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Department Aircraft Certification Service

of Transpo1tation System Oversight Division
Orlando MIDO Section
Federal Aviation 5950 Haze ltine National Dr. , Suite 405
Orlando, FL 32822

Phone: (407) 855-9050

September 26, 201 7

Avionica, Inc.
Attn: Jim Mora
9941 West Jessamine Street
Miami, Florida 33 15 7


Dear Mr. Mora:

In accordance with the provisions of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 21,
Certification Procedures for Products, Articles, and Parts, subpaii K, the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) has found that the design data, based on Licensing Agreement submitted
by Archeion Holdings, LLC., with your letter dated August 31 , 2017 meet the airworthiness
requirements of the regulations applicable to the products on which the articles are to be
installed. Additionally, the FAA has determined that Avionica, Inc. has established the quality
system required by § 21.307 at 9941 West Jessamine Street, Miami, FL 33157. Accordingly,
Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) is hereby granted for production of the replacement articles
listed in the enclosed Supplement No. 43.

You are reminded that the provisions of 14 CFR, parts 21 and 45 , apply to the enclosed PMA
Listing-Supplement No.43. The enclosed supplement should be retained with the original PMA
letter as evidence of approval to produce the aiiicles concerned.


V John Kolin
/ " Manager, Orlando MIDO

PMA Listing Supplement No. 43
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation


Avionica, Inc. PMA Project No. POI 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 43
Miami, Florida 33 157 Date: Sep 26, 2017

for Pait Approva l Basis and MAKE MODEL
Article Name Part Number Number Approved Desi gn Data Eligibility: Eligibi lity:

avWiFi , Wireless 650-0500-00 Mod ifi cation ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing B777-200/-300
Router, 802. 11 Patt §2 1.303 , per li censing
alb/gin, No SSD agreement between Archeion B737-300/-400/-700/-
Ho ldings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supp lement Type
Cert ifi cate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 20 15, and last
amended June 22, 2017 DC-10, MD-10, MD-
Arc heion Ho ldings LLC. 11
Master Drawing List DWG
No. 120890-MDL, B747-l 00/-200/-300/-
Dated June 4, 20 l7 or later
FAA approved revision , w ith
Approved Mode l List
No. 120890-AML,
Rev B
Dated June 22 , 2017 , or later
FAA approved revision, w ith
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 2017 , or later FAA
approved revision .

Page I of6

Avionica, Inc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 43
Miami, Florida 33157 Date: Sep 26, 2017

Rep lacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eli gibility: Installation
Pait Name Part Number Number Approved Desi gn Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

avWiFi , Wireless 650-0500-0 I Modification Identicality per 14 CFR Boeing B777-200/-300

Router, 802.11 Part §2 1.303 , per licensing
alb/gin, 32G SSD agreement between Archeion 8737-300/-400/-700/-
Holdings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supp lement Type
Certificate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 2015 , and last
amended June 22, 2017 DC-10, MD-10 , MD-
Archeion Holdings LLC. II
Master Drawin g List DWG
No . 120890-MDL, B74 7-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision , with
Approved Mode l List
No. 120890-AML,
Rev B
Dated June 22 , 2017, or later
FAA approved revision , with
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision.

avWiFi , Wireless 650-0500-02 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 8777-200/-300

Router, 802 .11 Part §2 1.303, per li censing
alb/gin, 64G SSD agreement between Archeion B737-300/-400/-700/-
Ho ldings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Suppl ement Type
Certificate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 2015 , and last
amended June 22, 2017 DC-10, MD-10, MD-
Archeion Holdings LLC. 11
Master Drawing List DWG
No. 120890-MDL, 8747-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision , with
Approved Mode l List
No. 120890-AML,
Rev B
Dated June 22, 2017 , or later
FAA approved revision , with
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 2017 , or later FAA
approved revision.

