English Book TCS-pages-444-469

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Pinnacle SSC English

(c) Dialogue (d) Soliloquy special order

Q428. One who is unable to read and
SSC MTS 14/8/2019 (Morning)
write Q441.Who believes easily and can be
SSC MTS 07/8/2019 (Morning) (a) Atlas (b) Catalogue
(a) Incomprehensible(b) Illegible SSC MTS 09/8/2019 (Morning) (c) Dictionary (d) Directory
(c) Frugal (d) Illiterate (a) Incredible (b) Fraud Q453.The branch of science concerned
(c) Native (d) Gullible with the bodily structure of humans,
Q429. Yearly celebration of a date or an
event Q442.An introduction to a book usually animals and other living organisms.
SSC MTS 14/8/2019 (Morning)
SSC MTS 07/8/2019 (Morning) starting its purposes
(a) Gala (b) Anniversary SSC MTS 09/8/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Anatomy (b) Astronomy
(c) Carnival (d) Bash (a) Bibliography (b) Epilogue (c) Botany (d) Gastronomy
(c) Preface(d) Acknowledgement Q454.The study of human societies and
Q430. Person with no fixed abode
SSC MTS 07/8/2019 (Afternoon) Q443. A contest between two people to culture and their development.
(a) Nomad (b) Crusader SSC MTS 14/8/2019 (Afternoon)
settle a point of honour.
(c) Tourist (d) Artist SSC MTS 09/8/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Zoology (b) Anthropology
(a) duet (b) duo (c) Etymology (d) Physiology
Q431. Polygons with eight sides and
(c) duel (d) dual Q455.The stage of growth between
eight angles.
SSC MTS 07/8/2019 (Afternoon) Q444.A person who waste money on boyhood and youth
(a) Triangle (b) Hexagon SSC MTS 14/8/2019 (Afternoon)
(c) Octagon (d) Pentagon SSC MTS 09/8/2019 (Evening) (a) Infancy (b) Childhood
(a) Monarch (b) Frugal (c) Adulthood (d) Adolescence
Q432. The state of growing to maturity
SSC MTS 07/8/2019 (Evening) (c) Expensive (d) Extravagant Q456.A person who has had long
(a) Apartheid (b) Innocence Q445.One who works very hard experience in a particular field.
(c) Adolescence (d) Immigrant SSC MTS 09/8/2019 (Evening) SSC MTS 14/8/2019 (Evening)
(a) Exploited (b) Labourer (a) Amateur (b) Veteran
Q433. A person travelling on foot (c) Stoic (d) Cosmopolitan
SSC MTS 07/8/2019 (Evening) (c) Exhausted (d) Industrious
(a) Vagabond (b) Pedestrian Q446.A large bundle bound for storage Q457.One who love books
(c) Bibliophile (d) Equestrian SSC MTS 14/8/2019 (Evening)
or transport
(a) Orator (b) Linguist
Q434. Something which lasts forever SSC MTS 13/8/2019 (Morning)
(c) Librarian (d) Bibliophile
SSC MTS 08/8/2019 (Morning) (a) Bunch (b) Bale
(a) Temporal (b) Eternal (c) Bevy (d) Barrel Q458.A sentimental longing or wistful
(c) Annual (d) Peripheral affection for a period in the past.
Q447.One who studies the evolution of
SSC MTS 16/8/2019 (Morning)
Q435. Medicine given to counteract a mankind
(a) Paradise (b) Nostalgia
poison SSC MTS 13/8/2019 (Morning)
(c) Harmony (d) Recollection
SSC MTS 08/8/2019 (Morning) (a) Dermatologist (b) Sociologist
(a) Antigen (b) Antibiotic (c) Archaeologist(d) Anthropologist Q459.One who abstain from alcoholic
(c) Antidote (d) Antiseptic drinks.
Q448.The decision that is given by the SSC MTS 16/8/2019 (Morning)
Q436. A young child just beginning to jury or judge at the end of the trial (a) Drunkard (b) Vegetarian
walk SSC MTS 13/8/2019 (Afternoon) (c) Non-vegetarian (d) Teetotaller
SSC MTS 08/8/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Punishment (b) Accusation
(a) Joey (b) Kid (c) Allegation (d) Verdict Q460.A hollow space in a wall for a
(c) Toddler (d) Cub statue or ornament
Q449.An extremely large mass of ice SSC MTS 16/8/2019 (Afternoon)
Q437. A period of two weeks which moves very slowly, often down a (a) Slot (b) Niche
SSC MTS 08/8/2019 (Afternoon) mountain valley. (c) Nook (d) Cornice
(a) Quarter (b) Decade SSC MTS 13/8/2019(Afternoon)
(c) Fortnight (d) Weekend (a) Island (b) Ocean Q461.A specialist who treats disease of
(c) Mirage (d) Glacier the nervous system.
Q438.Resistant to particular infection SSC MTS 16/8/2019 (Afternoon)
SSC MTS 08/8/2019 (Evening) Q450. A person who loves money and (a) Orthopaedic (b) Neurologist
(a) Immune (b) Innocuous hate spending it (c) Gynecologist (d) Paediatrician
(c) Innocent (d) Immortal SSC MTS 13/8/2019 (Evening)
(a) Investor (b) Miser Q462.A person who rides in horse races,
Q439. Person living at the same time especially as a profession.
SSC MTS 08/8/2019 (Evening) (c) Banker (d) Lender
SSC MTS 16/8/2019 (Evening)
(a) Colleague (b) Companion Q451.One who loses temper very soon (a) Chauffeur (b) Champion
(c) Comrades(d) Contemporaries SSC MTS 13/8/2019 (Evening) (c) Cowboy (d) Jockey
Q440. A speech made to oneself (a) Temporal (b) Tampered
Q463.Policy of racial discrimination
SSC MTS 09/8/2019 (Morning) (c) Argumentative(d) Hot-headed
SSC MTS 16/8/2019 (Evening)
(a) Eloquent (b) Solitary Q452.A list of names or things in a (a) Inequality (b) Supremacy
One word substitution

(c) Segregation (d) Apartheid Q475.An institution for the care of SSC MTS 22/8/2019 (Evening)
people who are mentally ill. (a)Archeology (b)Astrology
Q464.An animal that lives by killing and
SSC MTS 20/8/2019 (Evening) (c)Anatomy (d)Astronomy
eating other animals
(a) Apiary (b) Aviary
SSC MTS 19/8/2019 (Morning)
(c) Arsenal (d) Asylum
(a) Amphibian (b) Prey Sol 410.(b) Hypocrite-पाखंडी-One who
(c) Predator (d) Quadruped Q476. Government not connected with pretend to be what he is not
religious or spiritual matter. (a) Director-िनदे शक-a person who is in
Q465.A large crowd of people intent on
SSC MTS 21/8/2019 (Morning) charge of an activity, department, or
causing trouble or violence.
(a) Republic (b) Sovereign organization.
SSC MTS 19/8/2019 (Morning)
(c) Socialist (d) Secular (c) Creator-रचनाकार-a person or thing
(a) Procession (b) Mob
(c) Spectators (d) Audience Q477.A critical judge of any art and that brings something into existence.
craft (d) Acrobat-नट- an entertainer who
Q466. A person who is recovering after SSC MTS 21/8/2019 (Morning) performs spectacular gymnastic feats.
an illness or medical treatment (a) Connoisseur (b) Curator
SSC MTS 19/8/2019 (Afternoon) Sol 411.(a) Convent- A place where
(c) Crusader (d) Cynic
(a) Senile (b) Athlete nuns live and work
(c) Altruist (d) Convalescent Q478.One who collect stamps (b) Dormitory- शयनक - a large bedroom
SSC MTS 21/8/2019 (Afternoon) for a number of people in a school or
Q467.The fear of being enclosed in a (a) Geologist (b) Curator institution.
small space or room. (c) Philatelist (d) Conjurer (c) Hostel-छा ावास- an establishment
SSC MTS 19/8/2019 (Afternoon)
which provides lodging for a specific
(a) Acrophobia Q479.A large number of fish swimming
group of people, such as students,
(b) Hydrophobia together
SSC MTS 21/8/2019 (Afternoon) workers, or travellers.
(c) Claustrophobia
(a) Pack (b) Herd (d) Quarter-ितमािह-be stationed or lodged
(d) Aerophobia
(c) Horde (d) Shoal in a specified place.
Q468.Rearing of silkworms
Q480. A set of twenty Sol 412.(d) Auditorium-सभागार- A
SSC MTS 19/8/2019 (Evening)
SSC MTS 21/8/2019 (Evening) building where an audience sits
(a) Horticulture (b) Pisciculture
(a) Dozen (b) Score (a) Aisle-गिलयारा- a passage between
(c) Agriculture (d) Sericulture
(c) Decade (d) Quarter rows of seats in a building such as a
Q469.An account of a person’s life church or theatre, an aircraft, or train.
written by self. Q481. A person who rules without (b) Hangar-िवमान घर- a large building
SSC MTS 19/8/2019 (Evening) consulting the opinion of others with an extensive floor area, typically
(a) Autobiography (b) Biography SSC MTS 21/8/2019 (Evening)
for housing aircraft.
(c) Cartography (d) Calligraphy (a) Aristocrat (b) Atheist
(c) Gymnasium- ायामशाला- a room or
(c) Arbitrator (d) Autocrat
Q470. A person motivated by irrational building equipped for gymnastics,
enthusiasm Q482. A set of 52 playing cards games, and other physical exercise.
SSC MTS 20/8/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 22/8/2019 (Morning)
Sol 413 . (b) Directory-िनदिशका-A book
(a) Infidel (b) Fanatic (a) Bundle (b) Parcel
of names and addresses
(c) Atheist (d) Polytheist (c) Packet (d) Pack
(a) Diary -दै िनकी- a book in which one
Q471.An introduction to a literary work. Q483.An abnormal fear of water keeps a daily record of events and
SSC MTS 20/8/2019 (Morning) SSC MTS 22/8/2019 (Morning) experiences.
(a) Blurb (b) Epilogue (a) Algophobia (b)Pyrohobia (c) Dictionary-श कोश-a reference book
(c) Sequel (d) Prologue (c) Cacophobia (d) Hydrophobia on a particular subject, the items of
Q484. An act of murdering one’s brother which are typically arranged in
Q472.A gentle song sung to put a child
SSC MTS 22/8/2019 (Afternoon) alphabetical order.
to sleep.
SSC MTS 20/8/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Regicide (b) Genocide (d) Journal-पि का-a newspaper or
(a) Lyre (b) Lyric (c) Patricide (d) Fratricide magazine that deals with a particular
(c) Laurel (d) Lullaby subject or professional activity.
Q485. The lack of government control
Q473. Friendly and Welcoming to or rule of law Sol 414.(a) Fatal -घातक-Something
visitors SSC MTS 22/8/2019 (Afternoon) which leads to death
SSC MTS 20/8/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Anarchy (b) Monarchy (b) Trial -जाँ च- a formal examination of
(a) Hostel (b) Hostile (c) Autocracy (d) Dictatorship evidence by a judge.
(c) Hospitable (d) Hospital (c) Vital -मह पूण- absolutely necessary;
Q486. One who does not express
Q474. A person who is recovering from himself freely
(d) Penal-दं डा क- prescribing the
an illness SSC MTS 22/8/2019 (Evening)
punishment of offenders under the legal
SSC MTS 20/8/2019 (Evening) (a) Extrovert (b) Introvert
(a) Invalid (b) Cartographer (c) Lunatic (d) Narcissist
(c) Convalescent (d) Senator Sol 415.(b) Obsolete-जीण-शीण-
Q487.The study of stars and planets
Something no longer in use
Pinnacle SSC English

(a) Obdurate-हठी -stubbornly refusing to used for pulling heavy loads. be read.
change one's opinion or course of action. (b) Drought-अकाल-a prolonged period of (c) Frugal-िमत यी-simple and plain and
(c) Omnipotent -सवश मान- having abnormally low rainfall, leading to a costing little.
unlimited power. shortage of water.
Sol 429. (b) Anniversary-सालिगरह
(d) Ominous -अशुभ-giving the worrying (d)Temperate-शीतो -relating to or
-Yearly celebration of a date or an event
impression that something bad is going denoting a region or climate
(a) Gala-उ व-a social occasion with
to happen; threateningly inauspicious. characterized by mild temperatures
special entertainments or performances.
Sol 416. (d) Meadow-घास का मैदान-An Sol 422.(c) Zenith-शीषिबंदु- The highest (c) Carnival- ोहार-an annual festival,
area of grassland where animals graze point involving processions, music, dancing,
(a) Forest-जंगल- a large area covered (a) Horizon-ि ितज-the line at which the and the use of masquerade.
chiefly with trees and undergrowth. earth's surface and the sky appear to
Sol 430.(a) Nomad-बंजारा-Person with no
(b) Park-उ ान- a large enclosed piece of meet.
fixed abode
ground attached to a country house. (b) Paradise - ग-heaven as the ultimate
(b) Crusader-यो ा-a person who
(c) Garden-बगीचा- a piece of ground abode of the just
campaigns vigorously for political,
adjoining a house, in which grass, (d) Nadir -पतन-the lowest or most
social, or religious change; a
flowers, and shrubs may be grown. unsuccessful point in a situation.
Sol 417. (d) Skeleton-कंकाल-An internal Sol 423.(d) Dumb-गूंगा-One who can’t (c) Tourist -पयटक-a person who is
or external framework of bones speak travelling or visiting a place for pleasure.
(a) Skin- चा- the thin layer of tissue (a) Quiet -शां त- making little or no noise. (d) Artist -कलाकार- a person who creates
forming the natural outer covering of the (b) Orphan-अनाथ-a child whose parents paintings or drawings as a profession or
body of a person or animal. are dead. hobby.
(b) Spine-रीढ़ की ह ी- the backbone. (c) Bevy-झुंड-a large group of people or
Sol 431. (c) Octagon -अ भुज-Polygons
(c) Skull-खोपड़ी- a person's head or things of a particular kind.
with eight sides and eight angles.
Sol 424. (b) Pride -गौरव-A group of lions (a) Triangle-ि भुज - 3 sides
Sol 418.(c) Satire-हा ं - Full of (a) Pack -ताश की ग ी- A group of dogs/ (b) Hexagon -षट् भुज- 6 sides
criticism and mockery wolves (d) Pentagon -पंचभुज- 5 sides
(a) Eulogy - शंसा भाषण -a speech or (c) Herd-झुंड-A group of cattle/elephants/
Sol 432.(c) Adolescence-िकशोराव था -
piece of writing that praises someone (d) Flock-झुंड- A group of birds/sheep/
The state of growing to maturity
(b) Praise- शंसा- express warm approval
Sol 425. (b) Hypocrite-पाखंडी-A person (a) Apartheid-रं गभेद- a policy or system
or admiration of.
pretending to be somebody he isn't of segregation or discrimination on
(d) cliché-ठ ा- a phrase or opinion that
(a) Aristocrat-रईस-a member of the grounds of race.
is overused and betrays a lack of original
aristocracy./nobleman (b) Innocence-बेगुनाही- the state, quality,
(c) Conservative-अप रवतनवादी-averse to or fact of being innocent of a crime or
Sol 419 (a) Choir- िगरजाघर change or innovation and holding offence.
गायक-दल-Group of singers traditional values. (d) Immigrant-आ वासी - a person who
(b) Council-सिमित-a body of people (d) Bureaucrat-अिधकारी- an official in a comes to live permanently in a foreign
elected to manage the affairs of a city, government department country.
county, or other municipal district.
Sol 426. (a) Fleet -A group of sheeps Sol 433..(b) Pedestrian -पैदल या ी-A
(c) Jury-पंचायत-a body of people sworn
(b) Bevy-झंुड-a large group of people or person travelling on foot
to give a verdict in a legal case on the
things of a particular kind. (a) Vagabond-आवारा-a person who
basis of evidence submitted to them in
(c) Suite-कमरों का सैट-a set of rooms wanders from place to place without a
designated for one person's or family's home or job.-
(d) Orchestra-बड-a group of
use or for a particular purpose. (c) Bibliophile-पु क ेमी-a person who
instrumentalists (musicians)
(d) Army-सेना-A group of soldiers collects or has a great love of books.
Sol 420.(c) Choreography-नृ कला -The (d) Equestrian-घुड़सवार-relating to horse
Sol 427.(c) Killing of pests- कीटनाशक
art of creating and arranging dances riding.
दवाएं - Pesticide
(a) Geology -भूगभशा -the science
(a) Herbicide- शाकनाशी- used to destroy Sol.434.(b)Eternal-अन - Something
which deals with the physical structure
unwanted vegetation. which lasts forever
and substance of the earth, their history,
(b) Suicide- आ घाती- killing yourself on (a) Temporal-अ थायी- relating to time.
and the processes which act on them.
purpose, dying at your own hand (c) Annual -वािषक-occurring once every
(b) Seismology -भूकंप िव ान-the branch
(d) Patricide-िपता का वध-the killing of year.
of science concerned with earthquakes
one's father. (d) Peripheral -प रधीय-relating to or
and related phenomena.
situated on the edge or periphery of
(d) Calligraphy -सुलेख- decorative Sol 428.(d) Illiterate -अनपढ़- One who is
handwriting or handwritten lettering. unable to read and write
(a) Incomprehensible-समझ से बाहर- not Sol 435.(c) Antidote-िवषहर औषध
Sol 421.(c) Tempest -तूफ़ान-A violent
able to be understood; not intelligible. -Medicine given to counteract a poison
(b) Illegible-अ - not clear enough to (a) Antigen- ितजन-a toxin or other
(a) Draught -भारवहन-denoting an animal
One word substitution

