Competencies - All Spectrum

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Provides Thought Leadership - Consistently adds real value, providing innovative ideas, leading to improvement initiatives and best in class service and efficiency for the

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Treats success derived from implementing best practices as a Acquires best practice knowledge from internal sources. Networks with others inside and outside the company
secret to be kept versus a tip to be shared. to identify new trends and best practices.
Discusses differences and looks for common ground.
Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more Encourages discussions of difficult or controversial
power or influence. Shows team members how their efforts contribute to the strategies topics.
of the organization.
Expresses disagreement and differences of opinion in a harsh Engages in ‘what if’ thinking to consider future
manner. Understands Convergys' position in our industry, knows the factors implications and weighs the benefits and risks
that contribute to our success. associated with actions.
Focuses too much on the day-to-day work which obstructs the
identification of longer term issues or needs. Develops a clear picture of improvements needed and sets specific Anticipates changes in industry, creates strategies to
goals and plans to achieve that vision. deal effectively with those changes.
Offers solutions, rather then posing questions that help staff Evaluates information with global and long term
members learn, when presented with problems. perspectives.

Achieves Extraordinary Results - Consistently delivers results that directly impact business success

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Establishes unrealistic project completion dates. Identifies the necessary expertise and acquires additional Creates value for customers by anticipating their
resources needed to meet commitments. needs, partnering with them, exceeding expectations in
Over-promises and under-delivers on commitments and results, services and products for them.
causing missed commitments when unexpected obstacles arise. Exceeds performance expectations and consistently gets
results. Anticipates customer needs and consistently exceeds
Uses basic financial terms out of context and displays a limited their expectations.
understanding of financial processes. Assesses team objectives and initiatives regularly to determine if
staff resources are allocated to highest priority goals. Perseveres even in the most difficult circumstances to
Shows a limited view of global markets which narrows thinking and achieve goals.
eliminates any opportunity to serve new clients in other countries. Anticipates changes that may impact budget projections and
implements contingency planning. Sets high goals for self and others to increase short
Distracted and often misdirected by challenges which arise in the term and long term profitability and growth.
pursuit of goals. Makes fulfilling customer needs and meeting deliverables the
highest priority. Uses financial performance of the business unit to help
identify new financial goals that are aggressive, yet
Attracts and Develops Top Talent - Attracts talented people to their organization and spends considerable time coaching their people, preparing them for other great jobs at

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Fails to help staff members turn mistakes into opportunities to Acknowledges and recognizes people for their talent. Identifies critical jobs and ensures equal access
learn and improve performance. to opportunities associated with those jobs.
Creates and reinforces a climate for success in which people want to
Shows impatience when coaching staff members. do their best. Encourages staff members to interface with
higher level managers through work assignments
Displays favoritism and inconsistently applies policy. Allocates budget and time for each staff member to participate in and mentoring opportunities.
development activities.
Provides inconsistent performance feedback, if at all. Recognizes people who recognize other's
Supports an inclusive work environment, where each employee has accomplishments.
Discusses the outstanding accomplishment of team members with the opportunity to contribute and achieve.
manager or others on an infrequent basis, if ever.
Providers helpful, behaviorally specific feedback for employee Sets high goals and standards of performance for
development and improved performance in a timely manner. self and expects similarly high goals and
performance from others.

Customizes what forms of recognition or rewards

are most meaningful to each team member.

Uses variety of non-monetary rewards that are

unique and motivates each team member.

Drives Change - Anticipates and champions opportunities for change that positively influence the direction of the organization; never complacent with current success.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Does not communicate changes on a timely basis or to all parties Introduces new concepts, products, alliances, organizational Uses novel ways to deal with organizational
affected. processes and business models. problems and opportunities building on the
creative ideas and efforts of others.
Focuses too much on what will be lost as a result of change versus Develops a clear picture of improvements needed and sets specific
what the team or organization will gain. goals and plans to achieve that vision. Leads change efforts and promotes innovation; is
vigilant in seeking efficient and effective ways of
Resists change and stifles team members' initiatives to improve Brings people together to discuss and deal with problems resulting doing business.
existing processes or service. from change initiatives.
Demonstrates knowledge of the dynamics of
Demonstrates little understanding or concern that others may have Implements Convergys vision, diversity goals, priorities and values. large systems/organization change, and how to
regarding change. Shows knowledge of the implications and cost involved in setting, as influence and support desired change.
well as changing priorities.
Launches change/improvement efforts without enlisting others Considers all possible consequences of the
whose support is critical for successful implementation. change by identifying 'what if' scenarios and
prepares for that possibility.

