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There will be a Psychological Test of 50 MCQs which will be mandatory to pass. However, the merit will be
based on Subject Based Question Paper.
As it is not mentioned in the syllabus that on which lines the MCQs of Psychological test will be prepared, as
soon as the model questions of Psychological Test are provided by NUMS officially, they will be uploaded on
our website.
For the time being, we are giving away some information regarding how personality of the person is assessed
through the Psychological Test.

What is a Psychological Test?

Psychological tests are used to determine people's specific traits or behaviours that are associated
with their individuality, and they might even be used to diagnose mental disorders. They may be
used to measure one's mental processes or traits that influence their behaviours.
These tests are developed through extensive research. A personality test is a psychological test that
measures an individual's personality and often puts a label on it.

Traits of a personality assessed by Psychological Test

Psychological test is used to assess different traits of the personality of a candidate.
• Whether the person is empathetic or not.
• Whether the person is active and ready to work or lazy and procrastinator.
• The person has ability to accept challenges.
• Is the person thinker or practical in his approach.
• If the person has some kind of complex, inferiority or superiority.
• If the person is extrovert or introvert.
• If the person has any kind of insecurity.
• How mentally stable is the candidate.
• The ability of the candidate to speak language spontaneously in real life situations.
• How the person reacts in a specific situation. The reaction of the person speaks about his ability to
handle any unforeseen circumstances.
• Aptitude of the candidate
• Ability of the person to lead the team
How to enhance the personality?
Humans are also capable of working on and thus enhancing their personalities through measures like
becoming more self-aware and consciously working on changing unwanted behaviors.
In addition to this, you must have a vision as to what it is that you want to become. Another thing
that might help is if one starts to behave like the person they want to be instead of the person they
are until their mind gets used to the new behaviors and internalizes them so that they truly become
a part of that person.
Here are some personality traits shared by successful leaders:
1. Positive attitude
2. Friendly language
3. Attentiveness towards the speaker
4. Maintenance of composure or avoidance of over reaction
5. Patience
6. Open mindedness
7. Smiling while talking
8. Restrain from giving away all the information
9. Avoid procrastination
10. Helping each other
11. Learning from the failure
12. Learning through the experience of others
13. Praising others when needed
14. Accept their flaws when pointed out by the trusted person

How to attempt the test?

There are also things that a person can do to make sure that the accuracy of psychological tests
remains unaffected by factors that are irrelevant to the test. For example, one should make sure that
they are in a calm setting and least stressed when they are attempting such a test.
They should also read through each question in an unbiased manner instead of letting their social
desirability bias affect the results.
To remain as unbiased as possible, individuals should make sure that they do not have an aim, for
example, with regards to the personality type that they wish to have.
Moreover, they should remain consistent throughout the test and avoid giving conflicting answers,
for example if one of the answers you give leans towards a high level of trust in people while another
leans towards you seeing the worst in people.
You should also make sure that you do not rush through the test and think before giving each answer;
you can accomplish this by making sure you have plenty of time when you attempt the test.

The Big Five Personality Traits Test

The Big Five personality test measures people's personalities with respect to where they lie on the
scales of the big five personality traits.
The five traits are:
Openness to experience, which measures whether a person prefers routine or is spontaneous;
Agreeableness, which differentiates between the abilities to be trusting and being uncooperative;
Conscientiousness, which determines whether an individual leans towards being disciplined or being
Extraversion, which is a scale with reserved personalities on one end and sociable personalities on
the other end; and
Neuroticism, which is a spectrum where on one extreme we have calm individuals while on the other
we have anxious individuals.
Each of these traits measures an aspect of a person's personality and determines whether they lean
towards the higher or the lower end of the said trait. This test demonstrates that each trait is a
spectrum and individuals can lie anywhere on this spectrum instead of being put in a box, which
happens in a lot of other tests.
For each statement, select the option that best represents your opinion.
In the table below, for each statement 1-50 mark how much you agree with on the scale 1-5, where
1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=neutral, 4=slightly agree and 5=agree.