foreign substance which induces an (c) Native-दे शी-a person born in a (b) Sociologist-समाजशा ी-an expert in
immune response in the body, especially specified place or associated with a place or student of the development, structure,
the production of antibodies. by birth, whether subsequently resident and functioning of human society.
(b)Antibiotic-जीवाणुनाशक-a medicine there or not. (c) Archaeologist-पुरात -a person who
(such as penicillin or its derivatives) that studies human history and prehistory
Sol 442.(c) Preface- ावना- An
inhibits the growth of or destroys through the excavation of sites and the
introduction to a book usually stating its
microorganisms. analysis of artefacts and other physical
(d)Antiseptic-रोगाणुरोधक-preventing the remains.
(a) Bibliography-संदभ ंथ सूची-a list of the
growth of disease-causing
books referred to in scholarly work, Sol 448.(d) Verdict-िनणय-The decision
typically printed as an appendix. that is given by the jury or judge at the
Sol 436.(c) Toddler-ब ा-A young child (b) Epilogue-उपसंहार-a section or speech end of the trial
just beginning to walk at the end of a book or play that serves (a) Punishment-सज़ा-a penalty inflicted
(a) Joey-पशु-शावक- a young kangaroo or as a comment on or a conclusion to what as retribution for an offence.
other marsupial. has happened. (b) Accusation-आरोप-a charge or claim
(d) Cub -पशुशावक-the young of a fox, (d)Acknowledgement- ीकृित-acceptance that someone has done something illegal
bear, lion, or other carnivorous mammal of the truth or existence of something. or wrong.
(c) Allegation-आरोप-a claim or assertion
Sol 437.(c) Fortnight -दो स ाह का समय- Sol 443.(c) duel- ं यु A contest
that someone has done something illegal
A period of two weeks between two people to settle a point of
or wrong, typically one made without
(a) Quarter-ितमािहयों- each of four equal honour.
or corresponding parts into which (a) duet-युगल-a performance by two
something is or can be divided. singers, instrumentalists, or dancers. Sol 449 .(d) Glacier-िहमनद-An
(b) Decade-दशक- a period of ten years. (b) duo-जोड़ी-a pair of people or things, extremely large mass of ice which
(d) Weekend -स ाह के अंत- Saturday and especially in music or entertainment. moves very slowly, often down a
Sunday, especially regarded as a time for (d) dual -दोहरी-consisting of two parts, mountain valley.
leisure. elements, or aspects. (a) Island- ीप-a piece of land surrounded
by water.
Sol 438.(a) Immune- ितर ा- Resistant to Sol 444.(d) Extravagant-िफ़जूल ख़च-A
(b) Ocean-सागर-a very large expanse of
particular infection person who waste money on luxury
sea, in particular each of the main areas
(b) Innocuous-अहािनकर- not harmful or (a) Monarch -स ाट-a sovereign head of
into which the sea is divided
offensive. state, especially a king, queen, or
(c) Innocent-मासूम-not guilty of a crime emperor.
(c) Mirage-मृगतृ ा-an optical illusion
or offence. (b) Frugal-िमत यी-sparing or
caused by atmospheric conditions,
(d) Immortal-अमर-living forever; never economical as regards money or food.
especially the appearance of a sheet of
dying or decaying. (c) Expensive-महं गा-costing a lot of
water in a desert or on a hot road caused
Sol 439. (d) Contemporaries -समकालीन- by the refraction of light from the sky by
Person living at the same time Sol 445.(d) Industrious-मेहनती-One who heated air.
(a) Colleague-सहकम -a person with works very hard
Sol 450.(b) Miser-कंजूस-A person who
whom one works in a profession or (a) Exploited-शोिषत-make full use of and
loves money and hate spending it
business. derive benefit from (a resource).
(a) Investor-िनवेशक-a person or
(b) Companion-साथी-a person or animal (b) Labourer-मज़दू र-a person doing
organization that puts money into
with whom one spends a lot of time or unskilled manual work for wages.
financial schemes, property, etc. with the
with whom one travels. (c) Exhausted-कमज़ोर-very tired.
expectation of achieving a profit.
(c) Comrades-सहयोगी-a colleague or a
Sol 446.(b) Bale-ग र-A large bundle (c) Banker-बककम -a person who
fellow member of an organization
bound for storage or transport manages or owns a bank or group of
Sol 440.(d) Soliloquy-आ भाषण-A (a) Bunch -झंुड-a number of things, banks.
speech made to oneself typically of the same kind, growing or (d) Lender-ऋणदाता-an organization or
(a) Eloquent-सुव ा-fluent or persuasive fastened together. person that lends money.
in speaking or writing. (c) Bevy-झुंड-a large group of people or
Sol 451.(d) Hot-headed-ग़ु ैल-One who
(b) Solitary-एका - existing alone. things of a particular kind.
loses temper very soon
(c) Dialogue-संवाद- a conversation (d) Barrel-पीपा- a cylindrical container
(a) Temporal -सामियक-relating to time.
between two or more people as a feature bulging out in the middle, traditionally
(b) Tampered-छे ड़छाड़-interfere with
of a book, play, or film. made of wooden staves with metal hoops
(something) in order to cause damage or
round them.
Sol 441.(d) Gullible -सीधा-सादा- believes make unauthorized alterations.
easily and can be cheated Sol 447.(d) Anthropologist- (c) Argumentative-िववादपूण-given to
(a) Incredible -अतु -impossible to मानविव ानी-One who studies the arguing.
believe evolution of mankind
Sol 452.(b) Catalogue-सूची-A list of
(b) Fraud-धोखा-wrongful or criminal (a) Dermatologist- चा िवशेष -a medical
names or things in a special order
deception intended to result in financial practitioner qualified to diagnose and
(a) Atlas-मानिच ों की पु क-a book of
or personal gain. treat skin disorders.
Pinnacle SSC English

maps or charts. endure pain or hardship without showing person who rides in horse races,
(c) Dictionary-श कोश- a reference their feelings or complaining. especially as a profession.
book on a particular subject, the items of (d) Cosmopolitan-सावलौिकक- including (a) Chauffeur-डाइवर-a person employed
which are typically arranged in people from many different countries. to drive a private or hired car.
alphabetical order. (b) Champion-चिपयन-a person who has
Sol 457.(d) Bibliophile-पु क ेमी-One
(d) Directory-िनदिशका-a book or website surpassed all rivals in a sporting contest
who love books
listing individuals or organizations or other competition.
(a) Orator-व ा- a public speaker,
alphabetically or thematically with (c) Cowboy-चरवाहा-a man who herds
especially one who is eloquent or
details such as names, addresses, and and tends cattle, performing much of his
telephone numbers. work on horseback.
(b) Linguist -भाषािवद-a person skilled in
Sol 453. (a) Anatomy -शरीर-रचना-िव ान - foreign languages. Sol 463.(d) Apartheid-रं गभेद-Policy of
The branch of science concerned with (c) Librarian-पु कालय अ -a person in racial discrimination
the bodily structure of humans, animals charge of or assisting in a library. (a) Inequality-असमानता- difference in
and other living organisms. size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of
Sol 458.(b) Nostalgia-िवषाद- A
(b) Astronomy-खगोल-िव ान-the branch of equality.
sentimental longing or wishful affection
science which deals with celestial (b) Supremacy - भु -the state or
for a period in the past.
objects, space, and the physical universe condition of being superior to all others
(a) Paradise- ग- heaven as the ultimate
as a whole. in authority, power, or status.
abode of the just
(c) Botany-वन ित िव ान- the scientific (c) Segregation- अलगाव-the action or
(c) Harmony -एकता-the combination of
study of the physiology, structure, state of setting someone or something
simultaneously sounded musical notes to
genetics, ecology, distribution, apart from others.
produce a pleasing effect.
classification, and economic importance
(d) Recollection-अनु रण- the action or
of plants. Sol 464.(c) Predator -िहं सक जानवर-An
faculty of remembering or recollecting
(d) Gastronomy -पाक-िव ा-the practice animal that lives by killing and eating
or art of choosing, cooking, and eating other animals
good food. Sol 459.(d) Teetotaller-म ागी-One who (a) Amphibian-पानी और भूिम दोनों पर रहने
abstained from alcoholic drinks. वाला- that can live on land and on water.
Sol 454.(b) Anthropology-मनु जाित का
(a) Drunkard-शराबी-a person who is (b) Prey -िशकार-an animal that is hunted
िव ान-The study of human societies and
habitually drunk. and killed by another for food.
culture and their development.
(b) Vegetarian-शाकाहारी -relating to (d)Quadruped-चौपाया-an animal which
(a) Zoology- ािण िव ान-the scientific
vegetarians or vegetarianism. has four feet, especially an ungulate
study of the behaviour, structure,
(c) Non-vegetarian-मां साहारी-(of food) mammal.
physiology, classification, and
not suitable for vegetarians; containing
distribution of animals. Sol 465.(b) Mob-भीड़- large crowd of
(c) Etymology -श - ुपि -the study of people intent on causing trouble or
the origin of words and the way in which Sol 460.(b) Niche- A hollow space in a violence.
their meanings have changed throughout wall for a statue or ornament (a) Procession-जुलूस-a number of people
history. (a) Slot--a long, narrow aperture or slit or vehicles moving forward in an orderly
(d) Physiology -शरीर ि या िव ान-the in a machine for something to be fashion, especially as part of a ceremony.
branch of biology that deals with the inserted. (c) Spectators-दशक-a person who
normal functions of living organisms (c) Nook-कोना-a corner or recess, watches at a show, game, or other event.
and their parts. especially one offering seclusion or (d) Audience -दशकगण-the assembled
security. spectators or listeners at a public event
Sol 455.(d) Adolescence-िकशोराव था
(d) Cornice-an ornamental moulding such as a play, film, concert, or meeting.
-The stage of growth between boyhood
round the wall of a room just below the
and youth Sol 466.(d) Convalescent- ा ा
(a) Infancy -बचपन-the state or period of करने वाला - A person who is
babyhood or early childhood. Sol 461. (b) Neurologist - A specialist recovering after an illness or medical
(b) Childhood-बचपन-the state or period who treats disease of the nervous treatment
of being a child. system. (a) Senile -बूढ़ा- having or showing the
(c) Adulthood -वय ता-the state or (a) Orthopaedic-ह ी का डॉ र -relating to weaknesses or diseases of old age,
condition of being fully grown or the branch of medicine dealing with the especially a loss of mental faculties
mature. correction of deformities of bones or (b) Athlete- खलाड़ी-a person who is
muscles. proficient in sports and other forms of
Sol 456.(b) Veteran -वयोवृ -A person
(c) Gynecologist - सूितशा ी-a physician physical exercise.
who has had long experience in a
or surgeon qualified to practice in (c) Altruist-परोपकार के िस का- a
particular field.
gynecology. person unselfishly concerned for or
(a) Amateur-शौक़ीन -a person who
(d) Paediatrician-ब ों का िचिक क-a devoted to the welfare of others
engages in a pursuit, especially a sport,
medical practitioner specializing in
on an unpaid rather than a professional Sol 467.(c) Claustrophobia- संवृितभीित
children and their diseases.
basis. -The fear of being enclosed in a small
(c) Stoic-उदासीन-a person who can Sol 462.(d) Jockey -घुड़दौड़ का सवार-A space or room.
One word substitution

(a) Acrophobia-ऊँचाई का डर -extreme or emotions, usually briefly and in stanzas (d) Cynic-िनंदक-a person who believes
irrational fear of heights. or recognized forms. that people are motivated purely by
(b) Hydrophobia-जल का डर-extreme or (c) Laurel-एक सदा हरा रहने वाला वृ - shrub self-interest rather than acting for
irrational fear of water, and other plant with dark green glossy honourable or unselfish reasons.
(d) Aerophobia-वायु का डर-An abnormal leaves.
Sol 478.(c) Philatelist-डाक के िटकट का
and persistent fear of flying(air)
Sol 473.(c) Hospitable-मेहमाननवाज़- सं हक-One who collect stamps
Sol 468(d) Sericulture-रे शम के कीड़ों का Friendly and Welcoming to visitors (a) Geologist -भूिव ानी-an expert in or
पालन-Rearing of silkworms (a) Hostel-छा ावास-an establishment student of geology.
(a) Horticulture-बागवानी-the art or which provides inexpensive food and (b) Curator सं हा --a keeper or
practice of garden cultivation and lodging for a specific group of people, custodian of a museum or other
management. such as students, workers, or travellers. collection.
(b) Pisciculture -मछली पालन- the (b) Hostile-श ुतापूण-showing or feeling (d) Conjurer-जादू गार-a performer of
controlled breeding and rearing of fish. opposition or dislike; unfriendly. conjuring tricks.(the performance of
(c) Agriculture-कृिष- the science or (d) Hospital-अ ताल-an institution tricks which are seemingly magical,
practice of farming, including cultivation providing medical and surgical treatment typically involving sleight of hand.)
of the soil for the growing of crops and and nursing care for sick or injured
Sol 479.(d) Shoal-मछिलयों का समुदाय-A
the rearing of animals to provide food, people.
large number of fish swimming together
wool, and other products.
Sol 474.(c) Convalescent - ा ा (a) Pack -ताश की ग ी-a set of playing
Sol 469.(a) Autobiography-आ कथा -An करने वाला -A person who is cards.
account of a person’s life written by self. recovering from an illness (b) Herd-झुंड-a large group of animals,
(b) Biography -जीवनी- an account of (a) Invalid-अमा -a person made weak or especially hoofed mammals, that live
someone's life written by someone else. disabled by illness or injury. together or are kept together as
(c) Cartography-मानिच कारी- the science (b) Cartographer-मानिच कार-a person livestock.
or practice of drawing maps. who draws or produces maps. (c) Horde-दल-an army or tribe of
(d) Calligraphy -सुलेख- decorative (d) Senator -सीनेट सद -a member of a nomadic warriors.
handwriting or handwritten lettering. senate.
Sol 480.(b) Score-A set of twenty
Sol 470.(b) Fanatic-क रपंथी- A person Sol 475. (d) Asylum- पागलखाना- An (a) Dozen-दजन-a group or set of twelve.
motivated by irrational enthusiasm institution for the care of people who are (c) Decade-दशक-a period of ten years.
(a) Infidel -धमिन क-a person who has mentally ill. (d) Quarter-ि मास-each of four equal or
no religion or whose religion is not that (a) Apiary-मधम यों के पालने का थान-a corresponding parts into which
of the majority. place where bees are kept; a collection something is or can be divided.
(c) Atheist-ना क-a person who of beehives.
Sol 481.(d) Autocrat-अिनय त शासक- A
disbelieves or lacks belief in the (b) Aviary-प ीशाल-a large cage,
person who rules without consulting the
existence of God or gods. building, or enclosure for keeping birds
opinion of others
(d) Polytheist-ब दे ववादी-the doctrine of in.
(a) Aristocrat-कुलीन आदमी -a member of
or belief in more than one god or in (c) Arsenal-श ागार-a collection of
the aristocracy.
many gods weapons and military equipment.
(b) Atheist-ना क-a person who
Sol 471.(d) Prologue-आरं भ-An Sol 476.(d) Secular-धम िनरपे - disbelieves or lacks belief in the
introduction to literary work. Government not connected with existence of God or gods.
(a) Blurb-िव ापन-a short description of a religious or spiritual matter. (c) Arbitrator-पंच-an independent person
book, film, or other product written for (a) Republic-गणतं -a state in which or body officially appointed to settle a
promotional purposes. supreme power is held by the people and dispute.
(b) Epilogue-उपसंहार-a section or speech their elected representatives, and which
Sol 482.(d) Pack- ताश की ग ी-A set of 52
at the end of a book or play that serves has an elected or nominated president
playing cards
as a comment on or a conclusion to what rather than a monarch.
(a) Bundle-गठरी-a collection of things or
has happened. (b) Sovereign- ाय -a supreme ruler,
quantity of material tied or wrapped up
(c) Sequel-प रणाम-a published, especially a monarch.
broadcast, or recorded work that (c) Socialist-समाजवादी-a person who
(b) Parcel-डाक-पासल- an object or
continues the story or develops the advocates or practises socialism.
collection of objects wrapped in paper in
theme of an earlier one.
Sol 477.(a) Connoisseur -िवशेष - A order to be carried or sent by post.
Sol 472.(d) Lullaby -लोरी-A gentle song critical judge of any art and craft (c) Packet-छोटा पासल- a paper or
sung to put a child to sleep. (b) Curator-सं हा -a keeper or cardboard container, typically one in
(a) Lyre-वीणा-a stringed instrument like a custodian of a museum or other which goods are sold.
small U-shaped harp with strings fixed collection.
Sol 483.(d) Hydrophobia-An abnormal
to a crossbar, used especially in ancient (c) Crusader-यो ा-a person who
fear of water
Greece. Modern instruments of this type campaigns vigorously for political,
(a) Algophobia-शरीर म क होने का
are found mainly in East Africa. social, or religious change; a
डर-Algiophobia is a phobia of pain - an
(b) Lyric-गीतका -expressing the writer's campaigner.
abnormal and persistent fear of pain
Pinnacle SSC English

