena: Yes, it is. Have you heard about the
Gary: Have you heard the project Mrs. Romero influenza virus?
started? Gilbert: Yes, I have.
Billy: The one about separating garbage and Lorena: Well, this virus is much worse.
that stuff? Gilbert: No way! What else do you knowabout
Gary: Yeah! it?
Billy: What about it?
Gary: She told us that garbage is becoming a
huge problem. People do not separate it Augmented Reality 1
and consequently, it is impossible to be
recycled. B. Listen and complete the text with the missing
Billy: That’s true. Only by classifying the information
garbage, we will be able to reuse
certain materials. I amAlbert Newton. I amscience teacher. My job is
Gary: You’re right. Tons of plastic bags and to teach my students about the history and
bottles go directly to the sea; as a concepts of science in a fun way. When I tell my
consequence, many see animals have studentsabout howlifewasin thepast, they hardly
died. believe it. Nowadays, life ismuch better than it was
Billy: I also think that as a result, many for our ancestors. There have been lots of
species will go extinct. discoveriesand inventionsthat have contributed to
this. For example, all kinds of vehicles, means of
communication, machines, vaccines, etc. For sure,
Track 9 A. Match the pictures1-9 tothe wordsin the one of the most revolutionary inventions of the last
box. Listen and check your answers. decade has been the worldwide web, or what we
call “Internet”. Internet doeseverythingfor you. You
1. Migraine can communicate with others, watch movies, read
2. depression books, do homework, learn different things, take
3. gastritis online classes and much more. Could you imagine
4. diabetes your life without the Internet?
5. anorexia
Track 11 A. Label the pictures 1-12 with the words well as expand health care services and early
in the box. Listen and check your answers. childhood education programs for the poor.