Demonstrates sensitivity to the impact

organizational or process change has on each
Leadership Presence - Influential and confident without being arrogant, and skilled at communicating at all levels

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more power Admits making mistakes and seeks opportunities to strengthen self- Gains trust and respect from others by
or influence. awareness by inviting feedback from others; is authentic. consistently delivering results on commitments
and acts with integrity.
Unable to sound convincing or persuasive when challenged to Gives priority to activities where others achievements are praised and
defend rationale for decisions. highlighted. Acknowledges courageous employees who have
demonstrated high ethical standards or beliefs
Tends to hire, promote and surround themselves with people who Practices “management by walking around” to ask employees for both through their behavior.
only share their background and experience. negative and positive comments.
Stays in touch with and maintains relationships
Uses clichés and words with vague meanings rather than more Models excellence in the way they perform their work. with people at all levels of the organization.
precise words.
Engages in effective, concise two-way personal communication. Positions messages with motivating rationale that
Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking cooperative inspires commitment and enthusiasm.
solutions to issues.
Displays confidence and stability when faced with
difficult, crisis situations requiring decisions to be
made under conditions of high uncertainty.

Builds and Leverages External Relationships - Leverages relationships with internal/external customers to drive business growth, focused on meeting the customer's objectives.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Fails to anticipate and encourage future developments in the Participates aggressively in developing relationships with senior client Builds mutually beneficial business relationships
industry that may threaten the client's competitive advantage. management. with internal and external client executives in a
collaborative manner.
Surprised by marketplace changes due to lack of network contacts Seeks customer's input of how Convergys service and products
and information. measure up to our competition. Stays up-to-date on the 'best in class' practices
of other organizations and seeks to apply what is
Recommends solutions that don't support the client's and/or Establishes internal and external relationships to promote sharing of learned to Convergys.
Convergys' business needs and strategies. resources and best practices.
Incorporates the client's business challenges,
Treats the action of seeking different opinions, perspectives and Develops distinctive strategies to achieve competitive advantage, and opportunities and strategies into collaborative
approaches as a waste of time. positions his/her organization successfully to capitalize on discussions of solutions.
Works alone at times when working with others would build Demonstrates the ability to apply concepts and
stronger relationships and produce better results. Gathers information from multiple sources (external and internal). solutions from other businesses inside and
outside Convergys to meet the client's challenge.

Creates value for customers by anticipating their

needs, partnering with them, exceeding
expectations in services and products for them.
Collaborates to Achieve Company Goals - Works cooperatively, listens to learn others' perspectives, and puts company goals ahead of individual goals.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking cooperative Utilizes effective negotiation skills (win/win). Achieves desired business results through others
solutions to issues. with different backgrounds, perspectives, and
Expresses appreciation and respect for others when they share approaches.
Fails to challenge organizational policies or practices that appear contrary opinions or sensitive feelings.
to be exclusionary. Explores alternatives and positions to reach
Listens, and allows for silence to help others generate differing outcomes that gain all parties support and
Demonstrates lack of understanding of other functional groups opinions. acceptance.
which creates conflict and causes teams to work at cross-
purposes. Encourages open discussion. Communicates openly about innovative
approaches and ideas that create operational
Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more power Keeps their word by doing what they say they'll do. efficiencies to others.
or influence.
Encourages peers and team members to create
Does not demonstrate interest or encourage others to share ideas. and share process improvement ideas.