(b) Pyrophobia-अि भीित-Pyrophobia is a

fear of fire
(c) Cacophobia-बदसूरती का डर-Fear of
Sol 484.(d) Fratricide- ातृघातक-An act
of murdering one’s brother
(a) Regicide-राज-ह ा- the action of
killing a king.
(b) Genocide-जाितसंहार- the deliberate
killing of a large number of people
(c) Patricide -िपता का वध- a person who
kills their father.
Sol 485.(a) Anarchy-अराजकता- The lack
of government control or rule of law
(b) Monarchy-एक राज तं -a form of
government with a monarch at the head.
(c) Autocracy-तानाशाही-a system of
government by one person with absolute
(d) Dictatorship-तानाशाह का
शासन-government by a dictator.

Sol 486.(b) Introvert-अ मुखी -One

who does not express himself freely
(a) Extrovert-बिहमुखी -an outgoing,
socially confident person.
(c) Lunatica-पागल मनु - person who is
mentally ill
(d) Narcissist-आ रितक-a person who
has an excessive interest in or admiration
of themselves.
Sol 487. (d)Astronomy -खगोल-िव ान
-The study of stars and planets
(a)Archeology-पुरात -the study of
human history and prehistory through
the excavation of sites and the analysis
of artefacts and other physical remains.
(b)Astrology- ोितष शा -the study of
the movements and relative positions of
celestial bodies interpreted as having an
influence on human affairs and the
natural world.
(c)Anatomy-शरीर-रचना-िव ान-the branch
of science concerned with the bodily
structure of humans, animals, and other
living organisms, especially as revealed
by dissection and the separation of parts.

Idioms & Phrases

SSC CGL 2018 TIER I (a) to do the right thing CGL 10/6/2019 (Morning)
(b) to force someone to take the blame (a) imprisoned (b) severely punished
Q1. To play ducks and drakes (c) to dominate someone (c) hurt intensely (d) dismissed
CGL-4/6/2019 (Morning)
(d) to quarrel with someone Q21.When his envious competitor
(a) to use recklessly (b) to change places
(c) to be friendly (d) to act cleverly Q11. Butterflies in the stomach extended a hand of friendship, he smelt a
CGL 6/6/2019 (Evening) rat. CGL 10/6/2019 (Afternoon)
Q2. At daggers drawn
(a) being excited (b) being nervous (a) detected something wrong
CGL 4 June 2019 (Morning)
(c) being angry (d) being hungry (b) felt very pleased
(a) deceiving somebody
(c) became complaisant
(b) without hope Q12. Out of the woods
(d) behaved arrogantly
(c) friendly with each other CGL 6/6/2019 (Evening)
(d) bitterly hostile (a) no longer in trouble Q22. Coming from an affluent family, she
(b) no longer in sight found herself a square peg in a round hole
Q3. Get out of hand
(c) no longer famous when she married a poor farmer and
CGL 4/6/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) no longer young moved to a small village.
(a) get out of control
CGL 10/6/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) to complete a task Q13. Lock, stock and barrel
(a) in a favourable situation
(c) give up something CGL 7/6/2019 (Morning)
(b) unhappy and regretful
(d) get upset (a) immediately (b) partly
(c) a misfit in the environment
(c) rarely (d) completely
Q4. costs an arm and a leg (d) in a financial crisis
CGL 4/6/2019 (Afternoon) Q14. In the Pink CGL 7/6/2019 (Morning)
Q23. Extreme poverty made the poor
(a) easy to obtain (b) rarely available (a) in the pink dress (b) in the limelight
woman wonder how long she could keep
(c) nothing to lose (d) very expensive (c) in a happy mood (d) in a good health
the wolf from the door.
Q5..Actions speak louder than words Q15. On tenterhooks CGL 10/6/2019 (Evening)
CGL 4/6/2019 (Evening) CGL 7/6/2019 (Afternoon) (a) avoid starvation
(a) take up a task that you cannot finish (a) unhappy (b) angry (b) live on charity
(b) what you do is more important than (c) anxious (d) happy (c) keep wild animals away
what you say (d) be safe in her house.
Q16. Lend an ear
(c) do something without planning
CGL7/6/2019 (Afternoon) Q24. The ambitious project to impart free
(d) look for solutions in the wrong place
(a) to pay attention to books to all students ended in smoke.
Q6. Pull someone's leg (b) to not make trouble CGL 10/6/2019 (Evening)
CGL 4/6/2019 (Evening) (c) to force someone to listen (a) Exceeded the budget
(a) trust someone (d) to not tell someone something (b) Was delayed
(b) joke with someone (c) Yielded no result
Q17. The heavy losses in business came
(c) get upset with someone (d) Was successfully completed
like a bolt from the blue.
(d) tell someone a secret
CGL 7/6/2019 (Evening) Q25. Due to increased number of layoffs
Q7. Give someone the cold shoulder (a) a thunderstorm in the industry, the sword of Damocles is
CGL 6/6/2019 (Morning) (b) an unexpected disaster always hanging over the employees.
(a) Ignore someone (c) a windfall CGL- 11/6/2019 (Morning)
(b) Give away a secret (d) an ominous warning (a) Strict rules and regulations
(c) Do something pointless (b) An ill omen of death
Q18. He kicked up a row when he was
(d) Pamper someone (c) A constant threat
denied entry to the amusement park.
Q8. Pull yourself together CGL 7/6/2019 (Evening) (d) Threat of physical harm
CGL 6 June 2019 (Morning) (a) cried with sorrow Q26. True friends stay by our side
(a) go to sleep (b) calm down (b) waited in a queue through thick and thin.
(c)try to understand (d) do a good job (c) kicked the guard CGL- 11/6/2019 (Morning)
Q9. Couch potato (d) created a fuss (a) Under all circumstances
CGL 6/6/2019 (Afternoon) Q19. It is unfortunate that most people in (b) In happy moments
(a) A person who sleeps all day. the country are still living from hand to (c) In difficult times
(b) A person who watches too much mouth. CGL 10/6/2019 (Morning) (d) In different weathers
television (a) consuming daily what little is earned. Q27. A mountaineer has to walk the tight
(c) A person who remains relaxed and (b) saving for the future generations rope as a small slip can prove to be fatal.
calm (c) doing manual labour CGL- 11/6/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) A person who is simple in nature. (d) earning wealth by selfish means (a) Be very nervous(b) Be very cautious
Q10. Lead someone by the nose Q20. The loyal watchman was cut to the (c) Be well trained (d) Be an expert
CGL 6/6/2019 (Afternoon) quick when he was accused of theft.
Pinnacle SSC English

Q28. The boss is going to blow his top CGL- 12/6/2019 (Evening) Eg : The teacher complained that our kid
when he discovers the blatant mistake in (a) Acknowledged (b) Neglected was very naughty, he was going out of
the balance sheet. (c) Accepted (d) Presented hand.
CGL 11/6/2019 (Afternoon) Q37. The idea of making a children's park Sol.4. (d) very expensive/बेहद महं गा
(a) Dismiss from job has been nipped in the bud by the local This car is my favorite but it will cost me
(b) Be very embarrassed council. CGL- 13/6/2019 (Morning) an arm and a leg.
(c) Be very angry (a) Encouraged strongly
(d) Attack fiercely Sol.5. (b) what you do is more important
(b) Changed completely
than what you say/करनी कथनी पर भारी होती
Q29. One must learn to prioritize in life. (c) Dropped at an early stage
It never pays to put the cart before the (d) Included somewhere else
Our politicians should realize that action
horse. CGL- 11/6/2019 (Evening) Q38. We now have an ex-Minister in the speaks louder than words.
(a) Perform many tasks simultaneously running from our constituency for the
(b) Postpone till the last moment Sol.6. (b) joke with someone/िकसी से
post of Member of Parliament.
(c) Do things spontaneously मजाक करना
CGL-13/6/2019 (Morning)
(d) Do last things first Eg : As he was a fresher in college, his
(a) Contesting the seat (b) Teaching yoga
seniors started pulling his leg.
Q30. His success at such a young age (c) Giving speeches (d) Jogging everyday
speaks volumes for his talent. Sol.7. (a) Ignore someone/िकसी को
Q39. Let us have all the regulations in
नजरअंदाज करना
CGL- 11/6/2019 (Evening) black and white. He was angry at his wife but she showed
(a) Gives enough proof CGL- 13/6/2019 (Afternoon)
her cold shoulder.
(b) Boasts a lot (a) Painted in colour
(c) Publicly announces (b) Printed in coloured ink Sol.8. (b) calm down/शां त करना
(d) Showers praise (c) Written on the black-board Tesla failed several times but he pulled
(d) In writing himself together for his next project.
Q31.The man heaved a sigh of relief
when he was sure he was out of the Q40. The invigilator did not know that Sol.9. (b) A person who watches too
woods. CGL-12/6/2019 (Morning) the two boys were exchanging notes much televisionएक ऐसा इं सान जो ब त ादा
(a) Discharged from hospital under his nose. CGL- 13/6/2019 (Afternoon) टीवी दे खता हो ,आलसी हो और सोफे पर पड़ा रहे
(b) Released from prison (a)Written in small letters My mother scolded me and said “stop
(c) Out of danger (b)Rolled into small pellets being a couch potato, go and water the
(d) Out of the forest (c)Wrapped in handkerchiefs plants”

Q32. Many people join politics to feather (d)Right in front of him Sol.10. (c) to dominate someone/िकसी पर
their own nest. CGL- 12/6/2019 (Morning) Q41. The dog played in the pond to his हावी होना
(a) Make others’ life comfortable heart's content. CGL- 13/6/2019 (Evening) Australia led the cricket world cup by the
(b) Promote their own interest (a)Only upto his legs nose.
(c) Utilize black money (b)Till he was completely sick Sol.11. (b) being nervous/घबरा जाना
(d) Serve their country (c)As much as he wanted to The culprit has butterflies in his stomach
Q33. Throughout his speech, the crowd (d)Avoiding getting too wet before the announcement of the result.
was all ears. CGL- 12/6/2019 (Afternoon) Q42. "These glasses suit you to a T," said Sol.12. (a) no longer in trouble/मुसीबत म
(a) Very attentive Ria to Vandana. CGL- 13/6/2019 (Evening) ना होना
(b) Talking loudly (a) Look very good on your face Although that situation was very tense
(c) Covering their ears (b) Are not suitable for your work with the help of my friend I was out of
(d) Making a lot of noise (c) Make you look weird the woods.
Q34. Since he secured the first rank (d)Need to be worn with a suit
Sol.13. (d) completely/पूरी तरह से
Sudhir has become swollen-headed. Solutions:- I will complete this project lock, stock,
CGL-12/6/2019 (Afternoon) and barrel.
Sol.1. (a) to use recklessly
(a) Well-connected (b) Unwell लापरवाही से इ ेमाल करना
(c) Conceited (d) Famous Sol.14. (d) in a good health/अ ी सेहत म
He was suspended from the job for
We hope that you and you and your
Q35. Raju was playing with fire when he playing ducks and drakes with the
family are in pink
made speeches against the management. company’s money.
CGL 12/6/2019 (Evening) Sol.15. (c) anxious/उ ुक
Sol.2. (d) bitterly hostile
(a) Taking a grave risk He is at tenterhooks all week as the result
ब त ादा कड़वाहट/दु नी होना
(b) Lighting candles may come at any time.
The two countries are at daggers drawn
(c) Smoking a cigarette on the issue of the boundaries that they Sol.16. (a) to pay attention to/ ान दे ना
(d) Provoking the crowd share. You should always lend your ears to the
Q36. The authorities have turned a deaf public place’s announcement.
Sol.3. (a) get out of control
ear to all our requests. काबू से बाहर हो जाना 445
Idioms & Phrases

