C4U1 Vocabulary List

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Any explanation you can invent, is equally good, as long as it explains the word correctly.
Questionnaire (N) a written list of questions which are answered by a lot of kwestʃəneə Vragenlijst (q…)
people in order to provide information for a report or a survey
Childhood (N) the period of their life when they are a child (c…) tʃaɪldhʊd de kindertijd (c…)
Adolescence (N) the period of your life in which you develop from being a ædəlesəns Adolescentie (a…)
child into being an adult (a…)
Dentist (N) a person who is qualified to examine and treat people's dentɪst Tandarts (d…)
teeth (d…)
restriction (N) an official rule that limits what you can do or that limits the rɪstrɪkʃən Beperking (r…)
amount or size of something (r…)
moped (N) a small motorcycle which you can also pedal like a bicycle moʊped Bromfiets (m…)
Infancy (N) the period of your life when you are a very young child (i…) ɪnfənsi Kindertijd (i…)
Retirement (N) the time when a worker leaves his job completely (r…) rɪˈtaɪəmənt Pensioen (r…)
Retire (V) to leave your job completely, to stop doing something (r..) rɪˈtaɪə Stoppen, terugtrekken
Pensioner (N) someone who receives a pension as a retired person (p…) ˈpɛnʃənə Gepensioneerde (p…)
Dead (ADJ) not alive (d…) dɛd Dood (d…)
Death (N) the permanent end of the life of a person or animal (d….) dɛθ De dood (d…)
Deceased (ADJ) (FML) recently died (d…) dɪsiːst Overladen (FML d…)
Toddler (N) a young child, usually one between the ages of one and ˈtɒdlə Peuter (t…)
two and a half (t…)
career (N) the job or profession that someone does for a long period kəˈrɪə Carrière (c…)
of their life (c…)
Kindergarten (N) an informal kind of school for very young children, where ˈkɪndəˌɡɑːtən Kleuterschool (k…)
they learn things by playing (k…)
Primary (N) school for children between the ages of 5 and 11 (p… s…) Lagere school (p… s…)
Secondary (N) school for children between the ages of 12 and 17 (s… s…) Middelbare school (s…
school s…)
Elderly (ADJ) a polite way of saying that someone is old (e…) ˈɛldəlɪ Bejaard (e…)
Adolescent (N) used to describe young people who are no longer children ˌædəˈlɛsənt Puber, adolescent (a…)
but who have not yet become adults (a…)
Teenager (N) someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒə Tiener (t…)
Confuse (V) to mix up ideas, to make something difficult to understand kənˈfjuːz Verwarren (c…)