Helps when a colleague needs support on a

project or assignment.
Provides Thought Leadership - Consistently adds real value, providing innovative ideas, leading to improvement initiatives and best in class service and efficiency for the
Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Treats success derived from implementing best practices as Acquires best practice knowledge from internal sources. Networks with others inside and outside the company to
a secret to be kept versus a tip to be shared identify new trends and best practices.
Discusses differences and looks for common ground.
Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more Questions established practices or procedures in the interest
power or influence. Articulates how the industry is changing and understands of improving them.
what factors are currently impacting it.
Expresses frustration with people who express contrary Incorporates the client's business challenges, opportunities,
views. Encourages continuous improvement initiatives. and strategies into collaborative discussions of solutions.
Develops new approaches to improve or replace existing
Shows indifference towards planning against goals and procedures or systems. Evaluates information with global and long term
working the plan. perspectives.

Offers solutions, rather then posing questions that help staff

members learn, when presented with problems.

Achieves Extraordinary Results - Consistently delivers results that directly impact business success

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Shows a limited view of global markets which narrows Gathers appropriate resources, technology and people. Creates value for customer and exceeds customer
thinking and eliminates any opportunity to serve new clients Manages resources against plans and budget to deliver expectations by knowing their business and key drivers,
in other countries. commitments and to produce results. anticipating their challenges, building partnering
relationships with them, and delivering services and
Over-promises and under-delivers on commitments and Keeps self and others focused on key performance products to Service Level Agreements.
results, causing credibility to suffer. deliverables.
Anticipates customer needs and consistently exceeds their
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of financial data Plans for contingencies. expectations.
which delays urgent decisions.
Makes fulfilling customer needs and meeting deliverables the Persists despite obstacles and opposition.
Establishes unrealistic schedules with overly aggressive highest priority.
time frames to accomplish milestones. Establishes work, projects, and team focus by identifying
short-term tactics to meet long term goals.
Consumed by individual plans at the expense of managing
the overall strategy. Sets and achieves goals consistently to provide
highest quality product/services which meet
needs and requirements of customers.
Attracts and Develops Top Talent - Attracts talented people to their organization and spends considerable time coaching their people, preparing them for other great jobs at
Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model
Fails to help staff members turn mistakes into opportunities Acknowledges and recognizes people for their talent. Identifies critical jobs and ensures equal access to
to learn and improve performance. Creates and reinforces a climate for success in which people opportunities associated with those jobs.
want to do their best.
Shows impatience when coaching staff members. Identifies challenging opportunities for growth and enrolls
Allocates time and resources for each staff member to individuals into participation.
Displays favoritism and inconsistently applies policy. participate in development activities.
Recognizes people who recognize other's accomplishments.
Provides inconsistent performance feedback, if at all. Supports an inclusive work environment, where each Determines and measures personal accountability for
employee has the opportunity to contribute and achieve. accomplishing work goals as well as own goals.
Discusses the outstanding accomplishment of team
members with manager or others on an infrequent basis, if Providers helpful, behaviorally specific feedback for Customizes what forms of recognition or rewards are most
ever. employee development and improved performance in a meaningful to each team member. Uses variety of non-
timely manner. monetary rewards that are unique and motivates each team

Drives Change - Proactively identifies change/improvements that will add value and helps employees understand what they need to do differently as a result of changes.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Does not communicate changes on a timely basis or to all Introduces new concepts, products, alliances, organizational Uses novel ways to deal with organizational problems and
parties affected. processes and business models. opportunities building on the creative ideas and efforts of
Focuses too much on what will be lost as a result of change Establishes structures and processes to plan and manage
versus what the team or organization will gain. the orderly implementation of change. Initiates and champions process reform when needed.
Invites participation from the key stakeholders to manage
Resists change and stifles team members' initiatives to Brings people together to discuss and deal with problems change to ensure acceptance and transition.
improve existing processes or service. resulting from change initiatives.
Manages the conflicting factors of change.
Overlooks dealing with people's reactions and feelings Implements Convergys vision, diversity goals, priorities and
during and after tough issues are discussed. values. Demonstrates sensitivity to the impact organizational or
process change has on each member.
Launches change/improvement efforts without enlisting Shows knowledge of the implications and cost involved in
others whose support is critical for successful setting, as well as changing priorities.
Leadership Presence - Influential and confident without being arrogant, and skilled at communicating at all levels