Sol.17. (b) an unexpected disaster/एक ऐसी College students are waking up all night The black t-shirt which I bought last week
आपदा िजसकी आपने उ ीद नहीं की थी and sleeping in the daytime, they are suits me to a T.
Without prior notification he left us, it putting the cart before the horse.
was a boult from the blue. CGL 2019 TIER I
Sol.30. (a) gives enough proof/िकसी चीज
Sol.18. (d) created a fuss/हं गामा खड़ा कर के िलए काफी माण होना Q43.To take French leave
दे ना His acts speak volumes of his charitable CGL 3/3/2020 (morning)
Politicians kicked up the row when he (a) Welcome the host
was not treated like a special guest. (b) Leave with written permission
Sol.31. (c) out of danger/खतरे से बाहर (c) Leave without any intimation
Sol.19. (a) consuming daily what little is Although that situation was very nervous (d) Acknowledge the host
earned/जो आप रोज कमाते ह उसी का सेवन with the help of my friend I was out of
करना. the woods Q44.A hard nut to crack
By this job I could only live from hand to CGL 3/3/2020 (morning)
Sol.32. (b) promote their own interest/ यं (a) Easily disappointed
mouth, I should do something big.
के िनजी िहत के िलए काम करना (b) A difficult problem
Sol.20. (c) hurt intensely/चोट प ं चाना Example. The contractor used a lot of (c) Easily encouraged
The policeman cut to the quick thief as he public money to feather his nest. (d) Not restrained
did not stop even after several warnings.
Sol.33. (a) very attentive/ पूरा ान दे ना Q45.On shank's mare
Sol.21. (a) detected something The teacher asked the student to pay all CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
wrong/िकसी गलत चीज का पता चलना ears as this is an important chapter. (a) On an elephant (b) On a lion
Boss smelt a rat as employees were sitting (c) On a bicycle (d) On foot
Sol.34. (c) to be conceited or to be
arrogant/घमंडी Q46.A snake in the grass
Sol.22. (c) a misfit in the environment/ Many people are so swallow-headed after CGL 3/3/2020 (Afternoon)
माहौल म िफट ना होना getting some money that they even forget (a) A well-wisher (b) difficult to find
The Religious gathering generally doesn’t their past. (c) A good friend (d) A secret enemy
suit the young generation as they are a
Sol.35. (a) taking a grave risk/खतरा उठाना
square peg in a round hole. Q47.Blow one's own trumpet
He is playing with fire by complaining
CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
Sol.23. (a) avoid starvation/भूखा मरने से continuously against such a big
(a) Praise oneself
बचाना institution.
During a recession, most of the families (b) Condemn others
Sol.36. (b) neglected/नजरअंदाज करना (c) Be self-reliant
find it difficult to keep the wolf from the
door. How can you turn a deaf ear to the (d) Follow others
differently-abled poor begging for food?
Sol.24. (c) yielded no result/कोई प रणाम न Q48. Spill the beans
दे ना Sol.37.(c)dropped at an early CGL 3/3/2020 (Evening)
As we could win the trophy all our hard stage/शु आती े ज पर ही ख कर दे ना (a) Waste money (b) Give away a secret
work ended in smoke. Most of the problems can be nipped in the (c) Perform magic (d) Work hard
bud if they are detected at an early stage. Q49.Back to square one
Sol.25. (c) a constant threat/लगातार मंडराता
आ खतरा The level of the river is Sol.38. (a)contesting the seat/ ित धा म CGL 4/3/2020 (morning)
शािमल होना (a) neglect something
constantly rising, it is a sword of
Eg : Many candidates are in the running (b) Come to the original point
Damocles of a flood.
for the principal’s post. (c) Draw a square
Sol.26. (a) under all circumstances/ सभी (d) Move ahead
प र थितयों म A good friend will always Sol.39. (d)in writing/िल खत म
To have the process legal we must have Q50.Dead heat CGL 4/3/2020 (morning)
support you through thick and thin.
everything in black and white. (a) Close contest that ends in a tie
Sol. 27. (b) be very cautious/ब त ादा (b) Strong opposition to one's ideas
Sol.40. (d)right in front of him/ठीक सामने
सतक In government exams, you have to (c) A deadly blast of hot air
कुछ घिटत होना
walk on the rope as your small mistake (d) A strong heat wave
The staff was misusing the fund of the
can throw you out of the competition.
organisation under the nose of the Q51.The bee's knees
Sol.28 (c) be very angry/ब त ादा नाराज managing director. CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
My teacher blew her top when she knew (a) Observant (b) Foolish
Sol.41. (c)as much as he wanted to/िदल
that in her absence the whole class was (c) Problematic (d) Extraordinary
Boss gave a project to be done at the Q52.To throw a fit
Sol.29(d) do last things first/बाद वाली चीजों supreme quality and offered a heart’s CGL 4/3/2020 (Afternoon)
को पहले करना content fund. (a) Become unconscious
(b) Caution someone about fitness
Sol.42. (a)look very good on your face/
(c) Express extreme anger
िकसी चीज का िकसी पर ब त अ ा लगना
Pinnacle SSC English

(d) Faint and fall down (a) Believe someone easily (c) To achieve two results with a single
(b) Trick someone effort
Q53.Bring to light
(c) Take quick action (d) To plan two murders simultaneously
CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) Reveal clearly (b) Cheer someone (d) Progress fast
Q74. Make off with
(c) Praise in public (d) Brighten up Q64.See eye to eye CGL 9/3/2020 (morning)
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon) (a) To transfer (b) To discover
Q54. Hold water CGL 4/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) See clearly (b) Stare at someone (c) To run away (d) To understand
(a) to be fickle (b) to be busy
(c) Agree with someone(d) Be suspicious
(c) to be valid (d) to be deep Q75. Blind alley CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Q65.To paddle one's own canoe (a) A state of deep thought
Q55.A close-fisted person
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) (b) Taking first step after somebody's
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning)
(a) To take rest approach
(a) A strong person (b) A cruel person
(b) To exercise hard (c) A person who comes to meet
(c) A kind person (d) A miserly person
(c) Depend on oneself occasionally
Q56.A bed of roses (d) To act in a childish way (d) A situation in which no further
CGL 5/3/2020 (morning) progress can be made
(a) A valley full of flowers Q66.Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
CGL 6/3/2020 (Evening) Q76. The acid test
(b) An easy and happy situation
(a) Daring (b) Comfortable CGL 9/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(c) A difficult path
(c) Dejected (d) Confident (a) Throwing acid on someone's face
(d) A pleasant perfume
Q67.Look down upon (b) An unpleasant or offensive test
Q57.To take the bull by the horns (c) A fact, event or situation that proves
CGL 7/3/2020 (morning)
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) To look for something underground something
(a) To handle difficulties
(b) To consider someone inferior (d) A critical situation or crisis
(b) To speak arrogantly
(c) To be full of guilt Q77.To take a back seat
(c) To surrender to the enemy
(d) To look down from a height CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(d) To murder someone
Q68.Keep abreast of (a) To become less important or to give
Q58.To flog a dead horse up control over things
CGL 7/3/2020 (morning)
CGL 5/3/2020 (Afternoon)
(a) Keep ahead of (b) To lecture or criticise the person who
(a) To accept the challenge
(b) Keep a watch on is actually in control of something
(b) To waste the efforts
(c) Keep up the good work (c) To be less successful in one's efforts
(c) To make the best use of resources
(d) Keep oneself updated (d) To go through a short but unpleasant
(d) To complete the work
period of time
Q69.Come to the point
Q59.Add fuel to the fire
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon) Q78.To bark up the wrong tree
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) To speak plainly about the real issue CGL 9/3/2020 (Evening)
(a) Simplify the problem
(b) To unravel a mystery (a) To do something that will not get the
(b) Exploit someone
(c) To get reconciled to something result you want
(c) Calm down the situation
(d) To meet at a designated place (b) To sound or appear ferocious but not
(d) To make a bad situation worse
actually so
Q70.Give a piece of one's mind
Q60. Hobson's choice (c) To cover oneself with the outer
CGL 7/3/2020 (Afternoon)
CGL 5/3/2020 (Evening) covering of a wrong tree
(a) To rebuke someone strongly
(a) To challenge an unworthy opponent (d) To make a sound like that of a dog
(b) To advise someone
(b) An apparently free choice where there
is no real alternative
(c) To share one's ideas Solutions:-
(d) To donate something valuable
(c) To exercise the choice to surrender Sol.43. (c) To take French leave: Leave
before the enemy Q71.Cut and dried CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) without any intimation/िबना बताए छु ी ले
(d) To be in an aggressive mood when (a) Badly hurt (b) Very old लेना
facing a challenge (c) Dead and gone (d) Already decided Many students take French leave to see
Q61.By and by CGL 6/3/2020 (morning) Q72.The people were scared because the IPL matches.
(a) Gradually (b) Suddenly burglar was at large. Sol.44. (b) A hard nut to crack - A
(c) On the whole (d) By any means CGL 7/3/2020 (Evening) difficult problem/कोई मु ल काम
(a) not caught (b) very dangerous Eg : The questions given in the chapter
Q62. Chicken-hearted
(c) behind bars (d) very famous on mechanics in this book are a hard nut
CGL 6/3/2020 (morning)
(a) Generous (b) Cowardly Q73. Kill two birds with one stone to crack.
(c) Selfish (d) Miserly CGL 9/3/2020 (morning) Sol.45. (d)On shank's mare - Bare Foot/
(a) To try something impossible नंगे पां व
Q63.Pull a fast one
(b) To be an expert shooter
CGL 6/3/2020 (Afternoon)
Idioms & Phrases

It was such a delightful day that we Sol.57. (a) To take the bull by the horns: While preparing for the government job,
decided to ride shanks' mare to the fair. To handle difficulties/मुसीबत का सामने से One should keep abreast of all
डटकर मुकाबला करना government schemes.
Sol.46. (d) A snake in the grass- A secret
Government has to take the bulls by horns
enemy/आ ीन का सां प Sol.69. (a) Come to the point-To speak
to tackle corruption
He's a guy you can't trust, just like a plainly about the real issue/मु े की बात पर
snake in the grass. Sol.58. (b) To flog a dead horse: To waste आना
the efforts/बेकार की कोिशश करना We all are in a hurry so, directly come to
Sol.47. (a) Blow one's own trumpet
You're flogging a dead horse trying to the point.
-Praise oneself/अपने मुंह िमयां िमट् ठू
persuade him to come with us as he hates
बनना/ यं की तारीफ करना Sol.70. (a) Give a piece of one's mind -To
going out at night.
I don't think blowing your own trumpet rebuke someone strongly/िकसी को फटकार
will get you this job. Sol.59. (d) Add fuel to the fire- To make a लगाना
bad situation worse/आग म घी डालना/एक I gave him a piece of mind as he was not
Sol.48. (b) Spill the beans -Give away a
बुरी प र थित को और बुरा कर दे ना doing his work even after several
secret/गु बात जािहर कर दे ना
Arresting the communal leader in such a requests.
I topped the paper but Peter spilled the
tense situation will only add fuel to the
beans that I cheated in the exam. Sol.71. (d) Cut and dried: Already
decided/िजस पर फैसला िलया जा चुका है
Sol.49. (b) Back to square one: Come to
Sol.60. (b) Hobson's choice -An Rules in our organisation are cut and
the original point/जहां से शु आत की थी वहीं
apparently free choice where there is no dried so everybody is expected to follow
प ं च जाना
real alternative/कोई िवक न होना them.
His idea didn't work, so he had to go back
(the choice between taking what is
to square one. Sol.72. (a) At large: not caught/भाग जाना
offered and getting nothing at all. )
The thief who tried to steal the precious
Sol.50. (a) Dead heat: Close contest that Don’t give me a Hobson’s choice, I want
stones is still at large.
ends in a tie/िकसी ितयोिगता का बराबरी पर real options.
ख होना ,कोई िवजेता ना होना Sol.73. (c)Kill two birds with one stone:
A national poll shows the presidential Sol.61. (a) By and By- Gradually/धीरे धीरे
To achieve two results with a single
race in a dead heat. we'll get under the tunnel by and by.
effort/एक तीर दो िशकार
Sol.51.(d) The bee's knees - Sol.62. (b) Chicken-hearted- Cowardly or He bought some groceries while coming
Extraordinary/ब त जबरद fearful/चूजे जैसे िदल वाला /डरपोक from the bank. He killed two birds with
Have you tried this perfume? It's the bee's He is nothing but a chicken-hearted one stone.
knees, it really is. Sol.74. (c) To run away/भाग जाना
Sol.52. (c) Express extreme anger: To Sol.63. (b) Pull a fast one- Trick A thief broke into the shop and ran away
throw a fit/ब त ादा ोिधत होना someone/िकसी पर कोई चाल चलना with all the cash and jewellery.
Your sister will throw a fit when she sees The crowd obviously thought I was trying
Sol.75. (d) A situation in which no further
the mess you've made. to pull a fast one to get a better seat.
progress can be made/एक ऐसी थित जहां से
Sol.64. (c) See eye to eye- Agree with आगे तर ी संभव नहीं है
Sol.53. (a) Bring to light: Reveal
someone/िकसी से सहमत होना The latest research is completely vague, it
clearly/ प से जािहर कर दे ना/ रोशनी म
I eye to eye with my boss on the may turn out to be a blind alley.
CBI will bring to light all details about completion of the pending project. Sol.76. (c) A fact, event or situation that
the cases next Monday. Sol.65. (c) To paddle one's own canoe proves something/एक ऐसा स जो सब कुछ
Sol.54. (c) Hold water: to be valid/बात म -Depend on oneself/ यं पर िनभर होना और सही सािबत कर द
She is a strong woman and can paddle her Ritik scored well in CGL tier 1, but the
दम होना
Her argument doesn’t hold water if you own canoe without having a man in her acid test will come when he appears in
ask me. life. tier 2.

Sol.55. (d) A close-fisted person: A Sol.66. (c) Dejected-sad and depressed; Sol.77. (a) To become less important or to
miserly person/एक कंजूस dispirited/उदास/हताश महसूस करना. give up control over things/िकसी चीज का
Don’t feel like a duck dying in the कम मह पूण हो जाना
Ram is a close-fisted person as he never
thunderstorm, you still have a chance to The director of the Pinnacle company
participates in any occasion.
bounce back. decided to take a back seat and let the
Sol.56. (b) A bed of roses: An easy and employees run the company.
happy situation/फूलों की सेज/ ब त Sol.67. (b)to consider someone
inferior./िकसी को खुद से नीचा समझना Sol.78. (a) To do something that will not
आरामदायक िजंदगी
Life isn't always a bed of roses it’s a One cannot lockdown upon one’s get the result you want/िकसी गलत पर आरोप
opponent. लगाना / कुछ ऐसा करने का यास करना जो
combination of happiness and sorrows.
आपको प रणाम नहीं दे गा
Sol.68. (d)Keep oneself updated/ यं को
सारी जानकारी से अपडे टेड रखना
Pinnacle SSC English

Mohan has been trying to solve the Q86. Colleges cannot ______ to ragging (b) Something not possible
problem within 10 minutes, but I think he because of the Anti Ragging Act. (c) Difficult to find
is barking up the wrong tree. CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 (d) An easy situation
(a) Turn a blind eye
CGL 2018 MAINS Q95. Sell like hot cakes
(b) Add fuel to the fire
CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
Q79..Making the final paper was a really (c) Look forward
(a) To face hardship
difficult task but by the end of the week, I (d) Look someone in the eye
(b) To sell quickly
was able to______________. - Q87.During the staff meeting there was a (c) To agree fully
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 lot of ruckus since many didn’t ______ (d) To deal with a problem
(a) Bark up the wrong tree with the authorities.
(b) Wrap my head around it Q96. In the same boat
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019
(c) Cry my eyes out CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(a) See eye to eye
(d) Run out of stream (a) At the centre of attention
(b) Put their best foot forward
(b) In a superior position
Q80. Suman really has __________. She (c) Put their foot down
(c) In the same situation
moved to a new house just a month back (d) Move up in the world
(d) In disgrace
but already has a lovely garden- Q88. I could make out that the
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 Q97. Now that Mr. Krishna Murthy has
conversation was leading to a fight so I
(a) A heart of gold retired from the company, his daughter is
______ . CGL Tier II 11/9/2019
(b) A bad hair day ______. CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(a) Nipped it in the bud
(c) A foot in the door (a) In the doghouse
(b) Cut corners
(d) Green fingers (b) In the driver’s seat
(c) Killed two birds with a stone
(c) In the lap of luxury
Q81. Pallavi worked really hard for the (d) Made a song and a dance
(d) In the pink
examination and ______ to gain success. Q89. The trouble makers took to their
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 Q98.They talked over the matter of his
heels when they saw the police coming.
(a) Struck a sour note leaving the job and going for further
CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(b) Hit the bull’s eye studies. CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(a) Hid themselves
(c) Beat about the bush (a) Discussed (b) Fought against
(b) Ran away
(d) Left no stone unturned (c) Surveyed (d) Explained
(c) Faced them boldly
Q82. Listen, you need to prioritize. You (d) Prepared to fight Q99. Rohit was ______ when he took
can’t have your ______! important decisions without consulting
Q90. When Anshul told everyone that he
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 the family. CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
had resigned his job, all the members in
(a) Achilles’ heel (a) Cutting the red tape
the family were at their wits’ end .
(b) Heebie-jeebies (b) Told to get a new lease of life
CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(c) Paint the town red (a) Very serious (c) In the same boat
(d) Finger in every pie (d) Told to fight his own battles himself
(b) Quite angry
Q83. Initially I thought I could participate (c) Quite perplexed Q100. Radha is unable to continue
in the international Scholars Contest but (d) Absolutely satisfied working in this office. Hard work is
when I saw the preparatory material I Q91. Full of beans CGL Tier II 12/9/2019 ______ on her health.-
______ . CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 (a) Being upset
CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
(a) Missed the boat (b) Hit the bull’s eye (a) Making her meet both ends
(b) Lively and energetic
(c) Got cold feet (d) Made a scene (b) Blowing hot and cold
(c) Full of crazy ideas
(c) Keeping an eye
Q84. In my parents’ time, we mostly ate (d) In good health
(d) Taking a toll on
at home and family outings happened Q92. This is strictly ______ but some
______ . CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 Q101. He tries to perform well but good
changes are going to happen in the
(a) Once in a blue moon projects done by him are______. He
company in the near future.
(b) Behind the back needs to put in extra effort.
CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(c) In fine feather CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
(a) Off the rails (b) Off the key
(d) Shoulder to shoulder (a) On edge
(c) Off the mark (d) Off the record
(b) Walking on air
Q85. That student of yours has such Q93. For a long time he kept his wife in (c) Few and far between
sound values. She’s indeed a ______ . the dark about the true nature of his job. (d) Going with the flow
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 CGL Tier II 12/9/2019
(a) Rare bird (a) In high position (b) In a dark place Q102. The government has decided to
(b) Barrel of laughs ______ GST on some items in order to
(c) In ignorance (d) In a locked room
(c) Pain in the neck help small traders. CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
(d) Pot calling the kettle black Q94. Pie in the sky CGL Tier II 12/9/2019 (a) Steer clear of (b) Roll back
(a) Something very small (c) Wash away (d) Crack down on
Idioms & Phrases