Legal Matters, TB. pp. 14-15, WB. 9-10

draft (N) an outline, a blueprint, (V) to write a first version of drɑːft Klad, schets, een
something (d…) klasversie maken (d…)
legal (ADJ) anything that relates to the law (l…) liːgəl Legal (l...)
decision (N) a judgment, conclusion, verdict, the act of making up your dɪˈsɪʒən Beslissing, besluit (d…)
mind (d…)
suitable (ADJ) appropriate; proper; fit (s…) ˈsuːtəbəl Geschikt, gepast,
fatsoenlijk (s…)
mild (ADJ) (of taste) bland, (in general) gentle, temperate, not maɪld Mild, zacht,
extreme, moderate (m…) zachtaardig, flauw (m…)
rape (V) to force to have sex, usually by violence or threats of reɪp Verkrachten,
violence, (N) the crime of forcing someone to have sex. (r…) verkrachting (r…)
Consent (N) a permission, (V) to agree to do, to allow to be done (c…) kənˈsɛnt Toelating, toelaten (c…)
Judge (N) the person in a court of law who decides how the law dʒʌdʒ Rechter (j…)
should be applied
Detain (V) to delay someone, to keep in a place under your control dɪˈteɪn Vasthouden, gevangen
(d…) houden, achterhouden
Detention (N) arrested or put in prison; a punishment for children who dɪˈtɛnʃən Hechtenis, strafstudie
are made to stay at school (d…) (d…)
Compulsory (ADJ) mandatory, repuired, because of an authority (c…) kəmˈpʌlsərɪ Verplicht (c…)
Judicial (ADJ) relating to the legal system and to judgments made in a dʒuːˈdɪʃəl gerechterlijk (j…)
court of law (j…)
Custody (N) the legal right to keep and look after a child; or kept in a ˈkʌstədɪ Hoederecht, hechtenis
prison (c…) (c…)
Will (N) a wish; a document in which you declare what you want to wɪl Laatste wil, wens,
happen to your money and property when you die (w…) testament (w…)
Cider (N) a drink made from apples which in Britain usually contains ˈsaɪdə Cider (c…)
alcohol (c…)
Withdraw (V) to remove, to leave a place (for troops), to take money (zich) terugtrekken,
from an account, to stop taking part in something (w…) wegnemen, afnemen
Full-time (N) working or studying the whole normal working week (f…- Voltijds (f…-t…)
Bank account (N) an arrangement with a bank which allows you to keep your Bankrekening (b… a…)
money in the bank and to take some out when you need it (b…
The Channel (N) The Atlantic Ocean between S England and N France, Het Kanaal (T… C…)
linked with the North Sea by the Strait of Dover (T… C…)
treat (V) to behave in a certain way to people, to try and cure a triːt Traktatie, trakteren,
patient; to buy something nice for someone, (N) a delightful behandelen, vergasten
surprise, a gift (t…) (t…)
Appropriate (ADJ) suitable or acceptable for a particular situation (a…) əˈprəʊprɪɪt Passend, geschikt,
toepasselijk (a…)
Rate (N) quantity or amount; a price or charge; relative speed (r…) reɪt Verhouding, prijs,
koers, maatstaf (r…)
Purchase (N) act of buying, something that you buy; (V) to buy (p…) ˈpɜːtʃɪs Aankoop, aankopen,
aanschaffen (p…)
valid (ADJ) based on truth, acceptable (v…) ˈvælɪd Geldig, deugdelijk (v…)
hazardous (ADJ) dangerous, especially to people's health or safety (h…) ˈhæzədəs Gevaarlijk, riskant (h…)
Bet (N) a sum of money, a gamble, (V) to gamble money (b…) bɛt Gok, gokken (b…)
Try (V) to make an attempt or effort, to test, to experiment; to traɪ Proberen, testen,
have to appear in court, (N) an attempt (t…) berechten, een poging
Trial (N) an attempt, an effort, an experiment; a courtcase (…) ˈtraɪəl Een poging; een
rechtzaak (t…)
Occupation (N) a job; something that you spend time doing; to enter and ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən Beroep, bezigheid,
control a country; the act or fact of working and living in a besetting (o…)
building (o…)
Excavate (V) remove earth carefully; to dig a hole in the ground (e…) ˈɛkskəˌveɪt Opgraven, delven (e…)
Manufacture (V) to make it in a factory, usually in large quantities, (N) the ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃə Fabriceren,
making of something (m…) vervaardigen, aanmaak
Explicit (ADJ) precisely and clearly expressed, leaving nothing to ɪkˈsplɪsɪt Expliciet (e…)
implication; fully stated (e…)
licensed (ADJ) having official permission from the government or from ˈlaɪsənst Erkend, officieel
the authorities to do something (eg. sell alcoholic drinks) (l…) vergund (l…)
Imply (V) to express or indicate by a hint; suggest (i…) ɪmˈplaɪ Impliceren, suggereren
Assault (N) a violent attack, either physical or verbal (a…) əˈsɔːlt Aanval, aanranding
Prohibit (V) to forbid by law or other authority; to hinder (p…) prəˈhɪbɪt Verbieden, verhinderen