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more Admits making mistakes and seeks opportunities to Gains trust and respect from others by consistently
power or influence. strengthen self-awareness by inviting feedback from others; delivering results on commitments and acts with integrity.
is authentic.
Unable to sound convincing or persuasive when challenged Acknowledges courageous employees who have
to defend rationale for decisions. Gives priority to activities where others achievements are demonstrated high ethical standards or beliefs through their
praised and highlighted. behavior.
Tends to hire, promote and surround themselves with
people who only share their background and experience. Practices “management by walking around” to ask employees Cultivates a broad network of relationships to exchange
Uses clichés and words with vague meanings rather than for both negative and positive comments. ideas and rally support.
more precise words.
Models excellence in the way they perform their work. Creates and reinforces a climate for success in which
Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking Engages in effective, concise two-way personal people want to do their best.
cooperative solutions to issues. communication.
Empowers others to take personal initiative to produce

Builds and Leverages External Relationships - Leverages relationships with internal/external customers to drive business growth, focused on meeting the customer's
Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model
Demonstrates insensitivity to client issues by not Participates aggressively in developing relationships with Builds customer confidence by communicating and
considering market and time pressures imposed by our clients/customers. demonstrating regular progress against deliverables.
clients. Networks with others inside and outside the company to
Demonstrates the ability to out think our competition by taking identify new trends and best practices.
Surprised by marketplace changes due to lack of network into account our industry knowledge and experience.
contacts and information. Incorporates the client's business challenges, opportunities
Establishes internal and external relationships to promote and strategies into collaborative discussions of solutions.
Jumps to consideration of solutions without understanding sharing of resources and best practices.
the client's view of their needs and challenges. Demonstrates the ability to apply concepts and solutions
Leverages emerging opportunities present in the marketplace from other businesses inside and outside Convergys to meet
Shows a limited view of global markets which narrows and the industry. the client's challenge.
thinking and eliminates any opportunity to serve new clients
in other countries. Gathers information from multiple sources (external and Creates value for customers by anticipating their needs,
internal). partnering with them, exceeding expectations in services
Works alone at times when working with others would build and products for them.
stronger relationships and produce better results.
Collaborates to Achieve Company Goals - Works cooperatively, listens to learn others' perspectives, and puts company goals ahead of individual goals.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking Utilizes effective negotiation skills (win/win). Achieves desired business results through others with
cooperative solutions to issues. different backgrounds, perspectives, and approaches.
Expresses appreciation and respect for others when they
Fails to challenge organizational policies or practices that share contrary opinions or sensitive feelings. Explores alternatives and positions to reach outcomes that
appear to be exclusionary. gain all parties support and acceptance.
Listens, and allows for silence to help others generate
Demonstrates lack of understanding of other functional differing opinions. Communicates innovative approaches and ideas that create
groups which creates conflict and causes teams to work at operational efficiencies.
cross-purposes. Encourages and welcomes discussions of difficult or
controversial topics in staff meetings. Encourages peers and team members to create and share
Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more process improvement ideas.
power or influence. Keeps their word by doing what they say they'll do.
Helps when a colleague needs support on a project or
Does not demonstrate interest or encourage others to share assignment.
Provides Thought Leadership - Consistently adds real value, providing innovative ideas, leading to improvement initiatives and best in class service and efficiency for the

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Treats success derived from implementing best practices as Routes articles regarding technical, professional and industry Networks with others inside and outside the company to
a secret to be kept versus a tip to be shared. knowledge to others. identify new trends and best practices.

Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more Discusses differences and looks for common ground. Initiates and champions innovation and process
power or influence. improvement when needed.
Demonstrates the ability to see beyond the obvious and think
Expresses frustration with people who express contrary outside of defined norms. Evaluates project’s strategy and goals against industry
views. trends based upon knowledge from own role.
Uses continuous improvement and quality tools when
Shows indifference towards planning against goals and creating or documenting processes.
working the plan.
Accesses internal and external resources that
Displays a limited perspective of the Convergys mission, provide information on industry and market
goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses within the trends.
scope of their supervisory responsibilities.