Cry my eyes out- cry as if you will never Most of the problems can be nipped in the
Q103. The residents of my colony stop. bud if they are detected at an early stage.
______ in trying to find out about the Run out of stream- to stall or become
Sol.89. (b) ran away/ भाग जाना
increasing number of car thefts. stagnant
Seeing the police thief took to their heel.
CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
Sol.80. (d) green fingers - good in
(a) Hit a purple patch Sol.90. (c) quite perplexed/दु िवधा म होना
gardening/बागवानी म ब त अ ा होना
(b) Hit the sack I could not solve this problem even at my
A heart of gold- very kind person.
(c) Beat about the bush wit’s end.
A bad hair day - A day when one's hair is
(d) Pulled all the stops
unruly and looks unkempt. Sol.91. (b) lively and energetic/ऊजावान
Q104.When you ______ it is best to be After a brisk morning walk, I feel full of
Sol.81. (d) left no stone unturned - Try
patient and have faith in your inner beans.
everything possible/हर संभव यास करना
strength. CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
The university has left no stone unturned Sol.92. (d) off the record - not
(a) remain on high alert
for the benefit of students. official/कोई ऐसी बात जो अनौपचा रक ढं ग से
(b) keep someone at an arm's length
कही गई हो
(c) call a spade a spade Sol.82. (d) finger in every pie - involved I think tomorrow is a holiday but it is off
(d) find yourself in troubled waters in the matter/हर मामले म शािमल होना the record.
Paint the town red- go out and enjoy
Q105. Many old projects are ______ with Sol.93. (c) in ignorance/िकसी चीज के बारे म
Achilles’ heel- weakest point
a change in company policies. जानकारी ना होना
Heebie-jeebies- feeling of nervousness
CGL Tier II 13/9/2019 Rohan failed in the examination but he
(a) Beating around the bush and anxiety
kept his parents in the dark.
(b) Caught red handed Sol.83.(c) got cold feet - loss of
(c) Getting a new lease of life courage/हाथ पाँ व ठं डे पड़ जाना/डर जाना Sol.94. (b) something not possible/जो
(d) Breaking the ice संभव ना हो
Miss the boat - miss the opportunity
I want to become an actor but it is a pie in
Q106..Factory owners are protesting Hit the bull’s eye - hitting the centre of
the sky.
the target
because they think that the government
has ______ of plastic manufacturing Made a scene - to express anger usually Sol.95. (b) to sell quickly
companies by closing their factories in violently. Everytime Pinnacle publishes a new book
it is sold like hot cakes.
big cities. CGL Tier II 13/9/2019 Sol.84. (a) once in a blue moon- things
(a) Separated the wheat from the chaff which happen very rarely/जो कभी कभार Sol.96. (c) in the same situation/एक जैसी
(b) Made no bones घिटत होता है प र थित म होना
(c) Been barking up the wrong tree Behind the back- to do something without After the first round of the competition,
(d) Upset the apple cart getting permission Aman and his friend are in the same
Shoulder to shoulder- living unitedly condition.
Q107. In trying to solve the crime, the
In fine feather- in excellent condition
detective found himself ______ Yet the Sol.97.(b) in the driver’s seat-situation in
mystery kept deepening. Sol.85. (a) rare bird-an exceptional person the control/ थित िनयं ण म होना/ वह िजस पर
CGL Tier II 13/9/2019 or thing/एक असाधारण या व ु सबसे ादा िज ेदारी हो
(a) Beating the bush Barrels of laugh- something that is funny The case is taking time but you needn’t
(b) Beating his brains out Pain in the neck- irritating worry because we are in the driver's seat
(c) Letting his hair down Pot calling the kettle black- criticizing Sol.98. (a) discussed/िकसी बात पर चचा
(d) Making room for others someone for a fault that you have too करना
Q108.The official found himself ______ Sol.86.(a) turn a blind eye- deliberately I have talked over the strategies with the
when he could not explain his actions and overlook/अनदे खा करना teammates to win the school inter- house
all the members started attacking him Add fuel to the fire - to worsen a conflict competition.
with accusations of cheating. or difficult situation Sol.99. (d) told to fight his own battles
CGL Tier II 13/9/2019 Look forward- waiting for something himself- to take complete responsibility
(a) In the eye of a storm eagerly for oneself./ यं की लड़ाइयां यं लड़नी होती
(b) On the same page Look someone in the eye - look directly at ह
(c) Wet behind the ears somebody without fear You are no longer a kid, you have to fight
(d) Burning the midnight oil
Sol.87. (a) see eye to eye- be in full your battle yourself.
Solutions:- agreement/ सहमत होना Sol.100. (d) taking a toll on/िकसी चीज पर
Put their best foot forward - try as hard as कोई दु भाव छोड़ना
Sol.79. (b) wrap my head around it /समझ
one can Studying continuously for a longer period
म आना
Bark up the wrong tree - to be wrong Sol.88. (a) nipped it in the bud/िकसी चीज of time can take a toll over your eyes.
about the reason for something. को जड़ से शु आती अव था म ही ख कर दे ना

Pinnacle SSC English

Sol.101.(c) few and far between- CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (d)supported fully
something that doesn't happen very (a) a jealous friend
Q120.The news of a leopard in the city
commonly/ऐसी चीज जो ब त ादा नहीं होती (b) a friend turned into an enemy
spread like wild fire.
है (c) a dependable friend
CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
Sunlight has been far and far between the (d) an unreliable friend
(a)spread rapidly
Q.112 On the spur of the moment (b)spread slowly
Sol.102. (b) rollback- a reduction or CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (c)caused fear
decrease in something/िकसी चीज म कटौती (a) deciding after a lot of thinking (d)caused damage
करना (b) being extremely careful
Q121.If we lay our heads together, we
Since after your illness you are rolled (c) waiting nervously for something
will surely find a solution.
back your health. (d) acting impulsively without thinking
CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
Sol.103. (d) pulled all the stops- to do Q.113 Over one’s head (a)take a break (b)work in isolation
something with maximum ability./िकसी CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (c)rest for a while (d)work in consultation
काम को पूरी मता से करना और माग म आने (a) unable to function as before
Q.122 The threat of the pandemic is not
वाली बाधाएं दू र करना (b) being at a disadvantage
The company pulled out all the stops for just a cry in the wilderness.
(c) beyond one’s capability to understand
CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
benefiting the customer. something
(a)Mourning for the loss
Sol.104. (d) find yourself in troubled (d) something totally unexpected
(b)an unheeded warning
waters- a confusing part of the life/ यं को Q.114 One track mind (c)tears of sorrow
दु िवधा म पाना CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (d)spreading rumours
(a) using a well-known path
After school, most of the students are like Q123.His comments cast a slur upon the
(b) thinking of another point of view
fish in the troubled water that what to do integrity of his manager.
(c) waiting anxiously for something
next. CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(d) always thinking of only one thing
(a)praised (b)damaged
Sol.105. (c) getting a new lease of life- a Q.115 Breath of fresh air (c)redeemed (d)improved
period when you feel more energetic than CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020
before. /नया जीवन दान पाना (a) someone with a pleasant voice Q124.His probation was extended
because his performance was not up to
Our organisation got a new lease of life (b) a high-priced and expensive thing
by making new franchises (c) a peaceful and relaxing place the mark CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(a)of the desired height
(d) someone or something new and
Sol.106 (d) upset the apple cart- to cause (b)lacking in maturity
trouble/गड़बड़ कर दे ना (c)more than expected
Farmers are not trying to upset the apple Q.116 On the double (d)up to the required standard
cart, they just want their demand to be CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020
fulfilled. (a) on the verge of collapse Q125.Information and technology has
(b) between two undesirable things developed by leaps and bounds.
Sol.107. (b) beating his brains out - to CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(c) at a fast pace
think about something very deeply./िकसी (a)in far off places
(d) out of order
चीज के बारे म ब त ादा सोचना और िचंतन (b)through unfair means
करना Q.117 To call the shots (c)at a rapid pace
Why should your brain beat out fighting CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (d)very gradually
the environment? (a) to be in debt
(b) to lack control Q126. Her success as a singer was a nine
Sol.108. (a) in the eye of a storm/तूफ़ान के days’ wonder CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(c) to be blissfully happy
क म होना/मुसीबत के बीच होना (a)a short-lived sensation
(d) to be the person in charge
CGL 2019 MAINS (b)an impossible feat
Q.118 Rose-coloured glasses (c)eternal fame
Q109.Take exception CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (d)a proud achievement
CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 (a) a difficult situation
(a)appreciate (b)object to (b) a positive outlook on life Q127.She felt like a fish out of water at
(c)deny (d)care for (c) an outdated attitude her new job. CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(d) a belief not based on facts (a)uncomfortable and restless
Q.110 Eat one’s words
(b)angry and hurt
CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020 Q.119 If the audit report shows
(c)comfortable and relaxed
(a) retract what one has said anomalies, the finance manager will be
(d)happy and free
(b) forgive and forget brought to book. CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(c) become less acceptable (a)held accountable Q.128 First and foremost
(d) oppose sternly (b)given a promotion CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020
(c)rewarded suitably (a) Far from the truth
Q.111 A fair weather friend
(b) After everything else
Idioms & Phrases

(c) Most important aspect help me, but he is really just a fair Sol:123.(b) Damaged/नुकसान प ं चाना /छिव
(d) Most difficult task weather friend. खराब करना Eg : The involvement of
Deepak in a bribery case cast a slur upon
Q.129 Cry over spilt milk Sol:112.(d) Acting impulsively without
his family.
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 thinking./िबना सोचे समझे कुछ कर दे ना
(a) To find a solution Eg : My friend Himanshu decided, on the Sol:124.(d) Upto the required
(b) To regret uselessly spur of the moment, to marry his standard/जैसा आप चाहते थे उसी र का होना
(c) To shout slogans girlfriend. Eg : Your marks in the semester exams
(d) To blame others are not up to the mark. You should do
Sol:113.(c) Beyond one’s capability to
Q.130 Eye-wash more hard work to achieve good results.
understand something./िकसी चीज को समझने
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 की मता ना होना Sol:125.(c) At a rapid pace./ब त तेज गित से
(a) A deception (b) An inspiration Eg : A lot of these concepts of biology Eg : He had worked very hard so that his
(c) An operation (d) A consideration are way over my head. career is growing by leaps and bounds.
Q.131 Blow one’s own trumpet Sol:114.(d) Always thinking of only one Sol:126.(a) A short-lived sensation/कोई
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 thing./केवल एक ही चीज के बारे म सदा सोचना/ ऐसी सनसनीखेज बात जो ब त कम समय के िलए
(a) Rely on oneself (b) Criticise others एक ही िदशा म सोचना चचा म रही हो
(c) Respect others (d) Praise oneself Eg : Shyam had a one-track mind since Eg : The much - boasted relationship of
Q.132 Far and wide he started preparation for UPSC Sam and Mahira was a nine days’ wonder.
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 examinations.
Sol:127.(a) Uncomfortable and
(a) In all possible ways Sol:115.(d) Someone or something new restless./जो आरामदायक ना हो/एक मु ल
(b) In all directions and refreshing./ कोई नई चीज ,जो तरोताजा प र थित म होना
(c) From the past कर दे Eg : Neha had never been to a cinema
(d) In the future Eg : He came in like a breath of fresh air complex, so she was looking like a fish
Q.133 Apple of one’s eye and cheered up the whole team. out of water.
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 Sol:116.(c) At a fast pace./ ब त तेज गित से Sol:128.(c) Most important aspect/सबसे
(a) Very clean (b) Very easy Eg : Sam said that he wanted to see me in मह पूण पहलू
(c) Very rosy (d) Very dear his office on the double. Eg : He sometimes performs as a singer,
Q.134 Behind one’s back but first and foremost he’s a teacher.
Sol:117.(d) To be the person in charge/वह
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 जो सभी चीजों को िनयंि त कर रहा है Sol:129.(b) To regret uselessly./िकसी चीज
(a) In one’s absence ,इं चाज है Eg : He is not in a position to call पर थ म पछताना Eg : I know you didn’t
(b) In everyone’s knowledge the shots in this organization. want to hurt her sentiments, so there is no
(c) Confronting somebody use in crying over spilt milk now.
(d) Openly supporting someone Sol:118.(b) A positive outlook on
life/चीजों के बारे म सकारा क सोच होना Sol:130.(a) A deception./छलावा /धोखा
Q.135 Do a good turn Eg : At first, I saw my girlfriend through Eg : The investigation on the serious case
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020 rose-colored glasses but after a year I of bribery by the concerned authority is
(a) Wait for a turn (b) Return a gift realized she was just selfish and arrogant. an eye-wash.
(c) Make a profit (d) Render a service
Sol:119.(a) Held accountable/जवाबदे ही Sol:131.(d) Praise oneself/खुद की तारीफ़
Q.136 Carry the day होना Eg : If anyone in the group commits करना. Eg : Every time I have a
CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020
a mistake, he/she will be brought to book. conversation with my friend Sanjay, he
(a) Lead an army (b) Win a victory
seems to be blowing his own trumpet.
(c) Lift a heavy load (d) Bear the burden Sol:120.(a) Spread rapidly /तेजी से फैलना
Eg : The news of the Coronavirus Sol:132.(b) In all directions./सभी िदशाओं
Solution:- pandemic has spread like wildfire. म Eg : Our friends are coming from far
Sol:109.(b) Object to/आपि ज़ािहर करना and wide to attend the function.
Sol:121.(d)Work in consultation./िमलजुल
Eg : I take exception to be addressed by कर काम करना Sol:133.(d) Very dear/ब त ि य
my surname. Example : if we want to complete this Eg : Every bright student in the school is
Sol:110.(a) Retract what one has project within time, we should lay our the apple of his/her teacher’s eyes.
said./अपने श वापस लेना Eg : You said heads together.
Sol:134.(a) In one’s absence./िकसी की
that I would never be able to clear CGL, Sol:122.(b) An unheeded/careless गैरमौजूदगी म Eg : Hemlata can’t believe
now you will have to eat your words. warning./एक ऐसी चेतावनी िजस पर ान नहीं that her friend Suman was gossiping
िदया गया about her behind her back.
Sol:111.(d) An unreliable or disloyal
Eg : Shivam was a voice crying in the
friend/एक अिव सनीय /बेवफा दो Sol:135.(d) Render a good service./अ ी
wilderness as he tried to expose the media
Eg : I badly needed money for business सिवस/सेवाएं दे ना
trial over the corruption issue in the state
and was hoping my friend Sam would Eg : You did a good turn by financially
helping the poor old man.
Pinnacle SSC English