Youtube is teens’ first choice for music, TB. pp 17-18 + Internet Users unaware of illegal downloading, TB. 18
Survey (N) an inspection, a poll that tries to collect information ˈsɜːveɪ Onderzoek, enquête
(s…) (s…)
prefer (V) to like one thing better than the other (p…) prɪˈfɜː Verkiezen (p…)
popularity (N) the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti Populariteit (p…)
large number of people (p…)
accessible (ADJ) easibly reached or easy to get to (a…) æksesɪbəl Toegankelijk,
bereikbaar (a…)
expansion (N) the process of becoming greater in size, number, or ɪkspænʃən Uitbreiding,
amount (e…) ontplooiing, expansie
pirate (N) sailor who attacks other ships and steal property from paɪrət Piraat, illegaal
them, (V) to copy illegally (p…) namaken (p…)
confusion (N) lack of clarity, not being clear (c…) kənˈfjuːʒən Verwarring,
onduidelijkheid (c…)
commission (V) formally arrange for someone to do a piece of work for kəmɪʃən Opdragen, machtigen,
you, (N) 1. a piece of work that you have asked and paid commissie, opdracht
for, 2. A sum of money paid to salesman for every sale (c…)
they make, 3. A group of people who have been
appointed to do something (c…)
unauthorised (ADJ) not having official permission (u…) ʌnˈɔːθəˌraɪzd Onbevoegd, niet
toegelaten (u…)
Poll (N) a survey in which people are asked their opinions pəʊl Onderzoek, enquête
about something (p…) (p…)
Although (CONJUNCTION) despite the fact that; even though (a…) ɔːlˈðəʊ Alhoewel (a…)
User- Opgeladen door de
uploaded gebruiker (u…-u…)
Deal (N) an arrangement (d…) diːl Overeenkomst (d…)
Despite (PREP) in spite of (d…) dɪˈspaɪt Ondanks,
Average (N) the typical or normal amount; the result obtained by ˈævərɪdʒ Gemiddelde (a…)
adding the numbers or quantities in a set and dividing the
total by the number of members in the set (a…)
Tremendous (ADJ) vast; huge (t…) trɪˈmɛndəs Enorm, ontzettend
Diversification (N) the practice of varying in order to limit the risks (d…) daɪˌvɜːsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən Diversificatie (d…)
Stake (PLURAL N) the money that a player has available for steɪks Inzet, risico (s…)
gambling; the risks (s….)
Rights-holder Houder van de
rechten (r…-h…)
Dispute (N) argument, disagreement, debate; quarrel (V) to say dɪˈspjuːt Geschil, twist,
that a fact is incorrect (d…) discussie, betwisten,
bestrijden (d…)
royalties (PLURAL N) payments made to authors and musicians ˈrɔɪəltɪ:z Auteursrechten (r…)
when their work is sold or performed (r…)
Peer (N) member of nobility; a person who is equal in social pɪə Edelman, gelijke,
standing or rank; (V) to look intently at something (p…) turen (p…)
Bookshelf (N) a shelf on which you keep books (b…) ˈbʊkʃɛlf Boekenplank (b…)
device (N) an object that has been invented for a particular dɪˈvaɪs Apparaat (d…)
purpose (d…)
Unwitting (ADJ) not knowing or not conscious (u…g) ʌnˈwɪtɪŋ Onbewust (u…g)
Independent (ADJ) separate and not connected to anyone or anything, ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt Onafhankelijk
responsible for your own (i…)
Admit (V) confess, acknowledge, allow to enter, allow (a…) ədˈmɪt Bekennen, toegeven,
erkennen (a…)
Copyright (N) the exclusive right to produce copies and to control an ˈkɒpɪˌraɪt Auteursrecht (c…)
original literary, musical, or artistic work, granted by law
for a specified number of years (c…)
Infringement (N) the act of breaking a rule or law (i…) ɪnfrɪndʒmənt Inbreuk, overtrading
Surpass (V) to be greater than, to be superior than (s…) sɜːˈpɑːs Overtreffen,
overstijgen (s…)
commission (V) to formally arrange or ask someone to do/make kəˈmɪʃən Een opdracht geven
something (eg. a piece of art) (c…) (c…)
Accurate (ADJ) without error, precise (a…) ˈækjərɪt Accuraat (a..)

The House sitters, TB. pp., WB. 15-17

Regret (N) the feeling of sadness or disappointment, because you rɪˈɡrɛt Spijt, spijten (r…)
have done or not done something; (V) to wish you had not
done something (r…)
reproach (N) show or say that you are disappointed, upset, or angry rɪˈprəʊtʃ Verwijt, verwijten (r…)
because they have done something wrong (V) (r…)
Housesitter (N) person who looks after your house, plants and animals ˈhaʊsˌsɪtə Huissitter (h…)
for a short period of time, mostly for free (h…)
Freshman (N) (US) a student who is in his or her first year at university freʃmən Eerstejaars student (f…)
or college (f...)
Sophomore (N) (US) a second-year student at a secondary (high) school ˈsɒfəˌmɔː Tweedejaars student
or college (s…) (s…)
Solemn (ADJ) made in a very formal, sincere and honest way (s…) sɒləm Plechtig (s…)
China (N) any porcelain, cups, saucers, etc, collectively (c…) ˈtʃaɪnə Porselein (c…)
Premises (PLURAL N) a piece of land together with its buildings (p…) ˈprɛmɪsɪz Eigendom, huis en erf
Bounce (V) to return, said of light that is reflected back (b…) baʊns Terugkaatsen (b…)
Quarter (N) (US) a quarter of a dollar; 25-cent piece (q…) ˈkwɔːtə Kwartje (q…)
Boot out (PHR V) (INFML) to force to leave (b… o…) Buiten smijten (b… o…)
Blame (V) to accuse, give the responsibility to (b…) bleɪm De schuld geven (b…)
Cope (V) to deal with successfully (c…) koʊp Het hoofd bieden,
aankunnen (c…)
Row (N) a quarrel, a discussion, a serious disagreement (r..) raʊ Ruzie, onenigheid (r..)
bunch (N) a group of people who share one or more bʌntʃ Stel, groep (b…)
characteristics or who are doing something together (b…)
lecture (N) 1. a talk someone gives in order to teach people about a lektʃəʳ Lezing, voordracht,
particular subject, usually at a university or college, 2. vermaning, college
criticism (V) 1. to speak about a topic at college or geven, bekritiseren (l…)
university, 2. To criticize someone or tell someone how they
have to behave (c…)
handle (V) to deal with, to cope, (N) a lever that is attached to a hændəl (be)handelen,
door, part of an object such as a bag or cup that you hold hanteren, handvat (h…)
considerate (ADJ) thoughtful towards other people’s wishes and needs kənsɪdərət Attent, zorgzaam (c…)
Row (N) things or people arranged in a line (r…) roʊ Rij (r…)