Achieves Extraordinary Results - Consistently delivers results that directly impact business success.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Treats the action of seeking different opinions, perspectives Provides team with focus and necessary resources to achieve Creates value for customer and exceeds expectations by
and approaches as a waste of time. goals. knowing customer business and key drivers and delivering
services and products to Service Level Agreements.
Over-promises and under-delivers on commitments and Sets and achieves goals consistently to provide highest
results, causing credibility to suffer. quality product/services which meet needs and requirements Shows determination to achieve important goals.
of customers.
Impedes progress towards goals by unnecessarily Persists despite obstacles and opposition.
prolonged decision making. Keeps self and others focused on key performance
deliverables. Seeks further resources on a proactive basis; does not wait
Establishes unrealistic project completion dates. until resources are depleted.
Identifies genuine priorities and communicates an appropriate
Consumed by individual plans at the expense of managing sense of urgency about goals, tasks, and projects. Makes fulfilling customer needs and meeting deliverables
the overall strategy. the highest priority.
Demonstrates understanding of how the efforts of their team
contribute to the success of the organization.
Coaches for Improved Performance - Provides helpful, specific feedback for employee development and improved performance in a timely manner.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Fails to help team members turn mistakes into opportunities Acknowledges and recognizes people for their contribution. Provides helpful, behaviorally specific feedback for
to learn and improve performance. Recognizes and reinforces people's developmental efforts employee development and improved performance in a
and improvements. timely manner.
Shows impatience when coaching team members.
Schedules coaching time with their employees just as they Meets with team members immediately after they complete
Avoids confronting team member’s poor performance and would any other fundamental business activity. a training program to review what was learned and how
hesitates to begin constructive action. lessons are to be applied to the work setting.
Supports an inclusive work environment, where each
Gives vague feedback to team members and does not offer employee has the opportunity to contribute and achieve. Recognizes and rewards people who achieve an
specific ideas on how to improve performance. outstanding result immediately.
Assesses strengths and development needs of employees in
Discusses the outstanding accomplishment of team an accurate manner. Determines and measures personal accountability for
members with manager or others on an infrequent basis, if accomplishing work goals as well as own goals.
Customizes what forms of recognition or rewards are most
meaningful to each team member.

Uses variety of non-monetary rewards that are unique and

motivates each team member.

Drives Change - Proactively identifies change/improvements that will add value and helps employees understand what they will need to do differently as a result of changes.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Does not communicate changes on a timely basis or to all Looks for better ways of doing things. Communicates innovative approaches and ideas that create
parties affected. operational efficiencies.
Keeps alert to new practices and technologies.
Resists change and is obstinate when a different approach Initiates and champions process reform when needed.
is suggested. Seeks challenging and critical thinking and diverse opinions
from others. Communicates with other teams or groups involved in
Pressures team to deal only with the task at hand and stifles implementation of the change.
reactions to change. Communicates changes in a way that makes the changes
sound feasible. Gives guidance to team members as they work through the
Overlooks dealing with people's reactions and feelings process of transition.
during and after tough issues are discussed. Communicates pending changes, rationale, for change, and
needed participation from team. Initiates and/or proposes solutions proactively.
Seeks to convince others rather than seeking to understand
the other's point of view.
Leadership Presence - Influential and confident without being arrogant, and skilled at communicating at all levels.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather Admits mistakes and seeks opportunities to strengthen self- Gains trust and respect from others by consistently
more power or influence. insight by inviting feedback from others; is authentic. delivering results on commitments and acts with integrity.