Page 2 of6

Avionica, Inc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 43
Miami, Florida 33157 Date: Sep 26, 2017

Replacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Pait Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

avW iFi , Wireless 650-0500-03 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing B777-200/-300
Router, 802.11 Pait §21.303 , per licensing
a/b/g/n, 128G agreement between Archeion B737-300/-400/-700/-
SSD Holdings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supp lement Type
Certificate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 2015 , and last
amended June 22 , 20 17 DC-10 , MD-10, MD-
Archeion Holdings LLC. I1
Master Drawing List DWG
No. 120890-MDL, 8747-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
Approved Model List
No. 120890-AML,
Rev B
Dated June 22, 20 17, or later
FAA approved revision , with
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 2017, or later FAA
approved revision.

avWiFi, Wireless 650-0500-04 Modification ldentica lity per 14 CFR Boeing B777-200/-300
Router, 802. 11 Part §21 .303 , per li censing
alb/gin, 256G agreement between Archeion B737-300/-400/-700/-
SSD Holdings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supp lement Type
Certificate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 2015 , and last
amended June 22 , 2017 DC-10, MD-10, MD-
Archeion Holdings LLC. 11
Master Drawing List DWG
No. 120890-MDL, 8747-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
Approved Model List
No . 120890-AML,
Rev 8
Dated June 22 , 20 17, or later
FAA approved revision, with
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision.

Page 3 of6

Avionica, Inc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 43
Miami, Florida 33157 Date: Sep 26, 2017

Replacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: lnstal lation
Pait Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibi lity: MODEL

avWiFi 120890K-1 Modification Identical ity per 14 CFR Boeing 8777-200/-300

Installation (Short Part §21.303 , per licensing
Shelf) Kit agreement between Archeion 8737-300/-400/-700/-
Holdings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 2015 , and last
amended June 22 , 2017 DC-10, MD-10, MD-
Archeion Holdings LLC. 11
Master Drawing List DWG
No. 120890-MDL, 8747-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
Approved Model List
No. 120890-AML,
Rev B
Dated June 22, 2017, or later
FAA approved revision, with
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 2017, or later FAA
approved revision.
avWiFi l20890K-2 Modification Identicality per 14 CFR Boeing 8777-200/-300
Installation (Long Part §21.303 , per licensing
Shelf) Kit agreement between Archeion 8737-300/-400/-700/-
Holdings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 2015 , and last
amendedJune22,2017 DC-10, MD-10, MD-
Archeion Holdings LLC. 1I
Master Drawing List DWG
No . 120890-MDL, 874 7-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
Approved Model List
No. 120890-AML,
Dated June 22 , 2017 , or later
FAA approved revision, with
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 2017 , or later FAA
approved revision.

Page 4 of6

Avionica, Inc. PMA Proj ect No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 43
Miami, Florida 33 157 Date: Sep 26, 2017

Replacement Insta llation
fo r Pat1 FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Part Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

avWiFi 120890K-3 Modification Identica lity per 14 CFR Boei ng B777-200/-300

Install ation Part §2 1.303 , per li censin g
(Stand-A lone) K it agreement between Archeion B737-300/-400/-700/-
Ho ldings, LLC and Avionica, 800
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Ce1tifi cate (STC) B767-200/-300/-
ST03967 AT, issued 300F/-400ER
September 18, 20 15, and last
amended June 22, 20 J 7 DC-10, MD- I 0, MD-
Arc heion Holdings LLC. 11
Master Drawing List DWG
No. 120890-MDL, B74 7-100/-200/-300/-
RevN 400/-SP/-8/-8F/SR
Dated June 4, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision , with
Approved Model L ist
No. 120890-AML,
Dated June 22, 2017, or later
FAA approved revision, w ith
120890-MKL, Rev M dated
June 14, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revis ion .

Page 5 of6

A vionica, Inc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 43
Miami, Florida 33157 Date: Sep 26, 2017

Replacement Installation
for Patt FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Part Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

-----------------------------End Of Listing----------------------

Note: The procedures that have been accepted by the type certificate or TSO authorization holder and its cognizant FAA
Aircraft Certification Office, for minor changes to original articles used on type-certificated products, are also acceptable for
incorporating the same minor changes on identical PMA replacement articles The PMA holder must be able to show
traceabihty relating to the TC, STC, or TSO authorization holder on all minor changes incorporated by this procedure When
these procedures are no longer applicable because of completion of the production contract, or tennination of the licensing
agreement or business relationship, all subsequent minor design changes to the PMA atticles must be submitted in a manner
as determined by the ACO Major design changes (reference 14 CFR §§21319 and 21 619) to drawings and specifications
are to be handled in the same manner as that for an original PMA.