Sol:136.(b) Win a victory./जीत जाना Q145.If you go for this training , it will (d) a very long time
Eg : The England team carried the day at be beneficial to you in the long run
Q154. Take heart
the final match of the World Cup. CPO - 12/3/2019 (Evening)
CPO - 13/3/2019 (Evening)
(a) Eventually
CPO 2018 TIER I (a) to assess the situation
(b) Intermittently
(b) to feel grieved
Q137. He has set up his business now as (c) Regularly
(c) to rebuke
he knows the ins and outs of it. (d) Immediately
(d) to take courage
CPO 12/3/2019 (Morning) Q146. Let’s hope they will bury the
(a) Usefulness (b) Importance Q155. Get a gold star
hatchet and be friends again.
(c) Details (d) Difficulties CPO - 13/3/2019 (Evening)
CPO -12/3/2019 (Evening)
(a) to earn a merit point for doing well
Q138. A friend is no friend if he leaves (a) Forget past quarrels
(b)to compliment someone
you in the lurch. CPO 12/3/2019 (Morning) (b) Make plans cleverly
(c)to obtain possession of something
(a) Leave for one’s own work (c) Take courage
(d)to get killed in war
(b) Take advantage of someone (d) Keep quiet
(c) Make a fool of someone Q156. To be taken aback
Q147. Get out of hand
(d) Leave someone in a helpless condition CPO -13/3/2019 (Evening)
CPO -13/3/2019 (Morning)
(a)to pay no heed
Q139. Many people in our country like to (a) To act irresponsibly
(b)to be very excited
feather their own nest from the money (b) To become uncontrollable
(c)to be surprised
they raise for social work. (c) To be indecisive
(d)to take something back
CPO - 12/3/2019 (Morning) (d) To lose courage
(a) Enrich oneself by dishonest means Q157. A lot on your plate
Q148. To drive someone up the wall
(b) Achieve something and be proud of it. CPO - 14/3/2019 (Morning)
CPO -13/3 2019 (Morning)
(a) Having many responsibilities
(c) Make one’s family comfortable (a) To help someone in difficulty
(b) Having a large meal
(d) Provide comforts in one’s house (b) To keep at a distance
(c) Having wealth in abundance
Q140. After getting the news of his (c) To irritate someone very much
(d) Having something which causes envy
promotion, he was in high spirits. (d) To frighten someone
CPO - 12/3/2019 (Morning) Q158. A sea change
Q149. The whole nine yards
(a) Joyful (b) Drunk CPO - 14/3/2019 (Morning)
CPO - 13/3/2019 (Morning)
(a) A fast change (b) A slow change
(c) Mad (d) Hopeful (a) An act of kindness (c) A radical change(d) A nominal change
Q141. Don’t take it seriously. He was (b) The entirety of something
(c) An essential part Q159. A safe pair of hands
simply pulling your leg.
(d) An enjoyable situation CPO - 14/3/2019 (Morning)
CPO - 12/3/2019 (Morning)
(a) A reliable person
(a) Playing a joke with someone Q150. To give the slip (b) A happy person
(b) Scolding someone for nothing CPO - 13/3/2019 (Morning) (c) A person who guards someone
(c) Trying to comfort someone (a) To keep low (b) To escape (d) A person who does many jobs
(d) Speaking in a harsh tone (c) To hit someone (d) To hide
Q160. A hot potato
Q142.The cost of living has increased so Q151.Hit the nail on the head CPO -14/3/2019 (Morning)
much that many people find it difficult to CPO - 13/3/2019 (Morning) (a) A tasty snack
make both ends meet. (a) To make the precisely correct point (b) An offensive remark
CPO - 12/3/2019 (Evening) (b) To hit someone on the head (c) A memorable thing
(a) Buy expensive gadgets (c) To assess the situation immediately (d) A controversial issue
(b) Buy something new (d) To handle a difficult situation
(c) Earn enough to survive Q161. A stone’s throw
(d) Help other people Q152.The icing on the cake CPO - 14/3/2019 (Morning)
CPO - 13/3/2019 (Evening) (a) A memorable place
Q143. I am fed up with his false (a) Something that delays action (b) An easy task
promises. CPO - 12/3/2019 (Evening) (b) Something that is essential but (c) A short distance
(a) Disgusted (b) Hopeful difficult to do (d) A faraway place
(c) Furious (d) Pleased (c) Something that makes one happy
(d) Something that makes a good situation Q162.A dog’s life
Q144.Getting the Fulbright Scholarship at
even better CPO - 14/3/2019 (Evening)
this young age is a feather in his cap.
(a) A restful life
CPO -12/3/2019 (Evening) Q153. Donkey's years (b) A life spent in guarding something
(a) A sign of his intelligence CPO - 13/3/2019 (Evening) (c) A life full of freedom
(b) An accomplishment to be proud of (a) once in a while (d) A miserable existence
(c) Something he can show off about (b) having long ears
(d) An award not to be given up (c) instantly Q163..In a nutshell
CPO -14/3/2019 (Evening)
Idioms & Phrases

(a)in serious trouble (b)in control (b)Instructing husbands over the phone (d) To represent the devil as an advocate
(c)in short (d)in disgrace about what to buy in which trials
(c)Commenting on players from the
Q164. Miss the boat Q180. .To give someone the cold
CPO - 14/3/2019 (Evening) shoulder
(a) Be too slow (b) Lose courage (d)Attempting to teach a cab driver how
CPO - 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(c) Accept defeat (d) Lose an opportunity to drive. (a) Bury someone in freezing cold
Q173. Carry a chip on one’s shoulder (b) Deny someone comforting clothes
Q165. A fish out of water
CPO - 14/3/2019 (Evening) CPO - 15/3/2019 (Evening) (c) Serve cold meat to someone
(a) Ready to die (a)Entertaining a grudge over a past event (d) Ignore or show indifference
(b) In the absence of something (b)Moving daintily across rooms Q181. Get a taste of your own medicine
(c) In unfamiliar circumstances (c)Having a plate inserted to fix the collar CPO - 16/03/2019 (Morning)
(d) Feeling sick bone (a) Make, taste and take medicines for
(d)Carrying multiple stars over the lapel others
Q166. Can’t cut the mustard
CPO - 14/3/2019 (Evening) Q174. Hit the nail on the head (b) Be treated by the same doctor
(a)To win a victory CPO - 15/3/2019 (Evening) (c) Be given the same treatment that you
(b)To be unable to do a job (a) Say or do something exactly right have given to others
(c)To be successful (b) Hurt a person by telling the truth (d) Be given the medicine meant for other
(d)To render a service (c) Drive a nail into a wall
Q182. When the mixer would not work
(d) Punish someone for a heinous crime
Q167.To leave no stone unturned Naren's mother said, "If it's not one thing,
CPO - 15/3/2019 (Morning) Q175. A wolf in sheep’s clothing it's another. How will I manage?"
(a) to comprehensively arrange things CPO -15/3/2019 (Evening) CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(b) to fully revise something produced (a) A dangerous person pretending to be (a)When one thing goes wrong, then
(c) to completely renovate an old building harmless another, and another (b)When
(d) to make all possible efforts (b) A cunning man in a leather coat we entertain one guest, then there are
(c) A scholar learning how to act as the many
Q168. to pigeon hole fool (c)When we know a cause, then there
CPO - 15/3/2019 (Morning) isn’t another to be looked for
(d) A celebrity dressed as a commoner
(a) To blindly accept someone
(d)When a machine is not functional, it
(b) To typecast someone Q176. .Flash in the pan
makes others also malfunction
(c) To call someone names CPO - 15/3/2019 (Evening)
(d) To hurriedly reject someone (a) Old discovered only once during Q183. Sandhya was excited about getting
panning her new posting but I told her “Don’t
Q169. to make no bones about (b) Something that offers hope, like a count your chickens before they hatch”.
CPO -15/3/2019 (Morning)
light in a tunnel CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) To state something clearly
(c) An early promise that fails to (a) Do not count on something that is not
(b) To reveal the hidden structure
materialize going to happen
(c) To consume only the fleshy part
(d) Sudden discovery of a surprise (b) Do not wish for something that has
(d) To make something unsubstantial
element not yet happened
Q170.to hold a brief for (c) Do not count on a good thing that has
Q177.It’s greek to me.
CPO -15/3/2019 (Morning) not yet happened
CPO - 16/3/2019 (Morning
(a) To support someone’s cause (d) Do not expect something good to
[a] Inevitable (b) Incomprehensible
(b) To write a speech for someone happen
(c) Incredible (d) Intangible
(c) To upset someone’s campaign
Q178..Put one’s cards on the table Q184.Anil and Suresh are just finding
(d) To wait for someone
CPO - 16/3/2019 (Morning)
their feet in the new venture.
Q171. To blow hot and cold CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) To be able to continue
CPO - 15/3/2019 (Morning) (a) Beginning to understand the work and
(b) To be honest
(a)To work like bellows and blow air feeling confident.
(c) To accept defeat
(b)To exhale heat and inhale cold (b) Getting comfortable and getting a
(d) To deal a game of cards
(c)To be friendly and unfriendly at the good salary
same time Q179. .Be the devil’s advocate (c) Buying and using comfortable
(d)To show favour and disfavour CPO - 16/03/2019 (Morning) footwear
alternately (a) To represent an accused in a murder (d) Making people fall at their feet,
trial accepting defeat
Q172. Back seat driving
(b) To present a counter argument just for
CPO -15/3/2019 (Evening)
(a)Interfering in affairs without having the sake of it. Q185. The politician began his speech by
(c) To present an argument in favor of a saying, “Lend me your ears”.
well-known evil man. CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
Pinnacle SSC English

(a) Politely ask for someone’s (d)to discover a murderer using the clues Sol.149. (b) the entirety of
hearing-aid something/शु आत से अंत तक
(b) To politely ask for someone’s speakers Eg : I completed the book from the first to
Sol.137. (c) details/िव ार पूवक जानना
(c) To politely ask for someone’s full the last chapter, the whole nine yards.
Eg : As I have been in this business for a
long I know its ins and outs. Sol.150. (b) to escape/ बच िनकलना
(d) To politely ask for someone’s
Eg : The policeman gave a slip to the
headphones Sol.138. (d) leave someone in a helpless
thief, who was his close relative.
condition/िकसी को एक असहाय थित
Q186. “Get down to brass tacks now”,
म छोड़ना Sol.151. (a) to make the precisely correct
ordered the Team Leader, when he found Eg : Even though I helped him several point/िब ु ल सही सटीक बात कहना
that the targets were nowhere near times but he believes that I left him in the Eg : His argument was so impactful that it
completion. lurch. hit the nail on the head of the opponent.
CPO 16/03/2019 (Afternoon)
(a) Start taking up the most important Sol.139. (a) enrich oneself by dishonest Sol.152. (d) something that makes a good
facts of a situation means/बेईमानी से पैसे कमाना situation even better/सोने पर सुहागा
(b) Become angry about something that is Example. The contractor used a lot of Eg : The dinner was delicious with
not done public money to feather his nest. dessert as icing on the cake.
(c) Come back to the tracks and start Sol.140. (a) joyful/ बेहद ख़ुशी महसूस करना Sol.153. (d) a very long time/ब त लंबे समय
again Eg : After winning three consecutive से /ब त लंबी अविध
(d) Examine the thumbtacks used to fix a matches, our team is in high spirit. Eg : Rohit hasn't visited his village for a
notice donkey's years.
Sol.141. (a) playing a joke with
Q187. Always a bridesmaid never a bride someone/िकसी के साथ मजाक करना Sol.154. (d) to take courage or to feel
CPO - 16/03/2019 (Evening)
Eg : As he was a fresher in college, his encouraged/ ो ािहत महसूस करना
(a)Someone who fulfills his or her
seniors started pulling his leg. Eg : At the last moment he took heart and
bounced back.
(b)Someone who does not deserve to win Sol.142. (c) earn enough to survive/ इतना
(c)Someone who always comes second कमाना िक गुजर बसर हो सके Sol.155. (a)to earn a merit point for doing
(d)Someone who is born unlucky Eg : In the current scenario of inflation, it well/अ े दशन के िलए मे रट पॉइं ट पाना
is difficult for the middle-class man to Her promotion was getting a gold star for
Q188. Go against the grain make both ends meet. her.
CPO - 16/03/2019 (Evening)
(a)Something that we can accept with Sol.143. (a) disgusted or annoyed/िकसी से Sol.156. (c)to be surprised/चिकत होना
difficulty परे शान हो जाना Eg : The news of his accident took me
(b)Something done deliberately Eg : I am fed up with the heating problem aback.
(c)Something that is ugly and unpopular of my laptop.
Sol.157. (a) having many
(d)Something in conflict with one’s value Sol.144. (b) an accomplishment to be responsibilities/ब त िज ेदा रयां होना
system proud of/एक ऐसी उपल िजसके िलए गव Eg : Being the boss he has a lot on his
Q189. To beat a dead horse महसूस हो plate.
CPO - 16/03/2019 (Evening) Eg : This award is another feather on his
cap. Sol.158. (c) a radical change/ब त जबरद
(a) A deliberate effort (b) A futile effort
बदलाव Eg : The Internet has brought a
(c) A joint effort (d) A significant effort Sol.145. (a) eventually/आ खरकार sea change in the last few decades.
Q190. Bite the bullet Eg : Initially in the startup you may face a
loss but it will give you huge profit in the Sol.159. (a) a reliable person/ िव सनीय
CPO - 16/03/2019 (Evening)
long run Eg : Dhoni behind the stamps is a
(a) To amuse yourself by doing something
safe pair of hands.
unpleasant Sol.146. (a) forget past quarrels/ पुरानी
(b) To dislike yourself for having done दु नी भूलना Eg : India and Pakistan Sol.160. (d) a controversial issue/कोई
something unpleasant should bury the hatchet and be united on िववादा द मु ा Eg : Privatisation of banks
(c) To force yourself to do something the international stage. is a hot potato.
Sol.147. (b) to become uncontrollable/ Sol.161. (c) a short distance/ब त छोटी दू री
(d) To restrain yourself from doing
िनयं ण से बाहर होना Eg : My school is a stone throw from my
something unpleasant
Eg : The teacher complained that our kid house.
Q191. Caught red-handed was very naughty, he was going out of Sol.162. (d) a miserable existence/कु े
CPO - 16/03/2019 (Evening) hand. जैसी िजंदगी/ब त बुरी िजंदगी
(a)To try to arrest someone without any
Sol.148. (c) to irritate someone very Eg : The famine forced the local people to
much/ िकसी को ब त नाराज कर दे ना live a dog's life.
(b)To catch a thief who steals red paints
(c)to catch someone doing something Eg : My roommate's alarm early in the Sol.163. (c) in short/सं ेप म
illegal morning always drives me up the wall.
Idioms & Phrases