1. eagle On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama defeated all

2. whale candidates for the presidency, he became the first
3. wolf African American man to be the president of the
4. shark most powerful country in the world.
5. monkey
6. dolphin Nowadays he is one of the most remarkable
7. lion politicians around the world; loved by many and
8. butterfly hated by some others.
9. giraffe
10. horse Track 13 A. Label the pictures 1-8 with the words in
11. bear the box. Listen and check your answers.
12. tiger
1. seat
2. pilot
Track 12 G. Organize the paragraphs as you listen. 3. airline
If I were a president 4. flight attendant
_1_ Barack Obama was the 44th president of the 5. flight
United States of America, and he was the first 6. luggage
African American to serve as U.S. president. First 7. passport
elected in 2008, he won a second termin 2012. He 8. crew
has been one of the most popular presidents in
American History.
Track 14 G. Listen and complete the conversation.
BarackHusseinObamaII wasbornonAugust 4, 1961, Then practice the conversation with a partner.
in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents are Ann Dunham
and Barack Obama Sr. They married on February 2, A: Where are you going next vacation?
1961. Barack was born six months later. B: Nowhere. I was going to Mexico, but my
parents had to cancel our trip. I really
While living with his grandparents, Obama enrolled wanted to go
in the Punahou Academy. He excelled in basketball A: Don’t be sad. Now imagine you are in
and graduated with academic honors in 1979. After Mexico. What would you do if you were
high school, Obama studied at Occidental Collegein there?
Los Angeles for two years. B: I would visit the capital city and all the
museums. I would probably go to
He then transferred to Columbia University in New Teotihuacan.
York City, graduating in 1983 with a degree in A: What about the beaches?
political science. Obama entered Harvard Law B: I would definitely go to Cancún.
School in 1988. A: Would you go to Tequila?
B: Tequila? Isn’t it a drink?
As a senator, Obama worked with both Democrats A: It is a drink and a town.
and Republicans to draft legislation on ethics, as B: Really? That sounds amazing. I will go next
transportation more efficient. If I were the city
mayor, I would have more control over this
Track 15 A. Label the pictures1-12 with the words in problem.
the box. Listen and check your answers.
discrimination Track 17 A. Label the pictures1-8 with the words in
the box. Listen and check your answers.
1. discrimination
2. unemployment 1. smart house
3. traffic 2. yacht
4. pollution 3. designer clothes
5. corruption 4. sports car
6. vandalism 5. jewelry
7. poverty 6. private jet
8. overpopulation 7. gadgets
9. bullying 8. cruise
10. hunger
11. climate change Track 18 F. Listen to the conversation and then
12. crime practice it with a partner.
Track 16 G. Readthetextsand completethemissing A: Hi, Karl. Howis it going?
information with the words in the box as you listen. B: Everythingisgreat. Check, I just bought this
Social Issues A: It is really nice, Karl.
B: I know. I bought a Mac because it is
1. Discrimination, Mina Roo definitely the best brand.
I don’t think discrimination is a social issue. I have A: I wish I could buy a new computer. Mine is
never had a problemlike that, not even as a child. I quite old.
think that if someone were aggressive or a bully B: Well, I can lend you some money to buy a
towards me, I would confront the person. We would newone.
talk and try to fix it.
Augmented Reality 2
2. Unemployment, Lucy Rivers
I think the problem is not the government or the B.Listen and choose the correct answer T (true) or F
authorities. The real problem is that people are (False).
unemployed because they don’t want to work. They
are just lazy. Our country offers a lot of
opportunities, you just have to take themand work What if human beings could fly?
hard. If I were the president, I would remove all
those programs to help poor people. Flying is achieved only if the body has a pair of
wingsbig and strong enough tolift thebody weight.
3. Traffic, Mark Lane Sadly, our body is not designed to fly. But what if it
I always use public transportation. I have to were? What if we had wings? We wouldn’t need to
commute every day and it takes me like an hour to travel by plane. We would be free to go anywhere
get to my job when there is no traffic. I think we wanted. We wouldn’t need tosee bridges, stairs,
authorities should do something to make or elevators. Wewould need special suitstoprotect
or bodies and eyes from the air. Cars and many
ways of transportation might not exist. 1. orchestra conductor
2. photographer
What if humans were immortal? 3. movie director
The time a person can live depends on the lifestyle 4. writer
5. TVhost
and the genetics. Ahuman being usually lives from
6. painter
70-75 years. But what would happen if we lived
7. businessman
forever? Well, people wouldn’t die, so there would 8. dancer
be overpopulation. There wouldn’t be enough 9. journalist
resources for everyone to survive. There wouldn’t
be enough roomfor everyone. We wouldn’t have to
worry about health problems, so doctors might not Track 22 H. Listen to the descriptions and complete
exist. The good thing is that we could spend more with the missing information.
time with people we love.
Track 19 A. Match the pictures 1-8 to the words in Alec Mavick is a hipster. He is twenty years old. He
the box. Listen and check your answers. livesinMexicoCity. Hehasbeena hipster for years.
Heisalsoa musician; hehasstudied music sincehe
1. afraid finishedhighschool. Hedecidedtobecomeahipster
2. jealous because he believes that hipsters have freedomof
3. worried thought, they do not follow trends or fashion. They
4. grateful are against consumerism. Instead of buying
5. busy productsfromother countriesin huge supermarket
6. keen on chains, they support local economy. This social
7. careful group has grown rapidly since 2010.
8. fed up Gothics
Aline Marquez considers herself to be a gothic girl.
Track 20 F. Listen and complete the conversation She has had this look since she was fifteen, now
withthewordsinthebox. Practicetheconversation she’s twenty-two. She felt attracted to this kind of
with a partner. culture when she went toLosAngelesand sawhow
some girls dressed. They wore only black color
A: Oh my God! There’s a spider on the wall! outfitswithspikedsilver accessories. Shehasworn
B: Where? I can’t see it. only black clothesever since. Shehasspent a lot of
A: Next to the picture. God! I hate spiders. money on clothes and accessories since she
B: Why? They won’t hurt you. adopted this style. Aline also loves the music, the
A: I have always been afraid of spiders. beliefs, and the way gothics approach to life.
B: Well, I have always been afraid of dogs. Kpopers
A: Dogs? Really? Janeth Moso is an active kpoper. She has adopted
B: Yes. Infact, I havenever hada pet inmy life. the Korean culture in her everyday life. She has
A: That’s sad. Dogs are so cute. belonged to a Kpoper Club for three years. She
became the leader of the fan club five months ago.
Janeth has organized events to gather money in
Track 21 A. Match the pictures 1-9 to the words in order to bring to Mexico more Korean
the box. Listen and check your answers.
entertainment. The Kpoper club has steadily grown 2. travel around the world
since she became the leader. 3. go bungee jumping
4. do an extreme sport
5. go on a cruise
Track 23 A. Match the pictures 1-8 with the words 6. live in a different country
in the box. Listen and check your answers. 7. ride a roller coaster
8. fall in love
1. tuition fees
2. master’s degree
3. degree Track 26 H. Listen and complete the text. Then
4. college answer the questions.
5. prom Since I was a little girl, I knew I was made to be a
6. certificate city girl. I never enjoyed the natural places where
7. dissertation my father used to take me when I was little. I have
8. scholarship always found it difficult to cope with nature. All
those insects flying around me, drive me crazy. I
Track 24 I. Listen tothe interviewand complete the decided that I wanted to live in a city since the last
missing information using the expressions in the timemy dadtook metomy grandma’shouse, where
box. Practice the conversation with a partner. he was born. That was 20 years ago.
There are great cities where you can find all the
Interviewer: Hi, Amid. Thank youfor your time. facilities and leisure activities that you need, Paris
Amid: You’re welcome. It’s a pleasure. is one of them. Now I live in this wonderful city. I
Interviewer: Amid, when did you start have lived in Paris since I finished college.
painting? By theway, I amColombian. That meansthat I come
Amid: I have painted since I was four from a country where you will always have this
years old. changing weather. The weather in Paris is not that
Interviewer: Tell us about your last hot. I love it. and that means that I can drink
exposition. something that I really like, Colombian coffee. It is
Amid: I’m exposing in New York right one of the products that has made my country
now. New York has always been famous. I have drunk coffee since I remember.
my favorite city. I ama technician. I work in a place where we fix all
Interviewer: Have you exposed in any other kindsof gadgets. It isgreat towork here, I learnand
important city? make money. My boss is from India. He is very
Amid: Yes, I have already presented my intelligent. He is someone who I really trust. When I
work in Berlin and Tokyo. arrived in this city, it was really hard to make
Interviewer: Have you ever been to Mexico? friends. Fortunately, I met Oliver and we have been
Amid: No, I haven’t yet. But my friends friends since then.
have told me it’s amazing.
Interviewer: Thank you very much, Amid.
Augmented Reality 3