John C. Kolin
Manager, Orlando MIDO

U.S. Department Aircra ft Certification Service
of Transportation System Oversight Division
Orlando MIDO Section
Federal Avia tion
5950 Hazeltine 1ational Dr.. Suite 405
Adm in ist ra t ion
Orlando. FL 32822

Phone: (407) 855-9050

October 25, 2017

Avionica, Inc.
Attn: Jim Mora
9941 West Jessamine Street
Miami, Florida 33157


Dear Mr. Mora:

ln accordance with the provisions of Title 14. Code off ederal Regulations ( l 4 CFR), part 21.
Certification Procedures for Products, Articles, and Parts. subpart K. the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) has fo und that the design data, based on Licensing Agreement submitted
by Archeion Holdings, LLC ., w ith your letter dated September 19, 20 17 meet the airworthiness
requirements of the regulations applicabl e to the products on which the articles arc to be
installed. Additionally, the FAA has determined that Avionica, Inc. has established the quality
system required by§ 21.307 at 9941 West Jessamine Street, Miami , FL 33157. Accordingly.
Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) is hereby granted for production of the rep lacement articles
listed in the enclosed Supplement No. 44.

You are reminded that the provi sions of 14 CFR. parts 21 and 45, apply to the enclosed PMA
Listing-Supplement No.44. The enclosed supplement shou ld be retained with the original P MA
letter as evidence or approval to produce the articles concerned.


t>,.L.lohn Kolin
Manager, Orland
PMA Listing Supplement No. 44
U.S. Deportment
of Transportation
Federal Aviation


A vionica. Inc. PMA Project No. POI 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami, Florida 33 157 Date: Oct 25, 2017

for Part Approval Basis and MAKE MODEL
Article ame Part Number umber Approved Design Data Eligibiliry: Eligibility:

satLI NK MAX 804-0520-30 Modification ldenticaliry per 14 CFR Boeing B747-I 00/-200/-300/-
Router. o Part §21 .303. per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-SF
Iridium, GPS. agreement between Archeion series
739/741 Holdings. LLC and Avionica,
lntergration Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
20 17. Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 1609 10-MDL,
Rev A
Dated June 12. 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
130710-MKL, Rev J dated
June 4, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision.

satLINK MAX 804-0520-3 I Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing B74 7- 100/-200/-300/-
Router. Single Part §2 1.303. per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-SF
Iridium. GPS. agreement between Archeion series
739/741 Holdings, LLC and A vionica,
Intergration Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
20 17, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG o. 160910-MDL.
Rev A
Dated June 12, 20 17 or later
FAA approved revision, with
130710-MKL, Rev J dated
June4, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision.

Page I of7

Avionica, Inc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami. Florida33157 Date: month day, year
(786) 544-1100
Replacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Part Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE El igibility: MODEL

satLINK MAX 804-0520-32 Modification ldenticality per 14 CF R Boeing 6747-100/-200/-300/-

Router, Dual Part §21.303, per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Iridium. GPS, agreement between Archeion series
739174 1 Holdings. LLC and Avionica.
lntergration Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
20 I 7. Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL,
Rev A
Dated June I 2. 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
1307 10-MKL, Rev J dated
June 4. 2017. or later FAA
approved revision.

satLIN K MAX 804-0520-33 Mod ification ldentical ity per 14 CFR Boeing 8 74 7- 100/-200/-300/-
Router, Triple Part §2 1.303. per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Iridium, GPS. agreement between Archeion series
739/74 I Holdings, LLC and Avionica,
lntergration Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27.
20 I 7, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG o. 160910-MDL.
Rev A
Dated June 12, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision. with
130710-MKL, Rev J dated
June 4, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision .

Page 2 of7

Avionica, Inc. PMA Proj ect o. PO 1734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami , Florida 33 157 Date: month day, year
(786) 544-1100
Replacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Part Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAK E Eligibility: MODEL

satLI K MAX 80-t-0520-34 Modification Jdenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 8747-1 00/-200/-300/-
Router, Quad Part §2 1.303, per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Iridium, GPS, agreement between Archcion series
7391741 I loldings. LLC and Avionica.
Intergration Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
2017, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL,
Rev A
Dated June 12, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision. with
130710-MKL, Rev J dated
June 4, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision.

avRDC MAX, No 804- 1250-30 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 874 7-100/-200/-300/-
Audio Channel. Part §2 1.303, per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
ARTNC 429. agreement between Archeion series
RS422, ARJNC Holdings, LLC and A vionica,
7 17, Ethernet. Inc. to use Supplement Type
28Ydc Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
20 17, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL.
Rev A
Dated June 12, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision, with
130710-MKL. Rev J dated
June 4. 2017. or later FAA
approved revision.

Page 3 of7

Avionica. Inc. PMA Project No. PQ 1734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami. Florida 33157 Date : month dav, vea r
(786) 544- 1I00
Replacement Insta Ilat ion
for Part FA A Approval Basis and Eligibi I ity: Installation
Part Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

avRDC MAX. 80-l-1 250-31 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 8747-100/-200/-300/-
Single Audio Part §21.303, per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Channel, ARINC agreement between Arche ion series
429. RS422, Holdings, LLC and A vionica.
ARl C 717. Inc. to use Supplement Type
Ethernet. 28Vdc Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
20 17, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL.
Rev A
Dated June 12. 20 17 or later
FAA approved revision. with
130710-M KL, Rev J dated
June 4, 20 17. or later FAA
approved revision.

avRDC MAX. 804-1250-32 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 8747-100/-200/-300/-

Dual Audio Part §2 1.303. per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Channel, ARfNC agreement between Archeion series
429, RS422, Holdings, LLC and Avion ica,
ARJNC 7 17. Inc. to use Supplement Type
Ethernet. 28Vdc Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT. issued June 27,
20 17, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG o. 160910-MDL.
Rev A
Dated June 12, 2017 or later
FA A approved revision. with
130710-MKL, Rev J dated
June 4. 2017. or later FAA
approved revision.

Page 4 of7

A vionica, Inc. PMA Proj ect No. POI 734CE

994 1 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami, Florida 33 157 Date: month dav, vear
(786) 544-1100
Replacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Part Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

av PM 804-070 1-00 Modi ti cation Identicality per 14 CF R Boeing 8747- I00/-200/-300/-

(Personality Part §2 1.303. per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Module). 4 SIM. agreement between Archeion series
256MB Holdings, LLC and Avionica.
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
20 I 7, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL.
Rev A
Dated June I2, 20 I 7 or later
FAA approved revision, with
1307 I0-M KL, Rev J dated
June 4, 20 17, or later FAA
approved revision.

satLINK MAX 1307 10K-1 Modification ldcnticality per 14 CFR Boeing 8747-1 00/-200/-300/-
with avRDC Part §2 1.303 , per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
MAX Installation agreement between Archeion series
Kit Holdings. LLC and Avionica.
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT. issued June 27,
20 17, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL,
Rev A
Dated June I2, 2017 or later
FAA approved revision. with
1307 10-M KL, Rev J dated
June 4, 20 17, or later PAA
approved revision.

Page 5 of7

Avionica, [nc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami , Florida 33157 Date: month dav, vea r
(786) 544-1100
Replacement Installation
for Part FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Installation
Part arne umber Approved Design Data MAKE Eligibility: MODEL

satLINK MAX 1307 1OK-2 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 874 7-100/-200/-300/-
Installation Kit Part §2 1.303, per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-&F
agreement between Archeion series
I foldings, LLC and Avionica.
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT, issued June 27,
2017, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG o. 160910-MDL,
Rev A
Dated June 12, 20 17 or later
FAA approved revision, with
130710-MKL. Rev J dated
June 4, 2017, or later FAA
approved revision.

satLINK MAX 1307 IOK-3 Modification ldenticality per 14 CFR Boeing 8747- 100/-200/-300/-
Upgrade Part §21.303. per licensing 400/SP/SR/-8/-8F
Installation Kit agreement between Archeion series
I foldings, LLC and Avionica,
Inc. to use Supplement Type
Certificate (STC)
ST04375AT. issued June 27.
2017, Archeion Holdings
LLC. Master Drawing List
DWG No. 160910-MDL,
Rev A
Dated June 12. 2017 or later
FAA approved revision. with
130710-MKL, Rev J dated
June 4, 2017, or later FAA
approved revision.