Eg : Precis writing is an art of writing in a Boss being so generous seems to be a Everyone brass down with tacks and
nutshell. wolf in the sheep's cloth. come up with a solution that is acceptable
to every individual.
Sol.164. (d) lose an opportunity by not Sol.176. (c) An early promise that fails to
acting on it quickly enough /सि यता ना materialize/ एक ऐसा वादा जो िनभाया नहीं गया Sol.187. (c) Someone who always comes
िदखाने की वजह से कोई अ ा अवसर खो दे ना Their winning promise is like a flash in second/एक ऐसा इं सान जो सदा दू सरे पायदान पर
Eg : Ravi missed the boat as the selection the pan as they were out of the रहता है सबसे मह पूण कभी नहीं होता
of the school football team was over. competition at the initial stage. I am a deserving candidate but don't know
why I am always a bridesmaid never a
Sol.165 (c) in unfamiliar circumstances/ Sol.177. (b) It’s greek to me - difficult to
एक ब त ही मु ल प र थित म होना understand./कुछ भी समझ म ना आना
On the first day in my new school, I felt Incomprehensible-not able to be Sol.188. (d) Something in conflict with
like I was fish out of water. understood; one’s value system/एक ऐसा जो अपने
Calculus is greek to me. ही मू ों के खलाफ जा रहा है
Sol.166 (b) to be unable to do a job/िकसी
काम म सफलता न पाना Sol.178. (b) To be honest or to reveal It goes against the grain to give so much
He is so hardworking but he can't cut the something that is kept secret/अपने प े respect to the authority.
mustard. खोलना/ सभी चीज इमानदारी से बता दे ना Sol.189. (b) a futile effort/ थ की कोिशश
Sol.167 (d) to make all possible efforts Police caught the thief and asked him to Doing hard work in the wrong direction is
/सभी संभव यास करना put all his cards on the table. beating a dead horse.
The university has left no stone unturned Sol.179. (b) To present a counter Sol.190. (c) to force yourself to do
for the benefit of students. argument just for the sake of it. something unpleasant/िकसी को कुछ ऐसा
Sol.168. (b) to typecast someone Generally, parents play devil's advocate करने के िलए मजबूर करना जो वह करना नहीं
To complete the project in time every so that their children can check their चाहता
employee should be in a pigeonhole. flaws. All soldiers have to bite the bullet after
Sol.180. (d) Ignore or show the information of any terrorist attack.
Sol.169 (a) to state something clearly/
कोई बात कहना indifference/ ान न दे ना/ नजरअंदाज करना Sol.191. (c) to catch someone doing
Boss made no bones in stating that his He was angry at his wife but she showed something illegal/रं गे हाथों पकड़ा जाना
employee’s performance was her cold shoulder. The thief was caught red-handed so he
dissatisfactory. Sol.181. (c) Be given the same treatment will get the punishment.
Sol.170. (a) to support someone’s cause/ that you have given to others/अपनी दवाई CPO 2019 TIER I
िकसी का समथन करना का ाद खुद चखना /दू सरों का आपके साथ वही
वहार करना जो आप उनके साथ करते ह Q.192. Our PM is received with open
Sol.171. (c) to be friendly and unfriendly He usually finds fault in me so I decided arms wherever he goes.
at the same time/ एक ही समय पर दो िवपरीत to give him the taste of his own medicine. CPO 9/12/2019 (Morning)
बात कहना या करना (a) Harmoniously (b) Promptly
The press release blows hot and cold on Sol.182. (a) when one thing goes wrong, (c) Honourably (d) Warmly
the issue. then another, and another
Q193. Off and on I take a break from my
Sol.172. (a) interfering in affairs without Sol.183. (c) do not count on a good thing hectic schedule to refresh myself
having knowledge/ िबना ादा जानकारी ए that has not yet happened/चीजों के घिटत होने CPO 9/12/2019 (Morning)
िकसी मामले म ह ेप करना से पहले ब त ादा उ ीद नहीं करना (a) Rarely (b) Seldom
My relatives are backseat drivers to me, You will get the government but don't (c) Immediately (d) Periodically
so I can't spend time with them. count the chicken before it hatches. Wait
till you get your first posting before you Q194. In Spite of her severe accident she
Sol.173. (a) entertaining a grudge over a took heart and moved forward
tell your relatives.
past event/मन म कड़वाहट पालना CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
He is carrying a chip on his shoulder for Sol.184. (a) beginning to understand the (a) Gathered courage
injustice done in his school inter-house work and feeling confident./धीरे धीरे चीज (b) Overcame problems
competition. समझ म आना और आ िव ास आना (c) Felt depressed
The new employee wants some time to (d) Acted promptly
Sol.174. (a) say or do something exactly find his feet.
right/कुछ िबलकुल सही कहना और करना/ Q195. Trying to find my lost ring in the
िबलकुल सही सटीक काम करना Sol.185. (c) to politely ask for someone’s college is like looking for a needle in a
Eg : His argument was so impactful that it full attention/िवन ता पूवक िकसी से पूरी तरह haystack
hit the nail on the head of the opponent. से ान दे ने को कहना CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
You should always lend your ears to the (a) Doing something impossible
Sol.175. (a) A dangerous person public place’s announcement. (b) Doing something unimportant
pretending to be harmless/एक खतरनाक
Sol.186 (a) start taking up the most (c) Making a big deal of a small thing
जो शरीफ होने का ढोंग रच रहा है /भेड़ की
खाल म भेिड़या important facts of a situation/िकसी (d) Doing something secretly
प र थित के मह पूण त ों पर ान दे ना
Pinnacle SSC English

Q196. Mrs. Arora has got the green light (d) Go straight to SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
from the principal to organise a science (a) For better income
Q205. Till the cows come home
Conference in the college (b) For new opportunities
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
CPO 9/12/19 (Morning)
(a) In the evening (c) Forever
(a) Got fired for doing something (d) For a while
(b) For the long, long time
(b) Got permission to go ahead with
(c) For a small part Q214. All those who carried the day in
(d) Till the work is finished reality shows failed to make a mark later.
(c) Got the work started
SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(d) Got energy and motivation to do Q206. Touch and go
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Acted as hosts
(a) Unchanging (b) Participated
Q197. Up in arms (b) Unimportant (c) Won a victory
SSC-CPO 9/12/2019 (Evening) (d) Make a guest appearance
(c) Undoubted
(a) to be nervous (b) to be rude
(d) Uncertain Q215.The old man preferred to die in
(c) to be angry (d) to be defensive
Q207. Unless you are above board in harness than lead a rusted life.
Q198. Left out in cold SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
your dealings, you will not be able to win
SSC-CPO- 09/12/2019 (Evening) (a) to lead a life of comfort
the trust of your clients.
(a) to stand out (b) to be criticised (b) to continue an occupation till death
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
(c) to be ignored (d) to be indecisive (c) to live in a perpetual slavery
(a) old and reckless
Q199. Handle with kid gloves (b) exceptionally talented (d) to keep one’s belonging safe
SSC-CPO 9/12/2019 (Evening) (c) honest and frank Q216. Simran was under tremendous
(a) to treat someone with extreme care (d) smart and deceptive stress because she had too many irons in
(b) to accomplish something too the fire.
Q208. He is completely at sea about
ambitious SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
where to invest his hard-earned money.
(c) to show someone your creativity (a) She had too many clothes to iron (b)
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening)
(d) to remove all hurdles to start She had made a lot of risky investments
(a) Sure (b) Committed
something (c) She was suffering many ailments
(c) In shock (d) Confused
Q200. Run around in circles (d) She was involved in many activities
Q209.The thieves made off with all the
SSC-CPO 9/12/2019 (Evening) Q217.The suspect made a clean breast of
(a) To keep running to set a record cash and jewellery in the house.
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Evening) it during the enquiry.
(b)To keep doing something without
(a) Squandered (b) Ran away with SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
achieving much
(c) Transferred (d) Discovered (a) Confessed his crime
(c) To work excessively hard by keeping
(b) Asked for a fresh shirt
two jobs Q210.The abrogation of article 370 was
(c) Took off his shirt
(d) To remain busy with your work achieved in the teeth of tough resistance.
(d) Blamed his companion
SSC-CPO- 11/12/2019 (Evening)
Q201. Work against the clock
(a) In a state of uncertainty Q218."The situation is getting out of hand
SSC-CPO 9/12/2019 (Evening)
(b) In collaboration with " the manager said to us.
(a) Work late in the night
(c) In a short span of time SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(b) Work against all problems
(d) In direct opposition to (a) Not growing fast enough
(c) Work with concentration
(b) Not in control anymore
(d) Work in great hurry Q211. As the floodwaters hit the coastal
(c) Going to be handled soon
village, several families had a close
Q202. Bed of roses (d) Can be passed on to someone else
shave. SSC-CPO- Dec-11-2019 (Evening)
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Nothing to eat Q219. To be thrown in at the deep end
(a) An unforgettable moment
(b) A narrow escape SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening)
(b) A state of perplexity
(c) To have no livelihood (a) Need to do one thing at a time
(c) An enjoyable state
(d) To lose all possessions (b) Try to do too many things at the same
(d) A difficult situation
Q203. At the drop of a hat Q212. In spite of the high sounding
(c) Unable to do the given work
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning)
words, his speech fell flat on the audience
(d) Learn to do the difficult things too
SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) Usually (b) Frequently soon
(c) Never (d) Instantly (a) Impressed a lot
(b) Appealed to the sentiments of the Q220.Come rain or shine
Q204. Make a beeline for audience SSC-CPO- 12/12/2019 (Evening)
SSC-CPO 11/12/2019 (Morning) (c) Could not be heard clearly (a) Whatever happens
(a) Go for freebies (d) Failed to make an impact (b) In bad weather
(b) Make a line for honey (c) When it does not rain
Q213. My brother has decided to settle in
(c) Stand in a queue (d) In the monsoon
Mumbai for good
Idioms & Phrases

Q221.The festival expenses are bound to (c) She picked the last option available the electricity bill.
______ in my pocket. for her
Sol.198. (c) To be ignored/नज़र अंदाज़ होना
SSC-CPO 12/12/2019 (Evening) (d) Final irritant that made the situation
(a) Be out of the blue unbearable Everybody can’t be satisfied, somebody
(b) Give a clean chit has to be left out in the cold.
Q229. Ria has tried hard not to steal her
(c) Be upfront
brother's thunder but it was inevitable. Sol.199. (b) to treat someone with great
(d) Make a dent
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) care/ िकसी का ब त ादा ान रखना
Q222. To read between the lines (a) Get more recognition than her brother Handle it with kids’ gloves, it is an
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) for their success antique glass piece.
(a) To understand the implied meaning (b) Pick up her brother's lucky charms to
Sol.200. (b) To keep doing something
(b) To completely misunderstand the win prizes
without achieving much/ कुछ करने का
meaning (c) Take away her brother's opportunities यास करते रहना भले ही उसम ादा सफलता
(c) To read with great difficulty for jobs नहीं िमली है
(d) To critically analyse a piece of writing (d) Get a big reward from her brother for The discussion went on round and round,
Q223. To blaze a trail her achievement no result can be withdrawn from it.
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) Q230. His family has supported him Sol.201. (d) Work in a great hurry/ब त
(a) To initiate something new through thick and thin. तेज गित से काम करना
(b) To act impulsively SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
Boss ordered that walk against the clock
(c) to set fire to something (a) In times of good and bad fortune
and complete this project.
(d) to complete a project (b) Even though he has put on weight
(c) When there was a lot of work to be Sol.202. (c) An easy, comfortable
Q224. A dark horse
done situation./फूलों की सेज/ ब त आरामदायक
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
(d) On occasions when he had a lot of प र थित
(a) An expected outcome
money Being a politician is a challenging task
(b) An unknown genius
not a bed of roses.
(c) A well-kept secret Q231. Go down in flames
(d) A horse of a fine breed SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) Sol.203. (d)instantly/ तुरंत
(a) Fail completely I will join at the drop of a hat, as soon as I
Q225. To make castles in the air
(b) Get hit by a burning cracker get the offer letter.
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning)
(a) To be very ambitious (c) Get completely burnt Sol.204. (d) To head directly and quickly
(b) To accomplish difficult tasks (d) Crashland an aeroplane toward something or someplace./तेज गित से
(c) To show signs of cowardice Solutions:- िकसी िनधा रत थान की ओर जाना
(d) To create impossible dreams or hopes Seeing the thief standing at the side shop,
Sol.192. (d) Warmly/गमजोशी के साथ/ बाह police make a beeline for him.
Q226.Of the first water फैलाकर My brother is coming from
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Morning) abroad after several years, We will Sol.205.(b) For the long, long time/ब त
(a) of ancient origin लंबे समय के िलए
welcome him with open arms.
(b) of favorable opinion I was waiting for this opportunity till the
Sol.193. (c) Periodically cow came home.
(c) of no significance
It has been raining off and on since last
(d) of the best quality Sol.206. (d) Uncertain (Touch and
Q227. Be left in the lurch go-Extremely uncertain as to the outcome
Sol.194. (b) Gather Courage/ िह त जुटाना of something)/िकसी चीज का प रणाम िनि त न
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening)
(a) Be tired of doing the same thing over Eg : At the last moment he took heart and होना
and over again bounced back. The doctor says that it's touch-and-go
whether my old grandmother would
(b) Be deserted when one is in trouble Sol.195. (a) Doing something
(c) Keep repeating something till it is recover from the attack
impossible/असंभव करने की कोिशश करना
accepted Eg : I looked everywhere for my ring at Sol.207.(c) honest and frank/ ईमानदार
(d) Be sent to do work which one doesn't the beach but it seemed to look for a The deal made by the arbitrator was
enjoy needle in a haystack. completely open and above board.
Sol.208.(d) Confused/दु िवधा म होना
Q228. It was the last straw; she decided Sol.196. (b) Got permission to go ahead
I was at sea when the teacher started
to quit the job when she was blamed with something/हरी ब ी/ आगे बढ़ने की
discussing the problem of programming
without reason. अनुमित दे ना
SSC-CPO 13/12/2019 (Evening) My mother gave the green light for a
(a) Only one straw was available for school picnic. Sol.209.(b) ran away with/कुछ लेकर भाग
drinking the juice जाना
Sol.197. (c) to be angry/नाराज होना
(b) Last straw available for anyone to He made off in a hurry for the railway
The public is up in arms about increasing
pick up station.
Pinnacle SSC English

will reduce the money, thus “make a

Sol.210.(d) in direct opposition to/िवरोध CPO 2020 TIER I
dent” is the appropriate choice/िकसी चीज
पर कटौती करना Q232. Little by little
In the teeth of project disapproval, we
(a) be out of the blue- Completely CPO 23/11/2020(Morning)
decided to raise the issue further.
unexpectedly. (a) a few (b) not much
Sol.211. (b) a narrow escape/बाल बाल बचना (b) give a clean chit - it means you have (c) only once (d) gradually
He managed to get a close shave of the investigated and found him/her Q233. A dry run
accident. "not-guilty" CPO 23/11/2020(Morning)
Sol.212. (d) Failed to make an impact (c) be upfront-not trying to hide what you (a) a rehearsal
(Fall flat- To fail or be ineffective)/औंधे think or do: (b) a run on dry ground
मुंह िगरना/ असफल होना Sol.222. (a) to understand the implied (c) a slow run
Although Nano was a cheaper car, it fell meaning/ िछपी ई बात को समझना (d) a poor harvest
flat. Reading between the lines, it seems Ravi Q234. Call on
Sol.213.(b) For new opportunities, For will be going to London next month. CPO 23/11/2020(Morning)
one's benefit, even though it may not be Sol.223. (a) to initiate something (a) announce (b) visit
enjoyable or desired./कामयाब होना new/िकसी नई चीज की शु आत (c) step out (d) telephone
I hope that he will get some good this Ram is going to blaze a trail in Q235. Look out
time. architecture. CPO 23/11/2020(Morning)
Sol.214.(c) won a victory/िवजयी होना (a) find out (b) search
Sol.224. (b) an unknown genius/ ल ी दौड़
Carry the day-To do something that (c) locate (d) be careful
का घोडा
makes one famous or successful; to do An independent candidate emerges out to Q236. Give a hand
something that is very important or be a dark horse in the election result. CPO 23/11/2020(Morning)
meaningful. (a) assist (b) encourage
Sol.225. (d) to create impossible dreams
The election was close but the ruling (c) clap hands (d) donate an organ
or hopes/हवाई िकले बनाना
party carried the day.
Eg : In order to achieve your goal you Q237. Speak one’s mind
Sol.215. (b) to continue occupation till need to stop building castles in the air and CPO 23/11/2020(Evening)
death./मृ ु के समय भी काम करते रहना start working. (a) to put one’s thoughts in writing
It’s time to retire or you will die in (b) to speak without thinking
Sol.226. (d) of the best quality/सबसे बिढ़या
harness. (c) to speak in an assembly
गुणव ा वाला
(d) to voice one’s thoughts plainly
Sol.216. (d) She was involved in many MS Dhoni had proved himself to be a
activities/ एक ही समय पर ब त सारे कामों म captain of the first water. Q238. Grin from ear to ear
शािमल होना CPO 23/11/2020(Evening)
Don’t give any more projects to him right Sol.227. (b) be deserted when one is in (a) to ridicule someone
now he has too many irons in the fire. trouble/िकसी को मुसीबत म छोड़ दे ना
(b) to have very sharp ears
Eg : Ashish said he would help with the
(c) to smile a lot because of happiness
Sol.217.(a) confessed his crime/अपना rent, but he left me in the lurch.
गुनाह कबूलना (d) to make funny faces
He made a clean breast due to fear that he Sol.228. (d) final irritant that made the Q239. Walking on thin ice
might be caught in the CCTV. situation unbearable/आ खरी हार CPO 23/11/2020(Evening)
Eg : The last straw was when the (a) slipping on ice
Sol.218.(b) not in control anymore/ िनयं ण company fired most of the managers. (b) performing a ballet
म ना होना
Sol.229. (a) get more recognition than her (c) doing something risky
Eg : The teacher complained that our kid
brother for their success (d) walking carefully
was very naughty, he was going out of
hand. To steal someone’s thunder” means to win Q240. Once bitten twice shy
praise for oneself by pre-empting CPO 23/11/2020(Evening)
Sol.219.(d) learn to do the difficult things someone else's attempt to impress. In the (a) a bitter experience making one
too soon / मु ल कामों को ब त ज ी करना context of this sentence, it means getting cautious for future
more recognition than her brother. (b) an insect bite that leaves a permanent
I had never worked in the technical
department but my boss threw me in the Sol.230. (a) in times of good and bad mark
deep sea and I learned very quickly. fortune/अ ी और बुरी प र थित म (c) to be shy of meeting strangers
She always stands beside her friend (d) a person with no self confidence
Sol.220.(a) whatever happens/भले ही जो हो
through thick and thin.” Q241. Know like the back of one’s hand
जाए| Priyesh runs two miles every
morning rain or shine. Sol.231. (a) fail completely/ पूरी तरह से CPO 23/11/2020(Evening)
फेल हो जाना (a) to copy another’s trade secrets
Sol.221.(d) make a dent - to reduce the (b) to be unaware of the situation
The project went down in flames when
amount of something. Here the expenses
the team leader resigned.
Idioms & Phrases