Is the teen rebel a dying breed? TB. 21-22 + VIDEO

Mellow (ADJ) soft, ripe, rich, mature (m…) ˈmɛləʊ Zacht, rijp, sappig (m…)
establishment (N) 1. business organisation, 2. a group or class of people ɪstæblɪʃmənt Instelling, gevestigde
having institutional authority within a society, esp those waarde (e…)
who control the civil service, the government, the armed
forces, and the Church: usually identified with a
conservative outlook (e….)
booze (N) alcoholic drink (b…) buːz Drank, alcohol (b…)
consumption (N) the act of eating, burning or using natural resources kənsʌmpʃən Verbruik (c…)
Consumer (N) a person who buys things or uses services (c…) kənˈsjuːmə Gebruiker, afnemer
Virtual (ADJ) so nearly true that for most purposes it can be ˈvɜːtʃʊəl Virtueel (v…)
regarded as true; by a computer to simulate real objects
and activities (v…)
Rebellious (ADJ) not doing what you are told, behaving in an rɪˈbɛljəs Opstandig, rebels (r…)
unacceptable way (r…)
Disobey (V) to neglect or refuse the rules (d…) ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ Ongehoorzaam zijn
Disobedience (N) deliberately not doing what someone tells you to do, or ˌdɪsəˈbiːdɪəns Ongehoorzaamheid
what a rule or law says that you should do (d…) (d…)
Disobedient (ADJ) neglecting or refusing to obey (d…) ˌdɪsəˈbiːdɪənt Ongehoorzaam (d…)
Threaten (V) State one's intention to take hostile action against ˈθrɛtən Bedreigen (t…)
someone (t…)
Threat (N) a danger that something unpleasant might happen to θret Bedreiging (t…)
them (t…)
Dare (V) to challenge a person to do something as proof of dɛə Uitdagen, uitdaging,
courage; (N) a challenge which one person gives to another durven, durf (d…)
to do something dangerous or frightening (d…)
Delight (N) extreme pleasure or satisfaction; joy (d…) dɪˈlaɪt Genot, genoegen (d…)
Frown (V) to draw the brows together and wrinkle the forehead, fraʊn Fronsen, misnoegd
esp in worry, anger, or concentration; to have a dislike (f…) kijken (f…)
Fag (N) (UK SLANG) cigarette (f…); (SLANG) faggot, homosexual fæɡ (SLANG) sigaret, homo
(f…) (f…)
Illicit (ADJ) illegal (i…) ɪˈlɪsɪt Illegaal (i…)
NHS (ABBREVIATION UK) National Health Service, the state (afkorting) Brits
system for providing medical care. It is paid for by taxes gezondheidssysteem
(N…) (N…)
Sneaky (ADJ) done secretly and disapproved of (s…) sniːki Stiekem (s…)
Figure (N) a written symbol, a number, a human form (f…) ˈfɪɡə Symbol, nummer, vorm
Contribute (V) to give (support, money, etc) for a common purpose or kənˈtrɪbjuːt Bijdragen, helpen,
fund; to supply (ideas) (c…) meewerken (c…)
Probation (N) time during which a person who has committed a crime prəˈbeɪʃən Proefperiode,
has to obey the law and be supervised by a probation voorwaardelijke
officer, rather than being sent to prison (p…) veroordeling (p…)
Define (V) to describe clearly and precisely (d…) dɪˈfaɪn Definiëren (d…)
Generation X (N) members of the generation of people born between the Generatie X (g… X)
mid-1960s and the mid-1970s who are seen as being highly
educated and underemployed, reject consumer culture,
and have little hope for the future (g… X)
Breed (N) a particular type of animal; (V) to produce babies or briːd Ras, fokken, kweken
kept to produce offspring (b…) (b…)
offspring (N) 1. a child or animal as related to its parent, 2. a product, ɒfsprɪŋ 1. Nakomelingen, 2.
outcome, or result (o…) Product, resultaat
Gang (N) a group of people, especially young people or criminals, ɡæŋ Bende (g…)
who go around together and often deliberately cause
trouble (g…)
Amity (N) (FML) friendship (a…) ˈæmɪtɪ (FML) vriendschap (a…)
Gossip (N) informal conversation, often about other people's ˈɡɒsɪp Roddel, roddelen (g…)
private affairs, (N) to talk about people when they are not
around (g..)
Flinch (V) to draw back suddenly, as from pain, shock, to avoid flɪntʃ Terugdeinzen, aarzelen,
contact; (N) drawing back (f…) zich terugtrekken (f…)
Misbehave (N) to behave (oneself) badly (m…) ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv Zich misdragen (m…)
Raver (N) a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life; ˈreɪvə Raver (r..)
person who frequents raves (r…)
Grunger (N) a fan of grunge music (g...) ˈɡrʌndʒə Grunger (g…)
Unconscious (ADJ) a state similar to sleep, usually as the result of a ʌnˈkɒnʃəs Bewusteloos, onbewust
serious injury or a lack of oxygen; to be unaware of (u…)
something (u…)