Unable to sound convincing or persuasive when challenged Gives priority to activities where others achievements are Acknowledges courageous employees who have
to defend rationale for decisions. praised and highlighted. demonstrated high ethical standards or beliefs through their
Tends to hire, promote and surround themselves with Practices “management by walking around” to ask employees
people who only share their background and experience. for both negative and positive comments. Cultivates a broad network of relationships to exchange
ideas and rally support.
Uses clichés and words with vague meanings rather than Demonstrates and models the performance standards
more precise words. expected from others. Expresses appreciation and respect for others when they
share contrary opinions or sensitive feelings.
Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking Engages in effective, concise two-way personal
cooperative solutions to issues. communication. Fosters an environment of trust and respect for the

Builds and Leverages External Relationships - Leverages relationships with internal/external customers to attain business goals, focused on meeting the customer's

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Fails to develop relationships throughout the organization Builds customer confidence by communicating and
and experiences difficulty in achieving goals as a result. Collaborates with other business units to seek alignment. demonstrating regular progress against deliverables.

Gets caught off guard by marketplace changes due to the Cultivates a broad network of relationships to exchange ideas Networks with others inside and outside the company to
lack of network contacts and information. and rally support. identify new trends and best practices.

Relies upon limited or select sources of information. Builds constituencies and consensus. Utilizes effective negotiation skills (win/win).

Fails to enlist the assistance of key organizations. Takes advantage of available internal resources to maximize Cultivates mutually beneficial relationships throughout the
operational performance. organization in the interest of achieving results.
Works alone at times when working with others would build
stronger relationships and produce better results. Gathers information from multiple sources (external and Uses strong interpersonal and communication skills to
internal). develop relationships in organization.
Collaborates to Achieve Company Goals - Works cooperatively, listens to learn others' perspectives, and puts company goals ahead of individual goals.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking Viewed as a team member, not a competitor with peers. Achieves desired business results through others with
cooperative solutions to issues. different backgrounds, perspectives, and approaches.
Encourages the team to consider better ways of doing things.
Fails to challenge organizational policies or practices that Explores alternatives and positions to reach outcomes that
appear to be exclusionary. Listens, and allows for silence to help others generate gain all parties support and acceptance.
differing opinions.
Focuses exclusively on own operation rather than Encourages peers and team members to create and share
developing a broad perspective of other initiatives in the Encourages and welcomes discussions of difficult or process improvement ideas.
organization. controversial topics in staff meetings.
Supports an inclusive work environment, where each
Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather Keeps their word by doing what they say they'll do. employee has the opportunity to contribute and achieve
more power or influence.
Engages team as problem-solvers for all challenges.
Does not demonstrate interest or encourage others to
share ideas.
Provides Thought Leadership - Consistently adds real value, providing innovative ideas, leading to improvement initiatives and best in class service and efficiency for the

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Treats success derived from implementing best practices as Routes articles regarding technical, professional and industry Networks with others inside and outside the company to
a secret to be kept versus a tip to be shared. knowledge to others. identify new trends and best practices.

Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more Discusses differences and looks for common ground. Initiates and champions innovation and process
power or influence. improvement when needed.
Demonstrates the ability to see beyond the obvious and think
Is quick to criticize and question others who present outside of defined norms Evaluates own performance, products, services, and
opposing opinions. processes against quality standards.
Uses continuous improvement processes effectively.
Shows indifference towards planning against goals and Participates in cross-functional teams to gain cross-
working the plan. Accesses internal and external resources that fertilization and diverse disciplines' viewpoints.
provide information on industry and market
Displays a limited perspective of the Convergys mission, trends. Communicates innovative approaches and ideas that create
goals, strategies, strengths and weaknesses within which operational efficiencies.
their responsibilities lie.