1. I make friends easily. 6. I do not like parties and gatherings.

o Disagree o Disagree
o Slightly disagree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral o Neutral
o Slightly agree o Slightly agree
o Agree o Agree

2. I feel concerned when someone needs 7. I am not interested in people.

help. o Disagree
o Disagree o Slightly disagree
o Slightly disagree o Neutral
o Neutral o Slightly agree
o Slightly agree o Agree
o Agree
8. I forget my belongings.
3. I am always ready to go. o Disagree
o Disagree o Slightly disagree
o Slightly disagree o Neutral
o Neutral o Slightly agree
o Slightly agree o Agree
o Agree
9. I am relaxed and chilled out most of the
4. I get angry easily. times.
o Disagree o Disagree
o Slightly disagree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral o Neutral
o Slightly agree o Slightly agree
o Agree o Agree

5. My vocabulary is rich. 10. I understand abstract ideas easily.

o Disagree o Disagree
o Slightly disagree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral o Neutral
o Slightly agree o Slightly agree
o Agree o Agree
11. I am quiet when strangers are around. o Agree
o Disagree
o Slightly disagree 17. I can feel what someone is going through
o Neutral o Disagree
o Slightly agree o Slightly disagree
o Agree o Neutral
o Slightly agree
12. People do not feel comfortable sharing o Agree
their feelings with me
o Disagree 18. I manage task systematically.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
13. I never follow a schedule.
o Disagree 19. I do not lose my temper often.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
14. I usually feel blue.
o Disagree 20. I use difficult words.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
15. I take time to understand the ideas.
o Disagree 21. I usually have a little to say.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
16. I feel uncomfortable when someone
shows interest in me. 22. My heart melts easily
o Disagree o Disagree
o Slightly disagree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral o Neutral
o Slightly agree o Slightly agree
o Agree o Neutral
o Slightly agree
23. I leave things around after I no longer o Agree
need them.
o Disagree 29. I get disturbed easily.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
24. Making me upset is very easy.
o Disagree 30. I am the first one to understand the idea.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
25. I have clear imagination.
o Disagree 31. I think a lot before starting a
o Slightly disagree conversation.
o Neutral o Disagree
o Slightly agree o Slightly disagree
o Agree o Neutral
o Slightly agree
26. I am the one who is talking and greeting o Agree
everyone at a party.
o Disagree 32. I am empathetic
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
27. I do not give my time to others
o Disagree 33. I am always attentive and mentally
o Slightly disagree present.
o Neutral o Disagree
o Slightly agree o Slightly disagree
o Agree o Neutral
o Slightly agree
28. I like ordered and nicely put things. o Agree
o Disagree
o Slightly disagree 34. I feel blue rarely.
o Disagree o Disagree
o Slightly disagree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral o Neutral
o Slightly agree o Slightly agree
o Agree o Agree

35. I am conventional thinker. 41. I am the one who makes plans for meet
o Disagree ups.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
36. Loneliness makes me sad.
o Disagree 42. I take care of others’ feelings
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
37. I insult people
o Disagree 43. I am punctual and active.
o Slightly disagree o Disagree
o Neutral o Slightly disagree
o Slightly agree o Neutral
o Agree o Slightly agree
o Agree
38. My room is messy.
o Disagree 44. My mood swings are repetitive and
o Slightly disagree frequent.
o Neutral o Disagree
o Slightly agree o Slightly disagree
o Agree o Neutral
o Slightly agree
39. I get agitated easily. o Agree
o Disagree
o Slightly disagree 45. My ideas are unique and uncommon.
o Neutral o Disagree
o Slightly agree o Slightly disagree
o Agree o Neutral
o Slightly agree
40. I think out of the box. o Agree
o Neutral
46. I get awkward when someone starts the o Slightly agree
conversation. o Agree
o Disagree
o Slightly disagree 49. I am the one who worries a lot about
o Neutral things.
o Slightly agree o Disagree
o Agree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral
47. I do not bother if a stranger is in danger. o Slightly agree
o Disagree o Agree
o Slightly disagree
o Neutral 50. I cannot imagine things properly
o Slightly agree o Disagree
o Agree o Slightly disagree
o Neutral
48. I am usually late. o Slightly agree
o Disagree o Agree
o Slightly disagree
You are given questionnaire. You have to answer, each question by placing the value number, 1 or 2,
against the form of answer you consider most suitable. Then by adding together the value numbers,
1 or 2, of your answers for either type you will be able to know, by comparing the Jesuits, to what
extent you belong to either type.



1. Did you get use to high marks in school?

1. Fairly high. 1. Not very high.
2. Yes. 2. No.

2. Is it easy for you to book study?

1. Fairly easy. 1. Somewhat hard.
2. Easy. 2. Hard.

3. Do you like reading reviews of products?

1. At times 1. Infrequently
2. Yes, and regularly. 2. No

4. Are you interested in literature?

1. To some extent. 1. Not that I am aware of.
2. Yes. 2. No.

5. Do you like expressing yourself by talking or writing?

1. Somewhat by writing. 1. Somewhat by talking,
2. Much by writing. 2. Much by talking.

6. Can you teach effectively?

1. Fairly good. 1. Hardly think so.
2. Yes 2. No.

7. As a civil engineer, you would like designing or field work?

1. Somewhat prefer designing. 1. Somewhat prefer field work.
2. Prefer much designing 2. Prefer much field work.
8. Do you have interest in abstract considerations?
1. To some extent. 1. Not that I am aware of.
2. Yes. 2. No.