Track 25 A. Match the pictures 1-8 to the words in B. Listen and choose the correct answer T (true) or
the box. Listen and check your answers. F(False).

1. go scuba diving
For the adventurers, Baja California, on the Pacific As you said people call me Si-Si, it is short for
Coast of Mexico, isthebest placeintheworldtosee Silvana Sierra. I’mMexican, I live in Monterrey. I’m
whales in all their glory. These whales are playful 19 years old and I live with my parents and our two
and trusting. They are soused toseeing people that dogs.
they donot represent a threat tohumans. They feed
themselves in the Arctic and give birth in Baja, for Well, all thisstarted a couple of yearsagowhen my
several months each year. The whales stay in Baja sister asked me to help her do her hair. When we
fromDecember to the last days of March. finished, she posted photos on Facebook, and they
went viral. I foundout that I hada special talent. So,
For a more cultural experience, Mexico City is the I decided to start making my own tutorials. Girls
right place to be. Mexico City is undoubtedly one of loved everything I uploaded. I try to do as many
the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. tutorials as possible.
Tourists come to this city to see the dozens of
museums that the city offers. In the heart of it, we But that is not the only thing I do. In my YouTube
find the Zocalo, surrounded by the National Palace, channel I also talk about sports, society, music,
Templo mayor and dozens of historic buildings. videogames, and stuff like that. For example,
yesterday I made this tutorial in which I give my
Chichén Itzá is one of the greatest pyramids in the watchers some tips about how to beat other video
world. It is in an important archeological Mayan gamers. I love playing video games too. In my
site. It is located in the Yucatán Peninsula. It was channel I love talking about my favorite music,
named one of the NewSeven Wonders of the World important people in our society, and books.

Track 27 A. Label the pictures 1-8 with the words in Track 29 A. Label the pictures 1-8 with the words in
the box. Listen and check your answers. the box. Listen and check your answers.