Achieves Extraordinary Results - Consistently delivers results that directly impact business success.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Causes confusion when priorities are not anchored to the Establishes project plan and team focus. Builds mutually beneficial business relationships with
goals of the organization. internal and external clients in an open, friendly and
Manages self and resources against plans and budget to accepting manner.
Completes only those projects and tasks that have been deliver commitments and to produce results.
assigned; rarely looks for opportunities to do more. Shows determination to achieve important goals.
Focuses on key performance deliverables.
Impedes progress towards goals by unnecessarily prolonged Persists despite obstacles and opposition.
decision making. Monitors and adjusts activities to meet objectives.
Seeks further resources on a proactive basis; does not wait
Establishes every task, project or activity as a high priority Makes fulfilling customer needs and meeting deliverables the until resources are depleted.
item. highest priority.
Cultivates a broad network of relationships to exchange
Focuses too much on the day-to-day work at the expense of ideas and rally support.
longer term issues.
Drives Change - Proactively identifies change/improvements that will add value and positively contributes to the implementation of change.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Does not communicate changes on a timely basis or to all Looks for better ways of doing things. Communicates innovative approaches and ideas that create
parties affected. operational efficiencies.
Is alert to new practices and technologies.
Resists change and is obstinate when a different approach Initiates and champions process improvement when
is suggested. Generates new and appropriate interpretations and behaviors needed.
in response to unfamiliar cultural settings.
Verbalizes a lack of confidence about successful outcomes Displays a ‘can-do’ attitude and approaches challenges
of impending change. Adapts to changes in work parameters in a productive from a problem-solving perspective.
Stifles team members’ initiatives to improve existing Acknowledges the transition process for accepting change
processes or service. Proposes new approaches, methods, or technologies both for self and others.

Reacts to changes in the business instead of proactively Initiates and/or proposes solutions proactively.
planning for them.

Leadership Presence - Influential and confident without being arrogant, and skilled at communicating at all levels

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Hoards knowledge and information as a way to gather more Accepts full responsibility for individual results. Utilizes effective negotiation skills (win/win).
power or influence.
Shows a level of patience appropriate to the situation. Adjusts actions as appropriate in consideration of others
Fails to project enthusiasm or energy in their tone of needs and circumstances.
speaking. Promotes harmony among team members.
Gains trust and respect from others by consistently
Ignores comments that hurt, alienate or may embarrass Demonstrates appreciation for diversity and cultural delivering results on commitments and acts with integrity.
people from a different background or belief system. differentiation.
Achieves desired business results through others with
Uses clichés and words with vague meanings rather than Shows respect for others' opinions. different backgrounds, perspectives, and approaches.
more precise words.
Works cooperatively with others to produce innovative
Seeks to win by intimidating others rather than seeking solutions.
cooperative solutions to issues.
Builds and Leverages Customer Relationships - Leverages relationships with internal/external customers to drive business growth, focused on meeting the customer's

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Socializes plan with stakeholders on a minimal basis. Brings diverse perspectives and approaches together to
Collaborates with other business units to seek alignment. create unique solutions.
Surprises stakeholders by making changes which are not
communicated. Cultivates a broad network of relationships to exchange ideas Networks with others inside and outside the company to
and rally support. identify new trends and best practices.
Focuses too much attention on tasks and details and not
enough on people and relationships. Accesses internal and external resources that provide Utilizes effective negotiation skills (win/win).
information on industry and market trends.
Judgmental and critical to an extreme in day-to-day dealings Builds mutually beneficial business relationships with
with others. Uses support systems to navigate transition. internal and clients in an open, friendly and accepting
Works alone at times when working with others would build Gathers information from multiple sources (external and
stronger relationships and produce better results. internal). Matches people and activities to get things done effectively.

Collaborates to Achieve Company Goals - Works cooperatively, listens to learn others' perspectives, and puts company goals ahead of individual goals.

Unskilled Developing Proficient Highly Skilled Role Model

Seeks input and opinions from a select few. Viewed as a team member, not a competitor with peers. Achieves desired business results through others with
different backgrounds, perspectives, and approaches.
Fails to challenge organizational policies or practices that Solves problems collaboratively.
appear to be exclusionary. Shares information regarding observed developing trends
Listens actively and gives full attention to the speaker. with upper management.
Treats the success derived from implementing a best
practice as a secret to be kept versus a tip to be shared. Embraces change personally and encourages others to Collaborates with other business units to seek alignment.
embrace change.
Surprises others by sharing information in meetings that Supports an inclusive work environment, where each
needed to be communicated beforehand. Responds quickly to questions and requests for information employee has the opportunity to contribute and achieve.
that others may have.
Does not demonstrate interest or encourage others to Discusses differences and looks for common ground.
share ideas.

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