(c) to hit someone with the back of one’s Q251. Kick up a row (b) secretly hunting for something
hand CPO 24/11/2020(Evening) precious
(d) to have detailed knowledge of (a) cause a disturbance (c) to own something potentially valuable
something (b) hit someone angrily (d) not availing of an opportunity
(c) break a queue
Q242. Make one’s mark Q261. Make up one’s mind
(d) arrange in rows
CPO 24/11/2020(Morning) CPO 25/11/2020(Evening)
(a) leave a clue (b) attain recognition Q252. Through and through (a) to achieve (b) to decide
(c) sign a deal (d) claim a right CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) (c) to pretend (d) to lie
Q243. Pocket an insult (a) partially (b) eventually Solutions:-
CPO 24/11/2020(Morning) (c) gradually (d) completely Sol:232.(d) Little by little- gradually.
(a) bear an insult quietly Q253. Snake in the grass /थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके/ धीरे -धीरे
(b) express true feelings CPO 25/11/2020(Morning) Eg : After the accident, her strength
(c) resent an affront (a) a suspicious person. returned little by little.
(d) plan a revenge (b) a deceitful person
Sol:233.(a) A dry run- a rehearsal./ रहसल
Q244. Strike when the iron is hot (c) a slippery person
Eg : I suggested to my teammates that we
CPO 24/11/2020(Morning) (d) a mean person
should have a dry run before our final
(a) grab a favourable opportunity Q254.Egg on performance tomorrow.
promptly CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
(b) sort out differences promptly Sol:234.(b) Call on- to Visit. / िकसी से
(a) agree (b) encourage
िमलने जाना
(c) torture someone with a hot iron (c) continue (d) quarrel
Eg : My friend Suraj is always helpful if
(d) wait patiently for the results
Q255. Get your money’s worth I need to call on him.
Q245. Kith and kin CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
Sol:235.(d) Look Out- Be careful./ ान
CPO 24/11/2020(Morning) (a) to be cheated in a purchase
दे ना /सावधानी बरतना
(a) distant enemies (b) family relations (b) to get something of poor quality for
Eg : If you don't look out, you might fall
(c) neighbours (d) colleagues free
on the ice.
(c) to pay and get something of good
Q246. Rise to the occasion
value Sol:236.(a)Give a hand- Assist./िकसी की
CPO 24/11/2020(Morning)
(d) to buy something very expensive मदद करना
(a) challenge an opponent who is strong
(b) show you can deal with a situation Eg : I always give my friend a hand
Q256. A bird’s eye view
whenever he asks for my help.
successfully CPO 25/11/2020(Morning)
(c) assess a critical situation carefully (a) a cursory look Sol:237.(d) Speak one’s mind- to voice
(d) take a big risk in order to succeed (b) a detailed study one’s thoughts plainly./जो आपके िदमाग म है
(c) a prejudiced view खुलकर कहना /मन की बात कहना
Q247. The sword of Damocles
(d) a personal view Eg : Ravi is very shy, so he does not
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
speak his mind.
(a) an impending threat Q257. To take stock of
(b) an authentic sword CPO 25/11/2020(Evening) Sol:238.(c) Grin from ear to ear- to smile
(c) a poignant weapon (a) to check the accounts a lot because of happiness./ब त ादा खुश
(d) a rare artifact (b) to store goods Eg : When my daughter was awarded a
(c) to assess a situation scholarship, she grinned from ear to ear
Q248. Bear the brunt of
(d) to buy stocks all evening.
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
(a) assume an identity Q258. Apple of discord Sol:239.(c) Walking on thin ice- doing
(b) bear the maximum fury CPO 25/11/2020(Evening) something risky./ब त ादा जो खम म होना
(c) breed jealousy (a) a tempting offer Eg : You're walking on thin ice by
(d) bear discrimination (b) something that causes friction investing a lot of your money in the share
(c) a good opportunity market. If the market crashes, you'll be in
Q249. Tide over
(d) something very special debt.
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
(a) to change sides (b) to jump over Q259. High time Sol:240.(a) Once bitten twice shy- a bitter
(c) to deceive (d) to overcome CPO 25/11/2020(Evening) experience making one cautious for
(a) well in time for something future. / दू ध का जला छाज को भी फूंक फूंक कर
Q250. Through thick and thin
(b) past the appropriate time पीता है
CPO 24/11/2020(Evening)
(c) time to celebrate something Eg : He will never do a business deal
(a) under extreme pressure
(d)time to fly high with Neeraj again once bitten, twice shy.
(b) under all circumstances
(c) by unfair means Q260. Sitting on a gold mine Sol:241.(d) Know like the back of one’s
(d) going through pain CPO 25/11/2020(Evening) hand- to have detailed knowledge of
(a) wasting a vast treasure
Pinnacle SSC English

something./िकसी चीज को ब त अ ी तरह से Sol:252.(d) Through and through- Q262. I told you not to play the prank but
जानना Eg : I know my friend Juhi like the Completely./ पूरी तरह से you didn’t listen, now face the music.
back of my hand. Eg : You will not get the full salary CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
unless you do your work through and (a) accept the blame
Sol:242.(b) Make one’s mark- attain
through. (b) put on earphones
recognition/अपनी पहचान बनाना.
(c) listen to the songs
Eg : Sachin Tendulkar made his mark by Sol:253.(b) Snake in the grass- a deceitful
(d) sing popular songs
scoring the highest number of centuries in person./आ ीन का सां प
ODI. Eg : I trusted Rohan at first, but Q263. .Pradeep was so tired that he hit
eventually he turned out to be a snake in the sack as soon as possible.
Sol:243.(a) Pocket an insult- bear an
the grass. CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
insult quietly./ बे ती बदा करना (a) Left work (b) Went to bed
Eg : Yuvraj did not reply to the cruel Sol:254.(b) Egg on- Encourage./हौसला
(c) Accepted defeat (d) Kicked the sack
comments of Vishnu, however, Yuvraj बढ़ाना
chose to pocket the insult and remain Eg : Seeing me less confident in Q264. Their relationship has run into
quiet. communication skills, my friend Sam rough weather ever since they fell in love
egged me on to join personality with the same girl. CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
Sol:244.(a) Strike when the iron is hot- (a) experienced difficulties
development classes.
grab a favourite opportunity
(b) brought cool breeze and rains
promptly./अवसर का सही लाभ उठाना Sol:255.(c) Get your money’s worth- to
(c) become stronger and firmer
Eg : If you want to avoid financial losses pay and get something of good value./पैसा
(d) become pleasant and cordial
in the share market investments, you वसूल
should always strike when the iron is hot. Eg : I have been driving my car for the Q.265.You must have a concrete project
last five years without any engine and not build castles in the air if you want
Sol:245.(b) Kith and kin- family problem, I think I got my money’s worth. to submit an application for a loan.
relations./ सगे संबंधी र ेदार CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
Eg : We have lost several of our kith and Sol:256.(a) A bird’s eye view- a cursory
(a) make unfaithful friends
kin in cross-border terrrorism. look./चीजों को ऊपर से दे खना
(b) talk irresponsibly
Eg : I got a bird’s eye view of the entire
Sol:246.(b) Rise to the occasion - show (c) have unrealistic ideas
village from the top of the mountain.
you can deal with a situation (d) make unplanned buildings
successfully./ प र थित के अनुसार काय करना Sol:257.(c) To take stock of- to assess a
Q266. My aunt has the gift of the gab and
और कामयाब हो जाना situation./ थित का मू ां कन करना
can socialize in any group.
Eg : In the semester exams, Rahul rose to Eg : Before going on the trip I suggest
CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
the occasion and scored brilliant marks. you take stock of your finances. (a) ability to cook well
Sol:247.(a) The sword of Damocles- an Sol:258.(b)Apple of discord- something (b) ability to criticize anyone
impending threat./िसर पर मंडराता आ खतरा that causes friction./िववाद का कारण (c) ability to spend time anywhere
Eg : The threat of an investigation is Eg : The determination to claim a piece (d) ability to speak eloquently
hanging over the government officer like of land in the international borders has Q267. The apple of discord among the
a sword of damocles. become an apple of discord between the brothers was their father’s mansion in the
two countries.
Sol:248(b) Bear the brunt of- bear the country. CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
maximum fury./िकसी का ोध या गु ा झेलना Sol:259.(b) High time- past the (a) reason for quarrel
Eg : The concerned authority had to bear appropriate time./काफी समय हो जाना (b) hopeful attention
the brunt of not investigating the matter in Eg : It's high time that India had (c) Sincere affection
a time bound manner. retaliated against Pakistan in its own (d) Fruitful discussion
Sol:249.(d) Tide over- to overcome./ िकसी Q268. My neighbour’s son is very
मुसीबत से िनपटना Sol:260.(c) Sitting on a gold mine- to mischievous and always getting in
Eg : He should have to sell all his own something potentially valuable./सोने everyone’s hair. CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
luxuries to tide over his bankruptcy. की खान पर बैठना अथात िकसी के पास कोई ब त (a) Throwing things at them
मू वान चीज होना (b) Pulling their hair
Sol:250.(b) Through thick and thin- under Eg : You know you are sitting on a gold (c) Entertaining them
all circumstances./अ ी और बुरी प र थित म mine because you have thousands of (d) Annoying them
Eg : I promised my wife that I will shares in that multinational company.
always be with her through thick and thin. Q.269. The sad part of the agitation is that
Sol:261.(b) Make up one’s mind- to most of the leaders are only paying
Sol:251.(a) Kick up a row- cause a decide./ फैसला करना /मन बनाना lip-service to the issue.
disturbance./ हं गामा खड़ा कर दे ना Eg : I can’t make up my mind whether to CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
Eg : The agitated crowd will be going to purchase a bike or a car. (a) saying they agree although they do not
kick up a row if the government does not support it
come to a consensus. CPO 2018 MAINS
(b) partially impressing the crowds
Idioms & Phrases

(c) making long speeches for the cause Sol.269.(a)Paying lip service- saying they SSC CHSL -2/7/2019 (Evening)
(d) growing angry and restless with the agree although they do not support it./ (a) Create difficulty (b) Make an excuse
organisers िकसी बात को िसफ औपचा रकता के िलए कहना (c) Reveal a secret (d) Frighten someone
Eg : She only paid lip service to the idea
Q270..This problem is a hard nut to Q279. As clear as mud
of giving a promotion to her junior
crack, it will take longer than they SSC CHSL - 2/7/2019 (Evening)
colleague. (a) Extremely dirty
imagined. CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19
(a) involves breaking nuts Sol.270.(c) A Hard nut to crack- is (b) Honest and legal
(b) is not interesting enough difficult to solve./कोई ऐसी सम ा िजसका (c) Impossible to understand
(c) is difficult to solve समाधान करना मु ल हो (d) Completely suitable for someone
(d) needs a lot of work Eg : The questions given in the chapter
Q280. The crux of the matter
on mechanics in this book are a hard nut
Q271.There was no one in the team who SSC CHSL - 3/7/2019 (Morning)
to crack. (a) The unknown point
could bell the cat and tell the producer the
truth. CPO MAINS 27/0/9/19 Sol.271.(c) Bell the cat- do the impossible (b) The lesser issue
(a) tame some animals task./ असंभव काय करना (c) The critical point
(b) warn the owners Eg : Somebody has to bell the cat and tell (d) The interesting
(c) do the impossible task the director that the final year boys have Q281. Four corners of the earth
(d) ring the bells regularly burst crackers in his room. SSC CHSL - 3/7/2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL 2018 (a) From the very beginning
Q272..Dance to someone’s tune (b) From morning till night
Sol.262.(a) Face the music- accept the
SSC CHSL - 1/7/2019 (Evening) (c) From all parts of the world (d) From
blame/प रणाम भुगतना
(a) Argue with others on petty matters beginning to end
Eg : You have done that blunder so now
you should be ready to face the music. (b) Delay in making a decision Q282. Hanging by a thread
(c) Do what others want you to do SSC CHSL - 3/7/2019 (Afternoon)
Sol.263.(b) Hit the sack- Went to bed/ सो (d) Be engaged in an energetic activity (a) In a sorry or humble state
Q273. Leave no stone unturned (b) Be extremely weak
Eg : He is so tired after a long day in the
SSC CHSL - 1/7/2019 (Evening) (c) Unable to act as desired
office, so he is going to hit the sack.
(a) Leave the path halfway (d) Be in a dangerous situation
Sol.264.(a) Run into rough weather- (b) Not make enough effort Q283. To shake off
experienced difficulties./ मुसीबतों का सामना (c) Turn everything upside down SSC CHSL - 3/7/2019 (Afternoon)
करना (d) Try everything possible (a) Denounce (b) To get rid off
Eg : The relationship of the couple has
Q274. To air dirty linen in public (c) To recollect (d) To pass off
hit rough weather.
SSC CHSL - 2/7/2019 (Morning) Q284. Going over one’s head
Sol.265.(c) Build castles in the air- have (a) To discuss private affairs in public SSC CHSL - 3/7/2019 (Evening)
unrealistic ideas./ हवाई िकले बनाना (b) To hang out clothes in the open (a) Unable to make a decision
Eg : To achieve your goal you need to (c) To continue to complain (b) Beyond one’s capacity to understand
stop building castles in the air and start (d) To stand up and fight (c) Unable to function as one used to
doing hard work.
Q275. Throw in the towel (d) Something one didn’t expect
Sol.266.(d) The gift of the gab- ability to SSC CHSL -2/7/2019 (Morning) Q285. Mad as a hatter
speak eloquently. /वाकपटु ता होना /बिढ़या (a) Face the situation SSC CHSL -3/7/2019 (Evening)
बोलने की कला होना (b) Think of a solution (a) Superstitious (b) Very upset
Eg : Neha always wins the debate (c) Admit defeat (c) Eccentric (d) Old fashioned
competition because she has the gift of (d) Drop something
the gab. Q286. Feather your own nest
Q276. Tit for tat SSC CHSL -4/7/2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL - 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Make money unfairly
Sol.267.(a) The apple of discord- reason
(a) To reward people for the good done (b) Win a competition
for quarrel./िववाद का कारण
(b) To do harm as done to you (c) Be in a comfortable position
Eg : The investigation finally revealed
(c) To make someone angry (d) Disturb others in their work
that Sam’s friend was the apple of discord
(d) To take advantage of someone
in the brutal fight between the two Q287. Be an old hat
groups. Q277. Bite your tongue SSC CHSL - 4/7/2019 (Morning)
SSC CHSL - 2/7/2019 (Afternoon) (a) Be superstitious (b) Be outdated
Sol.268.(d) Getting in everyone’s hair-
(a) Talk for a long time (c) Be crazy (d) Be foolish
annoying them/िकसी को ब त नाराज करना.
(b) Be impossible to be understood
Eg : The little boy is getting in my hair Q288. Green thumb
(c) Get bruises in the mouth
so I want you to take him away. SSC CHSL - 4/7/2019 (Afternoon)
(d) Stop yourself from saying something
(a) To have talent in gardening
Q278. Spill the beans (b) To be envious

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