9. Are you inclined towards theory or practical?

1. Somewhat theory. 1. Inclined towards practical.
2. Mostly theory. 2. Mostly practical.



1. Do you think a lot?
1. Not much. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes

2. Can you think out of the box?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent
2. No. 2. Yes.

3. Can you re write reports and articles?

1. Not to any extent. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes

4. Can you put your emotions in words beautifully?

1. Virtually none. 1. A little.
2. No. 2. Yes

5. Are you interested in other peoples’ lives?

1. To a certain extent. 1. Not particularly.
2. No. 2. Yes

6. Do you like thinking about ideas or things?

1. Not particularly 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.
7. Are you the one who chants with the audience while watching a match?
1. To a certain extent. 1. A little.
2. Yes. 2. No.

8. Do you have any artistic ability?

1. Not of any merit. 1. A little
2. No. 2. Yes.

9. Do you think you are materialistic or idealistic?

1. Somewhat materialistic. 1. Somewhat idealistic.
2. Materialistic. 2. Idealistic.

10. Do you get mixed up with people or are reserved?

1. Mix fairly well. 1. Somewhat reserved.
2. Mix well. 2. Reserved.



1. Do you think you get deceived easily?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

2. Do you think you lack confidence?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

3. Are you sensitive about social injustices?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

4. Do you get impressed easily?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 3. Yes.
5. Do you compare yourself with people who are financially stronger than you?
1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

6. Are you touchy about your short comings?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

7. Do you feel that your freedom is in the hands of your employer?

1. Practically so. 1. Not altogether.
2. Yes. 2. No.

8. Do you sensitive towards your rights?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

9. Do you like self-praising?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent
2. No. 2. Yes.

10. Do you idolize fictional or super heroes?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes



1. Do you get hurt easily?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

2. Are you afraid of fire?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.
3. Do you get annoyed when someone uses foul language?
1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

4. Are you open to go to parties?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

5. Does befooling in the name of game annoy you?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

6. Do you dislike calling names?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

7. Do you like collecting antique things?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

8. Do you find it hard to get up after sleep as soon as you open your eyes?
1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

9. Does dirt bother you?

1. I Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

10. Do you feel sad for an insect dying?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

1. Are you punctual?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

2. Do you feel comfortable meeting new people?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

3. Can you stand or sit still for a few minutes without jiggling?
1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

4. Are you mindful of your servants?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

5. Do children find it easy to connect with you?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

6. Do you make your point clear?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

7. Do you get offended when someone orders you?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

8. Are you always well dressed and clean?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.
9. Do you feel awkward joining in fun?
1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

10. Do you feel comfortable talking to the person of opposite gender?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent
2. No. 2. Yes.



1. Do you try to intrude when two people are talking?

1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly.
2. Yes. 2. No.

2. Do you talk to others about yourself?

1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly.
2. Yes. 2. No.

3. Do you talk in high pitch?

1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly.
1. Yes. 2. No.

4. Are you too much inquisitive?

1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly
2. Yes 2. No.

5. Do you negate what others say?

1. To some extent. No. 1. To some extent.
2. Yes. 2. No.

6. Do you try to be sarcastic at times?

1. To some extent. Yes. 1. Not particularly. No.
2. Yes. 2. No.
7. Do you find it amusing to laugh at others?
1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly. No.
2. Yes. 2. No.

8. Do you try to distract others?

1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly. No.
2. Yes. 2. No.

9. Do you talk about things which make others uncomfortable?

1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly.
2. Yes. 2. No.
10. Are you insulting towards people?
1. To some extent. 1. Not particularly. No.
2. Yes. 2. No.



1. Do you get hurt when someone criticizes you?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

2. Do you feel embarrassed while learning something in the presence of an audience?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

3. Are you troubled by vague fear?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

4. Do you find it hard to make up your mind?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.
5. Losing your job will make you feel depressed?
1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent
2. No. 2. Yes.

6. Do you experience mood swings regularly?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

7. Do you feel uncomfortable because of your self-consciousness?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some, extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

8. Do you find difficult to meet new people?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

9. Are you driven by your fears?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

10. Do you feel insulted when someone has better fortune?

1. Not particularly. 1. To some extent.
2. No. 2. Yes.

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