1. playing computer games 1. travel by plane

2. making videos 2. stay at an Airbnb
3. playing a musical instrument 3. try local food
4. taking photos 4. make a reservation
5. texting 5. visit historic sites
6. practicing sports 6. buy souvenirs
7. watching tutorials 7. go backpacking
8. surfing the Internet 8. hire a tour guide

Track 28 G. Listen and complete the text with the

words in the box. Track 30 F. Organize the conversation from1-8 as
you listen, then practice the conversation with a
Si-Si: Youtuber partner.

Her friends call her Si-Si. She is a very famous and What are you doing?
influential YouTuber. She has her own channel with I’m packing. I’m going to Brazil. Mom didn’t tell
thousandsof visitsa day. Weaskedher what it feels you?
like to be famous at such a young age, and this is She didn’t tell me anything. But…it’s great, bro.
what she said. What are you going to do there?
I would like to go to Sao Paolo.
I heard Sao Paolo is a beach. dawn togoout and listen tothebirds.” The
Yeah. I would also like to go to a soccer match. concept of Gökotta refers to starting your
Me too. Can I come with you? day with good energy by immersing
Not this time, bro. yourself in the energy of nature. You can
incorporate to your daily routine the
Track 31 A. Label the pictures1-9 with the words in contact with nature in the mornings by
the box. Listen and check your answers. listening to the birds, walking barefoot in
your garden, meditating, or exercising.
1. take a nap
2. stargaze C. Niksen is a Dutch word that means ‘doing
3. get a massage nothing’ this concept mainly helps people
4. spend time with friends who are extremely stressed to avoid
5. color a mandala burnout. Niksenrequiresyoutodonothing.
6. walk barefoot You just have to sit or lie down and give
7. go for a walk yourself time to be with your thoughts.
8. see the sunset Stopanything youaredoing, sit down, look
9. go on holiday through the window, see people passing
by, let your brain relax and be with
yourself for 10 minutes.
Track 32 Listen and complete the text with the
words in the box.
Track 33 Match the pictures1-9 to the words in the
Just relax box. Listen and check your answers.
Coping with stress is not an easy thing to do. Many
people have a hard time trying tofind time torelax. 1. Sports show
The demanding pace of life keeps us busy all the 2. TVseries
time. People are extra productive and on the brink 3. cooking show
of physical and mental collapse. To avoid this, 4. Sitcom
Europeanlifestyleshareswiththeworldtheir three 5. The News
healthy lifestyle approaches. 6. Soap Opera
7. game show
A. Hygge is a Danish word that describes a 8. cartoons
feeling of wellbeing. It is a lifestyle trend 9. reality show
that encourages people to seek comfort,
coziness, and relaxation. Hygge aims for a Track 34 I. Listen to the conversation between Karl
relaxing way of living in which it is and Nancy. Practice the conversation with a
essential to spend time with family and partner.
friends, take up the hobbies we want, or
simply enjoy being on our own. Hygee is
more a feeling of joy that something that Karl: What would you like to watch?
can be explained. Nancy: TVseries
Karl: Would you rather watch the Squid
B. Gökotta is a Swedish word that does not Game or the Witcher?
have an exact translation. The word Nancy: I would prefer to watch something
meaning in Swedish would be “to rise at less fictional.
Karl: What about a sitcom?
Nancy: I don’t like sitcoms. I prefer to see I love soccer, so I would definitely like to go to
drama or romance. Brazil. It would be great to see a soccer match of
Karl: Ok. Let’s see the options. theBraziliansoccer selection. Everyoneknowsthat
the best soccer players are from Brazil. And
Augmented Reality 4 something that would also be amazing would be to
visit Sao Paola and make a selfie in the Cristo
B. Listen and choose the correct answer T (true) or Redentor.
The third country I would like to visit is France. My
cousins went last year, and they told me Paris,
Theworld isfull of placesand peoplethat wewould which is the capital city, is the most beautiful city
like to see and know. These are the places that I in the world. They posted some pics of the Eiffel
would really like to knowsoon. Tower and champs Elysees, and they are awesome.

The number one would be NewYork City. I knowit’s Last but not least would be London. My favorite
the most important city in the Unites States. The book is Harry Potter, so I would love to see things
placesI would love tovisit are the Statue of Liberty related tothemovie. And of course, I would visit the
and Central Park. I think the Statue of Liberty isthe Big Ben, the Tower Bridge an.
most representative American Landmark.

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