A vionica, Inc. PMA Project No. PQl 734CE

9941 West Jessamine Street Supplement No. 44
Miami , Florida 33157 Date: month day, year
(786) 544-11 00
Replacement Installation
for Pan FAA Approval Basis and Eligibility: Insta llat ion
Pan Name Part Number Number Approved Design Data MAK E Eligibility: MODEL

-----------------------------End 0 f Listing----------------------

Note: The procedures that have been accepted by the type cenificate or TSO authorization holder and its cognizant FAA
Aircraft Certification Office, for minor changes to original artic les used on type-certificated products. are also acceptable for
incorporating the same minor changes on identical PMA replacement anicles The PMA holder must be able to show
traceabihty relating to the TC, STC, or TSO authorization holder on all minor changes incorporated by this procedure When
these procedures are no longer applicable because of completion of the production contract, or tennination of the licensing
agreement or business relationship, all subsequent minor design changes to the PMA articles must be submined in a manner
as determined by the ACO Major design changes (reference 14 CFR §2 1.319 and §21.619) to drawings and specifications
are to be handled in the same manner as that for an original PMA .

John C. Kolin
Manager, Orlando MIDO Section

Page 7 of 7
U.S. Depai1ment Airc raft Certific a tion Se rvice
of Transportat ion Sys tem Ove rsight Division
Orl ando M IDO Sec ti on
Federal Av iation 8-1 27 So uthpark Circle. Suite 5 19
Administration Orl and o. FL 32 8 19-9058

Ph one: (407)487 - 7200

March 28. 20 18

Av ioni ca LLC. PQ l 73 4CE

Attn : Jim Mo1Ta
99 14 Jessamine St. Ori ginal PMA Approva l Se ptember 13 . 2004
Mi ami, FL 33157 Superseded PM A Appro val February 28 . 201 8


Dear Mr. Morra:

Thi s is in response to Av ionica Inc. letter dated Fe bruary 13, 201 8 whereby yo u notified thi s
offi ce of the name change from Av ionica Inc. to Av ioni ca LLC. while maintaining ex isting
quality system , core manage ment staff and fac iliti es. The FAA has determined that Avionica
LLC.. (hereinafter referred to as .. the Manu fac turer.. ) has established a quality system required
by Ti tle 14 of the Code of Federal Regul ati ons Part 21. sec tion 2 1.307 at 991 4 Jessamine St.
Miami , FL 33 157 . Acco rdingly. Parts Manu fac tu ring App roval (PMA) is hereby granted to
produce the parts li sted in Supplements num ber 1 thru 44 in conformity with the FAA appro ved
design data which includes, if applicabl e, Airpl ane Fli ght Manual Suppl ements and installati on
instructions and any changes subsequentl y approved. All changes to the des ign data must be
approved in a manner acceptabl e to the FAA .

The follo wing terms and conditions appl y to thi s appro val:

1. The Manu fac turer·s quality system, methods. procedures. and manufac turing fac ilities.
including suppli ers. are subj ect to FAA surve ill anc e and investi gati ons. Accordingly, the
Manufacturer must advise its suppli ers that their faciliti es are also subj ec t to FAA surveillance
and investi gations.

2. The Manu facturer must obtain approval fro m the Orlando Manu fact uring Inspecti on Distric t
Offi ce (M IDO) Secti on, prior to relocating or expanding manufac turing fac ilities from which
articl es are produced. including the addition of assoc iate fac ilities. Additionall y. thi s
requirement applies to the Manufac turer· s suppliers with maj or inspection authori zation. and
those suppliers who furni sh arti cles or related services where a determination of safety and
co nfo rmance to the approved des ign cannot or will not be made upo n rece ipt at the approved
rece iving facilit y.
3. Upon request. the Manufac turer must make available to the FAA any pertinent in fo rmati on
co ncerni ng their suppliers \Nho furni sh parts/sen ices. Thi s includes:

a. A description of the pa11 or se rvice:

b. Where and by whom the part or se rvice will undergo inspecti on:

c. Any delegati on of inspecti on duties:

d. Any delegation of materi als revievv authorit y:

e. The name and title of the FAA co ntac t at the suppli er fac ility;

f. The inspecti on procedures required to be implemented:

g. Any direc t-shipment authority:

h. Results of the Manufac turer·s eva luation. audit, and/or surve illance of their suppliers:

i. The purchase/work order number (o r eq ui valent ): and

j . Any feedbac k relati ve to service diffi culti es ori ginating at the Manu facturer·s suppli ers.

4. Parts. appliances. or manufacturing services furni shed by any suppliers located in a foreign
country may not be used in the production of any arti cle or li sted in the enclosed suppl ement

a. That part or service can and will be completely inspected fo r conformity at the
Manufacturer' s U.S . facility; or

b. The FAA has determined the location of the fore ign suppli er fac ility places no undue
burden on the FAA in admini stering appli cabl e airwo rthiness requirements. The
Manu facturer must advise the FAA at least ten ( I 0) work ing days in advance when the use of
such fo reign suppliers is contemplated. Thi s will allow the FAA time to make thi s

5. Articl es produced under the term s of thi s app roval must be permanentl y marked with the
identifi cation info1mati on as required by 14 CF R part 45. Identifi cation and Registration
Marking. § 45.15 . Use the letters .. FAA- PM A:· the name. trademark. or symbol of the company.
and the part number. If the FAA find s the arti cle is too small or impracti cal to mark. the
manufac turer must attac h the info rmati on required by§ 45. 15 to the ai1i cle or its container.

6. Thi s approva l is not transferable and it may be withdrawn fo r any reaso n that prec ludes its
issuance or whenever the FAA find s the quality system is not being maintained. A withdrawa l
may occ ur if unsafe or nonconforming a11icles are accepted under the quality system.
7. The Orlando MIDO must approve any changes to the address shovrn in thi s appro val.

8. The Manu fac tu re r must maintain its quality system in continuous co mpli ance with the
requirements of § 2 1.307. The Manufac turer also must ensure that eac h arti cle confo rm s to the
approved des ign data and is safe fo r installati on on type-ce rtifi cated products.

9. The Manufacturer has the pri vil eges spec ifi ed within the PMA letter and suppl ement. In
additi on. the Manu facturer is eli gibl e fo r the appointment of qualifi ed indi viduals in its employ
to represent the FAA as Des ignated Manu fac turing Inspec tion Representati ves (DMIRs). in
accordance vvith the prov isions of pa11 183 . The DMIRs may iss ue export airworthiness
approvals for arti cles. The Manu fac tu re r may also be authori zed to appl y fo r and obtain an
Organi zat ion Des ignati on Authori zation (ODA). Orders 8100.8 and 8100 .1 5 contain procedures
fo r the admini strati on of DMIRs and ODAs, respect ive ly.

10. The Manufacturer must report in a timely manner. to the Orl ando MIDO. in fo rmation
concerning service diffi culti es on any ai1icle produced under th is app roval. The Manufac turer
also must report any failures. malfunctions. and defec ts that are required to be reported in
acco rd ance with § 2 1.3 .

11 . All tec hnica l data required by § 2 1.303(a)(3 ), fo r the ai1icles to be prod uced in accordance
with this approval, must be readil y avail abl e to the FAA at the facility where the articl es are
being produced.

12. The Manufac turer must noti fy the Orlando MIDO, immedi ate ly in writing of any changes to
the quality system that may affect the inspecti on. co nfo rmity. or airwo rthiness of the a11icles
ap proved in thi s letter.

13. The Manufac turer must produce all articles in accordance with Avioni ca LLC.. Quality
System Manual. Rev E. dated December I. 20 11 that has been presented as ev idence of
co mpli ance with § 21. 307. Acco rdingly. any rev isions to the data must be submi tted to the
Orl and o MIDO Section fo r approval pri or to implementati on.


John Ko lin
Manager. Orl ando MIDO Secti on

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