If we read the text: The Teen Brain, pp. 24-25

Volunteer (N) someone who does work without being paid for it, ˌvɒlənˈtɪə Vrijwilliger,
because they want to do it, (V) offer to do it without being verwilligerswerk doen
forced to do it (v…) (v…)
Neurologist (N) doctor who studies of the structure, function, and njʊərɒlədʒist Neuroloog (n…)
diseases of the nervous system (n…)
neuron (N) a cell which is part of the nervous system (n…) njʊərɒn Neuron (n…)
peak (N) summit, the highest point, the maximum, (V) to reach piːk Piek, hoogtepunt, spits,
the maxium (p…) tip, toppen, de top
bereik (p…)
disability (N) a permanent injury, illness, or physical or mental dɪsəbɪlɪti Onbekwaamheid,
condition that tends to restrict the way that someone can handicap (d…)
live their life.
Shelter (N) something that provides cover or protection, as from ˈʃɛltə Onderdak, veilige plek
weather or danger; place of refuge (s…) (s…)
Rear-end (V) to crash into (another vehicle) from behind (r…-e…) ˌrɪərˈɛnd Botsen op de
achterkant (r…-e…)
Accomplished (ADJ) successfully completed; achieved (a…) əˈkɒmplɪʃt Volbracht, talentvol,
ontwikkeld (a…)
Reckless (ADJ) having or showing no regard for danger or ˈrɛklɪs Roekeloos (r…)
consequences (r…)
Cortex (N) the outer layer of the brain or of another organ (c…) kɔːʳteks Schors, buitenlaag (c…)
Lobe (N) a rounded part of something (l…) loʊb Kwab (l…)
Cognitive (ADJ) relating to the mental process involved in knowing, kɒgnɪtɪv Cognitief (c…)
learning, and understanding things (c…)
Judgment (N) the faculty of being able to make critical distinctions and ˈdʒʌdʒmənt Oordeel, mening (j…)
achieve a balanced viewpoint (j…)
Gender (N) the state of being male or female in relation to the ˈdʒɛndə Geslacht (g…)
social and cultural roles that are considered appropriate for
men and women (g…)
Vulnerable (ADJ) weak and without protection (v…) ˈvʌlnərəbəl Kwetsbaar (v…)
Susceptible (ADJ) very likely to be influenced (s…) səseptɪbəl Vatbaar, beïnvloedbaar
Hamper (V) to prevent the progress or free movement of (ha…) ˈhæmpə (ver)hinderen (ha…)
Jeopardize (V) to risk, to hazard, to put in danger (j…) ˈdʒɛpəˌdaɪz In gevaar brengen (j…)
Obesity (N) the state of being extremely fat (o…) Zwaarlijvigheid (o…)
Hinder (V) to prevent the progress or free movement of (hi…) hɪndəʳ (ver)hinderen (hi…)
Mature (V) to become an adult, (ADJ) as an adult (m…) məˈtjʊə Volwassen worden,
volwassen (m…)
Toxicity (N) the degree of strength of a poison (t…) tɒkˈsɪsɪtɪ Toxiciteit (t…)
Sensory (ADJ) relating to the physical senses (s…) sensəri zintuiglijk

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