PCCC 17 058 D Method Statement Quality

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ITEM 17-058 d - PCCC 01.06.


Primary Care Co-commissioning method statement 4

Area Quality and performance, assurance and improvement
Process Assurance of quality, performance and contract compliance
Scope Information sharing, triangulation, risk assessment, action planning,
implementation, progress review, governance and reporting

CCGs have developed a risk assessment process with regular

information sharing from the PC hub

Version 6.0
Date 08/02/2017
Processes Activity Team When
CCG utilises a risk assessment process to support the monitoring
of quality in primary care medical services
Intelligence sharing between CCG PC quality Ad-hoc
CCG and PC hub covering new lead and PC
and existing potential hub contracting
concerns/issues. lead.
Provision of practice level PC hub to Ad-hoc
information to CCGs to inform relevant CCG To support
their quality and assurance team members monthly /
process (e.g. contracting, quarterly quality
complaints, incidents, PHE review meetings
information) as scheduled by
the CCGs
CCG Quality Review meetings to CCG – PC Hub Monthly /
share intelligence and risk attending by quarterly quality
assess potential invitation review meetings
concerns/issues. as scheduled by
the CCGs
CCG Internal General Practice CCG Monthly
dashboard updated
Identify and document next steps CCG Monthly /
in response to new and existing quarterly quality
potential concerns/issues. review meetings
as scheduled by
the CCGs
Share progress between CCG & CCG quality Monthly /
PC Hub lead / PC hub quarterly
Primary Care Quality Working CCG quality Quarterly
Group leads
Standing agenda item for CCGs
to share learning on their risk
assessment process and quality

Method Statement Quality and Performance, Assurance and Improvement v6
Reviewed 08.02.17
Quarterly PC Strategic Advisory PC hub Quarterly
Group meeting with agenda item contracting lead
covering quality, performance and CCG
and contract compliance colleagues

Provision of Deep Dive Report for PC Hub Monthly

Direct Commissioning
Performance Group
Provision of reports to QSG Information Bi-monthly
taken for draft
report from
Dive Report.
PC Quality &
Safety Manager
to co-ordinate
information and
send out to
CCGs for sign
off and

Enablers PC hub contracting lead for each CCG

PC commissioning lead in each CCG (for contract compliance issues)

and operational officer.

PC quality lead in each CCG (for quality / performance issues) and

operational officer.

Tools/templates PC Strategic Advisory Group - ToR, agenda and action sheet

PC Co-commissioning Quality Working Group - ToR, agenda and work


CQC status reports

QSG reports

Themed analysis reports

Issues for CCGs to drive the agenda for the PC Co-commissioning Quality Working
agreement / Group
further clarity
Actions to
complete 2016 Define mechanisms for gaining assurance on quality of primary care
medical services commissioned by the CCGs

Method Statement Quality and Performance, Assurance and Improvement v6
Reviewed 08.02.17

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